Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 20, 1894, Image 2
THE CITIZEN FRIDAY. JULY 20.1894. Cat «rH «t remae* »« «• M eltm WILLIAM C. IHl>n. PmMlafc* "" REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. G ivernor— Dahibl H. Hasti* o '- Lieutenant Governor—Waltir Ltok. AtJDITOt GiKBEAt—AMOS Mtlih. Secretary of Internal Affairs—J ait ks W. L ATTA. . «_ Congressmen- I Galcsha A Grow. at-Large. \ Giobgh r. HUFF. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. Congress—Thomas W. Phillips. .. 4 David B. Douthitt, Assembly < Jamss N. Moork. Jury Commissioner —Hktry W. Nicho- LAS. - - - Extend Federal Supervision. Senator Sherman's proposition to bring the Pullman Palace Car Company within the field of Federal supervision was ill timed in view of the strike at Chicago, but it is a step in the right direction, and it ought to be extended to include under the supervision of the Interstate Commer ce Commission all the agencies of inter state commerce. The commission and its statistician, lfr. Henry C. Adams, have urged this step in report after report, and now that the Chicago strike has made clear the inti mate relation between the railroads and other auxiliary corporations engaged in interstate commerce, Congress ought to bring them all within the purview of the interstate commerce act Water trans port is now excluded. It should be in cluded, reports required and rates by water placed under the regulation of the commisiion. Telegraph companies, long distance telephones, interstate trolley companies, express companies, palace car companies, fast freight lines, terminal, bridge, elevator and yard companies, ought all to be included in the supervision of the Federal power. Their rates ought to be regulated by law and their reports onght to be public. The telegraph com panies, of which the largest, the Western Union Telegraph, has a capital of SIOB,- 000,000, are engaged in interstate com merce to a wider extent than railroads, yet their affairs are concealed from the public. Express companies employ near fy 50,000 men and pay the railroads $-3,- 000,000 a year, yet they publish no re ports and their rates are often grievously uniust. The telephone companies, which in 1890 had a capital of $72,34 1 , 7 earning of $16,404,583 and net of $5,260,- 212, are part of interstate commerce by their connection with long distance work, and are now free from all supervision. A great swarm of subsidiary companies, freight lines, abattor and elevator com panies, terminal corporations, yard and bridge companies and local express and baggage companies are links in interstate commerce, and ought to have their capi tal, traffie and profits laid bare. Lastly, the nalace car companies, of two largest, the Pullman Ukes i» 000 a year and the Wagner $3,000,000, ought to be brought within the interstate commerce aet. , ~.. If Senator Sherman, instead of taking np a small eorner of this field, would turn his unrivaled ability and experience lo a comprehensive measure extending 1 eaer al supervision over and requiring Federal statistics from all the agencies of inter saate commeroe he would discharge a great public service and silence onrrent criticism on his action. —Phila. Press. Coxgrbssmav T. W. Philiips, who has been at his home in New Castle suffering firom malaria, returned to Washington, Tuesday. While at home Mr. Phillips de voted a good deal of time considering the labor problem, which he believes is the greatest one now before the country. All his life, in fact, Mr. Phillips has been in vestigating that subject. As a conse quence, he expects to introduce a bill soon that will offer a practical solution. It will authorize a non-partisan commission, com posed of representatives of labor, agricul ture and business, which is to investigate the subject fully and then report to con gress the legislation it deems advisable. SOME of the tests made at Indian Head, below Washington, are attended with re markable results. At the test made there, Thursday, a 17-inch Harveyiaed armor plate, manufactured by the Carnegie Co., met with disaster. The plate itself cost $21,000, weighing 33 tons, and was one of a gronp of plates weighing 387 tons, which are worth to the Carnegie company $246, 000. The plate had been made with as great care as possible by the Carnegie Co., and it was hoped that a successful (troop had been secured, for it was desirable to remove, as far as possible, the doubts cast on HarrevUed steel plates by the failure of the 18-inch plate made by the Bethle hem company, and tested some time ago. This plate was as sound and fine a spec imen of Harveyiaed armor as has erer been turned out. At least that is what the Carnegie company thought. The second test was the one that did the damage. A Wheeler-Sterling 12-inch shell weighing 850 pounds was used, with 396 pounds of brown prismatic powder, giving an initial velocity of 1,858 foot pounds, and an ener gy of 20,370 foot tons. The shell pierced the plate entirely, smashing through the 3J feet of oak back ing and 3 feet of oak supports; through 50 feet of earth beyond, and into the woods for 100 yards. This was the first shell of the kind which was manufactured by purely American processes, which had been de veloped iu this country. The shot did as much damage as any shot ever did. The resolt was entirely un expected to the Carnegies and the ord nance officers. Capt. Sampson said the shell was a phenomenal one and the plate soft. The Strikes. Saturday's news from the strikes was that it was broken. Debs was not sustain ed by the approval of his men generally and be was denounced as an autocrat Sovereign felt sore over the failure of the men to go out, but said he woold continue the fight. At Sacramento, Cal., the regulars and strikers came together and two men were badly wounded aud others iojureJ. Mar tial law was put in force and the strikers were defiant. On Saturday at Sacramento, Harry Knox, leader of the strikers at that point was arrested for conspiracy in conneotiou with the train wrecking at the trestle west of Sacramento. A fierce battle occurred on Monday after noon between striking miners and deputies near Birmingham, Ala., in which six men were killed and nearly a score wounded. The wildest excitment exists and the ne groes are especially terror stricken. Eugene V. Debs, Geo. W. Howard, L. W. Rogers and Sylvester Keliber, tbe ol ficers of the A. R. Union were committed to jail Tuesday by Judge Seaman of tbe U. S. C'onrt. The men were held under $3,000 bond but refused to have their lib erty and went to jail. They were arrested for refusing to obey tbe injunction re straining them from interfering with the running of trains nnder the interstate commerce law. United States cavalry of Fort Reno, un der command of Capt. J. O. Mackey which had been detained to gnard the Rock Island road, missed death at the hands of the Pond Creek train wreckers at 1 o'clock Tuesday morning by ler.s than 200 feet. Two explosions of dynamite oc onrred within 200 yard« at tbe sonth out skirts of the city, immediately after the special train earring tbe troops from Enid to Pond Creek station bad passed. One of tbe shots exploded immediatly under tbe train but did no damage, but the other blew ont a cattle guard and shattered tbe rails and won'd have com pletely demolished the train had it ex ploded a few seconds later. The mayor of Enid wired the governor and the United Stales authorities t u at the local authorities were unable to keep down insurrection or to apprehend the men who have been destroying the railroad prop arty and asked tor an increase of the num ber of United State* troops stationed in the city. CAPT. FLEEGER'S ADDRESS. Through the kindness of Capt. Fleeger we are permitted to publish the following extraots from his