Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 03, 1895, Image 3

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TaUdSOIY. JANUARY 3, 1895. ;
Legal notices are published in the Citi
xen at 91 per Inoh for first, and 50 cents for
each succeeding insertion.
Obituaries, cards of tbankf. resolutions,
etc are inserted at 5 cenu a line, money to
accompany the order.
Raading notices on local page 10 cents
a line tor first and 5 cents a line lor each
subsequent insertion Notices among lo
cal news items 15 cents a line for each in
Half-inch professional cards with paper
•5 a year.
Kates for commercial advertising qtoted
upon application.
New York Weekly Tribune—Free.
hi special arrangements made for eur
so doing, we are enabled lo offer to all our
ntsoribers who pay arrearages, (if any)
and one year m advance, and to all new
s übacribers paying u> advance, the New
York Weekly Tnbunt free for one year.
For fnrther particulars of this offer see ad
New Advertisements.
Adm'mt notice, estate of Wm. Lnta.
Dissolution notice. Young A Cooper.
C & T's clearance sale.
Zimmerman's saenfio* pale.
Schaul A Nast's clothing.
Kauffmann's pric. s.
Prospecti—Pituburg Times, Chronicle ;
NOT« —All advertisers intending to make j
cangea iu their ads. should notity us of j
heir intending to do so, not later than
■ outlay morning
Administrators and Executors ot estate!
can secure their receipt bcoks at the Cit j
lis >ii)>
—Sunstroke cases are scarce.
—Seersackar coats are little worn these
—Work at the bottle works was resum
ad, Friday.
—The Butler Co. Medical Society will
meet in Butler next Tuesday.
—The ice on the ponds and dams is thick
enough to cut
—Begin the new year with a clean face,
ft clean body, clean clothes, »nd— if yon
can—• c'eftn conscience.
—The Pittsburg Timet frill not announce
its competitive vacation trips until the
la«t *eek in February; aud the voting will
not begin nntii March Ist.
—The rectnt cold snap and snow storm
extended as lar south as northern Florida,
and half the orange crop, and many of the
young tree* were Irnien.
—The Co. Auditor; will not begin their
Work till next Monday. Tne warrants is
sued by tne Co. Commissioners last year
aggregate 956,156 17.
—Joan Stewart of Centre twp, killed an
Imported Chester bftrrow last week that
dressed 004 pounds. It was two and a
half yean old.
—Young and Cooper have dissolved
partnership, Mr. Young retiring on account
ol his other business interests. Mr. Cooper
will continue the basiuess, which has been
• prosperous one from the beginning.
—The thermometers about Butler ranged
from 10 to 20 below zero last Friday and
Saturday mornings—a change from Christ
mas eve of about 55 degrees. At Grand
Rapids, Minnesota, tne mercury went to
25 below zero.
—Saturday the 26th is the last Saturday
for holding borough and township prima
ries; as the certificates must be filed with
the County Commissioners by Friday, Feb.
Ist. The election occurs on Tuesday
Feb. 19:h.
— l The skating on tbe creek and ponds
VH good this vwk and Rome ot onr y<>on|t
men »kated m tar np the creek u Oneida
and a* far down as Renfrew. On New
Years afternoon the creek eac crowded
witli skaters.
—The report of the death of Mrs. An
drew Moure of (Jentre twp from the HTeotn
of rajaries received from a ram was incor
rect. Mr* Moore died ot heart disease
and was not touched by a rain. Or. For
rester, who examined her, said the cause of
her death was heart disease.
—The year started out with a twenty
per cent, cat in plate glass, made by tbe
Diamoud and . Pituburg companies, tbe
largest concerns in America. This puts
tbe price, according to a Bailer plate-glass
man, below tbe oost of production, and
may result in closing some of the smaller
—Tbe Campbell Hose Co. needs a new
four-wheel hose carriage—needs it badly
to take place of tbe old, out-of date and
Worn out two-wheel cart they are now us
ing. Tbey sent word to four-hundred of
tbe citizens of tbe 4th and stb wards ot
their needr, and have received but thirty
response*. Tbey need over S4OO and have
received but SB7. Everybody should con
trionie something to the firemen. They
need it and they ueanrve it.
—A drunken man was leaning against a
lamp-post 'j-cting the contents of bis
■tamacb. He had been eating raw oys
ter*, sardines, and other stuff When be
was about through a little yellow dog rau
up and began snuffiug at it. The man
looked at the conglomeration with some
degree of consteruatiou, aud muttered: "1
I (hie) know wbere I (hie) gut Ibein oys
ters, aud tbem sardines, and (hie) that
beer an' whisky, bat I'll be blamed if 1
(hio) know where I got that yaller dog."
—Two women on their way from New
Castle to Butler, stopped at the residence
•f Philip liouk last Thursday night to
Stay all night. Stime time after they left
Mrs Hook discovered she was minus sev
eral articles ol wearing apparel, among
vbicn was a black dress valued at SH.
Detectives Uouk and Aiken traoed the
thieves two miles beyond Portersville,
where they found tbein on their way to
Batler. Alter they bad been told they
were wanted fjr burglary, they denied the
theft and Ware allowed to travel on.— New
Caatle yews.
—At the meeting of the Town Council,
Tuesday evening. a representative of the
School Hoard appeared and asked that
the Council vacate that part of North St.
adjoining the lot the Hoard proposes pur-
Chasing for school porpoMiH, but it «u
decided that the proper way to vacate the
(treet was by legal proofediugs; Geo. Jack
wan given permission to drill a well for pax
on tf*e flat east of tbe Waverly House; a
petition from tbe Hoard ot Health aeking
for *ip«uM* for representation to the State
Cooveotion at Harrisbarg was laid ou the
table; a committee van appointed to visit
tbe Springdaie hose bouse and report on
it* condition. » (1 d „l„ (> to take legal steps,
it necessary. to break up and discontinue
tbe scandalous doing* of Rome parties in
tbe house; tbe asual monthly bills were
approved, eto.
We think tbe School Hoard has made a
mistake in selecting a lot no fai from the
centre of population to be accommodated
by the proponed new school bouse, which
should be located as near tbe oentre as
possible, just as is tbe school bouse in
Springdale. There are about 300 school
children in Duffytown and tbe West Side,
say as far south as blatnm's brick yard,
and these «roald be be»t served by a school
building some where near the crossing of
Vvw UeUe itrwjw
The total expenditure of Butler_ county
for the past year was $5.2.156 17. The
! county h oat of debt and in good shape
i Letters of adm'n were granted to J. V.
Kirk-r on estate of Wm. Lutz late of Lan
caster twp , also to U. W. Benshaw on
esute of Susan J. Henshaw late ot Pros
| pect.
