BICKEL'S FALL STOCK HAS ARRIVED, People who want the latent styles in fine footwear and want it at the right price should see the latest styles just received at Bickle's. We have shoes to suit everyone and at prices the very lowest. Ladies' Fine Hail dwelt slioes, £33! Ladies' Fine Hand turned shoes, S3. Ladies' fine Bhoes—lace and button--large pat ent leather wing tip, at $2.25. Fall stock of Ladies' and children's lace shoes in cloth and leather tops. Large assortment of men's and boy's shoes in all the latest styles, incnding a fall stock of men's cork soled shoes, men's working shoes, ranging in price from 70 cents to $2. Men's hand sided and box toe kip boots with heavy sole at $2.50. Boy's and youth's boots of all kinds. In ladies' every day shoes we can give you the selection of a pair of calf, kip, or oil grain shoes in button or lace at sl. Our stock of rubber goods is very large, and we carry all the differint styles of rubbsr goods of four of the leading companies. Full stock of felt boots for men and boys. A line of wool knit stockings also carried Call at our stew and secure a pair at redared pri ces. Repairing promptly done. __ JOHN BICKEL, 128 8- MAIN St~ Butler. ■ - .. I i - ■ - - -= MARTIHCODRT & CO'S CARD! Call at our establishment at 128 East Jefferson Street and get one. - ■mmuoCtlOOW"* Card Number Name o IP THTS CARD contains the ipcky number as drawn by lot at our Store, JEB. Ist, 1895 the holder, il a gentleman, will receive a beautitul man s Saddle and Bridle, if a lady a ladies' Saddle and Bridle, and the second lncky number, one of L. C. C "" SXU for tb. ,b„». To. h.». » -Ml with every other person to get the prize for nothing; you are not asked to bay y thine Bat if vou want anything this caid will entitle you to a redaction of .J per cent, on a?l articles you buy at retail from us before Feb. Ist, 1895, (except Kramer wagons) on all 10 years old can get a card by asking for it and writing their name and postoffice in a book we have prepared for that purpose. No discount on sales less than one dollar. s B vartiiiooiurt, 5. B. Martincourt & Co., 11 Leljbner. 128 E. Jeffersori St.. Butler T&e Largest Vbolesale and Retail Dealers in Our Line in the State. J S YOUNG. WM - COOPER LEADING TAILORS, ARRIVING—FaII and Winter Goods. We have the Choicest and Finest Stock of Domestic and Im ported Woolens ever brought to Butler. Our Specialty in Fall Overcoats must be seen to be Admired. Call and make your selection of a Nice Fall Suit that cannot be excelled in FIT, QUALITY, STYLE and PRICK. Thanks for your patronage in the past, hoping for a continuance of a share in the future, while our Motto will be " Sma!l Profits and Quick Returns." ""Rum YOUNG & COPER B T»k The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAMPS FIXTURES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS, BATH TUB ENAMEL, etc, is at W. 11. O'Brien & Son's, 107 East Jefferson Street. PH HAY- FEVE R |r AM SJ COLD-HEAD mWI. El'/t Oram Balm is not a liquid, snuff or powder. Applied into the nostrils it i» _ n fjieklg absorbed. It cUansft the head, allays inflammation, heals _ _ L (l A the *rr«l. Bold by druggists or tent by mail on reeeipt of price.. C||M DUG EIY BROTHERS, 56 Hvrn Street NEW YORK. JUC •*A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANINO. Hotel Williard. Reopened and now ready for the accommodation of the traveling pub lic. Everything in first-class style. MRS. MATTIE REIHING, Owner, V, H. BROOKS, Clerk. /SWWBS kT/z? f from any iajunout substance. Jt urta inoam tiwrcia. We OUMAMTcE a CURE or refund your money. MeCANDLESS'HEAVE CURE 1 have a Heave Cure that will pure any case of heaves in horses in forty days, il used according to directions, and if it does not do what I claim for it, I will refund the amount paid and no charges will b made for the treatment. The following testimonials are the strongest proof of the medicines power to cure: A. J. MCCA.MIILESS, Butler, Pa., 1893. MR. A. J. MCCANDLKSS: On the 2nd day of April, 1892, I com nienced to use your new cure for one of my horses that had the heaves very bad, and continued to use the medicine for about forty days and the horse did not show any signs of a return of