Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 20, 1894, Image 1

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DON'T Want
A Wheel?
Just as good time now, as any,
to think of buying, to compare pri
ces and merits. We pin our best
faith to the CLEVELAND and
A wheel should be
Easy rw _
lira # .-/MTSfX&i
Looking C
Guarantee da Ladies Phoenix -
Wc l]_ave tt\em i\ow
will have
ir\ tl\e Sprir^.
Every face at borne, and every trlat-ce into our inviting windows, eag
er* .its tbe qa-suo*. ' What shail I get or *ive for Christina*?" Tbe an-
to firav depend* upon tbe lov* and liberality of your friends; tbe
second upon your own raeaas and generosity. Let fate and friends look
after tbe get, you look after tbe give -that's the part most blessed. Re
member, tbu a little gi?en with love i* more thin roach ariven bic*aße yoa
Oar place irtja-t do*- batHta# with lift wealth of hftppin«6*.
Select Your
Presents Now
+ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ From the Largest, Newest,
and Best Selected Stock in Butler,
T.adies' and Oentlemen's Finn Handkerchief* in L»o«o. Si'k. Embroider,
ed Plain H«m-Butebed and Inir.nl H»'idker«hie f- ; Ktndkurc'iief Caw,
Glnv« Cts-x in Shu n and C-Hu'«.id H*nd P*in-ed Eif"*ts, Art N >veltles in
Cellnl .il Ph »f» H-»l«ler«, SiU \4..1f1w«. Kid Gi »v«w. F.-ie J.-*«lerv, Rich
•« Ililr Pins. Stick Pin*, Fiu* Ftoirer Riag* Belt Bu«:kie< and Pin*, N«ck
Buds, Sul" CiraH Stampn 1 Li HUH. F* >CV 3iHc, Crepe-, B.»fa
Pillow Over*. KIJ'-hu S-ii's, Fine Dr*ps P*t '•* in all «Vo»l Plain *ud
N»v.-| EIT-cW in Silit- ami S*iio B*h .or 25c Si'k, ai.d all Silk Ribbon
bargain* in all colors for fcncv work; barpttius in BUoke:*, Ladle*' Wool and
Satine Skirw. Wrawaand Millinery B|wce forb«d* our mentioning the nn
m»-r..u-< articles in useful »« well an ornamental Xnn« gilts Our li*g store
Is filled tt-iih them If you want 10 kuow what i>» buy !or Xmib aud wb«re
to buy it come to tbe relial le afore, corner of Mtiti and Jtllernon streets,
Butler, Pa. R< cpectluilj,
Mrs. Jennie E. Zimmerman
Underwear, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Hosiery, Ties, Gloves,
Mittens, Cardigan Jackets, Sweaters, Trunks, Valises,
Telescopes, Watches, Chains, Charms, Rings, Pins,
Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Brushes, Purses, etc. I his
Of Summer Goods, but our regular stock of FALL
AND WINTER GOODS. We show you the lar
gest stock in Butler to select from and everything goes.
Don't miss this
-if Grand + Opportunity. l^
We are the pioneers of LOW PRICES- We never
were, never can and , never will be UNDERSOLD.
Bear this in mind, and don't make your purchases un
til'you see us. We feel satisfied we can do'you good.
X. Maii\St., Duffy's Block, Pa.
s3_ Buy a Buggy
that's reliable when you
(jo ixjy onc ,
Fredonia Buggies
'/erj .hing in their favor—beauty, stability, ease. You caa
fitv this out by loot .ng at 'em. Your dealer sells them.
Made by FREDONIA MFG. CO., Youngstowi*, O*
Impure Blood
Manifests itself in hot weather in hive*,
pimples, boils and other eruptions which
disfigure the face and cause great annoy
ance. The cure is found in Hood's barsa-
Hood's Sar,a
--1 *%%%%%% parUla
parilla which makes / % F « MAC
the blood pure and re- M UI vd
move 3 all such disfijr-
nrat ions. It also
gives strength, creates an appetite and in
vigorates the whole system. Get Hood's.
Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient.
If your dealer doaa not keep It
for aale, writ® u. iuM xi&mo ana
addreu. that we uf plaoe It on
Oa_ Toledo. &
It is unnecessary
to bore you with the
advertisement of our
largest stock, best
facilities, biggest
business,etc. You
know we have that.
The important an
nouncement is,
We will Positively save
yon Money on yonr
Fall Clothes.
Our stock tables
are resplendent with
the ne\A est patterns.
See them.
FOR 1905.
Pennsylvania's Greatest
Family Newspaper.
It Piints All th? News
Pre-Eminently a
Family Paper,
appealing directly to th« intmvrtu <•!
evrv member of fh« hna*-«h->M. by
the abmriice »l am thing nl an
ti'in»l>!e charaer.fr in r iu i.«* «
lileritry 'jr advertiMng e-iluiuux
As an Aovwtising Medium THE PRES?
is Among tbe in the
United btitvs.
