Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 23, 1894, Image 4

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    J. S. YOiJNG. WM - COOPER.
ARRIVING-Fall and Winter Goods.
We have the Choicest and Finest Stock of Domestic and Im
ported Woolens ever brought to Butler.
Our Specialty in Fall Overcoats must be seen to be Admired.
Call and make your selection of a Nice Fall Suit that cannot be
excelled in FIT, QUALITV, STYLE and PRICK.
Thanks for your patronage in the past, hoping for a continuance
of a share in the future, while our Motto will be " Small Profits ami
Quick Returns."
young h COOPER B %V,
Do not Wait Any Longer,
But Come at Once
Where will be found the largest stock and latest styles of summer
footwear at low prices. Our stock is larger than ever before, com
prising many new and pretty styles. Our stock of ladies shoes is large.
Ladies'fine Dong. Pat. turned, Congress gaiters at $2.25.
" " Russett, " " $2.25.
" Russett Bluchers and Blucheretts at $2.25.
" Dong. Southern Ties at $1.50.
» Blucher Oxfords, 'jlack and russett at $1.25.
One lot of ladies fine Oxfords at 75c.
" " opera toe and instep strap slippers at 50c.
Misses Dongola Shoes, patent tip at 90c.
Childs " " " 40 to 75c.
Full stock of Misses and Childrens Russett shoes at a big bargain.
Our stock of " " Oxford ties and slippers is very
Infants shoes in all colors.
Now is the time of the year when farmers are thinking of buying a
pair of'shoes to plow in and do their summer work. In buying
my spring and summer stock I took great pains to get a large
selection and have got them at prices so as to sell lower than
ever before. A good pair heavy shoes, Lace, Buckle or Con
gress Gaiters at 90c.
Box-toe shoes, whole stock kip, at $1.50.
Full stock of Boys plow shoes sizes, Ito at 85c.
Our stock of Mens fine shoes is large, and with our stock of low cut
shoes we are sure to suit all, as we have all the latest styles at
remarkably low prices.
Full stock of our cwn make driller's shoes always on hand.
Shoes made to order.
Repairing neatly done.
Orders by mail will receive prompt attention.
liu «». '
Our Fall stock of Fur
niture will surpass anything
we have previously shown.
Many new things in Par
lor Suits, Parlor Chairs,
Couches, Bedroom Suits,
Hall Racks, Side-Boards,
Book Cases, Desks and
In our Carpet Depart
ment we will soon offer for
the coming season a lai •ge
line of Wiltons, Axminsters,
Body Brussels, Tapistry
Brussv 's and Ingrain Car
pets. Most of our fine car
pets are in private patterns
and can be seen only at our
store. Our stock of Rugs
will contain many novelties.
Butler, - Penn'a
The place to buy
W t 11. O'lSirien & Noil's.
107 East Jefferson Street.
T N paint the best is the
A cheapest. Don't be misled by
trying what is said to be "just as
: good," but when you paint insist
upon having a genuine brand of
Strictly Pure
White Lead
It costs no more per gallon than
cheap paints, and lasts many times
as long.
Look out for the brands ofWhite
Lead offered you ; any of the fol
lowing are sure:
Armstrong & McKelvy,"
'' Beymer-Bauman,''
" Falinestock."
FOR COLORS. —National Lead Co.'s
Pure White Lead Tinting Colors.
These colors are sold in one-pound cans, each
can being sufficient to tint 25 pounds of strictly
Pure White Lead the desired shade; they are in
no sense readv-mixed paints, but a combination
of perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to
tint Strictly Pure White Lead.
A good many thousand dollars have been sav id
property-owners by having our book on paintm*
and color-card. Send us a postal card and n*
both free- „ ,
Pittsburg Branch.
German National Bank Building, fittSJMg.
Nothing has ever been produced to
•qoal or compare with EumpiucyS
Witch Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and
used 40 years and always affords relief
and always gives satisfaction.
It Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS, External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—ltching and
Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas.
Rtlief immediate —cure certain.
It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and
Contraction from Bun.s. Relief instant.
It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated
Wounds and Bruises.
It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old
Bores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald
Head. It is Infallible.
»nd Sore Nipples. It is invaluable.
It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and Jl.oo.
80M by DruiKi«t*. or »«nt post-paid on reeeiptof pri«».
