Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 29, 1894, Image 3

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" '■ ' ■ •
L*nl notioM are published in the ClTl
ten at $1 per Inch for first, and 50 oents tut
each succeeding insertion. I
Obituaries, cards of thanks, resolutions,
etc. we inserted at soenu a line.mooej to
acoompany the order.
Reading notioes on local page 10 cents
a line lor fiist and 5 cents a line for each
subsequent insertion Notices among 10-.
cat news items 15 cents a line for each in
Half-inch professional cards with paper
$5 a year. , .
Kates for commercial advertising qaoted
upon application.
Bm.ua has a population or aiiout lo.iflo. |
It la the County seat of butler County, wun i
86As>. „ . I
Four railway's, natural (fas, and unequal.ed
facilities lor menafaeiures.
iTorress enrywhere; new buudtnga, new
aianiuactup-s. ajiruivtnx ana prosperous town, j
New York Weekly Tribune--Free.
By special arrangements made for our ;
so doing, we are enaolod t<> oiler to all our
subscribers whu pay arrearages (if any)
and one year in advance, and to all new
subscribers pay in it in advance, the New
York Weekly 'Jrihunr fr»-e for one year, j
For further particular* of this ofler see ad- ;
New Advertisements.
NOTB— All advertisers intending to make
oanges in their ads. should notify us of ;
their intending: to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
Yonng A- Cooper's prices.
Kaufman's bargains
Agents Wanted
Uammerslonghs Clothirg. !
Prospecu—Harper's Periodicals, Phila. |
Prtss, Ohio tanner.
Administrators and Executors ol estate
mii aeoure their receipt books at the Crri
iu office
And his interesting and thrilling
adventures at a frontier military
post, as related by
Capt. JacK Crawford,
are worthy of the closest atten
tion of our readers. It Is highly
entertaining, and, being written
by a man who has spent many
years on the frontier as a gov
ernment scout, Is true to nature.
Opening Chapters
in this Issue.
To Our Fatrona.
On or about the Ist of January we pur
pose sending statements to all our subscrib
ers who are in arrears. It would be a great
accommodation to us, and save us a good
deal of work if as many as can possibly do
•o would call at the office and settle before
that time. If you cannot pay all. pay what
you can. Tnose who are out of town can
oan send un a postal or money order lor
$1.50, $3. $4.50 or $6 just as it suite them
No trouble to send receipts. Those who
oan conveniently call at the office will
please do ao withoat any unnecessary de
ity, u we need the money in onr businew
Pay what yon can.
—Criminal oourt next week.
—We go to press .half a dar earlier thai
usual this week so as to enjoy Thanksgiv
—The Geraania will give us • free oon- I
oe< t this afternoon, on the street and at
the ball park. i
—A can filled with dynamite was dis
covered under the boiler ol Kesselman's
machine shop, last Monday morning.
—The Grove City football team plays*
At Washington Pa today, and the PAW
nu> a specif 1 from Batler to that town.
—The people of Armstrong Co.are be
coming hopeful of the extension of the
Beech Creek railroad westwardly through
that county, thence west into this County.
—A tramp wearing one Mr Bonner's
overooats was arrested by Tony Allen,near
Katrona, Monday, and Mr.Troutman'sover
coat was found in possession of a man there
who had purchased it from another tramp.
—On Monday morning it was reported
btre that C.»oper»town was burning, and
tbat another murder had been committed in
Forward Twp. but neither report proved
—Geo. M. Irwin the blind pool man,was
arraigned in New Tork, Monday, in ans
wer to a writ of habeas corpus, but the
case was postponed till Wednesday. Mrs.
Gent slipped away from her house in Al
legheny, without any one seeing her.
—Burglars entered Will Troutman's
house on N. Washington street, Thursday
night, and captured a fur cape, an over
coat and some silverware; also J. A. Bon
ner's bouse on E. Fulton St., and took
three overcoats, a watch and some shoes
—The foundry of the Duwnie Bros.,
pump works at Dnwuieville in Adams twp.
was destroyed by tiro a few uiguts a>to.
The Downie Bros, and Dr. Sterrit have
laid oat a town at the works, aud intnrina*
tioa regarding the price of the lots can be
had of Dr. 8. 0. Sterrit, Valencia P. 0 ,
—The Time* Co. moved into its new
building early this week and is now issu
ing it* ne*sy daily from the handsomest
twat ajranged newspaper office in the
oounty. The members of the firm deserve
credit for the energy and enterprise which
baa marked the steady rise of the Tima
goring its 12 years existence.
<vTbe address of weloome at the Far
mer's Institute, to be held in Butler, next
?ne«4»y wiii be made by 8. F. Bowser,
lod the response by D B. Douthett. W.
J, Chamberlain of Hudson, 0. will oe the
principal instructor and lecturer oJ the
■Meting and M««"-rs A. L. Campbell; Cbas
Smith; Tfeo* Hays; James M. Douthett
2?eUon Thorn p»unj J. D. MoGee, and Wal'<
tex Bartley are oo U>e proyrame for essays
various subjects. At Centrevillc Thurs
day, Dr. Malt by will make the addreaa of
weloome and Kelson Thompson the re
fponae, and J. J. MoGarvey; James Hum
phrey, i ■ M. Burnap, Josiah M. Thompson,
#nd prof, Moore are on the programe for
The Johnston Harvester Co. vs W. A.
Ooebritig A <V> , limited. Nov. 22 W. A.
confesses jadgement in favor ot
plff and against himself and late firm for
#230, with costs of suit, aud stay of execn
tiun to Jan. 1, 1893.
Ira Stauffer vs ». R. Waterh. use and
Jauifs H*rve/ Nov. 22, the juri" under
iustractions fmm the tlourt renirn I a ver
dict in favor of defendants for the t »ud de
scribed on the writ.
l>9ula Anirert vs FrttiV Aneert. Nov
21, jury sworn. Nov 23, jury disa/Teed.
Kobt. Eka*, devise, vs The Pittsburg
Plate Blaaa 0» Vwr. tt,M jury ,worn.
and S4fiie day cv)»iipuld««ry uou duit enter
All other cases on the list were coiitin
Tbe jury m the Angert case wo l "out"
all Thursday nit ht, ai'd then co'ild not
agree. Tnej started in ou a 7 to 5 basts;
aud one or two ..f the minority cnid
their way 31-*ar to ginug in to the ma
Ou Moudav !ait the old grave yard case
w is argued t>etore Jutige Mehaido- ilercer
Tne cs~e was before the court on an appeal
from the finding of the viewers v. : o c-u
demned a par' <•! the old ground to school
Etceptious *ere tiind to the re
port, of these viewers. Upon tnese excep
tsotis argiiun-nt was had lor iad agiinst m
tho matter. Tne School directors t iromrh
their attorn<y claiuii-d ifiry had proceti!
Ed Htrittif accnrditut to law, and that the
question was one of law to,* tne 0 >art to
while ou the o tw side a trial In
jury asited for. la whic'i all mat'ers ol
fact- might- he heard. Evidence on
fac.s was deemed not
Jadge li rhard at the hearing, but 'ia lis
tened pa'ienilt and took ine papers in the
ca*t! ro ifercer, promising decision at au
early day.
There are 27 tares in the Criminal dock
et for next week, the roost serious charges
being adultery, rape anu forgery.
Squire Anderson decided tin Harrisville
ha\ -Kirk ca.-e in tavor of the plaintifl and
the defendant appealed.
