Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 01, 1894, Image 3

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Legal notices are published in the ClTl
len at $1 per inch for first, and 50 cents for
each succeeding insertion.
Obituaries, cards of thanks, resolutions,
etc. are inserted at Scents a line,money to
accompany the order.
Reading notices on local page 10 cents
a line lor first and 5 cents a line for each
subsequent insertion Notices among lo
cal news items 15 cents a line for each in
Half-inch professional cards with paper
$5 a year.
Rates for commercial advertising q«oted
upon application
iii'TLica naa a population ot aDOUt 10,000.
It la the county seat of Butler County, wltti
Four railways, natural gus, and unequalled
facilities for menufactures.
Progress evrywhere; new buildings, new
manufactures, a ifrowln* and prosperous town.
New York Weekly Tribune—Free.
By special arrangements made for our
so doing, we are enabled to offer to all our
subscribers who pay arrearages, (if any)
and one year in advance, and to all new
subscribers paying in advance, the Xew ;
York Weekly Tribune free for one year.'
For further particulars of this offer see ad
New Advertisements.
XOTB—AII advertisers intending to make 1
canges in their ads. should notily us of
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
C. <fc T's Household Furnishings.
Schaul <t Xast's Pants.
Zimmerman's Prices.
Kauimann's Cloak Opening.
Administrators and Executors ot estate
can secure their receipt books at the CITI
ZKA office.
—Farmers Institute at Freeport, Xov.
1G and IT.
—lf it snows next Tuesday, its election
—President Cleveland has designated
Thursday, the 29th, as Thanksgiving Day.
—The Butler Football club plays the
Nonpariels of Pittsburg, on Saturday.
—C. X. Boyd is making some changes
in the interior of his store in view of the
arrival of his big fountain.
—The Midnight Mechanics of the town
are yet active—lock your doors and win
dows before retiring.
—Tbe P. S. & L. E. trains will hereafter
stop at Muddycreek station. See notice
in another place.
—John Peffer of Jackson township lost
3 fine fheep by jogs abont 60 days ago and
secured the bounty recently.
—The Xever Works boat the High
School*, 6 to 4 .n an exciting game of foot
ball Tuesday.
—When about to order your reading (
matter for the winter consider our offer of ,
the CITIZEN and Tribune, both for $1.50 a (
year in advance. ,
—She "I see that one sewing machine '
is supposed to do the work of twelve wo
men." He "What idiot has gone and in
vented a talking attaenmentf"
—ln some parts of the county, scarlet
fever has become so prevalent that the
schools have been closed. Thero is also
considerable of it in the town.
—Reports from 17 rooms of the Butler
schools show that 444 pupils were in their
seats ready for work every day during the
month of October.
—The Native African Choir, a band of
Kaffirs from South Atrica, wiil give a con
cert in the C. P. Chnrch at 2 30 Saturday
—The Williard House has been treated
to a coat of paint aud looks the better for
it. No paiu» are being spared to make it a
first class hotel.
—Mr. William Steuart, the new pro-
prietor of the Central Hou?e in Harrisville,
sets as good a table as the traveller could
wish for.
—ln some of tbe south western counties
of this State early sown wheat is dying.
Something seems to be working on the
roots, cutting them off.
—H. Sesnor has bought an interest in
the Wick Livery Barn with J. C. Dauben
speck, they are enlarging and repairing
tbe barn so as to make room to run a first
class Livery and Sale stable.
—One of our local wits bet a crowd that
lie conld see a light in Adams twp, from
the Court Bouse steeple; and after they
had climbed up there, be pointed ont the
planet Mars, saying "There, there's Mars,
and ain't it in Adams twp.
—There are too many tramps in and
about Butler, too many cellars are being
robbed, aud a man was held up and robbed
of his watch in the eastern part of town,
tbe other night.
Boarding houses in Cooperstown are
not equal to the demand and one man who
ran up a house in two days had his honse
so filled on the third that he could not ac
commodate them all.
—Tbe stale Phaimaceutical Examining
Board finished its work in pittsbur.', Mon
da/, and granted certificates to quite a
number of applicants, among whom were
J. C, Grobman and William P, Welshons of
—The fair, which was to be given by
the St. Patrick's chnrch at Elizabethport,
N. J. has been abandoned, because, it is
said, of the action of the Union County
(jrand Jury in condemning lotteries run in
connection with church fairs.
—The people of Centreville are thinking
pf building an electric car liue from their
town to Brancht. n station. If the laws
were changed so as to allow electric lines
to carry freight, the country would soon
bo full of them.
-—Highwaymen, Galore, held up the
(Joopersti.wn hack coming to Butler last
Saturday evening, and got but $3.60 There
were several drillers in the hack, but they
were coming to Butler for their wages.
—So many uiillionaiies live on Institute
Bill that the burglars confine their p.Uen
tion to that part of the town During the
past few nights half a dozen attempts have
be«n made to enter and the bur
glars have had to dodge eevera! charges of
—The lUptist Churcti was tbe scene of
a pretty weeding, Wednesday afternoon,
when Herbert Smith and Florence Fisher
were made man and wife. After the
wedding they left for a trip to Herb's old
home in fireenfield, Ma™. Tha young
couple have our best wishes.
—"Jane," a typo of pure English
,dy, was si veil oa our local boards on
Tuesday right to a delighted audience.
Such plays have a refining influence on
play goers and with a mixture of comic
opera .ind, an occasional tragidy should
fill our Opera House once a week.
—Mercer county hobs up again with an
eloping pair. The authorities in Butler
are looking for Wm. Layton of Mer?e.',
«rno, it is ailedged, rati off b weeks ago,
with Mrs. Sara Brest, wife of Newton
Brest, of Mercer. Tbe eloping pair are
said to have come to Butler, and afterward
gone to Farinington where they staid sev
ural weeks
Just at supper time, Wednesday evening,
two men entered tbe house of George
Kauss in Forward twp., near Cillery, and
demanded his inonfcy. Kauss refused to
give them any, and picked up a poker
with which to defend himself when one of
the tramps drew a revolver and shot him
though the heart. Then the tramps ran
The were both smooth faced men and
bad handkerchiefs over their eyes. One
wore a blue coat and the other a light col
ored one.
Word of the murdei was immediately
! sent to Butler, and descriptions of the men
wired to all the neighboring towns.