Press •' Ads." »tiV«- tn«*(fr«
reijtilr«. Th-; p«*«.ile i»-ii»w m • t,"-r«•
nrnl ui"« TH K Hl'fi w uiir.ix
bigh ** 4 i»SO WADt i»dk'«?riwoment» in *
single IKFU* atid lia»- iec»ived 15.069
annwern to Pr«« Wain A«i». in »
single day Ttiis gh«iw» »hy I'r ->•
Adx. giv« tbe great
btn for CIMIM JkdrertUeim at*
"Situations Wanted" Hair Cent a Vvorl
•'Help Wanted" <Jue Cent a wur>
••Boarding" T*o Ceuw a WuicS
"Booms ' T**o (VfilJi a Won»
"For H.le"an<l i a Wuri
"Buslnesk Opportunliles" t W*»li'fa ica^<>i«
Foi small amounts one-celi'. or iwo-ccot
stamps arc accented .ame aa eaan.
By mail, postage free In tn« llutteJ statof, j
Canada and Jleaico.
Dally (except hunda.v,) one >*ar, - pi.isi
" " *' 04,« JU'llll 11. - .'*»>
" (lncludliiK Sund«v.) aue yeir - 7.50
" " • un>- m>'titU. - #*•
Sunday, one year. ------ 200
Weekly Pi«»a. one year. - - - l .'O
Oralts, Checks and oturi iCemlttanees siioul'.
be made payable to the order of
Tbe Press Company, Limited,
Our grt-at Hari'ain bal« of L'nde rwear lor I
N'oTimber and Deo-mber i« "tie ol ihe j
mviet StiaKonaitle Bargain Sale*
ever held in Bailer.
Infants All-wool Vests 10c
Cbildrehu Merino Veet«. 15c
Cbildrens 75c Combination Huit«......50c
UhildreTii< sl, All-wool, C»ujbitutti<>u
Buit« 75c
Ladies Fierce Lined V«-»u isc i
Ladies 50c Uu.iuo Vtfis ■>') c {
Ladies $1 Ali wool Vei-ts ...Hsc •
Ladies $1 lb All *ool Vest. 'J4c
Ladies Combination Suits, Oueita Suits
aud Eqnestriau Tights a' popular pr ees.
M. F. & M. MARKS,
113 to 117 S. Main St.. - Bull.r,
Great Discovery
A disfiguring growths remov-rd without
tbe knit* and without pain.
Onr specific inedicn.es M m oolj "n 'bK
dooesed part- aud cure No
fee until enred !»«. TAVI.HB.
No. 320 Li'ieriy fjlre<-t. Piitab irg f
ha sno e'li-ai for chapi»-4 hand: lips 0 \
. face, or any nraghn-*.. of tlir skin, an l . j
U not exeefleu as a drc.lng f< x tlie face j
. after shaving. Sold by Jruggitta at I
*enty-flve Cents a Bottle.
'A.® * * * • 9 '
L. K. OrumbJing*
Breeder of Thoroughbred Poultrr
Will sell eirga for hatching from
fine Black Minorca*. Eriiar, (}«nie«.
Buff Leghorns. Barred and Wh'ti:
Pljmoath Rrxika. and tloud irtM at £1
per netting; White Indian ij iuie- $5
per 15.
Old and yoong Block .for tale at
rvMootbie price*.
rof l D ;
I When Brown was released from con-
J flnement he went at once to l>is quar
ters, and waa accorded a warm welcome
by his comrades. He took a bath and
changed his clothing, for the g-uard
houses of frontier military posts are
not noted for cleanliness, and then
went to report for duty to his troop
commander. Capt. and Mrs. Colby
were sitting on the porch of their
quarters when he came up, and re
spectfully saluting the captain and re
moving his cap he said:
"I am instructed, sir, to report to you
for duty."
"I am glad of it. Brown," the captain
replied. "I am gratified that the re
sult of your rash act has not proved so
serious as I had feared. I know that
you will kindly receive some advice
from me, for I assure you I feel a more
than ordinary interest in your wel
"Shall I retire, captain?" asked Mrs.
"No, my deaf, I wish you to remain.
I am not going to reprove Private
Brown very severely, nor in the least
humiliate him. I just wish to say this,
Brown. You are not an ordinary sol
dier. Your demeanor, your language,
yonr every act indicates that through
some chain of circumstances, which I
■hall not inquire into, you are placed
in a position far beneath the station in
life in which you are fitted by educa
tion and training to hold an honored
place. You no doubt at times deeply
feel the chains of servitude which
bind you, and unpleasant experiences
which an ordinary soldier would ac
cept as a matter of course, awake in
your sensitive nature a spirit of resent
ment. I think I understand and I be
lieve I can fully appreciate your feel
ings in the recent trouble you had
with a superior officer. Your sense of
manhood revolted at the unwarranted
abuse heaped upon you, and in your
rage you lost sight of your army rank
and assaulted him. That was very un
wise. The men at the stables were
witnesses to your altercation with
Lieut. Vandever, and would have testi
fied to that officer's action toward you
In an official inquiry, and had you qui
etly submitted to his treatment and
reported the matter to myself as your
troop commander, a thorough investi
gation would have followed, and full
justice would have been done you. I
have but this advice to offer you,
Brown. While you remain in the ranks
you must never lose sight of your po
sition, and must submit t<j annoyances
which you would resent in civil life.
Always keep in mind the fact that the
hnmblest private in the ranks has
rights which his officers are bound to
respect, and that redress for his wrongs
is provided for by the rules and regu
lations governing military discipline.
