THE CI riZEN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, li«M. advertising kates. Legal notices are published in the ClTl icd «t <1 per Inch for first. and M cenU for wti succeeding insertion. Übituarie*. cards of thinks, resolution*, etc. are inserted *t 5 cents a to accompany the order. Reading notices on local page 10 cents a line lor first and 5 cents a line lor each subsequent insertion. Notice- imonr lo cal news items 15 cents a line for each in sertion Half-inch professional cards with paper $6 a year. Rates for commercial advertiiing qaoted upon application baa a population at aoont 10,000. it is the < wwry *eat of Rntier cwmty. with ertJMM. Vour railways, natural gaa. ai>J unequalled facilities lor meuularlurr*. Itugreaa enrywhere; new building*. new "■»*^T"**"—« a growing aad proeperoua town. New York Weekly Tnbune—Free. By special arrangements made for ear so doing, we are enabled to offer to all oar subecribers who pay arrearages, (if any) and one year in advance, and to all new subscribers Paying in advance, the New York Weekly Tribune free for one year. For farther particulars of this oiler tee ad vertisement. New Advertisements. SioTl—All advertisers intendingto make canges in their ads. ahoald notify as of their intending to do eo, not later than Monday morning. Martinconrt y Thomaii and Brown and the young men were aurpriitad alwiut I o'clock in the morning, The crowd confuted of several of the bent known young man of flutter and a half donen other*. The utanding and good family of the young »pi>rta doe» not M«III to bar thrni troui a liking for a littla raoture. —Willie Wong Lee. The Heatheu Chinee. Is hurrying back to the I*and of the " Oueae: He can paralize dirt AnJ do op a shirt. And tbirks he can do ap the Japaneer —• It ta*e« a smarter man than me. se il»qoiz»d the philosopher, "to tell what a t«aby is crying about." —H. Seanor. the horse dealer, has pnr cba->«d the Wick Bouse livery from l»aob enspeck. He intend, enlarging the bam and patting in new stock. —W. J. Wilson of Millhrooke, Mercer county came to Katler on Tuesday and took home bis wife who was working at the Nixon house. —Almost every exchange we pick up has an account of an apple, pear, peach or plum tree being out in bloom for the sec ond time this year, an.l one tells of a far mer who in harvesting his =econd crop of strawberries. —f'p in Venango Co. chestnnts are so plenty that the farmers are feeding them to their hog*. The nuts are more fattening than corn, and are much better hog feed when tbey will onlv bring something like a dollar a bushel. —At Millerstown, last Saturday, the body of Mrs. John E!leul*rger was ex humed and the stomach taken out. by order of the county coroner, who will have it analj led to ascertain it it contained ar senical poison. Mrs. Ellenberger died September 23, at her home near FeacL viile, and was interred in the Reformed church cemetery at Millerstown. She was about 52 years of age. After she had been buried there were charges made that her death had been caused by poisoning, and this theory is held by a physician whom ■he had called to see her before death, while her attending physician claims death was the result of cancer of the stomach. A New County. A move i* going on to form a new coun ty in Western Pennsylvania, to be known as El!wood county. It is proposed to take : a small slice olf the lower end of Lawrence j c'jonty, quite a large slice of territory | from Beaver county an I a piece of Butler county. The new county would take a part of Wayne, Perry and Big Beaver townships in Lawrence county, North Se wickley and other township* iu Beaver county and will run over into Butler coun ty as far as Harmony and /Celienople. A bill is said to be in course of prepara tion, and is expected to be presented at the