Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 31, 1895, Image 3

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Legal notices are published in the ClTt
xec at $1 per Inch for first, and 50 cents for
each succeeding insertion.
Obituaries, earns of tnanks. resolution*,
etc. are iuserted at 5 cents a line,money to
accompany the order.
Heading notices on local page 10 cen's
a line lor first and 5 cents a line for each
subsequent insertion Notices among lo
cal news items 15 cents a liue for in
Half-inch professional cards with paper
$5 a year.
Kates for commercial advertising qaoted
upon application.
New York Weekly Tribune—Free.
by special arrangements made for our
so doing, we are enabled to otter to all onr
übscriburs wno pay arrearages, (if any)
and one year in advance, and to all new
subscribers paying in advance, the Sew
York Weekly Tribune free for one year.
For further parti' > lare of this oflel see ad
New Advertisements.
Executor's Notice, e-tate if S. C. Bhauor .
Election Notice, Mechanics B. <fc S.
Raffs facts.
Kaufniann's Coupon.
Closing oat sale.
Excursion to Washington.
Marks' bargains.
Iron Tonic Pills.
N< - -All advertisers intendingto make
cant. j u their ads. should notify us ot
uet. . 'inning to do so, not later than
MOB-' uioruing
A .istrators and Executors ot estat
can ■ ..curb their receipt books at the CIT
IKB oihie
Valentine day i#J appi« ai biiig.
—XLe bo J s lire Laving great fun witn
teir Go DrVliS "
—Thermometers have their ups and
—••Yon are talking through your milli
nery"—latest elaiig.
—By th« way, bring your job worn to
the CiTiZKN > flice.
The mercury »tood at 5 to 14 below
ieroin Builer. this morning.
N'atioual Trs isit certificates aes worth
SI.OO a barrel today.
—The average man is now getting quit*
familiar with 1805
—Have nothing to do with a thing which
bad men aie in tavor ot.
—Statistics lor 1894 show that it is much
saier to travel on water than by land.
The street-light dynamo hosted, the
other day piid *e have sine been in dark
ness, nighis.
—T. U Burton is rapidly closing out the
gtocli of the old Racket Store preparatory
to opening bis Spring >tock.
—The cold snap put ten-inch ice on t> •
ponds, and an abundance of it was cut ami
—Water set fire, to the cargo of a school •
er that arrived in New York the day other
and destroyed it. The cargo was compos
ed of lime.
—The Allegheny is dammed—dammed
by about 25 miles of ice and slush, from
Loganspurt, (a fow m'les above Freeport/
to the moath of the Red Bank, below
Bradys Bend.
—lf that "Greater Pittsburg" bill, which
extends the liuiils of the city up to Butler
Junction, becomes a law; why should not
the limits of Butler bo also extended to
the function. What a comfort it wojld
bo to go to Pittaburg in one step and two
—On the Ist of April next, some changes
will be made in business locations her«.
Geo Vogeley has rented tho room now oc
cupied liy Flank Keiuper, who is goiug in
to the buggy business with Uartzell iu the
Alex Williams building.
—The Superiutendants and Principals of
Weatery Perm's., are meeting at "Round
Table" in Allegheuy today, and will con
tinue in session tomorrow and Saturday.
Supt Mrickey will make tho report of the
"Outlook Committee."
—"When I was down in Texas." said
the returned diumiiier, "1 ii und just one
busy man lie bad the salt tbeum und
a Wuteri.ury watch. When be wa*n't
scratcli'hg hiuisell ho was winding his
—lu Mrgiu-t! oporati-im the skin incis
ion is ofieu the nos. painful part, »nd
those who have been ran through tho body
say they were conscious only of something
oold passing torougu them, with just a
prick *i th i points ol entry and exit uf me
—Tbe fuueral aervieert ol the lite J.
Newton Stewart, held in the Episcopal
ohureb. last Friday afternoon, were
ly a> tended, and Itev. Meinuiiogway 'a well
deserved tribute to tbe character of Mr.
Btewart »a« appreciated by al! present.
—At New York there i* a man who
makes a good thing out of dintrib<iting
tiuitt-tablert for various railroad and ateam
■bip companies, lie is a PittHhurger aud
got'K all over New York, failing at holeln,
and other public placed, arid feeing that,
tho latest time table* of his companies are
properly posted
A itriiat meteor i« reported to have
fallen near Juari-z,Lower California, luHt
week. A terrible roaring and hisning nonnd
was heard, and as the meteor struck the
gioand the shock was no great as to he lei'
at Eusand, 45 milea away. Huper»tittons
persons were borror-atriukeu at »lie night
of iho mammoth ball ol lire, many believ
ing that the laat day bad arrived.
Kecont eiparimenis in Canada on
feeding frozen wheat to live stock show
that, although this is not the most econ
omical way of feeding grain,chop-led Irozen
wheal mixed with alraw alone gave a re
turn of 50 .ents per busbul, not counting
eoxt of labor. If lurnipsi are adtled to ttie
above la'.on. th>y not only pay theii cost
pries, nut giua ly Int-reaaa the feeding
ne of the other iogrudieutx.
—Keanor 4 llaubt-nspei-k bud
bor><K« ciandiiiK in their barn, the Wick
House Ktablo— laat Saturday night, and
thirty three of them were draft, borient that
Seat,or hail purchased for the IC.tstern mar
ket, at. prifHß rangioK from .|SO to SIOO
A car-load of these were nhipnetl to oyleu
town Ph., Monday. TH-.i m w have the
lartcest livery ham aud sale stables iu the
County and are ready to accMnmodate the
public with anything they desire in their
—There i* a western editor who knows
bow l(< run > pap>-r. Ifn ha* Jn»t
® letter of jnntrao'ion* to hi* ourrenpoiij
deulH »nd reporter* c.utioniu* them in r«
Kmr<l to »h>*ir of itmatear thnntri
oal entertainment*. One ot hi* golden
rule* in hk follow*: "In referring to it thin
boy, it U »!| righ' to say 'nkinney,' hut you
mnut call a thin girl '*pirituelle ' It mean 1 "
the name, bat nonikds bettor Xever call
anyone tint. » boy -puny'. A pany itirl
•honld he eall 'fraijil.'' |t .iimU m'-re
like H eliente china aim >.|i >.l r.lutt «ej line
to l>« empire t !,. fi.,, |i r . fl.-n A .h inly
b<>- >h «11 r'ltht. i> i » L .,,i „ jj at ,i
rounded ti/ur.. • \ i„, v u K , r |
InJ uuiuwfoU & Mfj."
The Oven,e>rs oi Waabiogton, Venango
and Msrioa twp.-.. were present or repre
sented, Monday, at the hearing before Esq.
Walker in Forqaer's office of the case -f
Sooth Boffalo twp., Armstrong Co. versus
the three townships as to the legal resi
dence iliggie Curisty or MiSler, now at
Warren TD« C*«.UJ will now aggregate
nearly $1,500. Some teatimoiiy was taken
and tile case continued till I* riday of next
week. Tho cas<* w au interesting one.
Several years ago. M«g. Chriaty.a dement
ed woman, drifted into South Uuffa'o twp.
and as the people there coald not find out J
fr 'Tn her where she belonged they bad her
gent to the Warn": Asylum. At the A.sj
iam her ta.k regarding tiiiiUrds led 10 an
investigation which pat the woman in
iiutier County, and developed that she
was the daughter of Phillip iliiler, wlo. oni e
lived in Allegheny two , that Magsri>» was
of found mind at the time of her birth,
that the family moved into Washington
t*p , where (Miller says) he paid taxes
for six years; Uiat Maggie married Juo.