address on July 4th, ac cepting the monument for the people. We are obliged to omit much of the valuable historical part because of iu length, but it is said that steps are being taken to pub lish, in pamphlet form, the fall proceed ings: Mr. Chairman, Ladies, Gentlemen, Com rades and Fellotc Citizens: — On this, the 4th day of July- a day ded icated to liberty 118 years ago by the Fathers of the Republic—we have assem bled to receive from the hands of the Mon umental Association this beautiful monu ment to the memory of our heroic dead. It was eminently fitting and appropriate, that thia, the natal day of American Liber ty, should be selected by the Association for this important and patriotic event Thus blending oar celebration of tbe anni versary of the signing of the Declaration of American Independence, with the dedica tion of this monument to the memory of the sons of Butler county, who in the great ciril war from 1861 to 1865 gave up their lives that that nation which was con ceived in liberty "should not perish from the earth." . , While we to-day recognize that all o: that vast army—marshalled in defence or the Union—whose left flank rested upon the coast of the Atlantic, while its right swept the base of the Sierras, ars entitled to our graceful recognition, our highest honor, our warmest gratitude, and our lasting remembrance for their services and sacrifices in behalf of our beloved land, yet we to-day especially remember the soldiers of Bntler county who gave up their lives that our nation might live—we to-day bring our laurel wreath to their graves—to- day we dedicate that monument to their memory. Citizens of Batler coun ty, that is your tribute to the memory of those who were of your flesh and blood who went out from your midst, and whose vacant chairs are in the households and at the firesides of Butler county homes. Our county was settled about 100 years ago bv a hardy, energetic and courageous people; with strong arm and brave hearts these first settlers came to this, then un broken wilderness, to secure for them selves homes and to better their condition. For years the woodman's ax rang sharp and clear over onr hills, and along pur valleys, as these hardy pioneers battled with the forests, and cleared the pathway for civil isation. They transmitted the sterling qualities of their integrity, energy and pa triotism to their descendants. Hence the tpeople of our county were a hardy, brave, honest, industrious, patriotic and law abid ing people. A people well fitted, when the hour of trial and danger would come, it such hour should come, to meet it w ''h true fortitude and courage. In 1861 that hour came, then the veil which the proph etic Webster prayed might not be drawn in his day, was drawn aside; then the cload whc»e muttering thunders had often been heard away off in the distance, burst in all its fury over us, growing deeper, darker, blacker, denser until it covered our whole sky,and its zigzag lightnings flashed across every deorstep, and its rumbling thunders reverberated in every home within our connty. The time had come when more than taxes was asked, when a richer treas ure than money was demanded on the part of our government from onr people. A rebellion, gigantic in its proportions, headed and led on by muddened, determined men bad arisen, threatening the overthrow of the fair fabric of our government, rear ed by the toils and sacrifices of the patriots of the revolu tion. The 11 states engaged in this rebel lion had thrown off the authority of our government —torn down, insulted nd trampled upon our flag-organized a govern mont of their own, adopted a standard of their own, seized and taxen forcible posses sionofthe forts, arsenals, custom houses and other property of the government within the boundaries of these states raised, equipped and marshalled their armies—set at defiance the authority and laws of our government and with threa ten ing boldness pnshed their armed legions, and displayed their traitor flags within the very sight of our Capitol. They threw down the guage of battle. Our govern ment took it up, it could do nothing else, the dignity, the honor, yea the very life, the very existence of our government de manded that that unjust and causeless re bellion should be put down and the author ity of our government restored to every foot of our territory, and our flag, the sym bol of our union, again placed on evey fort, arsenal and custom house of the land. I will not stop here to discuss the oanses that lead to that rebellion,suflfoe it to say, once lor all. that it was a wicked, cruel, unjust and oauseless one. Notwitbstand idg all that a Rev. Cave may say. Not withstanding all that a General Rosser may say. Notwithstanding all that gush ing sentimentalists who weep bitter tears over the grave of the "Lost Cause" may tav —In that contest the North was right, eternally right—the South was wrong, eternally wrong. It was the struggle of the nation lor existence—division meant death-the God of nature never intended that our domain should be divided in that way. Our hills, our mountain ranges and our rivers all run the wrong way. All the re sources of a large part of our country, all the abilities and energies of an able and courageous people impelled by tnat spirit which would rather "reign in hell" tban "serve in heaven," and led on by a pur pose, • determination, a madness they oannot now understand or explain,—were put forth for the dismemberment and de struction of onr Government, and the es tablishment (upon its ruins) of a Souther an Confederacy wnose corner stone should be slavery. It was the final —the death grapple, on this continent, between free dom and slavery—the inevitable conflict had come. Compromise had been heaped upon compromise, but all of no avail, the vexed question would not down, the peo ple in the sacred urn of the ballot box had recorded the majority's will that slavery should go no further, but it was ol noavail the South flew to arms, and by her own overt act transferred the antagonist c ques tion of freedom and slavery from legisla tive halls and the ballot box to the battle field. They appealed to the stern arbitra ment ol war. These questions which had so long vexed the people of our land, were by the deliberate act, the choice of the Sonth, to be settled amid the roar of artil ery, the rattle of musketry, the uiad rush of charging squadrons and the clang of clashing sabers. The great question at stake was, shall our government survive the shock of armsf Or, shall it like a me teor, that for a moment has dazzled the eye, go ont in blackness and darkness? Shall the prediction so often made by mon archists and imperialists of the old world, that our government oould not long sur vive, be stamped as melancholy truthT Shall the last experiment of man for self government be a failure? These were the questions that confronted us as a nation and which we were compelled to face, and these questions were to be decided by the arbitrament of the sword, the ordeal of battle, at the cannons month and the bay onets point. Looking back now through 29 years of peace we can scarcely realize the deep, interne interest of that hour, as the situation, with all its consequences, the existence of our nation at stake, was forced upon the people. It was in such an hour as this, and with such momentous questions as these to be solved by the or deal of war that the young men of Uutler county in 1861 to 1865 stepped upon the stage to act their part in the grandest and bloodiest drama the world ever beheld. And how did tbe people of Butler county act their part in this trying hour of our nation's perilt That I consider an appro priata question for this occasion. We make that inquiry to-day—as citizens of tbe county we are deeply