BICKEL'S FAIL STOCK HAS ARRIVED. People who want the latest Btylea in fine footwear and want it at the right price should see the latest styles just received at Bickle's. We have shoes to soit everyone and at prices the very lowest. Ladies' Fine Hand welt shoes, So Ladies' Fine Hand turned shoes. S3. Ladies' fine shoes—lace and buttoD -large pat ent leather wing tip, at $2.25. Foil stock of Ladies' and children's lace shoes in cloth and leather tops. Large assortment of men's aDd boy's shoes in all the latest styles, incoding a fall stock of men's cork soled shoes, men's working shoes, ranging in price from 70 cents to $2. Men's hand Bided and box toe kip boots with heavy sole at $2.50. Boy's and yonth'a boots of all kinds. In ladies' every day shoes we can give yon the selection of a pair of calf, kip, or oil grain shoes in button or lace at sl. Onr stock of rubber goods is very large, and we carry all the differlnt styles of rutbor goods of four of the leading companies. Full stock of felt boots for men and boys. A line of wool knit stockings also carried Call at our store and secure a pair at reduced pri ces. Repairing promptly done. JOHN BICKEL, 128 S. St. Butler. 11 | HORSE BLANKETS AND ROBES Retailed at wholesale prices. We |K SI; | . ; have not only the largest stock in Butler county but the largest in Western Pennsylvania. Come and see for yourself. We pay no rent therefore don't need to add it on. j S. B. MARTINCOURT & CO. _L -| r T S YOUNG WM. COOPER LEADING TAII ORS, ARRIVING—FaII and Winter Goods. Wc have the Choicest and Finest Stock of Domestic ami Im ported Woolens ever brought to Butler. Our Specialty in Fall Overcoats must be seen to be Admired. Call and make your selection of a Nice Fall Suit that cannot be excelled in FIT, QUALITY, STYLE and PRICE. Thanks for your patronage in the past, hoping for a continuance of a share in the future, while our Motto will be "Small I'rofits and Quick Returns." ■""Sim, WWC & COOPER '"B, t The place'tojbuy GAS COOKING STOVKS AND BURNERS. OAS LAMPS FIXTURES, HOSK, WATER FILTERS, BATH TUB ENAMEL, etc, is at W. H. O'Brien Ac Son's. 107 East Jefferson Htreet. t\\Cl - die KRRH M w HAY- FEVER WjVM \JCOLD HEA. BFEA ICljft (Jrtan Balm it iu>t*a lir/übl, tnvff or powiUr. AjrpUed into ttw. twain/* it It abnorbrd. JteUtiHVs Ute haul, albmji inflammation, hraht _ _ Efgdh thf MoT**. Bold (Inu/f/'nts Cures Constip iion MeCANDLESS' UEAVK CUKE 1 have a fluavo Cure that will cure any cane of heaven in borne* in forty day.*, it used according to direction*. anil if it doe,< not do what 1 claim for it, 1 will n-fond the amount pal.) anil no ohurge* w ill be made for the treatment. The followln testimonial* are the *trong<-it proof of th* medicine* j-ower to cure: A. J. MCCANULKKH, llutler, l'a., 1H!CI U>. A. J. IIC'CAHHI.K»(I: On the 2nd day of April, IHlft!, I com menced to UHO vou» N«w cure for one of my borne* that had the heave* very had, and continued to un« the medicine for •bout forty day* and the borne did nol «how any *igun of a return of Uiern. It ix now about a year *ince 1 quit f■■'! IM *'o m»T- ■ t'-<« ..II" ttutomur. I, « ,n in'; 11 n< tti| to na. i .l All « !l» can «!.