Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 22, 1894, Image 2

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tittlM at t-Mloßer >l BatUr » *« d«M matur
vrtLl.lAl C. IKWLKT. P«bll»fc«
Political Notes.
Governor-elect Hastings will be inducted
into offiea January 15. Governor Pattison
was inaugurated January 20, and will
kave served five days less than four years
at the close of hi* term.—There is no doubt
the inauguration of the incoming Governor
will be the most imposing ever soen in
It will be thirteen months before Tom
Reed can get his hands on the Speaker s
gavel, unless CJevelai d calls the 54th
th Congres« in special session, and he is
not likely to do that.
Tbe defeat ol Estee, the Republican can
didate for Governor of California, wbile the
rest of the State tioket was successful, was
due to the fact that it was claimed he was
the special candidate of the Southern Paci
fic railroad.
The next Legislature of Pennsylvania
■Wiil be divided politically as follows:
Rep. Dem.
Senate '
House _
Totals 2IS 35
Republican majority, 183. It was 98 in
the general assembly of 1892. a Republican
gain ol 95.
It was stated a few days ago that it
seemed probable that Governor Easting's
cabinet will be made up as follows: Secre
tary of the Commonwealth, Gen. Irank
Ketder. of Northampton county; Attorney
General, Henry C. McCormick, of Williams
port, ex-Congressuian lrom the Sixteenth
district; Adjutant General, Thomas J. Ste
wart, of Montgomery county, now closing
his second term as Secretary of Internal
Affairs. The two principal appointments
remaining, those of Commissioner of Insur
ance and Superintendent of Banking, will
be filled by B. Frank Oilkeson, of Bucks
county, chairman of the Republican State
committee, and ex-State Treasurer John
W. Morrison, of Allegheny county.
Nearly a million ballots were cast in Penn
sylvauia at the late election, the official
figures being 953,013, of these Hastings
relieved 574,801; Singerly 333.404; Hawley
Pro., 23,443; Ail man, Pop., 19,404; Grundy
Soc. Labor, 1,733, and there were some
scattering votes. Lyon wa? cut about 10,-
000 in the State.
The result of the election in Minnesota
is perhaps the most significant of any in
the trans-Mississippi River States. The
State has been strongly Republican, but
for some reason a bitter fight was make in
the party against the candidate for Gov
ernor. Every Swedish newspaper in the
State bolted his nomination, although he
is of that nationality himself, and the
Swedes have been almost unanimously
Republican. In this situation the success
of the fusion ticket nominated by the
Democrats and Populists seemed certain.
But prominent men in both the Repub
lican party and the Democratic party
fore taw the injorv and disgrace that
would come to the State from a Populist
victory, and they united in one supreme
effort to save Minnesota from the late of
Kai.sas and Colorado. Ttey succeeded in
turning the tide and in rolling up a big
majority against advancing Socialism. It
is instructive to remember that Grover
Cleveland, in 1892, struck hand* wi'h Ihis
same crowd ot Socialists from whom the
men of Minnesota have jnst saved their
The total vote of this Congressional dis
trict was 35,983, of which Phillips recieved
22,156, Vanderlin 10,435, White 1,473 and
Kirker 1,919. Phillips' plurality over
Vanderlin is 11,721, which is a very heal
thy Republican plurality.
The vote in detail was:
Thomas W. Phillips 5,194
Joseph C. Vanderlin 2,398
Joseph S. White 299
William J. Kirker 845
To'AI - 8,736
BUTLKK Coujity.
Philips 4.9 31
Vanderlin 2,548
Total «.020
Lawbucb Cocsty.
Phillips 5.194
Vanderlin 1,541
White 381
Kirker 484
Total 7,600
Mkecke Cocsty.
Phillips 0,817
Vanderlin 3,948
White 406
Kirker 458
Total 11.029
Thk-tiiocsand Christain Armenians,
men, woman and children, are reported to
have decn slaughtered by Kurds, by order
of the Turkish government. The corres
pondent of a London paper says, that the
trouble begtn with the refusal of the Ar
meuians to pay taxes, on tbe ground that
tbe Kurdish raids bad so improvi«hed th. m
as to render it impossible. This probably
was true. Troops were sent to euforcu the
payments, but were beaten off. • An im
posing force was then sent and shot down
th lefenseless population of 25 villages.
In one place 300 or 400 woman were as
saulted by tho soldiers and then hacked to
pieces with swords and bayonets, in an
other plaoe 200 weeping woman begged at
thu commander's feet for mercy. Tho
commander ordered tbe soldiers to assault
tbiiii and then had thein all d spatcbed
with the sword. In one case 60 young
brides and maidens were driven into a
cburcli and were assaulted and butchered
until their blood flowed lrom tbe doors. A
large company, headed by a priest, knell
near tbe cburch begging for compassion,
averring that they had nothing to do with
the culprits who killed the Kurds. It was
in vain; all were killed.
Several attractive woman were told the>
migut live if they would recant their faith
Taey replied: "Why should we deny
Christ! We have no more reason to do so
thau bad these—pointing to the mangled
bodies of their husbands and brothers—kill
ns too." This was done.
rue atone monument erode J at Cherry
tree or Grant P. O. at the junction of In
diana, Cumbria and Clearfield counties;
and where in yearn gone by utood an old
cherry-tree, which was one of the maika
Ot Penn'n old pnrcha<o line, wa» dedicated
la<t F. ill ay. folly 15,000 people were
pre»<-nt, and addressee were made Ly (iov.
UeaVer, Judge While ai"l other*.
Kki HKS F. Kolß, he du eat.d cu.di ate
01 the 1 opaiiit party lor Governor of Ala
bama, ban published a long addre»n to the
people of Alabama, in which he declares
hi., m ention to be inaugurated (lovernor
of the State December 1, and call npon
his followers everywhere to guher at
Montgomery on that day and aid him in
fating hia seat.
AttukK. ot L. convention in New
Oi eun-, ll' nday, the miner-' delegation
*■<.< unaoute Iby a vote of 'M TO 24. Pow
derly w»i present and <'»e aenaa-
Hid in New York.
(Special from New York Tuesday)
Governor-elect Hastings was at the Hol
land House incognito for more than a
week. The first week after election he re
mained in his Pennsylvania home, and
was subjected to all the tortures known to
the newly elected. Ambitions office seek
ers povred in upon him from every part
of the State, and finally the bombardment
became unbearable, and there was nothing
left for Mr. Hastings but to flee to some se
cluded spot.
The secluded spot he chose was the Hoi.
land House. When he arrived there he
whispered to the clerk that he was hiding
and wanted him to help keep his pursuers
off the track, adding: "I expect the re
porters will find me inside of 24 hours,
He took the precaution not to register,
and did hie hiding well. Monday night
he decided to anticipate the demands upon
him by issuing the following semi-official
announcement of his cab net.
Secretary of State. Frank Keeder, of
Northampton; salary $5,100 a year and
Attorney General, Henry Clay McCor
mack, of Lycoming county; salary $3.000
a year and fees.
Adjutant General, Thomas J _Stewart,
of Montgomery county: salary $3,000.
