Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 15, 1894, Image 4
BICKEL'S FAIL STOCK HAS ARRIVED, People wbo want the latest styles in fine footwear and want it at the right price should Bee the latest styles just received at Bickle e. We have shoes to suit everyone and at prices the very lowest. Toadies' Fine Handwelt shoes, S3! Ladies' Fine Hand turned shoes, S3. Ladies' fine shoes—lace and button -large pat ent leather wing tip, at $2.25. Full stock of Ladies' and children's lace shoes in cloth and leather tops. Large assortment of men's and boy's shoes in all the latest styles, incuding a full stock of men's cork soled shoes, men s working shoes, ranging in price from JO cents to $2 Men's hand sided and box toe kip boots with heavy sole at $2 50. Boy's and youths boots of all kinds. In ladies' every day shoes we can give you the selection of a pair of calf, kip, or oil grain shoes in button or lace at sl. Our stock of rubber Roods is very large, and we carry all the differint styles of rubbar goods of four of the leading companies. Full stock of felt boots for men and boys. A line of wool knit stockings also carried Call at our stor« and secure a pair at reduied pri ces. Repairing promptly done. JOHN BICKEL, 128 W- MA-IN St. Butler- MARTIHCOORT 4 COS CARD! Call at our establishment at 128 East Jefferson Street and get one. ■ luuwuieeeetn-i" Card Number Mame ! P. O IP THIS CARD contains the locky number as drawn by lot at °£ r ® tor ®' * th.hnlrieril a gentleman, will receive a beautiful man * Saddle and Bridle, ffiady aCieV Saddle ai.d 3ridle, and the second lucky number, one of L. G. name and postoffice in a book we bave prepared for tbat purpose. No discount on sale* leu than one dollar. s B Martincoiirt, 5. B. Martincourt & Co., JMLeighner. 12S K. Jefferson St. Butler The Largest Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Oar Line in the State. [ s YOUNG. WM - COOPER LEADING TAILORS, ARRIVING=-Fall and Winter Goods. We have the Choicest and Finest Stock of Domestic and Im ported Woolens rver brought to Butler. Our Specialty in Fall Overcoats must be seen o be Admired. Call and make your selection of a Nice Fall Suit that cannot be excelled in FIT, QUALI TY, STYLE and PRICE. Thanks for your patronage in the past, hoping for a continuance of a share in the future, while our Motto will be "Small Profits M and Quick Returns." """ALOES, YOUNG & COOPER T&ri The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAMPS FIXTURES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS.JB AT H TUB ENAMEL, etc, is at W. H. O'lirien & NOII'H, 107 Kast Jefferson Street. MIRH * HAY- FEVER t V COLDHEA. Kin'* Cream Palm U not a Uquid, r.nuff or jxntder. A]>plftd Into Out rumlriU it it _ quickly lUtvjrb. d. Jtclcaruu* the hr/id, allrtyi inflammation, hr.ul* _ _ rft* tfir *<rrm. S-ld by drungitU <t —nt by mail on receipt of jrri". L|l j-, JUG ELY BROTHERS. 56 Wyren Street NEW YORK, 3uC "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD ri SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEAN LIFT. Hotel Williard. Unopened and now ready for tbe accommodation of tbe traveling pub lic. Everything in Brut-clam ntyle. MRS. MATTIE REIHIHG, Owner, tf H BROOKS, Clerk. nil co itching piles riLtOSWAYNES OINTMENT • V V.lM'tfMii ww «. u; r+\, t . \{ TT« UM'r * n ru-: , bin «f MM '••»*« • f» ' . r , *. i rf •mr*. >1 . - 'i u.mg a*4 bU*<lln(. h««U ol r r*tl«I». MI«.I In mwl <-*•«* Uprm Ult tvMH> ntrf to* M> MeCANDLESS'HEAVE CURE 1 have a Heave Cure that will cure any caite of heave* in horBCH in forty day*, ll u»ed according to direction*, and if it doe* not do what I claim for it, I will refund the amount paid and no charge* will he made for the treatment. The following teritiinonialM are the *tronge*t proof of the medicinei) power to cure: A. J. MCCaniilk.SN, Hutler, Pa., 1893. MR. A. J. MCCAHOLKKM: On the 2nd day of April, 1K92, 1 com menced to u*e your new cure for one of my horne* that had the heaven very had, and continued to line the medicine for about forty day* and the horse did not Dhow any mgn» of a return of tnem. It i* now about a year Mince I quit givin the med\c\ne and the horse lm* never unwed any KiftnH of heaven, and I feci atinfied that he in properly cured. W. C. CKIBWRLL, Entler. Pa., April 3, 1893 A J MCCASDLKM: I havo uxed your Heave Cure aud found it will do the w..rk if u*ed according t« di rection*. Your* truly, K. J, McMiiiiK. 