them. It is now about a year since I quit givin the med\c\ne and the horse has never sowed any signs of heaves, and I feel stisfied that he is properly cured. W. C. CRZ&WBLL, Eutlor, Pa., April 3, 1893 A. J. MCCANDLKSS: I have used your lieave Cure and found it will do the work if used according to di rections. Tonrg truly, R. J. McMiLiiijr. HUMPHREYS'! jms-SSS private practice and for over thirty people with entire foceeas. Every alngk Spedflc a special euro for «be disease named. , . They cure without drugging, purging or redo etng the s> »t<nn and are In fart and de«l the bo»errlgn Benerflcs or tbe \* orU. _ r rrtti, Hl'"M 11 —Fevers. Congestions, Inflammations.. •S— \Vor«», Worm Fever. Worm C01ic.... ■'« 3— Teelbingi Colic, Crying. Wakefulness .3* 4-Dlarrbe*. of Children or Adolts U 7—Coagb*. CoLls. Bronchitis .»• B—Nearmlgla, Toothache. Kacearhe 9 —Headache a. Sick Headache, Trnlgo.. .35 IS-Dyspepsla. Biliousness, Constipation .35 11—Happressed or Palnfal Perloda .35 13—Whites. Too Profuse Periods .35 13—Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarsenaw ... .35 14—ftatt Rkessi, Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .35 14— Bkeansllsn, Rheumatic I'alns ... .35 It—Slalarla, Chills, Fever and Ague. .. S3 10—Catarrh. Influensa, Cold In the Head .35 Whooping Coagb •*? •T—Kidney I>l«eai«es 98—Nerroaa Debility I«®® 30-l"rinary Weakness -35 34—Sore Throat, Qulncy,tJleerstedThroat .Jo HIJMPIIKEYS' WITCH HAZEL. Oil., "The Pile Ointments-Trial Slie. 25 Cts. Sold by Pr»(cr!s«, or pr«r®l<l ©n receipt of prU«. Dm. ItnruiTi' M**ral • 144 t w LED r ***• ■WUKXYB' BID. CO., 11l * IIIWIUUbSL, lIW YMUL SPECIFICS. Nothing #n Earth Will FRFAK*; HENS LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strorj and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for Moulting liens. ««• c 3?SKKi 4 8M8r5 !"*5 .' J- i iue ' "One large can saved me " r ,~. ,i . . v.- t i:onp." says onecuMomer. 'I <,u rJiut !-'(•» ItseiiiHous. «•. . A- r .v. il ASH ib can MM. Six ~ . . ■>. poultry Uniting Guiiir. prtc® v..ih>: ."onlers «.r mora. Sample copy ts'j, ' (•u'bi'l'^'st.,Boston.Mata. Sn Poisoned > JI3LOOD? lbs source ot much suflerinfj. The f I system sliouid be thoroughly cleansed \ N of all impurities, and the blood kept In C f a healthy condition. Is. S. S. removes ) . CHRONIC SORES . ( 5 XTlccra, etc., purifies the blood, and f \ builds up the general health. It is N J without an equal # S Ira F. Stiles, of Palmer, Kan., sayg: t f "My foot and leg to my knee was a j \ running sore for two years, and physi- r M clans said it could not be cured. After \ N taking fifteen small bottles of S. S. S f f there is not a sore on my limbs, and I % have a new lease on life. lam seventy- f M seven years old, and have had my age V S renewed at least twenty years by the M t useof UJJ V J OarTrcatUcon Blood and f W Skin IHMUN mailed f J free to any addrras. !■ gg MMI \ C BWIFT HPKCIFIC CO., Atlanta. Ga. # rfhousands| ) of Women | v Suffer untold mlseriM from a sense of dell- J / cacy they cannot overcome. S ? BRADFIELD'S *'XGGS K ) < Female •Regulator, / ACTS AS A SPECIFIC. I / zt cauees health to bloom, and joy to relen > J throughout the frame. ? S It Never Fails to Cure. ? C "My wife has been under treatment of } J leading physicians three years, without bene- I \ lit. After using three bottles of BradHeld's J 3 Female Beffulator she can do her own C C cooking, mnklng and washing." f S " U.S. BRYAN, Henderson, Ala. ) S BBiDFIELD REGI'LITOB CO., Atlanta, G». # r Hold by drugelsts at 01.00 per bottle. J W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE H'O soueak'NG. »5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH&ENAMELLED CALT H.*3. 5 .0 PINE GALF& KAwsAraa B _ $ 3.V POLICE,3 SOLES. e»'ir» E N S *2.