Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 07, 1895, Image 2

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E«t»r*t it Po.teßc* »t Bitltru <4 rU«»«tt»r
VaUll C. IBMLKT, *
Harrisburg Notes.
Representatives Farr and Seyfort cm
not agree on their compulsory education
bills, and both will be considered in com
A mass meeting under the auspices of
the Pennsylvania "Woman Suffrage Asso
ciation is to t>e held in the hall oi the
House on the evening of the 14th instant.
Addressses are to be mide by Mrs. Carrie
Chapman Cott and the Rev. Anna H. Shaw.
The Indian band, of Carlisle, is to furni-h
the music.
On Monday RspreienUtive D. B. DjatV
ett, introduced a bill that provides for a
School Book Board to consist of the Gov
ernor, Secretary of the Commonwealth and
State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Within 60 days after the passage of the act
the State Superintendent is expected to
have gathered the required information and
prepared a list of text books, with the pub
lishers' price's attached. The board will M
the price for each school book not to ex
ceed 75 per cent of the wholesale rate now
Mr. Douthett explains that all school
books are quoted at wholesale, with 25 per
cent off. In Bhort, the books are to be
purchased by school boards at the publish
ers' price.
A copy of the various books, with the
price written in each, is to be placed on
file in the State Superintendent's office.
Whenever changes are made or better
books are secured the same method will be
After the list of school books is prepar ed
the publishers will be asked for proposals
at prices not exceeding the new ones fixed
by the board to furnish the books tor five
years under contract, the school boards to
pay the freight. For every failure to fill
orders the publishers will be fined SSOO.
The State Superintendent will transmit to
the school boards the list of books. The
boards are required to meet on the last
Monday in August, or within two weeks,
to decide on the studies to be pursued tor
the year.
The books adopted cannot be changed
for five years without a three-fourths vote
of the board. The boards can order the
books trom the publishers at the prices
stipulated by the school book board, or if
they can secure the same books for less
money, they are at liberty to do so. Pro
vision is made to adopt the latest improve
ments in text books. These are the main
requirements of the bill.
Mr. Donthett said his bill copied af
ter the law in Ohio, which has been in
existance abent two years, and has work
ed admirably. He wrote to the Ohio state
superintendent of instruction, who prompt
ly furnished him with the data desired.
Mr. Douthett added that he expects the
agents of the book trust to present an ar
ray of very low prices, as they did two
years ago, but which could not be obtain
ed in Butler county, as school boards dis
covered in that section under the opera
tion of the Farr free text book law.
He admitted that the books were bought
cheaper than by individual purchase, as
formerly, but still the profit is enormous.
Arithmetics and fourth readers were sold
for 60 cents th at should be on the market
for 25 to 40 cents. Tbey are not worth
more. Mr. Douthett thinks bis bi'l will
prevent the robbery in school books. Un
less Mr. Lylte presents a resolution to air
the school book business, Mr. Douthett
says he may move for an investigation.
A great delegation of Pittsburgers put
in an appearance at Harrisburg, Tuesday,
and from 3P. M. till midnight talked the
Senate Committee on Municipal Affairs,
deaf and dumb in favor ot the greater Pitts
burg bill.
After the deluge of bills which bad pour
ed into both chambers of the Legislature
during the first month of its session, it is
sale to conclude that the measures now
upon the calendars or in the possession of
committes may receive some consideration.
While there is a a disposition to harry to
ward final adjournment, there is also an
unmistakable sentiment against such haste
a - will be injoorious to legislation.
Even those members who talk short ses
sion in public do not hesitate to say pri
vately that the people are not demanding
a short session at the expense ol good
laws. There has been mucb complaint in
the past of ill-digested measures bein
placed on the statute books in the rush of
the closing day.
William Hill of Washington Co. died
last Monday, aged 100 years, 2 months,
and 22days. He died in the house in which
he was born.
On Tuesday J. W. Leo, of Pittsburg, and
Representative Moore, of Butler, spoke be
fore the Committee on Corporations in op
position to the Marshall bill.
The Blair-White Fuss.
The session of Thursday last was un
interesting. Quite a number of illegal
votes were counted in one district through
ignorance of the law. All the witnesses
excepting two produced tax receipts. The
Court marie an order closing the prosecu
tion on and beginning the de
Friday was a day of denials, most of the
witnesses asserting their integrity. Ac
cording to A. W. McCrackin, a Shelocto
hotel-keeper, Judge White extended to
McCracken an invitation to call at his of
fice when in town. He did so, and was
told by the judge to see County Chairman
McGregor, who gave him $5. On cross
examination he admitted he was bought
committeeman, and said if there was any
stuff floating around he thought ho was
entitled to his share of it.
The Schools of Worth twp.
fioiroa CITIZK.I.
It might be interesting to some of your
readers to know how our schoola in Worth
twp are doing.
I believe they are all doing reasonably
*<•11; but I wish to speak more particularly
about our own school, which is No 2.
We have 55 scholars and bad an average
attendance of 50 last wintf.r. Our school
was taught by Miss Efl'y Russ-1, niece to
our fm mer County Superintendent, and
although she was quite joung and rather
under size, yet a snap of her linger would
bring the biggest boy in school to his stud
ies. Both old and young respected tier,
and we thought we could get her bark to
teach our school this winter, but a young
lox came along and decoyed her from us.
We didn't like it but we couldn't say much
as we all respected her, and if she believed
Mr Fox would bo better to her than wu
could be, she had a perfect right to go
with hitn. We then set about to look I>r
ano'her teacher and as luck would have it
happened on Mr. Samuel Wick ol West
Liberty; he is to teach our school for six
months and has now five of it in It was
the writers pleasure to visit Mr Wick's
school on the 10 inst. He rings his bell
about ten minutes before 9 o'clock in the
morning, and the moment the bell stops
ringing, tbe door is shut He picks up t.is
Bible and reads a few veries of God's lloly
word aud ti«en in a short prayer thanks
God for bis kind providence through the
night, and asks lor bis protecting care
through the day. upon himself and his
family. This, I believe, is right and prop
er, and sbonld be a part of the exercise of
every school in our beloved land. I think
it has a great effect in drawing the i-hii
dren to the teacher. I st».yed in the school
till noon, and then left believing t'.at wt*
have as good a school, perhaps, us there is
in Butler county.
Washington Notes
Daring the .-essions of the Senate last ,
Thnrsdav Senator Gorman declared it
worse than useless to wa»te the time of the
senate with talks about financial measures
and questions which could have no result
at this session, every remaining minute of
which would be needed to discuss appro
priation bills. _ ,
In the House, Friday, Messrs Brecken
ridge and Heard came to blows during the
debate in the Hawaiian resolution, were
parted, and afterwards made up.
Ass't Secy of the Trea=uaay Curtis
arranged for a $100,000,000 loan in New
York last Thursday at 4 per ceot.
On Moudav nil trace of anxiety had dis
appeared from the Treasury department
and it was believed the new bond issue b .d
been provided for. ,
In the House that day Mr. Keed. of
Maine, brought forward a new plan tor
which he is endeavoring to enlist the entire
strength of his pirty, and which be will
offer as a substitute for the administration
scheme, it he thinks bis plan can command
sufficient support to make it a factor in the
rhere are but twj sections to the Keed
plau in the form in which he has submitted
it to his colleagues. The fir si proposes to
restrict the law of 1875, which authorizes
the secretary of ttie treasury to issue bonds
to redeem the greenbacks, to 3 per cent,
bonds. The second authorizes the secre
tary of the treasury, when .there is a de
ficit, to issue certificates of indebtedness to
pay current expenses, the certificates to be
to sums of $25, SSO and SIOO, and any
multiples thereof, bearing interest at o per
cent, and payable in coin.