■UIFHRKVS' MED. CO., 111*11* WIUU* St. f *•» Twk-
Wnat is in's
It is the only bow (ring) which
cannut be pulled from the watch
To be had only with Jas. !>"«
Filled and other watch cases v
stamped with this trade- mark.
Ask your j-. weler for pamphlet
Keystone Watch Case Co.,
'—uT D A\a<le a Well
THE GREAT 201 u Da 5 •
Froilm-ra the Aliore Brgalts in HO It acts
powerfully und quiikly. Cur'-' en all others
toil. Youtitr men will regain tin ir lost manhood,
and old nun will recover their von thful visor
by VITA LIS. It ouiekly »u:d surely re
stores Nervousness, T/Ost Vitality. Imiioteicy,
Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Mem
ory, Wasting Dlscar.es. an-1 al! f .7,-:-ts ol sell
abuse or excess and indiscretion Wards off
Insanity and consumption. Insist on having
VITALIS. no other. Can be curried in vest
pocket. By mail. SI.OO Tier pacltatre, or six for
g&.OO, with a pusitife nrlt»e:i fruantntee to rare
or r*Tuii<l the money. Circular free. Address
For Sale at City Pharmacy.
Should every one, if in need ol a pure
stimulant 'or medical purposes, go to 188
Federal St? Because he will find the
largest stock to select from at lowest prices.
The live Whiskies are all from the largest
and best known distilleries and sold at the
following price: 2 year-'ild at $2.00 por
gallon; 3-year-old at #2.25; 4-year-old at
$2.50; li year-old at $3 50; 8-year-old at
$4.50; 10 and 12-year-old at. $5.50; St. Hel
ena, California, oldest and best, selected
wines, 10 brands dry and sweet, at $1.50
per gallon; Khino wine, imp. Sherry, Mad
eira, Port and Oenacs, at lowest ligures.
No extra charge for packing Call or send
for price list at
Telephone No. 540.
(Are a symptom of Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Bil
iousness, Liver Complaint.
will cure the disease and re
move yellowness from skin
and eyes. Warrantee* to cure.
Sold everywhere at 2,"> cts. per bottle,
for sale by J. C. Redlck
nil r fi MLB
Hr A swsvaE'S
I 0 be;<j fcs W f^TMFNT
ABSOT.UTL'I.Y CUREfc? " ""til ■
fIYMFTUHH-VuiUturcf lnteit«e It-hlns and
fctlnr-iiitf ". Ri»*' i t nlffhi; tvur«r I»y M*r-ul«'bTng. If
■ llnmifto H'niiiui' t Minor* firm nn.l protrudr,
*-.hl«-h •»?<« M itit'i tilwri'-, b-conlwf very
•»r«. k\\ O.VII. • • t rv-:Hi ttcklac
-lid bl.f'l • !-ul f%*. »M flMMlt CMCt
■ s so O JNBFREE
% ll«l # Ironi any injurious lubtUncc. \ tilt. M
W« CUARANTcE a CURE or refund your mon«.
PriM 53 ,00 per bottleu Send 4c. Iw Irtitli*.
nxMoinr IODICAL 00/SMUH, BUM*.
Burns Like Tinder.
While there has been a general com
plaint from the farmers that their crops
are literally being burned up in the hot nun
daring the present drought, it remains for
Warren connty to produce a farm where
the soil to a depth of from 15 to 30 inches
is burning steadily, although it has been
flooded with from 40 to 50 barrels of water
a day for the past few days.
The English and Harris larm, one mile
east of Kinzaa on the W. X. T. railroad,
his long been known as one ot the best
farms in the neighborhood, and is a por
tion of the Allegheny river valley, which
at that point is a quarter of a mile wide.
On Sunday morning the. owners discover
ed that the surface of the farm was on fire,
and when they attempted to extinguish
the fire they found that the entire top
sail was a mass of red hot coals, and that
the firo extended clear to the subsoil, in
some places to a depth of 30 inches.
Sinoe the time that the lire was first dis
covered the faim for a space of 40 acres
has been literally burned up, although the
Anchor Oil company has been pumping
water from the riverat the rate of about 50
barrels a day. Ditches have been sunk in
advance of the fire, and these have been
filled with water, and it is hoped that this
will prevent the fire from spreading. The
farm was originally woodland and the soil
was composed of vegetation that had ac
cumulated and rotted for centuries, bnt
had been farmed lor more taan 20 years.