• hris'.y of Manon iwp., and the couple
netted iu Venango twp , wtiere
(Christy #a>s) he paid a rental ol
*10.50 tor a year; that Mr.-. Christ',
dta not become demented until alter
her marriage; tnat the tax books of
Washington twp.,ot the dates needed wer*>
burned wi:h the old Court House; tnat
Christy lived in Venarign twp . on a pie ■ •
of land owned by huffy, and on a sub least
from a mau named Mcßride, etc, etc Ii
may be well to state that as regarding It
ga' residence, au idiot is traced 'o his oi
ber birth, an I also that living in a plaee or
iwp , for a year and paying a rental o' (
over $lO. wnu'd establish a lcjral residence
A Blaircounty justice was con-idered too
»:IXII Q8 to commit i man for trial, and
wben bo reiuriied the case to the y
n.-s-ious court, iu order to secure his tees,
in.-jnry acqn;tted me prieom r and (. laceo
tfc.* c st.-* on the alderman. The judge de
clined to s-t as id., the verdict, and oidered
the magistrate to appear in court for sen
tence It is tho tirsi insance of tho kind
in the county.
P. tallies are worth in Pittsbnrg. accord
ing to a Judicial dec.si. i., a bushel.
For luiance, a niati s'oie one bii-hel of po
tatoes, plead vniiiy i«nd was sent to the
workhouse tor 90 days Another ma:,
stole s<so and was sentenced by saint
.fudge CO days.
Tt>e next time Ihe people of this county
i:ave occasion to visit tbfcir court room
rb<-y will find ihe scene changed
Judge's bench ar:d Lawyer's bar nave been
s'lil.ed aronnO to the west side of tb»*
room und tbe changed accotding'y.
W H. Davis has petitioned lor a divorce
from Mary A Davis.
Jno. C. MtCb.flerty had nunmons in
ejectment issued \ustin Fieeger arid
\V. .\. Dennisoii f i3O acres in Wiufield
a.'j .itjlng J. and I) Denuy. Hi also had
summons in partition issUrd vs Grace Mc-
et al.
Newton and Miltilda Gold had summons
in fj-cttner.t i-wiied vs M.-rg. and Albert
8c»lt for sev.-n acres iu Oakland iwp.
Alvin and Emma rurt.er had
in ejecirneni issued vs N. P. Bell tor 100
acresiu Concord.
The Win P. Cross propeity in Worih
tap was sold at 0. C. sale to Jos. L. Cross
Th f will ol John C. Shanor la'e ol Con-
Doqueuessing two. wss probated, ilex
,r.. Ex'r; and letlers a ere taken out
on estate ol Ute Joltn N..wton Sleaarr, of
Butler ov Ada A. St. wart,, also on es ate
o| Henry Yeakel late oi Saxonburg by
Win. Yeakel.
A G Campbell to Mnria Shepard 12
acres iu Slippery rock for $450.
John Muriin to Clias E Lewis lot in
Harrisville for iGO
Wm Timbliu t.. Jos fl Timtilm 11 acres
in Clay b.r sl.
D A It mire w to Hannah Sheok lot in
Rentr. w tor SIOO.
M.irj E Bttipb to R II MeQuistion 8 teres
in Bui ler.
Henry Wmrner Sr to W A Stover lot in
Butler ior S6OO.
iv.-amage Licenses.
Phillip Schmidt Allegheny Co
M»ry File. Mars
James F. P. ffer Harmony
Mary A. Gruver "
Al Pittsburg—Ch»s A Morrison and Mary
E. Waiter of Bu'ler Co.
lf thut lit try larm well proves g > >d
d.'it-us ot wells will lie drilled in that Vi
cinity, and we will he (laiukiug salt Water
before Spring.
To the bniliti ig trade. F >r the benefit of
tbe mechanics connected wilh ihe binld
uig iTa.l", Mr. J M Clark will conduct a
uie«iirig under the auspice* of the Bureau
of Iridustri.il Statis'i Ihe Department
»i' Infernal Affairs of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania at ilie Conn Uouse, Mon
da., Kehruari 5, 18!>."», at 7:30 p. m. All
mechanics nuch a» c«rp«ot> r-.su.ne mas nis,
stone cutter*., brink la>ere,plaster, rs.patnt
em, si li rs, iin rol lers, p ninbers, snd as
titers, etc.. are lnvi'ed io attend. The
oonft-reuce la oilO of lnlerca' to those earn
log daily wages in rhe bui'ding trade
All tueuOaiifen in Butler eonnn eonnuot
(vj »nli iiiti l>o lill ni/ fra<l« arw n qn<-.steil lo
l>r preftfiii i.> inv--t,i|rate thn |)ur(io«« lor
\V ruth llii< Isure» I »:&•> MU >i -II»-U
Ofitia ilousi.
TilK D47.2L.HR -FalllAY, KHJiil'AftY 1.
'•'i'lio DoHler" a>" ih" Uoiniuiiia
was liierifd b) a »>...•(! h-.UM- antlat tbecn-
ClO-luli 1.1 Ho ]o-iformat ci* inotlit (T l>ni rfs
p: HbioUi ot Ciiitid I)H beard.
'l'Crj play is a larcw ooiilidy, p'ire and nio
plo, devoid ol any tangible plot An a
1 ttign prodtuier an.l »II«I rim*:it maker it i«
a wonderful iiauiiiM Uaym >tt r t Fintliey,
«» JEZ -ki»-l fip.'H, ban I.i-vcr hail a stipHiior
on tlif local rttaire. To n».e liim ua* to
langt'. Shorty Uealt, n Mulligan, cjnie
in lor min;u a|»plau>« Alisn Lottie li'.irke
took tbe |>itri ot Ki:.iir StarMgbt. in nhiiflily
creditaltle manuer. Tbe mimical feature*
were very lint; "The Puzzler" tak>s iin
iiluei' with Fraiik'ort theatre gour» a-" one
ol tbe bent of comrditM. Frankfort Times
Tbe Markets.
i)tir (rrocerH ire payiug for butter niul
lor frecb :*»() tin potato-*. GO for
j> J rxiijpM, no for o.Moun and b etn. IOOIH lor
ilrt'B-ted eliir.Ken, 12 (or turkey and dock. 3
to 5 ii b*ail (or c.i'ib-ige, 2"> '.•> 'M a d' z*n
for oel-ry, 00 to 75 (or applea, $1 fKI to
1 75 lor beaua.
Bargains in L»WQH, DimilyH
Pongee*, Organdios and all tho BUIII
m«T goods tit
—(leouine JiM'.i 'ister (Jiogli-.ras 5c
at DAVESNr'b
—Trv. T A Morrieoa's borne
mwle Curmels.
—One Portfolio, containing 16
unpTb views from tho Worlds Fair
gi»en uwuv with each $2 1)0 aula at
Sutniner Und"rwear fioniir-
VIII IF , Laces HI »')O.H it reouc
ed prices at
lox4 blankets OOjat DAVENNY'S
—A good amber-eila for 75p at
—Trv our new roller fio ir—latent*
improved mtkchinery Satisluction
guuiaot'ed, J. Q.
