Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 17, 1894, Image 3

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Legal notioes ut published in ths CiTl
mb at f 1 per lneb for first, and 50 cents for
each succeeding insertion.
Obituaries, card* of thank*, resolution*,
•tc. an inserted at 5 cents a line, money to
aooompany the order.
Reading notioei on local page 10 oenta
a line lor first and 5 oanta a line for each
subsequent insertion. Notice* among Jo
oal new* ium* 16 cent* a line for each in
Half-inch profeasional card* with paper
$5 a year.
Rate* for commercial advertising quoted
npon application.
BOTLBB tua a population of about 10,000.
It ia Ue County aaat of Bullet county, with
*Four raOwaya, natural gas, and unequalled
facilities for, menulactures.
ITotreaa errywlicre; new buUdtnga. new
a&nuncuucii & ITOWIBK ixul prosperous town.
New Yoek Weekly Tribune-Free.
By special arrangements made for ear
*o doing, we are enabled to offer to all our
•nbaoriber* who pay arrearage*, (if any)
and one year in advance, and to all new
subscribers paying in advance, the New
York Weakly Tribune free for one year.
For farther particular* of tki* offer eee ad
vertisement. ___
M«w Advertisements.
Citation notioe, estate of Gee. Hinee.
Sheriff '* Bale* for Bept. Term.
Zimmerman's Invitation.
Raff's Clearance Sale.
Marvin's Bread.
New Castle Fair.
HOT* —Ail advertisers intending to make
oanges in their ad*, should notify a* of
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
Administrator* and Executors ot estate
oan secure their receipt book* at the CITI
iii office.
Hew Castle ha* a population of 18,000
■ad a recent report *ay* it ha* $3,000,000
la manufacturing inUrMti.
—Mrs. Mirgtret Spang of Butler and
Robert MoKinness of lale, were granted
an increase in pension on Monday.
-There were 28 "tradee" at the backet
■hop Tneeday, and aU but two made mon
—Frank Stewart of Troutman shot a
crane on Saturday that measured 5 feet 10
inches from tip to tip.
—The Canton Bridge Co. has completed
the erection of a very neat and substantial
bridge over Ballivan Run on Raoe street.
—Half a dozen loads of casing and tub
ing go from Butler to the Brownadale field
daily, alio large quantities of lumber.
—The annual harvest sermon will be
preached next Sunday week, Aug. 28, at
Proepeot, by Rev. C. A. Limberg. Collec
tion for missions.
—Beveral change* have been made re
cently in the makeup of the Germania and
Yinoent bra** band* of thi* place, but both
are *till in shape to fill all engagements.
—Rev. Oliver Katx of SalUburg WM ar
rested last week on a charge of criminal
•saault on a young servant girl in hi* em
—At lea*t 10,000 people will view the
Firemen'* parade in Dnßoi* on Tuesday,
Aug. 21. Bes'des the parade there will be
Firemen'* races of all kinds at tbe Fair
Ground. Admission will be free for all.
—Uncle Sam prints one postage stamp
that ia not for sale and that ia the seoond
elass matter atamp. New or canceled
these stamps never pas* out of the band*
of the poatoffioe officials.
—lt rained over some of the western
states last Sunday, it raired to the north
of ns, the eastern part of this state and
New Jersey were well soaked that day,
bat there was nary a drop fir ns.
—Tbe sth Annual Convention of the T.
P. C. U. of Butler Presbytery will be held
ia the U. P. Church in Butler, A ugust 28,
39 and 30, beginning at 3 o'clock. The
program In full will be published next
—The farmers of Buffalo and W infield
twps. will bold a grand harvest home pic
ue on Thursday, August 21, at J. N. Bar
ter's grove, east of Servers station. All
—Tbe ladies of 8t Paul's Reformed
Church, Springdale, will give a Lawn Fete
Friday and Satorday evening, on the lawn
at the Orphans' Home, for tbe benefit of
the fatherless and motherless boys and
girls of that institution The public is in
—At a rpeoial meeting of Counoil Fri
day night, the water oompeny notified the
borough that they oould not furnish water
for fire or sewer purposes Tbe council
then paaeed a reaolution not lfying them
that the water company would be held li
able for all damages.
—On Sunday morning tbe horee belong
ing to Mrs. Cratty of Raoe atreet ran off
while being driven by the two Cratty girls.
The run off oocurred on McKean street and
might have had a fatal termination but for
the bravery of Newt Walker, who stopped
the horse.
—The dry spell recalls the fact that
eboat 12 or 15 years ago, during a term of
more protracted drouth, a deep hole in
Pine Creek was pumped out to get water,
and after getting down 50 or 60 feet no
bottom oould be found. All the wells in
tbe vicinity went dry when the hole was
pumped out.
-•John J. Reiser,the well known drover
has purehased Jack Grubb': interest in the
meet market at No. 107 8. Main St., Rei
ber block, and the firm is now Kummer £
Reiber. They kaep at all times a large
supply of cboioe home-dressed fresh meats,
smoked and boiled hams, etc., and will
sell meats as cheap as possible.
—An importent special meeting of tbe
Town Council was held on Tuesday even
ing, at which a committee was appointed
to inveatigate whether the water company
had violated its charter reqeirementa.
The committee was also instructed to
make inquiry oonoerning tbe feasibility of
a new water works system. Messrs Lowry
and Lawall, with tbe Weter Committee are
on the new oommittee.
—Messrs. D. B. McCune, of Plain
Grove, and Harry Kelly, of Hallston, But
ler oounty, have purohased the machinery
and buildings of the pottery company at
Hallston and have converted it into a
factory fur the manufacture of atavea and
heading* for keg*. They use all kinds of
timber, such as maple, elm and gum, ena
bling the farmers of that vioinity to rea
lise something lor timber that was hereto
fore worthleas.
—Writing from Cold Springs Ky. Jno.
Hare (formerly Levery of Penn twp.)
says " onr crops failing here by drought
■ekes us very short or means. We have
bed co rams of oonaeqnenoe since some
time la Mayleat Every thing is almost
burnt up. Water is getting source. Most
farmers have to haul weter for honae and
stoek for miles. The Ohio river is turning
bottom up, and if no rain soon It will roc
teed in so doing. There will be no oom
or late crops here. I may get to see you
when tbe National encampment meets st
rhtatmrg next month.
—Franklin College, New Athens,
0., Is thorough, tad tbe cheep—t we
kilo w of; f 185 a year. Catalogue
Mrs. McKee Scott was released from jail
on Tbursdav the 9th. J. Q. A. Kennedy
entered bail for SSOO.
N. C. McCollough passed bis preliminary
examination and i* enrolled as a law stu
M. W. Mays and Phillip Davis have had
summons in ejectment issued for 7 acres
of land in Middlesex twp. against Youn
kins Bros, and Christy.
Theo. J. Leedom sues the Plank road
Co. for $l5O. damage.
Summons in ejectment for 25 acres of
land in Middlesex twp. has been issued to
lacob Schaffner vs R. D. McClelland and
others. Also for a half interest in 40 acres
of land in Penn twp. to Thos. Robinson vs
D. A. Renlrew.
The will of Margt J. Flemming late of
Buffalo twp. was probated and letter#
granted to M. S. Greer.
