the citizen FRIDAY, JUNE I,IW BOTLKB UI A population of aboutifcooo. It is the Oountjr seat of Butler County, with railway*, natural fas. and unequalled facilities tor mecutaeturea. Progress e^rywhere; new bondings, new »«nnhrtiifw a and prosperous town. New York Weekly Tribune—Free. By special arrangements made for ear so doing, we are enabled to offer to all oar sabsoriberi who pay arrearages, (if any) and one year in advance, and to all new subscribers paying in advance, the New York Weekly Tribuiu free for one year. For further particulars of this offer see ad vertisement. New Advertisements. Executor's notice, estate cf Isaac Wise. Teachers' Examinations. Kaufmanns' hot wave dress goods. Show notices. NOTB—AiI advertisers intending to make cangea in their ads. should notify ns of their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. LOCAL AND GENERAL Dear woman wants tbe earth for sleeve, She want* tbe sky for bat; She also wants a knothole when She sees a mouse or rat. —A snow-storm seemed imminent on Mondsy morning. —Tbe registry 'i»ts should be hanging at *ll tbe polling pi .ces, this week. —Rimersborg, Clarion Co., was almost entirely destroyed by fire, last Saturday. —Tbe disease called "yellows" has at tacked thousands of the peach trees of this county. —Mis. Vandeibilt rejoices in the posses sion of the most beautiful cat in tbe world; itoost no less than SI,OOO. —Some of our bicyclers have lately knocked children down, while tnrniog cor ners. and tbe police threaten arrests. —Johnny Richey has bad some trouble regarding partition walls, and bas there fore given up building at present. —The monument committee will meet Jane 6th at 7 P. M. in Ralston A Greer's office. A terrible accident happened on the P it W. this morning. Joe Orbison's silk bat was run over and is a complete loss. WAXTBD: Dock and goose eggs for hatch ing. A fair price paid. Address at once, with prices, etc. Nixons Home, Batler. —The Pittsburg ball club climbed into first place on Tuesday by defeating Bal timore, while New York defeated Cleve land. —The next bicycle race will probably be annonnoed before long. Tbe distance will likely be fifteen or twenty miles and the prises will be something nice. —There are now 12 or 14 head of horses in training at the race track here, and the Bowser Bros., of Kittanning, have made arrangements to bring 30 Head of theirs over. —A small brown worm, btving a yellow •tripe aroand it, is catting off tbe corn in aome seotions. It cats it off just above Sond and then follows the plant down to e seed, catting as it goes. —Some citisens of Gallery and vicinity lately drilled a water well 177 feet deep, eased it 105 feet, and now have a supply of ?ure and soft water. Tbe woll princes 1,000 gallons daily. —The house of Frank Fisher in Jackson twp., was struck by lightning and badly injured a few days ago. Miss Frances Fisher was made unconscious for an hour by the shock. —The rain pat a damper on tbe obser vance of Decoration day; bat the people of Ba()er assembled in tbe Court room, and beard some good music and listened to a well prepared and appropriate oration by J. C. Scott. —There will be an ice cream and Uraw berry entertainment at tbe W. C. T. U. Hall, W. Jefferson Bt. on Friday evening Jane Ist, for the benefit of tbe Fountain Pond. Their *lll be no meeting of tbe W. i C. T. U. on Friday afternoon. 