The County Commissioners office was
croaded witn Asse»ors last Saturilay, all
ol whom received their instructions and
blanks for makiug tde ir.eiinial
next nioiitn. 'ltie Ai.sessi-rs lalk.-d tbr
matter over iu the office a d ihe chance*
are that the assessments will be made
strictly iu accordance with the oath i e tnai
they «ill as.ess all properly, real aud per
soual at what they "think the hame would
-ell for, if sold singly and separately at a
b'majide sale, after full public notice."
The will of Chii-tian Goehrmit late of
Itocbe>.ier, Pa , was probated here ou M 'to
day. Letters of adm. on estate of Jona
than Billiard, late of Butler, were granted
John W. Billiard; also to John Kohuer on
estate of J-»hn G. Kauss. late of Adams tp;
also to fohu W. Brown on estate of Catha
rine J. Duncan late of Butler.
W. Jones, Frank Barrison and John
Kelly are in jail ou charges of larceny and
At the session of the Board of Pardons,
in Barrisburg, Tuesday, Tnomas M irsiall,
Jr., spoke of the character of the citizen
who had written the Board suggesting
clemency for Frank Garvin. Be spoke
of the high character of ihe young mau
and said the woman be bad si kin was a
skillful scht-mer. As to her father, wbo
had filed a protest ugaiust the lineration of
the prisoner, Mr. Marshall made grave
charges and more than hinted at iilackmail.
Be spoke of Garvin's torture when, three
da) » after marriage, the woman declared
she intended to meet a married man Mr
Marshall laid stress on the lact that the
jurors who convicted Garvin had not onlj
asked tbe board to recommend a pardon,
but had appealed for suctt action. Mr Mar
shall closed with an eloquent appeal for the
Geo. M. Irwin, the discretionary puol
mm of PiUhburif, was arrested at the
Grand Hotel, N. Y. last. Friday on Charge-:
of larceny and lalse pretense preferre ' by
some of his victims. Criminal proceeding*
have alpn been began against Mrs. Gerst
and W. E Dclaney.
Chistian Sto.ior to liaiij. W Rredio 60
acie« in Washington twp for $1,200.
Ja*. Hunter to J is. A Hunter 3 acres iu
BufUl.. f u r $l5O.
W. R. Shepard to Maria Shepard 20 acre.-,
iu sjlipperyrock for S6OO.
Alkev C- Kerr to Saraii E. Kerr 65 teres
in Mercer twp for S2OO.
John C. Graham to E. W. Eisle.r lot in
Butler for ?400.
. Jno. G. Xixon to W. K. Nixon 60 acres
in Buffalo for $1
•fno. G. Nis-»n to Etta A. Nixon 67 icres
in Boifdlu tor sl.
Margaret Fergn-">n to John E Hel-u 1
acre in Penn for $71.25.
U. N. Greer to G. P. «nd J. X. Hirvey
200 acres la Cliutou fur sl.
Leonard Oesrerling to Jacob Keck 7!)
aoies in Butler i wp ior $2 500
J. D. Marshall. Gaardiau. to Vlice Duni
gou lot iii Washington lor $225
E W. EislerioJuo C. Grabaui lot in
Butler for $1,500.
Eekarri Kalb to Thos. Murray lot in But
ler tor $1 300.
D. B. D-uibett to Martin Huim lot in
Botier twp for SIOO.
H. 8 McClymonds to Martin Heirn lot
I in Butler for $450.
Nicholas Mangel to Martin Heirn lot in
Butler for SIOO.
Mary Kersting to Citizens B »nk of Evans
City lot iu Evans City for SI,BOO.
Elizabeth Wolford to M Ellen Gr"nue
24 acres in Franklin for $2,000.
Marriage Licenses.
Anthonv J. Convory Bumrait twp
Mary Keeling " "
Albert Borland ...Marx Pa
Annie Kaufmau Callery
John G. Anderson Zelienople
Jennie M. Allen " "
Jno T. Hutchioan Mars
Elvirr. Kidd "
At Pittsburg—Van K'rk Morrison and
Mbggie Covert ot Butler Co.
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying 20 for butter, 20
for eggs, 50 for pood potatoes. 50 for oiiions;
60cts lor apples. 25 to 30ta* a do*, for cel
ery; 1J cent a pound fur cabbage; 40 cents
for tt.ruip*.
Timothy hay from country -vftiron* sl4
to 15. mixedi hay $lO 50, to 11.00, straw
$5.00 to 6 00.
Country roll butter 15 to 16. fresh eugs
£2 to 23, dressed chickens drawn 12 to
14, spring chickens 12 to 13 pur pound
Potatoes $2.15 to $2.25 per M I onions 40
to 50.
At Herr'x Island, Monday, beeves -old
«t H.OO to 5.25 hull«an<l dry rows »r 1 2i to
2 25. hoes ai 3.00 'O 4.95 sheep at to
3 00, lambs at .75 to 4.00, and calves at
1.25 to 5.90.
Rlchey's Bakery.
John A. Rich- y dews all bis own
bread and c»ke baking, uaing the
beet floor in the market.
He is now making all bia own
1 common candies, creams and taffies,
and a pure article
Parties purchasing for school and
1 churches will do well to remember
Dainty Cakes for Da'nty People.
Marvin's Columbia Mixed Thirty
four varieties most of tbem iced or
ornamented with iancy figures, de
lightful little cakes for the holidays
if you are particular about the cak»s
and crackers you eat, always ask
your Grocer for Marviu'B.
MARVIN Pittsburg
—Jiover'B Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tons or a correct
—Job work kindjione at the
Crrizn Oman *
The Teachers' Institute.
The 40ib annual session ol tho Butler
county and Bailer b>r ugli TeacieiV In-
Dtitute will to hold in Park I'hea're, Dec.
17rh to 2lst. and the Directum' Meeting
will be iu the Court Bouse on T:iars(i»>
afteru.'Kiu the 20th,
Superintend-n:.s McCoilou£h and
have hau a no.tt pro.rr» ram- printed tor
the fire days session. winch the 'eact.Brii
procure ot ihem.
To• instructors wiil l>« Dr. of
Toronto, ili-s* Coffin of Detroit, rr.>i' Rick
ets 01 Slipperyrock N'ormtl and Prof. IS-JU
sec of Pittsburg.
Tnu ev niu£ eauirlainm . nts are to be a
lecture ou "World Making. Monday even
ing. by Uvu S P L-vwi.l; ii concert i>n
Tuesday evenn.,:; a 1-cture on "i'ae New
Aristocracy." by fte\ ne, ao i one oa
"ri.e'J dia_|y .«*t.o. ,' W-n
by li. B.
O-l i^otes.
II py drink Bro'- J rilMn? in tn« Joi.n
Sutr<'ii fiiiui, tii the ci.u'htin parti of
G'iuy twp, and ab.mt a Uii'e north o! <"niun
Quit" a number of wel!« in the '"oopers
town district have -d itieir ;>rod ac
tion wni-nijy. Tn-iiti wells thai siartwl
with m»is •» ' ly ti" ■ now doiuj. 2.21").
Tr.i.- is die to the exh.tistion of t-ie salt
which aii> *8 tis oil to flow Tee
new work proj-.ted :;i this ti id *:ll keep
the drill I».tunc ,g tii vi >ter
II fan A* ?■ ■■] i tu-'t'- N<l. 3 <>n the
D.ivid L ecu, a' li'.u'.iiid £■>' tie sa 1 las:
Sut'ir >*v and Org*;, fl iwiag at the i'ate ol
800 bM» a day.
