THE OITIZEN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 18H. - M <«— VILLUS C.;IUI>((< - REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Giverapr—DAWlEL H. HAiT«o»- Lieutenant Governor— WALTEß LTOX. ACMTOR GEXBRAL—AMOS MTLIK. Secretary of Internal Affair*—JAMES W. Congressmen- 4 GALCSHA A. GROW. at-Large, I GBOEGE F. HCFP. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. Conirresa—THOMAS W. PHIT.LIPS. ~ L 1 < DAVID B. DOPTHETT, Assembly AM g G N. MOORB. Jury Commissioner— QESRY W. NICHO LAS. —T—^ TUB election boards of the county will confer a favor on the newspaper publishers by making proper returns next tV ednesday. One open return is to be made. Political Notes. The Judgeship "figh:"in Lawrence coun ty continues to grow in interest. Carson «t Pry or, proprietors ot the Courant, a Re publican paper, disagreed as to the pa per's course and Pryor bought out Carson and came out for Martin. The Sexes, anotbor Republican paper, published a ta ble lately showing that more votes were counted for Wallace at the primaries in New Castle, than the combined Republi can aud Democratic vote of the town. The political cauldron in Clarion county is boiling merrily as the election, approaches Tiie Clarion JackJtonian, one ot the organs of the Dam emtio party in that county, has created somewhat ot a sensation by bolting its party candidates for Congress and State Senate—Hon. Aaron Williams and W. H. Hyde. President Cleveland left New York last Thursday and returned to Washington. He refused to register in New York and so cannot vote, and also refused to say anything or do anything for Hill. Warner Miller presided at a Republian mass meeting in the city Thursday night, and Chauncy M. Depew was the principal speaker. Depew is billed for forty speeches in the state, this week and next, and Mc- Kinley made some speeches in that state last week. Piatt expects Morton to carry *he state by 100,000. McKinley will speak at Erie, Friday evening. Hastings spoke to a large audience at Chester, Thursday evening, afterwards to a large audience in Industrial Hall in Philadelphia, and accepted Singerley's challenge to trade audiences at Norristown Saturday of this week. Reed spoke to an immense audience at tho exposition building in St. Louis, Mon day night. McKinley addressed seventeen audi ences in Illinois, Monday, speaking t» no less than 150,000 people during the day. It looks odd to see a squib like this in a Clarion Co. paper.— "What district in Clarion county will give the largest Republican majority?" Judge Wickham, of Beaver, decided that Jackson Davis and not Solomon Hoch was the Democratic nominee of Armstrong Co. ior Jury Commissioner. The political and social situation in New Castle, Pa., haft reached what in medical phrase would be termed an acute stage. Mayor Alexander Richardson bad been forced to resign his office, although his term has one year and five months to rnn. The incident leading to this step is briefly this: An Italian who was before the May or was assured that by the payment oftloO. he could escape the penalty for a misde meandor. The prisoner "paid the money, but he was conv cted and served a term in the Allegheny workhouse. On being re leased he brought suit against the Mayor for the $l5O. The Mayor has made virtual confession by resigning. Now, Richard ion was the right hand man of D. H. Wal lace in manipulating the primaries and se coring for hitn the Republican nomination for President Judge. Indignation against Wallace is running high. Two New Castle dailies, the Courant and the AVi ex, both Republican, have bolted Wallace and are supporting his opponent, J. Norman Mar tin, and Wallace has been denounced by the U. P- Beaver Valley Presbytery.— Franklin New*. In a speech at Carnegie. Tuesday night, John Dalzell said that Bill's course in Congress showed that be was the biggest man in the Democratic party, bat that this tall would show him he was not big enough to be again elected Governor of New York. TSe only way to prevent a repeti tion of the recent distress was to elect a Republican Cong reft s "I'm not going to say anything about the governorship elec tion," be continuen; "everybody knows Gen. Bastings will win by an unprecedent ed majority, but I want to see the opening of the Filty-fourtb Congress, over which Thomas B. Keed will preside, a full dele gation of 30 Congressmen from Pennsylva nia. Tuuy will stand for protection for the people. Come out and vote for your candidate in this district." Barrison and Morton addressed an im mense aadience at New York, Wednesday evening. In his speech Barrison referred very strongly to the municipal corruption and debauchery that have been made pub lic there. Alarming irregularities in the registry lists of New Castle have been discovered. Judge Hnzen has summoned the county commissioners and registry assessors to ap pear before bim Thursday afternoon and show cause why 155 names should not be stricken from the lists in the Second pre cinct, First ward, and 46 in the Fourth ward If the same ratio of irregularity is found in other precincts the list will amount to about 700 ov. r the real number of voters. Triumphant Japan Japan has struck another sturdy blow at the prestige, and therefore at tho stability of the Chinese Empire. Ci>uat Yam victory at Kiu-Lien-Cheog, form* a fitting sequel to the triumph of hi* arms at Pings Yang. On thin occasion, however, the re sistance encountered was absurdly slight. Tho Chinese appear to have become utter ly demoralized on the approach of the enemy, and they were routed and slaugh tered with the greatest ease. The way seems now completely opened for a march upon Moukden. Judging from the melancholy exhibition made by the Chinese troops on the frontier, where a de termined stand would natural!.