Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 15, 1894, Image 3
THK CITIZEJNT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, ISM. ADVERTISING RATES. Legal notices ere published in the ClTl len at $1 per inch for first, and 50 cent* for Mch succeeding insertion. Obituaries. cards of thanks. resolutions, etc. ere inserted at 5 cents a line.monej to accompany the order. Reading notices on local page 10 cent# a line lor first and 5 cents a line for each subsequent insertion Notices among lo cal news items 15 coat* a line for each in sertion. Half-inch professional cards with paper $5 a year. Rates for commercial advertising qeoted upon application UCTLKB * popoiauon ol about lU,**J. It la Uie'CuQi.tf tear« Butler County, with % railways. natural gas. and unequalled facilities (or meuutwiaree. ITogress evrywbere; new buildings, new -nantuactur-i, a growing ind prosperous town. New York Weekly Tribune—Free. b/ special arrangements made for our so doing, we are enabled to olfer to all our subscribers who pay arrearages, (if any) and one year in advance, and to all new subscribers paying in advance, the New York Weekly Trxbunt free for one year. For further particulars of this ofler see ad vertisement. New Advertisements. NoT«—All advertisers intending to make canges m their ads. should notify us of their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. Sheriff's Saies fur Dec. Term. Orphan's Court sale, estate of John Purviance, dec'd. Jury list* for Dec Term. C. A T's Business Bringers. Huselton's Shoes. Kauffman's Wraps. Professional Card—Dr. Bricker. Marvin's Crackers. Administrators and Executors ol estate c*n jecore their receipt books at the CITI in office. LOCAL ANL» liENEBAL. —Thanksgiving the 29ih. —The lajt session of tne 53rd Congress will convene on Dec. 3rd. —Mars wants a borough charter, and Earns City wiahes hers annulled. —Fire escapes will be placed on the M c- Keaa and Mifflin street school buildings. —G. J. Hooks and J. 8. Clark are now proprietor* ol the planing mill at Mars, formerly owned by Boy d 4 Bon. —Thtre is a city in this state wbietf cart but 184. votes at the recent election. Who can guess its nauiet A man in New York City took a drink of whiskey the other day and has been speechless ever since. —Twelve hundred borne* are on exhibi tion at Madison square Garden, in N«* York, this week. —Moi-quitoes inject a poison into the wounds they inflict in order to make the blood thin enough to flow through their throats. —A thirteen-year-old girl left the Or phans' Home last Sunday. She is heavy set, has dark eye', short, black hair and wore a bine coat and cap. —The Council stopped the building of Mr Sea-ior's new carriage sued on the Wick House lot, though it wa» to be iron olad and iron rooled, because the location is within the absolute lire limits. —At the meeting of the Lincoln I<eague, Monday evening, Newton Black was elect ed President for the ensuing year. J. W. Hutchison, Secretary, and Isaac Meals, Treasurer. —The fire in McCoyVbbuse last Thurs day noon was caused by leaving a br >oiu standing too close to the stove. The broom took fire, and communicated it to the building. —A charter has been issued to the Electric Messenger Co. lor the purpose of constructing and operating a telephone system from Chicago to New York, run ning through Butler county. —Tbe Y. M. C. A. military company, all boy* under fifteen, paraded tbe street* Saturday afternoon. They m»ke a good appearance, and Mr. Urymer, Ibeir leader and organizer can well be proud of them. —The long winter evening* which are already upon a* create a demand for more literature. In making your (election* bear in mind that the CITUB* and Tribune for 9 1.50 a year i» a* cbeap reading an you will find. —Tbe way lo baiid up iudaatrie* in yoar town in to patronize them. Ail thing* being equal tbe local bu*ine»* man i* en titled to your patronage. It U your duty M a good citizen to patronize your neigh who will have many an opportunity to do yon a good turn. —llaat meeting of the Ycung Peiple* Society Tbnraday, Nov 13, in Pre*. Church at 7:30 P. M. Lecture l»y Kuv. DeWitt M Benharn of Pitt*burg. Subject "Cbriatain work" Whfet nhall we do! liow •ball we do itf AH are invited. Admi**ion free. Come and bring other* with you. —A "gent" i» now working the *ur rounding *mall towna on a nmall fake, •ays an exchange, lie offer* to print 1, 000 note heart* for f1.50. The order i« lak •n, 50 cent* i* paid on the job and the mer chant never hear* of the note head* The fakir claim* to be a repre«entative of a Cleveland firm. —Tbe expre**ion, "Mind your P'i» and Q'n," aro*e from au o'd cu*t«m of iun keep er* marking down the ncore* of their en><- ton.tr* on the wall or doot *ith a piece of charcoal, "y" atood for quart, and "1"' for pint. A hint to mind one'* P'* and (J'» wan equivalent to a reminder that be wa* diloking too mucb. —There ia nnw in coono of erection at the Altoona abop* a new pa*senger loco motive which i* expected t<> cover it* 10(1 mile* an boor without any trouble. Th<; wheel* are larger in diameter than the or dinary engine and will be equipped with bftll-bearing*. like a byciole. It will al*o have a ateam pressure of but !H> pouudr aguiuHt 10% poonda premure in the locomo tive uow in u*e. —The Ixce winter coom* of agriculture horticulture and dairying offered by the Penn*jlvama Ktate College, located at State College, Centre county, and the cnir»e of borne reading in tbene nubject* •honld be of interest to every larrner in the »iate Certainly thin county ba« a number ol young men who have the time and Hmall amount of money necen iry to take one ol theM course*. and they will find thuu of inim«n*e value in their tunn ing operation*. Look into the matter by requeuing yoor local member of the State Board of Agriculture or Prole*:or 11. J. Water*, Stale College. I'enn*ylvani;i, to •end yon full particular*. —o';ca*ionalljr a D. I>. (dead drunk) tarn* op in Hutler Policeman Bkilluian found one at the P. 4 W. depot. Saturday evening, and took him to the lock-up. Some men can atand up whet* tbey are drunk and aooie caunot. In a caae tried in the