1 —County Superintendent McCollough, this week, advertises (be "Teachers' Er aminations 'for North Washington, West Sunbury, Slipperyrock and Prospect, as i see noboe in another place Examinations will also be held in Batler on tbe last Sat ardays of Jane, July and August. —The basa ball game on Deo oration day i between the Holy Ghost College club of : Pittsburgh, and tbe home team, was al most completely spoiled by the rain. Tbe faroe was called in the sth inning to allow the visitors to catch a train, wben tbe soore was 12 to 9 iu tbeir favor. —Dr. Emmanuel, member of tbe State Phamaoeatieal board, cn Tbursday < brought charges against D. A. Harvey for dispensing drugs without a diploma. Squire MoAboy discharged Mr. Harvey, as be has only a business interest in the City Pharmacy and does not put up any prescriptions. — S. B. Martinoourt A Co. have placed on tbeir wooden sbow-horse a set of har ness ot their own make, and will make a present of tbe harness to the person gues sing nearest to the exact weight of the horse. Tbe book to register tbe guessing will be open next Monday and will close at noon of July 20tb. —Tbe verdict in tbe case of Frank Clark versus tbe borough of Butler for damages caused ss be claimed because of tbe grade of tbe street fronting bis property on tbe Diamond, beitig lowered, was for tbe de fendant, or in other words, Clark guts nothing. Out on West Pearl St the prop erty of Loyal Brackney was injured to some extent, and the Council settled with him last week for $125. —At the coming meeting of tbe Alle gheny Co. Medical society, tbe Jail physi cian will ask that body to appoint a com mittee to look into tbe matter of executions and if possible devise some method more speedy and less shocking than banging If this can be done, the next session of leg islature will be called upon to pass a bill in accordance with tbe committee's find ing. The Hill case has plainly shown that some new method is necessary. —Two oi tbe veiwers appointed by tbe if'© Court to assess damages lor that part of that old grave yard which the School Board has approprated for school purposes, Hewers Humphrey and Robner, viewed tbe premisos last Thursday and awarded damages to tbe heirs of Norbert Folu in $433.33, and to tbe heirs ot Samuel Cun ningham in $566.66.-or SIOOO, in all. This award it is said will be appealed by the heirs of N. Foltz, and so the matter will rest for a time. —W. E. Tustin tbe affable general man ager of tbe Pbcenix Co. was up from Pitts bnrg for several days of this and last week, and enthused those of our citizens who ■poke to him on tbe new railroad. He is Just as earnest in affirming that tbe rail road will be built as at first. Hut it is a project tbat moves slowly. Tbe contract nas not been let for building the road, as was reported recently, and the manager could not say when this would take place, but it will come sooner or Inter. It is now generally understood tbat tbe survey for a railroad from Allegheny to Butler which was recently made are in the interests of this Co's survey from here to Butler and manj are of the opinion that it is f ar more reaching than this.