Letters of adm'n on estate of Silas Camp
bell late of Washington twp. were granted
Mary Campbell; also on estate of Susan
Bambart of Fairview twp. to Samuel
John Humphrey to John G W Book lot
in Worth tor S4OO.
Henry Rinker to Amanda L Gold 74
acres in Clay for S9OO.
Ferd Feigel to W E Sloan lot in Butler
for SIOSO.
Margt Dunbar to Mary A Dunbar i acre
in Forward for SSO.
Geo J Krng to Will G Krug lot in But
ler for $llOO.
D J McFadden to M S McGarvey lot in
Great Belt for $950.
Same to W P Gormerly for $950.
Chas Duffy to Eli May lot in Butler for
Geo A McCandless to John Seig 2j acres
in Lancaster for S2OOO.
J W McNaughton to Margt J McNaugh
ton 6 acres in Washington lor sl.
J S Parker to Margt J MoNaughton 6
acres in Washington for sl.
Amelia C. Casterline to J. D. Boyer 60
acres in Jefferson for $377.
Marriage Licenses.
H A Pfeifer Forward twp
Katie Marbnrger Adams twp
WalterE Boozel Euclid
Nettie E Crsnmer "
C. L. Richey Summit twp
Belle Scott Saxonburg. Pa
At Pittsburg, Wednesday, Wm. T. Ram
sey Jr. and Delia C. Bestler, both of Slip
pery rock.
—Report of Butler Board of Health for
month ending July 31, 1894. Contagious
Cases. Deaths.
Diptberia 1 0
Typhoid fever 2 ...I
Measles , 1 1
Deaths from other diseases, dropped
dead 1, kidney disease 1, kidney disease
and old age 1, peritonitis 1, entero oolites
1, opium nareosis 1, cholera infantum 1,
pernicious anenia 1.
Fred Stewart and bride are the guests of
Prof. Davis.
0. P. Stougbton, a farmer of Lawrence
Co. has ftiled. The principal execution
is for $8,600 in favor of Col. Jackson of
New Castle.
Blair Co. has $63,000 of its funds in the
Western National Bank, of Phila. credited
to the closed Altoona Bank, tbo 2nd Na
tional, and as these funds are needed for
current expenses there is much uneasiness
in official circles there.
A Sudden Death.
A peculiarly sudden and sad death
ooourred at the home of Ford Braham
Friday last. His nephew of about 8
years of age whose home is near Har
risville was visiting the family and while
watching the men unloading hay with a
horse fork, Thursday, the little fellow got
his finger caught in the pulley that the
rope runs through. 9e did not seem
much hurt and after oaring for tbe injured
hand the family did not think it was any
thing to give cause for nn**siness. That
night he tuddenly became very ill and a
physician was aent for, but the little suf
ferer died about onebalf-boor after he
arrived at his bedside. The cause of death
was Tetanus caused by tbe injury to his
hand. Tbe parents of the little boy were
overcome with grief at his sudden death. —
Tbe Marketa.
Our grocers are paying 20 for butter, 10
for eggs, onions 65, 65 for new potatoes,
blackberries 6 cts. a quart, corn, 10 per
dozen,oabbage 2 cts. per pound, apples 75,
and cucumbers 15 a aoz.
Timothy hay from country wagons sls
to 16, mixed hay $10.50, to 11.00, straw
$6.00 to 7.00.
Country roll butter 16 to 18, fresh eggs
12 to 12}, dressed chickens, drawn 12 to
14, spring chickens 15 to 16 per pound.
New potatoes $2.00 to $2.15, onions 50 to
At Herr's Island, Monday, beeves sold
at 3.00 to 5.00,bu11s and dry cows at 1 00 to
2 50, hogs at 4.00 to 5.65, sheep at .50 to
3.00, lambs at 1.00 to 3.75, and calves at
1.50 to 5.00.
Evan* City Sports.
Tbe new bicycle park of the Evans City
Atheletic grounds wa* opened on Thurs
day last with a ball game and several
bicycle races. Tbe Elwood club beat the
home boys by a score of 6to 4. Tbe one
mile raoe was won by T. A. Graham, in
2:31; the two mile] race ia 6.24 by Scott
Douthett, the five mile race In 13:15 by
Geo Wagner and the 8 mile in 22:40 by W.
Sterrett. Tbe opening of tte park was in
every way a success, and the park itself is
a credit to tbe enterprizing little boreugh.
The New Castle Fair.
PREMIUMS, $3,500.
Largest and best Fair in the State.
Dont fail to see the bicycle races
Aag 29.
Beet trotting and pacing races ever
held in New Castle. Excursion
rates on all railroads Aug. 23th,
29th, 30th and 81st.
Wheat Wanted.
We pay tbe Highest Price tor
wheat—both old and new, at oar
We chop all kinds of grain at oar
mill for the Tenth Bushel and do il
promptly and to your satisfaction.
Remember we Only Charge tbe
Tenth. George Walter Sl Son's.
Bntler Pa.
—Clearance sale of all summer
goods at less than wholesale price,
—Zaver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
—Take your family and ianch
basket to tbe Conneaut Lake Expo
sition Augast 27th. to SepVember 2.
—lt cost you nothing for admis
sion to tbe Conneaut Lake Exposit
ion Aagnst 27 th. to September 2 nd.
—Bargains in Lawns, Dimilys
Pongees, Organdies and all the Bum
mer goods at
Dealers in new and second band
household goods of every description
Call and see as. We can save you
money. (Next door to Q. W. Mil
ler's Grocery.)
—One Portfolio, containing 16
saperb views from the Worlds Fair
giren away with each $2 00 sale at
—The Conneaut Lake Exposition
this year will be larger than ever
before, August 27th. to September
E. H. Ander»on, representing the Inde
pendent Oil Refinery, was in Meadville
last week.
Mr. and Mr*. G. G. Crawford, of Emlen
ton have been visiting in this county.
P. W. Lowry ha. returned from his out
ing with the Solid Comfort Club in Cana
Miss Sade McKee. of Clintonville is the
gaest of Miss Ada Bonner.
Capt. Ayera and wife went to Harris
ville last week to see Jndge Kerr, who
was suddenly taken sick recently, but i»
now better.
Mrs. W. P. Roaming is visiting at
Major Anderson has a» a gnest this
week his step mother, Mrs Anderson.
Miss Elora lirandon is visiting at Frank
lin, Pa.
Mr. Woods, of McKean St. is visiting
his parents in Pittsburg.
Mrs. D. H. Sutton it visiting at Altoo
Miss Cora Miller entei tained a number
of her friends last Thursday evening
Mr. Wesley Monks paid our office a
pleasant visit last Friday.
W. J. Benson, the Chicora boiler maker j
who was over come by the heat and be
came insane, is entirely recovered.
Henry Hall of the Pittsburg Times was
in town last week and wrote Butler up to
the extent of one and one-half columns for
his paper.
Mrs J. H. Troutman and family are
visiting at Carrollton, O.
Mrs. Mary Gray is home from the Lake,
Miss Madge Shira is visiting in Butler.