criminal ooart of Pitteburg, la*t week, Judge White objected to the general Idea regarding a drunken man a* expre»*- ed in the liaei "He i* not drunk who from tho floor Can ri»<> ami drink onue more; Bat he i* druuk wtu< pr<>«trete lie*, 404 o*n neither drink nor >lm," The time for the buckwheat cake is here, Tfce doaghnnt l ' on the platter; Thank*.iving day is drawing near; The turkey growing fatter. Tbe skies now wear a leaden hue, The wind's from Manitoba. While man's proboscis turneth blue. And ih« thought* of his heart grow sober. Soon the sausage and the pumpkin pie Will take the place ol toe banana. And tbe sleigh-bells will be heard on high. While Jack goes to see Susanna. —What is the matter with a enrysac thei.um exhibition for Batler this falL —The winter set in early and is going it at a gay pace. Tne mercury WAS down to 15 above zero last Monday morning. —The Freu Methodists will hold a con vention ia Butler beginning Thursday, the 15ih and continuing till Sunday. —There is being held in Shaffer's Hall, opposite the postoffice, this week a series of religioas meetings to which all are in vited. We acknowledge the receipt of an invita tiou to attend the grand hop to be given to-night by tbe Kod and Gun Club. --See "Hoss and Hoss" at the Park Theatre on Wednesday, Nov. 21. Take in this great farce comedy. It is all the rage. —Dr. Mc'Jurdy Bricker has opened an office in Mrs Pape's building on East Jef farson street, aad is rapdly securing a practice. See card for his office hours —Rev J. A. Grier. D. D., will preach in the United Pre-byterian Church next Sunday morning and evening. The honr of evening service is 7 o'clock. —A Fanners' Institute will be held at Freeport next Monday and Tuesday, be ginning at 10 a. m. Monday in the opera house.' The instructor will be Thos J. Edge nnd W. J. Chamberlain. Hon. W. B Powell will deliver the lecture Monday evening. —The Great and Glorious Pennsylvania Railroad Co., will confer a favor upon tbe people ot Butler, by buildiog them a hand some station house— one of those gems of architecture for which the ro«d is famous— on or near ihe main street of the town Tbe track can easily be extended, eitbsr to north or south Main et., and if so extended the patrons of tbe road would no longer have to drag their weary limbs up one of the longest and steepest streets in the town. "The press endures affliction of dead headism from tbe bar. *lage. society, indi viduals and corporations It is exdected to give strength to the weak, eyes to tbe blind, clothes to tbe naked, bread to the hungry, etc. It is asked to cover up in firmities, hide weakness, wink at quacks, bolster op all dull sapheaded politician! and flitter the vain. Il is, in short, to be all things to all men; and if it looks for any reward it is denouueed as a mean and sordid uliCHt. There is no interest under the whole heavens that is expected to give ■o much to society without pay or thanks as the press." Park Opera House. 'KIU.AR.HY AID THB KH!*k'—XOV. 16 This excellent mu-ieal comedy will be pvou in l''irk Opera lion-'*) tomorrow even iug, the 18th. Mr. J. K. Toole and ili Jarboe have a :>eauulal dialect melo-drama in "Killar ney mid 'he Khine," a* *hown at the standard yesterday It is acceptable in ,verj w ay, and whether it be viewed a« a nedium for scenic embellishment, a* a itory or an exposition of the talent of the trar*. it 14 ro.upletely WtiiifacUW/. Mr r„ole ba- a correct notion of Oerman dia lect comedy, and Mi*<t J arboe, is an Irish xdlten after the Hibernian'* own heart Manv sprightly wing* and fatching dance* •inbellixh the plot, all of which are given n a whole-souled sort of wtiy that nuit the read of the bill. The company ha* been fleeted with ■'pt-cial reference to fitnes*, md the renult i* a performance that no tpectaior ever regret* having witne**ed. — fee Star, St. Loui*. M o91»a v Nov. 10. William Morris in "The Lost Paradise," "Or The Kuowlton Iron Works." A remaxkably strong actor, who ha* a l>rilliant luture and high career already es labi nhed, i* William Morris, the *tar actor jf '"The Loct Paradi*e." which 1* to be uero on Monday the 19th. One of the tecrets of Mr. Morrin's Ktrange influence >ver hi* audience-, i* that he is Himple in hii method* and true to nature in all he loe* If a gentleman h to be portraj ed on the stage, he take* the part seemineli without an i lfor', because he in high-miiid r:d, chivalric gentleman in hi* own lire oil the *tage. When he personate* a hero on the frontier because be biin»elf is enthused by '.he scene llin character* not only nave lle-h and blood, but, tomelhing more. They are the coul and grandeur ot charact er which make them living creation*. Thi*ts»hy biiilieuce* are rapturon* and applau-e greet* the actor in every new por trayal. The Markets. BUTLKR MARKETS Our grocer* are payiug 20 lor butter, '2O for egg*, 50 |or good potatoe*, 50 for <»oiou*; iOcts lor apples. 25 to :Wcts a dox. for cel iiry; ljcent a pound for cabbage; 40 cent* lor ti mips PITT.HBL'HII PttoDUOK. Timothy hay from country wairons sl4 to 15, mixed hay $10.50, to 11.00, straw |5.iK) to 0.00. Country roll butter 15 to 10, lrc*h egg* 22 to 23, dre« -ed chicken*, drawn 12 to 14, spring chickens 12 to 13 per pound. Potatoes $2.15 to s_• 25 per bid, unions 40 to 50. At Herr'* Inland, Monday, beeve* sold »». 3.00 to 5 25.ba11* and dry cow* at 1 25 to 2 25, hog* at 3.00 to 4.95. »heep at. .25 to I 00, lambs at .75 to 4.00, and calve* at 1.25 to 5.00. I X 1.. Pictures, Diplomas, Certificates and Charter* Framed to Orrfer at .'SOO S. Main Ht., Bugler, Pa. Feud Fkioel, Prop'r. Eat Thanksgiving Dinner With Your Friends. Teke advantage of excursion rates over the P. S. At L. K. R It. tickets good (Toing N <iv 2S ! h »<;d 29th and for return up to and including Nov. 30tb, at one fare for the round trip. Home ruado candies, taffies , rar inels, and etc., now on hand at the City Bakery. Martincourt A Co. are giving away valuable prize* to holders of lucky numbers. (Jail and get a nam her it costs you nothing —Genuine Lancaster Uinghums 5c at Davin.nt'b No matter how hard the times the one thing you cannot afford to go without is all the news If yon want al' the news you get it in the Pitts burg Ihnjiahh. The iJiapatch pub lishes all—not a part only Fittest novelties in dress gooda at pAVCNNr'H. Fresh cut Flowers of ali kinds, always on hand at the City Bakery. —.Highest cash price paid for of all kinds at J. C Broaden Ac Co.'i new roller mills, West Suubury, Pa —Zuvcr's Pictures leave nothing wanting to finish, tone or a correct likeness. 