Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 01, 1894, Image 4

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Campbell & Templeton,
dV e commenced a Furniture Sale that
will interest you. Each season we visit
the principal furniture markets of the
United States, thereby securing the new
est styles as soon as produced. This
season's stock surpasses any we have
previously shown and prices are lower.
We have Parlor Suits injj !» We have Couches covered inf
mpire, Turkish, Mahogany orj[ j [Leather, Plush, Velvet or Wil-J
ak Frames, Mahogany Chairsj! jjton coverings; Leather Chairs,s
ancy Rockers, Gold Chairs,j!
rass Stands, Pictures, Mirrors/ | J Wary and Revolving Chairs.
I Side Boards, Extension Ta- : Bed Room Suits Stands,:
j bles, Buffets, Head Chairs, Din- ! Rocking Chairs, Chairs, Chif-:
! ing Room Chairs, China Closets. 1 foniess, Wardrober. j
• * *
* * *
Carpets, Rugs, Dishes,
Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles,
House Furnishing Goods,
Domestic Sewing Machines,
Large assortment of Baby Carriages.
{fflfflL &
Butler, - Penn a,
Do not Wait Any Longer,
But Come at Once
Where will be found the largest stock and latest styles of summer
footwear at low prices. Our stock is larger than ever before, com
prising many new and pretty styles. Our stock of ladies shoes is arge.
Ladies' fine Dong. Pat. turned, Congress gaiters at $2.25.
u •« Russett, " " $2.25.
" Russett Bluchers and Blucheretts at $2.25.
" Dong. Southern Ties at $1.50.
« Blucher Oxfords, black and russett at $1.25.
One laftof ladies fine Oxfords at 75c.
•« " opera toe and instep strap slippers at SOC.
Misses Dongola Shoes, patent tip at 90c.
Childs " " " 40 to 75c.
Full stock of Misses and Childrens Russett shoes at a big bargain.
Our stock of " " Oxford ties and slippers is very
Infants shoes in all colors. .... r u *
Now is the time of the year when farmers are thinking of buying a
pair of shoes to plow in and do their summer work. In buying
my spring and summer stock I took great pains to get a large
I selection and have got them at prices so as to sell lower than
ever before. A good pair heavy shoes, Lace, Buckle or Con
gress Gaiters at 90c.
Box-toe shoes, whole stock kip, at $1.50.
Full stock of Boys plow shoes sizes, 1 to 5, at 85c.
Our stock of Mens fine shoes is large, and with our stock of low cut
shoes we are sure to suit all, as we have all the latest styles at
remarkably low prices.
Full stock of our own make driller's shoes always on hand.
Shoes made to order.
Repairing neatly done.
Orders by mail will receive prompt attention.
Are You Interested
In Low Prices?
We offer a magnificent nc^ r r _?i oc^ T l 5 > ![. cTBifTiV
High Grades in all Departments. I rue merit in every Article. Hon
est Quality Everywhere.
An Immense Assortment.
Nothing Missing.
Everything the Best.
The Quality will tell it. The Price will sell it. And that is tnc
reason you should come early to pet vour bargains from our splendid
line of
Shoes, Slippers and Oxfords
We show all the latest novelties in great profusion. We keep
the very finest selections in all standard styles. We make it a point
to have every article in stock the best of its kind.
aw onto. AL RUFF. S. Main St.
"THERE is but one
-I- way in the world to be sure
of having the best paint, and that
is to use only a well-established
brand of strictly pure white lead,
pure linseed oil, and pure colors.*
The following brands are stand
ard, "Old Dutch" process, and are
always absolutely
Strictly Pure
White Lead
"Armstrong & McKelvy,
" Beymer-Batanaa,"
'* Davis-Chambers,"'
" Fahnestock."
* If you want colored paint, tint
any of the above stricdy pure leads
with National Lead Co.'s Pure
White Lead Tinting Colors.
These colors are sold in one-pound cans, each
can being sufficient to tint 25 pounds of Strictly
Pure White Lead the desired shade; they are in
no sense readyHßixed paints, but a combination
of perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to
tint Strictly Pure White Lead.
Send us a postal card and get our book on
paints and color-card, free.
Pittsburg Branch.