1 HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to eqnal or compare with EllJipiirsyS Witcll Sazol Oil AS a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and alwavs gives satisfaction. It Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Blind or Blrnhng-lKhiiig and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. It Cores Brass, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Bums. Relief instant. It Cures TORS, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores. Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMIH or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RUFI M. Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapj-d Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lip- or Nostrils, Coms and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c and Si 00. Bold by Druggist*, or ®ent pos£-p*id on receiptof prio». ■rMPHEEVs' 2fcD. CO., 11l t 111 William !«., 5«» Tork. WITCH HAZEL OIL Nothing rfTi Earth Will ■ ■ LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder t KEEPS VOUR CHICKENS Strcrg and Healthy ; prevents all Disease. Good for liens. It Vxh -! "! •• par**. Htefcfr co- c ' .. < : I, v.t f "'• :. . • •. ■. •*• - • r ?; . tun': ittlUcsidlom. v . > ■ ! « i» can 81.2 51 *" . J- //. :»-!ttrj ir.ptr--e „ • r n; ore. Sample copy ' ' ■ ' ' r ■ • •>' I • fc« 'St.. Bo ton Heals EEfctlj U| Running | |Cures ' | the Serpent's Sting. I S°!l! G I2 FA- co sv l[ BLOOD POISON jnl-JirWM U •■■■■■■■■»— b<*a 11 nif power*, ltre-fl H mOTNth€poison bnlld* up the II A Ttlutbl' UdliW OH tb* MJ<l it* tWtfttMlt I I | BtilH fr«t. 11 H SWIFT SPECIFIC CO . Atlanta. Ga Jj M OTHERS'. I .FRIEND"! gjls a scientifically prepared !ini- rg H mentand harmless; every ingredi-,:g jgjentisof recognized value and in s g'constant use by the medical pro- g g jfession. It shortens labor, lessens g gjpain, dimishes danger to life sgjMother and Child. Book "TO S gIMOTHERS" mailed free, con- jg g jtaining valuable information and H [voluntary testimonials. T —• I sent by Kll'r f-ik or m»il, on receipt of price, j S3 I 11.50 per bottle. Bold by All LirUjrglstJl. | S3; UkADFIELD REOL'LATOk CO., !§ S I Atlanta, fli. ' W. L. DOUGLAS CUHC IBTHEBCBT. Qj fIW SLi "O SQUEAKING. §*s. CORDOVAN, FRINCHA ENAMELLED CALF 5 4-*s.y FIteCALf&KAiiGAM 9 3.5P POLICE,3 SOLES. y 2• W ORKINGM Efts ** EXTI2A FINE. *2. t I. 7^B(JYSSCHOOLSHO£S. SENO FOR CATALOGUE IrW-I-'DOUGLAS, _ r BROCKTON, MA33. Yen rail »avc money tiy purcbnalug \V. 1.. DoiiKlna »hoc», Because, ire arc the latest manufacturers of advertised shoes In the world, and guarantee the value hy t' mping the nair.e and. price on the W.'.m, wl: h protects you against high pi ices and <he iiiiMftman's proDti. Oureli&M equal ca,Km work ia style, easy fitting and w uring qualities. We have them sold every where at I .wr iirices for the value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold oy ALEXANDER k DOUTT, Whitbstown FOR PURE RVb Whiskeys Wines, Brandies, Gins, &c., try Robt. Lewin, 130 \Vat«-r St., (Oppos'le I*. <fc O. Depot.) All including C. O. J>. order*, *®cnrely packed nnd shipped promptly. Express charges prepaid on all orders ot SIO.OO or oyer. Grandfather's Choice, Guaranteed 3 year* old, $2 00 p< r pal. Try it at once. Vi.n will always keep it on hand. "A Gentleman, / aoholur and a Judge of good *ulskr;y ( " 1h often applied to "hale fellowa, well mot." Our Old Ox port will f.i-i muster under tho mo t rigid test. It Is guarant' :»y.