'O —Job work of all kind doue at th( CITIZJEN OttlVt. LEGAL NEWS. TRIAL LIST. The following c»es have been disposed of. W. L. DeW>!fe vs. Fairview twp,— Nov. 13 &4. verdict f< r defendant. Jonathan Wilson vs S. C. Ramsey— Nov. 13, case settled by the parties. Jonathan Wilson vs Rob* Hudson — Nov. 13, case ettled by the parties. J.B.Kilroy v*. Susquehanna Muiasl F;r<» Ins. CV. —v- niict plaintiff for $207 50. J. B. Eilroy vs Autora Fire Ins. Co. of rtarri: ;»urg—Nov. 13. Verdict for p!ff. for 2C7.50. Mrs. Theo Helmbold and eon vs. W. B Emrick—Nov, 5, defendant confess ed judgment for $212.51. Com of Pa. for ose of Nancy Do aghy vs, Win. H. & Gill—Nov. 14 94, Verdict Kr plff $£3.70. Lewis Htzele" vs. J. B. Ford £ Co.— settled. Elia Seaton vs. Shaffer Wiley—Settled Bennet: & Jon.s vs. W A. Goehring <t Co. Same day jar .r wiikdrawn and ca-i continued The Co< k on case wa. continued to .Jan uary term. Tbe ca.-. iof the Cipital City M atnal Fire Ins. Co vs Cook auJ oiners weie continued oa ac o .nt of B'. u lar cases being now before tbe supreme Court. XOVES. Court lor the trial of eivi! causes com menced Monday, arol tbe tir-t taken up wa- that o: br. Wolle vs. Fairview twp wt'ich continued tiii Tuesday at'emoon when a verdict in favor of tbe township, Wl , rendered. This was the third trial of the case, and the costs, amounting to over S3OO now fail upon the prosecutor. Judge John Stewart of Chambertburg arrived in town, Monday evening, and has been txaietiflg Judge Greer, this week. The hearirg or tho petition ot K«rr Porter regarding TLIO b OOJI- children wa continued on till tne first Tuesday of De cember. The application for a charter for the French club wiU be heard Dec. Bth. Mrs. Annie 10. Daugiierty was granted a divorce, also Mrs. Rosiiie ilayouet. The old gravevard case;-, were certified to Judge Mehard", and will be heard on Monday, Nov. 20 at 10 a. m. Tbe Boyer citation case Neal Gallagher Audit, and J»». Henrv maintenance casis were continued till next term. The farm of Ludwiir and Wilhelmioa Miller, in Butler twp., 72 acre , more or less was sold by tbe Sneriff as Tuesday, to T. A. Campoull at 933 40 per acre. There are no buildings of ar.y i»c count on the properly. The lot on St. owned by Lndwig and Dorothe* Milier, was sold t'» Herman Kuninier some time ago for SSOO. J. W. Tit'ey cf Milb-rstown petitioned court for vn wer.-. u- a -ess daUiagi iau ed by the Western I r.ion Co. ouuing down two shade trees on Tttley s prenii es at Chicora. The will of Sarah A. -weeuey late of Jeffersou twp WHS protiate l a'ld letters to L. McJunkin; al-o'wi , I Join o'i> oinell Uie ol Donegal lap. letters to J C O'D in nell and W. F. Ben on; also nill ol G«»o. C McCaudless, W. B. Currie, Ex'r. Cotters ofadmn. "ii »-ta eo! Lydi* Blaes were taKen ou' by W. J Blai k ot Concord twp; letter-, ot C. T. A., D. L. N ,on estate of Jo!.n P.irvmauce, by VV . A. Stein ot Butler. The Supreme Couri affirmed t.hu decision of the lower cour iu Mercer county in th • ca-e ol Coulter v-. Pice town-hip, in which Mrs Coulter Mi:ov*Md t. verdict of s7,!"o'i against Pine towabip for tbe death of bet husband by the breaking down of a tovu ship bridge while be wa* cr.;ssing it with a traction engine. Tbe .Sta»e Supreme Court sitting in Pitts burg, adjourned, Tuesday, after making some decioionr. none of which were on Butler county s, aad the » held ov« cases will pronabiy not bj decided uoti: the January twin al Pbil'a During this term 241 can* *vere argued. <K) e.d, 20 discontinued and 0 continued lii next term. A Pennsylvania Judge has ruled that ledgers are inadmi~-able in evidence to prove a bi»ok a.scouul, and that, the mer chant's blotter or -cratchers.forin tne proper evidence. As it is a custom of country storekeepers in Pennsylvania to destroy tbeir blotters after use, and only preserve their ledgers, this decision il ad ipt.' d gen erly will revolutionize bookkeeping. Beyeral Supreme Court decisions wer recorded la*t M«. iday, but none on Butlt i county cant R. The o • Ijr ci*' 1 "I interesi decided was the famou* Gallitzin school cane and ihe Supreme Court affirm. the opinion of the lower court that the era ployment of nana, or membera of a relic ious order, iu the capacity of tcac'iorx, and in the babit of ttie order to which they belong, is not sectaiian teaching within the meaning of the law. Tbe judge below held tliHt in the absence of proof that religion instruction »J< im parted by ike meters during hchool.- hour they could not he enjoined from teaching in tbe public »choola in the garb ot their order, nor could the cchool directors Ijf enjoined from -inplojiiig or pornluinir them to act in that capacity. The court went further, however, and enjoined th« use of tbe Mshool building alter school hours, hy the teachers. in imparting relig ion* instruction to tUo children of Cath<>- lic parent*, even at their request Thi wan held to be a violation of the law —ih< u*e of the public nchool property for socta rion purpose*. LATK PKOPKtIT V TR.< Juo. W Ztnkbann to Henry Young lot in Kvar.H Cit} loi $3,850. llariiet McCov to Martha Watson lot in imwlik tirr W. J. Hwarizlander t<» Adi-oti l». K";>ple lot in BuenaV i*ta for $47.M. Jan. Moore in J. W. Huron 1!> acre in Worth for SHHH. Jar. Moore to Win. Dick on 21 acre< m Worth for $056 Chas. O. niraube to J. Martin liu:- prop erty iu Buffalo twp tor <4 500. Lev to J It Lutchaw lot in Harmony lor S3OO D. J. Hricker to Lemuel W. Bricker 50 acres in W infield for sl. Chas. F Vlorris to Win P Morris 113 acres in Washingi on f. $2,700. Nicholas Amnion to Jas IK Basley If acres in Buffalo lor }'"> so. Albert Kittnk to hlizilietli .Suiitii lot in Butler for $2 400. Orra L. WieKsto K. L. McOandb lot in Centreville fors2oo. Martha K. WllgkllO J 80. S < M pbell lot in Butler lor #2OO Martin Wahl to Jacob Hammer lot in Kvans City for $215 J. 10. Bumtiacb to li. I'. Sutton l«'t in Kvans City for Marriage J.icen#;*. l»aao Kaufman C'onnoq. Laura E. Anderson .....Connoq. I'aul (ierwig Heav>.r Co. Catherine Kocber.. ........ Better I'a. W.J Whiteside* Middle.*! twp. Emios J. Bbepard " Henry N Kelly Clintonville Lotta P. Cation " At Pittsburg, i'. W. Hull ol Mars and Kate iletcb ol Allegheny. At Mercer, H. P. Atwell and Margaret Armstrong of WicV. —Clearance Hale of nil summer KO'JIIN at lean tbaa .vti'ilr.sjili* price, at L.'riTßiN A Br>ix H. Martincourt (,'o. nr« away valuable prisea to holder* of lucky niimbe.ru. o*ll and (jet a num ber it COHIH you nothing. lox4 blankets flOn it DAVKINY'H Kxcuraiou rati< < for Tannkwriv inir I>ay Iw-tw crj all Htatioux ott litu of P. H. L. IS K it . ticket* (food going Nov. 28th and 20th, and for return up to bod including the .'BHb, at the rate of ouu faro for tbe round trip. —I2J cent I'otjgecH and TinHuea reduced to <:cntnat L. rtTt'N 1% Won'M. Bargain** in Lawus, I>irmly M Pongee*, Orgnndt» , H"a:id all the num. mer gooda at L. STriN <si tJ'>N b HoardingHOUHK Carde, with A' t of Aaaombly, 2o couU ior tmll-ardiMuu, for Mle at Cm*™ uflictf, Personal. Mrs. Duncan has been appointed P. M. for Carr, at Walters Station. Hairy Iseman has charge of Bellis d Mjers' branch grocery store at Coopers town. B. M. Duuc»n of New Brighton was in town this week. Berriah is looking well but bis son Clyde is down with typhoid. John L. Flack of this place is intereste"= ia an oil property in Ohio tnat is doing 7u barrels per (Jay and is valued at SBO,OOO. KicharJ Reynolds, of Kiltaniug Pa., is now employed in tne freight office ol tin P. <t W. at Butler. J. S. Wick went to Philadelphia on Thusday on business connected with his office Gen. Booth, Commander of the Salva tion Army, with his wife, .son anl other as-istaats, arrived in Pittsburg last week, and have had great success there. Ad Hatiner took a contract last week to build Age.it Miller of the S. <i A. R. R a house on Franklin St. and will go to woik on it immediately. Cal Payne and wife are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. 0 Purvis. Cal's connection with the Standard Oil Company seems to agree with him for he has become a 230 pounder. Frank Murphy wants t > be a member ot Gov Elect Basting's staff, and is circulat ,ng a petition to that effect. It is an hon orary position, which during war times was greatly sought lor. Hon. John Stewart of Ohatnbersburg aal Pre-ident Judge of the Coerts ot Franklin County, Pa, has been assisting Judge Greer "this week in holding our Courts hero. Judge Stewart has a high reputation both as a lawyer and as a man. His intercourse with our people has been very pleasant anil his rulings satisfactory to the mem bers ol the Bar. He is one ot the promi nent men of our Slate. Mr. Miles E. Sbater, ot Jersey City N. J., has been spending a week with his mother. Mrs. Win. Caldwell. His wife and children have been stopping with Mr. nu il Mrs. i aid well the past year, and will remain this winter. Mrs. Shafer returned <ita her husband, Mondaj", lor a three •veeks visit at Port Jervis, Mat amoras, Middletowa, Gosnen, Newburg, Patterson, and Jersey City. Fires. Mrs. Fitzsimmons of Quarry St. was ».vakened early lart Sunday morning by th« smell of smoke and found that her house, which adjoins tnat of Jno. McCoy, partially burned last Thursday, was on fire. She awakened Mi-.s McCoy, and they had barely time to carry out Mrs. Fitzsimuion s three children. The fire companies arriv ed as soon, or sooner, than could have been expected, considering tbe hour, but the h .use is a total wreck and most of its contents were destroyed. It was insured for S4OO. The tire is supposed to have originated from a lamp It It burning in ihe sitting room. Accidents. While Joseph Mossrush of the first ward was trying to coiple a passenger to a freight cur al the new P. A W. yaids a few daya ago, be held the link a moment too long, and had the thumb and two lingers of his right hand crushed so badly that am pliation was made necessary. He has a amily and lives near Kesselman's machine shop. Try, T A. Morrison's home -nvie CirmeU MartiDcourt &, Co. are givin awiv prizes to holders o lucky Duinbers CJall and get a numg bur it COS'.-J you nothing. Fine CHDvOti flannels 5 cents at DAVENNY'S. Our Hosiery values are uueqnal. Ed ati'i well worth your inspectton- L STEIN <T SUM'S. Fine Donnett flannels, 5c at IJAVENNY'S. pair at Daveuny's. Samraer Underwear Ho flier- Mitts, Lines iinl Rib'joa-J at rcduc cd prices at L. STEIN A SON'S. A good umberella for 75c at DAVENNY'H I I'LKK ICE 'SPUING WATER ( ICE, For Male by J. A. Richey. Leave your orders at the Bakery. Try our now roller flour—latest improved micbiue'-y. Satisfaction guaranteed, C. BIiEADEN fi Co., West Sunbury, Pa. Ryo Wanted. The highest prions paid for rve at the mill of GEO WAI.TER <FC SON. Butler, Pa White go«jds, Lawns, Pongees Organdies and all kinds of wash good.-j at Ins: than wholesale pric.i at L. fTEIN ft SoN'ri. —The highf-tt grads of patent (lour made at the mills of J. 0. BREADEN At Oc., West Sunbury, Pa. Mrs. Jones—Where did you get that hat 7 Mrs. Smith—At Daveuny's of course, they have ttie best millinery In t <wti, try them. —-A full line of home made candies at the City Bakery. MUSIC. Music scholars waiited, Lessons will be given either at the home of the teacher or at the home of the sihohir. luquireat 121 vV. Wayne St. But'er Pa. AMY bUU'S, CORNER MAIN & MIKFMN Sr*., BUTLCR, PKNN'A. ])ealers in new and second hand household goods of every description Call and see us. We can save you money. —One Portfolio, containing 10 sup'Tb views from tho Worlds Fair given away wnh e tcb $2 00 sale at L. STEIN <FC SON. W he <t Wanted We pay th • digues'. Price lor wheal—noih oil and new. a, our mill. We chop all kinds of grain at our mill for th<? Tenth Bushel and do il promptly and to your satisfaction. Remember we Only Charge the Tenth. Oeorge Walter Sun's Butler Pa. Vou pay for school-books; but