Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 20, 1894, Image 3

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Legal notices are published in the Citi
xen at $1 per lnob for first, and 50 cents for
each succeediuginsertion.
Obituaries, cards of thanks, resolations,
etc are inserted at 5 cents a line,money to
accompany the order.
Reading notices on local page 10 cents
• line lor first and 5 cents a line for each
subsequent insertion. Notices among lo
cal news items 15 oents a line for each in
Half-inch professional cards with paper
»o a year.
Rates for commercial advertising qaoted
npon application.
Octlb* naa a population or aoout lo.uOu.
It is the oounty seat or Butler County, with
Four railways, natural gus, and unequalled
( acuities for menufacturea.
Procreaa evry where; new building*, new
(nanulactureti, a growing and prosperous town.
New York Weekly Tribune—Free.
Br special arrangements made for ear
0 doing, we are enabled to offer to all our
a'> acribers who pay arrearages, (if any)
td oie year in advance, and to all n»w
subscribers pavia* in advance, the New
York Weekly Tribun* free for one year.
For farther particulars of this offer see ad
New Advertisements.
0. C. Sale, estate of Wm. P. Cross.
0 C. Sale, estate of Alex Brown.
Auditor's Notice, estate of S. T. Ok son.
Notice of me. tiug of Batler Co. Mutual.
Holiday Excursions.
Morrieon's Candy.
Note— All advertisers intending to make
ciuiges in their ads. should notify us of
heir intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
Administrators and Executors ot eslatet
«*l i-oi.it iLm itteipt looks at the Cit
ju oflice
—Remember the poor.
—Storekeepers arc busy.
—Christinas next Tuesday.
—Square up with the printer.
—lt will not be long ere we write 1805
—Looks as if it might be a green Christ- j
—Got ail yonr Christmas presents select-1
ed yet.
—We are going to have our winter after
—The choir of St. Peter's P E. Church
will give a grand sacred concert ia their
cbarch on E Jefferson St., Christmas
night, the 25th. Admission 25 and 50
—Co. E will give a festival and dance in
the Armory daring the last three day s —» «
Thursday, Friday and Saturday—«if uext
week. Supper, refreshments, music and
dancing will be the program. All are in
The labor organizations of Western
Pennsylvania expect to have a great parade
In Pittsburg during the visit of John
Bnrns to that city. He is expected there
during the latter part ot next week, and
the parade will probably take place on Sat
urday the 29tb.
—Campbell & Tenipleton are distribut
ing a booklet setting forth the styles and
prices of a few of tbe many articles of fur
nitnre and art in stock in their immense
establishment, suitable for Christmas pres
ents. The printing and binding were done
1 n the Citizen office.
—Tbere are two registeries of voters
made annually in state, one in May
and j the other in December. Under the
law registers must commence work fur
the second on the first Monday <>l Dec
ember, and complete their work ou or be
fore December 10th. One copy mast be
plaoed ar the polling place, and the reg
ister must be at tbe election hoare with
tbe original on December 19th and 20tb.
On the 21«t the original and a copy must
be returned to tbe county commissioners'
office. The registry must be made out in
—lt i* seldom that we make any note of
the " shows" appearing at tho Park Thea
tre„bat "Tbe Gilhooiy's Abroad" which
appeared there last Thursday was so en
joyable and sach a thoroughly well staged
affair that we caanot pass it witboat n.eu
tion. The Gorman brothers were ibe prin
cipal figures, of coarse, but the entire com
pauy, and it's a Urge one, is o imposed ot
clever people. The Gormans have not
been equaled by any comedians who have
appeared in Batler lately and they will
have a packed house should tbey ever re
turn to tbe town.
—lf anybody thinks the Christmas spirit
i« di niiuishing, let him take a look into the
stores and iu all places whete goods suita
ble for the gilt season are on sale. At
certain boors, and especially on Saturday
afternoo and evening, the stores are lively
with customers. This is as it should be
on the eve of the hallowed and happy
Christmas time. It is a season when all
should do their best to make others happy,
and especially the children. Once a year
let the hard world soften and glow with
the warmth ot good will aud good cheer
and good deeds. Open your heart to Santa
Clans. There's no danger of overdoing
—Some few days ago a man and woman
visited a neighboring town, selling a liq
uid polish to brighten silverware, brass,
etc. They would try it on the brass or
• i!verware in the houses they visited and it
worked so beautifully that people tumbled
over themselves to buy a bottle of it. Some
took two aud three bottles for fear they
would never have such a good chance
again. After canvassing the town pretty
thoroughly one of ths canvassers called at
a hsrdwatb store in the town, and in con
versation with the proprietor gave the
"suap" away by telling him tbat the stuff
they used was an expensive acid, but the
stuff tbey sold was just a harmless mixture
ot '-Hartman water" and whiting, lie
and the hardware man bad a good laugh
about the way the people had been gulled,
but judge of the chagrin of the latter when
lie went home and found that bis wife
bad purchased six bottles of the fraudulent
—Few lecturer* who have appeared be
fore a Bailer audience have so thoroughly
impreceed tbeir personality upon i b«*t aud
ience, m the nhnrt two boor* allotted
them, a« did General J. B. Gordon of Guor- j
gia, lam Saturday night. Hi* lecture con
sisted ot a maun of interesting lucideuts of
tbe civil war, beginning with the battle of
Gettysburg and ending witb the snrrend-r
of Lee at Appomattox. He was almost as
enthusiastic in bis praise of Grant, Meade
•nd other Utiiou general*, a* ne W»J re
gardiug Lee ai.d Stonewall Jackson. Bin
description of Lee'* last confart noe with
bit lieutenant* of wbiob be w»* one, in
tbe wood# at nigbt, by tbe dying ember*
of a word fire, was very pathetic, and hi*
demonstration of bis devotion to the old
flag wa* beroio, tbongb somewhat extrav
agant. Gen Gordon is now 63 year* of age.
Be entered tbe Rebel army as a Captain,
roue rapidly to the rank of Major-General
and Mine tbe war ban been Governor of hi*
fctate two terjns, Congivegman and is no*-
represe®ting hi* State in tbe U. S. Sepate.
Be wa* brought here tbrougb tbe i-ffops of
Bev. Oiler, and, we are pleaded to say, tbe
leoeijru tvyvml tbe vsjfvuM,
Christmas comin' with a rush—
Bail the rising HUT!
If our pockets are net flush,
Cheeks of children are!
—To morrow is the shortest day in the
—Renew your subscription to the Citi
Z8» for the year 1895.
—The Pent)'a Reserves will celebratothe
battle of Dranesville, at Oil City Hall,
Pittsburg. this evening.
—Programmes have been printed for
tho Christinas treats to be given in several
of osir Churches.
—Harmony his a new P. M. at last, in
the person of Adam Eppinger, who was
appointed last Monday.