interested in tbe answer—was it such as to cause us to-day to hang our heada in shame, or was it such as we can look back to with prideT Thank God the fathers of that day were true patriots! Thank God tbe mothers, wives, listers and maidens of that day did not falter or fail in tbe face of tbe stern requirements of the hour! Heroically tbey arose to the occasion, stifling tbe prompt ings of love, bidding tbe voice of affection be silent, Spartan like they.brougbt tbe shield and with tbe injunction "Come with it when the battle's done, or on it from the field," they saw son, and husbaud, and brother, and lover depart for the scene of conflict—tbe post of duty aud danger. Oh, to how many fathers and mothers, wives, sisters and maidens of our county was the sight of the loved one, as starting for bis compauy, he disappeared down the road, over the hill, or at the turn of the street their last recollection of him on earth. How many never crossed thethre.hhold of home agafnf And how did tbe young men of Butler couqty meet the stern demands of that hour T I am glad to say bere to-day, 33 years since that time, here in the face of a new generation, here in tbe bearing of man;- to whom that time i.-> only a tradi tion, they proved themselves worthy sons of such fathers and mothers, worthy husbands of snch wives, worthj- brothers of such sis ters, Worthy lo\ers of such maidens. At their country's call they came bravely,gal lantly. Tbey eame from our farm-houses, our workshops, our mines and manufactor ies, our stores, our schools aud our acade mies. They came determined to stand by our flag, to do or die for tbeir country. It was well for us as a nation that in that supreme hour of peril we had at the head of our government the immortal Lincoln, that his steady hand held the helm of our ship of state as it was dashed amid the troubled waters. On the 4th day of March, 1861, as the duly elected President of the United States, he had taken his official oath ha/1 raised his hand to heaven and sworn "to protect and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States." Now in April, 1861, eleven states are in open re bellion, the authority of the Government is set at defiance, Fort Sumter has been fired upon and after a gallant resistance by its small garrison has been compelled to surrender, the stars and stripes have been hauled down and the stars and bars, of the Southern Confederacy, run to the top of the flag staff. In the face of such events, with his of ficial oath resting upon him, with his du ties as the Chief Executive of this nation pressing upon him, there was but one course for the President to pursue, the time had passed for parlyingor discussion, the time for action, decisive action, bad come. Promptly the call for 75,000 men for three months was sent out. Although we did not at that time have the railroad or telegraphic facilities that we do now, yet that call soon reached Butler county. Our quota for that call was one company. Scarcely had the call reached here ere tho drum beat was heard on your streets and the young men from Butler and the sur rounding country came forward, enrolled their names, and within a few hours from the time the news reached here that first company under Capt. John N. Purvi- ; ance, an honored and respected citizen ot our town who has since gone to his rest, started for the front. You speak of John N. Purviance as "General," well did he de serve that title and all the honors that were conferred upon him, and which he so gracefully bore. But to me John N. Pur viance never appeared grander and nobler than when as Captain of that first com pany from Butler county, at his country's first call, he went forth to the post of duty and danger in defense of our flag and the uaion he loved to well. That company be came Co. H, of the J3th Reg., Pa. \ ols., and became part of the army under Gen. Patterson, operating in the vicinity of Harper's Ferry, Martinsburg and Shep herdstown. But events thickened, it was soon dis covered that you might as well try to dam up the waters of the Allegheny with reeds as to try to crush that rebellion with 75,- 000 men. Again the call go« 6 out, 200,000 more, for 3 year?. Capt. Samuel Loudon, a sterling patriot, who loved his country, had recruited a company at Sunbury and from that section of tbe" county iu May, 1861, and was awaiting orders. Capt. Win Stewart, a gallant, patriotic young man, had also in May, 1861, recruited a company at Evans City from that section ol the county. These companies promptly oflor ed their services to the government and were accepted They entered the service on the 10th day of June, 1861, aud became Cos. C and Dot the 11th Reg., Pa Ke serves. This regiment was assigned to the Army of the Potomac, and became a part of the old First Army Corps, aud after wards of tbe Fifth Army Corps. In mentioning the companies from this county as they left our county and weat out to the front we will, at the present fol low them no further than the army to which they were assigned, we will go with them until they enter th. ir corps, we will then for the present bid them good bye and let the curtain drop—behind it are the soen*s of battle and caruage and death, the rent and trodden field, the hospital of pain and the gloomy prison pen. In August, 1861, Capt. Thomas McLaughlin recruited a company from the central por tion of our county. This compiny was promptly accepted by the gorvernment, and entered the service as 00. U, 102 d Reg . Pa. Vols , was assigned to the Army of the Potomac, and became a part ot the grand old Sixth Army Corps. Also in August, 1861, Capt. James E. Cornelius recruited a company in the west ern and north western part of the county. Tnis company was at once accepted aud became Co. C of the 100 th Kegt , Pa. \ ids. This regiment, with other regiments, was ordered to Aunapolis, Md., there they were placed oo steamers; sealed orders were given to the Colonel, not to be open ed until out upon the ocean. When open ed these orders read "Sail for the entrance to Port Royal Harbor." Wo will there, out on the ocean, bid Co. Cof tbe 100 th good bye—their faces are turned away south ward, their orders take them to the front of Charleston, the hot-bed of secession— the birthplace of treason. In Sept, 1861, Capt. Win. S. Jack re cruited a company from the vicinity of Butler borough, Harrisville and other parts of the county. This company was prompt ly accepted by the government and bo come Co. Hof the 78th Regt., Pa. Vols. This regiment with the 77th and 79th Pa were organized into a brigade, under the gallant Gen. Jas. S. Negley; at Pittsburg, Pa., were placed on steamers and ordered westward to join our gallant Armies of the West. They wore assigned to the grand old 14th Corps, in the Army of the Cumberland. This company was the rep resentative ot Butler county in western fields and in the Armies of Thomas, Itose crans and Sherman In October, 1861, a compiny in the southern and central parts of tbe county was recruited and organized under Capt. Samuel Martin ; also at tbe same time one in the northern part of the county under Capt. Win. Fielding. These companies were accepted by the government and be came Cos. E ami I of the 103 I Kegt., Pa. Vols , and were assigned to the Army ol the Potomac, where they became part of the old Fourth Army Corps, and wore afterwards transferred to the coast of North Carolina in tho vicinity of New berne. Following the disaster ol the Peninsula the call lor moin troops was again made by the government. And how did Butler oounty, depleted by those who had gone out in 1861, respond to that call' In July end August, 1862, Capt. C. E. Anderson, in the central part of the conn ty; Capt. A. G. Kiddle, in the western part of the county; Capt. Win. O. Brocken