the best setiool-boxk for your children is your daily pi.per. Well printed, carefully and intelligently edited, of instructive contents, first arid fullest with the news and l est in [*e*enti i.g it, the Pittsburg Dutpaivh, "fills the bill. Oil Notes. (Heydrick s No. 4, Oil Leases for sale at this Office.) At Coylesville the Wilson Bros well on the MoKee is dry: alio Philips 3 on the Denny. Golden A- Co. intend drilling on the Ritnp farm m Summit iwp. near Pr. Byeri well, which is doing 22 bbls. At Zelienople, Lockwood A Co s well was increased by a shot from J to 13 bbl-; J. D. Wolfe has a rig np on the Koeher Canniugham & Co's No. 1. on the James Whiteside farm, is estimated at 8 to 10 bbls. Several wells are neaiing completion in the field east of '.'allery. The market bangs on to the figures 87 7-8. One 125-bM tank at the Gallagner well is standing fall, and the well is shut down un.il another tank is built. Rigs are going np on the R. B. Conn. Jno. Hindman, Phillip Hnlstein and Henry Riuker farms in that vicinity, and on the Jno. Sutton and Esq. McCandless, two miles down the creek. An oil producer named C. A. Renner was drugged and robbed in the East End, Pittsburg, a few days ago. The well on the Henry Stoner farm in ■Washington twp, arid also the one on the James Bryan in Concord twp, are repotted dry. The J. S. Cainpbel' well on the Silas Campbell farm in Washington twp is ex pected in this week, and the Bell Bros, well on the Purviance Bell next week. W. A. Kelly has started a well on the P. Bell. If they havo as good luck at the ending as they have had bad luck at the begin ning of that Unionville well they ought 10 strike a 1000 barrel well. Firßt they strnek a crevice and got the hole crooked; then they busted their casing; then the bailer stuck fast and had to be drilled out and on Tuesday of this week the ti.ols stuck fast. The Barnes <1- Co. well on the W, H. Pithian farm in Washington twp got so much salt water in the hnndred-foot that it had to be shut down: the salt-water will probably be cased off. Winter Excursion Tickets on the Penn sylvania Railroad. On November 1 the Pennsylvania Rail road Company placed on sale at all its priucipal ticket offices excursion pickets to all tbo prominent winter resorts. This territory includes the resorts of New Jer sey, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Cuba. The tickets are sold at the usual low rates. The magnificent facilities of the Penn sylvania Railroad, with its many connec tions, make this the favorite line for winter travel. Did You Ever Try. Marvin's royal frait Buiscuit, cut in to small squares and served with dressing for desert? flard to imagine anything more delicious, Royal Fruit Biscuit are made from selected 'rait,our ofa importation,finest fruit in the world, and they are just a lit tie better than anything in the fruit biscuit line All .Marvin's Cakes and crackers are health foods MARTIN, Pittsburg. We are Leaders in Millinery. Both as to Style and Low Prices. Often you need only pay us half of what others charge and yet you get better quality and Style because we are always io the buying market with ready cash watching your interests us well as ours. KAUfMANN's —All P. S. A L. B. K. K. papsea- KOT and local freight traiDß will btop at Muddy Creek utation for the ac comtnodatiou o( paHnengers wishing to vieitthe new oil territory recently developed. For time of trains etc see P. 8. it L. E. R. li. Titue Table —Take your children to Zuver'a Oallery tor Pictures that will suit yoti I'oetnffice building B. ii. Out-of-Town Buyers Can liavo I'nll advantage of recent unur ual sacrifice purchases in Dress Goods, Silks, Saltings. Don't l.iose night of the fact that Our until orilcr system is such as always ei a liles mail order patrons to buy at the same low prices that city customers get over our counters Greatest sacrifice purchase of All- H'ool American Siiitiiitjx known in our twenty-five years store-keepiug experi ence. When we say greatest we mean the host for the money. SIO,OOO north new, .ity'ixli mixed miiliuijn, style, quality and color mixture* tinyoml anything ever offered at priO' . 'J.V, :ior nnil 36c a H'tril. 1111 ported All-1100l Xiy-Xtl'l flu it Suit inj/t. Small, neat ilesigu in ten different color mixtures, lilue and gray, brown anil lawn, myrtle and mahogany, brown anil tan, brown and gold, brown and bine, red and bine, bronze arid myrtle, wino and fawn, bronze and blue, har.dsome stylish suitinifs, away under value, regular SI.OO qualities, Jfi inches wide, 50 cents a yard. Ziij zay Check Suiting in larges size checks imported, French materials, stylish, ele gant materials in same range of colors us above, brought out to sell at s).£>, but by i this fortunate deal we bought to sell, 111 inches wide. 75 cents a yard. Writo I ir namples ol these and full lines of mi-dinm to linest imported labilcs to *3 .00 per yard. Klegant Hilks, staple and novelty, the best American and loreign manufacturers have produced, 75c, 91.00, 91.25, up to $7 50 per yard. Our AVir Fall Catalnyur. Yours free, for the aeking. 'Twill asnist greatly iu your mail order purchasing. Shall we send it 1 Boggs Buhl, ALLEGHENY. PA. GLOVES FITTED:-- Tie lailii-s of Huller will have a long felt want tilled in being able to have their gloves fitted ill their own town. Our Underwear Specialties for Winter of 'U4-'!is are: Ladies Kquestrtans and "Oriei. tu" combination wrappers, The "Rubens" infants vest does away with all the old time trouble of baby grow' ing out of hi* underwear; try them. As usual, our Millinery Stock is the bent in the city. M. F. & M. MARKS, i 113 to 117 H. Main St., - Butler. »' • wlil 'fdotKct ftir »d»erlUlilg »t lusml NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. At Vicary. Beaver county, Satuiday night Henry l'oweil shot Mrs. McLaughlin, with whom he was boarding and then him self. Judge Wickhain sat down on the Beaver Falls water works scheme because no re tnrn of the borough election had been made to the Clerk of Courts. A llock of wild geese attacked a boy in a field near Alliance, 0., Tuesday, and very nearly killed bitn. W. 