Miss Lillie Miller has returned from
Miss Elleanor Bradley, of Pittsburg,
Pa., is tbe guest of Muss Stella Aland.
Misses Mame and Stella Pape left yes
terday for Atlantic City.
Miss Jo McCarty rode her bicycle from
Pittsburg to Butler, Monday, and spent a
day with her friends here.
Mrs. H. G. Shaner is visiting at Trout
Mrs. Lizzie Young, a saleslady at Dav
ennys is visiting at Saltsburg.
Miss Alice Tomlinson is visiting Miss
Florence Roessing of McKean St.
Capt. Fleeger had a sinking spell tbe
other day, but is better now.
Charley Hazulett has boen somewhat
indisposed during the past few days.
Mrs. A. W. McCollough and daughters
Marian and Kelt are home from Chauta
Mrs. C. Koch has returned from Europe.
Miss Mary Shearer entertained ber
friends on Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Wm. Campbell gives a large garden
party to-night.
C. A. Abrams and wife, and D. E. Dale
are at Chautauqua.
Misses Smith, Wittock and Musick, of
Pittsburg are the guests of Annie Bickel.
Mrs. Morris ot Pittsburg is the guest of
Mrs. F. Shaffer.
Mr. John F. Meginnesj, of Williams
port Pa. is in Butler compiling a history
of this Borough for the torthcoming his
tory of the county. Mr. Meginness has
been editor of the Williamsport Gaztttr
and Bulletin tor npwards of twenty year.;
and is in all respects a very competeut
man for the work to which the gentleman
getting up the new history of our county
have assigned him. He has much exper
ience in that line of work having compiled
a history of his own, Lycoming county,
two years ago, and is a well known author
of other historical works.
Prof. 13. 0. Davis ha« returned to But
ler and moved into the Gantcr house tin
N. Washington street, formly occupied
by J. V. Ritts. Prof. Davis has been ab
sent a year at Boston where he attended
the New England Conservatory of
and studied harmony, voice, violin, pi '.no
and composition and made great progress
Ue had the degree of doctor of mueie
conferred on him, and wa-* elected a pro
fessor in the New England Conservatory.
While absent he composed several pretty
pieces and wrote a book on technique that
is now used as a standard in musical cir
cles. The people of Butler are to be con
gratulated on the return of such an emi
ent musician, for stcb Prol. Davis is coo
ceded to be.
A Sea-side Hurly-Burly.
Quite a number of Butler people took
advantage of the excursion rates offered by
the railroad and went to the seashore last
week. Some went to quiet places but the
majority went to Atlantic City, which may
be called the llurly-Burly of the coast
The crowd there on Saturday last was
estimated at 200,000. All the hotels, big
and little, were full, and thousands of
people slept on cots that night. The
board-walk which is about twenty feet wide
andisseveralmiles long, was crowded,so was
the immense pier which extends out over
the ocean for half a mile or so, and thous
ands of people were in the water. It was
the largest crowd we have ever seen in a
comparatively small place, and it was
scattered next day (Sunday) by a cold
drizzling rain, which set in the morning
and continued all day, for of all the dreary
p'aces on Earth none are more so than
watering or bathing places during cold and
wet weather.
Reduced Rates via Pennsylvania Rail
road for Mount Gretna Farmers'
From August 20th to 26th. inclusive,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell, for the above occasion, round trip
tickets to Mount Gretna and return at rate
of one fare for the rouud trip, from prin
cipal stations between East Liberty and
Bryn Mawr, on the Northern Central
Railway north of and includiug Lather
ville, and on tbe Philadelphia and Eric
Railroad Division. These tickets will be
valid for return passage until August 25th,
Need a Watch'
I sell all kinds at all prices and
every watch (its the price but price
is not everything in watch buying
Guaranteed quality is tbe bost thing.
I guarantee watches according to
their quality and the quality makes
the price. All kinds—all qualities—
all prices.
Jeweler and Optican.
Opp. Court House.
—White goods, Lawns, Pongee*
Organdies and all kinds of wash
goods at lese than wholesale price at
—Try our new roller flour—latest
improved machinery. Satisfaction
guaranteed, J. C. BREADEN A Co.,
West Sunbury, Pa.
Lowest rates, quick time aad best
accommodations on E. H. Norris'
annual excursions to Niagara Falls,
Toronto and Thousand Islands,
Thursday, Aug. Wd, via P., S. & L
E. and Nickel Plate railways.
Our State Normal School.
Attend the State Normal School
at Slippery Kock, Pa. We claim
that the school stands without a ri
val in the matter of Progressive
methods in teaching. Come out and
learn to teach Reading, Geography,
History and the other branches r.H
they should be taught in our com
mon schools Expenses only $54.
for 16 weeks. Fall term begins Sept.
4, 1894.
—Tenney's New York candies in
sealed packages at the City Bakery.
—Our Hosiery values are unequal*
ed and well worth your inspection
—lce cream delivered to all parts
of the city in any quantity and at any
time. Leave your order at the City
G. B. M. Yonnkins, familiarly known
as "Mac," a brother of John and Dan
Vounkins oi Butler was burned to death
in an awfal manner on Tuesday morning.
He was working on a weli on the Steijth
uer farm near Herman Station and was
laboring with atishingjob. In some way
' there was an eiplosion ol gas while Mr.
Vounkins was leaning over tbe derrick
hole,his clothes were saturated with oil and
gas, and in an instant he was enveloped
in a mass of flames Running to the en
gine house, he threw a lap robe around
bis head, and jumped into a pool of water
Friends sent for physicians at once but he
died Tuesday morning at eight o'clock.
He was buried from his old home near
Worthington. Wednesday.
The Odd Fellows and Elks attended
the funeral.
Oil Notes.
National Transit certificates have rang
ed from to 80| this week.
Tate <t Patterson have drilled iu their
well on the Ahbers farm, located one and
a quarter miles ea»t of Giade Mills, and
have a promising producer.
Leidecker A Co. have drilled their Miiier
farm well through the sand and shot it
and will have a 75-barrel pumper.
I'. Golden <fc Co.'s well on the hirolt
farai an important test well, nas been
drilled m and is showing fur 30 barrel* a
day. These wells all show an extension
to the Brownsdale field.
McClung & Co. drilled a bit into, what
to tbem is, a stray sand, ou the iloElwee
farm in Oakland twp Wednesday, and
the hide tilled up 150 feet with oil. Then
they broke something and operations were
delayed fur a day.
Phillips' No. 2 on the Stepp farm was
drilled in Tuesday and started oil' at 25
bbls. an hour.
Larger Hasm Needed.
The necessity ol a larger basin for the
»upply of water for Sutler is now making
itsell most manifest. Outrode of the mat
ter of the present scarcity and threatened
famine in water, it has ail along been con
sidered by our citizens that the basia of
the present water works is entirely too
small lor emergencies that may happen at
any time And now the matter i- pre
senting itself in a very forcible manner
upon u<. Aad all that is necessary i.i lor
present works to be removed up tbe creek
larther aud a piece of ground ob
tained sufficiently lar/e to hold enough
water to secure us from any danger in any
event. Ia this way better water would
also be suppl ed our people. A movement
is now on foot to compel the present com
pany to remedy our danger, and if uot
done our citizens will he compelled to
form a new company in order to secure
a more certain supply of good water.
