Do not Wait Any Longer, But Come at Once TO BICKEL'S. Where will be found the largest stock and latest styles of summer footwear at low prices. Our stock is larger than ever before com prising many new and pretty styles. Our stock of ladies shoes is large. Ladies' fine Dong. Pat. turned, Congress gaiters at $2.25. „ .« Russett, " " $2.25. " Russett Bluchers and Blucheretts at $2.25. " Dong. Southern Ties at $1.50. " Blucher Oxfords, black and russett at $1.25. One lot of ladies fine Oxfords at 75c. «« " opera toe and instep strap slippers at 50c. Misses Dongola Shoes, patent tip at 90c. Childs " " " 401075 c. Full stock of Misses and Childrens Russett shoes at a big bargain. Our stock of " " Oxford ties and slippers is very large. Infants shoes in all colors. Now is the time of the year when farmers are thinking ot buying a pair of shoes to plow in and do their summer work. In buying my spring and summer stock I took great pains to get a large selection and have got them at prices so as to sell lower than ever before. A good pair heavy shoes, Lace, Buckle or Con gress Gaiters at 90c. Box-toe shoes, whole stock kip, at $1.50. Full stock of Boys plow shoes sizes, 1 to 5, at 85c. Our stock of Mens fine shoes is large, and with our stock of low cut shoes we are sure to suit all, as we have all the latest styles at remarkably low prices. Full stock of our «wn make driller's shoes always on hand. Shoes made to order. Repairing neatly done. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. JOHN BICKEL, 28 SOUTH MAIN STBEET, BUTLER. PENN'A Fffl SIM. 1894. Our Fall stock of Fur niture will surpass anything we have previously shown. Many new things in Par lor Suits, Parlor Chairs, Couches, Bedroom Suits, Hall Racks, Side-Boards, Book Cases, Desks and Chairs. In our Carpet Depart ment we will soon offer for the coming season a large line of Wiltons, Axminsters, Body Brussels, Tapistry Brussels and Ingrain Car pets. Most of our fine car pets are in private patterns and can be seen only at our store. Our stock ot Rugs will contain many novelties. CAMPBELL 8 TEHPIETOH, Butler, - - - Penn'a The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS, GAS LAMI'S FIXTURES, HOSK, WATER FILTERS, BATII TUB ENAMEL, etc, is at W. U. O'Brien Soil's, "LOT" EastiJefferson Street. S. YOUNG. WM. COOPER YOUNG t\ COOPER, I MERCHANT TAILORS I . :o: For the month 01 July we have made a reduction on all AND LIGHT WEIGHT GOODS. PAINT cracks.— It often costs more to prepare a ; house for repainting that has been painted in the first place with cheap ready-mixed paints, than it would to have painted it twice with strict- j ly pure white lead, ground in pure 1 linseed oil. Strictly Pure White Lead forms a permanent base for rcj < • ' ing and never has to be burnoi < scraped off on account of sc. : : . or cracking. It is always smooth and clean. To be sure of gt m strictly pure white lead, pure!. . any of the following brands: "Armstrong & McKelvy, " Beymer-Bauman " Davis-Chambers," "Fahnestock." FOR COLORS.— National I Lead Co ' - P; u White Lead Tinting Colors, a onopum.d to a 25-pound ke& of Lead and mix \ paints. Saves time and annoyanr. in m,n shades, and insures the best paint that it i* ; sible to put on wood. Send us a postal card and get our bock paints und color-card, free; it will prolu -vt you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO.. Nov V r . Pittsburg Branch. German National Bank Building. Pittsl ur^. | 0 HN S & u LINIMENT ANY O TFT v v STRICTLY For FAMILY Use. Dropped on supar suffering children love to lake ft. Every Mother should have it m the house, it quickly relieves and cures all aches and pains, asthma, bronchitis, colds, coughs, catarrh, cuts, chaps, chilblains, colic, cholera morbus, earache, headache, hooping cough, inflammation, la grippe, lameness, mumps, muscular soreness, neuralgia, ncnotis head ache. rheumatism, bites, burns, bruises, strains, sprains, stings, swellings, stiff joints, sore throat, sore lungs, toothache, tonsilitis and wind co.ic. Originated in ISIO by the late Dr. A. Johnson, Family