VOT, XXXI DON'T Want A Wheel? Just as good time now, as any, to think of buying, to compare pri ces and merits. We pin our best faith to the CLE\ LLAVD and the PHOENIX. A wheel should be Easy Running, Looking V Jr Guaranteed, Ladies Phoenix. We I]< ive ar\d will have ii\ t l\e Sprii\o- J. E. FORSYTHE. Our Opening Days: Oct. 18,19,20. We make a fonn:il display "1 »ur new FALL A.VO WINTER MILLIN'EItV. "To mak» thuse red l«t'er d.-iys in our millinery history, we intend to make tbi> a lirsnd Millinery Fete. May bright ski- s ami gmid iortnno attend the ladies, denyiug uo oue the privi lege of visiting our second floor on these onr reception and exhibition day?. The showing is fresh and bright, with HII the new thoughts of the season —tbe conceits of French millinery, things of art that only dreams can iuveut; hats and bonnets of our ow conception that are dear to the beautydovint; ruiinli< hut uui dear in price. Of all things here moderation in price in onr millinery is one ol the lirst. AIMI a full IUIH of WINTER WRAPS on display. VATT ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO COME IvU TO OUR OPENING. Mrs. Jennie E. Zimmerman SUCCESSOR TO RITTER & RALSTON FALL FOOTWEAR. fun your ejfg in upoij the fine die \tv i>lay (.! -he m vvt&t uuri niot.t elegant T.*<' )(¥*•. Hjlet-in Footwear yon havenver look ~ 'J td upon in Builer tL«t we are n >tv of I f « ri njtr to the public I A )c'- ' syf' |T —| U'e are now prepared to serve all I Jr I buyeri- that went gr-od, suitable Foot |[V^> ibis town, quality coiisidered. Tbe If || rr 1 people of Butler eounlv know our |_ 1~, wc rd aud guarantee is sbfTicient en any i«=- jT —| JL shoe we offer, as time baa pr ven. | ■■ -s-.L. If yt u are Iceki: gft r I.f.dies Shoes pee our 75 ard 95e, fl.2ft anc $1 50;s'«psrd 1 ik at i-t,, either in working shoes or ftn« dress shoes. Fir e lines at 85c, 90c, $1,51.25 a-id $1 50; wait a moment and see the $2 and $2 50 shoe in London, Glebe, Yale ami St. Louis toes Nothing like them in Butler. Well if you want SCHOOL BHORS for yonr 15-)YS VND '.GIRLS, Pee the great display at 45c, 50c, 75c, $1 arid $1.25. oy's and Youth's High Cut Schaol Sta. If V«)D nrrt looking for a h"»as j that y >ur d >ll;i'U //)".'i 100 caau to every man, woman and child If you are looking for a b >u*a that cirrie-i it.-, v.y.i in th • h and Dot in the new-papers, iu fact if you waai, to trails with a reliible, first class Sboe House go at once to IIIJBKI .TON'S. Ifbere the majority of the best people of Butler county do there buv ng in footwear. 102 N. Main St., Butler, Pa , opposite Hot*' Lowry. Good Looks Count When _\ou turn out for a drive you want your carriage to look as well as your neighbors. You'll have no fear on that score if you have a Fredonia Buggy. Fredonia Vehicles are the best on the market in every way. If you'll examine them at your dealers you'll agree with this statement. Made by FREDONIA MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio. THE -BUTLER CITIZEN. At this Season Some-thing is needed to keep up the appe tite, assist digestion and give good, health ful sleep. For th' -iepurposes Hood's Sar saparilla is peculiarly i lajited. As a blood Hood's Sa>'sa par ilia purifier it 1::: • no "t "t equal, and it Hii S s . J. by its power o : k pure blooil tli'i . '..> won such fair..- r \ -c for scrofula, salt rheum, boils .1 1 i>. -iiuilar diseases. Hood's Pi ii nt and gentle, rsc. J|, CM'& A ICMSnW m uu sup Hfr£2# » . tis fcr %JSEVZ&V s MA f rl'iE PHEMiUMSC-iVEN FREE TL <£RS Or LIOM COFFEE M O A IS 4\ - v 5 ii li r % el ; promif) Miss Delia Sevens, of Boaton, j Slwrit.s: 1 have i.i '-.l* r.-U fronr.fcr; ! «(hereditary Scrofula n r wbk li I trieufc; , S (various reined:.-, and many reliableiK; S iphyslcians. butnor: to you, as I let! s*: te: is.that It saved n. - -rS I 3=3 from a life of nni V •■ ii.r, and shall Eg «g ;take pleasure in ... only wordr.zZZ of praise for the -. rfi-1 medUlr.e. jg; ; and in recommeii it to ail. §;Treatl6o on Bloorf ii 3 f'jt t Ollf OUI HjSWIFT SPEC';: :C COMPANY, Sj ATLANTA, OA. _ jg MMff' "" irNMB©S#S9BO*3 ; . '. '.' \ D6iiC3t6 fjl/ P Debilitated Is t'liiUll jj . SHOULD USE . I BRADFIELD'S iPemale Reoiilatorj % Every ingredient possesses superb g J Tonic properties, and c:;orts a wonder ?: ful influence in toning up and strength * Sening her system by driving through j* ? the proller channel all impurities. § Health aud strength are guaranteed to g SF result from its use. -S 6 My wife, who was bedridden for e:::ht.'.-n X months, after uMnu UnADS-'ini.l)'.- I lIIAI l: K 2C HKCri.ATOU f(.s- two month". IK we ll & • —J. M.JOHNSON. Malvern, Ark. ?? Sold by ail Druggists attt.oo per botUe. 