*I7_SBOYSSCKOOLSHD£3. SEND FOR CATALOGUE ffiMiMPw.L. DOUGLAS , BROCKTON, MASS. Yon can tare money by purcbaelng \V. L. Uouglaa Shoes, Because, we are the largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world, and guarautee the value by stamping the name ana price on the bottom, which protects yuu against high prices ami the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every where at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by ALEXANDER & DOUTT, Whitestown FOR PURE RYt Whiskeys Wines, Brandies, Gins, &c., try Robt. Lewin, 136 Water St., (Oppos'te B. <fc 0. Depot.) Pittsburg, Pa. All goods, including C. 0. D. orders, securely packed and shipped promptly. Express charges prepaid on all orders ol SIO.OO or over. Grandfather's Choice, Guaranteed 1$ years old, $2.00 per gal. Try it at once. You will always keep it on hand. Like a Good Maxim, A bottle of our Old Export Whiskey Is never out of season. You may not need It now, you may not need it next week, you may not need it this year; aud then again, it might prove a blessing before nightfall. There are so many disorders where pure whiskey is required that it really isn't safe to be without It. But then you must have a trusty article, such as our Old Export —the always reliable kind. Full Quarts, SI.OO ; Six Quarts , $5.00. Mail and Express orders ■hipped promptly, and we pay transportation charges on orders of SIO.OO and over. Jos. FLEMING & SON, 412 MARKET ST., PITTSBURG. PA. Complete Price Lilt* of Wlnet and Liquors mailed free Butler Dye Works, 210 Centre A untie. BCTLHR, PA. The above establishment is now in run ning order, and is prepared to do first olass Dyeing and Cleaning of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Clothing and other goods that need a new lease on life in renovating and brightening up generally. Have had 35 years experience in the dyeing business, and can guarantee good results on good goods. GIVE US A CALL. R, Fisher, Prop'r. THE CITIZEN The Style of Handwriting. Any one experienced in the" work of a newspaper or publishing house knowns how important a plain, legible handwrit ing is. A poor, scrawly, cramped or de fective chirography is wearisome and dis gusting. Those who have suffered in struggling with such manuscript are glad to note tne present tendency toward plain er and better penmanship. This tendency is toward a more perpendicular etyle of writing, and drops the old time slant of the Spencerian method. A writer in the Erie Herald says on this subject. Everybody know » the most general system and the one everywhere taught j in schools, slants somewhat to the right. Another pattern is the backhand, one where the slope is in the opposite direc tion, or towards the left. An effort has been made latterly, however, to modify both these methods and introduce a com promise system in which the letters shall be upright, or as nearly vertical as possi ble. It is contended that this is the most legible of any and quite as hand«ome. The Chicago Board of Education, upon the unanimous reeommedation of its sup erintendent and his assistants, has form ally prescribed vertical writing in its course of study for each of the grades of elementary schools. They had been ex perimenting for two years in the public schools, and watching the results closely, and finally arrived at the decision stated. It inay be added that the result of this examination demonstrated as Jconclusively as anything can do that the greatest leg ibility and greatest naturalness of motion ig obtained when a person, writing regard less of system, slopes his letters much less than is required by the standard widely used in the schools. —The daily grist of the world's horror*, crimes and misdeeds is poor provender for the human mind and soul. The read ing of them day after day does not minis ter an iota to the adult mind, while it fam iliarizes the minds of the young aad the ignorant with the low and sorry side of human life. They absorb the taint of the atmosphere of villainy and wickedness, forgetting the beauty, the purity and healthfulness that fill and bless God's fair world. It was Emerson who truly said that when you have read one murder, one suicide, one crime against the person, you have read them all. We agree with the advice given by an old tutor of Colombia College. "Save the emotions," he says. "Horrible tales, criminal records and histories of crime are too expensive. Cala mities, murders, quarrels and fatalities will happen. They are ic the line of the philosophy of evil, and their discussion can do no good, lieckless symphathy is wasted energy and enforces distress upjn the sensibilities. Keep out of