Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 27, 1894, Image 4
in.. ili%* ■- 'fj . . THE GREAT . . [ Pittsburg Exposition j i NOW OPEN. I September sth to October 20th, !- Innes' Famous 13th Regiment Band j OF NEW YORK, 65 PIECES. THE GREATEST MILITARY BA* 0 IN AMERICA, ha. be n engaged -J 1: a> an ENORMOUS COST to entertain yoo. £3 ♦ ♦ ♦ ' MECHANICAL EXHIBITS NEVER EQUALED t\ SEB THE I MUTIATUSE COKE PLABT, % TYPE BETTING MACHETE, i ELECTRIO DISPLAY. FISH EXHIBIT, ?| FRESH MEAT PRESERVING, % MEOHAHICAL NOVELTIES. THE LATEST IN V ENTIONB. MAGNIFICENT ART GALLERY. I t ADMISSION ADULTS. 25c. A " fUi,road vl BICKEL'S, Fall Announcement =OF= BOOTS and SHOES. As the time of the year ifl fast drawing near when people are beginning to prepare for the cold .waves of wioter, 1 make an announcemsnt to intro duce to you our many new styles for fall and winter wear Having just returned from the large shoe centre of Massachusetts, where I purchased a large fall stock, I am now prepared to show better styles and sell goods lower than ever before. "Dry Weather, Drouth &c has been the common topic for conversation during the long hot months of summer, bat do not let that trouble you. If your corn crop and apple crop has been a failure that is no reason why you sho«ld not buy just as good footwear as before. The question now to decide is where can I buy good substantial footwear for little money? That problem will ba easily solved- Visit the ever popular shoe house of John Bickel and learn his low prices, and the shoe house you will do your trading with this year will be quickly selected. Our stock of Mens' bootses large. ... We have a full stock of the celebrated Jamestown Boot in plain toe and box and can sell you them 75c per pair cheaper than lan year. Boy's and Youth's boots of all kinds. Our stock of Ladies' and Misses' every-day shoe 3 ia large We can give you the selection of a pair oil grain shoai, pur calf BDoes, pair satin oil shoes in button or lace at SI.OO per pair, and aUj la-ge stock womens' lace kip shoes, seamless, at reduced prices , . . , .. Space will not permit me to write about our line of nae «h)j i, but call and examine, for yourself, our stock of button, la?e and oongre3-s ah J3* rang ing in price from 90c to $4.00. Our stock of rubber goods this year is very large, comprising tbe many different styles ia sbo3B and boots of the following Rubber Co?: Candee, Boston, Woonsocket, American and Bay State. Call at oar store when in need of boots and shoes, and secure a pair to sait yoa at reduced prices. JOHN BICKEL, 128 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PENN'A. T S YOUNG WM. COOPER LEADING TAILORS, ARRIVING-Fall and Winter Goods. We have the Choicest and Finest Stock of Domestic and 1m ported Woolens ever brought to Butler. Our Specialty in Fall Overcoats must be seen to be Admired. Call and make your selection of a Nice Fall Suit that cannot be excelled in FIT, QUALITY, STYLE and PRICE. Thanks for your patronage in the past, hoping for a continuance of a share in the future, while our Motto will be " Small Profits ami Quick Returns." lOUHC * COOPER ""a, L The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS, GAS LAMPS FIXTURES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS, BATH TUB ENAMEL, etc, is at W. IX. O'Brien & Soil's, 107 East Jefferson Street. i HAT-FEVER f/i/i \J COLD" HEAD tmm Ely'* Crtnm Balm u not a liquid, tnvff err p/nrxirr. Applied into the noitril* it it _ tpiirkig ahwrbfd. It clrirwt the hr id, MUmjt inflammation, heal* _ _ C flu the »rr»i. B»ldhy drungiftA or unt tjy rruUl on receipt of i/riet. C n DUC ELY BROTHERS. 