} have been expected, Count Yamagata is not likely to meet with much hindrance on the way. Th«u, with the fall of Moukden and the re daction of Port Arthur and Wei-Hai-IVei whose garrisons are already flying Irom them, tho cup of China's humilation will be auificiently full. Should internal dis ruption not result from this succession of national disasters and the present Empire of China still oxist, Japan able, if not interfered with by the greater Powers, to impose upon her rival what terms she proposes. THE leading Prohibitionists (IF the coun ty were somewhat agitatfcd last week when they discovered that their county ticket had not been certified to the S«Vy of toe Commonwealth, and consequently will not appear on the Official Ballot, r*OTECTION IN* ENGLAND. Walter Besant, the well known Euffllsh novelist, has been looking Into Britain 9 trade policy and Is not pleased with it. In a well directed attack upon free trade fal lacies ho roused Inquiry and forced Blr A. KayShuttleworth and Sir J. Hibbert to aJmit that a great sum of public money *ent abroad for supplies which could bo produced at home. Mr. Besant brought to light many things not generally known. The Danes furnish more than half the pork used in the British navy; lubricating oil is supplied from America; boilers were re cently brought from France and nsed in equipping gunboats. Hent wood chairs, which oould bo easily manufactured in England, are imported from America; the British fleet is supplied with Danish but ter, and the admiralty use German boats; foreign paper. Bavarian pencils and Swed ish matches are supplied to the govern ment stationery offices. All this means loss to labor at home. "Let us remember that (5,000,000 spent out of the country," argues Mr. Besant-, "de prives at least 1,500 British workingmen of their daily bread, and that it sends to the workhouse or abroad at least 7,500. Ia that a matter to be disregarded?" PROTECTION MIST PREVAIL It is evident from the present condition of labor that a great anil distressing chanp< has been and is pending. To make a mis take in deciding why this condition of in dustrial unrest and idleness has set in would make matters worse. To fairly un derstand what the trouble is intelligent®* - tion can be taken. The Democratic party proclaimed the old Calhoun doctrine of free trade. The people elected them on that issue. As soon as this was done business adjusted itself for the change. It meant the destruction of our industries or a heavy reduction in wages. To look elsewhere for the disease and to apply any other remedy than pro tection will only prolong the disaster. We are in the midst of what our past ex perience teaches us would result from the election of a party to power that would abandon the protective policy. After 1816, after 1833 and after 1846 tell the same story. Everywhere an abundance of everything to add to our prosperity except work for our people. Without protection work for the American laborer at American wages has never been, and will never be, found. The party that will not give us protection cannot give us prosperity. THE STOREKEEPER'S TRADE. The storekeeper is congratulating him self upon a slight improvement in his business, and he needs it badly enough. He is thankful, indeed, for the little re vival that he is now experiencing, but wonders why he is not doing the rushing business that he did in 1832. Those were the good old palmy days when everybody had work and money to spend. His store was always full then, and he could go home at the end of each week feeling con tent with himself and the world at large. But how different has his business been this year. He might have discharged all his help, but kept more hands than he needed, partly out of sympathy and partly because he hoped every day that business would improve. Many was the time that he has looked out at his empty store and wondered if ho would be able to pay the month's rent and salaries when they be came due. He Is doing a little better now, but not much. That big boom in business that was to follow the passage of a Democratic free trade tariff bill has not turned up yet. The storekeeper is still waiting for it. CORRECT THE BLINDER. The way that the northern states sup ported the Democratic nominee for presi dent in 1892 really looked as if it delirium had seized upon the people. In every in stance, however, since that fateful year, where the people have been called upon to ratify or condemn their former action, the result has been an overwhelming an nouncement against the fearful mistake into which they fell. Every true friend of industry and the hundreds of thousands of the unemployed throughout the length and breadth of the country will look to the industrious east and the great northwest for a thunder of protest against the party of free trade in the coming election, and for such a con trol in the next congress as will check far ther tariff reductions until all branches of the government can be recovered in 189 C, and the devastated industries of the land be rehabilitated and restored by wise, effective protection laws. The emphatic protest from Louisiana, too, will be one of the features of this year's congressional election. BMOKZ FROM THE CHIMNEY. Not later than the early part of this month between fifty aud sixty ladies and gentlemen living in St. Louis were invited to visit the springs at St. Clair, Michigan, where they were highly entertained and had a trip on a steam yacht up the river. During this trip the captain called the at tention of the party to a smoke stack, 100 or more feet high, saying: "See that smoke coming from the chimney? That factory has been closed for.elghteen years, and last week was the flint time since 1878 that it has been in operation." A couple of prominent St. Louis citizens, who an' strong Democrats, immediately jumped up and said: "What can McKinley say to that? Here we have started a fac tory running that has been idle for eight een yenrs." As soon as they had finished their little jubilee the captain quietly remarked: "Gentlemen, that factory is on the Cana dian shore." It was then the turn of the rest of members of the party to laugh. FKEE TP. AOK , as advocated by the Dem ocratic party, is for revenue only. Dis carding the policy of protection to all American industries, the tariff is laid on non-competing products that the people most need, and when on competing prod ucts it is made so low its to encourage the Importation of such competing products. SOME people think that the tariff ques tion is settled. That's where they make a mistake. It is still the liveliest kind of a live issue. AX EFFECT or Till: TARIFF, The Democrats have always insisted that there was no necessity for protective duties on farm products, as other nationa could not possibly