The bill, as Mr. Keed explained to the
Republicans whose support be sought, is
bat a temporary expedient to tide over tbo
present distress. The substitution ol coin
for the gold provisions of toe administration
plan is expected to win for it toleration, it
not support, of the free silver men, who
bitterly oppose all propositions to discrim
inate by stipulation in any bill in favor ol
gold. Its comparative simplicity, it is ex
pected, will commend the bill to the house
in preference to more complex plans.
Wki-Hai-Wbi succumbed to the Japs
last Wednesday. The Chinese bolted when
the final assault was made.
T;ik Peace Commission sent by China to
Tokio failed to accomplish anything, and
was sent home by the Japanese, who con
tinue to advance as fast as the winter
weather will allow.
Jury Lists for March Term.
List of names, drawn from the proper
Jury Wheel, this 28th of Jan. A. D. 1395
to serve as Grand Jurors at a regular term
of Court, commencing on the first Monday
of March A. D 1895, the same being the
4ch day of said month.
Beihl George C, Butlo* Boro Ist ward, tin-
Baker Henry, Buffalo twp, farmer.
Black W C, Parker twp, merchant.
Clouse Philip, Butler Boro 2nd ward, gent.
Dann Fred, Millerstown Boro, stone mason.
Dale David E, Butler Boro Ith ward, mer
Danlap Thomas, Butler Boro, sth ward,
Galbreth Joshua, Winfield twp, farmer.
Gilmore Wm A. Marion twp, farmer.
Grnff Reuben, Marion twp, larmer.
Kemper Frank. Butler Boro 2nd ward,
harness maker.
Keister Paul, Slippervrook twp, farmer.
Larimore John, Concord twp, shoe maker.
Meider Fred, Cranberry twp, farmer.
McClintock Thomas, Mercer twp, farmer
Rigele A J, Jefferson twp, pumper.
Keiber John J, Butler Boro sth ward,
Strohecker Chas, Zeleinople Boro, hotel
Smith John, Allegheny twp, J P.
Seftou Wm, Middlesex twp, farmer.
Thompson J N, Brady twp, farmer.
Vandick Kussel, Marion twp, farmer.
Wade John, Buffalo twp, farmer.
Young E B, Summit twp, farmer. .
List of Petit Jurors drawn this 28th day
of Jan. A. D. 1895 to serve as Petit Jurors
at a regular tarin of court, commencing on
the second Monday of March A. r. 1395
the same being the llth day o] said month.
Allison Wm, Centre, twp, farmer.
Anderson 0 11, Allegheny twp, farmer.
Bell Edwin E, Washington twp S, farmer.
Baird R M, Centreville boro, laborer.
Badger C D, Muddyereek twp, farmer.
Brown A C, Forward t*p, larmer.
Bauer George, Butler twp, farmer.
Cooper Sylvanus, Slipperyrock twp, farmer.
Crouse Albert, Winfield twp, farmer.
Cooper Perry, Adams twp S, driller.
Coulter T E, Concord twp, farmer
Cox Wm, Adams twu S, larmer.
Daubenspeck Campbell, Washington twp
S, fanner.
Ekas Henry, Clinton twp, farmer.
Kraiier A L, Bufier boro 2nd ward, oi!
Fisher U D, Butler boro 4tb ward, carpen
ter. ,
Frazier Robert, Muddycreek twp, farmer.
Frazier John, Butler boro Jnd ward, vet-
ernary sargeon.
Householder George, Zeleinoplo boro,
Hemphill S V, Clinton twp, farmer.
Johnson J S, Summit twp, iarmcr.
Kircbner Nichlas, Brady twp, iarrner.
Kennedy F J, Penn twp N, gent.
Kochner J, Lancaster twp, farmer.
Latshaw U B, Zelienople boro, gent.
Lindsey Warren W, Allegheny twp. oil
Marshall S J, Forward twp, farmer.
Millimen Ueorge, Harmony boro, teamster.
Martin R H, Buffalo twp, farmer.
Miller James, Middlesex twp, farmer.
McElavin Reuben, Butler boro Ist ward,
McDivitt J B, Clearfield twp, farmer.
McCandless Conard, Franklin twp, larmer,
McCune W I), Cherry twp N, M D.
MoQeary W B, Butler boro 3rd ward, mer
Morris John C, Clinton twp, farmer.
St gley Daniel, Jefferson twp, larmer
>'a«h Casper, Donegal twp, farmer
Pborn Peter, Fairview twp, W, wagon
Kipper J A, Evans City, black smith.
Kamsey Richard, Muddycreek twp, farmer.
Redd W K, Millerstowu boro, merchant.
Kosebaugti A C, Adauis twp S. farmer.
Rowan John, Cranberry twp, farmer.
Stewart Archibald, Cheirj twp S, farmer.
Weitzol John W, Brady twp, farmer.
Winter Albert, Zeleinople boro. merchant
Wilson R C, Venango twp, farmer.
Widows' Appraisements.
The following widows' appraisements of
personal properly set apart tor the benefit of
the widows of decedents have been filed in
the office of the Clerk of Orphans' Court of
Butler county, viz:
Widow of Thomas Donaldson $ So '>o
Wm. Lutz 300 00
•' John O. Kauss 300 00
W. H. lift 300 00
•' William J. Black 90 90
" Jas. Selleiß 300 00
" Jesse Rice, Sr 300 00
•' J, C. fshauor 42 50
All persons interested in the aboye ap
praisements will take notice that they will be
presented for confirmation to the Orphans'
Court of ISutler county, Pa., on the Oth day
of March, 1H95, and it no exceptions be filed
they will be Confirmed absolutely.
Ladies' Muslin Underwear?
Wo have opened the finest assortment
we have ever offered to our customers.
We have never before shown such bar
gains. Newest styles in Corset covers
ranging in price, 10, 25, 35, 50, 75c and
SI.OO. Ladies and Childrens drawers in all
the newest designs and makes, both io
tucked and embroidered, price 25, 30, 50,
75c and 91 00 l,argo variety Ladies skirts,
plaiu, tucked and embroidered; 50 (jo, 75c
and SI.OO up. This season night-gowns all
high sliouldt-is, full size and lengths, price
50, 05, 75u SI.OO, $1 25, $1 35, $1.75.
Come anil exaicine i|uality and prices
before doing your spring sewing and ree
if you cannot buy cheaper than you can
M. F. & M. MARKS,
113 to 117 S. Main St.. - Butler.
Soutliside Restaurant
No. 211 Centre Aveiue, (Whit
mire buildiog,) ouvmieut to I'.
W. depot. Open all hour«. All
kind of lunches and regular meal*.
Tobacco and Ciga-n, liu<; confections
nn'l everything to t'e found in a
firdt clanß Ktstaurant. Give as a
ca I and we will do our best to ae
i om mod ate jou.
,< t , "C- r < » Alfc.V Weal or travel
Uii ji Jk I L I I inz. to sell my guaraii.
