Bickel's Great Sample and Grand Clearance Sale of a Large Stock of Bouts and Shoes. Having purchased two complete sets of Sample Boots and Shoes at a greatly reduced price from leading manufactures together with a big stock of high grade footwear which I have picked uut ol stock and placed on our Bargain Counters, to be sold during the next two weeks, at less than half their real value, will place on record one ot the greatest slaughters in Boots and Shoes ever known of in Butler County, and EVERY Man, Woman or Child who attends this great great reduction sale will not only be a regular customer of our? in the future, but will show the shoes to their neighbor— So well ed with the bargain they received at Bit KELS that the neig i> >i will be a customer also. NOTE THE PRICES. I lot Mens fine Sample Shoes regular price $4 go at $2 1 lot Mens Working Shoes " " 2 5° " !2 S 1 lot Boy's Fine Shoes " " 2 75 1 3 U j,, <> •< « " " 200 " 100 I lot Ladies Hand Turns —Sizes 2\ to 4, ail widths regular price $3 50 and 400 -2 00 I lot Ladies heavy sole dress shoes regular price 300 " 175 1 lot ladies fine shoes at $ 1 00. In (ants shoes 1 scents. I lot Misses and Childrens school shoes, 75 cts. Misses fine dress shoes $ 1 00. I lot mens box-toe boots, sizes broken at $2 5° 1 lot Boys Kid Boots Double-sole and tap at $1 25, sizes 1 to 5 50 pair mens storm king boots (hip boots) all No. 10 anil 1 1 regular price $4 OO go at $2 00. . t , 75 pair mens short Boots frubber) regular price $2 50go at sl. >3, sizes 10 and 11. 100 pairs ladies gum boots go at $1 25. 500 pairs ladies fine specialties, rubbers in heel and spring, worth 50c go at 35c. Full stock of mens and boys felt boots —ladies and mens arctics and alaskas—also ladies felt and warm lined shoes—Boots and shoes made to order—Repairing neatly done—Shoemakers supplies ot all kinds. Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention. Large and complete stock of rubber goods, at reduced prices. When in need of anything in my line give me a call. JOHN BICKEL, 128 H- MA.IIST St. I3iatler. Jewelry-Silverware--Clocks. Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 pe cent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block, Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invite/ —"Remember our Repairing Department 20 yeais Experience. - J. S. YOCJNG. WM. COOPER LEADING TAILORS, Owing to the change in the Tariff on imported goods which goe into eflect Jan. 12, 1895, we have decided to be leaders in establish ing low prices on imported goods at once; and give below the low prices which we will charge for suits. 0 Id Tariff Price: New Tarifi Price. Old Tariff Price: New TM«I Pr!c« $22. S2O. $35- s3 l • 25. 22. 40. 36- 28. 25. 45- 40. 30. 27. We will not be surpassed in FIT, QUALITY, STYLE AND PR'CE. our Motto be " Small Profits and Quick' Returns.'" ""Sim YOUNG & COOPER The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAMPS FIXTURES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS. BATH TUB ENAMEL, etc, is at W 11. O'HHen Sons 107 East Jefferson Btreet. H^Y_ fever COLD : HEAD W®Kl Ely"* Cream Balm i* not-a In;>.muff or powder. Applied into the. rib it 13 _ _ ifv.ichly abnurbed. Jtclamtv ite ho id, alUiy* inflammation, heult _ _ nit /Si »< res. Bold by drur/gistv or tent by mn>L on receipt of price.. iL 3UC ELY BROTHERS. 5G Wra Street NEW YORK. 3UC "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO AGENTS WANTED by America's Greatest Humorist, . MAKK TWAIRT, Every one of til- previous books have bad Im mense sub s, ills •!« book surpasses anything he has "eretof ire written Two sti.rtes In one VOluu* . A Trufteily nt»r Hie World. _ n , crars. rajcM. V-Fwrn, Conge«i 1 '• Inflammations.. .'JS 58—Worms, Worm I ir. Worm Colic 3_Teetbi:is: Colic, Crjtnjr,Wakefulness ,25 4—ninrrhea, of Children or Admits 35 7—Coat-h*. Col i , En •i-hltls .M 8— Nenrnlgia, T»-.