BICKEL'S FALL STOCK HAS ARRIVED. People who want the latent styles in fine footwear and want it at the right price ebnuld see the latest styles just received at Bickle's. We have shoes to suit everyone and at prices the very lowest. Ladies' Fine Haiidwelt shoes, Ladies' Fine Hand turned shoes, S3. Ladies' fine Bhoes—lace and button -large pat ent leather wing tip, at $2.25. Fnll stock of Ladies' and children's lace shoes in cloth and leatbei tops. Large assortment of men's and bov'H shoes in all the latest styles, incuding a foil stock ot men's cork soled shoes, men's working shoes, ranging in price from 70 cents to $2 Men's hand sided and box toe kip boots with heavy sole at $2 50. Boy's and youth's boots of all kinds. In ladies' every day shoes we can give you the selection of a pair of calf, kip, or oil grain shoes in button or lace at sl. Our stock of rubber goods is very large, and we carry all the differint styles of rubber goods of four of the leading companies. Full stork of felt boots for men and boys. A line of wool knit stockings also carried Call at our store and secure a pair at redtr ed pri ces. Repairing promptly done. JOHN BICKEL, 128 S- MAIN St. Butler. WHAT DO PEOPLE EXPECT? Good Goods for little money—and they get them and what follows will prove it. Everyone that reads this is asked to come, and in their own interest they ought to come, AND THEY ARE COMING DAILY in crowds to hitse;lton's for reliable wear. Fine styles at low prices. The choicest collection of Ladies' fine dress shoes this store ever invited you to see, at . 70C 90c sl. $1.25 $!-50 $2.00 The finest Goodyear welt for only $2.50 you ever sa\v. Big lots of Ladies' heavy shoes in Oil and Glove grain Kangaroo Calf, unlined kip and split, in button and lace, at 75c, 85c, sl., $1.25 and $.40. A centre shot is our Ladies' veal standard button, only sl. It knocks competitors silly. Boy's and Girl's school shoes worth looking at. They fill the bill. Boy's and Girl's are delighted—no road too long for them. Boy's at 75c, sl., $ 1,2 5> $1.50 and $2. Girl's at 50 75c, sl. and $1.25. Ladies' flannel lined shoes and slippers in button and lace, with and without foxing at 50c, 75c, 85c and fl. Men's, Boy's and Youth's heavy boots. Boy sat sl., $1.25, $l5O and $1.75. Solid leather men's at $1.40, $1.75, $2. and $2.50 Men's, Boy's and Youth's fine shoes. Men's at 90c, sl., $1.25, $1.50, sl-75 ant ' $ 2 - Boy's at 75c, sl., $1.25 and $1.50. Driller's box toe high cut shoes with bellows tongue, Sportsmen s boots. Men's low instep boots a specialty. Our stock of wool boots and stockings, rubber boots and shoes lead them all in great variety in style and price. If you want re liable foot wear at low price go at once to HUSBLTON'S. MARTINCOBRT & COS CARD! Call at our establishment at 128 East Jefferson Street and get one. Card Number j Carrie > * IP THIS CARD contain* the lucky number as drawn by lot at IMS the holder A a (tMUleman. will receive a beautitul man's S4 . ddl ° a ladya ladieV Saddle and Bridle, and the second lucky number, one of L. C. » aSsB 5k W-W name and poetoffice in a book we have prepared for that purpose. No discount on sales less than one dollar. S B Hartincoort, 5. B. Martincourt & Co., 11 Ltijtoer. 138 E. .Jeffersori St.. Butler The Largest Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Oar Line in the State. The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAMPS FIXTURES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS, BATH TUB ENAMEL, etc, is ai W. H. O'Brien & Son's 107 East Jefferson Street. PI HAY-FEVER Ir yZ't %JCOLD T HEAO BBS! Ely't Cream Balm is nut a liqv 'd, mvJT or p/wder. Applied into the nostrils it it _ qui -kin absorbed. It* the head, allayt inflammation, heal* _ C|[ A the sore*. 801 lAy tlruygUU or **nt by mail on receipt of price. CIIm dUC ELY BROTHERS. 