West Suubury, P»M
Mrs. Jones—Whore did you get
that hai?
vre Smith—At. I)<vpnnv's of
| c ureo i hey t tivi the be*l n.i linr rv
in town, trv Mjein.
I —I2J (-•'■•nt. Ptei.'ees and '||RBl<H
red t<U lo ♦»l lO • •
The Primaiy.
The Republican pri..:iiry in the borongh
pissed >.ff quietly, last Saturday excepting
in the Word where there was a conte»t
fur Asses-or, end in the second ward
where the contest was for the nomination
for School Director.
The Republican nominees are as follows:
Borough Auditor, Jas. A. McDowell:
fligo Constable, J. ri Mathers; Overseer«.
Geo. Vogeley and J. II Miller.
C-.uncil—o. C. Cochrane.
School Director—J. V'. Hutchison.
Assessor —H. W. Nicholas.
Judge of Elections —A M. Borland.
Inspector—Amos Mates.
Council —F. M iiuwitt.
School Direcor—S. U. Bell.
Assessor—Pnilip Cluse.
Judge of Elections—M. H. Smith.
In pector—W. A. Taylor.
Council —Jos. Sherman.
School Director—S. G Bippus.
Assessor —
Judge of Elections—A B.C. McFailai:d
Inspector—George McCaudlesS.
Counc.il —K. P Scott.
School Director —J. B. Mates.
Assessor —G;*or*e McJunkin.
Judge of Elections—U. A. Ayres.
Inspector—Frank fc Mitchell.
Council —J. M. Reed.
Scho d Director —S. F. Bowser.
Assessor —Peter Kaiuerer.
Judge of Dlections—J F. McClung.
Inspector—Tho*. llxzlett.
Th» Democratic nominiti ins are as fid
Auditor—l A Uenninger.
Uigh Cons.able— John Pistorious
Overseers —Jac»»b tiooa and J*»s
Council—o A Tiltovj.
School Director—John W Brorcn.
Assessor —I W Graham.
Judg- ol Election:—J S Skillman
Inspector—W W Rictiey.
Council —A A Irvine.
Schoi.l Director —T F Niggel.
Assessor —Jos [ltirv j-.
Inspector--J A Ufiueuian.
Council —Jos Manuy
School Direi toi Lev McQaistion.
Assessor —J McQ Smith
Jndate of Ei Ciion —.1 J Elliott.
In pector —Ii J Nonllet.
Council —B Kt mper Jr.
Scho. 1 Dir. cior—L 0 Purvis.
Assessor—N J S!1 .11 »-r
.ludir.- of Bltxitioii—Alex Knssel'.
Inspector—Horace Vanderlin.
Council —Ueory Grohuian
School Director —Fern Keiber.
Assessor—Mvtnew Brown.
Judge of El-cii-.n—.i J Reiber
Inspector —M McAvoy.
The Prohibition nominations are;
Auditor —R A White.
High Constable —G M flobaugb.
Overseer —All Wick and J F kussull.
... .... First WARD
Scho LDireCtor —J II Coe.
Council —Pnilip Daubeuspeck.
Assi ss..r-*-C B Conway.
School Director Win (J.w.por.
Coun.il —HJ Eliugler.
Assessor —S M K. Id.
School Director—o M Ru.-sell.
Council —C K L*phaui.
Assessor —Ji»s Thompson.
School Director—R<-v J S ilcKee.
Council— J C Hi-dick
As.-essor —J G MuMarlin.
School Director—Wrn Walker.
Council —J B Murphy.
Assessor—A Steelsmi'.h.
Loiecxt llutes to Huahinyton.
Tickets UonU Tem Uayn.
Washington is at all 'line a place of io
terest. bu it is oarticularly so und is seen
at its best during the winter month-, When
Congress is in session. Wbut Rome was
to every soldier of the Empire, what Athens
was to ibe Greek, W asn'nglou is and sin hid
he to every cUlZ.oi of rhe Uo ted Slates—
nis giorj, nis pride, nis luneritauce, his
estate —It boioi gs to huu All iis magi.ifi
cenee, ail lis glory, all its lime, us public
building-*, lis primings, us piatiiary, lt«
monilinents, il« street aid parKs You
have ho doUlit olten promised )Oiirsell a
iiJlf io the Nailoiial Capital WDy not
avail yoursell oi tne opp..ri unity to do
now; the next ►•xeur-ion is announced via
the Li. it (> ,on l'nursilay, Fehraaiy 11 n,
tne ra.es are ri-marksbh I..*' .iu.l iiain scr-
VICB Mil- best Mil* li. li' O. Il t" to ■ !ft:r. 11"
Vrtllbainl and Llmiliil fcxprtrs Train*
can 1>« used on Bituir the «£»*ng or return
lXJ|f journey as best .-illlls Hlf CoU» "tllO tili
l'laiuH lfiiv« 15 »t O I > p»"i, Fiini.i..rg,
!UM) A. 11 and U.2U I' il I'uU.unti Fat tor
</«r« are attached to tho molding irmn anil
tintluian Sin,-ptiigCar* to toe nignt traia
Pickets $9 00 I >rt no round ' rip I •'•ou t>.l nr
i>»rre*p»uuiugiy low rnim from omri
rickets will bo good ten day«, and will
lie valid for passagage Hum Washington
Ki Bali(more at any time viihiu the 11to oi
the tic.k»r.. For Fuliniuu Car accoin modu
li on x and guido I«I |> o111 f-> ol interest in
Washington. address, li I). - till lb, L) I'.
A., Fitti-burg, i'a.
White go.wls, Lawus, Pongee
OigHtidie* nud all ki ll<lh of v»H«b
goode Ht lea,: than wholesale price at
I, p"rßiN «t SUN'S
—Zuver's Pictures l-ave nothing
witottug in finish. tone or a coee»ct
—Clearance silo of all samm-r
goods .il less than wholesale pric)
at L< STBIK A tSoi* H
Homo lunde catidi' s. tu flics, cur
riiels, and etc., uow ou b*nd ftt tbe
City Bakery
Fresh cut Flowers of al! kinds,
always on hand at tbe City Bakery.
Highest cash pric" paid for irrain
of all kinda at J. O Broaden & Co V
new roller mills, vVeai Sunbury, Pa
—Take your chilrir«D to 'Auvers
'Jallerv for Pictures tbit will sun
you. Postoffire tuiil'lio/
—Joli work of all kind done at the
—Our Hosiery values are unequal,
ed and well worth >«»ur iuspci'in-
—Fine Donnelt llaanels, 5c at
—Boarding House Cards. with Act,
of Assembly, 25 ceuts tor balf-a-doaen,
for nale al CITI/.KN
—Fillet novelties iu drew* go-ds
• . . IVHJsIC-
Mu»ic' scholars waited, Leseons
will be given either at the bouiet of
tbe teacher or at the home of tbo
scholar. Inquire at 124 vV. Wayuo
I St. Bat'er Pa.
—Ko winter how t>»rd tbe timer
1 the one thing yon can out afford to go
without M e.ll the new-. Il Voll wjiit
nil th - > Ul. g- u it-*IE th> PIII».
ljurir Oiypalch. I'nn Oupalch
iitftwo ttii—iiwi i* uuly.