«#. W* / ■ iltrt Halting ruble, prlca 1.1«: . i.r niori ■ Hampl • copy ' '• "VV 'lt . ronton. MaOk 2 rtrrftftr ' c°uld get relieffl; I Krl>9BKr I UH milj-M lie bl id di car:*, IS I /^==i ——— had spent hundreds!' a of dollars TRYING various remedies! f and physicians, none of which did me J any good. My finger nails came off, i !d my hair came out, leaving meg rfectly bald. I then went to HOT SPRINGS J >ping to be cured by this celebrated 2 :atment, but very soon became 1; igusted, and TRYI' i first bottle, and by the time I had I i en twelve bottler I was entirely cured— 11 ed by S. S, S. uhen thfl world-renowned I > I Springs had failed , 1 WM. S. LOOM IS, Shreveport. La. 1 \ Our bo*jk on thr» Diners* oml ltd Treatment 9 ' mailed fl«. ! uia C / J \ ' tA'iZ, C r H ixTi r Hprlnea, Kan- J (ir nt tijr Mall or Eipr.i on riv-. ipt <.r prim, % C ll,v> u./ok if, Moth*™ mallei r y 11' < MoM by all l'iuvKi»t. # \ BRAOFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Gsj FOR PURE KYI: Whiskeys Wliien, (trundles, (iitiis, &c., try Roht. Lewin, 13« VV'uter Bt„ li. *, including C". O. I». ordern, mi-tir«ly packed and t hipped promptly. I> |in '» cnur/i-1 prepaid on nil order* ot SIO.OO or oviir. Grandfather's Choice, (limrHiiim-il .'I yard - lit. F_'oo pur pal. Try it ui n ic. Vi a will ulwiivn kmtp it i»n hand. What Strikes Others Will Hrllso yoil#—Wo am all Ihi rind th'-ro with !h« »• iium Ilk. ;» .tiirt «lIRSIik< H. Tliotumti lK »>l nil HorUof j#e«i|»lw pr I > ovory j>artl'iu!a,f,ttr»o Jui»t whut v»»tjM Ilk' , n / hairfii lit i .« ntlon In?: It, nnywft.v, ft h yeum old, tlutt'f < . *v»n. It In pout* ttvi ly • ;i;itl frets froin fiwcl Oil M.: t I a tnr.t which the mo.: ' <; <.it '-limtilft can't 'll»- prove. Full Qunrts, SI.OO ; Six Quarts, 55.00. Mall aii4 K*pr< ■ t orCUrm •ill' .■«l i 'v«*r. Jos. FLEMING & SON, 412 MARKET ST., PITTSBUNA. PA. ComplUi! YI c« Utt4 u> Win«« and Liquor* mailed fro*. •./ /II Hti RESULTS. . M ' v u. 33 j.3::xzn aim:tD. Wo CMAMANTiiP a f'URE or refund your mon**. I'llio V Ixiiil.-. Send 4c lor TKI.UOM >2LIiICAL CO.. Uuitua, AtaM. THE CITIZEN Autumnal Dreams. ; When the maple turns to crimson And the sassafras to gold; When the gentian's in the meadow And the asters on the wold; When the moon is lapped in vapor, And the night is frosty cold; When the che«tnut burrs are opened And the acorns drop like hail. And the drowsy air is startled With the thumping of the flail— With the drumming of the partridge And the whistle of the quail. Through the rustling woods I wander, Through the jewels of the year. From the yellow uplands calling. Seeking her that still is dear; She is near me in the autumn, She, the beautiful, is near. —Bayard Taylor The War in Asia. The conflict between China and Japan is one of the most interesting international events that the world has witnessed. It has been said over and over again since the Japanese victories at Ping-Yang and the Yalu River that a now power has sprung up in the East. That is true, and Lord Kimberley, on behalf of Great Britain, is the first European statesman to recognize the new power by making a treaty with it in which Japau is consider ed as on an equal footing with the I nited Kingdom, no longer to be dealt with as a weak barbarian, but as a civilived state, whose armed prowess has made her re spec'.eil. It is also interes ting that an Asiatic people should at last have entered what is known in the lauguage of diplom acy as the "family of nations." Bat be yond Japan lies Asia, and