—East Brady Review. —The Meadville byoicle race was run on Decoration Day in spii* of the fact that the roads were very muddy. The Batler boys entered were Paul E. Cronenwett, David Ensminger, Norman Bredin, Ernest and George Cronenwett,and others. Tbe distance was 13 miles to Saegertown and return, and various handicaps were given. Paul Cronenwett was toe only scratch man, although all the best riders of Greenville, Meadville, Erie, Franklin, eto , were tbere. The race waa won by Kasher of Geneva in 1 hr. and lty seo., with Ensminger 4th with seeond time. Croneiwett broke down when half way, wben be bad Just caught all tbe men. He would "have won easily, it is thought. —See tbe bargains we are offering to fine Henriettas. Just think of it, $1 00 iroHe for 68 cents and 75 cent yoode for £>9 cents at L. STEIN A 801 rp. LEGAL NEWS. Court lor the trial of ctf il causes was continued thi* week with Judges Greer Harry White of Indiana, presiding: and up to the time of our ifmng to press the fol lowing cause* on the list have been dispos ed of. TEIAL* LIST FOB THIS WBKK. Catharine Pfeiffer vs J S Brown et al. Verdict for detendant. P 8 Clark vs Boro of Butler. For de fendant. C E Shirley vg E L and Jos Portman. Settled by the parties. Denny, David and Jas Logan vs Martin k Kline. Jury found *317 damages for plaintiffs. Jhe case of the Oil Well Supply Co. vs D L Allen and wife was continued. John Balfour TS C T Russell and George Rindfnss. Under instructions from Court the jury returned for defendant. Jos Harbison vs Standard Plate Glass Co. By direction of Court veraict for $122 94 returned for plaintiff. Motion for new trial made by defendant. W E Cooper vs Tbos B Smith, continu ed. Jas Norman v* Jas E Bauman, Defen dant confessed judgment for sl6. The case of Millerstown Lodge Knights of Pythias vs H J Ileyl and S D Bell was continued. L J McQuistion vs Geo Schoffner. For defendant. Leonard Schenck vs W H Gardner and others. Verdict fives plaintiff S2OO dam ages. H P Double vs Union Heat and Light Co. On trial. Loyal Brackney vs Butler Boro. Set tled. KOTBR. The will of Isaac Wise of Penn twp. was probated and letters to Calvin and Geo B Wise. Letters of adm'n were granted to John Humphrey on estate of Wm Hockenberry late of Worth twp. The wills of Lydia Barrickman of Butler twp., John Martin of Prospect, Mar} N Campbell of Concord twp and Cassie Elder of Butler were probated. The will of Elizabeth Adams, late of Washington twp. was probated and letters granted to I N Meals Last Friday was sentence day in the U. S. District Court in Pittsburg and quite a number of convicted counterfeiters, post office robbers and others received various sentences ranging from 13 months to 6 years in the pen. On Thursday last the Pardon Board re commended that Gov Pattison respite J. N. Hill, the murderer of Mrs. Roetrler, for four months; and it is thought be will die from natural causes before the end of that time. LATB PBOPBBTY TKAKSKKBS. Laura E. Beckwith to Joel Beckwith I—3 acres in Slipperyrock for SSOO Joel Beckwith to U M Reddsck 118 acres in Slipperyrock for $2957.50. R P. Scott to M L Starr lot in I etrolia for $22 50. . Jas Shields to Harrison Shields - acres in cloaks ever known at L. STEIN A SON'S ' Now is tbe time to buy a cloak at your own price. They must all be sold as we carry none over to next , season. L. STEIN & SON. —Everybody wa nts some l ful plant* this summer. Com e y City Bakery any time and make a selection. Personal. Col. Jackson, of New Castle, orated at both Zelienop'e and Harmony, Wednes day. Joel Beckwith is home from West Virginia. Prof. McCollough and W. 11. Hitter were among tbe Butler men at Hariisburg last week; also Ross and Al. Mechling. of West Sunbury. Phil. Nast and family are visiting friends in Hornellsville, X. Y. Mrs. Carrie O'Brien, of Baltimore, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Esq. Cramer of Buffalo twp. T. B. Scott of St. Joe has removed to Butler. John M. Shim of Parker twp. and R. J. Thompson ofSunburypii l tb-j CITIZEN a p'easant visit Tuesday. Paul Kiester of Kiester was in town on Tuesday on business connected with his office of collector. W. W Blackburnc and wife of Pitts burg visited John F. Lowry on Sunday. Mr. Hlackburue is connected with Carne gie, Phipps it Co. Nicholas Weitzel ot West Liberty made the CITIZEN office a nlea.