next Legi>lature. The Fittsburg Com pany, which is back of the El I wood boom is pushing the idea. Playing Indian in Beaver Co. In Franklin twp Beaver Co , several boys went nutiiug last Saturday, and while out in the woods proposed to play Indian by re-enacting a scene in the early history ol the county. A boy named McLanghlin, aged 14 years took the ride of the hack woods settler. Be was to defend his cabin to the en lent of killing several of the assailants, Imt was to be captured in the upshot and put to death bv torture. The program was carried out to the let ter, so far as the boys were able. Mc- Laughlin defended his bark "wickynp" with a Flobert rifle, but was carelul not to hit any of the "ted skins " Tbey fine ly fired the hut, smoked McLaughlin ont and captured him. Then they held a council in which the dead Indians took a leading part, and condemned the paleface to the stake. The ltd was accordingly roped to a tree, a pile of dried leaves and lightwood was formed around him, and after it was fired the savages began the "death dance.'' The yonngsteri were yelling and working themselves into a real excitement. The flames swept up around the captive, and be screamed for hi* comrades to cut the cord* that held him iu the circle of fire, Imt the boys were Indian crazy, and failed to realize McLaughlin's awtul plight. They circled around the writhing captive, whose cries were drowned by their own unearthly yelling, and while he struggled in the fire they made imaginary knife thru at* at the coward captive and flung phantom tomahawks at his head. Two men who were gunning in the vi cinity hear the uproar, and between the de risive yells of the crowd could distinguish the agonized shriek* of the solitary suf fered who wasn't jelling for fun. The hunter* raced to the scene, arriving in time to save the boy from death at the stake. But as they came upon the ceue they thought he was dead. He was un conscious from pain and suffocation, and hong limp against the tree, held up I ly the cord* with which he was Ixiund. His clothing was ablaze, hi* hair was burned off, and bis face, hands, body and legs were terribly burned. The re*cuer* dashed into the band of yelling youngsters, kicked the blazing brands away from the boy'* body, and cut the cord* that held him to the tree Then the boy* came to their sense*, and while mime rif thein ran to get as*istance. others helped the hunter* restore the lad to con aciouncea*. Within a few minune* a rude litter was made, and the boy placed on it and carried out of the woods to where the doctor* attended him. Next day the phy sician* were doubtful of hi* recovery. It ia said that alter losing hi* senses, hanging with hi* face downward to the fire, he breathed enough of the flam** and hot air to make his case critical. The hoy* who were killidg him a* ia«t as poMible when help came for him are properly con trite to-day, and a* there is no appearance of actual malice in the performance it i* unlikely that prosecutions will follow even should yonng McLauphlin die. Medical Society Meeting. The quarterly meeting of the Kntler county Medical Society which wa* held In the Society room in the Keiber building la*t week was well attended. Officers were nominated lor the com ing year and two member* were added, Dr* A. V. Cunningham ol Xelienopln and K. II Merslion of Saxonhurg. The committee on Resolution* oil the death ol Dr. Shoemaker, who died laid May, reported with a lilting memorial. Accidents. On Saturday the Kith inst Joseph Knoch aged 70 years, ol Penn twp, mounted a yonng horse to ride to the store; but the horse was frisky and it threw him olf near hi* home. Ills aboillder bone was broken and dislocated by the full; and he was al*o hart internally. He died the following Wednesday. The M a rketa. BIITLKa MAHKKTft. Our grocer* are paying 20 for butter, IH for eg (is, 50 for good potatoes, .Ml for onions; (illct* tor apples. 