ridge, in the north-western part of the county; and Capt. Edwin Lyon, at Hutler and in the central part of the county, each recruited a company; tendered their ser vices to the government; were accepted, and these four companies became Cos. C, F, G and K "fthe 134'b Regt., Pa. Vols.; were hurried forward to the Army of the Potomac, and became part of the Fifth Corps. Also about the sam*> time, to-wit: in August, 1862, Capt. G. W Hays, in tbe southern part of the county; Capt. Henry Pillow, in the vicinity of Prospect and the western part of the county; and Capt. Allen Wilson, in trie northern p irt of the county, each recruited a company. These companies were at once accepted by the government and became companies D, F and Gof the 137 th Keg., Pa. Vols ; were sent to the Army of the Potomac and were assigned to the old First Army Corps. Also in 1862 Capt. John G Bippas' Co. E, 169 th Kegt., Pa. Drafted Militia, enter ed the service and were assigned to duty on the coast. The term of service of this company was nine months Also in 1862 a company wm recruited in the south-eastern part of the county by L'apt. Win. H. Tibbies. This compa ly be came Co L of the 14th Kegt , Pa. Cav. , and was assigned to duty in W. Va., when it became a part id the cavalry command ed by Gen. Averill. We have thus uiuo comuanies from But ler county entering the service in 1862, but there were more than that I want,on thin occasion, to ili> justice, an tar ,n I can, to every organization that went out from our county —to every man that went out from our county, whether he was in a Butler county company or no'., and to every pat riotic eff'ott made liy our people in defense of the government. After the battle of Bull Kuti, fought on the 29;b and 30th of August, 1862. the rebal army ilated by its success eroaaed the Po tomac, and started northward with the proud boaat that the water* of the Alle gheny would soon reflect thoir red battle and the scene of war be transferred from Southern to Northern fielda It was indeed a critical hour when Ijee pushed hit* ba'>alliona into Slaiyland and close to tbe border of feniisj Ivatiia Another victo ry to tbeir aruia aud Washington. Balti more, Philadelphia and Pittsburg would bo at their mercy. Though Butler county was largely depleted of young men capa ble lor the hardship* of service at that time yet a company of emergency men. under Capt Gilniore Campbell, was hastily or ganized and started for the front, to inter pose whatever barrier they could across the path of l.ee's army—old grizzled veter ans of many campaigns Don't smile when I mention this company, their patriotism had the true ring. They enlisted, tliey en tered the service, secured arms, buckled their cartridge boxes around them and pushed bravely to the front, pausing not until they were within the very circle of fire at Antietam. This company was Co. 6of the 14th Kegl., Pa. Emergency men. Also about the same time Capt. Wm. K. tlutcbir on's company C, 19th Kegr., Pa. Militia impelled by the same patriotic im pulses that led Capt. Campbell and his Co. to the sound of the enemies guns at Antietam entered the service to do what they ( >uld in that trying time. This makes 11 companies that went out from our county in 1862. But what of 1863 T In Jnne of that year ! after the disastrous battle of ChaMellnrs ] ville the Rebel Army agnin came north ; ward, this time they did not stop in Mary -1 land, but pushed forth their legions into the very heart of Pennsylvania. Prom Chambersbnrg to the Susquehaunah the tread of their veteran army pressing our soil, and the rumble of their artillery wheels was heard in our mountain passes and along our valleys, till concentrating at Gettysburg; the great battle of the war was fought resulting in the triumph of the Union arms, and the driving back of the invader lrom our soil. In this emergency Capt. W. R. Hutcbi son'sCo. F,s6th Itegt.Pa Militia:Capt. E. L. Gillespie's Co. G, and Capt W. M. Clark s Co. I, 58th Regt., Pa. Militia, which vol unteered for 90 days: entered the service and rendered important and patriotic ser vice. In 1804 Capt W. R. Hutchison's Co. A, and Capt. G. L. Braun's Co. B, 6th Pa Artly., enlisted for one year and perform ed service in front of Washington, on the Virginia side of the Potomac, out to Man asses. In the early part of 1865 Capt. R. I. Boggs recruited a company in the southern part of our county, for one year, this com pany was accepted by the government and become Co. E 78th Pa. Vols, and was ordered to Nashvtfle Tenn. where they re mained until discharged. This was the last company to enter the service during the war. In the spring of 1865 came Appamatox and final victory to the Union Arms, the authority of our Govrn't was restored to, and our flag again floated over every inch of our territory, but over 300.000 of our noblest and best had died that the nation might live. In mentioning these companies I do not mean to say that all who went out from Butler county to the defence of the Gov ernment were enrolled in them,nor that all the Butler county soldiers who gave up their lives during the war, fell in their ranks. No, 1 know that very many men from Butler county served in other organ izations —the 4th, 7th, 9th and 16th Pa. Cav. and the 23rd, 61st, 62nd, 63rd, 83rd. 101 st, 104 th, 105 th, 155 th, 190 th and 191 st Pa. Infantry Regs, and the sth Pa. Heavy Art'ly, and other organizations from Penn sylvania had many Butler connty men in their ranks—within the circle of a mile and a half from my old home in Concord twp., I know of six young men, four of whom were killed in battle and two died in pris on, not one of whom was in a Butler coun ty organization. Anil how did the soldiers from our coun ty perforin their dntiesf That is an im portant question for us on this occasion. If they performed them heroically and nobly, gratitude demands at our hands, that we who enjoy the rich heritage of a Union preserved, should not permit the names or the memories of the fallen to perish. I have made the military history of our county somewhat of a study, and 1 am glad, my fellow citizens, to say, here in your presence and hearing to-day, here at the monument we dedicate to the lallen, I do not believe that a single company that went out from Butler county ever disgrac ed its regiment, its county or its colors— they took your flag torth with them, they bore it without dishonor through the fiery ordeal of many of the bloodiest battles of of the war. They returned it to yon un sullied "without a star erased or a single stripe polluted." The severe losses in killed and wounded of many of the companies mentioned in the bloodiest battles of the war attest the fideli ty and bravery with which they stood by onr flag wheu the bolts ot death fell thick and fast. The percentage of losses in bat tle in a number of these companies stands among the highest of any organizations in in our whole army. In the companies 1 have mentioned, as near as I can ascer tain, 361 gave up their lives in the service. Add to this those who full in other organi zations and it would swell the honored list of patriot dead ii over 500. 