HE tit t« I L IJietid NUBSKKY MOCK
I, - - - Salary or (^omiiih-slon
pnlrt weekly. (Juuli rn e. Spe ui attention
ytvcu in bi-Klniic Workers nevi-r lall to make
gocl we< kly wagen. Write me at ouca for par
E U. GRAHAM, jNurseryman
Kochetter H. V,
lf( \AIR—At Elsah. Illinois, January 3,
1995, Mrs. Elizabeth McNair, widow of
Thomas McNair, formerly of this place,
aged about 88 years.
CR IS WELL —In Allegheny City, Pa., Jan.
31, 1895. Miss Mattie J. Criswell, daugh
ter of William and Matilda CriswelL
tormerly of this county, aged about id
veaes. • .
The decease of the above vounjr lady is
the sourca of great regret not only to
friends and relations but to all who knew
her. She was a niece of Mr. Joseph Cris
well. Clerk of Courts here, who with his
family attended her iuneral in Allegheny
City on Sunday last, Feb. 3.
LUTZ— At her home in Cranberry twp.
Feb Ist 1895. Mrs. John Lutz, aged about
25 years.
BECKETT—At his home in Clinton twp,
Feb. 3, 1895, after a long and 3evere ill
ness, Matthew Beckett, aged 91 years.
Matthew Beckett, and bis brother
Thorn as of Winfield twp, who died some
years ago, came to this county lrom
land in the early part of the century. Both
were intelligent and industirun:? men, and
respected citizens.
He was ordained as a Ruling Llder in
Clinton U. P. Congregation on April 30,
1845, and served as Elder and also as Clerk,
till his health tailed.
SECHLER—At his home in
Feb. 2, 95, Westlev W. Sechler, aged 35
BARKER—At the home of her son John
in Natrona. Feb. 3, 1895. Mrs. Barker,
widow of E?q. Barker, dee'd, late of Buf
falo twp.
RAY—In Michigan, Jan. 27, 95, Mrs. Mary
Ray, widow of Silas Kay. formerly of
Cranberry twp. aged aboat 35 jears.
She was buried at Mt. Pleasant church.
WILSON—At bis home in Farniington,
Jan 30, 1895, John Wilson, aged about
45 years.
BLYMILLER—At his home in Parker,
Jan. 25, 1895, Otto Blymille'. aged about
HENDERSON—At his home in Brook
ville, Jan. 31 95, Rev. Tbeo. Hendersor
t I
Absolutely Pure.
A cream oi tartar baking powder High*
est of all in leavening strength. — Latest
United States Government Food Report.
Royal Baking Powder Co.,
106 Wall St.. N. Y.
Funeral Directors,
161 S. Main St., - Butler: Pa.
Register's Notices.
The Register hereby gives notice that the
following accounts of executors, a'lmia
istrators and guardians hive been filed iu his
office according to law, aud will be present
ed to Court tor confirmation ami allowance
on Saturday, the !UU day of March, 1 895, at
9 o'olocK, a. in., of said day:
1. First and final account of . un E. llott
man, administratrix of Frederick A. Hoff
man, deceased, late of £ ranklia two.
2. Final account -f C. B. Irvine, executor
of Elizabeth McCandless, deceased, late ot
Adarns twp.
3. Final account ot George iox, guardian
of George Knecht and Emma Knecht, nunor
children ofC. E. Kuecht, deceased, late ot
Butler twp.
4. First aud final account of John U. Mc-
Enrk, guardian of Jennie May Blair, minor
ctnlil of Rebecca Blair, deceased, late ot
Fairview boro. ~ , ,
5. Final account ol John K. Gilchrist,
guardian of John White, minor child ol
James M. and Rebecca J. White deceased,
late ot Venango twp.
6. First aud tiual account of Levi i>jyer,
administrator of Elizabeth Boyer, deceased,
late of Jackson twp.
7. First aud final account ot Thomas K.
Hoou, Executor of George Dawson, deceased,
late of Ceuter twp.
8. Fiua! account of Walter E, Wick, ad
ministrator of Nannie J. Wick, deceased,
late of Butler boro.
<j. Final account of Wm. B. Currie, exec
utor of George C. MoCandles*, deceased, late
of Frank'iu twp.
10. Final account of J. T. Donley, admin
istrator and trustee ot the estate ol John N .
Furviauce, deceased, late ot Bulier boro.
11. Final account of J. IE McJunkin,
guardian of A. Markle N'eyman, miuor child
ot Eiueiine Neyman, deceased, late o; Butler
boro. .... .
12. Final account of William M. Wick,
guardian of William H. McGarvey, minor
child ol Robert D. McGarvey, decea.se 1, late
ot Fairview twp,
13. Eiual account cf William M, Wick,
guardian oi Sadie 15. McGarvey, minor child
ol Robert D. McGarvey, deceased, late of
Fairview township.
14. Final account of F. I'. Critehlow, ad
ministrator of the estate ot W. F. ileus haw,
deceased, late of Frospect b >ro.
15. Final account of John Reed, admin
istrator of George W. Forsythe, deceased,
late d Slipperyrock township
lti. Final account of James 11. Morrison
Jr.. ■ dministrator of Daniel Elleby,dcceaeed,
latent llarrisviile boro. \
17. Final account of 11. J. O'Douuell, ad
ministrator of Charles (I' uouuell, deceased,
late ot Clearfield township.
18. Final accouut of Charles W. Gwhriug,
administrator of Johu Goehring, decease*!,
laie ot Harmony boro.
19. Final account of Isaac G. Pollard and
Eli Reep, executors of Henry Reep,deceased,
fate ot FairvicW iwp.
20. Final account of Margaret Beighley,
administratrix of Johu IE Beighley, de
ceased, late ot Lancaster twp.
'2l. Partial account of E. S. Eardiu aud
Edward West- rman, administrators of Wil
liam Runner, deceased, late ot Clinton twp.
22. Partial account ol Johu G. Bippus,
executor ol Edward Winner, deceased, late
of Oakland twp.
23. First partial account ot J. Walter
Bartley and E. McJunkin,executors of W.L.
Bartley, deceased, late of Butler boro.
24. First and tiual accouut of George
Vensel, administrator of the estate ot Johu
Vensel, deceased, late ot Donegal l*l>.
25. Supplemental final account ot Mary
Burfchart, executrix of John BurKharl, de
cased, late of Butler twp.
2'#. Final ttccouot ot Cnarlcs OchlerlniiJ,
hUoiiUibtralur ol Cbiu>tiau Oesierliug, de
ceased, ot Donegal twp.
27. Fiual account ol Alexander Black, ad
ministrator ot Margaret Cowau .deceased,late
oi Slipperyrock t* p.
2*. Final accouut ot A. i>. v\eir, guardiau
ot Maud K. l'etsiujgtr, a minor child ol Mary
Jaue deceased, laic ol ButJaio
twp., a.i > la ted by Fli zo.be Ui J. Weir, adiniu
isiratrix oi A. D. Weir, deceaned.
29. Fiual account ol A. U. Weir.
ot (Jatbarine B. Fetsiuger, a minor child ot
Mary Jane deceased late of
hutiaio twp., as stated by hii/.ibeth J. VVcir,
administratrix ol A. I). We»r, dece/sed,
.iO Final accouut of A. Dv Weir, guardian
oi Hudson W» Duoabay, Bklnff child of
Saniau'Lm Uona'iay, * eceastd, late ot Buffalo
twp., M siafri by t&iisaDatfi J Wair, atoUi*
iNtrainx ot A. U Weir, deceased.