slums, slaughter houses and sewers. Walk in the sunlight, look up and let the vision ol brightness on the mountain tops be try guiding star. Lofty thoughts that nour ish the fiuer nature are not to be found in the gutters of life." There was a man in our town W ho was so wondrous wise, He jumped upon the pantry shelf And ate up all the pies. And when he saw the pies were gone, That shelf he did forsake, And jumped upon another shelf And ate up all the cake. —A single trial of Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bitters will convince, any one troubled with costivness, torpid liver or any kindred diseases of their curative properties. They only cost 25 cents per bottle. —The Titusville Herald tells a story of a peg legged man who hired out to a farm er to walk through his newly plowed cab bage patch and punch holes to set the plants in. This reminds us of a peg-leg ged friend who was addicted to partaking of the flowiug bowl. This individual be came inebriated one night and started home quite late. In some manner his peg leg became fast in a hole in the sidewalk, but this did not hindor him from walking with his natural leg. He kept walking ar >uud in a circle with his peg still stuck in the walk and actually walked until morning thinking ail the time he was get ting nearer home. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic a'lv cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first duse greatly benefits, to cts. Sold by J. C Kedick, druggist, Butler. —Not many years ago there were sev eral varieties of grapes, each struggling to become the tavorite of the public. To day the trade is chiefly in the Concord and Deleware varieties. Early in the .'6os yellow bananas could not complete with the red; to-day the latter haTe been almost driven out of the market, though many prefer them. There used to be a dozen, varieties ot pears competing with an al most equal domend. Now the Bartlett and Seckel rule supreme. Apples and ber ries to a less degree have undergone the same process of natural selection, and now there are one or two varieties of early applos that promise to supersede all the rest. --A native officer who attended the weddiDg of the Duke of York has been giving bis favorito newspaper, upon his return to India, a graphic account of the festivities. Here is an illustrative gem: "Afterward the chaplain came and per lormed the ecclesiastical prejudices in ac cordance with the laws of Christianity, and prayed some preach es out of the Bi ble." —An exchange tells of a young man who had been sick for a short time and one night went to sleep with his band beneath his head. When he awoke the hand hud cramped aud the circulation bad gone from it completely. After trying all known methods of restoring the lost cir culation the patient discovered that gan grene had set in, and soon the entiro hand had becoma affected, and to save his life the hand was amputated. It is said that this is the fourth case of the kind ever called t<> the attention of the medical world. Heart Disease Lettered in 30 Minutes. Dr. Agnew's Cnre tor th<- Htart gives perfect lelief iu all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Beat Disease iu 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer less remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells. Pain in Left Side and all symptoms ofa Diseased Ueart One dose convinces. Sold by City Phar macy. Fred Funston, son of a Kansas con gressman, is making a 600-mile voyage in a boat alone, down the Yukon rivor, in Alaska. He is studying the flora and fauua of that country in behalf of the gov ernment. —A Michigan girl is said to place notes within the lining of hor father's hat, for her lover, who is the fierce parent's clerk. The precious young scamp gets his letters from the traveling postoifice each morning as the hat is bung on the wall of the of fice, and sees that the young lady finds an snswor on the hat rack in ths evening. Consumption surely Cured. Tc T a*. Edxtob:— Pleaae inform year resdurt that I hare a poaitivs remedy for the above-named dlHraae. B; a timely us© thouaanda of hope W cu;«a have fy rn permanently eared. I ah*ll be glad to lead t\<K> ro+tles of my remedy