send such products here in a competing way. They framed the »ew tariff according to this theory, de creasing and removing duties previously imposed upon articles of that kind, and now the farmers are beginning to have object lessons presented to them upon the subject of the practical working of the non-protective policy. For example, a consignment of eleven cars of cattle was received at Chic ago a few days ago from Mexico, a thing hereto fore unknown in that market. These cat tle, numbering 234 steers and fifty cows, were shipped from a ranch at Sabinas, Mexico, crossing the line at Ragle Pass, anil the freight on them was >101.56 per car, and the tariff duty—2o per cent, ad valorem—amounted in all to al>out 3600. They were sold at prices averaging $10.8:) per head, and after payment of all expenses the shipper had a good profit left, and predicted that the success of his experiment would result In large ex ports of cattle from Mexico to this country, as they can be raised there on native grass at a comparatively small cost, and profit ably transported by rail across a large por tion of the United States and sold at rates which put domestic competition out of the question. Thus we have one of the effects of the Democratic tariff law, and it is cer tainly not an agreeable one for agricultural voters to contemplate. THE CONSISTENCY OF PROTECTION. The point is often made that no protec tion should be given to the sugar industry by the payment of a bounty, because no bounty is given to the farmer who grows corn or wheat. It Is forgotten that corn, wheat and cotton rank on the same foot ing as the sugar cane and not with the sugar product, which is quite as much a manufactured product as cotton or woolen goods which arc protected under the Re publican policy, which, moreover, aims to protect the wheat, corn or sugar cane of the farmer just as much as it does the manufactured product of the manufact urer. It has protected the rice of the south and the barley of the north, but the Gor man tariff bill, while continuing protec tion to the rice of the south has diminished the protection to the b-irley of the north,so much so that imports of Russian barley are shortly expected at New York. The next southern industry that will probably need protection will be that of raw cotton, in view of the large quanity of that com modity that has been grown in other parts of the world, more of which is each year finding its way into our markets. When the south finds its cotton growing industry needs protection it will also find that the Republican party will IK- glad and willing to vote for its protection. IMPORTERS- ADVERTISING* CARDS. The following notices, taken from adver tisements of importers of foreign goods, are given a national application: Owing to reductions in the tarifT we offer greater bargains than ever. Owing to reductions in the tariff Maine and Connecticut roll up unprecedented majorities for the party of protection. Our prices are lowered with the tariff. Democratic chances for carrying any state where industry »«rmerly thrived are also considerably lowered with the tariff. Great reductions on account of new tariff bill. Yes, great reductions in work and in op portunities of employment; great reduc tions in wages and in ability to buy the cheap things so industriously advertised. Great resumption of industry. Our store is crowded daily. Our industries are not helped when the importer's store is crowded. It is the whirr and rattle of the loom and the spindle and the hum of productive machinery that helps our industries. Activity in the im porter's shop means activity of industry in Europe, not in America. POINTS OF DIFFERENCE. The American sheep farmer and wool grower pays taxes for township purposes; pays taxes for county purposes; pays taxes for state purposes; contributes to the build ing of churches; contributes to the sup port of the ministry; seeks to raise and educate his children to be useful, Christian people in the world. His lands are valued at 125 to SIOO per acre. The Australian sheep grower raise! wool on lands rented for a few cents per acre. He pays no township taxes; he pays no county taxes; he pays no state taxes; he pays no road or bridge taxes; he sup ports no church or other enlightening in stitution. He simply raises wool, and now under the new tariff law he comes into the American market and competes with the American farmer. This is "tariff reform"—free wool to drive the American fanner out of busi ness; to nduce him and his family to want; to rob him of the thousands of dol lars that his sheep were worth under pro tection. VOTE THE FIRST COLUMN On the official ballot as prepared by the state department is a column headed "In dependent Republican." Voters should not be misled by this. The regular Republican ticket is in the first column of the ballot, as it will bo presented to the voter by the election offi cers. To vote the straight Republican ticket put your cross in the place prepared on the first column of the official ballot. The straight Republican ticket will ba found on the first column of every ballot. Vote there end nowhere else. Any devia tion from this rule is likely to result in » ballot cast entirely unsatisfactory to th# voter. LABOR AND CAPITAL. The claim that the protective policy robs labor for the benelit of capital is shown to be false by results. Under protection labor has steadily gained on capital in the division of their united earnings. In 1860 labor received $44.50 and in 1890 $54.50 out of each hundred dollars' worth of net products, while capital hail $55.50 in 1860 and $45.50 in 18' JO. Lal>or advanced from 1389 to $485, or 70 per cent., while capital went from s.'i6l to S4OB, an advance of only 40 per cent. This shows a differenoe in favor of labor of 30 per cent. AN INQUIRING ENGLISHMAN. An Englishman. James Edgecombe, writes from London to the BirminghaA Post to make some comment upon the recent speech of Mr. William L. Wilson to his British constituents at the cham ber of commerce banquet in London. Mr. Edgecombe wants to know how it has happened that, if one tariff has been so destructive to American interests, the United States within forty years has built up an iron and steel industry greater than that of England. England used to le&4 the world