] If. L. Starr ot Petrolia has been appoiut
: ed Mercantile Appraiser by the county
I Commissioners.
W. H. Grove has issued summons in
j ejectment lor 12 acres in Middlesex twp.
i held by J S. Patterson, Amos Steelsmith
and W. Tate.
Wm Doothett to Philip Burr 1 acre in
Forward for S4O
Wm A Stein adm'r to L C Wick lot in
Butler for $1,20J
Western Atlantic Pipe Line Co. to G M
| Goepteri 116 acres in W infield for S2,O(X)
J as. E Kelley to Alviu Carothers 150
! acres iu Clay for S2OO.
j George Frederick to Mary E Divener 119
• acres in Lancaster for SSOO.
[ .) C lioudstoJohn Giiielaud 1 acre in
i Valencia for S3OO.
| H J lo John Hildebrand lot in
Butler f.ir $1,150.
J Geo Beam ueirs to Wm Goebring, lot
! ip Harmony for S2OO.
Robt A Walker to Jaa S Borts lot in
j Harris vide Lir $250.
Tuotuas MM g«s to S Clark Tebay 5
acres in Muddy creek tor S2OO
- Kihn to W.J. O'Neil lot in Butler
for S6OO
j Alfred Fleming to Henry Cypher 18
j acre 4 in Bulialo for SI.OO
: Same to Msrtua Flemming for $1 U0
Cato Carson to B F Miliord 52 acres in
I Allegheny tor $1,200
Marnage Licenses.
| Mark H Young Allegheny, Pa
! Sadie E Ci mmins Harrisville, Pa
1 Dale Brown Butler Pa
I Armina 8e11..... ....Clay twp
M H Donalcson ...North Hop.-
Mary E Curry ....Magic
Rob't Sefton Clinton twp
Lulu C Ha11T.... •• "
Wm. J Hinkson North Hope
Annie Wolford ............ .Cnicora
Henry Wagner Fairview twp
Elizabeth S Fulton Connoq. twp
Abner Campbell.... ...Concord twp
Maud Deets Fairview twp
Rob't J Lamb Butler Pa
Mary L Pape " "
Reuben C Sanderson Gottiersol
Jessie M Pat t0n.............. .. "
Melancthon Bowser Armstrong Co
Nettie Swartzlander Fairview twp
J E Clark Lawrence Co
Nora Oesterling Mt. Chestnut
Win W Watters Evans City
Clara B Daubenspeck Bruin
Charles Bauer Butler twp
Emma A. Wachsmuth.... .... " "
Clen Voltx Allegheny Pa
B A Spohu Summit twp
Wm N Critchlow Penn twp
Nettie J Gibson Clinton twp
CB Bovard Branchtoo
Mabala Doughau Boyer»
At Kittauuinic, William C. Porter fie Id ot
Butler Co. and Alice Rupert of Armstrong
"A wild yonth and a wild horse," says
the philosopher, "are both dumb aDioialr
who don't seem to realise that they may
be 'broke' some day."
John Shannon's bouse aud store at Cal
lery, were damaged by fire last Thursday
morning, but John will hood have things
iu shape again, as he is a go-ahead fellow
The hardware store of Lewis N. Burry in
Evacs City »as completely destroyed by
fire The fire was discover
ed shortly bofore midnight aud bad already
gaiued too much headway tor the building
to be saved, the town haying no fire de
partment. We understand that the loss is
covered by insurance.
Park Opera House.
The Ovidk Mesi* Co. Tuesday Ja?.\ 8.
Musin is more tian an artist; he is a
genius Snch iweetLess of ton-*, aacb ex
quisite beaut) of Round could not have
been acquired by years of study. It must
have been bom iu hiui, aud it seems, to
bear him \ lay, as though he could not for
Dts lite help producing exquisite harmony
Surely it Mnsiu uver comes to Cleveland
again with bis magi itioent compact he
•ill be greeted with a full house.— Plain
The Markets.
Our grocers are ua> ing 22 for butt-or and
22 lor fresh fgg*. 50 Im potato.-s. 60 f.ir
parsnips, 50 for unions anil ets.lOots for
dressed chicken, 12 for turkey and duck, 3
to 5 a head for cabbsge, 25 tn 30 a d 'Z»*u
for celiiry, 60 to 75 lor apples, $1.50 to
1 75 lor beans
J'etersvitU Item*.
Petersville Independent Literary Socie
ty is a success It is well attended. The
question for debate this week ; Wednesday,
w»s, Kesolved, That Fictitious Literature
Causes more Misery than Intemperance.
The teacher, Isaac Dyke, presides, and we
say right here that this is one of the hent
conducted Literaries in the county, and
we are proud to say that we have one of
th« best schools in the county. B. W.
Ilouthett deserves credit for tbe oration he
i delivered a tew weeks ago at the Literary
giviug tbe teacher, directors and scholars
praise for tbe manner in which the school
is progressing.
An epidemic is foing the rounds in this
town, cough and swollen neck, hut noth
ing serious.
Miss Mame Daugherty is visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Vlary Kerr.
Nick Miller, our genial butcher, has
moved his family into tbo Jacob Urieb
E*q. Graham will occupv his new house
ere long.
Our store keepers did a large holiday
Weddings are expected soon in our vi
John Miller, the barber, wears a f>mile,
it is a girl.
Kev B. F. Cutter is threatened with
pneumonia. Uhi>rrwritkh
—Sammer Uuderwear, Hopier-
Mitts. LICKS nail Ribbons at reduc
ed prices at
Bartraina in Lawns, Pimilys
Or*andi«s aud all tbe ouin
rnur goods at
—Gennine Lancaster Uiugbams 5c
—Try. T A. MorrUon's baine
made CarmelA.
—Fine can fc '»n
Pate* pr's
lox4 blanket* 60cat DAVENNY'S
—l2i cent Pongees and Tissues
reduo-d to 6$ cents at
—Tbe hitrhf Ht grade of patent
flour made at tbe mills of
Weal -anbury, Pa.
—A good umberella for 75c at
—Try our new roller flour—latest
improved machinery. Hntistacuon
guaranteed, J. C. BREAUEN & Co,
West, duubury, Pa.
Mrs. Jones— Where did you get
that hat?
Mrs. Smith—At Davenny's of
coarse, tbey have tbe beat millinery
in town, try tbem.
pair at Davenuy's.
—-A full line of bume made candies
at tbe Ultjr JJdwry.
Mr. C. Hallerman of Lmcaater twp is
seriously ill.
J >". Kirker of Lancaster twp wae in
town on basineMi Saturday.