-thariw», Facracbc .25 9—Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10—Dy>pep-ia, Biliousness. Constipation. .25 Jl—Suppressed or Painful Periods .25 lit—Whites, Too Profuse Periods.. - 25 1 3—CroHD, l.nrvn«iti«. 1 !i- n(. ■ ... .25 14—« lf>—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold inimHead. .25 99 Whooping Conch -25 27—Kidney Di*en«es *25 18-Hcms. Debttitr SO—Urinary Weakness -'-5 3-I—Sore Throat. ■* JU HIMPUBEVS' WITCH HAZEI. OIJ„ "The Pile Oii liiit-ut. 1 rin! sUe,2sC'ts. Sold by DrcirlnU, or »-nl prt, «Id on raoclpt of prie*. Db. llDiraKKT*' Slantal -J I« past*, • ■ KEKE. HI A ii 3 WHf:a=a >t.» NKW YGKk. SPECIFICS. th!i , tu Igarth tViH . fil'i /•. \ t--t *:-j tit ta •. \ h ■ ■ C "i&z- •'>. V * AcS X, X IF-13 •'hc-vl-.t'S ComlitioD Powder! i-.EEPS YOUR CHICKENS 5 trcrz and fieoithy ; Prevents all Disease. < .// ■;• 3TouUing Hens. . . i uoncoßtntad. In •iuan ." n r '■ r v.'. tl»r one-fourth us . ; . 4 .. .. v '" . • 'ji»i :r.-t iisend to u%. • -V 2 t » h ran gl 2*. Six i n tru HaUinitr swoilvi q W tnmore than tv, tbeli ; Fixe.causlnjf* • tuc inoFtexcruchi •or dollars wit:: ui I** id, hut rilt*-; tak-M fiiner a fevr hnrrll i rf njKiT~gaMf %Mi W fi 1 Improved rnptflly.and jp gAP-rplrrr'r rmrd. / it? gon n hearLl! y r- • om - * S tiic-nd your wonderful medicine to anvoneS • afflicted with this painful disease S £ VV. F. DALEV, Etooklyn Elevated R. R. S 8 Our Treatise on Blood v. i H\in Diseases mailed C free to any address. * 8 SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Cia, S :HPTCTANT I )| That our wondi-rful remeOy "M' THEIIS jl) F( FIIXKND" whieb makes chiM-Wrtli I';isv [II llmiy lx- vviihHi the reach of -ill wc haven] [/ reduced the price to ONE DOLL Alt per [{/ • Dottle. • ]) ...BEWARE cf frauds, count- J] ft erfcit;-. and substitutes. Take V I nothing but 1 J1,% others j ® . Friend!] )J SOLD BY ALL CRUCCiSTS. |)i )] &TWrite for book "TO MOTHERS" ))) (( mailed free. jll j THE BRADHELO REGULATOR CO., J| Sole Proprietorß, ATLASTA, OA. ||J A Xnias Present ...FREE... During tin- month Of December ve will present to t vci\ purelinser l-'KKa bottle of Fine wine una our new calender. For Pure Rye WHISKIES, Wines, Brandies, Gin, Etc,, TKY RobL Lewin, i"G W'dt»-r St., # (Opj;o.<'te B. i 0. Depot.) FilUliurg, Pa. All l'i. nlf, iuciuding C. O. l>. orilers, st i urelj packed and promptly Eiprej't prepaid on all orders ot SIO.OO or over. Our (iibfon, Fincb. Guckenhriraer uml Overliolt U hirkies are warranted strictly pure, as we do not r.-etily. and are the ouiy house iu Pittsburg that do tut. WSiai Strikes Others Will strike you.—We are all »';e;ilted hero and there with the stine likea eocl dislikes. Tli i 1 in sof all - -..1s of p ople tip-top!: ry j-i-ftieuliir,aud for all «f o . Might bojuxt what you'd !ik,-, iv 'uarruln nicntion ii• i*. r. .. j . it. , yi-ats ti.. ly . . aa.l i'"ont fusel oil Ll . fact v-lileh the prove. Full Quarts, $1.00; Six Quarts, $5.00. Mall an-i Express orders r.-iir, ■ 1 j ••-.0-.ptly, and we pay tr :ns 3riu tion on ordc; - of §IO.OO and over. Jos. FLEMING Sl SON, 4!2 MARKET ST., PITTSBURG. PA. Complete P p .ce Li its of Wines and Liquors mai'edlree . . ritt-.j ncsrr.TS. ;v • v. .■ . I r.-ic .< r bottle. sc.i< 4c. lor treatise- UljUitoli Wi>.( iiuAUUi UXUM. TIIK CITIZEN Adulterated Foods in Ohio. Eiftbt years ago the State of Ohio passed j a law establishing the « rtk-e uf "Dairy and i Food Commissioner," the incumbent <>' which was to bo "charged with the en fureement ol all laws against fraud and j adulteration or impurities in foods, drir.ks, j or drugs, and unlawful labelling" Since; that time various clauses looking to better j protection against iraad in the production ; and sale t tuod products and drugs have 1 been added, until now it is ciaiiurd that j the laws of Ohio in this regard are superior j to those of any other State, and only ap- | proaehed by those of Massachusetts. The l arly work of the Ohio commission j was directed chiefly against adulterated 1 food and drinks. As preliminary to en j • forcemeat of the new laws, it subjected! ; samples of numerous articles of diet in I common use to chemical and microscopic j analysis. The rather startling results fur-; nished a basis ior numerous arrests and i prosecutions, nv st of which led to convic- ( tioit and punishment of the erring dealers j au l manufacturers. Au account ot the.