Thysician. Its merit and excellence have satisfied everybody for nearly a century. All who use it are amazed at its wonderful power. It is safe, soothing, satisfying; so say Pick, sensitive sufferers. Used Internal and External. Th<> Doctor* wigaattir© and directions on overy bov.Lo. Pamphlet free. F Id everywhere. Prfct-, 36> Jtfc fcix Lotties. *.OO. L 8. JOH.NSUK <fc CO.. Boetun. i\tS HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with HtUJiphrsyS Witoh Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and aiwavs gives satisfaction. It Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS. External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—ltching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and Si.oo. Sold b> DrnßgiaU.or sent post-paid on --ceiptof prioe. HUmiKKYS' B»:U. CO., 11l * 11» MUll.m St., X.w Tort. WITCH HAZEL OIL lmatured, skipped back and bottled on ourl flown pretmsca la the guarantee we l lor social purposes. * Mail and express orders! lover we pay express charges. g foftpkU Priio LisU of Brandies. Wines, W hiskiei mailed ft* 11 WW 111 II II IH I 111 ■ ■ MLMI ■ Are a symptom of Jaundice, I Dyspepsia,Constipation,Bil giousness, Liver Complaint. 9 DR. BAXTER'S MANDRAKE UTTERS will cure the disease and re move yellowness from skin and eyes. Warrantee* to cure. Sold everywhere at ?,"> cts. per bottle. for sale bj J. C. Redick • nil re ITCHING PILES rll r*jSWAYNE'S I lies aba w rtiUTMFNT ABSOI.UTSI.Y CURBS. " 1 ■ *" 1 8YMI» t oys-(i-hlnr anil •llnginj: IUU"! .t ■■ tuhl; v.- or.«- !»y .crfitehlnff. lr ntl-I WI 4to tumor* form Rl lit prutr.ile, «h!oh ortcn anil ulo rn'o. >M-ioratnc »«rj Mm KIV VYVK'S OIMMI 'n -top. th: Jt. ana blC'ttnc. hruU .locrmtion. uml I» mfMt remoit * utu«ri. Aw «*»cr fur ii. anil Olvriir. •• .1 cured ly tiro I > • >\t >1 N.lsth St. 0R a .- . • ' Pf'ufadn.t Pa. Jlo deception, i..• '.»! • . • » ■ 1 • -.;. 1 will cure you positively sr.d n: .<« • u n ar»d itrong. Treatmentbvmsi! : AT- an<i r rv'.lycoiifldenttti CD'r.c TREATMENT / DOCTORS LAKE WJfeS !K! ri; DISPENSAUT. , M} Con. ?EU: AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. v ' #r£ PITTSBURGH. PA. K Allformsot Delicate ami Com . Diseases reqnirinßCOK- FlIiEKTHUaudSi'lIKTIFlcMcd y iciillon iu C treated at tlus Dis n . with a succew. .-arely attained. Dr. S. K i. member ot tlic Itoval Collide of rhy» si..- ;•» id Surgeonz, an«l l*s tlic o! lost and most EX; i rieuceil SPKCIALtS. intliaeity. Spec'al at ivntion "iven toS vonn Debility frome* L'esaive fin ■ - :i! i'\ertion,lndi«ereti<in of youth, etc., caus iiu ;>liy .ical ami mental decay,lack of energy, !• j. .i." . ucv, etc.; also Cancers Old Sores, Flto, ri,.' I'lii iiruatliiin, and all ;li- ascaof the Skin, • kcj.l.l titisrs frlnarvOi-tcanmtt.-. Ccnstiltation 'lee mill strictly conftdintial. Ornca liours,!» to 1 ; . .<i r to SP. M.; Sundays, 2to4p. M. only. • ! nt oflice or address lil!<. I.AKE, CO&. t.NN A> 1:. ANDlTUil'..l , rrTfillL'ltGH.rA * I EWIS' 98 % LYE I FCVSUZS AVS FZSmOD HKBBt-gd> (riitsnu) Thealriintmtuil pnro.t T.ja HBmII mailc. L'nliko other I.y«, li buiu« Ht'U] Duo powder ami rai K«a In » can with roniorahle lid. the content, aro al«ay» na<ly far u*. HID make tlw l>r.f l»'rfuinM Hard So.p In 20 minatrs w H hout l><> Ulnar. MB It I. tl>e t>r.t fi.rr|,.nn»hjg w«a. T,|rc«. <ll Inflating ►lnk's closely ■I wa»hlcg iK.ttlus, lalnts, traM, cut. PEN HA. BALI' MT'Q CO u«u. amv.., ruik, THE CITIZEN A Silver Dollor Story. From the New York advertiser. A good story illustrating one phrase of the silver question was told by Lawyer Solomon Lincoln at the Boston Merchant's Club, of which Le is a member. "People living on the border between Mexico and the United States ought to be pretty well satisfied with the present con dition of affairs,' said he, "with things as they are in the vicinity of El Paso, Tex. "El Paso is located on the Rio Grande. If you cross the river yon are in Mexico. En El Paso an American silver dollar is worth 100 cents, bnt if you go over into Mexico it is only worth 85 rents. A Mexican silver dollar, on the other hand, is