VOLXXXII l| We start this week \ !j To make a special J l! Cut Price Sale, £ J Which will continue until Feb. 10, 1895. Don't wait until our -toik is so 'ow J 2 we cannot suit you, but come while wc have a fair assor'mtnt to sc liom. J J All heavy Suits, Ulsters, Ovtrcoals, Underwear, etc ,goat a sac if.ce. V< u wow t jj get better clothing arywheie than w» sell. We keep all I: ds to, tie mos ex- . |» pensive, but whatever kind you select yon can rest assured that it is the test for £ <[ the money that can be obtained. Still, if a'ter you have taker it heme and ate J | not perfectly satisfied, bring it back and i;et your money back. J t Don't be led astray '>y misrep- The Lexow Committee made it J Jt resentations. Investigate for yourself, warm for corrupt public eftkialsin J |t come in and see us and if we do not New York, but you ran keep c< mfort- i Jj prove to you that we are the lowest able b> wearing one of our Ulsters or J <( priced as well as the most reliable Cvc.coats. Cut prices in evoy one of t 'I clothing house in Butler County, then them. € '[ we do not know what we aie ta.king Y\ e JQ n ot advertise anything 2 ( about. we cannot substantiate 4 1 1 Did you ever Lave a fit in a suit J! of clothes? . COUPON. j \ € If not come to us, we'll fit you, ! . m Cut out tins cot-j on. Burg. J if n«jt in our ready to wear clcthii g, we . , , T , . ji 11 "oil" «"« »»■«>".> => . n to us between new ar 0 J eb. 10. f <[ surely can tn our mace to meatuse de- '• ant i we will allow you a; J pa-tment. ; ca>h diicount of ic jcr cei.t on; !l .... .t 1 • ;ir.\ cuiehare ycu make. Cccdun-- # Z Hustle while you have the legs. . ' 1 • 4 ; ... I til Feb. 10, '95. I i '. There are no chickens in last years • • > eggs. Take advantage of our special '• DOUTHETT & GRAHAM. I # (' Cut Rate sale. Hustle around and get r a bargain. f i OUR LOSS! VGIiR GAM J I Douthett & Graham, j !» riain and Cunningham Streets, S i| BUTLER, PENN'A. I I I { SPECIAL (Jwiuir to a contemplated change in "ur l>u*>np*fl April Ist. it becmw Bfcwiwry WJ: plow l«ee on Mite this wwk ov r -2 ftOO of punt* 1 O' ft niifd anderw»-ar. 1 200 V»«-nV BUO B K KEMP s<, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, .A-nd everything in horse and fur nishing goods - Harnons, Collars, Whips, trusters, Saddles, etc. Also trunks and valises. Kepairing done on short notice. The largest assortment of 5-A Horse blankets in town will bo tound at FRANK I£EM PER'B, 124 S. MAIN ST. BUTLER. PA. Good LooKs Count. [ Q When vou tuin out for a drive you want your VA^yVcarriage to look as well as your neighbors. You'll have no rear on that score if you have a Fredonia Buggy. Fredoria Vehicles are the best on the market in every way. If you'll atamine ;hem at your dealers you'll agree wiih this statement. Made h y FRED **\ MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio. THE BUTLER CITIZEN. ' life PACKAGES |— SO. yggy MAN/FINE PRcMIUMS GIVEN FREE TO DRINKS CP UON CSFFSB e. xd, A business that keeps grow ing through a season ol de pression, such as the country has experienced, is an evi dence that people realize they save money by trading with us. We know, and always have known, tbe days of largo profits are past. Without question we are giving more for the money than last year. Our stock is larger to select from than last year. CALL AND SEE US. Colbert & Dale. WEAR HAMMERSLOUGH BRO'S Famous New York, tdilor-made CLOTHING For sale by prominent dealc-s all over the State None ger:ii: e w'thout Mammei slouch I' i• * s label. The swellest and b- si waring clothes in this Coimtrv. Ask your clothier for them. JOB* W. HIXIWS C. A. AB^amp. APRAMS & BROWN". Real Estate, Fire and Life hs r a:- I'rcn.T N Ilun.uivfi Nrar CoraT Htirxf. i n'l.K i t I Mini-nnee r.mi|>- ' "t V«riu A>> 102(1 ve.tr. A»*•••- «• -*7« (HM.; H.l'll.- • * Y"i-rk. (MHt HHI: || irt f..ril I H.. ' A«-i-i- #" Fbfi'ii'*,,- I • lyn, AaSuU n T TLKK. PA..THUHBUAY, JANUARY 31 » C\ n®ic£ l\ 77 V A ALW A Y 3 W' I Mi Mrs. il anna, v'j J= tears springing 5 to her eye s, "that Jack would have been ' ~ " the best of iny children. [le used to be when he was a little fellow. There never was such a good boy as he was. And when he grew older he was just the same, so ready and willing. Never cross and fretful as the others were. And gener ous! My! he'd have given his head away, Mrs. Day. And I never had to Hsk him twice to run an errand for me. He was ready almost before the words were out of my mouth. And now —" Mrs. Hanna's lip quivered and her voice broke suddenly. The minister's wife looked at her pityingly for a mo ment, her gentle brown eyes full oi sympathy. "And now," continued Mrs. Ilanna, with a sob, "he's so different; so changed! It breaks