5G Wawn Stmt NEW YORK. 3UC "A HAND SAW 18 A GOOD THING, B-Ji" SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIC 18 THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. MUM Are a symptom of Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation. Bil iousness, Liver Complaint. DR. BAXTER'B MANDRAKE BITTERS will cure the disease and re move yellowness from skin and eyes. Warrantee* to cure. Sold everywhere at 25 cts. per bottle. IHapaMMMNHaaHHMMMaaI for sale by J. C. Redick HUMPHREYS' Dr. Hnmphrfr*' Bpeclflri arr scientifically and Mrsfullr prepared Remedlt*, used for years fii private practice and for over thirty jv*r« t>y •»*> people with entire «uccc«a. Every sinsla Spertflo • special care for toe dtoeaae named. Thry care without dratnflnK. jrorftiii* or reducing the and are in fact and deed the feoverrign Remediri of the World. mo. mm, 1-Fmra, Cr>ngrstion», Inflammations.. ,'JJ Worn*, Worm Fever. Worm Colic 'if 3-Teethinci Olle, Crying. Wakefulness .ti 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 J— Cough*, Cold*. Bronchitis .2S 8— Xearalgi*. Toothache, Faceache. 25 9—Headache*. Mck Headache, Vertigo . .25 10—Dyapep»ii>. Biliousness, Constipation .'25 11—8appreMrd ..rPuinfal Periods -25 12—White*, Too Profuse Periods ... 25 IJ—Croco, I.nrvnglti», Tloarwnrsa ... .25 14—Salt sthenm. KrjUpelac. Erurtinns .25 14—Rheamatism, Khenmatio Pains .V 5 14—Malaria, Chill*. Fever and Ague .25 19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head- .25 ••-Wkonping Cough *3 97—Kidney Discuses 28—Jiervoas IJebility l.#« 99 rrlnary Weakness -25 S4—Sore Throat, Qn'jjcy, TloemtedThroat .25 HVafPHREVS* WITCH HAZEI. OIL, "The Pile Ointment."-Trial Size, 55 Cta. B*l4 by Dr«rci«t9, or sent pm aid on receipt of prloe. Dk. UmpHBK(9 MA»CAL (Hi p9je«,) VBT.%. ■nUTHEITS* BID. CO., 11l * lllWUUtm hU, NEW TOBL SPECIFICS. Nothing Earth Will MAKFR HENS X.IKB Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strors and 'lcalthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for Moulting Ilenn. It It absolutepure. Hirhl.' conceMrated. In m»V rtudji ii'ii' i a cnt n No other ono-fourth m S«S?Btri«' v :.:..-iine " "One largr unsaved me MCMiend six «:» pr viv.t Ittmp." «.*» < ne customer. ' If you <Jjti t {jet it *eud to u*. We rrr ; on* ai'hS'* i*' vt * f' A 2 1-4 lb can Six "' r., ii exur. rniiltnj Halting OtMf, prusj 6 „l, free'»"th>' « onl iv or mere. Sample copy of Tut nprr ".ii ! TT.Y !**rKit • »-nt frti'. Vg[jf) [??_ Nf «<),S!Cu»t< m Ho'JSC St., Tost on. Ma*."S. 5 FOR CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON. S THE CURES CANCER, ECZEMA, TETTER, 3 BLOOD f • TO • Oflera S } Hcmedy f I W Which, 3 YOUPGNFC >9 W 9 Life of I \ Wives S" | "MOTHERS' FRIEND" < ( Robs confinement of its Pain. Horror and > S Risk, as man; testify. ( / "My wife used only two bottles. S / She was easily and quickly relieved; V |is now doing splendidly.— / ( J. S. MORTON, Harlow, N. C. t J Rent by express or mail, on receipt of price, V V |i. per bottle. Solfl by all Drugsiets. Book 1 M "To Mothers" mailed free. V | BB4DFIELD BEtiILiTOB CO., Atlanta, Ua. \ FOR PURE RVt Whiskeys Wines, Brandies. Gins, Sc., try Robt. Lewin, 130 Water St., (Oppose B. <t O. Depot.) Pitt«biir>r, Pa. All feoods, inchiditijr C. 0. I), orders, securely packed and shipped promptly. Express charges prepaid on all orders ot SIO.OO or over. Grandfather's Choice, Guaranteed 3 years old, $2.00 per sal. Try it at once. You will always keep it on hand. A Ton of Tall Talk Isn't nceessnry to convince pru dent ptuplo ti.nt a impure whiskey In the ti. It room !s worse than non r.t all. Keep on the >:ife s: ,by buyin? au article l!i-'t h tiitl- p 'ic uj>- proval for 10 > •.r . O! i Kiport has don'-tli!«Utile I*.', r than anyotlirr l:> the mnr ket. It is eiu.r, nit I 8 ye.irs old, is smooth, i i<_ and palata ble. Full Quarts, SI.OO ; Six Quarts, f 5.00. Mail and express orders shipped promptly, and we pay express charges on nil orders of SIO.OO and over. Jos. FLEMING <£ SON. *l2 MARKET STREET. PITTSBURG, PA. o*tnpl«U Price Lists of Wines aud Liquors mailed free. /CVFATPpwwje/ tcm 1 inconvenience, tinplc, tkV i V «Hls J lure AS3OL7TEL7 FBIIS 'J V j from my injurious Mihstaice. : LATSE ABSCXEx'S B11WC«0. s " Ws OUAfIANTcE a CURE or refund >ox- rroney. Prko V3.oop«r bottle. Srnd 4c. larVeat sr. TJRKSIONT MEUICAI, CO., Sliua. Gar- CTree*}-* BrJMt'• n . BUla. ftami I* res Ccnj tif ion THE CITIZEN The New Treatment of Diphtheria. The practical tests which have been ap plied to antitoxin, the new remedy and also appart*ntl) a preventive of diphtheria. h.ivp proved very satisfactory. SI. Roox, 01 the Insti nt Pusreur prwves the efficacy of the new treatment of diphtheria by a live mouths' test, and tinds that injections of the anti-dipthoritic .serum reduce the death-rate from 51 to 24 per cent in hospi tal practice. Nothing is so conclusive *s success in the actual use cf a new remedy. This French physician began to treat diphtheritic child ren with autitoxin in F.