-,mold, free from all fusel oil* and adulteration*, smooth, and u capital liquor for either soclul or medicinal uses. Full Quarto, St.oo: Six Quarts, $5.00. MJIII IIINL Kxprcss order* •shipped the Karoo day an receiv ed. and wo puy charges on nil orders of S 10.00 and over. Jos. FLEMING & SON, 4is MARKET sr., PITTSBURG. F>A. Complete Price Lists of Winss anil Liquors mailed tree. m I EVJIS c j3 * I.YE 3 zr- ?Z2fJ¥XD I! {.'irr.t! rn j't' ' !n »•! St IK-" «< In »a»«* hf>l f r rl< arintug wsn U> ff2B !.!»•<•, 'JI !» Hi M M;a. • rlr WW L*' 51"*. I »L"L \ IN**, Jg#? FXtfVA. BATT M'F'O CO. Li :tu GarfieSl iet*sse C'irt if i r. . i \• • » *f»* I 1..:. ~ J 1 K\i . aMt ,2».Y. | Cures (jonstip iion THE CITIZEN Death of Daniel Harrington. This old and well-known pioneer of the •ection of country now known as Forest county died at the residence of his daugh ter, Mrs. Mary Spear, at Evans City, But ler county. Pa., on Monday, Oct. 22, 1P94, aged about 87 years. Daniel Harrington was no ordinary man. Deprived of the advantages of early educa tion. as was the lot of most of the early settlers of his day, he had educated him self by observation and reading till he be came well-informed in local and general history. Knowledge thus acquired, and a retentive memory, made him a safe au thority concerning the events which had happened around him for more than halt a century. Several years ago he wrote for the Spectator a series of Tery interesting articles, entitled "Recollections of Fifty Years," which, on account of their value should have been published in book form. In his youth and up to mature manhood he was one ot the best known and most skillful pilots on the Allegheny river from Tionesta to Pittsburg, often eoing as far as Louisville on the Ohio. His recollections of those years of hardship and adventure by field and flood made very interesting reading, and to listen to his conversation concerning those distant times was a treat we often enjoyed. He reached a good old age, notwith standing the exposure and hardships ol his earlier days. It is gratifying to know that after the death of his wife, many j ears ago, had left him alone in the world, he found a home and the tenderness of a daughter to goothe his declining years. There have been many men of greater re nown than Daniel Harrington, but no truer soul ever left the earth. He was a man among men. May he rest in peace. Franklin Spectator. The Russian Pacific Railway. A length of 2,200 miles is now open and Omsk is now reached by rail. Ttie cost has been about $44,000 per mile. Tne nat ural conditions were on the whole unfavor able. The men often had to carry their food with them, and they were not unfre qnently compelled to allow themselves to be lowered down in baskets in order to prepare the track. On the section be tween Ufr and the Sima river there was, between Urakowo and Bulaschawa, a bog of about GO miles extent, which h*d been formed through the rain wat«)r accumulat ing in the course of thousands of years in this natural pit of granite. The engineers and tbo men were for a long time compell ed to live in huts, built of earth on crossed piles, which they could only approach in boats. The mosquitoes xere another trial and 4,000 masks had to be procured, in Ad dition to which smoking with juniper was resorted to. The uncle owned a one-horse shay. His nephew- owned a bike, They used to go out every day And race along tho pike. The nephew proved the bike was boss, And captured all the pelf, Then uncle traded off the horse And got a bike himself. —A single trial of Dr. Henry Baxter's Man Crake Bitters will convince any one trru bled with costivuess, torpid liver or any kindred diseases of their curative properties. They only cost 25 cents per bottle. —At one examination of school teachers 'u a Berks county district, one ol the ap plicants wa» requested to analyze the sen tence, "Heading makes a full mau." He said he couldn't whereupon he was asked to read it. He read it as if the first word referred to Berks county's capital, thus ; "Heading (redding) makes a full man,' and he is said to have read it correctly. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito li days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The firm dose greatly benefits. To cis. Sold by J. 0 Redick, druggist, Butler. —The County Commissioners of Lycoro ing county have issued a circular to Con stables informing them that Constables are entitled to only 15 cents for serving nubpoenas. Heretofore they received 50 centn. —Ex. lit art liiiieaife Uelteced in 30 Minutes. Dr. Agnew'a Cure lor the lit art given perlect reliel in all cases of Organic or ay IJl pathetic Heal Disease iu 30 uiluutes, ai.U rj.eedliy effects a cure. It is a peer less remedy l'jr Palpitation, Shortness of liieiith, 3uiolberiug .Spells, I'ain in Lett tilde and all symptoms ol a Diseaseil Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by City Phar maej*. —A new scrubbing machine is whirled over a floor like a lawn mower. It aoaps, wets, rubs and dries the floor, and two or three movements of the machine make the bourdis shine. —A sad and singu'ar fate befell the in fant son of Mr. and Mrs. John lierg, near Falconer, Chautauqua county, on Satur day. The child crept to a hive and stirred up a swarm of bees which stung the little one's face and hands so badly that it died alter a few hours' suffering. —There is a time-honored wedding sup erstition that no bride must go to the al ter without "something old and some thing new, something borrowed and some thing bine." Furthermore, she should see to it that the "something blue" isn't the fellow she is marrying. —A smooth-tongued shorper has been victimizing the livery. He is described as a portly man of uhout 40 years of age, well dressed and an excellent and plausahle talker. llis scheme is to hire a livery rig, generally the best team in the stable, drive several miles and then borrow a sum of money Irum the owner of the stable where he puis up his horses at the end of bis jour ney, promising to pay as soon as he can get a check or draft cashed, and leaving the team as security. —The Townville Ilrceze has soured on a certain kind ol obituary free advestise inent, especially that which ii. over-ripe. It sa\"Hereafter resolutions of respect, cards of thanks, and obituaries when band ed in two or three weeks late, will be churged for at the rnte of 5 cents a line Original obituary poetry will be charged for at the rale of 25 cents a line, and when copied Irom old hymn books 10 cents a line." —The very least the London Chamber of Commerce can do is to invite Prof. Wil son to go to Knglaud and stand for Par liament. The secretary of war never olludes to the Salvation Army in his annual report. —The anti-Vest pocket vote was strong iti Missouri. —The voters of the State of New York bad 17 separate ballots to handle, but they bandied them very well indeed. Death is busy among the monarch*. Kelly tho King died soon after the demise of Alexander the Czar. A New York jewelry firm advertises wedding at eight cents apiece. Look out for a boom in the matrimonial market Conburiiutlor, .-itji*c:y Cured. fc T'l~ iwr lutoriu ycur read, n it I oars » puUU.* rauiadjr for tLo abov.-uati,".' ■ f»; tlia.ly uwi thomumd* of hopelnu liuv.) f. 'J jmrroaueritly etirod. I sJiail ho (iU f . lo soail ti#j ,'oMi..* of my romody KREK Pi any ol yor*/ rsad.-ra , j have oouaumptlnu If th.y will •end lie tiurii Lapr.u auS t. O. adJro*. < t SIIUR. X. A. BUAJVm.it. Q«W MMIM.IT. *. An Easy Method of Keeping Warn. I should like to call attention to an ea-y method of warming one's self when other and more common means are not available. It is a method that I supposed is well eaough known to the profession, but prob- j ably not often used. I allude to warming ! the body by merely taking deep inspira- | tions. On one very cold afternoon of last win- j ter, though walking briskly along, I was | uncomfortably cold; leet and hands were ] very cold, and my