Chas. F Smith «;f Buffalo twp viaited
frteuds in butler. week.
Jacob Flick of Middlesex twp bas been
0 >l.fined 10 his bed for aoine time.
Thomas A. Hay of Saxonburg was in
t .*n on business Monday.
.lon. Schaul of New York is visiting bis
br'ther Ptiil.
Mr. J E. Chadwieh, of Smethport, Pa.,
is in town.
Mrs Miry Gray is visiting lriends in
Mr. and Mrs Amos Young of Centre
twp. were in town on business, Tuesday.
W. F. Cam pell of Fairview twp was in
town, on business, Taesday.
.Ibo R McJunkin E-q. of Clay twp,
visneii frauds in Bdtler, Monday.
David Er giish and wile of Franklin twp
visited friends iu Butler, Monday.
August Freelinir of Winfield twp was ia
town on bu.-mess, Monday.
Wtn M Shira of Washington twp, visit
ed friends in Butler, Tuesday.
Jos Aland goes on Tuesday to a conven
tion of the National Taib-ra Assouiatii.n
wtiiuh meets at Buffalo, N.Y.
The pension of Amos Yiock of Renfrew
n-«i> been re-i»aued. also lliat of Richard
Fisher ot Matiarg.
Braid Black ia out again. It was the
and not pneuin mia, I bat kept liitn
indoors for a we< k or two.
Miss Linnie Bonner entertains ber friends
ar her home on N. McKean St , this eve
Jacob Headers.in of Butler has been
lirantetl a pension, alao Elizabeth McCauil
less id Myoma.
John Ma zland Sr. of C!i<it'»n twp. had a
s'roke a lew days ago. and is s< riously iil.
Matnew Bickei another old resident of that
iwp is in poor health.
Peter Rattiican, now editor of the Mil'ers
!««%•,l Herald captured trom a rebel sdilier
iu a .-h'irt, heavy nflo A rat can
era*'l into the muzzie, so it is said, and it
w«s made at Potsiiani, Germany. W ben
itis le.giuieut Aa» lutiAterod out at Harris
iiurn, the gnu was taken from hiin, much
.0 tils <lisgu<-t, anil deposited in the Sta l *-
arsenal as government property. For 32
.ears Mr lt.»t'igau has been trwng to re
lake the property. Lately be wrote to
AUjd'ant General Greenland, asking him
10 search lor the gnu. It was lound ami
will In-tl> HVered lo him anil then dellnquen'
suescrioera bad better settle up promptly.
Tb« friends of Mrs Margaret Morrison, ol
ISau Claire, will learn with feelings of deep
irgf-t of her illness, which has contiuen
;,rr to her bed for the past three weeks,
she was taken sick suddenly with heart
ui-ease while sifting iu her rocking Chan
NUitflbg, anil was assisted to bed, wher**
she has since remained. Her physician
dive-, but little hope for her recovery Mrs.
.ii.riisou Is 85 J ears ot age and a sisier of
Lne late A. B. Uurils She ia ine only
aivivor of the original Curlis family ami
Iwi ll known by the older residents of this
ectioii. Mrs Morrison has always been ol
letiring.pledsaut m.-posilion, kind to a
nuil, ami her diaHi aould be d«-ep!y
mourneO.— Emleuiou Setcs
Pitsonally-Co.iducied Tours via Pennsyi
vai. a Kaiiroad.
It -s at ibis i-easoii of Ihe year tbal peo
ule.'s iboiigMs turn to some method by
wp.ieh the rigors ot onr no.theru wimer
rlimate may be escaped, and a trip to tto
• Latid of Flowers." if only for a shop
tine, .ff -rs the easiest solution of tin
lu older to give tbe public an opportuni
'» to visii Florida at a reasonable cosi, the
V iins.i IVahta Knilroad Company has
isngert I T a series ot tonrs to Jacksonville,
.Mi the Hell known reputation acquired
l»v that conipanj tor the superiority ot ii>
p* rsnutllj-coiiducteil tours wiil lie main
tamed for i bin y'etir's s> ties Since the
y sinn of personal!)-conducted lours m
.lUgurated by the company ban helm in et
f-ct.'hobe but words of coinmendati-u
: e been received lis uneicelled tr»m
service, experienced Tourist Agents and
Chaperons, aud above all, itH lpoderaie
manges, leave nothing to be desired.
The tours to Jacksonville, allowing iw.
»eeks'M»\ in Florida, will leave Ne*
Yoik and Philadelphia on February 12 aud
'26, and Marcb 12 and 20, IM>5 Tho
including lrausp"ftatlou. meals ell roiiie.
aud Cullman Oerili on special train. i« $•"»>
fir New YOIK ami S4B. lroin PoiladelpDi >;
( .rop»r'lonate raies trooi mber points
For further inloiuialion appl> to Ti> k
Agents, -.r adJre.s Tourist Aiient, 1196
|{roatl*ay. New York, or Kooui 411, Bioai
,S ,eel Sta'ioii, Puilalelphi-t, to wootn ap
plication for space should also no made.
Horses Wanted
I will buy 2 cur loud* of bordett
marcß, drivers, general purp me anfl
Irak borne-; ege from 4 to 10, weight
Iruiu 1 ()O0 to 1 500 Briug tbem in.
I wili in- ut Orove City Feb. 12; a
<Vu rtivilie, Feb. 13; at Sunburv,
Feb 14; >l', W lck House, Butler, Feb
15 and 16.
Closing Oul aalo.
Ladle's wool Uuderwear at bmf
pnce Muslin aud other good* raa>k
c'l down. THE PKOPLES Store
Fiue cani'JU fliotiel- 5 cents at
-•A fall line of hom« made caudies
■it rb« (Juy Bakery.
New Cloth ng Store.
V II Burton has purchased tbe
e i.'i'K of the It fleet Store,and wishes
el-irtß it 'Ut is soon as possible
II- i-'U-ud* to »tttrt a new cl 'toing
e. an" will opeu on Or about tbe
I-.- -it March
1 X L,.
I'li- afMn, Dpi .rn-is, Oertifi.vttes
.m l i'har'er-- Framed to Order a 1 309
S. St . liii'ler. Pa
• i"Y UKO'S,
OottNKtt Main & St* .
Dealers in ne«v and second baud
liouse-hold goode of everv description
Call snrl «-ie us. -Ve can save you
—You pay for school books; but
the IM-H sfhool bo >k for your children
t* your daily p. per. Well printed
carefully and intelligently editrtd, •>!
instructive contents, first anil fulle-' -
with the uews and liewt, in presenting
it, the Pittsburg I'Hgpatch fills the
Living Pictures.
OT health and bappiuesß are the pen.
pi- who eat Eagle Butter Crsckerß.
A perfect health food, sold by all
to •c-rs Manufactured at Marvin's
f c'i ry iu Putsburg.
