Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 27, 1894, Image 4

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    Do not Wait Any Longer,
But Come at Once
Where will be found the largest stock and latest styles of summer
footwear at low prices. Our stock is larger than ever before com
prising maiy new and pretty styles. Our stock of ladies shoes is large.
Ladies' fine Dong. Pat. turned, Congress gaiters at J2.25.
it •« Russett, " " *2.25.
" Russett Bluchers and Blucheretts at $2.25.
" Dong. Southern Ties at $1.50.
" Blucher Oxfords, black and russett at $1.25.
One lot of ladies fine Oxfords at 75c.
<< '« opera toe and instep strap slippers at 50c.
Misses Dongola Shoes, patent tip at 90c-
Childs " " " 40 to 75c.
Full stock of Misses and Childrens Russett shoes at a big bargain.
Our stock of " " Oxford ties and slippers is very
Infants shoes in all colors. .... f .
Now is the time of the year when farmers are thinking of buying a
pair of shoes to plow in and do their summer work. In buying
my spring and summer stock I took great pains to get a large
selection and have got them at prices so as to sell lower than
ever before. A good pair heavy shoes, Lace, Buckle or Con
gress Gaiters at 90c.
Box-toe shoes, whole stock kip, at $1.50.
Full stock of Boys plow shoes sizes, 1 to J, at 85c.
Our stock of Mens fine shoes is large, and with our stock of low cut
shoes we are sure to suit all, as we have all the latest styles at
remarkably low prices.
Full stock of our »wn make driller's shoes always on hand.
Shoes made to order.
Repairing neatly done.
Orders by mail will receive prompt attention.
Buyers of Footwear
Will find an ample field for comparison with other shoe st o re s
Huselton's this week. There never were such magnificent and
wonderful values offered for as little money as
as Huselton offers now.
Will find more for their dollar, expressed in shoe value, than they
had ever hoped to receive.
Women's fine button tip, 75 c -> $' and $1.25.
" tan lace Oxfords 75c. and sl.
" " Blucherettes in Piccadilla or narrow square, only $2.
" serge cong. only 45c.
" opera slippers, at 45 and 90c.
" lace, tip, oxfords, 50c., 75c. and sl.
" spring heel, tip shoes, sl, $125 and $1.50.
Huselton's Special.
Women's Kid Blucherettes, pat. tip / X \ I
kid heel foxing, Opera or narrow f ■ I M I
square toe, regular $3, at only $2. «v B f #I
Men's fine shoes, with tip, at 90c., V Bjf f \
$1 and $1.25. sfty |
Men's extra fine tan shoes at si-75» wKK- -%> M
$2.50 and $3. W
en's extra nobby styles, at $1
Men's working shoes at 70c., 95c. and sl,
Youths extra nice styles in button and lacc at 75c and sl.
- .Come in and see us it will be a saving of money to you.
Ho 102 North Main Street - Butler, Pa
Are You Interested
In Low Prices?
We offer a magnificent new stock for Spring and Summer at
High Grades in all Departments. True merit in every Article. Hon
est Quality Everywhere.
An Immense Assortment.
Nothing Missing.
Everything the Best.
The Quality will tell it. The Price will sell it. And that is tne
reason you should come early to ret vour bargains from our splendid
line of
Shoes, Slippers and Oxfords
We show all the latest novelties in great profusion. We keep
the very finest selections in all standard styles. We make it a point
to have every article in stock the best of its kind.
Shoe Dealer. AL RDFF. s. Main St.
■1 ! - ■ I ■ ' I >■ i
We are located now at 110 South Main Street, adjoining
the Butler Savings Bank. Our rooms are large, fine and
commodious. Photographic enlargements ind Life Size,
Hand Made Finished Portraits by the finest French artists
obtainable. In photographs we give you results and effects
that cannot be produced outside of our Studio. We use
only Standard Hrand Collodion Paper and not Gelatine, a
cheep and inferior paper used by many. Picture anillJJJ'or
trait frames; special prices to jobbers. Compare ourjwork
with any Standard Work made or sold in the state. Our
victorious motto, "We harmonize the finest work
promptest service and the lowest j rices for the quality of
work." Beware of tramp artists and irresponsible parties
and strangers. Have your work done by reliable and re
sponsible parties that guarantee all work satisfactory, ("all
and and samples and read our many tes
The place to buy
etc, is at
W t 11. O'Brien & Soii'n,
107 East! Jefferson Street.
DO not be deceived.