Harvey ami Wm Colbert and Dr.Redick
attended the funeral of Dr. Colbert ot Oil
Rolls McQaistit.n of Siipperyroek and
W. D Berry ot Braddock are the guimtj ot
C. F. L McQuistion.
Dr. Gold is now practicing medicine in
a.jd has a route between tt.st
town and Hope.
Hons D. B Donthett and J K. Moor.-
went to Harristmrg last Friday.
W. P. Sipe of Clearfiuld twp passed
through Builer Saturday on his way to
Crafti n, where he has a school.
Jno. B. Greer, a con of M. N Greer of
Buffalo twp, and Miss Alice Whei-ler of
Marion, Kansas, were married yesterday.
Rev. Wm. McClttre, of Bruin, Butlei
county. preached two very excellent ser
mons in the P:esbytP»i*Q cbmch on la-t
Sunday. Dr Eider fifteo Mr- Mu'.'ture
pulpit on tue same day.—Clarion lUp
W. P. aud S. L Brahatn of "arri-sville
were in town on business, yesterday.
Prof. R J. Lamb and Miss Mame Pape
were married jesterday, January 2„,d <»'
64.M at S r .*P p ters R C Church Tne
wedding was very quiet, only the relatives
being present The happy couple irfi on
the 8:35 i rain for Pittsburg whence the}
go to Ft Worth I'exaa, w uere iney Will
make their home. We eXieuil oongratu
J. D Albert of Franklin, J. X. Fultoi.
ot Middlesex, Air* Al*ri>h>»ll of Franklin,
J. 11. Barney ol Parker, were in town till*
Jos. Heydrick. of Venango Co. was tho
quest of his brother, Jessie, lar-t week
W H Ritter E-q. went on to Harrii
burg to help organize the L'-jrisiaiure.
Jno. C. Grrtlism and ki» cuanuitig brid
have returned from tneir weodiug tour.
They went to Lincinnalti, Louisville auo
Cyrus Campbell of Parker twp. wa
Dome lor tho holidays, and reuirm d t-
Went Virginia, Wednesday. He is wit:
the Souin feiiu Oil Co., an is lo ated a:
Shuman Heights, W. Va.
J. T Doul> Esq. ot Pittsourg, our ol«i
Joe, spent M nday ami TuesiUy, witu be
friends in Butler. He isdoliig well in tbr
Will Rumberger has rented a part ol
Maj. Reed's house.
Prof Williams, a musician of Altoona,
wi;l move to Kutler and take charge oi
the Germaiiia band.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, of the south
Hide are visising at Erie, Pa.
Miss Dora Burtner, of Harrisrille, Pa
is the guest of Miss Florence Wick.
Miss Katheriue Baiph of Parker receutl)
visited frieuds here.
Miss Gt-rtrude Sejbert wa< home from
school at Lima. O , for the holidays
Mrs. Emma Heck was the guest ol
Franklio relatives recently.
Dr Jefferson Meals and wife, of fallen--
burg. Clarion Co, spent part of then
nonej moon the o| if r and Mrs. R
A. Jamison of Jefferson centre
Mr. and Mrs. Davenny and Mrs Rev
Young spent New Years day witr. friend
id the country.
Miss Gertrude UcKinney of Grove City
is the gjest of the Misses Wick ot W
Clay St.
Mr. and Mrs. J A. Miller, of Akron, 0.,
were the gue-ts of Mrs E. J. Dilley tills
week and called on their mauy friends ii,
Among the Butler people who spent the
holidays at other places were: Miss Uzzie
Croupe, at Freeport; aud Miss Meulab Rey
nolds at Kittannmg.
Mr-<, Richard Freeman and her two
children, one only a yesr old. w>-rt* given
•belter at the Central Motion Tii*»day
night. Uer husband was a musician. aud
(hey formerly lived here. He deserted
iter in Chicago when her baby was three
days old. Now she is trying to get back
to Butler. wbere her mother liv>?s. The
Chicago authorities sent her here, and th«
department ol rbaritie* .cent her home
Wednesday.— Pittsburg I'oxt.
The Eastern War.
China succumbed to the inevitable last
week and sued for peace, but the war si ill
goes on.
The Chinese fought, hard at King Wah
Sai, bat weie beaten. Tney were strong
ly entrenched They had llfi.-ld piecen.and
some machine guns,wuich w«re veil hand
led. The Japanese charges were repulsed
with heavy loss. Their reserves from
tlaucboug, who had experienced great
difficulty on the march owing IO tne snow,
then joined them and they made another
charge, wuh hurrahs and shouts of viciory.
This time tbey carried evert thing Tne
Japanese admit that they had 450 killed
and wounded and say that the Chinese ha>l
300 killed aud wounded
Uuttercnji I tenia.
Wra Heaven, the stonemason, wa; bur
ied tiundoy, at Ml. Chestnut.
Mils Mary McKissio, daughter of E-q
UcKissic ol Venango county, visited her
uncle, It. J Turk anu family, last w«ek
Mrs. .1 H. Dofl'ord and daughter, Mabel,
vifited her parents of this place recen'ly.
The drill is striking gas on the Graham
Dike larm.
Piano luned now. J. E. Chad
wick, tuner for rh» Butler Mu
sic <!o., will b« in Ilu'ler from
* Dec 27 to Jan. 10. As a tuner
Mr. Chad wick has no sopeimr
in Western Pennsi Ivania. All
work guaranteed by the Butler
Music Co.
Optical goods a specialty. Eyes
tested free of charge. Sp*c»:cle* cor
rectly fitted Satisfaction goarau.
teed. 125 8 Main St. liutler ['a
I X I^.
Pictures, Diplomas, f'ertifiirntw*
and (Jbartere Framed to Order at ijoft
8 Main Bt., Huler, Fa.
Dealers io new aud aecoad baud
household goods of every description.
Call aod H'C UH vVe can nave you
State Normal School.
Attend the State Normal School
at Slippery rock, Fa. Methods most
Advanced Expensed Low. A pro
ureasi vh School Teacher#, stl
for 12 weeks Tuition alone sg.
Albert E. M'tltby,
Winter Term begins Jan. 2 18y5.
—No matter how bard the tiro*"*
the one thint' voti cannot afford to go
without is all the new* If yon wunt
all the news voij gut, it in the Prts
-1 borg 1 Dispatch. The Dispatch pub
lishes all—not a part only.