-bruary last in the isolation wards of the hospital. Previons to this date the death-rate of diphtheria pa tients averaged 51.71 per cent; in 1890 it exceeded 55 per cent, while in the threw lollowing years it lell slowly to 47.64. But since February 1, ISM, when the serum treatment was commenced, 448 children have entered the diphtheria wards of the hospital and only 109 Jless than one lourtb) of them succumbed to the terrible disease. I any doubt arises as to to whtcher the a itituxin is to be credited with having in .«1e the deatli-rale one-half of what it had hitherto been, that doubt seeuis to be ie uioved by ttie fact that in another Fans hospital (the Trou.-seau) in which antitox in was not used the mortality among 520 diphtheria cases was 310, or (50 per cent! As n ail ether respect? the two groups of i a tients were apparently ?ul>j<-ct to similar c .iHiiti" Ijn uud circumstances in their re spective ho>pitals, the great difference in ttie number of cures seems clearly anu fairly attributable to the serum treatment alone. jjl'he results reported in Berlin have been as conclusive as tbo.»e in Paris. Professor Adolf Bagmoky, Al. D , of Berlin, writes to the .New York Medical Record:— The results obtaiued by the use of anti toxin have been reported by my assistant pDisician, l)r Katz From March 14 until July 15. lt>3 cast-s of diphtheria were treat ed, including numerous ma'ignaut cares. 01 this number oulj 23 died, so tUat the mortality was 14 37 percent. Thi9 excel lent percentage has never yet been equalled with our best lorra of treatment even in the mildest epidemics Among the latal cases there wtre several tuberculous child ren and several whose genuine diphtheria was complicated with scarlet lever, so that the mortality ot uncomplicated cases of diphtheria will be much less. It therefore appears, as D. Baginsky says, that the new remedy deserves turtber trial, and that if it gives "even more beneficial results than heretofore, tb9u we have in the blood serum therapeutics inaugurated by Behring one of the greatest triumphs in the annals of medicine." The philosophy of the new treatment is not hard to understand. The microbes of diptuheria, as those of other like diseases, do their deadly word not directly, but by secreting poisonous substances or toxiues iu ttie system, Alt-dual authority points oit that by means of certain manipulations toe virulent" 1 of toxiues can bo atten uated or increased, so that a scale of tox iues can be created, of which the lowest will nave no special action on the organ ism, while the highest will act with light ning rapidity. "It now," as he says, "an animal be successively inoculated wilh the entire series of these toxmes, beginning with the weakest, iu organisn becomes a-"customed to their action, so that finally a rtlractory condition to a given microbe i- ere j ted for that animal." The anti-diphtheritiu serum used by Al. Rous, of Paris, is taKen from horses on winch immunity from diphtheria has pre viously been conferred. Each patient re ceives systematically a single injection of twenty cubic centimetres of this serum. Twenty-four hours later a second injection is made of twenty or ten cubic centimetres, and in most of the cases these two injec tions have sufficed to insure recovery. With sucti reliable statistics before them American physicians, who often in autumn and winter have to contend with serious epidemics of diphtheria, will be enabled to view his old foe iu a new and less sombre light. Wo commend to