1 BRADFIELD'S REGULATOR CO., Aihnta, fia. j A Sale Now Goirii>" on at —THE NEW SHOE STORE. —- Large 1 - 1 Stock, Lowest Prices an > Best BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS Ever Shown in Butler County. Don't Spend One Penny for Footwear Before Calling on Me. ~~ C 2. JES. Mn.3L.ER. 215 8. MAIN STREET, BUTLER. PA' C. n ~ D. A business that keeps grow ing through a season or de prtssion, such as the country has experienced, is an evi dence that people realize they save money by trading with us. We know, an.i always have known, the days of large profits are past. Without question we are giving more for the money than last year. Our stock'is larger to select from than last^year. AND SEE US. Colbert & Dale. '"Hi OAlv FIND VI I'ITTMCK H i l tite Ad*< ' I'urCJU u< •" " w'ii witicct fwr wiferUuiug nt IOMNL » • / U T TLER. FA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER IH, 1 H*>4. THE SAME OLD THING. Twas just a little while ago we heard a robin stng— Tlx- very first that came, you know, to tell us of the spring,'; Twas only just the other day we watched tho btidilini; rose. Hut now tho t'.elds are sere and gray and cold the wind that blows. Yes. winter's coming on again In Just the same old way. And water pipes will freeze and burst and plumbers will be gay: And furnaces will give us smoke while heat goes up the flue And otherwise conduct themselves the way they always do The snow from here and everywhere again will gayly sweep Upon our walks and pilo itself In mountains wide and deep; And men who tightly close the door of olflce and of car. In summer time, will shortly strive to leave them all ajar. The very same old couples In the parlors pretty soon. In Just the very same old way will bill and coo and spoon. And "pa." who pays for gas and ccal, will make the air turn blue In just the very same old way that fathers al ways do. Once more upon tho ley street we'll slip and slide and fall, And use the very same remarks such Incident* recall. And we. who howled In summer during every sultry day. Will lie and say we liked it, in the very same old way. —Xixon Waterman. In Chicago Journal. -.jm 1' : Whi II K huge safc- T.l [ i r> , ■ y 1 so vast and I ' )*t '.'li I. massive that it if I '}! |! ''' M V might have {Vl'i pi! been mistaken I for a prison— JT stood open. The approach ft entrance i'! 7? was by a mar ble stairway with brass railings that shone resplen dent with daily burnishing. The stair way led from a spacious chamber, com fc.'tably—nay, luxuriously, furnished, the temple in which the shrine was housed. The eye that wandered from floor to wall and ceiling met every where such startling and substantial evidence of money spent without stint or measure in ornamentation, that but for the presence on two massive oaken tables of several commonplace ink wells with pads and blotters, the strong room of the C. C. company might readily have passed as the some what eccentric adjunct to the palace of a millionaire. But these common commercial inkstauds, with their homely accessories, strengthened the theory that absolute perfection is sel dom if ever realized, even in the har monizing of inanimate objects. The millionaire might have caused ink stands of solid gold and silver to be placed upon those tables. Tbe officers of the C. C. company consid ered their plain equivalent in useful ness quite good enouffh for the service of the committee of directors, which upon this very day was to assemble in these sacred precincts and count, os tensibly with their own august fingers, the millions of dollars' worth of se curities that represented in stocks and bonds the assets of the great corpora tion. The hour was still early. The sun light streamed in generous golden rays through the huge plate-glass windows. It bathed in warm efful gence alike the cold marble, the heavy gilding, the shining brass, the mirror like steel of the open safe door with its wondrous mechanism of combina tion locks. The same sunshine that glistened upon the broad ocean, but a few miles away, that gilded church spire and cottage roof and emerald hilltop, and caused many an honest heart to overflow with the joy that bursts from the lips iu song, shone with equal warmth upon the solitary inmate of the gorgeous chamber and found him unresponsive save by a half stifled groan. To him the rising sun meant the approach of an inevitable moment that must wreck his whole career, blot forever the once spotless JOHN CARVER STOOD, HIS HEAD RFRTINO UPON HIS HAND. record of an honorable life, plunge him forever into an abyss of hopeless degradation, darker, far darker and more bitter than the grave itself. For at the brink of the grave man plants the flower of hope. About this spiritual tomb there v.-as no soil to nourish the root of such a tiower. On the raised dais u]Son which the massive safe was based, John Carver stood, his head resting upon his hand, his elbow leaned against the open door. But a few hours now separated him from the detection which he knew to be inevitable, and which for many weary, miserable weeks had held his spirit in the darkness of its shadow. Honest, upright, faithful to his trust, John Carver had marched through forty years of rigid adherence to prin ciple and duty, and had fallen in the forty-first with a shock so deep and sudden that the force of it had well nigh broken his honest heart. We have here to do with the effect, not with the cause of the sin. The motive had been doubtless a strong one, for John Carver was a strong 1 man, morally and physically. Strong—but the hollow eyes, the sunken cheeks, the trembling hand, told of the ravages that ceaseless stinging remorse had already wrought, the nights of restless tossing, the days of fruitless yearning, to go back to that dread hour and undo what had been done. As yet the harm of it was in his heart alone. When he had taken from among its ninety-nine companions that bond of one thousand dollars, his firm intention to restore it to the package before