BICKEL'S FALL STOCK HAS ARRIVED. People who want the latest styles in fine footwear and want it at the right price should see the latest styles just received at Bickle's. We have shoes to suit everyone and at prices the very lowest. Toadies' Fine Uandwelt shoes, S3- Toadies' Fine Hand turned shoes, S3. Ladies' fine shoes—lace and button--large pat ent leather wing tip, at $2.25. Fol! stock of Ladies' and children's lace shoes in cloth and leather tops. Large assortment of men's and boy's shoes in all the latest styles, inending a full stock of men's cork soled shoes, men's working shoes, ranging in price from 70 cents to $2. Men's hand sided and box toe kip boots with heavy sole at $2.50. Boy's and youth's boots of all kinds. In ladies' every day shoes we can give you the selection of a pair of calf, kip, or oil grain shoes in button or lace at sl. Our stock of rubber goods is very large, and we carry all the differlnt styles of rubbar goods of four of the leading companies. Fnll stock of felt boots for men and boys. A line of wool knit stockings also carried Call at our store and secure a pair at redo ed pri ces. Repairing promptly done. JOHN BICKEL, 128 S. MAIN St. Butler | . .THE GREAT . . I E Pittsburg Epsitionj § now open. | September gth to October 20th, E Innes' Famous 13th Regiment Band 1 OF NEW YORK, 65 PIECES. i THE GREATEST" MILITARY BAKD IN AMERICA, has b« n Rafted =3 ,< «n ENORMOUS COST to ontertaln yon. -5 I*♦ * 1 | MECHANICAL EXHIBITS NEVER EQUALED f.'l SEETHE | MKIATUBE (JOKE PLANT, i TYPE SETTING MAOHUTE, *3 II ELECTRIC DIBPLAY, FISH EXHIBIT, r| m FEESH MEAT PBEBEBVING, || MECHANICAL NOVEL TIES, THE LATEST INVENTIONS. g MAGNIFICENT ART GALLERY. fa | | V ADMISSION ADULTS, 25c. L°w Rates on All Railroads Jg J. S. YOUNG. WM. COOPER LEADING TAILORS, ARRIVIG-Fall and Wintar Goods- We have the Choicest and Finest Stock of D omestic and Im ported Woolens ever brought to Butler. Our Specialty in Fall Overcoats must be seen to be Admired. Call and make your selection of a Nice Fall Suit that cannot be excelled in FIT, QUALITY, STYLE and PRICE. Thanks for your patronage in the past, hoping for a continuance of a share in the future, while our Motto will be "Small Profits and Quick Returns." "TU YOUNG & COOPER B " T S,, The place to^buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAMPS FIXTURES, HOSK, WATER FILTERS, BATH TUB ENAMEL, etc, is at W H. O'Brien & Son's, 107 East Jefferson Street. tL\\£s Ct g -g plasty hay- fever JlJvm U COLDHEAD Kltf» Cream Balm in not a liquid, ttnvff or powder. Applied into the notlriU it i* _ _ quickly absorbed. It ehantet the head, allays inflammation, heals _ _ LIIA the tore*. Sold by drug gists or sent by mail on receipt of prie-t. C IIM 3UC ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. DUG "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO 18 THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. McCANDLESS' HEAVE CURE 1 have a Heave Cure that will cure any case of heaves in horses in forty days, it aged according to directions, and if it does not do what I claim for it, I will refund the amount paid and no charges will be made for the treatment. The following testimonials are the strongest proof of the medicines power to cure: A. J. McCanclkss, Butler, Pa., 1893. Ma. A. J. MCCAKDLKSS: On the 2nd day of April, 189*2, I com menced to nso your new cure for one of my horses that had the heaves very bad, and continued to use the medicine for about forty days and the horse did not show any signs of a return of tneni. It is now about a year since [ quit givin the med\c\ne and the horse has never sowed any signs of heaves, and I feel stislied that he is properly cured. W. C. Criswell, Butler. Pa., April 3, 1893 A. J. MCCandlbah: I hare used your Heave Care and found it will do the work if used according to di rections. Yours truJy, R. J. MCMILLIN. " ::EDT andL/3T!HO RESULTS. PEOPLEXTTV C^J^^SoMmT V a f Inwn WOlj injurious luhmanre. M LA?3I A33CMIHB IIOTCIB. Wo GUARANTuE a CURE a* refund your money Price M.ooper bottle. Send l«e. far troajiie. T&XMOMT Mr D It'AX CO., Boston, Man. GREAT BARGAINS IN Clothing, Ilats and Gent's Furnishings FOR FALL, Suits sold bj others for $6.00 oar price $4.50. Baits sold by others for SB.OO oar price $6 00. Sails sold by others for SIO.OO oar price $8 00. White Merino Underwear 50c grade or 35c. Grey Merino Underwear ,50c grade for 35c. We will Bave you 25Jper cent, on all fgrades of clothing. Call and examine "our goods and prices whether you wish to buy or not. IMBUE IMOBB 120 8. MAIN ST. PlTT«Bl'Hi;il. l'A . «Vt 1 -;B Exposition is raj'iilly il:a» .n.