George Uilgar, who lives titar Slippery
rock Park, was robbed of a small sum uf
money, one day last week. He was absent
during the afternoon and on his return was
met at the door by a man who struck him
across the head with an oar, felling him to
the floor. He then took Hilgar's money,
$3, anil 1. It. llilgar regained conscious
ness and grabbed his gun. He fired and
hit bis robber but could uot stop turn and
the latter made good his escape.
Chri* Stoner, an old soldier who lives
alone near North Washington, was robbad
on last Friday nignt, of a considerable sum
of money and other valuables. Tne bur
glars were two iu number and boldly rode
up to Stoner's place,dismounted aud made
a systematic robbery of the place. Stoner
does not expe t to recover any of the sto
len property.
This word conveys the idea of happiness.
And the happy day of the season will be
a twenty year reunion of the farmers' and
their city relatives which includes every
body. Reduced rates, by wagon, carriage
or sled. I have appointed this day be
lieving a farmers picnic might bring rain.
S. Nixox.
The barn of John P. Thompson in Cen
tre twp was destroyed by fire lmt Friday
noon. Malaobi Eagal and his sons were
threshing for Thompson at th» time and
the straw took fire fr-on a spark from the
engine. All of Mr. Thompson's hay, straw
end grain; some farming utensels, etc
were burned, bat the horses were saved,
lie had no insurance on either ftock or
barn. His house was raved with difficulty
as the fire made a breeze w..ich swept in
that direction.
—Dr Clark Oculist, Aurist, and
Specialist, ia the treatment of chronic
diseases can bo consulted at the
Lowry House, Butler Pa., during the
three davs of the Fair—Wednesday,
Thursday aad Friday, Sept sth, Otb,
and 7th, 1894.
—Summer Underwear, Hosier v,
Mitts, Laces and Ribbons at reduc
ed prices at
You pay for school-books; but
tbe best school-book for your children
is your daily p«.per Well printed,
carefully aud intellignutly edited, of
instructive contents, first and fullest
with tbe news and best in presenting
it, the Pittsburg Dispatch tills tbe
—Conneaut Lake Exposition
August 27tb , to September 2nd
Wait for the big excursion to
Niagara Palls, Toronto and Thous
and Islaud.s. Thursday, .Vug. 23d,
via P., S. fi L. E and Nickel Plate
{ Pt,BK
( ' r K,
For sale by J. A. Ricbey. Leave
your orders at the IJakery.
Admission Free to tbe Conne
aut Leke Exposition. August 27th.
to September 2nd.
cent Pongees and Tissues
reduced to cents at
Boarding House Cards, with Act
of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-dozen,
for sale at CITIZKN office,
—No matter how hard the times
the one thing yon cannot afford to go
without is all the news If you want
all the news you get it in the Pitts
burg Dispatch. Tbe Dispatch pub
lishes all—not a part only
Don't fail to attend tbe Conne
aut Lake Exposition August 27th.
to September 2nd.
Highest cash price paid for irrain
of all kinds at J. C. Hreaden <t Co.'s
new roller mills, West Sunbury, Pa.
—Take your children to Zuver's
Gallery for Pictures that will snit
you. Postoffice building
Niagara Falls, Toronto and Thous
and Islands, Thursday, Aug. 23d,
via P., S. L. E. and Nickel Plate
II R's. Only big excursion this
season, E. 11. Norris, manager.
Rye Wanted.
Tbe highest prices paid for rye at
the mill of GEO. WALTER <FC SON.
Butler, Pa.
Remember that the only big excur
sion to Niagara Falls, Toronto and
Thousand Islands this season via
tha P., S 4 T. K and Nickel Plate
Railway's will be conducted under
tbe management of E. H. Norris,
Thursday Aug. i3.rd. Wait for it.
A fair correspondent, who wishes to re
j main unknown, sends ns the following
j vivid account of ber terrifying experience
; with a large blacksnake.
One evening recently, I >t*rted with a
j hatchet for the farther end of our little
i farm to see if water still flowed in abun
| dance from the little opring at which we
j water our cattle. I had been there only a
| short time, and wa* cutting down a few
. of the weed* and underbrush which grew
I around the spring, when, chancing to
look aroand 1 saw the Urgent snake I had
i ever laid eyes on. Being a girl and timid
| I was naturally Tery much frightened.
Fortunately I did not 100.-e my presence
of mind, and" having the hatchet still in
hand, I wan about to deal the snake a
quieting blow. when it made a dart a* me
and in a trice was winding around my
aitVle. Ncarlv frightened to death. 1
grabbed it behind the neck and it quickly
unwound and began curling aiound my
arm. From this place I loreed it to the
earth and dispatched it with the hatchet.
It was black on its back an<i beneath
were yellow stripes and markings I
cannot give the exact measurement, for
it was t.o badly mangled, hot as near as I
could judge it was 5 feet 7j inches.
I received no serious injury, but am not
yet entirely recovered from iny fright.
Base Bail.
Ruder won a close game from the I*. a..
C. club of Pittsburg la.-t Saturday The
game was characterized by O'Brien's and
Barr's batting and the general play of the
Butler boys. The score wa.- 11 to 10.
The Butler clnb played at Franklin Mon
day and Tuesday. The Franklin club is
too strong for our boys and won both
I. tint Excursion of the Season. Atlanta-
Coast and Return at $lO the Round
On Angus' "23 next the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will run the last of its
popular seashore excursion* for the season.
This trip is planned f>r the express pur
pose of furnishing an economical oppor
tunity for people living in Western Penn
sylvania to viMt some of the principal sum
mer resorts «l the Athilitic Coast The
tickets permit of a stay of nearly two
weeks, and a choice of destination is al
lowed —Atlantic City, the most popular
resort in America. Cape May, appropri
ately called the of the Coast. Sea
Isle City, the Gem of the Coast, and Ocean
City, last bat by no wean* thd least attrac
tive of the places.
| Special train wiil leave Pittsbarg on
above mentioned date at 8.50 a m. arriv
ing at Altooua 12.25 p. in. where stop lor
dinner will be made, and reaching Phila
delphia 7.20 p. m. Passengers can upend
the night in Philadelphia. and take any
regular train of the following day for the
sea shore.
Ritigerieir ('amp Meeting.
For the Ridgeview camp-meeting, to be
held near Millwood, Pa , August 16th to
28th, inclusiye, the Pennsylvania Kailroad
Company will sell, from August 14th to
28th, inclusive, round-trip tickets to Mill
wood and return at reduced rates from all
stations on the Pittsburg Division. South
west Pennsylvania Branch, and Western
Pennsylvania Division east of and includ
ing Freeport. These tickets will be valid
for return passage until August 30th, in
Fall information ia regard to rates and
special traiu arrangements can be obtain
ed ou application at ticket offices.
Ti:e Stall of Life,
There is less Broad baknd iu tain
il t ovens, or range.*, than ever before.