—You pay for school books; hot
tbe best sebool book for votir children
; is your dailv p-per Well printed,
carefully and iiiteilisf.-intly edited of
f instructive contents, first and fullest
with the uew* and best i'i pr*s«ntiag
it. tbe FittMburir /Hxpafok fills the
Use Portfolio, containing 16
superb »iew« from tbe Worlds Fair
i given awuy with each $2 00 nale at
L. 6ibi> & CTJH.
I Peter Peterson was badly bnrned by ga;
on Wednesday of last week. The gas wa:
burning under a boiler on the Jno. Mont
gouiery farm, and when Peter happened ir
he turned it on and the flame hit his face,
and burned it. He, fortunately for him
self, did not inhale Uie flames. He is stop
ping at Henry Flick's.
Xeal Coyle, a pumper, was scalded to
death at Cooperstown on Wednesday morn
ing of last week. He went to sleep under
a boiler, tne stop cock of which blew out,
thus allowing the boiling water to saturate
his clothing. Be wai buried at Reynolds
•"ille, Jefferson Co. He was a brother ol
Stephen Coyle of Franklin St
On s-aturday morning last, Daniel Cress
of Counoqueuessing iwp. went to his barn
leaving his wife sitting near the stove
Soon after he thought be sinelled some
thing burning and rushei to the house.and
lound ilrs. Cress lying in the doorway with
hr.r clothes barning. Be hastily diagged
her out into the snow and extinguished the
flames, and then discovered that his house
wag burning.and that the flames had reach
ed the seeoud story. He got them out
siimehow, carried Mrs Cress to a bed and
then went for help, au.l when he returned
with a neighbor found the bed burning,
evidently from a spark iu Mrs. Cress cioth
ing. Tltey again put out the flames, aud
Mrs. Cress died with wittin an hour. Mr
Cress and his wife had no family and were
living alone, an.l this allair so completely
euerovated him that hi lay for days almost
IVm Patten, formerly of this county and
a brother of Abuor, John ami James Pat
ten was killed at his home in Waco, Onio,
list Tuesday by being ran over by a raii
r 'ad train.
The Route.
The Pittsburg, Brady's Ben land Like
Erie lailroad company has sent a copy of
its official route to ihe Register aud Re
corder's office. The road will enter But
ler county on the F. aud A. Mays farm in
Furview twp. tiience run along the Collins,
vlcLaughlin, W. S. McCollough, Moore,
Nolan, Moore. Uattigau. McGarvey, aud
S. W. McCollough farine, to a point about
a mile north of Chicora, where it is sup
pi.Ked a depot will be bniit. There are
two tunnels on this route, one of I.GOO fe. t
on the Collins and McLaughlin (arms aud
one of 1,200 feet ou the Win. Moore farm.
Li-aving Chicora .t »ill strike for the Barn
oart valley and run up it to the Summit on
the Brown farm. It then runs along the
Buckhorn Ituu to the ConnoquenesKiug
• long the south bank of which it runs to
Oneida, wheri it joins the P S & L E.
The total length of the road iu the county
i" 12 miles aud tl.e route chosen is con-id
•red very good
One of the proposed routes included a
loop of 3 miles, taking iu Chicora. but this
n is be«u tound impractical.
Ii is to be hoped ihat tne new railroad
will be bniit and built soon. That it is but
a connecting iiuk in the much talked ol
Vaiiilerbilt system is freely claimed and it
this is the case, Butler may before long,
liutl itself on a great trunk system.
'•Picas; the People and you Win Their
The wonder of the publishing world is
•he marvelous success o| Sarouy's Living
t'lciures. Though Mill iu its (irst volume,
tiis extraordinary monthly publication
ttraordiuary b-catise it is a n-»v idea, un
like any thing lint lis beaurilui self—has a
rapidly increasing *al., already in excens ot
li fly thounaud copies.
lis popularity demonstrates that the
public is ever read; to show its apprecia
tion of a really excellent thing if offered ai
a reasonable price. Sarouy's is 011 h 25
cetos 11 copy or $3 a year, and it is doulii
lul if so much aas ever before giveu for
ihe liionev The publishers. Mes~rs. A. E
t.'hasmar <fc Co.. Uuiou Square, New York,
are lo be congratulated.
—Zuver'n Picture# luave nothing
•vftUtiuK 10 finish, toue -jr a corre- t
.'l|^nU«^'' , .
—Clearance sale of nil summer
footle at !e«s than wholesale pric-<
Home made candies, taffies, car
'nels, and etc., now on hand at the
iJity Hak rj
Fresh cut Flowers of al! kinds,
always ou hand at the City Bakorv.
Highest cash price paid (or trrain
■if all kinds at J. C. Kreaden <fc (V) V
oew roller milis, West Sunhtiry. Pa
White tfoods, Lawns, Pongee-
Organdie* and all kiuda of wash
iToods at les»: than wholesale price at
-Take your children to Zu »er>
tjallery for Pictures that will suit
von. PoHtoffice btnldin?
—Job w»rk of all kind done at the
Our Hoeierv values are unequal,
ed and well worth your inspection-
Fine Donnett flannels, 5c a'
Hoarding House Cards, with Act
ot Vsseiutlly, 25 ceilU> for haif-a-doaen,
fur sale at CITIZBN office
--Fittest novelties iu dress go ids
Music scholars wanted. Lessons
will be given either at the home ol
the teacher or at the home of the
scholar. Inquire at 124 -V. Wayne
St. Butler l'a.
THE TI \i ES is the most extensive
ly circulated and widelv read news
paper published in Philadelphia.
Its dismission ol public men and
public measures is in the interest
ot public integ ity, honest govern
ment and prosperous indu-dry, aud
it ni)vi ai pirty or personal
allegiance in treating public issues
111 the broadest and best sense a
f amily aud general nowspaper
THE TIMES aims to have th»
iargeet circ'ila iun by deserving it,
and claims mat it is uu urpa-sed
in all the essentials of a great met
ropolitan u-jwepujier. Specimen
copies of any edition will be sent
free to anyone Heudiug their ad
TE'< MS— DAILY $3 00 per annum;
$1 00 for four mouths; 30 cms per
moni.li; delivered bv carriers for 0
cents |s;r week SUNDAY KD T TION,
twenty four handsome pages
lfiH colums elegantly ilnistrated.
$2 00 per nnnuiii; 5 rents per copv
Ilailv and Sund»y,s;i 00 (si" annum;
| 50 Cell IN per mouth,
V\ EKKLY KIMTION, 50 cents u
Address al! to
: « U I-/-F2II
Oil Notes.
18 ' (Heydrick's No. 4 Oil Leases, for sale at
is ! this office.)
l " j A strong pressure of gas was struck at
n I the well en the widow Nixon farm in Penn
' twp. Wednesday night and the rig took
! lire and was partially burned.
I Schidemantle's well on the G. G. Gibson
! iu Allegheny twp. is doing about teu bbls.