them the clos ing words ol'a foreign medical correspou eut: — Since by this treatment only one out o 1 four diphtheritic patients succumbs, Where as the hgure is double lor the other meth ods ol treatment, it is very desirable that tiiar the auti-diplithentic serum should come into general use at earliest possi inoment. —For scrofula iu every lorm Hood's Sar saparilla is toe reliable reuied>. It positively cures —Zimmerman, the American cyclist won some $25,000 iu his European races, and is perfectly satisfied with the way in which the wheel of fortune has turned for him —One thing a poor, weak woman can never understand is why it costs a man $4 50 to win a turkey for 10 cents a ralile. But wouicu are not supposed to know ever>- tcing. —Do not suppose that because it is rec ommended lor animals that Arnica & Oil Liniment is an offensive preparation, it will not statu clothing or the fairest skiu —Brother, do you lt«. mi your ground?" asked the evangelist of the new convert. So, 1 can't say that I do," to plied the honest young farmer. "They's a mortgage on it lor purty nigh all it's worth Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes. Dr. Aynew's (Jure lor the tit art gives perfect relief in ail cases of Organic or Sympathetic ileal Disease iu 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer less remtiiy f.>r Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Lett Side and all sv mptoms of a Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by City Phar macy. —Those nine Youngstown, o.,girls who who refused to get off a street car in the mud budinso the vehicle did not stop at a crossing, keeying firmly their seats for an hour andtwent) five-minutes, will be look ed upon as heroines by those of their own sex who have been victims of a conductor's carelessness or churlishness. —Klieiiiiiatit.ui cured in a day—"Mystic core" lor rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the si stem is remarkable and mysterious ft removes at once the cause and the dis case immediately disappears. The first dose j;rcatt} Leuehts. 75 cts. Sold by J. C! Keoak, druggist, Butler. —The New York Tribune sayp: "An English the other day dismissed an indictment against a pickpocket who bad thrust his haud iu a man's empty pocket, on the ground that as there was nothing to steal no offense was committed. If an American J Huge had done a thing the Saturday Review would have made the the text of an able articlerhowing that the great American Republic is a tailure. —A single trial of Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bitters will convince any one uoubled with costivoess. torpid liver or any Kindretl diseases of their curative propel ties They only cost 25 cents per mule. Owing to the facts that farms may be bud upon the sole condition that they improve the land, many Norwegian immi grants have settled iu British Columbia rather than in the United States. —ln India a native may board comforta bly forO cents a day. C vi*;yrytr; lon SEurolj Curoo. fr, Yn._ • —l'm , • ln-Vrm rcur rea.l -r» 'mi I . | \ * r tl.o abovti-xuufettil •• '.ajjiils ol hopoltu ■l. I shall RIT. . •Jf-d tv> . >*lk-<t my rc"fdT FRW: to »oj you' rs.i rs -<r.j have c>::;umptiun it they will ■endmeUien tjkpr-Mauil I*. O. adjre*. Heaped !oUr. ■£. A. SivOJU, *. CL.XI tarl Bu V- I The c&w of Henry Laymen, a fanner who reniflea a few mii> < from C< nnell-ville, l'a . iii attracting atteuti ,n fr«.ni the medical profe.-siun at pri -ent lie w®ya that some we»ksa(t" be trrew tired of life and shot him-elt i i the head with a pistol. Th» bullet tnade a large hole in his fore ; heail and l id evidently g"tie into his bead, i However Laymen did net die. Ue did m l ' apparently even gnrc w,>r.