Mr. Kauss' wife and daughter witness
ed tbe murder. He was a man of about
sixty years and reported wealthy. His
place adjoins Kaufmann's.
One account states tbat as soon as the
murder was committed Mr. Kauss'daugh
ter ran out th 6 rear door of the house, and
that tbe robbers chased her and fired at
her, but that she escaped them and got to
Callery where she told the storv.
Two men, supposed to be the robbers,
were seen near Callery about 9 o'clock, but
they soon after disappeared.
Mrs.Kauss offers i 100. for the arrest of tbe
men, and it is said Evans City offers an
other .1100. One of the men is about 5
feet 10 inches in beightb, 20 years old
weigh about 100 pounds, fair complection
and dark eyes, and wore a light check
coat, dark pants and slouch hat. The
other is smaller, about 5 feet, 7 inches fair
complexion, weight, 140 pounds, 18 years
old. light hair, wore dark suit and hat.
The County Commissioners offer a re
ward of S2OO. for the arrest and conviction
of the men who murdered Mr. Kanss.
—Tom Morrison, the genial and popular
baker, was as bußy as any man in town on
Wednesday. lie reported a great rnsh of
bnsiness. He was making 35 gallons of
ice cream, and lilting large orders for cake,
fruit, etc. The Shpperyrock State Nor
mal School ordered material for their Hal
low Een festivities from Tom, and what
we saw of the order made us wish we were
a pupil at the Normal.
—lt is estimated that the "Blind Pool"
people got four millions out of Pittsburg
and vicinity, and a thousand or two of
this went out of this county. Peoplo who
have money to invest should invest it at
home. Don't send it away, and don't keep
it in a trunk or in a sook or in a tin box.
Invest it in some way. Keep it moving.
You make something on it—somebody else
makes something on it —it is safe—when
ever you want it you can get it.
—Tho Centennial of the passage of the
Sunday Law of 1694 was celebrated by the
State Sabbath Ass'n in convention at Wil
liamsport on Tuesday and Wednesday of
this week. Key McKee was on the pro
gramme for an address on the Sunday
newspaper. The Ass'n passed resolutions
opposing the repeal of any of the Sunday
laws, and advocating a penalty of $23 for
all violators thereof. It also pronounced
the Sunday newspapers to be the most in
sidious of all the enemies, of the Sabbath
day, and urges the impeachment of all
officials who fail to enforce the Sunday laws
as they exist.
Oil Notes.
(Heydrick's No. 4, Oil Leases for sale
at this Office.)
In the North Washington field Shide
mantle <fc Co , finished their No. 2, Ander
son, arid have a 10 bbl. producer.
Phillip's, No. 3, on the Hagan got the
pay streak Tuesday evening, and will be
good for 150 to 500 bb's.; Gr enwooil <£
Co. struck a 400 ponnd gasser on the Du
The Thorn Oil CVs No. 7, on tho Parkf;
Eastern Oil Co's So. 1, on tho Conley.
Bolard A Co's No. 3. on the llu.rtling end
Stager A Co's No. 2, on the McCaslin are
ail good wells.
The Forest Oil Co's well on the KirkT is
a good gasser; Christie A Co's Xo. 2 on the
Mars'.iurger is dry, a- is al»o Thompson A
Co's No. 3, on the O. Rader.
Rirts A Walker sold their Muddycreek
property, .Monday, to Hue of Warren for
The rig. belt-house and engine house at
R. W. Miller's No. 5, John Ballonr farm,
uear Mars, burned Monday. They were
drilling in the top of the pa-; sand and en
countered a strong vein of ga« which ig
nijrbted from the forge.
A syndicate of Butler county oapitulists
are securing options in the neighborhood
of Confluence tor tho purpose of boring for
oil. For many years past tho opiuion has
prevailed in certain quarters that the
country back of Confluence is good oil ter
ritory, and only a few years since pros
pectors started to bore in that vicinity.
After a well had been sunk to a depth of
several hundred feet and tho prospects for
striking oil were said to be encouraging
the parties doing the drilling gathered up
their tools and took their departure with
out giving any excuse for their strange
action. It was alleged at the time that
they had been bought off by one of the
powerful oil companies.—Somerset lit raid.
Jas. Barr of Adams township lost bis
barn by fire on Monday night. Mr. Barr
was absent at a funeral at Springdale, and
no one was at home but bis wife and an
old German named Henry Meyers. They
got ont the horses but the balance was
The Markets.
ZOur grocers are paying 18 for butter, 18
for eggs, 50 for good potatoes, 50 for unions;
QOcts for apples, 25 to bOcts a uoz. for cel
ery; li cent a pound for cabbage; 40 cents
for ttruips.
Timothy hay from country wauons sl-}
to 15, mixed hay $10.50, to 11,00, straw
$5.00 to 6.00.
Country roll butter 15 to 10, fresh eggs
10 to 20, dress,ed chickens, drawn 12 to
14, spring chickens 13 to 14 per pound.
potatoes $2.15 to $2.25 pur bbl, onions 40
to 50.
At Herr's Island, Monday, beeves sold
at 3.00 to 5.25 bulls and dry cows at 1.25 to
2 25. hogs at 3.25 to 4.85, sheep at .35 to.
2.75, lambs at .75 to 3.75, and calyes at
J. 25 to 5.50.
The Kaffir Concert.
The South African Choir will sing in the
United Presbyterian church next fcjatuaday
afternoon at 2.30.
A rare musical treat is promised to those
who attend this concert, as well as an ob
ject lesson in Chri>tain mission.
We aro Leaders In Millinery
Both as to Style and Low Prices.
Often you n>'»d only pay us half of
what others charge and yet you get
better quality nud Style beoai.se we
ari! alw&ys in the ouving market with
ready cash watching your interests
as well u« ours. KAUFMANN'S
—All P. SAL E. R. R. passen
ger and local freight truin,, will etpp
at Muddy Creek station for the ac
commodation o! pasf-eugers wishing
to visit the uew oil territory recently
aHvelopeu. ir'or tnno or trains etc.
see P. S. & L E R. R Time Table
—Clearance sale of all summer
goods at less than wholesale prtco.
ftt I: STSfN & Cod «.