Insurance Commissioner, James H.
Lambert, of Philadelphia; salary $3,000 a
year and fees. .
It is stated on reliable authority that
the demands made by Western Pennsyl
vania counties, notably from Allegheny,
while not recognized in the naming of the
Cabinet, has been satisfied by giving that
section the State Superintendent of Bank
ing and the Factory Inspector. It is likely
that ex-State Treasurer John W. Morrison
will be named for Bank Examiner, an of
fice, salaried at $3,500 tbe
Factory just at much
has 12 deputy appointmWns a.taehM,
The announcement ol the Cabinet was
accepted as a disposition of the principal
prizes in order to clear the way for the
Governor elect's return to the places that
generally know him best. General Hast
ings has" a number of business matters
awaiting final settlement before inaugura
tion day, January 10 next, and it is under
stood that he desires to arrange his affairs
without the disturbance incident to dele
gations of visitors with claims to the press
and localities to recognize.
With this in view, the first Cabinet slate
was ban); ont for pnblic inspection last
Friday, toe leaders regarding the venture
as a feeler. It was claimed by some ol
those supposed to be on the inside that B.
Frank Gilkeson would be named Insjrance
Commissioner, but General Hastings spoil
ed that combination, and made a personal
selection of Colonel Lambert.
Prospect Sparks.
You will be pleased to hear that:
Rev. N". Scheffer and J. I. Gallagher at
tended the recent Conference at Ringgold,
Jefferson Co.
Wo can't help telling the joke on C. P.
Johnston. Charlie recently called on his
friends on the Marshall and Kipper farms,
and on the way home got lost, and little
Walter Weigle had to show him the nar
row path that leads to Prospect.
Charles Henshaw, who lives with his
son, Marion ol Butler, has returned home
after a two weeks'visit among his friends
here and vicinity. Mr. Henshaw lived
here manv years ago, and enjoyed a talk
with his old acquaintances, Henry Shafler,
Abs Shanor and Peter Albert.
Mrs. James Peffer of Lancaster twp .has
gone home from a visit to her daughter,
Mrs. J. A. McGowan, and her nephew, Ti
tus Boehm.
Mrs Howard Sechler visited her rela
tives in Lawrence connty not long ago.
Phillip, how does keeping bachelor's hail
Misses Pearlie Boehm and Maggie Wad
dell gave a hallow'een social at their re
spective homes to their young friends
John, Joe and Aus seemed to enjoy them
The young folks of the Presbyterian
Church have organized a Christian Kn
deavor Societv to promote the work of
the church. When we hear who the of
ficers are we will report.
Some of our young Republicans had a
big jollification after the election. Newt
knows how to make tb« anvils crack.
The boys that took the steamer "Cuc
koo" up Salt Kiver have safelv returned
and are doing bosineu at the old stanu
Joe Warren and wife have moved from
Isle to Prospect where there is more ex
Frank Forrester and family, of Slippery
Kock, visited their relatives here last
Miss Mary Kelly met with a painful ac
cident recently bv having her linger
smashed. Hattie feels sorry for her auut,
and says that she will pound the beef
| steak aftor this.
Frank Myers, the tinker, of Whites
town, can be seen at McLure's drug store
on Saturdays where he will look after your
watches, clocks, mouth-organs, specs and
Miss Clara Albert, of Hickory Corner,
was in town last week taking her music
lesson Irom Mrs. Scheffer.
Mart Staff, May Uensbaw and Charles
Weigle—old timers —and Philip Milleman
ate drilling tlie well on the Shanor (arm.
Messrs Hite, MfCullough, Hays and Hor
ton have Btruck a fair well on the James
Forrester farm one mile south of town.
James, we are glad to hear of your good
luck,(and if you conclude to leave the farm,
come to town.
Seth Snyder and family, of Brady twp,
visited M T. McCandless and family, one
day, last week.
J. C. Itoxberry was a juryman laHt week,
and no doubt John meted out justice and
Lome Shanor and Elmer Millison went
up into the wilds of Greece City, last week,
to tear down a derrick for a well on the
Kipper farm. The boys had a big time
findiug the crooked road.
Milleman and Weigle have put slate
roofs on the houses of Cbas. White and
Henry Donhle. When your house needs a
roof, give the boys a chance.
Mr Mastick, of Painesville, 0., was the
guest of H. A. Kelly, last week,
Jo Cositv
Mrs. L. P. Dufford is visiting friends in
the north end ot this county.
Samuel Christy of Renfrew was at But
tercup Monday ovening.
Mrs. Joseph Henry has returned to this
place after a weeks visit with friends in
Mr. Ernest Henry of this place while
working on the roof of the new house last
Saturday fell to the ground, a distance ot
24 feet and was badly injured. No bones
were broken. Brs. Christie and Graham
held a consultation yesterday. Tliey
think he will recover
DIJNCAN —Nov. 18. IH'J4, infant sou of
David and Emma Duncan of Water St
MILLER—At the residence ol hi< son J.
C, iu l'enn twp , Nov. 10 '94 Harrison
Miller, aged 70 years.
O'DONNELL—At the resideuoe of her
dacghter Mrs. Antony Strump, on Elm
St. Butler, Nov. 14, 'l)4. Mrs, Kster
O'Donnell, in her 80th year.
Dr. Wilson *jt' Dubois, lather of J. C. and
H. M Wilson of Evans City, died on the
Many an alumnus of old Princeton wil'
grieve to learn that the venerable ex-
President, Ur McCosh. is dead He died
at Princeton la«t Friday. He was born in
Scotland iu 1811.
Funeral Directors,
j 1M 5- X&ij) St., • Butler: Pa.
The newspapers of New Ca.-tle hive
been charging certain member* of - -itv
Council with receiving raki-afls 0.1 pur
chases, and also with making ciiy pur- j
chases from store* owned by too Council- !
men. The Council h»ve ordered an inve- .
tigation and the papers will bo called mi ;
for proofs. When it comes to sensations. .
business never lags in New Castle. It it
isn't one thing, it s another.
At Johnstown, last Thursday, the West
moreland classis ot the Reformed church,
found Rev. Bates guilty ot the charges
made against him and suspended him, in
definitely. The allegations were tba'.
Bates was seen one night recently in the
rear of some buildings in company with
Jennie Watkins, a woman of notorious
character. The defense was that his pre
sence with the woman on the occasion
nimed was lor 110 evil purpose —that he
was seeking her salya ion. This fitly min
isters who tried him,, however, would not
look at it in that way.
Diptheria is epidemic in Chewton. a su
burb of New Castle, and it originated in a
remarkable manner. At the beginning of
the present term of the Chewton school,
the board decided to order second-hand
books, and as a result diptheria broke out
among the children. There is no question
but that the disease was brought into the
community by the second haid books, and
taey will be tbiown out at once.