-e On Tuesday he was taken to the h< -pital at Cocnell-- I ville There the surgeons made a startling discovery. The ballet had not glanced a ronnd the skall brne, but had gone straight int> the brain The snrir"«ns were able 'o traee it for s i inc. . luto the man's head by the bole ii had made They could nut extract the ballet, and think it lodged in part of the bone at the base of the brain. The man's statement that he shot hiniselt in the head three weeks ago and has not lost the power of his mind seems incredible. His case is an anomsly in the medical his tory. Ouly one case has ever belore been recorded similar to it. —lt i» said that the gold product of Mon tana will this year show an increase ot 75 percent, over that of 1593. There is to ! an advance in the price of tea, owing to the .• <r ■••*veii China and Japan Importers Mty MM price is baud ;t > iise, «« 0: :u t * .v t" r»'se 1130.000, 000 or so to pay Japan indemnity, and tha; an export duty on t, ai. her best resource. —Buffalo has no horse cars. —There is a hydraulic biuycle. —There are -I.IiOO Protectant Episcopal churches. —There are eight Methodist eongreg lions in Salt L ike City. Poorer and cheaper varieties of snuil are sometimes made trout refuse stems am! leaves. —Claude Lorraine, the landscape painter when a boy was an apprentice to a pa-try cook. —The name "negro-head" is applied to large rolls of tobacco, weighing fi to 10 pounds each. —A resident of Missouri recently finish ed a guitar composed of over 1,000 pieces of wood. —lndian pipes, made in the shape of an elephant, have been lonnd in the Mississip pi Valley. —Turkish and some other Eastern to haccoes are only used as fine cut for cigar ettes and pipes. South America has 30.000 000 people who, as yet, have not been subjected to missionary influences. —Every workman in Japan wears on his cap and on bis l>»ck an inscription giving his business and his employer's name. —Genoml Booth has eng i-'emeuts to speak at over 500 meetings wLile iu the United States, and is lo not less than 70 different ciues. —The average annual import of raw silk since. 1888 has been 5 000,000 poouds; hall comes from Japui, one-quarter from Europe and the rest from China. —lt is said that tabocco seed will retain its vitality eight or ten i ears. —The French Government has had a monopoly of the tobueco business since 1810. —Large fingers signify a powerful phy sical organization, associated with unrefin ed tastes. —Uy son do not p irt your hair iu the middle, set \ our cap on the back of your head, and let your handkerchief protrude carelessly from your outside coat; pocket. Don't do it. Have some respect for the feelings of others Of course you look ab solutely anil irrfsit liblv stunning, and a!' the girls are driven to distraction by your august ensemble, but you should consider that your make up and deportment, when interpreted by many people is like a play card on your back <: ich reads. ''l have no brains to be s ire, but 1 am aw fully fine looking."—Punxsuiuwney Spirit. —Morocco's Sultan has $1,500 bicycle. —The wheels of a watch travel 3,588 miles a y^ar. —lf a can of milk i- placed ne ran open vessel Coiitaini g turpentine, the smell of turpentine is s . n communicated to ih milk The ,-ame result occurs as regards tobacco, paraffi . us a|o, tid.i, camphor and many other strong smelling substan ces. Havana will have electric railways. —An old gentleman reproved his nephew for fighting with another boy. "Hut,', said the lad, "he t ailed my sister nauie>!'' " haven't .u\ si ter, and never had one!" exclaimed the uncle in astonish ment. "1 ki, w it,"replied the boy, uou gedly; but ho thought 1 bad, and said spt wassquint-eyed, and 1 .-ailed in on the prin ciple ol the thing. —Thero is a considerable strength of pub lie opinion 'he low Czar « ill notuiake a bad tuler. He is pie isint, good temper and forgiving,and hi- strongest dissipation seems lo be to win a name as a speed}' bi cyclist. —The Grand Duke Paul, of Russia, is the tallest man in Europe, touching the stand ard al 7 feet 0 inches He i< not .however a pleasant giant. ..e.-mg t at his hands are covered villi hair and that he griuds his teath iu his sleep. —Secretary Greshatu is said to be the champion sm<>ker ot ttie Cabinet, and even when he is a little indisposed can smoke twenty cigars a day. —Sir John Cornell, a distinguished Eng lish statesman, who died recently, was such an old and tried frienu of the Queen of England that she was more than pleased when he called her "Vic." —Cayuga Lake, in Xew York, was so named from an Indian word "Like of the Murky Laud." —The Rev. u C. Algicr, the Methodist minister at Bi'Urne whose house was dur g.anzde ot a...