—lce creaui delivered to all parts
of the city in auy quantity and at any
time. Leave your order at the City
—Martincourt ii Co. are giving
away valuable prizes to holders of
lucky numbers Call and get a num
ber it costs you uothing
blanUets tiOcat DAYXNN^'s
By an order Court made on the Bth of
March last the borough ot Portersville be
came subject to the restrictions and pos
sessed of the powers and privileges con
ferred by the act of 1831, regulating
■ boroughs: and the provisions of its former
cha r ter were annulled. This separated
the town and township for election pur
poses and the II publicans of the town
ship elected a Judge and Inspector, but
nothing was done regarding a place for
holding the township elections until la*t
Saturday, when, W. ii. Dodds, Fred Ban
der, G. B. McDonald, C. G Badger and
F. W. Gallagher secured an order of Court
designating the house of Jacob Psaor, a
half mile east of Portersville, as the poll
ing place.
The electors of Donegal township were
refusetl the use of the Orbison school house
and had the e'ection place cuaaged t > the
house of Francis Boyle.
The Copcley store in Ist ward Bntler is
now unsuited as an election place au.i the
voters had it changed to the Wuller drug
store building.
The 3rd ward polls were changed froin
the Huseletoii building to the Grand Jury
room in the Court House.
The State Supreme Court haDded down
decisions in a dozen cases last Monday and
among them three from this county, as
Daniel Walker \s A 13 Gibson, reversed.
Xancy Hall vs T W Pniliips, affit mud.
William Mo-Lane vs \Y H Hoff'mau, af
Saturday of this week, Xov. 3d, w-,11 be
tbe last day for filing accounts with the
Keeister and Recorder lor presentation at
December term.
The will of Peter bhira, late of Parker
twp. was piobnted. J. M and F.M shira
are executors.
The will of John O'Donnell, late of Oak
land twp., was offered tor probato. A
caveat was tiled against it claiming the
testator was inuoaipetant to make a will
and that the will was tnado under undue
influence. Hearing Xov. 9.
Jacob Sanderson was adjudged a lunatic
and committed to Dixmon.
James Miiler has sued for divorce from
Mary Jane Miller, now McCormick.
The viewers on tbe Thorn Creek road in
Penu twp. from Renfrew to Mcßride met
Friday, and made a fayorable report.
The Coroner's Jury in the case of Mrs.
Elizabeth Ellenberjrer, returned that she
came to her death from causes unknown
to them, but 'ecommended a chemical
analysis of the parts retained by the phy
sicians who held the postmortem. Parts
ot the brain, stomach, liver and bo welt,
were placed in jars and sealed, and are
now in the possession of Coroner Graham
There are now 1,092 prisoners in the
Riverside Penitentiary, Allegheny. There
are 1.280 cells at Riverside and at the
present rate of increase it will not take
long to fill then.. Warden Wright said
the prisoners now being brought to River
side were receiving very long sentences
and there will be fewer discharged in years
to come.
A recent decision of the I'nited States
Supreme Court is of interest to the legal
profession inasmuch a-; it declares uncon
stitutional and void a law thai has been
upon our statute books a long time. It
concerns the distribution of es ates of eup
posed decedents, the iaw heretofore au
thorizing the parc«liing out of a man's es
tate, if he should be absent and not heard
from for seven years. However, a per
son could not be declared legally dead un
til advertisement through newspapers fail
ed to show his whereabouts. Now, how
ever, the United States Supreme Court, iu
the case of Scott vs. McXeal, decides that
letters of administration upon the estate of
a living person cannot issue, and if issued
are void.
The property of the Mercer Coal Com
pany, including its l»a«e M una other pro
perty in this cou'jry, will bu sold at pub
lic sale at the office of the company in
Greenville, on Wednesday Dec. sth, at 1
P. M.
The first colored man evr*r admitted to
practice in the Supremo Court was admit
ted Monday. He'lives in Pittsburg aud is
named Wm. M. Randolph.
The Pardon Board has recommended
that the Governor commute fiili's sentence
to imprisonment for life. A pardon was
refused Chas Ilewins of this county, now
serving for burglary.
In the criminal court of Allegheny coun
ty, Tuesday, Attorney Reardon made a
motion to quash an indictment for pc jury
in regard to age on tiie grounds that tuere
is no marriage license law in operation in
this state at present. The question is the
comparatively old one of the clerical mis
take made in copying the amendment to
the marriage license act of 1885, and mak
ing it read Oct. 1, 1895 instead of Oct. 1,
Jacob Filler to S W Stewart lot iu But
ler for SSOO.
Lewis Patterson to Angeline F Hail lot
in Slipperyrock for $175.
Elizabeth Purvianco to W A Purviance
5 acres in Connoq for S2OOO
Jas R Kearcs to C A Hite lot in Bailer
for S2OO.
John D Albert to Sarah J McCandless
lot in Farinington for SSO.
G F Drolliuger heirs to John Frederick
lot in Jefferson for $2750.
B A Heule i to .luiia llenlen lots iu N.
Washington forsl.
Thos M Marshall to Jas Bredin 106 acres
in Middlesex for S3OO.
E A Butler to Jane Sbira lot in Parker
for $360.
Martin Wahl to Adelia Howard lot in
Jackson for SIUO.
Wm Heaven to J T Heaven 37 acres in
Connoq. for SIOB7.
Amy J Bracken to John A Braudon 58
acres in Connoq for $2975
D, A, Mcllvain io E. M. Brown lot in
Kvans City for $75
J. D. Albert to Emma E. Stickle lot in
iu Venango for SSO.
Franklin Rider to Aaron Rider 50 acres
in Concord for $2676.
The sale of land uuted last woek fioui S.
Clark Tebay to Thomas M. Mageo was
merely 5 acres and not his whole farm
The ground was sold to straighten out a
line fence and the consideration was S2OO.
Marriage incenses.
Albert Rittman Middlesex twp
Mary E Martin Penn twp
C. A. Holliday Mandany, O
lioselia Fair ~ButlprC°
W. C. Amcr-r,., Butler
Amelia E. Cooper ...Boyer
W. C. Vaneman Lawrence Co
Ida M, C'Couner Washington twp
Clarenoe C. Fox Bovard
Jennie M. Rhodes ...Wick
Burt Steele Great Belt
Lizzie Caldwell Jefferson twp
F. K. Morse Batler
Orpha btc11..... Clarion Co
Herbert W. Smith Butlor
Florence A. Fisher '*
—Martincourt & Co. are givin
away valuable prizes to holders o
lucky numbers Call aud get a nunig
ber it costs you nothing.
—Fine canton flannels ft cents at
Ice cream soda in all flavors at
the City Bakery.