The present drought had caused all mois
ture to evaporate from the rich soil and
left it iu almost its original state of dried
vegetable matter. When the firo came it
ate through this dried vegetation clear to
the gravel and clay below, and presented
to the neighborhood the novel spectacle ot
the soil of one of the richest farms in the
county being actually burned to ashes.
—A common cola should not Le ne
glected. Downs' Elixir will cure it.
—A family reunion was held at the coun
try home of Samuel Wissinger, in honor
of Cambria county's venerable patri
arch, Lewis Wissinger, who reached
the remarkable age of 101 years on Jnne
21 last. ill. Wissiuger has lived under
the administration of every President of
the United States, having been born dur
ing Washington's second term. There
were over 300 guests at the reunion. There
are 48 grandchildren and 40 great-grand
children. Lewis Wifginger was born June
21, 1793, on a farm on she Bedford pike,
about two and one-half miles from Johns
town. His father, after serving in the
Revlutionary war, purchased this tract of
land and moved from Bedford county to
it, which was at that time a perfeot wil
derness. He continued to live there until
hit death, at the age of 90. He had 11
children, of whom Lewis was one of the
oldest and the only one now living, the
others having died at ages varying from
80 to 90 years.
■ Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes.
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives
perfect relief in all cases of Organic or
Sympathetic Heat Disease in 30 minutes,
and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer
less remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of
Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left
Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart.
One dose convinces. Sold by City Phar
—On the W. C. McCond farm, about
six miles southeast of Terrell, Tex., a
most peculiar crime has been committed.
Peter Gibson and Murrow Jackson, both
colored, live on the farm. Two of Gib
son's children, 9 and 11 years 01.1, and
Jackson's 6-year-old »on were playing to
gether near a tank. With an awl the
two older boys gouged one of the little
boy's eyes out, afterward throwing him
into the tank to prevent him from go
ing home and telling on them. Then
then dragged him up the bank, gouged
several holes iu his body, and then threw
him in the tank again and held him uuder
the water until he was dro\Vned. Then
then concealed his clothes iu a brush pile
300 yards away, 'lhe body was found
arid the boys were arrested. They con
fessed to the killing, aud told where the
clothes were hidden.
Drunkenness, the Liquor Habit, Po s
lvely Cured by adircnstering Or.
Hj ires "Golden Specfic."
It m manufactured as a powder, which
can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of
cottee or tea.or in food, without the know
ledge of the patient. It is absolutely
harmless, and will allect a permanent ami
speedy cure, whether the patient is u mod
erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has
been giviii in thousands of cases, aud in
every instance a perfect cure has followed.
It never fails. The system once impregnat- ■
ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter
impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex
ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book oi
particulars free. Address, Uolden Specific
Co.. 185 Race St.. Cincinuatti O.
—An exchange gives this very sensi
ble advice. It says the business way to
advertise is to take space by the year,
take pains with your advertisements to
make them attractive. You may think
there are seasons when you don't need
to advertise. >fe never have seen the
time. Use the dull season for looking
ever jour stocK and running off that
which is becoming out of style or un
fashionable in bargin*. If you have
space by the year, it costs jou but little
more, and you can make profitable goods
into rnotey, and re-invest it in those things
which are salable.
—The other day a policeman at Wil
miugton, Del., was called upon in the
midst of the hot spell, with the thermo
meter at 95 degr«es to put a stop to a
snowball fight iu the street among some
small boys. There hadn't been any snow
fall, nor any other strange lapse of nature,
but only this: It is the practice of one of
the city ice companies to sell its waste
and pulverized ice to boy < to make up in
to halls at a cent a ball.
Consumption c>ur«ly Curc-.i.
Tc Tu_ Storm*;— I'tw lu.'.mj r irieil.it
that I luvi l positive remedy tur tl.rt :
di-scojie. Ij; is iimoly use thousand* olh.ij.r i-.
easts havo W/a permanently cured. I shall he rl.-u:
to »ead two /oMle* of my remedy KItEE to any i
your rtaders -» . j have consumption If th< y w»i!
send me theii Kvpr-11 and V. O. address. U<sp»,t
toll* T. A. HUAJVU. M. O. 181 P«*r! St V. »
Five trains of "10 cars each will be
required to convey the Ferris Wheel
from Chicago to New York. It will
take tens weeks to lake the wheel to
pieces. The car that was used for earring
the Krupp gun will be used for the 70-ton
axle. There are 3,(K>O tons of metal in
the wheel aud 500,000 feet of timber are
needed for the false work. The expense
of takiDg dowu, moving and rebuilding
will be $150,000. In New York it is to
be placed at Thirty-seventh street and
Broadway. Old Vienna will he produced
around it In Chicago the wheel had 3,-
000 electric lights; in New York the num
ber will be doubled.