- irc 1 money, has had his loss made good to bi.n by President Cleve land, who generously ant him a check lor the amount of the loss. Drunkeim is, t e J.i uor Habit, Pos lvcly oared . y ac-.iust-iing Dr. Htines "0010 en fc.pcchc : . It is manufacture,! a- a powder, winch can be given in a glass of beer, a cup ot coffee or tea,or in food, ivitlioul the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will allect a permanent am speed> cure, whether the pal lent is a mod erate driuKer or an alcoholic wreck. It ha *>een gi\ eu in thou-anils ot case.-, anil m every instance a perfect art na.s followed, it never tails, l'h >j.-.em ouce nupregaai ed with ttu specific, it becomes an ultei impossibility tor ttu liquoi appetite to ex isl. Cures g iarauteeil. 48 page book ot particulars 1: «c. An i », Golden Specific 1 o . 185 -0.. I I .e.I. nil. O L. I - W ILK *h.4 Lu h I Roujili anu Worked Lumber, OF KINDS Dcurs, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings Shingles and Lath Always m Slock.. LIME. HAlirt AND PLASTEK. Offlci. opposite.P. & W 'Depot. BUTLER Selling Out! Our enti-o «tock of Spring atlf l Summer FY t wear. We're goin« to clear out our ntorfe of T Sh« t*v Evnrv -t\ ' no«l <-* - Tijiuo o Oxford* t*ill HO in the eal>> A lot of L»die-« Hand Turn Sho * will he sold at about half their real value. To mak this sale a complete saccesa, we have tnade ?ueh prices that You'll be Glad to Buy. Ltdie-n Patent L p ather :i*>d P !a Ox ril - were £1 00 iad $1 25 to go | at GOets. J.adieaYiei Kid Oxfords, Square r Poind Patent Tips will go at SI.OO and #1 25. Price.* of which were £1 75 and 00. Ladies JUongoia and Viet Shoes were $3.25 at f-J 00 p-r p*ii\ A larjje lot of McKay sowed »od Hand Turned Shoes in sizfls 2i, 3 and 3i, pric-s on which were $2 50, $3.00 and $3 50 This entire lot wiil go at $1 50per pair Mis.**-* Doujfola Pat»at T p Sho *atßs "- p«»r pair Children- Di»»if"la P.u< Tip S e.' it- 50 -» |< r pair Mvut- $2 00 Toil Sb' . at $1 25 ia-r pair j M< r> Ptcad 11,. . . I I S v •$2 50 p«r p«ir w ill go at $1 .'-0 So OH through hi' •ur eutiri ittoek •>' Sumai r fr\> >twear. (iooda will be f-olil without re-ei vi at les than the co.-t of ttie waking. Call und see these Bargains whether r < wi-h to buy or not. Shoe Dealer. AL S. Main St, FHAIS ICKEMPER, DEALER IN 15LA X KETS, 11ARX ESS, evervtliiii<r in horse and buggy iur niisliing goods?- llaraess, (Joliiirs, \V"liip», Dvusters, JSitdtlles, etc. -A-lso trunks and valises. Repairing done 011 short notice. , The largest assortment ot Horse blankets in town will bo toiind at FUAI> K IkE^IFKR'S, 124 S. MAIN ST , BUTLER, PA. DIAMOND * ;' UNi3 EAKRIN ' WS - S<'.V K KPIN S . STCUS. VUATC las I .',KXh '• 'Ml'.V'..l{. LADIES- CUATLAIN V iZr £"• S _4 V 1 » tioiu Pins Ear Kill's. Kln,-s. %M JtU %/W +-M Xa * Jt ( <' ,1')-!. Kracelets. Etc. ■""TV XT C* £2 % -J " Tea t 1 Hit ; ei* Ow&e-i aa I Evpry ttllDl Jh liL V Jit 5% k •.* '"j*| t:i 11 i ■, ■ i ,ill ia k UrstcLm store.. •-{ODGEff BHOS. 1374 } liNIX US. 1 > .K-., ->i i'LK PLATE. E. GRIEB. jk « t elek No. 139, Rorth Main St . BJTIEK, FA., Don't Whip the Boys. |f> V It is not their fault that their shoes have worn out so soon. You • lid not get them the right kind. Have you seen our High Cut School Shoe at 75 cents, sl, and $1.25? Try a pair of them and you will have no occasion to whip the boys on account of their shoes. Girls wear out their shoes migh ty fast, too, sometimes, but girU that are wearing our shoe:- very highly of them. The price is moderate, ranging froin 75 o.s to $1.50. Ladies are not as hard on their shoes as school girls, bu litey .11 need them. We have just receiv ed another large shipment of La dies' Vici Kid Shoes in Heel and Spring, Lace and Button, Opera and Plain Toe at $1.25; other stores ask $2. Come in socn. The Men are coming our way, they have learned of the big cut we have made and our sales on Men's Shoes gets larger ever day. Our 95 cent line is good, our $1 line is better, our $1.25 line is creating quite a sensation, while our $1.50, $2 and $2.50 line is simply out of sight. TRY OUR FOOTWEAR. C. E. MILLER, 215 S. Main St., Butler, l'a 'Ta Well VITALIS lOtli Day. J THE GREAT so-hri's ' a'4s FHSNCH RE?rf!Ti.oy Proiltict S tlio AtMli' Its * 1 -i*'".S powerfully and cjuii ; . • • » • o'lirrs fail Youn? men will • *an t ir "io- ; in .hood, and oii.i men will reoover n rourhfal vigor i'V V!T ? It • F'o: • > N'--: Mlghtly Emi . I ' I ! ,;i cry, Wasting !