—Our Hosiery values are unequal
ed and well worth inspection*
Fine Donnett flannels, 5c at
—Bargains in L*wns, Dimilys
Pongees, Organdies and all the suni
mer goods
BoardiqgHoqso t!^ r du, vi'»b Act
of Assembly, is.S ceuiß for tialf-a-doaou,
tor sale at CITIZEN oflj-.e,
—lnfants Wool Hose 5 cts per
pair at Davenny's.
Wheat Wanted.
IKe pay the Highest Price ?or J
wheat—both Qla ahU new, at our
We chop all binds of grain at onr
mill for the Tenth Bussiel and do ll
promptly and to yonr sati.-facti n.
Remember we Oalj Charge tK-
Tsnlh gaiter 6oc ■£
* u !•" - '' JJutler Pa.
John T. Fithian of Bruin has been grant
ed a pension.
Joseph lrvin of Baldwin has been grant
ed a pension.
Mrs. Wilson of Mars is visiting friends in
| Freeport.
Esq. U. C. Sarver of Sarversvilie was in
town Wednesday
E. R. Kenmngton and C. J. Riabe of
Sa.vonbarg were in town on Tuesday.
G«orge Schenck and George Oesterling
have begun building on W. Jefferson St.
Gilbert Walker is the happy father of a
bouncing son.
McAllister Kuhn, of Concord township
was in town on business, Wednesday.
U. S. Deputy Marshall John W. Walker
ot Erie was in town on business last week
and stopped at W H. Walker's
Edgar Xegley. of Pittsburg, was a visit
or iu Butler on Saturday and Sunday. He
came up to see tbe football game.
Mr. R. F. Seaton of Marion twp, visited
his son, Prothonotary Seaton in Butler,
last week.
Miss Shaw of Pittsburg and Mrs. Hen
derson of Elizabeth are tho guests of Mrs .
Ben. Huselton.
Mr'. J. W. Miller, of Mercer St., leturu
ed from a visit to friends in Pittsburg and |
Washington, last week.
James and David Hesselgesser, of Win- !
fiel twp., executors of Robert Hesselges
ser dee'd were in town on legal business, J
Will P. Welshons and E. J. C. Grobman
were granted certificates by the State
Pharmaceutical Board on Monday. Tney
parsed good examinations aud aro to be
Esq. Snyder brought a sample ot his
Japanese buckwheat to town Monday. He
has2G4 bushels of it, aid it is larger, bet
ter and sweeter tbau the ordinary buck
i Mr. B. F. Jamison, of E.nleuton, made
our uflico a pleasant call oa Wednesday.
He says there are at present no less thau
16 Mrs. Crawfords living in the town.
Mr. Albert L. Wiehe, editor of tbe
Slipperyrock Sit/nul, made us a pleasant
call lately. Mr. Wiehe prints an interest
ing paper, and is making a success of the
business in the enterprising town of Centre
James Ewing, a resident of Middlesex
township, Butler county, has resided wiih
iu seven miles of a railroad for the last 15
_i earn and has not yet seen the cars or the
roadway. He is 99 yearn and 11 months
old, and retains tbe vigor and activity of a
man not halt his number of years. For
tbe last 40 years be has attended the ser
vices of tne United Presbyterian Church,
and has never yet gone to the services in
any kind of a conveyance. The church is
two miles from bis home, and his tall, slen
der figure is a familiar sight as be walks
along tbe footpath by the roadside to and
from the services. Mr. Ewing, or "Uncle
Jimmy," as he is fauiiliarlv called by those
who know him, is a remarkably well-pre
served man. He stands 6 feet 1 inch in
height, and is of a muscular build. His
snow-wbite hair is permitted to curl down
ui>on his shoulders, and be states with
pride that it has not been cut during tbe
past 15 years. It has been 50 years since
he has been in Pittsburg, and he has never
been known to express any desire to again
see the city. His last visit to the city was
during the days of canal boating and when
his grand nieces, who visited him during
tho summer, spoke of riding in an electric
car he looked at them in astonishment,
aud demanded a full explanation of bow
thev were operated.
A Love Affair.
The sidewalk in front of the Columbia
avenue school house at Greenville was the
sceue of a lively fracas Monday night.
While out walking with Joseph Traxler,
a Sharon merchant, Miss Genevieve Don
a'dsou was attacked by B. P. Wier, a for
mer lover, who pointed a revolver at her
head and said: "I'll kill you."
Traxler grappled Wier aud all three fell
iuto the gutter. Miss Donaldson made
her escape and ran screaming to the near
est residence. Traxler gave his opponent
a severe beating and secured the revolver
which contained five loads. Wier is badly
This is supposed to be the Joseph Trax
ler who opened the New York Bazar at
this place, and was a Butler merchant for
several years.
—Martincourt & Co. are giving
away valuable pr'*,es to holders of
lucky numbers. Call and get a num
ber it costs you nothing.
—Genuine Lancaster (iinghams 5c
Ice Cream delivered to all parts of
the city any time and in any quau
ity. Leave your orders at the City
Locome candy. Try it at the
City Bakery.
—]So matter how hard the times
the one thiug you canuot afford to go
without is all the news. If yon want
all the news you get it in the Pitts
burg Dispatch. The Dispatch pub
lishes all—not a part only
--Fittest novelties in dress goods
Highest cash price paid for grain
of all kinds at J. C Breaden <sj Co.'s
new roller mills, We6t Suabury, Pa
Have you tried Locome Candy!'
Well it is the lutest oandv out. For
sale at the City Bakery.
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
warning in finish, tone or a correct
1 ikon ess.
—Job work of all bind done at the
—Summer Underwear, Hosier",
Mitts, Lioes and Ribbons at reduc
ed prices at
—A good umberella (or fsc at
{ PUB*
( ICE,
For sale by J. A. Richey. Leave
your orders at the Bakery.
—l2t cent P •igees and Tissues
reduced to o'. . jut
—Try oar new roller flour—latest
improved machinery. Satisfaction
guaranteed, J. C. BUEAUKN & Co.,
West Sunbury, Pa.
Rye Wanted.
The highest prices paid I'OF rye at
the mill of Qfo WALTER & Sow.
Bwtler, Pa.
—.White good 3, Lawns, Pongoe«
Organdies and -ill kinds of wash
goods at less tvm wholesale price at
L. STEIN A; Sow's.
"* "
—The highest grade of patent
hour iaadc at the mills of
WesJ cHjnbttry, pa.