FREE to any oi your readers -v > j have consumption If they will send me theii £nireaa and 9. O. address. Respect -301/, X. A.sitVUM.K.OiUJFMiIfe.X. JT. He attended church on Sunday; Sane first tencr in the choir. And of giving ti» eiperience In religion never'd tire, Bat the vestry and the pastor Thought his chances *lim for Heaven, For in college he played quarter On the 'Varsity eleven. —Tbo General Assembly of Georgia which convented at Atlanta a few days ago has 163 Democrau, 63 Populists and 1 Republican. —Why Pheasants are scarce. An ex change says: "It has been noticed among sportsmen in this county that the ruffled i grouse, or common pheasant, is very scarce. It is said that the cause of the (earcity is because the eggs are stolen by parties of chemists and bird fanciers. The chemists use portions of the eggs in making a drug, which is very rare. A man with six boys and seven fine bird dogs was in the vicinity of Scranton last summer and collected ten thousand pheas ant eggs. This is why the pheasants are hard to find." —The breach of promise suit of Miss Mary E. Bartlett against the estate of Dr. Henry J. Bigelow came to naught at East Cambridge. Mass., Oct. 21, the jury disa greeing. The ease goes over to March. Miss Bartlett is 51 years old and claims that Dr. Bigelow, who was one of the greatest physicians of Xew England, and a Harvard professor, promised to marry her. The courtship lasted 20 years and then Dr. Bigelow married another wo man. Miss Bartlett says he promised on his death bed to give her $150,000. That is the sum she is now suing for. —"I stood it as long as I could," said the man from Kansas. "I washed dishes and minded the babies, but when it come to sewing buttons on bloomers, ta-ta!" Why should he stoop to kiss my hand? . It seems outrageous, queer, When I had puckered up my lips So eager and so near. —Catarrh indicates impure blood. To cure it, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Try it this season. —They talk of the first centuries of Christianity. We should not be too sure that they are over yet. , £' —If you would improve a man, it is best to begin by persuading him that he already is that which you want him to be. —Pass over those who declare them selves ready to die tor liberty in favor of those who know in what liberty con sists. lt is not error which opposes the pro gress of truth; it is indolence, obstinacy, the spirit of routine —everything that fa vors inaction. —Any man will vanish the most violent passion at 30, because at 5 or 6 you have taught him of his own will to give up a plaything or a sweetmeat. —Downs Elixir will cure any o«ugh or cold, no matter of bow long landing. —lt is easy to criticise an author, but hard to estimate him. —To perform great things a man must live as though he bad never to die. —Poverty cannot debase high minds any more than riches can elevate low minds. —Distrust those who appeal to senti ment in matters that can be decided by reason. —Hot all those who mock at auguries have moro intellect than those who be lieve in them. —Do not suppose that because it is rec ommended lor animals that Arnica it Oil Liniment is an offensive preparation. It will not stain clothing or the fairest skin. —The Emperor of Germany is a profi cient drummer, and can give lessons to the beat army drummers in the art of beat ing tlie tattoo. —One way to keep your nose lrom bleeding—keep it out of other people's business. —One difference between the Sugar Trust and the train robbers is that the train robbers will be caught and punish- —A man may think he adores a woman But his love is put to a terrible strain when she asks him to button her shoes with a hairpin. —A Nebraska woman owns and person ally operates a travelling steam threshing machine outfit. She goes about the coun try and makes her own contracts. —Postmaster General Bissell has order ed all postmasters at free delirery offices to post conspicuously a notice to all em ployes that no one will be jeopardized in bis position for a refusal to comply with a request for a political contribution. —French women in the rural districts wash their faces in butter, and rarely use soap and water. This renders the skin beautifully