31. Final account ol A. D. VN tir, guardian
of L'iward J. D.ii.ahaj, minor cuild of
Duuaiiay , <Jece..s»;d, ol fiutiaio
twp., an slated by i.iizitbetu J. Weir, admin
istratrix ot A. U. V\tir, deceased.
32. Filial account ot A. D. V.eir, guaidian
ol Doily Donuhttj, miti »f ciiiui > Sainmitlia
iJonah .y. deceased, IJU. -A liutlilo twp., as
stateo by Elizabeth \Vt*r, :uiiniuittritrix
oi A. l>- Heir, decease
33. Final account ol .>araii Uudger*, ad -
iniin ,trail i* ol 1 hoiua- Uot'ners, nece***!,
late ol Kan view twji.
34. I'inal accouut ol .1. 11. I arotlu rs, ad
iniiii-tralor ol Janus iriuhtroiig, deceased,
late ol Cheriy twp.
35. Final account ol Wn>. S>. CashdolUr,
guardian ol \V.»I ir 11. Gilleland, minor
cliilu ol J nil C. Uiliclaml, deceased, lale ol
Adaa.n twp.
M. Final ac.ouut ol' John »V. Gillespie,
aduiistrator of Hamilton Gillespie, de'eascd
laic ol Counoquetiekbiug twp,
37. Final acc >unt ol George K.Green, ad
miuimiator ot Olive Isabel Green, deceased,
late ol Allegheny twp.
3*. final account ol Jacob Keen, admin
•isirator <l. A.; it. B. N ; of Joseph M iusler
Sr., tlercjsed late ot UakUn l twp.
.I.'. i'artuj account of Lewis Nurthfcilll
eaccutor ol (..hrmtiua Hauler, deceased, lau
ol Ixnegal twp.
J.S. WICK, Iteg,
By virtue oi sundry wrltatot \en. F.x Fl. Fs.
Lev Fa.. &c.. issued out of tne < ourt of common
Plea* of Butler Co.. Fa., and to me directed
there will be exposed to public sale at the
Court House, in the borough of Butler, on
Friday, the Ist day of March,
VD. 1*93. at l o'clock r. the following de
scribe property, to-wit:
E D No. 103, March Term.lfi*>. Kohler .v Bran
don. attorneys.
All the right. "He. interest and claim of
Johanna Wuller of. In and to a certain tot of
ground situated In lJutier borough. Butler
count v. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit. On the
north by let of W E Kalston, east by Main S'.
soutii by lot of Cbrlst Stock and an aile},
by lot oi H P Scutt. with a gcod two story brick
building. used as a store room and dwelling
house co blned. erected thereon, salu lot lia\-
lntr a frontage of 2*J feet on Main street, and ex
tendli-K back eighty (SO) feet, more or ess, to
said western boundary, which is u feel, more
or less, in width.
\LSl>—Of. In. and to a certain lot of ground
situated l.i Huiler borough, Butler county, ha,
bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the n °rth by
iut of i.arkin, east by lot of Johanna \s uller.
sou-n by Centre Avenue, west by lot oi l-arkiii,
«ai<l iut having a frontage cf 40 feet, more or
'•-=. sou Centre Avenue, and extending o
feet, moie or less, to 'he northern boundary.
with a good two-story frame dwelling house
erected thereon.
iLSO—Of. in and to a certain lot ot ground
situated iu Butler horough. Butler county, la
bouuaed as follows, to wit: On the north by
lot o- Larkin, east by lot ol kamerer. south bv
Centre avenue, we«t by other lot of Johanna
Waller, said lot hav tag a irontage of 59 ieet 011
Centre avenue and extending back the =ame
width 50 teet to the uorthern boundary, with a
lar"e brick building, used as a dwelling hou-e
and store room, erected thereon.
ALSO —ot.in and to a certain lot 01 ground
situated In butler borough, Butler county i'a.
bounaed as follow s, to-wlt: On the norm by
st Peters church property, east by i arnuhan
heirs south by an alley,west by franklin street
said lot having a frontage ot 200 feet, mure or
leas, on Fr nklm street, ami extending b.ick
i-o teet. inure or less, and having a good brics
dwelling house, trame stable and other out
buildings erected thereon.
tM, In and to a certain lot of ground
situated 1:1 Butler borough, Butler county i*n.
SiTundSaitollow to-.it: On the north by
Jellersoa street, east by lot of Pillow heirs,
south by lotof F f Baldaufl, west by lot ot
John l-efever. said lot having a frontage of -8
reel more or less, on said Jefferson street
and extending back to the southern boundary
of saiu lot the same width CO leet. more or .ess.
anu navlug a good two-story frame dwelling
house erected thereon.
\LaO—Of. in and to a certain lot of ground
situated in Bat ler borough Butler county. Pa,
bounded as lollows, to-wit: On the north by
lot ot Chas Dully. east by Um street, south bj
an alley, west by an alley. said lot beius 40 by
l»;o ieet more or less, au'i having a two storj
irame owelling house erec ted thereon. Seized
and taken In execution as the property ot
Johanna W uiler at the suit of John Lawall.
Test UNo 9, March Term, 1&95, II
attorqe; -
\il the right, title and interest ana claim of
William Foster of. in and to a certain lot of
ground situated in Butler borough, Butler
county Pa, bounded as follows, to-wlt: oul '
mencingata point at the corner of Cleveland
street and Northern avenue, thence south a ?
long said Northern avenue 83 feet to lands of
Thomas Niggle, thence westward by landi of
shiu tS,mas Niggle W feet., tUeuoe northward
along of said Thomas Nigaie H:» leet to
Cleveland street, thence along Cleveland street
eastward 92 feet to place ol beginnlug. and
havlnc erected thereon a two story Irame
dwelling liouse and other out buildings. Beized
antl taken In execution as the property of
William Foster at the suit ot M E Beatty.
E D No n March Term, i«95. Lev Mc'iulston.
• attorney.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
I awson E Braclmey, ot. in and to a certain ot
of ground situated in Butler borough, Butler
county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: Be
ginning at the southeast corner of l alrMew and
i,,,,.. Wav being the northwest corner oi lot.
tlfence south l west, go feet along the cast side
oi Kill-view Avenue lu lot No S, thonoe east i
south^u'hfeet to an alley, tuehcc north l east
so feet along said alley to Beta \V a>, thence
west l north 13s feet along said Beta \Vaj to
Falrview Avenue the place of beglnnmg, and
being loTs No. 6 and 7ln W 1 Brugh s plan or
lots in said borough, with a good two-story
frame dwelling house and frame t>arn and other
outbuildings erected thereon, seized and taken
In execution as the property ot Lawsjn t
Brackney at the suit of Mrs Helen Dickenson,
for use of >V !•' Turner.
E D No. so March .Term. 1893. J W Hutchison,
Ailthe right, title, intercct oud claim of \\ il
liam 11 Davis of, in and to all that certain lot of
trround more or less,situated In Butler borough,
Butler county, l'a., bounded as follows, to-wit:
(in the north by West street, east by lot or
(lertie Davis, south by an alley, and west by
lot No :i of the same plan of lots being lot No .