domiuating it China, *ith its 300,000,000 people, barbar ous, gentle because fearlul of European power and European determination to use its power to suppress the * hinese, impo ent in war. but, in view of what Japan has accomplished, presenting a problem übich is exciting great interest in Europe, and especially in Great Britain. Europe hopes that Japan will be defeat ed in this war. The victories already won by her »ell armed, disciplined, aud ably administered army and navy bav griev ously disappointed English statesmen and journalists, and have caused a certain amount of fear-inspired foreboding and speculation. It is true that the Japanese were greatly aided by the infantile military and naval methods of the Chinese. Never theless, moderan arms and discipline and modern army administration have been adopted and successfully handled and car ried out by an Asiatic people, and Eng land is syeculating as to the grand result if Japan still continues to triumph a i she has begun. Thd immediate consequences to the two nations engaged in the conflict are of little importance compared with what may hap pen to the relations between Asia aud Europe. China may be divided. The Manchooriaij Emperor may be driven out of Peking. There may be another such slaughter as that of the Taeping massacre, in which it is stated that 30,000,000 people died. It may be that the Jananese are the baibarians that some ol the English papers are asserting them to be, and that when Europeans are left to the mercy of their laws and their administration of justice Lord Kimberley's treaty will caise a good deal of sadness in English homes, and even the Liberals will admit that his di plomacy was precipitous. liut the great subject of speculation is not as to what Japan will do with conquer ed China, or what Russia will loose or gain tn the Pacific, or how far its ambi tions projects in southwestern Asia may be promoted or retarded by a Japanese tri umph, but as to what will become of Euro pean influence in Asia. Modern Proverbs. Auy man caii he strong minded about a thing he doesn't want. The of public servants may not ex pect to please ail parlies. Many employers are better making rilled than keeping them. • Other folks lje»i cents. —"He sure } ou're right, then go ahead," sounds well tu romance*, lint those that make their bu*iue*s hum go ahead and take the chance*. —A colored preacher in lia.-itoru I'clin- Nylvania is *aid to have preached a ser mon upmost marble piaying, taking for bin text the pan-age where it say* "marvel not." —Arnica A Oil Liniment is the bent ri medy known for slilf Joint*. Old C'runty «ayn that they call an en trine "«ho" bec«a»o tho whittle make* nuob u iiiiirid nolnc. —ljiwv.on—''That horno trader >.ay* ho hlw*y« siuiH at tbe truth." Wigwag—"llo'h mi awfully hud marksman then, for he never hits it." Htm l Dim am lirlirnil in IK) MlHUtig. l>r. A(?i!<-w'h Curt? lor the lUiirt jr» v« -a pi-rite' relief in nil en en of Organic .>r ">y mjiathetic iieut 1)1." Hue in 30 mliiuti., Hud -|,eedil> cfleetit a cur®. ll i* tt |>eer • r> medy I'.ir Palpitation, Shortm til |!|CiilHN id it Dl»o»ncd Heart. One don- couvinceit. bold by Oily I'llwr mncy. —'•Why am I like a leaky hoatT" anked a primmer h i iho turnkey locked hiiu up. "Why, hecauto I want to ho hailed out/* —''Tlm dog that whine* geta the fewest bonef," «aya the philosopher. UheumatiKtii cured in a day—"Myntlo enru" for rherjmatiMui and neuralgia, radic ally cured in Ito II ilaya. 