-e | things, as contained in a recent ly issued , j official report of the commi-sioner, l)r. F 11. McNeal, is most interesting reading, i Mere, for example v. e are told of bak | iug powders which, besides being ball i starch to begin with, contain large quan tities of alum auJ phosphoric acii!; ol ' buckwheat" IK.ur that is fifty per ceut. c iru meal ami wheat flour; of ground "ciunamon" that is two-thirds fl -nr. ground crackers, and foreign bars; ot ' coll tnal is three-fourths pea shells, chiccory, and rye; «t "cream tartar" that is impure gs p ' sum: ol "curraut," "strawberry," and | other jellies compounded of apples, jslu j cose, ani'.iue dyes, compound ethers, ami • mineral acids; of "batter that never i made the acquaintance ol a cow; of "pep : per'' that £ a strange conglomeration of cocoauut shells, rice, rice shells, and bread or crackers; of "wines" innocent ot yrape juice; ol "pure leal lards lhat trace their lineage direct to the cotton-seed; of "olive oils'' that are cousius-gerinati to the "lards"; and of "molasses' and '"maple syrups" and ,: boney" and allied sweets whose chief constituent proves to be glu cose. Whatever other feeling one may expe rience on running over the list, of which this is a partial synopsis, h s chief emotion is pretty sure to be a feeling of indigna tion. For despite the statement of the "ate Mr. Barnaul to the contrary, no one really likes to be humbugged. We may pay twenty live cents for a cent's worth of glucose stained with aniline and labelled "jelly," but the person who seils it to us will not be fortified in our estimation or insured our future patronage by disclosure of the fraud he has practised upon us. The wholesale grocers of Ohio understood this when they joined together with op<*n cof fers last fall to defeat the commissioner wno bad exposed the prevailing methods of lood adulteration. And the people fur nished the best possible refutation of Mr. Barnum's aphorism when they cried the grocers down, and re-t-lecled the commis sioner. Stimulated to renewed efforts by this evidence of popular approval, the Ohio commission has recently extended its field of operations by bringing the druggists within the scope ol its inquiry. Here is a field even more fruitful than the other, and a fignt is on of which the end is not yet. Tile conimi~>ion declares, to cite but a single case of illustration, that a certain very widely advertised alleged mediciual and fattening food, which soils for a dol lar a bottle, is in reality only our old friend glncose in disguise. The firm lhat. lias thus solved the problem of the alcheui i ists naturally shows fight, and the legal battle that is pending w ill probably not be decided in a single court. This of course is only a test case, precursory ol many others. Unless the patcut medicine Venders Can pr.ive the chemists at fault by very com petent evidence, the sympathy of a long victimized public will certainly bo with the Ohio commission in its new crusade. Tn any event, the commission is doing a tiue work, and one that should speedily be imitated iu other States. As a stimu lus thereto,'it maj interest people at large to know that car-loads of adulterated foods are now being shipped out ol Ohio, tbei: sale there having been rei dererl too hazardous by the activity of the commis sion; while Eastern manufactures have been warued by Ohio dealers that they must warrant supplies or lose their custom. It is plain, therefore, that there are grati fying elements of practical efficiency about the laws that protect citizens of Onio against fraudulent adulteration of their eatables and drinkables. It is equally plain that other States must follow this good example, and that those that are last to do so may leel sun; of having the larg est percentage ol adulterated maim fact uies supplied their residents Heart Disease L'rlievcl in Mi) Minutes. Dr. Agnew's (Jure lor the lit art gives perfect relief In all ca.