subject to a discount of fifteen per cent in El Paso. So that there is retalia tion, you see. When a citizen of El Paso is thirsty he steps into a bar room in his town and or ders a lemonade or something stronger and planks down an American silver dol lar on the counter. The drink is placed on the counter. After the customer has quenched his thirst he picks up his change. This does not consist of eighty-five American cents. Oh, no! The price of the drink was fifteen cents, bnt tbe change consists of a Mexican silver dollar, worth bat eighty-five cents. Later in the day the citiien of El Paso crosses the river and pays a visit to tbe Mezican town on business or pleasure. He becomes thirsty again. Entering a Mexican bar room he steps up to the counter and says! '•Whisky!" The drink is placed on the bar, and after draining the glass the El Paso man settles. This time he pays for his drink with a Mexican silver dollar The Mexican bartender smiles deprecat ingly as he gives the customer his change —an American silver dollar, worth, of course, but 85 cents. Then the American crosses over to El Paso again. He can go home and spend the night with his laniily or he can buy another drink in his town and get another Mexican silver dollar. He con go back and forth all day, jou see, get all he wants to drink and still have a silver dollar in his pocket. It mey be an American or it may be a Mexican silver dollar, it makes no differ ence to him. Is it any wonder that the people of Ei Paso are satisfied with the present statin of the silver question! —The motto of the proprietors of Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bitters is, "the greatest good to the greatest number," and «o sell a large bottle ot a valuable remedy for the small price of 25cts , and warrant every bottle to give satisfact ion or money r.-funded. —Teacher —What is the meaning of tbe phrase "Adding insult to injury?" Tom my—Why it's like mamma sending me into the garden to cut a switch for her to whip me witb. —Kbeuniatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C Kedick, druggist, Butler. —Statistics show that in 1000 marriages 332 men marry women younger than themselves. 579 marry women of tbeir own age or near it, older than themselves. The most nota ble difference in age* was in Camden, N J . lust year, where the bridegroom was 22 aud the bride 09. &oi«iiin?:»t-t,.: : . ■, . it. . . rc Ta. imv.h: —I t.-i- >.i r.s. >• ir r> .. . ■ iMt 1 imvo *pjfliii.e rt>..■*•«!; ..-r J..3 sL-ivu-.i*:: dide&se. Ij; -V V US*; tliiniwiuUs oI L.-j , - rasui hare 1 • u pcn.iam.ntJ> cuitxl. I be I.U to e£jd tw.» oi uiy remedy i*REK to ati.v > yor._- reader® "w . > have coitaumpUou if li:ty w<; 1 »eiid me then a::U I O. addrcaa. 1 !nu» t a. Sixx-im. u o- i&i m at. Ny —A suit for divorce before a Newark (X J ) Judge developed the fact that the complainant, tbe wife, sought divorce upon the ground that the erring husband had leased to call her "Pet," aud now invariably addressed her as "You red headed thing." The Judge mercifully allowed the separation. Heart Disease Itclicced in ,30 Minutes Dr. Agnew's Cure for th> Utart gives perfect reliel in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Heat Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer less remedy Palpitation, Shortness of Brea> h, Smothering Spells, Pain in Lett Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Lleart Ono dose convinces. Sold by City Phar macy. —A youth vn-te to his girl: "Elope with me." She replied by sending him a cantaloupe. —Nearly all the ills that man is heir to can be expressed in three phrases: "Bro ken up,'' "broken down" and simply "broke." —Arnica & Oil Liuimont is very heal ing and soothing, au i does vv.ia lers wh in applied to old sores. How to Prevent and Evade Insanity. The la.«t nu.ntier "f t.iie Alienist and Seurologitsi contains an interesting article by Dr. W. [r laml .•! K hum ug i on the above sulij-ct. U« hold- that p.