ears so chilled as fre- : quently to require the application ot my | heavily gloved hands. In addition, the • whole surface of the skin was unpleasantly | chilled; "creeps" ever and anon running > op and down my spinal column und radiat ing thence over the body and extremities; in short, a condition that every reader of this little article has doubtless many a time experienced. I thrn began taking an exercise often employed before with bene fit: deep forced inspirations, holding the air as long as possible before expulsion. After a few inhalations the surface of my body grew warmer, and a general seni»e of comfort pervaded me. Continuing, the next to feei the effects of the effort were my previously frigid ears. They grew agreeably warm, and within the time re quired to walk three blocks, at the previ ous pace, hands and feet partook ot the general warmth, and I felt as comfortable as if the same length of time had been passed by a glowing fire. —Steelyards have been found at Hercula neum which resemble in construction al most exactly those used to-day. —An iron kettle exhibited at the World's Fair and made at Lynn, Mass , in 1642, is the oldest casting made in the United States. —Louisiana has the lareest farm in the United States. It is 100 miles one way anii 25 the other. The fencing alone cost $50.000. "What to-morrow is to be Human wisdom never turns: Craft of hand nor wraps nor learns TV hat to-morrow is to be. —The baker's song—"l knead theb" —The philosopher remarks that the fires of genius don't often burn cigarettes. —A hospital for lepers is to be built in Southern Iceland. —Do not suppose that because it is rec ommended for animal* ihat Arnica & Oil Linimeut is an offensive preparation. It wilf not stain clothing or the fairest skin. —An "ad" in the ink is worth two in the paint. —A joint debate—discussing a roast with the butcher. —The country is saved again. —A torpid liver is often mistaken for a great grief. —lt appears that David B. Hill was not in it to began with. But he is now—in the soup. —A recent invention is a trolley chair to run on a wire above a race track to carry two judges. —lt is a known fact that clergymen marr.> for money far more frequently than men of any other profession. —Pickpockets in Heading are believed to be men in women's apparel, lottenng on crowded streets at night. —A well has been opened near Muncie, Ind., which yields over 7,000,000 cubic feet of natnral gas per day. —The grand jury at Elizabeth, N. I. has brought in a presentment declaring church fair lotteries illegal. —The mayor of Lebonon directed the police to arrest and persons committing malicious mischief on Hallow e'en night. —An apple tree owned by a Baltimore fruit grower produces apples every one ot which is sweet on one side and sour on the other. The first suspension bridges were ropes stretched between trees. —The National library at Paris has 20,- 000,000 books and 200,000 manuscripts Tho height of the great bell in Moscow the largest in the world, is 20 feet 4 inches. —Glasgow has one underground railway in operation and two more under construc tion. —The Court House at Brussels is tho largest architectural work of the present century. —Rheumatism is a disease of the blood and is cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Take only Hood's. —According to a custom of Korea, all loyal Koreans must wear a white hat for three years ofter tlio death of one of the royal family. The lullest man in the German army is Captain Von Pluskow, who is 0 feet 0 inches in height. The smallest officer is I'rinci) I'iital, who Is 4 feot 1 inch in height. —At a mining camp called "Bachelor's Best," about 00 miles north of Tucson, Ariz , there is not a woman nor a cat in tho camp, and 200 inon have advertised for wives in a Tucson paper. —The football accidents of England on a recent Saturday footed up: One school master killed, another laid up with a com pound fracture of the leg, and live other