in this business, but, observes Edgecombe, "the tariff protection of the United States has placed us second'* This inquirer also wants to know how protec tion has harmed the American iwople if it be true, as Wilson says, that we have created here a manufacturing plant which will meet the home demand fully by run ning for six i«'>nths in the year. It is not indcarn is in process of erection. Even more building will be done next year than in the last. Prof. Murphy, one of the instrustors at the Lawrence county institute, reports an energetic and pleasant corps of teachers iu that county. Mrs. Leah Wick is low with double pneumonia. Very little hopes of her re covery are entertained A number of students attended the funeral of C. C. Douglass, at Evans City, on Tuesday. Cbarlie was a graduate of last year's class and had many friends here who are sadly grieved at his sudden death. His bright mind and cheerful countenance quickly won the friendship of all who knew him. He was one of the youngest members of the class of' 94. The special topic for future consideration here is not tbe election, for all have de cided how they shall vote. hot the South A tiican Choir which sings here on Satur day, Nov. 3. This is the only organisation of the kind in the world and consists of 16 singers from South Africa. Dressed in their native costumes they create an en thusiasm that draws crowded houses everywhere. The low price of admission •rill certainly ;ill tho Normal chapel. The analysis of tho water at tho Normal by the State Board of Health show it to be absolutely pure S, R. Moniteau Item*. Mr. Jas. G. Gilghrist is busy rebuilding tbe New Hope bridge, which when com pleted will be the 14th bridge rebuilt this season by Mr. Gilghrist. Mr. Chas Dangberty, our coal mer chant, is doing a good businecs. He em ploys only first class minors and keeps a large stock of coal always on hand. Mr. Jno. W. McCandless is building a large and substantial dwelling bouse; also Mr. W. M. McGregor is rebuilding the house that was destroyed by lire some time ago. Mr. Edward Philips is opening u new coal mine on the Michael McGregor farm. Alfred J. Black contemplate" opening a new aiiw on hi* farm ttim fill. John Grabb has just finished harvesting the largest crop of buckwheat he has rais ed for a long time. Robert J. Fowler ha.- leased the Graham boys old wa.e house. He is putting in a chopping mill and intends keeping feed for sale. Geo. McDowell now occupies tbe L. B. McCoy house. John Calvin has gone to the Coopers town oil field to team. Mr. M. G. Campbell sold his driving mare last week. The parties who bought her are to be congratuUtGd on securing so good a roadster. Mr. Catlan lost a very fine horse last week. Mr. Chas. Kennehan gave a party to his friends on the 24th inst which was largely attended; all reporting a good time. Our blacksmith reports business good. He keeps two helpers and works full time. From the amount of goods Graham Bros, are bringing from the station they certanly must be doing a rushing business. COMB AUAI.<. Saxonburg Items. Our town should have lights at every street corner. It would benefit the town and cost very little. The Herald is after the Saxonburg School Directors tor neglecting their duties. J. C. Gray will shortly move to the Starke property formerly occupied by Wm. Heckert. John Montgomery arrived home last week. He is almost fully recovered from his recent accident. Miss Lulu Starke has gone to Tarentum She is staying at Wm. Heckert's Miss Clara Sa?bs returned home on Satur day. Sue was in the city having her eyes operated on. Messrs John Sachs, Thomas Frazier and Lloyd Chesney were in Butler on Monday. Don't fail to see the the Bargain counter at Mrs. Tbeo Helmbofd d Sons store. Special inducement* are placed on this counter to reduce their stock. Lloyd Chesney has returned home from hit tour and is looking the same as ever only a few pounds heavier aud his arm is getting along nicely. J. W. McKee was on the sick list last week but has recovered and is about again. A large number of Freeport boys were attending the Baud's dance and among them was our long missed Bobby Melhorn. Tbo». King Jr., who had his leg broken wbtle playiug football, at school is improv ing nicely. Thoe. King, Gr. is at home visiting bis family. Johnny Hartman son of Herman Hart man died of Scarlet fever on last Friday. The funeral took place at the Saxonburg Cemetary on Sunday afternoon. E. C. Schroth and C. J. Raabe wore in Pittsburg on Friday attending the Singer ley meeting at Carnegie Hall. Mrs. Chas. Bohn of Crafton is hero visit ing her father, August Nagler. Max Brexendorf took a short spin out to Cooperstown on a wheel Sunday. The playing of the Saxouburg String band is ot the best, they have been in prac tice but a short time, but in the future their service will be wanted by many Now as the people have given the band such a grand reception they say that good music will be heard tin our streets again. Ernest Cronenwett of Butler was in tow n on his wheel on last Sunday. Charles Xeubert, Sr., died on last Satur day morning at his home in Jefferson twp. The funeral took place at the Hantiahstown Cemetary on Monday afternoon. Miss Clara Klose of Freeport is visiting at C. J. Raabe's Miss Lizzie Pfeiffer retumsd home from a visit to ber sisters in Pittsburg. J. R. Heltnbold was in the city on busi ness on Tuesday. Elmer Helmbold has recently entertain ed several of tbe bicycle riders of Butler, among them Paul aud Earnest Cronenwett. Elmer is a fine rider himself and has push ed the champions on several occasions. When you tie your hors« on the street please and try to get your rig as near to lhe sidewa kas pt>ssible. Last week one evening someone tied bis horse on the street and his cart was out in tbe middle of the street, this is a very dangerous thi g, as, it may cause a smafhup and perhaps injury to others. The Butler-Cooperstown Telephone Co would like to bavo Saxonburg connected to their wire. A telephone would be a great improvemen' to the town The Tele phone Co. say that if the citizens of Saxon burg will subscribe SIOO aad the right of way that they would have one in our town immediately. Several week* ago a prominent Candi date for political honors on tbe Democra tic ticket, was making a tour through