-aut call on Tues day Rev. G W. Critc low preached me morial sermon . t Prospect, his old home, on last Sunday Cntchlow ua« charge an English Lutheran Chare h at Saegers town, Crawford countv. Joseph A. Douthett of Brownsdale was in town Tuesday, he drives a very fine team. C. Boyd and family returned Monday from a visit to friends in Saryersville. Lea.-ureville, Slate Lick and Taientnm. Miss Florence Wick of West Pearl St, entertained the Ancient Art Club on Sat urday night. Newton Black returned, Monday morn ing, from a visit to bis parents in Cali fornia. He greatly enjoyed his trip and i« looking well. Protlionotary Seaton spent Decoration day at Harrisville. S. F. Bowser was speaker at that place. Miss Sadie Steelsmith is home from school at Pittsburg. Harry Bell is back from W. & J. College, having graduated tbere. S. M. Wiehl, of Zelieuople, who has been goffering from a nervous affictiou for Home time, is thinking of going to the Cumberland mountains in Eastern Tennes see for the benefit of his health. He is still able to work a little in bis garden which is one of the best in the Coanoque neasing valley.—Settt. Bill Roa, has had such a longing for his old home in the soap mines of Butler Co. that he rigged up a miniature soap factory in the rear of the Burgess office this morn ing and poifted the odor as it aseeniUd from the steaming kettle with evident sat isfaction. Sqrirc Piper also inhaled the perfume which reminded him of the long ago when he used to wallow in the grease pots of Butler county.— Beaver Falls Journal. Mr. Fred Abel, oi Allegheny City, and Mis* Maggie Mershimer, ol Euclid, left last Tuesday morning over the P. S a complete suc cess in every way and a large sain was re alized for the Order of the Elks, under whose auspices tne opera was given. Mr. C. A Parker, as Ko-Ko, the Lord High Executioner, was immense and kep-. everyone completely nnder the influence of bis merriment, His singing, acting, facial gestures, and in fact, his whole stage presence, seemed to catch the audience ex uctlv. Miss Marie Sandol of Pittsbarg, saag the part of Vum-Y am. Her personal attractions, sweet and cultivated voice, and graceful acting added much to the part, and assisted very much to create the good impression made by the lovers. Xan ki Poo. taken by Mr. Jas. Colgrove, aiso of I'itisburg. made sad havoc among the sun tbe leading com ediau and singer of the Strauss Opera Co the Andrews Opera Co, the Parker Opera Co. tho Ideal Opera Co. Parker is addi tionly a professional ball player Mr Col grove is a bonk keeper i i the Oil Well Sup ply Co. offices al Pittsburg. Mr. Duncan is also a member of the Ideal Opera Co. Mis« Sandol is a daughter of Dr Sandol one of the leadiug pby»icauß of East Uud, aud a very fine gentleman. Mrs Holmes, of Oil Citv, is the widow of the late John Holmes, P & W. K. R. conductor, and sings in the Baptist church. Tho members of the company gave thoir services to the charity fund and all they got was expenses. There is talk of a permanont organisa tion of tbo Bntler singers in tbe Mikado, for the purpose of keeping togaiber and giving other operas from time to