—Tencey's New York candies in
sealed packages at the City Bakery.
Mrs. Jones—Where did you jjeij
| that hat y
M»B. bmitb—-At Davenny's of
course, they have the best millinery
in town, try them.
The first football game of fhe season in
Butler was played between the home team
and the Grove City club on Saturday. The
Butler boys were assisted by Hansen, Fin
nell, s'oung and yuinn of the Nonpar:el
club of Pittsburg, and Bishop and Seamon
ot otner foreign clubs. The game began
! shortly alter 3 o'clock and the large crowd
present had a decided number of ladies
among it. The first half was well played
and the Grove City boys were able to score
but once, and then principally by main
strength, as the tackling and blocking
play of the Butler boys was far superior
to that of the visitors, Feigle and Hei ry
particularly showed to advantage in this
part of the game.
The second half was different. Henry
tad been injured and was missed. The
superior condition and strength of the visi
tors began to tell and enough pouuts were
scored to make the game stand 26 to 0 at
the close. The Grove City boys are gen
tlemanly players and the game was a fair
specimen of what football may be.
Greenlee & Forst Assign.
It has been announced that the well
known oil producers, Greenlee A Forst.
have confessed judgment tor $30,000 at
Fairmount, Marion connty W Va
J. S. Kauffinan, president of the Ali
qnippa Steel ctmpany, was made assignee.
Of the $36,000, to which judgment his
been contessed, Mrs. C. I). Greenlee is
made a prelurred creditor in the sum of
Mr. Forst, a member of the firm, was
seen and said they had gone beyond their
means in their operations in the West Vir
ginia fields, and in order to protect them
selves, as well as all their creditors, had
made an assignment.
When asked as to assosts and liabilities
of the firm he said that no statement had
been prepared yet, and, while he was un
able to give any figures, the firm would be
able to pay all of its indebtedness.
The judgments are against the firm's
property in the Maunington field where
they i.ave 22 producing wells and over 20.-
000 acres of leased oil lands. The assign
ment does not effect the firm's interests in
this State, Mr. Forest said, and they will
continue their business here as nsual.—
Wm. Trimbour of Summit twp. was
thrown from his bngpy last Sunday, and
badly cut übont the head
Music scholars wanted, Lessons
will be given either at the home of
the teacher or at the home of the
scholar, inquire at 124 VV. Wayne
St. But'er I'a.
Dealers in new and second hand
household goods of every description
Call and see us vYe call save you
—You pay for school-books; but
the best school-book for your children
is your daily p£.per. Well printed,
carefully and intelligently edited, of
instructive contents, first and fullest
with the news and best in presenting
it, the Pittsburg Dispatch fills the
—One Portfolio, containing 16
superb views from tbe Worlds Fair
given away with each $2 00 sale at
—Take your, children to Zuver's
tjiillery for Pictures that will suit
yon. Postotfice building
Every Mother Knows
the virtues of hot griddle cakes these
cool bracing moraiugs They are
ioexpeusive, full of nourishment, and
one of tbe nicest delicacies imagin
has on the market now his pure
tin'l most excellent self rising pan
cake, Buckwheat and Pearl Meal
flours, from which any mother ciu
make those tasty, light, well brown
ed. Griddle cakes, so tempting and
delicious at the breakfast table in the
Ask your grocer for MARVIN'S,
they are pure, and the best.
MARVIN'S Rose Jumbles are the
newest and best cracker ever offered ,
Try them.
Jury List for November Terra
List of names drawn from the proper
jury wheel this Bth day of October, A. D.
1894, to serve as traverse jurors at a spec
iai term of Court commencing Nov, 12th,
A. D., 1894, the jjime beiig the second
Monday ot said month.
Armstrong W J, merchant, Butler Ist wd.
Boyd 0 W, farmer, Worth l»p.
Barron Robert, taraier. Worth twp.
Buchanan llobert, farmer, Mercer twp.
Ileigbley Emmet, pumper, Prospect boro.
Burnhart Rudolph, farmer, Connoq twp.S.
Bryson L A, farmer, Butler twp.
Bolton Lewis, detler, Centreville boro.
Book J G W, farmer Worth twp
Brown 0 M, farmer, Barrisville boro.
Boyd W S, clerk, Butler Ist ward.
Barr James, farmer, Jefferson twp
Barnhart Gabriel, farmer, Connoq, twp. N.
Christy John, farmer, Chor4y twp. S.
Cumberland Al, fanner, Concord twp.
Christie Juhn G, blacksmith, Concord twp.
CruiKshank John, farmer, Winfield twp
Cleeland Uenry, fanner, Muddycreek twp,
Clark Frank, hotel keeper, Butler, 2nd wd.
Donaldspn Isaac, farmer, Clay twp.
Fleming Wm, farmer, Clearfield twp.
Frederick George, farmer, Summit twp.
Fleming W C, merchant, Butler Ist ward.
Gilchrist It B, carpenter, Butler, 2nd wd.
Garvin Newton, farmer. Cranberry twp.
Graham farmer Concord twp,
Gro«i Win, farmer, Jackson twp. west.
Uotttnau Charles, clerk, Saxanhutg boro.
Hallsiein 11 A, agent, llarmony boro.
Huizler John, farmer, Winfield twp.
U&rper R M, merchant. Butler, Ist ward.
Kubn McAllister, farmer, Concord twp.
Klingensmith T P, oil producer, Butlersth
Lewis R O, farmer, Washington twp., S.
Miller John, farmer, Butler twp.
McCafierty W J. merchant, Butler, ifcl wd.
McMarlin J A. farmer. Adams twp, S.
McCoy A farmer, Slipperyrock twp.
iJcCollough J M, farmer, Fairview twp, E
Martin W P, farmer, Venango twp.
McCrea J M. farmer, Butler twp.
Markham Stephen, oil producer, Bullor L t
Maizeland James, farmer, Clinton twp.
McGowan Alex, farmer, Worth twp.
Nigon J kvaus, farmer, Penn twp, S.
Nicholas Peter, farmer, Penn twp, S.
Park Albert, farmer, Middlesex t - .vp.
Purvis J L, manufacturer. Butler oth wd.
Koxbury J C, laborer, Prospect.
Rice Henry, farmer, Cranberry two..
Ray M S, Justice of Peace, fairview.