Whj? Simply because it does uot
pay The wife may get ber bread
sad, dark and heavy, there ia &o
money saved by baking at home but
there ia a great deal of hard work
and worry saved by not baking and
where is tbu uae of it when you can
buy from your Grocer Marvin's
Superior Bread, crackers or cakos
and yet the finest, s-A-eetest, lightest
and most thoroughly kneaded Bread
that can be luad" and at a very 'ow
price, jdarviu's Bread and crackers
are a Perfect Health Fo id—Ask for
—Job work of all kind done at the
—The higbtst grade of pilent
flour made at the mills of
J. C. BREADSN & Co.,
West Sunbury, Pa.
—An invitation is extended to the
people of western Pennsylvania to
take advantage of tbe Bea-ahore ex
cursions, the last of the season, over
the Pennsylvania Railroad, Thurs
day August 23rd. The rate is $lO.
with a very libera] limit of 12 days,
with a choice of either Atlantic City,
Cape 1/ay, Sei Isle or Ocean CiSf.
Traius leave Butler 0:15 A. M. and
2:45 P \I. Pulluiaa parlor cars ou
day trains and sleeping cars on
night trains.
E. 11. Norris' auuual excursion to
Niagara Falls, Toronto and Thous
and Islands via P., S. <fc L. 10. and
Nickel Piatt! railways take* place
Thursday, Aug. 23, 1894. Only ex
cursion of the season yia this route
—Excursion rates on all rail
roads to tbe Conneaut LakefOxposit
ionAug. 27tb. to Septemlwr 2nd.
Excursion lo Washington D C.
Via P. & W and B. & O. R R
Aug. 22nd to 2Gtb inclusive,
agents I'. & W. Uy will sell round
trip tickets t> Washington L) C. ac
count meeting Supreme Lodge and
Conclave Uniform Rank, Knights of
Pythian, at 'arc one way for the
round trip. Tickets good to return
until Sept 18tb.
A business that keeps grow
ing through a season or de
pression, such as the country
has experienced, is an evi
dence that people realize they
save money by trading with
us. We know, and always
have known, the days of large
profits ate Without
question we are giving more
for the money than last year.
Our stock is larger to select
from than last r year.
Colbert & Dale.
Bargains in Every Department!
Flats 15c were sl, #1.25 and $1.50
Ono lot of 50c flowers for 10c.
One lot of $1 flowers for 25c.
One lot of 50c ribbon for 25c.
Your choice of our sl, $1.25 and $1.50
waist-, for 35c.
One lot of childrens 25c hose for 10.
One lot of childrens 25c hose 2 pair for 25c.
One lot of ladies 25c vests 2 for 250.
One lot of ladies white skirts for 25c.
M. F. & M. MARKS,
113 to 117 S. Main St., - - Butler.
Insurance and Real Estate
A Suggestion.
i . « : > I 4 ■ r f
,r*" v T- n sucuirm
: D*
Did it ever occur to you mat there ate
drugs and drugs—that drugs are like every
thing else —there are good, bad aad indif
ferent. There is nothing else which is
positively bad if it is'nt just of the best.
Our policy has always been to have noth
ing but the best.
When you want drugs come to us and he
assured of fresh pun- goods, aud always
what you a.-k for or your prescription t ails
lor. It may not always he drugs you want
either. We always have on hand a full
line of sick room requisites.
Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa.
Ity virtue ol sundry writs.of \ea. Ex.. Ft. Fi...
Lev. Fa.. &c . ts.ueU out of the Court of t'ommor.
IMeus of Butler Co.. I"a.. ami to me directed
there wilt be exposed to public sale at the
Court House. In tbe borough ol llutler, ou
Friday, the 31st day of Aug.,
A. L>. ism. at 1 o'clock P. m,, tbe following de
scribed property, to-wit:
EI>So 17 Sepl T. lul. 1' VV Lowry, att'y.
All the rljjht. title, interest aud claim of J H
Bi lghlejr. ot. In and to .">7 acres of land, more or
situated In Lan .ist-r tw|>.. Uutier Co.. Pa
bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by
binds of John FI Inner anil Miller, east b">
lands of Nee ley et al south by lands of Fred
Miiier aud west by lands of ii D Swain aud
Miller, and also curtlllage ,as allowed by the
commissioners appointed by the Court as" tiled
at A !> No 4-* v Sept. T. Ibas. now owned by Beotel
a Wise, and having erected then on a two-storj
rr.ime dwelling hnus» log h.irn, orchard; most
ly cleared and In a r ilr state or cultivation
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of .1 11 Belghley at the suit of Thompson & Son.
E I) No 93. sept T, l-ot. Thomas Robinson .att'y
All the right, title, interest and claim of S
(irahain. of. In and to a certain lot of land.more
or !• ss. situate In Ith ward. Butler boro. Butler
Co.. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit: On the
north by Clay St. east by lot of t'lrich West,
south by Locust s«, west by lot ot Oeor,?e 11a
ben, s.ild lot having a iroutage ut 4-< teet on Lo
cust St. and the ,-ame width on clay St. and
having a two story frame dwelling house.frame
stable and othei outbuildings erected thereon
Seized and taken in execution as the properly
of S Graham at the suit of Thomas Robinson.
E1) No ao. Sept T ism. J c Vanderlln, att'y.
All the right, title, int -rest au l claim of vt .1
suiitb. of. in and to 50 a'res of land, more or
less, situate in S.lpperyroct twp. Butler Co..
Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit: Ou the north
by lireen farm, east by lauds of John Fielding,
south b> land of Norman Patterson, west by
Harmony church road, said land being mostly
cleared, under fenc- and In a good state ol
cultivation, witn a frame dwelling hvMise, b*rii
mid other outbuildings erected thereon. Seized
aud taken in execution as the property of M J
s mltb at the suit or E D Comsioclc for use of J
E Adams.
ED No 102 Sept T ism W A Forquer, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim ol C
Snodgrass, C A Snodgrasa and Kllz ibeth Snod
grass. of. Iu and to a certain lot ;of 1 md, m ire
or less, situate In Butler boro, Butler C 0.,, Pa.
Bounded aa follows, to-wit: on the north by
an alley, south by Nor'h St.. east by lot ot U
Langbeln (formerly), west by lot of formerly
(ieo Bauer, now Mrs. .Philip Blckel. said lot
having a frontage of 15 feet and extending bacU
same width tso feet to an alley, with utwi
story frame dwelling house, stable and other
outbuildings erected thereon, and being sold on
a bond accompanying the mjrtgage ou salu
premises belonging to II Schneldeman.
ALSO—AII the right, title. Interest and claim
ot C Snodgrasx, C A Snodgrass and Klizabeth
Sno-Igrass. of. in and to lno acres of land, more
or less, situate In I'enn twp, Butler Co. Pa.,
bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by
lands of Samuel Cooper. ® tat by lauds of A An
drews, south by landsof Philip Sutton. Charles
Duffy et al, west by lands of s Nixon, formerly
Samuel Gamble, said lutid being mosily clear
id and under a fair state of cultivation, with a
good orchard, good two-story frame dwelling
house, board stable aud other outbuildings
erected thereon, and being sold on a bond ac
companying (he mortgage on said premises be
longing to 11 Schneldeman. Seized and taken
In execution as the property of C Snodgrass. t
A snoilgrass and Kiiz ibeth Snodgrass a' the
suit of 11 Schneldeman.