soft and elastic. —A curious barometej is used in Ger many and Switzerland. It is ajar of wa ter, with a frog and a stepladder in it. When the frog cornea out of the water and sits on the steps a rainstorm will soon oc cur. —The Maine woods are overrun with deer. The Lewiston Journal says: "There have been seasons in Maine when it was necessary for the hunter* to spend a long time iu the woods if they wished to shoot a deer themselves instead ol paying a guide to do it for them, but this year tho merest tyro in woodcraft can go into up per Maine and get in a week's time bis al lowance of deer."' Drunkenness, the Liquor Habit, Pos ively Cured by adtrenstering Or. I: i iiitb "Goiden Speclic." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup ot collue or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will atlect a permanent und speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has Keen given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex lst. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book ot particulars tree. Addrots, liouleu rtpecilic Co.. 186 Race St.. Cinntnnatti (). GLOYES FITTED:-- The ladies of Butler will have a long felt want filled in being able to have their gloves fitted in their own town. Our Underwear Specialties for Winter of 'SJ4-'95 are: Ladies Equestrians aud "Onei ta" combination wrappers. The "Rubens" infants vest does away with all the old time trouble of baby grow ing out of his underwear; try them. As usual, our Millinery Stock is the best in the city. M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 to 117 S. Main St., - Butler. Garfield Tea sc. CaresHlnk >!«a<lru:hc.Rcbtoreiiruuipl<Mii> Doctors' Bill*. A&inpiofrtc. G4rjiku«TeaC<» Jl'J Cures Constip iion Selling Out! Our entire ptock of Spring and Summer Foot-wear. We're going to clear out our stock of Tan Shoes. Every style and description o f Oxfords will ; go in the sale A large lot of Ladies Hand Turn Shoes will be sold at about half their real value. To make this sale a complete success, we have made such prices that You'll be Glad to Bay. Ladies Patent Leather and Dongola Oxfords were SI.OO and $1 25 to go at 60cts. Ladies Vici Kid Oxfords, Square or Pointed Patent Tips will go at SI.OO and $1.25, Prices of which were $1.75 and $2.00. Ladies Dongola and Vici Kid Shoes were $3.25 at $2 00 per pair. A large lot of McKay sewed and Eland Turned Shoes in sizes 2i, 3 and prices on which were $2.50, s;i.oo and $3.50. This entire lot will go at sl.soper pair Misses Dongola Patent Tip Sho»s at 85cte per pair. Childrens Dongola Patent Tip Shoes at 50cts per pair Mens $2 00 Tan Shoes at $1.25 per pair Mens Picadillv Bluchers in Tan Shoes were $2.50 per pair will goat So on throughout our entire stock of Summer Footwear. Goods will be sold without reserve at less than the cost of their making. Call and see these Bargains whether yo i wish to buy or not. Shoe Dealer. AL RDFF. s. Main St. FRANK KEJVO-VEii, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, And everything in horse and buggy fur nishing goods—Harness, Collars, AVhips, Dusters, Baddies, etc. Also trunks and valises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assortment ot 5-A Horse blankets in town will be found at FRANK KEMPER'S, 124 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. CLARK S SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Every young man and woman should receive such an education as they can obtain at Clark's School of Commerce, Butler, Pa. or at the New Castle Business University, New Castle, Pa. The schools are under the same management ACTUAL BUSINESS METHODS EMPLOYED You will save time and by attending one of these schoo Is ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN BUSINESS OFFICES, EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. Write to D. G. CLARK, President, New Castle, Pa., or F. G. JOHNSTON, Secretary, Butler, Pa. ft TurriltTn C I KINGS. EAR RIN'GS. DIAiTIU.IV JJ 3 ) SCARF PINS. STUDS, a mmm gm WW J-w 1 (JKNTS' GOLD, I. AI ► I GOLD. WATCHES ( GENTS SILVER. LADIES' CHATLAIN. TTr«T*TT"T O V (Gold Pins, Ear Rinffs. Rings. V J W JuJuiJtt JL j Chains. Bracelets. Etc. _ -f T *WT II 'D I Tea Sets. Castors. Butter