Reed John, fara;er, SJipperyrocK twp.
Sbi, Samuel, farmer, tv ashington twp, S.
j Sphenck John, farmer, Butlcr twp.
I Snifzell Phillip, farmer, Jackson twp, W.
Shoup George, firmer, Centre twp.
Stevenson 11 S, farmer, Penn twp. X.
SteveDsou Jasi J, hotel keeper, Franklin tp
jgokie Jog, farmer, Muddycreek twp.
\Vright Samuel, farmer, Connoq twp, S.
Can be applied to any smooth surface.aa
furniture, wood, glass, ijny kind of metal
kitchen utensils.
Makes old articles look new and is much
used on bicycler, carriages, stoves, etc.
Requires only one coat, is applied eold
with brush and dries absolutely hard and
glossy in 2 hours —will not crack, chip,
blister or rub off.
Sample bottles sent on receiel of price.
2 ounces 15c, 4 ounces 6. oUhces 40c.
West Deer Part Printing Ink Co.,
I Tho wholesale millinery establishment
, of J. J. Porter on Liberty St. Pittsburg
s was destroyed b/ fire, last Monday night.
What is. without doubt, the largest tish
. ever captured in the Beaver river, was
hooked by a young man named Wallace,
i ot Homewood lately. Wallace allowed
t the tish to get a good hold on the bait, and
i then began to drew in, but was almost
palled into the river by the fi>h. He tiaal
* ly managed to get it into shallow water,
! and was frightened almost to death by
, the size of the monster. After a great
deal of hard work he managed to make
the fish secure. A barrel was brought and
filled with wtter and the fish placed tberr
n. It was a cattish, and when measured,
wa> found to be four and one-half feet in
length. It tipped the scales at 40 pounds,
and measured 10 inches between the eyes.
It has an immense month and look-' more
like a whale than anrthing else It is still
alive, and Wallace does not intend to kill
it for some time.
Gilbert Wiley of Elwood City, aged 25,
shot a powder blast in a well 40 feet deep
on Tuesday and went down snortly after
and was suffocated by the gas.
13. <y B.
They'll Not Tell
More than half that might be told, but if
you'll write our Mail Order Department
for samples of our superb line of
Dress Goods, Silksi and
They'll tell you ecough to cause you to
declare as did a Mail Order patron this
"The samples you sent me are better in
quality and price than those received from
any other house. I enclose," etc—
This, verbatim, from a letter just receiv
ed, is but the expression of numbers com
ing daily from. every section ofthe country.
The leading marKets of the world have ad
ded their quota in making this Fall aud
Winter 1894 and '95 display the largest,
choicest, most comprehensive collection of
lieve ever submitted for critical inspectiou
in Western Pennsylvania—everything
that's stylish, new and up-to-date id here
at prices never so low.
New Check suitings,
in lire different colorings, newest combina
tions, all-w001—44-incbes wide,
75 cents a yard.
12 different colorings —4B inches wide,
75 cents a yard.
Simply no end to variety in assortments of
all wool and silk and wool Dress Goods
and Suitings at 85c, SI.OO, $1.25, $l5O up
to $4 50 per yard—wbich includes both
American and Imported fabrics.
Nino hundred pieces all-wool 50 cent
Ladies' Cloth,
Choice color mixtures —never such value
shown in such wide, all-wool cloth at price
—SO inches wide,
35 cents a yard.
Two-toned, self-colored
i-wool—7 different colorings, extra wide,
41 inches. Their equal m>y have been
offered at doable the price but never at
15 cents a yard.
If you can't come, write for our Illus
trated Fall and Winter 1894 and '95 Cata
logue, FREE, 'twill help you out im
mensely in your ordering by mail. You'll
be astonished to find how easily shopping
by mail can be accomplished.
800-O-S <FC BLLLL],
Because you can buy new ones
cheaper than ever beiore. Prices
have taken a tumble and before
buying your winter shoes call and
see what we can do for you.
Ladies Shoes
75c, 95c, SI.OO and $1.25.
Misses' Shoes
65c, 75c and SI.OO.
Men's Shoes
95c, SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50.
Youths' High-cut School Shoes
75c, 85c and SI.OO.
See our line of Rubber Goods.
Boston, Candee and Bay State at
Rock Bottom Prices, or full line
of Felt and Knit Boots, German
Socks, &c.
Men s Good Stoga Boots
$1.50, sl-75 and $2.00.
Boys' Stoga Boots
$1.25, $1.50 and $1.75.
If you are in need of any Foot
wear give us a trial and we will
promise to give you good Shoes
at prices lower than ever before.
215 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Hotel Butler
J. H. FAUBEL, Prop'r.
This house has been thorough
ly renovated, remodeled, and re
fitted with new furniture and
carpets; has electric bells ar.u all
other modern conveniences for
and is as convenient, and
1 desirable a home for strangers as
can be found in Butler, Pa,
Elegant sample room for use 01
commercial men.
Hotels and Depots,
1 W. 8. Gregg is now reining a line
of carriages between the hotels and
depots of the town.
Charges reasonable. Telephone
No. 17, or leave orders a>t, Hoh>
G(M Livn > (^Direction
A Suggestion.
«A s\ rt— .
|RI ; i=>
Did it ever occur to you that there are
drugs and drugs—that'drugs are like every
thing else—there are good, bad and indif
ferent. There is nothing else which is
positively bad if it is'nt just ol the best.
Our policy has alwavs been to have noth
ing but the best.
When you want drugs come to us and be
assured of fresh pure goods, and always
what you ask for or your prescription calls
for. It may not always be drugs yon want
either. We always have on hand a fall
line of sick room requisites.
G.-18. BOYD,
Diamond Block, - Butler, I'a.
A. M. A. M. A. M. r. M. P. M ,
Butler Leave 615 835 11 00 243 SOU
Saxonburg...Arrive6 41 uoo it 24 311 52s
Butler Juc't, •• 730 325 11 80 340 553
Butler Juc't.. Leave 730 941 12 03 3 40 553
Natrona Arrive 738 951 11 13 350 COS
Tarentum 7 43 8 s<; 12 19 357 9 07
Sprlnp.lale 755 10 00 12 33 1 0s
Ctaremont 8 11 12 55 4 23 c 27
riUarpsburg SIS 1 05 4 29 6 ,t>
Allegheny City 83510 33 124 444 645
A. M. A. M. P. M. P. SI. P. M.
Alleghenjclty Leave 6 55 8 25 10 40 3' 15* u 10
Sharpsburg 7(B 839 10 58
Claremont 843 11 08 ...