56 Wyren Street NEW YORK. DUG "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO MeCANDLESS' HEAVJi Ct'KE 1 bare a Heave Cure that will ctire any cane of heaves in horses in forty days, i} used according to directions, and if it does not do what I claim for it, I will refund the amount paid and no charge* will be made for tbe treatment. The following testimonials are the strongest proof of the Medicine* power to cure: A. J. MCCAJII>I.KS.I, Butler, I'a., 1h93. j MR. A. J. AfcC'ASIILE-S: On the 2nd day of April, 18 92, I com j nwneed to use your new cure for one of my horses that had the heaves very bad, and continued to use the medicine for about forty days and the horse did not j show any signs of a return of them. It 1* | nor about a year tiuce I quit givin the med .C\DB ami the horse has never towed j any -ign* of heaves, and I f«cl xtUiied j that he is properly cured. W. C. CiiIBVVKLL, Bntler, Pa., April 3, 1893. A. J. UCCA.IDI.KSS: I nave used your Heave Cure and found it will do the work if used according to di reel ions. Tour* truly, B. J. U' iIII.LIN. „ I •' * m'J » -:»T Z ' . ff liot'V'A 2 PbiQr v.>- ~ I ew itrt l No ' • <?' \ t k. iV "~ V 1 -'** / Uom J i.a.31 iZ'-.11.': , We GUMMTfE a CURE or refund tour money TnOfOMI HZOICAL CO., BUTTON, MAM. GREAT BARGAINS IN Clothing, Hats and Gent's Furnishings O FOR FALL, 8oit« sold bj other« .for $6.00 our price $4.r,0 Soita sold by other* for SB.OO our price $6.00 Suits Bold by otherH for SIO.OO our price $8 00. White Merino Underwear TJOC grade or Grey Merino Underwear 50c; grade for 35c. We will Have you 25 per cent. on all grades of clothing Call and examine our gocda and price* whether jou wi«h to boy or not. THERACKET STORE lid S. MAIN ST. TH E best in vestmen t in real estate is to keep build ings well painted. Paint protects the bouse and saves repairs. \ou Sometimes want to sell —many i good house has remained unsci'i lor want of paint. The rule should be, though, "the best paint 01 none." That means Strictly Pure White Lead You cannot afford to use cheap paints. To be sure of getting Strict ly Pure White Lead, look at the brand ; any of these are safe : "Armstrong & McKelvy,'' " Beymer-Bauman,'' *' Davis-Chambers," " Fahnestock." For Colors. —National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold in one-ponnd cans, each ■ ir sufficient to tint sf pounds of Strictly l ure White Lead be desired snade; they are in i . -r-e ready-mixed paints, but a combination <>f perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to tint Strictly Pure White Lead. A sood many thousand dollars have been saved property-owners by having our book ou pa-T.ine :.nd color-card. Send us a postal card ar. 1 £<l toth free. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New Vorlc. Pittsburg Eranch, Gerir-an National Bank Buildmc. Pittsbcrg. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Hniaphreys' fcpeeiflr. are scientifically a»<l carefully prepared l;eni**iie*, used !■ r year* In private practice and for over thirty years by Jfce people will entire suci*ae. Every single fcpectllc a special cure for the disease named. They cure without drugging, purgta* or reducing the system and are In fact and doed the ho» r reign Remedie. of the World. cr**«. r*?e*s. 1 —Ferera, Congeati cms, Inflammations.. .Ji 2 Worm*, Worm Fever. Worm Colic 25 S—Teething; Colic, Crying. Wakefulness .25 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults .*• 7— Cough*. Colds, Bronchitis .25 B—Xenmlgla, Toothache, Faceache 25 •—Headaches, Sick Headache. Vertigo.. .25 lO—Dyaprpnia. BUitusness. Constipation. .25 1 I—*appre*ned or Painful Period* .25 12-\Vbite», Too Profuse l't rlodi . 25 13-C'ronp, Laryngitis, noar&enaw . .25 14—SaK rfhenni, Erysipelas. Eruption* .25 15— menmatloat. Khenmatlc Pains .25 IS-M atari a, Chill*. Fever and Ague J®— Catarrh. Influenta, Cold in the Dead. .25 ♦•—Whooping Coagh 25 •T-Kidney DWe a-en -25 2H— Nervosa Debility 1.00 30— Urinary Weaknes. 25 34 Sore Throat, <<uinr y. Ulcerated Thr-.at .25 HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OU., "The Pile Ointment."-Trial fcize. 25 Cte. (oil by Prs((lsts, or «t.l ITS, »:U on receipt of priefc &%. timnif ti Mascai. H4 » KirUUIa'IKD.CO., 11l A HSWlilUaislW !«!• SPECIFICS. What Can't Pull Out? Why the Watch Cases, made by the Keystone Watch Case Com pany, Philadelphia. It pro tects the Watch from the pick pod: '.. and prevents it from dropping. Can only be had with • ises stamped jk with this trade mark. \-jp Sold, without extra charge for this l>ow (ring), through Watch dealers only. Ask your jeweler for jiam phlet, or send to makers. Nothing Earth Will N i^ ! C LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS your chickens SitrOi S i ; . :t'..y , Prevents all Disease. for Moulttmtf Urns. it *».