The CLEVELAND NEW NOVEL. NOBBY. The GREAT, SWELL SPECIAL CLEVELAND. An eye opener —A heart tickler. The longer vou look at it the sweller it grows. Popular light w e l©hts. See the Clevejand before you purchase your mount for 1895. Never mind what others say, we are ready to supply the trade. Remember every Cleveland is fully o*uaranteed to be first class in e\ erv o f>articular. We have a full line for Ladies, and Gentlemen; Boys and Girls, and All Strictly High grade. H. A. Lozier Co. CLEVELAND, Ohio. J, E. Fosythe, Ag't. H6 W. Jefferson St. BUTLER, PA. Bickel's Great Sample and Grand Clearance Sale of a Large Stock of Boots and Shoes. Having purchased two complete sets of Sample Boots and Shoes at a greatly reduced price from leading manufactures together with a big stock of high grade footwear which 1 have picked out of Stock and placed on our Bargain Counters, to be sold during the next two weeks, at less than half their real value, will place on record one 01 the greatest slaughters in Boots and Shoes ever known of in Butler County, and EVERY Man, Woman or Child who attends this great great reduction sale will not only be a regular customer of ours in the future, but will show the shoes to their neighbor—So well pleas ed with the bargain they received at BICKEL S that the neighbor will be a customer also. NOTE THE PRICES. I lot Mens fine Sample Shoes regular price $4 go at $2 1 lot Mens Working Shoes " " 250 " ' 2 5 I lot Boy's Fine Shoes " 2 75 " 1 5° . .. 1, «< « ...» 2 00 " I 00 I lot Ladies Hand Turns —Sizes 2j to 4. all widths regular price $3 50 and 400 " 300 I lot Ladies heavy sole dress shoes regular price 300 " 175 I lot ladies fine shoes at $1 00. In ants shoes ijcents. I lot Misses and Childrens school shoes, 75 cts - Misses fine dress shoes $ 1 00. 1 lot mens box-toe boots, sizes broken at $2 5° I lot Boys Kid Boots Double-sole and tap at $1 25, sizes 1 to 5 50 pair mens storm king boots (hip boots) all No. 10 and 1 1 price $4 00 go at $2 00 "■ 75 pair tnens short Boots (rubber) regular price $2 50 go at sizes 1 o and I I. 100 pairs ladies gum boots go at $1 25. 500 pairs ladies fine specialties, rubbers in heel and spring, worth 50c go at 35c. Full stock of mens and boys felt boots—ladies and mens arctics and alaskas —also ladies felt and warm lined shoes —Boots and shoes made to order—Repairing neatly done—Shoemakers supplies of all kinds. Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention. Large and complete stock of rubber goods, at reduced prices When in need of anything in my line give me a call. JOHN BICKEL, 1 viß i-*. MAIN St. KutJer- J ewelry-Sil ver ware- -(Jiocks. Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 pe i .ent by purchasing their watches, clock and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block ign of Electric Bell and Clock. OUR MID-WINTER SALE HAS MANY ADMIRERS. Men's Good, Solid Hoots, tap sole, at $1.40; Men's Working Shoes goat 75c, 90c anrl $1.00; Men's Fine Shoes at 90c, SI.OO and $1.25. For 85c will sell you a good, solid grain Button Shoe, sizes 3 to 8; Ladies' Fine Button Boot, pat. tip, at 75c; Men's Rubbers 45c; Ladies' Storm Rubbers at 25c. Set our Ladies' Solid Oil Grain Button Shoes at 90c. All Slippers now at about hall their value. One lot of Ladies' Fine Doncola Welt Button Shoes reduced from *3 to $2. One lot Ladies' Fine Dongola, New York make, from $3.50 to $2.10. Ons lot