The following brands of
White Lead are still made by the
"Old Dutch" process of slow cor
rosion. They are standard* and
Strictly Pure
White Lead
The recommendation of
"Armstrong & McKelvy,
' • Beymer-Bauman,''
" Davis-Chambers,"
" Fahnestock,"
to you by your merchant is an
evidence of his reliability, as he can
sell you cheap ready-mixed paint 9
and bogus White Lead and make a
larger profit. Many short-sighted
dealers do so.
Fos COLORS.— National Lead Co.'s Pure
White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to
a 25-pound keg of Lead and nrjc your own
paints. Saves time and annoyance in matching
shades, and insures the best paint that it is
possible to put on wood.
Send us a postal card and get our book OB
pctnts and color-card, free; it will probably
save you a good many dollars.
Pittsburg Branch,
German National Bank Building, Pittsbur*.
, It »UKE any
Dropped on «u»»r suffering children love to
take it. Every Mother nhould have it in the
house, It quickly relieves and cures all aches
and paini, asthma, brcmchiUa, colda, coughs,
catarrh cuts, chapg, cbilblama, colic, cholera
morbus earache, headache, hooping cough,
inflammation, la grippe. '«'»»«•
muscular sorenesa, neuralgia, nepems heaa
ache. rheuraatiam, bites, burns, bruises, strains,
sp-ains, stings, swellings, stiff Joints, acre throat,
►oie luuifS, toothache, trnsilitU and wind colic.
Originated in I*lo by the late I)r A. Johnson
Family Physician. Its merit and excellence
have satisfied everybody for nearly »
All whouse itare amazed at its wonderful power.
It is safe, soothinsf. satisfying; *o sav su it
sensitive sufferers, fsed Internal and External.
Tk. IVjotort *ntl dlr«-Uon. on erery
Ill'rt'l r.rnl<hU-t trr*. BoM . >7»h.rtj. ITfc*. »
blx bottl* z.ul). L a. jotl-ssoi A CO.. Barton. Mjrf
Dr. Humphreys' Sperlflrt are scientifically and
MreTully nri.-pared Remedies. us«*i for years a
nrfrate practice and for over thirty yws hytb«
people with entire success. Every slngte BpecUU
• special core for *he disease named.
They cure without drugging, purging or reducing
the sysu-m and are In fart and deed the t>o*erel«n
Remedies of the World.
rIM raKss.
I—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.. .Ji
9—Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic 'it
2— Teething 1 Colle, Crying. Wakefulnsm .33
4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 34
y—Cosgks, Colds. Bronchitis
B—Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache .93
0-Ileada< hea, Hick Headache, Vertigo.. .'43
IQ—Dyapepaia. BOtoosnass, Constipation. .'2S
11—Happreoai'd or Painful Perloda .'JB
l'i-Wbltea, Too Profuse Periods . .S3
13—Croup, I-arynglila. H'jarseness ■ .JS
14—Halt Rheum, ErjslpeUs. F.ruptU.ns .33
13-Bbeamatlam, Rheumatic Pains .33
It-Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 33
19-Catarrh. lull at MA. Cold in the Head .33
9#—Whooping Cough *33
3T— Kidney Dlseaaes •33
38-Heryoa. Debility ,- ®2
SO—Crlnary Weakness -33
34 —More Tb roat, <*>lncy, UeMtad Thrust .93
"The Pile (Mntment."-Trlal Hlie, 3SCta.
tnll >T DrnicHtt. or «•»» pror»!<• •"> '"'"'l' l •>' I I"**-
Pa. HvaraasTs' (1« IMILSB '«»
Stop Thief 11
Any one whose Watch has a 1
[bow ring),will never have oc- jg
casiontouscthistime-honored I
cry. It is the only bow that Ej
cannot be twisted off the case, I.
and is found only on Jus. I
Boss Filled and other watch «
cases stamped with jm.
this trade mark. \j
Aik your jeweler for m pamphlet, or w~
■end to the munufeiturcrs. H
Keystone Watch Case Co., K
flSSft OLD
UJJ export
BV - so,d '
£SEr • M Fff 4SSS
1 c,nal I 'IH" ":9,
jganamr>~,!'/"n olent Is reaiilred,
nnd for » lx ver
age «n«»rr>n»scd.
It Is tlm pro<lnc.t of (mint the oldest. «:>»■ tileries
In l'ennsylviinla, ari'l after remaining In (;oy
«TßmcntVin<lril warehouses th« rei|i.ireil time
lnei)X>rU:<l to Hainhiirf, o<Tr»any, o I there
kept In heated warehouse* until utrtnrV.j ma
tured, then shipped hack, bottler! on our own
t remises, and when ws oner yon ot.i F.t iu,rt
now whsreof wo speak, ami ohallenfo c,on>-
pari son.
rullqasrta, fl.no. Hlx/jnarts. JB.W). H<-nt hy
•Sproat to all points, and on orders of tlo.ou or
oyer we will pay express charges.