—The hiwht st urade of patent
Horn in 'de »i the mill» of
West Huribury, Pa.
lnfants Wo >1 Hose 5 cts p--r
pi.rut Daveuny's
We are •ff rini: in all winter gomlg
,il i nij prove- »n will not carry over
tiung Uiid while we «re gelling room h>r
b|>ritttc slock, our cus'"tners lire gelling
or» hi beiier goods for less netnev thsn
evi-r b. lore Tuesday ami Wednes.l.iv
.Inn '2B and 2!' we will i<«>H ■ Ladiea 50c
'! in ■ i (i -til.*! lei lll'<\«s HI lTie, Ladn—
I fill -. . iisllill'ire Sueile G l"V«m al 25", Ladie
-6o - cifbninre ut. iliit)—chiidrens <&ud 3->c
cuslnu«-r.) ({love* 10c —Lad es AOij, $1 DO
.ii,d #1.25 SIIK mi'lensnt 41, ' —lj*die» s<)e
w. m 1 IniMens «i.410 Ladies 250. wool inii
l'+n a' 18- Olillilr«o» 350 w.»"l nntteos at
IS, 111 iimlii) null Fi Mllulsnts iis.
fi [is at lfl'-—.infautß Attn plij.sut 25e.inlaiils
"Tft.- - i|iH «i 50e
] > »iuril'M 2oii jsrds 35 ami 4Co
; U .it.iiig «i lUo pi r } aril. ~
M. F. Hl M.' MARKS,
i tu U7 p. M«Ui ot.j w tfu&vr.
Oil Notes.
National Transit certificates were «or»h
SI.OO yesterday.
Uaionville —Heydrick A Co's well «>n
the Satton, a mile north of Unionrille will
pmbably leach the third sand next w>-ek.
They had nothing hut gas in the 100 ft.
The whole country from the Wbitestown
field to the W. Sunbury and Nth, Wash
ington fields ia being leai-ed.
West of Boydstown a rig is up on the
Sbakeley, and two other rigs are going op
in that vicinity.
Herman —Phillips drilled his well on the
Beck deeper, last Friday, and it was mak
.ing 10 bbls an hour thai evening. The
Fisher Co's No. 12 Wm Eichenbatib was
in the sand and fluwing 100 bbls a day,
Boydstown—The well on the Henry farm
a mile and a half southwest of Boydstown
and 5 miles northeast of Butler is making
pleniy of sail Water UlCely Colored with oil.
They had 35 barrels ol oil in the tans,
Monday, and opeiaturs were taking leases
iu that vicinity.
Washington—Fletcher, Thompson it Co
(the Hardly Abies) are drilling on the R.
0. Rumhaugh farm. The East End Co is
d i Iliutf on the Samuel S'lira Major Mc-
Clititock has a rig up on the Alf. stiira near
the Pump Station
Snnburv —The well on the Jacob Sander
son is being drilled deeper. They found
no oil iu the 30-loot.
Whitestown—Smith <fc Co's well on the
Kirker is doiug 35 bbls. a day; Hite Jt Co's
well on the Webber, a mile north is oa top
of Ihe 100 foot.
Cooperstowu —The Forest and Chariiers
companies are drilling on the Leslie and
llickey farms. L>-id-cker's 5 Mangel was
shot Monday and was showing lor a aood
Brownedale —Kliugleusmith's 4 Co's 2
Johnston was soot Mouday, and started
off at 12 bbls. an hour; Clark A Co's
well on the Schwartz struck the second
pay and began flowing at a 15 bhl. an honr
rale;Oibson <b Co's 4 on Johnson was doiut!
75 bbls a day .
Rauey Hoon of Ceutre twp, cut a foot
oadly, last week, while chopping in the
H W. Christie was thrown from asb igh
last Wednesday, and bad au arm broke! .
Mrs. Henry Buhl nr., ol Zelienople slip
ped on the ice last week and broke her leil
teg. near the thigh.
Mis.Lester Patterson, noe .le sie Wil
liams, second dtughter ol A G Wiljiams
E.-q. of Butler, » n fatally' burued at h-1
iMieinNe* Cistl", Tnursdiy eveiuuit.
<i is.Patterson A' as doing the alter snpp-1
wrk anil her two year ild tuliy was sit
tinif at. the table, on which was standi.
a lamp. SU'ldenly the ehl'd (rave the table
c:otb a pull and the lamp lell to the floor
ana broke. Instantly a sheet of flame
B'lot np and enveloped Mrs. Patterson
from head to foot.
She ran screaininjj.to tbe door and three
men. who were passimr, came to hor res
cue and snceesded in putting out the fi>e,
but not hi) lore nearly all her clothing was
••uriied off. Th.i buruiue oil sot tiro to
the table aud other articles in the hnase,
but tbe baby was uni jured. Mrs Patter
son was horribly burned about tho body
and her face was badly scorched. She
died ibat. night.
Mr. Williams aud Mr. Patterson (father
of Letter) drove over to New Castle thut
Phoiuigraph Concert.
The popularity oi the entertainment w»»-
iirnveii by a house packed to the it.eirs »nn
s'Huding room only before 8 o'el<>ck. Tnis
is the second visit of Prof, llowe to ihi
eitv with in a ye»r. The large audieni-,-
w»s kept ill the bes! • f hH'tior l iiniiuu*
Uuichter and ap. lan-e greeted Edi-"on'-
grear invention.-Oailv Ne»s.t'ohohs, N. Y
The enihiiwit" io a idinnce thit.complet -
l_\ tiled Ibe large audilorium of tbe Firs-
I'-nptist Church la«t evening were treated
to ihe he»t exhibition of the workings h
ever een in ti is city.— Daily
Atlviser. Eltnira N Y.
Prot dowe will give his Phonnghaph
•oiicert- on Friday evening Feb. B'h. in the
Uhited Pre»ln terian Church.
! .">0 cents, t'bildreti 35 cents. Tickets lor
sile at Doutbult it Craham's Clothing
Look <it This.
Think of it, a Ladies fine Vici
Kid Shoe, in lace or button, six
different styles to select from,
price $1.25 actual value $2.00.
We are going to spring a sur
prise on our customers and plact
on sale a Ladies Kid Button
Shoe, Pat tips at 88cts., also a
Ladies fine grain button shoe at
88cts.,if you want a pair of these
don't delay, they are going fast
We claim to sell the best shoe
for si.oo ever made. It is a gents
fine Buff Shoe in lace or congress
and just as much style to it as
any $3.00 shoe in the market.
Our mens A Calf Congress and
Lace shoe at 95cts, needs no
mention. We are selling them
about as fast as we can get them
All winter gyods and Rubber
to be sold regardless of cost,
The New Shoe Store.
215 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
"WHO Is a very inappro
prinie quotation it
STEALS you I uy your purees
of ns.
VI y We keep no tra»b
hut we do keep the
PURSE finest line of purses
nod pocket, books in
STEA LS. tie county,
We have the latest
TRASII * and best things in
this line.
Purees and Leather
pocket- Boiika from
5c to $3.
A H tbe New Lead
W L Harvey, wbotaya he represents
a number ot capitalists, whose naines he
will not dirul|(e, states tnat a steel Works
and probably a tin mill will be elected at
Cowanshannoc, 3 miles nest of K t ning,
this coming suminei. Four hundred men
will be given employment aud 312 acres
of laud, the old Monticelio turnace prop
erty, has been purchased Five bundr.-
bts will be sold aud a residence town wi
be built
Some time ago two yoou* men, carele-s
--ly har.diii g a revolvn in a church at Be'l
grove, Lebann Co . accidentally discbarn
ed it. As a punishment they were given
the alternative of being prosecuted or sit
ting in the pulpit with the minister dui
lug three services. They chose the lat 1 01
and the attendance at that particular
church is now consi lerahly larger.