25 to JOct* a do*, for eel ery; I.' cent* a quart for lima bean*; It cent a pound for cabbag*. 40 cent* for ttrulp*. I'lTTsarmi I'eoiiUGK. Timothy hay from country watforis sl4 to 15, mixed hay $10.50, to 11.00, straw (5.00 to 0.00. Country roll butter 17 to IH. fresh egg* 1U to 20, drested chicken*, drawn 12 to 14, apring chickens I". to 14 per pound. Potatoes $2. 15 to $2.25 per bt.l, onions 40 to 50. At Herr's Island, Monday, beeves sold at 3.00 to 5 25,bu11s and dry at 1.25 to 2 25, hogs a'. JOl to 5.10, sheep at .25 to 2 85, lambs at ,75 to J. 8.1, and calve* at 1.25 lo 0.25. See the Farm Kdition of the Pittsburg Dispatch, published on Saturday. You can get a farm for nothing; you of course would take iIT Look at the Sat ruday edition of the Pittsburg Dispatch. Every farmer should subscribe for Prize Farm Kdition (Saturday) of Pitt* burg DiHpatch. Containing special larm Notes and large list of Valuable I'tizes lor Kaccessful farmers. Send stamp for saiu pie copy and dull rates. Martincourt h Co. are giv'to# away valuable pri/.eu to holilerH of lockjr number* (-'all and get a num ber it coatM you nothing. Fine canton flinoel* Ti oentn at DA VKNNY'H. Ice cream notla in all flavorn at the City Bakery. —Our lloaiery value* arc unequal. ea.ui the pipe linu systems of Ike other two companies, thus making a complete system fjom the Ohio river to the seaboard. It wa- proponed to pay for the property of the Producers anil Producer!, and Refiners companies in stock of the I'nited State- Company, which latter in a corporation. Man}' of the prominent stockholders of the three companies are the same individuals, including J. W. Lee, L. Emery, Jr , I. R. Woods, John Fertig, T. N. Barnsdall and others. These gen tlemen favored the consolidation. Col. J. J. Carter, P. M. Shannon E. J. Jennings an. Buck, who broke her ankle in midsummer, has recovered and paid her friends in Greenville a visit on Tuesday. MiasAbbie McTithe. of Bradford, was viaiting Mrs. Maude Cerutti ol X. Washing ton St , last week. Lon Fleming's arm was amputated near the shoulder last Friday. The ainputa- Hon was made necessary by gangrene making its appearance. Miss Florence Fisher and Mr. Herbert W. otnith of the Kacket Store, will be married in the Baptist chnrch on Wednes day afternoen, the 31st inst, at o'clock v " John Collins, aged 64. and Mrs. Mary ,f. . Bruner. aged 63, were married in Butler by Sq. McAlioy a lew days ago. His wile died eight year«, aud her husband a year ago. "Will Heydrick left Butler for Kansas, Wednesday. He is in the employ ol the Mellon Oil Co., and it will be news to most people to hear that there is an oil field in south eastern Kansas. Mrs. Lizzie Kinzer of Hooker won the prize at the T. W. C. T. A. meeting at Huntingdon for the best essay on the "Nature and Effects of Alcohol on the Hu man System." The prize i» a gold medal with the initials Y. VV. C. T. A. and a spray of Columbine upon it. Oil Notes. The Kussel brothers bought the Hart man lease on the Pearce farm near MeCal iiiont last week for s.>,< bbls. Smith c at. DAVENNV'M ( I*l KK ICE ' HratNu WATKK ( lc«, For sale by J. A. Ilicliey. Leave your orders at the Bakery. —l2 J cent Pongees aud Tissues reduced to ti* cents at IJ. .STKIN At SON'S. —Try our new roller Hour—latest improved machinery. Satisfaction guaranteed, J. BKKAUKN A Co , West Sun bury, Pfc Hye Wante I. The highest prices |>aid for rye at the mill of UKD WAI.TKH A SON. Butler, fa. White goods, Lawns, Pongees Organdies and all kinds of wash goods at lest: than wholesale price at L. SniN A SON'S. —The hijrh< st ifrade of patent Hour made at the mills of J. C. BKKADKN A CO., West Sunbory, Pa. —Tenney's New York candies In I sealed packages at,the City k ßakery. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. i Associate Judge Faulkner, of Itellefonte, Pa., has beeu arrested and held in #l,oo<' bail for emlienr ing school taxes collected i by him last year in the borough of Philips burg. The »h«-r:age it said to be over : *5,000. The Judgeship tight in Indiana conntv is >aid to be very bitter just at present. It is really a license, or no license fight, Judge White, the Kepubliean nominee, is known to l>e positively against license, while lllair his opponent would grant license. White has the advantage at pres ent, but the light is so stirring aud bitter that it may go either way. While William Snyder and his assistants were painting at Fort! City, la-t Friday, a cow belonging tn a French lady catne and eat of the paint, with the result that the cow died thariitght. A huge eagle swooped down. Tuesday, on the infant child of a colored man of Huntingdon. Pa., and attempted to cam it away. The mother of the child drove it | away, and it siezed a dog belonging to a ' neighbor aud carried it off. A boaiues.- deal was closed at Ell;rood a 1 few days ago which will take to Ellwood City the plant of the Franklin steel and Forge Company <>l Philadelphia. The ; mill employs 200 men in the lorgiug works alone, which are worked on continuous turns. The piant will 1M- moved at once and will be located near the Pearless Lead ' Glass Works. i The executive committee of the late G. A li encampment in Pittsburg decided to i return the surplus fund to the subscribers i —pro rata. 1 The V. M. C. E. Slate Convention was ; held at York last week, .:nd the Y. M. C. A. at Johnstown. Mrs. George Ward, of Greenfield, Mer cer county, while in the act of curling her hair with a hot curling iron, on Tuesday, met with a bad accident. The iron slipped from the bang she was curling, and struck her in the eye, instantly destroying its sight. Park opera House. '■Hi* \ib* llie Itaron." f'rulay, ih t. L'C. The piece is very lunuy, and the com pany large and good. The audience was large, iu spite of the bad weather, and no body who braved the storm was sorry that lie did. It ha« been a long time since a*- funny and as pleasing a farce-comedy has been seen here. Space will not permit mention here of ail the good things, for they ar«* abundant in all the three acts — The Wheeling, W. Va., Inlelltgciirrr. The (Jiirrn ot i'omeilirs, ".hintl'iirxiUty, Oct. 30 "Jane" is an English comedy which, un der Gustave direction, has bad a successful career throughout the country The huinor of the play is said to be so bright and the complications so amusing that oue can go and see it a dozen times A ithout looping interest. The company is an excellent one and includes Mr Frank Norcross, Fred Mower, Augustus lialfour Frank Frayue, Jr. Frankie Gordon. Miss U merva Dorr, Pauline Davidson, Hernice Norcross, l.utie Page Mower and others. MUSIC. Murtie scholars wanted, Lessons will lie ifiven either at the Lome of the teacher or at the home yf the scholar, inquire at 124 W. VVayue St. But'er Pa. AMY BRO'S, OOENICII .MAIN A MirruN STH., BUTI,bh, I'KNN'A Dealers in ne# and second hand household #ootls ol every description Call and H<-e 11s We can save yon money. —Fine Donaatt Uanuels, 5c at DAVENNV'S. —Bargains in Lawns, Dimilys Pougees, Organdies my! all the sum mer goods at L. 8T«IN A HOW'B. Boarding House Cards, with Act of Assembly, 25 treats for half-a-doaen, for s'ile at CITUKN office, lnlantH Wool Hose 5 cts per pair at Davenny's. You pay for school-books; but the l»est school-book for your children is your daily puper. Well printed, carefully and intelligently edited, of instructive contents, first and fullest with the news and licnt iu presenting it, the Pittsburg DU/tulch tills the bill. Wheat Wanted. JFw