my heart." She began to cry. Mrs. Day did not attempt to check her. She let her weep for a little and then said quite cheerfully: "Now, my dear, I wish, if you feel ycu can. you'd tell me all about it, nnd peihaps we can find a way out of the trouble. It can't be so bad yet. Jack is young, and 1 don't think he can have gone so far astray that he couldn't be reclaimed—if one went about it in the - right way." "Right way!" echoed Mrs. Hanna j with a note of bitterness in her voice. j "Right way! Why, do you think I ; haven't tried all ways? I've done every- j thing. When. I first found he was go- | ing with those awful men—that was J about a year ago, I guess —I thought it j would have lei i led me. But 1 made up ray mind I'd save my son if I had to I talk until my tongue wore out. And I j did talk. I talked kindly and I talked j sternly and I tried argument and I j tried even threats. I threatened to | tell his father. Every night I sat up; for him; and I didn't care how late it I was. I'd always see him before lie got j into his room. And then I'd re:non- | etrate with him and ask him if he ' thought that was a proper time to be coming home, and he wouldn't answer a word. Ile'd grown just so sullen. And later he got so he'd scarcely speak j to me at all. And now he just goes in ; and out, and if he does open his lips it's j only to —to—swear at something, and ; last night he came home —oh, Mrs. Day, j my boy came home drunk, and when I i was getting him to bed a pack of cards fell out ot his pocket. And—what shall I do? What shall I do? I'll have to tell his father now. and that'll be the end. for Tom wouldn't have a son in his house who'd drink and gamble, and there'll be an awful scene. And Jack will go away and then it will all be misery. What shall I do? What shall I do?" For a moment Mrs. Day did not re ply. Then she said, quietly: "Of course, it's difficult for you, poor dear. But, bad as it is, it isn't past help by any means. First of all, you won't tell your husband. I hope you won't tell your husband." Mrs. Hanna murmured brokenly, amid her tears: "I must; oh, I must!" ' j; u ," „„ 2.1. p.,, JUm-qra ing her, "I hope you won't tell his father." "Not tell his father!" stammered Mrs. Ilanna, awaking aghast to the realization that Mrs. Day was suggest ing a course of concealment —the min ister's wife was suggesting a course of concealment—to her that, to her i .jXJs v i ,F » "I HOPE you WON'T tell his father." rigid sense, appeared to be almost un righteous. "Not tell his father? Why, Mrs. Day, what can you mean? Of course I must tell his father." "I don't see that," responded Mrs. Day. - "But 1 do see that just now you have got to be very careful, to act very wisely, or you will lose your son. You mustn't let him be harshly treated, lie must not lose his self-respect. He—" "As though a boy who has done what he has hud any self-respect," moaned Mrs. Hanna. Mrs. Day went right on: "He must not be made to feel that he is east off. You say that your telling Mr. ilanna will cause an open rupture between him end Jack. Remember that if Jack leaves your house you have lost your last hold on him, your last shadow of influence. As it stands, you may think you have little enough, though 1 feel sure it is not so, but then you would have none. Jack is of a sensitive nature. He is easily led. It is unfortunate that he happeued to fall among thieves, but it is not necessarily fatal. What you must do is to put nothing in the way of his reclamation. 1 f he wishes to reform he must not be hold back by the consciousness of open disgrace. Let us give him every chance. Let us tell no one of what has hap pened. Let us act as though it had never been." Mrs. Hanna's tears had dried on her checks. She had forgotten to wipe them away in her bewilderment at what she heard. That anyone—that the minister's wife above all —should be suggesting to her what appeared to be a comnromise between right and wrong. To her, who had never yet recognized shades—to her to whom the truth was "the truth, the whole truth antl nothing but the truth," and what was other than this in any particular must of necessity l>c false. If some thing in her bosom tugged at her heart strings und pleaded for her son, thai was a sinful instinct that must be crushed because it was contemptible, because it meant the countenancing ol evil, and what was evil she must re- even.if it be in her own son. How could she shield Jack without taeri'itting her o*vn .integrity? ■ If she refrained from telling his father sho would not be telling the whole truth. In other words, according to her rea son, she would be lying. "No," said Mrs. Day to this, "not at all. Don't you think it's better to withhold