The result of whac appears a: the tisu- "f
nlln ti iu to be very trivial accident, may
n the eu.i. if not propeil. treated, pr >ve
ol -erious consequence. This was ti-mmi
straied in the case of Rev James Uavi.-,
of Blairsville, a tew days ago. Wbile "B
in the yard playfully fondling a pet d' a
ha wa- scratched on the haud. Tne wm n
was of ouch a trifloiK nature thai no sp-..-
i.l attention w»s p->id toit. ButafeA dai
ster the wound became troublesome, »w, ,1
ing aud luflainatinn setting iu, which in
sulted in the death ot the old geuilemai
trom blood poisoning.
Th - as-e-sor of W-s'. I diana has placed
t'ie normal school property ou his boo*.,
and placed tne valuatiou of the propert
a $122 000 i'he tax w.iuld amount t--
$3,000. The school autOoritins conteno
t'ie property is exempt from taxation ai.
will 10 test Ihe matter.
The First U. P. cnurch of Wilkiusbur.
was destroyed by fire last Sunday.
Alda Robinson, Prof. Hartshorn's victu..
in the New Castle scaudai, died at L)i>-
inont, Monday.
Two men who gave their names as Harry
Campbell and Geo. Browu, aho said ti.ey
Were peddlers tl jewelry and had receive.!
express packages at Millerstowu and
Parker, were arrested at East Brady la-i
w< ek, an suspicion, had a hearing and were
The New Railroad.
Regartling a route for >be new
. n observer at Hil lard- writes folluw-i
"I am aware t' at • 1 <.e > prevails that 11
Is liitticull to reach the interior ol Bulo 1
county from the All- gheny river owing t
me elevation anu the absence of streams
ot aby considerable -iz • running in thn
direction. This o ffiu.ty was aud is ex
perienced by tue Wsi P< nu Bui it Un-
is as Stated ill the PlttS'iur* l iu. s
recently, viz . to tmild a road f<>,
ami reiK-li tue lakes on the nearest and
ill st practicable r ui r «i. I nan say trom -
p osOUal knowledge ot ibe country Ilia'
railroad can be built trom Brady's Benu
up the west sine ot the Allegheny river to
the month of Bear Creek, having the same
itrnde as the Valley; from there to Bruin,
same grade as the Pntsburg <£ Weslerti
uarrow gauge road; ou up Bear Creek to
the m iath of Silver Crei K. up Silver i>re«K
and across to head waters of the routh
oraiicb of Slippery Rock creek, Hem e
d"WQ «u Gmuersol Branch ol the P. S. it
L E. This route would require no tunnels
and perhaps no cuts ot any consequenci
and would open tip VMM quantities ot m;n*
rial, both caimel slid lu'uuiitn us coa .
limestone, iron ore, etc The south branch
ol Slippery R.'ck creek inns through a
leauritnl valley and hits Very lit'le lull
It has been found that in seven mile- st
I.ne point there is a bee line view that, has
but ten feet fall to the seven miles. In
drilling wells for oil iu th« North Washii:*-
t rn oil field they have found a c >al vein »t
lea-u eight feet thick. A vein of hmesione
u,i vard of twenty fee thick crops out
aboig the hillsides of t.li« s m ti brwioti."
Hue t:ie MUCH AOM** tin c N».irr> in
t<> hove licni decided upou, ii(jlnw of way
b »ve tieon taken. »<i>l 11 IM nil), work »u
the tunnels will lie l> >:un "ftortly.
> Are Your i
?Groceries ?
/Fresh? /
C Everything we have isx
/ fresh. We guarantee every /
S pound we sell to be tliep
\ best of its kind there is. \
/ We want regular.all-the \
f year-round, trade. Let us C
V sell you all you can eat. €
f Henry Hiller,?
? Opposite P. O. S
It is utmeeessarv
to bore v«iu with the
advertisement of our
largest stock, best
facilities, biggest
business, etc. You
know we liave that.
The important an
nouncement is,
We will Positively save
you Money on your
Fall Clothes.
Our stock tables
are resplendent with
the newest patterns.
.See them.
OKA LKx ric
liU|li and flwhl lo*
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Moulding ,
Shinnies and Lain
Aiways Hi Stock.
Otlli v in»pontß F. 4 W Depot,
A Suggestion.
;!h. .
ml Iffii
L. i if ever occur u» jug that there are
drugs and —that drugs are like every
thing else—there m, iO"«1, bad and indif
ferent There is •*! e which i*
(I'witiwl; bail it" it io'nt just <>l ui
Our poliov has always been to have noth
tig but the best.
W ben yon want drugs come to us and be
assured of fresh pare H"iids. and always
*ll at >hq ask for or your prescription call*
lor. It may not always be tlruifs yon want
•Miher. We always have on haud a full
llue of sic* room requisites.,
C. Itt„ BOYD.
Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa.
.SCHrDI'LIt IN KFKKIT NOVKMUF.k _<6th, 18^1.
south VV'KKI UaTS ,
A. M. A M A. M. r. M. P. 11.
liuiler Leave ti 15 835 11 uO 245 5 (X>
-»joiiibur«.. Arilve ti 11 sou 1121 311 528
iuller JUC't, •' <3O 025 11 60 310 353
iuller Jue't.. Leave 730 on 12 03 3 10 563
Natrona Arrive 7is asl ul3 3JO 6t*
lareniuui 7 13 t> ;-6 12 |» 357 j w ;
-ipriuguaie 75510 06 12 33 4os ....
. loreuiout. H 11 12 55 4 23 6 27
8 18 1 05 4 20 # 32
Allegheny City 83310 33 124 444 615
A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. r. M.
Ufcxbenyt'lty leaves >5 825 10 10 3 is 6 10
-burpsburg 7 0- ajy tu 5a
-ulareuiuiit a 46 11 Oa
-pllUifaule 8 3 11 20 641
1 .ii'tu.um 7 32 0 10 11 30 3 M 65-
N.tjrou.i 737 y 15 II Vi 355 ti
liuiler Juct Arrive? 15 *25 II 55 401 702
ttmier Juc'l Leave 7 45 04j 12 3-- 4 13 702
■%o*ou'iurg 8 0 s ! lo 11 Iv 4 140 <' ti
tf.uler Arrive 83510 35 13u 3 oti 76u
A. M. A. M. P M. P. M. P. M
•t its UATS. For tkr East. '.Vol HAYS
f M *• *. A. II P. M.
.45 «15 Lv. Butler Ar 10 35 1».
40 730 Ar Uuiler I'lu.-li.lll Lv 045 12 3-
404 745 Lv. «ullnr J.lueilou Ar. !» 11 12 3s
1 10 7 40 AC. Kreeuon Lv. y a.-, 12 35
Jl3 J33 •• Aile,;ileliy Juc'i . " » .11 12 3o
4 2u a in " Utrliliiim 820 U 13
1 Iti "8 21 •• PMIIIOU (A Klllo) - 006 II 5J
il asl ~ saltsourg •• a 37 li 32
si »22 • Biairsvitie * i«i 11 00
ti i>i u 3.> •• BlaSr-viilu lutei u • 7 m 10 13
a -o 11 l*' " .vl'ooni .......... *• 3iu Bo'
Ino 3 t>j " llarriaout'g •• 11 3d 310
130 t> .10 '• FullaJelplu.i •• *so 11 20
A. M P. «. I', M. P. M
I brotigh tralni tor tne east leve I'ilthbur,,
(Liutoil Station) asloliows:
fennsylvauia. Limited. dolly 715 A.M
vi.ol lie rixpieas. " 3 loA. ->1
ti.iy K»press. " sno ••
.iutiuielt-Hla ExprcßS. " I io I'.M
i. is' e1 u •' 700 "
Fas' Uuo, '• 810 •'
For dcUiilei lufor u oiou, a idrpsa I hoi. E.
rtTut.l, fa»f. Ax'i. -Ves eru »i»u i.-t, 110 Filth
Avenue. HUtsouru, fa.