—lf yoa want your tenant to vacate your
premises nest Spring yoa must serve a
quit notice on him on or before the Ist of
J auuary.
—The improvement in the apperance
of toe average school teacher is one of the
sailent teat ures of modern progress Tbe
school teacher of to-day is "up to dale."
—lf theatrical managers would put np
signs requesting bald headtd ladies to
wear large fists at public performances,
poor, suffering men would have a better
chauce to see the stage occasionally.
—S»me ciii*"us of Butler have cionej" in
vested in l»t» lying bet wen Buffalo and
Niagara Fall' l , and expect to make money
on them. ••.Niagara Falls bitched np" is
developing Buffalo and vicinity wonderful
—The Pittsburg, Brady's Bend i Lake
Erie R R. Co h> s secured a charter,which
calls for a ronte from Brady's Band,
through Piirti - *, Concord, 0 kklaad,Saiu
mit and Ceatro Twps to a point on the
P. 8. & L E. R R with wlich it is to
—The Lahigh County Commissioners
have decided to pnrcbase a ton of pig iron
for placing In the jail yard and compelling
vagabond tramps to carry tho bars back
and forward from one end of the prison
yard to the other daily daring their period
of incarceration.
—The Pennsylvania railroad company
has sent notice to all pjrson* who work
for tue couipiny s-iyiug a physioia-i would
visit them, and nit only vaccinate them,
but all the members of their families.
Some of tbe railroaders are not in favor of
vaccination, but. will snhoiit.
—A com.nercial traveler who stopped
over night with a friend in Batler, was
asked to say the b'essing at »upper. The
reqneot rattled hiui, and he responded as
follows: "We acknowledge the receipt o'
yoar favor of this date. Alio* U3 to ex
press our gratitude for this expression of
good will. Trusting that our boxise may
merit yonr confidence, and that we shall
bave many g.>od orders from yoa this win
ter, we are yours, Amen."
—This is essentially tbo children's sea
son Others cannot en joy the spirit of
Christmas as do the little ones, who have
a profound faith ia Santa Claus, and who
are as happy as larks just to be allowed
to gaz s tneir fill at tbe wonders displayed
displayed iu the shop windows. Every
where you go the childish treble sonnda
above the noise of traffic, and shrill little
voices talk of Cbristimsj »ys as the doors
ot great stores swing back and the crowds
on the street* are augmented by a host of
jnveciU'a out with the adults, woo find
macb real delight iu gixiug Imc'< into tneir
own childhood through tbe medijm of
bright eyes belonging to their own li'.tle
sons and daughters. It is really pitiful to
observe tbe ovcrwisa voaegster who doa s
not believe iu Santa Cla-u, and who iu its
own disappointment endeavors to spoil the
Christmas of others w'uo are not so blase.
This child is to be wept over. So much of
life has been lost to him at s i-jh an early
age. Think what tbe future will be, with
no memory of that beautiful faith in a
kindly Saint that made Ghrisunas a sea
sou ofj-iyoiis excitement no; altogether
uumixed wi b a tiuge of fear al a mystery
that cbillrca of all a<es.rj{ it r, < thor.Kfgii
ly believe in. Parents should try to keep
ap these illation* rather than tiy to dis
pel them because their own ideas of logic
and common sense range themselves in
opposition to this species ol deception.
Christmas to a child who has been told
that there is no sach person as Santa
Claus is not half as sweet as the festival to
the innocent believer, even though tho
former receives three times as many re
membiances of the seasoa as does the lat
ter. Life all too soon takes on serioas a as
pect; therefore, while the cloud* aro held
iu abeyance and tbe light ctanterbalances
the shadow, let ours not be the hand to
drag away the curtain that shrouds so
much *f Christmas joy and life in a mantle
of ploasing uiystery.
—The Pi'tsbnrg Commercial Gazette is
attracting a great deal ot attention because
of the very large amount, of txolusive
new* and special departments it is run
ning Its now p:ice, 10 cents a week. or
$5 a year, put* jt withij reach of all. Be
tween it and the 1-cent papers there i* 110
comparison a< it rutin three tinier as much
reading matter daily ax they, while the
quality is much saoerior It is a
that not oue manlier of a family will read, |
Out every member, for it contaius some
thing for everybody, no uiatter his circuin- |
stances. age or mood Tne Weekly Com-\
mercial Gazette contains the best features
of the daily as well as s.onn of .ts own.
It compares very favorably with the New
York Weeklies, while at the same time
containing unws of this region that the
others do not hare. It costs only $l a
year. If jou want all the news of the
world, all the local and state news, the fal
sest und best market reports, the ablest
editorials, the breeziest sporting columns
and n iscellaneous reading, you will find
them in the Pittuburir Commercial Gazette.
Besides, it has one of tile best equipped
newspaper plants in the country, and never
before has it been so general aud welcome
a visitor in the homes of city and country
as now. The aim of the publishers is to
eive a better article for less money than at
the old price, a.id much better than can bj
procured elsewhere, aud they are succeed
ing, good judges s »v. Bey in the i.ew year
ii<fhi by subscribing for the Commercial
—A Christmas gift tbat would be
appreciated a bos of Tenney'B Can
dies, fur sale by
Buy yoar fiat crazies at
A handsome bonbon box given with
every box of bonbons. We make
our OWH bonbons, con&cqapntly tbev
are always fresh. If a bonbon is not
fresh it is wor h nothing
Socrates Poolos,
133S Main ST
—Complete stock of goods suitable
lor Christmas presents at the New
York Noyelry Store, E. Jefferson St.
—A bijr t eduction on underwear
at the People's Store 323 S Main St
Ooe Portfolio, containing 16
superb > iews from the Worlds Fair
given away with each MO Bale at
L. Stun <S SON.
—W" make a specialty ot supoly
ing candy for Chrisimas entertain
ments at Churches. A full assort
ment always kept on hand and
prices made very low
Socrates Poolog,
133 S. Main St.
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in fimsb, tone or correct
—Clearance sale of all summer
goods at less than wholesale prtco.
Balasce of Trial Lists asd Skstesces.
Commonwealth versus—
David H Alswoit i indicted for rape on
oath of Annie ilary Piunkard Dec 14 '94.
I verdict guilty and sentenced to pay a line
ot SI,OOO. pay costs, ami bo imprironad iu
the Riverside Penitentiary lor nine years
and six months.
Com. vs. John Kelly, burglary, three
cases. Dec 11, verdict gnilry e.nd sentenc
ed to pay a fine of S3OO, cunts, and be im
prisoned in Riverside Penitentiary for 9
years and 8 mouths.
Com. vs Allen Bos. famishing liqnor to
minors, verdict guilty. ard sentenced to
pay a tine of SSO. aud costs, and be ia.-
pri.-oued in tne coun;y jail for sixty days.