-rson* ae- Oiist 'ineii !.i mental cultivation tud discip line bare gi-at advantage in escaping from the taints of insanily. He thinks that mathematics is a vary bt-allhlul exercise for a disturbed mind, lie quotes Bocon, who says, "If a man's wits do wonder, let him study mathematics, for in demonstra tions, if his wits be called away ever so little, he must begin again." The learn ing of a now language. Dr. Ireland says, has been found by experience to engage tho mind without fatiguing or harassing it. The study of animated nature, zoology and botany, with its illimitable fields and its cultivation of the inceptive and receptive faculties alike, aud the opportunity it gives for out door exercise, is a valuable means ol diversion for a mi d unhinged or lialde to become so. But we must not torget that all men are not siudious; the great majoritj of men rather prefer pursuits which bring ihem in direct contact and dealing with the outer world. lie who wis to esi-.i. c the morbid current ol tin tbnugbtd and l itis should select some 010 pur uit and involve himself in action con cerning it. Of all such occupations knowu to us, gardening is tbe most wholesome and engrossing Gardening gives exercise to t'ie body and mind alike, aud though mainly an o«t of door pursuit, it also gives employment under cover. Dr. Ireland's paper concludes with a niriubei of excellent suggostiousj relating to the medical treatment of iucipient in sanity, the bousing and care of plants. —A Western League team has a twirler named Jugg. He ought to make a good little pitcher. Drunkenness, t'ne Li tuor Habit, Pos ively Cured by adinrnstering Dr. 1- ;irc s. "Golden Specfic." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod e-ate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousitpds of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book ot particulars free. Address, Golden Specific Co.. 185 Kace St.. Cincinnatti O. How would Sairey take It. Detroit Free Press. A slabsided sort of fellow, with a good nttured countenance, came into the pre>- ence of the marriage license clerk and •tood atill. "Well, sir, what can I do for youf" in quired the always courteous clerk, "Can I get a marriage license here?' ' re sponded the caller. "Certainly. Is it for yourself?" "Me and the girl." "Of course. That's always understood, what is your name and age, and that of the young ladyt" He gave his name and age, and stop ped. "Well, what's the name of the lady'"' asked the clerk, after waiting for a minute. "That's just what I was thinking about," was the rather unexpected re ply. "You know her name, dont you?" He sat down by the clrrk. "Let me tell you all about that " he said becoming quite confidential. "You see, I asked Sairey Blinker last night, and she said 'yes,, and as I was coming to town for the papers I met the pretty Smith girl, and she got to huntin' around, and I p.ipped the question to tier, and she took tile Up quick as a flash. Now that's the kind of a fix I'm in, aud there's only one way to get out of it. You are a sort of a legal officer, ain't youf" "Yes sort of a one," admitted the elerk. "Well you'll do. Here's the dollar to to pay for the license: heads it's Sairey, tails it's the Smith girl." The clerk objected but as there seemed to be no other mode of settlement, he fi nally tossed the dollar and it dropped on the tloor, and after teetering aw bile on its edges, flattened out on the young man's feet heads down. He stooped down to see the result. "Make it Evangeline G. Smith," he said in a complacent tone. "I sbouldeut think you would like that way of settling the thing," said the clerk when he handed him the docu ment. "I ain't worrying about my liking it," he replied, dubiously; "I am thinking how Sairey's goin' to like it." An unexpected Remonstrance. A civil engineer tells this story: While overseeing a gang of men, who, with mule teams, were hauling loads of dirt, a friend of mine—a ventriloquist— came up and stood by my side, watch ing the men at work. Presently a mule, driven by a large, red-headed and fiery tempered Irish man, balked- when righc in front of where my friend and I were stauding. The Irishman soon lost his temper and