German Xationa! Bank Building, Pittsburg.
,^ IKE ANY OT] *er
Dropped on sufrar suffering children love to
lake lLlEvery Mother should have it in the
house It quickly reliefs and cures all aches
and pains, asthma, bronchitis, colds, coughs,
catatrh cits, chaps, chilblains, cohc, cholera
earache, headache, hooping cough,
inflammation, la grippe.
muscular soreness, neuralgia, neprons heso
ache. rheumatism, kites, burns, bruises, "trains,
sprains, stings, swellings, stiff Joints, aore throat,
pore lunjrs, toothache, tonsllitis and wind colic.
Originated in ISIO by the late Dr. A. Johnscm,
Family Physician. Its merit and excellence
have satisfied everybody for nearly
All who use it are amazed at its wonderful power.
It Is safe, soothing, satisfying; so My SICK,
n-nniiive sufferers. Vsed Internal and External.
The Doctor's Slrmatare and direction* on erery bottla,
Ti jwuSoSTFcK: bS2S m3T
Far Bortet, Cattle, Sheep, Do fr Sen
•••PM»BsfSsa*gSf¥lS.! fA,I- * ta
D.D.—Beta or Crita, Wornia.
I.B.—Coach*. Heaves, ■
r.V.-lslic or tirlß*., Bellyache.
G.G.-MlKsrrlstr, II morrhacea.
H.H.—t rtaary and KHaej Dlieaiefc
J.&.-Plieatetof Digestion, Paraly«liu
Single Botti® «)▼« 50 d<*«), - - .60
Stable Case* with Specific*. Manual,
Veterinary Cure Oil and Hedlcator,
JarTwerlsaryCireOll, • • LW
hU m Omr<wu; » iMf" "J"*** l
■WMIII'iM. tO-Tl" * »11 WllS»»^l^Jl«wT»*-
Th.onlysncoMsfol reniedjl°c
Nenrous MM*.VitaWHkims,
HtarHKHs'BSB. Co., in *n» wua*»*.,*«wT»*-
Your Watch
Insured Free.
A perfect insurance against theft or accident
is i.. n> w famous
the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled
or wrenched from the case. Can only be
had on cases containing thi* trade mark \gjj
—UJ-f- tv—
Keystone Watch Ca.se Company,
of I 'ljiiatjciphla.
the oldest, lar;o t, ar'l most complete Watch
Caso factory in lue world—lsoo employees;
2000 Watch C ases daily.
One of its products is the celebrated
Jas. Boss
Filled Watch Cases
which are just as good as solid cases, and
cost about one half less.
Sold by all jewelers, without extra charge
for Non-pull-out bow. Ask for pamphlet, or
»end to the manafactwen.
II iffjjp |i
I Guaranteed B Years Old, £
la every family tHcrc f?» tcc agonal \ M
need of a '■ v ' hi,k< "*- •'J' 1 J U
wh-» the necc'.lty #r.-e»il k" " r.U|v C ,j
imni 'I. !.. You 11. 11 > mi! tjkc in J j-4
hiv a bottle of Old r»rt on hand JBJ
in c.-;. "t en k. ry; n'r pure. Wejl t
„ I a.,,1 th- i leal I. i*i'V »l> ! h' >tj
«•«, v:, *i* '1". is- M •!' ( D
. 1' r« »hip:" <t promptly, and wo pay » B
cirp..MCh.r U '«oii tti s.iid over. jBU
. os. ir, i & SOTT,
4tS Ilarfeftlt, F< •'••• flfcS
CurPH thonsandsi annually of Liver Com
pliiiiit*, Bl 1 ionsnww. J*"ndice. Dyspep
sia, Constipation, MaUr!*. More 111"
regiill 1 roin t T til)c« it by I .Ivor than any
other cniißo. T'h" .mifTir when you enn
be cured f l)r. Ban ford s Liver Invigoa
ator 1* a celebrated '* tn 'ly xnedlicin".
VWB MFfi(il"T WIU. »ll I tVTOtJ.
Are a symptom of Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Bil
liousness, Liver Complaint.
will cure the disease and re
move yellowness from skin
and eyes. Warrantee, to cure.