R. V. Wheeler, desertion, adjudged
gni.'iy, and sentenced to pay his wile $lO
per month.
TUos. McDurmot, assault and battery,
pleads guilty, and is sentenced to pay a
fine of sls, »n1 costs, and give recog iu
SIOO for his good behavior.
Clarence Riddl®, obstru.tmg an clscor,
pleads gnitty. and is sentenced to pay a
tine ot sls and corts, and enter surety iu
SIOO for his good behavior.
Andrew McD.-rmott. false pretense,
guilty, bat recommended to mercv. Dec
14, sthtenced to pay a fine of SIOO and
costs, and sent to Clsreiuont WorKO/Use
for six months.
Campbell Harper, assault and battery,
case settled by the parties.
Wnj. J. Ta) lor, assault and battery.
:tot guiltv, bat he t-> p«y 9-16ths and A
W. Krepps 7-16 in« of tne coat*.
J. C Scott and L. C. Austin, damaging
livery property, not giilty. bar to pay 3-4
tbs and prosecutors Henry Bickol and
William Kennedy, the other lour:h of the
J. C. Dancaa, larceny Deo 14, not guil
Com. vs. Roy Dickey, larceny, pieadi
guilty and is seat to Morganza.
Daring ths trial of the cass of W. J.
Taylor, Judge Greer forced two young
men to tell «vhere they got the liquor that
made tbem drack on a oertaiu evening;
and some informations will follow.
W. P. McKinoiss coald not get bail, and
remains iu jail.
The will of John B. Cvnpbsll of While
twp, Indiana Co. was probated.
Wm Long was committed to jail by E>-q
Kaltenbach for desertion.
Henry P Boyd to Books and Clark 1
acre in Adams for $2,000
Jos Uasbdollsr. as-Ojjoee. r» Robt Davi
gou 20 acres in Adams for SI.UOO
8 D Purvis to Amy Miller lot iu Butler
for $525
A. G. Campbell, sheriff, to J. C ilcKee
lot in Butler for $4lO.
Elmond Reidel et al to Rachel Wilson
17 acres iu Saxouburg for $2 100.
6. U Eiianfj to Mary tone/ lot in Zjlie
uople tor S9OO.
ilargt Shearer et al to Emma Brauker
lot in Butler for S3BO.
J. M. Shields to llaotia'Li Bailey 50 acres
in itl.ldli sex tor $5.
Peter Scheuefc t • Park Theatre Co. lot
in Bailer for S2O 00s)
Jas. Barrow to A G. Black 41 acres ir
Slipperyrock for SI,OOO
Andrew G. Campbell to Thus A. Canip
bell 73 scree in Builei twp lor $2 458
G. W. Hobangh to Geo. M Hobaugh loi
n Ba tier Inr $2,500
Geo Shiffner to Mary Shatfuer lot ia But
ler lor SIOOO
Marg M Gradv to Ernest Englehard 45
acres ia Clearfield for $1350.
Marriage Licenses.
C. R Shonor Knox Pi»
Lnella Jolly ■'
J. P. Graham Ha'lstein Pa
Cora filler Unionville
Geo. W. Black Middlesex t«*i<
Anna Bminger Knox Pa
A. L Hiles, Connuqaeesing Ph
Flora Folk man "
Jnn. W. Scott Washington twp
Annie Aultmire "
Hell Lewis Reno.. Clsrksville. P»
Mary Pattisoa Slipperyrock
At Pi'tsbarg—John P. Blair and Lillu
Sarver of Butler c«unty.
The Marketj.
Oar grocers are paying 22 f>r butter and
23 for fresh eggs. 50 loi potatoes. 60 for
parsuips, 50 for a-iions ami b. et.s. Bcs fir
dressed chicken, 10 tor turWy and dae.k, 3
to 5 a head lor •, 25 to 3d a d 'Z-n
for celery. 60 to 75 lor apples, $l5O to
1.75 for beans
Timothy hay from coiinfrv wagor.g sl4
to 15 mixed hay $lO to 10 50 wheal straw
$5 25 and 5 50. oat s' raw S 5.50 and 600
mill-fed $14.50 t.o 16 50, oats sold b.' tbt
oar load ai 33 to 37, com at 47 to 49, and
wheat at 56 to 58.
Fancy coaatr? bin rer sold at 16 to 18.
cooking batter 9 to 10, fresh eg*s iu case*
23 to 24 ice house euirs 17 to 20. dressed
chicken, drawn, 9to 10 turkey 10 in 12.
dock 11 to 12. spring chicken 10 lo U, rah
bits 25 tu 30 4 pair, q-im 1 $1 75 to 200 a
dozeu, sqaurels $1 00 to 125 a doz-sii,
pheasants $5.00 tu 5 50 a dozja.
Potatoes on tra#k 48 to 50. from store 53
to 55, onions 40 to 55 it bu , cabbage 2 to
2i a head, couimoc apples $1 50 to 1.75 a
bbl , beans $1.70 ut 1 75 cid-r $4.50 ,u 5.00
a bbl., chestnut* 3io 3). w*luu<.s 30 to 40
a bu., shellbarks 75 to 90.
At Herr's Island, Monday, cattle sold at
$3.50 to 5 50. dry c»w» and bulls at $1.50
to 3 00. hogs at $2 75 to 4 70. sheep hi 25
to 3 25, lambs at 75 to 4.00, cilv-s at $1 25
to 6.25.
—lf you are looking for a Christ
mas gift c mid you find
thing tbat would be inire ucceprable
than a box of Ttnney'a Ntw York
Candies, for sale by
Bargains in Lawns, Ditoilys
Pongee", Organdies aud all the sum
mer goods at
—Call and mtka your selections of
Christmas candies from our stock A
full lino of candies, fruits etc, at low
prices. Socrates Poolos,
133 S Main St
—Call and secure some barceiu*
in Holiday goods. New, clean stock
at low prices.
* East Jefferson St.
—Socrates Poolos. who has open
ed the new confectionary store at 133
S. M«in Street has a verv complete
lino of candies a' prices ranging from
6 cts per pound upward Call and
see them, before making your Holi
day purchases.
X mas good* just received at
the People's Store.
—Home made candies, t-thes, car
mels, aud etc., uow on h-od at the
City Bakery.
Fresh cut Flowers of at! kinds,
always on hand at the C.ty Bakery.
—Highest cash p-iee paid for strain
of all kinds at J. C Bread«ti & <*o V
new roller mills, West Soubury, P*
—.White goods, Lawne, Pong«e*
Organdies and all lend* of -V II.'J
goods at loss than wb >l«-nle p-io* at
L H netw A SON'S
—Fresh candies at jow prioes.
The newest and *r >uk iu the
eity. Hocr«ttea P>ulos,
133 S. Main St.
—Take your children to Zu»«<"a
Gallery for Pictures mat will MM
you. Postoffice build in?