S. .4. .'ilrtV iSC. J. t WOOD.
Oeuei al .tlau&jter. (iau'i. I'.vH'r
P. &. W. R. R.
schedule lu etlei- Nov 18. 9t. (ilutter r:o» |
The dborl Lliu to k-ittabuiv.
625 alu Allfglieny 9.25 am. Allexrteiiy KJ
S 15 a rn All'} « Akron to.oo » in.Al & N Castle
Mis am Alleifheuy 12 20 pm, All'y * "hVo
2 sr. m Allt'KHeuy Mall .'>os|nu. Allegheny E*
j ptu Chieatfo Kx. 7IS p III.AII'I 4 Atron
>ssp in All'y A til Ex < (JO pin AlleKheny A.
l" 05 'a m K)>.ue x Brad. !• 'XiiurK \c
VII pin Clarl.'U AC !■ * a in,Clftrl >n \r
733 p m FoxOurg |:.,20 pm. Kane M ill
Di--r»KT SOUTH | KK IM «)Cri(.
3. 15 a ill Ac !i V> a u .\lle<iieni' \c
piu ' Uluiuco Ex 'r. 0> pin, \lle*ben> Kx
fi .V) p HI. ALLEGHENY AC|7 i' on. iJeKofexi ao
IValn arriving it ai iai p n leavus it « i) de
put. ill »oui<{. at 3:15 • i'uio.:K.
nuiler m-l 4n«iiivi|ir.i>tt>i *UI leitr* Alle
irli.'u> at 3.20 p. Hl .ilst Iv ex opi Hu i tav. Cou
nt*i:>liiK Hi Wulu*,fr.jVM. arriving u Duller at
I'uUiii m Ituffet Sleeping Cars and (Irsi.-cl i»i
LIAI Coaches IUO lliroutfb WT#WQ Du L-r aud
'bleaiT'i•! >lly.
For ' tirouKh ileketa in ool'it* In tn - West
Northwest or Hoiith-vest apply to
A. B CROUCH. Agent
Trains leave the 11. « O. depot lu I'n.tourif
lor 'bt- Ku*i a->foil iv**.
(•or WHshluKfin 1> Baltimore. Ptill utxl
pill i. It N>v» York. 7 :30 au'l «:2u p. m.
i uinbcrl'Pd rf:4o 7 :3o am i :io. 9i» p. in.t'mi
■•eisvlile. #:!(,. 73U a. in. I 10. 4.3». « 43. ft 30, 3.20
n. m. Uulonluwu. 7. On ill . 1 111. 4.30. 5 :*) p. m.
Uolnutown. Morx-t I town and K ilriuoni. I.8». a.
in. ami .\3»p. m. Mt.i'leasant i. w 7 3' a. m
ilO auil 4 :*•> pin Waßbi'igioii I'a. 7.40 and
» .#i a in., 4004 45 and H.INI. It pin Wbeel
lllt 740 all*i u3o . iu.. auu 4.00 !MO. II V' 11.
MI. t'li.'iuuall. it, L-iUii, I'olutQ'iUaaud N-w
740 a in., a 10, 11 sft p, in.
K r "'ueaKO. 2.4" an i 11.3* i o m.
I arl"r an i sleeping can lo it ililutore. *Va*th-
UijUiii, 1 toi'luuul an i i.'Q.oairii
C .TSA IUJ SIKS* « • • & .\< CT ..
TaKos effect, vl i iday. iltc *tl n.'l.
Tr iln« are run by tl* n lar*l <!entr»l rtia • <»•»• ri
M«*ri*ii in i «>u-ho r ■*!<» *er tu.i i '"it> l'i a
4.11HK1 NOHTH UOINU Soc 1 11
111 14 | It I STATIONS I • II II
p. III p. III i ii. I /ir Lv'el i ill .inj" lu
« Dufl In .. . "• 3 U I
j 3 . I I i-1 . mulllik I ... i " mi| 1 3
. hi i 4j lu *ji . ... Kr •• .. 0 I'. X> .1 3."»
i o * '< • . v ill >• • I urn i. 0 4." * I'' i i j
l ;I 15 ...lilra'd. .. TI .Vj, . IN I .5
>i ir. !2 s,| :< hi Mjckpii' l ..j 7ml »tj i jr.
ft •-[ 2 li'l M ,V> .. ,I'iaiie-K'llle . | 7 0-( 1# 381 I .14
ii 4:1 . ..|l" xl''tr.Ooniie»'H Iv i i 3in
10 . I 7 I ■, 1 V y|. | .I. 43
ft |7 i*®4 H4t tt... OWuM |y i*l Mil 4tt
*:! lv .li M tl ... *«niiile|*iiid... 7 j.t 9 u I i
» I 12 .10 ->« ..■ NPRIUJIIMR". 7 z~' ft l; Iv%
' _• L'l « t I' line lUI vllle . 7.H HI 0:1 Mf.l
ft I jlit I»>| » 111 |.. H«K*vV .li!t .. *"U 111 «: *f.
I '.i T .11 l» .C HI r* Like m 11° 4 4j
."111 ... H War iir s PI. 0 .10 130
i i"i 7 ft'.! v . >tf Ivlll- Iv II I.V t *0
7 10. .. ,| H:v| ir ii « :4• 11' <ll 'I lg
Ni« ii ii 7 is... Hmtirtown.... No i tiT m •3*
. 11 l« 73S ...Adimsvllle 11l II 544
... t. 38 OM({iH>d 10 ,i 4 5 S3
o'jfi II 30 7Hi . Ilrei'nvllle .. «':io uO7 805
0 l u II Al 7 n«i ...Klienallßo Ii 4« II 20 11 20
<i "0 10 «i Ii 41 ...Kmdiilila Tii3ll 44 0 .14
. ll ill I. li .'I Meiver 7 •* .>4 7 II"
ki ii) 23 li 10 I'ariloe . ... 7 3>. 12 '22 7 14
1 I t HI jo ■ .uj ...Onw 1 M1y... I 7 « ll 33 7 2.1
.1 m. iO IK ft 4« ... Ilairlitvllie ... 7 ft»|l2 4.1 7 30
« ft-[io «» i uj iruokua • w|a 54 745
.1 noi t n lo|lv Drtneluon.ail 7 10 12 10
.1 1.-, l ... H liar.. Milliard...lv 6 25111 Iftj ...
4MI i» "iftl • .'ll ly . Kelslers I H 10112 .w ,|»
1 3" :» 42 621 ICnflld h 22 i f M M
4 1 I w i;>| I o| . ..Duller I * Vl| I 121 * 32
220 i 7 20 \ll||({lieny IMt«V 11 ut, 3 su !
