Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 13, 1894, Image 1

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    dp 0 \ / J /
Do you know why the PHOENIX bicycle is the most
popular wheel in Pittsburg? Do you know why it won
the Butler-Pittsbugh race, and the Wheeling.Pittsburg?
Simply because bearing, chain, tire, frame—all the
parts —are made of the best material. Because we
build the lightest,easiest running wheel that is safe and
reliable for the roads.
We also make a specialty of an easy running and light
lady's wheel, which is equally popular.
A guarantee is a good thing in its
way. The PHOENIX guarantee cov
ers every point, but the best point of all
is the fact that repairs or claims for de
fective parts constitute an exceedingly
small per centage of our cost of manu
For catalogue and other information
J. E. FORSYTHE, Agent.
VX m ••• V f \
\Jr.\ v \ y
"_W._ '2 • _ J. i '
Some people go one place and some
another for a month during the summer.
They lose their time and expense and its
none of our business, but we have decided
to stay at home and spend the time talk
ing to our customers and giving them bar
gains just for fun, to see how it goes. We
are willing to spend our time for nothing
only for July—not a day longer. That's
all the time we can afford to spend for
nothing. Some things we will sell below
O o
Rawhide Whips 30c. Whalebone Whips joc. Leather Fly-nets sl.
4 boxes Axle Grease 25c. Bindei Whips, 10 feet, 50c.
And Buggies, Wagons, Harness and everything belonging to a team
or driving outfit in proportion. No difference what you want
about a horse or team, come here. We pay no rent aod expect to
be here all our life. The guessing on the horse is still going on.
Try your luck—it costs nothing to try. Everybody over 16 years
old allowed a guess. Women and men both guess. Over 1 100
guesses already. Counted July 20 at noon.
S. B. Martincourt & Co.,
128 East Jefferson Street,
BUTLER, - - - PA.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
--Excelsior Fire-Proof Slate Paint—
For Shingle Roots,and Ebonite Varnish for all Metal Roofs. Also,
Agents for the Climax Wool and Asbestos Felt, the King
of Roofing Felts.
All kinds of roofs repaired and painted on the shortest notice.
Estimates given on old or new work and the same promptly attended
130 W. Jefferson Street,
Will occupy this space next week.
Carrie Orene King
Save the Children
By Purifying Their Blood
Hood's Sarsaparllta Makes Pure
< Blood, Cures Scrofula, Etc.
"My experience with Howl's Sarsaparilla lias
been very effective. My little girl, five years
old, had for four years a bad skin disease. Her
arms and limbs would break out in a mass of
sores, discharjrini! yellow matter, she would
■cratch the eruptions as though it gave relief,
and tear open tlie sores.
Two Bottles of Hood's
Sarsaparilla caused the eruptions to heal and
and the scabs pealed off, after which the skit,
became soft and smooth. As a family medicine
we believe Hood's Sarsaparilla has no equal and
I recommend it." W. 1.. King, Bluff Dale, Tex.
Hood's Pills are th« best family cathartic,
gentle and effective. Try a box. 25 cents.
A Scientist cla ms flic-
Root of Diseases to be
in the Clothes we Weir.
The host Spring
remedy forthe*blues,
etc., is to discard
your uncomfort? ible
old duds which irri
tate tlie bodv:-leave
vour measure at
ALAND'S for a
new suit which will
Ht well, improve the
appearance bv re
-1 ie\ ill L>* YOU instant
ly of that tired i'eel
ill u, and ma kino; you
O 7 O J
cheerful and active.
The cost of this
sure euro is very
C. " , D.
A business that keeps »row- ;
ing through a season ol de
pression, such as tlie country
has experienced, is an evi
dence that people realize they
save money by trading with
us. We know, and always
have known, the days of large
profits are past. Without
question we are giving more
for the money than last year.
Our stock is larger to select
from than last year.
Colbert & Dale.
M A Specialty.
At Redick's Drug Store.
We do not handle but
pure next time you are in
need of medicine pleaf-e give UH B
call. We are bcadqaartern for pure
aa we use only pure fruit juicefi, we
alno handle l'uriH Oreen, hellebore,
inaect powder, London purple and
other ineecticidea.
Main tot.,next tollotel Lowr>
Manufacturer of
Harness, Collars,
and Strap Work,
and Fly Nets,
and Dealer in
Whips, Dusters, Trunks and
My Goods are all new and strict
first-c >. til work guaran
Repairing a Specialty.
:o: :o:
Opposite Campbell & Templeton's
Furniture Store.
342 S. Main St., - liutler, Pa.'
Calicot, looking very white and
gaunt, mingled among the crowds in
the arena. To anyone less absorbed in
a purpose the scenes would have been
fraught with an almost superhuman
interest. The confusion was appalling
and the noise deafening. Hut even his
abstracted perception could distinguish
in it all the effort of system and discip
line forcing matters slowly into pur
pose. Squads were forming and march
ing through the corridor, towards the
rotunda, choking the passages; officers
were running and shouting; litters
were passing and repassing with
wounded; groans, curses, commands
loaded the heavy air with satanic tu
mult. and the cavernous surroundings
and ghostly lights completed the infer
nal hue of the picture.
A man suddenly plunged into this
subterranean scene, as. indeed*, many
of the wounded captives were, might
rudely imagine that he had died and
been thrown into the traditional hell.
Calicot was al>out to make a very
doubtful experiment. He was going
to determine if his estimate of Hen
dricks' character was correct. While
looking for him he came near the
portal; it had occurred to him that in
this confusion it might be possible for
Stocking to get up the shaft unde
tected. Hut he was quickly convinced
of the f<»lly of that idea The exit was
well guarded, and the men had a
counter rrn which was changed every
day. l.e saw several of the new detail
turned back because they had for
gotten it.
While he stood there Hendricks came
up and spoke to him.
"There are two of your wounded
friends there in Mr. Franklin's office,"
he said. "They need intelligent care.
You might lend a hand. lam sending
all the captured back to the surface as
fast as possible where they can be re
covered. We cannot do them justice."
"I am at your service," replied Calicot.
"But 1 wish to speak to you of another
"What is it?" asked Hendricks,
brusquely, as he stepped aside.
"Mr. Franklin spoke to you about
removing his daughter?"
"Yes; I told him to get her out as
soon as possible. We move from here
in three days."
"I wanted to suggest to you," said
Calicot, "to let the other girl go. She
will die of nervous shock in this up
"You wish to escort her?"
"No. Let Lieut. Stocking do it. The
old man will need somebody to pilot
him to Memphis. As you probably
know,he is in love with Miss Franklin.
The lieutenant will return here to me.
I am a sufficient hostage."
"Your friend is a vindicti /e man,"
said Hendricks. "But you have noticed
that I haven't time to IKS'
"I said to myself," replied Calicot,
"that the execution of your plans no
longer depended on our captivity or
"Ah. you have arrived at that conclu
"I acknowledge facts. So far as 1
can see you are in armed rebellion.
It is no part of the magnanimity of
war to entomb helpless women. From
what I have seen of your character I
believed that you would accede to my
"But your friend did not think so."
"No, but he, perhaps, does not under
stand you."
Hendricks' smiled rather grimly.
"At nightfall," he said, "I will give
your party an escort and pass them out
of the bayou end. My own men are?
in the woods between the bayou and
Memphis, and the women would not
be safe."
Then Hendricks abruptly left him.
Calicot"s anxiety now grew hourly.
He had a sickening fear that Fcnning
might arrive at any moment and frus
trate the whole plan.
The women spent the intervening
time ill preparation, and Calicot, aft^r
a hurried consultation with Stocking,
repaired to Mr. Lajiort's quarters,and,
finding the wounded men had been re
moved, he sat down at the table, and
for an hour gave himself to the writ
ing of what seemed an interminable
letter, which lie concealed on his per
son when completed.
He then wandered aimlessly through
the long passages, waiting impatiently
for the night to come.
It was eight o'clock, as near as he
could guess, when Stocking and the
two young women got aboard one of
the lxix-cars anil accompanied him tc
the bayou entrance. Very little was
said on tlie way. Calicot was appre
hensive and not disposed to talk. His
chief fear was that something would
occur to interfere with their departure
at the last moment. It seemed to him
that the rotunda was full of men and
he suspected that Hendricks had been
getting fresh recruits at the bayon
end during the fight at the Laran
When they arrived at tlicendof their
journey, Stocking very nearly upset
the project by suddenly refusing to
go unless his friend accompanied them,
and it required all the firmnessand per
suasion that Calicot could command to
induce him to proceed. "I)o not," he
said, "imperil everything by giving up
your faith in me now. On the day after
to-morrow, when you have secured the
safely of your companions, you arc to
come back for me. The government
will have some of its forces here then,
and the issue will not be doubtful, be
lieve me. ltut I must stay here to
night and to-morrow to learn all I can
of the plans at the conference. Mr.
Franklin, I understand, has secured
money enough to take care of himself
and daughter. You are a free man.
Do not hesitate."
They parted at the eu trance to the
lift. Stocking was sullen and uncer
tain, but he came back and wrung his
friend's band silently, and Calicot felt
that the action was a pledge. A mo
ment later he turned anil mounted the
steps of the railway platform with a
sense of desolation in his heart and an
unmistakable moisture in his eyes.
When they came to the rotunda he
told the guard that he would get off
and walk back later to the arena.
He was left standing on the plat
form when the car moved awav. The
great dense shadows covered hiip from
the army of men below. He walked
alontf tiie ties to the great wooden
doors of the magazine and stood there a
moment. Then he descended the
steps and was lost in the crowds of
men below.
lie had expected to meet Hendricki
at his military headquarters, but one
of the captains who knew him said
that there was a meeting of some kind
and Hendricks and all the other ehlefi
had gone to the office in the arena
where it was quiet.
lie then mallS his way as speedily a*
he could through the coal corridors tti
the arena,and was surprised to see how
completely the chaos of a few hours
ago had disappeared. Nearlyall the men
had been gathered Into the fotunda,
T*; T Tf,KI'. I' . \ i I{II )A Y . JULY 13, 18U4.
ano save a few groups hen- and there
and the workmen and officers scat
tered about the place was deserted.
Without a definite purpose he went
immediately to the quarters where
he and Stocking had lived together sc
long. Something of a morbid desire to
feel its loneliness now that his only
companion was gone, actuated him.
The door stood ajar and he walked
in. The moment he was inside he
heard voices. He listened. They came
from the udjacent quarters that had
been occupied by the women. He
moved softly along the partition to the
little corridor that connected the
houses. It was dark, save for the
light that came through an inch or
two of open door at the other end. He
looked through.
To his amazement he saw that the
room was filled with people, and he
knew at once that this was the llnal
consultation of the conspirators. Hen
dricks wa. there, so also were Mrs.
Hendricks and Penning. The others
he did not know he was certain he
ha<l never »ecn them before. The
marked charaeterof the men convinced
him at once tluit ibey were no ordinary
Hendricks was speaking and Calicot
drew from his pocket a pad of paper
and a .short pencil, and listened. The
speaker was recapitulating what he
had done in the Laran from the start,
and evidently endeavoring to convince
them that the conspiracy never could
have obtained its present momentum
if it had not hail a safe and impregna
ble stronghold to mature itself in.
"To organize an army ii. the teeth of
the authorities was as impossible in
America as in Russia," he said. "Hut
I have organized the nucleus of a
standing army the touch of which will
convert your strangling materials inU
soldiers. We are now prepared tc
strike the first blow. We have al
worked patiently to this point. Ir
three days we must l>e prepared to tak«
the field.
"Everything depends upon Instant
and accurate cooperation. If we are
a unit in our work we are invinci
ble, for it will take a month for the
opposing elements to consolidate
against us and then they will be to<
late. Now let us see what our pro
gramme is. On the morning after to
morrow, Chicago will be in flames and
the executive and his cabinet at Wash
ington will be destroyed. Dynamite and
the torch are the signals for the grand
movement of our scattered forces to the
two centers, and at the same time 1
appear in the field with a trained armj
and invite the people to save them
selves by coming to the people's ban
ner. There is no doubt in your minds
of the accomplishment of this. You
hold the signal, Garvoux, for the
wojk in Washington. I believe you
have made failure impossible if you
get back there.
"My part of the work is certain,"
said (Sarvoux. "I have four agents in
the white house."
"And I," said a white-haired man,
with vehemence, "will have one hun
dred thousand men in Chicago, needing
only a Every available force
of the gdrernment will be in Ten
"And I will be in Chicago on the
night of that day virtually dictator,"
said Hendricks, "if you have paralyzed
the executive arm at Washington, Oen
tlemen, if you leavt here to-night pre
pared to carry out our work we are
masters of the situation in four days."
Calicot leaned a moment against the
wall of the corridor. He appeared to
be faint. Then, as if making a desper
ate effort, he thrust the pad into his
pocket, and, turning, felt his way
along the passage and came out into
the arena. He cast a hurried look
around. The railway platform was
two hundred feet away, and a car was
ready to start with a number of men.
He ran across the open space, hailed
the guard, ran up to the train and
climbed aboard. "I might as well travel
as do anything else to kill time," he said
to the guard. The man looked at him.
"Are vou sick?" he asked. "Yes," re
plied Calicot. "The ride will do me
good. Lot me off at the rotunda. I
want to get a drink."
Once there he slipped off in the shad
ows, and the car went off. In five min
utes it backed up and Calicot got on
again. "Are you going straight back?"
he asked. "Yes," replied the man, "last
trip but one. I wait for the gover
nors. Rome of them are going to the
bayou to-night."
it could not have been more than ten
minutes when Calicot was back at his
quarters, and had resumed his place in
the corridor, and was listening.
The consultation was still going on.
Hendricks was speaking.
"You have seen." he said, "how
every event has justified my plans. Let
us have no mistake now and we are
masters of the situation. This is the
stage of anarchy. We go through it
to victory. I have, 1 think, calculated
for every contingency."
At that moment Calicot pushed the
door open and stood white but calm
before the assembled group.
"You have overlooked one factor,"
he said, deliberately.
The astonished circle started into at
titudes of alarm. Hendricks and Pen
ning alone preserved their coolness.
"My prisoner," saiil the former.
"You were listening."
"Yes," replied Calicot, "it Is my duty
to tell you that in your plans you for
got one important clement."
They looked at him with a suspicion
of danger in their faces. He appeared
in his almost ghastly ealinness to be
some kind of incalculable force.
"What do you mean?" asked Hen
Calicut put his hand upon his breast
and bowed slightly. "You forgot me,"
he Haiti, "anil your work comes to
nanght. It was just like you to un
derestimate the qualities that would
destroy you. 1 have never heard that
in your diabolism there was any pro
vision for self-sacrifice. Fortunately
in my scheme there was. In three
minutes we shall all die together."
In the confusion that followed Hen
dricks shouted: "He calm; the man has
been crazed by his conlinement."
"No," said falicot, "I am neither
crazy nor desperate. I have lit the
slow match to your magazine. The
explosion will kill every human being
in the I.aran You will l>e found
here with your secrets divulged. I
have saved the country. Providence,
which is on the side of history, sent
me to you, and you accepted the in
strument of your own destruction "
Lieut. Stocking, the moment lie wai
in the Wash bayou and felt the elation
of freedom, met with a new blow.
"I cannot go to Memphis with my
father," she said. "There are reasons
that I cannot tell you now. We must
get a boat, cross the Mississippi and
It was in vain that Stocking pleaded
and argued. "You do not know all,"
she said, "and I must save my father's
life. There is a skiff in ti>» w.«wi,
miles above the bavon. Take us to
that, fret us across unci ltv»ve us to find
our way in Texas to the coast. You
must go back to your friend, and I will
write you when we are all safe, if you
(five me an address."
Vainly Lieut. Stocking 1 pleade 1 with
her. On this point she was firm. The
guard took them two or three miles up
the Mississippi and there the party
crossed the river, the lieutenant ac
companying them two or three miles
into the interior, until he believed
they were safe from pursuit, when he
bade them farewell and returned.
The journey had consumed a day. and
when he reached the eastern shore of
the Mississippi he encountered the
pickets of a government force, was
promptly arrested and taken to the
camp about a mile from the Laran
portal, where he found two regiments
of troops. It was not difficult for him
to establish his identity, as h<; found
several acquaintances among the offi
cers. and to them he told the whole
story of his capture and iucarceration.
It was an incredible and startling rev
elation, and led the commanding otH
cer at once to move his camp to a new
elevation at some distance from the
Laran and to take every precaution
against an attack in the rear. On the
morning of the third day Stocking set
out with a picked guard and several of
the officers to inspect the entrance of
the cave.
It was not difficult to find the por
tal, for to their astonishment the
whole of the iron lift was discovered
lying on the ruins of the sanitarium
adjacent to the uncovered shaft, from
which issued a wavering thin blue
Suspecting some kind of treachery
Stocking proposed to go down alone,
and after some delay in getting ropes
he was lowered into the hole, l-'inding
everything enveloped in darkness and
ijilence at the bottom of the shaft, he
had to come back for assistance and
lanterns, and thus provided aud ac
companied by an officer he re le
scended with the growing conviction
that Hendricks had withdrawn all his
forces from the cave and abandoned it.
The moment he arrived at the
mouth of the arena passage and held,
up the lantern he perceived that some
thing extraordinary had taken place.
On either side of the entrance to the
shaft were the bodies of men—two of
them had apparently been hurled
against the wall of the arena with ter
rific force, for their bodies were dislo
cated and their skulls fractured, and
they were covered with u blue mould
that made their faces indi itin rui .li
able. A few seconds later t'.ie condi
tion of the arena disclo ed the destruc
tion that had taken place. The resi
dences on the western wall were sbat
tered and in ruins. The machinery irf
the great dynamo stood out gaunt and
awry like the boues of a corpse from
which the flesh had been suddenly
torn away. Not a sound was heard.
Here and there bodies lay exposed
upon the floor of the arena with the
clothes torn from them.
Woid was Immediately sent above
for men and lights, and a strong recon
noitering force was with difficulty
lowered into the cave.
Then the full extent of the appalling
disaster was investigated. Stocking
forced his way with some difficulty into
the rooms where he had spent so many
hours, and there with the lanterns of
the men held high and throwing a dis
mal effulgence on the scene he saw in
extricably mingled with the debris of
the place the ineml>ers of the group to
whom Calicot had communicated the
last words. All wore the same hor
rible mask of blue mold. Hendricks
liims'lf was sitting in a chair, but his
neck was dislocated and his head hung
down upon the side of his body. Cali
cot's body was in the corridor. It
alone had escaped the blast of disfigur
ing color; his face wore a grim smile
and in his hand was a pad covered
with writing.
Stocking wrenched it from the dead
fingers and held it to the lantern. In
a distorted hand was written: "All
particulars on mv person. 1 have saved
you and the country. It was my duty.
I am happy."
Shocked beyond all power of speech.
Stocking silently secured the papers,
and went with the party through the
coal passage to the mouth of the ro
tunda and there the most stupendous
feature of this unprecedented tragedy
was revealed.
The whole of that great space was cov
ered with blue corpses, in every conceiv
able attitude of sudden death, a blue
stratum of smoke lying above thein
and (.till depositing its sulphur and
carbon upon their forms.
Death reigned. It had come like a
lightning stroke. It had spared noth
ing. The end of the dismantled elec
tric engine, hurled from the trestle,
rested upon the floor of the rotunda
with its tender hanging to the iron
benches. Against the eastern wall
hundreds of men had been hurled in a
mass, uiul there commingled in a sick
ening pulp, from which stared the blue
and hideous faces and poked the (in
wrought limbs.
As Stocking slowly realized what his
friend hud done a sense of his heroism
overcame every!hing else lie opened
the pajM-rs mid read the hastily written
memorandum, from which this account
has been compiled.
"I got," it said, "the dynamite
cartridge from Lsiport's workroom,
and also the fuse. I let it down the
ventilating tube to the floor of the
maga/.ine. It burned twenty minutes.
I have made notes of all the disclosed
plans. Let the government act quick,
i'hc brains and the organization are
"The great Laran rebellion is at an
An-i'ptril till I' or t rlnr.
Little Frances* parents have been
discussing reincarnation and the small
maiden has acquired some of its phrase
"Mamma," she said one day, "my
kitty must have been a pin in a pre
vious state of existence, for I can feel
'em in her claws yet." —Judge.
Momnthli'ic llntur.
Mistress—Habctta, when I was driv
ing in the park the other day, I saw a
nurse allow a policeman to kiss a
child. I hope you never al'ow such a
Ilabetta—Non, madatne; no polize
mau vould think of keesing ze child
ven 1 vas zere. —Puck.
s»tuil)-tl the Hi»rl>er - « Cariosity.
"Wonder how those old-time barbers
used to pull teeth?" ventured the man
who was shaving.
"They probably did it with a razor
like the one you have on my face."—
ItufYalo Express.
A Familiar (iiiuin.
Lit lie Dot Let us play keep house.
Little Ethel —All wight. You petend
you are a —a lady and lam callln' on
Little Dot—That'll be fun. Now sit
down and ask me how I like my new
u-irl. —tiood News.
A l'aris boulevard paper .publishes
the following diali iguc bet ween a mem
ber of the cabinet oi ministers and a
newspaper man who is paid by thft
former under the condition that lie
must keep up the appearance of oppos
ing the minister Nays the journalist!
"Can I call you 'canaille' or 'dirty
hog? Of course," answers the min
ister, "but make a change :>nce in
awhile In your epithets; put ine dowu
as a'bandit.* for instance. Hut never
venture to denominate me as a 'che
quart' (bribb taker); that is the only
epithet that makes a bad impression
upon the public."
A Practice Which Ha* Many Points In It*
We are asked if we would milk in the
stable in summer. The objection is
often mad.* to milking in the stable
that it is close, hot and dirty, and that
the open yard is preferable, even with
its annoyances of running cows and
flying milking stools. To all thU we
think these valid answers: First, cows
need some kind of an extra f.sed, of
either a soiling crop or a little grain,
daily, for there are not thirty days in
the year when a feed of some kind will
not pay. anu the stable is the place In
which to feed it Then the stable
wants lots of windows, and a cheap
screen over them does not stop the cir
culation of air and one is not smothered
by any means
The Practical Farmer has hit on sev
eral things that help—not new and are
of value. The cows are let in the yard
for five minutes each time before {join#
to the stable, and that saves about all
the summer filth objected to. The
cows are fed their dish of oats just as
soon as milking begins. As fast as a
cow is milked she is loosened and sent
out of the barn; then one does not have
a hot cow with swinging tail at her
back. In the yard is a large tank of
water, and the cows, in addition to
what they drink in the pasture, take
two more drinks from this long box,
and are ready to go to the night or day
pasture as the case may be; and in this
way by having each cow have her own
place in the stable, and seeing that she
goes there every time, she quickly
learns to go there, and a dairyman soon
finds that the place to milk a cow is In
the stable, and if there is more discom
fort there than in the open yard it Is
his own fault, and can be remedied by
a little work, and the result will be a
substantial gain all around and dairy
work will become one of the pleas
antest things of the duy, instead of a
task that repels instead of invites.—
Farmers' Voice.
.in lD(«nl»wi Idea Which D«Hr>M Prac
tical Application.
A stone platform over wells or cis
terns is better thau one of wood, but
fluffs of sufficient size cannot always be
obtained easily, and a pieced one can
be made in this way: Take an old
wagon tire and lay it down in a smooth
place. Get flat stones four or six inches
thick; chip them to a triangular form
with a stone hammer; roundoff the end
to fit the tire, and put them in uutil
| the tire is fulL Smaller stones may be
put in the next tire now and then if
you like. Now put the tire In place,
spread cement on the wall, and bed
each stone into its place Take an old
dragtooth or the like, drive it into the
seams and pound in chips of stone or
bits of iron until every stone is fast in
its place. Now force cement into all
crevices and it is done. The closer the
stones fit the better, but you need not
be very particular. Stones can be
wedged into the holes both between
the ti«-e and the stones and into the
seams, and the cement completes it all.
If a wooden casing is to be fastened to
it, put bolts up through the seams with
blocks or cleats screwed fast to them.
—E. 8. Gilbert, in N. Y. Tribune.
How t r<« Acres (an He Mad* to Pa/ a
Satisfactory Profit.
Villagers or persons who have but a
small acreage will find the following
plan a good one if they desire to econo
' mize their space, which it is very often
I necessary to do.and always a good prac
! tice. I propose to planta piece of ground'
■ fourteen by six rods to peur and plum
trees, setting them about one rod apart
! each way, which will give six rows
with fourteen trees in each, or eighty
j four trees in all. Around this I shall
; construct a fence of wire netting six
feet high. Just on the outside of this
fence I build a chicken house large
enough to accommodate about two
| hundred hens (Plymouth Rock and
1 Huff Leghorns), having the north side
on the line with and forming part of
the fence, and the south or front side
: freely exposed to the sun. The hens are
allowed free range of this orchard—
chicken park and I expect the chick
ens and trees to be of mutual advan
tage to each other. The liens furnish
nearly or quite all the fertilizers the
, trees require, while the trees will pro
j vide stiude for the chickens. We are
thus making good use of the ground
while the trees are small. After they
once come into beariug, with fairly
good care, you have a right to expect
largely increased profits. I'ears and
plums are seldom if ever a drug on the
market The chickens are also of great
benefit in preventing the depredations
of the curculio. We also keep bees, and
thus add another element of profit and
mutual benefit—F.W. Brooke, in Amer
ican Gardening.
Maklnic Sugar from Carrots.
It is quite ]>ossible to make sugar
from carrots, and, Indeed, carrot juice
contains more than ninety per cent of
saccharine matter. As carrots are ex
pensive abroad, foreign sugar manufac
turers prefer beet roots. Very few peo
ple know that cows' milk contains
about five per cent, of sugar.
The Hcst C ow Hay.
I Clover is by far the best hay for a
cow. Timothy is a quite inferior hay
for making milk. Cornmeal is the best
tingle grain food for a cow. It will be
cheaper to buy a hay cutter, which may
| L-ost only five dollars for a small one,
| than try to make one.
.nUI of iiir tm»«»•*• ••
Fair Girl—l am sure papa would not
' object to you, but I am afraid mamma
will. She says your family hare de
praved tastes.
Rich Grocer's Son—Good gracious'
Where did she get that idea? •
Fair Girl I think she judges by the
butter your father used to recommend
as good.—Good News.
Ills Aim All ltl*ht.
"You ought to have seen Bagley out
shooting with his revolver the other
! day. He couldn't hit a barn door."
"llow did that happen? I thought
| Hagley was a good shot."
"Well, so he is; but, you see, there
i wasn't a barn door to hit."—Judge.
l'unlahiaiont to Fit tlir Crime*
"I'll send you to jail for contempt of (
Sourt, sir," said the irate ludge to the j
insolent attorney.
"Don't do it, your honor," pleaded
the lawyer. "I don't want a life sen- j
tence." —Detroit Free Press.
Am It l'robably Will He.
The Heiress (returned from abroad)
—My husband is a nobleman.
Her Friend —Hush, dear girl! It
won't make a bit of difference with
those who are your true friends.—Chi
l cago Record.
Two Question*.
Old McGrumpps—-Do you suppose l
that 1 am going to allow iny daughter j
to marry a man as |MMir its you are?
Young Me<»all —Do you suppose that j
1 any rich man would marry a girl as
homely as t>be U?—N. Y. Weekly.
They Art Kulljr lnn«iructcd nod l>« Not
Com Very Much.
We are asknl ln»w to construct a
corduroy road. In marsh or bog" lands,
first lay all small poles or brush trans
versely and across the roud; next, take
long trees—the smaller ewU tieing at
least of teu inches diameter—and lay
them longitudinally uloag on these
poles aiid brush, in two rows, eight
feet apart from eenter to center, mal<-
lug the ends at the junction of each
piece lap each other, at least three i
feet, breaking Joint on either side and j
placing under these ends large logs of
sufficient length to extend across the
road, and two feet on each side of •
these stringers. Cover these stringers j
with transverse logs, twelve feet long
from scarf to scarf, and at lest ten
inches in diameter at the smallest end,
fitted close together, on tho straight
portions; the logs alternated with a
large and small end; and ou the outer
side of curves all the large etuis, which
will assist in the curvature of the road
and the gravity of the vehicles. Next
adze ofF the center ridges of these logs i
to a face of about five iuehes for the
width of nine feet in the center of the
roadway, and cover this nine feet with
gravel to fill iu between the logs and
give a smooth surface.— Farmers' Voice. ;
Haw the Good-Roads Problem lias Been
Solved at Wlnfleld, Kan.
We have very little rain or snow dar
ing the winter season, and with our
sandy soil, when our streets are well
graded and proper attention given to
drainage, there is little need of metal
covering, except upon the main thor- I
oughfares, or where there is heavy
traffic. Such streets we have Improved
to the extent of about four miles; add
ing a few squares, where it seems most
needed, each year, in the manner fol
lowing: The street is graded to a width
of thirty feet, with a crown of (about
twelve inches; then a course of broken
limestone is laid along the center,
twenty feet wide and six inches thick.
' The broken stone 1s then covered with
six inches of gravel, allowing the same
to lap over tho stone about two feet on
each side.
Strange as it may appear to you who
are floundering in the mud half the
year whenever you get off your paved
streets, this makes a very economical
and durable Improvement for the
streets of our western cities where the
traffic is not too heavy.—J. 8. Boynton,
in Municipal Engineering.
It Is Necessary to Make the Good Koads
Crusade a Muccew.
State aid to localities for any pur
pose Is of course open to grave ob
jections. Is should be seldom vouch
safed, and never, except In exigent
cases; but after years of agitation,
good roads in New York have slim
prospects, save as the state assists
them. Massachusetts has found that
state aid and supervision are the only
feasible methods. Now York will find
the same, unless present signs are de
fective. Certainly if time be a factor
In the problem—lf good roads are soon
to be begun—state aid must be given.
While the press has been almost a unit
In their behalf, the highest economlo
authorities have approved them, and
the splendid highways of the old world
have been constant object-lessons to
the new, comparatively little has here
been accomplished. There has been
much agitation with small results.
The argument is concluded. Action
should ensue; and under the circum
stances—the need of prompt, compre
hensive and intelligent action—the
proposition for state aid is entitled to
consideration. —Harper's Weekly.
Advantages of Broad Tires.
Some of the Massachusetts towns are
giving a practical support to improv
ing the country ronds by ordering that
all town garbage wagons, watering
carts should use the broad tires on the
wheels Nothing cuts up a road so
badly as the narrow tire on the vehi
cle that is sustaining a big load; this
occasions the horrible ruts which de
stroy often the beat roads during cer
tain season aof tho year. The use of
broad tires by the farmers is to be
urged everywhere. When the farmer
does this it will be a big advance to
wards the solution of the good road
problem. It will be a saving to every
farmer if he would make it a rule that
the next time his heavy wagon goes
to the smiths he will have a wide tire
replace the present narrow one. The
result would be a great saving in wear
and tear to horse, w agon and harness.
—Albany Argus
The Oatlet to Under drains.
The most Important part of an un
derdrain is tho outlet, and just as soon
as tho snow melts this should be ex
amined and all sediment and other ac
cumulations cleared away. If the out
let be located where stock Is allowed
to run, the chances are that some of the
stones or tiles have become misplaced
by the trampling of stock in search of
water. These should be replaced even
if several feet of the outlet must be re
moved for that purpose. A flat stone
or piece of plank or slab should be
placed over the drain and the whole
covered with soil a foot deep. If the
open ditch or creek into ,which the drain
discharges lias become filled up, it
should be cleaned out that the water
may not back up Into the drain; and
this work is very important and should
not be neglected.—American Agri
The Truth About Good Roads.
A good deal *of missionary work is
still needed among farmers to persuade
them to a knowledge of the truth con
cerning good Too many of them
fail to realize the heavy taxes they are
now ludirectly paying tor bad roads,
from which good roads would relieve
then. —N. Y. Examiner.
Nfw York Mhoul«t Take the Lm«L
As citizens of the richest and most
powerful state in the union we cannot
afford to be backward In the national
movement for better roads —Uon. Itos
well I*. Flower, Governorof New York.
An L'nueeessarr NUtuU.
"In the old Puritan days a man
wasn't allowed to kiss his wife on Sun
"Why, what mau ever wanted to?"
Her Right.
"Orandnlece," said the old lady fee
bly, in a tone which Indicated mental
anxiety as well as bodily suffering.
"Yes, aunt. What Is It?"
"When Dr. Sllmpset comes I suspect
he will try to give me an anodyne, and
1 want you to promise not to let him
do It. It won't cure my disease, and If
I have a pain I want to know it."—
A Case of Every Man's Sorrow.
"There are holes th»t I am sjws.ys
sorry not to find in my shirt," said
' Jokus, as he drew a clean garment
from a laundry package.
"Holes!" said his friand. "What do
| you mean?"
"I mean button-holes," said Jokns,
as he pointed to a rlpped-up neckband,
, apd laughed in his feeble, miotic way.
j —Chicago Record.
What lie Rested Oa.
Willie (Just home from school and
! very much excited) What do you
think, pa? .Johnny Stfiith, one of the j
big boys, had an argument with the
teacher about a question in grammar
His Father—What position did he
1 Willie—liis last position was aoross
the chair, f§;c [Jr^yi.
No *2B
Llfo on the Early Warships of the
United States.
An Admlrml Who l.ook»ii More Like m
Fanner Than a Commander of a
Gunboat—A Ocw That Ob
jected to ithsTinf.
Early In August, 1881, the United
States 44-gun frigate Potomac. Capt.
, John Downes, lay in New York har
bor tugging away at her anchor in a
half-restless, half-indolent mood, as If
anxious to get to sea, but was deterred
from making the necessary exertion
by the enervating heat of the sun.
President Jackson, writes Edgar Stan
ton Maclay In Harper's Magazine, had
recently appointed Martin Van Buren
minister to England, and the frigate
was waiting to convey the future pres
ident of the United States to the
■ "Tight Little Island." Conscious of
the honor of having a distinguished
passenger (with political influence),
[ the younger officers of the ship spent
more time than usual before the mir
ror. endeavoring to give a martial
part to their hair. They even got out
their uniforms, as if they expected to
wear them every day in the week,
instead of only once or twice in the
cruise, when some special ceremony re
-1 quired it.
The scale of pay established at the
time of the war of 1814 allowed our
captains only one hundred dollars a
month, with which to maintain the
honor of the flag abroad, and insident
ally support a family. The lieutenants
got fifty dollars a month, and the mid
shipmen struggled along on consider
ably less, so that it was not to be ex
pected that they could afford the lux
ury of a uniform every day in the weela
In the cruise In which he captured the
Macedonian, Capt. Stephen Decatnr is
described as "wearing an old straw hat
and a plain suit of clothes, which made
him look more like a farmer than a
naval hero."
If the handsome yonng officers of the
Potomac could not make as noble a dis
play as they might have desired in the
matter of padding, epaulets and gold
lace, they at all events could devote
more than usual attention to their em
bryo beards. The regulations in force
compelled them to shave their faces
smooth at least once in so many days,
no matter how luxuriantly inclined
some of them might have been toward
whiskers. The officers who were espe
cially prone to run to hair found the
regulation a stumbling biock to their
pride, and no small amount of temper
was expended In consequence. But in
view of the fact that their distinguished
passenger "had a pull," which might*
land them in a choice position some
day, the officers lathered and scraped
away at their chins with more good
grace than could have been expected.
Moreover, the hearts of these officers
wanned toward "Martin," because in
the war over Peggy O'Neal, "the pret
ty, witty, saucy, active tavern keeper's
daughter," which nearly wrecked
President Jackson's cabinet, he sided
with Peggy—and Peggy was the widow
of a naval officer.
The same bustta and air of expect
ancy was noticealye among the sailors
of the Potomac. They were busily en
gaged in togging themselves out in
their best rig, polishing their neat
morocco pumps, and going through the
most approved and latest nau
tical prinking. Some of the real old
salts in the frigate, however, who af
fected to d« pise the "innovation of
uuiforms," and whose sigh for the
good old days when men-o'-wars-men
had their inalienable rights to dress
"their own exclusive persons in their
own exclusive tastes," were not so par
ticular in washing and pressing out
their neat nankeen uniforms. They
were satisfied with greasing their lon£
hair, and then braiding it down their
backs, with just enough wax In the end
to make It curl up like a fish hook.
These were the men who had made
the American navy famous. They had
taken a hand in flogging the Parley
vous In 1708-1801, and had downed the
yataghan-armed Turks in the fierce
hand to hand encounters off Tripoli,
and had exterminated hordes of pi
rates along the Spanish main. But
their greatest glory was in having
been through the "late war," In which
the pride of the mistress of the ocean
was taken down a peg or two.
That the distresses of an Atlantic
voyage might be made as endurable as
possible for their passenger "with a
pull" and his "land-lubberly" retinue,
a supply of hideous-looking easy
chairs, such as never before had dese
crated the decks of the frigate,
and heathenish-looking trunks, pre
posterous bundles, and outlandish
packages, were piled around in just
the places where an out-and-out good
seaman would be most likely to crack
hU shins against them. The stewards,
also, began to assume a pompous and
condescending air that w»s entirely
beyond their station, while the master
at-arms and quartermasters were busy
hoisting squealing pigs (tied in
bunches by their feet), coops filled
with cackling hen*, and many other
delicacies that might tempt the weak
stomachs of the guests.
New Tannins Process.
One of the most Important reoent ap
plications of chemistry has resulted Uj
great improvement of the processes or
a long-established and widely extend
ed industry—tho tanning of leatnef.
The many beautiful exhibits of "mlA
eral-tanned leather" at the world S
fair attracted the attention of all in
terested in that industry and of many
others as well. The chemical prluci
file Involved in this mineral
les in the conversion of the fiber of the
skin into an insoluble,
and non-ptttrescible compound by com
bining it with chromic oxide. It U
well known that in the common leath
er the fiber is combined with tannty
acid. It may then be said that the new
proce&a differs from the old by the »UD
stitutlon of ehromio oxide—or tannic
A Terrible Kuoounter.
They had had a falling out, the two
young men in the loud clothes, and
this was the way the trouble termi
nated, while a number of horrified
persons looked on.
"You're a chump!"
"Did you say I was a chump?"
"That's what I said."
"Oh, you did, did you?"
"That's what I did.*'
"Well, you better not say it again,
that's all."
"I guess I'll say it again if I feel like
"Oh, you will, will you?"
"You bet I will."
"Well, you better not. that's aU."
"Why liadn't I better?"
"That's all right, you'll find out
quick enough."
Bight here friends intervened and
both young men received congratula
tions on having survived the encounter
without injury.—Chicago BecotyL
Discouraged l'edagocns.
"How many hours are there 'n a
day?" asked a Harlem teacher.
"I reckon there must be more than
twenty-four hours a day now," was the
"Haven't 1 told you more than forty
times that there were only twenty-four
hours in a day?"
"Yes; and yesterday I heard yon say
that the days were getting longer. I
supposed that there must be about
twenty-five hours a day now."—Tam
many Xipw .... '