—So turner \Jnd'<"v>» r . flQ3'<r-
M'tw, Ljices and Hibxjn at reiuc
ed prices at
—Genuine Laacditer
at DAVimnr'a
11. Q. Walker E>q is thinking of remov
ing to Pittsburg.
4. P Glenn and family intend moving
to Pittsburg, soon.
Philip Cradle, of Z-ilienople has lately
been granted a pension.
Ktv. D S Clark of Prospect has located
in Philadelphia
Wtn. Garvey of Muddycreek twp. is in
poor healtn.
G. P. Weigle walked from Prospect to
Bailer to attend the Institute.
D. B. Doathett and wife came up from
Brownsdale to hear Gordon.
Adam Ramerer. the Court House janitor,
has been on the sick list for some days
Henry Morris of Hoboken visited rela
tives in" Bailer this ween.
John Vmroe is back from Kansas, on a
visit to his brother Nick, who is seriously
Gen. Gordon of Gem gia spent Srnday in
Huiler and attended tne Presbyterian and
United Presbyterian churches.
Dr Barr and John Balfour of Mars were
up Saturday night to hear Gordon, and
went home ou tho midnight freight.
Kev. Wood will preach in the M. E.
Cuurch next Sunday morning on "A Great
Visit by •» Great Visitor," aud in the even
ing ou ' TUB Ideal Home."
The following are home from school;
Misses Blanche and Francis Wick, Louise
Cuiiipbel, ilaigerat Braudou. L lUiSe |Mc-
Caudfess, Gertrude Miller, aud Bertha
Mrs. Wm. Caldwell has received from
ber son. Mite* E. Shaffer ot Jersey City,
two barrels of Turk State apples wnich are
remarkably tine, and make a handsome
Lon O'Brien, the driller who met with
an accident at Renfrew on Weduesday of
Ihst week, was taken to the Allegheny
General host i al, wnere both his legs were
Charles tlensliaw, formerly of Prospect,
went to O'i City, thirty-four years ago, ex
pecting to siay a month or so. He stayed
tnere till last August when he came back
to Butler and is living wiih bis sou Marion
on W. Jefferson St.
John Clark of Washington twp was iu
town on business, Weduesday. John has
lately been couhned to bis Pome for sever
al weeks by what the doctors call tne
"walking typhoid" of which he had a
severe attack.
Miss Lt»ura Jamison, one of Batler's
most popular head SAIeS-iadies has left
Mrs. Jeunin Ztuiuiermaus to accept a
poellioii vah tue l'niladelphia Poly clinical
tiospila , where she will enter the irainiug
department Ller many friends send best
wishes with ber.
J. C. L-»wis, better known in the Tueat
rioal world as "Si Pluukard. ot Fairview,
tfuiler county, Pa," and hie wife, came
down from Rochester on Sunday, where
nis company W.MS playing, and were driven
•ver to tue home of David Pluukard, of
Kairview, b) J. W. Fleming, where, they
-peut tho day at the old Home where Mr.
Lewis was employed, as a farmer boy aud
irom wiienue lie departed ami laid the
foundation of the play tbat. has broagut
bi.u uiiu wealth all 1 tame. ''Si Pluukard"
spent ais earl) days at this place and
bradj s Bend He was apprenticed to J.
W Klemuiiog. our blacksmith, when a
-mail boy, at vvlucu ho showed an aptitude
and skill not to be expected from one of
fiis j ears. Mr Lewis has many frieud.s
ai tbis place, and there is no spot he
• nj ys more to visit, aud never misses au
opportunity to do so.—East Brady llvvicw
Keliar established a record at the Park
Theatre ou Monday evening when stand
ing room only was to be had. Many were
unable to get seats and were turned away.
Keilar was the same old clevor sleight
ol-hand performer with the same old
•'chestnutty" tricks. The stage settings,
and accessories were all that money and
good taste could buy and fashion, and trie
performance gave much satisfaction but at
ibe same time there was nothing eveu ap
proaching the new in the programme and
the tipsey individual from the gallery who
said "Give us something new," was not as
much out of reason as out of order.
Dwn'l Mi> s This Good Time
To Gel a Piano or Organ.
We now offer this rare chance to got a
piano or orgau lor Christmas time at nreat
Iv reduced prices. for thoee who do not
*inh to icthe price of a new oue.
Waluui Prince orjjan $ 20.00
Walaiit Prisiee orpran, nice cn.se.... 30 00
Ma»on & Hfuilin t-huiob organ, 2
hanks keys $ 55 00
Keystone organ, 10 stops 50 00
sterling organ, top . 35.00
Ksiey organ, 1) >i"US - 60 00
Newman organ, 12 stops 00.00
Chicago cottage organ. 11 stops..... 70.00
backer grand, poi.d as new $350 00
tlarilniau grind, i-; .splendid order. 350 00
Cbiekeritig, 7-oct 100.00
Chickeiing, carved, 7-oct 105 00
Shoemaker, carved legs 100 00
W heelock upright 1(50 00
Haflet <& Ouoistou, carved 115 00
Ivaabe, carved..... 75.00
Call and see the stock or write for partic
ulars A fine lot of new holiday pianos
lieing opened—prices from S2OO upward—
send lor catalogues.
77, sth Aveuue, Pittnharg.
—The New York Novelty Store
* bich has opeued next door to IPil
-on Miller's, has a bright and com
plete stock of holiday goods.
—Try, T A. Morrison's home
made Camels.
Fine canon flannels 5 cents at
Fresh cut Q »wern of all kinds lor
X mas at Thos A. Morrison's
lox4 blankets 60c at DAVENN Y'-
—l2£ cent Pongees and Tissues
reduced to <4 ce" 18 at
—The highest tirade of patent
flour made at the mills of
J. (J. BREADEX & Co.,
West Sunbury, Pa.
—Special low rate excursion
tickets to all points uu the P S. &
b. K. tl 11. Dee 24th to Jan. 1,
18&5 inclusive, at one fare for the
touud trip
—A good umberella for 75 c at
—Trv our new roller flour—latest
improved machinery. Satisfaction
guaranteed, J. C. BBEADEN & Co ,
West Sunbury, Pa
Mrs Jones —Where did you get
that hat?
Mrs. Smith—At Davenny's of
course, thev have the best millinery
in town, try tbetn.
lnfants Wool Hose 5 cts per
pair at Davenny's
—-A full line of home made candies
at the City Bakery.