Fine Hand-Turns from $3 to $2 and $175 and many other lines in same proportion. Bojs' Shoes 75c snd SI.OO Boys' Boots 90c, SI.OO and $1.25. Try us and see how your DOLLARS will grow. B. C. M U SIC I .TO N. _ Opposite Hotel Lowry. OF Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Indicates the possession of ex ceptionally attractive qualities. Our stock is praised by all be cause it is the best and is sold at >rices that you pay elsewhere fur shoddy stuff. In looking over this stock \v» find many lines in which the sizes are broken. These we are going to close out at Greatly reduced prices. YRLM Are a symptom cf Jaundice, Dyspepsia,Constipation,Bil iousness, Liver Complaint. DR. BAXTER'S MANDRAKE BITTERS will cure the disease and re move yellowness from okin and eyes. Warrantee, to cure. Sold everywhere nt cts. per bottle, for eale by J. C. R^dick HUMPHREYS' Dr. Haraphreys* Specifics are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies. used for years in private practice and for over thirty years by tba people with entire success.* Every single Specific a «peclal cure fcr the fiiaease named. Tbey core without drusgln*. purging or reducing the fjnti m and are In fart and deed tLe «OTt reign Remedies of the %\ orld. no . crwn. PMT* I—Fevers, Congestiona, Inflammations.. .'25 —\Vornii» Worm lever. Worm Colic '^s 3—Teethinsri Colic, Ciytnjr, V.'akefulness .35 4-Diarrljf :ii cf Children or Adults «23 7—Conztm, Colds, Bronchitis .*25 B~Ncuralgia t Toothache, raccachc. »'is 9-Hrac!ac'jr§, Eick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10—l)y«pep*ia« Billounesc, Constipation. .25 orPninfol Periods .25 12— W'ii itesi. Too Profuse Periods ... 25 13—C'rouo, Hoaraenes* .. 25 14—Salt mL hcan-r Erysipelas, Erertfona.. .25 15-ttkeumaiism. Rheumatic I'alns .25 16-Malnria, Chilla, Fever and Ague .25 19—C alar rh. InSuenza, Cold in the Head. .25 20 Whoopln? Couch 25 27-liiduey Diaeaaea 35 28—Nerroos Debility 1.00 30—Urinary Weakaem -25 34—t*ore Throat, Quincy, Ulcerated Throat .25 HUMPHREYS' WITCII HAZEL OIL, 44 The Pile OlntrneiU."-Trial fil/.r, 25 Cts. Roll by PracriiU, or t«ot prsp«leui *nju»2MMm • *JI L :■, - < MUD KCX T « * FIMC L lac iim'a jy' ABSOLUTELY PURE THE CLD RELIABLE SWEET CAFORAL CIGARETTE Hat stood the Test of Tims MORE SOLO THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED npRGURI^XI /VI. POISON T | I I* the result of the usual treatment of 1 blood disorders. The Bystem is filled with | (Mercury and Potash remedies more to | Ibe dre-ided than the disease -and In a I short while is In a far worse condition I than before. Tbr must common result Is I RHEUMATISM for which 8 S H la the most reliable cure. A few bottle i will afford relief j where all else has fail' <3. jfi I mlhrail from a n-vere attack of Vlenurl.! j Rheumatism, tr; 7 arms arid lagab* !ru swollen J t*> morn tban twice their natural «lse, causing 9 tiiemo»te*rn»ciatluy pains. I spent hundreds 1 K your wort ferful medKlre t/» anyone 8 5 8 afflicted with T»II« palnfct »I 1 I-HM. m W F. DAI.UY, lirooklyn Elevated It. R. £ Oar Treatise on Blood nnd Hkfn DlwjaKC* mailed 3 11 v*» to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. 2 wMmm**xxz-*xx**Kzx. FSedSMSSeSSSSSSMSV ina to Expectant... | , 2 Many Internal remedies ore belni? skill- • Z fully and glibly advertised, proii shin' 10 9 5 Shorten Labor, Hslns ol Child- O birth, etc., and with wond> rrul JEency v, regulate menstruation ('■ mmon 0 A sense should t-.ich any woman a prep- A 2 aratlon ai!ai>ted for S | DISORDERS | 5T will not preps'e the sysf-m for Child- £ 2 hlrth; on Ihe contrary IKTKRWAI. 