than to speak unkindly? I'm sure my hu baud would approve me 1. re We've both found tiiat tlie most ri fid nutans arc not always the most e tscte.al nor these only possible in rectitude. Uno can ; t always be down r rht. Cue must have tuet. Some- J. tiutii Wal C_\.l \Uiv rij;4t' l&ah of tact) ought to have a place m tlio list of the virtues. One can pain so much good by it. We human beings are so different. We need such .lifer ent treatment. We can't all be led by the same string-, and I don't believe God ever meant we should be. Now, I m pretty sure from what I know ol Jack that he is not a boy one can drive. I—" But here Mrs. Lanna interrupted her with an eager exclamation. "Goodness gracious, Mrs. Day! drive! Well. I guess if I had to drive him to goodness— IJe ought to be anxious for it on its own account, and it almost seem> to me that if he can't see it in that light he might as well be let stay bad." "Bad!" echoed Mrs. Day in her turn. "Jack isn't bad. He's only foolish. And so far as one's not being led to goodness is concerned, why, Mrs. Uanna. if it weren't for that very ne cessity we'd ail be saints. Every day we live we're being urged and coaxed and led toward goodness and away from temptation by the most patient and tender means. Don't you see it in your own experience? Do you thiuk we have enough virtue in us to go of our own accord'.' Oh. dear, no! Now wliat 1 want to prove to you is that it is not only not wrong, but that it is positively right, for us to try to win Jack over by v. hat my husband would call 'a holy stratagem.' At any rate, will you let me try? 1 promise to take all the blame on my shoulders." Mrs. Uanna wavered. She ardcutly desired the end. but che distrusted the means. "it doesn't sceni to me right." she protested. "It cciiij't sttm tc u.e a if the sort of goodness one would gain in such roundabout ways would be -.vortb much. But you can try. Only I feel so fearfully responsible in not telling his father." A couple of nights later Jack Uanna let himself into the house, as was usual, very gently, but. as was not usual, l"ng before midnight. lie trod very softly, but his mother heard him enter and stood ready to meet him at the head of the stairs, clad in her dress ing gown and knitted slippers. "Oh, hello, mum!" whispered the young fellow. "You up again? By the way, Mrs. Day sends her love to you." "Mrs. Day?" "Yes. She says don't forget to send around for those what-yon-call-'ems she promised you. Hoopskirt patterns or something. But, anyway—" "Where did you see Mrs. Day?" in terrupted Mrs. Hanna. taking her hand from the baluster rail and moving a 6tep nearer her son. "Oh. didn't I tell you? She wanted me to take her to the Carters'. They had a whist party and she wanted to go, and Mr. Day couldn't, or wouldn't or something. Anyway, 1 took her, and we had a dait.y lime." "Whist," said Mrs. Hanna, in a re pressed voice. "Yes, whist," repeated the young man. "And whist! or you'll wake the pater, (rood night, mum." He passed before her and closed him self into his own room. The next day Sirs. Day told Mrs. Ilanna that Jack had distinguished himself at the Carters'. "They just delight in him. They think he is so bright and clever and they wondered why they had never met him before. Mrs. Carter asked him to call and he is going, I believe. I'm glad. The Carters are such fine people and Hilda is charming. She plays very well. She and Jack had quite a musical discussion. He doesn't like some composer she adores. She e»j-q it's boentis*-* ' well enough to be able to judge. Jack grew quite worked up about it!" "I guess there are few composers Jack doesn't know about," said his mother with a spark of pride. "Yes, so I thought," assented Mrs. Day. calmly. "I said so, in fact. And to prove it he and Hilda are coming to dine with me next Wednesday n ght. and Hilda is to be convinced that his feeling isn't one cf 'prejudice, but of conviction.' I believe that is how he put it. Fancy! Conviction regarding a ccmposer! But they were so in earnest you'd have supposed 'twas a creed." "And you let them? You didn't tell them they might be better employed? You permitted them to talk about their convictions as though it concerned a vital question? Oh. Mrs. Day. I'd rather have it right out with Jack. This seems to me like wasting time. I don't see how all this is going to bring him to salvation." "Let me try a bit longer," pleaded Mrs. Day. "Why, 1 haven't fairly be gun yet." And with this Mrs. Ilanna was forced to rest content. She saw Jack dress for Mrs. Day's dinner on the appointed night. She met him in the hail when he returned. She learned that Hilda Carter had com pletely won him over to her way of thinking, and