counting-day was no stronger than his belief in Uis ability to effect such restoration. But circumstances, those unstable factors in earthly events, had otherwise or dained. The money-pressure which for many months had tossed on cy clonic billows the whole community had augmented rather than decreased, aud when John Carver asked redemp tion of promises given he found him self face to face with a black wall of impossibility, in which the blackest and most ponderous stone of all was the impending counting-day. "Mr.Carver!" The wretched man started as if to face an accuser, fcjo absorbed had he been in bitter introspection that he was uftcojisciflus of tl»e tulrauux aim* head clerk, who now respectfully ad dressed hiin. "The committee will meet at ten o'clock. Ilave j'on decided about the assistants?" John Carver had pulled himself to gether. liut for his pallor and the sail hunt ed look about the eyes, both of which were easily attributable to temporary illness or overwork, he was in appear ance quite himself again. In deep, steady tones he replied: "You may ask Mr. Jones to let us have Mr. Samuels and Mr. Slocum. They were both with us on the last occa sion, were they not? And then you might go to Mr. Desmond's depart ment and ask if he can spare Mr. French for a few hours." "Very good, sir!" As the clerk disappeared, John Carver slowly doccended the tnarble stair and seated himself at his desk, where the demon of despair soon re gained possession of him. One more hour before tl> counting should beg-in. One more !>©ur closeted alone with his shame —his sin—then exposure, humiliation, loss of position, ruin, prison for himself, poverty and degradation for his beloved wife and children. Already the hum and stir of business were audible in the office adjoining the strong room. Preparations were being made to receive the directors as became their dignity. The occasion, like Christmas, presented itself but once a year. John Carver, rousing himself from bitter meditation, glanced at his watch. Ten minutes to ten! Mr. Stan hope was always the first —ho was too prompt—he always bothered every body by arriving on the scene of action before the appointed hour. Simul taneous with the turn of John Carver's thoughts to the too-prompt director was the click of the iron door that ad mitted him to the sanctuary. "Mr. Carver! good morninp!" "Good morning. Mr. Stanhope." "Never break my rule, do I? Always on time or rather before it. Good rule that. Never missed a train or a boat in my life. Missed a stage-coach once. My wife's fault that time. Wedding tour, you know. Irregularities excus able," and the loquacious Mr. Stan hope subsided into the luxurious arm chair which an assiduous ofllce-boy had rolled for his reception. Another click of the iron door. Enter Mr. Hampden, of portly dimen sions and dignified mien. Intellectu ally he conveyed the impression of a man who has received a frightful blow on the head from a club, and is slowly recovering from the effects of it. Mr. Hampden waddled and grunted to wards his seat, vouchsafing a brief "Good morning" to those present. Next came Mr. Harrington, a dap per, lively, good-natured little man ol seventy, whose sparkling eyes beamed a hearty indorsement to every pleas ant word that left his clean-shaven lips. Even poor John Carver felt a certain alleviation of his pain, though faint aa the effect of a flood tide upon the strong current of a great river, aa old Peter Harrington clasped his hand in vigorous pressure. Two more arrivals. The committee was now complete, and ready for action. To the aid of each director in his arduous duty was detailed a clerk, who sat opposite across the table. John Carver stood at the entranco to the safe and superintended the work of carry ing out in regular order the packages of stock and bonds which the huge drawers and tin boxes were in turn disgorging. Great armfuls of the precious packages went down the mar ble stairway in the embrace of trusted employes and were distributed upon the massive tables between tho direc tors and their assistants. As the par ticular bundle which the custodian had known not wisely but too well passed on its way to the counting tables, John Carver's heart throbbed with such violence that involuntarily his hand sought the support of the brass railing. The sweat broke in great drops from his forehead, but there was none to note his excitement, nis eyes, riveted upon the object, fol lowed its descent and progresa to the table, where it was placed with sev eral other packages before Mr. Stan hope. The directors differed greatly in their methods of counting. Some of them performed the duty as carefully and conscientiously as the most accurate and loyal of employes. . Others con tented themselves with merely watch ing the clerks who sat opposite them as they went through the labor for the execution of which the directors Docketed at the close of the ses aion each a brig-lit ten-dollar gold piece. Mr. Hampden was notably in different to all that transpired. Mr. Stanhope, on the contrary, seemed to feel conscientious scruples us to shift ing the whole burden upon other shoulders, and counted zealeusly. Mr. French, the clerk who had been detailed to assist Mr. Stanhope, was a novice at the business. Hright, am bitions, conscientious, and extremely sensitive, this young