the upper end of Butler county, a fri..nd of his had bitn in tow and was introducing him to some residents of the town, one of the ret-idents asked tbe Candidate's politics and again being told a Democrat, immedi ately asked, "Is he honest," aud now they can understand why they have the laugh on him. The SasonLurg Cornet Band bad a dance at the Opera Bouse on Thursday night. The dance was a grand affair and was the largest ol ihe season, the crowd kept roll ing in from 9 to 1 they kept Billy Hoffman a Hying in the ticket office but Billy is the b»,) who can do it. Well vou ought to see the smiles on Prof. Fred Pfabe, Billy Hoffman and Max Bre?endorf They are tickled all to pieces over the suncess of the baud. Keep it up boys you are making a grand success. Mrs Theo. Uelmbold had some celery stolen from ber garden. Th« one who stole the celery had better be on the lookout for he will be watched in the future. There isn't much trouble in raising celery, allyou need is to purchase a package of celery seed and use a little ot time in exercising your muscles and to keep it well watered. fhe rabbits will have to take it now as their tiuie U) 1>« hunted up is here. The boys all have their guns ready and are making great preparations for they all want to see who can get the best average for the seasou but the little "Bart" says that its no use of trying, that he will get the average without any trouble, Well boys you will have to keen on the moye as the Barber has very good nerves and an eyesight as fine as silk. Barb we wish you iHfik, Subscribe lar T'ik Citizkn, aud read your own pape*. Onions and Celery were a ulaauuf to ft certain person in "uur vicinity, but he should not forget where be has put his UK,U£\ when he wants to purohase. J. D. Wiisua retarded home, Tuesday, from his visit to Indiana, It is rumored that Saxonburg is sooa tu huvo a S3OO photograph gallery on the jroad. But how soon we do not know. D. 0, JJoutheti, Republican candidate for assembly, c;jg here canvassing the burg. The Eastern War. The Japanese legation at Washington received a dispatch, Sunday, which con firmed the news in dispatohoc from Shang hai of a second victory of the Japanese array under Marshal Yamaeata. The tele gram is dated Hiroshima, and reads as fol lows; "Before dawn of October 26, our army under Marshal Yarjiagata attacked Kin Let) Cheng, one of the important strong holds upon the Chinese frontier. The place was defended by 16.000 troops under Generals Lin and Song. They fled after offering only a slight resistance and the Japanese force* took possession of the for tifications and the city. T' ,e y captured thirty large lield guns, an immeuiia £uan- ( tity of rice, food of other kinds, etc., aud more than 300 tents. The Japanese loss was 20 killed and 83 wounded. The Chi nese lost more than 200 killod: the exact number ot their wounded is not known." It is believed at the jHjiane.e legation that the Gtn Lin memtioned in the above dispatch is the noted Cbiuese commander whx> played a prominent part during tbe Touking difficulty, and to whom, it was recently reported, Viceroy Li had of fered the chief command ;j> the Chinese army. The Japanese legation has received Its lira* mail ot Japanese newspapers since the battles of Yalu aud Ping Yang and they aro filled with the details cf the engage ments, lists of killed and K'ognded, ac counts of heroism and other evidences »f war. Tut tf jrtlug u tn (J Uew ¥ojrk ere bet ting ou Morton, unil some of tbern put bu pfurotlitj aii high an ,100,000. O'DONNELL-At his he twp.. Oct 24. 1894. John « •« 79 years. CRAWFORD—At his home in 1 Oct., 18, 1894, A. H Crawford, n,s 60th year. FOWLER—At bis home in Allegb » n - T twp , Oct. 22, 1894, George Fowler, 10 his 92d year. GOEHRIXG —At his home in Rochester, Pa., Oct. 24, 1894, Christopher Goehriug aged 81 years. He was buried at Plains Church, Cranberry twp., Friday. CAIN—At Anderson, Ind., Oct. 25, 1894. Charles Cain, a glassblower, formerly ot Butler. His death was caused by ty phoid fever. SEDORIS—At his home in Butler twp., Oct. 26. 1894, son of James Sedoris, aged 4 years. HARTMAX —At his home in Jefferson twp., Oct. 26. 1894, John, son ot Herman Hartman, aged 7 years. XEUBERT—At his home in Jefferson twp., Oct. 28, 1894, Charles Xeubert, j aged 85 years. MrCAXDLESS—At the home of his uaugbter, Mrs. Wilson, in Slipperyrock twp., Oct. 22, 1894, John McCandless, aged about 80 years. ARMSTRONG—At her home in Fairview twp., Oct. 10, 1894, Mrs. E. E Arm strong, widow of Alexander Armstrong, in her 70th year. SWEENEY—At her home in Great Belt, Oct. 31, 1894. Mrs. Sarah Sweeney, widow ol Micaael Sweeney, aged about CO years. EAKHART—At Portersviile. Oct. 16,189*. of consumption, Mary ElleL' Earhar 1 - aged 22 years, 4 months. DOUGLASS —At his home in Buffalo twp. Oct. 28, 1894, Ttiomas Douglas, Sr., aged aboat 80 years. FLEMING —At his home in Butfalo Oct. 29, 1894, Thomas Fleming, agod 67 years. GRIM—In Allegheny County, Oct. 26, 1894, Ed Grim of Buffalo twp., age'l 24 years. CUMMINGS—At her home in Omaha,Oct. 26, 1594, Mrs. Samuel Cummings, nee Waldron, aged about 30 years. She was buried from tbe old Cummings homestead near Murriusville, Tuesday. FLEMIXG—At his home in Butler, Oct. 26, 1894, Lon. son ol James Fleming, aged 18 years. His death was caused by the gunshot wound, noted last week. He was a prom ising young man, and his death was great ly regretted by a large circle of friends. DOUGLASS—At his home in Evans City, Oct. 27, 1894, Charles, sou of William 0 Douglass, in his 19th year. Charley's death was caused by pnenmo nia. He was a young man of unusual mer it and popularity. His funeral, Tuesday, was largely attended—ten of the class that graduated with him from Slipperyrock Normal came to it, and his scholars attend ed in a body. OBITCART NOTES. R. D. Davis of Blairsville, Secretary of the 11th Pa. Reserve«,died on the 22d inst, agea 60 years. Rev. A. P. Happer, D. D. and L. L. D. died at Wooster, 0., Oct. 27th. He was well known iu religious circles and by fam ily relationship iu tbis vicinity. He was a missionary in China lor 44 y ears. HBXBY CALVIN BLACK. Henry Calvin Black was born January 4, 1838, in Mercer county, and died at Harris ville October 27th, 1894. ol appop'.exy. He was a son ot Robert Black who was twice a member of the Legislature from Mercer county, and who died at. Harris ourg in 1848. His mother Sarah Über died in 1846. Being left an orphan at the age of ten years he made his home with his Uncle, Alexander Black, in Mercer connty, receiving a common school education and later attended Mercantile College at Pitts burg. He embarked iu merchandising at Harrisville, Butler county, in 1867 aud continued in that business in connection with two of his sons, until his death. He was married in 1861 to Adaline Painter, WHO with six children, survives him. He was a member of the U. P. Church, a kind husband, an indulgent father and a good citizen and neighbor. His many sterling qualities of mind and heart had endeared him to a large circle of friends many of whom followed him to his last resting place, the funeral being one of tbe largest ever held in the county. Five ministers were present and participated in the servi ces, Rev's. Kerr, Dickey, Imbrie, Blaney and Mcßride. IN MEMOBIAM. George C. Fowler, late of Allegheny township, Butler county, Pa , "has gone to tbat bourne from whence none ever re turn." He died at bis old home iu that township at 4:30, p.m., on Monday, Oct. 22d, 1894, at the advanced age of 91 years, 6 months and 6 days, having been born in Greensburg on the 16th day of April. 1803. He was universally beloved aud respect ed. All, of course, knew that he had met the inevitable; yet, ali deeply deplore the loss which the community iu which he had so long lived, sustained by his death. All feel that a valuable landmark has been re moved, He was an important connecting link between the past and tne present. The traditions of long.gone by days which he banded down to us with wouderful partic ularity are invaluable. Many of them have been crystalled into imperishable history. We only regret that we will not again be privileged to listen to bis pleasant reminiscences. He was a son of John Fowler, who was born in Bucks county, Pa , July 4tb, 1776 His natal day was, therefore, the same as that of the great American Republic ol which he became an honerahlc aud uselul citizen. What au inspiration! Think, for a moment, of having been born contempo raneously with tbe tolling ot the renowned bell which proclaimed liberty to a great nation, and inspiie the down trodden aud oppressed of the world everywhere with a new hope snd higher aspirations! Could one ever forget such glorious circumstances of birth. Mr. John Fowler, father of the subject ot this sketch, as above stated, removed from Bnrk* county at an early age, and took up bis residenpe in Westmoreland county, where he Jived lor several years, and there matried, in 1802, Miss Margaret Carson. His wife died the following year, leaving one child, George 0. Fowler, whose life we now commemorate. Abont four and a half years thereafter, and, when tbe subject of this sketch was only five years old, John Fowler migrated to Butler coun ty, where he followed, as he had in West moreland, the occupations of millwright and parpenter. While if) Westmorland coqnty he built numerous mills, among whjcb was one on Loyalhanna creek, not far trom its confluence with the Cone maugb river, where the two streams unit ing form tbe Kiskiminetas, and not far distant from Saltsburg, Indiana county. Upon his arrival in Butler im mediately, aud with marvelous enterprise, put itbyjjf developing the latent, natural resources o} the county in which he ihen expected to spend the' residue pf his life. He accordingly purchased that tract of laud on Hear creek, in Parker township, which is now known as the "Stone House fjroperty, 'ou which, with as much dis patch poj»#;ble, he erected a carding mill —an almost equipment in pioneer life in those days— ai'tl. glvO, a sawmill—au equally valuable appurten ance. He also erected the stone house, which, although now vacant, is still stand ing on that property, and which, in later gave it its name. Along in the sevent/fes prouerty became a celebrat ed oil field, aud, p on it, a Jew wells are still producing the oleaginous fluid in pac ing quantities. 'J he subject ol this sketch, as soon as he became sufficiently advanced iu years,t >ok charge flf fhjs carding and sawmill, and, as a young man for bjs operated them for nine years. About this ijuie, his father erected what is Uow known as "Harper's Mills" on the North Brunch of Bear creek, in Parker township, Butler county. Then having purchased a tract of laud containing 400 acres udjacent to Six Points, tbe family rao.'fcd hijfcer, and, after making some necessary iuiprov - »'i/, 0) 4c thereon, George C. Fowler f<>riu»d a matri monial alliance with Miss Elizabeth Ilealty on the 2d day of November, 1820. As the result ol 'his umou John P.; Margaret C.; Samuel n.; Frances T. ■ Sarah G.; Dorothy T. aud Nancy A. Fowler were born, s'l of whom are now deceased except Frances T. Forquer, of Foxburg, Clarion county. Shortly after his marriage, he purchased fiU acye;) of laud which now constitutes a part of the Cobbet*., formerly the Blyinil ler farm, ou which be erected 3 dwelling house and other buildings After living here a few years he disposed of this prop, erty, and then bought one-half of the 400 a;res tract from his father to which we have above »efe;rred. He divided this por tion into two jarins, aod twin cno and retained the other, on which l&tte;- ho re sided continuously 06 years prior to lus de* cease. f£is first wife having died December 17, 184/, he was unjjed in ihe bonds of holy wedlock to Miss Mary a. ilagill on tho 21st day of August, 1849. Four children Vy;ll;aiu Ii ; Elizabeth B.; Simeon H. and Jjjela L. K'ere the fruits of this second Campbell & Templeton. Lt. Complete _ —Money. FURNITURE & CARPETS. WE ARE SELLING EIGHT DIF- . FEkEN'T ST\ I.ES OF BED """""" y . -i4 ROOM SI ITS AT $33, RE- * jf , - h'\[ DICED FROM | S O. Ol K fiflfiS U £ rapfei. ,j OBJECT IN DOINt; THIS IS JSMJ '•) /* J V »!% 3GT TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR I l 4 •Christmas stock. [ J- i_J JAPANESE, SMYRNA g nti AfP SCREENS, EASELS, AND MOOUETTE RUGS. PICTURES, VASES. Our now line of PARLOR Si ITS, __ ... ... c ~ fwwglnif 1 China Dinner sets, St-mi-Porce ranging in price lrom $25 to 1 • rv * T-i » ► r> * , . , ft lain Dinner sets, Toilet sets, Dec surpasses anything we nave ever V'r?ir 3 'OTHr , ~ 1 , orated Cups and Saucers, shown and is complete. .car (: I \ J LAMPS.