11**1 ft Z LUES at tiili tlrnt may imperil h<-r life. We ■ % larnrstly say BKWAHKof all such; iheya K cannot, at 1 his critical period, do any powtl 9 Z hie good, and th»-lr use may prove fatal. £ Iltlsonlyliy persistent KXTBIIWAI. tnat- GK Xni'-nt -Thlle <-n<-lente, thus ri lazlng and Z J? »fu.nln« all the parte, that the hour of S a cmid-tilrth Is r bin d c.f Its terror, and no S X remedy on eartb docs this but S 5 ... •• MOTHER'S FRIEND." w X For further Information address Z 2 THE BRAOFIELO REGULATOR COMPANY, g ATLANTA. OA. S i«sseo«s ss ®»ece*€€-«« asssss LOOK AT THE PEG I>EFORK you hang up your hat, look nt the label tw-fcre you buy whiskey. We've got yi :irs of reputation back of that 1 Ijel. 'J'hoijuallty ofOUl Expr>rt Whiskey susUtlus our clalrna to the MtK Plwrlmlnatlng and fair mi'ii'r 1 folks claim that It 1* an •irliclo pure, smooth, palatable, •nd jwrfeclly wife for nil M i'iclnal, Social or l''a>ully pcrpo»-». F 1 H 0 uarts, SI.OG ; Six Quarts, $5.00. Ml3ll mid Kxpress orders iiiiipiie'l the satno day as r«v c-lvci. Mid wo pay charges on all orders of tlO.OOund over. ios. PLNMINCJ & SON, < 'ATARKCT iiT; PtTTSBUHQ. PA. ort>M» p r •* w(,-.- r.'J I i viort nailed Hv f % J)O(T(M\S LAivf' mik i ;; *i/j t \Bt ,* '/>* OOfJ. "■»»■ - " v Pi . T .uJf.urt, PA. • -.J,,.. ;• .i' in 1 c«.J ,I'ng'U ; : »■ » ( 1 ,1 Mi , 1110 I' I*l j ,i[. I . V lf> f. .r. : I 1.1 .. . ■ ~,<•< i,„-f of ti • i!". lit- 1. .0 ir i'i, *1 1 I'i \ 1 !i,,, 1 .ein iil mi-C.i'i i - . ' -iv hi- 111 n ..11; rcnioN v,.>i«l»l.»lt» .r.,•/!,• ■■•i' u •\crilon. n .nermio.iolyou': ei, „eau in Pal and ITUtttsl d Kol "H«jr 1 1. •»,««,; ,PH ,1 l.e.ii"i:«tl.m. sndall i»n» tfceWlll I : I .ini.iv -I.' 11 •' ..<• It.'.! O . « lo H v. ! I.; ■- I'l 'l . , 2U- mill I atofli e or «'' K, 't ANl;li'UbX'..t'i. . f.l liOli k. |4., f IT*''' f *■.<«.. ... n mirmi T,» t- ' tbgwSKk j til ** i iSA. t;o.r M-ru cu '»ii« ilifWy TPIH; ciTiZKisr Arose frcm the Dead. Tb«> ftranfre retnrn t<< life of Mra Jose uline Boliirlftj. wife of a Brvadtord Pa., Ci'*l miner, is tb« talk of the snrroumlitjji C4'UDlrj\ Mr® Uollidaj wan found by ber brother, William Crotwland, on "The Jiar ruwa," a lonely *P"t two mtle» west of Con oxilpTille. Snui'ay morning Tbe woman was apparenilv dead Her bro'ber notifi ed ber friends and the body was removed t» bis borne. A obyKician was summoned, liut he told the sorrowing relaiives be w»s powerless to do anyibing, and suggested tbat Coroner J. A. Button, of Union town, lie sent for. Alter be left Mrs. Holliday's relatives became dabious and decided to see for themselves whether the woman wa.» dead, I be> beH a rairror to her month, bat not a breaib moistened the glass Needles were then brought into use and stack iu the bo*ed trnui tbe orifices. All agreed then that life was extinct and Crroner Button was notifi d He in tarn sent word to Deputy Coroner Jnme- Eehnrd, oi this place, to h Id »r, i'-- q-iest on tbe remains 11 niornii g » j ir> was selected. XT nen everything w»s .11 readiness tbe deputy coroner wa- sbo» ■ ut<» the room where the i-opporet rp-e ■x. «u a l»-d covered witb » shoe'. A .■Ulliber of frit-nds, relatives, wi'jies-es Who »ere to testify and morbid neighbors • r«'Wiied about the do-r. Deputy Ectr rtl hai'. j-iM l>»gan to swe»r i the jnrj wen when the corpse aro-e <>i ,r elbow aim inquir.