man desired to excel in everything he undertook and felt keenly every shortcoming, real or imaginary. His first experience in security counting was painful to him self and perhaps somewhat annoying to others, for Mr. Stanhope, although himself no expert, invariably out stripped him in declaring the tally. Each package of bonds was ticketed with a statement of number, kind and denomination. In many cases Mr. Stanhope divided the packages, retain ing one part fur his own counting and handing the other to the clerk- John Carver's eves, still fastened upon the package from which his fate depended, saw it pass intact from the director's lian.ls to those of Mr. French. The latter rose from his chair, and bending over the package, dipped his fingers in the wet sponge beside him and slowly began to count. Though no sound escaped the clerk's lips, Joiin Carver's overwrought nerves kept him in fancy pace to pace with the young man's arithmetical prog ress through that bundle of crisp se curities. "One hundred!" said Mr. Stanhope quietly ar- he finished his package, and glanced with a comical expression of expectancy at Mr. French, who was stiy struggling with his count. The young man colored to the roots of his hair and plunged madly for ward. "One hundred!" he cried, a moment later. He had counted only ninety nine bonds, but firmly believing that the contents of the package tallied ex actly with the ticket, and ashamed to delay the work by his self-acknowl edged slowness or stupidity, he caught at a straw, unconscious that in so do ing he had saved a drowning man. At the sound of "One hundred' from Mr. French's lips the long-pent up emotions of John Carver burst furi ously through all obstructions and flung him staggering against the rail ing, which he gripped convulsively with both hands in the tension of a vise. A dark mist surged before his eyes—a noise as of thunder was in his ears, and for an instant he believed that death had come to relieve him of all earthly pain. Then slowly the mists rolled away, the noises dwindled to the normal sounds of subdued con versation, the rustling of papers, the footfalls on velvet carpet and marble stair. Some one spoke to him a com monplace remark. lie answered in his ordinary voice. Hut oh! to be lb . |yj "ONE HUNDRED!" UK CRIED, alone—to think in solitude, to realize the awful chasm across which lie had been lifted by an unhoped-for, un looked-for accident. To every agony there is an end, in death or in life. The session was over. The directors caressed the pretty >:old pieces that represented the pecuniary acknowledgment of the value of their services on this occasion. One and all shook hands with John Carver as they passed out, Mr. Car rington remarking pleasantiy that it was indeed a sinecure to examine the integrity of matters over which Mr. Carver had charge. The directors gone, the custodian seated himself at his desk under the pretense of writing. Thus he awaited the moment when his staff of clerks should also have left the premises. When the echoes of the last footstep in the outer hall had died away, John Carver closed and locked the door. At last the moment had come. At last he was alone, free to breathe, free to revel in the glorious sensation of es cape from deadly peril. Yielding to a natural impulse, this honest felon flung himself upon his knees, and with hot tears of gratitude poured forth the long-pent-up torrents of his woe, and built within his grate ful heart a fortress of resolves so strong and lofty that no enemy shatter or scale its walls to dispute possession with the joy and hope that reigned within.—N. Y. Post. During Queen Victoria's Reign. In her fifty-seven years of power, Queen Victoria has seen every throne in the world vacant at least once, and some of them several times, and high executive stations i*j all the great na tions tilled and refilled repeatedly. The post of preiakv in her own coun try has been successively held in her day by Viscount Melbourne, Sir Rob ert Peel, Earl Kusseli, the Karl of Der by, the Earl of Aberdeen, Vis-ount Palmerston, the Earl of Beaconsfield, William E. Gladstone, the Marquis of Salisbury and the Earl of Rosel>ery, and by some of these men several times. All of these are dead except Gladstone, Salisbury and Rose be ry. Sixteen men, beginning with Martin Van Buren, have in turn filled the office of president of the United States during her service, and of these only two, Cleveland and Harrison, are liv ing. STORIES OF NAPOLEON. With All Ills Opportunities lift Left th« Throne » Pauper. No man in the history of the world ever had such vast and varied opportu nities for piling up a personal fortune as those which fell to the lot of Napo leon Bonaparte. Yet, on the first ab dication, when the allies robbed him of his wife and child and sent him to Elba, he left the throne of the most powerful nation in Europe almost a pauper, says the New York Recorder. The imperial treasures had been kept at Orleans. After the abdi cation the provisional government, under the influence of Talleyrand, the most notorious self-seeker in France, was more concerned about these treasures than about the future of the nation. A decree of practical con fiscation was drawn up and a force of men under M. Dudon was sent from Paris to Orleans to seize on everything that could be