There ara numerous Imitations, hut hecnreful
losecco the genuine.
412 Market St., PITTSBURG, PA.
Complete Price Mat of Whiskies, Wines and
llrandlea mailed frco to any address.
Are a symptom of Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Bil
iousness, Liver Complaint.
will cure the disease and re
move yellowness from skin
and eyes. Warrantee, to cure.
Sold everywhere at 2<> cts. per bottle.
for sale by J. C. Kedlck
#75.00 Per Month
For Teachcrk, Students, Ministers, or l.arlica,
any one who is active, pushing, and a i;ood
talker. We want a representative in every
county. Would prefer one who could give
his or her whole time to the work ; but spare
time can l>c profitably employed. If you have
a team, to much the better. Space will not
permit u» to i;> v c detail, here; but if you will
drop us a hue we will write vou fully. This
i> a rare opportunity, the work it plcoaant and
honorable, the remuneration lar(je, the busi
ness permanent. No capital required. No
V.W.ZIEQLER k CO.Wx. w ,i'hiU<id^u.
Cheap Travelling.
The cost of a tour to foreign lands is
comparatively small to what it used to be.
■We lately saw a circular from a party
engaged in arrangeing for a pilgrimage
of Knights Templer, in which it is stated
that the entire cost of a sixty-two days
trip from Sew York to Bermuda, the
Azores, Gibralter, Malaga. Granada,
Alhambra, Algiers, Malta. Alexandria,
Cairo, the Pyramids, Jaffa, Jerusalem,
Bethlehem, Bethany, etc., Caifa, Mount
Carmel, (side trip to Galilee), Beyrout,
Rhodes, Syrmna, Ephesus, Constanti
nople, Athens, Messina, Capri, Naples,
Pompeii and Rome can be made first class
for $525. This includes everything. The
party will leave on February 6th, 1895.
and will return the second week in April.
A gentleman who recently left Xew York
for a short tour in Europe paid but ?C5
lor firss class steamer passage, and at
present in .New York the rates on some of
the lines for the better grade of stereage
passage is but $lO. This latter price ha„
lately been reducsd because of an effort on
the part ol a prominent steamship line to
regain the steerage trade that it lost some
time ago.
But before you go to Europe first take a
look at your own country. See the East
ern and Western coast States, take in the
coal and oil fields of Pennsylvania, the
National Capiial, tne beauties of the
i lakes, the Hudson, the Thousand Isles, the
Yo Semite, the Y'ellow Stone, Niagra
Falls, the extreme northwest, the south
west and Mexico. Many a citiien of this
country goes to Europe who has never
seen Niagra. An American who was
traveling in England some time ago
asked concerning Kiagra Falls, and said
he had neyer seen it. "Not seen the
greatest wond«r of America? asked his
questioner. "No; but I intend to when I
go home." "'How far is it from where
you livet" "About three hundred miles."
"Easv io get tot" "Oh, yes; there are
railways that run direct from my town to
the falls." "And you haven't been ther«='
"Xo. Never bad time." "I can't under
stand it," said tne Englishman.
lfyou decide to take Hood's Sarsa
parilla do not be induced to buy auy other.
Buy only Hood's.
—The tiger that escaped from main's
wrecked circus at Tyrone a year ago is
supposed to be still prowling about the
mountains there.
—Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic
cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic
ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon
the system is remarkable and mysterious.
It removes at once the cause and the dis
ease immediately disappears. The first
dose greatly benefits. <5 cts. Sold by J. C
Redick, druggist, Butler.
—When a man goes away for u change
he always come* back with less than he
Consumption surety Cureo.
fc Til- ijMToit:— Ple*i<. inform year radun
tut I amvn ».• remedy for !!<• »l<«.v»
IIIIMH. I>; m timaly u*A Uiouonds o( IMPLIES*
cu«i havo > < .-'j jxinanucritly cured. 1 shall b* n-a'J
to Bead twj /o'tlea of my rum'xly FUKE to auy of
your rea<lem •» * J have con»unii>tion If thoy wwl
aexid me ibeti lrprw» ntid P. O. address. linspnct
."tolly T. 4. UUAICH. M 0- 181 I'mul Ht X. I
—The old Duke of Cambridge tcld some
English stuaenU that this country was
without principle and doomed to failure
been use a few lawless rioters had been
shot. No wonder tbey want to abolish
the House of Lords when such specimens
are allowed not only to roam at largn, but
to command the army.