that, after all. he hadn't known what splendid music it was. That now, since he did know, he couldn't rest till he heard more, nnd to that end he was goinir to the Philhar monic concert the next night; that Hilda had got him to sing; that s''c liked his voice, and that she had ex tracted a promise fr> m him to sing nc>:t mouth at the church soeiabie "I said I would, and I'm g ing t > take up my lessons again, f r I d. t want to make ?i mix of it 1 ef> re all y " good people Sorry, hut you'll h.v ■I > put up with my chirruping n- aiu mum." he said And he actually ki ■ her good night- After that Mrs Hanna could g'i ■ with tolerable accuracy where -It: :k had been spending his evenings, lie had his cheery, communicative nights and his moody, reticent ones An I these serve ! t report him more faith fully than he would have believed or perhaps desired, for we all have our little rescrvi in spite of ourselves, and are n .t always anxious to have our moods revealed. At first the nights of cheery com municativeness were the exception, but gradually they grew more and more freouent as the young man was drawn more and more into the society of >e §1 > y \ yy/A iu \V). m [m ' bmnre# M j» I'., w, i;' iinri il fi IIV ■-1 '•<• Vn I V - "OU! IIF.LIX), MlTll!" pure women and honorable men, and by and by the others ceased entirely, and if Mrs. Hanna had any ground for complaint against her son it was not the company he kept. He attended church.service regularly every Sunday, but hi-, mother looked on this i: kunee. "lie doesn't go for the church's sake. It's be'ausc ho knows he'll see Hilda Carter there." mourned s'io. Mrs. Day laughed. "It's a bit hard on the miai .ter'3 wife to be told that folks attend her wiurva tyr nzgyuti v,-u£ which his preaching has nothing to do. LSui, never mind, so long as he comes. Later, perhaps, his motive will be simpler. We can wait. And if we can wait—" Her pause was eloquent. Mrs. Ilanna made no reply. She had come to con sult Mrs. Day about the costume Jack was to wear at an impending exhibi tion of "Living Pictures." "You know all about such matters." she said, "but I never was concerned in anything of the kind before. In my day young people weren't always hav ing to be entertained. We went to church and prayer-meeting, and that was the end of it. Hut now it's either fairs or suppers, or something the n hole livelong time. Rut I must say I'm sorry he and Hilda Carter are going to be in the same tableau. I'm afraid it will make gossip. Mrs. Danielson told me yesterday that they were en gaged." "Did you tell that to Jack?" asked Mrs. Day, with a flicker of amuse ment. "Yes. Of course. I thought I ought. I feel it's only right I should give liim a hint of what's being said so he can stop it. Of course he can't break with Hilda all at once, but he might gradu ally stop coing there That sort ol thing can't be done abruptly; one has to use tact and discretion. Yes. Mrs. Danielson told me, quite as though it were an open secret, that they were engaged." "What does Jack say?" "Nothing." Rut Jack did say something He said it to Hilda herself. "Oh. by the way, what do you think? Mrs. Danielson has told my mother that we were engaged." "Were?" laughed Hilda to hide her embarrssment. "No, I mean are," replied Jack bluntly. "That was thoughtful of Mrs. Dan ielson to inform your mother Well of course you told Mrs. Ilanna that it was not so. That our feeling for each other was merely a friendly one." "No, I didn't. You see. I couldn't tell her that, because it isn't. I mean mine isn't." Hilda reddened. "You only think that," she said in a matter-of-fact fort of tone. "What? That mine i n't? Oh. no. I know it. What I do tie :k is that yours is. I makes me raiscra' le." "I don't want to ct..!;e you mi cr able—" ventured Hilda And even r.fter t'.i's, after they were engaged. Jack v.- t to r'» It caused his mother t • v in." - < r now her idea that his : t!e»i lance v .., im ply for the sake of 1! 1 hff'i'uli "roved He could see lv rw' rUe v. hc l It wasdinenH of I (IS 1 at certain it vas that Mrs. P v h i trim- hed Heaven hud . m'le ' :i her '.o!y strat agem.'—Arthur " Magazine —Ragley--"Th : ; a ■ übroker bowed to your wif : i he I.now her'*" Brace—"l rr, -i...• he f els J.hat he docs; he has s.«en iter picture so often inside the c. e< f nay watch."—N Y Herald But th" dav i pent, and stars are kindlinsr in tl:e Cr ment. to us how silent, though. !.'