found. Napoleon's personal treasury had at one time contained about 114,000,000 francs. Of this amount more than 100,000,000 francs had been used to equip the army of France for its final struggle with monarchial Europe. The remnant was seized as per programme by Talleyrand's minions. They took 10,000,000 francs in gold and silver coin, 3,000,000 francs in gold and silver plate, perhaps 400,000 francs' worth of snuff boxes and rings, a good part of Napo leon's wardrobe, and even his embroid ered pocket handkerchiefs. There wasn't anything modest about M. Tal leyrand. The Russian officers refused to interfere with this pillage, although appealed to. The loss of this money only occa sioned a moment of irritation to Napo leon. The loss of his wife and child made him like a caged lion at Elba, and, in his opinion, fully justified his dramatic return to France. ON A CHERRY STONE. A Talented Convict Carves Ills I'etlllon for a Pardon. Gesa Ilerger, the actor and news paper man, has a picture in caligraphy that has a remarkable history. It is in size thirty by forty-two inches, and is the work of Joseph Loew, the most noted counterfeiter that the Austrian government ever knew. When an application is made for a pardon in Austria the red tape policy of that country compels the applicant to address the emperor with all his titles. Emperor Ferdinand had about rorty titles. Loew engraved all of these names, together with his petition for a pardon, on a cherry stone. Tho letters were so fine that it re quired the aid of a powerful micro scope to decipher them. One day when the emperor visited the prison Loew in person presented a cherry stone to the emperor and told him what it contained. The emperor made an examination and was so amazed at the work that he gave him an uncon ditional pardon. Not only did he par don him, but gave him a position as a detective to trail down counterfeiters. Loew was a well-informed man in all the arts and rascalities of counterfeit ers, and in less than two years after his pardon he ran to earth almost every counterfeiter in Austria, and died a few years ago covered with detective honors. The picture, although made fifty years ago, is in a remarkable state of preservation. lllndu Occupations. The Hindus are curiously frank in specifying their occupations for the census reports. Among the accounts many of them give of their trades they designate themselves as debtors, living on loans, men of secret resources —or plainly thieves, village thioves or robbers. Others more modestly call themselves guests, visitors, story-tellers from house to house, dependents on relatives, supported by their son-in law, or idlers; and one is without work because he is silly. Among the more serious occupations are declarer of oracles, cleaner of eyes, sorcerer, fore teller of storms and hail, player of the tomtom, or player, barber, doctor ac cording to the Greek method, servant of a candidate, marriage broker of young domestics, marriage broker of bis own daughters for money, etc. Voice "of a Statesman. "Those who don't like my course ic the matter of sugar," observed th« eminent senator, placidly stirring hl» cold tea. "can lump it."—Chicago Tribune. FAIWgARDEi!. SHOCKING FIELD CORN. Why m Serviceable Corn Horse la a Fro fit able Investment. The superiority of the shoiks built with the assistance of the corn horse over those set around standing corn I have repeatedly tested by building the two kinds in the same Held; and an other advantage of the former method is that It leaves no uncut corn to dis tract the men at husking time. There is with many farmers a firmly-rooted belief that corn shocks must be made small to secure ventilation and drying for the corn. It is true that corn will dry quicker in a small shock if the weather is good, inasmuch as the corn is nearly all on the outside. But in September and October there are apt to be some heavy rains, and with these the small shocks are beaten through and through, the fodder is ruined and the corn is greatly damaged. On the other hand the shocks, if large and compactly built, mat their leaves to gether on the outside, and, while per- A SERVICEABLE CORX HORSE, mttting free ventilation through the center, form a waterproof exterior as perfect as thatch. When it is remem bered that the fodder from a crop of corn is equal in value to the average hay crop from the same area of land, its perfect preservation is a matter of serious consequence. 1 have preserved sowed corn in this way, and drew it from the field every day to feed stock. The last of it, drawn in February, was in a perfect state of preservation. At the usual time of cutting, the corn, though glazed and beginning to harden, has not yet received the full amount of nourishment that the stalk is elaborating for its benefit. With exposure to the weather, the alternate wetting and parching completely stops this nourishing of the ear from the stalk, with the result that when the corn is cured, the kernels lack the well-rounded outline and glistening exterior that perfect flint corn should have, and present instead a more or less shrunken appearance. For many years I have practiced making the shocks much larger than formerly where the crop is heavy, cutting eight rows at a time and putting a square of sixty-four hills in a shock. Where the corn is