-es of Organic or Syn i-athetic Ileal Disease iu 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer less remedy fir Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, f'ain in Leit Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart Oue dose convinces. Sold by City Phar macy. —"That ought to fill the bill," chirped the sparrow as ho spied the early worm. —Maud —' Why don't you play on the piano when your father is at home"' Eleanor—"He bought it on the install ment plan, and I'm afraid that if he hears mo he will quii paying." —Don't suffer with indigestion, use Bax i ler's Mandrake Bitters. Old Jer Z. Slobb he always said lie wouldn't read the papers, And this determination led To several serious capers. But he has left this earth, alas! And entered death's dark cavern. And all from blowing out the gas When he blew in ibe tavern. —Tne reason why Arnica it Oil Diriment is so popular with the ladies is because it not only is very healing and soothing but :ts i dor is not at all offensive. lt is more romantic and better for the digestion to sleep with wedding cake un der the pillow than to try to sleep with it in the stomach. —Kheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" lor rheumatism aud neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable anil mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first greatly benefits. 75 eta. bold by J. (J Hediik, druggist, Butler. —The Franktord sage says that the only hole the average woman ever finds in her husband's pocket is the one at the top. —l'rof. Barrett of St. Lawrence county X. Y., speaking of pulmonary diseases saxs: Sot on* death occurs now wheie twenty died before Down's Klixir was known. Over fifty years of constant suc cess pine, s Down's Kiixtr at the head oi the long list of cough remedies. —President Ifavemeyer, of the Sugar Trust, and his friends are said to have maue $19,000,000 by working the New I York stock market with the scaro story { that all the refineries of the trust would j stop work. ! —The family poeketbook is having its i h.iiUay opening. ! —lteuort- your subscription to the Ciri for the year lblfd. The Slick Westerner ( Harrisburg Telegraph) I "Those western people are slick articles,' j : said the man. "Iu what wayf'a-ked gos j sip "In every way. Let me tell you a story to illustrate my assertion. Some , years ago a party of H.irri-burgers went; on a hunting trip to the west, occupying ; i one ol the famous Pullman hunting coach- j jes They traveled all over the west, even | down to Texas and np to North Dakota j and the}- hunted all kinds of gum", having ; good, bad and indifferent luck, but a royal j good time aud seeing sights they never dreamed of While traveling it was the | custom of the boys to luliiiiu a little j ' game ot Great American Pok -r say ten j C'-ut ante and twenty-five cen's the limit, ; so that nob >dy would win or lose much, and the lun to keep going. Oue day in | North Dakota they were side tracked in a , ! good s"z<*d town, and » uile some of tne ! party went out to kill prairie hens others | j remained iu the car or took a walk over ! j the town. When thej got back to the car i tuey were called upon by the owner of the , piucipal hotel, a sal lotbspokmi, geutle ! maul} individual, who presented a box of : tiue cigars with his compliments. The ; party was enjoying a small game ol poker, and the stranger w JL~. such a nice man lhat tciey iuviied him to join the game, and he sat down Fortune favored iiim from the start Ou. but he «"u* a slick article, and ui v. oh, my, but be could play poker. No matter wuat cards r>e beld he never gave the least sign. He would blufl with a pair of i rays or come in on four with the saiu<- .