—Our Fall line is com- ffj an v . jj i plete. Prices, 50 cents to $lO. I fTI FALL GOODS ARRIVING J J \\. DAILY - This Brass Stand at SB. -4* "4=* "4*" "4 s * Solid oak Parlor Stands Would be cheap at sl2. at 90c., $1.50 and $2.50. CAHPBELL <§• TEHPLETON. union, all of whom are now living—Wm. B. in Oklahoma, Elizabeth B. Grant in Emlenton, Pa ; Simeon B. on the old homestead near Six Points, Butler county, Pa.; and Ureta E. Fowler in the lower oil field of Butler county. Mr. Fowler was a good citizen, a success ful farmer, and an upright and honorable man. He was po&essed of most admirable qualities of both head and heart. He had a must remarkable memory, apparentlv never forgetting anything. He never sought to take advantage of his fellow man. Dc mortuia nil nisi honnm, need not be en joined in his case, for no one can trnthfully or justly epeak otherwise. He was a man of sterling integrity; kind and affectionate disposition; and of large and varied inteli gence. He was tbe most inveterate and indefatigable reader with whom we have ever been acquainted outside the learned ! professions. Up to the time when he took his bed, two weeks before his demise, be | read each week regularly nice newspapers —six dailies and three weeklies, besides much other good pabulum for both mind aud heart. His mind during the course of bis lite devoured good books, among which was the Great Book of Books, which he read and re-read many times, and prized above all others. A large volume contain ing verbatim reports of sermons delivered by the celebrated D. L. Moody, the evan gelist, was twice read through by him a abort time before God, in bis goodness and mercy, called him to come up higher. Politically he was au unswerving, un compromising and staunch Republican. Be was no political weather vane, shifting around with every political breeze, and al ways ill at ease. His political affiliations were always with the great party of freedom and equal rights toward all men, without regard to color or provious conditiou of servitude—that party which has ever and j always been in lavor of America as against all the rest of the world. On his tomb stone should be inscribed as an epitaph, in letters both bold and bright: "He voted ticiee for Abraham Lincoln." He was a consistent and devout member of the Presbyterian church. He had given bis heart to God and connected himself with the church in his early manhood From this consecration he never wavered nor faltered. He always considered it ''more than his meat and drink to do his Master's will." lie died peacefully and happily, and with all the ooinfort aud con solation incident to the closing of a ohris? t inn's life. The dissolution of bis soul and body was like the burning out of the last vestige of a candle. Thai he has obtained a glorious immortality beyond the grave, and been permitted to sit down at the mar riage supper of the Lamb, no one, who knew him intimately and well can, for a moment, doubt, liequicscat in pace. His funeral took place on Wednesday, tbe 24th instant, and was attended by a large concourse of his friends and fellow citizens, all desirous to do honor to his memory. liev. J. K. Coulter, of Scrub grass Presbyterian Church, his pastor, as sisted by Rev. Mana&ses Miller, of the M. 1$ Chijrch of Parker, officiated, by each of whom a vory impressive address was de livered. His remains were interred in the Scrubgrass cemetery. I. M. Down on Republics. Much feeling was aroused among the students of Thiel college this afternoon by the attack of President Koth on the He* publican form of government, which, he said, has been a failure A constituti jnal monarchy, he informed his class, is the only true form of government for any na tiou. In response to the expression of surprise uiade Ijy an English student he was told that this sentiment waa njore common in America than he imagined. We find the above strange news in the Pittsburg Commercial Gazette of Wednes day. If trqe, Prof. Roth should remove to some monarchy or country biivjng the "right form of government" he seems to admire. igr &AkiN 6 POWDER Absolutely A cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavetiinir strength— Latest United States Government Food Report. Royai baling Pcvydflr Co., ioS Wall St.. N. Y. spe< t t.vrioN. ii Wall Street successfully carried on with the tij.l Vif „ur It'll/ S|*rkct l,»!»sr and paroplets on upooulatloh. Mailed frtu Our discretionary speculations havo paid a monthly profit of *» net to the *ioo margin. Discretionary Accounts a Specialty. Direct »ire from our onicea to all Western ITnton Tel egrxph offices in the United States. ALL IN rOI'.M ATIuN FKKK. Bank references*, h MVM* * I'D-, fitoek and Grain Brokers, ■ii Broadway. New vw> John W. Brows. C. A. Abbams. ABRAMS & BROWN, Heal Estate, fire uijd Life Insurance, llfsHLTO# BfJLßlliu, Nkar Court Hockb, BUTLER, Pa. Insurance Company of North America. 102 d year, Assets $9,278,000; Home of New York, Assets $9,000,000; Hartford of Hart f>rd, Assets Phmuix of Brook lyn, Assets #5,0W,000< KAUFM ANN'S xtxr IMH)K TO BITLKK hAYISOS BASK. SERVICE, GUARANTEED PRICES. + FAIR DEALINGS IF VOU WANT TO SAVE $3, $5, $lO COME TO US FOR YOUR WRAPS THIS WEEK. S Friday & Saturday, On these days Mr. I J. ( read)-, representing the leading manufactur ing CLOAK and CAPE firms of New York City, will display his entire stock of TAILOR MADE COATS and JACKETS, in conjunction with our own well assorted stock. One thing is to be depended upon—the LOWEST PRICES in accordance with the BEST QUALITY. Leaders in low prices \ 1 \TAT'Qi BUTLER, and reliable goods. -IV-Z*. U*- Ixl A. 1.1 IN kj, p Always ask for goods advertised. I LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrator's Notice, Letters of administration on the estate i ot Sarah M. Galbraitb, doe'd, lite of I Adams township, Butler Co., Pa , having been granted to tho underpinned, all per r sons knowing themselves indebted to said i estate will please make immediate pay r rnont, and any having claims against said estate will present theai duly authentica ted for settlement to ; K. T. GALBSAtTii, Adtn'r , i W. C. Findley, Mars, Pa. Att'v. i [ N Executor s Notice. • Letters testamentiry