Heart Dtmaxr Itclicted in 30 Minute*.
I)r. Agnew's Cure for the ll(art gives
perfect relief in all cases of Organic .>r
Sympathetic Heat Disease in 30 minutes,
and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer
less remedy f.>r Palpitation, Shortness of
Breath, Smothering Spoils, I'ain in Kelt
Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart..
One dose convinces. Sold by City Phar
—llelple«H and friendlea*, Mr*. Anna
Stratum, aged 100, and her C 3 year-old
daughter, were fouud ntarving in a New
York tenement.
—lf you are tloobled with a "hacking
cough," l>own*' Elixir will givo you relief
at ODCe. Warranted a* recomtnended or
money refunded.
—Santo, the murderer of President Car
not, in reported to have loat hi* nerve. It
would have been well for him had he lo*t
it aooner; but let him console himaelf only
a little while and ho will lo*e hia head.
—A miatatep will often make a cripple
lor life. A bottle of Henry <fc Johnaon'n
Arnica and Oil Linim ont at hand, will not
prevent the miatep, but aaed immediately
it will *ave being a cripple.
Ex-IJanker F. V. Kockefellow or
Wilkeabarre, who by a deoi*ion of tho
Supreme Court goea to the penitentiary
for two year*, i* over 70 year* old.
Drunkenneaa, the Liquor Habit, Poa
ively Cured by adlrenatering Dr.
Hainea "Golden Specfic."
It i* luanufactured a* a powder, which
can be givoti in a gla** of beer, a cup of
cofleo or tea,or in food, without the know
ledge of the patient.. It i* abaolutnly
barmleM. and will affect a permanent aud
Hpeedy cure, whether the natlent i* a mod
erate drinker or au alcoholic wreck. It hat
been given in thousand* of caaoa, and in
every in*taiice a perfect cure ha* followed.
It never lailc. The ayatem once impregnat
ed with tbe Specific, it become* an utter
impoNMibility for the lii|iior appetite to ex
i*t. Cure* guaranteed. 4M page book oi
particular* tree. Mre**, Gulden Specific
Co.. 1H. P > Itace Kt.. Cinclnnatti O.
—lt i* Maid of Lord ItoHebery, pre*ent
Premier of Fngland, that when he lelt
college he *aid he had throe ambition*
—to be Premier of England, to marry
the wealthieat heiret* iu the kingdom,
and to win the a race for three
| year-old* held annually at Ep«on, near
k Ijondon To be Premier wa* a landabie
ambition, lint to marry tho woman who
had the moat money, and to win a hoare
race, were ignoble enough. Koabery
ha* acc.ompilahed all of theae. Bnt if
the/e thing* were really the aim* of Uoae
bery'a life, hi* naiuo i* not likely to be
lotjg cheriahed by posterity, b>r they In
dicate nothing bnt a deaire for *elf glori
fication and *elf aggrandisement. Tho
only ambition that Indicate* true great
neax, and entitle* a man to the laudations
of hi* fellow men, la a deaire to make tbe
world happier and better —to elevate and
ennoble the human race.
—Since General Coxey ha* become a
candidate lnr Congrea* hi* conatituent* are
getting ini|iii*itlve. They want to know
why it i* that If Coxey la a alocere labor
reformer he employ* nothing but Italian*
in hi* Hand quarry and pay* them bat
ninety cent* per day. Of courae General
Cox.ty will look upon *ucb question* a*
impudent and impertinent, but you can
not keep people from aaklug question*.
—The philosopher of the Atohiton \<lloht
*agely remarks "There is no way in
which a man may guard againiit being
lonesome when he is old. If he ia nnniar
ried, loneliness comes to him a* his allot
ed share, and if ho is married and has a
lot of children all of them go away and
leave him. On a great many front porches
the*e evening* you will see au old man or
woman all alone, loft to watch tbe hou*e."
—Buffalo ha* 40,000 Poles, living chief
ly in a quarter of their own where Kng
li*h ia little spoken, and mauy business
sign* are in Polish or Russian. The colo
nists retain many of thoir native character
istic and slowly conform to American
The Niagara Falls Power Company.
The supply canal leave.* the Xiagar*
River about 7,000 feet above the Falls. It
is 188 feet wide and 12 feet deep, with c°t i
stone "walls. From this canal water passes
by gates and penstocks to the turbines, j
At present the wheei pit is constructed
only on the western side of the canal.
This pit is 21 ieet wide, 179 feet deep, and
150 feet long, and the turbines arc now
being placed in the northern end of it.