- '•> <•>•"* ' • ln a frw m.-r- ila\s it will > a u- -"> ' 1 Tfce «lat* - t*( •. 1 reader* who have not > rt \ sitra tin'* i exhibition of the »<>ria'-> proni' i* shown their faith n thi- '•> ■■■• •» pa'-- •' >.-••• Hundred" and tliou*ai:-i> »' P ■' vUH he huildiugs three at <1 f<" r i iih- a .* < ci. i "' : e are MI many new att'a. ;lo:is I IJL ■ y want to ste them gam anal again. the total atteudauie was to tti- ion.»» mark This breaks all neoiu- One of the in«is: Int new exhiMts is the Empire Type S-ttlns Machine wUch sets up a daily paper printed b the Exp sttl >n H '»the only machine of its kin.l in Pittsburgh and ts work has been the wonder of the year. It diners from other machines iu that It requir-s two men to operate it, but they will se? IO.OKJ ems i>er hour, which is a phenomenal fe.-st in t> I e setting. One man sets the type while another Justifle* it. To give all the newspaper men within a radius of IM> miles of Pittsburg a chance to se ■ tin tna chine in operation Manag nz Director Keating has set apart Thursday. OctoTer nth. a- 'News paper Dav." Every person interested In news papers is"lnvited to come on that day and see the wonders of the Exposition The wonderful spectacular performances of InneV New Vork Band are the talk of 1 itts burc The music is alon - worth a trip to the Ex posit ioi. As ad]u:.cts to his « performers Mr Innes has a battery of two inch breach load ing cannon a dozen musical anvils, an anvil chorus and costumed anvil beaters. I i aid;- o'< to this there is Hie Exposition Choral Society of 334 voices One cannot listen to the crash of music the roar of artillery the lusty lungs of the chorus, se. :hr naming forges and hear the beating of the glittering anvils without being thrilled and Impressed with the awesomeness of the occasion . The lovers of an will find no collection of paintings better than those to be found in the Exposition art gallery. Chief among them is Munkacsv's JM.OOO painting of the dying hours of Mozart, the great musical composer it oc cupies the whole of the stage and seems to be a "living picture.'' It is owned by Gen. Russell A. Alger, of Michigan, and loaned by him to the Exposition. Two other paintings that have a world wide reputation and have taken prizes at Exhibitions, are Hovenden's " Breaking Home Ties" and "Bringing Home the Bride." Th-y are valued at J4O,oOf' each and have created a •ensation in Pittsburg The other paintings number between two and three hundred and nearly all are "old masters. M .uy of Ihe pict nres have been exhibited at the World's Fair. Thousand? of out of town people visited the Exposition this week Ail the railroads offer ex cursion rates which are very low and include a free ticket of admission to the buildings and grounds. The admission ticket is good for everything and there is no extra expense There ii somthlng to interest every one. The farmer will find much to amuse and claim his attention in mechanical hall where all the newest and latest farming implements are to be found. His wife and daughter will see displays of dress goods, millinery, etc., the like of which they Sever saw before, and the children will be amused and entertained on the merry-go-round. A pleasant side attraction is the river excursion to Davis Island Dam and return. Remember the cloilng date Is October W, an* nobody should mi»9 the opportunity to com# tarly before It is too late. * DO not be deceived. The following brands of White Lead are still made by the '' Old Dutch'' process of slow cor rosion. They are standard, and a'v. jys Strictly Pure White Lead The recommendation of "Armstrong & McKelvy," " Beymer-Bauman," " Davis-Cliambers,'* " Fahnestock," to you by your merchant is an evidence of his reliability, as he can tell you cheap ready-mixed paints and bogus White Lead and make a larger profit. Many short-sighted dealers do so. lor COLOKS.