—A doctor advised his patient that what
he needed was perfect rest, aud was rather
surprised wheu the latter replied that he
Was already a member of the Kiiiglita of
L »b«>r
~* —An Irishman vifiung a cemetery no
ticed on a tombstone tte following lurcrip
tiou: "Sacred to the memory of a lawyer
aud an honest man " "By the powers,"
said Mike, "that's a queer custom, to bury
two men in one grave "
—The xize of a woman's shoe should be
just half that of her glove.
—The tongue recovers from an injuiy
much more quickly than any other part of
the human system.
Just a little slipper
That encased a daity foot;
Just a bed ot flowers
That had lately taken root;
Just a little Willie,
Who was looking after bait;
Just a flower garden
That is knocked clear out of date.
Just again the slipper.
And then a song and dance;
Just a noisy pattering
On the seat of Willie's pants.
—lt will be known as the dry summer of
—The watermelons are unusually good
this year.
—Has your cellar been whitewashed this
—Some people would not keep cool if
they could.
—The great medicine for
the run down system and the convalescent
is Hood's Sarsaparilla.
—The oyster's month's vacation will
soon fee over.
—The girl who says she wouldn't marry
the best man in the world usually keeps
ker word. Sometimes she marries the
—This is an off year for both peaches
and apples.
—The man who contributes to foreign
missions makes his money go a long way.
—The man who minds his own business
always has the satisfaction of having a
miud of his own.
—Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic
cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic
ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upou
the system is remarkable and mysterious.
It removes at once the eause and the dis
ease immediately disappears. The first
dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by .1.0
Redick, druggist, Butler.
—When an interesting event occurs in
your community sit right down and drop
a brief account of it to the CITIZEN. —
Don't wait a day or an honr. And don't
forget to give your name lor our private
—A New York watchmaker recently
drilled a hole through a common pin
from head to point.
—Take care of your Japanese fans; the
Japs are not prosecuting that industry
just now.
—The July just ended was the hottest
July known iu the history ol the Weather
—The motto of the proprietors of Dr.
Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bitters is, "the
greatest good to the greatest number,"
and so sell a large bottli ot a_ valuable
remedy for the small price ol 25cts , and
warrant every bottle to give satisfact
ion or money rofundeiL
—Roasting ears.
—Peaches and cream.
—Now plant your celery.
—This is the season when we need the
small sums due us by the hundreds, and
we trust that all who are in arrears will
see that their subscriptions are promply
—There is probably an affinity between
the ragged edge of despair and the edge of
of a collar.
—Moths dislike newspapers as much as
they do the prepared tar paper. This
may be because the newspapers are al
ways telling people how to get rid of
Genuine at
Patent cut
Medicines prices
Scrutinize closely all jour purchases; there
are counterfeits and imitations being sold.
You can save trouble by buying from us,
and our prices are as low, or lower, than
any house In the city.
Wines and Liquors.
Iluylng wlues and liquors Is entirely a mat
ter of confidence, as in no other avenue is
sophistication easier. We appreciate our
responsibility, and assure you that none
will leave our store but what is guaranteed
perfectly pure aud the best obtainable.
Our Export Whiskey.
Is a perfect sthnulaut and sold at a reason
able price.
Full Quart, sl., Six Quarts, $5.
California Wines
In t.helr original purity. No better touic for
delicate men or aged men or women.
Full Quart. 50c. 12 Quarts, $5.
Mail and express orders shipped promptly.
412 llarket St., PITTSBURG, Pa.
•Sio.oo Per Month
For Teachtrs, Students, Ministers, or T.rtdies,
any one who is active, pushing, ami a good
tal!;er W- want a representative iu every
county. Would prefer one wi-.o could give
his .>r litr whole tune 10 the wo k ; but spare
time ca l> r. • iy emp!o\rti If you have
a team, so much the better. Space will not
permit us t i-e <ft- nil- here: hut if you will
drop us a line » • will write you fully. This
is a rare oppo;tui itv, the work is pleasant and
honorable, the remuneration large, the busi
ness permanent. No capital required. No
t.W. ZIEGI ER & CO.!Box , r „). Philadelphia.