Sold everywhere nt 25 cts. per bottle.
tor sale by J. C. Kedick
The Sum of Living.
If you bare a friend worth loving,
Love him. Yes, and let him know
That you love him, ere life's evening
Tinge his brow with sunset glow.
Why should good words ne'er be said
Of a friend—till he is deadt
If you hear a song that thrills you,
Sung by any child of song,
Praise it. Do not let the singer
Wait deserved praises long.
Why should one who thrills your heart
Lack the joy you may impart?
If you hear a prayer that moves you
By its humble, pleading tone,
Join it. Do not let the seeker
Bow before bis God alone.
Why should not your brother share
The strength of "two or three'' in prayerT
If you see the hot tears falling
From a brother's weeping eyes,
Share them; and by kindly sharing
Own your kindship with the skies.
Why should anjone be glad
When a brother's heart is sad?
If a silvery langh goes rippling
Through tbe sunshine on his tace,
Share it. 'Tis the wise man's saying—
For both grief and joy a place.
There's health and goodness in the mirth
In which an honest langh has birth.
If you work is made more easy
By a friendly, helping hand,
Say so. Speak ont brave and truly,
Ere the darkness veil the land,
Should a brother workman dear
Falter for a word of cheer?
Scatter thus your seeds of kindness.
All enriching as you go—
Leave them. Trust the Harvest Giver,
He will make each seed to grow.
So, until its happy end,
Your life shall,never lack a friend
What is Electricity.
It is not at all strange that the almost
universal use of electricity should raise
the question of what this subtle power is.
We see its effects on every side, but the
wisest of men have a very imperfect un
derstanding of what the mysterious force
is which moves the loaded car, changes
darkness into light, enables friend to talk
with friend without reference to distance,
and accomplishes a thousand marvelous
things with the ease of a magician. Spec
ulation has been active as to the probable
origin of electrical forse, but, like gravita
ion, light, heat and chemical action, phil
osophers and physicists know almost
nothing in regard to it.—Baltimore Herald.
—More people, adults and children, are
troubled with costiveness than with any
other ailment. Dr. Uenry Baxter's Man.
drake Bitters will care costiveness and
prevent the disease which result from it.
"Lives of Coxies all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And departing leave behind us
Footprints on tbe grass of time.''
—Survival of the litest. Downs' Elixir
has outlived every other cough remedy
simply because it is tbe best.
—Grains of wbeat foand in Egyptian
mummy cases have been known to germin
ate afti r 1) in j; dorment for 3,000 years.
The plnu' n.*y product d is almost identi
cal with iLe* v. iii-nt grown iu Egypt at
the pn-seLt time
—A Utica nun vim shot bis physician
because the lalti r bad failed to cure him
of disease, was consul-rare enough to
wait 13 years before proceeding to extremi
—lfyour neives are weak <T ifyoa are
are all tired out take Hood,s Sarsapailla
this season.
—ln He Asbantee nation every man
who can keep up on the march is obliged
to serve, and atter an expedition ha* set
oat, the woman scour the streets and
almost beat to death any man whom they
may discover skulling around.
—A successful remedy for diphtheria is
said to be five drops of sulphuric acid in a
tumbler, given so the child can swallow
it. If the throat i* obstructed give it
with a teaspoon until the passage IB clear
ed, then administer a wine glass every two
hours. Burn sulphur in tbo room as
strong u it can be borne.
—Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic
cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic
ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon
the system is remarkable and mysterious.
It removes at once the cause and the dis
ease immediately disappears. The .first
dose greatly benefits. 7o cts. Sold by J. C
Redick, druggist, Butler.
—Connecticut has an odd stock farm de
voted to the raising of guinea pigs for use
in vivisection and other experimental
work oi the scientists. It was Professor
Koch's researches which brought the
guinea pig into market. Formerly this
little pig (stayed at bom*.