-d in a t>e«i!derii t » r-i what all the luss as about iuiui.-di aiely there vias a wild stampede for the •u'si'ia The. news spread like wildfire iu 'be little settlement, and in a short time Ibe bouse was surrounded by a crowd of ,-urions people I) puly Coronet Echard alone remaium in tbe room witb the resurrected woman. Ue ►iplaitied to ber his presence then- ami Ma'ed h"W she had been found the pre vious day by her brother By this n» •• tb»- people on tbe onteide had got over iheir fngbt and were fight tig to get a look at Mrs. Holliday She appeased tlieir cu riosity by walking out tut" the front room and ordering them away. Mrs HOIIKIUV ha-H been addtcLed to the opium tiahif for Several years, aud it is sup posed she took an overdose Sauday and ■ell iu a stupor, where she was toaud. You Will N -vcr Bt Sorry F->r liviug a white lite. Fur tloixifr ><'nr level beat. Fir your t»iih ID humanity. For beiu* kind to 'he poor. For looking before leaping For heariug before judging F >r being candid and trunk. F'-r thinking before npeaki"* For hartmruii: clean 'bought* Fir discounting Ihe lab—hearer For *taiidi'ig b> y«mr principles For flopping yoor ears to g'Snip F-r awking pa'dnu when in error F »r belli* hh coarteoo-* a duke. F..r ibe influence ot high motive*. For hritlliug a *lander«m* tongue. F bei g gelierou* With an en mi. F- r b*iug *qu*re iu IIUHIIIM** deal*. F'.r *> inp»' hi; in* with ibe oppre*aed. For giving an unfortunate fellow a lift. For baviug patteuce wuh a crunki .righhor For proniptueMt iu keeping your p o.i»- For putting the beat- pomiible coti*truc mii upon the doing* of Libera. lit If Jin .Six Hours l)i»tre*ning Kidney and Uudibr din *e* relieved in M* hour* by the >r* • ir.»l South American Kidnov Cure." hlit new reinedv i* a ureal *'iipri*e o. ftoliUlol it* elreedillg lire." u> llevintf pal.l ill llle blunder, kldnej. •■m'h 1 .11 ever; pari, ol tbe urillar> pannage* 111 oa'e or letnale. Il relieve* ru Usui 101 lnl water a..d p-tiu in pa-sin* It almost lin •-diately II you waul quirk lellet and uie tm* 14 joar remedy, sold ny J. t,. i< dick Hutler I'a —li lakes botb grace and grit to g«-i plenxal.lly wi tl penp|« who neVrl di k- inWuke* All IhoHH wnn have lined Hfller'n iaodrake Bluer* npeak Vi} a rimgljr li di ii prat<-e. Twenty-live cent* per Imi. —Ti.e man who would be ntroi.g in niioit uuat leed oil fart* —lt taken uior* courage to endure tba doe* to act. Englt*n Spavin Liniment remove* all a il. notl or callouKed lump* and Hie Ii lab - Itoiu h 'IBeH. lilooil npultnn, uuU H. (.• 1- Il le. ullielie), rd.gbnue, Kl flu, npi*l ~ oh a olieli tliroala, cough*, MC •■»Vi sSU oj uae of one liollle. Walranted Ibe • .o»l woiidriful lilr-inirb I'lirr eV»r kuukll, •old by J t>. Kediua, Uruggini lluunr I'a. vlotiey talk*, but it ofieu tail* to toll t m Iruin —Il IK bard to pleaHe the Wall * bo LbVt T ku •** a hat lie want*. —Ho d'* gar*aparitl« pnrifieu tbe blond ind keep* the Whole HJ "leiii 111 a bealtti) OoUdltloll. Mm. Kate Horn, who tiie.d in Fan iu uiii tnuimhlp, near Wnketbarre, wa» a inej.ber nl tl:» Melbodixl cburch lor eigtiO )rar«, ami in thai tIUiU iiuVur lut H. d ai. • • nrilnK cburob ou 6unda> bul ulue lime Her ago wan i)H —iu Mime fatal iijuiiea tbe in rve that w uid cany the pam to tbe brain l« d»- -iroj ed, aud nucb accident* are