This cloud upon the face of your most
excellent record as a soldier is not in
effaceable, and you can soon be in as
good standing as you were before the
unfortunate occurrence."
Brown listened attentively to the
X-J .1 .... .1 ,<n .... „ ■
"I thank you, sir, for the words you
have spoken, and I deeply appreciate
the spirit in which the advice is given.
I assured you when you so kindly vis
ited me in the guard house that I deep
ly regrftted my assault upon Lieut.
Vandever, and I now repeat it, sir, that
I am sincerely sorry I did not bridle my
temper and seek for redress through
the proper channels."
The captain regarded the yountf 30I
dler attentively for a moment, and :>aid:
"If asked to do so. Brown, would you
go to Lieut. Vandever and offer him an
apology for striking him?"
Brown's face flushed and a look of
manly independence shot from his eyes;
but, before he could reply, Mrs. Colby,
with marked emphasis, exclaimed:
"Indeed, he would not, Capt. Colby.
This man is a—"
"There, there, my dear. I was just
testing the young man's mettle, and his
eyes have answered me," the oflicer in
terrupted with a knowing smile. "I
had no thought of asking him to humil
iate himself to a man who certainly
wronged him. The testimony given
at the court-martial showed conclusive
ly that Lieut. Vandever's action toward
him was unwarranted, every oflicer In
the garrison knows It was unwar
ranted, and the action of the command
ing officer when reviewing the findings
and sentence was a rebuke to the lieu
tenant which I sincerely hop© he may
profit by. You will report for duty to
your first sergeant. Brown, and I trust
that no similar trouble may ever again
come into your army life."
The young soldier saluted and was
about to retire when Mrs. Colby said:
"I have been informed ftiat yon are
an artist, Brown."
"Yes, madam, but a very ordinary
one. A much poorer one than I hope
to be some day when again given facil
ities to follow an art which I deirly
"I have a painting in my parlor
which I would like to show you. It
was a gift from my mother on my wed
ding day, and 1 prize it very highly.
Would you mind looking at it? You
will excuse us a few moments, cap
tain V"
"Certainly, my dear. I must go to
headquarters and attend to some busi
ness that demands my attention."
Brown followed the good lady Into
the house, and the painting was point
ad out to him. He stood gazing upon
it In rapt admiration, his eyes glowing
with pleasure as they drank In every
detail of light and shade and bold col
"How did you know?" she asked.
"His name does not appear on the pic
"No one acquainted with his bold
touch and happy conceptions could
ever mistake the work of that toaster
hand," he replied. "There Is an Indi
viduality dinging to his pictures
which proclaims their authorship as
plainly as If his name appeared with
glowing difttiactoeos on the margin of
The painting was one of those bold
mountain conceptions for which Bierd
stadt was famous. A great rocky gulch
rent the breast of the mountain chain,
the sides of the yawning chasm and the
surrounding' face of the mountain brist
ling with pines and studded with bowl
ders. The morning sun was just peep
ing over a crag to the eastward, bath
ing the rugged face of nature in mel
low. golden light. On the brink of the
precipitous wall on one side of the can
yon stood a lordly elk with head erect
and nostrils distended gazing across
the great chasm to where, on the op
posite brink, stood a mountain sheep
in the same startled attitude. The an
imals seemed to have discovered each
other at the same moment, and their
pose, the rising sun and the soft blush
of color which surrounded all confirmed
the appropriateness of the title of the
picture, "A Morning Surprise."
In words of eloquence the young sol
dier traced the artistic beauties of the
rare work of art. and Mrs. Colby list
ened in admiration of the intelligence
of the man in whom she felt such great
interest, but whose voice she had never
before heard. As he went on and on,
dilating upon this point and that, com
paring the work of Bierdstadt with
that of other famous artists, every
doubt of the truth of the story toli her
by Alice Sanford faded from Mrs. Col
by's mind, and in her eyes the young
man became a hero. It must be re
membered that Brown was ignorant of
the fact that she was in possession of
his story, and in the midst of an elo
quent speech his position as a private
®oldier flashed upon him, and in an em
barrassed manner he said:
"I "oeg your pardon, madam. In my
pleasure at being permitted to view
this beautiful work of art I quite for
got myself, and I fear I have tired you.
With your permission I will retire."
"0, no, you must not. I assure you
your criticism of the picture greatly
Interests me, and your praises of its
beauty gratify me more than I can tell
you. Please be seated, for I love to
hear you discuss art and artists."
She motioned him to a chair, and for
an hour they sat in interested conver
sation. Mrs. Colby was, unknown to
him, sounding the young soldier to the
depths, and with womanly tact she
drew from him bit by bit little touches
of coloring from his early life, and by
her ease of manner and gracious de
meanor so impressed him that he again
lost sight of his humble rank and con
versed with her as he would with a
lady in the parlors of society in the
east. She was a woman of finished
education, one who had seen much of
the world, and as she led him on and
on from topic to topic, her wonder
grew at his intelligence and fine con
versational powers.