Sprlngdale Bo< ti 26 .... 641
Tarencum 7 32 910 u 39 351 650
Natrona 7 37 9 15 11 45 3 55 G53
GButler Juc't Arrive 7 45 »25 11 55 4 04 702
Butler Juc't Leave 7 45 9 45 12 3S 4 15 7 O''
gsaxouburg BOSIO 11 104 440 7v>
3Butler Arrive 83310 35 130 406 750
_3 A. 54. A. M. P. M. P. M. P, M
p. m. a. m. A. V. P. SI.
245 615 Lv. Butler Ar. 10 35 130
IU 40 730 Ar. Butler Junction Lv. 9 45 u3B
104 745 Lv. Rutler Junction Ar. 9 41 12 38
4 10 740 At. Freeport Lv. 935 12 35
415 753 '• Allegheny Juc't. '• 931 12 30
426 SO4 " Leechbure •• 920 12 13
446 821 " Paultou (Apollo) " 9U5 11 55
51* 851 " Saltsburg •• 837 U32
550 922 •• Blalrsville •' 805 11 00
600 930 '• Blalrsville Inter'n " 750 10 15
89011 40 " Altoona *■ 340 800
100 380 •' Harrtaburg 11 55 310
430 050 " Philadelphia •• 850 11 20
A. M. P. M. „P, M. p. M
Through trains for the easr, .1 ei've Pittsburg
(Cnlon Station) as follows v
Atlantic Express. " 2 40A. M
Pennsylvania, Limited, dally 7 15 "
Day Express. " 800 "
Philadelphia Express, " 4 30 P.M
Eastern Express, " 700 ••
Fast Line, " 810 »
For detailed information, address Thos. E
Watt, Fass. Ag't. Western District, 110, Fifth
Avenue. Pittsburg, Pa.
S. M. PKEVOST. J. it VOOD, • ~~"
(ieneral Manager. J I'L Passr. Ag't
P. A W. B.
Schedule, in effect Jan.; , . (Hutlor t;me)
The Short Line t o Pittsburg. "
6.25 a m Allegheny 9.25 a m, Alllegheny Ei
».15 a m AlPj & Akron 955 a m.AI « N Castle
10.20 a m Allegheny Ac 12.20 pm. Airy £ lh'go
3.00 p m Allegheny Mall 5.05 p ra, Allegheny Ex
JSO p m Chicago Kx. T25 p m.Ail'y £ Akron
.10 p m AU'y 4 Ell. Ex s.oo p m, Allegheny Ac
10 05 ain Ki'.ne & Brad. 805 a in, Fox burg Ac
5.1."> p m Clarion Ac 1y.50 am, Clarlan Ac
7.35 p m Foxburgj ; 3.20 p;m, Kane Mai
8.15 am. DeForest Ac 19.55 a m.Alieg leny Ac
3-50 pm, Chicago Ex 505 pm, Allegheny Ex
6 'Opm, Allegheny Ac|7.25 p en, DuForest Ac
Train arriving at at s.ot> p in leaves BSO de
pot, Fittsbuig. at 3 :i,"> o'clock.
Butler and HreenvilleOAcu will leave Alle
gheny at 3.-25 p. m, dally except Snn lay. Con
necting at Willowgrove, arriving at Butler at
Fullman Buffet Sleeping Cw ail I or3t-cl4ss
Day Coaches tun through between Butler and
Chicago daily.
For through tickets to points in the West
Northwest or Southwest apply to
_ A. B. CROUCH, Agent
"Trains leave the B. & O. dep >t In Piuburg
for the East as follows.
For Washington D C.. Baltimore, Phllidel
phia. uad New York. 12:20 and 9SO p. m.
Cumberland, 8:15, 2 :20,1 :to. 9:2) p. m. Cuu
nelsvlile. 8:15, 12:20, l.to. 4 3J. 5.50 and 9.20 p. m .
Uniontown, 8.15 a. in , and 5.50 p. m.
Mt. Pleasant. 8:15 a. m.. l.to and 4:H p. ni.
Washington, Pa.. "25 and a l» a. in.. 4.00,
445 and p. m. Wheeling. 7.25 and.
9.15 a. in.. ll.« p. m. Cincinnati. 8t
Louis, Columbus and Newark, 7.25 a. m., 9.25
11.25 p, m.
For Chicago, 2.40 and 9.30 p. m,
l'arlor and sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash
ington, Cincinnati an 1 Cnlcairo
Takes effect Monday. April ». 18M.
Traln« are run by Standard Central Time (901 h
Meridian ) One hoar slower than City Tiro-i.
— f 14 112 | STATIONS ~i 11 ~
iM.m l,u Lv |a.in. a.m. jp.m.
| | 2 4-1 ...Dunkirk | 7 3*|l2 39
a. tn.| ~~ | ;
; 00 1 58 10 a>> Erie 6 05 8 40 3 35
6 2". 1 23; 925 . Wallace Junct G42: 9 27 412
« '2O I 18 9 16! Ulrard 6 4«» 8 31 4 15
6 oil 1 »8, 9 01] ....Lockport 6 501 9 42 4 26
6 02 1 01! 8 55|.. .Cianestllle . ..| 7 ol| 9 50 4 34
3 10 10 31 Conneaut 7 40 3 iu
6 4:s 1 c 40 ar v |to 31, li 43
5~57" 12 87 8 49ar llbion, ...lv 7 11 935 4 37
543 is 45 8 at ... sriadeland. 72310 04 4 51
5 40 12 42 532 sprint:bor° • 7 28 to 07 4 .">5
5531235 8 25 ConneautvlUe ~ 10 >■» 503
5 ft* 12 16 BOSMe t vie Jet. 805 It 35 5*5
rw 7 38 Tv Conn't l.ake~ 10 17 4 53
8 16 ar ar 8 1 to SOI 537
4 2S 7 00 lv. Meadvllle .lv 9 .50; 4 2s
p m ... . 8 42 ar ar 8 42 11 25! a 03
.... II 58 7 45 .. . llartstown. 10 47 5 8-
.... 11 as! 740 .Adamsviile .. 10 52 544
NO2 11 43 7 28 Osgood No 1 11 00 4 53
p.ni a. in
6 23 11 35 7 16 ....Greenville ... 6 30 11 15 fi 08
6 18 11 25 7 Oti shenango 6 40 11 3a A 20
5 58 11 mi a 47 ...Fredonla 7 03 II 40 « 'M
5 3!) 10 44 6 28 Mercer 7 » 1* 07 7 03
5 25 10 29 6 12 Pardoe 7 36 13 *2 7 16
8 13 10 20 6 00 ....Grove Ctty... 7 47 12 33 7 25
5 00 10 08 5 8 .. . H&rrlSVlUe 758 12 45 7 36
4 32 10 00 5 lU|.. Hranchtop 80612 54 7 45
4 55 7 45 t 835 lv .Branchton ar 7 35 12 15 7 2
545 SlB 20 ar...Milliard ~lv 650 ll Is| 64i
446 ; 9 551 5 3511 v.. Kelsters & 10|1J 58| 743
4 32 9 42 5 21, Euclid 8 22 ) 12 8 03
410 9 15| 4SO I Butler BJO 1 421 832
1 50 7 20 AUojfheny, PtW 11 10 3 50
p m a in i p. ni p. m .....