«•.! ;t • • r-" HI--:tj <— ■ i.ft»t«l. InT£«3- MvSSTum.I. L • •;> , .S . . tl,, ro,H- f..uAh m trtr« •' v i r\t i ■ i "Oimj larjff ou» «aved m» I", fcer,'' . • v . ■ »yn on-customer. If >ou « afi*t U' 5 " «riid Co u». UV r, 1 A 2 1 # ill «-an $1.20. H!i y • ' ;//»«;/• <7 price © cenV m - ' ww*- Bewple eupy Kf ■ x ' ' fr. •-. „(j/i , MUM. F fiR PURE RYE Whiskeys Wines, Brandies, Gins, &c., try Robt. Lewin, l3'i Water St., (Opp'M-to I!. >t 0. Depot.) Pittrtburjr, I'n. All ioclodinK C. 0. V. orders, nectirely packed and -hipped promptly. LipreHK charge* prepaid on all orders ol SIO.OO or over. Grandfather's Choice, Guaranteed 3 yearn old, $2 00 per iral. Try it at once. Yon will always ke«p it on hand. JOHN KEMPER, Manufacturer of Harness, Collars, and Strap Work, and Flv Xets, and Dealer in Whips, I)uster%, Trunks and Valises. My Goods arc all r."\v a:: i ii:i! 1 ; r.ti work guaran teed Repairing a Specialty. :o: :o: Opposite Campbell & Templeton's Furniture Store. 342 S. Main St., - Hutler, l J a. 60 « • • GOSSER'S • . CRriAM GLYCERINE 0 lia [•! ..)• .1 r.rr clin.i/p*-«l tiamln, ~r • • •' rout# m m not eseeUou aa a drawing for the tu e niter l.avim: Sf.iu i<y at _ ■venty-five Cents a Bottle. • 0C>0'»00«3 o®rf 0» il piirM Hnicer>»r» il I y® InTr . lA * flti) p *'4 • r ru, I ioi i> 1 in m cjui *»;'!! i fere always ifly f r Win In 'J) Hil'ni:.' wltliotif hoilins. ■K f« Is tl.'- wruite wE jilr—*. cil --l:.!"* tin# fluki, r WfetMOg Uri.tk-\ tr«<*» «Ufe FBNSA. SALT M'FO CO (SHBi (Mm. A«U„ Fhlla., Fa. Garfield Tea ex (*rirwf|»-k H« a<larli< ft. r««'-.tiif . il. • F Dili*. fkunpU* fr»-« (/akFIJUJ'I K4 ' M j ~ l ,V.Y, Cures Consttp iron THE CITIZEN The Location ol Country Roads The engineer retained by Morris connty N"ew Jersey, to advise in the formation of a plan to improro the county roads ha* come to the conclusion, after a prelimin ary survey, that half of the money to be =pent. #525,000, will have to be used in re locating the road* and in reducing grades where relocations are not practicable. Had this not been the case the amount of mon ey appropriated would have been sufficient to macadamize one hundred and fifty mile* of roadway. At prefect the roads in the county are located in nearly every in stance precisely where they should not be. There are high hill" in Morris county hills that makes that section of Xew Jer sey the m >st picturesque portion of the state, and one of the loveliest in the conn try. But in the whole county there are few instances where there is any necessityto take amain road over any of thesa hills, as there are valleys in almost every direction which to the roadbuilder's eye, seem to have been created for his assistance and convenience. Notwithstanding this, the most important ' roads at present frequently go directly over • tue summit" of the hills, and in many ic | stances the unfortunate horses that draw j the loads the farmers send to market are ; obliged to draj wogor.s up a twelve and sixteen j> r K . i.*rile—til tt is. g > op'.iill 1 tsrelvn or sixteen feet in a huudred feet of i distance. Bad these roads been located j with intelligence in the first place, the grade need not in any in*tance have ex ceeded live per cent, and even then the first cost wouid not uf been greater than it was. In roadbuilding the law should cer lanly require that only engineers of learn ing and skill be employed, tor the errors «,f ignorance are nowhere more disagreeably and expensively perpetuated than in an improper location of a common country highway. A road once dedicated to pub lic use is a fixture for ail time. When a railroad is to be located the best engineering talent is obtained. !