began to belabor the animal with bis rawhide. Every now and then the mule would turn his head anil loo'; reproach fully at the angry Irishman, hut still refus ed to bndge an inch. "Now, just watch the Irishman," the ventriloquist whispered in my ear. At that moment Pat, losiug all patience, gave the animal a tremendous kick in the ribs with his heavy boot. The mule turned his head aud, look ing the Irishman in the lace, opened his mouth. '•D_--you, don't you do that agaiu!" The voice sounded as though it cauie direct from between the mule's parted lips. The whip dropped from the Irishman's hand. For a moment he stared at the mule, aud thou, without uttering a word, he whirled about and boiled dovrn the valley as fast as his two rather length!}" limbs could take him —N' Y. Herald. —Piuiples on the lase, hives, boils and other blood diseases are cured by Hood's Sarsapaiilla. Try it. —Don't say one thi ig and mean an other. —Don't make a promise you can't ful fill. —Sprinkle lime iu all open drains about your premises. —The farmers have had fine weather for haying and harvesting. —A high collar has spoiled many an en tertaining conversationolist. —A drowning mail and a thirsty man clutch at a straw with equal avidity. —Noab was the first electrician. He made ihe arc light on Mount Ararat. —Put a poor man on a balky mule and he wiil quickly realize that he's better off —A common cold should not be ne glected. Downs' Elixir will cure ir. —Most men who run into debt creep out of it. —The real estate agent maybe a hust ler, and yet he lies about the house a good deal. —There are some trees which can not be sized uu by their "bark"—a family tree, for iustance. —"l'm dead on to you," grasped the d>ing tly as the fat inan mashed the insect upou his bald head. —"No ifirl 'ik- \ ri-ii'C *> hard," says the pliilos ipiier "ihaf a diamond will not niaku an impression uu it " —II you d int wmt your b.iv to grow up a disbeliever don't teli him that it hurts you as much as it does him when you whip him. —Dan—Pat, ye're a bad man. If the devil was to kim along now, he'd grab you first, shure. Pat—Yis; bekase he's shure av you. —First Mosquito—What's the matter with your bill? Second Ditto —Frost-bit- ten. How'd it happen? I bit that Boston girl on his Hp. yy TAKE STEPS Iff TIMS. When your blood is out of order, you cant afford to wait. A slight cold, in this scrofulous condition, Is enough to threaten you If with Consumption. At " yf first symptom of any JJI weakness in the lungs, or /ml Um\ with any cough that you / 11, can't seem to get rid of, \ U you should take Doctor I I Pierce's Golden Medical H. V I Discovery. For Coniump tioii itself, except in the —— most advanced stages, and for all the conditions that lead to it, this is a positive and proved remedy. Consumption is Lung-Scrofula. You must depend upou the blood for a cure. The " Dis covery " reaches it, through the blood, as nothing else run. Not only this, but every form of Scrofula. In Consumption, Weak Lungs, Severe Lingering Coughs, Asthma, unit all Bronchial, Throat and Lung Affec flons, it is guaranteed to benefit or cure, or your money is returned. For Colic, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholw Morbus and Cholera Infantum, take Dr. Pierce's Comjiound Extract of Smart->> eeo. OPEN to conviction? Try either Finche's Golden Wedding, Gibson or old Dougherty Whiskies YOUR EYES will then be opened to conviction that these brands toll of better things in store for those who deal with Robt. Lewin, 136 Water Bt. Opposite B. & 0. Depot. Pittsburg, Pa Try Grandfathers' Choice, warranted 3 years old, $2.00 per gallon. WARE NOTES! By comparing notes with your friends, yon will find that the best of them trade with US. Why? Because they save money. We have never been in the habit of advertising prices,for as a general thing goods quoted low are inferior stock, but we have a few things this sprinif that we take pride in quoting the prices. We call your attention to our U S. Panta, good strong Jeans, full lined, never rip, for only 65c No 2, better grade, usually