J The Frazier £ Co. well at Brownsdale
r j is flowing 35 bbls. an hour; the Gibson is
making 175 bnls a day and the Campbelt it
1 C». 150.
Patterson & Smiths well at Whitestown
1 is making 50 bbls. a day.
Frazier £ Co. No 2 was drilled in Wed
a n<rsda> night and began flowing.
1 The rig on '.he McOrea well oa the I sate
Mialsfarm was burned last veek.
Tne bull wheel on the Thomas Humes
farm, Cleaifi-ld twp , blew up OO Wedues
day morning and completely wrecked the
The well on the James Gold larm in
Clay twp. is in and is doing anywhere from
100 to 1 000 bbls. The #e!l opans up
another large hundred foot teriitory.
They tapoed the sand in the Lie A Co.
well on the Kiuker farm in Ola" twp
Tuesday mghi.and the well began flowing
It looks now as if the old territory around
Troutmau was goiug to be pretty thorough
ly gone over again. The Magic Oil Co's
No. 1 on the James Campbell larm is mak
ing eight bbls. a day. Stewart it Co., on
tnaClymer heirs' farm, have completed
their No. 5 this week. It is good for 5
barrels. On the McGill larm, Balsiger it
Sous will soon complete their well on the
Troutmau farm. Nicholas <t Troutmau
are down 550 leet. H Bowers it Co., ou
the M.Kobrrtsoc,are patting in the casing
A. M Nichols has just completed a rig ou
bis old lease ou the Harper larm and wilt
siart ihe drill next Monday. lmnn <t
Brown have about completed a rig on their
old lease on the same larm and will .-tart
ihe drill in a few days; aUo the Magic Out
company will have their No. 2 rea<sy to
start the drill a bouncing by the last ot
next week.— Derrick
The Blair-White Contest.
The Indiana Messenger closed its ac
count of the first healing of the Blair
ft' hite affair as follows:
At the close of the argument the court
ruled that the contestant should file a bn
of particulars by the Ist of ianuary, giving
the names and residences of the persons al
leged to b».ve voted illegally by reason ol
uot havin/ "paid taxes," Voting "oil age"
without filltug the necessary affidavits, or
lhoi-e who were not registered and voted
nth .ut having tiled Ihe proper affidavits
l'he court refused to compel coutest iut to
tile the names of those who are charged
with having been bribed or persons who
offered bribes to voters; aud with this the
contestants were content, as Mr. Taylor in
tils argument said he was willing to tile a
list ot the former class, but, for various rea
sons, objected to giving up the names ol
the lalter c ass of voters.
Tno respoudent* aie given until January
14 to tile their answer to the contestant's
lietltlon aud on the 15>h the couit will meet
and proceed with the investigation.
Sheriff Mack was appointed a commis
sioner to secure all the ballot boxes in the
county aud keep them secure uutil the fur
ther order of the court.
"Aud now, Dec. 21. 1894, D. C. Mack,
Esq. is hereby aupoiuieil toy the court, con
vened in special session to bear and deter
mine the above stated case, a commission
er to collect the ballot boxes and their
keys ol each and every election district iu
said county of ludiaua, aud it is hereby or
tiered ihat he make and keep a meinoran
duin of the condition ol each and every
box at the time of receiving, and to be by
him kept satelv and securely iu some vault
or place of deposit, and the said ballot
boxes not to tie opened or interfered with
until the further order of the court."
It. (V B.
And Now
Hoiidavs over, necessarily there
must be many broken lines in goods
of every department—not only in
special holiday goods, but staple lines
as well—and now is the time to get
the most phenomenal value in Dress
Goods, Silks and Suitings. Lot
superior $2.00 imported suilings
solid colors and choice shades, 48
inches wide, SI.OO a yard.
4G inch AH- IVml Impirl.ed Zig-
Zag < Iheck Suitings, stylish, aud
in most desirable color combinations
—mahogony and blue, brown and
blue, mabogony and myrtle, tm an<t
brown, olive and blue,cadet and grey,
light and dark brown, etc,—geuuiue
dollar goods at soc. a yard.
Wool Suitings.
Eight different color combinations in
stylish checks—all-wool materials
value that will be a genuine surprise
to every women who sees them—s6
inches wide, 65c a yard.
Kitra good all-wool Mixed Suit
ings, 50-ceut values, 45 lucDes wide,
35c. a vard.
2,000 yards of all wool 40c Ladies
Cloth—good quality, joins, ( |oins,
'jjneu, dahlia, br >wn mixed,drab,etc ,
double width, 36 iuchea wide, 20c. a
Ladles' Misses'
and Children's
Jackets, Coats, (.apes
Keody-Made Garments,
Furs, Etc., Etc
To go at guch prices as will surprise
the most conservative buyers. IV' it»-
our Mail Older Department for sam
pies of any piece goods you may
wish. Compire quality and prices
with tb-s best you can do elsewhere—
we'll abide by your decision.
liooo's & Buhl,
Famous New York, tailor-made
For sale by prominent ilealcis
all over the State. None genuine
. j without Hammerslough Bro's
label. The swellest and best
' wearing clothcS in this Country.
j Ask your clothier lor them.
The Hidden cold weather with its heavy
fall of i»now and biting air was disagreeable
to most of us, but there was good sleighing
and liverymen and deal-rs in sleighs were
doing a more or le>s rnshiiig business One
house Sold nine sleighs Saturday.
t ; : t
A gentleman, whom our friend, Dr. A.
! Conau Doyle, would at once pronounce to
I be of the higbet-l refinement.erratic disposi
j tion, reduced circumstances, and no su
perstition made Pro! £ 0. Davis a short
call last week AIIOI thesecharaeteristics
would appear from the fact that the caller
appeared at high midnight, appropriated
aud a line violin, and on Friday, thu>
showing au erratic disposition, neeily
circumstances, musical taste» aud absence
01 superstition.
t t t t
A lour piece orchestra that is attracting
considerable attentiou iu danciug circles is
composeu of Messrs Lou Vogeley, Uu-
Wickenhagen aud sua Amel and Mi-s Alice
Dilley. The instruments are violin, cor
nel, clarionet aud piano, audit gives great
pleasure to listen to their play ing.
They played last Thursday at the U. V
L. Hall where the Legion entertained ibe
Ladies' A ujihary 1:1 a pltasabt style. A
fine table was spread and there were
enough bright women and pretty gir's i •
evidence to match the cordiality of the
§ i i i
The number of balls, receptions and par
ties given recently in Butler sbow» tha
society of all divisions is full cf life, an.l
the winter may be expected to be a prettji
gay one for staid Uutler. Beginning earlj
last week the young ladies and genilemet
who ''go out" made a continuous round o
it and seres of regrets were sent because
of earlier invitations. The r» ceptions 01
the Sterling aud Arion Clubs weie the lea
tures, of course.