In Moses Sullivan s plan of lots In Bui ler
borough, having a frontage of 40 feet on said
West street and extending back, maintaining
the same width,i 12 ft. to aoove mentioned alley,
sahl basing theron erected a two-story slate
roof dwelling house, said being a P art oft he
same property conveyed to b..id WllUamll
oTvis Dy Franklin Miller, assignee, by deed
dated September 2*th. 1594, and recorded in
deed book 141, page 312.
ALSO—Of, In and to all that certain loi of
ground, more or less, situated In Butler
borough, Butler county, i'a .bounded as follows,
to-wlt: Ou the north by West street, east hy
lot No 2, m the same plan of lots, south bj an
alley and west by lot So I, in the same plan of
lots being lot No 3. In Moses Sullivan s plan of
lots'in Butler boro, having a frontage of *lO feet
011 said West street and extending back main
taining the same width, 112 feet to above men
tioned alley . being a vacant lot and part or tut
same property conveyed to the said William 11
Davis by Franklin Miller, assignee, by deed
dated September 21. 1894, and recorded In Deed
Book 141, page 312
ALSO—OI, In and to all that certain lot o.
ground, more or leas, situated In Butler hot >
Butler county, l'a.. bouudtd as follows, to-■ it:
On the noith by We i slieei. east by lot No ~
in the same plan of lots, south by an alley, and
west by an alley, or Sullivan avenue, being lot
No 4in Xloses Sullivan s plan or lots in Butler
borough, having a lrontage ot 40 feet on sani
We.it s;ieet. and extending back, maintaining
the same wldtu, 112 feet to the above mentioned
alley said lot Having thereon erected a two
storv shingle roofed dwelling house and store
room combined, aud being part of the same
properly conveyed to said Willi im II "avis r>>
Franklin Miller, assignee, by deed dated Sep
lein'/er "ith 1891. and recorded in deed book
in IM 'e 312 soUed and taken Iu execution as
the prTportv ot Willi.on II Davis at the sun ol
J W Hutchison, trustee.
EI) No 102, March Term, 1895. J W Hutchison,
All the right, title, interest and claim of M
W Barnes, 01. ir. and to sixty-four acres oi land,
more or less, situated in Uarnsville borough,
Butler county, Fa..bouuded as lollows. to «it:
Belli" the undivided one-hall interest In all th»t
certain piece or parcel of laud situate in -aid
borough. Butler county and state 01 heuusyl
vauia. <>ii the nortu by lands of Mrs E Bl;.t K, K
L Cummins aud Mi's Mary King, east by lauds
or It I. Brown. Mrs Mary King and an alley,
south by public road known as Mercer 1 urn
piKe, aud west by lauds or W l. Bro.vn and 1. I.
Cummins. Seized and laken 111 execution • l "-
Uie property or M W Barnes at the suit ot Wil
liam Black 'Morrow.
E D No IK>, Marcu Term, lsai. Kalston & Cireer
All the right, title, luterst and claim of Fmily
Montgomery, ot, iu aud to a certain lot oi
uround situated in Saxonburg borough, Butler
eounty l'a bounded as follows, to nit: On the
north by lot ol Henry Knocli. east by lands oi
Eeusucf aud Horn, south by lands ol Harmon,
west by laud or Leusner, ana haviug a
two-story Irame dwelling liouse erected thereun,
Seized aud taiiuii in execution as the properly
ot Emily Montgomery .it the suit ol Mary 1.
Helm bold, administratrix of Tceodore Helm
bold, deceased.
E D No 81, March Term 1890. Brandon attorney
All tue right, title, lnteiest aud eiaiifl of Win
or W M Melvlu ot. in an i to twenty-eight acres
of land, more or less, situated In Muddycreek
lowuanip. Butler county, l'a. bounded as lol
lows to-wlt: On the north by lands of James
Scott, Jr.. et al., cast by lanus or i harlea White
soui üby unds o; 11 Melviii. west by lands or
C harlulte Buck's heirs, ana being partly clear
ea. SeUea and taken In execution as the
proi-erty of Wm or W M Melvin at the suit ot
A J Francis.
E D No 75, March Term, is»s, Kalston & Oreer,
All the right, title, interest and claim of
(ieorg* 11 Uratiam, of, In and to two-hundred
and seventy rive (275) acres of land, more or
less, siiuated In Clay township, Butler county,
l'a, bounded as lollows, to-Wil: On the north
by laiioaot John Wilson now 'thos Jamison,
east by land el Charles McClung, south by
lands ol Uebecca McKlssick, etal., west by
lands ot J .1 Miller, el al.. and known as the
J \\ Christie latrn, having a one-sUiiy frame
uwelllng house and log barn, Iraine
stable an.i other outbuildings erected
thereon, having an orcnard, land
mostly cleared and in fair state ot cultivation,
seized and taken In CAecutun as the properly
ol George 11 oraham at the suit or William
E D Noßi, March Term, 1595. Wll l.usk att'y.
All the right, lltle. Interest a.id claim ol
Joseph Smltu and Herbert W Smith or, In and
to a certain lot or ground situated lit Butler
borough, Butler county, l'a , bounded as fol
lows, to-wit: On the north by West D street,
east by lotof Welmer, south by an alley, "e >
by lot ot I' I iriiblin, said lot having a nontax l '
or 40 leet on West D street, and extending
southward 177 leet to said alley, having a livo
story iraine dwelling house and Irame stable
ereeteU thereon. Seized aud taken in execu
tion aa the property ot Joseph Smith aud Her
bert W Smith at the suit of James Thompson
lor use oiK II Anderson, now for U.-.C ol .1 I
E DNo f.i< March term, IBus, C Walker and T
C Campbell, attorneys.
All the right, title Interest aud claim of
«i Sedwick ct al. of, in and to 12') acres and 40
Derches or land, more or lets, situate! in 1 ar
ker township, Butl'-r county l'a. bounded as
follows, to-wit: beginning at a wnueoak,
th-iice by lauds ol Wiu t ampbell s heirs aori.
U deg west 13 s-l" perches to a ches'.nut, theuee
norm -:i e:*sl 22 9 M perches to a P' Sl . Uien<
by lands or Anthony (joldlnger no'th /*i ue«
w,. t iiu lierches lo a post, theu e by lauds '1
Ana Wan south 2 «e; vvi si 117 s 10 pere.e s to
a whlteoak, thence by lanus ol Ia;VI liiosou
and Kobell Campbell soutli .Si deg west :n
p. rcli s to a post, thence south *9 di g west
12 7 -lo perches lo a wniteoak, tnence south
dig w- .st Hi i-io perches to the nl iee oi begin
nlug having a tivo-story frame dwelling nous-,
ham and otliei oulb Hidings eroclel tli reon.
Seized and taken In execution as the piop'-rty
Of W O Svdwiek Ct al, a', the suit ol Joseph
llusUneil et al.
E l> No li>4. March term, IBUS. Mcyulstion.att'j.