—Jared of Green Hay, Wis.,
lius taken the prelunluary legal steps t.i
hbVe his iisiue changed to Jur*d LayitMU.
lie is a shoemaker, end rays his nauiu in
terferes with his business.
t —Los Augelos, Cal., has a domestic cat
that weighs thirty-two pounds. It has
twice given battle to a big tamo raccoon,
and in each encounter has come off victor
—Robert Winthrop, who started Satur
day on bis eighty-sixth year,has had a per
sonal acquaintance with every President
ol the L uiled States except Washington
and Jefferson. He is tbe oldest living
ex-Speaker of the National House of Rep
resentatives and tbo oldest surviving Mas
sachusetts senator.
—Some one who is a crank on brevity
writer Don't eat stale Q cumbers.
They'll W up.
—Like the buster prodigal, Brecken
ridge says to bis constituency, "I have
sinned against heaven and in thy sight.
Make me one of thy hired servants" —at
$5,000 a jear.
—Au item iii current to the effect that
a bunch of sweet peas in each room, re
newdd each day, will kill every fly in the
house. We express no opinion. Try it
lor yourself.
One of the amusementß of a summer
resort in the mountains of Vermont is
gold mining. A lilllo stream carries down
some gold, and visitor* patiently go
through the hand-washing process of the
old California days, procuring perhaps 10
cents worth of the light yellow metal as
the resnlt of hall an hour's labor.
—Robert Hart, Esq., of Brookfield, Mer
cer county, aged 80, has this spring sowed
by hand 40 acres ol oats, besides doing
lots of other larin work. Where is the
young man who can show such a recordt
—Mamie Shcehan, aged 12, of Cincin
nati, skipped a rope GOO times without
stopping. Then her faco became suffused
and she fainted. The doctors believe she
has ruptured a blood vessel in the brain,
and have no hope »f her recovery.
—Henry IJlac kof San Francisco, was
accidentally locked up in a large refrigera
tor, and remained in the freeiing atmos
phere for lour hours. Pneumonia follow
ed; but Black recovered, much to the sur
prise of his physician*.
—One of the oldest tunes in the world
is said to be the air sung to the words
"We won't go home till morning." It is
known to oate back to the time ol the
—Thompson {telling a story)—'-And so
when we lost otir money. I told Peters I
was a donkey and ho was another.' Listen
er—'And what did he sav to thatf" Thom
pson—"lie said: 'Let as bray.' "
—Few men do tho best of which they
are capable. They lack the enerey and
self-confidence. They loyo rather to lead
on at-iuial than an intellectual existence.
The very thought ol making any extraor
dinary intellectual efforts appalls them.
"That tired feeling" prevents many a man
of lino mental strcngh and attainments
from accoinpli»hing anything in this world.
As a rule tboso who exert themselve in
tellectually to the full extent of their pow
er are those who aro absolutely driven to
it by lorce of circumstances.
—gome of the tired young men of But
ler can find an object lesson in John
Chambers, of Lawnrenco Co, Mr. Cham
bers, although 70 years of age, from i
o'clock in the morning until 4 in the after
noon, tore down 44 rods of rail fence and
put it up again. Some of the fenco was
six rails high while the remainder was
seven rails.
Across I ho blue sea ol the sky,
The stately cloud swans float,
And hark! from yonder elm there comes
The oriole's thrilling note.
Bach wondering breeze that kisses us
Is heavy with perfume.
And all tho world setais fresh from Uod
When the apple orchards bloom,"
It is as True as Preaching.
Chauncey M. Depew says that the hap
piest man in the world to-day is the suc
cessful farmer. "He sits under his own
vine aud fig tree, undisturbed by madden
ing noise of the city. Basks fail, railroads
go into the hands of the receivers, boom
ing towns collapse and all business stag
nates, but the wise farmer can snap his
fingers at these things. He is monarch of
all he surveys on bis broad acres. The
honesty of his boys and the parity of his
girls are guarded against temptation and
in them he has given the country its best
manhood. The farmer is to be envied,
and if he is not contented with his lot he
is lacking in wisdom."
—lf girls who eat onions will pat some
wood ashes in their mouths, add boiling
water and then stand on the back part of
tbe range about two boars the; will kill
the odor sufficiently to allow the man to
sit on the same sofa with them for at least
an hoar.