persons seriously injured. Drunkenness, the I-iquor Habit, Pos ively Cured by aducnatering Dr. H&incs "Cold en Spccfic." It is manufactured as a powder, wh.ch can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coflee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It ha-i been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never tails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of particulars free, yiddrers, Golden Specific c'o.. 185 Race St.. Cincinnati! O. Prescriptions Jg[ A Specialty. At Redick's Drug Store. Wo do not handle but pure drugs, next time you are in need of medicine pleane K' vo UB - call. We are headejuarterrt for pure 80DA WATER an we lino only pare fruit juiced, we also handle Paris Green, hellebore, insect powder, Loudon purple and other insecticides Respectfully, J. C: KEDICK, ! Main ht.,nexi tollotel Lowry BUTLER, PA. Selling Out! Our entire stock of Sprine and Summer Foot-wear. We're troing to clear oat oar stock of Tan Shoes. Every style and description of Oxfords will go in the sale A large lot of Ladies Hand Turn Sbo<-s will be sold at about half their real value. To mak? this sale a complete success, we have made euch prices that You'll be Glad to Buy. Ladies Patent Leather and Poagola Oxfords were $ 1.00 and $1 25 to go at 60cts. Ladies Vici Kid Oxfords, Square or Poin'ed Patent Tips will go at $ 1 . 00 and $1.25. Prices of which were $1.75 and $2.00. Ladies Dongola and Vici Kid Shoes were $3.25 at $2 00 per pair. A large lot of McKay sewe i and Hand Turned Shoes in sizes 2i, 3 and 31 prices on which were $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 This entire lot will go at $1 50per pair Misses Dongola Patent Tip Sho?s at per pair. Cbildrens Dongola Patent Tip So jes at 50cts per pair Mens $2 00 Tan Shoes at $1 25 per pair Mens Picadilly Bluchers in Tan Shoes were $2.50 per pair will goat slvo So on throughout our entire stock of Summer Footwear. Goods will be sold without reserve at less than the cost of their making. Cull and see these Bargains whether you wish to buy or not. Shoe Dealer. AL RDFF. s. Main St. FRAKK KEMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, .And everything in horse and buggy fur nishing goods—Harness, Collars, Whips, Dusters, Saddles, etc. ,A_lso trunks and valises. Kepairing done on short notice. The largest assortment of 5- A. Horse blankets in town will be toiind at FRANK KEMPER'S, 124 S. MAIN ST , BUTLER, PA. CLARK'S SCHOOL OF CO MM ERCE Every yountj man and woman should receive such an education as they can obtain at Clark's School of Commerce, Butler, l'a. or at the New Castle Business University, New Castle, Pa. The schools are under the same management ACTUAL, BUSINESS METHODS EMPLOYED You will s:ive ti n_- an J iun :y by att- i lin * > 1.: of Jies-.' schoo Is ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN BUSINESS OFFICES, EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. Write to D. G. CLARK, President, New Castle, Pa., or F. G. JOHNSTON, Secretary, Butler, Pa. DIAMOND 3 r NS9 ' KUt KIN ' U ' S - SOAKF PINS, STUDS. WATCHES f (;KN M ' ,iOL "' SYLW laoi US- CIUTLAIN -r «-» V |L» XT' I Gold Pins Kar Kings, Klurs. J JtLi W ■'* I " fc>. JL ( CUalns, Bracelet*. Etc. . vjrnn TUT A erst) Tea Sets. Castors. Butter OlsUes and Kverythlnt DIIU V ill A\ VU 11. JIV C<» jr tliiiteaii tie found in aUral class store.. RODGER BROS. 1874 \ KN,VK3 ' KOKK3 ' sp,>,? n«..L E plate. E. GRIEB. JK JZR No. 139, North Main St., B JTLEE, PA., BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham AI,K. WICK. I'rc* UKO. KKTTKKKU. Vire Pres. 1,. S. am! Trea*. DIRECTORS \llre I Wick, Henderson Oliver, t)r. W. Irvln. .(amen MteiiheuHOii, W. W. lilacKmore, N. Weltzef, K. Bowman, 11. J. Klliitfler (ieo Ketterer, 1 hits. Ketihun, Geo. Henno, ' John Koeninx LOYAL S. McJUNKIN. Agent § DOCTORS LAKI J'UI Tli IHSI'KNSAIIV. COR. Pen; A«. *1:0 hountH Sr.. PI r rSUUKGH, PA. AO form*of Delicate and Com pln-.iu.il Disease* requii IIIECO.N. riJIKNTI AL ail'l Si 11.:.Tin.' Med ication ore treated at tlu . I'i - •• iry Willi (i 'iixfsf rely attained. Ill", h. K l..i'»c 1- mctlllwr of the It. »'.d ' hy .i, i.'h'h H'i'l Mill Is the of le.