Our riosiery values are uuequal
ed and well worth your inspection
Fine Donnott flannels, 5c at
Bonrdtueli 'Use Cards, with Act
o! Vsae.ubU, <*iiw fnr half-a-doaen,
tor s*le at CITtZKN offiiM,
—Fittest novelties in dress goods
Christmas Be'Ms,
Will soon riug merrilv Its abiqt
tiqie y.:u are lo k ng for presents for
friends and loved ones. You wiil
liud it to your advautage to see the
new and elegant line of articles in
gold and silver suitable for prevents
offered b7
K-lUWAJ'ttiOfc, the jeweler, opp.Court
The new barn of J. B. Henderson, near
Clintonville was burned la-t Friday night
with 13 head of cattle, 2 head of horses,
and baggies,wagons, harness, and all his
farming tools. His loss will amount to
about $2,000; insurance about one half.
Two of the nurses and one of the physi
cians of Allegheny Geueral Hospital, hare
lately been discharged for being too socia
Four burglars, three of whom were
masked, entered the house of David
Slocura, an aged tanner of Erie Co., last
Saturday night, seized him and bis wife m
their bed, bound both, and threatened to
burn their feet. They secured money
known to be at least $7,000 and the sum
may be as high as SIO,OOO. They placed
the booty in a pillow case taken from the
bed and escaped.
Hundreds ol hogs have lately died of
cholera in Versailles twp., Allegheny Co.
The two Democratic tactions in Kittan
niug are at present engaged in a tight for
the Post Office.
The epidemic of diphtheria at Asbtabuls,
0., has been checked by auti toxin.
Frank Morris, aged 17 years was con
victed of murder in the first degree at
Uuioutown, last week, lor killing old Ber
nard Loker in Bull Skin township in
September. The y«»ung criminal was ap
parently unconcerned when he beard his
fate. The crime was a most diabolical
one. Young Morris was a friend ot the
Lokers and irequently stayed with them
for days at a time. For three days before
committing the crime he was with them at
their home and enjoyed their hospitality.
When be got Mrs. Loker away he left the
bouse, ostensibly lor the purpose of going
to Mt. Pleasant. He did not go far, how
ever, but soon returned to where Mr.
Loker was engaged building a wall under
his bouse, sneaking behind hiui by a cir
cuitions route. Watching bis opportunity,
when Loker raised up be put two bullets
through bis brain, He then went into the
house to search for the money for wtiich ho
committed the crime. The dog beginning
to bark, Morris went out and shot him.
As he did this, Mrs. L >ker returned with
ner arms full of kiudliug wood. Morris
tired two bnllets into ber aud fled. Mrs.
Loker is still suffering from the effects
of the wounds. The >nly defense that
could be made was a plea of insanity.
A Chinese lauudrymau of N< v Brigitou
received by express fro n N r ew York a
'"chow" or as some call it. a "cliow cho* - "
dog. It is said to be the species of
eaten by the Cninese iu their native laud,
aud that he has imported it 10 serve up ou
Christmas iu preference to au American
turkey. It is an odd looking animal.
Eighty applications for liquor license
have been filed iu the Clearfield county
courts. There are no remonstrances
aaaiust the granting of the same.
Occasionally, when they want a new
County bridge, over ia Clearfield, the}'
burn the old one. An effort was mad* the
other night, to bum a wooden bridge over
the river of Mahaffey. The structure is
a covered one and was saturated with oil
and set on fire. The fire was discovertd
and extinguished betore the bridge was
Perhaps one of the darkest and dreariest
spots OFI this continent at the present
time is in the vicinity of Yonkers, X. T.
Owing to the prevalence of diphtheria, the
health officer of that place has issued a
proclamation requesting that "the habit of
kissing be suspended for some time."
Christmas Greens-
Christmas Trees, Cut Flowers, a
full line at THOS A MORRISON'S
Santa Glaus Headquarters.
Tbe cbildreD can be made happy,
this Christmas, ami you will not
have to mortgage your farm to do so,
if you buy your holiday novelties at
Mo9ic scholars wanted, Lessons
will be given either at the home of
the teacher or at the home of the
scholar. Inquire at 124 W. Wayne
St. But'er Pa.
Free! Free! !
With every purchase of $1 00 and
upwards we will give you an elegaut
present. One you will app'-euhte.
One you can always keep as a
Suuvenir of Butler (Jo.
Successor to Kitter & Ralston.
Santa Claus Headquarters.
Cheer up your home on Christum*!
The large stock of toys at STEHLE'S
and the low prices, will enable you to
do so cheaply
Optical goods a specialty. Eyes
tested free of charge. Spectacle* cor
rectly fitted Satisfaction guaran
teed. 125 S Main St. Butler Pa
Richey's Bakery.
John A. Rich«y dees all his own
bread and cake baking, using the
best flour in the market.
He is now making all his own
common candies, creamo and taffi -s,
aud guarantees a pure article.
Parlies purchasing fur school and
churches will do well to remember
Santa Claus Headquarters.
The established headquarters of
Old Santa is at STBHLE'S, because
they always have the greatest varie
ty of novelties, toys, etc., in the city.
7"x L.
Pictures, Diplomas, Certificates
aud Charters Framed to Order at 3u9
S. Main St., Butler. Pa.
Dealers in new aud second baud
household goods of every description
Call and see us vVe can save you
Slate Normal School.
Attend the State Normal School
at Slipperypock, Pi. Methods moat
Advanced. Kxpeust-s Low. A pro
gressiva School fur Teachers, s4l
for 13 wodks. Tuition alone s'j.
Albert E- Mtlth*.
Winter Term begins Jan. 2 18<j5.
Holiday Excursion Kates
Oq December 24, 25 and 31*t and
January Ist, ageats on the F W.
Ry will sell round trip tickets at
EX' ursion rates,Kood if• >i atf on datt
>if i-ale and valid for return
until January 2 id, 18<j5 inclusive.
—N> matter how bard the tim- 1 *
the one thing afford to go
without is all the pews If yon wmt
all the newp vou get it in the Puts
burg Utspaich. Tne Dispatck t yut)-
ltataea all—not » part only.
Oil Notes.
(Heydrick's No. 4 Oil Leases, for sale at
at tbis office.)
The Bays, No. I, on the J K. Forrester
farm near Prospect is doing about 10 bbls.
a day. The well on the Webber farm is
rigged and drilling has commenced.
Gibson & Gahegan's No. 1, on the
Knight farm near Dutchtown is in and
Oil was worth 95 cents yesterday. The
htocks on hand now amount to le.-s than
six-millions of barrels, and are decreasing
at the rate of balf-a-million a month.
A strong vein of gas was struck at the
well on the Jno. Hindman farm in Clay
twp, Monday. The gas ignited and the
rig was burned.
The Forquer <fc Co. well on the Esh
elman was doing 35 barrels an hour, Mon
day and the Gibson Jc Co. on the Johnston
25. Steelsmitb <1- Co. are building a rig
on the Joseph Adams.
Phillips No. 1 on the Rohan is doing 20
barrels; Smith Jt Co's No. 1 on the Ander
son 100 barrel*, and the Thorn Oil Co's.