J. T. BLAIR, General Manager, Greenville. Pa.
W. G SAKGEANT, G. P. A.. Mttadvllle. Pa.
CAPITAL Paid Up, - - , $100,000.00.
SUUPLUS AHW PHOFITS, - $46,869 04.
Jos. Hart in an. Pres't.
J. V. Kltts, Vice Pres't. C. A. Bailey, Cashier,
Jos. Hartman, C. P. ('olilns, N. M. Hoover
oh» Humphrey, J. V. Itltts,
E. E. Abramß. Leslie Hazlett. I. <5. Smith.
W. 8. Waidron, W. Henry Wilson, M. Flntvan.
A general hanking business transacted."ln
terest paid on time deposits. Mooey loaned on
approved security.
Foreign exchange boUKht and sold.
'file tadies of Butler will have a long felt
want tilled in being able to have their <
gloves fitted in their own town.
Our Underwear Specialties for Winter of
'94-"9.> are: Ladies and ''Onei
ta" combination wrappers.
The "Rrtlmas" intants vest does away
with >il the old time trouble of baby grow
ttifj out of bis underwear; try them.
As usual, onr Millinery Stock is the best
in the city.
M. F. & M. MARKS,
113 to 117 S. Main St., - Butler.
: Garfiefii> lea SEE,
I CureaJiirk llvmtlicbe Rent Con pU-xio: r m I>octoni
Ullla. Bunii»lof«■*•*?. (iurtKU)TuC(>..3l9' thSt ,N.Y.
Cures C«nsttp-tion
There are too many goods in stock and must be sold aud at
prices that will suit the times. We have a lot of odd suits that will
be sold regardless of cost. Everything must be make room
for new goods.
Come and see for yourself.
104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Double Seated and Double Kneed
The best for the money ever produced.
Price of Suits
#2.08, #3.98, #4.98.
Pi •ice for seperate pants
48c., 74c., 98c.
Shaul Nast,
Leadiqij Cloth iere, 137 S. Main St-, Butler, Pa*
Be sure and see
Before you buy your
Largest line in the city to se
lect from. Yours for clothing,
N-O-W ~
In order to greet this winter opening month in a manner befit
ting its importance to the Dry Goods trade, we propose to make some
prices that will warm the very cockles of the popular heart.
We are better enabled to do this because just now in the great
textile markets of the world, concessions are the order of the day.
Nobody is in better condition to take advantage of these than our
selves, and what we get —
We Divide WitJi You.
25c—36-inch Twilled Blue Cloth real yalue, 40c
35c—45-inch All-Wool Blue Cloth regular price, 50c
50c—46-inch " Blue Serge
50c—48 inch " Novelty ®j>o
75c—54-inch " Novelty Cloth *l-0°
75c—46-inch All-Silk Henriettas J-™
|sl 00—34-inch All- «*"ool Covert Cloth
50o—Fancy Trimmings, Silks, all colors °£®
60c—per pair, Silver Grey Blanket* „ '2®
$3 50— All-Wool White Blankets
75c—Ladies' All-Wool Skirt Patterns u
50o—per suit, Men's Natural Wool Suits
£ 1 qq ii «• «• " »i.oo
25c —I.adies'Floeced Lined Vests " 3oc
35 c « " " " »0c
50c — " Natural Wool Ribbed Vests "
4c —Good Unbleached Muslin - ' 2®
5 0 II •• '0
sc—Best American Blue Prints i®
sc—Best Domestio Ginghams '°
Space forbids our mentioning the low prices that prevail in our
Millinery and Wrap departments. Our Wrap department is the lar
gest and best lighted in Butler. We are sole agents for the celebrat
ed Rothchild Wraps, the most perfect fitting Wraps ever shown in
Butler county.
Mrs. Jennie E. Zimmerman
m IPrescriptions
H A Specialty.
At Redick's Drag Stare. ■*-
We do not handle anything but
pure drags, next time you are in
need of medicine pleape give us a
call. We are headquarters Jor pure
as we use only pure fruit juices, we
also handle Paris Green, hellebore,
insect powder, London purple
other insecticides.
Main &t.,nexi toHotei Lowry
Insurance and Real Estate
Country Gentleman
Agricnltoral Weeklies.
Farm Crops and Processess,
Horticulture & Frult-Growlng
Live-Stock and Dairying
Whilo it also includes all minor depart
mcnts of Kural interest, such as the Poul
try Yard, Entomology, Bee-Keeping,
Greenhouse and Grapery, Veterinary He
plies, Farm Questions and Answers, Fire
side Heading, Domestic Economy, and a
summary oi the News of the Week. Its
Market Reports are unusually complete,
and much attention is paid to the Pros
pects of the Crops, as throwing light up
on one of the most important of all
questions—When to Buy and When to Sell.
It is liberally Illustrated, and contains
more reading matter than ever before.
The subscription price is $2.00 a year, but
we offer a SPECIAL REDUCTION in our
TWO RI BHCIPTIOSS. in one remittance....» *
KIX 81IBStaiPTI«*S. do do .... 10
TKS St'BSCItIITIOXS, do do .... 15
STTo all New Subscribers for 1895, pa
ying in advance now, we will send the pa
per Weekly, from our receipt of the remit
tance, to January Ist, 1895, without
t Copies Free. Address
MWr V. *•