Oilj- .»□ A ■'< the Kuig : 't
in Butler t#p. Dutcbtown weii), s
nearini cotUi»ietl«JU
Walker & Co ar- drilliu/ a 'est well on
the htiauor larni of Hr.<sp,,ct.
Joseph rlarf'fi»:i A Son> -i>:J their i>-a-«-
consisting of 186 on K'ls i ta^m
m tne UoUtuiaiti lielti, u> ll"in Bros, of
Millerautwu. T;i •ia HI has five producing
welis ou it with au aggt—gate daiiy pro
due ion of IOIJ barrets. Tuc consideration
a a-
Q icea Bros, drilled in tueir No 2 will
ou ihe (jam Uilli.li i farm la twp.,
Bu'fer OoUUty, oil
beat *v«ll in the North -V is i, glo,. field
l'h«i have 80i» .<• I,f l Ui-ar it,
wnic.i look* gut »-iigi- Tmn nave •-.v*r*i
aells uniler way ot drilling. Tnis livid is
four uiiies ahea'.l of deveiop nenio atid
opens up a new tb: I ticlil ea*t ami
west. —East Bra;. L'cc.eic.
—Go to the ca!i>' walk at Armory Hali,
—Free dinner at W. 0 I U. HH I from
1 to 3 P. Al.
Park Opera Houss.
"THg Sit)B r>Hi»W SAI CRU4 V.
James B. M«CKie, the chara«lercotu»diau
who has bet-n for 'He p»*r four
seasons in "Grimi:s '(••liar Dm-i will b«'
ihe attraction at :nu I'ark tnea<er on .°ial
urday Uec. Ist, iu tic *. 0 let ks' las', plav
"The Side Snow, or vv'aii. for ioe w.»<ou."
It is described as a '''a.- - t ->Hli-bi'>r i;le.
natural, quaint and eicru-;-ia'in?ly iiianj
Mr. Uackie stun's i j day as In • rer.igr-'Z
ed typical cbarai n r coinecli.in . fthe tn»-r
man cta»fe, anu it is du-a -.1 t..at in ••I'D*-
.iide Show" •> hicn vtr wrote : spec
ialiy fur him, he has turde tim r>it his
lite, and has won laein.g r<-<»'g!iitiuii as a i
artist ot the hiahes'. qu»iifioaiio ig. Noth
ing more natural HAS iit-wi «vau on tnt
stage than his "On-u-ey," lo?i p.t of
side show. Both play and stai iiaVe Had**
the greatest kind vf a sif wiiever seen.
Good Point la Vehicles
Wo gather fro n tlin catalog ie of
the Fredonia Mfp. Co . of Yi-utigstonn 0.
ihat their nex line of v.hi.nos will sin-pas?
auy'hiutr ''a'"'- '.i "• -i" * dnced
Their No 4 Emetic Bud Skiing Baggy
is the emUodituent of style.
Their No H Bngftj for its chief incri'.
cotnlorc. It is easy of ,icce.ss, haafuM pan
el spring hack nedt. is iiu"g low, u "i is
naii'isojielj paiut»i and tn-'im>-d. fheir
No. 2 roa i wagon is , specially bnilt for the
of oil "oontiactors" <a ririllers It has u
siat iiottntn maitee-p ..i-■»iv i- r tne purpose
[ of the finest fiiiibt r pi<-CUiable.
Ex'ei.eivo improwmi • are being made
iu tt'i'ir lactones whnti wii! enutilc liiem
to double tueir «nirji:i> :ho co-niug year.
They f ill be j»l ij to ,-enil their catalogue
upon application.
The Farmers Cuampion
Wo take pl 'as.i'e in iuformiMZ oar 'wad
ers that The Ohio Farmer is oilernd for the
remainder of tuis year a..d ill of ue*r. for
only oue dolUr. Its eijcula'ioo is now
over aeventy-tiv« tl>«»-i*and pai. annus! sub
wcrihers. It goes into ecer> sinto m in.-
Uniuu and into uiunv lor-ig j coon lie*.
It has l enlarged • •20 • «.ts m l is ui« of
ibe.beNt, most ei it-rprising »u<! instrneiivt
farm papers in America. I? is pufo-sbed
at Cievntaod. Ooio. and is uati-iual in
everything but ua-<i.> I. i< an 80 Column
weekly ot 52 issues » year lis proprietor
are it« edit or*. while tt)H a>so, ial« editors
are M. IS. Williams and W 1. -rlin,
t>oth uieu of uatioiia! reputa'iou as p.aoli
c»l agictiliural wruert Among its n>u
tributors art tbose « no have "an-eda nation
al reputation as tne nest iu this conutn
and are ku -wu w cirever th«i h <;t agn ?alt
ural papers are tnkes. Its proprietors .-spare
uo expense uor labor tbar proujices t > add
to its interest t.ud va i-, a I maintai.i its
reputation as ibe and :iio«l wide I cir
culated dollar wuekli agricultural j <urnal
in America, ripci'iuie i c..ipjr a il premium
will oe sent free to ail applicant-by
iug Tlie Ohio Ftrin.'r. o! Cleveland, Onio.
Agents wanted. Liberal tei.ns.
—Clearance ssle of all summer
go-ade at leas than while ale
at II.'.CTHN & SON F-.
—Martincourt & Co. are giving
awav valuable prizes to of
lucky nuuibera Call and £et a num
ber it costs you nothing.
—lox4 BLAOKOT- 60C at DAVCNNY'*
cent Poogeea and Titsues
reduced to cents at
L. SistN Sow'J».
—Bargains ia liiwrin, Din»i!ys
Pongees, Organdies and ail tie sum
mer guods at
of Assembly, 25 OMJU tor nalf-a-doieu,
Martincourt. A Co. are giving
awav valuable pv-z J to of
iackv nambcrs. and gel a num
ber it costs you nothing
—Genuine Lancaster Giucitam* be
—Nomatt«r bow hiirj the times
the oue thing VOJ cannot atford T-I go ,
without is all the n»-w. [f TO n w>nt
all the uewu yg'.-r it- in the P't'.s
bury Dispatch. I' .e Dispatch pub
lishes all—not a part .miy.
--Fittest novelties ia dtesn gauds
—White goo'-v Lawos, Pongees
; Orgaudiei and all k'nds <if w t-h
goods at le«»:J thi<i wQ'>leaa!e jj'ioe at
L & ?>ON'rt
—Th« high srntde of patent
flour tcade at th*? o" 1 '- of
West -uubury, Pa.
I X L.
Pictures, Diploma*, Certifii - t:i»3o
and Cbarter<» Framed tc Oriier ai 3t»9
S. Main 6t, Bu ler. Pa.
—Home made candies, taffies , car
tpelw, aud etc., now on hand at the
City Bakery.
—Freeh cut Flowers of alt kinds,
always on hand at the Cay Bakery.
-,-Higbest canD prtca paid tor grain
of all kinds at J. O tfr«aiien A <"".'B
i new roller mills, \V«st Pa
Dr. Dewiss Csnnin/Uam, of Zelienople,
met with a painful accident in Lu»k s drng
i store at New Castle a tew days ago. Dr.
; Cunningham had an epileptic stroke, while
; standing near a large eu.-ptdor. When he
fsll. his right kneo was cut badly by the
| broken crockery in the cuspidor.