— -National Lead Co.'s Pure I '.aJ Ti t:i:g Colors, a one-pound can to a 25-poui.d k«-g of Lead and mix your own pamis. Saves time and annoyance in matching slm-lts, and insures the best paint that it i 3 possible to put .-.n vood. Send us a postal card and £et our book on pwill nd color-card, free; it will probably save you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO New York. Pittsburg Branch. German National Bank Building. Pittsburg. HUMPHREYS 7 Dr. Humphreys' Specific* are scientifically and carefully prepansd Remedies. u*ed for years in pi-Irate practice and for over thirty yeart by people with entire raceee*. Every single Spoalfla a ■peclal cure for Ihe disease named. Tbey cure without drugging, purging or reducing the system and are in fact and deed the Sovereign Remedies of Ihe World. MO. rr**«. 1-Fever«i Congestions, Inflammations.. .23 g—Worm** Worm Fever, Worm Colic 'iS 3—Teethings Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .25 4— Diarrhea* of Children or Adults $£ 7—Cough*, Cokls, Bronchitis .31 8— Neuralgia, Toothache, Foceachc. 33 9—Headache*. Side Headache, Vertigo- .35 10—Dyapepaia. Biliousness, Constipation. .33 11—Happreaaed or Palnfn! Period* . .33 13—Whites, Too Profuse Periods 35 13—Croap, Laryngitis, Hoarseness ... .35 14—Salt ithcooi. Erysipelas, Eruptions .33 13—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains .35 15—Malaria. Chills, Fever and Ague Jti 10 —Catarrh, Influenca, Cold in the Head. .35 •o—Whoopinc Cough 35 •7—Kidney Diseases 35 38—N'ervona J>ebllity l.#o 30—Urinary Weakness 35 34—Sore Throat* Qulncy, Ulcerated Throat .25 HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL, " The Pile Ointment."—Trial Size. 25 Cts. •old by Brass lata, or aent pispall on recrlrt of prio*. Da. lleimuTa' Manual (1«4 JWfMJ mailkd ikek. ■IMPIIkkYS MKD.CO., 11l A 111 WUflam bt., NEW YOWL SPEOIFIOS. WITHOUT THE BOW (RING) it is easy to steal or ring watches from the pi cket. The thief gets the watch in one ii i 'I, the chain iii the other and gives n •I. .rt, quick jerk—the ring slips off the v.- :i stem, anil away goes the watch, leav ing tiie victim only the chain. This idea stopped that little game: f( rjT\\\ The bow has a groove I 1 ) I o.i each end collar \/J tu'ii down inside the vJum J perdant (stem) and fit* into the grooves, nrmly locking the - : v to the pendant, o that it cannot be J* /V fulled or twisted ofF. * V / Suld by all watch dealers, without e r, on Jas. Boss Filled and other \oy v.t.cs containing this trade mark— Ask your jeweler for pamphlet. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. Nothing #n Earth Will HENI LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strorg and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for ytnulling lien*. It l? absolute! rpnro. mehly concentrated. Inroan tity cotf* tenth <}t a i-nr a ilay. So other one-fourth aa .tiin* Strictly a mc< I in®. "Onelance canm'uJroo 110. scad tii t" i-r. v. ;.t I 'f«p. u»y» ;n» customer. II >Oll can't set it send to u». Wemail .w : I'lw SI A S 1-4 lb can *I.SO. Hl* cant £•'» <*'.« x;*''' • - P*' l f»nltry Raising (Jutde, price tS cent* frv* with »v» orders or more. Sample copy of Tm: p.rc t "«»t t *it* I'aFUlc fiit free*. ••B.Jo IV- ON < r » Hou*eSt..Boston, Mas*. FOR PURE RYE Whiskeys Wines, Brandies, (iins, Sc., try Robt. Lewin, 136 Water St., (Oppos'te B. «fe 0. Depot.) Pittsburg, Pa. All goods, including C. O. D. orders, securely packed find shipped promptly. Kxpress charges prepaid on all orders ol $lO 00 or over. Grandfather'* Choice, Guaranteed II year* old. $2 00 per gal. Try it at once. You will always keep it on band. THE CITIZEN South Carolina's Dispensary. The decision of the South Carolina Supreme Court that the dispensary liquor law of that State is constitutional will give Governor Tillman another oppor tunity to tiy and enforce his peculiar method of controlling the liquor traffic. The original law as passed ia December, 1892. was declared unconstitutional last April, but some months before this de cision was rendered a new law had been pasted nearly the same in terms, but still a wholly distiuct measure- While this latter law was not affected by the court s action the attempt to enforce it was al lowed to lapse and the dispensaries were closed for three months. They were open ed again August lon the order of