Evan I.awis, a New York real estate
dealer, was in Youngstown a few days
and talked to his wite and heard tjjfrfi i';•
cry over the long distance
cost him $11.75, but with out a
x 3t ° r at a ® M uear
W b4V< been serious in
best girl and while getting out of his bug
gv both the suspender buttons of the rear
of his trousers gave way. To prevent em
barrassment a couple of matches were sub
gtituted for the treacherous buttons, and
all went well until by friction against the
back of the chair the matches became ig
nited. A conflagration was narrowly avert
ed and ihe young man is not over bis fright
■ «Ro^
Absolutely Pure.
I A cream of tartar baking powder. High
est of all in leavening strengtn. — Latest
United States Government Food Report.
Koyal Baking Powder Co.,
ioS Wall St.. N. Y.
By virture of a writ ot fl. fa. Issued out of the
Court of Common fleas of liutler county, Pa.,
and tome directed, there will be exposed to
i.ubllc aal" at the Court House, in tin- borough
of Hutier i-a..on KiciDAY micrrii day ok
DKcKMBEK. ls!M,atl o'clock r. M., the follow
ing described property, to-'-vii:
EDNom Dec T, ls'.il. Walter I, Graham,
All the right, title. Interest aud claim of
Peter Herder, of, in and to a certain lot of
ground situated In flutter township. Ilutler Co.
?*a., hounded as follows, to-wtt: Commencing
at a point on New rattle street, adjoining lot
of formerly John w Noole. thence weal along
New Cast In street M) feat to lot of Charles l>utT>
thence south alomf lot of said Duffy, i.Vj
feet to an alley, theu'-e east along ild alley ■»
feet to lot of said Noble 150 feet to New < astle
street the place of beginning, and having a
good two story frame dwelllm? house erected
thereon. Seized and taken in •■xentioa as the
property of Peter Hepler at the suit of It B
Taylor for use,
ANDRKW c, CAMPP.M.I. Sheriff.
Sherin'.i Butler. Pa , W.
Clothing, Hats and
Gent's Furnishings
Suits »old by others for si>.oo our
price $4.50
Suits told by others for SB.OO our
prico $0 00
Suits si/ld by others lor $lO 00 our
price $S 00
WhTte Merino Underwear 50j grade
or 35c.
Grey Merino Underwear 50c grade
for 35c.
We will Have you 25 per cent oti nil
grudes of clothing
Cull und examine our goods and
prices whether you wish .to
buy or not.
120 S. MAIN ST.
Country Gentleman
Agricultural Weeklies.
F arm Crops and Procetsess.
Horticulture & Fruit Growing
Live-Stock and Dairying
While it also includes all minor depart
tnents of ltural interest, such as the Poul
try Vard, Entomology, Bee-Keeping,
Greenhouse and Grapery, Veterinary Ke
plies, Farm Questions and Answers, Fire
side Heading, Domestic Economy, and a
summary of the News of the Week. Its
Market Reports are unusually complete,
and much attention in paid to the Prow
poets of the Crops, as throwing light up
on one of the most important of all
?ueations —When to Huy and When to Sell,
t ia liberally Illustrated, and contains
more reading matter than ever before.
The subscription price is $2.50 a yeaf, but
we offer a . SPECIAL REDUCTION in our
TWO KI.'KMt'IPTiOMS. In one remittal."e....s I
Hl.\ HIJIISI KIPIIOIH. do do ... to
TKS HL'BSCmiTIOMS, do do .... 15
llr To all New Subscriber. for 181)5,pay
ing in advance now, we will send the pa
per Weekly, from our receipt <•( the remit
tance, to January Ist, 1895, without
tVSpecimeii Copies Free. Address
LUTHER Tl CKER 4 HON, l'uhU*l>cr»,
Albany, N. T
J oil n W. K&nww C. A. Aukasih
Rfidl Estate, Fire and Life Insurance,
Nkar COURT Uoukp. BI'TLER, Pa.
Insurance Company of North America,
lOUd year, Awiets $9,278,000; Home of New
Vork, Assets $9,000,000; Hartford of Hart
ford, A suets $7,1178.000; Phcnnix of Hrook
lyn, Assets $5,000,000.
Insurance and rteal Estate
I HUTLlilt. I'A.
By virtue ot sundry writs of \ en. Ex.. Fl. F«.
Ler Fa.. He., issuedout of the Court of Com raon
PI is of Butler Co.. Pa., and to me dire ted
there will be exposed to public sale at the
Co art House, in the borough of Butler, on
Friday, the 30th day of c*ow.,
A. I*. l-*4. at 1 o'clock P. M.» the following de
scribed property, to-wit:
KD No 79. Pec. T. isai .1 W Hutchison, att'y.
Vll the title. Interest ami claim of
Norbert T Weser. of. In and to a eertaln lot ot
ground situate In Butler borough, liutler Co.
Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit: Being the
westerly one half of 10l No. •»;. In the plan of
lota surveyed for Thompson. McCandlcst and
Slough on and ot record in the Recorder s
office of said countv In deed book vol. *2. pnge
500, and lurtlier bounded and described aa fol
lows: On she north b, land of Geirge Milllg.»n.
on the east by lot of F M Hewitt on the south
bv East Locust St. and on ihe west by an alle .
having a width of SO feel lu front, on the Nor'h
side of said East Locust street and extending
back !>> feet to lot ol said George Milligan,
maintaining a width of 80 feet throughout, be
in* tlie same premises which C A Atirains, et
ux . conveyed to said Norbert T Weser hi' deed
datea the 24th dav of July. 1*93. and hiving
thereon erected two 2-story dwelling houses.
Siezeo and taken In execution as the
property of Norbert T Weser at the suit of the
Keystone Slate Building and Loan Associa
tion ot Pltisbure. Pa. etc.
E D N'os 12 and 13. Dec Term, 18W. 3. M.
PalDter. attorney.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Joseph Kellv, of. m and to the undivided one
slxtoei.th interest in 12 acres of land, more or
less, situated in Slippery Kock township. But
lrr« 'o Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt: on the
north bv land ot Harvey Kelley, east by land
ot Job Keliey's heirs, south by land ot Win.
Keilev. west by laud of Harvey Kelley: said
land being all cleared, under fence, lu a fair
slate of cultivation with an orchard and lrame
dwelling house, rrame barn and otuer out
buildings erected thereon. Slezed and taken
In execution as the property ol .Joseph Kelly at
the suit ot W C Barron for use ol James \V
E D Nos 64. <3 and 88. Dec Term, 1891. H H
Goucherand Geo W Fleeger. attorneys.