1 believe that there was not a single corps in all our armies but what had Butler county men in it. I believe there was not. a single state over which the red tide of battle surged, but was dyed wilh the blood of Butler county's sons. I be lieve that to-day the ashes of her dead mingle with the dust of almost every battle field of the war. Where do our fallen rest! Some of them wounded, or stricken by disease came home to die, and in quiet church yards and cemeteries of our county they sweetly sleep the yoar4 away. Some sleep on the battlefields where they 1011. Some by the riveis and Mountain ranges of the s.iuth, aud some by the sobbing sea. The graves of some are known, but many are unknown. Some sleep in the beautiful National Cemeteries of our land These Cemeteries are places ol beauty, ruefully guarded and tended by the Nations hand, adorned by walks and trees,and shrubbery, and well kept lawns, as though repeating the poets question "Why should a dark ness soowl on any spot where man grasps immortality" The flagncath which they fell floats from the staff over them. The over 16,000 who died within the gloomy stockade at Audersonville now repose in a cemetery made beauti ful by the hand and care of the government Butler county boys are sleeping there. Go to the beautiful cemetery at Gettysburg, on some of the headstones there you will read the names of some of Butler co*nty sons who fell in that battle. So at Arling ton and Stone River and many other of our national cemeteries. This monument which we to-day dedi cate is to the memory of all who gave up tbeir lives for our country during the war it matters not whether they served in a Butler county organizatiou or in an organ ization outside the county, whether they fell amid the smoke and storm of battle, or whether with fevered brow and parched tongue they gave up their lives in the hos pital, this monument is for them, for all who died for our country. Money spent in memorials to valor and devotion to duty and country is not spent in vain, there is something in such a monument that touches the heart that awakens aud stirs all the nobler and hotter qualities of our nature. What teachers of patriotism such monuments are! Who can look upon them with iDilifTerenceT Who can ostimate what Bunker IIiII Monument has been to us as a nation f And what it has been to us as a nation, this monument will be to us as a county—a teacher of patriotism for all the future; there all our patriotic impulses can gather, and around it cau cling; and should the hour of danger and trial come, as come it may, should our sky darken, us darken it may, then this monu ment will be moro eloquent in its voiceless appeal to patriotism and duty than the words of any erator. And oh! I think as I contemplate our troublous times, how much wo need a pure patriotism. It is our country's reliance, it should be taught from our pulpits, and in our schools. Obedience to, and respect for our laws and order,the youth should be taught what our government and liberties have cost and the great value of peace and law and order, they should be taught to love our country and respect it 3 laws, they should be tought that next to the Cross of Calvary, our flag, the glorious stars and stripes is the most sacred emblem on earth. Perils are still th ; ckly around us, Kternal vigi lance is still the price of liberty, for as th*j poet has said "Not yet mayst thou un brace thy corselet, or lay by thy sword nor yet,oh Freedom,close thy lids in slum ber, for thine enemy never slumbers or sleeps, and thou must watch and combat until the new earth and heaven" It is said that the children of ancient Greece for 300 years were taught to repeat by memory the names ol the 300 who fell at Thermopylae. While Greece was patriotic, Greece was great. When she ceased to remember those who died for her, her greatness departed, and well could the poet write of her Isles "Kternal summer gilds them yet. But all except their sun is set." This monument will be a teacher of patriotism for all the future. Age will reverence it, manhood look with pride upon it and children with artless prai.:lo will ask what it means—it will we trust forever repeat the story of those who gave life for country. lam sorry that I cannot on this oc casion give you tho price in young manly and precious lives that Butler county paid an her share for the preservation of our national life, our glorius union, the money cost of the war was small as compared with the cost in life. Money cannot be weighed against blood. All that a man bath will he give for bis life, but here from 1801 to 1805 wo see our young men, our strong and vigorous, our noblest and best giving their lives by hundreds, lor what? That their beloved land might live. Over their graves may truely be written "We died that our country might live." Oh wonderous patriotism well do they deserve at our hands our highe st honor*,and our lasting remembrances. This monument that we dedicate to-day is our tribute to their memory, we place it in the most beautiful part ol our town, on the solid and adamantine foundation of this hiil, we build it of enduring granite, so that the rains of summer and the snows and storms of winter may beat against it in vain, so that it may stand there for the ages to come, and tell, when our lips my comrades are sealed in death, the story of our comrades who for their country fell. Look oyer our town, you see the spires of onr churches pointing their long taper ing fingers heavenward indicative of the object for which they have been erected, the worship of Almighty God. These are our temples to Religion. Here is oar beautiful Court House which we all so much admire and of which we as citizens of Butier Co. feel so justly proud; this is our temple to justice. There, now standing in that beautiful 6qnare, beautiful in its simplicity and sym metry, is our memorial to patriotism. It is true that it is not grand and mas sive and towering and costly as are many of the monuments of earth, but my fellow citizens, it represents a heroism grander, a patriotism nobler and sublimer. than that commemorated by the Arch of Triumph.the column Vendomf or the guilded lantern of the Invalides. Gentlemen of the Monumental Associa tion:—ln behalf of the people of our coun ty I congratulate j'ou on this occasion, on the successful completion of your work. They placed in your hands an important and patriotic trust. The zeal with which yon took hold of it—the energy, fidelity and perseverance with which yon followed it up. through discouragements and diffi culties, meets with «ur highest praise, our warmest commendation. In the name and on the behalf of all the old soldiers of our countv we thank you for this beautiful me morial to the memory of our departed com rades who sleep in soldiers' graves In the name and on the behalf of all the the people of our county, we thank you fir this column which speaks in silent but elo qaent tongue, not only of the patriotism of thote whose memory it commemorates,but also of the gratitude of our people. In behalf of all these we accept this beautiful memorial erected under your su pervision and promise to guard and cherish it with our teuderest care —to tell to trem bling age. to youth and lisping childhood what it represents, and thus to send its story through the coming ages. Fellow citizens: —I have in your behalf acceptedthis monument from the association it is now yours, and the futures dedicated forever to the memory of our honored dead, and while wo thus honor their mem ory in granite let us protect, defend and preserve the union, they by their deaths saved to us, and we trust to all the gener ations of the future. Let a true and un selfish patriotism and devotion to duty and country aver control us in all our actions and condnct—thus may we honor their memory by sending down to the future the union preserved by them unimpaired. When they fell beneath our flag there were 34 stars upon its field of blue, there are 44 now. May they still increase and grow brighter and brighter with the com ing years and may the last standard repre senting earthly government, whose folds may even catch the breath of the etjrnal morning ba the glorious old stars and stripes. For 29 years our honored dead have slumbered in their graves, but they have not been forgotten by their county. This monument is now reared aud dedicated forever to their memory. Sleep on my comrades