pty the Highest Price tor wheat—both old and new, at our mill. IKe chop all kinds of grain at our mill for the Tenth Busnel and do il promptly and to your satisfaction. Remember we Only Charge the Tenth. (Jeorge Halter A Son's Butler Pa. ■Mrs. .lones—Where did you get that hat? Mrs. Smith—At Davenny's of course, they have the beat millinery in town, try them. —Finest display of Fall Millinery --One Portfolio, containing IK superb vi«ws from the Worlds Fair given away with each $2 00 salo at L<. STEIN A SON. Take your children to Zuver'n Oallnry lor i'lclures that will foil. I'oHtollicts building Kvery Mother Knows the virtues of hot gridille cakes thitse cool bracing mornings. They are inexpeiinive, full of nourishment, and one of the nicest delicacies imigiu able. MAKVIN OR PITTHBUIIO. has on the market now his pure and most excellent self-rising pan cake, Buckwheat and Pearl Meal flours, from which any mother o%u make tasty, light, well brown ed, Uriddle cakes, so tempting and tl> licioua at the breakfast table iu the morn log. Ask your grocer for MARVIN'S, they are pure, and the bust. MARVIN'S Rise Jumbles are the no went and liest cracker ever offered . Try them. W. L. DOUGLAS C CLIAC 11 THI HIT. 3V# D NWB HO •OUIAKINO. >. fOf HCH A F NAMELLEO CALr \ ■P Jm * 3.W POLICE,3 Sons. ML U.Z9 BOYSSCHOOi_SHOL3k ■ LADIES • BCHO TOP CATALOOUt • PfiJ- BUOCKTOM, MASS. You run aave mnnnr br »nrr|i« a | a| W L. IIUUKIH* *!»««••, lUiauar, we nte the latge't tDanufsclar«i • of oKR A DOIJTT, WIIITKST 1 VV N WANTEOSS-S ' ——H> nt t umiillmloii i paid wmkly. OuWlf fri-r. Sp«x:lal altrniii.ii 1 I,'LVPN ttt ll'-K'IIIIH II Worki-ra nrvi-r full t., uiakn uh i"| ttci'kl) v\ rlt" me HI onr** (or IIAI Uciilar*. E. 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman. 11* ) Hocuaaran. M. V Saxonburg Items. Loyd Chesney ha> taken his broken arm to Bradford and other resorts in the oil regions. The town ha-, been painted red, white and blue. Cyclone Lodge Order of the World now meets every Saturday eve. Richard Gibson, now of Pittsburg, at tended the funeral of his grandfather on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horn arrived home Saturday evening Irom a visit to relatives in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs Henry Stnebgen and Mrs Gust Uuder from Freeport were here at tending the funeral ol Joseph Knoch, Sr. Wm. F. Heckert has departed to take a position at Pitcaim's of Tarentnm. John l.ang now working in the place of W. F. Heckert at Mrs. Theo. Helm bold & Son's. Mr. Joseph Knoch Sr. was buried here on Friday. Uis death was caused by in juries received from a fall while trying to mount a horse. Oscar Stark of Tareutuui is here visiting his mother. Miss Emma Leppart was a guest at the Stark mansion last week. Wm Heckert moved to Tarentnm on Wednesday. Harry M.itheson has returned home again. Bruno Berry of this place, now iu Cooperstown oil lield, was at home on last Saturday. Mrs. Theo. Helmbold and son James were visiting Snttons at Maharg on Sun day and Monday. Mr. L A. Helmbold was in Pittsburg, Tuesday, on business. It is rumored thst there will be a wee ding soon. Wonder who it will be? W. J. Chesney is building an addition to his house. Mr. and Mrs A F tnoerr, Mr. and Mrs. E E Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Cbas Raabe and Mr. end Mrs .J. Kaabe were in Freeport visiting trieuds on Sunday last. Miss Mary Wagner and Mr. Peter Cy pher were married on last Thursday. The wedding party passed through town the same afternoon and as they passed one of the young ladies ol the tows threw a shoe at them, but as the shoe was a nnmber 7 ladies size, it is feared that the charm was broken. H. E. B. B. They'll Not Tell M ore than half thai might be told, but if you'll write our Mail Order department for samples of our