All the rigut, title, interest and claim or Ezra
S'C.V lit 01, In and lo twenty-live acies ol land,
mote or less, situated lu Cherry townsulp, But
ler county l'a.. bounded as lollows. to-wit:
Beg" mug at the kOutUwest corner at a post,
tn "nee by lands of David Stewart and Win M
Shira north ; 1-2 deg east'il perches lo a post,
thence bv lands of Wm M Sulra and h.-irs oi
Jeim I'lfii-.i-r -ouUi 8« deg east 41 [icrciies 40 .t
post lie u e by lands ot II M and J 1 Sleindorl
uoulh : 1-2 dig west Bt perches to a posit nonce
by lands ol avid Stewart -sdeg "est II p-i- !i
es to the pi_Ceoi beginning.having alwo-sloi>
frame dwelling house, sLabie and other out
bulidi g, elected tner on. Seized and taken In
execution as the proptriv or Ezra Stewart .it
the suit of The Warder BUshnell and Olessner
E DN>« March term, 18U.1, McJunkln ii Hal
brcadi. atiorne>H.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of,
Oeorge bauldauf. executor of Henry Baldauf,
dec ased, .1111 tieorge BaldaUi and llenry Hal
<X. 1 f 11 ir.' lenauls. Of, in and to no acics of
laud moiei.rir. it 1 in suuimlt 1 u
ship, bullei county, l'a. boundeU as lollows
to wit: beginning al a whlteoak at in- s.uth
east coiner ol tue Dau.-i Wondcily tract,
thence south S8 deg west 21 perches to a post,
thence north 2 deg west 122 perches to a post |
and *hiteoak. thence north Ss deg east 39 1 J
perches to a post. th-nec north 2 deg west Hi
perches to a post, theuee by lands formerly
of sarahCollins north 8- deg east >0 1-2 per lies
to a post, thence by lands now or formerly of
I Sliull south 2 deg east 2:11 perches to a post. I
thence by lands now or formerly of Patterson
heirs south »» deg west 71 perches to the place
of beginning, bein : the same piece of land con
veyed by Henry Baldauf et u\ to Henry llal ! 1
dauf by deed recorded tn deed t>ook 27. i
221 having a two-storj frame dwelling hou-e ,
log bam. orchard and other outbuildings j
erecU-d thereon.
ALSO—Of, in and to twenty actes of land. f
more or less, situated In Summit township.] '
But ler county l'a. bounded as follows, to-wlt: 1
Beginning at a post at the sot'thwest corner. 1
thence by lands of I Knittle north 1 l-s deg ,
west 37 1-2 perches to a blackoak. thence by .
lands of same south 89 deg west is 1-2 perches
to a post near a hickory, thence by lands of <
Blerghmer north 11 1 deg west -U s-10 perches i
to the centre line of t" R K., thence along the j
centre line of said RFt south 77 1-2 deg east 42 v
1-2 perches, thence along same south u» deg ■
east 58 perches to a p*v.t fn centre line of said -
KK. thence south 80 deg west M perches, 5
shence noutli 1 deg east 41 1-2 perches to a 1
post the southeast toi ner, thence by 1 Baul- .
dauf 88 l-'jd eg west CO perches to the place of 1
beginning, being tue same piece of land con- '
vejcil by Henry Ualdaufetux. to IK-nry llal- |
dauf by deed recorded In Deed Book 2.. page
321. having a two-story trame dwelling hou-e.
frame barn and other outbuildings erected
thereon. Seized and taken 111 execution as the
propeity of George Baldauf, ex'r of Henry Bal
ilauf, deed and George Bauldauf and Henry ]
Baldauf, terre tenants, at the suit of Joseph ,
Thoma, for use of TUlilp J Spalin and N ,J
ED No 100, March term 1895. Thompson & (
Son, a'torneys. 1
All the right, tine. Interest and claim of John
C Davison oi. in and U> thirty-one acres of 1 mi.
i!'ore or les- sliu. 1 1 in Cranberry tuwnsnip.
Butler county, l'a. bounded as follows, to-wu:
Beginning at the corner of the lauds of Israel
Cookson and David (iartin's heirs.theuee north
1 3-1 deg west R,2 perches to the lands John
Reselling, thence north *- 1-2 deg east 77
perches to a private road, tuence along said I
private road southward parallel with line of 1
George Davis «7 2-10 perches to a public road,
thence along said public road souih ss „ 4 deg
92 perches to the plaie of beginning, having a (
two story dwelling house, barn and o'her out
buildings erected thereon, seized and taken in
execution a- the property of JohuC Davidson
at the suit ot Andrew Blakely. .
TERMS OF SALE:—The following nvist be
strictly compiled with when property Is stricken
1. Waen the plaintiff or oth r lien creditor I
becomos the purchaser the cost on the writ ]
must be paid and a list ol the liens including ,
mortgage searches on the property sold to
gether with such Ken creditor's receipt*for the 1
amount of the proceeds of the sale or such por
tion thereof as lie may claim must be furnished
the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid iu full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will be
continued until 1 o'clock v. m. of next day. at
which time all property not settled lor will
again be put up and sold at the. expense and
risk of the persuu to wnorn ttrsi sold.
•?ea Purdon's Digest, ath edition, page -Hi;,
and Smith's Forms, page .'is I.
Sheriff's Oiilce. Butler. Pa., Jan. 7. 1*95.
L 4. I£. Crumbling*
Breeder of Thoroughbred Poultry
Will sell eggs for hatching from
fine Black M norcas, Indian Games,
Baff Leghorns, Barred and White
Plymouth Rocks, and Houdans at $1
per setting; White Indian Games $5
per 15.
Old aod young stock for tale
Country Gentleman
Agricultural Weeklies.
Farm Crops and Processess.
Horticulture& Fruit-Growing
Llve-Stock and Dairying
While it also includes all minor depart
ments of Kural interest, such as the Poul
try Yard, Entomology, Bee-Keeping,
Greenhouse and Grapery, Veterinary KE
plies, Farm Questions and Answers, Fire
side Heading, Domestic Economy, and a
summary of the News of the Week. Its
Market Reports are unusually complete,
and much attention is paid to the Pros
pects of the Crops, as throwing light up
on one of the most important of all
questions — When to Day and When to Sell.
It is liberally Illustrated, and contains
more reading matter than ever before.
The subscription price is $2.50 a yeat, but
we offer a SPECIAL REDUCTION in our
TWO SPBSOIPTKns. in one remitUucc....s 4
MX SIBST Kll iuns, do do . .. 10
RES SL'BSCniPIiOAS, do do .... 15
[Y*TN ail New Subscribers for 18L»5.pay
ing in advance now, we will send the pa
per Weekly, from our receipt of the remit
tance, to January Ist, 1895, without
rVSpeoimen Copies Free. Address
LUTHER T1 CKER A SON, l'ublixhers,
Albany, N. Y
by America's Greatest Humorist,
Every one of his previous hooks have had im
mense vales. His new book surpasses anything
he lias heretofore written. Two stories in one
volume, A Tr»fwly and a €Olll ily A great
chance for age its. We give exclusive territory
For terms and full particulars address
J. W. Kkklkk & CO.. 62# Arch St.. Phlla.
C. x u D.
A business that keeps grow
ing through a season ot de
pression, such as the country
has experienced, is an evi
dence that people realize they
save money by trading with
us. We know, and always
have known, the days of large
profits are past. Without
question we are giving more
for the money than last year.
Our stock is larger to select
from than last year.
Colbert & Dale.
Famous New York, tailor-made
For sale by prominent dealers
all over the State. None genuine
without Hammerslough Bro's
label. The swellest and best
wearing clothes in this Country.
Ask your clothier for them.