> at with a country roai any two or three far mers are generallj thought to have -kill enough to determine where it should go. As a matter of fact, it is more difficult and requires more skill to properly locate a country road th.»n to fix tho line for a railway. The roadbuilder has many more things to consider than the railway engi neer. The later makes bis road as nearly an air line as he can with the means at his command. He can establish his grades with deep cuttings and high embankments, he can havq long trestles, and can tunnel under the hills, reaching the natural sur face only at places for stations. But the roadway engineer has a much more difli cult problem. Bnttings and embank ments, except for very short distances, are oat of the (iue.-tion, and tunnels and tre- ties entirely inadmissible, for his road most l>« accessible through pretty nearly its entire length from both sides, for other wise it could not be approached by those who wish to use it. fie must, therefore, always ke»p very near tho natural >nrface of tho ground. And yet ho should nut have much greater latitude in his align ment than the railway-builder, and in grades he is also restricted, lor the maxi mum should neyer be greater than live, and preferably only fonr per cent. Heavier grade- are an impediment to traffic which smooth stone pavements cannot over come, for only half load* can be hauled over them. An engineer woo will advise the apcnd ine of largo sums of money in macadamiz ing a badly located road, with ten and twelve per cent, grades, will at the same time take the responsibility for wasting the money that is spent on these improve ments, and will further assist in perman ently tiling these errors of ignorance made by the roadbuilders of former generation.-'. The people in the United States are be coming more and moro alive to the im portance of better roads, and here and there they are taking action in tho mat ter. It is a good time for them and for all interested in the subject to consider very carefully the importance of properly locat ing the road* that are to be paved with •tone. Country people are conservative, and are generally opposed to any radical changes. A man who has driven over a certain road for thirty years i* very apt to be disinclined to see that road changed to the other side of a hill half a mile away. Upon the lir»t presentation ho is sure to object, but such changes will surely have to he made in the hilly parts of the older sections of the country. To reduce tlie grades on the old roads would coft more than any save a rich community could af fore to f.pend: simply to pave the old roads would ho t-, throw away hall ihe money spent on tho work. In roadmak irg, as in other thiogs, what is worth do ing at all is worth being well done.—Har pers M , d:hj. Drunkenness, tie Liquor Habit, Pos ively Cured by adnr.nstering Dr. lisiiib "Golden Sptcfic." 11 is manufactured as a powder, which ea. bo given in a gla*n of beer, a cup of coffee «>r tea.or in food, -vithout the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It hai been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the specific, it become an utter impossibility for the ii juor appetite to ex ist. Cares guaranteed. 48 page lio'.k <>i particular* tree. Address, (lolden Specific Co.. 18T> Race St.. Cincinnati O. —Seme advanced thinker, say • an ex change, has syrung a startling scheme up on an awe- stricken world. It is nothing less than that ol d >i»-n in o tlie howls of the earth to got all the heat we need. If we go far enough, say the ad vanced thinker, a couple of miles or so, we shall tap th«* ' enternal heat, of the earth, and we can pipe i' anywhere we like, like the heat which passes from your furnace in the cellar to the regi ters in the various rooms of your house. Arnica it Oil Liniment is equally good for uiHii and be; t. 25 and 50 cents per b 'tile. —Girl.- are of few day* and full of mis chief, and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. When the fair girl cheweth her gum with great haste, and stampeth her pretty foot, then look out. She Com eth forth in the evening in low neck and short sleeves, but in the tntirning she lieth in bed while her mother hnstleth. —Thounaads walk the earth to-day who would be sleeping in its bosom but for he timely une of Down's Elixir. A exchange refer* to a death from cholera morbus as "the end of a fruitful life." Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito days. Its action upon the syrtem is remarkable and mysterious. It remove at once the cau e and the dis ease immediately di-appears. The lir*t do*e greatly benefit«. <;> ct«. Sold by .!. (' keiiick, druggist, Butler. . —The smallest woman living to-day is said to be Mile. Pauline, of Holland, of a respectable family, who is eighteen years old, weighs ten pound * and is 1 foot 0 inches tail- Consuroy,.;', . j • Ic V,i- t l'k inform ycnrmail,-rp Hcttl im rn * |>o«ltl ,o raruo&j tur tt>i fttxiva-aaiu' d dlMiwd. r>; .1 Hi; '1 v urn, Ukmjwui'ls othopA K-jculmvli a) ui i. J Wi-i! »••• . to re i.l tw j -jMl' i i fmy nmi'-Iy KRKK to any rmut- ra •» , > hx.a cari"iDi|iti«ri If tl.-y v.,.1 wuil Ibifli ftncl If. O. iil'lnm. J^',f^ri %Uj. r a. alsx;i;u. m 0.. isi i'«n jjl. s. y. The Petrified Forests of Arizona. In one of the meetings of Ae American Fore-try Association held in Brooklyn lately Dr. Horace C. Hovey, of Newbury - port, Massachusetts showed by specimens and by views the petrified forests of Ari zona. This great tract of agatized wood, at tion ot'Corrizo and Adamannas on the At lantic and Pacific railroad, in Arizona, and 1 resembles an immense K frying camp with huge trunks thrown abjut. The largest are ten feet in diameter many of them severed as evenly as though cut up by a cross-cut saw. and the sections vry from disks like cartwheels to logs thirty and more feet long, ilany ot the petrified logs have been broken into glittering frag ments bv action of the weather and by In- ; dians and tourists, and by every footfall the traveler steps upon a mosaic ot carnt lian, agate, jasper, toptz, onyx and ame thyst. A petrified trunk 150 feet long spans a cannon, and is snowa as the Agate Bridge. The name Chalcedony Park has been given to the tract. Curiosity hunters, manufacturers and speculator are rapidly destroying its beauties, and recently a company proceeded to pulverize the chips and logs, the powder to be used in the place of einery. Car loads of the petrHied wood are being shipned away for this u.-e, and Dr. Hoviy aiv 'ate< the -sving and protection of t .ese dead foi -is as a public reservation by the government. vVhat Cause J t he Hard Times. Judge Hab'jard, of lowa, says it is the existence of private corporations George Gould nays it is the hostility to corporations. The farmer says it is the low price of wheat. The silver men say it is the action of Wail street. Wall street says it is the action of the silver men. The manufacturer says it is the fear of free trade. The consumer says it is the tariff. The debtor says it is the creditor. The creditor says it is the debtor. Tne Democrat says it is thi Kepubli caus. The Itepublicans say it i> the Demo crats. The Populists saj it is both. The Prohibitionists <ay it is whi.»ke)\ The Preachers say it is the devil. Now what is your idee? The merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is prov en by many wcnderlul cures it is accom plishing. —That the country "weekly'' for ms goodly part of the foundation of journal ism is shown by the fact that of 22,000 newspapers in the United States 15.000 are issued from country towns. These country papers circulate each week about 50,000,000 copies. More than 40,000 per sons are dependent directly upou them for support, and the offi'-e equip.uent is worth about $40,000,000. —The couple who were married in the Ferris Wheel last summer when it was at its highest altitnde have got down to everyday lifo on earth and now want a divorce. —The motto of the proprietors of Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bitters is, "the greatest good to the greatest number," and so sell a large bottle ot a valuable remedy for the small price of 25cts , and warrant every bottle to give satisfact ion or money r funded Deer and quail are very plentiful in Texas. Old settlers say that both are thicker than for 15 years past. —Bather than suffer for bread Samuel Dukedell stole pie, and Samnel has wrap ped the drapery of his indigestion about bini and gone to the workhouse. —Frosts and drought have cut short the cranberry crop for this year. The owners of the Massachusetts cranberry boic< are holding their cranberries at $8 per barrel on board the cars. —The London Post office requires men to have every nnsoand tooth in their heads pulled out before they are eligible for em ployment as postmen. The other day an unfortunate girl clerk was condemned to have f'>ur r eaa t-iith extracted bafore sh'j was eligible for promotion. —For a mild cathartic and efficient ton ic, use Boxter's Mandrake Bitters. Every bottle warranted. Mathematical experts have abont figured out that it will cost the average family from $5.50 to $6.50 more per i ear for their sugar since the Sugar Trust cap tured Congress and the Administration. The exact figures will be worked ont and pat at the members ofCongres , who voted for the gigantic sell out anl ;wi"d!e on the consumer. The whole outfit of politi cal jobbers ami busksterers will lie sick of the nam<» of sugar before they're done with it. Heart IHHCIW lUliiicd in 30 Minutes. Dr. Agnew'a Cure lor the 11( art gives perfect relief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Heat Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer less remedy fir Palpitation, Shortness ot Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. _Sold by City l'iiar ! maey. —Egotism may be tough to others but is tender of itself. —Some men are so fond of .<ympathy as to like afli' ti in. —A chil l loves a noi-i and a fool, a crowd. Kings are children that use kuils for rattles Pre -nt vexations often Hiring lutnro laughter. —A rash enemy is more n-eful than a t mid friend. —Livery stable keepers should always keen Arnica <t Oil Linimen- in the ital lo nothing like it lor horses. —Now th it the income tax is in good W"iking order get out jour little old in- C one and prepare to have it in-peete I. Although the Esquimaux are depend ent upon the sen for Wuat they eat and weer, none of thein know how to swim. This seems strange at first, but the til) ' te ry lessees when it i** known tii.kt the tem perature of the water in the region where they live is never above the freezing point —He went fishing and when he came back a friend met him. "Did you catch anjthing!" lie iiskcd j ist as anybody would ba\e done. ' No,'' in <t tone of scorn. "Well," exclaimed the friend, 'you are truthful, anyhow, which all fishermen are not." "As to that," responded the fisherman, "perhaps you might b:tv«» called t'leni ii«h, j but 1 wouldn't. The biggest one I got weighed only 12 pounds Hotels and Depots, W S. 1M uow ii,,e | ! of between Ui<> Itutol* *nd j depots of tho town. Charon reasonable. I elepliOD# No. 17, or leuvo ordi rn »t Hot# Volley. t i ootl Liven ii'g Coiiiieelioii Seling Out! Our entire stock of Spring and Summer Foot wear. We're jroinir to clear out our stock of Tan Shoes. Every style and description of Oxfords will go in the sale. A large lot of Lidie.-s Hand Turn Shoes will be sold at about half their real value. To make this sale a complete success, we have made such prices that You'll be Glad to Buy. Ladies Patent Leather and Djagola Oxfords were SI.OO aud $1 2b to go j at GOcts. | Ladies Vici Kid Oxfords, Square or Poiu'.ed Patent Tips will go at SI.OO and $1.25, Prices of which were $1.75 an i $2.00. Ladies lJongola and Vici Kid Shoos were $3.25 at $-2 00 per pair. A large lot of McKav sewed and Hand Turned Shoes in sizss 2V, 3 aud 3prices on which were $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 This entire lot will go at ! $1 50per pair Misses DoDgola Patent Tip Sho»s at 85ets. per pair. CLildrens I>ongola Patent Tip Sh ;es at 50. - ts per pair Mens $2 00 Tan Shoes at $1.25 per pair Metis Pieadilly Bluchers in Tan Shoes were $2.50 per pair will go at $1 . 0 So on throughout our entire stock of Summer Footwear. Goods will be sold without reserve at les.- than the cost of their making. Call und see these Bargains whether you wish to buv or Dot AL RUFF. , , FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, And everything in horse and tur- goods-Harness, Collars, AVhips, Dusters, Saddles, etc. Also trunks and valises. Repairing done on short notice. "The largest assortment ot 5-A tiorse blankets in town will be found at FRAN K KEM PK HS, 124 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER. PA. CLARK'S SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Every young man anil woman should receive- such an education as they can obtain at Clark's School of Commerce, Butler, Pa. or at the New Castle Business University, New Castle, Pa. The schools are under the same management. ACTUAL BUSINESS METHODS EMPLOYED You will s ire time an 1 msr> :y by att.M ling o:ie oftheia schoo Is ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN BUSINESS OFFICES, EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. Write to D. G. CLARK, President, New Castle, I'a., or F. G. JOHNSTON, Secretary, Butler, Pa. DIAMONDS |Binhs, i:\u niN'<;.s. nss BTcus WATC r ;KXTS ,iOU '' ' V;Nrs''sl'lA'EU. L.VDIKS CHATLAIN. V V -dXV VC* T if* XT" > cold Plii". Kar Kin;-). Uln - hM JLs. WU Ju3 />» JL I Chains, bracelets. Etc. xmrfar, TtttT it 75* • Tea Sets. Castors. Butter Dishes an:l Everything £* A. JL« V .C* xk. WW Jit Hit ( that can be found In » ttrst class store. RODGER PROS. |874 } kn,vks forks h, ' l % n lC s .plkpi. A T K . E. GRIEB. jeweler. No 139, Worth Main St.. 8 JTLF.R, FA., » IIY? Shou Id every one, if ill need of a pure stimulant for medical purposes, go to 188 Federal St? Hecause he will (ind the largest stock to .-elect from at lowest prices. Tho Rye Whiskies are all from tho largest and best known di illerie-i and sold at tho following price: 2-year-old at per gallon; 3-year old at $2.25; 4-year-old at fe.so; <i year-old at $3.50; 8-year-old at 14 50; 10 and 12-year-old at £5.50; St. Hel ena, California, oldest and best, selected wines, 10 brands dry and sweet, at tfl 50 per gallon; Rhine wine, imp. Sherry, Mad eira, Port and Cognacs, at lowest figures No extra charg - for packing. Call or send for prico list at A. AXIIKIKSHKff. 188 FEDERAL ST. ALLEGHENY. Telephone No. 549. ~r\ DOCTORS LAKE / & i'Bl ' ! DISPKJI KAirr. LL-'- R Cor. J»c« b .-a. A:IO Fourth BT. ;JBPITTSBURGH, PA. J -*>f\ \ AtlfOi unof mi'! Cmn >. t • pi" Ols i • 1 ■ •J '• •• \f"W f i:ii:XTI/ir, aii'l ' ri I :• -M< ication are ip ■ !■' i tins )'i t-y with a nieces arely attained. Dr. b U Li'iCli • member of llie ICov.il Colli it Ihy I. I, .dSurgeo.c, r-nd Is the l«-i ami til fxpwionrcd SPICK us. .a thacity Spec'alaf ■ i i.> lon fiivcn to N r.-vous l>,-billtj i»om c* m id exertion, tndisuieiloa ox youth, etc., ca . j r., ~ln-leal and mental C'.< ajr,l.-.ets of ■ neiyy, .. ' v, <■:<•.; iilj-oi ." 1 "• ■■' i; ( I I,l'aniatlKin, ainl all Ji eaof th l : skin, .1.! !.„»►, t'i lnarv Orp:r. . < n :.ltat:.in , a.:.1 ir-tly ci.uiH i"--t" I . I ,to K !■. M.; fin ii' lay-. Sf" ' ! a. often or a !-!ii lib-. > v ~,s 1' i .VNDi'i'ithT-J i i :-::t i:<.ll I"A . , ! l-'ii VITAL!;:, . ' THUOItEAT aouTlEj FRENCH REftffF.DY I'ruilwi h tkt Aliovc UfKiilln i;» !JO l*ar- It acta po vcrfuliy ati'l '|>ii< !.ly. < t • wl.« *i -'l otl»«T8 FAIL Young wen will regain th< .1* lo it manhood, dii'i ol<l in< 11 will recover th< !»■ yon hful vigor hy 11 ug VITALIS. H'r . -lyn i : v,l ..' .. lin poteicy, Nightly Km - .. i - I I' • I «! ory, W i> • . . • , «.r •< .1 alms'- or cxccm and Indiscretion. Wiraf M inMuriity and conutAptidn. »». t f, n having VITALI3. ' ]K'f f . liy >• ■il !f 1.00 I•i' i• ::.i or 'i < f «lll« a t- writlcn uu;ir«nlre t<» <«Jf' or rt t'uiKl tin- m« »>. ». ' • 1 Addr :■ J CAl.t IU .UKI»lf Ui»rag«, 10. I City Pharmarv $70.00 Per Month i-'or T hers. Students Minister*, or Ladies, a iy one who i> active, pushing, and a yood talker We want a icpn -.entative in every county. Would prefer one who could give his '.r ).' t whole time to the work ; but spare If you have a team, so much the better. Space will not pcimit u t" (jive details here; but if you v.ill drop 11. a laic we will write you fully. This i; a rare opportunity, the work is pleasant and honorable, the remuneration large, the busi ii' j No capital required. No risk. ?.W.ZIEGL ER & C0.