The penstocks which supply the turbines
are ~l leet in diameter, and the turbines
themselves, each of which is double, take
the water at the center and discharge
outwardly. These are 5 feet 3 inches in
diameter, and each double turbine will
develop 5.000 horse power. The shaft
from the turbines is of hollow steel, 38
inches in diameter and | of an inch thick.
At bearings, tbe shaft is solid and 11 in
ches in diameter. The turbines are so
arranged that the weight of shafts, tur
bines, and gear is counterbalanced by the
upward thrust of the water, so that when
running the thrust will be on the bearings
at the top. These are to run at 250 revo
lations a minute. The breadth from the
surface of the water in the canal to a
point halt way between the two double
turbines is 13C feet. The tail race is a
tunnel, 7,000 feet long, 21 feet high, 18
feet 10 inches wide, liued throughout with
brick. It has a fall of 52± feet, and opens
at the bottom of the gorge, just below the
upper Suspension Bridge, at the level of
the stream.
A description for the Times.
What thia country needs is more farm
era, anil not ao many people crowding into
manufacturing centres. You never hear
of farmera suffering for food, or of the
farmers being thrown out of employment
by a general shut-down movement, or ol a
strike or boycott by farmera through which
the whole country must suffer By the
very nature of their business they be
oome patriotic, level- headed and staunch
citizens. They do not, as a rule, grow
rich suddenly, but they always have
enough, and they are independent and free
in the fallest sense of the term. Now we
believe that the way to solve the problem
of the time", which is a serious one, ia to
adopt a policy like thie: Protection to
home iudnstries; bi-metalism; reclaim the
deserts ol the West by irrigation thus
opening the millions of acres of fertle
Lnds to the people; reduce taxes on im
proved farm property to the minimum;
increase the taxes on all unimproved
lands; restrict immigration; give all pos
sible encouragement to oduoatiou, and
discourage the drink habit by making
every child familiar with the evil cunequen
ce* of the intemperate use of intoxioating
Baxter's Mandrake Bitters cured ini
digestion, Heart Burn, Costiveness and al
malarial diseases. Twenty five cents per
—When you like a man just as well
after you have traveled 3,000 mileH with
bim as you did before you started on the
journey, it ia evidence that he is a mighty
good fellow, and the experience isn't al
together unflattering to yourself.
—A superstitious Uermantown bachelor,
who has been rejected by 12 girls, is afraid
to propoae to the thirteenth for fear she
might accept him.
—A work tremendous size is about to
be installed in the library of the British
museum. It comprises one thousand big
books within are bound up the five tuou
saud and twenty native volumes of the
wonderful Chinese encyclopedia. This is
the only perfect copy in Europe, and even
in China there are not more than five of
this edition.
—The trustees of Franklin and Marshall
College have decided to bar out young
women students. It ia doubtful whether
Franklin or Marshall, if living in this age,
would have looked with favor upon such
an act of iliiberp.lity.
—The largest homo in tha world ha*
jußt rtic<l in Indiana. 110 Ktood twonty
aeveu hands high and weighed 3027
pound*. Hut the biggeHt jack-an* still
—ln northeast China fanatical aud "con
*orvative" native* deHti oyed 200 mile* of
new telegraph line, the first they ever saw.
Borne of thom won't Me any more in thin
world. The government cut off thirtoon
heads a* a reminder that iu telegraph
system msst he let alone.
—A Kensington docter advised hi* pa
tieut that what he needed wan perfect rent,
and wnv rather snrpriwod when the latter
replied that he wan already a member of
the Knight* of Labor.
Hair dye i* considered HO detrimental
to long life that a Pari* inmtranue company
retime* to iiiHure the live* of women who
UHe It.
—When a tiugar refinory wharf need* a
new (loor the old one in carted iuto tho re
finery and boiled. The plauka are Matu
rated with sugar, molasses and a variety
of other thing* not utmally deemed edible.
Tho refinery procesa, however, *eparates
the abnorbed Higar from the impurities,
and tho refiner* make a very handsome
Having by boiling up the old floor.
A Poyletown young lady named
Cream recently married to a Mr. Pecbi*.
Tho notice ill the local paper* wa* headed:
"Pechi* and Cream."
—A tax collector of Quiucy, 111., who
ha* been accUHod of embezzlement, I* nam
ed Schwiodler.
Hill Palton write* to tho St. Loui*
Republic to way that the la*t report of hi*
killing wa* a falsehood. Thl* I* all right
a* far a* it goes, but how about, the pre
viona countle** instance* in which Wil
liam ha* been shot dead in bio tracks?