Harry Gibson, son of John Gibson, form
> erly of Bugler was killed on a raiiroad near
, Erie, last Friday nigat.
i Chirisrie Robb of Oakland twp. is laid up
i with a sore foot. While "driving timber'
' a faw days ago a log rolled over nis left
foot and bruised it badly.
W. J. Whitesides of Middlesex twp. was
terribly kicked by his horse last Monday,
but is expected to recover. In taking the
blanket off the horse, in the stable, some
! tuing caught on the horse and excited it.
—On Friday evening the 16ih smoke
was discovered issuing from the room oc
capied by Mrs. Catharine Bass, or the
widow Kachner, in the home of her daugh
i t«r near EiJeuaa station, a>d when the
j dtnr was opened it fraud that she bad
> left her bed and had upset a lamp. ST.e
was rescued, but the smoke i.ad overpower
ed her, aud she die 1 ou the following Mou
day. febe was 86 years of age.
Mark Twain's New ttook
Mark Twain's most popular aud saccess
lul nooks have been sold by subscription
au'l the American Publishing Compauy
Hartford Conn, anuouuee for early publi
cation his new book "l'he Tragedy of PuJ
d'ubcad Wilson and the Comedy Those Kx
traordinary T*iua." The Tragedy aud
Coilie'iy were at tirsi a du.il story —two
stones in one—and the author's accouut,
as given iu the preface.of the difficulty he
'.au iu writiug tan book, of the luonupati
bintof some of tha characters aud ot .as
Having to finally separate mem by puili g
one ot the stories ou. by tne roots aud leav
ing me other—itiud of literary Cic«areau
operatiou, is certainly oue ot the most or g
iiial breeziest aud cleveres, chapters-choice
fan —that nas beeu writteu lor many a da> "
>Ve are told lhat "Tnereis a time to laugh
and Tne Cnurchmau says,' - The reader
* ill begin to smile at the tirst paragrapn "
l'ue uook will oe sold ouiy uy suo e.'ip i >u
and as it possesses, in a pioaouuced degree.
Ibe rouiarkaitle characteristics ol the au
in'ir's b«-t works it is sure to have a large
s»le. "Each page will be beautifully illustra
ted wiih marginal sketches, the work ol one
ot our best artists, aud the publishers ba\e
wisely decided to sell the volume at a pop
uUr price—briugiug it withiu the reach ol
J. W. Keeier A Co of Philadephia Pa
hale iLe exclusive right ol sale iu the
slates ot Pennsylvania, >ew Jersey, Del
aware and Mary land and their advertise
ment tor Hfsebis appears in another col
umn. Ail applications lor agencies iu their
held should be sent direct to them.
Winter Excursion Tickets on the Penn
sylvania Railroad.
On November 1 the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company placed oa sale at all its
priucipal ticket offices excursion tickets to
til the proiniueut wiuter resorts. This
lerri'ori iuclndes the resort* of New Jer
sey. Virginia, North and South Carolina.
Georgia, Florida aud Cuba. The tickets
are sold at the usual low rates.
The magnificent facilities of the Penn
sylvania Raiiroad. with its many counec
mus, make this the favorite line for winter
—Try, T. A. Morrison's home
made Carmels.
Vlirtiaourt & Co are giving
twav v*luV)le prizm to holder* ol
iu<:iiy numbers. Call and get a uumg
her it COBIS jou nothing.
—Fine cannon fliinnelis 5 cents at
Our Hosiery values are unequal
cti and well worth y onr inspection-
L. STEIN <t Son's
Fine Dennett flannels, 5c at
lnfants Wool Hose 5 eta per
pair at Davenny's
—Summer Uidervea<\ Hosier-
Mitts, LtC!<s and Ribious at reduc
ed prices at
—A good nmherella for 75c at.
—Try our new roller floor—latent
improved m»chinerv. Satisfaction
iiniiranteed, J. C BREADEJJ & Co ,
West Sunbury, Pa.
Rye Wanted.
Tbe highest prices paid for rve at
ihe mill of GEO WALTER k SON.
Butler, Pa
Mrs Jones—Where did you get
that bai?
vi rs Smith—At Davenny's of
course, they have the best millinery
in town, try them.
—A fall line of home made candies
at the City Bakery.
Music scholars wauted, Lessons
will be Riven either at the home of
the teacher or at the home of tbe
scholar. Inquire at 124 W. Wayne
St. But'er Pa.
Dealers in new and second hand
household goods of every description
Call and see us. We can save you
—One Portfolio, containing 16
superb Tiews from the Worlds Fair
given away with each $2 00 sale at
Wheat Wanted.
pay the Highest Price tor
wheat—both oid and new, at our
We choD all kinds of grain at our
mill for the feutb Bushel and do il
promptly and to your satisfaction.
K.em*-uilier we Only Charge the
Tenth. George Walter <Sc Son's
Butler Pa.
—You pay for schoolbooksi but
the best school-book for your children
is your daily puper. Well printed.
! carefully and intelligently edited, of
iuKtroctive contents, first and fqllest
with the news and host in presenting
it, the Pittsburg Dispatch fills the
We are Leaders in Millinery.
Both us to Style and Low Prices.
| Often you need only pay us half of
what others charge and yet you get
better quality and Style because we
ara always in me ouying mar net wub
read* cash watching your interests
as well as ours. KAUFMANN'S
—Take yonrj children to Zuver'B
Gallery for Pictures that will suit
you. Postoffice building
by America's Greatest Humorist,
Every one ot his previous books have had lm -
mens* sales, ills new book surpassesanything
he has Heretofore written. Two stories ts 'one
' volume, A lr«K*<iy and a Con~4jr. A great
; ch»nce for age its. We give exclusive territory
! far terms aud full particulars address,
I w, slv., W AT-'b tfrn PWJ«-
Clerk Criswell is in Philadelphia this
Mrs. Fiuaimmons received #IOOO Irom '
the agency of Abrams »fc Brown for the loss !
ot her home aud furniture by fire.
John Kennedy of the West End, Butler,
was knocked down by footpads a lew
nights atto, but before the villians co ■ Id
rob him they were scared away by the ap
proach of another man.
Eliiabeth Carnahan of Coal town ha«
been granted a widow's pension.
Harriet Lovey Ayres daughter of Capt.
Ayres and John C. Graham will
be married in the M E. Church
at 3 p m. of Thursday, Dec. 6th, and they
will be "at homo" at 230 N. McKean St.,
on Tuesdays and Fridays after Jan. lit.
Fred Mcßride and Joseph Cooper of
Worth twp went south this week, to es
tablish ageucies for a nursery, ic Virginia
Dr. Reaick and Harvey Colbert went to
Oil City, Tuesday, where Dr. Colbert, a
brother of Harvey, is lying seriously ill.
Mrs. Brown returned Tueslay, from
New York, where she attended a
daighter ot Dr. Zimmerman,wuo was hav
ing her eyes treated by a specialist.
Rev E. M. Wood will preach in the M.
E cnurch nest Sunday moruiug on "No
Substitute lor Christ, or Cbnstiauity an
Abiding LAW." iu Ihe eVeumg on "Toe
Higher flaiu," or "TUB Uplift of Humani
Miss This Good Time
To Get a Piano or organ.
We now offer this rare chance to get a
piano or organ tor Christmas time at great
K reduced prices, lor those who do not
wish to go lue price of a new oue.