1 have a Heave Cure that will cure any
case of heave* in horses in forty days,
used according to directions, and il it DOES
not do What I (.laim for it, 1 will refund
the amount paid and no charges w ill be
made for the treatment. The following
testimonials are the strongest proof of the
medicines rower to cure:
Duller, Pa., 1893.
On the 2nd day of April, 1H!»2. I com
menced t" use your n-w eure l<>r one of
I'.V Worses tliat had the heaves very had,
and continued to u«c tlie medicine lor
about forty days and the horse did not j
show any signs of a return of liiein. It is 1
now about a year siuce I quit givin the
mod\c\ne and tho horse lias never sowed j
any signs of heaves, and I teel stislied i
that he is proporly cured.
Butler, Pa., A l ,ril •% 1H93 - j
I htve ised JOUR Heave </Ure and lound
I it wili Jo the work ,1 a C>rdug to <li
1 rectiou*. Yours truly,
By virtue of an order of the Orphans',
Court of Butler county, l'a.. at O. C. No.
'.'4 March Term, lfißS, mi MM directi- i I
will on
THURSDAY, FEB. 28. 1595,
at 1 p.m., expose to public sale on tie
premises in Lancaster twp., Butler Co., Pa.
the following real estate, late the proper'y
of Win. Lutz, dee'd: to-wit. ail that certiia ;
tract and messuage of land situate in Lii:-
caster twp., Butler Co., Pit., bounded srd
described as follews to-wit: On the north 1
by lands of W. S. Duncan and Andre*
Scheidemantle. on the east by lands of j
Mrs. Scbuler and Public road, ou the
south by public road and lands of Fred |
E choltz and on the west by lands i f C. 11.
Druehel an Wm. Rice, containing So aci
with log house, log barn ard outbmldiugs j
One-third cash on approval of sale by the
Court and Ihb balance in two equal annual
payments secured by judgment bond and
mortgege i n the preini e-fjoearing interest
and an attorneys commission ot live pi r
cent for collection, with privilege of paj
ing cash.
J. X. FIRKKR. Adiu'r.
ot Win. Lu;z. dec'U.
Middle Lancaster, Pa.
Administratrix's Sale of Real Estate.
Pursuant to an order of the Orphan's ;
Court of Butler county, I will offer lor .-ale
at public outcry on the premises on the
28T11 DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D. 1890. !
at 10 o'elock, a m.. of said day. all tuat j
certaiu piece of land in ftlipperyrocfc town- i
ship, Butler county, bcuuded on the nortu \
by lands of Alex MeCoj; on ihe east by i
lauds ot James Robinson; on life south by j
lands ot , and on the west by i
lands of Win. McCoy, containing lour acres
more or less, unimproved.
TERMS OF SALE:—Cash in hand on conti- j
m it ion of sale.
Administratrix of George time.-, deceased, j
EA.ecutor's Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate <d
John Conard Shauor, dee'd, late of Whites
town. Butler Co., Penn'a., havinp been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselve- indebted to said eslate
will please make immediate payment, and
any having claims against said estate will
present them duly authenticated for settle
ment to
Whitestown, Pa.
There will be a meeting of The Mechan
ics Building and Loan Association of But
lnr Pa. at their office on Monday Feb. 11th
1895 at seven o'clock P. M for the purpose
of hearing the report of Auditors, the elec
tion of Board of Directors to serve during
tho coming year and to consider changing
ol By Laws, changing time of meeting to
2nd Monday in January ot each year, in
place ol 2nd Monday ol Feb. as heretofore
and also to strike out the word "nine" iu
the section providiug for election of Board
of Directors, and insert in lieu thereof the
word "live".
Presidont, Secretarj.
Trustees' Sale in Partition.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans
Court made on the 14th day of January.
18y3, at O. C. No. 71, March Term, 1894
there will be exposed to sale at public out
cry ou iLu preini.-es in Oakland township.
Butler county Penna. on
at one o'clock P. M. of said day ali the fol
lowing described real estate, bounded on
the north by lands of James Patton's heir •
and Wm Jack, on the east by lands ol
John Henry's heirs, ou the south by land*
oi Chas. Daffy and on the west by lands of
John R. Bovard and Chas. Duffy contain
ing one hundred and live acres, more <>:'
less, log house, log barn, frame .-table am;
orchard of apple trees thereon, beijg the
land owned by John Millinger iu his life
time anil al the time ol Ins death, and t>
virtue of the proceedings in partition at O.
C. No. 54 September Term 1881 and O. C
No. 71, March Term, 1894, the same was
directed to lie sold at public sale.
TKKS|S OF SALB— Five hundred dollan
cash in hand when the land is knocked
down to the purchaser, one half of the
balance on c mtirmitioa <ti the sale by the
Court and the other half in one ye »r, with
interest, to be secured by bond and mort
gage on tiie premises, mortgage to contain
scire facias clause and attorneys cumuii
sion of five per ceut in case of collection
by process of law.
George B Stilliuger,
W. J. Millinger,
Ralston «fc Greer, Trustees
Administratrix's Noticu
Notice is hereby given that letters ol
administration on ihe estato of Jam ■- .Sel
lers,dee'd, late ol Butler borough, Butler
county Pa , have been granted to the tin
dersigned, to whom all persons indebted
to said estate are reque. ted to make pay
ment, and those having claim- ,«r demand.-
will mak i knowu the same without delay.
MRS M. J. .SELLERS, Adui'l.
E. E. YODNG Atty. Butlor Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the estate
of Willian Lutz, dee'd, late of Lancaster
twp, Butler Co., Pa , all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and any
having claims against said esiate will pre
sent them duly authenticated for settle
ment to
J. X. KIRKER, Adm'r.
Middle Lancaster P. U.
J. B. MATES att'y Butler Co., Pa.
Butler Pa. .
Administrator's Notie®.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration C.T. A. oil tho estate of Alex
ander Brown, lute of the township of Mor
eer, county of Butler, and State of Penn'a,
dee'd, have been granted to tho undersign
ed, to whom all persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make payment,and
having el,urns or demands will make
known the same without delay.
Conneaut Lake,
A. T. BLACK, Att'y. Crawford Co., Pa.
Administrator's Notice,
Letters of administration on the estati
of Sarah M Galbraith, dee'd, late oi
Ad. Ms township, Butler Co., Pa , having
b«eu granted to the undersigni-d, all per
sons knowing themselves im' btod to said
estate will please make immediate pay
ment, and any having claims against sail',
estate will present them duly authenticu
ted for settlement to
R. T. GALBRAITH, Adm'r.,
W. C. Findley, Mars, Pa.
Executor's Nutice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
John Klinger, late of I'eiill tup., dee'd
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persous knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly authen
ticated *o
I). B. DODTUKTT. Ex'r.,
Hrownsdale, Pa.
Executrix Notice,
Letters testamentary on the] estate ol
John Shorn, late of iiutler, Pa . having
been granted tho undersigned, all persons
indebted to said estate will please make
immediate payment and those having
claims will present them duly authenticat
ed lor settlement to
W. D. Brandon, Butler Pa.
Dissolution Notice
j The partnership heretofore existing h •
I tween J. S. Young and if in. Cooper,
under tho firm name of Youog A Co i[>er,
! was disolved by mutual consent on De .
ol lhl»4 I V< ng reiiricg.