AM-rtr rl;irt rrd claim of h s
r**urvlance and Bessie l'urvlan e with notice to
I I' lialph. administrator of Bessie Purvlance,
d. , 'd of. In and to a certain piece or parcel of
laud or lot of ground situated in Butler bor
Butler county Pa., bounded as follows
io-wlt- Beginning at the southeast comer o.
ot or purpart numbered 4 in the partition ol
the real estate 01 John N Purvlance. Esq deed
thence south along the west Hue of Main or
Illahstreet® feet, thence west parallel with
ihe south line of saialot or purpart numbered
tour 141 leei aud 9 Inches, thence south par
allel with the said west Hue ot Main or High
•Ucci Ui Uxi aud 0 inches to iho north Hue ol
i ef. eet, .u< • e west along the north line
ol said Peun street r»0 feet to an alley, thence
north along the east line ol said aliey 120 feet
and <"> inches to the southwest corner oi said lot
or purpart numbered I. thence east along Iht
•,011th line ot said lot or purpart uumoered four
191 feet and 9 inches to ihe place ol beginning
The said piece or paicel of land or lot of
gr und herein described being in the form of
the letter I. with 00 feet fronting on Main or
lllgli street and 50 feet fronting on Penn street
and comprising all of lot or purpart numbered
3. and accepted by and awarueu to P S I urvl
a nor. . In the part ition of the real estate ot
-lohn N Purvlance. Esq.. dee d In the Orphans
ourt of Butler county. Pa., and by him con
veyed by deed bearing date 189— to
Bessie Purvlaiice. his s.itd wife, and also those
certain parts or portions of lots or purparts
numbered 1 nnd2 in said partition proceedings
convey ed by Alice W Hazlett and husband to
F S Purvlance.Esq., b> deed bearing date Feb
ruary in. Is j.s, as by relereuce to said deeds and
records will more tully and at large appear.
ALSO—OI. In aud to a certain lot or piece
of ground situate lu Butler borough. Butler
countv. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit: Ou
the north by fhomas Donaghy, Esq . east b\
lot oi George Purvlance, south by I'enn street
west by lot ot Geo, Purvlance. said lot having a
iroiitage of :t:i feet, more or less, ou Penn stieet
and extending back the same width 210 leet.
more or less, lo lot of Thomas Dunagy. Esq
and oelng purpart numbered nine, a.-eepted b.>
and awarded to F S Purvlance, Esq., at the
partition of the real estate ol John N Purvl
ance. deceased. Seized and taken in execution
tu satlslaction ot judgements recovered ou
mortgage debts, etc. Seized and taken in ex
ecution as the propel ly of F 8 Purvlance aid
I'esMe Purvlance with notice to J F Balph
adui'r of Bessie Purvlance, deceased, at tne
suit ot IJutlerSavlngsßaukloru.se, aud Char
les llazletl lor use, et al.
EI) No 92. Dec T, 1X94. Williams & Mitchell
All the right, title. Interest anil claim of
Isaiah Hall. of. in and to 9T acres ot land, more
or less, s.iuat-ln Clay towusulp, llutler county.
Fa, bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at
u uost at the sout it west corner, 'hence n >rtu
ah-g east by lands of Jesse I! llall IT.", perches
to a post., thence south H9 1 2 dcg east s* 5-lu
perches by lands of John K itston, formerly
by Win P Hall, to a post, thence souti' J deg
west by lands of Amos Hall 177 5-ltl perches to
a post, thence north 8# (leg west by lands of
Wm Heiinlck. formerly Jos. Kelly, ss r.-io
perches to a post, the place of beginning
Said land being mostly cleared, under fence
and In good state of cultivation with a two
story frame dwelling house good frame hank
bam and other outbuildings erected thereon.
Seized and taK.'n In execution as t lie propertj
lit Isaiah Hall at the suit ot Mrs, M.E. Ureeuue,
lonnerly M. Ellen Henry.
ED No low, Dec T. 1894. J 1) Marshall, att'y
All ihe right, title, interest and claim of Mllo
Elder, of. In and toss acres of fand. more or
less situate lu Worth township. Hitler county.
a . bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north
by land ol James Humphrey, east by land of
ZetMilon Cooper, so ah oy laud or James Uc
< low an, went b> land of \\ m Mcßrlde and
i 'ooper. Said land being mostly cleared, under
fence Mild in a fair state of cultivation and h.iv •
Ing an orchard, a one-sto y irame house, log
and frame stable and other outbuildings erect
ed thereon. Seized and taken in execution as
the properly of Mllo Klder at the hultofllur
ton Mctlowan.
K U Xos M and 101, I)ec T. ls'jl. W A Korquer
and J W Hutchison, att'ys.
All the right, tide, interest and claim ol
Sarah <>ifloid. of, In and to a certain Jo' oi
Kiound situate 111 llutler borough, flutter coun
ty. I*a., bounded as follows to-wlt: ilegtnntug
a' the southeastern JOrner being also the cor
ncr of O ni.re avenue and Alpha Alley thence
In a westerly direction along line of Centre
\\eiiue 7.! leel. more or less, to lauds of Mrs.
Taylor thence In a southerly direction alung
•lot of said Mrs Taylor 82 feet, more or lets, to
line ..I aforesaid Alpha AIICV, thence in a north
westerly direction along flue of said Alpha
All'-) 7M feet, more or less, to place of beginning
with a two story frame dwelling house anu
Other oulbulMingserected thereon. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of Sarah
tilfford at the suit of the borough of llutler,
et al.
li DNo 107. Dec T, IH'JI. Kohlcr and Brandon,
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
Johanna Wuller, 01, In and to a certain lot ot
ground, situate in llutler borough, Butler coun
,y. I'a., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the
north to lot ol W I-: Kaliton, east by Main St
south by lot of Christ, Stock, and an alley, west
byiolot It 1' Scott, with a good wo-stor)
brick buliulnguftcd as a store room and dwel
ling hou .i- combined erected thereon, said lot
having a frontage of T1 feet on Main street and
extending back su feet, more or less, to said
western boundary, which is 42 feet more or
less lu width.
ALSO Of, in and to a certain lot of ground,
ill u.'e lu llutler borough llutler count), I'a..
bounded as follows, to-wlt: Oil the north by
Jelb IS'III stieet. east by lot of Pillow heirs,
-juth by lot of F I" flaldauff. west by lot ol
John Eetever. said lot hay lng a frontage of 2i
0-et more or less on said Jefferson street, and
extending back to the southern boundary oi
-.aid lot the same width flu feet, more or less
and having a good two story frame dwelling
house ereoled thereon.
At.sO or in and to a certain lot of ground
situate in llutli r borough, llutler county. r» ,
Uiun.ied as follows, to wit; On the north by
St. l'eter's church property, east by Carna
iian heirs, south by an alley, west by Krank
nu street; -aid lot hiving a frontage of 2iiof• t
more or lesson franklin street and extending
back iso feet more or less and having a good
brick dwelling house, frame stable and other
out buildings eii-' ted I hereon.
Al.So of. in and to a certain lot of gtound
situated in llutler borough, llutler county. Pa„
nounUcd as follows, to wit: on the north by
lot of l. irklu. east by lot ot Kamerer, south hy
Centre avenue, west by other lot of sal i Johan
na Wuller, said lot having a frontage of VJ feet
uu Centre avenue and exu-iidlng baca ilie
same width. .VJ feet to the northern boun
dary with a large brick building Used us ..
dw -lUhg house and storeroom erected thereon.
ALSO of, lu an 1 to a certain lot of ground
situated in lluiler borough, flutter county, Pa,.
ooubded as follows to-wlt: On the north oy
lot of l.urkln, east by oilier lot of Jotiaun i Wu 1
h i. south by Centre avenue, and west by lot or
l.arkm. siid lot having a frontage of 4o feet
more "r less on Centre avenue and extending
Oai k Mj reel more or less to the northern bouu
dar) Willi a good two-story Irame dwelling
house erected thereon.