No. 9 on the Parks 40 barrels.
Campbell A* Murphy's well ontheDorsey
farm, adjoining the Eshelman on the west,
was expected in today; and the Uartman
«fcCo. well on the Mrs Swariz will be in in
a few days. Another well is being drilled
on the Dorsey to tte west of Campbell <fc
A singular strike was made in an oil well
in Carroll county, 0, a few days ago At.
a depth of 454 feet an excellent quality of
lubricating oil was tapped. In the course
of the drilling they found lead and zinc
ore, and will organize a company to devel
ope the minerals.
Johnson's Universal
A Great and New American Work
U. S Commissioner ot Education.
Washington, D. 0.. November 1, 1894.
I have examined carefully the new edi
tion of Johnson's Cyclopaedia, as far as is
sued, and find the work a material im
provement ou the old edition A grea.
merit of thb Cyclopaedia from the begin
niog has been thai its articles were pre
pared by specialists, each in his own de
partment A specialist can say very much
more in a giveu spice regarding his topic
thau a mere compiler can; he knows bo*
to gel the esseulia! poims and the newest
re.-ults iu the fevve.-l words. Ueuce. 1
have found the Cyclopaedia fr»in Uie be
ginning to be one o( itie most useful of its
class—more useful than some more Vo
luminous cyclopaedias. Tne new edition
is a decided advance in cyclopa-dia
inaking. A set ol this work ougbt to be
found iu evt-ry scboolhouse, and the pupils
ougnt to be tangtit how to use it.
Very truly yours,
(Signed) W. T. HARSIS.
Principal Michigan stale Normal School.
Vpsilanti, Mich., Dec., 18, 1394.
I have known and us u d the Johnson's
Universal Cyclopaedia since it was first
published. Much of the time it has had a
place along wjib a halt dozen sets of other
similar works. It has had and still has
the preference for the use of any bu<y per
son. If a family, a school, or a student
can hare but one such work, it should, by
all means, be Jobuson's.
In many respects ihe revision now go
ing through the press is superior t<> the
first issue: in more abundant cross refer
euces, in paragraph headings, in battel
maps, in new subjects, aud up-to-date
treatments, its superiority is apparent
Pastor United Presbyterian (Juurcb.
Butler. Pa , Drc. 17, 1894.
For several years I have used the form
er edition of Johnson's Cyclopaedia, and
have lound it very helptnl.
For accuracy, comprehensiveness and
ready reference I belli ve it is unsurpassed.
Anyone needing a Cyclopaedia ot practi
cal value will make no mistake iu pur
chasing the new edition with its larger
type aud ar-icles re-written or revised to
(Signed) JoilS S. MCKEE.
Attention! ! Soldiers'
And Farmers of Butler Co. With
evrev purchase ot $1 00 and upward
we will m»tke you a present, one that
will be appreciated by every old
Soldier aud loj-al citizen of BuJer
couuty Respectfully,
Successor to Riuer & R^letou.
Music Lessons tree
The Butler Music Company have
added to their tiue stock of musical
goods, the higb grade pianos, Hazel
tou, Hallet and Davis
To evry person buying a piauo
before Feb. Ist '95, a term of music
lessons will be giveu free.
—Job work of ail kind done at the
—You pay for school-books; but
the best school-book for your children
is your daily Well printed,
carefully aud intelligently edited, ol
instructive contents, first and fullest
with the uews and best iu presenting
it, tbe Pittsourg Dia/iatc/i tills the
Variety is the Spice of Life
Spice your liie with Marvin's big
variety of Crackers, as Royal Fruit,
Kagle Butters, Ginger Snaps at your
Marvin Pittsburg.
Holiday Rates.
Take advantage of the low ex
cnrsiou rates < ffered by the P. S. &
L E R R. to visit your friend *
during the Holidavs One fare for
tbe round trip Dec. 24'h to Jan. Ist,
inclusive. Tickets limited for re
turn Jan. 2nd.
We have the
most magnificant
line of holiday goods
ever shown.
New Ideas,
New Goods,
New Designs.
Presents for every •
body, Old and
Near Postofficc.
Garfisid Teh ss|
Cures Certi tip iioni
A Suggestion.
m\ feo-j
D:d it ever occur to you that mere are
drugs and drues—that drugs are like every
thing else —there are good, bad and indif
fereut. There is nothing else which is
positively bad if it is'nt just ot the best.
Our policy has always been to have noth
ing but the best.
When you want drugs come to ns and be
assured of fresh pure goods, and always
what you ask for or your prescription calls
for. It may not always be drugs you want
either. We always have on hand a full
line of sickroom requisites. a
Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa.
A. M. A. St. A. M. P. M. P. M.
Butler Leave Gls 833 11 UO 2 4.5 sou
Saxouburg...Arrive6 li nun 11 it :: 11 52s
iiuilur Juc't.. 7 :»> a a 11 30 340 553
butler Jue't.. Leave 7jo all 12 tw 340 5 y
Natrona Arrive 7as 9 .11 |< u j ,yi i{ ei
i'arenrum 7 43 a 46 .2 la 357 9 ii 7
Spriuu.iile 7 65 lu 115 12 .13 1 m
C'Wreiuout S 11 12 .'«5 4 23 ti 27
sb.irpsburg 8 16 1 uj 4 [I'J 6 .«
Allegheny City BS,IO .a 124 444 U45
A . M A. M. p. M. P. If. P. M.
A. M. A. M. A. It. P. M. P. M
Allegheny*Uty Leave 6 O sJ j 10 40 3 13 t> 10
sharpsburg 7 0i 83f 10
clareiuonl S 45 II as
Spriugdale 8 U M 6 41
lai-tutum 7 a 2 y iu 11 351 050
Natrona 73i 'J 15 11 45 556 C 53
HuUtr Juc t Arrlve7 45 ȣ> ii 55 404 7 02
Bmler Jue't Leave 7 45 94j 12 i 13 7 a.'
SuAoueurg li 0s le 11 li 4 440 7»>
ituller Arrives 35 10 35 Isu 5U> 730
A. M. A. M. P. M. r. X. r. M
WEEK DA vs. For the Km. WKKK DAVS
p. U A. M. A. Jl. P. M.
245 el 5 Lv. Butler Ar. Iu Jo Isu
;t 4o 7 30 Ar liuiler Junellon Lv. » +5 12 38
104 ;45 Lv. Hutler jiiuellou \i. 941 12 38
4 10 74a Ar. Kreeyori Lv. y .10 12 od
415 753 " Aileglleuy Jue't. " S> 31 12 3o
42c S i>4 •• Leeiunaru " a2O ia 13
4 4« 8 21 •• Paultou (ApoUo; a ivj 11 55
514 851 *• saltsou'g " 837 11 32
5 30 U 22 • Ul.ill'sWlle '• 8 05 il UO
t> uo U3O " liialraville lutei n'• 750 10 15
830U 40 " Altooll.l ......... •• 340 Bou
luo 320 •• Harrmourg •• 11 55 310
430 CSO '• I'illU leljili 1.1 •• s3e u2O
A. M. P. M. T, M. P M
trains for tue east le. ve t'utsOurK
iLulon Slatlou) us follows:
I'eiinaylvanla. Limited, dully 715 A.M
Atliiiitle Express. •• 3 10A. M.