not as heavy I put sometimes as many as one hundred or more hills in a shock. These, secured with corn ties, defy the autumn storms, and the corn al ways comes out bright and sound. For the main piece of the corn horse I use a sapling twelve or fourteen feet long, from the woods, which I peel and dry to make it light and easy to han dle. The legs are strips of board three and a half feet long nailed on, and where they join the main piece, as shown at a in the sketch, I have nailed on some light strips in such a way as to form a little cage or box in which the corn ties are carried, each one with its string snugly wound on its block By this means they are always at hand where they are most con venient. A hole one inch in diameter is made for the crosspiece (6). —Charles E. Penton, in American Agriculturist. FACTS FOR FARMERS. GREAT as is the cattle in lustry, the value of poultry an-1 eggs produced in the United States annually is but lit tle less. WHEN the farmer is compelled to pay high prices for the foods brought on the farm for his dairy cows he should aim to produce high priced articles to selL UXTIL country storekeepers grade the butter they buy and pay just what they can afford to for each separate lot, oleomargarine will find a place.— American Farmer. WHEN chickens are sent to market they should be sorted about as care fully as you would fruit. Have only one size in a coop, and it is better if they are one color also. A uniform lot, of any product, brings the best price. FABMEBS lose more by the use of in ferior tools than may be supposed. An hour's delay each day amounts to a long length of time during a month. Scrub stock does not inflict greater damage than the use of scrub imple ments. THE white snowberry is an exceed ingly pretty shrub in late fall. Large, marble-like, white berries are dis played. which last a long while, and which are much prettier than the small, white flowers which always pre cede them. HAY should be a paying crop on rich land. With a yield of two tons per acre it is one of the most profitable crops that can be grown, and leaves a large proportion of roots in the soil to enrich it. If hay is selling at 820 per ton, the value of the sod on the land, for turning under, may safely be esti mated at S8 more. A Square l!u«hel Measure. A bushel box is coming into use with market men and by reason of being square is very economical in the way of packing It is made in three styles, one all slatted, another with a slatted bottom and sides, with solid ends, and the third with solid ends and close bottom and sides, bound with galvan ized iron; in fact, it is a galvanized bound box. These boxes are very con venient for handling potatoes, the vegetables being picked up into the boxes in the field and left in them un til sold. Of course, other crops can be handled in this way, as cucumbers, tomatoes and apples. The measure of these boxes is by by 12|Y. that being a bushel without piling. —Hard- ware. [lll Herc-lc Wif*. Mr. Henpeck—l believe I've got the most heroic wife in the world. Friend—What did she do? Mr. Henpeck—A burglar came into the house during my absence. My wife didn't scare worth a cent. She received him politely. I saw him. Just as I entered the house he jumped through the window and escaped. He was a young fellow and good looking. Friend (who knows her) —No wonder he was scared.—Alex Sweet, in Texas Siftings. Chance to Prore Devotion. Wife—lf you can't support me as I ought to be supported, you might at least go to the races. Husband —What! Do you want me to gamble on horse races to encourage your extravagance? Wife —Of course not. You needn't bet at all. But society is always willing to make allowances for a woman if they think her husband is going to the dogs.—N. Y. Weekly. Coold Not li« Worse. A would-be poet handed two of his poems to an editor, asking him which would be most suitable for publication. The editor having glanced through one effusion, replied: "The other one." "But you have not read a line of it," exclaimed the astonished poet. "Never mind, it can't be worse than i the first," was the crushing reply.— 1 Truth. vLi^- STOCK ON THE FARM. Two Advantages to HP Gained by Kaep it*s Good Anlmili. There are two advantages to gained by keeping stock and feeding out to tbom the various products of the farm. One of these is saving of the fertility that is in the food and applying it back to the land. The other is that the products are sold to better advan tage than would otherwise be possi ble. Selling grain is uot only selling fertility, but in many cases more or less waste product is left that cannot be disposed of. Straw, corn-fodder and often hay, cannot be marketed except by first feeding: them to stock. By having a good variety of products a better and more complete ration can be made up for the stock and by hav ing a variety of stack all the different products can be used. Outside of the work teams, the milch cows and the animals needed for breeding, all the stock kept and fed should be young and growing. Feed ing matured stock is nearly alwaya done at a lessening of the profits. For this reason it will be a good plan to push the feeding in order t« get all the stock into good marketable condition; and whenever an animal ifl ready for market the sooner the better. In many cases it will be advisable