Speaking of weddings (a good many peo
ple are, you know) the style is comiiii
around iu their favor aud we are going u
have our quoto in the early spring auu
summer month*. Wedding trips will stii.
be in evidence, and the advocates 01
steam boat travel are holding their own.
Flowers are a necessary aojjnct to wed
dings, of course, but who kuows in act
about them. It is only in the last fe«
yeiTS that butler has become a regular
huy er and user of cut flowers. One large
dealer and the greenhouses handle thi
trade and report a large business, (,'ui
II iwers are grown here to Rome extent bin
inns' are brou ht from New York am
Pittsburg The principal trade is in ros«
and carnations, and aimut the holiday sea
s..n holly is sold in large quantities, li
comes fiom Delaware.
H f f f
Last year the buyer wanied white cartia
lions, but this season the color must be re
to suit the popular taMe. A dealer show
etl a green carnation tne other day at $1 'Jt
per dozen. It was cleverly colored b
chemicals. Hoses are roses, of course, am
any color is in good taste. Roses cost $1
to $3 per dozen, aud carnations, 30 to 5U
per dozen.
000 c
One lady, who is noted for her kind
Ip-art, bought 18 bouquets of roses on
Christmas, and the cat flower trade wi.s
very large with other lovers of the beauti
ful. Two huudred roses and 300 earn 1-
tioriH a day was the average for severs)
weeks before the Holidays at one house.
C. ,D.
A business that keeps grow
ing through a season oi de
pression, such as the country
has experienced, is an evi
dence that people realize they
save money by trading with
us. We know, and always
have known, days of large
profits are past. Without
question we are giving more
for the money than last year.
Our stock is larger to select
from than last year.
Colbert & Dale.
Wants To Close Out.
C. E, Miller, at the New Shoe
Store is goi g to close out all
his Winter goods regardless of
Men's good solid Hoots, Tap
Sole, at 1 45; Men's Working
Shoes go at SSc; Men's Sewed
Army Shoes 94c; Men's Creole
Congress Shoe 94c; Men's fine
Shoes 95, 1 00 and 1 25; For
89c will sell you a good solid
grain Button Shoe, all sizes 3 to
8: Ladies fine Kid Button Shoe
in Opera Toe or Common Sense
•J4c; Mens Wool Boots and Overs
1 75; Mens Overs for Felt Boots
98c; Ladies Rubbers go at 24c;
Misses and Childrens Storm Rub
bers 25 c.
See our I adics Solid Oil grain
Button Shoes at 95c reduced from
1 40.
For thirty days You Can Buy
Boots. Shoes or Rubbers at your
own price at
Tlie New Shoe Store.
215 S. Main St., Butler, l'a.
Butler Dys Works,
£IU Oiitrr An-nnr.
The above establishment is now iu tun
ning order, and is prepared ti. do lirst-
C'ass Dyeing and ''leaning of Ladies' and
Gentlemen's Clothing and other goods fiat,
need a new lease on lile in renovating -utd
brightening up generally. Have had 35
years experience in the dyeing business,
anil ran guarantee good results on pood
R. Fisher, Prop'r.
, :-g w*on 11 it li
A Suggestion.
. - hixuumf
- "J?" 7 "/
b.. mml
%|. ,i 3
Did it ever occur to yon that mere are
tlib£> ?.?* drugs—thai Uruif.- are like every
thing else——• *re good, bad ami indif
ferent. Tnert- is t.i 1 •••••» e|-» which is
positively bad if it ie"'„v j .M ! »h« best.
Our polic> has always been to u.c
ing l>ut the best.
VV hen yon want drugs come to us and be
assured of fresh pure goods, and always
what yon ask for or your prescription calls
tor. It may not always be drugs you want
mther. We always have on baud a full
liue of sick 4 room requisites.'
Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa.
A. M. A M A. * P. M P. M
Huller Leave CIS SJi 1100 2 U AOO
•Axotiburc Arrive t; 4i aoo II VI j n
.fuller Juc'l, •• 730 925 II .10 a4O S j.;
•Hitler .lue't.. Leave 7 M 941 Uos a4n 55J
Sai iuna Arrive 733 951 I* la jjo IK
I'areutum 7 4J 9 19 3 A 7 y ti;
■mrlngotie 7 55 lo us li .« 4 o.<
> 'UrtunouU s u u v> t a u
8 is . ... 1 03 4 29 6 Si
illes'heni City 8 10 J3 1 L't 411 i, iA
A X. A. » P. *. P. U P. H.
A. M. A. 31. A JT. P. M. P. II
illrghenyi'lty Leave# Us lo 40 3 15 0 lo
•ii«ri<»»urtf 10' * M lo is
ol«reuiouL S 45 11 0s
Vi'lngdale #3< II M 6 41
laremuui 7 :s2 9 10 li m 3 M b ."*I
V.Hrmirt 73. 9 15 II 45 o 55 li Xt
(Uilt-r Juc'l Arrive 7 45 •> li 55 4 oi 7 u2
vutler Juc'l tjeave 7 4.5 9 45 12 3 - 4 13 7 02
.S. 4 xuunurg Soslo 11 104 440 .ii
j iiler arrives 3.» 10 35 1 3u A t<6 Oo
A. ji. A m. p H. r. a. p. M
W KKKDAVH. Kor tli•' K«»t. WKEK DAYS
I* <l. A. M A. 11. P. St.
i 45 615 Lv. Itiiller —Ar. lo .(-> I at.
s 40 7 30 Ar ItuUer Juuctiou Lv. 9 45 12 .is
104 745 Lv. 'lutler .luutulou \r. 941 12 :is
4 10 749 AT. fr'reeoort Lv. 'j j.~, 12 .<!>
4IS 753 " Allegneiiy Juc'.. " v .«i 12 30
t 2<. *«M " LeeeliOuru ..... 920 12 13
440 s2l - p.iultou ( v.fJilj; • 9 • •."> II &■
5i4 851 Saltsouitf •• 537 II 32
.At 922 ' Hlalrsvilie sOS 11 <<o
li 00 93u " Blalraville intern " 750 10 IS
8 4) II 40 " Alloon.i •• 3to so"
1 .>0 320 •• lUrriahurg •• 11 .15 310
I .*) ti AO " Pu11,11r1,.11l l •• 840 11 20
A. a. P. M. p. a. p. M
through trains tor tne east, le ve l'litsourg
Uulou Slallou) as lollops:
enus> ivunhi. Limited. dUlly 715 A.M
v ..viitic lixpiess. • 3 10A. itl.