Bro-wn walked to his quarters with a
light heart. With the one exception
of Alice Sanford this had been his first
conversation with a woman since his
enlistment, and to him it seemed as a
cT'tV* **"l *7 %' ** v '"|Tl
a glimpse of the social life wnlen won 1(1
again be his when his term of service
should have expired. The flood of sun
shine his acquaintance with Alice had
cast into his distasteful soldier life was
multiplied and intensified by the atten
tions shown him by Mrs. Colby, and it
all came to him as the first rift in the
cloud of servitude which must one day
melt into the horizon and disappear
from the sky of his life. The lady's
kind parting words: "I hope to meet
you often, Mr. Brown," were yet ring
ing in his ears when the first sergeant
of his troop grasped his hand and
warmly welcomed him back to duty.
But an hour after Brown left the
Colby quarters Alice Sanford entered,
and was met by Mrs. Colby with a
radiant face.
"I have met your hero, my dear
girl," she said. "I not only met him,
but had a long conversation with him
in this very room."
"O, did you, Mrs. Colby? And may I
ask what you think of him?"
"He is a very fine appearing young
man, and looks to be a model soldier,"
she quietly answered.
"O, bother the soldier! Leaving Pri
vate Brown clear out of the question,
how did Mr. Edward Thornton impress
you? Isn't he nice?"
"I will tell you, my dear, frankly
what I think of him. He came here to
report to ('apt. Colby for duty, and I
asked him in to give me an artist's
view of my Bierdstadt picture which
you so much admire. From the dis
cussion of art I led him into other fields,
and I was really astonished at the wide
range of his information. Putting Pri
vate Brown out of the question, as you
suggested, dear, I found Mr. Thornton
a perfect gentleman, courteous anil
polished in demeanor, highly educated,
a fascinating conversationalist, a
brainy man of refined tastes in short,
were he to be to-day raised to his
proper sphere in life 1 know of nothing
that should prevent me from welcom
ing him to my home and presenting
him to my friends as a gentleman well
worthy their acquaintance and esteem."
"O, thank you, Mrs. Colby. I am no
glad you met and like him, for your
friendship will greatly lighten the load
the poor boy has to bear. And you
think he is entirely worthy of iny
"Mr. Thornton would be, yes. But,
Alice, dear, indeed you must not allow
your sympathies for him to blind your
eyes to his rank in our military world.
You should look upon Private Brown ai
Private Brown, and not what Private
Brown should be or might be."
"Oh, I hub that barrier of rank!"
cried Alice, impulsively. "Mrs. Colby,
we are as God made us, and rank or
dress cannot change our natures. Is
not Mr. Thornton as much an honor
able man in the frarb of a private sol
dier as he would be in the elegant dross
of a society gentleman? Is not his soul
as pure while serving as a soldier as It
would be had he never strayed from
the path of life tn which he belongs?
Have his refined instincts and noble
traits of character been stunted or de
stroyed by his enlistment?"
"My dear child, there are rules of
military etiquette and discipline which
we, as members of the military world,
should sacredly regard. In military
society, as in military discipline, the
! lines must be sharply drawn. The men
j of the ranks must be taught to feel
that the plane they occupy is beneath
' the level of those in official life, else
| there wouhl l>e no respect for authori-
I ty and military rules would be but
dead letters. While Edward Thornton
I chooses to fill the shoes of Private
! Richard Brown he must have no as
-1 plrations above the sphere of the pri
vate soldier and must not endeavor to
step over the line of social distinction.
When his term of service shall have
j expired and he again takes his place in
the ranki of civil life—well, that may
j bo a different matter, my dear."
"Then, as you reason, Mrs. Colby,
when a jewel falls from its setting into
1 UiV myd ua QHjt mufij Bjopp fa ViSlk ii
up, yet that same jewel in its proper
surroundings would assume its full
Talue in anyone's eyes. In other words,
while Private Brown may be an honor
-i" |: '
if; I |
isM-i i
' Wr-i'
able, upright man, our equal in bi"rth,
education and manly instincts, we must
not recognize him while he is in the
ranks, yet were he to be to-day freed
from the service fetters we could ex
tend to him the hand of friendship, and
welcome him as an equal into our so
cial circles. The gem loses its value
when it falls from its setting into the
gutter. Is not your argument a little
shaky, Mrs. Colby?".
"Alice, my dear child, you force me
to plainer words, and I must talk to
you as if I were your own mother. In
my conversation with Brown to-day I
several times mentioned your name,
and when I did so I could read him as
an open book. Every time your name
fell from my lips a new light came into
his eyes, his face glowed with increased
animation, and at one time an unmis
takable sigh which he vainly endeav
ored to suppress caught my attention
Alice, that man Is desperately in love
with you, and your tell-tale eyes while
conversing of him too plainly indicate
that there is a growing feeling in your
young heart far stronger than one of
friendship and sympathy for this sol
dier. My dear child, answer me truly,
are you not falling iu love with this
man in the ranks?"'
The face of the young pirl was red
with blushes, and she threw her head
down into the lap of her motherly
friend to hide her confusion. Mrs.
Colby stroked her'hair tenderly, and a
smile of intermingled sadness and
sympathy lit up her face. After a few
moments Alice partly regained her
composure, and r: i.-ing her head she
looked with trusting confidence into
her friend's eyes and replied:
"I —I —dop't know. Mrs. Colby. Mr.