Al.so Of, in and to a certain lot of ground
situate in llutler borough. U>i<ler county. Pa
bounded as lollows. to-wlt: on the nortii by
lot of Clniries lllllfv. east liy Kllll stre'-l. Soul ll
Ity an alli-y, west by an alley; said lot being 40
by lilu leet, more or less, and having a two
•lory rr.ilne dwelling house erected thereon
Seized and taken in execution as the properly
or Johauna Wuller al the suit of John Lawalf.
El<No no l>ec T. ls'Jl. S F llowser. att'y.
Ail the right title. Interest and claim urCur
lis W Montiioaiery. 01. 11l and to a certain lot of
ground situated in llutler borough. llutlerCo,
I'a bounded as lollows. to-wlt: On Hie nor'h
by iiortnias alley, east by Sullivan alley, south
by Lliieidnclrcel. west by lot No 111 lu Hortuias
plan of lots In said borough, being lots Nos. 17
and Is In the Borimua plan of lots m said boro.
and having afroutage ot :»l feet, more or less,
on said Lincoln street and extending back of
the same width llSSlcetlo lloitniab alley, and
having a good two story frame dwelling house
and ether outbuildings erected thereon. Sel/.'-d
and taken In execution as the property oi Cui
us W Montgomery at the sultol John W llort
maS for use, etc,
EI) No 111, DccT, ISM. S K llowser att'y.
All lie- right, title. Interest and claim of
Amanda Wlisou and James Wilson, of lu anu
lo i.; aires ol land, more or less, situate lu
i Washington township, llutler county. i'a,.
In, nude 1 .i; follows. to wit. llugluiiiiig at the
northwest, corner, theucc hy lauds oi A P Wike
north "'i east C) peri.lies, thence by lands or
lieoigi: Morris and S Van's heirs south east
142 J lu pen lies thence by lands ol Peter
Kuier) s heir i and A J .lac* soutu s:i west co
peii hes them e by lands ot >irs Martha Me
llilyn- nort.il :-j west • I.' 7 10 perches to the
place nl beginning, and having a two-story
Irame dyvelling Hi use, frame barn and Other
outbuildings ereetcd thereon. Sel/.ed any
lak' n lu exi-.-utlou a» tin- property of Amandd
Wlisun and James Wilton at tin-suit of Mary
KI) Noe 4J unit 44 Dec T. I«K. W D Brandon,
All lh'- right, tille. Interest and claim of J I.
I.' I.man. or. in and to u certain lot ol ground
site it. 'I in Butler borough, llutler county I'a
hounded as lollows. to-wlt: Oh the north l>y
lot et Herb Miller eu.',i by lotoi tieorge Spang
'outh by lot til (ieyser. aud west by 1 lilrd St
said lot having a good two-story frame dwelling
house ere' teu th-reou. Seized and taaen in
execu' ton us the property of J I, l-lckm in at Hie
sultol Butler havings Bank.
Kt» No lis, l>e I li.i 4. K J Foripier, att'y.
All I tie light, title, Interest and claim Of
Wind Convert, of. In aud to a certain lot ol
ground situated in Harmony borough. Butler
county. Pa., bounded as lollows, to-wit: on
the north by <e rmall street, east by Wood St.
sou lh l>y tsiroiigh commons, west by M E
church lot. and having thereon erected a two
slor) Irame house, Irame blable and other out
buildings, and is Inn loruierly the roperty ot
1-rahk t o.Aert. deueaced, in whi li his widow
fi.l-. a lllc'Hit'Te-t «Ml«Wanl Convert an until,
yidt u one-tenth Interest at her death.
Al.so 01, in and to a certain loi "f grouud
bilu.it'd in lluiinouy U'lcubh, llullw CU-iuty,
Pa., boorded as follows. to-wit: On the north
by an alie>. east bv an alley, south by Herman
street, west by Monroe street. said lot brlon
cut In two by the P * W li K and formerly the
property of Frank Coovert. deceased. In which
bis widow li&sa life Interest aud Wtrd Coovert
an undivUl-d one-tenth Interest ai h"r death.
Al.x'-<>: ai i;il t>a certain lo: of Krouno
situated in Ja ksou jown«liip Butler eo. IPa
bomideU as follow*. to-wit: O® the north by
Eeonomlte cemetery, east by lands of A/leg
ler. south bv lot of A. Zlegler. Jr. west by Ed
monds street, and being the property of Prank
C'oo\err. deceased. In which Ills widow lias a
111-interest and Ward Cooveri «n un livlded
one-teuth inter St at her de >t'i. Seized una
taken in execution a.s (he properly ot Ward
Coovort at the suit of W A l-or>iuer. J M Paint
er and W Z Murrin.
E D Nos .->s and 74. 'Jec Terra. is; 4 McJuukln
.v Galbreaih ami A T Black, attorney's.
All the right, title. Interest and claim ol J M
Wilson, of. in and to 160 acres of land, more o.
leas, situated in Jackson townsnlp. Butler Co.
Pa . bounded as follows, to-wit: «>n the north
bv l ind of Philip Vogel. east by land ot George
W Wi.sou, sonth bv land of Greenewalt and
Miller, west b land or George Knaull; said
laud beln>; mostly cleared, under fence and In
fair state of cultivation, and buvuig a two
story' frame *>wei.iug house, frame bank barn
and olher oujbuiidihgs erected increou. Seized
aed taken In execution as toe properly of J M
VV ilson at the suit of Beers a .ucKee for use
Ac., et al.
TERMS OF SALE:—The following roust be
strictly complied with when property Is stricken
1. Waen the plaintiff or other lieu creditor
becomes the purchaser the cost on the writ
must oe paid and a list of the liens Including
mortgage searches on the property sold to
gether with such lien creditor's receipt* for the
amount of the proceeds of the sale or such por
tion thereof as he may claim must be furnished
the Sheriff.
j. All bids must be paid In lull.
3. All sales uot settled immediately will be
continued until L o'clock v. M. of nexl day. at
which time all property not settled for will
again be put up and sold at the expeuM and
risk of the person to wuoni llrst sold.
•see Purdon's Digest, 9th edition, page 4«G
and Smith s Forms, page :wi.
Sheriff's o.liee, Butler. Pa., Nov 12, is 94.
Administrator's Notic".
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration C. T. A. on ihe estate of Alex
ander Brown. ate of ihe township oi Mer
cer, county of butler, aud Slate of Peun'a,
dee'd, have been granted to the undersign
ed, to whom all persons indebted to said
estate are requested la make payment,aud
those haying claims or ctemaLds will make
known the same without delay.
>'. E. BUOWX,
Conneaut Lake,
A. T. BLACK, Att'y. Crawford Co., Pa
Administrator's Nonce,
Letters of administration on the estate
ot Sarah Al. Galbraith, dec'il, late et
Adams township, Butler Co., Pa., having
been granted to the uudersigned, all per
sous knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pay
ment, and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authentica
ted for seUlemeiit to
K. T. GALBKAITH, Adm'r.,
•W. C. Findley, Mars, Pa.