Day Express. " sou ••
rmiadeluida Express, '■ 4 30 P.M.
Eastern Express, " 700 "
Fast Line, •• Biu 11
For detailed In tor n ir.ion, ai dress l'hos. K.
Watt, Cass. Atf't. .Vesiern )«'.i let. 110 FlftU
Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
S. M. PKUV Hr, J. it WOOD.
General Manager. Gen'l. Pass'r. Ag't
P. &. W. R. R.
Schedule lu e!Tec> N iv. 18. !)». (liuttnr time)
The abon Line to Pittsburg.
6.23 a m Allegheny 9.25 a tn. A'.letilieuv Ei
s 15 :i m Ah'j 4 Akron a 53 a IU.AI S. N Castle
10 05 aui Allegbe ny Ac 12.a» p m All'y & 1 'b'go
3On p m Allegheny Mall susp ru. Allegheny Ex
350 p m Chicago Ex. 7 13 p m,All'y it Akron
5 33 p in All'y & Ell. Ex s.uo p m. Alle>cbeiiy Ac
11) 05 a m Ki'.ne £ Brad. 805 am. Pox burg Vc
5.15 p m Clarion Ac 19.52 am, Clarl ip Ac
7.35 p m Koxburg j5.20 pm. Kane Mall
8.15 a in. OeForest Ao 9.55 a in. Alletfiieuv Ae
I .lupin, ' Me Kx •O" |JW, AlleKtieujr Kx
5.05 pm. Allegbeuy AC|7 2> p'Q. DeKoros' AC
Train arriving at ar, i.ih p n leaves 11 A O de
pot. I'lti-sbui if. at 3 :I5 o'clock.
BuUer and treeaville On;ii will leave Alle
gheny at 3:2') p. in. da iy except Sun lav. Con
ned ing at Wnlowgrovj, arriving at B.iller al
Pullman Biuret Steeptn? Oars and Urst-class
l):i) Coaoues niu tUroui;li uetweon Builer and
CUtua<" -l iily.
For Uuuugb tickets to points in r.h" West
Northwest or Southwest applj to
A. B CROUCH. Agent
Trains leave the 8. X O. depot la PittDur?
lor me Kast as follows.
Kor Washington 1) Baltimore Philadel
phia, n . X'W York, 7:30 and 920 p. OJ.
Cuiuherl '.Kit 6:40. 7 :3». i in. 1 :10. 9i"i p. la. Con
uelsvllle. 6:U , 7a. in. 1 10. 4.3 N. 4 4>. C. JO, 9. 'JO
p. in. CnlO'il i*ii. 7. oa. m .1 KJ I :in 530 p. in.
L'ulontown Morga blown and Fairmont, r. ji, a.
J in, and .*>,3o p.m. Mt.i'leasaut 6.J0. 7.3' a. m.
l.io anu 4.3' n in. Wellington ,-,i. 7.;0 aud
930 a IU.. 4 OIL 145 *«nd 9 00. 11 55 p. 111. .V'lee)-
lUji. 7.40 ami 930 *. in., and 4.00. 9no. 11.35 p,
in. fin inn.il i. St. I. >U'-> •'■tlnuiuds apd New
arU. 7 40.i in.. » 10. Is>p,m.
Kor'"nlcatjo 2.4 > ui i .i n j .n
Parlor au-i sle-jpiin; oai a uj Baltimore, iVasU
ta&tou, ciurlnu iti an I i.'ui'ivo
ftirSßUttO, SdBSAV i » & «t[S a.R.
Ta<es effect Monday. Vpril 2. is.»i.
Train* are run 0y dtrndar.lUentrvl Tim ) (90th
MerMi in ) One lio ir slower tuaa on. Tin•.
11 |l* STATIONS" 9 11
I 4.1 Liuuklrk 7 :*|n 39
a. in.
; no 1 5s 10 tiV Krle 6 05 s 40 3 35
8 Hs| 1-m '» -• . Wall I V Innrt 042 J27 112
„ 211 1 IS 9 |. r > Olrar.l o 4'i 9 31 4 !5
e«• I"" 903 ...l<oCKpor. .. ti ii- :i I 26
6 ir.'l 1 01 S 55 .. .Ciauesftllfl ... 1 7 o7| 9 >0 4 34
310 . ... 10 31 ...COUQOaUt... . .I. 4. 310
u 43 i e 4u tr *| 1 • 3:1 ti 43
557 12 57 »49 ar.. . vlblon lv 7 111 935 4 37
5 43 1 IV 41 8 36 ... snaueland... 7 2.Hjiu <>i 4 51
5 4 (l 12 42 532 ... SprlnichOl 4 '- ■ T 2S|lo 0i 4 *»5
5-312 3> 525 C >nne»ntyllle 7 35:10 14 5 0;l
5 |»-|I2 15 8 05|AI b "vie Jet... 8 05|IC :isj 5*5
*53 S .is lv ,('oou' r . LiKe I'l 17 4 »3
4 2s 7 01 lv.. vteadvtl!e..K ii n l 2S
p in ... .: 8 42 »r ar S 4i II 2*'. 0 03
ll 58 7 45!.. . H.imtnwn ; 10 47 5 3-
n 53 7 10 ..AdotnsvlUe ... 10 52 5 w
NO2 l; 43 7 2S OsK"od No 1 11 01 4 53
P "I a. in
6 2.s II 35 7 16 ....(ireenvilie ... 0 3011 1.) 808
6 18 II 25 7 06 —She nun jo C 4» II J."> 6 20
5 .vs 11 02 6 47 KrttdnllFt ' i<3 II 46 6 34
5 39 10 44 6 ai;Meronr 7 22 1* 07 7 06
5 25 10 49 u Hardoe 7 30 12 22 7 16
5 13 10 20 ii 00 Grove city... 7 47 12 33 7 25
5 110 10 118 5 8 ... H&TtSvllle.... 7SBV4 45 7 36
45210 00 5 40.... Brancbton... s 00.12 54 745
455 r> f 8 351 lv Branotuoo.arl 731 12 15 7 2
5 45j Sls 21) ar.. Hlill.irtl.. .lv 6SO 11 loj 645
4 4# 9 55! 5 36|iv .. Keisiers | s in||-.'"vT~7^la
4 :e» u «2| 52t Kucii.i : x lu s as
4 (11 a Is| 4 of Butler | 8 noj 1 42! 8 32
1 501 7 20 .Allegheny, l\iw n to a jo l
pni a in —J _ p 111 p. m
J. T- Bi.Attj General Manager Greenvllla. ea
vv. G. SAKGEA.NT, G. 1" A.. Meadvllle. Pa.