-t mi' l nnwl i-xiaTieiicedhi-KCiALIs. in i!.- eltv fiiici'al ul ration ;riventoN rvoua Debility frome— •••K«iv jiir f«l '.xertlon.liid.aerotion of yotUli,etc.,cau-,- m; i.hjhlcal ami mental ny,l!i.-k of rn»m, I' .1.01, '.-iiev, etc.; also' .MI.- O. I -ore , rilf. I'ile: Itheiiinntism, ami nil h- ' r) ' the Skin, . d.l.un ■, I'rlnary ''rjt'ii; .ii". ' ' ft n I ion ;,n<l HII ietlv Conlhli n' ii.l > Ifll'e hoin ,9 to 1:• ~1 7to s P.'M.; .Sundays, 2to ■■■. .t. only. ■ I I.Tire or I»i!•: i «—« I '.!•!•.. ( "'t i,\s a i ii AN nmit>x.. j'itt 1 -iiuliUH.f A VITAL.IS . niorwiKAFHii# | A _ a well jL (*% h THE GRKAT 20th Unj d JL FRENCH REMEDY rroilurn tiM 4l>orp KCKDIII iu !»<> hnjf It acts powerfully and q ilckly. Cure when nil othen f:in v., Ingmi n • iI! 1 1 gain lb* lr lot man!ood. (iri(l old in*-11 Will rri;ov r lie r y« ; iifnl t»v 11 1X VITALIS. •; ' ; "» kV r ' j tfit*ch Ncrvotmuei i, !.'• t V laJity. 1 rnpotency. Nightly F.miMMloin, \. \ I»ov.«-r. »\.iinig M#-m ory. Wasting D • ibo .«• or ICI i ind ind Wards ©l Insanity and consumption. liwist on having VITALIS, ««» other, ran !>• « irn- lln v# pocU< I. lJy mall. #I.OO ;• r p:u or blx I'M viIIIi a |»Oftltlve nritli-n ifunrantec lo rnr« or rr fa ml the man* v. Circular fr» «-. A<hlrr. CALL'3I I T IIFMKOY KMll'iNY, Chicago, 11). For Sale at City Pharmacy. • •oec»«r<»9@oeoG • (jOSSFiR'S « e CREAM GLYCERINE,, has no wiu.il for chapped hands. 'lpsor 0 I iff, or ;n:v rmij-hii' - of tlx- ni:ln, and % i not rxcrfli-M i i (If for flu* afh : li.'iVln;' Sold by drfiKßjktft at A'cnty*flvo Cents a Bottle. ii»MSS>FREE \C<?fr 3 -o f"°; ;\ TOTHEAfFtICTED -t- .. '-%329N.15TV8T PHILAOA^L , •-Fiir P&6 " : Lt t t ' V J 5U: ' A3MLOIELV I 3Sf 4 ...' J i 1 J from any irij ur i i . ~, thl?. M ilso 1 A3DOKKT3 lIIMZId. We GUARANTEE a CURE or fifu .d >our mon / I*rl«t. 15.1,00 I»#T BOLLIX. Bend4c FORLNAYTT. TUDIOM MLDIIAb CO., lloaluu, MM as. SPECIAL NOTICE. I That I will sell, until further notice, the fo'lowing goods at the old prices, regard less of the advance ot 20c per gallon tax by the ifovenitrent: AA. pure rye, 2ytars, $2 00 per gallon; Tippecanoe, 3 years, $2 25; Old Cabinet. 4 years, #2 50 per gal lon; Bridgeport and Thompson's pure rye, 5 j ears, £1.50 per gallon; Finch Golden Wedding, (JIIIBOD'.S, ltobinsm Co. Bour bon, $4 50 per gallon; flanni»ville, Dough erty, Monticello, 12 years, $5 50 per gallon. California wines, dry and sweet, from 75c per gallon to $1.50; 12 distinct brands; my own importation. Sherry and Port wine, from $2 50 to $3.50 per gallon; also the finest Irish and Scotch whiskies at lowest wholc.-ale rstM. Cull or send for special price lists at A. AN DRIESSEN. 188 Federal street. Allegheny, Pa. All orders by mail promptly altetu'ed. No extra charge for packing. Telephone 549. YELLOW ; I An* a symptom of Jaundice, I Dyspepsia, Constipation, Bil -3 iousness, Liver Complaint. I OR. BAXTER'S MANDRAKE SITTERS will cure the disease and re move yellowness from ekin and eyes. Warrantee, to cure. Sold everywhere nt 25 ets. per bottle, HMmauanMaaagßaM for sale by J. C. Itodiek cr RUGBIES a'c i Price »a^ ' A " 1 ' A NAHM • —— _jg.: wWT.9 ...iT.,,.n.iKity ft,' Wi iiitiiw/ Ijfc t»>. r»,iu't.,!i &■'•* ritii'iJj to.'i . 4 l-n-., 1t urri y \il7 nutn-tl AI.L **22 ) In I.oiul V%i,u-.||. Jj/, i',,ii.