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate ol
John Klinger, late of Penn twp., ilec'd.
having been granted to the uudersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immediate
oa> inent, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly authen
ticated to
1). B. DOUTUKTT, Ex'r.,
Brownsdale, Pa.
Executrix Notice,
Letters testamentary on the estate ol
JobnSheui, late of Butler, Pa., having
been granted the undersigned, all persons
indebted to said esta.e will please make
immediate payment and those having
claims will present them duly authenticat
ed lor settlement to
W. 1). Brandon, Butler Pa.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Butler county, Pa , the uuder
signed adm'r D B X, C T A of the estate
of John Purviance, dee'd, late of Butlei
boro., Pa , will offer at public outcry at
the time and places hereiuatter specified
the following described parcels ol land be
longing to estate of said decedent,
at!) o'clock A.M.
lsr. —All that certian lot of ground situ
ated in Butler boro, Butler Co.,Pa .bound
ed on the north by lot of Zeigler's
heirs, east hy Main St, sonth by lot of Mrs
A Li Pererro and west by an alloy, front
ing 23$ feet cm Main St. and extending
iiack 1!)1 leet, the north half of the old
mansion house standing on said lot.
2d. —On same date, at I o'clock P. M. on
the premises in Marion twp, Butler Co,Pa,
the undivided one-half interest of all that
certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situ
ate in said township, bounded on the north
by lands of Black, east by lauds ol
Mary Seaton, Houth by same and J J Max
well and west by lands ot Mary Seaton,
containing 84 acres, more or less, small
two-story frame house, framo stable, out
buildings and orchard thereon
:!il — i)it same day, at 2 o'clock P. M, on
the premises in Marion twp., Butler Co.
Pa., ah that certain piece or parcel of land
in said township, bounded north by lands
of Wm Atwell, east by lauds of John Gil
Christ, south and west b.v lands Jas Dugan,
uoutriniug 'M acres, more or less, partly
TERMS OK SALE:—One third in hand on
confirmation of sale aud balance in two
equal annual iuslallmeuts secured by bond
and mortgage with interest thereon from
date ot said confirmation.
Adui'r I) B N. C T A
I-i. fC. Crumbling*
ttr. eder of rhoroaghbred Poultry
Will sell eififs tor bfttcbiug from
fiuo Itliick Miuoreas, lad tab (JurtieK,
Bull Leghorns, Barred arid White
Plymouth Kockf, aud iloudaos at $1
per Betting; White ludiuu (lames $5
per 15.
Old anil youui; stock for sale at
reasonable pricee.
JK.. _ -
ICS tl • loc!l ' or lrilvel
yy a k I r
* Salary or CotuinlMHloii
w<M*ki.v. 4in*lt» fre»*. Special attention
tflvmi t«» uoWlnnerH. Workt-rn n«ivi'r fall t<» niak«*
£o<"l wt-nkly Write me at once for par
E 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman
Rochester N. Y.
C. D.
A business grow
ing through a season ot de
pression, such as the country
has experienced, is an evi
dence that people realize they
save money hy trading with
us. We know, and always
have known, the days of large
profits are past. Without
question we are giving more
for the money than last year.
Our stock is larger to select
from than last year.
Colbert & Dale.
Hotel Williard.
Roopened and now ready for the
CcomtnodtUion of thn traveling pub
Everything in lirat-cl ass *tyle.
A U bK W, CKlk.
In Re Estate ot Reuben Mu-selman
dee'd in Partition.
0. C. No 89 March Term I>9l Feb'y 7,
1894. Petition of Davit 'A. Mu--eln an
wan presented to the Orphans Court of
Butler Co. praying the *aid Court t.» grant
a Citation up<>n ail tne heirs and legal rep
resontatives of said dec dent to appear and
show- caase il any they have why the real
estate of said decedent should not be par
titioned as pra\ei for therein. Fob 19. '94.
Citation awarded by the Court and all par
ties interested being non residents < f Hut
ler Co. Pa..the Court directs the Sherilf of
Butler Co. Pa to give them notice of said
Citation by publication of the same.
June 5. 1894, Citation returned to slid
Court with tiidavit of pnb'ication iu cora
iiliance with said order of Court
June 8. 1894. W. H. Lusk att'y for Peti
tioner moves the Court for a writ of Parti
ti-.n in above ca-e which was granted July
2, 1894. W. H Lusk att'y for Petitioner
moves the Court to appoint a "Guardian
a<l litem" for the minors of decedent inter
ested in above estate aud also to diiect ihe
Sber IT of Butler Co. to notify all parties
interested in ihe estate of decedent of the
time aud place ol the holding the tu quest,
whereupon the Court appointed Joseph
Criswell "Guardian (id litem" > f the minor
child named thereiu and directed the
Sheriff as to givicg notice to all parties
interested in said estate of the time aud
place of holding the inquest by publication.
Sept. 5. 1594 .Saul writ of Partition was
returned to said Court with schedule ol in
quistion and dral" of premises therein de
scribed and affidavit ol publication ill due
form thereto attached Sept. 5, 1894, W
H. Lusk atty. for the Petitioner moves the
Court for Confirmation absolute of Inquis
ition and rnle to shi w cause, whereupon
the Court made the following order
Now Sept. 5. 1894. the above motion
presented in open Court and ou due con
sideration the inquistion is confitmed aud
a rule is granted on all parties in interest
to accept or retuse the premises at the val
uation or show cause why the same should
not be sold. le'urnable to first Monday of
December 1894. at'J P M. Notice to be
.oven to parties non residents, by .dver
tisemeut in two newspapers published
within the county ol Jiutler ,
Now Nov. 5, 1894. To David '/. Mussel
man, id' Braddock Pa., Cbristiau Mattier
and John Howard Mattier of Bixmont Pa.,
Bose E Shields of Si Louis, Mo., Nancy
E and Antony Schalfer of Greenville Pa.,
Mary Jane Mattier of Rochester Pa., J. S.
Maull'er of Beaver Falls Pa., J. It. Garvin
ol Allegheny City Pa , Anna, intermarried
with J. S. Staufi'er of Beaver Falls Pa.,
and Jacob T. Musselmanot Byron, Illinois,
You and each of you take notice that by
urtue of tho above rule to sh-nv cause and
order of Court thereou you are hereby no
tified to be and appear at an Orphans Court
obe held at Butler Pa. in and for the
county of Butler on Monday the third day
of December A. D., 1894 at two o'clock P
\l. then and there to accept the premises
at the valuation or show cause why the
same should not be sold.
Sht.ifl' Butler County Pa.