- A'ecl (.mile on'tiis lac-, lib, but he wa a met man. They piaji-dali alter noon, and just before the train was about to move oil the conductor announced the (act that all aboard not passengers should get off The siick stranger looked up in surprise, and casued hi.- chips, au.l found that he had Won eighty dollars. As he roiled up the wad of hills lie remarked: 'Tnat wiil jast pay my taxes. Good day. gentleman, I trust you will have a pleasant time the remainder of your journey.' I'nen he got off ihe car. a id cn« boys look ti.l at each other. 'Well, sanl one of them, 'that box of cigars jast cost us eighty dol lars. Pretty dear cigars ' And the other fellows all agreed. Yes there are some nice, slick men oat west." —Women are rapidly acquiring their rights. They are now, on au average, two incites taller tnau ihe} were twenty or thirty years ayo. —lf those who are searching after a "sure cure for druukeness" would quit drinking while th;-y are looking lor it, ihey wualii liud it, Mrs. WilUrd thinks w .men would make .rood policemen. There is certainly no doubt as to their knowing more about what, is going on than most policemen do —But one lustrum of the fiu de siet'le re-maius to decide whether the coming wo men will play football with the pigskiu or coantinue to use man. —Two counties in Indiana raised 8,000. ' 000 ifeßsa last year and the raisers "clear ed" $3,000,000 so they say. Evidently the goose is a much neglected bird. i —The wicked Canadian dairyman hav- I ing been sending an inferior article of the t loud smelling eatable to their English ens i tomers. the latter have responded with a I 1 >ud call for them to cheese it. —John Marker died at Uuiontown sud , denly on Monday. He was one of the few I surviving stage coach drivers who made the old national pike's history. His age ( was 711 years. While a lad he commenced life on the old pike, and stuck to the coach" es until the advent ol railroads destroyed I his occupation. ' —Jerry Sim us in will leave Congress ' poorer than when he entered it, with a mortgage ou his bom s and the knowledge that the world li t-! m vie more fun of him ' than was ple.isaut or profitable. David Walker, the last survivor of the i Shinneock Indians, who died a few days ago at Southampton, L. 1., was at one i time an officer on a Massachusetts whaler and lost one of his legs by getting mixed up with a rope that was attached to a • Wounded whale. Mrs. Rillus-Johu I'm glad you've come; here's the prospectus of a paper they're ab'nt, to si art, and I want a little money to help ir along, it's called the Coming Woman, arid- Mr. Billus-I haven't time now, Maria, j H iv'i* just got a telegra n from Aunt Ri ! chei. She'll be at tho station in half an hour ! witn six trunks The coming woman, ! Maria, has coino, aud I'm afraid she's come I to stay. Mrs. Mary Ellen Lease, of Kansas, is in Sau Francisco, and says she has come to California to purchase a small farm in tho San Joaquin Valley She wiil reside on the property, removing t hither upon the expiration of her term as President of the Board of Trustees of Kansas, one year hence. Drunkenness, the I i uor Habit, Pos ively Cured by adrcmstering Dr. Haines "Golden Spechc : . It is manufactured as a powder, wh.cb can bo given iu a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, anil will affect a permanent aud speed} cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or au alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and iu every instance a perfect cure has followed. Il never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 4s page book oi particulars tree. Addreis, (iolden Specific Co.. 185 Kace St.. Ciucinuatti O —Hundreds of barrels of apples and po tatoes are buried under the suow in towns around Nashua, N. U. Tne snow came so early, and having remained, will cause a considerable loss to many belated farm ers One farmer in Hudson has 120 bush els ol potatoes yet iu the ground. —sir Henry Wrixowof