—The extent to which the human body
can be mutilated without causing death
is beyond what most people think. Of
course the removel of the largest limb is
a familar fact, but the successive removal
of all tbe limbs would in most cases result
in nothing worse than inconvenience. In
.the same way the internal organs my be
extirpated. One kidney may be removed
and the other will make up for the loss by
doing double work. One eye may be tak
en out and tbe sight remains practically
unimpaired. Large portions of the brain
may be removed with no injury to life or
intellect. A portion of the intestines has
been cut out and the ends sewed together
and their normal action and lunction bave
] not been interfered with.
—Custom is a most unrelenting and
heartless tyrant. Its decrees are more im
perative than those of the Czar of Russia.
You must marcu with the procession
whether it is right or wrong.He who dares
to step aside from the beaten track and sug
gest better way, is pointed at as a crank
or a fool.
—Every bottle of Arnica <fc Oil Lini
ment sold is warranted by the proprietors
to give satisfaction or money will be re
—An assembly of over 5,000 persons at
Oroshaza, in Hungary, throws a furthor
light on the condition of the working
classes in that country. At this gather
ing, after one of tLe speakers had describ
ed the destitution of the agricultural lab
orers, a demand was made for a redaction
of the day's work to 12 hours.
—Mr. Beerbohm Tree, tbe English actor,
is said to have received tbe following let
ter: Veneered Sir:—l wish to go on the
stage, and I would like to join your the
ater. 1 have been a bricklayer five years,
but having failed in this branch, 1 bave
decided to take to acting, it being easier
work. lam not young, but am six feet
without my boots. I have studied "Bell's
Elocution," and am fond of late hours."
—"Yes, we had a frightful experience,"
sard the returned traveler; "have you any
idea how it feels to be hemmed in by ice
bergs?" "I think I have," replied the
other; "I once attended a 5 o'clock tea in
Drunkenness, the Li ucr Habit, Pos
ivtly Cured by adimnstering Dr.
} i : a "Oilc'tn Spate."
It is manufactured as a powder, which
can be given iu a glass of lieer, a cup <>t
cllec <>r tea,or in food, without the know
ledge of the patient. It is absolutely
harmless. and will allect a permanent and
speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod
erate drinker or aa alcoholic wreck. It has
been given in thousands of cases, and iu
every instance a perfect cure has followed.
It never fails. The system once impregnat
ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter
impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex
ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book «!
particulars tree. Address, Golden Specific
Co.. 185 Race St.. Cinclnnatti O.
—To secure better roads in Centre coun
ty the supervisee of the several townships
have decided to hire men to work on the
roads regularly during the spring, summer
and autumn months. Their respective
townships will be divided into districts,
and a man to whom the contract of re
pairs is awarded will be responsible for the
care of the road in bis district, liable to
a-iy damages resulting from tbe bad con
dition of the same.
—An official order has been issued from
headquarters stating that the division of
the National Guard of Pennsylvania will
encamp at Gettysburg feom August 11 to
18. Several of the Uuited States army
organizations will encamp with the guards
—The philosopher who said that all
things come to him that waits, might have
added that the mau who goes after them
gets them much sooner.
Consumption auro.'y Cured.
Tc Tfl_ SniTor.:—lufoim ycnrrevlm
that I nmro a ponltWn rmneuy for tL«' i! "vn -iMn. 1
dlneaai'. E; 3 tlmclv iim thousands ol v
cuoa have t« . a puruatMijily run J. I 1 .
to tic jd twj -.i'llo-j ol in} remedy I'UK; .
jor.. readers -» have cmiKU<!:ption tf M.t*y v.
xotL. li azi'l F. O. vlilrpH. Uespt-et
"OOX T. M a. isi PAI-i st. :J. i
—The real American workingman is still
minding his own business and waiting elect
ion day. He isn't tramping, shouting,
fhooting or throwing stones.
—The town marshall of lola, Kan., in
terrupted a poker game; and the man wbo
was about to opeu a big jackpot on au aoe
full has been persuaded by a lawyer to be
gin suit agaiust the municipality for dam
—The deadly wild parsnip is getting in
its work this season' Three children in
Williamsport who ate tho root died from
tho affects last week.
—The immensity of the Pennsylvania
railroad's lines can be judged Irom the fol
lowing; Every minute there are 19 tons
of coal, 370 gallons of water and 11 gallons
of oil used, and it has on it* rolls 104,000 em
—Mamma—What is the matter?
Little Jack—Me an' sister was playin'
keep house, an' I was Pa an' she was the
governess, an' she told me to kiss her, an'
when I did she slapped me bard—boo, hoo!
I did'nt know that was in the game.
Mamma (thoughtfully) Neither—did—-I.
—A breach of promise case, of Sarah
McCreaton, a widow of 50 or 60, against
Joseph Rowen, about two thirds her age,
for SIO,OOO damages, occupied the atten
tion of the court at Mercer la»t week. The
jury returned a verdict of SIBB A niece
of the plaintiff has a similar suit against
the fame defendant on the same charge
and for the same amount. In the mean
time Bowen had married. All the parties
are from Wilmington township.
—The town ol New Hope, Pa., with a
population of about 1,200, appears to be
having an epidemic of twins, no less than
fifteen pairs being born there lately.
a ft -Itho big blundering, old-fash-
I ioned pill, probably. And
it A there's no reason why you
E / should You can get bettor
Br help, and more of it, with
E> things that aro easier to take
IfrVv ami easier in their ways— Dr.
ft u Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
■ 111 They'ro the smallest In size,
■ VI and tho jilrunantrtt remedy,
l\i)\ all the way through.
I \
\ \ -H| liver, stomach, or towels, these
F V / tiny Pellets will give you more
good. They have a tonio or
strengthening effoct on the lining membranes
of the intestines. This assists and increases
the natural action of the bowels, and per
manrntly cures Jaundice, Biliousness. Dis
sint'ss, Kotir Btomooh, Indigestion, ana con
■eriuont stujMjr or dr<>'vsinuss.
For breaking up atturks of Colds, Chills,
Fevers, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and kindred
derangements resulting from severe exposure,
nothing cap equal them.
They re guaranteed to give satisfaction, in
every case, or your money is returned. You
par only for tbo good you get. This is true
only of Dr. Fierce s medicines.
What offer could be more business-like I
And all people that Btand
in need of fine wholesome
Btimnleutß will find besides
Finch's Golden Wedding, (Jib-
Bon's and Old Dougherty
whiskey's the finest and best
brands of liquors. Kept by
Robt.* Lowin,
13C W uter St.
Opposite P. «t 0. Depot, Pittsburg, Pa
Trv Grandfathers' Choice, warranted s
t old, 12.00 per gallon.-;
By comparing notes with your friends, yon will find that the beat of them ,
trade with US. Why? Because they save money. We have never been j
in the habit of advertising prices,for as a general thing goois qnoted low are j
inferior stock, but we have a few things this sprine that we take pride in !
quoting the prices. We call your attention to our TJ S. Pants, good strong j
Jeans, full lined, never rip, for only 65c. No. 2, better grade, usually sold
at $1.25, only 96c. No. 3, the best grade, sold every where for $1.50, only
$1 10 Fine styles in CW. onlv $1 00 all warranted to never rip Fine
Union Co's Pants only $1.40, worth $2 25. Seamless Hose only sc.
Ladies Stockings only 3c per pair. All the latest styles and novelties in
Scarf Pins. Fine gold filled Rings, warranted for five years, 25 to 50c
A big bargain, a solid nickel Watch, nickel movement, stem-wind, pendent
set, O. F , good timekeeper only $5 00.
We carry regularly a large and varied stock of Men's, Boy's and Chil
dren's Saits and Pants, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars. Cuffn, Ties, Handker
chiefs, Hosiery, Hammocks, Trunks, Y&lices, Satchels, Brushes, Combs,
Purses, Pocket and Bill Books, Umbrellas. Overalls, Jackets, Watches,
Chains and Charms for Ladies or Gents, Collar and Cuff Buttons, Scarf
Picß in all the latest novelties, Electric Diamond Rings in endless variety
at all prices to suit the times, When you read this over do not imagine
that these are old inferior stock, they are brand new and the best value
ever offered in Butler, and will bear the most critical examination.
We court comparison and defy competition. Give us a fair trial, and
our word for it, von will never regret it.
Champion Clothier, Hatter
and Furnisher.
everything in horse and buggy fur
nishing goods —Harness, Oollars, Whips,
Dusters, Saddles, etc.