Gov. Tillman, with the expectation probably that the Supreme Court, whose personnel had undergone a change, would declare the act constitutional. This expectation has been realized, and with the Supreme Court back of him Gov. Tillman can make a second attempt to show whether State control of the liquor traffic can be made a success. The State dispensary law of South Carolina has some novel features about it which have never been tried on an extensive scale outside ot that neighborhood. According to its pro visions a State board was formed whose duty it was to purchase the liquors to be sold in the State and to appoint county dispensary boards. The latter boards on petition authorized the opening of dispen saries for the sale of liquors by retail under very strict regulations. All liquors must be sold iu sealed bottles, none can be-drunk on the premises, only a fixed quanity ;an be sold to any one person and the dwpensaries can be kept open during the day time only. The State Dispensary Board sold the liquors to the county boards in sealed packages, and these in turn sold it to the dispensary keepers, all liquors be ing of the best proved quality. All other sales were declared illegal. The law, while differing in some re spects from the Gothenburg system, is in spirit the same. It is more complicated and keeps the traffic more strictly under the control of the State. The law went into force July 1, 1893, and alter 4 months the profits were found to be $52,483.93, ol which $12,126 43 went to the counties. On February 1, 1894, after seven months, the profits were estimated at $99,337.16. Dur ing the first quarter 96,747 gallons ot li quor were purchased and 68,987 gallons were sold. Early in April came the riot ing in Darlington and Florence and the attempt to prevent the enforcement of the law. Before this excitement had lullv subsided the Supreme Court rendered its decision declaring the old law void and matters were Lrought to a standstill. Governor Tillman retained the stock of liquors on hand, but no futher reports of the operation of the law have been made. —Purify your blood, tone up the system and the digestive organs by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. —How about that label on your paper! —Some sidewalks are in bad condition for winter. —Salt dissolved in alcohol takes out grease spots, —Be careful not to throw brokan glass on the street. Ilvart Disease Believed in 30 Minutes. I)r. Aguew's Cure tor the Heart gives perfect relief in all cases of Organic «>r Sympathetic Heat Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer less remedy Palpitation, Shortness ol Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Lett Side and all symptoms ofa Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by City Phar macy. —Ciark county. Mo., beasts the cham pion 22-year-old girl. She is 8 feet high, weighs 760 pounds and wears a No. 16 shoe and No. 17 glove. And the little darting is quite a beauty and unmarried. —Arnica & Oil Liniment is the best remedy known for stiff joints. —Uov. Stone, of Mi-sour,i is taking no chances. He is to have a debate with the fiery Mrs. Lease, of Kansa.-, and in prepar ation for the fray has had his hair cut close and his inonstachu trimmed down to a mere shade —Oostivness is the cause of the intoler able "bad breath" of multitudes. I)r. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Hitters remove the cause and prevent the evil, and cost only 25 cents. —George W Wolf, of Chicago has cut down the bicycle record between that city and Sew York v 7 days, 21 hours aud 30 minutes,) shortening it one day and 12 hour.- As Wolf ,-lept on 12 hours duriuv his long ride, il is safe to add that he also clipped several years from his span of life in accomplishing the feat. —The history of Dowu's Elixir is identi fied with the history of New England for the last fifty years. It euros coughs and colds. —The subject of the proper methods and degrees of punishment iu the public soliools should receivo consideration in the school board Any teacher who allows his temper to run amuck isn't in proper condition to administer decipline to others and should bo required to work under a check-rein —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. To cts. Sold by .1. C