11. Dawson, a merchant of Smiths Ferry, Beaver county, fixed a double-bar reled shot gun in his store as a trap to kill some burglars who had baen annoying him but when he entered the store next morn ing he forgot about the trap and was hin> self killed. DROP THE OLD SHOE! . s. - v -h h. yk ' I v\\ llgllppr? r . r» _ Because you can buy new ones cheaper than ever betore. Prices have taken a tumble and before buying your winter shoes call and see what we can do for you. Ladies' Shoes 75c, 95c, SI.OO and si.2's. Misses' Shoes 65c, 75c and SI.OO. Men s Shoes 95c, SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50. Youths' High-cut School Shoes 75c. 85c and SI.OO. See our line of Rubber Goods. Boston, Candee and Bay State at Rock Bottom Prices, or full line of Felt and Knit Boots, German Socks, &c. ' Men's Good Stoga Boots Hoys' Stoga Boots $1.25, $l5O and $1.75. If you are in need of any Foot wear give us a trial and we will promise to give you good Shoes at prices lower than ever before. THE NEW SHOE STORK. C. E. MILLER, 215 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. Jury Lists for Dec. Term. Listofnumos drawn from the proper jurv wheel this 29ih day of Oct., A. I). 1894, to serve an Grand JurorH at a regular term of Court commencing on the first Monday of December, A. 1). 1894 the same being the 3rd day of said month. Burr Peter, farmer. Forward twp. Crawford J J, farmer, Donegal twp. Campbell S A, farmer, Washington twp.B. Cooper G W, lanoer, Slipperyrook twp. Daubenspeck L L. farmer, Parkor twp. Daubenspeck li S, farmer, Parker twp. Davidson Charles. larmor, Ai'auis twp, Karhart Joseph, farmer, Fairview twp, E. English Joseph, farmer, Muddycreek twp. Fletcher T S. farmer, Washington twp. 8 Gillelaud \V J, fanner, Adam* twp, 6. ileckart Geo, carpenter, Batlwr, sth wJ. Hickey Wendel, larmer, Middle-ex twp. liindman Charles, farmer, Franklin twp. Irwin Samuel, larmer, Centre twp. Johnston Crofl, farmer, Middle#-* twp. Mocbel Michael, farmer, Buffalo twp. Purvis, S I), manufacturer, liutier,2d wd. Kennie J G. farmer, Center twp. Stewart M B, farmer, Lancaster twp. Sbeiver Geo, farmer, Lancaster twp. Shanor R M. merchant, Prospect boro. Unl Fred, farmer, Lancaster twp. Wright S M, farmer. Jefferson twp. List of amies drawn from the proper ju ry wheel this 26th day of Oct , A. D.,1894. to serve as Petit Jurors at a regular term of Court oommeuciiiu on the second Mon day of Dec A. 1) 1894, the same being the 10th day of said month. Albert John 1), farmer, Franklin twp. Angert Geo, farmer, Oakland twp. Barnes John A, farmer. Mercer twp. Bortmas Win, farmer, Clay twp Bailor Peter, farmer, summit twp. Bollinger John 11, larmer, Cherry 8. Cooper Jas, farmer, Forward twp. Critchlow J C, farmer, Forward twp. Cress John, blacksmith, Clearfield twp. Campbell. W 11, larmer, Concord twp. Critchlow John, farmer, Forward twp. Critchlow D W. farmer, Jefferson twp. Colbert B A, merchant, Ifutli-r, sth wd. Davidson Win, farmer. Cranberry twp. Furgeson Frank, weigh boss, Cherry twp,B Fennell P B, Farmer, Clearfield tap. Forsythe Henderson, tanner, A lams twp,N Graham Smiley A, larmer. Concord twp. (irant 11 J. farmer, Allegheny twp. Class Geo, merchant, Millerstown boro. Garvin J A, farmer, Cranberry twp. Heck I) A, merchant. Butler, sth wd. liindman Andrew, guager, Millerstown. liindman Charles, hotel keeper, Butler 2d wd. Hockeuberry Mack, farmer, Cherry, 8. Knox Cyrus, gent, Evan. Cily. Logan Win J, merchant, Millerstown. McCollough Michael, farmer, Venango twp Moore Jas, fanner, Worth twp Mechling Jot, farmer. Clay twp. McNees J M, farmer, Brady twp. Nelson John, farmer, Cherry twp, N. Kose Jas, farmer, Centre twp. Slpo W S, farmer, Clearfield twp. Hay Geo, larmer. Marion twp Seibort Win, blacksmith, Butler, 'ld wd. Swartzlander Win, blacksmith, Butler, sth wd. Sproul A J, merchant, Cherry twp, 8. Stevenson It I), farmer, Summit twp. Sutton E I*, agent, Kvana City. Slater J M, farmer, Donegal twp. Shunt* A It, farmer, lack son twp, \V. Wilson J M, larmer, Jackson twp. K. Wasson John C, farumr, Cherry twp, N. Williams Philip, merchant, Prospect. Wood Win A, farmer, Marion twp. Ziegler L N. hotel keeper. Harmony. GRKAT BARGAINS IN Clothing, Hats and Gent's Furnishings FOR FALL, .Suite nold by othere for $(5.00 our price $4 50 Suite eold by others for $8.(10 our price $0 00. Suite sold by othere tor SIO,OO our price |rt 00. White Merino Underwear fiOo grain or 35c. Grey Merino Uuderwear 50c for 85c, We will save you 'is per cent, on nil grades of clothing Cull and examine our goods and prices whether you wish a to k buy or not. THE RACKET STORE UO ». MAKV BT. A Suggestion. C*«- J -6§ Jfcpr-J "• . _ Tt~C > UU!rn * ju y wrff: Did it ever occur to you that tnere are drug- aud drugs—that drugs are like eyerj - thing else—there are good, bad and indif lerent. There is nothing else which is positively bad if it is'nt just of the best Onr policy has always been to have noth ing but the best. When you want drugs come to us and be assured of fresh pure goods, and always what you ask for or your prescription calls for. It may not alw'ays be drugs yon want either. We always have on hand a full line of sick room requisites. C.-ltt, BOYD, Diamond Block, Butler, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES PENNSYLVANIA . ILROAD. THE STANDAKD RAIL.BOAD OF AMERICA WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. ScllKDrt.F. IN KFTBCT OCTOBCB Ull. IS9I South . Week Davs . A. M. A. M. A. St. P. M. r. M. Butler Leave Cir. 835 11 oo 2 4". 5 0i! Saxonbur*.. Arrive C 44 900 11 24 311 528 Kuller JUC't. •' 730 !» 25 11 Jo 340 553 Butler Jui't . Leave 73U »41 12 03 3 40 553 Natrona Arrive 7as 951 12 13 350 ti vS l'arentum 7 43 956 12 19 3 57 9 07 Sprtutfilale 7»10 OS 12 33 4os .... t'lareuiODt s 11 12 55 4 23 6 27 Sbarpsburg 8 IS 1 05 4 29 632 Allegheny city 83510 33 124 141 645 A. M. A. M P. M. P. M. P. M. North Wkkk Days. A M. A M. A. M. P. M. I*. M Alleghenyflty Leaves v> 8 2 5 10 40 3 15 ti 10 sharpsburg 70* 8 39 lo 58 Clareinont 8 4.5 11 OS sprlngdale *si 11 2t> ... 