alinoet imlUlen*. Our i>ei)*e of pain in great, r-t n ibe rkui, and deep wound* are tberr- Ime not more paiutul Iban "hallo* one* ltch on human, marge on bnr*ei>. ■log" anil oil finch, cured iu 30 minute* liy Woolloru'* riauiiaiy Luiiou. Tm* .ever tail* bold b> J C. Hedick, drug girt, iiuiler Fa. —Japanese po'iteiiem trannlatOk int q leer Kngli»b. "Mow i* your honorable wifi T 'nue gendenan will a»k. "I thank ynu, honorable «ir, my dirty fool of a wife i» well, i* toe au*wer." —Habitual ar*enic eater* can often tak a (lone o| two gram* iu weight wiili impute it >, auil ii i* curiou* that ameuic doe* uo all. c. the mind iu any way, like opium or other drug*, and never become* a »itu it* v otariea. ln Cane of hard 0"ld nothing will re .1* Vw I lie bre»tnilj|C *.• qun a* to 1U /VIUICoA Uil Linllneul on llle client —M»uj wonderful thing* are iouod in Huekn vouuiy, fa , bul tbe lalent I* au olu man ol Hi, wiio can Walk a mile IN le** I aU leu uilliUtr*. Cliaile* Walmu IH«* ai Hi III* vile, HI a lime Uoita*e Ueiaeen itilaliii ami iiumli\ llle. A liei protralt* iu the picture galleiy. •''! bat • Uicer th«-re iu uniform," nhe naid, ''•» tn> gieat grand lather. He wa* a* brave an » in. LI. but one ol tle moat UnionUUale ol ui»ii. tie never fongtu a Oattle ill ah ch he did Uoi navj an arm or leg earned a«aw" Then *he added proudly. "He took yiil ui iwuuty-lour en({a|{euieuu. A Tale of Pennsylvania in 1834. Chap'er I. i It was a bright ai.d beantifnl morning •in one of the loveliest communities in j Pennsylvania. Afar lh« distant spires of many village* conld be observed, aud on I 1 be broad highways an auimated scene presented i'se f. farts and carriages of ' all descriptions were in motion past the • thriving town, where a stranger stood tak : mg in his first g'iuip-e »f Pennsylvania j life. Presently a larnier with a kindly el press'on of countenance drove past upon a load ot farui produce. "Want a lift. strangerT" he asked. "Thank you." The stranger climbed into the vehicle. Chapter II As the cart iu which the stranger had ' seated himself progre>»e i on ts j' uruey if ! was accompanied by -n eVrr-increasiug I raravan of vehicles, all bearing crowds • f , c untrj folks iu their holiday gaib. Look- I ing liack, tbe strat ger conld see tbat the 1 procession, gradually collecting from ail ; points, stretcbe. d»»w*n the roadways fur* j th>-l th »n the eye could reach "Y-s " t>a tl 'he tanner. Hi resp use to h qu.-siiou. ••ibere's a lot of'em Tnev com. Iron, pretty much every where, wt'hin 500 unles." Chapter 111. M i-day Tt.e butt'tug s'li. s* one up-n . tbe v».i eoucurse ol people ihai bad as ; sembled belore a Uiodest dweiliug isolated , halt Way between IW,I t'-wns. Everywhere j was • xett» iifsut and 'b** sign- "I b v r - sh ] ttltei- sl. Vbe Irftuo rs. the'" 11' th* ir v> Mci s si- i u aroui.d in -itile gr>-ui>", talklU: m ||» tones ol suppressed • ••fd-l. bi-tu*' ol them bad been on the r«»ad for many 'T biui, auil * Uiber *t iht .-i ir hn uhil«l id hi *»ruif i. dint j in the on«»r4i : "Thai is a l>- ii.»jra !" Juicsg Record. Jiun traa.-st, tie L,i 'J»r lab t, r^o.- ivdy Cured 3/ «1 stist-jnug 01. tisanes "Qaidjn Spcc.ii. : . It Is manufactured as a pow ler, w-. ci ;nn Ue gIVeU IU u glass of beer, a clip ol ■ odee or ieu.or in loud, without the know etige ,»t tue patte'il It If aimless and will itlect a *•. «>• eu cure. AUettlei lt(e pa leijl l/> a I'". tlXlt tllltlKrl »l '»«• I! »**•. 