Mr. William l/O .por will continue the
; hubiue-s aud settle ail tile accounts ol
tho late firm.
J. S< Young.
Win. Cooper.
Professional Cards.
Homoeopathic Physician and
Otlice 126 8. Main St., over Bickel's shoe
Residence 315 N. McKean St.
U7 E. ".Vayne St.. offlec hours. 10 to 12 M. and
1 to 3 P. M.
office at So. 45. S. Won Mritt. utr City
Pharmacy, Butler. Pa.
i_. BLACK,
New Troutmati Kulldinc, Sutler. Pa.
Physician and Surgeon.
200 West Cunningham St.
Office at 127 E. Jefferson St., Uutler Pa.
office hours sto 9, and 10:30 to 12. A. M., aud
1 to 3. ana 7 lo 9 P. M.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
Artulcial Teeth inserted od the latest im
proved plan, (iold V'lllliii; a specialty. Office
over Schaul's Clotiuuic Store.
Gold Killing Painless Extrienon of Teeth
lid ArtlHci.il Teeth without Plates a specialty
ltrotis Oxide or VttaiUei Air or Local
ua'->tueties use 1."
Office over Miller's yrooery east of Lowry
oas e.
<>StJ<s •!»'•! V •Iti --da;s aud Thursdays
Dentist, \
Is now located In now and elegant rooms ad
joining his former ones. All kinds of clasp
plates and modem uoitl work.
"Gas Administered.'*
Office—Between Postoffioe and Diamond. But
ler. l'a.
Room K„ Armory Building. Butler. Pa
office i»t No. 8. South Diamond, Butler, l'a.
Att'y at LaW--Office on Souili slle of Diamond
Hurler. Fa.
Office second floor, Anderson Bl k, Matn S*.
near court House. Butler, Pa.
Attorney at Law. Office at No. 17, East JelJer
son St., Butler, Pa..
Office at No. 104 East Dtamoud St.
Attorney-at-la «v. Office In Mitohel! building'
Butler Pa.
Offi'e In room 8., Armory Building, Butler
Attorney at Law and Real Estate Agent. O I
Q :e oa S >uili Dlamoa.d. Bu'ler, Pa.
Office on second tloor Jf the HuseltOn clock,
Diamond, Butler, Pa.. Room No. 1.
JL' ' 3 -■
V \ \
, /'2 " rib(\ not Mi-dead: hints on .•••wiir; a rod
• lorvd ink.. M.tiN'd on receipt of
cent*, whi h may t " «i. «liir-t- .1 froi.i fu« ims M
order. Vlrli'oi Seeds contain die
jHJj =■== CHOICE = —r r ,J
"jjp 1 * "2 Enall Quantities. at Wholesale Prices.
40 Cents a Pound |j
• • ' * if
. 1
999 . rir: a .id < olor* mixed. Tl.ink oi it.
TjjTi a pound only 40 elliall' po:nii|7
%I 5 ct«.; quarter pound 1i <. {•». ;
OUKOT 10 rln.
£/'. J (mOljD FI.OWF.It, Graud Bedder.L^J
Cliurui '.niz Pot Pl .r.t, and excel! at 1 »r HpMH
i' ij Jsaes Viclr'c Sons f■ J
ito, U»:VI;:K, sr. v.
TH E TI MES is the most extensive
ly circulated aud widely read news
paper published in Philadelphia.
Its discussion of public men and
public measures is in the interest
of public integrity, honest govern
ment and prosperous industry, and
it know< u> ptrty or personal
allegiance in treating public issues.
In the broadest and best sense u
'umily and general newspaper.
THE TIMES aims to have the
largest circulation by deserving it
and claims that it is un-orpai-sed
in all the essentials of a great met
ropolitan newt-paper. Bp»cinien i
copies of any edition will be sent
free to anyone sjndiag their ad
TEKMS— DAILY, $3 00 per unnuro;
SI.OO for lour mouths; .10 cents per
month; delivered by carriers for C
cents pur week. Sunday EDITION,
twenty lour Urg-, haudeome pages ,
IGH colums elegantly illustrated, '
$2.00 per annum; .4 cents per copy. 1
Daily a;;d Sunday,!:) 00 j>or annum; '
50 cents per mouth, (
WKKK.LV EDITION, 50 cents u i
Address all letters to
) ril.'E LlXfc* COIPOS.
We are About to renew our advertising contracts. and with a view of determln-
Itu* which papers are tlie fn-r adv. rt >ln? m« Hum* we mil jrtru FKEE to every
purchaser oi $». worth "I K" •<!< at -mr stor "n«* i> -<r of Linen Towels worth SOS
or lis equivalent on preserila:lon of uUove C'OI'PON
Nine Cents. AT Nine Cents.
|Of lots of Goods worth froai 12c to 50 cents.
consrsis vxuror of —
Zephyr Ginghams, Wh'teGoods, Embroideries.La vs,S fcalines,
Flannelettes, Ticking, Jewelry, Hosiery, Silk 1 es,
Dress Trimmings, Mitts, Caps, Veilings,
Notions, Towels, Napkins, Etc
400 Doz SILK and LINEN niLLHERY AT * 19c
Handkerchiefs We will soil the choice of any untrim
med Hats, Tips, Flowers, Bird« and Rib •
GO AT THIS SALE. bous in our Millinery Dept. at 19c
Leaders in low prices 17 \ TTJTIVf \ SUTLER,
and reliable goods. 1
Always ask for goods advertized.
siß.ao" moo
! ; . i i
Last week we received a
Car load of
Samples of the different
styles can be seen oil our
They are the best values;
we have ever shown.
Finished In Antique
Or Mahogany.
Campbell & Templeton,
$25.00 $28.00
It is unnecessary
to bore yon with the
advertisement of our
largest stock, best
facilities, biggest
business,etc. \ on
know we have that.
The important an
nouncement is,
We will Positively save
you Money on your
Fall Clothes.
Our stock tables
are resplendent with
the newest patterns.
See them.
Butler Dys Works,
210 Centrv Avenue,
Tlih above Of tablisbmtct in now in run
:ii ocf'i r, and n prepared tt. do first
cln 1 Jy« - iid Cleaning of Laclic:.' and
fii ril !■ uit-u'n Clotl I vfr ami other >£<■ MIH fiat
11 ..i •• « .. • n lilt- in u novatii'i? MIUI
brijib'»-. 111! Q|| rally. Have had 35
T«Mr> < xji rji-iii r in ihf dicing business,
ui:tl t-a: gllarallt <• (food ri-.-Ulls «'U g«iod
gin id*.
B. Fisher. Prop'r
\£, •' *
ViliTtt .:: •• •• yif unA
i i - . n»« Mi.r. ir
. „)<(•• j -otrnilc,
U u«. » Uf. '»«<•« ill I f»r very
\ - •IS •v: v i ilcbliif
<l«i llli-r hr. .• •»'. . >. t-l . . .i » I 'llCMtl
ctk.. I«i.. uu.w. - - •• •
Hotel Holler
J. H. FA an EL, I'rop'r.
This house has been thorough
ly renovated, i <:modeled, and re
httcd with new furniture and
carpets; has electric bells and all
other modern conveniences for
■ uests, od is a:, convenient, and
esir bl • a home for strangers as
can bo I'ouud in Butler, l'a.
Lie sample room for use oi
co.nmercial nun.