>•>• - ' ifccts of sell abofc or exv*-- j ; • >•« ' n. \s o'i insanity and coi. ,' iup. - ii; cm t ; VITALIS, no •• < • •- .«■ ''!'•} V - pocket. By raail. sl.(Ki v . <•> Ix for S?o.00, with a positive .' : • . . arw. • t : » < nre C*r roTund the* •. < :*««■. CAIXUtr IIr.'1! h\ LCilltago, W. For Sale at City Phnrnncv Hotel Williard. Reopened and nosv ready for tL*; c;omtu >dtitiou of the traveling pub lic. Everyilicg in Grot-claps &tvle. MRS. MATTIE REIHIHG, Owner M H BROOKS, Cltrk. SPECIAL NOTICE. Tl:.l' I will -HI. until inrther notice, the li : !i>vki. i; at the md prices, regaru 1. ss «.f the advance <>t 20c per gallon tax liv the srmvrnrrent: A A pure rye, 2 ytarS, ¥2 00 per gallon; Tippecanoe, 3 years, -- 2.">; out < itiiaet. 4 years, $2 30 per gal- I". : l!:i i-'- p- rt atwl Thompson's pore rye. • > i s.'{ 50 per gallon; Finch Goliiei I W ■ tic] •. Ul son's, Kntnnsnn (Jo. Botir ti' . --4 50 per gal Ion; Hannisville, Dough ! ith . it : i«", ll' l , 12 j was $5 50 per gallon t ilii. rni.i vcn ,-. <ir. and sweet, from 75t p . gill'.u to $1.50; 12 distinct brands; un ; ••■aij i' I 'lrtaiii-n. berry and Fort wine. tr-'i.i 50 to f3.50 per gallon; also tin ji: >i Irish and Scotch whiskies at iowe> ii ili'-nic r.tles. Call or send for special I price lists at A. AXDKIESSEN. ISB Federal street. Allegheny, Pa. All ord< is by niail promptly aiten('ed. No extra charge lor packing. Telephone .349. | W. L. Douglas S3 SHOE NO SQUEAKfwa f— - *5. CORDOVAN, X FRENCH&ENAMELLEDCALF \ £ 4-.*3. 5 - 0 FlNECALF&kansaroii 1 4 3.SPPOLICE.3SOLES. *2. *l7* BoysSchoolShoes. ' v -LADIES' - ;Ms.nisrFoN 6 °U. " r A SENO rp« CATALOGUE i T-i'- "(-* W«L'DOUGLAS» ' BROCKTON, MASS. Vow cni! 1.1 V? 1.1 nrrT by pttrrhaslug \\. L. i> liiiylnn Shoe", j.. ... . ...... - c t..c largest manufacturers of J i j in the world, and guarantee ~ •I ■. npintf the iia:"e and price on L . t v h prolc-t® y « a:; l '"** hifih ', ;i lli uan's pioSts. Ourshoes v :k. in s'.vle, e=-y fitting and V.e have thurn sold every v. , r prices for the value given than anvi .r. e. T .ke no substitute. If your ,u . • ;"-ily you, we can. Sold by ALEXANDER <te DOUTT, Wditest«wn "u DOCTORS LAKE rut r !•; dispensary. • i - Con. " J ' > Ave. atiij Fourth St.. PITTSBURGH. PA. A A'l forms Delicate and Cuii • i ),i it . I). :i-. -rcqiiiilngOoX v -J/ i . NTlALandSclK^TlFieMed- ic j iio.i a:e tl,'uted at this Dis .l :i r. i ■ iroly attained. I)r. f? i 1 nier.iliiirof tlic ( if 1 hy ld Suriii-i„ir, and Is tlie o' lest and most jv.- needSl'ki'iit! . ill«!..»of»T Spcc'alat ,■.u•: ■; i ,:. mi to N vous Debility from ersesslvs I "\crtion, irid.scretion of youih,ete.,catiß u-al and mental decay,lack of energy. •IK Y. etc.; alsoCunei"-? Old Sores, Fits, ; itii li-m. and .'>il "iscsof the Skin. . Urinary » Consultation ' s:. ictlv c .nfch nti.,! Oltlre hours, II to i . , • ,i p."a.; ScTid .> <. 2to «•. only. •»r Rdtlms LArtCOft. . . ANDITH6I..rri-rouiriiGH.VA £=•• BUuSiES at I Price jsa^ \ (All- tl- H \ »• >. S« " "I wmmmm Jil. \&3IOJ -Mop r.uL-jry . W We Cut tkc Ub PT »!• 'l'liacton . iM PKICEB and V 41'n--. I'.p'urrßjr.i<7outw.'ll A LI. tSBR? i j '.Vr.ron. i- : > . ompetltors. ™ «1? . at 6 1.. r-ttx-t i.< Buy of fac- <3B l, 1! . cy Han.- .»» K.rj anil nn Morgan Saddle jl G.*».Cnt'g e treo. /Br _ t. H. lirUGV A IIAHT CO. 'VW 2to B Uiwr<aicc St., ChiclanaU, O. >' u <k rtV -Sr % /?/? S ,he fce - ,L 4 0 <2).. | P Amerlcxi fi-r a'>-£ ! -' C '/j ' J 'vu et! ? 'i en $ ■ f ' ' ' SPKCDLATIOX. In W str <" sticeessfiill.v carried on with the ... ifom lull) Market filter and pamplets <:ri fi.