EI) Nos 99 and 100 Sapt T. KWI. James N
•Moore, att'y.
All the right, title. Interest aud claim of W c
McCandless. of. in and to 1 i.5 a 'r.'s of l iu I.in.ire
or less, situate in Ceol re aud Franklin twps..
llutler Co. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit. on
the north by lands or Mary A Kussell. heirs ol
John Mcßrlde aud Joslah McCall. east by lauds
of W II McCandless, Mary A Ituasell, Dr. A
I tollman and S \V Glenn, south by 1 tails ot s v»
Gleun. J T McCandless *iid public r-iad loading
from Unlonvllle to Hapttst church aud O(' Mil
ler, and west by lands or Lewis McOaud less,
Abram Waigle. Johes heirs, Jos Weii/.el and
Thompson McCandless, said laud being uti der a
fairslaieofetllllv.it! >.i with a gui Of ur I,
about 3W acres woodland, balance cle.ire.l and
having thereon ere ted two Irani ■ dwelling
houses, two frame barns, one lox baru and
other outbuildings Seized -and taken lri exe
cution us the property or wc McCandless at the
suit of John W lirown et al.
E I) No SS Sept TI9OI. WO Thi.apio.i, atty
All the right, title, inter -st and etalin of L»e
MUHKSk.of. I;I and to r,i bj 16J feet ot land,more
or less, situate Iu I'entre. lile boro, Butler Co..
Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit; On the north
by Water St, oast by luud of Win K Brown,
south by an alley, west by au alley, with a I wo
etory frame dwelling house and other outbuild
ings erected thereon. i ,m I taken in •■ \
cuiionasthe property ot Lee MusleK ut, t'le
suit of John M Tuompson.
El> No 42 Sept term. isji. Kohler. att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jo
hanna Wuller, of, iu and to a cert tiu lot ot I md
more or leas, situated in Duller borough. But
ler county. Pa. bounded as follows, to wit: on
tbe north by lot or lUiston. east by Main
fctreet, south by lot Of Christ Stock, west by lot
of It P Scott, with a good two-story brick butld
lug used as a store room and dwelling house
erected thereon.
ALSO—Of, in and to a certain lot of I ml,
more or less, situated in Butler borough. Butler
county, I'a, bounded as follows, to wI;: On the
noi tli by Jefferson str -et; east by lot of Pillow
heirs, south by lot of F 1' iialdauf; west by lot
of John l.efever, said lot having a frontage of
au feet oo Jefferson street and with a good two
story frame dwelling house erected thereon.
ALSO Of. in and to a certain lot of land
more or less, situated in butler bor mgh, Butler
county, i'a, bounded as Pillows, to wit; Ou the
north b> St Peter's church property, easi tiy
Cunningham heirs, south b, an alley, west by
i raiikiin street, said l"t irontitig on I'raukli'u
street jx> teet. more or les.-.. aud having a g.i xl
brick dwelling house, stable aud other out
buildings erected thereon.
ALSO Of, in and toa certain lot of land.
more or leu,, situate In Butler borough, liut.ier
county. I'a. bounded as follows, to wit: on the
mirth by lot of Larklu; east by lot ol Kamerer;
south by Centre Avenue; west by lot or Larklus,
said lot having a frontage otsu feet on Centre
Avenue and extending back r ,s feet to the
northern boundary. Mini a lar„'e brick building
used as a dwelling and store room and a frame
dwelling house erected thereon.
ALSO Of, in and to a Certain lot of land,
more or less, situate In Butler borough, llutler
county, i'a, boutuled as follows, to wit: on the
north by lot ot Charles Huffy, east by Elm
street, south by an alley, west by an alley, said
lot being loxl3o feet, more or less, and havine
a two-story frame dwelling house ere led
ALSO Of, In and to a ceitain lot of land
more or less, situate In Butler borough, Butler
county, Pa, hounded as follows, 10-wlt: Com
mencing at a point on Locust street, thence
north IU degcast I.V> 1-10 feet along lot or lo
west to College street north >:i d-g eut lo
feettoa post, thence South 1' 4 ileg west 157
9-10 reet ulong lot of I heoiloru lluselton to
Locust street, thence west along Locust street
to the place of beginning, being 11 feet rront,
anil being same property quit claimed by the
heirs to the present grantor by deed d ite 1 Ith
March. 18K». recorded In Deed Bo >k 10,. p ige
182, with a Irame dwelling and oth r outbuild
lugs erected thereon. Seized aud taken In ev
ecutlon as the property ot Johanna Wuller at
the suit of John Lawall.
E ONo no Sept T, Isol 'l'hos ttoblnson. alt'y.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of Jes
sie M Shepard, administratrix or Jam M
SLepard. deceased, or, in aud to X a re of
land, more or less, situated In Slippery Itock
twp. llutleri'o. Pa. bouridcii as follows, to wit:
S lid property being one-fourth Interest or par
of one half acre of ground, more or less, ad
Joining the north abutment of tlio bridge ami
mill dam.
ALSO 6f, In and to two acres of land, sit
uate in Slippery Bock twp. Butler Co, Pa,
bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by
head racu of mill; east by mill dam to high
water mark; south by lands or II shepard s
heirs aud within 20 feet of the store rooai or
house, ou the west by Mercer aud Butler turn
ALSO -Of, In and toS acres of land, more
or less, situate In Slippery Rock twp. Butler
Ce, P.i, biunded as follows, to wit Beginning
at a post or corner on the liuller and Mercer
road, thence by lands ot V. I! Shepard's heirs
north M i ast .(■( 3-10 rods to a post or corner,
thence by lands of James Boyle south .
east 20 7 lo perches ton post, thence by other
lands by said James lloyle south ui west
331-10 rods to the Mercer and llutler road,
thence along salil road north 2s 1 s west 23' i
rods to the place of beginning.
ALSO Of, In and to live acres of land,
more or less, situate iu slippery Itock twp,
Itutler Co, Pa, boundi las follows, to-wit: Ou
the north by center of slippery Itock creek,
east by lands of Jam"s M Shepard's heirs;
noutb by lands of Z I: shepard's heirs: west b>
center of Slippery Itock neck, being the one
fourth interest In the Ktna mill property as
above described and bounded, and having
thereon erected a large a large frame building
used as flouring mill, together with one-fourth
of all the water power and privilege appertain
ing to and connected with said mill property
Including the mill dam, appurtenances and
fixtures to the high watermark. Siezed and
taken in execution as the property ol Jessie M
Shepard. adm'rx of .l is M Shepard, dee'd. at
the suit bf hitsih ttoblnson for use of Maria
K I) No !)# Sept T lsyl. E E Voting, att'y.