Thornton impresses me as no gentle
man ever before did. I have seen so
few gentlemen, you know. He is so
gentle, so kind in nature, so manly and
so heroic iu bearing tile load placed
upon his shoulders that I—that I—
think —a —great—ileal —of him per
"My dear girl, I feared as much, and
that is why I have pointed you to the
impassable barrier which lies between
you —at present. You must master this
growing fondness before it masters
you, for love, lay child, when once it
gains supremacy rules its victims as
with a rod of iron, and laughs to scorn
the rules of propriety. Think of the
distressing scandal which would agi
tate the military circles of the whole
land were it to become known that the
beloved daughter of one of the most
distinguished officers of the army had
bestowed her love upon a humble pri
vate soldier in the ranks. The finger
and your old father, were tie £o"survive
the shock, would resign his proud posi
tion and seek to bury himself from the
world in obscurity and retirement.
You are treading dangerously near the
brink of an awful precipice, Alice, and
I would lead you away to safer
"Oh, you frighten me!" the girl said,
with an appealing look. "1 cannot
smother the emotions which God placed
in my soul, cannot change the nature
He has given me, and I believe it would
be wicked to torture my own peace of
mind even to preserve unbroken the
lines of army social distinction. Mrs.
Colby, I confess to you that my eyes
have not been blinded to the growing
regard I feel for Mr. Thornton. I have
even felt that he might be necessary
to my future happiness. Never by
word or look has he shown me any at
tention that would indicate that he en
tertained toward me aught but a feel
iug of simple friendship, and what you
have told me of his—of his—thinking a
great deal of me comes as a revelation,
and, I confess it, a most pleasing one.
But, Mrs. Colby, I assure you, on my
honor, that I have never once thought
of the military world knowing aught of
any tender feeling which might exist
between myself and a private soldier.
I did not even intend that you should
know it, dearly as I love you. until
Private Brown should disappear from
life, and Mr. Thornton, with liis mili
tary service but a memory of the past,
should step into our social circles. If
this should be lmmfflit about, what
"Ah! that might make a wide dif
ference, dear. Now 1 begin to under
stand you, and you have lifted a great
load of apprehension from my heart.
There would be no impropriety in a
refined, honorable and worthy gentle
man in civil life aspiring to tin- hand
of the daughter of a military officer.
Many do so, and the most happy re
sults usually follow. Alice. 1 know
what a woman's love Is. I have felt its
all-consuming fire in my own soul, I
feel it yet, for Capt. Colby and myself
are just as fond lovers, and oftentimes
just as f<»olish ones, as we were when
our love was sealed with marriage.
Now, dear, I will be your friend and
adviser in this matter, if you will so
permit. There <kissing her) is the
xeal of my friendship, and I want you
to confide in me. There is but one
putliway leading to your future hap
piness, and it must not be strayed
from. While Edward Thornton re
mains as Private Brown you must look
upon him as but a soldier in the ranks.
You must avoid him all you can, and,
if it lie possible, his discharge from the
service inust be brought about. I
think it can be. When that consum
mation is reached he may feel at lib
erty to sue for your hand, and should
he do so you must refer him to your
father. His past life must be investi
gated, for you must remember, dear,
that we have but his own unsupported
story regarding himself. There, I
know what you would say. I believe
in him as much as yoa do, but your
father would demand the most con
vincing proof of his worth before he
would permit him to show you any at
tention. Now, you must be patient.
If you love each other as I believe you
do and should Mr. Thornton establish
the fact that lie is a man of honor and
true worth as I believe he will, you
need have no fear, my dear girl, of the
future, for love will surmount any
ordinary obstacle that may rise in its
Alice threw her arms about her
friend's neck, and Id ed her fondly.
Then her < motions overcame her, and
burying her facie in Mr . Colby's bosom
she obUtl like a chiP. Capt. Colby's
step upon the pot I her. and
going out at the • . rioor to avoid
meeting him in her agitated state of
taiud, she sought her home and the
privacy of her own chamber.
LUU-S t>»VV *1 ii
Brown saw nothing of Alice. Day
after day. when not on duty, he re
paired with his sketch book to his
usual hi;nnts, but she had cither dis
continued hi?r daily rides or had chosen
a new i; Id for that healthful recrea
tion Ik ei.dd {understand it, uj»d
the clinging fear came upon him that
her father had learned of tl:. ir meet
ings and, with a strict eye t > military
propriety, had forbidden the contin
uance of their friendship. The thought
troubled him greatly, and he grew nii>-
rose and reserved in his interconrsi
with his comrades. It was b '.'oved by
his associates that the sting of the dis
grace of a court-martial had left a pain
ful wound, and they did all they could
to show him that in their eyes his
honor was unsullied by the act of as
sault and its penalty.
It is a custom at military posts of the
west that after each day's service on
guard duty the cavalry soldier, should
he so desire, is given a "hunting pa: ; .s."
and is permitted to take his horse and
go in quest of game. In his perturbed
state of mind sketching had lost its in
terest to Brown, and after each guard
service he would secure official permis
sion. mount his horse and speed away
toward the base of the Magdalena or
San Mateo mountains* to hunt ante
One afternoon while returning from
a hunt he rode slowly down a draw or
depression in the plain, his thoughts
busy with Alice Sanford. It had be
come quite apparent to him that her
failure to meet him as of old was of her
own connivance, else why, in such
lovely weather, had she discontinued
her daily gallops down the river? He
chided himself for ever having had the
assurance to think that he, a private sol
dier, might aspire to the love of the
daughter of the commanding officer of
one of the most important military
posts in the west. He began to think
that it would have been better for his
peace of mind had he never met her.