(H-tllom. iw Uwul Carl »«6o| liny ~r VZB IIUKifV It.nil I. W. U.ryand mva gm Tviionucnr if; MuMli-nian a AHH| I . H. mm. V A MHTC H. - «, n ,H t to U U.rtnn St., C'lnclanall, O. '■ L \ sy /) I" the He-ii \ */>' 11 / " BUfIINKSS f K ffy'L-s //'I co rr ' TiGl^ (i y i t /./// / j -■■■. ■ ■ »b a Theodore Swain. OKNEIIAL BUICK JOBBER. Cbininev«, (Irat® and Moiler Cinturn Ruildintr and Sewer Work a Speciality. HARMONY, FA, SPKtrLATIOS. In Wall Street micces.fully carried on with the 111 Of our llallr H.rkrt f.ott.r and patoplelß on "peculation Mailed free. Our dMcretfonarv niM-eulations have paid a monthly prolltof *2O net to the »lou margin. OlMTettonary Aeconnta a Hpeclalty. Direct Wire from our unices to all Western Colon Tel eicrnpb Oltl'-e* Iu the I'nlted Htatei. AM, IN- Ku km AT <iV KBBE. »»nk reference««. tr»l>Ht> * «•«».. .stock and Ur.iln brokers, 41 ilroadwuy, New York Why Do You Buy Liquors? Because this is the season of rainy weather, of chills and dampness, u hen the system is li able to be attacked by cold and pneumonia, if not fortified by sonic good whiskey as a stimu lant. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT PURE WHISKEY. Its timely use will save many a doctor bill and much nursery. Kleins Silver Afl3, Duquesns and Bsar Creek Ryes are Guaranteed to be Absolutely Pure. They are in general use in hospitals throughout the country, and are being prescribed by the best physicians. Max Klein has been engaged in the wholesale liquor business for the past 25 years and has gained a reputation for handling PURE LIQUORS ONLY' and his name on a bottle of whiskey is a guarantee that it is ABSOLUTE LY PURE. Here are a few prices of his well-known brands: Silver Age Rye $1 50 per full quart. Duqusne " J 25 " " " Bear Creek " 1 00 " " " Guckenheimsr 1 I inch 1 years old 100 " " •' Gibson 1 1 Overholt Guckenheim.r, 4 years old 75 " " " Anchor 50 " " " % Send for a complete catalogue and price list of all kinds of wines and liquors mailed free, to MAX KLEIN. I>istillei* cincl W 1 lolesale LIQUOR DEALER, No 82 Federal St.. Allegheny, ?a Jewelry-Silverware--Clocks. Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 pe • ent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Inviter —"Remember o.ir Repairing Department —20 years Experience. M Ii OB EN" lIIA 11 Wholesale Liquor Dealer, JO3 Ferry - Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Oivnin I VI irke A WINTER'S ENTEHTAINiViENT! GREAT VALUE W&F.KLY Nr W3 " FOR. OF THE WOHLD LITTLE MONEY. FOR A TRIFLE. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty-pHfri- j-.iirnal. i- tin- Ui'!>nl>licni family paper ol the 1 rittd ,->t >t"s It Ht NATIONAL P \MILY I'APER. ar.d Riv." "II «ne if.uer.l - -f the Ciiit.-il HUbta Ii jcilh- . vuntM ill foroiiTi Uud* i« - uut!<h«ll l'« TURAL depitrimt>iu lian no Himeriiir in th« eountrv. I - MAitKbi llfcl. JKiB in- n• iitfniii'il HHiti- iity. Separate ilepirt nn-iii* t-r TIiEFA MI • Y CIRCLE. OUR YOUNG FOL and SOIBNOM AND MECHANICS li« HOME AND SOCIETY ctilumn* couiuiiuhi th« admiraiii f witch and datitiiner*. Ita general political n«w», <<dit»riala and divenaaiotia are eomprehcnaiVH, l.rilliaut and exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enaidea ua to offer thin upland id journal and THE CITIZEN" for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 50 CASH IN ADVANCE. (Tho r»"i?ular Hobnoription fur the twu paperx in $2 50.) SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. Address nil orders to - - - "THE CITIZEN." VVritn your natno anil address OD a postal card, send it to (Joo. W. Beet., Room 2, Tribune B ildintr New York Citr. nnd sample copy of THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will lie mailed to you. Hotel Butler; J. H. FAUBEL, Prop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and all other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use oI commercial men t HOUSEHOLD ENAMEL, KI'TKHtIBKM PAIJST IKD VIHMSII. Can be applied to any (smooth »urf«ce,on furniture. wood, plasn, any kind of metal including kitchen ntencilH. Make-, old article* look new and i- much ufod on bioyclea, carriajie*, atovM. eic. Require* oulj one coat. i* applie-1 cold with liruih and driei« absolutely haul and itlo»»> iu - hours- will not crack, chip, liliitlor or rub off. Sample bottW* sent on reoeipt of price. 2 ounce# 15c, 4 ouncoa Uso, 8 ounoea 40c. West Deer Park Printing Ink Co., 4 Nuw lit AOK ST., NEW YOR AGENTS WANTED.