sold at $1.25, only 96c. No. 3, the best *rade, sold every where for $1.50, only sl.lO Fine styles in CW. onlv $1 00 all warranted to never rip Fine Union Co's Pants only $1.40. worth $2 25. Seamless Hose only sc. l.adies Suxkiugs only 3c per pair All the latest styles and novelties in Scarf Pins. Fiue gold filled Kings, warranted for five years, 25 to 50c. A big bargain, a solid nickel Watch, nickel movement, stem-wind, pendent set, O. F , good timekeeper only $5 00 We carry regularly a large and varied stock of Men's, Boy's and Chil dren's Suits and Pants, Hats, Caps, Shi rts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handker chiefs, Hosiery. Hammocks, Trunks, Yalices, Satchels, Brushes, Combs, Purses, Pocketaud Rill Books, Umbrellas. Overalls, Jackets, Etches, Chains and Charms for Ladies or Gents, Collar and Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins in all the latest novelties, Electric Diamond Rings in endless variety at all prices to suit the times, When you read this over do not imagine that these are old inferior stock, they are brand new and the best value ever offered in Butler, and will bear the most critical examination. We court comparison and defy competition. Give us a fair trial, and our word for it, yon will never regret it. D. A. HECK Champion Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher. FRANK KKMPKH, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, And everything in horse and buggy fur nishing goods—Harness, Collars, "Whips, Dusters, Saddles, etc. _A_lso trunks and valises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assortment of 5-.A. Horse blankets in town will be found at FRANK KEMPER'S, 124 S. MAIN ST, BUTLER. PA. CLARK'S SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Every young man and woman should receive such an education as they can obtain at Clark's School of Commerce, Butler, Pa. or at the New Castle Business University, New Castle, Pa. The schools are under the same management. ACTUAL BUSINESS METHODS EMPLOYED You will save time anl money by attending one ot these schools ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN BUSINESS OFFICES, EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. Write to D. G. CLARK, President, New Castle, Pa., or F. G. JOHNSTON, Secretary, Butler, Pa. DIAMONDS | RINGS. b.Ut KINI.S. pISS grcoa. WATCHES M.hNTS GOLD, ' LADIES' CtUTLAIN. X T. * TUT TT" T id V ) Cold Pins Ear ltings. Ring's. i" • W JtLa Xjt £%. X ( mains, Hracelets. Etc. iCSTT irC<D T*T 1% ;C*t Tea Sets. Castors. Butter nishes ami Evrythlni 9 X U V XU X\ W fx £% {£* J that ran lie round in a tlrat clans store.. RODGER BROS. 1874 !' KNIV KS ' K>UKS M °°TKIPLE PLATE. P THE MIVIEUD, JEWELER. No 139, North Main St . BUTLEB, PA., Buyers of Footwear Will find an ample field for comparison with other shoe stores at Huselton's this week. There never were such magnificent and wonderful values offered for as little money as as Huselton offers now. shoe; buyers Will find more for their dollar, expressed in shoe value, than they had ever hoped to receive. Women's fine button tip, 75c., $1 and $1.25. " tan lace Oxfords 75c. and sl. " " Blucherettes in Piccadilla or narrow square, only $2. 41 serge cong. only 45c. " opera slippers, at 45 and 90c " lace, tip, oxfords, 50c., 75c. and sl. " spring heel, tip shoes, sl, $1.25 and $1.50. Huselton's Special. Women's Kid Blucherettes, pat. tip £ V h kid heel foxing, Opera or narrow ■ S W m square toe, regular $3, at only $2. K I 1 #| Men's fine shoes, with tip, at 90c., ■» $[ and $1.25. m Men's extra fine tail shoes at $175, -J® $2.50 and $3. Men's extra nobby styles, at $ 1.50^^ Men's working shoes at 70c., 95c. and sl. Youths extra nice styles in button and lace at 75c and sl. Come in and see us it will be a saving of money to you. B. C. HUSELTON. No 102 North Miia Strs-j*; . Butler. Pa "DIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. WHY? Should every one, if in need ol a pure stimulaut for medical purposes, go to 188 Federal Stf Because he will find the largest stock to select from at lowest prices. The Rye Whiskies are all from the largest and best known distilleries and sold at the following price: 2-year-old at $2.00 per gallon; 3-year-old at $2.25; 4-year-old at $2.50; 0 year-old at $3.50; 8-year-old at $4.50; 10 and 12-year-old at $5.50; St. Hel ena, California, oldest and best, selected wines, 10 brands dry and sweet, at $1.50 per gallon; Rhine wine, imp. Sherry, Mad eira, Port and Cognacs, at lowest figures. No extra charge for packing. Call or send for price list at A. A3DKIEKKEX. 