.lay Bxpress. " sou ••
•lina.iel.ihla Express, " 4 .to I'M
-Mieru Express, " 700 "
e'assl Liue, " 810 "
t'or debiUed lufor'Q I'lou. a itlress TUo-. S.
v.nt. Pus-.. Ag'i. ■Vea.eru 'uoi lot. iu rifiu
Ateuue, futsoorg, i"a.
s. ,Vl. PItEV IST, I. I WOOD.
Oeueral \laniig-3r. Uea'L P.in'.-. Kg' 1
r. it. W. R. R.
V;he»lulrt in ellnNov. is. ai. <;iii».icr tirae>
Tne Short Line 11 PiUsl)ur<.
«25 ain Allfgneny 9.25 am, Allegheny K»
■> is u m All'.v Akron »S'. n ra.Al x S ''istle
in..5 am Alt'gHeny Ac 12 «i p tn. All'j s. CIIVO
30"p ui Allegheny Mall sUspm, Allegheny Ex
t "si p m Clilr igo Kx. 7 lr. pm. YH'y .t A'<ron
155p in All'} & Ell K\ «mi p ai. Allegheny Ao
I" 01 a 111 Ki'ne & llratl. sOA;i m. I" 'Xburg KC
5.1*. pai Clarion Ac » 'i a m.Clarl 111 V;
r3sp ra l-'oxourg 1.20 p in. Kane Mall
S. 15 a 10. in-Forest Ac j:» 85 11 m.Allegueoy Ae
t All p 111. f'lileiiKo Ex .'.05 p in, Allegheny Ex
555 pm, Allegheny Ac) 721 p n, DeForosi AC
Train arriving at at l. ii p n 1.-aves •» A O de
4joi, I'ltLsbui g. at 3:15 oV'look.
Hurler.tt>'l »reeuviltet"h i #1:1 leive AU<!-
,'iu'ny at :i 20 p. in. da'ly except sun lav. COll
-at Wulowgrove. arriving at Butler at
Pullman Buffet Sleeping C irs and nrsi,-cla*s
titty t oaolies mn between Butler aud
Ulcago d illy.
K«r tlirougli llcknts to points in th ) West
.Northwest or Southwest apply to
A. B CROUCH. Agent
Trains leave the B. K O. Jepot in I'llto lr,'
for Ihe Kist as follows.
Kor Washington D Baltimore. I'lillvlel
phli. ■ N. w York. 7:30 and 9:*o p. 111.
. liuilierl I'd u:4O. 7 :30,a m. I :10. »2o p. m.i'on
lelsvllle. 6:40, 7-i" a. m. I 10. 4.30, 4 11. 5 .10. 9.20
11. in. Uuloiitoavo. 7. 0 i. in . 1 10.4.80. 5.30 p m.
Unlontown. Morg tntown and Kairmoni. 7.31. a.
HI. and ft.311 p. m. Mt.PleasanKi.4o. 7. ;m a. in.
110 and 4.30 p tn. Waahlug'on Pa. 7.10 anil
:• 30 a iu., 4004 45 and 9.00. 11.55 p. in. Wneel
iug. 740 and 9.30 *. 111.. and 4.00. 9.«>. It..'* p.
II RIU' lnnatl.->t. LIUIH. •'uluinous and New
ark. 740 a. ill.. 9 10. II 55 p.m.
K'>r l :Ulcago. 2.4'>aud 9.30 p iu.
Parlor an 1 s|e«pliigcars to liililinorc. Wash
ngtou. • lucluuall au 1 •.'Ulu.iiro
'lll-SB !Kl». su KsA4 >1 Jc tito illt 'i.a
Takes effect vl > 1 lay, \|)rll 2, IB.lt.
Train* are run hy tt>*n l irioentral rime Cioih
Heridiih) One hJ ir slt»*er r.Uan Oity Ti o .
. loi.Nti NORTH. Got so SOUTH
I 14 | It I STATIONS ~ 9 11 j
j .ni !•* a.in a.m. ji« m.
... . < 211 ...BulTalo C. 1". 11 10
I .. . I 2 4.| funk irk 1 7 3H| I"? 39
a. in.
110 1 58 pi i-O Ere « 05 8 In .1 35
' t > 1 23 921 >Vall I -'' Juliet. ('■ 12 927 1 12
,J 211 lis '■> 15 4ii » 115
.- 09 1 'is 903 ...laiekpon. .... li An 942 1 2ti
g tr2! I til 855 . .Ciauesvllle . ..| 7 w7• 9 HI 4 34
110 .. in 31 COunoaUt .... 17 4o 3hi
i. 41 ...I C W|ar V|. |3ll 04»
55712 57 849 ar .1111101 l lv. 7 II! 935 437
51312 41 8 31' ... Hiuidelalid. .. 7JtlO "4 45|
. 4 12 12 H .(2 sprtnulMiro • 72510 0. 4 •'*
Xi 12 35 825 I' riue.iii'vllle 7.1•t0 II 5 0.1
1 n-1,'2 Iftj HM| He vs> .!< t. .|.« » |'t ifi| 5<5
4U' i Jdjlv .Conu't LiiceT ,|l* ■7. 4 53
.. .. BHi ar ar 8 I 050 537
I 2s 7 :v Meadvllle..lv 9 50 I -2s
pm ... .j a 4*l ar ar s MII 21 1 03
.... II 58 7 i*|T. BtNUMrn.. 10 47 li *
II 5.1 7Hi . Ad'imsvllle 10 62 514
No 21i 43 7 '2B Osgood.. .NoIII 00 453
n 111 i a. 11l
li 23 11 35 7 lfi Oreenvllle ... li 30 II 15 li 118
1; is II 25 7mi Shenaiigo .. r. 40 II 25 <1 20
5s 11 02 li 17 .... Hredooia. 1 ki II 4k 11 34
39 10 44 r, 21 Mi-ri'l'r 7 22 I* 117 7 05
25 10 W « 12 .... I'ardoe 7 :ni 12 22 7 Hi
5 13 10 20 II .'0 ....(irove I Ity... 7 47 I: 31 725
5 0010 <« 5 8 . Ilairlsvllle ... 75H12 45 7 311
I 52 10 00 5 10 ... Brain Inoll Bmil2 51 7 45
I V. ; II j . 35|lv .Braiieliloo ar) 7 31 12 15 7 2
A 45j SIS 2.1 ir Hllllaril .1* li 50 II 15] ll 49
4 4111 9 551 535 lv.. Kelslerx .... s III,I" A 8 749
4 :r: 9 42 5 2i| Kuclnl I 8 /.• 1 12 s 03
4 'o| V 111 4 0| Butler I H so| 1 42 8 32
I 50 7 20 ..... Mlegheny, P4W 11 10. :i 50|
p ui ja IP- n» Ip. m . „..