Riding from the draw onto the level
of the plain two moving objects caught
his eye a mile distant, traveling in the
direction of the mountains. Hastily
taking hise-.field-gla.ss from a saddle
pocket fie leveled it upon the objects,
and his heart seemed to grow cold and
a great lump came into his throat when
he saw Alice and Lieut. Vandever
riding slowly along side by side, ap
parently engaged in deep conversation.
Here, he thought, was an explanation
of why the girl had avoided him. She
had become on friendly terms with the
lieutenant. Of coarse he had painted
his assailant in the darkest colors, and
Alice now looked upon her former sol
dier friend as one unworthy of her no
tice. Perhaps she had even* been led
"mv man, hide anl> overtake i.ikut.
foliate h'Ti-i. The thought was ma
ful emotions at the refection that
he might never siin hear the loved
tone s of her voice or gaze into her soul
ful eyes.
With a sigh that seemed utmost a
groan of agony he closed the glas ; and
returned it to its case, and was about
to spur his horse forward when on rais
ing his eyes he saw, but a few rods dis
tant, Col. Sanford ridinjr toward him.
Straightening him'-. If in the saddle he
awaited the officer's approach, and as
he came up respectfully gave the mili
tary salute. The colonel returned the
salutation with official dignity and
"My man, ride and overtake Lieut.
Vandever and Miss Sanford. Give
them my compliments and say to them
that I am out for a ride, and if they de
sire a good-looking old fellow for com
pany I would be pleased to have them
wait for mo. lam too old to go thun
dering after them as I would once have
loved to do. I was a great rider in my
day, but old age and rheumatism have
called a halt on that sort of work."
What could he do but obey? With a
parting salute he turned his horse's
head toward the young couple and
dashed away, confused at the em
barassing task as signed him. Rather
would he have- faced a thousand yell
ing savages who sought his life than
the gentle girl and her somewhat ef
feminate escort, believing, as he did,
that through the officer's representa
tions she had come to hate him. As
every leap of his powerful horse
lessened the distance between himself
and the young people, his heart
throbbed faster and faster, and he
would have made any earthly sacrifice
to be relieved of the duty upon which
he had been sent. He at last deter
rninded that he would ride up and de
liver his message as though to perfect
strangers and hasten away again, and
touching his horse with the spurs ho
urged liiin to greater S]x*cd that the
unpleasant task might be the sooner
When within a quarter of a mile of
the couple Brown was astonished to
sec Vandever suddenly wheel his horse
from the trail, and gallop furiously
across the plain in the direction of the
western borders of the garrison, while
Miss Sanford turned her pony's head
and rode back toward himself.
It may be appropriate to here {five j
the conversation between Alice unci |
Vandever, thut his abrupt and hasty j
flight from her side may be explained. |
It may also show the stability of the !
foundation upon which Brown's tortur- ,
ing fears were built.
At the dinner table that day Alice, j
after much coaxing', had drawn from i
her father a promise to go riding with I
her, but at tile hour of starting a man i
from San Marcial had called on home |
government contract business, and the
girl was compelled t<i start alone. The
business was adjusted much more
quickly than tlx- commanding officer
had anticipated, and, recalling how
eager his daughter had been to enjoy u
ride with him, lie determined ehe
should not be deprived of the picture,
and, ordering his horse, he started j
after her. As he rode through one ol
the sallyports in the line of earthworks
which surrounded the garrison he saw
Lieut. Vandevcr join her out on the
plain, and ride away by her ide They
started after a little while in a gallop,
and seeing the futility of attempting !
to overtake them the colonel concluded
to ride slowly ahead and meet them on
their return.
The lieutenant had spent much ol ! ,
the day in a social gi!me of cards with j
a hay contractor in the club rnim oi !
the post trader's st .*«•• tin t i!:c.-being
but the price of a 1 rf.lle of wine or the
cigars at the conclusion of « :ch game,
and a group of <.-1;: Ik mark *on t!ic face ]
of the table indicat d that quite a
number of bottle of the sparkling
beverage had changed ownership as
the hours hp-;d by. \Vhen at last, weary
of the pastime, the players ceased their i
the ufflwf a wary o| 'jhjj
fact that his brain was iu a rather un
certain stnte of lucidity, and to wear
away the effects of his frequent pota
tions he went to the stables, ordered
his horse and started for a ride. He
was not at all what civilians would
term "beastly drunk," but had taken
sufli«:icnt wine to make him reckless
a:,d to screw his vanity up to the high
est notch, and as he galloped out of the
garrison he felt as lordly as ever did
Alexander the Ureat after a well won
victory. Seeing Miss Sanford riding
along but a short distance away he fop
got that they had ever had a differ
ence, and hastily galloped up to her
side. Raisin? his cap he said to her:
"Will you grant me the privilege of a
short gallop with you. Miss Sanford? I
cannot tell yon how lonely I get at
times, actually blue, since being so
cruelly torn from society and thrown
into duty in this remote corner of crea
"You will find me a dull companion.