to buy wheat bran, middlings and oil meal to use with the grain and rough ness produced on the farm. One bene fit in this is the better variety that can be supplied, while much of the roughness can be used to better ad vantage, and will, to a certain extent, at least, lessen the cost. With all •tock a good variety of feed will give better results than any one material. Then these materials increase the ▼alue of the manure, and this is no small item. The quarters for the stock must be comfortable, good water must be given and the feeding 1 must be done regularly. During growth the animals should hare enough to keep thera in good thrifty condition, but in fatten ing they should have all that they will eat up clean. Corn is the best fatten ing food and can always be made the principal part of the ration in finish ing for market —St. Louis Republic. SHEEP FEEDING RACKS. An Arranfpment Which lias Been TfiUd with SacceH. The old-fashioned sheep pens gava the lainbs free access to the feeding racks, and generally from thence to the barn floor, in both of which situa tions they managed to soil a good deal of feed, and to afford no little incon venience to the owner. Morover, tie CONVENIENT FEEDING RACKS FOB SHEEP. old-fashioned racks were very Incon venient when feeding grain or roots to the sheep, as their heads were either in the dish, or continually in its way, while those which first received their grain or root ration finished it soon after the last one was given hers, which gave the strong animals a chance to eat their own and then to fight for the ration of the weaker. The device shown herewith consists of narrow little doors, one for each sheep in the pen, through which only their heads can protrude. The doors are all opened and shut with one movement of the hand, and when shut can be fastened with a single movement Each feed can be placed in position before the doors are opened, so that all can begin to eat at the same time, while no heads have been in the way of the feeder. The doors may be closed "between meals." —Orange Judd Farmer. LIVE STOCK NOTES. POOH pastures and too much exercise cut down the profits. WHAT farm stock is worth keeping is worth keeping well. ALWAYS keep salt where the cows can have easy access to it. EVEN in summer it is necessary to have the sleeping places dry. MANY farmers, in feeding, waste what, if saved, would make a good profit KEEP the stock out of low, damp pastures, at night especially, during the fall. WHEN buying a horse for work on the farm make this point—that it is a good walker. IN breeding, the individual merit of the sire should be taken into account as well as a long pedigree. THE greater the variety of grasses in the pasture the better for the thrift of the stock that faeds there. IF all farmers cannot have registered stOwk they can improve what they have by good breeding and good cure. GIVE a colt plenty of opportunity to exercise and he will grow faster and make a better horse when matured. GENERALLY a good looking horse will sell well, but with speed in addition to good looks he will be more valuable. Food for Growing Animals. Oil meal has 23 per cent, of protein or muscle-forming food and is excel lent for young growing animals. An excellent ration for shoats is found in half a pound of oil meal, two pounds of wheat bran, one and oue-half pounds corn meal in four gallons oi sweet whey or skimmed milk. For young growing hogs the oil meal may be added to the ground wheat oi wheat screenings with bran. The amount must always depend on the aizc or weight of the pigs or shoats. The feeder can judge this by noting results in careful feeding. A Mean Trick. Clara—Why in the world did you en gage yourself to that Mr. Hardhead? Dora —He took me at such a disad vantage that I had to. "Nonsense." "Oh, but you don't know. He pro posed to me in an iee-cream saloon, and I knew perfectly weU that if I didn t accept him he wouldn't ask me if I d have another plate." —N. \. \\ eekly. Of t'onne. He was handsome a* youthful Apollo, Yet modest as modest could be; He stayed not out late ia the night time, He never was seen on a spree. He never complained of his income. Though elegant clothing he wore— Don't wonder, this gem of perfection Was a dummy at Rosenthal's store. —Boston Transcript. Why lie Wept. Jones—What makes you look so blue? Smith—My only brother is goipg to , marry Miss White. "I don't wonder you feel bad about your brother marrying that heartless flirt." "0, it isn't that; I want to marry her myself."—Alex Sweet, in Texas Sift isf* No 41 A HOYAL DEADBEAT. How King Ml Lao rilled III* Depleted I'urse bj Shady Method*. One hundred and sixty thousand dol lars per annum is the income conceded to ex-King Milan of Servia, by his son and by the national treasury in con sideration of his quitting the country and betaking himself once more to Paris or some other distant capital. It is now some months since he left the French metropolis to all intents and purposes penniless, numerous judg ments out against him and a quantity of 60-called debts of honor unpaid. His credit was exhausted and he was, financially speaking, on his beam ends. It may be remembered, says a writer in the Philadelphia Press, that when he first abdicated ho stipulated for a large annuity, which was granted to him. On two occasions subsequently