William *hould have cleared up the whole
li*t while he was at It.
77/ a: WA Y THEY'RE POT rrr,
(V. Iu M'uled Kla** vial*. Is enough In
■7/ J r jtM ir to recommend l>r. I'fi!r<»'«
/ fQ) I'le/Lsnnt Pellet*. It keeps them al
' K—' way* fresli nml reliable. You can't
bo mire of the big, old fashioned pill*
I in wooden or jm*tiil*»ird l*<xes.
But tln*»! little Pollute are Isitter
±. at every |»jlnt. By their tonic or
strenKtlieniiiK i-fTecfc on the lining
membrane.! of the Intestines, tlmy
Inerert J 1 the Tl nturfll ai'tlon of the
bowels, and jwrmawntly curt Jaun
dice, liillousncat, Dixzlneee, Hour
Htotrincb, liuligmtlon, and conae
ipimit stupr>r or drowsineea.
There's no dlsturlmiu e, no rea/v
tlon afterward, and their hrli> limit.
One tiny granule Is a gentle laxa
tive; three are cathartic.
■ They're the *mall«*t In sl*e, tho
■ easiest, t/i take, and tho neatest in
the way they ar-t. They're tho
rhrKficit, too, for they're (/uaran-
A \ frrtl tii ve satisfaction, op your
■ I money is 11-turn.Ml
W NothiiiK elan can 1m " l«ist a«
IB gi**l " Tricky dealer* alwoya have
mlm things to ur«D utam you which are
or for tbeui lo tall, Imt bail fer
™ yt,u to Imw-
to convlcflonT Try either Finche's
Goldca Wedding, Glbaon or old
Dougherty Whiskie*
will then be opened to conviction
that these brand* toll of better thing*
in *tore for those who deal with
Robt. Lcwm,
18ft Water Ht.
Opposite It, .t O Depot, PltUblirg, Pa
Try Grandfather*' Choice, warranted •!
year* old, $2.00 per gallon.
by comparing notes with your friends, you will find that the best of them
trade with US. Why? Because they eave money. We have never been
in the habit of advertising priees.for as a general thing goods quoted low are
inferior stock, but we h/ive a tew things this spring that we take pride in
quoting the prices. We call your attention to our U. S. Pants, good strong
Jeans, full lined, never rip, for only fiac. Xo 2, better grade, usually sold
at $1.25, only 96c. No. 3, the best grade, sold every where for $1.50, only
sl.lO. Fine styles in C W. only SI.OO all warranted to never rip. Fine
Union Co's. Pants only $1.40, worth $2 25. Seamless Hose only 5c
Ladies Stockings only 3c per pair. All the latest styles and novelties in
Scarf Pins. Fine gold filled Rings, warranted for five years, 25 to 50c.
A big bargain, a solid nickel Watch, nickel movement, stem-wind, pendent
set, U. F., good timekeeper only $5.00
We carry regularly a large and varied stock of Men's, Boy's and Chil
j dren's Suits and Pants, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handker
chiefs, Hosiery, Hammocks, Trunks, Yalices, Satchels, Brushes, Combs,
Purses, Pocket and Bill Books, Umbrellas. Overalls, Jackets, Watches,
Chains and Charms for Ladies or Gents, Collar and Cuff Buttons, Scarf
Pins in all the latest novelties, Electric Diamond Rings in endless variety
at all prices to suit the times, When you read this over do not imagine
that these are old inferior stock, they are brand new and the best value
ever offered in Batler, and will bear the most critical examination.
We court comparison and defy competition. Give us a fair trial, and
our word for it, you will never regret it.
1). A. HECK
Champion Clothier, Hatter
and Furnisher.
_A.nd everything in horse and buggy fur
nishing goods-Harness, Collars, Whips,
Dusters, Saddles, etc.
A_lso trunks and valises.
Repairing done on short notice.
The largest assortment of 5-A. Horse
blankets in town will be found at
[ 124 8. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA.
{ -
r Every young man and woman should receive such an education
as they can obtain at Clark's School of Commerce, Butler, Pa. or at
1 the New Castle Business University, New Castle, Pa. The schools
1 are under the same management.
You will save time and money by attending one of these schools
Write to D. G. CLARK, President, New Castle, Pa., or F. G.
JOHNSTON, Secretary, Butler, Pa.
Vfll H. <2! I <ii:.NTß' t;()LI>, I.AMIKS' oom>.
Wil ± Irtt fia c* ( ukNTS' su.vkk, ladiks' chati.ain.
TI 7» iK7"*T» 1* J XT' t Uold I'tns. Kar Kings. Itlnifs.
J WW JCiu fm, JL ( Chains, Bracelets, Ktc.
jjrr 17"ir«nr ja ■*> frai Tea Seta. Cantors. Butter Dishes an<l Everything
2>Xu V Ala aTV WW i that < - an foe lounit In a tlrst class store..
, RODGER BROS. 1874} " hatk.
i No. 139, North Main St., fiUTLEB, PA.,
For the month of July we have made a reduction on all
•nil Otmmro lUimaai-* npm-iliiy and ix-rmanoatly
cured by Hi" eelrbrat«*l ipn:UIK
r%_, ■
UR, LUbbi Phllndn., Pa.
Noiltxi-iitlon, nofiTL' rxprramntntloii. i will cure
Tnu lK»«tllT"lV UIKI IN.IK" V..11 vliformlM ami atroiaif.
Trualnifi.t l»y mall a specialty amlniri. tly ■ >*iill'lniitlai
itwioukuu' 11 " HOME CURE TREAT MEN?
* I EWIS' 98 % LYE
I rorrnn AKD rnratis
TOUlronif.l ar»l pnrfll I T«
mail". I'nllkn other l.ye. It twlni
U| film lUt'l In » ran
W with lanuiYaliln ll<", tlm eonl"»it#
»ro alw»r» n-wly r..r um. Will
tnakn til.- beal i--rfiiii.nl I larrt H..ap
In ai niltiiiti-* wlihimt
It la III* brat r.iri l"aimliiK waul*
mm I'll"*, <ll«t»if™ un* aliib*. rl'""l*
■■ waalJiiK l-.itl. ". i-alnt*. trim, "to.
(Jou. AtfU., I'UUa., Pa.
I ■■■■■W niNTMENT
AriMOt.tITKI.Y OtJRBfl «"» ■ IwltW I
■ VMI'IOM- I Il.lilna 1.M.1
illnglnil MU*I »»t lilghll w»rM' l»jr ».mli li!>.(j I f
N ||i, w . «TiM «'<»nllnliiiti«r« T-rm •ml |»r»t r u<l«-,
m M. I. oflrn l»l. . <1 miml « , I»r. on.lu« wrrf
■urn, ftW.%% NK.'H OISTMI M Ih. |7. 1.1i.fl
mud Umnlm Ml-«-rwtl<»n. imml It. m<*«L I'MCI
r« •C !• «'• I uiuors. Aah »«"•»
Hhould every one, if in need ol a pure
stimulant lor medical purpose*. go to IHH
Federal HIT Hecaase lie will find the
largest *tock to select from at IOWCKI price*.
The Itye Whi*kie» are nil froin the largest
mid beat known distillerie* and *<•!<! ut. the
I'nlliiwing price 2-year old at 4«2.<»'» per
gallon; 3-year old at ♦L'.2."i, I year-old at
42.90; <1 year old at $.'1.50; H-year old at
$4.50; 10 and 12-year-old at. 1.V60. HI.. 1101
ena, California, oldeat and beat, *elooted
wine*, 10 brand* dry and *weet, at +l .. r ><l
per gallon; Rhine wine, Imp. Sherry, Mad
nirt, Port and Cognac*, at toweat figure*.
No extra charge for packing. Call or *end
for price ll*t at
Telephone No. MU.
Ij. K. C'riiirihlin^«
Brooder of Thoroughbred Poultry
Will HO 11 OKIfH lor from
lino it I ark Minorca*, Iritlinn (Jarnoa,
Huff LeffhorDß, Barred and Wbito
Plymouth Kocka, and Hourfaoa at $1
per Molting; Whlto Indian (lame* $5
per 15.
Old and young Htook for HIIIo at
reasonable price*.
/-■% DOCTORS 1./vKF.
I rn J.TM imnRMABT.
'tJ&\IOL \ Aliform ior I'elieate and 1 ■oni
cisnwaw plieateil IHaraac* requli ln«j:oM.
1 finKKTIAk and Bi'lkaTlKic Med
iriitiiin ere treated at this l»i«-
~ft. iry \\ itti a Mlccriw. arelv attalneil. I»r.