Kedick, druggist, Butler. —A decoction of cinnamon is recom mended as a drink to be taken freely in localities where therb is typhoid fever or cholera, for cinnamon bas the power to destroy all infectious microbes. Even its scent kills them, while it is perfectly harmless to human beings. The essence of cinnamon exposed ii. the siek room is siiii to be fatal i" typhoid bacilli iu twelve houis —The Cliiuesu i.ave a method •>( pre i-*-ri ing grapes, so a* to have them a 1 their command the entire j ear. The method adopted consists in cuttiug a circular piece out of a ripe pumpkin or gourd, mak ing an aperture largo enough t > admit the hand. The interior is then completely cleaned out, the ripe grapes are placed in s;de, and the cover replaced and pressed in firmly The pumpkins are then kept in a cool place, aud the grapes will be found to retain their freshness for a very long time. A very careful selection must be made of the pumpkin, the common field pumpkin being well adapted to the pur pose in question.—Ex. —The Mikado of Japan has never been willingly photographed or even sketched. It is a capital offence for a native to make any kind of a pictorial representation of him, as it is regarded as a grave itidigni ty. —An exchange says Somson was the iirst man to advertise. lie took two solid columns and several thousand people tum bled to his scheme. Consumption surely Cured. t'c T»i«. SDITOI:: Please Inform your reader* chut I nave » poHitlvo remedy for tLo above-named diMoftsti. J>; 'jb timely use thousands of hopeless •Mrfoa have t r n permanently cured. I ohnll be glad to Head twv# /o+ttai of my remedy FREE to any o: your readers TT . j have consumption if they will send me thuii JLaprtns and P. O. address, liespcrt- Jalijr. 7. A* alocUM. M. CU Mi fwrlßU H. Y. America One Hundred Years Ago. Every gentleman wore a quene and powdered his hair. Imprisonment for debt was a common practice. There was not a public library in the United States. Almost all the furniture was imported rnm Engl and. An old copper mine in Connecticut was used as a prison. There was only one hat factory and that made cocked hats. A day latorer considered himself well paid with two ihillings a day. Crockery plates were objected to be cause they dulled the knives. A man who jeered at the preacher or criticised the sermon was fined. Virginia contained a fifth of the whole population of the country. A gentleman bowing to a lady always scraped his foot on the ground. Two stage coaches bore all the travel be tween Xew York and Boston. The whipping post anil pillory were still standing in Boston and Xew Turk. Beef, pork, saU, fish, potatoes and hom iny were the staplas all the year round. Bottons were scarce aud expensive, and the trousers were fastened with pegs or laces. There were no manufactures in this conntry, and every housewife raised her own flax and made her own linen. The church collection was taken in a bag at the end of a pole, with a bell attached t® r.mse sleepy contributors Leather breeches, a checkered shirt, a red flannel jacket, and a cocked hat form ed the dress of an artisan. When a man had enough lea he placed his spoon across his cup to indicate that be wanted no more. A new arrival in a jail was set upon by his fellow prisoners and robbed of every thing he had.—St. Louis Ulobe Dtmoerai. —lt is astonishing what some women will endure to obtain physicial beauty. The prayer and the ambition of the aver age wornau is to be beautiful. But few of them care much for that more enduring aud attractive beauty, a cultured mind anu a sweet disposition. A few days ago in Chicago a young lady died in the oper ating chair while being treated by two quack female doctors. They were operat ing upon her face with an electric noodle, to remove blemishes, and usiug cocaine to kill the pain. They used too mucK aud their patient died in the chair. A doctor was called in, and an old lady who was there waiting her turn, a»ked him if he thought she could stand it. '"I am strong' she said, "and I want these wrinkles re moved from my face." There was a lady more than fifty years of age, who was will ing to risk her life to get rid of her wrink les. The same intensity of desire to be intellectually brilliant and amiable would soon enable the female sex to