. curs, perchance, busy and full of li. f - and circumstance. —burned Rogers The Pleasure* of Home f.ife. "What a cozy home you have." sai l bis bachelor friend as lie entered Mr Nuwed's house for the first time. "Yes, indeed," said Mr. Nuwed ecstatically. "I never knew the real comforts of life until I married. Now. if you'll just sit down a moment I'll go down ami «» »'■- * 11 - - " mnrtnng wood, bring up so.ne coal for the grate fire, set out the milk pitch; r mend the kitchen stove, put up a cur tain pole, attend to a few other domes tic duties and then we'll sit down and have a real niee time."—Chicago Rec ord. Clearest Kind of Proof. Police Commissioner Several citi zens swear that they saw Onicer O'Toole coming out of a brewery. O'Toole's Lawyer—liut the defease submits that it could not have been a brewery. Police Commissioner —W'.iat pro >! have yon of this? O'Toole's Lawyer—The fact that he was seen to leave. —Rate Field's Wash ington. The road to Love. •• Is there no place " 1 hca • the voutb inquire •' Between tills plain and that bright hel,;h; above*" '• You cannot stop." rcn'.le* the a'-rod sire: ••There's no alf-Way liv,uso on the road to Los o." —Ufe PAT MIIOCI I> APin: tL TO KB. EDISON. • 111 'eJ jm. > 4 li m. . s. '■ Ih X I; . Jo' \V h a "They .v i* 1 -.trieity," said Pat. as he st . 1 r■ th incai' c cent street li j ,t. "but I'll be !r>n?ed ii" I set.' h' w il is they make the h.orpin burn ia tli ■l< lUhl ." V le . ■■ No' n v-r-~ t. lie placed hi : .i" V, h« "rt "You can:. •; :::: h ■ ; ->tpsle"l. "what n teml le h ! i ..ii y ' ail y t give no sign t• > t"i. i i • She tnme ! :i« :t;, ' rI. I "Relieve me." ihe Lhcrrd. "tie worid knows." A subtle sotnethiri r in hi- way -he raised her handkcrcai ft- h -r face i »- pelled him to surr.• ill nv ly take an other clove or two. D ' it Tribune. I!a I Tri ! T.i -n. Little Dot —Mamm . read msip~p"r that a deaf man ou* * was stu.ig by a swarm of bees, and now lie can hi.tr as well as ever Little Di :1c —I don't sec how bee stings conld make a c" . f man hear, but I should think they'd make a dumb man speak.—Good News. Not all Rcssie —Don't you believe in any thing? Frank—Oh. yes, in pretty girls, fo» instance. Bessie —Then I suppose you often Change your pl. ee of u r hip and keep the same creed. —Detroit Free Press. An f xprrt Op •• «-n. Mrs. Benedict—Now, what would you do, Mr. De Bateh. : f you hati a baby that cried for the moon'* De Batch (griaily)—l'd do the next best thing for him. madam; I'd make him see stars. Kate Field's Washing ton. Pl-nt*/ of Co t> my. Bingo—New that you are living in the country. 1 !i >ul 1 think you wpu] 1 fiad it lone ome ri..i..,; back and L>rth on the train. Withcrby -'."ot at all. ol 1 man I always hew n rv. ;,;. l with inc. — Lifw HANDY MOVAELE SHED. A That U'UI Pay tor ItJielf la h Short Time. A handy movable shed for brood sows or calve -, or any desired purpose, can be made as For the roof take 4 t pine scani.hu. f"et long; distribute these for rafters, and nail to each end a 2x4 pine scantling 8 feet long: place upon these shingling lath or sheathing, and cover with shingles or other material in the ordinary way. For the ends: The lower end will re quire 2 scantlings 8 feet long and 2 up rights of same scantlings 2 feet long. Hinge this on lower inside edge of lower end of roof so it will turn in wards. The upper end arrange the same way. only use 3 scantlings .'» feet long and uprights of the same only <1 feet long. The sides fit in with similar — r 3 B a— -2h /2 p. Uy J ' 3 32 S DIAGRAM OF MOVABLE SUED. framing, and so hinge that each side ! will turn inwards over the ends, and board upright all around. The reason ! for this hinging is for convenience in j knocking it down, moving it, and set- \ ting it up again. In tearing it down ! carefully tip it over on roof, wrong side up, on a sled, fold down ends and , sides, then move where desired; put | up again and fasten at corners with a spike or two, leaving the heads out so ; as to draw out easily, and it is com- : plete. Often it need not be let down I at oil. only tipped on the end of a sled j as needed. Such a convenience will l many times pay for itself. It can be ' used sometimes for farm machinery or i for storing potatoes or other roots un til ready to pit or market. The accom panying illustration will give an idea of its construction. —I). Livingston, in Orange Judd Farmer. BARNYARD MANURE. It< Importance and Pecuniary Vain# on the Farm. Barnyard manure is the most impor tant manurial resource of the farm and should be carefully saved and used: It represents fertility drawn from the soil and must be returned to it if produc tiveness is to be maintained. This manure contains all the fertiliz ing elements required by plants in forms that insure plentiful crops and permanent fertility to the soil The urine is the most valuable portion, but it is Itest used in connection with the solid dung, one thus correcting the de ficiencies of the other. The amount and value of the manure produced by different farm animals is put at the following figures in the latest farmers' bulletin, the computa tions being made on the basis of 1,000 pounds of live weight: Sheep, 34.1 P 0 , 1 . , . n^ of , In cents; pigs, 83.'i pounds, worth 10.7 cents; cows, 74.1 pounds, worth 8 cents, and horses, 48.8 pounds, worth 7.