MPiriL Paid I>, . - gItMMMHI.INI
Sl lIPH S AMI PKOHTH, - $4«,56» 04.
.108 Fl irt m 111 erwX
J. \ Kltts. Vioe Pres't. O. A. Bailey, Cashier
los. liartman, C. P. Ooutua. N \l. Hoover
01111 li>iini>tir»y, J. V. KUls.
K. A'wms, l/»ille Hazletl I. Smith,
W s. Waldrou. W. tlenr> Wilson, M Plne^an
A general banking na«ineas F raiisai'tea. ID
'erest p»i.l mi rime VjfcMllM \|oue> loue'l Hi
ippniv<H. security
Port.i(fn ••x.'h.inife iio'iirhi Ml sn.-i
Hotel l 111 e r
J. H FAUBEL, Prop r.
This house has been thorough-1
ly renovated, remodeled, and re-1
fitted with new furniture .tnti
car})ets, ha.s eiectnt bells and all j
other modern conveniences for |
quests, and is as convenient, .AIKI j
desirable a home for strangers as
can be found in Butler, Pa.
Elegant sample room lor use 01
commercial men-.
There are too many goods in stock and must be sold aud at
; prices that will suit the times. We have a lot of odd suits that will
j be sold regardless of cost. Everything mast be sold to make room
- for new goods.
| Come and see for yourself.
104 S. Main St., Cutler, Pa.
Seeing is believing. So come to us for an OVERCOAT or
Prices have been reduced. Wc must have cash and the cash is
what we are after. So we will just mention a few ol the big
j bargains that await you at our store.
i Men's heavy ulsters ... $2 50 worth $4
' Men's striped cass overcoat - - 3 worth 5
Men's Blue Chinchilla overcoat - "3 5° worth 6
1 Boys Plaid Cassinett Overcoats - - 1 50 worth 3
; Boys Cassimere Overcoats - - - 2 50 worth 4
i Boys all Wool Ulsters - - - 4 50 worth 7
' Mens Blue and Black Double Texture Mackin
toshes. Warranted - - 4 CO worth 6 50
; Mens Wool Filled Jean P..nts 65c, sold all over town for sl.
Shaul Nast,
Lea dii\{4 Clot P| iers, 137 331 ia St. Sitler. Pi*
An advertisement, people may cry! But it breathes the spirit of the
firm whose interests it presents. Only an ad.—but what volumes it
speaks of enterprise, work and good things in store for purchasers of
clothing. Only an ad.—but it presents, in a small space, a picture of
a firm which is always on the alert to increase an already large trade.
Envious person once declared that Douthett & Graham could not pro
duce the goods they advertise at the prices quoted. Only an ad.—
but no honest firm will advertise a lie, we never made an assertion
that we could not substantiate. We offer SIOO to any individual who
will prove that we do not live up to our
If you want the latest in Clothing and Gents' Purnisliing' otep in
our store for a half hour and we will prove to you that we live up to
our ads. Yours for Clothing,
Douthett & Graham,
The Happiest day of all the year to
the little ones is Christmas and few ever
entirely outgrow the delightful associa
tions of that day. Make them happy
and yourself, too, by a purchase of a Fine
Pair of Slippers or Shoes. Buy some
thing f hat is useful. We have them in
<jreat variety.
Mens Fine Velvet Embroidered Slipper* at. 50 75c, aif* $1 00
" " All Leather Slipp«r« in black ani cat at 50: 75; aad $1 .00
Wonjua'rt Fiue Slippers at 20j, 500- 6i)c. 7>j md $1 ia greatest
Fleeced lined gaitors Beaded Vunps, a multitude of dainty styles to
select from
Seii the pretty little Eider-down *ho»»>j for Baby. The nobby styles we
have for Boys and Girls at 35 50, 65 aud 75cts.
Take a look at our Ladled Fine Shoes Pat. Tip at $1 00, others
eell at $1.25 and $1 50
Look at our Ladies Shoe at 70cts Pat Tip Our Ladies Heavy Teal
Stan Button at $1 00 Cau'c be matcned iti otber store* at. $1.25.
Mi-ses and Children* Shoe* at 50c. 60. 65. 75. and SI.OO.
Mens Fine Shoes at 90'- $1 00. 1.25. 1 50 and 2 00.
Nobbv «tvle« Pointed and Square toe lasts Boye and Youths Fine Shoes
at 75: 90. $1 00, 1 25. aud I 50.
Wool Boots. All Wool Knit Stockings. Rubber Biota. Wool lined
Arties in great variety. Any of these would make a very appropriate and
useful Christmas present Make your selections early while the sixes are
not broken Come in and see us.
«ai Prescriptions
M A Specialty.
At Redick's Drug Store.
We do not handle anything but j
pure drug 1 -*, ne.it time you are iu
need of medicine pleece tfive us« r.
■•all VVd are bead quartern for pore
Hr. *»• (!•"* Olllv purn frill jiPl'r' V
alu.i I a icilt- I* irtf* Ilr»*»-ii, I.i ll
inri-et p>*«ler, L >ud >1 j'irpt ■!
«.»'.her i. iiiectlClOni*.
Vi ain »t..uex. I<< II »t« l ..
-u u'i'UiN l
»•' - wul -wn rtut tat M ktw*i ( 1
I hiiVM « Heave Cure that will eure any
cane of iieHVHo in hnmex in flirty days, it
according indirection*. aud if it does
nut do what I claim for it, I will refund
the amount pui.l and no charges will be
mad.- for the treatment The following
irHiiniouiala are 'he i-innigri-t jir-xif of the
nicdiciuen j'ow er to cure:
Bniler, Fa., 1893.
MR A. .T UOOasolk^R:
0 ' 'hi-'.' id la-, ot \ tiril. 1892. I corn
ii.-il Tit y...ir tie* cure for one of
s. r >,hi x'i • • very bad,
.'i -i-i* 1 •• iixdiciue for
■r». .till not
c i i. f
•» 4f . , i |pi iviia the
•• •> it <-v. r Miirn l
' iv - I i-ci -1
• ' 'l- |» • j.-tI .-n;.
>'• L. t K IN\V KLL
Euti«r. l*n , April 3, 1893.
1 ba~e usel Tour H»HVP Pnre and foQad
it will do ihc i».-iI it ti —1 *euortllii|t in di
.1 K UcMILLI*.
h doir- ~w*in.
•■U • I I • K JOBBER.
< i» Boiler -<*Uiog.
v .. 1.. i. !• and Sewer
v» wfc a Speciality.