superb line of Dress Goods, Silksi and Suitings They'll tell you enough to cause you to declare as did a Mail Order patron this week: "The samples you sent, me are better in quality and price than those received from any other house. I enclose," etc— Thi*, verbatim, from a letter just receiv ed, i« but the expression of numbers com iug daily from .every section of the country. The leading markets of the world have ad ited their quota in making this Fall and Winter 1804 and ''J'> display tiie largest, choicest, most, comprehensive collection of DRESS COO OS and St ITIN'GS we be lieve ever submitted for critical inspection in Western Pennsylvania —everything that's stylish, new and up-to-date is here at prices never so low. New Check suitings, in live different colorings, newest combina tions. all-w001—44-inches wide, 75 cents a yard. NLW ZICj-ZACi CHECK SUITINGS, 12 different colorings—4fl inches wide, 75 cents a yard. Simply no end to variety in assortments of all wool and silk and wool Dress Good* and Suitings at, +I.OO, $1.25, $1.50 up to $4 50 per yard—which include* both American and Imported fabrics. Nine hundred pieces all-wool ">0 cent Ladies' Cloth. Choice color mixture* —never such value shown in «uch wide, all-wool cloth at price —!V) inches wide, 35 cent* a yard. Two-toned, self-colored PLAID SUITINGS, S wool—7 different colorings, extra wide, 41 inches. Their equal m*y have been offered at double the price but uever at IS cents ■ yard. If you can't come, write for our Illus trated Pall ami Winter IMlll and '!•"> Cata logue, PKKK, 'twill help you out Im mensely in your ordering by mail. You'll be astonished to lind how easily shopping by mail can be accomplished. Bo<™*S & 811111, ALLEGHENY. PA. DROP THE OLD SHOE! ~ .4 r-~ "Avij. V| v A » Because you can buy new ones cheaper than ever he to re. Prices have taken a tumhle and before buying your winter shoes call and see what we t an do for you. I.tiith s Shots 75< . 95* i siE SIX >RE C. E. MILLER, 5 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. A Surest ion. tflr.a: - -» ißi I 'Prfe n***T Bid it ever occur to yon that there are drngs and drugs—that drugs are like every thing else—there are good, bad and indif ferent. There is nothing else which is positively bad if it is'nt just of the best Our policy ha> always been to hare noth ing but the best. When you want drugs come to us and be assured of fresh pure goods, and always what you ask for or your prescription calls for. It may not always be drugs you want either. We always have on hand a full line of sick room requisites. C. N. BOYD. Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA . ILROAD. NiK STANDARD KAII.BOAD OK AMERICA WKST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. S.IIKIMI.K IN KKKKCT LhTOSta Uh. l«!»l Mouth WKKK DAVS A. M. A. M. A. M. r. M. P. U. Butler .Leave 015 535 11 uo 2«5 506 saxonburg.. Arrive»; U uuo II W all 5S Butler Juct, »» liso s«o isg Butler JUc't..ljeave T ,io t» 41 12 «l .1 40 553 Natrona Arrive :38 Hbun,' S IS I 05 4 29 « 32 Allegheny City sislo 33 124 444 645 A. M. A. M. r. M. r. si. r. U. North WKKK DAYS. A, a. A. M. A. a. p, x. r. >1 Allegheny!'lty heave 6 » «2.i to 40 315 810 Sharpsburg 7 OS s3» lu 58 Clareinont s 45 II OK Sprlngdale ssl It 2B "" e4i Tarentum 732 » 10 11 ;» 3 51 use Natrona 7S. a 15 11 45 3 .v. «S3 tiKuiler Jur't Arrlve7 45 •25 It 55 404 7 02 Under .luc't sSaXOliburg SOSIO II 104 440 725 aßntler Arrives 10 :l'i Ihi4 on 7 J A. a. A. a. P. M. P.M. P, M WKKK Do*. for the Cast. WKKK DAYS I'. U. A. M. A. U. p. M. 245 Uls LV. Boiler Ar. 10 33 1 30 It t" 7 :ai Ar. liutler .luiictioo l.v. a 45 12 38 IM :45 Lv. Mutter.liinctloa Ar. a4l 12 38 4 10 7 4:« Ar. Kreoport Lv. a 35 12 35 415 753 •• Allegheny Juc't " »31 12 30 4 -i. sO4 •• hliurg '• a2O l« 13 4 41 • s 21 " caul ton (Apollo) " aOS U ,V> 514 ssl •• Salisbury " 837 II 32 5 I a 22 •' Hlalnvllle •• 8 of, II no «; IMI »SO " lllalrsville Inter'u " 750 10 13 s 41 II 411 •• Allooiia •• 40 80" 1 110 :i tu " llarrlaburg •• 11 55 310 4 .»