I fear. Mr. Vandever. I came out my
self to endeavor to wear away a hnlf
morbid feeling. You can ride with me
if you wish."
"Thank you. I am sure neither of
us can feel blue in such charming so
ciety. How's that for a double-acting
compliment? Ha' ha! ha!"
"Very clever, but you rate your own
powers of attraction higher than I do
mine, for I assure you that I will be
anything but a charming companion in
my present state of feeling."
"Miss Sanford is always charming."
he replied, with a smile that seemed to
lose its vitality and fade away into a
sickly grin. "Perhaps a gallop may
serve to rouse our spirits. Come."
Their horses dashed away and for
half a mile they rode rapidly. Then
reining her pony down to a walk Alice
"I must not distress my horse with
too hard riding. Let us walk our ani
mals awhile."
"A very beautiful trait in your char
acter, Miss Sanford. It is an evidence
of gentle disposition and a sympathetic
soul, and it causes me to admire you
more and more, if that were possible."
The young girl, with just a tinge of
severity in her tones, replied:
"Air. Vandever, an honest compli
ment from a gentleman to a lady is
always appreciated, but I detest frothy
praise that is bestowed through what
some gentlemen may believe a sense of
"O, but I assure you my words come
from the bottom of my heart; but if I
have annoyed you I sincerely beg j*our
pardon, and will not offend again."
"I hope you will not, Mr. Vandever.
If yon wish to talk tell me something
of your academy life."
He began a running description of
some of the sports and pastimes at
West Point, and really interested the
girl with his boyish enthusiasm as he
detailed his superiority in many of the
It was at this time that Brown
emerged from the draw and leveled his
glass at the couple, his heart aching
with pain and apprehension at their ap
parent sociability.
Vandever could not long keep away
from his favorite topic, however, and,
as was his delight when he could get
uny of the younger officers to listen to
him, he began to recount his flirtations
with the girls during his academic
days. A spirit of mischief possessed
the young girl and by an interjected
word now and then she seemed to take
great interest in his prowess in the field
of love, and led the half befuddled of
ficer to believe that she was looking
upon him as a gallant whose charm of
manner was irresistible in schoolday
affairs of the heart. His silly gush
amused her greatly, and her seeming
ntlm'mjt ion ■>t his j't-M-r.tl-hip in love
wus almost paralyzed with fright and
Indignation when he said to her:
"But they were mere moths flutter
ing about on electric light, Miss San
ford. There was not a womanly soul
among them. Oh, had 1 met there such
a queen among women as yourself no
silly cadet-struck butterfly of fashion
would have won a smile from me.
Miss Sanford, I am as yet but a second
lieutenant, but some day I will be a
colonel, a general, and you would be
proud of the love of such a distin
guished mnn. I do love you. my dear
girl, my queen of l>eauty! I have long
loved you in secret, but never dared—"
"Lieut. Vandever, how dare you!"
she cried, in anger. "You have been
drinking; I can detect the fumes of
liquor on your breath, or you would
not be so mad as to use such language
to ine. Leave me at once, sir, instant
ly, and never dare speak to me again,
or I will acquaint my father with your
conduct. Go!"
rut lire Possibilities.
"Spillat is an awful mean man."
"What did he do?"
"His wife's a political candidate and
he gave his vote to her for a birthday
present." —Chicago IJecord.
To Save Time.
Clerkets—Shall I send this bundle?
Mrs. Hicks— N-no, I can just as well
carry it; you can send the change,
though, if you will.—N. V. World.
"My wife Is a wonderful woman,"
said Jarley. "Give her time and a shoe
button, and, by Jove, she'll make a
bonnet out of it."—Harper's Bazar.
Tint Bridegroom and Uie Xiusbaud.
He bought for her stiver buttonhooks
Wh:n youth uml beauty adorned her brow;
Since then she hus somewhat changed In looks,
And she always uses n hairpin now.
—N. Y. Press.
"Hello, Diogenes! Why aren't you i
at home in such a rain?"
"You forget, dear friend, this Is
washing day, and my tub is in use."—
The Landlady's Tip.
New Boarder (complalnlngly)—l can't
eat this steak, madam.
Mrs. Slimdiet (accommodatingly)
You'll find an excellent dentist right
opposite. —N Y Weekly.
Student —Professor, which Is the log
ical way of reaching a conclusion?
Professor —Take a train of thought,
my boy. —N. Y. Herald.
lo Doubt.
Sympathizer— My dear, I hear that
you husband is dead.
Sympathise (weeping)— Yes, lie hai>
left for parts unknown.—N. Y World.
The Premising Oue.
The baby tbat'i, sure lo make things hum
The (lay be hi a reached man's. size
Is the baby thai slut and suck* bis thumb j
When b»by rr««.
-N. V. Prt»
IsTo 50
Some of th«> Implement! Cscd by the
Farmers of That Country.
From Prof. Georgeaon's recent report
on the dairy industry of Denmark we
reproduce an illustration of a cooling
box for butter. l*rof. Ueorgeson says:
llutter coolers are found in every
dairy The cooler '.s a simple box
made either of wood or iu some cases
of zinc, in which the butter is kept to
cool aft -r it is removed from the but
ter worker, nnd it remains there until
it is tim-» to p-ive it the next working.