188 FEDERAL ST. ALLEGHENY. Telephone No. c 49. L. E. Crumbling* Breeder of Thoroughbred Poultry HALL, YOKK CO., PA. Will sell eggs tor hatching from fine Black Minorcas, Indian Games, Buff Leghorns, Barred and White Plymouth Rocks, and Qoudans at $1 per setting; White Indian Qames $5 per 15. Old and young Btock for Bale at reasonable prices. VITALIS a Well THE ORBAT . Day FRENCH REMEDY 3*KT Produces the Aboic Results in ItO Daft. * c^ powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail. Youiig men will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using VITA LIS. It quickly and surely re stores Nervousness, Lost \ itaiity. Impoteacy, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Mem ory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self abuse or excess and indiscretion. W aros off insanity and consumption. Insist on having VITALIS. no other. Can be c-rried in vest pocket. Uy mall. SI.OO per package, or «lx for So. 00. with a posit IT® written guarantee ta ifin or reruml the nnnej. Circular free. Addreea CALL ■IT BKIEM COMPANY, Chicago, W. For Sale at City Pharmacy. SPEEDY and LASTING* RESULTS. ✓^VFATPEOPLE/^V % tnia. M fron, uy injurious subitum. •**J LATOI AJEOKJKB MSimSED. W« GUARANTEE a CURE or rafund your money. Price 53.00 per bottle. Bond <C tortroattM TBXMOKT MEDICAL CO., Beaton, Maaa Great Clearance Sale IN MILLINERY, Trimmed lint* and llounrtN nlmoot GIVEN AWAY. Having a large stock of millinery still on hand, we will sell you anything in our line less than half price. Come early and secure bargains at the LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE M/MN S ST. D. T. papb; BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR: : At this season ot the year. Cramp, Colic, Sunstroke, ; ! and other ills produced by the excessive heat, snake : . bites and malaria, make their appearance. You want ; I a stimulant ready for immediate use. You want it * : pure, you want it smooth and palatable, and you want : I it from a reliable source. \Y e :an supply you cheaply ; I and give you the best in the country. You can pur- ; I chase to suit your taste and pocket-book. Just see our prices for a few of our liquors. Don't compare the prices with other houses, but compare the Quality of the Liquors, SILVER AGE RYE $1.50 per quart. DLQL ESNh, Malt and Rye |i 25 per quart BEAR CREEK $1 00 per quar Finch, Guckenheimer, Gibson and Over holt at #1 per quart, each or six quarts for #5. Other ryes at 75c and 50c per quart. Blackberry brandy sl, 75c and 50c. Fort, Sherry, Sweet Cal ifornia, Angelica and Miscatel 50c, 75c, $1 and #1.50 per quart. Rum, Gins, Brandies and all other imported and do mestic liquors all at Rock Bottom Cases Clarets, sweet and dry wines, all our own importation, at prices that will surprise you. TO CAMPERS AND EXCURSIONISTS: ; It is dangerous to drink strange waters, unless you ; ; use a little whisky with it. If you for our cata- ; .' logue and price list, furnished free of charge, you will ; ; see how cheaply we can serve you. ; MAX KLEIN, BTo 82 Federal t Allegheny. Pa. J ewelry-Sil verware- -C] ocks, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invite —"Remember our Repairing Department— 2o vear.s Experience ' - M KOSKNTHAL Wholesale Liquor Dealer, *O3 Ferry St., - Pittsburg. Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Squar:* Bel J v l)ia'n*>ri 1 Marke New York Weekly Tribune The Butler Citizen ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF. .A ddress all orders to THE C 1 F VZ*
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