VOL XXXI DON'T Want A Wheel? Just as good time now, as any, to think of buying, to compare pri ces and merits. We pin our best faith to the CLEV ELAND and the PHOENIX. A wheel should be Easy _ Running, booking Guarantecdi Ladies Phoenix. We will Have ir\ tl\e SpriryS. J. E. FORSYTH E. GREAT SLAUGHTER SILE OF OVERCOATS, - SUITS, Underwear, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Hosiery, Ties, Gloves, Mittens, Cardigan Jackets, Sweaters, Irunks, Valises, Telescopes, Watches, Chains, Charms, Rings, Pins, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Brushes, Purses, etc. This is NO CLEARANCE SALE Of Summer Goods, but our regular stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. We show you the lar gest stock in Butler to select from and everything goes. Don't miss this •#Grand + Opportunity.#" We are the pioneers of LOW PRICES. We never were, never can and never will be UNDERSOLD. Bear this in mind, and don't make your purchases un til you see us. We feel satisfied we can do you good. D. A. HE:CK, 121 N. Mail-). St., Duffy's Block, Butler, Pa. FALL FOOTWEAR. Cist yoor eyes in upon the fine dis fTH P ' B J of the newest and most elegant VJgA styles in Footwear you bare ever look vfjSiYj ~ 'J ed upon in Butler that we are now of life II ering to the public. | A V-—ij We are now prepared to serve all 1 | buu'tf that want good, suitable Foot wear at pricep never before offered in I his tc WD, quality considered Tbe tP-—Df*A people of Butler county know our I f * [r-l wra ard guarantee is stifficient on any xruC N"=- jf l »-L shoe we offer, as time baa proven. T If yoo are lookii g for Ladies Shoes see our 75 and 95c. $1.25 <-nd sl.so;Mop and look at 'ht $2, 2 50 and $3, as fine an t-ilk, in Blurteretts end Button, Narrow and Square Toe, all widths IF YOU WANT MENS' SHOES You lotve (rot to the riijht pl*ce at list, either in workiug shoes or fine drens shoes Fine lin-?sat 85c, 90.:, $1,51.25 tnd $1 50; wait a moment and see th-i $2 vi Is 250 -r v»ir VXD J 61R1.5, see the great display tit 45c. 50c, 75:;, $1 and $1.25. Boy's and Youth's High Cut School Shoes. [f y m *r,i I hki i,'f>.* ia>n > thv. y>i: 1 >!l i* U v >■. i 101) 03a',-i* to everv ma i. woinaa and child If you aw lookiog f»r a h >me that ctr'ie4 t> * >:t in tbi h>u<» and not in tbe in (act if vou want to tni- with i first class Shoe House go at once to HUBE LTON'S. Where tbe majority >f th* best people of Burler couatv do there buy- Dg in f,i i:W'ir 102 N Vlaiu St, Butler, Pa. opposite Hot"! Lowry. Jig Good Looks Count. A When vou turn out for a drive you want your V/vO J \ J carriage to look as well as your neighbors. You'll have no fear on that score if you have a Fredonia Buggy. Fredonia Vehicles are the best on the market in every way. If you'll sxamine them at your dealers you'll agree with this statement. Made by FREDONIA MFG. CO., Youiigstown, Ohio. THE- BUTLER CITIZEN. Weak All Over Is the condition of thousands in hot weather, especially if the bl«>od is thin an«l impure ant the system poorly nourished. By taking Hood s .Sarsaparilla, Mood's I Uvttv<. your blood will l>e £ '| | purified anil you •will S 1-4 X vD pain strength of mind nerve? and body. Ho sure to get Hood's and only ITood's. Hood's Pills : ' i.-.li -'- • sure. MARTHA WASHINGTON COOK-BOOK FREE I 320 PACES. I j COOJ??- I; ILLUSTRATED. i ! ''(kSfeb 11 Q" e ot tl,#s Coole rs W-H I Books puMi lied. It coti | M dl I recipes for all kinfta lj mem . on Medicine, Eti ? qi cite, and Toilet recipes. 8 ! Indexed for handy refer -1 ol!ce ' MftlLtD FRE.E, In Exchanpo fcr 20 I AP.GE L.ION HEADS cut from L.io:i CcfTce wrappers and a 2-cent Stamp. Write for i-i of < -ur oilier Fbr> Premiuras. Wo j have many vnluaM • alao a Knife, Game, \ etc., to Kiro awa/. \ benu. .'nl I'i«_turo Card l.s In I every package o* Lio.%* COFFEE. w/nni otf ro Hur s^r nUULuUiI v;i !oL uL ■ TOLECO, oma . It is unnecessary | to bore you with the advertisement of our largest stock, best facilities, biggest business, etc. You know we have that. The important an nouncement is, We will Positively save you Money on your Fall Clothes. Our stock tables are resplendent with the new est patterns. See them. ALAND, TAILOR. C.7D. A business that grow ing through «i season 01 de pression, such as the country has experienced, is an evi dence that people realize the) save money by trading with us. We know, and always have known, the days of large profits are past. Without question we are giving more for the money than last year. Our stock is larger to select from than last year. '".ALL AND SEE US. Colbert & Dale. What You Need Is a Dictionary! ' ,N HERE IT IS! One Webster Int. Dictionary, sheep, with patent thumb index, together with one Noye's patent, ad justable dictionary bclti< r—ail com pletefor 5i2.50. We are the only firm in the county able to wtokvale *ehool t-up plies in competition with large firms from Chicago and other cities We sell for less than other firms here pay for things. J. H. DOUGLASS, (WHOLE«ALE"ANI> RETAIL) 241 S. Main Street, Near Postoffice. Ij. c- wick: DBALKK IN Rou|ti and Worked Lurabti OF ALL STSDR Oours, Sash, BUnds, Mouldings, Shingles »nci Lam Always in Stock. UME, HAIR AND PL.AS •" ft. Office opposite.P- K. TAYLOR, No. 320 Libvrty Sliest, PlttsbTWg ' U r TLKR. P A., THURSDAY. NOX'EMHER 8, 1804. FOREBODING. 1 should be so lonely without you, dear Why, even now, if you bo not here For the shortest day. there's a certain la.-ls Which does not vanish till you come back. And If you were gone forever, dear, The aching throat anil the hot, swift tear Were a feeble vent, and a futile, due To the aching absence, dear, of you. I should be so lonely without you, dear. Kiss me apaiu. so I know you're near If 1 should reach for the old embrace And my arms should close on a formless space. In the midst of the world and Its hollow cheer. In the payest throng. I should tiirlll with fear, The fear of the void which the world would be, If you were gone from the earth and me I should be so lonely without you, dear. Though I still might heed the passing year. Though I still might toll from some money J J this morning?" ——. s CJ\ Mr. Green- I' *«* leaf looked up like an animal i&jgl dis t u rbed at its meal by a strangle noise. • AW-A'jP "Money!" he t ~ A exclaimed, in a \ g*- voice between » I m. v* a f? row l an