on the estate of I John Klinger, late of Peun twp . dee'd. having been granted to ihe undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted ' to said estate will please make immediate i uayment, and any having claims agaiust said estate will present them duly autneu ticated to D. B. Doitijktt, Ex'r., Brownsdale, Pa. Executrix Notice, Letters testamentary on the estate of JobnSbem, late of Butler, Pa, having been granted the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estaie will please make immediate payment aud those having claims will present them duly authenticat ed for settlement to Hannah L. Siikm, Ex'r.. W. D. Brandon, Butler Pa. 4tt'y, TRUSTEES' SALE IN PARTITION. By yirlue of an order of the Orphans' (Joqrt of Butler pounty, made ou tho 9th day of September, J894, at 0. C. No. fl, March Term, 1894, there will be exposed to sale at public outcry on the premises in Oakland townshsip, Butler county, Pa , on SATpKDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 1894. at 1 o'clock, p.m ; ot said da/, all Ihe bil lowing described real estate, bounded on the north by lands of James l'atton's heirs and Wm. Jack, on the east by lands of John Henry's heirs, oil tho south by lands of Chaj. Daffy and on tho west by lands of John £. Bovard und Cha;-. Duffy, contain ing 10;> acres, more or less, log' house, log barn, frame stable and orchard of apple trees thereou; being the land owned by John Mellinger in his liletimu aud at the time of his death, and by virtue of the pro ceedings In partition at Q. C No. 54, September Term, ISSI aa 1 Q. C, No. 71. March Term, 1894, the same was directed to be sold at public sale. Terms of Salk—One-half cash on con firmation of sale by the Court, and one half in one year with interest, deferred [ payment to be secured by bond and mort gage on tue pienu-c... mortgage to contain a scire facias clause and attorney's com mission in case of collection by process of law. Gkorqb E. Mklunger. W.J. M HLMNCiKR, Kalpton h Greer. Trustees. Atl y. MEDICAL INSTITUTE. Established by regular pbyslelins f<»r the rare or obstlnaU* illHeas«*s: t'alliitir Uti Nervouwntu* and Fx haunt lon, Scrofula . I lc* rat io»* of thr iliroK. V.But 1 ' MI (lUcniifd discharge* speed*!)'?Vnr«urpc, " BERKIMEUTM - Funeral Directors, 151 S. Main St., - Butler: Fa. J A. T. SCOTT, / TTOK V K V-.» T-I,A W. nflloe at ho.'*, bout l bttSiuut, butler, ra. NEWTON BLACK. Att'y al Law- OOlce on South stile ot Dlatuoud Butler, Pit. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In re petition of Gen. R. Green adminis -1 trator ufOtiro Isabel Greeu, deceased, to I to Mill real «*'-it ■l >r the payment debts, t 0. 0. No. u6. Dec. Term. 1891. Whereas Geo. It. Green, administrator 1 of the estate ot Olive lsabt-1 Green, late of Mutter County, Pa . deceased, did ou the I L'4tii, day ol S.-pt 1594. present his petit ion in the Orphans' Court of Duller' ounty, I'h.. prav iiifr tlie Court fur leave to sell itie following described pieci or parcel of land .situate in Allegheny twp., liutl-r C-.unty, l'a., bounded aud described as follows, to vrit: Dcginning at tlie north-west corner known as the Silas Hoover corner now lily miller, thence east by lands of Adam I' Britt"U nml Williams heirs formerly, now Al O'Meil and Geo. K Green to ihe Emlen j ton Head, tiiet.ce south along said road a i | sufficient dist i nee to comprise live acres i | ol land, the linileutou lioad to be the east , i eru boundary of said live acres of land, thence west by lauds ot Andrew 1> Kelly formeily, being part ol the same traci.n iw Mrs. P. Steinbrook, unlil it strikes the Silas Hoover line, thence north along said line to the place of Uegiuuing. containing five acres, with frame dwelling house aud outbuildings thereon erected, which i* sub f ject to said Geo. K, Green's estate aud > rights as tenant by the courtesy as surviv* i ing husband of the decedert, for the pay ment of the debts of the said decedent, whereupon the said Court mane the following order: Now September 24th, 1894, the within petition preseuted in open Court aud on due con sideration citation on the brothers aud sis ters if any, or heirs of said decedent to show cause why sale ol the wilhin describ ed real estate shal) not be made lor thp payment of debts, to be served personally, or by acceptance, or on non-residents of the County by publication if ihe same be necessary, returnable to Ist Monday of November, 1894, at 10 o'clock A. M., at which time the same shall be heard on the citation Bv Til K COCKY. Pursuant to which a citatiou was duly issued by the said Orphans' Court on the said 241h day ot Sept. 16U4, to me, Andrew G. Campbell, iiigh Sheriff of Butler coun ty. l'a.,commanding me to make known to the lieirs and legal representatives ol tti« said Olive Isabel Greeu, deed , the con tents of said petition, order of Court and rule thereon and cite them to be and ap pear at an Orphans' Court to be hejd at Butler, in and lor the county of Duller, o»i the lirst Monday of November, 1894, being the li I'th day id November, and then and there to show cause » u y the prayer of the above petition should not lie granted. Now know ye Oliver Ke'Jy, residence un ; kuown, G S. Kelly of Armstrong county. Pa., V> K Kelly of Butler county, Pa., J. A. Kelly id Indiana county, Pa.. ai»d t>. li. Kelly ol Nob Nosier, Mo., being the brothers and sisters aud all tr.e hens in terested in the estate of Ihe above Olive Isabel Green, deed , that I Anurew G. Campbell, High Sheriff of Bntler c unty, Pa., hereby notify, rule aud cite you to be and appear at ah Orphans Court To tie bejd at Butler, in and lor the CVurty id Butler, Pa., on. MONDAY, NOVEMBER stl), IH>4, at Jo o'clook a.ui-, and then and jhnv cause ilany jou may l.ave why said real estate ,-hould not bt; sold for the payment «d debts as prayed for, at which tin..- and place you snail be heard by witness, s and otherwise, if desired, touching the mailers and things pertaining to ,ii i sale, or any leason you may have why the same should not be made. AN DREW G. CA MPRISLD, High bin riff. V. iVIcALPINE, Dentist.,^ Is t>:;w locate I In new and elegant rooms ad- Joining liLi former ones. All kin 1s or eta.*,> plates and modern gold work. "lias Administered.'' A. T. BLACK. ATTOKNEV AT LAW.: Hoom F.,Aimury building. Bntler. J'a