Victoria, Aus traiia, xisitiug in ihi< country, says: "We recognize the Supreme Court of the Unit, ed States as oue of tho grua r .e«t judicial institutions in tbe world. Its decisions command tbe gtealest respect in every Euglish court."' —There is a certain youug widow in New York who, within a few short years has made a fortune at that usually unsuc cessful of all occupations, ma koepi ng of boarders. She has recently purchased a SIOO 000 house, with elevator and all hotel Convenienees, aud charges her Very swell pations tho price of the Wa d uf. —Statistics of insanity, collected at the Kirkbridge asylum, iu England, showed that out of a total of 26.) patients, only one bad red hair aud only three wore bloades —A prairie tire is reported in tbe ex treme western part of Texas aud Eastern New Mexico, 25.000,000 acres ol grass be ins consumed. The tiro has e»w>*pt ov**r 13 counties and at lA>t reports was still racing. —Everybody is now getting ready for Christmas. fc&l Kt a * **** tr** MES. or tr-ivoi ■ E Q,» !'stxi " '*7 Salary or Comuitsoton ' paidweeklv. Ou'llt free. Special attention \> :iu, "dinners vVorkers never tall to itiaKe gy. -f wvekl} w «„'«». W ritts mo at once lor par tleulars. L 0. GHArtAW. Nurseryman Rochester N. Y. Se'ling Out! Our entire stock of Sprinjr and Summer Foot wear. We're going to clear out nnr stock of T«u Shoes. Every stvlf and description o f Oxfords will . ; go in thn sale A large lot of Laiien Haud Turu Shoes will be sold at j about half their real value. To make thin sale a complete aucctMß, we hare ! made such prices that | You'll be Glad to Buy. Lsriies Patent Leather and Djngola Oxfords were $1 00 aud $1 25 to go at 6<)cts. Ladies Yiei Kid Oxfords. Square or Pointed Patent Tips will go at SI.OO and $1.25. Pticesof «hicti were $1.75 and $2 00. Ladies J.'ongola aud Vici Kid wero $3.25 at $2 00 per pair. A large lot of McKay sewetf and Hand Turned Shoes in 3i. prices ou which were $2.50, $3.00 aud $3.50 This entire lot will go at 51 ftOper pair Missis D-.t\g ia Patent Tip Shoes at 85c- per pair Ciiildrens I) >ng"l t Patent Tip Sh mis »t 50cts per pair Mens $2 00 Tun Sni>es at $1 25 per pair Mens Picadillv Blnch rs iu Tan Shoes were $2 50 per pair will goat $1 i'O So on throughout, our e.-itirn stock of Sumui -r Footwear. Goods will be ; sold without re-e vc at ies.- than the cost of their stoking. Call and see these Bargains whether yo i wiph to buy or not «S> it BUFF, i m... FKAJV Lv KKMPKR, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, everything in horse and buggy fur nishing goodts— Harness, Collars, Whips, Dusters, Saddles, etc. Also trunks and valises. Hepairing done on short notice. The largest assortment ot 5-A. HLorse blankets in town will he tound at FRANK KKMPEirN, 124 S. MAIN ST, BUTLER, PA. DIAMOND S } RINGS ' EAR KIVOS - SCAKK PINS. STUDS. UEN rs I,OLD, L "\ ? LADIES' CUATLAIN. T C* ;*T **** XT > uold Itns. Ear Kind's. Rtnifs, J tLi yy £JS La v* X / Cttalos, Bracelets. Etc. .r y if n jr% tXT rt I Tea Setv Casters, Batter anJ Everything X iJi 1# JCji >CV WW £IJC* ) thai -an tie found in a flrst class store.. ROQGEft BROS. 1874 } KNl\ Ui, FOitK-J. :,P ' ,( ? 1 > K S l p LE PLAXE . E. GRIEB « JEWELER No. Main St., B JTLEB, PA., Don't Whip the Boys. It is not their fault that their shoes have worn out so soon. You ■ did not get them the right kind. Have you seen our High Cut School Shoe at 75 cents, $!, and $1.25? Try a pair of them and you will have no occasion to whip the boys on account of their shoes. Girls wear out their shoes migh ty fast, too, sometimes, but girls that are wearing our shoes speak j very highly of them. The price ' is moderate, ranging froi.T 75 cts to $1.50. I Ladies are not as hard on their shoes as school girls, but they all need them. We have just receiv ed another large shipment of La dies' Vici Kid Shoes in Heel and Spring, Lace and Button, Opera and Plain Toe at $1.25; other stores ask $2. Come in soon. The Men are coming