fallen; though no father or mother or wife or sister or loved one may ever stand by your low green beds, yet the birds of song will ever carol their sweetest melodies there, the stars of heaven will ever look kindly down upon yoa and the God of Heaven will ever lov ingly watch over yoa, while "Yon granite column's voiceless stone, la deathless song shall tell. When many a vanished year has flown, The story how ye fell." IN dealing with the offence which Debs and his associates and followers commit ted, Judge Grosscup is clear and incisive. The riotous uprising at Chicago was in surrection against the United States, and the leaders were guilty of crimiral con spiracy to incite insurrection. Labor has absolute control of its own arm. It can refuse to work if it choose. But Debs anil his followers did not content themselves with refusing to work. They violently obstructed the mails of the United States. They forcibly interrupted the movement of interstate commerce. These agencies of intercourse and trade are under the pro tection of federal law, and in resisting the execution of that law the rioters became not simply a street mob but insurgents against the authority and power ol the United States. When resistance becomes too formidable to ho dealt with by the or dinary civil process and to require the in terposition of military force it becomes fla grant insurrection, and every man who en" courages or sustains it becomes a public enemy. Thk great Saengerfest l>al] in Cleveland was crowded last Thursday at the opening exercises of the Christian Endeavor con vention, and besides this several overflow meetings w»re held. It was estimated that 25,000 delegates were in the city. AN anarchist was hanged in Chicago last Friday, and the strike was declared off. The world continues to revolve. Washington Notes. Monday's session of the conferees on the Tariff bill ended in a row. The differences of opinion were so radical as to prevent progress, and led to harsh words. There was a report in circnlation that day to the effect that the Republican con ferrees, angry as they are at being barred from the consultations, were considering the advisability of not attending the con ference after they are invited by Chair man Voorhees. This could not be verified. In fact it is known that the Republicans propose to be on hand and to contest every inch with their opponents. It they find that the Democrats have agreed upon a a measure as radical as the Wilson bill they propose to fight its adoption in the conference and in the senate with all their might. In fact they expect that they can either kill the bill on a direct vote in the Senate or to at least dela3~ a vote until af ter the elections in November. On Tuesday the Democratic conferees called the Republicans into the confer ence and there was a short general discus sion that resulted in nothing. The Re publicans were informed that the Demo cratic conferees had been unable to reach any agreement and that the chief points of disagreement were sugar, iron ore and coal, and certain features of the iron and steei schedules and of the cotton and woolen schedules, believed to be too high. It was admitted that there were other dif ferences. but they were minor ones only. On Wednesday the conferees agreed to disagree, and the whole Tariff bill was to go to both Houses next day. The con lerees could not agree on the sugar, metal, ore and coal schedules, and will report a disagreement on the whole measure. If the Douse does not yield the prospects for a deadlock are good. Gresham's dispatch to Japan protesting against its alleged war with Corea was con sidered a blunder in oflicial circles. EIGHT men were killed near Ilazlcton, Pa , by the explosion of 200 sticks of giant powder in the midst of a gang of miners at Stockton Colliery, No. 8. The Republican conferrees of the 24th Congressional district met at Charleroi, last Thursday and cast 49 more fruitless ballots, and then adjourned to meet in City Uall Pittsburg, July 24. ROYto T 5P K gs „ POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavening strength.— Lutes Uuiteil States Government Food Report. Royal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wall St.. N. Y. • GOSSER'S • .CREAM GLYCERINE. has DO <v)tial for chapped hands. Hps or 0 fact', or any roughness of the skin, and % is not excelled as a dressing for tin* face aft«*r shaving. Sold by druggets at T a enty-five Cents a Bottle. • •••••••••••• IIKINS —At the home of John Uovard 111 Centre twp., July 13, 1894. Chas. Heins, aged 12 years. SIIIKA Af his home in Parker twp., July 11, 1894, Wui. H. Shira. aged GS ; years. He was a son of Peter Shira. who is now in his 94th year. MILLER —At her home in Washington twp., July 6. 1894, Mrs. Win. Miller, aged about 70 years. HEN LEX—At her hojie in N. Washington. July 6. IS!>4, Mrs. C Henlen, aged about 70 years. MCDOWELL—At his home 1U Butler, I July 12, 1894, Merle Clare, 8"n of James A. McDowell. BELL—At Warren, Pa.. July 11, 1*94, ! Jeannette Bell. BADGER—At his home in Butler, July 16, 1594, Lather Badger, in his 71st | year. SMITH—At Helena. Montana. July 5. 1594. C. K. Smith. He was buried in ; Butler, last Tuesday. JOHNSTON—At his home in New Castle July 14. 1894. Edwin H., son of C. X- j Johnston, aged 2 years. LIEBLER —At Herman Station. July It}, 1894. Martin Liebler. aged 54 years. WINTER —At her home in Zelienople, July 15, 1894. Mrs. Winter, widow of Dr. E F. Win'er, in her 77th year. DUFFORD—At his homo in Mt. Chest nut, July 16. 1894, Joseph Dufford, aged 92 years. Mr" Dufford was a gunsmith by trade and was noted more than half a century ago for his skill. He was an honest, peacea ble citizen. BERKIMER & TAYLOR, Funeral-Directors, 151 S. Main St., - Butler: Pa. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Orphans' Court Sale. By virtue of an order anl dearie of the orphans' Court of Butler comity. Pa., - 1 the undersigned. Thomas Mechllng, administrator cum testamento annexo of M lss Mary E. Mech - Lnif. late of Jefferson township. Butler county. Pa., dee d, will offer for sale at public vendue, on the premises on FRIDAY, THE 24th DAY OF At'OUST. A. D., 1894, at l o'clock p.m. of said day, all tlie rlj,'Ut. t'tle. Interest ai-d claim of I lie said Mary K. Mechllng, at the tune ot her deceise. of. in and to the undivided one half of 155 acres of land, more or less, situated in Jelterson town ship, Butler county, Pa., bounded and describ ed as followed: On the north by lands of the heirs or Christian Mechllng, dee d, and Samuel Caldwell: on the east by lands of Peter Knley, heirs of Frank Krlley and John Michel; on the south by lands ot the heirs of David Logan, dee d; and on the west by lauds of 1). H. with the appurtenances. The Interest ot the said Mary E. Mechllng. dee d, to be offered for sale,as aforesaid, Is the undivided one-half of the above described tract of 13.) ai'res of laud with the improvements and appurtenanc-s. TKKMS OF SALE— Cash on confirmation of sale. Title good. THOMAS MKCHLINO. Adm'n C. T. A, of Mary E. Mechllng. dee d. E McJ. and McJ. x <i», att'ys Butler. Pa. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate of Jane Beigbley, dee'd, late ot Connoijae nessing twp., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please made immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN M. DUNN, Es'r., Mt. Chestnut P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. J. D. McJuakin, Att'y. Administrator's Notice Letters of Administration on the estate of John A. Vogan dee'd, late of Muddy creek twp. Butler Co. Pa. having been granted to the undersigned. Al 1 persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to come forward and settle said indebted ness and all persons having claims against the same are requested to present the same duly authenticated for settlement to FRANK C. VOGAN, Adm'r. A. M. Cornelius, Atty. Piano Pa. Administratrix's Notice, Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Joseph Logan, late of Jefferson twp. But ler Co. Pa. dec'J. Notice Is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebt ed to said estate to make immediate pay ment and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement to AMELIA LOGAS Adm'X J. W. Hutchison Att'y Saxon burg Executors' Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate of Isaac Wise, dee'd, late of Penn twp., But ler county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will pre sent them duly authenticated for settle ment to CALVIN "WISE, Leota, Ps., or GEO. B. WISE, Bennett, Pa, J. M. Painter, Executors. Att'y. Executors' Notice. Letters testamentary on the last will and testament of Robert Gilliland, late of Summit township, Butler county, Pa., dee'd, having been this day granted by the Register of wills ol said county to us, the undersigned executors thereof, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate are requested to make speedy pay ment, and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them to us, duly authenticated for settlement. WILLIAM ALLISON, JOHN A. GILLILA.NI>, McJuukiu & Galbreath, Executors. Attorneys. Butler, Pa. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now rriniDg a line of carriages between the hotels and depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel Vogeley. Good Liverving Conn«cl<on Bargains! Bargains!! Two Special Bargains for Tins Wee*. NO I 200 yards all silk ribbon, 3 inches wide, only io cents, reg ular price 25c and 30c. NO 2 Shirt -waists 2 5 cents, regular price 50c. Millinery at cost. M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 to 117 S. Main St., - - Butler. ■>| * i|T r n MICS, local or travel till fl SM I I I Ing. to sell my Kiiaran. W H 1 L Uteed NITKSKKV STOCK ' Salary or Commission paid weekly. Outfit free. Special attention tflven to Workers never fall to make god 'weekly wages. Write me at once for par ticulars. E. 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman. (This house Is reliable.) KOCIIKSTKK. N. Y SPEEDY and X.ASTINU RESULTS. PEOPLE % thin. # from any injurious :>jb*unce. V y Lirai AS"mi:T3 SZCUCIS. We GUARANTEE a CURE or refund your money. Prion W.l.<>o |>«-r bottle. Send 4c lor treiiiie. TKEMONT MEDICAL CO.. Button, Maaa. * c BU66IES at h Price 18"^ ' ,SfLX CAIITS £ llAkXl-ss. in V23TJJ «VM Top Kutntjr \V>. (Nt the I I'haeloii I'KK'KK .ml V/*. ■ . 4 l'ii*n Topsurrey.fi; oatm-ll *' *- ) t <0 Koatl Wagon. sßb competitor**. tlfi Komi < i»rt t* 60 Buy of far- Butriry H»rni-« t3 u. toryiuid »» \ »10 Buirirr HT . Mi.1.1 It man a JUB| J ».■«) Tt*in " H-' ■" pn.Ml, \%'J MMM. MORGAN SADDLE >| 6. UI TR'IT IRW _ Jk'- » . <». * t HIT < €». " .«( itu U l«wrviic« St. Clßclaaatl. O. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNBYLVANIA KAI I.ROAD. THE STtNDAKD KAII.KOAD OK AMERICA WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. 5.H EMI.r. IS SFFSCT MAT 2TU, 1*»» South ■ Wo* L)ATS A. M. A.M. A. *. r. M. r. V. Butler - Leave 615 *35 11 oo 245 SOU >ixonburu Arrive t; 44 iiw 11 it 311 52S Butter Juc'l, 7 .*> UM >• to Itutler Jui t U-ave :. TO »ll 1J at 3«o sS3 Natrona AiTive 73s !> 51 li lj 3 6 « Tarentum 7 43 56 12 1» 3 57 V 07 Sprlnirilale 755 10 AS l*i 33 4 0> .... (Taremont. 811 .... 12 SB *33 «*7 suarp-burs * lB -•- 1 M * B9 * u Allegheny city «asio 33 l -•» 4v» « 4.-. A. S». A. M. r. X. I'. M. r. H. j North Vm DA vs. A. M. A. M. A. *. P. M. r. M Allenht'oyCUy Leaves 55 * -'•> 10 40 3 13 6 10 Sharpsburg 7 0* * 39 to Claivmonl S 45 11 sprlngdale *s. U ->• s 41 Tarentum 7 32 9 10 14 39 3 M 650 Natrona 7 37 9 15 11 45 39S 6 S3 6Butler Joc't Arrtve7 45 9 11 55 4 7 02 Butler Juc't Leave 7 v> » 45 12 3S 4 13 7 a; gSaionburK soslo 11 104 440 753 aßutler Arrive 53510 35 iso 4cm 7so A. *. A. M. r. M. P.M. r. M W EEK L> ATS. For Ikt E**t. WEEK DAVS I p. M-* A. M. a- M. P. M. 2 4". <; 15 Lv. Butler ... Ar. 10 35 I » 340 730 Ar. Butler Juuction Lv. 945 12 38 404 743 Lv. Butler Junction Ar. »41 12 38 4 10 7 49 Ar. Freeport I.v. 935 12 35 4 13 7 53 •• Allegheny Juc't 931 12 30 4as 804 " Leectibure " »20 li 13 446 S2l " eaulton (Apollo) •' 905 11 55 5!4 Ssl " Saltsburg " 837 11 32 550 922 " Blatrsville " 805 11 00 600 930 •• BlalrsvlUe lnter"n " 750 10 15 BSOII 40 •• Altoona '• 340 800 100 340 " Harrlsbuiv " 11 55 310 430 cso " Philadelphia " 850 n2O A. M. P. M. ;r. M. P. M Through trains for the east leave Pittsburg (Union Station) as follows: Atlantic Express. " 3 30A. M. Pennsylvania, Limited, dally 7 15 Day Express. " 800 • Philadelphia Express, " 4 30 P.M. Eastern Express. " 700 " East Line, " 810 • For detailed Inform ition. address Tlios. E. Watt, Pass. Ag't. Western District. .110. Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, PaJI I S. M. PUKVOST. J. K. WOOD tieneral Manager. Uen'l. Pass r. Ag t P. & W. E. R. Schedule, tn effect Jan." n. :«4. (Butler time) The Short Line to Pittsburg. DEPART SOrTH. FROM SOVTU . 6.->5 a m Allegheny 9.25 a m, Alllegheny EJ s lsa in All'v Akron 955 a m.AI £ N Castle 'o 20 a m Allegheny Ac 12 20 p m, AU'y & Ch'go 3.00pm Allegheny Mall 5.05 pm, Allegheuy Ex 3.50 p m Chicago Ex. 7.23 p in,All'y & Akron <>. lop m AU'y A Ell. Ex s.oo pm. Allegheny Ac PKFART SOUTH . FROM NORTH. 10.05 a m K.uie £ Brad. 8.05 a m. Foxburg Ac 5.15 p m Clarion Ac 9.50 am, Clarlan Ac 7.35 p m Foxburg ,5.20 pm. Kane Mai SUNDAY T.HUNS. DEPART SOUTH. FROM SOCTH. 8.15 am, DeForest Ac 9.55 a m.Allegheny'Ae 3..Kipm, Chicago Ex 5.0? pm, Allegheny Ex c-io pm. Ac 7.23 pm. OeForest Ac Train arriving at at s.oc> p m leaves B S O de pot. Pittsburg, at 3 :15 o'clock. Butler and Greenville Cjach will leave Alle gheny at 3rj> p. m, dally except Sunday. Con necting at Willowgrove, arriving at Butler at 5:0.5. Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and flrst-class Hay Coaches nin through between Butler and Chicago daily. . For through tickets to points in the «est Northwest or Southwest apply to A. B. CROUCH. Agent Trains leave the B. O. depot In Piltburg for the East astollows. For Washington D C„ Baltimore. Philadel phia, an 1 New York. 12:20 and 930 p. m. Cumberland, 8:15. 2:20.1 :10. 920 p. m. Cou nelsvllle. S:ls, 12r20, 1.10. 4.30. 5.50 and 9.20 p. m. Unlontown. 8.15 a. m.. and 5.50 p. m. Mt. Pleasant, 8:15 a. m.. 1.10 and 4ao p. m. Washington. Pa., 7.25 and 915 a. in.. 4.00, 445 and 9.25,11.25 p. m. Wheeling, 7.25 and. 9.15 a. m.. 4.00. 9.25. 11.25 p, m. Cincinnati, St Louis. Columbus and Newark, 7.25 a. in., 9.25 11.25p,m. For Chicago. 2.40 and 9.30 p. m. Parlor and sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash ington, Cincinnati and Chlcatro PITTSBURG, 81IKN ANOO & LAKE ERIE B.R. Takes effect Monday. April 2. is»4. Trains are run by Standard Central Time (90th Meridian.) One hour slower than City Time. GOING NORTH. Goiso SOUTH. IO rrriF: STATIONS 9 ii p,m p.m. Lv ia.m. a.m. P m, | 2 1,1 Dunkirk i 7> 1 :» i |a.m.i r 00 I 58|10 Mil Erie 6 051 8 40 3 35 625 1*23 !) 25 . Wallace Junct 042 927 412 6 20 1 IS! 9 15 Glrard 646 9 31 4 15 6 Oil 1 08 9 o,'i Lockport 6 59! 9 42 4 26 6 021 1 oil 8 55j...Cianesvllle ... 1 7 07| 9804 34 3 10 10 31 1 .TiTt'on neautTTi. 7 40 3 10 643 i 6 4o'ar v, 110 31 i 6 43 51>7 12 57' 849 ar Albion,...lv 7 111 9354 37 543 12 45 8 36 ... ,; 7 23j 10 l>4 4 51 540 12 42 832 ... Sprlngbor" .. ! 7 28 10 07 4 55 53312 35 82V .Conneautvllle 735. 014 503 ' 05,12 15, 8 05 1 Mea v'le Jct. -j 8 QsjlC 35; 525 453 f 7 38 lv Conu't Lake 10 17 4 53 8 16 ar ar 8 l 6 10 50; 5 3, 4 28 7 00 lv. Meadvllle. lv 9 50 4 28 p.m 8 42 ar ar 8 42 11 251 6 03 ....U 58 7 45... . Harts town. 10 47 5 3" ... 11 53 7 40'... Adamsvllle .. J 10 52 544 No 2 11 43 7 28! Osgood No 1 111 00 4 53 p. ni I a. m i; 2311 35 7 16!.... Greenville ... 