<> cents, basing calculations of value on market prices of commercial fertilizers, which probably gives results much too high Making liberal allowances for these and other considerations. Prof Roberts estimates that the value of the manure produced on a small farm car rying 4 horses. 20 cows. 50 sheep nnd 10 pigs during the seven winter months amounts to about Poultry man ure is the most highly e. teemed as a fertilizer: after which come respective ly sheep, pigs, horses and cows. —N. Y. World. FCO) FO"7 HOnSCS. Some of the Kl nit. untl tlic Pe cult r * i-r in of . urh. Of all the roots with which horses are tempted the carrot, as a rule, is the favor it- and perhaps the most benefi cial It is said to be somewhat diu retic in its effect and to exercise a sa tuirious influence on the skin Cer tain it is that a sick horse may be coaxed into eating carrots when disin clined t.i partake of other nourish ment. with the greatest beneficial re sults. For the failing horse carrots are most valuable as an article of diet, and n few may be given with advan tage to u horse in a healthy condition. fat meal is extremely nutritious, und as a food for the convalescent horse is most valuable The bruising process the grain has undergone breaks the husk ami renders it more easily acted upon by the digestive organs It is usually given in the form of a gruel, and in that form it is one of the most essentia) articles of diet for the infirm ary Linseed is decidedly to lie in cluded in the sick diet roll It is nu tritious, nnd from its oleaginous nature soothing to the frequently irritable mucous membrane of the alimentary canal, and hence is to be particularly recommended in the treatment of sore throats. Nor is its bland effect local only; its more general influence is par ticularly observable in affections of the kidneys.—N. Y World. Corn N»t Kf*:i lice force to watch out fur the bicy clist who did it. Policeman—lint it wasn't a bicyclist. It was a beer wag' a. Ofiicial —oh, <{ thut's all. never taind. People are used to being ruu tMft? ' Ujct win;uaui —UyytA JS'uwa. THE AUTOCRATIC PORKER. You may talk about yer venison. yer bar-meal an' rcr fowl. You may blow yer Horn bout every-.hlc* fron turkey down to owl You may chirp about jer Qoall oc toast as' tick ah that, you see. Bui the CUP old-fashioned porker la goo< enough fer me You may spin long yams on beefsteak, on rab bit au on snipe. On all that » good to swaller. from ox-tall sri| to tripe. Yer mouth may run to water bout ehlckea fricassee. But old-fashioned ham an fravy 1* good enough fer me You may hunt the country over fer some thine fit to eat la the line of coon er 'possum or other kind us meat You may chew a touch old brisket cow, so old sho couldn't see. But the old style roasted spar-rib Is good enough fer me You may rrtnd up meat and mix It with peppei and with salt. Then add a little fyarllc an" yaller meal aa' malt. An' yerbs an' roots an' on'.oas. an' a Uttle cat nip tea. But old-fashioned country sausage U good enough fer me. You may feast on shiny flohes. on bass an' carp an' eels, Thai's purty much a owla' to how a feller feels; But what a feller's raised to he'll gine rally be. An the hog and all that's on him U good enough fer me Jest kill a thrifty porker, about two L u art red pound. Hang up a side ur spar-ribs and wat«h 'Mi turn around An' slzz an' spud an' sputter before the epea Ore. i Hung to a nail In the mantel an' strung up oa a wire. Now. set a pan below it upon the brick hearth flat. j An' see the pravy trickle down from lean meat an' from tat. Blch grub might not be Qttln' fer the king er his srumtee. i But It's old-fashioned country eatln'. an' H*a • good enough fer me. Then when yer pig has cooled enough take down that blgrest half. Strip up the Juicy tenderlina an' watch the children laugh. Now slice the pieces cross ways about a quar- I ter thick An' fry em on a frisky fire mo they'll get done rite quick. An' In the bottom gravy jest break a dozes egk's Laid by them greedy Plymouth Rocks, conaara their pesky Ic^-h; Jest draw up the table now. with neither floe nor ft?c; Of course it's only- country truck, but it's good enough fer me. You folks that's llrlo' In the town on drled-up mac'.crrony An' cotlllsh balls an' terrapin an' second-hand bolouy. Come out into the country oaoe. yer welcome an yer frre: You'll Und the porker good enough