Walnut Priuoe organ .... .$ 20.00
V\ alnut Prince orgau, nice case.... 30.00
Aiaaou A H».uiliu church organ. 2
banks keys $ 55 00
Ke\'Sioue orgau. 10 5t0p5...... .... - 50 Uo
Sterling orgau, lop 35.00
tistey orgau, 11 st.itis.. —......... . ftl uo
Ne* man orgau, 12 stops tiO.UU
Chicago cottage organ. 11 stops.. .... <0 00
Decker grand, good as new S3SO.iX(
Marouiau graud, in splendid order. 350.00
Cnickering, 7 oct— 100.00
Cnickeriug, carved, 7-oc: -—. Dv) 00
Shoemaker, carved legs 100 00
W'tieelock upright 160 00
Uallet A Cuuisiou. carved 115 00
Kuabe, carveu i 5.00
Call and see the stock or write lor partic
ulars. A fine lot of new holiday piau >s
ocIUK opened —prices Irom S2OO Upward
send lor catalogues.
77, sih Aveuue, fituburg
To 6Bt
So they say when they first
come in. Soon they change the
saying to "So MANY PRETTY
This year at our store there
will be no trouble as in the first
case, but increased trouble in the
second case.
GOODS than ever before at
Near Postoffice.
Jury Lists for Dec. Terra.
List of names drawn from the proper
jury wheel this 29iti clay of Oct., A. H.
1694. to serve as Grand Jurors at a regular
term of Court commencing on the first
Monday of December, A. D. 1894 the same
being the 3rd day of said month.
Burr Peter, farmer. Forward twp.
Crawford J J, farmer, Donegal twp,
Cainobell S A. farmer, Washington twp,S.
Cooper G VV, taruair, SHpperyroofc twp.
Daubeuspeck L L. farmer, Parker twp.
Daubeuspeck H S, farmer, Parker twp.
D.ividsou Charles, tanner, idams twp, JT.
Earhart Joseph, farmer, Fairview twp, E
English Joseph, farmer, Muddycreek twp
Fletcher T S. farmer, Washington twp. S.
Gilleland W J, farmer, Adains twp, S.
Heckart Geo. carpenter, Butler, stn wd.
Uiokey Wendel, tanner, Middlesex twp.
diudman Charles, farmer, Franklin twp.
Irwiu Samuel, farmer, Centre twp.
Johnntou Croft, fanner, Middlesex twp.
Mochel Michael, farmer, Buffalo twp.
Purvis, S D. manufacturer, Butier,2d wd.
Kennies J G. farmer, Center twp.
Stewart M B, farmer, Lancaster twp.
Sbeiver Geo, farmer, Laaeaster twp.
Shnnor R M. merchant, Prospect bom.
Uhl Fred, farmer, Laucador twp.
Wright S M. farmer. Jefferson twp.
List of names drawn Irotn the proper ju
ry wheel this 26ih day of Oct , A D ,1894.
to serve as Petit Jurors at a regular term
of Court commencing on the second Mon
day of Dec A. D 1894, the same being the
10tn day of said moutn.
Albert John D, farmer. Franklin twp.
Angert Geo. farmer, Oakland twp.
Barnes John A. larmer, Mercer twp.
Bortma* Wm, farmer, Clay twp.
Bauer Peter, farmer, Summit twp.
Bollinger Johu H, larmer, Cherry S.
Cooper Jas. larmer. Forward twp.
Critchlow J C, farmer, Forward twp.
Cress John, blacksmith, Clearfield twp.
Campbell. W U, larmer. Concord twp.
Critchlow JohD, larmer, Forward twp.
Critchlow D VV. farmer, Jefferson twp.
Colbert E A, merchant, Butler, sth wd.
Davidson Wm, farmer, Crauberry twp.
Furgeson Frank, weigh boss, Cherry twp,S
Fennell P B, Farmer, Clearfield t*p.
Forsythe Henderson, tanner, Adams twp,X
Graham Smiley A, farmer, Conoord twp.
Grant B J, farmer, Allegheny twp.
Glass Geo, merchant, Millerstown boro.
Garvin J A, farmer. Cranberry twp.
Heck I) A, merchant. Butler, sth wd.
Uiudman Andrew, guager, ilillorstown.
Biudman Cbarluj, hotel keeper, Butler 2d
Hockenberry Mack, farmer, Cherry, S.
Knox Cyrus, gent, Evan«Ciiy.
Logan Win J, merchant, Millerstown.
McCollough Michael, farmer, Venango twp
Moore Jas, farmer, Worth twp.
Mechling Jo 3, farmer. Clay twp.
MeNees J M, farmer, Brady twp.
Nelson John, farmer, Cherry twp, N.
Kose J as, farmer, Centre twp.
Sipe W S, larmer, Clearfield twp.
Ra\ Ceo, larmer, Mariou twp
heibert Wm, blacksmith, Butler. 3d wd.
Swartzlander Wm, blacksmith, Butler, sth
Sproal A J, merchant, Cherry twp, S.
Stevenson R I), farmer, Summit twp.
Sutton E P, agent, Evans City.
Slater J M. farmer, Douegal twp.
Shout? A B, farmer, lackson twp, W.
WiUon J M, taruier, Jackson twp. E
Wassou John (!, farmer. Cherry twp, N.
Williams Philip, jierchau?, I'rospect.
Wooil Wm A, farmer. Marion twp.
Ziegler L N. hotel keeper. Harmony.
FamoQs New York, tailor-made
For sale by prominent dealers
all over the State. None genuine
without Hammerslough Bro's
label. The swellest and best
wearing clothes in this Country.
Ask your clothier for them.
I S Y Ml"T">V!i.+"; Itiaip* »«4
|»tl«*li.*l w»i »« ' ">>■ •crat. kfn(. Ir
allowed to c«»n(lnut tumor* f .rm anil protrude,
which oflcn bleed and u!cirate, hi-ocnlittf very
•ore. §WAYNET» OISTMKNT .top. ih* iTchta*
The Simpletons, a new novel by Thomas
Hardy, wi'l be began in me December
Nnmber 1594, aud continued to November.
1895. Whoever may be one's favorite
anion? English novelists; it will be conced
ea by all critics that rboma* Hardy stands
foremost as a master artist in fiction, aud
The Simpletons may be expected to arouse
enthusiasm nut inferior in degree to tnat
which has marked Trilby—the most suc
cessful story of th>s year. Another leading
feature will be the Personal Recollections
of Joan of Arc, by the Sieu L>uls DeConte
Her Page aud 'Secretary, uuder which
guise the most popular of living American
magazine writers will present the story ol
the M aid of Orleans In the January Num
ber will appear a pnrfosely illustrated
paper on Charleston and the Caroliuas. the
tirst of a series of Southern Paper*.
Northern Africa is attracting more at
tention than at any other time since it
was the seat of empires. The next volume
of HARPER'S MAGAZINE wilt contain
four illntraled articles on this region, and
three ot them will depict the present life
there. Julian Raipb will prepare for the
M AGAZINE a series ot eiirht stories, de
picting typical p ra si f Chinese Life ai d
Alanners. Beside» the long stories, there
win begin in the January >umber the first
chapters of A Three-Part Novelette, by
Richard Harding Davis—the longest work
jet attempted by thu; writer. Complete
short stories by popular writers will con
tinue to be a feature ot the MAGAZINE.
The Volumes of the MAGAZINE begiu
Witu the Numbers for June au-i December
ot each ) ear. IV heu uo time is lueiitioned,
subsi riptiou will begin with the Number
current at the time of receipt of order.