he obtained large lump sums frcifl) the Servian army to defray pressing debts. Then lie commuted his annuity for a third lump sum of large dimensions, sold his office and dignities in Servia for a fourth sum. his Servian citizen ship for a fifth and finally obtained from the czar a gift of two million rubles in return for a solemn under standing never under any eircumstanoes to return to Servia. It was not very long before he had squandered all hie, money at the card table, upon the turf and in the demi-monde. Finding himself without resources, he effected a reconciliation with his wife in the hope of inducing her to come to his assistance, she being very rich, Queen Natalie, however, knows her hus band too well and declined to do any thing whatever for him until he had eaten humble pie by himself demand ing the annulment of that divorce which ho had taken so much trouble to obtain, and even then she refused to give him any of her own money, but merely offered to use her influence her son to grant him a new al lowance. Seeing that young Alexan der was somewhat slow about comply ing with the request, and his position at Paris without either money or credit being absolutely untenable, he, in de fiance of all the promises which he had made alike to the czar, to the Austrian government and that of Servia, re turned to Belgrade, where his pres ence brought about a couple of minis terial crises and led to no end of diffi culty. And he lias refused to budge from there until his financial exigen cies are complied with. I suppose that unless the tired Ser vians depute some one to put him out of the way by means of knife, pistol or poison, we shall in course of time see him onco more going through the same process. That is to say, he will, commute his present income for a lump! sum, squander it and then return to Belgrade and upset one or two more ministries, disturbing things general ly until again bought off. KEPT AHEAD OF THE TRAIN. A Moose Able to Travel at the Rate of Forty Mile* an Hour. The morning express on the Bangor & Aroostook from Houlton had a race with a moose one morning recently, says the Boston Herald. Between Island Falls and Crystal, about thirty miles out of Houlton, the engineer saw a huge moose on the track, watching the approaching train and evidently, undetermined whether to derail it of jump off and let it go about its busi ness. The engineer blew a succession of sharp blasts with the whistle, and this the moose evidently took for the word no for a race between himseli ' and the train. At any rate, he turned, and, with the train not more than a dozen rods from him, he started down the track. The train was moving at the rate of forty miles an hour, but the moose flew like the wind and kept his distance. The passengers heard the warning blast of the whistle, and knew that something was on the track, but not until the train reached Crystal sta tion did they learn that they had been racing with a moose. For a quarter of a mile the big ani mal kept up the almost incredible pace necessary to keep ahead of the train, and then, as if satisfied that he had convinced his competitor that there wasn't anything in the steam engine line that was coming into Aroostook could outdo him in a sprinting match, he left the track and plunged into the woods without so much as looking be hind him. THEY ARE MEN AT TEN. The Boy* Have Bat a Short Childhood In Core*. In Corea the boys are called men a« soon as they reach the age of ten. They receive their final names at that age, and assume the garments of fuU-grown men, all except the horsehair hat, which, they cannot put on until they hare passed through a period of probation. Permission to wear the horsehair hat is the final act of transforming the small boy into a real, sure-enough man— though he doesn't look it. Such a short childhood may, at first thought, posseses a charm for bovs in, our colder climate. But it will be quickly understood that making boys into men as soon as they are old enough to feel that they would like to be men is not a wise idea. The Coreans, al though possessing a certain degree of a queer kind of civilization, are not a people to be patterned after. In Corea, If a young man's parents are not rich, he can never hope to become so by hit owp efforts. And, if he is not a member of a noble family he can never hope to reach an exalted position. As for cour age the Coreans have never shown much of that. The Corean men are not in themselves a good argument for a brief childhood. Frogs Arc "Wonderful. The toad is a higher animal than the frog, because it gives birth to little air breathing toads, whereas the frog lays eggs that produce fish-liko tadpoles. But the frog in certain respects is the most wonderful creature in the world. Think of a vegetable-eating fish witn gills that turns into an air-breathing land animal, developing teeth and bo coming a carnivorous quadruped. That is the life history of the frog. NOT A SILVER CERTIFICATE. "I'll change dese greenbacks fer r silver dollar, dat I will." —Truth. An Old Sleath. Policeman—This is the naygur, yer honor, as shtole thlm shoes from Fin ncgan's. Justice —Were the shoes in his pos session? Policeman—No, sor-r. Justice —What's the evidence, then?. Policeman—Whin I rin down t£e bhtrate cryin' "Shtop tbafe!" bo jjfetvpped at wnofit to'