-cnlstuM. Mailed free. Ottrillscieltntifirx -peculations have paid a 1 Mhl prill' •i - n net m the tIOO ma'cln ! * Inn \eeonnts a SpecliltT. Illrec wire fr nui • it; •• to all WhkuCMm Tel i 11! tin- United Siute*. A' I. IX i '»tc \i ON llt K 1 I!*nk rererencesa. « n>*ti > \ i ii. Stock and Grain Brokers 11 J<> , J «» ">«»* 1 1othe AFFUCTEO ■ ! 4HAQAJNL • j. i p.J n : I Jte - 1 111 U faffr » ■ ». t ;• iut iuwn»l Why Do You Buy Liquors? Because this is the season of rainy weather, of chills an! ti.r. pness, when the system is li able to be attacked by cold and pneumonia, it" not fortified by some i;ood whiskey as a stimu lant. .•■-•Jk-j NO FAMILY SHOULD li WITHOUT PUHE WHISKFY. Its timely use will save many a doctor bill and much nursery. Kleins Silvs: Ag3, Duqussns and w-s:k Ryas ar3 2u- ants:d t Absoiat3'y ITS. The} are in general use in hospitals throughout the country, and are being prescribed by the best physicians. Max Klein has been engaged in the wholesale liquor business for the past 25 years and has gained a reputation for handling I'UKE LIQUORS ONLY and his name on a bottle of whiskey is a guarantee that it is ABSOLUTE LY PURE. Here area few prices of his well-known brands: Silver Age Rye $1 50 full part. Duqusne " 1 25 " " " Bear Creek " 1 00 " " " Guckenheimer ~j Finch . . ~ ~ r i r 6 years old 1 00 (jibson J Overholt Guckenheim r, 4 years old 75 " " " Anchor 50 " " " Send for a complete catalogue and price list of all kinds of wines and liquors mailed free, to MAX KLEIN, JDisstillei* and Wholesale LIQUOR DEALKR, K'o 82 Federal St.. Allegheny. Pa Jewel ry—Silver ware- -(blocks. Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 pe • (Mit by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J.R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 X. Main St., Duffy Block •>ign of Electric 801 l and Clock. All are Respectiully Invite "Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience. M I\ OS KTsJ r I t l A ! . \\ holesale Liquor Dealer, ,03 Ferry St, - - rittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Tria' orders solicited. One S.jii i> j ! . v : ) 1n• 1 i I & WINTER'S ENTERTAIN NT! GREAT VALUE WfcKKLY NEWS -FCIIR OF THE WO LD LITTLE MO EY. FOR A TRIFLE. The New York Weekly Tribune, 4 twenty-page imrnal. is the leading Repnblican funnily paper <>f the U"ited St.ites It is a NATIONAL PAMILY TAPER, w.d Kiv.-f all tn« general -t the United Suns [I civs tne uveal* »f f«r«M#a lauds 111 •• »^pt^hEP^RTS TUBAL department has no superior in the c- nniry. l«s MARTKFCL urn r»-ci'«niz" J authority. Separate department* T' r T-.E FAML Y CIRGL.E OUR YOUNG FOLKS an<l SCIENCE AND MECtIAMOS li- HOME AND SOCIETY columns command the admiration «.( wives uiiU da'ijthicr*. Its funeral political news, editorials and discussions are eompiehensive, bnlliaut and exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRAOl 1 eualtle* u* to ««ffcr this splendid jonmal and THE CITIZEN for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 50 CASH IN ADVANCE. (The r*-g'»lar subscription f-»r the two j. .-?< r> is $2 .;fl ) SUBSCRIPTIONS AY BEGIN AT ANYTIME. Address all ord< rs to - "THE CITIZEN " Writ« voar nam* and address on a p «»a1 <-ard, sfnd h to Geo. VY Best. R .»m 2 Tribune B iMinir N«w Y - k Oitv. and sample c.»dv «>• ! HE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE *ii!»» mailed to yon Hotel Butler J. H. FAUBEL, Prop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and all other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for us« oi commercial men I | HOUSEHOLD ENAMEL, HI;PLBSKD*X PAIXT AMI VtKXISH ( au be Hppli. ii to any -iiif«c-.on furniture. wtM.ii, jftws. 1*11) kind of tu»*tal ilil'laililii; klTrbrll UtfliajlS. Make» "Id article* look new 'Hid is much used on b;c\ cles, carriage*. stows, etc. Requires <>uly one coat, is applied cold I with brush and" dries ab«c«fntely hard and jtloMj in 2 hours—will not crack, chip, blister or rub off. Sample b»tt)«« sent on receipt of p'ice. 2 ouueer 15c, 4 i ance- 25i\ H .-aiicei- 40 j ItetDoar Pari tot Cj., 4 Xtw Eeaue. St VEW Y AGENTa WANTED.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers