Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 13, 1894, Image 2

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FRIDAY, JULY 13. 1894.
(■t«r*4 at FmUlm stßmtleraa Mclass »atU»
Lieutenant Governor —WALTER LVOH.
Secretary of Internal Affair* — JAMBS W.
Congressmen- < GALUSHA A. GROW.
at-Large. ) GEORGE P. Hrrr.
Congress— THOHAß W. PHIT.LIPS.
Assembly { j AMM N. MOORE.
Jnry Commissioner — HEHRT W. NICHO
The Strike and Riots.
The sensation of the past two weeks has
been the great railroad strikes of the Amer
ican Railway Union directed against tbe
Pullman Company. The cause ol the
strike is much as follows:
In the first week of May there were em
nloved in the car manufacturing depart
ment at Pullman, 111., about3.oMpersons.
On May 7th a committee of the workmen
asked for a cessation of certain shop
grievances and objected to a proposed re
action of wanes. On the company not
acceeding to the question of wagei the
men went out on a strike on May inn,
2500 going out and only 600 remaining at
their places. The company not being able
to run the work; wi& 600 men. closed
down and laid them off. No work has
since been done in the shops.
The American Railway union nei.t took
up the fight, and President Debs declared
a boycott on all trains which were made
up, or partly made up, of Pullman
As everyone knows, the Pullman company
does not sell Us sleeping car butrunsit
over the diflerent lines under the direct
control of the Pullman company. The
first trouble was. as the principal trouble
has since been, at Chicago. At many
other points west, where the J;
ion is strong, the strikers have prevented
the running of trains, but Chicago, with
its dozens of trunk lints has been the
gtage ot many exciting events in this great
29th the strike besan to assume
the proportions that have since required
the presence of U. S. soldiers. The boy
cott of Pullman cars had been declared by
the Union and at a conference of the rail
road presidents of 23 trunk lines it was de
cided to resist the efforts of the Railway
Union. Telegrams from the Northern Pa
cific and Santa Fe stated that every em
plovee had quit work. No Pullman sleep
er had left Los Angelos or San Diego that
day. An attempt was made to handle
trains with new men but in most cases it
was unsuccessful. On most of the grtat
lines a few trains were moving. One of
the gTeat leatures of the strike was begin
ning to show in the tieing up of the stock
yards. The cold storage and refrigerator
oars could not be moved and in the eastern
cities beef was rising and selling 5 to 10
cents higher. California fruits were not
being shipped and fabulous prices were
complicated feature was beginning to
show itself. The boyeotters were interfer
ing with trains containing U. S. mail cars
and the authorities at -Washington were
notified. . t .
The first act of violence in the history of
the strike occurred on Friday, June -8,
where the engineer and fireman of an Il
linois Central surburban train were driven
from their engine by a mob of 200 men and
pelted with rocks and bricks. It was said
that there were 17,850 men on strike.
On Monday, the 2rd, a determined effort
was made by the railroad officials to move
their trains. Deputies armed with riot
guns were sent out with trains but the
strikers did not let many pass. In the
suburban districts, trains with passengers
suffering from hunger and thirst, were
stopped and the railroad yards were alive
with strikers. Some arrests were made by
U. S. officials for the stoppage of mail
As a result ot the tie-up coal was getting
scarce in Chicago and many plants were
shutting down. The ice manufactories
were closing operations, and much loss
was threatening to the dressed meat deal
ers, who oould not ship their meat and
could scarcely get ioe enough to preserve
it, '
On Tuesday Uncle Sam took a hand and
marched troops from Fort Sheridan into
the city of Chicago. Several skirmishes
between the city authorities and the strik
ers resulted tavorably to the strikers. U.
S. troops were under orders to suppress
the disturbances at Chicago and in Califor
nia and Colorado.
There was riotisg at Blue Island all the
morning and afternoon. Revolvers were
frequently drawn, but there was no serious
clash until the strikers had gathered in suf
ficient numbers to drive back both the
United States and Cook county deputies.
Then about 2,000 of them charged and the
deputies were driven away.
Marshal Arnold, who waß on the grounds
in person, at once telegraphed District At
torney Milohrist to take steps to have the
Fifteenth sent to his assistance, and the
Sheriff's force applied to Governor Altgeld
lor troops.
On Thursday, the sth, the railroads were
claiming victory. Trains under the pro
tection of Federal troops were moving
freely and many arrests were made of
strikers. Next day 100,000 idle workman
were too many for tbe limited number of
soldiers and many were the victories of tbe
strikers. Cars were burned, trains stopped
and discontinued, switches tuned, and all
the skillful tricks of veteraa trainmen re
sorted to.
Governor Altgeld of Illinois addressed a
long telegram to President Cleveland ob
jecting to the presence in his state of U. S.
troops, and Cleveland sent the following
in answer:
WASHINGTON, D. C., July 5, )
Hon. John P. Altgeld,Governor of Illinois,
Springfield, 111.:
Federal troops were sent to Chicago in
strict accordance with the Constitution and
laws of the United States, upon tbe de
mand of the Postoffice Department that
obstruction of the mails should be remov
ed and upon the representation of the ju
dicial officers of tbe United States that pro
cess of the Federal Courts could not be ex
ecuted through tbe ordinary means and
abundant proof that conspiracies existed
against oommeroe between the States.
To meet these conditions which are
clearly within the province of Federal au
thority, the presence of Federal troops in
tbe city of Chicago was deemed not only
proper but necessary, and there has been
no intention of thereby interfering with
the plain doty of tbe local authorities to
preserve tbe peace of the city.
On Saturday, July 7th, the mob of strik
ers begin the lawless work which destroy
ed tbonsands of dollars worth of property.
Although opposed by 10,000 militia, regu
lar soldiers, poiice, deputies, etc., they
burned 300 cars belonging to the Panhan
dle Co. and other roads suffered severely.
At the stock-yards that night abont fifty
toughs, few of whom were railroad men,
were sulking from point to point and set a
large number of fires. Their method was
thoroughly unique. Loading several hand
cars with buckets of "waste," and oil they
wonld glide aronnd among the cars in the
darkness, lighting wads of the inflammable
staff, which would be thrown into the open
doors of the cars as they passed by them.
Fires sprung np on every band and no or
ganized effort on the part of the police
seemed to be under way to intercept them.
This is the banner district of the city, if
nst of the country for all around toughs,
and it is as much as much as a man's lite
is worth to interfere with them.
Troops were moving south; company
after company in heavy marohing order,
moving to the turbnlent districts from the
center of the city.
The aggregate of the losses to the rail
roads will be enormous. Miles of their
tracks have been mined by the fierce heat,
hundreds of switch and signal towers with
their expensive mechanism utterly ruined.
Thousands of cars and untold quantities of
merchandise of every imaginable descrip
tion have fed the flames and gorged the
larders of thieves; valuable locomotives
have been wrecked and disabled; miles of
tangled wires and prostrate poles litter the
Telephone, telegraph, electric light and
fire alarm wires were the especial object of
attack, the plugging of tire alarm boxes
constituting a new and doubly dangerous
element in the tremendous wave of incen
diarism then sweeping over the southwest
section of the city, preventing as it did.
Dotice being received of the starting of
fires until, with the poor water supply in
theso outlying districts, a tire bad attained
such headway that it could not be stopped
exctp through lack of further material on
which to feed.
The anarchist in Chicago received ft snd
den check on Saturday the 7th when a
company of militia under Capt. Mair drove
back a mob of folly 8000 strikers. The
trouble occurred at the 49th itreet crossing
of the gTand trunk lines about 2 o'clock in
the afternoon. Employee* of the railroad*
were removing wrecks when a mob of 8000
made them desist. Capt. Mair with 3S
men were ordered to the *P°t where they
found the police in ineffectual struggle
with the mob. Mair deemed it advisable
to draw off the railroad bands and give the
mob possession before they were too much
infuriated but the violence of the strikers
did not permit of this and Mair wm forced
to order a volley fired into their midst.
The men scattered like sheep before the
leaden hail, followed as it was by a bayo
net charge. How many men were killed
is unknown but there were at least a dozen
and many were injured.
After the action of the troops on Satur
day the heart seemed taken out of the
strikers. Less trouble was experienced in
rnnning trains and many strikers applied
for positions with the railroads. On Mon
day, President Cleveland isaued another
proclamation which covered seven states
and two territories and it was followed by
determined and successful efforts on the
part of the trunk lines to get trains
through. Eastern roads which had stop
ped the sale of tickets for the west in
tructed agents to again place them on sale
On Tuesday, President Debs of the
strikers was "arrested in company with
other A. R. U. officials and placed under
SIO,OOO bail, on charges of conspiracy and
obstruction of mails. The Federal Jury
returned indictments sgainst all the ar
rested officials.
An attempt was made by Debs to call
out the Pittsburg railroad men was a fiz
ile. The P. <k W. was the only road that
there was any strike attempted on and it
only lasted 15 minutes.
The strike seems to be about over,
Debs attempt to get out railroaders
generally has been a failuie.
At Sacramento, Wednesday, the strikers
killed four men by derailing a train con
taining the militia.
The Pullman official? say that they will
not arbitrate.
As near as could be estimated 16,u0u
men went on a strike in Chicago on
nesday in answer to Soverign's call. He
expects 100,000.
An Editorial Excursion.
Two-hundred and sixty Pennsylvania
editors, the majority of whom were accom
panied by member# of their families, left
the Broad Street station of Pennsylvania
R R. in Ph ; l'a. on Tuesday morning tbe
2nd inst for Asbury Park. The crowd oc
cupied a special train of six coaches pro
vided by the P. R. R. Co., the ride across
that alleged foreign state called New
Jersey was a pleasant one, and by noon
the excursionists were housed in the hotels
of the handsomest summer resort on tbe
coast. , ...
That afternoon the state ass n held a
business meeting at one of the hotel" and
the national Editorial Ass'n, then in ses
sion in the Auditorium, and consisting of
delegates from all the state ass'ns. invited
the state ass*n to take part in their pro
ceedings. which invitation was accepted.
Six hundred delegates to the National
Convention were present: two-hundred
York state editors arrived Wednesday so
that altogether there were over a thousand
editors in the town during the week, and
tbe daily meetings were well attended.
Asbury Park contains a resident popula
tion of about five-thousand, its street# are
wide, well paved and level; it has three
hundred hotels, some of which will accom
modate a thousand guest>, and the best
beach we have ever seen. The bathing is
delightful; the constant passing of steam
ers and sailing vessels vary the ocean
scene, amusements of all kinds have been
provided, it is a temperance town, it is as
quiet and orderly as the adjoining borough
of Ocean Grove; and taken altogather is a
model place of its kind.
It i» largely patronized bv New Yorkers
of moderate means, who take their famil
ies there for their summer outing, and the
usual summer population is 50,000.
The visiting editors will ever retain
pleasant recollections of Asbory Park and
alio of its people, who entertained them
with a concert, an excursion to Monmouth
battle-field, a bicycle race, and as grand a
display of fire works as we have ever
The convention itself, with its essays,
and social intercourse was one ot inspira
tion and education, a benefit to all.
THE oonferrees of the Senate and House
at Washington have looked horns over the
Tariff bill passed by the Senate, and no
agreement seems likely at present.
A Brilliant Wedding in Butler.
The wedding of Elmer E Young. attor
ney-at-law, and Miss Bella A. Moore,
daughter of the late Dr. Moore, took place
at the residence of the bride's mother, on
Centre Ave., Butler. Pa., on the 28th of
Jane, 1894, at high noon.
The honse was beautifully decorated in
graceful palms and smilax.
While the wedding march was being
played by Miss Carrie Gahagan, of Butler,
the two ushers appeared, Barton Young
and Burton Forsythe. They were follow
ed by the groom and bis
groomsman, Mr. Thomas S
rubbs, of Allegheny, follow
ed by the maid of bonur, Miss Ida M
Davis of Pittsburg, and the bridesmaid,
Miss Laura J. Swain of Harmony. Miss
Davis was dressed in white silk, while Miss
Swain wore a gown of soft oanary silk
The bridesmaids were followed by the
little flower girl, Miss Selia Jack of Appol
lo. The bride next ertered accompanied
by her brother, Edward Moore. Miss
Moore was attired in white Bilk trimmed
in rich lace and pearls.
Rev. Oiler, assisted by Dr. Sloan of
Leechbnrg, performed the ceremony; alter
which the usual congratulations were given
by the many friends who witnessed the
The guesU were then ushered to the
dining rooms and enjoyed a bountiful re
There were many fine presents given:—
Coulter Bracken, Bennet, Pa , Mr. and Mrs.
Crouch, Butler, Miss Gahagan, Butler, Mr.
and Mrs. Dr. Sloan, Leechbnrg, fancy
table linen; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jack, Ap-
S>llo, fruit dish; Mr. and Mrs. Berkimer,
utler, fancy castor; Mrs. Jos. Harper,
Butler, berry disb; James A. McKee, But
ler, C hand-painted dinner plates; Mr. and
Mrs. Markham, Butler, fancy orange bowl;
Miss Laura Swain, Harmony,G hand-paint
ed pie plates; Mr. and Mrs. Shirley, Butler,
card receiver; Mr. and Mrs. A Miller, But
ler, pair French bisque figures; Mr. and
Mrs. A. Boyd, Irwin, silver fruit dish; Mrs.
8. S. Boyd and daughter, Appollo, ice
cream set; Miss Bricker, Sarvers, silk tidy;
Fred B. Reed, Leechburg, silver jewelry
oase; Mr. and Mrs. L C. Wick, Butler,
silver celery holder; Mr. and Mis.
Dr. Bell, Butler, Silver Cake
Disb; Mr. Thomas Grubbs, Alle
gheny, cut glass water set; Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Mates, Butler, hand-painted fruit
dish; Miss Mary Swain, Harmony, cracker
bow); Miss Ida Davis, Pittsburg, cut glasd
berry bowl; Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Walker,
Butler, 1 set silver spoons; Mr. and Mrs.
Bowman, Butler, steel engraving; Mr. and
Mrs Milligan, Braddock, silver berry
spoon, Mr. and Mrs. Sibley, Butler, silver
sugar spoon; Mrs. J. E. Campbell, Butler,
fancy silver spoon; Moßride Bricker. Bu'-
ler, silver sugar spoon ami butter kuife;
Mr. and Mrs. Hemphill, Tarentuin, after
dinner set; Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Reed,
Leechburg, fancy bread plate; Mr. and Mis
Anderson, Butler, fancy rockiug chair; Mr.
and Mrs. R. M. Forsytbe, Butler, silver tea
anu coffee pots; Miss Cora Wagner, Alli
ance, Ohio, silver .sugar spoon and butter
The day was bright and beautiful, and
everyone seemed to enjoy it immensely.
After much enjoyment the bridal pair took
their leave and started on tbe five o'clock
train to Atlantic City and other points of
interest, but expect to return to Batler and
make it their future home.
We join with all tbe friends in wishing
them a prosperous, joyful and happy life.
Sandy Hill.
Be it known that:
John Glasgow is going to sell bis farm,
as he is going into other business.
Cbas. Stewart made a flying trip over to
Kensingtcn last Monday. His business
is unknown.
Mac. Leslie is going to build a hennery.
It is said that it is goiug to be one of the
finest buildings it Middlesex twp. It is
going to be 75 leet long, 50 feet wide. He
does not expect to reach its means with
less than $3,500. and it will contain a staff
bearing the C. S. flag high enough to be
seen at a distance of 25 miles. The front
is to be made up of glass, each piece Bxlo,
and 40 feet from tbe ground there will be
a square of marble 10x12 feet, weigniug 5
tons, bearing Mr. Leslie's name finely
carved in the solid marble. In one corner
be is going to place an incubator which
will hold 500 dozen eggs, and he has al
ready hired Thomas Baker to tarn the
eggs and Jas. Thompson to purchase the
eggs and Wm. Whiteside to sell the chick
ens and he is going to oversee the business.
The room is to be heated by gas, and it iM
also wh.spered that he is going t<> hold the
Spidertown postoffice which will make it
very convenient for the citizens of this
i nominated by tbe Democratic conference
! at Conneaut Lake on Tuesday.
Missionary Meeting.
Gleanings from the eighteenth annual
meeting or the Woman's Home and For
eign Missionary Society held at North
Two days crowded full of the sweet
est Christian intercourse; two days full
of opportunity for instruction and inspi
ration. and now it is all over, and in the
quiet of onr home we sit down with a
rumpled programme before us tc think it
over. But what shall we put in and what
leave out of all the good things that tran
This anniversary was held in the
church, Presbytery kindly adjourning
to the school building. Ilence forward
in the matter of generous hospitality
North Liberty will as example and
illustration of "where there is a will there
is a way." Sunshine and tbe greetings ol
old friends without, and flowers and
tasteful decorations within the church, all
had a part in preparing each one to enjoy
the services which were introduced by
devotional exercises led by Mrs. Colbert.
The first honr of every session was a
prayer and praise service bringing bene
diction upon all the business of the day
A welcome was cordially extended by
Miss Ella Moore of North Liberty. In
the name of the helpful, useful Marthas
who have said: "We must see that the
comfort of our guests is first secured;"
and of the Marys who have said: "We
must seize this "opportunity of learning
all we can of this blessed work;" in behalf
of these the weloome was heartily given.
This welcome was responded to by i i*s
Eva McJunkin. Our hearts were lifted
to our Heavenly Father a? we listened to
the beautiful duet, "Rock of Ages." A
new feature at this meeting was tbe Pres
byterial Record, a paper edited and read
by Mrs. W. S. Bell. It evinced much
thought and careful preparation, lack of
space will prevent all but the motto of this
worthy production: "Pray, Plan, Push.
Miss Ada Welch conducted an interest
ing Christian Endeavor Symposium. She
explained the need of the organization.
The pledge with the several committees
was ably discussed by the young ladies
The deepest interest always centers m
the missionaries, who seem as visible
links between Christian effort and heath
en need, and in them is seen not only
their own work but the vast mission field
they represent. Mrs. Dodd with seven
years' experience amoug the Laos people,
told of her work teaching the Bible to ihe
Laos women and how eager they are to
grasp the simple truths of the Gospel.
Said they had been praying for the last
year tor more missionaries. Miss Carlon,
who expects to leave soon for Siam, was
then introduced and spoke very earnestly,
taking as the keynote of her address, why
should I not go to the Foreign Field,
answt red this important question from
our Lord's commands and promises.
Miss Jessie Wortman unfolded the bright
side of mission work amoug the poer
whites of Concord, N. C
Prominent in the session was tbe Child
ren's exercise, led by Miss Cooper, the
boj s representing some heathen country
with its need, the call responded to by
the "Little Lights" girls of Mission Band.
Jessie McCurdy rec ted "A Plea" very
The popular meeting presided over oy
Rev. Howard Campbell. Rev. Dodd. the
missionary speaker of the evening, afford
ed another opportunity for rare enjoy
ment and edification. Glaoly would we
have listened longer to the recital of what
under God has been accomplished in Lios.
One feature of interest was the singing of
"Happy Land" iu Siamese by Mr and
Mrs. Dodd.
The Home secratary's report was full of
good hints and encouraging tokens from
Auxiliaries and Bauds. Value of boxes
and barrels with special gilts, S7OO The
treasurer's report, Home and Foreign,
gave total receipts for the year $2241 50.
Report of delegates shows a study
growth in interest and numbers.
An appeal from the Woman's Execu
tive Committee of Horn J Missions for
SIOO,OOO 00, presented to the societies this
amount to be raised by SI.OO subscrip
The need and use of Missionary Litera
ture was fully discussed, the special point
of which was to urge increased diligence
in securing subscribers to our missionary
magazines. To condense into this report
the good things brought as by Mrs.
Thompson from the meeting at Scranton
would be utterly impossible. Shall only
give one thought, enthusiasm plus inform
ation minus self, multiplied ty activity,
divided by each member of the society
equals a successful missionary society.
With these earnest addresses, these re
ports of our secretaries, tie report of the
committee on resolutions, all pointing out
so clearly tbe needs of the work and the
means of supply, will not this coming year
be the most prosperous that this society
has ever seent After reading letters and
greetings lrom our missionaries and a few
inspiring words lrom the President, she
announced the motto for the year: "Make
Jesus KiDg." All joined in singing "God
Be With You Till We Meet Again," and
with a solemn prayer we parted to go
down from this place of communion and
Place of next meeting, Martinsburg,
Butler Co.
ALL the striking miners about Puuxsu
tawney resumed work last week, acd the
Berwind White mines continued running
under protection The troops broke camp
and left the place on Tuesday the 3rd inst.
I'ettrsville Items.
At Ueibold's b«bv is better Mrs. Staff
not so well.
Wm I'uiviance and lamily vi-ited in
Pittsburgh over last Sabath.
Charlie Eugle was home over last Sabath.
He works iu the Brownsdale oil field, and
John Dnnt works at Glade Hun.
Alonz > Shorts, of Pittsburg is stopping
with Leslie Hazlett, his brotlier-iu-law
for a while. Miss Laura Heckert spent
the 4th with her sister Mrs. Seward Bran
don Some of our boys entered the bicy
cle race at Evans City on the 4th Arch
Watson our sprinter ran a foot race at
Harmony the 4th.
Last Monday evening at 7 o'clock
Petersville had a very heavy thunder
shower, some hail and not so v ery much
rain, during the storm we heard the tire
whistles in the direction of big creek but
havent learned the cause as yet.
At the meeting of the delegates of the
21tb congressional district iu Uniontown
on Friday the 29th ult. twenty-live ballots
were taken with the same result it Ache
son 20, Eberhart 17, Hopwood 14.
Fairvusw Items.
Saturday night robbers broke into Rev.
R M Sbirrards cellar, and stole some
fresh meat he had prepared for Sabbath, a
loaf of bread and other eatables. There
seems to be at large a pack of worthless
creatures who should not be alowed to run
at liberty.
Miss Ora Pistor. of Jaeksville is visiting
at W C. Hawns, also Mr. U. 0. Black and
daughter Flora are spending their 4th at
the same place
Austin Wauimook returned from the
lower oil district home to spend his fourth
with the buy).
The Y, P. S. 0. E. S. of the U. P.
church had a grand picnic iu Wilsons
Grove, served up with the graudest re
freshment* the country could afford. They
bad undoubtaltly a grand time.
Tne Presbyterian denomination had a
lawn fete at ilr. B. Itankins They had
a grand time also, each prefering to have
enjoyment in their own circle.
Washington oil field excitement seems
to extend this tar.
Riddles X Roads.
llolse Nerris of Pittsburg is home on a
\ acation.
Miss Grace Loesch of Greensburg, is vis
iting her cou-sin, Mrs. Clarence Andersou.
Miss Blanche Smith of Natrona has re
turned home after a pleasant viMt to friends
in this community.
Mr. and Mrs Eli Uemphill of Allegheny
are visiting at the home of Stephen Hemp
hill this week.
The Misses Edna L ive of Aspiuwall and
Roxy L iVrt of AllMtfhmiv are visiting their
friend Miss SvU Caaninghvn X.
Bargains! Bargains!!
Two Special Bargains for This Wee*.
NO I 200 yards all silk ribbon,
3 inches wide, only 10 cents, reg
ular price 25c and 30c.
NO 2 Shirt-waists 25 cents,
regular price 50c.
Millinery at cost.
M. F. & M. MARKS,
113 to 117 S. Main St., - - Butler.
Commencement Week at Prospect
The Baccalaureate Sermon was preached
to students and graduating class by Rev.
I. D. Decker, of West Sunbury, June 10 at
8 p.m. The sermon was practical, 101 lof
aavice pretaining to everyday life and was
highly appreciated by all.
Class exercises Monday eve., Jane * -
Miss Lottie Blair, Class Historian; Miss
Jennie Young, Class Poet; Miss Wellba
Blair, Class Geographer; F. W. Stewart.
Class Statesman; I. I. Wilson, Class Artist;
J. M. Roth, Class Prophet.
C. L. Robb presented each member ot
class with appropriate presents.
The audience was highly amused and
voted it one of the best entertainments
ever given in Chapel Hall.
Tuesday evening, June 12, the students
held an open prayer meeting and were ad
dressed by Messrs McKee, Weigle, Critch
low and others.
On Wednesday evening, June 13, the
stadents gave an entertainment consisting
of declamations, orations and music
furnished by a negro troupe. Miss Maggie
Waddell acting as pianoist.
The graduating exercises were held in
Chapel Hall, Thursday evening, June 14.
The Hall was crowded to its full capacity
and many were unable to gain admittance.
Music; F. W. Stewart, oration, "Our
Nature Demands a Home;" Jennie Young,
oiation, "The World on Wheels;" Music;
J. M. Roth,oration,' Napoleon Bonaparte;"
Wellha Blair, oration, "The Ideal and the
Real;" Music; C. L. Robb, oration "Pros
perity and Adversion;" Lottie Blair, ora
tion, "Man's Mission;" Music; I. I. Wilson,
oration, "Mother Hoaven.
Graduating diplomas and degree of B. S.
by Prof. G. I. Wilson, Prin.
The music was furnished by the Prospect
Cornet Band. Q-
The Fourth of July celebration given by
Keystone Lodge No. 266, Knights of Col
umbus, of this place was a grand success.
The most commendable leature of which
was the absence ot all rowdyism and usual
Fourth of July boisterous conduct. Danc
ing was indulged in to the satisfaction of
all, the music being furnished by Shannon
and McClintock. The tickets were print
ed at the CITIZEN office in Butler and were
commended for their neatness by all who
saw them.
The Knights were dressed in their re
galia which added much to the interest o
the spectators.
The occasion will long bo remembered
by the Knights as a most enjoyable one,
they felt that they had occasion to feel
thankful for being so highly honored and
respectod by the people of this vicinity.
&AkiH 6
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. High
eat of all in leavenine strength.— Lates
United States Government Food Report
Royal Baking Powder Co.,
106 Wall St.. N. Y.
B. <y «.
the shelves
in this store, and we've made such prices
for nice goods—medium to fine and finest
kinds— as will do it effectually.
One of the features of the sale is a large
assorted lot of FINK DRESS WOOLKKS —40
inches wide—such as sold at SI.OO and
sl.2s—plain and fancy mixtures—novel
ties in weave and coloring—
50c a yard.
Any of you who want fine goods for little
money sit down and write for samples,
and when you get the samples and want
the goods—and they're kinds you if ill
want when you see the goods and prices
together—order promptly, and when
you can do so, make a second or even a
third choice to avoid delay or disap
pointment—the first choice will always
be sent unless sold out. Other lots
25c and 35c and we assure you they're
such goods as will warrant your prompt
One of the lots of Wash Goods that's to
25c kind—loc a yard—One lot alone
that will pay yon all to send for
Send for sample of FINE SILK GINOHAMB
35c a yard.
Bows &; Buhl,
■■■ m II Tf" n ME*, local or travel
Ml A jU I L II lng. to sell my guaran.
" * Commission
paid weekly. Outfit free. Special attention
given to beginners. Workers never fall to make
good weekly wages. Write me at once for par
E 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman.
(This house Is reliable,) ROCHESTER ,N. Y
Hotels and Depots,
W S. Gregg is now rrmiDg a line
of carriages between the hotels and
depots of the town.
Charges reasonable. Telephone
No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel
flood Livening Connection
Shippers and dealers in
Huilding Materials
Rough and dressed Lumber of all
kinds. Doors and Windows, and
Mouldings of all kinds.
H. £. WICK Manager
Office and Yards,
Cut Caaalarkim and Monro* atreeti.
CAMPBELL—At the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. John Tounkins, in Butler.
Friday, July 6 1894. Mrs. Lavine
Campbell, aged 09 years. Mrs. Camp
bell died suddenly of heart failure. She
had been in her usual good health. The
remains were interred at Bearcreek
cemetery near Petrolia.
BROWN—Monday evening June 25th
1894. Willie Brown, third son oi Mr.
and Mrs. Nathan Brown of Harrisville.
Aged 11 yrs. 8 months and 16 days.
POST—At Sarversville, the infant son o
Wm. and Annie Post, aged 3 months.
MEHARG—In Penu twp. June 27 1894.
Charle?. son of Everett Maharg, deceas
ed, aged 24 years.
HANNAH—Sunday, July Ist at the resi
dence of her parents in Springdale, Al
legheny Co. Belle, daughter of George
LAUGHLINVStt "Sis hornre In the Ist
ward. Butler. Wednesday. July 11, 1894,
Hugh Laughlin, aged 45 years.
GODFREY— At Troutman, July 6th, 1894,
daughter of A. Godfrey, aged 5 years.
Whereas. It has pleased the all wise
and Merciful Ruler of the universe to re
move from among us, one of our Comrades,
Therefore be it.
Resolved, That in the death of Cyrus
A. Everhard of Kittanning twp. Arm
strong Co Pa. we lost one of our active
members of Comp. H 199 P.i. Vols. One
who by his endeavors helped to make our
meetings instructive and entertaining,
and whose amiable disposition drew about
him hosts of friends and made him a
pleasing companion to all with whom he
came in contact.
Resolved, That while we regret very
much his absence from us; yet wo bow in
humble submission to him who doeth all
things well, remembering that while our
loss is great his gain i* infinitety greater.
Resolved. That we extend our profound
and heartfelt sympathy to the bereav
ed wife, children, sisters and brothers
and immediate friends, and that a copy of
these Resolutions be sent to the family,
and also be published in the Kittanning
lllohe, and Butler CITIZEN.
151 S. Main St., - Butler: Pa.
137 K. Wayne St., office hours, 10 to 12 M. and
l to 3 P. M. .
ufflce at No. 45. S. Main street, over Prank fi
co's Di ug Store. Butler, Pa,
New Troutman Bnlldlue. Butler, Pa.
Physician and Surgeon.
200 West Cunningham St.
Is now located In new and elegant rooms..ad
joining Ills former ones. All klnls of clasp
plates and moderen gold work.
"Gas Administered."
Gold Filling Painless Extraction of Teeth
and Artlflclal Teeth withouM'lates a specialty
Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local
Ansesthetles used.
Ufflce over Millers Urooery east oi Lowry
Office closed We and Thursdays
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
Artlflclal Teeth Inserted on the latest im
proved plan. Gold Killing a specialty. Office—
over Schaul's Clotliine Store.
Attorney at Law, Office at No. IT, East Jefler
son St., Butler, Pa,
Room F„ Armory Building, Butler, Pa
Office at No. 104 East .Diamond St.
Office—Between Postofflce and Diamond, Bu
ler. Pa.
Office at No. 8, South Diamond,{Butler, Pa.
Attorney-at-Law—Office In Diamond Block
Butler, Pa.
Att'y at Law—Office on South side ot Diamond
Butler. Pa.
Office In room 8., Armory Building. Butler
Office second floor. Anderson B1 k. Main St.
near Court House. Butler, Pa.
Attorney at Law and Real Estate Agent. Of
Qce on South Diamond. Butler, Pa.
of Diamond. Butler, Pa.
Aitoruej-at-la>v. Office In Mitchell building
Butler Pa.
Anderson building:, near Court House. Butler
, Office on second floor it the Huselton; block.
Diamond, Butler, Pa.. Room No. 1.
Mutual Fire Insurance Company t
Office Cor.Main & Cunningham
AI.K. WICK. Pre*.
L. 8. MrJUMiIN, Sec'jr anil Treas.
Altred Wick.; Henderson Oliver,
l)r. W. Irvlu. James Stephenson,
W. W. Blackmore, N. Weltzel,
F. Bowman, 11. J. Ivlingler
Geo Ketterer. jUlias. Itebnun.
Geo. Renno, |John Koenint;
Insurance and Heal Estate
If ANT ;.Mii f r uvnlooiljtj I
2n old linn n. l'ermi* lentpoctCQf
tarf .* ♦ ; * EWIM !•
Orphans' Court Sale
By virtue of an order au 1 decree of the
Orphans' Court of Butler count/. Pa..* > the
undersigned. Thomas Mechllng, administrator
cum testamento annexo of M Iss Mary E. Mech
l.ng. late of Jefferson township. Butler county.
Pa., dee d, will offer for sale at public vendue,
on the premises on
A. D.. 1894, at 1 o'clock p.m. of said day. all the !
right, title interest and claim oi the said Mary j
E. Meet)ling, at the time ot her deceise. ot. In
and to Ihe undivided one half of 155 acres or
land, more or less, situated In Jetlerson town
ship. Butler countv. Pa., bounded and describ
ed as followed; On the north by lands ot the
heirs ot Christian Mechlin?, dee d, and Samuel
Caldwell: on the east by lands of Peter Kriley,
heirs ot Prank Kriley and John Michel: on the
south by lands of the heirs of David Logan,
dee'd; and on the west by lands or I). H. I>>*ran |
with the appurtenances. The tnterest of the
said Marv E. MeetiUafT. dee'd. to be offered for
sale, as aforesaid, Is the undivided one-half of
the above described tract ot 15."> acres ot land |
with the improvements and appurlenancs.
TERMS or BALK— Cash on confirmation or sale.
Title good.
Adm'n C. T. A. of Marv E. Mechling, dee d. |
E McJ. and McJ. & G.. alt'ys Butler, Pa. |
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary on the will of j
Joseph Ewing, dee'd, late of Clinton twp.. j
Butler county. Pa., having been this day j
granted by the Register of said county to j
the undersigned, therefore all persons |
knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate are requested to make speedy pay
ment and those having claims against said
estate will present them to me properly
authenticated for settlement,
Flick P. 0., Butler Co., Pa
E. McJ, McJ. & G., Att'ys.
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Jane Beighley, dee'd, late ot Connoque
nessing twp., having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate will please
made immediate payment and any having
claims against said estate will present
them duly authenticated for settlement to
Mt. Chestnut P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
J. D. McJunkin, Att'y.
Administrator's Notice
Letters of Administration on the estate
of John A. Yogan dee'd, late of Muddy
creek twp. Butler Co. Pa. having been
granted to the undersigned. AP persons
indebted to said estate are hereby notified
to come forward and settle said indebted
ness and all persons having claims against
the same are requested to present the same
duly authenticated for settlement to
A.M. Cornelias, Atty. * Piano Pa.
Administratrix's Notice,
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the estate of
Joseph Logan, late of Jefferson twp But
ler Co. Pa. dec'J. Notice Is hereby given
to all persons knowing themselves indebt
ed to said estate to make immediate pay
ment and those having claims against the
same to present them duly authenticated
for settlement to
J. \Y. Hutchison Att'y Saxon burg
Executors' Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Isaac Wise, dee'd, late of Penn twp., But
ler county, Pa., having been granted to
the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and any
having claims against said estate will pre
sent them duly authenticated for settle
ment to
CALVIN "WISE, Leota, Pa., or
GEO. B. AYISK, Bennett, Pa,
J. M. Painter, Executors.
Executors' Notice.
Letters testamentary on the last will
and testament of Robert Gilliland, late of
Summit township. Butler county, Pa.,
dee'd, having been this day granted by the
Register of wills ol said county to us, the
undersigned executors thereof, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate are requested to make speedy pay
ment, and all persons having claims
against said estate will please present them
to us, duly authenticated for settlement.
McJunkin & Galbreath, Executors.
Attorneys. Butler, Pa.
Estate of Samuel Shields.
Letters of administration on the estate of
Samnel Shields, late of Mercer twp , dee'd,
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves to be in
debted to said estate will please make im
mediate payment, and any having claims
against said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
Harrisville, Butler Co., Pa.
W. H. Lusk, atty.
iixecutor's Notice.
In re-estate of S. C. Hutchison, dee'd ,
lato ot Washington twp., Butler Co.. Pa.
Whereas, letters testamentary have been
issued to me on the estate of said deced
ent, all persons indebted to said estate
will please call and settle, and all persons
having claims agaist the same will please
present them duly authenticated for pay
ment to
S. F. Bowser. Att'y., North Hope,
Butler.Pa. Butler Co., Pa.
Join our Co-operative R. R. Stock Syndicate.
100 to 500 percent, per annum easily made,
and without risk. Send for "Prospectus and
daily Market Letter, mailed free. Highest
References. Onr record up to date 83 per
cent, paid to the subscribers as the result of
operations from Dec.. 1893 to April 15, 18! M,
IVEISMAX * Co, Stock*, firaln and Provision*.
11 Broadway, N. ¥
DESIRED. Write at once for terms to
The Hawks Nursery Co., Rochester, N. Y.
CnOCVTU'C Slngle-Coml) Brown Le%-
r urio T I n O horns. White and BuIT wy
aiidottes. Houdans. Rose-Comb Brown anil
white Leghorns and BuIT Plymouth ltocks.
The largest Stock of the above varieties owned
In this country, and the records will substant
iate the claim ot superiority As To ouallty—
not records made at county fairs, but records
made In the strongest competition at the great
est American show. Madison Square Garden,
New York, where. In the past ■"> years, my stock
has been awarded ft! firsts, 35 gold specials. 1:1
silver medals and r> silver cups. The line of
blood 1 am breeding and exhibiting has produc
ed, and Is to-day producing Prize-winning Spec
imens in every sections of this country and 111
many parts of Europe. "I.lke Begets Like."
Send" for illustrated circular giving full prize re
cord or the leading and most popular strains
of above varieties. Satisfaction Is guaranteed,
(iurnsey Cattle-best milk and butter families .
Scotch Collies. Fox Terriers.
J. FORSYTH. Riverside Farm.
Ovveiro, Tioga Co., N. Y.
Li. E. Crumbling*
Breeder of Thoroughbred Poultry
Ind. Games $2 to $lO. Buff Leg
horns $2, B. and W. Minorces sl, B.
P. Rocks sl, Houdans SI,S. L. Wy
andot ts sl. Stock for sale after Sept.
1, 1894.
Garfield Tea ssr
OoruaSick liiatUwbe.hentore^rotmilejrior. 'wDoclow
BAI*. Bamplpfrc«. GAHFIKLDTEACO..SI9 >thSt.,N.Y.
Cures Constip 'lon
I * * *GOSSER'S •
has no equal for chapped hands, lips or
. face, or any roughness of the skin, and .
Is not excelled as a dressing for the face
_ after shaving. Sold by druggists at .
A-enty-five Cents a Bottle.
i-TflWWltßftikj! s ssas^^vL ;
rlr r " * toTT.n.«Y<rtcu>
of the School Directors of Wlnfleld Township,
for the year ending on the Ist Monday of June I
Whole number o( Schools
Average number of months taught
Number of Male Teacher* employed
Number of Female Teachers employed
Average Salaries of Males per month Ho 00
Average Salaries of Female Teachers
per month Ho no
Number of Male Scholar* attending all
the schools in the district las
Number of Female Scholars attending
all the schools in the district iw
Whole number in attendance :KW
Average daily attendance of Scholars in
the district act
Average percentage of attend atice M
cost of each pupil per month tl is
Number of mills levied for School pur
poses IV
Amount levied for School purposes ... s* 27 5«
Total amount levied. ttr.'T 30
state appropriation for the year ending
June, lsw sljl"s 10
From Collector, including taxes of all
kinds ■! "«) I
From County Treasurer, for unseated
lands since last report 13 Tl
From all other sources, as sale of house*
or iaiuls, ll'iuor fines. Ac 10 T.">
From License ol Dogs S4 oo
Total receipts *»'•» fo
Rebate ss«; 88. Exonerations ..3l. i
Sheep Destroyed sr« 13. I'nseat- SU-> 30
ed Lands.. s22 )
Furnishing houses with :> book cases
t.v. ou. Auditor's fees $c oo i;i oo
Repairs. Sc.. fcio 10. Attendlug Insti
tutel» oo iiooo
Teachers'wages . IWO oo
Fuel and contingencies 69 44
Fees of Collector.lio 30. And Treasurer
*56 02 61 92
Salary of Secretary 25 oo
Debt paid, $137 74. Insurance and Ad
vertising. $8 80, Making out of Du
plicate, ti 00 148 52
Other expenses. School Journal. $7 00.
Cleaning School House, sl2 30. Mis
celaneous. $42 43 61 93
Text Books, $Vk! 81 Supplies. s«> 54.. fXW 4.%
Total expenditures. $2713 G6
Amount due Treasurer $449 ul
We hereby certify that we have examined
the above and flnd It correct.
C. A. SMITH, )
Jno. Hetselgeser. ! Auditors.
Samuel Dun. )
Wlthess our hands this 4th day of June. 1894,
A. KKACSE , Pres.
J. C. LOC.an, Sec'y,
A. M. A.M. A. M. P. M. P. M,
Butler Leave 615 835 11 00 245 506
Saxonburg .. Arrive 641 900 11 24 311 52S
Butler JUC't. • 730 925 11 50 340 553
Butler Juc't Leave 730 941 12 03 340 553
Natrona Arrive 73S 951 12 13 350 6Oi
Tarentum 743 956 12 19 357 yO7
Springdale 75510 U5 14 33 408 ....
Claremont 8 11 12 55 4 23 6 27
Sharpsburg 8 18 1 05 4 29 632
Allegheny City 83310 33 124 444 645
A. M. A. M. P. Ji. P. M. P. X.
A. M. A. M. A. *. P. M. P. M
Allegheny city Leave 635 823 10 40 3 15 6 10
Sharpsburg " 8 39 10 58
Claremont 8 43 11 08
Springdale 854 11 26 641
Tarentum 7 32 9 10 11 39 3 M 650
Natrona 7 37 9 15 11 45 3 55 6 53
BButler Juc't Arrive 7 45 925 it 55 404 702
Butler Juc't Leave 7 45 945 12 3S 4 15 7 02
ssaxonburg BOSIO 11 104 440 725
3Butler Arrive 83510 35 130 406 750
A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M
Wbek DAYS. For the Eat I. WEEKDAYS
p. 11. A. m. A- *• p
-245 615 Lv. Butler Ar. 10 33 Iso
340 7 30 Ar. Butler Junction Lv. 9 45 12 38
101 745 Lv. Butler Junction Ar. »41 12 38
l 10 749 ar. Freeport..: Lv. 935 12 35
415 753 •• Allegheny Juc't. •• 931 12 30
426 804 " Leechburs " 920 li 13
446 821 " raulton (Apollo) " 905 11 55
514 851 " Saltsburg " 837 11 32
550 922 " Blalrsville " 805 11 00
600 930 " Blalrsville Inter'n " 750 10 15
85011 40 •• Altoona " 340 800
100 320 " llarrlnburg " 11 55 310
430 650 •' Philadelphia * 850 11 20
A. V. P. M. :i*. *• r. M
Through trains for the east lesve Pittsburg
(Union Station) as follows:
Atlantic Express. " 3 3oA. M.
Pennsylvania, Limited, dally 715 '•
Day Express. " 800 "
Philadelphia Express, " 4 30 P.M.
Eastern Express, " 700 "
Fast Line, " 810 "
For detailed information, address Thos. K.
Watt, Pass. Ag't. Western District, .110, Fifth
Avenue, Pittsburg. Pa.|
General Manager. Gen'l. Pass'r. Ag't
P. & W. R. R.
Schedule, lu effect Jan." n, 94. (Butler .time)
The Short Line to Pittsburg.
®.25 a m Allegheny 9.25 a m, Alllegheny EJ
8.15 a m All'y & Akron 9.55 a m.AI <£ N Castle
'0.20 a m Allegheny Ac 12.20 p m, All'y « Ch'go
:, .00 p m Allegheny Mall 5.05 pm, Allegheny Ex
3.50 p m Chicago Ex. 7.25 p m, All'y & Akron
6.10 p m All'y & Ell. Ex s.oo p m, Allegheny Ac
10.05 a m Kane & Brad. 8.05 a m, Foxburg Ac
5.15 p m Clarion Ac i 9.50 am. Clarion Ac
7.35 p m F'oxburg ,5.20 pm, Kane Mai
8.15 am, DeForest Ac 9.55 am. Allegheny .'Ac
3.50 pm, Chicago Ex I'ifl'i pm, Allegheny Ex
6-10 pm, ;Allegheny Acl7.li pm. DeForest Ac
Train arriving at at s.a> p m leaves B 4 O de
pot, Pittsburg, at 3 :15 o'clock.
Butler jtnd Greenville Coach will leave Alle
gheny at 3:25 p. m, dally except Snnday . Con
necting at Willowgrove, arriving at Butler at
Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and first-class
Day Coaches run through between Butler and
Chicago dally. t „ ,
For through tickets to points in the West
Northwest or Southwest apply to
A. B. CROUCH. Agent
Trains leave the B. s. O. depot In PUtburg
for ihe East as follows.
For Washington D C., Baltimore, Philadel
phia. n»l New Vork. 12:20 and 9A) p. m.
Cumberland. 8:15.2 :20.1 :10, 9:20 p. m. Con
nelsvllle. S:|s, 12:20. 1.10. 4.30. 5.50 and 9.20 p. m .
Uniontown, 8.15 a. m , and 5.30 p. m
Mt. Pleasant, 8:15 a. m., l.to and 4ao p. 1..
Washington, Pa. , 7.25 and 9 15 a. in., 4.00,
4.45 and p. m. Wheeling. 7.25 and.
9.15 a. m.. 4.00, 9.25. 11.25 p.m. Cincinnati. St
Louis, Columbus and Newark, 7.25 a. in., 9.45
11.25 p.m.
For Chicago. 2.40 and 9.30 p. m.
Parlor anil sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash
ington, Cincinnati &nd Chlcairo.
Takes effect Monday. April 2, 18M.
Trains are run by St» ndard central Time (90th
Meridian.) One hour slower than City Time.
~10 14 12 STATIONS 9 11
p.m p.m. Lv a.m. a.m. Pm.
I 4 20 Buffalo 6 15 U 10
I 2 42 Dunkirk ....1 7 38 1*39
i Ia- m.
7 00 1 58 10 M) Erie 6 05 8 40 3 35
6!5 123 925 .Wallace Junct 642 927 412
6 20 1 18 9 15 (ilrard 6 46 » 31 4 15
6 09 1 08j 9 03 ....Lockport 6 59' 9 42 4 26
6 02| 1 Oil 8 55).. .Cianesvllle ...' 7 07j 9504 34
3 10 10 311 Conneaut....! 1 740 3 10
6 43 1 6 40' ar v jlO 311 6 43
557 li 57' 8 49ar.. ..Albion, .. lv 7 11 935 4 37
543 12 4.) 8 3t : ... Shadeland, . 7 23; 10 01 4 51
54012 42 832 . . sprtngbor 0 • I <®iio 0i 455
55312 35 825 ..Conneautvllle- J35 014 503
ms 12 15 . 8 05, Alea'v'le jet..., 8 05jlC 3». 525
453 ' 7 38; lv Conn't Lake. . . ... 10 17' 453
8 16 ar ar 8 l 6 10 50 537
4 2s 7 00 lv . Mcadvllle . lv 9 50 1 28
p.m ... . 8 42 ar ar 8 42 II 25! 0 03
.... 11 58 7 45 .. . llartstown. .. 10 47 ; si'
NO2 11 43 7 281 Osgood No 1 11 00 4 53
p.m' a. m
6 23 11 35 7 it; Oreenvllie ... 6 :M> 11 v> 6 08
6 18 11 25 7 0t; ....Shenango... 6 40 11 25 6 20
5 58,11 02 6 47 Fredonia 1 03 II 46 6 34
5 39 1 10 41 62s Mercer 7221207 7 or,
5 25 jlO 29 G 12 Pardoe 7 3« 12 22 7 16
5 13 10 20 6 00 <ir»ve City... 7 47 12 33 7 25
5 IX).10 OK 5 8. Ilarrlsvllle.... 7 58,12 45 T3O
1 52 10 00 5 iqL «Branchton _ 8 00112 51 7 4,-.
4 .V, V4> 835 lv Branchton ar 735 12 15 725
545 818 20 ar...Hllllard .lv li 50 11 15) 64 .
4 16| 9 551 5 3511 v.. Keisters .... 8 10 12 58 ; 7 49
4 32 9 42 5 21 Kuclld 8 22 1 12' 8 03
4 Co| 9 151 1 501 Butler I 8 501 1 42 8 32
1~50 7 20 Allegheny, PAW ll 10 3 511
p m a m ...... p. 111 p. m
J. T. BLAIR. General Manager, lireenvllle. l-a-
W. O SARGEANT, G. P. A., Meadvllle, Pa'
Breeder of Pare Bred Poultry.
Considering the stringency In the money
market at. the present time. I have concluded
to sell eggs at the following very low figures.
Solid Bu IT Leghorn*, - $1.50 per lo
(Lister-Kay strain.)
fiood Buff Leghorns - 1.00 " 15
s. (J. IV. Leglionn - - 1.00 " 15
Kcapp i Strain)
B. P, Rocks - - - 100 !' 15
(Brown Egg strain.)
Am. Dominique ... 1.00 " 15
(Wilcox strain)
Indian (iinns - - - - 1.50 " 15
(Sharp and Abbott strain)
Imperial Pekin Dnrks - - 1.00 " 13
(Kudd strain)
M. Bronze Turkey* - - \ 2SO " 9
Circular free. (DeKalb Strain) / 3.00 " 13
MEN WANTED Mi d o .'.
nveung"^)T™coTieutTngT™ — Cxperieiice not
necessary. Steady employment. Best
terms. Write at once and secnre choice
of territory. ALLEN NURSERY CO.,
Rochester, N. Y
L _ c.XJ J auC
/^n fatpeople /^X
tnln. M (rpnj 2i,y injurious substance. \
We GUARANTEE a CURE or refund >our money
Prlco 53. 00 per bottle. Send 4c (or treatii#-
Next door to Butler Saving's Bank.
Cleaning up Sale of Summer Goods
all at this week.
; During July and August « i isill accept one coupon and %y.oo \
; for every %io.oo purchase made at our store, special priced goods
; and staples included. SOT///A G KhSER VhD. ;
1.1 and iOc white goods 25 and 50c hats DC
is and Ssc sephys and lace £lnt;tiarn« 9B 23 and roc flowers nc
HWc French satlnea 9C isc pins and hair < rnamenta 9C
double width dress goods .9C 15. 'JO and s- ' laces and embrorderies»c
t5 and 23c belts and fans .«• 20>- carpet warp '..lb* (or 'JC
12' i and 15c ladles' and children's hose 9c Mlkaltn<>s,towe!s.uapktns.dress trimmings. , all
15c ladles' vests !*• ties, scissiirs. S< velty lirald;tooth brushes at
15. an and 2.V ribbon s»c Uatr curlers. hatidKerchlefs. combs, * Jc
Don't ask lor these • next week—they are only on sale
this week at
Our Fall stock of Fur
niture will surpass anything
we have previously shown.
Many new tiling's in Par
lor Suits, Parlor Chairs,
Couches, Bedroom Suits,
Hall Racks, Side-Boards,
Book Cases, Desks and
In our Carpet Depart
ment we will soon otter for
the coming* season a large
Fj cl
line of Wiltons, Axmiusters,
Body Brussels, Tapistry
Brussels and Ingrain Car
pets. Most of our line car
pets are in private patterns
and can be seen only at our
store. Our stock of Rugs
will contain many novelties.
Butler, - - - Penn'a,
Country Gentleman
Agricnltural Weeklies,
Farm Crops and Procesess,
Horticulture& Fruit-Growing
Ltve-Stock and Dairying
While it also includes all minor depart
tnents of Rural interest, soch as the Poul
try Yard, Entomology, Dee-Keeping
Greenhouse and Grapery, Veterinary Ke
plies. Farm Questions and Answers, Fire
side Reading, Domestic Economy, and a
summary of the Xews of the Week. Its
Market Reports are unusually complete,
and much attention is paid to the Pros
pects of the Crops, as throwing light up
on one of the most important of all
questions—When to Day and When to Sell.
It is liberally Illustrated, and by RECENT
ENLARGEMENT, contains more reading
matter than ever before. The subscription
price is $2,50 a year, but we offer a SPE
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A business that keeps grow
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The finest Pekin Ducks and White Tur
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Send for 32 page catalogue of high-class
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Madison Square Show, Feb. ISIH.