Dishes and Everythlns 2v X JLI 1# JE* Xl W AXV JE a ( that can be round in a ttrst class store.. RODGER BROS. 1874 \ KNI\ E>, FORKS, SI ()C^ IpLE pl AXE E. GRIEB.,E«™er Mo. 139,1N 01 th Main St., B JTLEA, PA., BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham ALK. WICK. I'rei «K«>. KKTTEBEK. Vice Pres. L. S. MrJU>KIJf. Sw'j *nd Tre»». DIRECTORS: Alfred Wick, Henderson Oliver, Dr. W. Irvln, .Jaines Stephenson, W. W. Ulackmore, N. Weltzel. F. Bowman, H. J. Kllngler Geo. Kettercr, ('.has. Rebhun, Geo. ltenno, John Koeulcu LOYAL S. McJUNKIN, Agent 8 DOCTORS LAKE FBI TK mSI'ENSAKV. COR. PEN* AVS. AND FOURTH ST.. PITTSBURGH, PA. AII forms of Delicate and Com plicate: Dtea-es rcqnii liirCun- Fir.i:sTiAL aintSriENTini' .Med ication nro treated nt this I>is ■i. Ny with n ".iceeak •rely attained. Dr. h K I.:i»c is ••'iiember of the ColU je *>f 1 hv anil Surgeuiic, i»nd is (no o! lest fln«l n««*st . .|icr.cnecd Si'E*-1A, ,n t!.."* "itv Sj"'' ' :il at :» Mtion ."ivento Si. vnus l)cbillt\ fcom er?°ssi\ in,- • :l | exertion. Indiarreti'inof youth, etc., cans- Hi) jiin sical nntl mental i!~»y,laek "f "'r-'v. I, I i.' '..incy, etc.; ulaoCancer.- ( lid Sore-, r its. I'ilc . ICheiin'atlsm, and ail .li» uses of the SUm. i lojil. I.UIIIP, I'rlnarj Orpar. .it.-. C< lis; Itat on *i- .• ami n:: ictl» couiVlt m.:.! CHtice hours,!l to I . id 7 to 8 I". M.; Sundays, ~i to ! i'. 25. only. I ai on re or ad.mss HB<. 'l. Tvs \"i UID4IHSX'..fIXTRIII ROB i . VITALIS r "rlXi ia 1c a Well AR > °f VITALIS 10th Day. THE GREAT 20th Dn> FRENCH REMEDY Produrci tho Abov» i IteKulU iu I»a>s. It iicls powerfully and quickly. Cures v. hen till others fail. You!iv' men will regain th«*lr lot-.I manhood, and ol«l men will recover their youthful vijror by u ius VITALIS. It iiuic. 1 v ;u.d purely re stores Nervousness, f<ost \ :'«»lity. linpotekcy v Niphtlv Emissions, Lost Power, Faili tie Mem ory. Wasting Diseafi«'s. and all effects of s< lt abuse or excess and indiscretion. U arils oil insanity ami consumption, insist on having VJTAL.IS. no oilier. Can be curried in vest pocket. Hv mail. #I.OO per package, or six for go. 00, with a positive written guarantee to cure or refund the ninner. Circular free. Address CALUMET BEIEnI COMI'ANV, IhkaßO, 10. For Sale at City Pharmacy. o«»C9*m9Q@9o» n GOSSER'S a cCRCAM GLYCERINE. has no equal for chapped hands. !ips or 9 fact f the skin and 0 l> not excefkni as a dressing for the face 0 aft<*r shaving. Sold by druKgists at ' *enty-five Cents a Bottle. e&Qo'o9f>va»Qm» -^^i?«Pw4oun»FßEE yTOTHEAFPI-lC' T O3 T H S T PHILADA.PA. ? />o] //// BUSINESS f tif - /// /y~/ coixege^ 0 V / ■Jljl'f/isw America for ob-S \ c^.^7r//t/'^. |il| ol , it! a l>rcail-\ 5 f/t] winning cdura-f (P For circulars^ V% £ SPECIAL NOTICE. That I will sell, until further notice, the following goods at the old prices, regard less of the advance ot 20c per gallon tax by the government: AA. pure rye, Sytars, $2.00 per gallon; Tippecanoe, 3 "years, $2.25; Old Cabinet, 4 years, $2.50 per gal lon; Bridgeport and Thompson's pure rye, 5 years, $3.50 per gallon; Finch Golden Wedding, Gibson's, Robinson Co. Bour bon, $4 50 per gallon; liannixville, Dough erty, Monticello, 12 years, $5 50 per gallon. California wines, dry and sweet, from 75c per gallon to $1.50; 12 distinct brands; my own importation. Sherry and Port wine, from $2.50 to $3.50 per gallon; also the finest Irish aud Scotch whiskies at lowest wholesale rates. Call or send for special price lists at A. ANDRI ESSEN. 188 Federal street. Allegheny, Pa. All orders by mail promptly attended. No extra charge for packing. Telephone 549. muw Are a symptom of Jaundice, Dyspepsia,Constipation,Bil iousness, Liver Complaint. DR. BAXTER'S MANDRAKE BITTERS will cure the disease and re move yellowness from skin and eyes. Warranteu to cure. Sold everywhere nt 23 cts. per bottle, for Bale by J. C. Redick TP BUGGIES at h Price ( JgLff.N CARTS & lIARNKSS. J« Top Ram fcr: AW rut the / JLjpfc t«v6 I'hwtou 1M I'RIChH aud V7TW5 1 1 J'aim.Top Surrey.#47 ovtatll ALL SSO Koad WmgoD. f£> competitor*. $lO lto«<l Cart $8 ftO« Buy of fa**- Buinry Harness,l3 M toryand «a▼« •lomnnry " M Middleman'* #3O Team sl2 60 profit. MD mm* iforffan Saddle Fwe. Tl IT. B I'M IT 1 €ABT CO. " . 