Cloth casei. tor binding, doo each— lij
mail, postpaid. Title page and Index
sent ou application.
Remittance should be made by Post of
fice Mouey Order or Draft, to avoid cnance
ot loss
Newspapers arnot to copy thig adrertise
nient Without the express urder of Harper
<1 Brothers
Harper's Magazine, • one year, $4.
Harper's Weekly, - •• $4.
Harper's Bazar. • " S4.
Harper's Young People, " $2.
Postage free to all subscribers iu thr
Oiled States. Canada, and Mexico.
Address HAKPKK A I'.RoTat-.Rs.
P O 8..x 95a. N. T. City.
HAKPEK'S dAZAR in 1895
Elegaut aad exclusive designs for Out
door and In-door Toilettes, nrawu trom
Worth models by Saudoz oud Chapuis,
are au important feature. These appear
every week, accompauied by miuute de
script'ons and details. Our Paris Letter,
by Calbanue De Forest, is a weekly traus
oript of the latest ct> les au I caprices lu
the mode. Under the head of New York
Fashions, plain directions aud lull particu
•ars are iciveu as to shapes, fabrics, trim
■iiings, and accessories of the costumes ot
welt-dressed women. Children's Clothiug
receives practical atteutiou. A tortuigntlv
Patteru-sbeet tjupuleiuent enables readers
to cut and make their own gowns. The
woman who takes tIARPER'iS BAZAR is
prepared tor erery ocasiou in lite, Cereino
nius or iu<ormal, where beautiful dress is
An American Serial, Doctor Warrick'n
Daughters, by Rebecca Bardiug Davis, a
strong novel ot American life, partly laid
ill Peuus.) lyania and partly in the tai
South, will occupy the last half of the
y ear.
My Lady Nobody, an intensely exciting
novel, by Maarten Maartens, arthor of
"God's Pool," "Tne Greater Glory," etc ,
will begin the year.
Essays and bocial Chats. To this depart
ment Spectator will contribute her charm
ing papers on "What We are Doing'" in
New lork society.
Answers to Correspondents. Question:
receive the personal attention of the editor,
and are answered at the earliest possible
date after their receipt.
The Volumes of the BAZAR begin with
the first Number for Jauuary of each year.
\t ben no time is meutiomd, subscription■>
will begin with the Number current at the
time ot receipt of order.
Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for
binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on
receipt of*l.oo each.
Tit'e-page and index sent on application.
rtcuunauces should be made bj> Poit-ot
fice Money Order or Draft, to ai old chances
of loss.
Xetcspapers are not to copy this advertise
ment without the express order of Harper
<f lirothers.
Harper's Magazine, • one year, S4.
Harper's Weekly, - " 4.
11* pel's Baurr. - " 4.
Harper's louu* People, ~ 2.
Postage free to al. subscribers in the
United States, Canada, and Mexico.
P 0. box 959. N Y City.
HARPER'S WC.EK.LY in 1895.
HARPER'S WEEKLY is a pictorial
hißiory ot the times It presents every
important eve'it promptly, accuratel.v, ami
exhaustively iu illustration and descrip
tive test of the highest order.
The manner in which, during 1894, it
has treated the Chicago Railway Mrike- 1
aud the Chino-Japanese War, and the
amount of light it was able to throw on
Korea the iustaut attention was directed
to that little-known country, are examples
ol its almost boundless resourc 8. Julian
Ralph, the distinguished writer aud corres
pondent, has beeu seut to the seat of wa>',
aud there joined by C D Weldou, the well
known American artist, now for mauy
years resident in Japan, who has been en
gaged to co operate with Mr. Ralph iu
sending to HARPER'S WEhKLY exclu
sive inlormatijn and illustration.
During Lfe9s every vital question will bo
discuss* d witii vigor and wi.hout prejudice
in the editorial columns, uud uli)» iu special
articles oy the highest authorities iu each
department. Pori rails of the men uud
women who are making history, and
powerful and caustic political cartoons,
will continue to be characteristic features.
This busy world, with its keen and kindly
comment on the lesser doings of the day
will remain a regular department.
FICTION. There will be two powerful
serials, both handsomely illustrated —The
Ked Cockade, a stirring romance of olden
days by Stanley J. Weyman, and a novel
01 New Turk, entitled "The son of His
Father," by Brander Matthews —several
novelties, and many short stories by popu
lar writers.
The Volumes of the WEEKLY begin
with the lirst Number for Jauuary of each
year. When no time is mentioned, sub
scriptions will begin with the Number our
rent at the time of receipt of Order.
Cloth Cat><-s for each volume, suitable for
binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid. on
receipt of $1 00 each. Title-pay and In
dex sent on application.
Remittances should be made by post-of
fice Money order or Draft, to avoid chance
of loss.
Newspapers are not to copy this advertise
ment without the express order of Harpor
<f- Brothers.
Harpor'n MiKuinr, - one year. s*.
Il&ip r•« Weekly. - •• 4.
Harper's Bazar. - " 4.
Harpers \uun* People, " 2-
I'ostage Free to all subscribers in the
(billed States, Canada, and Mexico
P. O. Box 959, N. Y. Uiiy.
Birri-KK. (PA.
CAPITAL Paid Up. - - MQe.OQO.QO.
JM Kuliutu. Prss't.
J. V. Rltta. Vice Preg't c. K. Bailey, cashier.
Jos. Hartraan, C. P. Oolllus. N. M. Hoover
ohn Humphrey, J. V. RUto,
K. E. A brims. Leslie Hazlett, I. <J. Smith.
W. 8. Waldron. W. Henry Wilson, M. Fitful.
A general backing buniueo® t-musuctel ~ln
teruat paid on time deposits. Money loaned on
ipurovw, socurtty.
Foreign exchange bouitht and sold.
** * # QOSSER'S " •
* no ior chapped bunds. Hps or
m face, or any rougfcims* of tbe skin, ana Q
Is not cxcefieu as a dressing for the face
_ after shaving. Sold by druggists at
A Suggestion.
•V' i- * •!•
Did it ever occur 10 yon uiat mere ar«>
drug* and draffs —that "drug!" areliku every
thing else —there are iti>od, btd an.l indif
terent. There is nothiuit else which i»
positively bad if it is'nt just of the beat
Oar policy has always been to have noth
ing but the best.
When you want drugs come to us and be
assured of (Vnsfc pare goods, and always
what you ask for or your calls
tor. It may not always be drugs yon warn
ei'her. W« always hare on hand a fall
line of sick room requisites..
Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa.
South Wkki Days .
A. M A M A M. P. 1. r. H.
Butler Leave« 15 835 11 uO i 45 oti
rvixonburK. . . Arrive 64t !> 00 1184 3 11 52s
Holler JOc't. " 7:» 92J II SO 340 553
ttutw-r lur't. Leave 7;w u 4i 12 o.i s4O 553
Xa'runa Arrive 7as asl is 13 3 m U i-S
l"nreulaiu I4J 'J < i-' IU 357 a u7
SprtliK'l »le 7 55 10 U5 IS 33 4 OS
t.ldTetnoilt. 8 11 12 55 4 23 <; 27
shirpsouDj si» I Ho 4 2U 6 :e
Allegheny city s3>lo 33 124 in t; 45
a. u a. m r. m. r. m. p. 11.
North Wkkk l)iV8.