641 Tarentuin 7 32 9 10 11 39 3 M 050 Xatroua 7 37 9 15 11 45 3 55 0 53 «Builer.lue't Arrive 745 »25 11 5C 404 7 02 Butler .luc't Leave 7 4.5 945 12 3-i 4 13 7 02 Sfiaxoutiurg BOSIo 11 104 440 7*5 3Butler Arrive 83510 35 130 406 750 W f.kk Davs, For the Kant. W Has I)avs P. M. A. M. A. X. P. M . 245 (•» 15 Lv. Butler Ar. 10 35 tso 113 40 730 Ar. Butler Junction Lv. 945 12 38 404 7 4.5 Lv. Kutler Junction Ar. 941 12 38 4 lo 749 Ar. Freeuort Lv. :i 35 IS 35 415 753 •• Allegheny Juc't •• 831 12 3d i 26 804 •• I,«xschbun» •• !> 20 12 13 446 821 " paultou (Apollo) " 905 II 55 514 851 '• Saltsuurg •• 837 11 32 550 922 '• Blalrsvllle " 805 II oo r. oo 930 •• Blalrsvllle luter'n " 700 10 15 83011 40 '• Altoona •• 340 aoo 100 320 •' llarrinUurg •• ll 55 :i io 430 650 •' rilllalelpliU " 850 11 a. m. r. u. .v, m. p. M Through trains for tu- en! ,1 e.'ve rittsbiug (Union Station) as fjllo.vsv Atlantic Express. •' 2 4JA. M. Pennsylvania. Limited, dally 15 Day Express. " 800 •• I'lillaOelulila Express, •• 4 :w P.M. Eastern Express, " 700 " Fast line, '• 810 •• For detailed InformtloQ. .Wdresi i'lin. ti. Watt. fans. A«'i. iVeitern >utrlot, 110 Fifth Avenue, Piitsourg. t'a. S. M. PUEVOST, J. t VOOD, "~ Ueneral >1 m • i'L Pass'r. Ag't p. 4 w. n. Schedule, In effect Jan.* i . th. (Butler .time) The Short Line iO Pittsburg. KKPAUT SOUTH. FROM SOUTH , g .25a m Allegheny 9.25 a ra. Alllegiieny Ei .15 u m All'y £ Akron 955 a m.AI A N t'astle SI. 20 am Allegheny An 12.20 p in. All'y £ oh'go 1.00 p m Allegheny Mall 5.0s p m. Allegheny fix .1 50 pra Chicago Kx. 72> p m, All'y 4 Akron 3.10 pm All'y £ Ell. Ex s.oo pm. Allegheny Ac PKI'AKT NoIITII. FROM NORTH. LO 05 A LA KENE & BRAD, ,S OFT A M. KOXBURG AC 5.11 P M CLARION AC 9.50 AM, CLARTJU AC 7.33 P M KOXBURG ]S.AO PM, KANE MAI SCMD\Y THUNS. DKPAHT 80CTH. FROM SOOTH. 8.15 A IN, I>EFOREST AC 9.55 A M.ALLOGUENY AC 3.50 PM, CHICAGO KX 505 PM. ALLEGHENY KX 6-10 PM, ALLEGHENY AC 7.2' P RN. DEPOROI. AC TRAIN ARRIVING AT AT, S.IT> P RN LEAVES •! & O DO [MT, LITISIIUIG. AT A :IR> O'CLOCK. BUTLER AND UREEAVILLEOO T:TI WILL ALLE GHENY AT.I'» P. IN, ILA.LY EXCEPT SUN LAV. ("ON UECTLNG UT WIILOWGROVO, ARRIVING AT. BUTLER AT s»'>. I'ULLMIN BUFFET SLEEPING CARS AND ILRST-ELASS DAY COACLIES TUN THROUGH BETWEEN KUTLOR AND CHICAGO DALLY. FOR THROUGH TICKETS TO POINTS IU THE WENT NORTHWEST OR SOUTHWEST APPLY TO A. B. CROUCH. AGEUT "TRAINS LEAVE THE B. X O. DEPOT LU PITIOUR,' LOR IHE K.ITL AS FOLLOWS. FOR WASHINGTON L> 0., BALTIMORE. PHLLVLEL PHL I. N.-W YORK, 11:20 AND NSW P. RN CUINUERULXL. 8:15,2 :»I 1:10. OA) P. IN. UON LALSVLLLE. 8:15, 12:.M, 1.10, 4.31. 5.59 AND 9.20 P. IN . UNLONTOWN, 5.15 A IN . I 10, 1..10 AND 550 P. IN. ML. PLEASANT. S:LS A. RN . 1.10 ANIL 4-M P. IN. WASHINGTON. I'A. 7.25 ARID 9 15 A. IN., L.OU, 4.45 UND P. ILL. WHEELING. 7.25 «ND. 9.15 *. IN.. 4.00 9.25. 11.25 P.M. CINCINNATI. 8T LOUIS, I'OLUINOUSAND NEWARX, 7.25 A. IN., 9.25 U 25 P, M. FOR CHICAGO. 2.4(1 AND ».30 P. M. PARLOR UNA SLEEPING EARS TO BALTIMORE, WASH INGTON, '.'INOLNU »TL AN I T.'HLOA/O. PI RRSUNITN,LILIES AS I»A NAN? IT.A. TAKES ELTECT MONDAY. APRIL 2. ISJL. TRAIN* ARC RUN BY CTTSNDANL CENTRAL TIME (80111 MERLDIIU) ONE HO.IR SLOWER TUAN CITY RI«). (LOIXO NORTH. OOIMO SOU TH —I 14 112 STATIONS J » TI ' 1.1.1 N. I,U LV |A.M. A.M PM, .... : 420 FFULO ; ... #ls I 10 I I 2 4 j .. 'HMKLRK ....I !7 W HA> ■ A. IN,I -, U0 1 5S 111 1.0 KRLE 0 05 S 40 S .45 « SSI L 23 925 WALLACE JUIICT O 4.' A 27 Ll2 N2O L IS 9 15 . .. (LLRARD I; 4N *»I T 15 «ID 1 IIS, 9 03 L/JEKPORL 059 II 42 I 211 CL 112 I IN' hM .. CRANEHVLLLE ...' 7 OJJ U>o4 34 AlO .. IN 31 ..<■ INNIMUI |T •» 310 i: 4: . . t: mar T| 110 31 i 8 43 55712 57 549 AR .AL810N.....1V 7 111 935 4 117 513 12 4'. S AR',... ITIADELAND. 7 23] IN 04 431 5I"1212 532 HPR'INGBORO 1728LU 07 4 .-.5 55312 3- 825 C'.,|,NEAIIT VLL'E 73510 14 503 5 0-12 15 805 M,. T VIE JET. J 8 TT|LT » 525 FLI 7".W LV CONU R T"L,IJCER.: ....».IE 17 453 8 Id ar ar 8 1 <0 50 6 37 42H 7ON LV MEADVLLLE. LV 50 1 28 P IN ... S 42 AR AR 8 42 II -"I I! 03 .... II 58 745 LLARTNTOWN. . ..7. 1047 5 »• ... 11 5.1 7 40 .AILIIRNSVLILE . 10 52 5 44 NO2 II 13 728 (IHGIMKL . . NO 111 00 453 N IN A. IN 1: 2.1 11 35 7 11, ....IIRECNVLLLO... U :IO 11 15 0 «<M TI IS 11 25 7 IS; SHENANGO « 41111 21 B 20 50811 02 047 .. FRRVLONLA. .. TO3 11 10 034 5 39 10 IT LI 2S- MERCER 7 22 1* 07 7 NR. -1 2• IN tj LI U .... Pardon 7 ;W 12 22 7 IN 5 13 111 20 LI OIL (JROVE CLLY... 7 tT 12 3.1 7 25 5 00 10 08 5 8 LLIIRRLHVLLLE.... 708 12 45 7 IN I 52 10 00 5 111 . BRANCHTON 80012 ST 7 4.-, 4 00 7 T • ' 8 :L ". LV LLRAIICHTON NR 7 35 12 15 7 2 4:, SI- 20 IR LLLLLLARD .LV II V> II I R: »5 4 »<;. •> 5 3". LV LIFLSLRRS .... H 10,12 .VI 71} 432 !I 42 521 ... KNRLID ;S 22 I 12 MOS 4'o I» L.'-I IML ...HUTLER I 8 001 I 421 832 I |0 . 2'l ... ALLI-GHI'TIY, I'.VW LL 111 ISO PM;A M I IP. MLP. M .1. T. ILL.ALII. CENERAL MANAGER. OREENVTLLE. PA' W. <I SAHOKANT, (I. P. A.. MEADVLLLE. PA' PLLK BUTI.KK <X)UNTV NATIONAL HANK, HUTI.KR.IPA. CAPITA I. Paid Ip, . . - *10(4000.00. HUHPLON A ML I'UOKITS, - $lO,BllO «4. OFFIt 'Kits t: .ICR. LLARTIIIAN. PROA'T, .1. V LTLTTS, VINE PREA'T O. A. BAILEY, CASHIER. DIRKCTORH : LOS. ILARTNIAN, C I*. I'OLLLNS, N. M. HOOVER OHN LLMNPHREY, .1. V. LIITTS, K. K. AHRAMS. 1.-SLLE LLA/.LXTL I. <l. SMITH. W. H. WALDRON. W. HENRY WIIHOII, M. FLNENAN. A G«NITIIL LINNKLNG NNSLNEAA T.RUNSARTEII ~LN TI'RESL [I.RLIL ON ILN,E DEPOSITS. MONEY LOAIIT'IL OH APPROVER SECURITY. FOREIGN EXCHANGE BO IXLIT AND SOLD. A I AIHG I m _ ICCAVEATS.THADE MARKSJ^ R COPYRIGHTS.*' CASI I OIITAIN A PATENT? Kor A promt* nn«w*r aud i»n bono*! opinion, wrlt« to Ml SN A i 'O.. «l» liavr hud near 17 ffft jr 7 wirr in tb« pataot ( uiuiuuni». Uoti.l »trl«'tlv « oi.nil.Mitui, Alftu ti d IM»O It of lu* furmaUon roiifiTTiiiiK I'nlrtila mid how Ut ob tain ibetn •••nt fnwi. Also •» < «*tul<»«uo ot 1111*1**1* Icul afld K« K'litlflr IXHIIIA will fr«'W. I'afcnfM tMh.ll 1 hronirh .Munn A Co. rfnlrm MMMMAI tiMtU'Olri Mir Mr I r 1111 fir A ttirr |r|« tl, fttxi Ibui or« hroutfht wildly itvinr** tl»«* (Hibile with out oo*t to tim invrtif«»r. Thlt »i>l«*ndid t»ap«»r. tnf«u«*<t wrrhlT, ricirnntly r«tr«l lim or far fha r« LINT «»u of niiT pciitntiflr work IU Um| world. %:i a r«»ftr. Hfttni»i** Mint frow Bulidlmt Kditi tii niontlilf. nju * ir>nr. hu»#»« «i iiti* I:very niiuihcr contaiaf »H*U tifui piuim. 