2to li Lawrence St., Cincinnati, O. fl® * Itiir 98 % LYE I PCT3E2E) AITS PIST7KXD fh«tlronfe«t and purest Lye ma-lrt. Unlike other I.y«\ It Ulris fino powder aud jo. ki-d In a ran ~ with removable ml. tli«> coatenU are always r- ady for u«*. Will make th«> hem wrfumed Hard ft4»p In a) nilnuies wdhuut bolllaf. It lo H»o heat forcl«aiislus wutt B7s ptT«", <n i»r«N tiiifr Mnk\ clnwe>% ■ I wailing bottles, i alnt*. trooa, etc. ?BNHA. SALT M'F'O CO -4H8K988 Gja. A its.. FMla., I'm. nil re ITCHING PILES fill tSWAYNE'S ■ niftiTMrifT ABSOLITTSLT CURBS *» ,ni 1 ■ «ITOV HoUtun i filtrate Itrhln* a»»4 otlnelits- m«-t » t l ight; iruw by »rratt-hlMc. If n«.» «1 »•» c« nil.'Mr luaior* f »rm uml |>ri>tra4r, iil« b ofrcn :•}« »-«! r.n«l i bivomlng »«ry t -rn M \ Y?iM*h OI SiT *ll Vi' (lu Hchlaf *..«! bit • '• t' bcuU eleertiilon, • in —m raoioft«ih/.i<MQr» »wir iru^wtic*U. Theodore Swain/ GENERAL BRICK JOBBER. Chimneys, Grate &Dd Boiler Bettin#. Cittern Building and Sewer Work a Speciality. HARMONY, PA, Great Clearance Sale MILLINERY, Trimmed llatM nnd ItoimctH ulimiMt GIVEN AWAY. Having a large stock of millinery still on hand, we will sell you i anything in our line less than half price. Come early and secure | bargains at the i LEADING MILLINERY HORSE 1 j 122 S. T~\ MAIN ST. 1 • 1 PA Why Do You Buy Liquors? Because this is the season of rainy weather, of chills and dampness, when the system is li able to be attacked by cold and pneumonia, if not fortified by some good whiskey as a stimu lant. I NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT PURE WHISKEY. f Its timely use will save many a doctor bill and much nursery. [ Kleins Silver Age, Duquesne and Bear Creek Ryes are Guaranteed to be Absolutely Pure. They are in general use in hospitals throughout the country, and are being prescribed by the best physicians. Max Klein has been engaged in the wholesale liquor business for the past 25 years and has » gained a reputation for handling PURE LIQUORS ONLY and his name on a bottle of j whiskey is a guarantee that it is ABSOLUTE LY PURE. 1 s Ilere are a few prices of his well-known ) brands: ' Silver Age Rye $l 50 per full quart. 3 Uuqusne " 125 " " " Bear Creek " 1 00 " " " Guckenheimsr 1 • Finch £ . . . „„ ~ ~ * Gibson ' years old 100 " " *' ■ Overholt J Anchor 50 " " " i Send for a complete catalogue and price list of all kinds of wines and liquors mailed free, to MAX KLEIN. ])is(illei- and Wholesale LIQUOR DEALER, No 82 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa Jewelrv-Silverware--Clocks. »/ ' Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 pe • ent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invitef —"Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience."- M HOSENTHAL Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 103 - Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Tria' orders solicited. One Square Beloiv Diamond Vlarke A WINTER'S ENTERTAINMENT! GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NEWS FOE OF THE WORLD LITTLE MONEY. FOR A TRIFLE. The 'New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty-page journal. is the leading Republican family paper <>l the United States. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and (fives all tne general news «.f the United States. It gives the events of foreign lands in » nutshell It* AGRICUL TURAL department has no superior in the country. Its MARKET KEPORTS aro recogniied authority. Separate departments tor TlfE FAMILY CIRCLE. OUR YOUNG FOLKS and SCIENCE AND MECHANICS Its HOME AND SOCIETY columns command the admiration of wives and daughters. Its general political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid Journal and ' THE CITIZEN' for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 50 CASH IN ADVANCE. (The regular subscription for the two paper* i« $2 50.) SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. Addrees all orders to - - "THE CITIZEN " Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Qeo. W. Best, Room 8, Tribune Building. New York City, and sample copy of THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed to you.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers