VOL XXXI THE PHOENIX. Do you know why the PHOENIX bicycle is the most popular wheel in Pittsburg? Do you know why it won the Butler-Pittsbugh race, and the Wheeling-Pittsburg? Simply because bearing, chain, tire, frame—all the parts —are made of the best material. Because we build the lightest,easiest running wheel that is safe and reliable for the roads. We also make a specialty of an easy running and light lady's wheel, which is equally popular. A guarantee is a good tiling iu its way. The PHOENIX |2jiicW ante ers every point, but the best point of all is the fact that repairs or claims for de fective parts constitute an exceedingly small per centage of our cost of manu facture. For catalogue and other information address, THE STOVER BICYCLE M'f'g. Co. FREEPORT, ll* L>. or J. E. FORSYTHE, Agent. SUTLER, PA, BUTLER FAIR. September 4, 5,6 and 7, 1894. Entries in Horse and Cattle Departments close August 27th. EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. For Premium Lists Apply to W. P. ROESSING, Sec y. BUTLER, PA. DECLINE. There has been a decline in the price of materials from which buggies and other vehicles are made, therefore a decline in the price of vehicles. Come quick and see before it advances again. S. B. MARTINCOURT & CO. BUTLER, - PA. W. F. HARTZELL. L. M. COCHRAN. BUTLER ROOFING COMPANY, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in —Excelsior Fire-Proof Slate Paint— For Shingle Roofs,and Ebonite Varnish for all Metal Roofs. Also, Agents for the Climax Wool and Asbestos Felt, the King of Roofing Felts. ill kinds of roofs repaired and painted on the shortest notice. Estimates given on old or new work and the same promptly attended to. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. BUTLER ROOFING COMPANY, 320 SOUTH MCKEAN STREET, * * * BUTLER, PA. JL Buy a Buggy that's reliable when you do buy one. Fredonia Buggies have everything in their favor—beauty, stability, ease. You can find this out by looking at 'em. Your dealer sells them. Made by FREDON7A MFG. CO. Youngstown, O. J* IN MID-SUMMER V <%, TPAKK AW ADVERTISIM; V % I % <%. * STIMULANT FOB BUSINESS. % X THE CITIZEN SELLS IT. v * THE BUTLER CITIZEN. CITATION IN PARTITION. In re partition of Lhe~t In the Orphans' ' real estate of George | Court of Butler Co. i Hines, dee'd, lactt of; Pa. O C. No 1. Brady twp., Butler | S«pt Term, 1894. county, Pa. J On June 4, 1594, tbu petition of Mnry K. GihMtu (nee Din was presented to tn • Orphan >' Court of Butler county at abov number ami terni.Mitucg forih in sntintane ■ as That *aid daCwdeut died eeiz l ! of, in a*.id to a certain tract of land, cituat.- ■ in Slipperyrock twp., sa'rt county. Tb ti ; no partition or valuation thereut has made to ami among tho.-uj outith-d theref >. an 1 therefore prays tbe Court to award a inquest according to law in snch case made and provided, etc. Signed. Maey E. Gibson. Whereupon Court made tbe following order. Now, June 4, 18U1, citation and rule to show cau«e why partition should not be made aa prayed lor. Awarded. Re turnable to Sept. Term By Tat Court. Now, Aujr. 14. 1804, in pursuance of sai>i j citation and order of Court i.<-ued oat i the Orphans' Court of said oouuly anil j tne dnected, I hid is to n-.ti y tbe following named parties to be and appear at an O pbans' Court to lie held ai Butier, in an. for the county of f?ut!e', on M<>n K Uiiie-. L.-o Hiue-. Nancy J. liine.-. G W Uiries a:.d llattUev Hiue residetice unknown. Andrew (J. Campbell. Sherilf. Butler county, Pa. Citation in Partition. In ru petition for partition of the real es tate of John S. Shakely, deceased. O. C. No. 41. Sent. Term, lif-94 . So*, June 9, 1894, Isaac Sbakley pe titioner in above case by his attorneys, Mc Junkin it Galbreath. prays the Court fur a rule to show cause on Tbe heirs and legal representatives of said John S. Shakely, dee'd., to appear and show cause why par tition of said decedents real estate should not be made as prayed for. Whereupon the Court made the following order: Now, June 9, 1894. the within petition presented in open C-surt and on due cou federation prayer granted and rule to sn<>* cause is granted on parties in interest win partition should not be made as prajeo for. Notice to be given to all parties in interest residing outside the county accord ing to law and rules of Court By the Court. Now. July 18, 1894, in pursuance of said order of Court, yon (Catherine Shakely widow of D. M Shakely,of Loasureville, \\ . Va ; Fannie E. Shakely, intermarried with Hugh Huthrie, residing near l'etrolia, in Armstrong Co., Pa.; Solomon R. ShaKely, of Bradford, Pa.; Simon U Shakely. whose last known place of residence was in West Virginia.) and each of you are hereby notified to be and appear at tbe Orphans' Court to be held at Butler, in and for the county of Butler, on Monday the third day of September, 1894, at 1 o'clock p.m (if said day, then and tnero to show cause, if any you may ha\e, why partition should not be made as prayed for. ANDKMW G. CAMPBELL, Sheriff, Butler Co , Pa. A Great Sale Now Going on at ——TH E NKW SHOE STORE. Largest Stock, Lowest Prices and Best BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS Ever Shown in Butler County. Don't Spend One Penny for Footwear Before Calling on Me. T" Wrn mm WOE wm JC M m JLaJI JEjl fJETVki m 215 8. MAIN STREET, BUTLER, C. An d D. A business that keeps grow ing through a season ot de pression, such as the country has experienced, is an evi dence that people realize the) save money by trading with us. We know, and always have known, the days of large profits are past. Without question we are giving more for the money than last year. Our stock is larger to select from than last year. CALL AND SEE US. Colbert & Dale. L. E. Crumbling* Breeder of Thoroughbred Poultry HALL, YORK CO., PA. Will sell eggs for batching from fine Black Minorcas, Indian Uames, Buff Leghorns, Barred nnd White Plymouth Rocka, and iloudiius at $! per setting; White Indian Games sf> per 15. Old and young stock for sale at reasonable prices. lUTTLER. PA., THURSDAY. AUGUST 30, 1894. ThatTiredFeeling Is due to an impoverished condition of the blood. It should bo overcome without de lay, and the best way to accomplish this result is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, which f-food's 1 1 %%%%%% parilla will purify and vital- £ F■* |«/VQ ize the blood, trive M U1 Vd strength and appe- tit e and produce sweet and refreshing sleep. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla. and only Hood's. Hood's Pills cure nausea, aud biliousness. MARTHA WASHINGTON COOK-BOOK t«i FREE! ft32o PACES. fj ILLUSTRATED. { I * One of the best Cook l'%*l *7 Books , r f W il tains recipes for all kinds J'J- J of cooking*. Also depart - j '< J ments oil Medicine. Eti- J quette, and Toilet recipes. \b t Indexed for handy refer 1i S VJ eace. : ' „ Mft!LE.D FRE.E, In Escbajieo for 20 LARGE LION HIiADS cut rrom Lion Coffee wrappers ad a 2-cer.t Stnrnp. Write for 1.-of • ;r other Fine Premium:-. We «-vo niar.y TL .- t '? Picture?. ulr ;:ive u /. A beautiful Picture Turd 1* iu V I ' J.io:: CO