,A.lso trunks and valises.
Repairing done on short notice.
The largest assortment of 5-A. Horse
blankets in town will be found at
■ J i
Every young man and woman should receive such an edueation
as they can obtain at Clark's School of Commerce, Butler, Pa. or at
the New Castle Business University, New Castle, Pa. The schools
are under the same management.
You will save time and money by attending one of these schools
Write to D. G. CLARK, President, New Castle, Pa., or F. G.
JOHNSTON, Secretary, Butler, Pa.
ray fV — l l Tf T7* P > GENTS' GOLI), LADIES' GOL1).
x YWTIT"T ¥» TT ) Gold Plus, Ear Rings, Rings,
*J XA W JKM JU .EV JL ) Chains, Bracelets, Etc.
TT 17° D 111 M Tea Sets. Castors, Uutter Dishes anil Everjlhlnt
JL U If J2* JCV W il Jts- MIM ( tliat can be found In a tlrst class store.
Nc. 139, North Main St., BUTLER, PA.,
The place to buy
etc, is at
W 11. O'Brien & Noil's.
1 07 East Jefferson Street.
Cures flrtKht's Disease, Dropsy, tiravel. Nerv
ousness. Heart. Urinary of l.lver Diseases.
Known by a tired lanqutd feeling; loading of
the kidneys weakens and poisons the blood,
and unless cause Is removed you cannot have
health. Cured me over live years uuo of lirlKht's
Disease and Dropsy.—MHß. I. 1.. C. Mi U.K. a,
Bethlehcin, I'a. 1,000 other similar testimonials.
Try It. Cure guaranteed.
CANN'H kItMKY CI'KE CO.. T*o Vrnsnno
St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Sold by All Reliable Druggists.
and Obscure Diseases speedily and permanently
cored by the celebrated Ept-clall*t.
DR. LOBB, 3 Ph.lada s !PF?-
ifo doc«n»tum, noralw representation. 1 will cure
vou p#»*lttT«ly and inako vt»u Yltroruiui and •tronjr.
Traatmciitby mall a*pu laity and strictly« onfldentlal
m I EWIS* 98 % LYE
■ rorouzß AHC mrTicxs
Hn. The»«POi»*e»t and fye
mxtn. cnltko other f.ro. It bvlng
A a flus powder atnl pa< kf<d In a can
• with reniavabiti lid, ttio cuctriits
are alwayn r. a<ly for lie. «til
make tho heal IX-rfuuirt
In 20 minutes wltbunt bolllnß.
It la tl,e l»ea« forclnaoslug waaw
fIV plpefc dlfcltifertlnf llnkv rlt»et*
■■ waalUnff bottles, paints, trees, etc.
yea. kgu., ruiia., I'a.
r Llj^nes
MMPTOIIK-Molftarcl Intrnw itchlnc and
■tlnslncs m«»*t nt nl#hlt w ar*r by wrttlrbl"#. Ir
SKwelU continue tumor, f nm mud pratr.dr
whlcS often blrnl •«'! «l<-rralc, bfcomlnf JJT
lire. »\V A Y xF* OI STMK> F lh,
mod blrfilr*, bn»l« »lf»riitl»"; 1
rrmo- ibiTumorn. A»J» t*»u t UrnggU* **
To mylarge new baildinK. Federal
street w here everyone will have the choice
of the largest anil most complete stock ol
the <Mc*t and best Brandies, Hye Whis
kies, Wines, etc. in the city. A. A. pure
live #J.OO gal.; Tippecanoe, li ye" <>ld,
'lo, Cabinet, *-'.50; Bridgeport Si Thomu
son's Export pure Kye. s?s.t>o per gal.;
Golden Wedding, Gibson's and Robinson
Co Kves, Dougherty s, Monticollo and
Hannisville.»s.so;also the finest 3 vear old
California Wines, eight brands, dry snd
sweet, $1 50 l'« r tf" l -'' l m P orted «" od .!
special low tigures. Ordsrs per mail
promptly attended to. No extra charge
r.r in in or packing. Telephone
ror jogs or is A. AHDBIICSHKN,
AH forms of Delicate and Cmn
plicated Diseases rcquirlngOo*.