UleKbeoyCtty t>eave #55 s2O 10 40 3 is 6 10
-h-irpsburif 7 Oi s 3a 10 5*
C!ir«*uiout BV> 11 OS
-•priiuf'iale HSi tl 36 641
I'art uiuin 732 a 10 11 3a 351 650
N'airoua 7 37 9 15 11 45 355 t> 53
Huiler JuC't Arrive 7 45 925 11 55 404 702
Hiuier Juc't Leave 7 V> 945 12 3* 4 15 7 02
Sa-touuurK 808lu 11 1o» 440 7*j
Bailer Arriveß 35 10 35 130 506 7Su
A. M. A. M. P. M. P.M. P, M
week Days, For th* E«»l. Win Days*
p. u a. M *• *• p *.
2*5 615 Lv. Butler Ar. 10 35 130
a4O 730 Ar Butler -function Lv. 945 12 38
404 745 Lv. Wutler Juuctlou \r. 941 12 38
4 10 749 Ar. Free wort Lv. 933 12 35
4 15 753 •• AUegneny Juc't. 931 12 3o
4 2t> SO4 " l«ecnhur« " 920 IS 13
440 821 " raultou ( Apollo) " 905 11 55
514 851 " Salrsuurtf " 837 II 32
550 922 " BlalrsViUe " 805 11 110
ti 00 930 •• Blalrsville Inter'n " 750 10 15
85011 40 " Altooua " 340 BUO
100 3SO •• IlarrUDurg •• 11 55 310
430 6so •• rniladeiphia '• sso li 20
A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M
'Through trains for tne east 1 eave I'litsUurg
vL'ulou Station) as follows:
I'enosylvanta, Llinltel, dully 715 A,M
Atlantic Sxpreas. " 3 luA. M.
l»«y Express. " 800 ••
t'huaael.'ltla Express. '• 4 ;ui P.M.
iasteru Express. " 7 00
Fast Lliie, " Bto "
for detailed Inform t'ioa. aid fen I'ao >. S.
Wall, rass. \g'l. •Ves.ern >mCi let, 110 I'lflb
Aveuue, Pittsourg. Pa.
8. M. KUBVOSC. J. it WOOD,
P. &. W. B. K.
Schedule lu el» Xov. 18. -91 (Batter time)
Tlie Short Line to Plttahurg.
6 35am Allegheny 9.25 a m, EJ
s 15 a m All'i C Akron a- a in, A I<c N Castle
in.os a un Alleglieuy Ac 12 20 p m, AH'y a. CUYo
300 p m Allegheny Mall 05 pm. Allegheny fix
350 p m Chicago Kx. 715p m, All') £ Akron
5.55 p in AU'y £ Ell. Kx i.uo p m. Allegheny Ac
10 05 a lu Kane £ Brad. 8.06 a m. Foxburg Ac
5.15 p m Clarion Ac |a .=>3 am, Clarlxi Ac
7.33 pin Foxhurg 1-5.20 pm, Kane Mall
s.lo a in. Lie Forest Ac 19.56 a ta.Allogaeuy Ac
>.sopm. ''nicu*o Ex 15 05 pm, Alleglieuy iix
o.oft p 111. Allegheny Ac.7 2\ p n. Do Fore 11 ac
Train arnvtug at ai s.ie> p n leaves t s J do
pot, i'ituiouig. at 3 :I5 o'ewek.
But ler kti'l ir*ie iviih C>l*l -v Ml leave Alle
<neny at 3.-20 p. in, >la ty except su 1 lav. Cou
uectlng at tVnlo«rgroV4, arrlvlug at Bailor at
Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cirs and tlrs:.-cl i*s
l>a> COiicues tun turJOgu ootiveen Bailer auJ
Chicago dally.
For Mirough tickets to ool'its la the West
.Northwest or Southwest apply to
A. B. CKOUCH. Agent
Trains leave the B. 1 O. aepot in t'liinar-f
lor 1 lie I*. i*t as follows.
For Washington D C.. Baltimore. Phil »del
pin I, BJ N a York, 7:30 and 'r.tu p. m.
Cuiuls-rlauu 6:40. T :3u a m. 1:10. 930 p. m. v'ou
urlsviue. 6:40, 730. a. in. 1.10. 4.30. 4 4%. j 30.9 *0
p. m. UulouPiwu. 7..0 a. m.l 10. 4.J0. 530 p. in
Unloutowu, Uurg.i ntowu and Fairmont. 7 30. a.
in. and ft,3o p.m. Mt.fleasani 0.40. 7. 3o a. in.
110 ami 4.30 p in. Washington i*a. 7.40 and
J3O a. iu„ 4.0u,4 45 aud 9.00. 11.6"> p. 111. Wheel
ing. 7 40. autl :• 3o a. m.. and 4.u0 9 uO. 11.65 p.
in. Cincinnati. st, Louis, t'olumous and New
ark . 7.40 a. in.. 9 10, 11 55 p.m.
K'«r '.'lllcaKO. 2.40 ail I 9.30 p in.
I'arlor aud sleeping ear* to Ualtlinoro, Wash
ington, '/'luouin ui an i i.'nica^n
eir-MBcao, dFiasas ;» A LIKB 8 ti< n.a.
Takes effect. Monday. April 2, 18J4.
Trains are run by crt<*ndard Central rima (90th
Merldl in ) Oue boor slower tuan City ri n».
14 12 STATIONS 9 | 11 I
| ..in I Lv ja-m. a-m. jp.m.
- 1 10
| 2 fcl Dunkirk | 7 >ll9 39
a. m.
; 00: 1 58110 IX) . Krle 605840 335
35 123 923 . Wallaee Juliet G42 927 412
6 20 t 18 9 15 tilrard 1 6 46 »31 1 i 5
e 09 1 0(1 9 03 Lock port 6 59] 9 42 1 26
g 02j I 01 8 50|.. .Ctanesvlllw .~| 7 o7| 9 30j 4 34
3io .....! 10 3i|....Conne»ut....j. .1 r4 U Jlo
643 I£4o ir y| |u> 311 U43
5 57 12 57 49 AT.. ..Albion lv 7 111 9 35 4 37
543 12 4". 8 36j... Slutdeland... 7 23! 10 04 451
5 40 12 42 8 32!... spnnifjxjfO... 7 28 10 97, 4 55
5 33[12 35 825 .
4 53 : 7 38<iv .couu't Lake..j...,0 10 17 4
8 IS ar ar 8 1 '0 30 537
4 2S 7 00 lv. MeadvUle..lv I 9 30 4 28
p.m... .! 8 42 ar ar| 8 42 ll 23; » 03
....11 58 7 451.7 . Harts town.... | 10 47 Tl"
.... ll S3 740 ... Adamsviue 10 52 "» 44
No 2 11 43 7 28 Osgood No I U 00 4 53
p m a. in
« -23 U 35 7 16 ...Greenville... 6 30 u is a(»
6 18 ll 25 7 06!....8henaneo ... 6 40 n 25 e 20
5 58 11 02 647 ....Fredoutt..... T 03 11 40 0 34
5 39 10 44 6 28 Mercer 7 22 I* 07 7 05
"i 25 10 OT 0 1* Pardoe 7 36 13 22 7 IU
5 13 10 20 6 00 ....Orove City...: 7 47 12 33 7 25
50010 08 5 8 ... Harrlsvllle 76812 45 73C
4 32: 10 00 510 .. Branchton....' 8 06|12 54; 745
4.» 7 4>" ; _ 8 » r >!'v Bwtnchtbn.ar) 7*35 !I2 is 7 2
545 BIS 20 ar...HUllard...lV 650 ll Isj 645
4 46 9 5.51 S 35llv..~Kels'ers ....! 8 10il2 68: I a
4 32; 942 5 21| Euclid 822 I 12 SO3
4 'Ol 3 151 4 U)j......8Ut1cr I 8 50j 1 421 8 32
1 so ! 20 ..... Allegheny, P«W ll 10 350 .....
pm a 111 L . i! . p m p.m . ..