fer either you or me —C A Robinson, in Western Rural RAISING CARCASSES. Aa Old-l ashloned ContrlraaM Suitable for the Average Farm. There has been considerable inquiry for a pallotvs on which to raise the carcasses of hops. For common farm use, where it is employed but once or twice a year, it is doubtful if anything' is cheaper or better than the old fashioned contrivance illustrated here with A six-inch pole that la sound Is placed in the crotches of two heavy poles well set, or in the branches of l In* iLMUt lu* two near-by trees. To these the gam brels are fastened by chains, and this improvised cylinder is made to revolve and lift the pork by rolling it by means of a crowbar, or strong stick which fits into holes bored into the poJe at right angles. This is prevented from unwinding by a pin thrust into a hole bored in the post. Of course, pul leys and ropes are better, but these are not always owned. Farm Journal FACTS FOR FARMERS. Certainlt the suggestion need not be made that a leaky roof on any build ing ought to receive immediate atten tion It is not likely that we shall the prico of wheat at the old figure. We cannot com|>ete with cheap land and pauper labor Fakmers are among our very beat citizens because most of them own their own homes. A man with a home to protect will usually be a good citi zen Wk are asked what the buckwheat tree is. and where it grows? The buck wheat tree is au evergreen shrub of the gulf states. Its fruit is shaped like a kernel of buckwheat, hence the name of the tree TURKIC is no better time for hauling out manure than when there is good sleighing Haul it out on the sled. Whatever enn be done with the sled •an be more easily done than it can be with a wagon. Farmers Voico flow Bom# ! «rm«n Low Mon^y. Grain and hay are often held until they decline in value from damage by weather, shrinkage in weight, etc., to say nothing about declino in market quotations They are not kept off the market by any spirit of speculation as a rule or from hope of advance In price things have not been tending that way of late—but from sheer careless ness oftentimes The percentage of loss in this way Is quite a considerable item in the experience of a multitude of farmers, and those, too. who osa ill afford it. Feared Ooaatp. "Xo, my dear," said Mrs. Parrey New to her caller, "1 shall not serve . wafers at my teas this season." "Indeed?" "I couldn't think of It. If T served , anything smaller than biscuit Ul natured people would be certain te say Mr. New had felt the hard times.*' —Washington Star. What They Talk Aboat. Mrs. Yerger—Matilda, you and Mrs. Pctcrby's servant are always talking together. What do you find to talk about? Matilda Snowball —We was Jess j amusin' ourselves, jesa de same as you ' und Mrs. Peterby does, except dat you talk about the servants and we talked about our employers. —Turn many Time a. j The One Injured. Minnio —Did you hear about Mollie'a thuicc falling off the trolley car and . breaking his arm? Mamie —Yes. I wonder if ho will sue the company for damages? Minnie—l guess not. I shouldn't won der if she does, though.—Cincinnati Tribune. A Snft Answer. Aetrese (angrily)— Did you write that criticism which said my impersonnilon of "The Abandoned Wife" was a miser able failure? Cri'.io— Ye—you see, you looked so irrtiiaUbiy beautiful that it was im> pow.il) lo 10 fancy thirt may roup tMUU Y< Waklp A STORY OF DR. HOLMCS. His AppneUtlii Reader Who Dl< Hot Know film. One of the compensation! of the poet is that, now and then, he stumbles upas surprises such as tickle his dlaphrapro and ripple hi.* face with smiles. One of these surprises greeted genial Dr. Holme* in the days when he went to dinners. At a certain dinner party a young Virginia girl, visiting Boston, was seated next to a homely little old gentleman, whose name she had not caught. A correspondent of the Bos ton Transcript tells what resulted from that failure: The gentleman began to talk with her. and asked her how ahe passed her time in the country •'Ob, we read, my father and I," she said. "What do you read?" asked the little old man. "Well, the 'Autocrat of the Break fast Table' for one thing." abe an swered "I should think yon would not care to read that more than once, "remarked the old man. In a tone of slight dispar agement. "My father and 1 may not be . judges of literature," said Miss Virginia, with a faint accent of scorn, "but when we g< I to the end of the 'Autocrn' " we generally turn hack to the b-- nag and read it over again." The little old man smiled at thi.v :id was disposed to be friendly, but i iss Virginia was so distrusted with hu tone concerning the "Autocrat" that ahe mat him with chilly indifference. As