K 1.-iU.: H•• meinlier of the ttiiy.il t .illi/eof I liy
4iria>,M mill f»n«l 1 ♦ 1 1»« lt'*t iiihl IllCMi
-\|.. rien. e.l .Hi-KCIAI.ia.' In therlly. Hpe. -ill at
tentlou riven to Norviiii* I Irblllt) teom e-fenMv"
in. 1 1 n| exertion. Indiscrotloa of youlli.etc., eaua
„u: physical and mental .V -i.y.la.'k -.f -nergy,
I.- inn* 'eni'V, etc.; also I iiucera * lid Noie*, Kit*.
|',| r . nii'l i» 11 (ilw'nwiof thwnkln,
I.ln i.l. I .iinns I'iinary«>i gane,ttiv. Con i.ltation
•|, ~ K t! jrtly C..111W11 nihil Ofllce Imiira,9 to
1 „ ,d 1 to h t*. m.; Bun.ln)*, a Ut 4 r. M-only.
i,l nt onico or address
i-.NN A> 1.. AND4TIIaT..I , I'ITPIIUU«iII.I , A
A\a<Je a Well
0 f
... l)nr „ V l'*
TfIKOtUCAT BOtii"iiny
I'nHlurm lli»» AINIVI* Ki'iulli In HO I' uclM
iHiwrr'fully UIMI <|iilrkly. Cur* h wlii-n nil *»th« rn
full Younir iiion will ihrlr liwl nmnhotw.
itn'lol'l nun will iwov«r tlirlr ynuiliful vlffor
liV ii'ilnt: VITALIS. " «inl'-Mv »•»> ""rely re
stores Ni rvoiiani ss, Vliullty. Imiioieai y,
Nil'liilv Knilsslim*. Irfist rower. Ksllltig Mem
dry. WIIBIIIIII Kiseun.-n. nml all • necta of aeii
qliUhi* or t'tci'M UIKI Im3liwr»*ll*»ii W nr«ln «»ff
ll,.unity ami e..ns.iin|.t|..n. In .i .l on havlnc
VITALIS- no nlht-r. Can riirrM In vwl
isicltei, 11 v 111.ill. #t."M» l* r pin kar. . <>rslx tor
INI. wllli a |in»lllte erlllra xusrantre la rar«
or riVmi.l tin- itniori. Circidiir free. Addrea*
C'AIAINKT ll>;XKfl( lO*l'AN*. I hlrsito, IU.
For Halo at City Pharmacy.
c. wic;k:
Rough and Worked Lumber
or ALL xiana
Door*, Sash, Blinds, Moulding,
Shingles «nd Lath
Always In Slock.
OfHoti opposite"!'. <i W.'Depot,*
Great Clearance Sale
Trimmed Hato uiul Itonncts almont
Having a large stock of millinery still on hand, we will sell you
anything in our line less than half price. Come early and secure
bargains at the
122 S. T ) nrr 1 ) \1) BUTLER,
MAIN ST. *-'• 1 • 1 1 r -f • PA.
I At this season o< the year, Cramp, Colic, Sunstroke, ;
I and other ills produced by the excessive heat, snake :
• : bites and malaria, make their appearance. You want ;
: a stimulant ready for immediate use. You want it ;
! pure, you want it smooth and palatable, and you want ;
; it from a reliable source. We can supply you cheaply ;
I and give you the best in the country. You can pur- ;
; chase to suit your taste and pocket-book. ;
Just see our prices for a few of our liquors. Don't compare the
prices with other houses, but compare the
Quality of the Liquors,
SILVER AGE RYE $1.50 per quart.
DUQUESNE, Malt and Rye $1 25 per quart
BEAR CREEK $1 00 per quar
Finch, Guckenheimer, Gibson and
Overholt at #1 per quart, each or six
quarts for $5. Other ryes at 75c and
50c per quart. Blackberry brandy sl,
75c and 50c. Port, Sherry, Sweet Cal
ifornia, Angelica and Miscatel 50c, 75c,
#1 and #1.50 per quart. Rum, Gins,
Brandies and all other imported and do
mestic liquors all at
Rock Bottom
Cases Clarets, sweet and dry wines,
all our own importation, at prices that
will surprise you.
; It is dangerous to drink strange waters, unless you ;
i use a little whisky with it. If you send for our cata- ;
; loguc and price list, furnished free ol charge, you will ;
; see how cheaply we can serve you. I
IVTo 82 Federal St.. Allegheny, Pa.
J ewelry--Sil ver ware- -01 ocks,
Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per
cent by purchasing their watches, clock'
and spectacles of
J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler,
No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block.
Sign of Electric Bell and Clock.
All arc Respectfully Inviter
—'"Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience. -
Wholesale Liquor Dealer,
403 Ferry St, - - " Pittsburg, Pa
Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty.
Trial orders solicited.
One Square 801-iw Diamond Marke
New York Weekly Tribune
The Butler Citizen
AddroHNall ordorH to MMXIii (J1 AL/ I 5 I±«.^