6 3011 15 6 08 6 18 11 25, 7 00 Shenango 6 40(11 25 6 20 55811 02 647 Fre.lonla. . T 03,11 46 634 5 39 10 44 6 28 Mercer 7 22|12 07 7 05 5 25 10 29 6 12 Pardoe 7 36 12 22; 7 16 5131020 6CO ....Grove city...; 7 47112 33 725 5 00 10 08 5 8 ... HarrlsvlUe 7 58J12 4.5 7 36 4 52 10 00, 5 40 .. 8 06|12 54; T 45 4 SS' 7 4") ~8 35 1v Braiichton ar 7 35 12 15 7 25 5 4.', SIS 20 ar...Milliard .lv 650 II 15| 6 4:, 4*~46| 9 551 3 35|1v.. . Keisters ! 8 10112 581 743 4 32 9 42 5 21 Euclid ; 8 221 1 12 8 03 4 ( o| 9 ir.j 4 50; Butler 8 50* 1 42] 8 32 1 50 7 20 Allegheny, Piw 11 10 3 50 pm a m p. ni p. m J. T. BLAIR. General Manager, Greenville, ra. W. G. SAKGEANT , G. P. A.. MeadvlUe, Pa PRC) F ESSION AI CARDS. Dr. N. M. HOOVER, 137 K. Wayne St., office hours, 10 to 12 M. and 1 to 3 P. M. G. M. ZIMMERMAN. PIIVBICI AN AND SURGEON, office at No. 45, S. Main street, over Frank A CO'H lit ug Store. Butler, Pa. L. BLACK, PHYSICIAN AND BUKUBON, New Troutmau Building, Butler.^Pa. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. 200 West Cunningham St. V. McALPINE, Dentist,' Is now located In new and elegant rooms.lad joining his former ones. All kln ls of clasp plates andmoderen gold work. "Gas Administered." DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTiST, - - BUTLER, PA. Gold Filling Painless Extraction of Teeth and Artltlcial Tectli without Plates a specialty Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local Ana'Sthetles used. Office over Millers grocery east of Lowry House. office closed Wednesdays an 1 Thursdays J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. Artificial Teeth Inserted on the latest im proved nlan. Gold Filling a specialty. Office over Scliaul's Clothing Store. C. F. L. McQUISTION, K.N'GI.VEEK AM) SURVEYOR, OPVICB NEAR DIAMOND. BUTLBR. PA IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at Law, Office at No. 17, East Jeffer son St.. Butler, Pa. A. T. BLACK. ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Itooin F„ Armory Building. Butler. Pa S. H. PIERSOL. ATTORNEY AT LAW.* Office at;NO. 104 East Diamond St. J. M. PAINTER, Atlorney-at-Law. Office—Between I'ostofflce and Diamond, Bu ler. Pa. A. T. SCOTT, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. uffice at No. 8. South Dlamond.'Butler, I'a. H. Q. WALKER, Attoruey-at-Law—Office in Diamond Block Butler. Pa. NEWTON BLACK. Att'y at Law—Office on South side of DlamonJ Butler. Pa. KAUFMANN'S Next door to Butler Savings Bank. DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTY THIS WEEK. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WILL BE MONEY SAVING DAYS FOR YOU. MILLINERY will be sold regardless o! value. LACES—A fine lot at <)C LAWNS, SATEENS AND WASH GOODS, J price. MEN'S SHIRTS, SOCKS AND UNDERWEAR, A price. SUMMER CORSETS and other styles—43c. SILK MITTS unexcelled values. CHALLIES 10 yards for 25c. ■HAVE YOU A COUPON?: ; During July ami August ; will accept one coupon\ . and for every %io pure/rase ; ; made at our store,special pric- \ ; ed goods and staples included.: ; NOTHISG RESERVED. \ FALL SEASON. 1894. Our Fall stock of Fur niture will surpass anything we have previously shown. Many new things in Par lor Suits, Parlor Chairs, Couches, Bedroom Suits, Hall Racks, Side-Boards, Book Cases, Desks and Chairs. In our Carpet Depart ment we will soon offer for the coming season a large QJ (J line of Wiltons, Axminsters, Body Brussels, Tapistry Brussels and Ingrain Car pets. Most of our fine car pets are in private patterns and can be seen only at our store. Our stock of Rugs will contain many novelties. CAMPBELL 8 TEIPLEU, Butler, - - - Penn'a COULTER & BAKER. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. orace in room 1!., Armory Building,' Butler Pa. A. M. CHRiSTLEY, ATI OUNEY AT LAW. Office second floor, Anderson B1 k, Main St. near Court House. Butler, Pa. W. C. FINDLEY, Attorney at Law and Heal Estate Agent. Ot flee on Soutli Diamond, Butler, Pa. of Diamond, Butler, Pa. H. H. GOUCHER. Attorney-at-law. Office In Mitchell building Butler Pa. Anderson building, near Court House. Busier Pa. J. W. HUTCHISON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. i office on second floor ->f the HuMlOn' olock, Diamond. Butler, Pa., Boom No. 1. 5 DOLLARS ™ PER DAY 20 Easily Made. We want many men, women, boys, and girls to work for us a few hours daily, right in mid around their own homes. The business i - plea>ant, strictly honorable, and pays belter tbnn any other offered tigents. You have a ck ar field and no competition. Experience and special ability un necessary. No capital required. We equip you with everything that you need, treat you well, and help you to earn ten time* ordinary wages. Women do as well as men, ami boys and gffls make good pay. Any one. any when*, can do the work All succeed who follow our plain mid him |fle directions. Earnest work will "tirelv bring you a great deal of monev. Everything is new and in great demand. Write f«<r our pamphlet circular, and receive full informal ion. No harm done if you eouclude not «o go on with the business, CEORCE ST:NSON&CO., Box 488, PORTLAND. (ViAiNE. EUROPEAN HOTEL. 315 S. Main St., - - Butler, Fa ALEX WILLIAMS, Prop'r. Everything new—Electric light, gats and water. J* t Lodging 35, 50 and SI.OO * m *Regular uieals'at 25 etf. Boarding at SI.OO a day. *** Lunrb Counter open all night. THIS IS BARGAIN WEEK. DON'T MISS IT. KAUFMANN'S, BUTLER, PA. THE CULTIVATOR AND Country Gentleman THEBEST OF THE Agricultural Weeklies, DEVOTED TO Farm Crops and Horticulture & Fruit Growing Ltve-Stock and Dairying While it alto includes all minor depart ments of Rural intercut, fuch as Hie Pool try Yard, Entomology, Bee -Keeping Greenhouse and Grapery, Veterinary Ke plie? l . Farm Questions and Answers, Fire .-ide Heading. Domestic Economy, and a summary of the News of the Week. Its Market 'Reports are unusually complete, and much attention is paid to the Pros pects of the Croiis, as throwing light up on one of the most important of all questions—When to Duy and When to Sell. It is liberally Illustrated, and by RECENT ENLARGEMENT, contains more reading matter than ever before. The subscription price is $2,50 a year, but we offer a SPE CIAL REDUCTION in our CLUB KATES FOR 1894. TWO Kl BSCirTIOSS, lit oil"; remittance... .$ 4 SIX M'llSCKiri I(HS, ilo do .... 10 TK> SUBSCRIPTIONS, do do .... 15 I V To all New Subscribers for 1694.pay ing in advance now, \re will send the pa per Wetfkly, from our receipt of the remit tance, to January Ist, 1894, withou charge. lif Specimen Copies Free. Address LUTHER TV. KER it £o>. I'vllithir Alb 11} , N CA\ I OHTAIN A PATENT ? For a prompt answer and nn honest opinion, write to MINN a- «'o..who have bad nearly fifty rears' experience in the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning I'nlrntii and how to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn St Co. receive special not Ice in the Scientific American, and thus are broueht widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly. elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. £:i a vear. Sample copies sent free. Building Kditioo. monthly, fl£oa year. Single copies. '2.p cents. Every number contains beau tinii plate*, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders tftshow the latent designs and secure contracts. Address MINN & CO„ NltW VOUK. 3«il BuoADWAT. MI re ITCHING PILES r ILtoSWAYNE'S I I fenfeaV niNTMFNT absolutkly cuaßß. um 1 mfci * ■ P\ IIPTOMH- \f olalarr l tatcnae it. hln* and •tinging: mo«l at nl C ht: worn by ieiytrfclH. ir kllowid to ronllnuc tumor* form and protrudes m Hlch often bleed urnl ulit-rate, b« c«»wiliif '•'T Mirr. HU \Y and bh dling. heal* ul»« ration. «ad Ib bi«l casee the tumors. «eui prvtfiM far U.