All the right, tllle. Interest and claim of Ben
jamin Foster of, Lu and to s acres of laud, mure
or less situate In llutler twp, Butler Co. Pa ,
bounded as follows, to-wit: Ou the north by
lauds of Samuel A t'earce, east by lauds of
At raham McCandless. south by liuds of Vir
gin..! Mcs "andless. west by a road referred to In
a deed rroin Silas Pearce and Kltz ibeth. his
wife, to liura. c Pearce, said bearing dale
2lstday ot Nov. 1871. and recorded Indeed
book JO. page 34.V
ALSO—Oi, la and to a certain lot of land,
more or less, situate In Butler boro Butler Co.,
Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit: Corameneing
at a point In the w -st end ot Butler boro al a
i herrv tree running southiM-' along Hud of
Wm Foster KS feet to Iwid of i'ttotu.is Mggle.
t ence along said land of Tfomas Niggle weal
ward vi ieet to land of Tuomaa Niggle : llienee
ali i g land of Thomas Niggle northward s;. feet
to Cleveland St ; thence along said street
S3 feet to the place at b-gtnnmfc; with a two
storv frame house with sla'e root anil othvr
outbuildlnps erected thereon Seized anil tak
en In execution as tli ■ property of Benjamin
Foster at the suit ot W M liar ber.
El> No":> Sept T 1SS»». Walter L Graham.att'y.
All the right, tirle, Interest and claim of C A
Uerner of. In and to a certain lot of land, more
or less, situate In Butler twp.. Butler Co.. Pa .
bounded as tollowa, to-wit: on the north by
New i x-'ie road, east by A St. south by an al
ley, *i.t by lot of Noble, said lot being 50 by
100 feet, more or less, and having a one story
board dwelling house and other outbuildiugs
erected thereon. Seiztsland taken In execution
as the property of C A (lerner at the suit of I.C
Eli Nos - 59, 00. OS, 73 71 and 100 Sept T 18»t.
Frank Kohler. J M Painter, W t> Brandon and
Lev McQalstton, att'ys.
Ail tiie right, title, Interest and claim of Win
i McKinms. or. in and to lo acres ol land, more
or less, situate In Franklin twp, Butler Co., Pa.
bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by
Julia Ann Italstou and David English, east by-
David West, south by land of David West, west
by land ot John Miafer ind Thompson Mci and
l<as, S ald land being mostly cleared,under rence
.ind in a fair state ot cultivation, with a rrame
dwelling house, log stable and other outbuild
ings and several fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—Of. iu and to u acres of land, more or
less, situated In Franklin twp. Butler Co.. Pa.
bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by
lauds of Alfred McKlnnLs. east by lauds ot Gus
and Agues Shannon, south by lands of David
West, west by lands of David West, said land
being timber land. Seized and taken In execu
tion a.s the property of W:u F McK mats at the
suit of Franklin Miller et al.
E D Nos 57. .•*, 59. 00. 73. 71 and 100 Sept T l»t.
Frank Kohler, W D Brandon and Lev Mc
({ulstlon. att'ys.
All the right, title, luier.-st and clilm of Al
fred McKlnnts of, lu and lo 10 acres or land,
more or less, situate In Franklin twp. Butler
Co . Pa. bounded aa follows, to-wlt: Beginning
at a stone at Use northeast corner, thence by
lands ot Kobert llindtnan east 72 SS perches
north to a stone; thence by lands of s W siian
non south 2'i' east xy perches to a stone;thence
* est ss south by lauds Of Wm MCKIuniS 72
perches to a stone; thence north by lands of J
Wilson west sy perches to a stone or place
ut beginning, with a frame dwelling house, log
stable, small orchard thereou. said land being
mostly cleared and In a talr state or cultivation.
Seizeu and taken in execution as 'he property
ot Alrred McKinnts at the suit of Franklin M il
ler et al.
E D No* 71 and 72 Sept term 1891. W A b or
quer. attorney.
All the right, title. Interest anil claim ot I. L
Oaubeuspejk, of, lu aud lo 170 acres ot land,
more or less, situate In Parker twp. Butler Co,
i'a, bounded as follows, to-wlt: on tne north
by land or Wm Daubenspeck. east by land ol
A brain and David Daubenspeck. south by
land of McCaflerty and Collins, west by lauds
of Walley. Shryook and Heydrlck, said land
being mostly cleared, under fence and In a
lair state of cultivation, with a two-story
frame dwelling house, frame barn, oichard,
and other outbuildiugs erected thereon. Seiz
ed aud takeu in execution as the property ot
I. 1. Daubenspeck at the suit of Lucmda Walley
lor use of A F Daubenspeck et al.
KD No 98, Sept T, 1891. SF Bowser, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of John
Ezra Weller, of, in and to a certain lot of land,
more or less, situate lu Butler bjro. Butler Co,
i'a. bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at
the northeast corner at lot or ground or Melln
da Maxwell ami i'enn street; thence north
along sat.i Feim street so teet to lot of Audy
1 Collins; thence south along said lot 170 feet to
aajalley ; thence east along said alley so feet lo
10l of Meltnda Maxwell: thence north along
s.sid lot 17« teet to Peuu street- the place of be
ginning, with a small frame dwelling house
aud other outbuildings erected thereou. siezed
auu taken In executlou as the property ot John
Ezra Weller at the suit of Naomi Cress.
El> Nog 103 and 101, Sept T. 18W. Williams &
Mitchell, att'ys
AH the right, title'interest aud claim ot C A
Cruikshanks, or, lu and to a certain lot or land .
more or less, situate iu Butler boro, Butler Co,
Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit: Ou the north
by lot No 78 In Mrs Sarah Mackey s p lan of lots;
east by Cherry Alley; south by lot No 76; west
by Walker A venue, said lot being lot No 77 lb
.Mrs Sarah Mackey's plan of lots, aud fronting
ou said Walker Avenue 40 feet aud extending
back between parallel lines 175 feet to said
Cherry alley, with a good frame dwelling house
aud other outbuildings erected thereon. Seized
and taken iu execution as the property of C A
Cruikshauka at the suit of E Benuett & Sons
et at.
ED No 105, Sept term. 1891. Frank Kohler
All the right, title. Interest aud claim of
A Udell ne Elliott. J c Graham, administrator of
Angellne Elliott.and ltlddle W Elliott, of. in
and to a certain lot ot land, more or less, sltu
,.ted lu Butler boro. Butter Co. I'a. bounded as
follows, to-wit: Ou the north by Clay street,
east by lot ot John C Graham, south by lot ot
John c Graham. we»t by lot ot Wilson E Iteed,
said lot having a trontage at M teet on Clay
street and ruunlng back -4 feet on the cast side
and 83 72-100 feet ou the west side to said
southern boundary, and having a two stoty
frame dwelling house add other outbuildings
erected thereou. Siezed and taken in execution
as the property of Angelina Elliott. John C
(iraham, administratoraf angellne Elliott, de
ceased. and Kiddle W Elliott, ut the suit of
Jacob Fetter.
ED No 93. Sept, T, 1891. II II Gouceer, att'y
AU the right, title, luterost and claim of L E
Byers, or. In and to 70 acres of land, more or
loss, situate In Clay tivp. BuilerCo, Pa, bound
ed as follows, to-wit: on tun north by land of
Philip iiolsteln. Ambrose Patterson and Kob't
A Brown; east by lands or James Frazler,
south by lands or John Uindman and G W
Dodds. and west by lauds or G W Dodds. being
partly cleared and having thereon erected a
frame dwelling house, log barn, orchard and
other outbuildiugs. Siezed and taken lu execu
tion as the property or L E Byers at tne sutt. of
Mcßride& Elliott for use of I J Mcßrlde.