2 I .>i I .■■■ I'lliNtiurif.'iao. IN'II. 'II
•I. T I'l.Alli <4ei.eral M-naper. mnuivllle I'a
W. AM (i }. A., Meadvtile. Pa
hi o lei Butler
J. H. FAUBEL, l'rop'r.
This house has been thorough
ly renovated, lemodeled, and re
nted with new furniture and
carpets; has electric bells and all
•t hot modern conveniences fot
quests, and is as convenient, and
desirable a hoim lor strangers as
can be found in Butler, Pa.
Elegant sample room for u*c oi
commercial men
Mutual Firo Insurance Oompan>,
Office Cor.Main &. Cunningham
Al>. WM K Prw
l.kO K'Tlh'iKK V|f# PPM."
L *. *fc'| sail Trw.
Wfk. tieutlttrH'Mi Ollr« ,
r. W. Irvlu .l.iiitfH
.V. W lit u-Kiii # ,N. WH' /.-f
»• IV -w.iitii. 11. .1. KllngU-r
< Uit Khimiu.',
t«eo | IOQQ K<«*IIIUK'I
LOYAL & MoJUff&Uf, A«eoi.
Where a Short PDRSE
Men's Suits and Overcoats.
Boys Suits and Furnishing Goods
must be sold, we need the room and the
shelves must be cleared for Spring Goods.
All Winter Goods sold at cost—this
means a reduction of 25 per cent.
Come and see for yourself. This is
no humbug We mean what we say.
104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
1 ■ X M
NOTHING to Sell but
Clothing, Hats & Furnishings,
NOTHING to give but
NOTHING to ask but
NOTHING to Promise but
Schatil & Nast,
Leading Cloth iera, 137 3 Sftaiu St., 3 itler, Pa-
B. <V It.
Then Write
Our Mail o<"dpr Department fur
hhii. plea of Special Values in
Di 'ess Goods,
Silks, Suitings
48 inch All Wool NOVELTY
►fleet, iu quiet harmonious color
hirudin** styli-h and effective
go 'da, $1.25 value, 48 inches wtd«-,
65 c«nts a yard
Lot of a 1 wool
Mixed Suitings,
© 7
a doze'i diff rent color ro'Xt.<ireH—.
etvlich. up-to-date gooda—sl> inch, a
50 c nls a ya <l.
Our Dress Goo la rhelves were
uever emptied at aach rapid rate aa
during this sale of fine good* at Be
lore-St< ck taking Prices Such Val
ues never before offered for like
qu•lities and styles accounts for 1
Every mail order patron can have
qiial opp.irtuaiitv with borne eu -t •
ultra for gettin; tbeae a inat ifr«a«
value-.—all that's necessary is qui-k
action. They don't stay with a*
lon. I
Lot All Wool
French Serge*
o 7
DUi-lt, S'.it , in 1 i A'di> al— 34
nijo 3.") ll. cue- - nit,
25 cent .
2, IHH) t .tni« tf.i» imported Flair ItUck Vn.
lihii *r. ellk.oG in. i
25 cen .«a
ShiiU for lull line nHinji'v* . I'onr
Wa.sh G< ods'
and lusertlngs—
The moni complete HKMirtuieni. of heat ex
ample* froui ilio he*t maker*, hoth amen
ran utitl foreign— at price* the lowe*t po*
►ible to tiud
Vuu write u* aud prove our ability to
i.aii»tantia*e the *tatement.
lioojo's A:Buhl,
$3 SH0E.:?;» ~k".
§SI Imw fine iiawa—i
B&mmB • 3.v POLICE, s SOL t*.
- ■«ocic-TOicM*»a.
Over Owe Mlllloa People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our ahoes are equally aatiafactory
They |lva the boat value lor the money.
They equal cuatoia Iboea la atyle and fit.
Their wearing qiaalltlea ara anaurpaaaad.
The prlcea ara uniform,— a tamped on aola.
Prom Si to S j aaved over other make*.
If your dealer cannot (apply you we oa. Sold by
VpT.:.' -
•; • -t •
t'th ■ !i >uin p iiff »rr|
rwb MM . r-MiMM . Trfciafl
■Miitttw w iVa*. . "iw rm * m
has no <i|tiiil for chapped hunds, 'lp» or
0 face, or any ruughmiaa of the ski... and e
Is not oxc-flcu aa a <.re«sin|{ for the f ire
after shavlnc Mild by UrugsMa at
Acnty-flve Cqpts • Bottle.
0 9 « » « «< « «<rw «ip
JPL A Spcciaty.
At Redick's Store.
We do not handle aajthiog bat
pure drtijr», next Mme you are in
need ot medicine pif at-e give us a
oail We are heat quarters tor pare
a« we use only pare fruit juices, we
also handle P-»rie Green, hellebore,
iiwct povi«i«r. L<>udon purple and
other ine«*;tici«lpa
* it in m. ne\ t« Hotel Lowry
Shipp rg and '»alers in
Kuiidin Materials
R niifh aud d'ees d Lumber of all
kind* Door i. and Windows,, and
Mouldings o» all kinds.
H- E WICK, Manager.
Office .n 1 Yard a
•at CaanlaKkaaa ami learoeatreeta.
aroaipt aniwir and an honeat opinion, write to
M UIIN * CO.. who tiara had naarlj aftr yeara'
experience In tba patent bualneaa. Commonira-
Uooa atrlctly confidential. A Haadbaah of IB
formation concern In* Pateate and bow Mi Ob-
I tola than mi free. Alio a eatalo»oe of Median
teal and ad entitle books aant free.
Pat acta taken through Mann ft 00. raoetre
apaciai notice In the s.lentlUc Aaiirlraa, and
taaa ara brought widely before the public wttb
oot coat to tba InTentor. Thla aplendld paper,
laeaed weekly, eleaantlylllnatrated, baa by for tbe
lareeet circulation of any aclentlllc work In tba
world. 9S • year. Sample coplee aent fraa.
Building edition, monthly. BfjOa year. Blncle
eoplea, 43 cent*. Krery number contalna beau
tlnU plate*, In colon, and photograph* of new
kouaea, wltb plana, enablin* bander* to abow tba
Uteat deelna and aecura contract*. Addraea
Robt. Lewin,
Fink Wi-h and Liquors,
136 Water St.. (Opp«>*"e B <fc 0. Depot.)
$1 no per Q'., or ti tjs for $5 00.
Finch'* Guillen Wedding, Dougherty,
Guckenheimer. Lurife Gibnuu, Bridgeport,
Mi. Vernon. Overholt, etc Thin U the
uul> huUNM not reciifvinft in the oity.there
fore uar ft*'utlw are warranted pure. Goods
•■our '} picked anil l>uxed without extra
charge. I). O I) and mail order* receive
oriMiipt attention Grau'lfatner'e choice 3
tear old, $2.00 per gallon. Try UK.
Thecdore Fw*in.
CbimiietK, (J'aie and Boiler Setting.
Cieieru Butldinir and eewer
V\urk a Bpe<M#|t.j
Insurance and ieal Estate
MH'I H>>r't KSON *T,
L.. I£. Crumbling*
Breeder of Thoroughbred Poultry
Will nell eggn tor hatching from
Black Minorca*, Indiac. Games,
But) Leghorns. Barred and W bite
fljmou'b Rocke, aud (Lindane at $1
iter e«uiu»t; White ludiau Games $5
per 15.
O daud youog atuvk tor aale it