> 50 " rnila asfoltnws:. Atlantic Kipress. •• .... ....2 40A. M. IViinsylvanla. Uinlte.l. ilally 7 15 Day Kxpress. •• sOO •• I'lillailelolila Kxpress, 4 :io P.M. Kasiern Kxpress, •• 700 •• Kasl Uue, " HlO " Kor detailed Inform U.ion. alilrass Thoi. K. Walt. I'aas. Ag't. Western HUirlot, uo Ktfth Avenue, I'litsburg, Pa, S. M. I'ItKVOH r. J. it VOOI). t Oeneral A mi{.!r. ) .'l. I'ass r. Ag't r. Jt w. a. ,* Schedule, lu effect Jan.* 1 . :»4. (itutlcr t imu.i The Sltori l.lne ,o Plttabttrg- HKPABT SOl' Til. KKOM SOL'TU . *.25 a in Allegheny 9.25 a m. Alllegheny Ei ■■.ls a in All'y & Akron a 55 a in.AI £ N Castle to 20 a m Allegheny Ac 12.*> pm. AIl > a Uh'go v on p m Allegheny Mall s.u'>pin, Allegheny Ex ■i .50 p m Chicago Kx. 725 p in,All'y £ Akron .10 pin All'y « Kll. Kx s.oo p in, Allegheny Ac PKPAKT NORTH, rROM HOKTH. lu o r . a iu Ki'.ue k lirad. sona m. Koxburg Ac 5.15 pin Clarion Ae JM)a m, Clarlan Ac 7.35 p 111 Koxburg. ■ ~.20 p*ni. Kane Mai SCBD VV TKAINS. ORPAItTMOVTH. PKOM Sol'lM. 8.15 am, l>eKorest Ac ».M a ta.Allegheny Ae 3 •« pm. I'hlriigo Kx -> 0-. p m. Allegheny Kx ti lOpm, Allegheny Ac |) in. DeKorest Ac Train arriving at at s,ot> p in leaves H * O de pot, I'ltMburg- »l :I5 o'clock. Hutler and Ureeovlllei.' ivh will U-.ive Alle gheny at 3:2"■ p. in, daily except Snnlav. Cou -11 111K at Willow ,'rove. arriving at Hutler at 5X15. I'uUinan Buffet Sleeping Cars and first-clan* Day Coai-lies lull between Hutler ami Ctdeago dallv. Ki>r through tickets to points In the West Northwest or rtouthwest apply to _____ A. H CROUCH. Agent rraln.s leave the 11. * l), depot In PiUburg for Ihe K isf as follows. Kor Washington I) Ililnmore, Philadel phia. HI Now York. li:20 ami i»riu p. in ( 'uiuherl int. 8:lfl, 9 :9'l. I : 10.9:91 p. in. Con nelsvlllc. s:|s, l i-.en. I.II). 4..11. >'l ni l -J.-JO p in . I'uloutown. s. IA a. m .1 10. 1.30 airt 5.A0 p. in. Ml. I'lf.isant. «:l > a in . 1.10 and 4:30 p. in. Washington. Pa , ami l) l.*> a. in., 4 .(><>, 4.4.5 and n.2ft. H.m p. m. Wheeling, 7.95 ami. o.t'i a. m., 1.00. li.z'., u.m p.m. cinctuuatl. ?t I.OUIS, Colurnbusund Newark, 7.2.1 a. m.. ».*ft II .96 p. in. Tor t lilrago. ■>. hi ami p m. I'arlor ana sleeping cars Ui ItilUmore, Wash ington, iloclnn iti an I • lit'■ wo PI ITMBIIRU, KllßM4<(iti> A I.U K K lit R it. K. Takes effect Monday. April 2, IH»t. Train* are run liy itnndard central Tline (»oih Meridian ) Onn hour slower than «'ity Tim-i. liomu NORTH. (IOINO HOD TII ~ it W HTATIONH PS iTi .... p.m. |tu l.i a.m. a.m. p.m. *M| ••••„ ffaln Nl6 I 10 | 2 «i> 1 ... utik Irk .... | |IMIt 30 TOT a. M. , INI | 6* 111 1.0 Krle. li Oft H 40 3 3fl li 95 193 '■> 25 Wallace .lum t li 42 »27 4 12 r, 20 I IH :i in tilrard i. 4«. W Jt 4 Ift i; no 1 IIH !• o:i| lx»ek port. li 69 U424 'M r, I rj I 111 s V>| Crancsirllle .. 7 u7, »SO 4 ;il 3 "ill I" :i .Conin-aui ... . 740 :t In ~I: .. i: 40 ar » ... |in .il, i; 43 ft 7 I-' s 4'i ar .Albloll. Iv *. II « 3ft 437 ft 4 t i* i.> n shwiniuiii 7 at! in m 4 si «'• IV 42 H ;ti nprt nulior" 7 2*i 10 IT. 4 6ft 5 s;t i:: 3*i h zr. Cnnneaiit vll ,H " 3ft! to 14 ft oa ,II \-i 15 K or. Me a vie .let. * 4W| Ifc 3ft ft 9ft I M t* I* t'nmrt.J.aki- .-7...# 10 17 4 63 k tr, ar ar It I 10 m 137 49s ... 7 (Ml IV Mi'iiilvllle I* . . . 9 M 49* Ml * 4.- ar ar s 42 II 25 « M II AH 745 llnrtslmvn.. ' 10 47~# »' II 6.1 7 10 Ailamsvllle IN FT9 R. 44 No 2 I) 1.1 7 2M .... I Isgoisl No 1 II 00 4 63 a. m i; 2.'i il ,v. 7 us (ireenvllie i; :KI ii in t; ns n is n 95 7 n> Shenatigo li 4ii II 26 A 20 . r.s ti itj it 47 Kredonla. 7 <*t ll 4it (t :t4 ft .!•! m it it '2s Meroer v 22 11 07 7 u r . . 