FIOKNTI A i. anilSciKKTiric Med
ication aro treated nt this Dis-
Hi* i iry with a success, .arcly attained. Dr. 8.
I\ l.akc Is? member of the ltov.il College of 1 liy
iiciars arid Hurgt'u.ir, and Is the ol lest and must
-\p i it-nocd SPECIALISE in UiocltT. Spcc.'al at
ii-ntlon ,"ivcn to Nervous Debility trom excessive
nil iat exertion, Indiscretion of youth,etc., caus
ing physical and mental decay,lack of energy,
Icspou Vncy, etc.; also Cancers < »ld Mores, r its,
I'ilc . Rheumatism, and all <lls;*aaespf tbenkin.
I )>> ,d. I .iinß%t.'rlnary<»rgnn.s«.te. , Consultation
"no and strictly confldt utii.l Ofßcc hours. It to
i a id ; to S r. H.; Sundays, 2 to 4 p., M. onlr.
: at oflro or ad.liens T-AKK. C« { i
, , v E. ASD<THSX..PITI BUBOH.1 1 .
» Well
THE GREAT 20th Dny-
I'rodures the A bote UesiiltS In 30 Daji. It » ct ®
powerfully and quickly. Cures WHEN all others
fail. Youmt men will regain lh» Ir lost manhood,
and old men will recover their youthful vliior
by usinp VITALIS. It quickly at:d surely re
stores Nervousness, Lost vitality, Im potency.
Nightly Kmlsslons. Lost Power, I- ailing Mem
ory. Wasting Diseases, and all effects or »< .1
abuse or excess and indiscretion. \\ ards off
Insanity and consumption. Insist on having
VITALIS. no other. Can too carried In vest
pocket. I»Y mall. *I.OO I*T package or six for
■6.00, with • posltlte written xnarqntto tuearS
or I*ru!id the nionrr. Circular free. Address
CAILSLT BEBlftT COMI'AUr, thlcsgo, 111.
For Sale at City Pharmacy.
Rough and Worked Lumber
or ALL KllfbS
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
jAlways In Stock.
Otto* opposite P. «t W._Repot,"
At reasonable prices is the particular attraction at the
D. r r. PAPE.
French Pattern hats and bonnets, and latest novelties in milli
nery. Habies and little girls receive our careful attention. It .vil
pay you to examine our stock before buying elsewhere.
122 S. 1*) "T T t )]-r 122 S.
MAIN ST. 1 • - c AV* MAIN S
Contains no fusel oil. It is carefully distilled
from the HEAVIEST grain and the PUREST
of MOUNTAIN WATER. It is s .red i.i
heated warehouses for over eight year befo: _•
being bottled. Chemists have analyzed if and
find it
Physicians use it and prescribe it daily, and say
that it is a PERFECT STIMULANT. Hospi
tals throughout the country will use no other.
The price is $1.50 PER FULL QUART. For
those who do not care for such a very old
whiskey, but still want It ABSOLUTELY
PURE, we have the following
DUQUESNE $1 25 per quart
BEAR CREEK $1 00 per quart
GUCKENHEIMER, 6 years old $1 00 per quart
GIBSON, " " " $1 00 per quart
FINCH, " " " $1 00 per quart
OVERHOLT, " " " SIOO per quart
GUCKENHEIMER, 4 years old 75 per quart
For $1.50 per gallon and upward. On all orders
amounting to $5.00 or over,WE PAY ALL EX
for complete catalogue and price list, mailed
upon application to
Mo 82 Federal St., Allegheny, Fa.
J e wel ry-Si 1 ver ware- -Clock s,
Purchasers can saA r e from 25 to 50 per
cent by purchasing their watches, clock'
and spectacles of
J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler,
No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block.
Sign of Electric Bell and Clock.
All are Respectfully Invitcf
—"Remember our Repairing Department —20 years Experience.
Wholesale Liquor Dealer,
_ _ Pittsburg, Pa
403 Ferry St., - .
Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty.
Trial orders solicited.
One Square Below Diamond Maiko
New York Weekly Tribune
The Butler Citizen
Addressed! order* to THE CITIZEN