1. (&1> U Oi ' f»* U.-lii If «»f C.fcft'Jf, iUU oirry IlisiauCe. a p-ifloCl cure ha> follow • it lievei lalla 1 tie .luce 1 upregoa •* <* lib •U* . 11 OtfUl'lUO* dli U..U : loi til- llv|Ui'l U» o^ Snl " uolk " I ( uiarr llwc. .4il«irtjrn, "l. • I '» 4 cr-i!»ti vl KI»»II»T # (lit* of *UIOU <*i Harrow ttiitUu*i, itft-u fi.tMl * nit ttie ol Fitytiite couut). Fufur uvruHd pr« , p»T« i y iu "Uf u l^tio**rin«f o«*uui) . it. 1m lli«) *lll «^?rl Di'd tlioro Dr. Cur« t*»r ih lirrlfV r**fi«*t in ill c"I Ui(C»uiv i.|i>iti.('lic d' H Hif»« it-*- l.« 30 uiiuU'"", ••lilt «tlI ln l cum. ll 1» A !#••• !- 11 »»»• } t»»itl u\ •uv I'liiti llltflt) • Y»«ti till*.- a w«itUl> * i nUbic»|C«' auiiuu 10 tu nnuifi o<*r*».'iuii I'ue -."Haiti r« lu-t-tt i«» giant iilfiirtfcMft f t: iUn*-. l'liu K»-v. L>ai* wh » diml in J* •*'» l , tt'w , « tnw Alt)* » tftl tQe ftg«' ■»I 95)HAI«, WAR* O«»ru iu C<*Uul>« N * aud f»r 50 yu.ifH - W fillip »•», . MII«I ft' * *ll.itiftiti* r w+% iri'» qii 4 v»- l(i»»ij, i, i<4,n »u> in ide v*r-y ni-i «rj "I I D»* h«*rf Hiiipu* ••<1 ar lb* 4 Ku»;t« r<- lo r««iV*l fl»rr llltl Tll»*> •il I*} itif d>«f iu r«il nii'ckl >p[ii wriiuli ftij* Imf imen —T*t?i»fy ilit»usdii«J «I«»IUr* *** b) in*- (J. vt rinjn-ul ttiw S*o *ui\ F»I In • ilr»n- IFIRM- WM KRF •, 'IU»L * lt& IT A'tnti* jcauiblrrri AN • bunco IIIHU, wiio fol «»»*«t uloni« Imiiind ilm G-*v»riiii!»Dl *« r«' in i#o"hhhmou oi pmctiijiillj l.||f * hole- H Ui' Hi-1. s -#• o+* g~ % MK3 KMftl nr irnr*-' Ijlj * \ I i. I I iax «o ph-U my Ku.trm mm * . |™ I Ui ,, e , i MIKMICHV HPH » _ Hal*r> of CohiiiilMlll' w»*«*k'y. Ouffl' frr*. Sjwrtul h»I**|I»I«» «{lvfi» it* H'lfliioeri. fall Ui i»i*k» IfliM W#M*kl> Wu£fh VVflip UK' Hi. OUCO (or Pft' tlCUlftO. £ 0. GRAHAM. Nurscrymin Kih r N Y. MeCANHLESS'IIEAVtCUKE I have a Heavfl Cure that will onre ant oa-e of heaves iu Morses in forty days, u*~d accordiug t" directions, and if it does not do wnat I claim for It, I will refuD'i the amount pai.l and no charges will In made for the treamieut. The following testimonials are the strongest proof of th» medicine" power to cure: A. J MCCAHDLKSK. Butler, Pa., IMO3 MR A. J. MCOasdlksh: On ilis 2ml 'lit' ol April. 1H92, I con itienced to use your new cure for one ot ry that had the henvos Very bad ami continued to use 'he medicine for aleinttortt day sand the h.,rs»- did ti"t show any signs 'if a return of them. It I* now about a year since I t|ull iiivin thi ilied'C.Atie and 'he horse hss never sowe* any -iheiis of heaves, aud I feel Hli-*fi»-' • hat he is properly cured W C fKINWvLL tiiltb-r. I'a . • April 3. IKWu. A J Vlcl'ANi LP.S*. I have used your Heave <'nre and biuii It will do the work if used acuofdng t' d> rwtti.iiK V'otirs irtily, .) U M«;MiLfcl" HOU >£HOLO E!VA«SEI, nixr itn v %MHIH I I!HI» ll** H|ipli**H r «- nil) •i||M».f»i ftiiffiiii*'.**« LURIININWTM.II. )f !»»»«H HII\ KIND «•! NI-I*' i'.i'luiln* a b>ead \ y jI/J win Inj educa-C »/ ti»n i''/re , »»"iai| l^ r- - -.M * AND STII.L* ft THKY GO DOWN! Despite the unfriendly elements,the liAppy throng still crowds our place tor '-Bargains." Tney know —the people dii—that our strikes are merciless our cuts are deep. When we say our goods are cheap we do not wean "cheap good*." Some Additional Surprises: 35 cents j Fine black and Colored All-I : wool Henriettas. 