11« action Upon the njt-tem in remarkable and mynterlouH. It r|fH to tho audience raw, hut 1 boy them roaatcd," Haid the end man of tlm minntrtl »bow an ho bought a hug of chestnut*. Cunuurniitlon •" ur >!y Cuiju. C<, Tiu trnvm.—thidm, luforni y>. w r » Hi 11 uuto » j Mltlvo rmuuly for ((.■• ihovo iin. 1 (IREAT It.MtOAINH IN (Jlothints Hats and CJ 7 Gent's Furnisliings FOR FALL, Huitn hoM l»y others fur stf.oo our prico $4.50. Huitn Hold by otbera for SB.OO our price $0 00 Huitw wold by othera for SIO.OO our price $H 00. White .Moritio Underwear f»oc | Oold f* l " 9 - Ear Kings, (tings. WU VVuljciX f chains, Bracelets. Ktc. ,jTT irnti rmr A ID Tea Sets. Castors, Nutter nixues ami Kverythlns X KJI 1# M-A XI W fix* KM( that can i><> round la a firm class Htoro.. RODGER BROS. 1874 1 KNIVKH, KOItKS, SI (M J^ pIjK p LAX g. p THE Ey. Mlvll-vD. JEWELER No. 139,' North Main St., fi JTLEB, PA., BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham A I.l l '. WICK. I'n ». OKO. KH'TKKKU. Vlr» Pres. 1,. N. HrJUMKIN. Hrr'j ami Trims. JJIKKUTOHM: AUrod VV'IcU. Henderson Oliver, Dr. W. Irvln. .lumen Nteplienson, W. W. Blackinore, N. WelUef. K. Ilowmari, li. J. Klliigl«o FOURTH ST.. PITTBUUHGH. PA. JUHBC \ Allfonnsol Delicate ami Cotn plieateil IHsrii .»I-'I I'»• •ill?' 'OS. JPIDKNTIAI. amlHciKKTiKia Mi-il- K Ullnil || 10 tlV!llf'«l lit tlilrt l)|rt !•«'-ii try with fi cucceat . nrv\y iiltrtln««l. Dr. H. i\. I.alir !* *• mcinbnf of tlm ICoyul l oll« of I'liy i|r.inrn an«l HII'I It tin) O! LENT INI'l IIIOMI -xin iii-iicod Mrici'l Alll tlin city K|m« 'III al li'iitlon given to Nervous Imbllllj from excessive me •!nl exertion.lndiscretion ot youth,etc.,caus im'physical and nu'iitul ilecajf,laek of energy, l»- ixm'Vncy, etc.; OldHoroN, Imik, I'lie*. Itluiuinatlmii, *wl all ilmenseaof the Hkiu, 1.1n.n1, I. units Urinary OrgAn ,tlc. Consultation livii ami strictly r.onlWli mini. O Aire hours, II to I Mud 1 to a i*. M.; Bund ays, 2 to * e. M. only. nil at olllie or ndtlrcns lifts. I.AKK, CMmI. »KNN A't AN D 4TII HT.. I'ITTP. IlL' Ul r" A\aUe a Well A\ao of THKORBAT BO „ FFJENCM REW3EDY .lotilrKyT I'rditui r*llie Abo»s UMIUIIk In ill) !•«)« Ilto'ts iKiwrltilly .iiid QtiU'lt'i*. Ciiri'i v. Im II ull others lull S. .. Mil r. ;;itln 111' 10, i manhCKid. nwl i.M ii' ii v. ill ...•«»< r tii. 1 ji'iiilifot vl([or t*v li-.te: VITALIB. »' V 1.1 V 1.1.1 ".""lyre. 1,, i, :■;< i vciii . .. I- I Ii i MI t»■ r.« y, .i; li lv l.ini n.. I.- i I'o». ■ I'allliiK Mem Ot v. V. I ' I" "a. . i.'Hl -ill • (.'• ••'* Of sell ii iiiiM.. ir . i mill indii-ei Wards ort liiHunltv and eonsuinliHoii. InnUt on Imvluc v/ITfiLIS. no otl.i r. Can lie «• >rrled In vest IH.I U. t lIV mull, p'-r p.icled liand i, !l|i i or 0 face, or any roughness of the nkln, and 9 Is mil • xe.(|iii u'< 11 dri". inu fni I In- fine uft>.| 11 itvlll k S'dd l>y driiKVUU ut " vear», $3.50 per gallon; K'lnoh Golden Wedding, Gibson's, Itobinsen Co. Bour bon, $4 50 per gallon; liannisville, Dough erty, Monficello, 12 years, $5 50 per gallon. California wines, dry and sweet, from 75c per gallon to $1.50; 12 distinct brands; my own importation. Sherry and Port wine, from $2.50 to $3.50 per gallon; also the finest Irish und Scotch whiskies at lowest wholesale rates. Call or *eud for special price list* at A. ANDItIKSKKN. 