111 rolom. and |>(>oto«rra|>'i« of imvw fioua«*a. witli ltliitift, •<nal>UU9 hulld«r» "» "bow BJIBGMftS! BJRGMJVS! MEN S CLOTHING BOYS' CLOTHING, CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. There are too many goods in stock and must be sold aud at prices that will suit the times. We have a lot of odd suits that will be sold regardless of cost. Everything must be sold to make room for new goods. Gome and see (or yourself. H.Schneideman CLOTHIER ANDJGENTS FURNISHER. 104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. MRS. HOPKINS! Double Seated and Double Kneed BOYS' SUITS. The best for the money ever produced. Pt •ice of Suits #2.98, #3.98, #4.98. Price for seperate pants 48c., 7 4c., 98c. Shaul & Nast, Leading Cloth iere, 137 S. Main St-, Butler> Pa ONLY * An advertisement, people may cry! But it breathes the spirit of the firm whose interests it presents. Only an ad.—but what volumes it speaks of enterprise, work and good things in store for purchasers of clothing. Only an ad.—but it presents, in a small space, a picture of a firm which is always on the alert to increase an already large trade. AN Envious person once declared that Douthett & Graham could not pro duce the goods they advertise at the prices quoted. Only an ad.— but no honest firm will advertise a lie, we never made an assertion that we could not substantiate. We offer sioo to any individual who will prove that we do not live up to our AD. If you want the latest in Clothing and Gents' Furnishing step in our store for a half hour and we will prove to you that we live up to our ads. Yours for Clothing, Douthett & Graham, Cor. MAIM AMD CUNNINGHAM STS , BUTLER, PA. WHAT DO PEOPLE EXPECT? _ Good Goods for little money—and they get them and what follows will prove it. Everyone that reads this is asked to come, and in their own interest they ought to come, AND THEY ARE COMING DAILY in crowds to HHSELTON'S for reliable wear. Fine styles at low prices. The choicest collection of Ladies' fine dress shoes this store ever invited you to see, at 70c yoc sl. $125 s'-5° $2.00 The finest Goodyear welt for only $2.50 you ever saw. Big lots of Ladies' heavy shoes in Oil and Glove grain Kangaroo Calf, unlined kip and split, in button and lace, at 75c, 85c, sl., $1.25 and $1.40. A centre shot is our Ladies' veal standard button, only sl. It knocks competitors silly. Boy's and Girl's school sho<*s worth looking at. They fill the bill. Boy's and Girl's are delighted—no road too long for them. Boys at 75*-: s'■» $1.50 and $2. Girl's at SO 75 C > $«• alul s'- 2 5- Ladies' flannel lined shoes and slippers in button and lace, with and without foxing at 50c, 75c, 85c and sl. Men's, Boy's and Youth's heavy boots. Boy's atsl., $1.25, $l5O and $1 .75. Solid leather men's at $1.40, $1.75, $2. and $2.50 Men's, Boy's and Youth's fine shoes. Men's at 90c, si. f $1.25, $1.50, sl-75 Boy's at 75c, si., $1.25 and $1.50. Driller's box toe high cut shoes with bellows tongue, Sportsmen's boots. Men's low instep boots a specialty. Our stock of wool boots and stockings, rubber boots and shoes lead them all in great variety in style and price. If you want re liable foot wear at low price go at once to IIIJBK LTOIVB. Road and Bridge Reports. Notice in hereby given that the following roads aud bridges have been oonfir«ed nisi by tiie Court and will be presented to Court <>u the Ut Weduesdsy ofj Deo, 1894, being the 6th day of **id uiooth, aud if no ex ception* are filed they will be confirmed ab solutely: H. D.No.l,Bept.Seasion.lßy4.lu re petition of citizen* ol Jefferson twp , Hutler Co., Pa., for county bridge across Patterson's run ill Jefferson twp. June 6th, 181)4, viewer* ai>- pointed by the Court aud August 2Uth, IBUI, report of viewers filed staling that HIM bridge prayed for is necessary, and the erec tion of the amne will require more ex(>eu»e limn ia reaaouabls the Utwu'hip of should t>ear,aud did locate the aite thereof Ht the present location of the old bridge. Brpt. />lh. ISl'4, approved Notice to be Kiveu ac cording to Rules of Court, aud to be laid be ■ore Grand Jury at next term. BY TUB COVET. KD. No. 2, Sept. Sessions,. 181)4. In re pelitinu of cinxeui of Centre twp. for review Ol 1 lie public road, from a iioiut ou public road on land* of George Mu*nruah near the old railioad out westward to a point on a road leading from Kalston's Mill to the Ualonville road at the line of *♦. McKay. Juue 4lb. 18'4, viewer* appointed by the t <>urt, and Sept. 3rd, l»t)4, report of viewers filed stating that the roa<l prayed for i* not netssaary aud have therefore not laid out the S'tuie. Sept. 3rd, 18: 4 approved. Notice to be given according to Itules of Court. BY TUK Cot'KT. BT TLKH C'OT'»'TY UN. Certified frrni (hi record Una btti day of Nov. A D., I*!» 4. JOWH OUUWEIX, It- B. NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given that A. 8. Mar iihall, assignee of 8. T Okeson, haa filed kin fiual account, a* assignee, in the offlo* of the Prothonotary of tne Court of Com mon Plea* of Butler o.inntr, Penn'*, at M'H L). NO. 7, Kept T. ( 1893; and that the same will be presented to aaid Court for confirmation and allowance on Wednesd«y the T>t It day of Deo., 1894 SAMI'KI. U. SKATOK, Prothonotary. Prothonotary'• Office Nov. 7tb, 1894. Widow's Appraisements. The following widow'* appraiaementa of personal property art anart tor the benefit ot the widow* of iliHYilttita have been filed in the ofH<» f tin- Clerk of Orphan'* Court of llutler c >uuty, vir: Widow of W. V. Hardman $300.00 •• John Dickey 298.32 " •' C Paul Clark - 300.00 " W. K. Tajior 300.00 " Samuel Shields .. 181.25 " " Sils* Campbell 300.00 " " Jainc* A. Clark 800.00 ill peraou* interested in the above ap praisement will l»k«- notice that they will be praaeateu for confirmation to the Orphans i ourt of llutler oouniy, Pa.. on We>iaeeaay, thefith .la* of Decent bar, ISM and if no exee tiooa be filed ibey will b* confirmed absolutely. •lobEVU CKUWELL. Clerk O. C. i'i le* £g& (Vasi K i y. rrif. vW'umpla^i^MjD^WJ Cures Qorw«p«tten