.1. T. BLAIK lieneral Manager. (ireenvHle. ra
W. <i. SAKOEANT (}. I'. A.. Meadvllle. I'a.
Ilirirtl Paid Up. - - ftonnon.no
Sl lII'LI'H AHW I'IIOHTS. . $4«,»«9 04.
•lo* llariinan. Pres't.
j. \ Kilts. Vice Pre* l. I'. A. Bailey. O&shler.
los. Ilartman, C. I*. Oolltus, N. M . Hoover
olio Humnhrey. J. V. I<'.tt.s.
B. E. Ahrams. L»slle lla/.lett t. I}. Smith.
W. S. Waldron. f. Henry Wilson. M Kliieiran
A general hankln/ Oil•!lies* trmsiu-ted ~lo
p,i|,| IH , time 4W>o<lia. Money loaned on
apuroviii. security.
Foreign exi haugn boil rhi and;sold.
Hotel Butler
J. II FAUBKL, l'rop'r.
This house has been thorough
ly renovated, remodeled, and re
fitted with new furniture and
carpet*; has electric bells and all
other modern conveniences for
guests, and is as convenient, and
desirable a home for strangers as
can be found in Butler, l'a.
Klegant sample rooin for use 01
There are too many goods in stock and must be sold aud at
prices that will suit the times. We have a lot of odd suits that will
be sold regardless of cost. Every ling must be sold to make room
for new goods.
Come and see for yourself.
104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
\< >THIN'G to Sell but
Clothing, Hats & Furnishings.
NOTHING to give but
NOTHING to ask but
NOTHING to Promise but
Leading Clotli iera, 137 3- Mia St-, Batl»r, p*.
An advertisement, people may cry! But it breathes the spirit of the
firm whose interests it presents. Only an id.—but what volumes it
speaks of enterprise, work and good things in store for purchasers of
clothing. Only an ad.—but it presents, in a small space, a picture of
a firm which is always on the alert to increase an already large trade.
Envious person once declared that LJoutliett & Graham could not pro
duce the goods they advertise at the prices quoted. Only an ad.—
but no honest firm will advertise a lie, we never made an assertion
that we could not substantiate. We offer sioo to any individual who
will prove that we do not live up to our
If you want the latest in Clothing and Gents' Furnishing step in
our store for a half hour and we will prove to you that we live up to
our ads. Yours for Clothing,
Douthett & Graham,
Jury List for Jan. Term.
Liat of nimew drawn from t.h«- proper
jury wheel tbin 4th day of Decernher A. D.
1594 To serve a.-* traverse jurors at a special
term of Court commencing on the Ist Mon
day of January A. 1). 189") the i-ame being
the 7th day of said month.
A brums 0 A agent, Butler 4th ward.
Anderson John F, Kent, liutler sth ward.
Daily John, farmer. Cherry twp X.
Dvurd J H, farmer, Centre iwp
ti-a>k Ilampson, farmer. Worth twp.
Black Joanna, farmer, Sdtrion twp.
Cninit a I, K, butcher, Mercer fwp
Campbell J ri. merchant, Butler 4th ward.
(Jhrist'e 1 11, fanner, Concord twp
D.t.iheii»peck David, farmer, Parker twp.
Douglass James, farmer. Worth twp.
Dunn J *l. farmer, Franklin twp.
K-«»lej G F. larmer, Buffalo twp.
Bykes Samuel, farmer. Fairview Boro.
Eicholfz William, farmer, L-ncaater W- p
Foray the L M. clerk, Butler 3rd ward.
Urabam Tbomas, farmer, CouuoquenesaiDg
twp ri
Oalbrui h John, oil producer, Allegheny
Uartiii-on J<<hn, farmer, Jefferaou twp
IJoagehiilder J M, farmer, Jackson iwp W
Jamison 'J K, mere haul, Butler 3rd w ird.
Keck Jacob, merchant, Butler sth ward
Keighron Timothy, eugiueer, Petrolia
Krause Alpbonao, merchant, Wiufield
Lock wood M L. nil procucer, Zelienople
McCollough Peter, farmer, Fairview E.
MrNei-a 11 y, potter, Braoy t»p.
Miller Jame» ri, oil producer, Allegheny
Miller Alfred, oil producer, Butler stb
McDermott Edward, pumper, Fairview
twp E.
Milligan B S, farmer, Clearfield twp.
McCurdy John B, Mechanic, Butler lat
I'iaor W 11, farmer, Worth twp
Heed Hugh, farmer, Slippery rock twp.
Kennisou Johu, farmer, Adaoia iwp ri.
ICobb J 11, oil producer, Peuu twp S.
Kowaii J M. farmer, Penn iwp ri.
rimllb Nelaon, teamster, Butter lat ward
Smith Robert, farmer, Wiufield twp.
riiuitb J glassworker, Butler lat ward,
ritougbtou (leorge, larmer, Muddycreek
Thompson Win W, laborer. Sunbory Boio.
Walters Albert, laborer. Butler 4 h ward.
Wick C W, hotel deeper, riuuoury Boro.
rtilgle William, farmer, Brady twp.
Wiiaud Jacob, larmer, Oakland twp
l,'lll Christian, laruier, Latioaater t» p.
Z.iglir 1) M, larmer, jaokaon twp W.
Mutual Fire Insurance
Office Cor.Main & Cunningham
AI,K. WICK. Pr«.
likltl. k ►TTKKKR. Tl«* Pr«
1,. H. ■ rJL'xKII «♦*» anil Tr«o».
lire'l Wick, lleiidera>o Oliver,
t>r. W. Irvlu .1 antes atephwiaua,
W. w Miacicmore,. n. Wftwf,
r. Kowmau. 11. J. Kllngler
Ceo Ketterer, i b «». Hoouun,
Oeo. Itenno. I lotui Koemua
Garfield Tea
Cm . ll.'.iiarlM- —• no« ™
Hiii■< a»iii|M f>v. utartr »Tu( •• »u ■uibi.ji.i.
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At Kedicß's Drufi Store.
We do not bundle nuythio(f but
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ut-ud of mediclDo pleuf-e K' ve ua a
fall Wa are beadqaartere lor pure
an we otilf pare fruit jtiicea, we
*'ho !«audl« Piris Qieen, helld'ore,
in«-ci powder, L->nd >n purple and
jther ioHecticiilea
M tin M. uex. o llote Lowry
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