In re estate of Olive Isabell Green, de
ceased. Sale of real esiate for payment
of debts O C. No. 50, December term,
By virtue of an order of the Orphans'
G'ourt ot Butler County, Pa., at O. C. No
56. Dee. term, 1894, and lo me directed. I
wiil on Friday, the 30.h day of November,
1894, at 2 o'clock p. m. expose to public
sale at the Court lloUse ill Butler, Pa., tile
following real estate, late the property of
Olive Isabel Green, deceased, to-wit: All
i hat certaiu piece or parcel of laud s tuate
in Allegheny twp., Butler County, Pa ,
bounded and described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the northwest corner, known
as the Silas Hoover corner, now Bly miller,
thence east by lands ol Adam Britton and
Williams' heirs, formerly, now Al O'Neil
aud George R. Green, to the Eirlentou
road; thence south along said road a sul
ficient distance to comprise five acres of
land, the Emlenton road to be the eastern
boundary of said five acres of land, thence
west by lands of Andrew D. Kelly, for
merly, beiug part ot tho same tract, now
Mrs. F. Steiubrook, uutil it strikes 'he
Silas Hoover line, thence north along said
line to the place of beginning, containing
five acres with frame dwelling house and
"Ut-buildinga tlinreon erectfd, wliicti said
tract ot land is subject to the estate and
rights of Georgo K Green, the surviving
husband of said decedent, as tenant b>*
the curtesy, and will be sold subject to
said estate.
TKKUS OF SALK —One-third cash on up
proval ol sale by tho Court, aud the bal
■ince in two et{ual annual iiayments, se
cured by judgment bond and mortgage ou
the preuiices, bearing interest, and with an
attorney's commission ot 5 per cent for
collection with option on part of purchaser
to pay cash. GEORGE R. GREEN,
8. F. BOWSER, Sandy Point, I'a.
Register's Notices.
The Register hereby i?ive* notice that the
following accounts of executors, admin
istrators auil guardiaus ljt:en die t ill bis
Itice according to law, and will be present
ed to Court lor continuation ami allowance
n Wednesday, the sth day of Dec., I 8!)t, at
2 o'clock, p. m.. of said day:
t. Final account of Alma E. Suyder, ad
ministratrix of Ariueua M. Billy, deceasad,
late of llutler b >ro.
2. Final account of Wm. Crooks, adminis
trator of Charles D. Crooks, dee'd, late of
Vtuidlesex twp.
3 Final account of Mary King, adminis
tratrix C. T. A. of Nicholas King, dec
late of Concord twp.
4 Find and partial account of Jane L
Christy, administratrix of Wilmore I>. Chris
ty, dee'd late of Washington twp.
5 Final account of Ch*rle« Heed, execu
tor of James Denny, deceased, late of Clesr
field twp.
ri. Final account of Catherine Snyder, ad
ministratrix C. T. A. ot George Huyder, de
ceased, late Of Zelienople boro.
7. Final account of Daniel Feidler, guar
diau of August Sahli, minor child of Chris
tian Sahli, deceased, late of I. me. nt".r twi>
8. Final accouut of Clarence Walker, ad
iiiini«trator of K. Julia I.yon, deoeftsel, latr
ol llutler boro.
!». Final account of 11. 11. Double, surviv
nig trustee lor sale of the real estite of John
tilatum, deceased, iale of franklin twp.
10. Final acc untof'John T. >lartin, ad
ministrator of Catharine Boyd, dee'd, late ol
\Vinfield two.
11. Second partial account of Mary K
tlelmbold, ndminisirntrix ot fheodore ilelm
bold, dec/t, late of Hasouburg, I'a.
12. Final accouut of A I. Stull. guardian
of Hamnel D. Kiestler, minor child of A. J.
Kiestler, deceased, lale "I K ;rn>. City.
13. Final accoun; of Henry Miller, execu
tor of Barbara vlcCullough. ilw'il, late ol
liutier boro.
14. Final account ot Joseph Criswell,
guardian ol Uobert A. Bartley, miter child
o I*tialt Bartley, deceased late ol Jillersou
15. Final accouut of F. S. Dambach aud
Henry Itambach, WMOMOO ol Fredeiick
Kaiob.ichcr, deceased, lale ot Jacks u twp.
It . Fiual account of Wm. I*. Brahani
guardiau of Perry M. Gilchrist, minor chil i
of Wm. It. Gilchrist, dee'd, late of Marion
17. Final account of Adam Uechler, ex
ecutor of Cathariuc Stewart, die'd, late oi
IVtrolia boro.
18. Final account of Charles F Whittf. ad
ministrator of E. F. While, dee'd, lale ol
Butler boro.
1!». Final account of George Ml, adminis
trator of Sophia I fit, dee'd, late o! Jackson
20. Final account of J M. Painter, admin
istrator C. I' A. of JuUu Fuh» deo'd late of
/elieiiople boro
21. Final account of S. H Fleming, execu
tor of Francis lleckert, dee'd, laie of Con
noi|Ucueising twp., as stated by Marv A
Fleming, administratrix.
22. Final account ol George ISeek, execu
torof John Beck, dee'd, late ot Karus t'iiy
2.'t. Final accouut of 1. N. Meals, adminis
trator ol Elizabeth Adams, dee'd, late ol
Washington lo tllsblp.
Final uecouot ol It. T. (ialbraith, ad
uiiiiistrau»r ol S.irati W. Galbraith, dee'd,
late i f Adams t» p.
2C. Final account ot Charles A. Morris ami
li. 1., Campbell, executory ot George Morris,
ilec'd late of Wushioglou twp.
2t». Final awu t <.| Peter Kamerer, ex
ecutor ol A. D. Kuh i. dee'd. I'ttiol Concord
27 Final account of Deums Mcßrlde, ex
ecu tor of .\ e„ 1 Mcßrlde, dee'd, late ol < leu
liuld twp.
2s. Fiu*l,account of W. S. I.uu executor
"I Eliza Meivln, dee'd lale of Muddycreek
i> tabllnhed by r«*K"lar pbysl-'Unn r<>r the < ure
oft'b .uttie *-alllim Kit* 1er»ou»#r«»,
Ail'! t k limuhl ion. Scrofula Mr. r<*H«»nn of 111.
Throat <4l*M<l* and all IIIMMKII «11 •%«•!§ rif••»
k'tccfliiy «>ure<l; Caamr*. Tum-irii (>oliri< aud
uiiirbld Kroivlh* reiuun il ttldi m.i llii- koUr and
mfliout pain Con-u'tiiMou iree. i all or a<l
- l#U. 14VLUU, JJO Llbi-rtj M .* filtnkttrir,
Professional Cards.
attohsky at law.
Itoorn V., Armory Kuildlng. llutlcr. Pa
offlie at No. 8. Sout.'i IJUmonl. Butler. Pa.
Att'y at Law- Offlc.< on South st le of IMArnond
B'i'fer ''a.
< Mllce second floor. Aodt-rsott B1 k. Main ;St.
near Court House. Butler, Pa.
Attorney at Law and Real Estate Agent. Of
flee on Dlamo id. Bu'.ler, Pa.
Vttornejr-at-law. Offloe In Mitehel'. building
Butler Pa.
office 011 second floor Jf the Huselton olock
Diamond. Butler. Pa.. Boom No. 1.
office Hi room 13., .Armory p.ullOiug. Buller
Attorney at Law, Office ar No. IT. East Jeßer
soii St., Butler, Pa..
Office at No. 104 East Otamood St.
Office-Between Postoflice and Diamond. But
ier. Pa.