E1) No 108, Sept, T, isw. Joseph B Uredlu
All the right, title. Interest and claim ot John
A Wise, CUarles A Wise and Win II Wise; or. In
und to a certain lot ot land, more or less, situ
ate in Butler boro. Butler I'o, Pa, bounded as
follows, to wit: Ou the north by an alley : east
uy lot No 20. owned by the county of llutler;
south by West street; west by vVashingtou
street, being the undivided three-sevenths In
terest in said lot. known und numbered as lot
No 19, in the general plan ot lots ot said boro ,
and being oo reet in width from east to west
and 210 feet in length from north to south, and
having thereou erected a two story brick dwell
ing hutwe. two 2-story frame dwellings, frams
stable and other outbuildings.
ALSO —or. In and to a certain lot ot laud,
more or less, situate in Butler boro. Butler Co.
Pa,bounded as follows, 10-wlt: Ou the north by
an alley, east by lot No i lu said plan of lots,
south by West. street, west by an alley, being
tne undivided three-sevenths of lot No l iu plan
of lots as laid out by Moses Sullivan Esc;, in
s.nd borough, uud hiving thereou erected a
lwob'-ojv irame dwelllug house uud other out
buildings. Seized aud taken in execution as
Lhe property or Joliu A Wise, Charles A Wise I
and Wm II Wise at the suit ol William S Cash -
E DNo 136 June T, 1894. McQulstlon Atty.
All the right, title. Interest antl claim of Lew
is Miller, of, In anu to 100 acres of land, more
or lens, situated In Clay twp. Butler Co, Pa,
bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by
lands of I'hlllp Sanderson, East by lands of
Betghley heirs, South by land of Joslah Miller,
west by land of George Chrlstley. said land
being mostly cleared, under fence and lu a
lair state ot cultivation, with a good orchard,
trame dwelling bouse, log barn and oilier out
buildings crecte t thereon. Seized and taken in
executlou as the property of Lewis Miller at
the uit ot Margaret J Kay.
IE It MS OF SALE:—The following must be
strictly compiled with when property Is stricken
1. Waen the plaintiff or other Hen creditor
incomes tile purchaser the cost on the writ
must be paid and a list of the liens Including
mortgage searches on the property sold to
gether with such lien creditor's receipt* for the
amount or the proceeds ot the sale or such por
llon thereof as he may claim must be furnished
the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid In toll.
3. All sales not, settled Immediately will b <
continued until 1 o'clock r. m. of next day. at
which time all property not settled for will
again be put up and sold at the expens* and
risk of the person to whom rirat sold.
•.see Purdon's Digest, 9th edition, page 110.
and Smith's Forms, page .181.
Sheriff's Olllce, Butler. Pa., Aug 15. 1891.
CAPITAL Paid; lip, ... $100,000.00.
SC It PLUS ABilt PBOFITK, - $1«,S0» 01.
Jos. Ilartman. Pres't.
J. V. liltts, Vice Pres't, c. A. Bailey, Cashier,
Jos. Ilartman, C. P. Collins. N.M.Hoover
ohn Humphrey, J. V. Ititt-s,
E. E. A brains, Leslie Hazlctt. I. <l. Smith,
W. S. Waldron. W. Henry Wilson, M. Flnegau.
A general banking business transacted ~ln
teriwt paid on time deposits. Money loaned on
»pproved security.
Foreign exchange bought and sold.
H A Specialty.
At Redick's Drug Store.
We do not handle auytbing but
pure next time you are in
need of medicine please give us a
call. Wo are headquarters for pure
as we use only pure fruit juices, we
also handle Paris Green, hellebore,
insect powder, London purple and
other insecticides.
Main St.,next toHotel Lowry
BUTLEK, 3r\^.
There are too many goods in stock and must be sold and at
prices that will suit the times. We have a lot of odd suits that will
be sold regardless of cost. Everything must be sold to make room
for new goods.
Come and see for yourself.
104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
No other firm ever did or will sell as perfect goods at as low prices.
Our buyer is now east purchasing a large stock of Fall and Win
ter goods and we must have the room to receive them. A few facts:
Men's and boy's Sweaters at 50 cents.
Boys 50 cent knee pants at 25 cents.
Boys 75 cent knee pants at 50 cents.
Mens and boys 50 cent shirts at 25 cents.
Mens $1.50 Jean Pants at sl.
Leading Clothiers.
137 South Main street, Butler
Are you a short, fat man?
Are yon a tall, slim mam?
Are yon any kind of a man
or boy in need of clothes?
If you are, come in and we'll fit you
in a suit of clothes, for less money than
you ever bought them for before.
Yours for Clothing,
Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. Butler Fa
Selling Out!
Our entire stock of Spring and Summer Foot-wear. We're going to clew
out oar stock of Tan Shoes. Every style and description of ""j
K o in the sale. A large lot of Ladies Hand Turn Shoes will be Bold at
about half their real value. To make thia sale a complete aacceaa, we have
made such prices that
You'll be Glad to Buy.
Ladies Patent Leather and Dongola Oxfords were SI.OO and $1.25 to go
nt Ladles Vici Kid Oifords, Bqnare or Pointed Patent Tips will go at SI.OO
and $1 25, Prices of which were $1.75 and $2.00. Ladiea Dongola and
Vici Kid Shoes were $3.25 at $2.00 per pair.
A large lot of McKay sewed and Hand Turned Shoea In aizea 2s, 3 and
3£, prices on which were $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. Thia entire lot will go at
sl.soper pair
Misses Dongola Patent Tip Shoes at 85cte per pair.
Childrens Dongola Patent Tip Shoes at 50cte per pair.
Mens $2 00 Tan Shoes at $1.25 per pair.
Mens Picadilly Bluchers in Tan Shoes were $2.50 per pair will go at $1.50
So on throughout our entire Btock of Bummer Footwear. Goods will be
sold without reserve at less than the coat of their making.
Call and see these Bargains whether you wish to buy or not
Shippers and dealers in
Huilding Materials
Rough and dressed Lumber of all
kinds, Doors and Windows, and
Mouldings of all kinds.
H.E. WICK Manager
Office and Yards,
Kilt Cuanlavhim tad Ilonror ulrert* •
Rough and Worked lumber
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings.
Shingles and Lath
Always In Stock.
Offlou oppoaite.P. A W.*D«pot,*
Bi guided l>y our Market Litter.
Book on Speculation and Letter Mailed
free on application. Highest reference.
WKIJSiSA Co, Stork*. Urals a>4 rrwlaUaa,
41 Broadway, N. T
Hotels and Depots,
W. S. Gregg is now running a Una
of carriages between the hotels and
depots of the town.
Charges reasonable. Telephone
No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel
Good Liveryiig CoueeUoi
I* * * (JOSSER'S* # •
h<u no rqual (or chapped handt. lipa or
m faf. or any ruußhnvaa of the akin, and 0
IH not -i a irxalnt far the face
Q nftcr Rhaviug. Sold by fraffMi at .
1 iventy-five Cents a Bottle,