J. T. BLAIK. General Manager. Greenville. »«a
W. G. SAKGKANT, G. P. A.. MWlvUle, l'»'
Road and Bridge Reports.
Notice is hereby givan that the following
roads and bridges have been confirmed nisi
by the Court aud will be presented to Court
on the Ist Wednesday of* Dec. 1894, being
the sth day of said mouth, and if no ex
ceptions are filed they will b« confirmed ah
R. D No.l, Sept.Session.lß'J4.ln r* petition
j of citizens or Jefferson twp.. Duller Co., Pa .
[ for couuty bridge acr..-n P»t'er«nu's run in
JeSersou twp June dth. 1894. viewers ap
pointed by the Court aud Augi-st 29th, l«!W,
report ot viewers filed staling that the
budge prayed for is ueoesMtry , aud the erec
ti uof the sa|(|e will require mora eipen.*
ihau is »eacou»nle the township of Jetfers >n
should bear.and did I'-cata tha aita tharo-it at
the preseut location of the n>d bridge. Sept.
dth. UD4. approved Notice to be given ac
cording to Hmes of Couit, aud to be laid bu>
fi>re Grand Jury at next term.
K D No. 2, sept. Sessions, IKS)-}. In re
petition ot ciiueus of Centre twp. ft>r review
ot the pubu<? ruvl, iroui a |K>iut on public
n a-uu lauds ot U<-orge vlunhruih near tne
old rail toad cut westward t» a ptiiul ou a
road leading from Kajstou's Mill to the
Uuionville road at the line of S. McKay.
June 4th. 1844, viewors appointed by the
Court,and Sapt. ord, lts>4. report of viewers
aiating that the road prayed tor is not
necessary aud have therefore not laid out th*
same. Sept. 3rd, Ist 4 approved. Nonce to
begiTen according to fculee of Conrt.
Certified from the record this dth day of
Nov. A. D., 1604.
Hiw* Q. bi
There are too many goods in stock and must be sold aud at
prices that will suit the times. VV'e have a lot of odd suits that will
be sold regardless of cost. Everything must be S">ld to make room
for new goods.
Come and see tor yourself.
104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Double Seated and Double Kneed
The best for the money ever produced.
Price of Suits
$2.98, $3.98, $4.98.
Price for seperate pants
48c., 74c., 89c.
Shaul & Nast,
Clotli iers, 137 S- Main St., Batler» Pa'
An advertisement, people may cry! But it breathes the spirit of the
firm whose interests it presents. Only an ad. —but what volumes it
speaks of enterprise, work and good things in store for purchasers of
clothing. Only an ad.—but it presents, in a small space, a picture of
a firm which is always on the alert to increase an already large trade.
Envious person once declared that Douthett & Graham could not pro
duce the goods they advertise at the prices quoted. Only an ad.—
but no honest firm will advertise a lie, we never made an assertion
that we could not substantiate. We offer SIOO to any individual who
will prove that we do not live up to our
If you want the latest if} Clothing and Gents' Furnishing step in
our store for a half hour and we will prove to you that we live up to
our ads. Yours for Clothing,
Douthett & Graham,
Cor Maim a*d Cunnihojiam Sts , BUTLER PA.
Owing to the change in the Tariff on imported goods which goe
into effect Jan. 12, 1895, we have decided to be leaders in establish"
ing low prices on imported goods at once; and give below the low
prices which we will charge for suits.
Old Tariff Price: New Tariff Price. Old Tariff Price: New Tariff Prke:
$22. S2O. $35- s3l.
25. 22. 40. 36.
28. 25. 45- 40-
30. 27.
We will not be surpassed in FIT, QUALITY, STYLE AND
PRICE, our Motto be " Small Profits and Quick Returns
Notice is hereby given that A. S. Mar
shall. assignee of S. T. Okeson, has filed
his final account, as assignee, in the office
ol the Protbonotary of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Butler CJU«tv, Penn'a. at
M's D. No. 7, Sept T., 1833; and that the
same will be presented to said Court for
o<>nhrmation and allowance on Wednesday
the sth dav of Deo., 1894.
SAIIUKL M. SBATOJI, Protbonotary.
Protbonotary'a Office Nov. 7th, 1894.
Widow's Appraisemerts.
The following widow's appraisement" of
persoual property set apart tor the benefi
of the widows of deoedents have been filed in
the office f th- Clerk of Orphan's Court of
Butisr oounty. viz:
Widow of W. V. Karl ma., S3OO. 0
« " John Dickey....... 298.32
•• •' C. Paul Clark 300 00
•• W.E. Tay tor 300.00
'• '• Samuel Shields 281.26
" " Silas Campbell 300 00
" » James A.Clark 300.00
<ll persons interested In the above ap
praisement will take notice that they will be
presented tor confirmation to the Orphans
Court of Butler county. Pa., on Wednesday,
the 3th day of December, 1894, and if no
exceptions be filed they will be confirmed
Clerk O C.
Mutual Fire Insurance Company,
Office Cor.Main & Cunningham
lir. WICK Pro*
UEO. K».TrKHfcB. Ties Pre*."
L. 8. IcJIDUI. VK'J aad Trtar
DIKJ£G roith:
litre 1 Wick. I Henderson Oliver.
>r. W. irvtn. James -Meuheasoi,
W. W. Hlactunore. N. Weirsof
F. buwiuau. H. J. KUngler
Oeo Ketterer, ' Das. KeDuuu.
(ieo. Beano, [Jobs Koeuwg
GjrfjeWTea fn
Qures (Jem tip Hon
FOR 1895.
Pennsylvania's Greatest
Family Newspaper.
It Pilots All the News.
Pre-Eminently a
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appealing directly to the interest* of
every member of the household, by
the absence of antthiug of an objec
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As an Advertising Medium THE PRESS
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Press Want •' Ads." give the greatest
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answers to Press Waut Ada. in a
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Ads. give the great results.
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"Stluat lons Wan tea" Halt i lent a Word
"H lp Wanted" one Gout a word
•Boarding" T*o Cents a Word
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"b'or s le" and IMt'n 2c a Word
"huslu' as opportunities'" 1 Week'ys lea Word
Kot sin ill nm Mints one-cent or two-ceut
stamps are accepted lifle as caafl.
By mall. po-.'we tr-e In the Uultod BtatCß,
Can ula and Alealco.
Daily (except buna ay.) one >ear, • to 00
•" out moult). • .so
" (Up-lullug SundiK) oue year. . 7.50
one month. • «&
Sunday . one year. - - - - • 200
v\e kly i rei# one year ... i.«O
1) .'lts. Checks aud otoe. liumltlftocee Mould
be aiatle payable (u > be uruer ol
The Press Company, Limitad,
I'uiLauaLPtUA. PA.
Thecdore Swain.
Chiuioejß, (irate and Boiler Setting.
Ol'tvrn BUILDIDE nod Sewer
w ork a Speciality.