Attorney-at-Law— omce In Dlamondj Block
Butler. Pa.
Office at 127 E. JelTerson St.. Butler Pa.
Office hours Bto 9. and 10:30 to 12. A. M., and
1 to 3, ana 7 to 9 P. M.
Is now located lu new and elegant rooms ad
joining n!» former ones. All klu Is of clasp
pl;ttes and modern gold work.
••(Jas Administered.*'
13" K. Wayne St., office hours, lo to 12 M. ana
i to 3 P. M.
rarsictAN and suhoion.
offlueas. No. 45, S. Mbu ttrttt, City
Pharmacy. Butler. Pa,
New Troutinan Building, Butler. Pa.
Physician and Surgeon.
200 West Cunningham St.
J.J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
Art ulclal Teeth Inserted on the latest Im
aroved Plan. Hold Killing a specialty. Office
iver Kcuaura Clothing Store.
Cold Killing Painless Extraction of Teeth
nd Artificial I'eclli without Plates a specialty
It, roan Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local
runt tie ties use J.
0 rtlce over Mill 'r's Wocery east of Lowry
oi ll
Off I ce closed aud Thursdays
OrKicc neas Diamond, Bctmh. Pa.
20 Easily Made.
We want many men, women, bovn, and girls to
work f«>r us a f« w hours daily, right in ami around
tht-irowii iioinetf. The busin«'»B in easy,
strictly honorable, und pays *»etter than any other
offered ugi-nta. You have a cl« ar field and no
competition. Experience and special ability no
necessary. No capital r**<|uirt<l. We equip yo«
with everything that you need, treat you well,
aud help you to cam ten times ordinary wages.
Woineti do as well a« men, and boys and gfrls
make pood pay. Any one, any where, can do tho
work All succeed who follow our plain und sim
|fle direct ions. I'.arnest work will purely bring
you a great deal of money. Everything is new
aud in pn .'it el* maud. Writ© for our pamphlet
circular, and receive full Information. No harm
done if you conclude not 'o go on with the
George Stsnson&Co.,
Box 488,
a ■ A M Mi m m
gl Jfe|
y l|ul
prompt answer und an honest opinion, writa to
It! INN A CO., who have had nearly fifty yearr
experience in the patent businosa.
tloii:i strictly contlflentlal. A lliindbook of In
foniiaii<jii oonoerning Pstssts and how to ob
tain them senL free. Also a raialotfuoof luuchan-
Ical and act en title hooks scut free.
rat«*nta taken through Munn k Co. reoelTO
special notice in the Hclentlllc Aimrlfiu, and
thus are hrouvht widely before the public with
out cost t*» the inventor. This splendid naper.
issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far tho
lanroat circulation «>r anv scientific work in Um
world. a your, hampie copies aent free.
Bui id mil' Edition, monthly, S2Jm> a year, single
conies, *2.> cents. Kvery number contains beau
tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new
houeei, with plans, enabling builders to show tbo
latent d<*nicnn ami aeeure contracts. A4drcae
MUNN Jc CO.. NEW VoitK. 3til VhuauwaT.
Mutual Fire Insurance Company,
Office Cor.Main & Cunningham
AI.K. HICK. Pre*.
UKO. KH'lfcltKU. Vlrn l'r« «.
1.. S. ttt-JU KI N, Hff'j .nil ripj"
l Wick, HeudnnoD (lllver,
ir. W Irv In. Jaiot'M HUtphRUAOU
W. W. llliickmore. N. Welizcf
V. Bowman. 11. J. KllniflT
4jl mi K.-ttiTcr, r|i:n. Kxhliuu.
(i«o. Uciiiio, John Kornlun
& i.V :> % lye
fc. 5 tzrzvza Aut rssrmD
Ka'J '*** (IV.TkMll>)
, ThOv 'roncriitUMl purest I ye
«»I% 1 i\ooi r Lye. it bring
.» r p<«w»i r tai«l i*a. k«*d In a <aa
, p{, r< movuhl't Mil. the contents
JSkj* a»e tlwavn i »«ly f r WID
<4®Sgt, Ti.uU.: ill- Heat ■ rfuinctl lUMH-^p
* f&n* iL'jomlnut* aiikeat holllsiw
gfLS It le tli« % f<»rrl«.iriniug waait
mm I-lM", dlilnfectlbU »l:.k\ closet^
waidiing IkjUUn paint M, noes, etc.
< t'Uifn «V
Reliable Goods Bring Trade.
Cloaks and Capes.
Quality. Fit and Price Guaranteed
Our $i and sl.-25 Dress Form Corsets at - - 79c
40c Storm Serge at • 20c
20c Plaids at - - - - . - ioc
30 Paper Patterns all Kinds at ioc
And the Best Values in
Ever Shown in Butler.
Uade a^" r ii;&, KAUFMANN'S, BUTt - KR rX .
Always ask for goods advertised.
I Business j
| Bringers. j
5 Special China Sale J
\ at s
\New T'ariff Prices}
Ljil J 1
| T ' I
J (fpsSS |
J Bringer S
S No. 1 . . Is a decorated DINNER SET J
4 of 100 pieces at $8 4
5 * 4. 4- I
i Is a decorated DINNER SET j
S No. 2 . of 100 pieces that we sold last J
5 .month at sls-2
# PRICE now ... $lO. J
S 4- * I
£ Is the last, but best value of all. i
# NO THINK OF IT. 100 pieces best *
J * O * White Semi- Porclain, warranted J
0 for years, at - . . . .$6 50. #
Great Clearance Sale
Trimmer! ltiitx and Itolinets nlniOHt
Having a large stock of millinery still on hand, we will sell you
anything in our line less than half price. Come early and secure
bargains at the
122 S. r T T OA 13 BUTLER
MAIN ST. LJ ' 1 • " PA
Shippers and dealers in
Hnildin Materials
Rough and dressed Lumber of all
kinds, Doors and Windows, and
Mouldings of all kinds.
H. E. WICK, Manager
Office und Yard.»,
■at CtmulnYbani .nd Bunrorilr.rU.
Butler Dye Works,
Hlfl Onlrr Alenui'.
The abore cntßblii<hmcDt Ih now in run
ning order, and )« prepared to do lirat
clttKH DyeinK and ('leauinK of Lndien' and
Getiileinen'H Clothing ami other K"odn that
ne> (l a new lease on life in renovatiuK »nd
bhitlileninft up generally. Have had 35
year* experience in the dyeing bu»inetta,
aud can guarantee good reMilU on good
R. Fisher, Prop'r.
You CAis FIND^-
i*lTi um ■ M all be A'lvi rttdff Alius of
M A Specialty.
At Redick's Drag Store,
We do Dot handle ttuythiu« but
pure drag*, next time you are in
need of medicine plenhe give ub a
call. Wo are headquarters lor pure
aft we use only pure fruit juices, we
alfio handle Paris Green, hellebore,
insect powder, London purple and
other insecticides.
Main &t.,uexi toHotel Lowry
Theodore Swain.
Gbioibeys, Grate and Boiler Betting.
Cisturn Building and Sewer
Work a Speciality.