surpass their brothers in mental attainments. Physical beauty is all right, to be sure, and it is worth striving for in a rational way, by observing the laws of nature and the or dinary rules of health, but it is not worth dying for. —The great wealth, either of the Mor mon church or of the individuals at it.; head, has been again demonstrated by the recent investment of $10,000,000 by the "first presidency" in a new corpora tion called the Utah Company. Tliii- new company is to operate coal mines, a rail road, a bathing beach aud pleasure resort at the Great Salt Lake, and build, equip aud operate telegraph aud telephone lines. This is purely a church scheme, iu which Gentiles have no part, and is, like the Zion co-operative oorapiny, to be managed to add to the wealth of the Church. Drunkenness, t.ic 1,1 ,uor Habit, Pes lvaly Cured by adirenstering Dr. Hurts "Cc.cti. Specfcc." _lt i» manufactured as a powder, which can be giveu iu a glass of beer, a cup ol euliee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and wili affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given iu thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect core has followed. It never lails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility lor the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book 01 particulars free. Address, Golden Specific Co.. 186 St.. Ciin-.iniitttti t). —One of the ugliest things in human nature is the disposition of mau to be in sol>nt aud domineering over those who are dependent upon him. Giyo a gross man authrrit> aud ho will treat those under him, without thought as to whether or not they are bis intellectual and moral superiors, a-t though their feelings were ;of no account. The ego in men is ugly. What we cail politeness, is the art of con cealing the brute of egotism which resides in us all. A true gentlemau will never act iu a manner which signifies that he considers himself better than other folks. —A little more than thirty miles from tbe coast of Japan the Pacific ocean is found to be over 28,000 feet deep. Some officers surveying for a telepraph cable had their wire break at this depth with out reaching the bottom. This is said to be the deepest sounding ever made, and is so deep that the two highest mountains in lapan placed one over the other iu this abyss would leave tho summit of the upper one, two-thirds of a ini.'e below tho surface of the water. —Oliver Wendell Holme's poem of "Tho Last Leaf" is familiar to every school boy, and he almost "lived to bo the last leaf upou the tree" of his generation. To use his own words: Tbe mossy marbles rest On the lips that he has prest In their bloom. And the names he loved to hear Have beeu carved for many a year On the tomb. —A mau who has no good iu him can recognize no good in others. If your in tellect is gross and your moral nature e.'arse, you cauuot recognize fine qualities in anybody else. But you can easily re cognize defects, because that is right iu jour line. Vou am full of them yourself. Tiixt is the reason w,< have so many pen pti- wti«> are more eager to condemn than to praise. A fiue steel p.OO and $3.50 This entire lot will go at si.soper pair Misses Dongola Patent Tip Shoes at 85cta per pair. Cbildrens Dongola Patent Tip Shoes at 50ets per pair Mens $2 00 Tan Shoes at $1.25 per pair Mens Picadilly Bluchers in Tan Shoes were $2.50 per pair will go at So on throughout our entire stock of Summer Footwear. Goods will be sold without reserve at less than the cost of their making. Call and see these Bargains whether yoi wish to buy or not. Shoe Dealer. AL RDFF. s. Main St. FHA'jN K K empEGH, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, _A.nd everything in horse and buggy fur nishing goods-Harness, Oollars, Whips, Dusters, Saddles, etc. trunks and valises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assortment of 5-A_ Horse blankets in town will be found at FRANK KEMPER'S, 124 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. CLARK'S SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Kvcry young man and woman should receive such an education as they can obtain at Clark's School of Commerce, Butler, Pa. or at the New Castle Business University, New Castle, Pa. The schools are under the same management ACTUAL BUSINESS METHODS EMPLOYED You will save time ani money by attending one of these schoo Is ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN BUSINESS OFFICES, EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. Write to D. G. CLARK, President, New Castle, Pa., or F. G. JOHNSTON, Secretary, Butler, Pa. DIAMONDS 90AKF PINS, STUDS. BATCHES! I I'L'.NTS T.P1.1), , ' A^!