18ft Federal street, Allegheny, I'a. All order* by mail promptly attent'ed. No extra chargo for packing. Telephone 549. Teujw] Art' a symptom of Jaundice, Dyspepsia,Constipation,Bil iousness, Liver Complaint. DR. BAXTER'B MANDRAKE BITTERS will cure the disease and re move yellowness from skin and eyes. Warrantee, to curt. Sold everywhere nt 25 ct«. per bottle, for Mule by J. C. Ilodlck rr BUGGIES at 4 Price 1-AIITS A IIAHSKIiS. i j VBJTPJ mi r.ip »u«iry | u nu th« / UjMm J* I'hMuni JiU|i-iiiriJ» sinKTw I I'xa Toil Hurrrr Ai; ~lll™-II ( IUhmI Waifuti. Aw. .'"nijM'*. Ml Jf, | im iomul i'«rt IHr/i! Ituyorfwv IJm MiC Tiuifur lUmiix, |l w ("rrwiil **• : JH# k % «i>i ii'iirirr ' $4 :b Mi>l i:i. ., l'lill*., I'a. nil re ITCHING PILES rILtS BWAYNE# V,,L~r„.„ OINTMENT • VMI'TOM" M.l.lMr I lalnu n-kl»ar ««A .iln ( l..«; m—l i.l ~I«SH 1., ►. <«t. kT«-. If •lluni'di« riiHllilMi. Iwniaro r.irwi MIMI pr«tr«d«, >1,1,1, „n. .1 1.1. .1 •>•>! M 1... ..1., l>.<.«oil«B ymrr ~n M IV k V St.'* ««l MMl'» I' •i«k« lk« li.H.f hr«U ul--" til IM M<«l •■■■4 rvwuttallii. iMMtura. AM »•«» luuuM r«»f 11. Theodore Swain. (JKNKHAL BRICK JOBBER. Cbitmmy*, (irate nntl Boiler Settlo#. Oiatttru Building and Sewer Work a Speciality. HARMONY, FA, Great Clearance Sale MILLINERY, Trimmed lint* nnil lluiinctsulmoMt GIVEN AWAY. Having a large stock of millinery still on hand, we will sell you anything in our line less than half price. Come early and secure bargains at the LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE WAIN S ST. D> T. PAPg. BU ffi. Why Do You Buy Liquors? Because this is the season of rainy weather, of chills and dampness, when the system is li able to be attacked by cold and pneumonia, if not fortified by some good whiskey as a stimu lant. NO FAMILY SHOULD bfc WITHOUT PURE WHISKEY. Its timely use will save many a doctor bill and much nursery. Kleins Silver Age, Duquesne and Bear Creek Ryes are Guaranteed to be Absolutely Pure. They are in general use in hospitals throughout the country, and are being prescribed by the best physicians. Max Klein has been engaged in the wholesale liquor business for the past 25 years and has gained a reputation for handling PURE LIQUORS ONLY and his name on a bottle ol whiskey is a guarantee that it is ABSOLUTE LY PURE. Here are a few prices of his well-known brands: Silver Age Rye $1 5© per full quart. Duqusne " 125 " " " Bear Creek " I 00 " " " Guckenheimsr j Gibson 1 6 years old 100 " " *' Overholt ) Guckenheimjr, 4 years old 75 " " " Anchor 5° " " " Send for a complete catalogue and price list of all kinds of wines and liquors mailed free, to MAX KLEIN. X>istillei* and LIQUOR DEALKR, No 82 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa Jewelry-Silverware--Clocks. Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 pe • ent by purchasing their watches, clock' I and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invite/ —"Remember our Repairing Department— 2o years Experience."- M UOBKJN THA L. Wholesale Liquor Dealer, t o 3 Ferry JSt., - - * Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square B:!>-v Dirito'i I W i. ke New York Weekly Tribune AN L)— The Butler Citizen ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF. AddrewK oil order* to THE CITIZ&N"