our way, they have learned of the big cut we have made and our sales on Men's Shoes gets larger ever day. Our 95 cent line is good, our line is better, our $1.25 line is creating quite a sensation, while our $1.50, $2 and $2.50 line is simply out of sight. TRY OuR FOOTWEAR. C. E. MILLER, 215 S. Main St., Butler, Pa VITALIS , a. Well of VITALIS V: THE GREAT sou-Day FRENCH REMEDY ProiltiC' S the Al»oire Result# in JJO Dijf Ii acts powerfully and quickly. Cures v. hen *vll others fail. Y«nnj<; men will ivzain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youihful by using VITALIS. ' t quickly nr.d -urely re ?tor< s Nervousness. Lost \ itaiity. !»-• jjoicvcy, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, 1 ailing Mem ory, Wasting Diseases, and all e fleets of sell abuse or excess and iudiscret ion. Wards oil insanitv and consumption. Insist on having VITAL SS. no other. Lan be carried in vest pocket. liy mail. 3*1.00 per package, or six for $5.04), vrith a positive **rittf!i guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular free. Address CALUMET BKMEItY COMPARE Chicago, IW. For Sale at City Pharmacy. Butlsr Dye Works, 210 tVntrs Avenue. Butlkh. Pa. The above establish inert is now in run nioK order, anci is prepared tt. do first ■ class Dyeinir and Cleaning of Ladies' and . Gentlemen's Clothing and other (foods t'lat I need a uew lease on life in renovating and I b:ighteniug up generally. Have had 36 years experience in the dyeinir business, autl can guarantee good results on good go> >ds. GIVE US A CALL. R. Fisher, Prop'r. SPECIAL NOTICE. That I will sell, nntil further notice, the following gimds at the old prices, regard less of the advance ot 20c per gallon tax by the govern teent: AA. pure rye. 2 years, $2.00 pur gallon; Tippecanoe, 3 years. •$2 25; Oli! Cabinet. 4 years, $2 50 per gal lon; Bridgeport and Thompson's pure rye, 5 \ ears. $3.50 per gallon; Finch Golden Wedding. Gibson's, Koliinsi n Co. Bour bon. $4 50 per gallou; Uannisville, Dough erty, UnnMcellu, 12 years. $5 50 per gallon. California wines. and sweet, from 75c p< r gallon to $1.50; 12 distinct brands; my own importation, --berry and Port wine, I from $2 50 to $3.50 per nallon; also the finest Irish and Scotch whiskies at lowest wholesale rates. Call or -/ss /r'4 comjjgw 9 XL-'.! in America tor oh -A 6 /IJI a biead-x \ / (if/ fid uea-# P/f/ tion Koreiretuarsi f' y address visoHs, PITTSBURG. PAT -v *.•- ■> f~\ DOCTORS LAKE ■ I'Kl /IE DISPENSARY. k]L-. Sj Cor. Pen' AVE. ANL> Fourth St., PITTSBURGH, PA. . A'l forms of Delicate and Com pi ir a ted Diseases requitingCOK- ft!>KSTIAL and SCIENTIFIC Med lention ttrc treated at this Dis iier. ti / with a --.iceeis, »rely attained. Pr. &. K ember of the Koy.d College "W l ny si.-i.i , - and SurneoJC, and Is tlie .1 lest anil must r\i < 1 tcnccd SrEciAMS. in ihocity Spec'al at ■ "nt ion jjiven to N trvous Debility t i*om excessive 11. :al exertion, inO.Be.retion ot youth,etc.,eaus .ll. :ill\ -leal and mental ,ttc,. Com- Itation 'tee and sirictly eontHi i-'i.d Office hours,!) to I .-. id J to 8 p. M.; Sundays, 2 to i P. It. only. :i ni. oPlce or address 1)R«. LAKE, COR i.\N i' K .UiD ITHST-l'i rTRULKGH^A SPKCUI.ATIOS. lit Wall Street successfully carried on with the aid of our IMly Market Letter and patnplets on speculation. Mailod free. Our discretionary speculations have paid a monthly profit ot fjo net to the fioo tnatifin Dkcrettoniiry Accounts a Specialty. Olrec wire from cur .'ftlees to all WesU'rn Union Tel egraph OHlces In the I'nlted Slutcs. Al l. IN KORMATiON KItKK. flank references* WEIHIA> A t'O.. Stock and Grain Brokers H-io adwa ; • \ >ll U&fSroTHeAFFUCTED r ßu :"li \*&7rrr. 5 T PHILADA.PA. fMs s li'-i'ttV: PILE-5 11 fSsMitl?* SihTMENT .V.riOM* litii.liire; lat«A oiula« trery ■ore. S\V AYM->OINTM»:>T »c*p« the «ukl«« and houU ulnrutioii, nn<' >n n.o«C ri»fj remove* tiiu ;uiuort- *»• »"»•' MmcgUt for lu 4: sa—l9 _f«V lUirfry lift.. - : •'» N.nyaudmro n<» «nwy • * *«• itauaa'u ura VjJCy »») Tram J profit. \ mm* Morwuii Saddle. fcJ On S'e t>ve I. !». 