« I EWIS' 98 % LYE
I PowcxßZS isd rtarujttD
: The BtTonffftt and pamt T.j*
made. Unlike other I.ye. It being
IX a Ono powder and packed In a can
™ wliu removable lid. the content*
are ready fur Jiff. Win
make the bnl t*rfuinfd Hard Boap
!n2ou»tuuU'« wlihont bolilna.
II la U>e beat fur H,-anting wwa
mm pljM dl.liiff ting (Inks Clone*
■ V iiiLlni bottle*, i-alnu-, trwa, etc.
■■■■M Geo. Agts., TUIm., fa.
1 have a Heave Cure thatjwill'cure JJuny
case of heaves in horses in forty days, if
used according to directions, and if it does
not do what I claim for it, I will refund
the amount paid and no charges will he
made for the treatment. The following
testimonials are the ctrongest proof of the
medicines power to cure:
A. J. MCCandlkss,
Butler, fa., 1893
MR. A. J. MCCandlkss:
On the 2nd day of April, 1892, 1 com
menced to use your new cure for one of
nij" horses that bad the heaves very bad,
and continued to use ihe medicine for
about forty days aud the horse did not
show any signs of a return of them. It is
now about a year siuce I quit givin the
med\c'\ne and the horse has never sowed
any signs of heaves, and I feel stistied
that he is properly enred.
W. C. Cbihwkll,
Cutler, Pa., April 3, 1893.
A. J. MCCandlkss:
I have used your Heave Cure and found
it will do the work if used according to di
rections. Yours cruly,
R. J. McMilun.
!* # *GOSSER'S # * * c
lias no equal for cbapited hands. Hps or
0 face, or any rouuhniKs of the ahnami u
Is not exeefleu as adn siiik for tie- face
after shaviu;: Sold by druggists i.t
•venty-five Cents a Bottie.
• » a ' o o © en ® •
Garfield Tea ssj
(.ureitMrk f i« Ailfu-Jii- l:«*t«»rwnr , i»uiplc*lo: I
Bill*. tia.ui|>l«'fret u\HWlku>Tka ( o..8l» *»thßt ,H.Y.
Cures Constip v ion
I b MES.'.aa
llif kritlrr r
Is to be a grand success this year. Of course you
are coming to the fair. You are very cordially in
vited to make our store your starting point or rest
jing place. Plenty of room. You and your friends
are welcome. We will have on display an entire
new stock of Kali and Winter Goods, consisting of
Fine Dress Goods, Ladies and Childrens Wraps.
Our Millinery Department will be filled with all the
newest styles in Hats, Feathers, Birds, Velvets, Rib-
JK. bons, &c., at our well known low prices. Also a
/ Q \ full line of Blankets, Flannels, Yarns, Woolen Hosi-
Underwear, and a complete assortment of
Gloves, Milts, Laces, Trimmings, etc. All the lat
est importations from Home and Foreign markets.
Our Domestic Department is well known to our pa
trons to be filled always with the best grades of
jMuslins, Sheetings, Cheviots, Ginghams, Calicoes,
Cantons and outing cloths, in fact all that consti
tutes a well filled Domestic Department, at lower
iprices than can be found elsewhere in Butler.
Selling Out!
Oar entire stock of Spring and Summer Foot-wear. We're going to clear
out oar stock of Tan Shoes. Every style and description of Oxfords will
go in the sale. A large lot of Ladies Hand Tarn Shoes will be sold at
about half their re*l value. To make this sale a complete success, we have
made such prices that
You'll be Glad to Bay.
Ladies Patent Leather and Dongola Oxfords were SI.OO and $1 25 to go
at 60cts. m . .. nn
Ladies Vici Kid Oxfords, Square or Pointed Patent Tips will go at SI.OO
and $1.25, Prices of which were $1.75 and $2.00. Ladies Dongola and
Vici Kid Shoes were $3.25 at $2 00 per pair.
A large lot of McKay sewed and Hand Turned Shoes in sizes 2 2 , 3 and
prices on which were $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 This entire lot will go at
sl.soper pair
Misses Dongola Patent Tip Shoes at 85ct» per pair.
Childrens Dongola Patent Tip Shoe 3 at 50cts per pair
Mens $2 00 Tan Shoes at $1.25 per pair
Mens Picadilly Bluchers in Tan Shoes were $2.50 per pair will goatslvo
So on throughout our eutire stock of Summer Footwear. Goods will be
sold without reserve at less than the cost of their making.