soon as the guests went Into the drawing-room, her hostess whispered reproachfully to her: "You didn't seem to find Dr. Holmes as interesting as I hoped." "Dr. Holmes!"shrieked Miss Virginia. There was a lab!ran and tin explana tion ARTIFICIAL AID TO THE MEMORY. flare R«i>n In EiltUDf« Sine* thai Dmjc «f Ancient Efrpt The art of rendering artificial aid to the memory by associating in the mind things difficult to remember with those which are easy of recollection is said to have originated with the Egyptians. The first person to reduce it to a sys tem was. according to Cloero. the poet Bimonides, who lived 600 years B. C. His plan la known aa the topical or locality plan, and is outlined by tho Philadelphia Times as follows: Choose m large house with a number of differ ently furnished apartments in it. Im press upon the mind carefully all that is noticeable In the house, so that the mind can rt-adily go over all its parts. Then place • wries of ideas in the house, the first in the hall, the next'in the sitting-room, and so on with the rest. Now, when one wishes to recall these idoas in their proper succession, commence going through the house, and the idea placed in each depart ment will be found to readily recur to the mind in connection with it. It la related that tho mnemonio plan was first suggested to the poet by a tragic occurrence. Having been called from a banquet just before the roof of the house fell and crushed all the rest of the company, he found on returning that the bodies were so mutilated that no individual could be recognised, but by remembering the places which they had severally occupied at the tabtto, ha was able to Identify them. He was thus led to notice that the order of places may, by association, suggest the order of things. EARTHQUAKE WAVES. Pulsations Travel at a Very High Bate mt Some of our readers may rem am tear, says Youth's Companion, that the pulsations of the great earthquake in Greece last April were perceived in England, and, it was believed, at the Cape of Good Hope, by moans of very delicate instruments contrived for the purpose of registering any slight shak ing of the earth's crust. In like man ner the shock of the Constantinople earthquake of July last was perceived at various meteorological observatories in Austria, Russia. Germany, Holland, France and England. By a comparison of times, combiaed with the distances from Constantinople of the places where pulsations were observed, a fairly accurate estimate ot the velocity with which the earthquake waves traveled was obtained. The average speed was about two miles per second. This is almost ex actly the same velocity as that whieh was calculated for the pulsations of the Greek earthquake in April. At this rate, if it were continued without diminution, the wave would pass com pletely round the earth, along a great circle. In about three hours and a hall One of the English Instrument* whlah registered the e pulsations ia at'' Mis bottom of a deep mine near Newcastle on-Tyne, and its delicacy may be Judged from the fact that It has record ed the beating of the waves on the sea coast ten miles away. I|e Challenged the pit The short and disastrous reign of Louis XVI. produced two remarkable duelists—the petticoated Chevalier d'Eon and the mulatto St. George. D'Eon died in London as late aa 1810, and no satisfactory reason was ever given for the whim which made him a quarter of a century attire himself la woman's clothes. The black St. George was at once the best fencer and the best pistol shot of his day, and won hie reputation In many meetings. In spite of his fame an a duelist, he is said to have been a very inoffensive man and to have avoided quarrels as far as he might. One of the most wholesale challenges on record dates from this period, when Marquis de Tenteaias, having been rebuked for sitting too forward at the wings, considered him self to be slighted by the audience. "Ladies and gentlemen," said he, "with your permission a piece will be per formed to-morrow called 'The In: solence of the Pit Chastised,' In as many acts aa may be desired, by Marqaie de Teatenlac." The peaceable pit took no notice of the bellicose nohleman'e ohalleiigo- Bard te Ml. Jess—That young man ts wry greeable to stare at us that way. Besa-The other Is Just ae had; he hasn't looked this way ease-—K- t World. The Canse of IS. We swore she was treading oa air, Brr stop was so daintily tight: Bat those who know better deolars Bar shoes were a trifle too tight. —t > 3Ch» A LIVING ILUJBTBATKW. The Teacher— Willie Watson. go to the blackboard and doooribe to Utc alatg • serai-curve. Willie Watson—Wat's ther use, teaoto m . when they can mo OhT B| fltfuttaurf Tnriwi a N o r>