11 \ x < AIM nt ■ ito U Uvnwx 3t. <.tncii«i-AfV, O. vi GRAND DISPLAY OF HOLIDAY GOODS Something for the MOTHER, the FATHER, the LOVER, the GLRL, the BOY and the BABY. Something for the PENNY, the DIME, the QUARTER, the HALF and and the DOLLAR. Our Store is Full of Big-Hearted Bargains! You can't do better than buy your HOLIDAY GOODS D. T. PAPE'S. P. —Our fine line of Millinery is redufled 25 per cent. Respected Reader 4 :- # In presenting for your careful consid f eration our advertisement of Whiskies, ? Wines and Liquors, we have no desire to £ tresspass upon your indivtdual opinions and 4 beliefs; but the unanimous verdict of physi # cians of all schools "that pure whiskey is the best stimulant known to Materia Med -5 ica" impells us in telling you how and where X you can purchase not only pure whiskey, ? but where you may obtain the BEST and £ PUREST liquors generally, either for medi \ cal or social purposes. As a necessary a stimulant, pure whiskey is an absolute necessity, especially so at this season of the ([ year. Its timely use counteracts the ill ef <: feet of climatic changes 011 the system, and \ it is invaluable "to sustain the flagging 4) powers of life in disease" as stated over the signature of one of our most eminent physicians, (see page 13 of our catalogue). t At this time of the year too, the good I house-wite is bent on serving "good cheer" 4 for the Holidays, and what indeed would the # Christmas Dinner be without its Pudding flavored with rum? its Mince Pie without Brandy? while the hot, smoking Punch and the steaming Toddy must not be forgotten 4) tor they are all a part of Christmas and the <> glad new Year. 'J Then too, friends must not be forgotten, and there is nothing more acceptable as a 4 Christmas offering than a bottle of fine ? whiskey or wine. Read over our catalogue. Which Will be Mailed Free on Application, # Carefully, and be assured that our earnest € oflort will be to please you and to give you ? the very best liquors, all guaranteed to be X perfectly pure. A Thanking you for past favors, and # trusting to be favored with your Holiday J order, we are J Yours very respectfully, MAX KLEIN, Distiller, Importer and Wholesale LIQUOR DEALER, Wo 82 Federal St.. Allegheny, Pa To avoid the rush of orders at the Holiday seasan, we would ask you to kindly send in your order at as early a date as possible to enable us to exercise due care in • the selection and packing of liquors. M KOSENTHAL Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 103 FerryJSt., - Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Tria) orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Marke A WINTER'S ENTERTAINMENT! GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NEWS FOA OF THE WORLD LITTLE MOSEY. FOR A TRIFLE. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty-pai»e journal. is the leadiup Republican family paper of the United State*. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, a. <1 (fives »1! tne jfenen.l new.""'V l6 United Slates II jtive* the events of foreign lands in • nutshnli lis AGRICUL TURAL department has no superior in the country. Its MARKET HEPORTS are recoirniied authority. Separate departments tor THE FAMILY CIRCLE OUR YOUNG FOLKS and SCIENCE AND MECHANICS, lis HOME AND SOCIETY columns command the admiration of wives and daMgbieri*. Its general political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal and ' THE CITIZEN" for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 50 . CASH IN ADVANCE. (The regular subaoription for the two paper* is $2 50.) 6UBSCUIPT ION'S MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. Address all orders to - "THE CITIZEN » Write yonr name and address OD a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Beet, Room 3 TrihaDe B ildin* N«w York City. and sample copy of THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed to you.