Call and see these Bargains whether you wish to buy or not.
Shoe Dealer. AL RUFF. s. lain St.
And everything in horse and buggy fur
nishing goods —Harness, Collars,
Dusters, Saddles, etc.
A-lso trunks and valises.
Repairing done on short notice.
The largest assortment of 5 -.A. Horse
blankets in town will be tound at
I i ..... I -
Every young man anil woman should receive such an education
as they can obtain at Clark's School of Commerce, Butler, Pa. or at
the New Castle Business University, New Castle, Pa. Ihe schools
are under the same management.
You will save time and money by attending one of these schools
Write to D. G. CLARK, President, New Castle, Pa., or F. G.
JOHNSTON, Secretary, Butler, Pa.
JEWELRY I Gold Plies. Lae* Ken, chains. Bracelets. Etc.
m ■■ ■ jo m F* I Tea Seta. Castors. Butter IMslees an<l KverythlDS
H I l» M Jli .K. VV /a. KM ( tlaatean tee foienl in a tirat class store..
E. GRIKB, .ikh'K'LEK.
No. 139, JSiorth Main St.. B JTLEB, PA.,
Buyers of Footwear
Will find an ample field for comparison with other shoe stores at
Huselton's this week. There never were such magnificent and
wonderful values offered for as little money as
as Huselton offers now.
Will find more for their dollar, expressed in shoe value, than they
had ever hoped to receive.
Women's fine button tip, 75c., $1 and $1.25.
" tan lace Oxfords 75c. and sl.
" " Blucherettes in Piccadilla or narrow square, only $2.
" serge cong. only 45 c.
" opera slippers, at 45 and 90c.
" lace, tip, oxfords, 50c., 75c. and sl.
" spring heel, tip shoes, sl, $1.25 and $1.50.
Huselton's Special.
Women's Kid Blucherettes, pat. tip £ K \ M §
kid heel foxing, Opera or narrow £ ■ f m J
square toe, at only $2. E X m M j
Men's fine shoes, with tip, at 90c.,
Men's extra fine tan shoes at $1.75, »
$2.50 and $3. T| ,| r
Men's extra nobby styles, at $1• 5°
Man's working shoes at 70c., 95c. and sl.
Youths extra nice styles in button and lace at 75c and sl.
Come in and see us it will be a saving of money to you.—
No 102 North Main Street Butler, Pa
Great Clearance Sale
Trimmed Hut* and Bonnets»l most
Having a large stock of millinery still on hand, we will sell you
anything in our line less than half price. Come early and secure
bargains at the
122 S. | ) P>AP>F' BUTLE
MAIN ST. L K 1 • 1 1 PA
Are made to USE and not to ABUSE. You can find nothing
so useful for immediate relief in the Sick Room; nothingso beneficial
to the Convalescent;Jnothing so sustaining to life as Pure Whiskey,
Brandy or Wine.
To all who use liquors is to buy from a reliable dealer. Buy
from one who has been tried. Buy from one who ever watches care
fully the wants of his patrons, who studies to please and who has a
reputation ot 25 year's standing in this community. Buy from
——o —o
Who has the indorsement of all who know him. Physicians
recommend his goods, Hospitals use them, and in fact, there is no
house in Western Pennsylvania that can show you such a stock ot
"Old" Whiskies, Fruit Brandies, Blackberry Cordials, Holland and
London dock Gins, Wines of the Finest Importations to the Cheapest
Domestics, in fact a comj lete line to suit the buyer, whether for
Our facilities for shipping are the best and much the quickest
Send for our complete Catalogue and Price list, mailed free, and ord»_r
your goods from
No 82 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa
P. S. We are headquarters for all G. A. R. men; come in and reg
ister during the G. A. R. Encampment, with Comrade Max Klein,
late of F Co., Ist lowa Cavalry.
J e w el ry--Sil ver ware- -Clocks,
Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per
• ent by purchasing their watches, clockr
and spectacles of
J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler,
No. 125 N. Main St., Dufty Block
Sign of Electric Bell and Clock.
All are Respectfully Invitcr
"Remember our Repairing Department— 2o years Experience."-
Wholesale Liquor Dealer,
103 Ferry .St, - Pittsburg, Pa
Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty.
Trial orders solicited.
One Square Below Diamond Marke
New York Weekly Tribune
The Butler Citizen
Address all orders .to X 1 ££ hj (JL L L'Zt.N" £2