(B«» <7> j.l'hilad. Ij.hia. pis „ ■ A : ' . j 141 .• . frt < tl« • hl k .«. if ■ Ho'i f•» '■ f'Mim If »ii- r- r.t ! » ' r«itrufl«-, „t, • ; »rry I. n. 4 ~i i,i. , . - -i !•*««• , l.jj.JiliMulCli « n , tmi »«-• tor wivottUiiiu **t i •»»««• Genuine at Patent cut Medicines prices t >j Scrutinize closely a!t your purchases; tb"re r are eouuterfeiui and Iraltatton-i beln« sold. . I You ean save trouble by buying from us, 1 and our prices are as low, or lower, than t any house In ttie city. I Wines and Liquors. 1 ISuyliis vines anil liquors is entirely a mat ter o( eontlilenee, as in no ether avenue is - iphlstu t'lon emier. We appreciate our reMionslblllty, and assure v m that none will leave our more but what l-i KUaranteed perfeetly pure aitd the beat obtainable. Our Export Whiskey. 1« a perfect stimulant and sold at a reason able prli i'. Full Quart, sl., Six Quarts, $5. California Wines In their original purity. No Utter tonle for delicate men or liked men or women Full Quart, 50c. 12 Quarts, $5. Mall and express orders shipped promptly. JOS. FLEMING SON, 412 Market St., PITTSBURG, Pa. liana——| i Mfc ' 3 Are a symptom of Jaundice, j rj Dyspepsia,Constipation,Bil tjiousness, Liver Complaint. I DR. BAXTER'S MANDRAKE BITTERS I will cure the disease and re | move yellowness from skin B and eyes. Warrantee, to cure. 1 Sold everywhere at ct . per bottle. "1111—111 iwiiii»ii ii 1i» 1 —s— y—— for hulo hy J. C. Iledlck EUROPEAN HOTEL. 315 S Miiin.St , - - Uutlcr, J'a ALEX WILLIAMB, Prop'r. Everjtbinjf n ,>w —Electric 1 gas and wntur. J* Ludging .'ir), 50 nntl SI.OO. mvaly at 2i> cts. Board if g at $1 00 a day. %* •: Liturh Counter opua ull tii^bl. I 10. ( -rum! Hricder of Thoroughbred Poultry HALL, YORK CO., PA. Will Fell «ggH lor batching from line itluck Minorcau, ludian (lumen, BulT Legboros, Uatred and Wbitc Plymouth Korku, and lloudans at $1 i per setting; White Indian Qamea $. r > j per 15. Old atnl young stock for Bale at reasonable pricea. Great Clearance Sale MILLINERY, Trlmmecl lint* mtd tionn«Ax ulmoht GIVEN AWAY. Having .1 large stock of millinery still on hand, \vc will sell you anything in our line less than half price. Come early and secure bargains at the LEADIN-i MILLINERY HOUSE MAW IT. D- T- PAPg^g Why Do You Buy Liquors? Because this is the season of rainy weather, jof chills and dampness, when the system is li able to be attacked by cold and pneumonia, if not fortified by some good whiskey as a stimu lant. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT PURfc WHISKEY. Its timely use will save many a doctor bill and much nursery. Kleins Silver Age, Duquesne and Bear Creek Ryes are Guaranteed t; be Absolutely Pure. They are in general use in hospitals throughout the country t and are being prescribed by the best physicians. Max Klein has been engaged in the wholesale liquor business for the past 25 years and has gained a reputation for handling PURE LIQUORS ONLY and his name on a bottle of whiskey is a guarantee that it is ABSOLUTE LY rrRE.' Here are a few prices of his well-known brands: Silver Age Rye \ $1 50 per full quart. Duqusne " 1 25 " " " Bear Creek " 1 00 " " " Guckenheimer Finch , , . - o years old 1 00 " " •' (jibson / J Overholt Guckenheim r, 4 years old 75 " " " Anchor 50 " " " Send for a complete catalogue and price list of all kinds of wines and liquors mailed free, to MAX KLEIN. Distil lei* and Wholesale LIQUOR DEALER, > o 82 Federal /-t.. Alleghitny, Pa .Jew clry-S i I ver ware- -('locks, J Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per «ent by purchasing their watches, clock and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, N T o. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invitcr —"Remember our Repairing Department? —20 years Experience. - IVI ! OSKNTHAL Wholesale Liquor Dealer, c . Pittsburg, Pa 5(13 Perry bt , * Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Tria 1 orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Mark e NewYorkWeeklyTribune AND- — The Butler Citizen ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF. .A ddre.ss ail orders to I I LK (J l/l 1 1 K.N"