time. It is to bo hoped that any such step which will assist in cultivating the masioal taste of Batler will be a success. For Sale. Two Jerßey hejfera—pure blood ed aud cheap. Euquire of P. Killon, South Washington Street Butler, Pa I Peremptions m A Specialty. At Redick's Drag Store. We do not handle anything but pure drugs, next time you are in need of medicine please give us a call We are headquartera for pure SODA WATER as v. use only pure fruit juices, we also handle Paris Green, hellebore, iop-ct piwder, London purple and otLer insecticides. Respectfully, J. 0: REDICK, M niii M..i t>t iißiti Ie profitably employed. If you h«V6 a team, so much the better. Space will not permit us to give details here; but if you will drop us a line we will wrile you fully. This is a r.irc opportunity, the work is pleasant and honorable, the remuneration large, the busi ness permanent. No capital required. No risk. ».W. ZIEGL ER & C0.(Bo* r- , • ' ' ' I'f ** '• atn •»«ue»TVVrtM / n<>* A Hant.inVurt'Hu bunday School Convention. The 17th annual convention of the But ler County Sabbath School Ass'n, will be held at Harmony on June 26, 27 and 28, 1894. The officers in charge are Kev. I). Decker. Pres., and Jos. Criswull. Sec'y. They have prepared the following program: First Session —Tnesday 8 p. m. Devotional Exercises; Address of Wel come, Jacob Silter; Response, Kev. Eli Miller; Topic: The Aim of the Sabbath School. Hoc. D. B. Donthett. Second Session —Wednesday 9 a. in. Devotional Exercises; Topic: Use and Abase of Lesson Helps, H. K. Sheffield and J. R Williams; Topic: How Can We Hold the Older Scholars, Rev W. S Mc- Nees: Teaching of Lessons fjr Jaly 1 n Box; Topic: Temper ance iu the Sabbath School, Kev. J. S Mc- Kec; Topic: Red Tape iu Sabbath School. F. P. Critchlow and H. S. Daabenspeck. Fourth Session —Wednesday 8 p. m Devotional Exercises; Lecture, S F. Bowser Esq. Fifth session—Thursday 9am Devotional Exercises; Business Meeting; Topic: Qualifications of a Successful Sab bath School Teacher. C. F Bollinger aud J. H. Sutton; Topic: Preparation for Class Work, Kev. F. B Cutler and S. W. Orr. Sensible— Xot Sensational. Many persons, seem to think that the Great Adam Forepaugh Shows waste au immense amount of tnouoy in advertising, and think that shows so well established and so extremely popular with tbe public, need only ;o announce their coming, to assure them all the business they are capa ble of taking care of. But Managers McCaddon i. (Butler ;tlme) The Short Line to Pittsburg. OKfAHT MOUTH. FROM SOUTH . C.25 a m Allegheny 9.25 a m, Alllegheny Ex 8.15 a m All'y & Akron 9S» a m.AI A N Castle 10.20 a m Allegheny Ac 12.J0 pm, All'y £ Ch'go 3.00 p m Allegheny Mall 5.06 pm. Allegheny Ex 350 p m Chicago Ex. Tas pm.All'y ft Akron oiopm All'y * Ell. Ex •).<» p m, Allegheny Ac OKFART NORTH. FROM NORTH. 10 05 a m Kane ft Brail. '8 05 a m. Foxburg Ac 5.15 p m Clarion Ac 9.50 am, Clarion Ac 7.3."> p m Foxburg |5.20 pm, Kane Mai SUNDAY TR4INB. DKI'ART SOUTH. PBOM SOUTH. 8.15 am. DeForest Ac 9.56 a m.Allegheny.'Ac 3.20 pm. <'hloa«o Ex 4.35 pm. AHflnheny F.x 6.10 p in. Allegheny AO 7.25 pm. DeForest Ac Train arriving at at 4.36 p m leaves B; 4: O de pot, Pittsburg, at 9 :40 o'clock. Ilutler and Ureenvllle Coach will leave Alle gheny- at 2:50 p. in, dally except Snnday. Con necting at Willowgrove, arriving at Butler at 4:35. Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and first-class Day (teaches run through between Butler and Chicago dally. For through tickets to points In the West Northwest or Southwest apply to A. B. CKOUCIL Agent Trains leave the B. « O. depot In PiUburg for the East as follows. For Washington D 0., Baltimore. Philadel phia. a«i New York. 12:20 and 9« p. m. Cumberland. 8:15, 2 :?o, 1 :10. 930 p. m. Con nelsvllle. 8:15. IjJ:W. 1.10. 4.30, 5.50 and 9.20 p. m. Unlontown. 8.15 a. m . l 10. 4.90 and 550 p. m. Mt. Pleasant. 8:15 a in.. 1.10 and 430 p. in. Washington. Pa. 7.25 and 915 a. m„ 4 00, 4.45 and p. m. Wheeling. 7.25 and. 9.15 a. m.. 4.00. 9.25. 11.25 p.m. Cincinnati. 8t Louis. Columbus and Newark, 7.25 a. m., 9.96 11.25 p. m. For Chicago, 2.40 and 9.3 ft p. m, Parlor auu sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash ington, Cincinnati and Chlcasro. PITT RBCBG, MIBNANGO A LAKE KRIK B.R. Takes effect Monday. April 2. 1894. Trains are run by dt* ndard central Time (:K>th Meridian.) One hour slower than City Time. iIOING NORTH. GOING SOUTH 10 U 12 "STATIONS j 9 11 1 n.m .... p.m. a.m. a.m. pm 4 20 Buffalo 1 o 15 l- lo a. m, 7 00 1158 10 to Erie 6 06 8 40 3 35 0»5 123 925 Wallace Junct «42 927 412 # 20 1 18 9 16 Glrard 0 40 9 31 4 15 0 09 1 08 9 03 Lock port R69 9 42 4 26 • itt 101 115.. .Cianesvllle a io ...T.lio 31 ~ .Conneaut....|. ..i 7 40, 3 io 6 43|.....| «40ar T l 1 103, J 613 5 57!1J 67| 849 ar .Albion lv 711 9 3614 87 54319 45 8 3t ( ... Hiadeland . 7231004 451 54»1242 832 Hnrlnubor" 7 '■* lu 07 486 5 831.2 3.V 825 7 » J® ?<£ < o*|l2 1» 8 05; .. Mea'v'le Jet- 8051tJ6 696 t 63 7 38llv Conn't Lake. .1— 10 171 4 5.i ...J 8 18 ar ar! 8 16,10 60| S 37 4 28 7 00 lv. Meadvllle. lv i 9 flOi 4 28 p m ... . 8 42 ar ar! 8 42 11 25| 0 03 - No 2 II 43 7 28| Osgood No 1 111 00 4 53 p m I a. m 1 6 23 U 36 7 lol....Greenville ... 6 30 11 15 r, 0 V IB II 25 7 or, ....Hhenango ... 6 40.11 28 6 2 55H 11 02 647 ... Frcdonia 7 0:i|ll 48 63" 5 :t» 10 44 e 281 Mercer 7 22 1* 07 7 0* •. 25 10 29 0 12! t'ardoe 7 .1612 22 7 1 513 10 2O 6 00 ....drove city... 7 47 12 33 7 2' 5 (10 10 08 548 llarrlsvllle.... 7 58 12 46 7 3- 1 52 io oo 5 40.... Branchtoa.... 8 06|12 54 7 4 4 55 7 45 1 8 351 lv', 7 35 12 15, 7 26 545; Bis VP ar . IllllUril .lv li 50 II 15| 6 4.' 4 16! !l 551 5 35|lv Kclsters ...| S 10112 581 749 4 32 9 42 6 21 Euclid 8 22 I 12 8 03 4 >o| 9 Is| 4 so| .Butler I 8 50| 1 42| 8 32 1 50, 7 20 . r Allegheny, PAW 11 lOi 8 601 • Pin a in I lp. in p. m ... J. T. BLAIR General Manager. Greenville. i a W. G. SAKGEANT, G. P. A„ Meadvllle. Pa. EASTER! \Z. Oar tnilliDPry depnrtmpiit id full of the Dcwest and cboiwat (cood«. Beautiful and Artistic "Patterns," newpftt ideas in untrimmed hats and bonnets. French tffectß in jet Braids and laces M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 to 117 S. Main 8t , - - Butler. a feV&aitt.ig |)M. ii v»nicacr>. LORD^THOiA^ A Suggestion. f"Wri Suuivmri / Did it ever occur to you that there an drugs and drags—that drug* are like every thing else—there are good, bid and indif ferent There is nothing «lse which is positively bad if it is'nt just of the best. Our policv" has alwtjs been to have noth iug but (he best. When you want drags come to us and be assured of f'esh pure goods, and always what you ask for or your prescription calls for. It may not alw'ays be drugs yon want either. We always have on hand a full line of sick room requisites.; C. ITT, BOYD, Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa. THE BUTLKK 'XJUNTV NATIONAL BANK, BLTLRR, PA. CAPITAL PalCO. - -* - '~t100.040.0i. KtHPLfS Asl> PKOriTS, - $4(1,569 «4. OFFICERS : Jos. Hartman. Prest. J. V. Rltts. Vice Pres't. c. A. Bailey, ("ashler, DIRECTORS : Jos. Hartman, C. P. Collins. N. M. Hoover ohn Humphrey. J. V. Rata, R. K. Ah runs, Leslie Hazlett I. f}. Smith, W. 8. Waldron. VT. Henry Wilson, M. FlneKau. A general banking business transacted. In terest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. Foreign ejeehangre bought an J sold. Insurance Company of Xorth America, lOJd year, Assets $9,278,000; Home of New York, Assets $9,000,000; Hartford of Hart ford, Assets $7,378,000; Phtunix of Brook lyn, Assets $5,000,000; Continental of New York, Assets $6,380,01*); New York Life, Assets $13",499,000. £ £. AFIHAMS & CO. Off}..® in HU3ELTON BUILDING, near Court Ilnute, Butler, Pa. LIST OF UNSEATED LANDS To be sold for taxes by County Treasurer John T. Martin,at public outcry,at tbe Court Houye in Cutler, Pa., on MONDAY THE 11th OF JUNE, 1894, AT I O'CLOCK, P. M, ALLEGHENY TOWSBHIP. Owners. acres. yr». amt tax Negley Anderson et al | 100 18f»l 19 00 Campbell JJ & Brandon 294 1891 30 63 8 A Campbell 275 1891 62 06 W B Sedwiiik 15 1891-2 20 57 Robert Barron 50 1»92 13 07 Heed J Oaiupbell 113 1892 36 91 William Kennedy 171 1892 36 91 John McCune 20 189 i 4 97 A M Thompson 40 1892 400 BtTTLEU Book C C house and lot 1891 2 41 Potts heirs 10 1891 1 31 B W tress lot 1893 1 31 John Dunn lot 1892 3 22 T S McUinnis "lot 1892 I 40 Joseph Carry lot 1892 1 40 Jacob Thompson 2 1893 i 31 BRAPY TOWNSHIP, Geo Ziegler 185 1891-2 28 3u John Allan 50 1893 3 27 CLINTON TOWNSHIP. W J Kiskadden 26 1891 6 18 .CONNOQUKNKSaiNO TOWNSHIP. W C Martin 7 1893 44 Detmore McKinney j) 1892 50 Geo Ziegler 50 1892 6 00 D W Brandon lot 1892 50 Mary MuGinnu 4J i 892 1 88 CLAY TOWNSHIP, ohn W.Allen 133 1891 lt> 10 CLEARFIELD TOWNSHir, M D Goldinger heirs 70 1891-2 29 45 Michael Kerr heir* 4 1891-2 153 White Martin 90 1892 10 12 CONCOBD TOWNSHIP. S A Fithian 14 1891-2 684 Starr & Britton 80 1891-2 40 27 A H Maxwell 150 1891 5 61 AD K a merer 5 1892 1 21 Forest Oil Co. 15liii li lectu« and daily Market Letter, mailed free. Hi|{he»t Hrfereuceii. Our record up to date 83 per cent, paid to the subscribe!* a* the result of • meration* from Dec.. lfrM to ApAjfj, 1534. " m * k * * <# Un \'x G. F. L. MCQUISTION, K.Vt.I.VKKK AXl>;sl KVKYOK, onto* Puwn». >nw r*. Yyy I THE WELL- Wnri 7 ££ J! 01 IfIATS J Werti-Hardman Art Co.. will open » Studio and Photo Par lors opposite the Hotel Lowry, Cor, Main and Jefferson SU., Butler, Pa. This will be the best lighted" and equipped Btudio and galleries in the the oounty. The work will be strictly first class and made under new formulas by the artist himself, who has had 15 years practical experience in large cities. Portraits in Oil, Crayon, Sepia. Pastel, Ac. In this line we have no competition, Our portrait* are mad* by hand In our own Studio, from sittings or from photos. Our work has reached the highest standard of excellence and is not to be compared with the ohMp ma chine made pictures furnished by othen. Wait for us; got your piotures from ua and be happy. mm* rn n MRU. local or travel USSR's?ssi " n " * Commission paid weekly. Outflt tree. Special attention ijiven to beginners. Wcrkere never (all to maxe good weekly wages. Write me at onoe for par iT 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman. (This house Is reliable.) S- T Pine Tree Farm, JAMESBUHG, N. J. The finest Pekin Docks and Ihits Tur keys in the World. S*nd for 32 page catalogue of hl|h-cla«« land and water fowl. 15 prifM at to* Mtdixm Squan Show, Frt. iWi