The box is provided with one or more
cleats on which the butter is put. In
the illustration a represeuts the cleat,
e the slats and £ the butter. The box
is covered with a lid on which is put a
layer of broken ice, and the ice water
from the melting of this ice runs
down into the bottom of the box. To
facilitate the oooling the butter is
i rolled into an »r->h, as S'i >wn in the
cut. In large dairies the ,•> boxes are
large enough to a<ituit of placing two
or three layers of butter to cool at
Every dairy is supplied with several
scales of varying sizes. The decimal
weight is used everywhere. Instead
cf moving the weight alonjf on the
lever arm, as we usually do, there are
two platforms, one on which to place
the object to be weighed and on the
other the weights of different sizes.
In many dairies they use a weight on
the receiving platform for the milk,
which has a basin holding from 50 to
75 gallons. The milk is poured into
this, and when a certain weight is
reached it is checked off and the basin
is tipped so that it empties its contents
into the large milk vat.
Many styles of buckets and milk
cans are used. They are generally
made of heavy tin and they are not
Infrequently enormous in size. The
cans in which the milk is transported
are of two general forms, square and
round, and the mouth is so large that
it admits a hund and arm readily.
Frequently the weight of the can is
■tamped upon it, or it is stamped upon
a brass plate and soldered to the can,
thus obviating the Weighing of the can.
Remarkable Results Obtained by a Con
necticut Dairyman.
Examples of very successful feeding
of cows are becomin-j common, show
ing that dairymen ore advancing with
Great rapidity in the art of dairying.
From the Homestead we select an ex
ample that may serve to inspire some
one to better effart:
"A yield of SO I pounds of butter per
cow in a herd of 20 is the yearly prod
uct obtained by N. D. Potter, a pro
gressive dairyman of South Coventry,
Conn. Here is his system and 'ts results:
If results are a criterion, the system
appears to be u good one. The cows
are nearly all grade Jerseys, 17 of the
E0 dehorned. They are kept in
" l »• "» ' "i 11 " 111 •
The plan is to feed the cows all they
will eat an 1 to feed frequently in or
der that thsy will clean up each ra
tion. The ;rrain used is a mixture
made up of IGO pounds gluten meal,
eOO pounds fine feed or middlings, and
£OO pounds provender. The cows are
fed at 4 a. m. with 3}-£ to 4 pounds
frain, this being the time of the morn
lug milking, and at 0 a. in. 22 to 25
pounds corn silage. The btables are
cleaned at 8:30 and the cows let out
into a yard and watered with warm
water. As soon as this is done they
are fed from 3 to 5 pounds of good hay.
At 12 m., the remnants and enough
pood hay to make about 2>£ pounds
per cow are cut up, a table .poouful of
salt and from 3 to 3>£ pounds grain
added for each cow, which is mixed up
with warm water.
Never t ails of a Market.
Dairying is the grandest help-out
the farmer has to-day. There is not,
in my opinion, the slightest reason for
fearing that first-elass butter, prop
erly marketed, will ever fail to be
profliable to the maker. There is too
much poor butter manufactured for
that. Let those who wish to profit by
it make only a strictly hi<?h-grade
article, and the price is all right for
all they have to sell. Some localities
may make one way of selling best, and
•omo another. Each individual but
ter maker must study the situation for
himself. lam speaking of homo but
ter-making, not to creamery butter
makers. 1 believe the place to make
the butter is at home on the farm.
Not that 1 would do away with the
creameries, but for clear profit the
home dairy will come out ahead If
properly managed. The work, of
course, is also greater than where the
milk or creuro is sent to the creamery.
—Col man's Rural World.
Boat for Trees and Tine*.
If bones can't be reduced to a very fine
condition pound them or break them
to pieces in some manner and place
them around the grape vines, about
six inches deep in the soil. They may
also be used around trees. Hut little
benefit will bo derived from coarse
pieces of bone for a year or two, but It
is better to thus utilize them than to
allow them to accumulate into unsight
ly heaps.
IF cream of different ripeness is
mlxsd, there will be a loss in the
Th» Proper Thing to Do.
Stranger—For heaven's sake, what's
that unearthly noise?
Host —Oil, that's uiy neighbor's oldest
daughter. She has a desire to become
an opera singer.
Stranger (iuedita.ti»ely)—Poor thingl
Poor thing! And is she being truatcd
lor it?- ioiuerville Journal.
A UWe-A«ray All Around.
"I think," she »«ld as she caine Into
the room, "that 1 will give that poll
parrot away."
"Yes," rnplied the young man who
was calling. "It would be only fair.
Sue has beon doinir as much for you."—
Detroit Fr*e I'rcss.
l'roof Poaltlva.
"Yes," said the physician, "he's dead,
poor fellow. Ilia heart has ceased to
"That last statement settles it," said
the friend. "If there's anything about
Slippery P«te that has ceased to beat,
he is certainly dead." —Life.
A Financial Coop.
"You don't in fan say that you lent
Stlrlcli's your umbrella!"
"V* ( ; mid it v.'tis economy to do it. It
savrs me the twenty-flveoentsa day hQ
used to borrow." —Washington Star.
1£I» tTlfe'S Hum.
" Who steals my purse -tenia trash
So oa my f©ciiuK* never trsmples.
Bui he who my wit" * pujse iwala
a woairauaha oI wmwlra