38 in wide, real! ! value 50c per ynu.v iR. u »IES' CIUTLAIN J£> .Kf -f~% j- SJT i r;.iM ftua Kir ICln,'s. rtlui{s. Xj '/V f j u 3t f r 'ii it:i», Hr ii-el -ts, Rtc. .iILVK H W Ul }rz ev " rylu, " i s g | J g^D^HV] HAY- FEVER tyjl COLD'-HEAD Kly'o L'r'/im Itn/m < • not o liq unvff ur jhiwusi . Applied into the ru-ttriU it is _ rbtd. 1< < I uiutm t/te hsrrn. hi : druj/i/mf* -cii Htnitli 1.1-. u• 1 (111 i»nitir'H; t>ici'ir« np 1 titf 'li- "•■•■l •" 1 • jm'i.tor, l * '^uilil'• ■ i ni* »V.»tn 1," ai|l fir the (ire-ent I • **eiit »-> » p. in 111111 t" et'ri y iri» .ui»-«Tt'"-r. \ E CHAi "A K & '.O Pub'.is iers 31 U ioa Square. N. Y. SPECIAL NOri :E That I aill hhII. iiufil •urtht-r h* tn'lu* i«»jf jf.M.ilM hi ih»* »m| prion* rrnr*r - l»*l(K nf th«* 4dVAHC** >'t 20»r |i.-r r>*x by the *»»Vf a a pur* r> 2i tarn 12 Oil p»*r 11!• •»•; I ipptHMii'***. 3 war* $2 2•"»; Olii <'a'iiu** f . 4 )»*a'K. $2 50 |»»*r !•»»•; Ifr« 'ifii'T' Hud pur- r «\ stf iix J|C{ .V) p»*r kthM 'm; K«iK*h lit• ■*h K u H-'iir imii, .f4 50 !»••' i/ < I" ; |)mii/»i •-My, Mi'U'iccllm, 12 »•••»•»«. 55.50 p»T <3wlif'«*rni* fT'ii**-. «ir «n«l • , fr«»m 75c l> r *.*»| ii l. 12 itlr*ln»cf. '; n»y uirii —li»?rr> »•• j CP ttilll DAT /' /V |M -/, 3VE E N Cas>/y, Quick'/ and yormur.onffy RoxtoruJ. aoin la if. A positive c;ne for a'! Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and all their train of evils resulting from early errors and later excesses; the icsult of over work, sickness, worry, etc. De'elops and gives tone and strength to thesex tul organs. Stops unuaUi: 11 n:s»htly emissions cans' d by youthful eri( rsorcxcessrve u cof tobacco, opium an:i liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use: ho- s immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine HERVE DERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, I'.oo per box, six boxes, cne full tr:atmcnt, 15.00. Guaranteed t) cure a-y case. If w t l.ept by your drug gLt v:e \v'!l :er I them by i.ull, i:pon receipt cf price, in pl-in wrapper. Pamphlet f '•e. Address nail order: to AKERICA'I r iaic.'.u CO.. Hotel Williard. R»" peoad and now r»adv for lb*- roiiiuai odKUOL of tb« tr»*«>ling puh 3 He. Everything ib firrt-cltmn »tyl«. I MRS. MATTIE RFIFIJG, Own;- M U fcIOUS, Ucll GO cents | Black and Navy Serges and Henriettas, 46 in. wine, Fine qual-» ity, all-wool; regular price of goods $ I per yard. f 75 cents 1 For fine Se ges, Henriettas,&c, ,i 1 'lack and colors. The real |value of ihis lot, $1.25 per yard VITALIS Hlfc HJOToQRAPMtD . t./.n >k„m i.i»» a wen of l sp 4* r - VITALIS % THK OKBAT FRENCH HENSc-OV l*m»lin-m III* A How Ui-milt* in HO It uctii powerfully uuO quickly. Cur** when all otbrfji fail. Young men will rt rain t!ii-lr lo;u mnnhooa •ind oluse fir cxcrii.-j and iDdiwrrtlou Wards off Intimity ami consumption. Insist on having VITALIS. <"• otl.. r. Can lx; curried In rest pocket. Hy mull. SI.OO i*r package. or >U for Vi.lMI, with n |M>vltl«e nrlttrn suarantee to r»r ,»r rrfanil llir mo.iry. Circular free. Addrce; CALUMET UK MINI CONI'ANT, 1 liicigo, U*. For Si»lm at City Pharmacy WHAT IRON WILL/ DO. IIS NATURE'S OWN TONIC Rtlmulatc i tho appotitn nuJ prt>- •iuoos refreshing sloop GIVES VITAL STRENGTH TJ HURSINiI R MOTHERS. Checks wanfint? cl'soasrs. n!op« R» gbt sweats, cures inclpiui. I consumption. Olaoroaacs strength and flouU. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes healthy lung tissue. Willglvo tho lie'" and puny thft Nrosy cboi.ku v. youth. CUR2S ALL PEMA2.COMfLAIHTS. Makes strong tno" : u•! womonof weaklings. ■iLMIiHE'P IRON TOHiS FILLS Cera c" 'astlng Cteecscs erj L.Jr ccqucr.c.o3, ROWCi.ITIS, COKCUMPTION.dtc. Vhay iro nvtthv. styptic oor eauaMo. sad s uo (x>sguu.t!og effbut c.a tbu coutauij ho etotoaob or Its Uaiog. couseauentl? ot hart too teotii or cause gouarpaooa .'.r: Loin, as do tho usual forms or Iron i.iys treatment 600. Damphjat fcva. U ji Lepl by your druggist. audreoa GILMORB it CO.. CINCINNATI, O. SPLEJDYaad L/ .XI HQ RESULTS. /" ta\* atpeoflexjn C^) f^3SSSmT J Inn any ioJun >ub r bottle. Send 4e lar lrti(l«f eh4UlV»t 4LU4SMU# Vlhf 111 111 VHO Clearance Sale AT D. T. PAPERS, GREAT BARGAINS TO BE lIAD NOW, 122 S. Vain St., BUTLER. Respected Readei':- In presenting ft-r your ca eful consid eration our advertisement of Wh skies, Wines ai.u Li'-juv-rs, we have no desire to tre.s.-j ass upon youi indivtdual opinions and beliefs; but the unanimous veidict of physi cian.--of a!! schools "that pure whiskey is the best stimulant known to Materia Med ina tmpells us in telling you how and where you can purchase not only pure whiskey, but where you may obtain the BEST and PUREST liquors generally, either for medi cal or social purposes. As a necessary stimulant, pure whiskey is an absolute necessity, especially so at tin's season of the year. Its timely use counteracts the ill ef fect of climatic changes on the system, and it is invaluable "to sustain the flagging powers of life in disease" as stated over the signature of one of our most eminent physicians, (see page 13 of our catalogue). At this time of the year too, the good house-wile is bent on serving "good cheer" for the Holidays, and what indeed would the Christmas Dinner be without its Pudding flavored with rum? its Mince Pie without Brandy? while the hot, smoking Punch and the steaming Toddy must not be forgotten tor they are all a part of Christmas and the glad new Year. Then too, friends must not be forgotten, and there is nothing more acceptable as a Christmas offering than a bottle of fine whiskey or wine. Read over our catalogue, Which A\ ill be Mailed Free on Application, Carefully, and be ' assured that our earnest ofiort will be to please you and to give you the very best liquors, all guaranteed to be perfectly pure. fhanking you for past favors, and tru-ting to be favored with your Holiday order, we arc Yours very respectfully, MAX KLEIN. Distillei*, Importer and LIQUOR DEALER, Mo 82 F® II s Pi To avoid the rush of orders at the Holiday seasan, we would ask you to k idly send in your order at as .eaily a dare as possible to enable us to exercise due care in th selection and packing of liquors. M HOBENTHA Li Wholesale Liquor Dealer, \os Ferry St , - - - Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Mel » I MARKET ULPOHTS .»r»< retwfaMi siitb tltjr. Buj U 1 iv tj E FAMILY CIBOUK OUR YOUNO FOLXB 80IEN0 AMD MJ5v UANII-S. i • HOME AND SO I - LEI Y < ol'iui -R* n. U. kin Hl'- ' O ii.ii UT i< ii ni WITH* HDO T ers. LIT puiiiictti u«w«, mliioriMin ttQti z U»» »i.'eudid jouru*' »" • THE C ITIiSEN ' »-r ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 50 CASH IN ADVANCE. (Th« rairalar rubooriptlnu f«r tb»- tvr p»>er <* SO.) CUBHCUIHTIO>-6MAY liEGiN A. I ASY I WE. Address all ordtrs to - "THE CITIZEN. Writ* joar Dim* ud » G«". W. Bss R-om 9, Trihuti»« R• ll*i ■/ N w Y >rh « j»v and noon !»• c> >v TH vow lOkta WLLiU-X TJOfcUJiIS Wi4 tw uitt«vu to jtnt,