^ S ! 'SMA-'BR. LADIES' CUATL.UN Y *HT "KT" IT \7 ) Gold Pins. E»r ltinga. Rings. «J it* W JCm JLji .< B. JL j' I'lint as. Bracelets, Etc. TTTET»*» -A*T « STB' Tea Sen. Castors. Butter DISII-M anl Kverytlilaj alu V JEL# .£■&. CfV fi. A-» i-c i that can be found in a tlrst class store.. RODGER BROS. 1874 J. KNI\ ES. K).(KS, >1 ) ° l *- s I p LE pr ATE E. GRIEB. JEWELER. No. 139,'Koith Main St., £ JTLEK, PA., A White Crow Is \ory rare, so is a perfectly J'nrn Whiskey. How are you to know who it Is really safe and puit'.' I'mst. does not always reveal tbe laet Tbe best way is to buy a I rani that has reached lti :opilarily -olely by public approval. OurOl I 1. p..rtWhis key has IKI-T: lhoion,?hly trleis ■:iry with r. iccess urely attained. Vr.S. K l.r.cU- member of the Royal College Tf I ny • >.• nid Surgtfoar, J»nd is the u! lest mid most \ : .eueed SrECIA i-ts. .n ilic c'lv Spei 'al at i iriTeatoM cvonlMilit) iwnyaitw m. ill 'xertlon,'.nd.scretion ol joath,etc.,cans -11;• ti;-leal and mental y,laek «>f en»r, :y, ii ' i, Vncy, etc.; alsoCnncfs Old Sores Fits, ; i.'la-mnatlsm. and ail .Ii- nsescf the skin, ,| 1 , I'lliiaryOrifiH. ,U<-. C lis-.ltation • :: i.-tlv C.inlvii n'i;.t Office hours, it to d i to Hr.'as.; Sundays, £ U> -S i;. K. only. HI, ot ti-0 or adilreah 1 >'■'-• J.' !\K, C"'t ." k LXD4XHBX-1M rTS'lti;ltUlLt A VITALIS a Well I® n of : v y VITALISIj THE GREAT aOtl-lTuy. -AyWf FRENCH REMEDY aotb^nyT Froilui'cs tlio Ahoio KCSUIIK in HO I'sys. It icis powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail. YOUHR men will regain th' ir lost nr.iniiocKl, and old men will recover their youthful vi»:or by us:uz VjTALIS. It quickly and stirely re stores Nervousness, I-ost Vitulity. I niixiieHcy, Nightly Kmissions, I-ost Power, l ailing orv, Wasting l)iseases. and all effects of sell abuse or excess and indiscretion- Wards ou insanity and consumption. Insist on having VITALIS. no other. Can be carried in vest pocket. l*y mail. #I.OO |HT package or six for 55.00, with a punitive written guarantee to cifj or refiad tl»e money. Circular free. Address CALL MKT Rt:X»:r»T COMFANI, thirafo, IU. For Sale at City Pharmacy. . OOSSER'S « . CREAM GLYCERINE. has no equal lor chapped hands, !lps 3- tie government: AA. pure rye, 2ytr.ra, $2.00 per gallon; Tippecanoe, 3 years, •f2 25; Old Cabinet, 4 years. $2.50 per gal lon; Bridgeport and Thompson's pure rye, 5 years, $3 50 per gallon; Finch Golden Wedding. Gibson's. Robinson Co. Bour bon, $4 50 per gallon; Ilannisville, Dough erty. Mnnticello, 12 years, $5 50 per gallon. California wines, drj and sweet, from 75c per gallon to $1.50; 12 distinct brands; my own importation. Sherry and Port wine, from $2 50 to $3.50 per gallon; also the finest Irish und Scotch whiskies at lowest wholesale rates. Call or send for special price lists at A. ANDRIESSEX. 188 Federal street. Allegheny, Pa. All orders by mail promptly attended. No extra charge for packing. Telephone 549. I YELLOW Are a symptom of Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Bil liousness, Liver Complaint. DR. BAXTER'S MANDRAKE BITTERS will cure the disease and re move yellowness from skin and eyes. Warrantee* to cure. Sold everywhere at 25 cts. per bottle, for stile by J. C. Iledick ST utiuuiES at i Price ( AKTS & HARNLSS.«H W! VU37Z.J Top ButfKy *l7 We **■> O. * I EWIS' 98 * LYE I PC XI ES IS ACT rnn® SVL Tti«ii»ronßMt»nd marie. t nllke other I.jre. It (Mil* t duo powdiir mil jarkii In a can ® wllh ri'iuoViiblo llu, the coo(#ntt are always r.ady f. r .««• . *"J make tlx- »>oat inrfumed Hard Boa* In 20 minutes without holJlM. WM It la Hi* tormlTorcl.-an«lu«.wM*» Br disinfecting >liikv rlo««H ■ V wislJng botUea, 1 alnt!., tree* ale. 111, PKNHA. SALT M-ro co tfBS&QUh Ueu. nil ITCHING PILES r f^SWAYNE'S ■■■•[ VMMPURR ABSOLBTKW COR9B. UIU imtn I HYMI-TOMS M.l-turri lnl«>;»< llrfcl»« »"4 • llnirlns: n..~« at nl*!.U v. or- >1 »