25 111 90 II I'i I'aril.Mi . 7 12 92 7 111 ft l.i 111 20 11 (HI Urine I'lty... 7 47 19 3.1 7 2ft 5110101 m 6 M llarrlsvllle.... 7 fts 12 4ft 7 .'Hi » 52 I" oo 6iii Hraficliton sou! 12 64 7 4ft t 6ft 7 45 1 s 35 Iv Hranchton ar 7 35 12 Ift 7 2 5 4.5 S IS 51 ar .llllllird ..Iv 11 60 II lft| <• 4R, I lit ■! .5 5 3ft IV helMlers s 111. 12 ft* 7 4» 132 :i 42' ft 21 ... Kmilll j S 92! | li KUI 4 ill '.l 15 I n Itill |IT I *VI 1 42 * 3'2 I ft II 7 JO Allegheny, I'.*W II 10 » flu p in a in p. In p. ui .1. T. Itl.Allt. lii'iieral Manager. Ilreenvlllii. i-a VV. li .HAIKIKANT. . ... 1100000.011 SI K 1*1.17*4 *"ll» HltoriTH, SIII,SOW 04. OKKICKKH: .I'm. Ilarrmaii. Crest. J. V. KLTU. Vii T I'NW't. C. A. Ilalley, ( asliler. 1)1 KKi TO KM : Ins llartman, C. I». Hi« i«, itm i»««s i"i« JI.JU li •mi'lc fI • li «uvtM ul«* « *l» I'IUI.KV .Cures Constipation BJBGJINSI. . BARGAINS! MEN'S CLOTHING BOYS' CLOTHING, CHILDREN'S CLOTHING There are too many goods in stock and must be sold aud al prices that will suit the times. We have a lot of odd suits that wil be sold regardless of cost. Everything must be sold to make room for new goods. Come and see for yourself. H.Schneideraan CLOTH IKR AND"GEXTS FURNISHER. 104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. Early Fall ANNOUNCEMENT. Never in the history of this country was clothing so cheap as now. The hard times ot tho past year were the means of bringing the cost of raw wool down to a level with raw cotton. Labor suf fered correspondingly. The manufac turers were anxious to unload their big stocks on hand, and consequently we had opportunities enough to buv our fall stock at our own prices. We bought lots of them and bought them cheap. We intend to sell lots of them and sell them cheap. Everything is quoted at astonishingly low prices. Call on us when in town. Shciul Nast, Leadii\(j Cloth iern, 137 S. Main St, Butler, PA- Be sure and see DOUTHETT 4 GRAHAM Before von buv vour FALL SUIT or OVERCOAT. Largest line in the city to se lect from. Yours for clothing, DOUTIIETT ct GRAHAM, Cor. MAIN AND CUNNINUHAM BTS , BUTLER, I'A. Our Opening Days: ""L-, Oct. 18,19,20. Wi< make a formal riiapluy of our uew KAIX ANI> WINTKK M 11,1,1 N KIM. To tnakn then* red letler daya in our millinery history, we intend to make thin aif rami Millinery Fete. May bright akle* ami good fortune all l, iid IIIH ladle*, denying no one the privi lege ol viaifing our aecond floor on theae our reception ami exhibition daj-n. TIIH ■•bowing ix f'reah ami bright, with all the new thought* of llit, neaaon—tin, latitat conceit* of French millinery, thinga of art that only dream* can invent, hau ami bonnet* of our own conception that, are dear to the bounty-loving inindM, but not dear in price. Of all thing* here moderation in price In our millinery la one of the ttrat. Alao a full line of WINTKK \V K A I*B on display. VATI ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO COME I"U TO OUR OPENING. Mrs. Jennie E. Zimmerman BUOOKHKOH TO KITTKR «V RALSTON HOUSEHOLD ENAMEL, Ml HKKhKKKh PAIIT AMI ViKftlHH. C»n h» applied to »ny nnnNiih mi r foe*, on furniture, wood. ((!»"■• »<>y kind of metal including kltohen utruimU. Uuk«« old article* look new and i* much uaed on Mo/da*. c»rriß({e«. eto. Keiiuire* only »n« ri>Kt. in applied cold with nriiKh and drle* absolutely hard and glomiy in 2 hour* will not crack, chip, M inter or rnl> oil Hatnple hotlU* will on racelpt of prim* •J ounce* Ilk), I ounce* SSc, H oiidom 4<>c. West Deer Park FrintinM Ink Co., 4 Nkw ItKiul Hr.. Vkw Viik AGENTS WANTED* Hotel Butler, J. 11. FAUHKL, Prop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets, has electric bells and all other modern convenience# for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Hutler, I'a. Klegant sample room for use 01 commercial men.