Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 25, 1894, Image 3

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FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1894
B crura bis a population of aboat 18.000.
It la tbe County seat of Butler County, with
Four railways, natural ffua, and unequalled
(acuities tor menoiacbirea.
Promts evrywbere; new bulidlnfs, new
manuracturea. a tfrowtn* and prosperous town.
New York Weekly Tribune-Free.
By special arrangements made for ear
•o doing, we are enabled to offer to all our
snbecribers who pay arrearages, (if any)
and one year in advanoe, and to all new
subscriber! paying in advance, the New
York Weekly Tribunt free for one year.
For farther particulars of this offer see ad
Mew Advertisements.
4-Paws Shows for Jane 4th.
Martinooart <t Go's Slaying*.
Biokels Shoes.
Zimmerman's Millinery.
Kaufmans Values
Executors notioe, estate of Robert Gil
Douglass, Wall Paper.
Sheriffs Sales tor June 8.
City Bakery's candies.
MOTS—AII advertisers intending to make
eanges in their ads. should notify as of
their intending to do to, not later than
Monday morning.
The picnic season now draws nigh,
That season donbly dear,
When ants crawl thro' the oastard pie
And bags crawl in one's ear.
—"A cool May brings much hay," is
what the old folks say.
—The commission to assess damages on
the old grave yard meet today.
—Simeon Nixon has two new horses
named Coxey and the Unknown. They
should have good wind power.
—A May party will be given by the
yoaog folks of the Methodist Charoh on
8s tar Jay afternoon.
—The Times will build a two story briok
office building on E. Canninghan St. this
—Geo. Stamm has 300,000 briok on hands
enough for the Troutman and Riot ey
buildings, for which he has the oontract.
—The Butler Co. Sabbath Bchool Con
vention will be held at Harmony, June 26,
27 and 28.
—The W. C. T. U. fountain on the
Diamond it largely patronized by both
man and beast.
—Fire ewes belonging to Henry Peters
of Cheery twp. this year gave birth to six
teen lambs.
—Summer excursion guide books remind
as of tbe nioe places that are just yearn
ing for oar presenoe.
—A litter of yoang rabbits with their
mother, attracted attention at tbe City
Bakery tbe first of the week.
The Laufmann tin plate mill near Free-
Crt was injured by the flooding of the Al
A t undred thousand people stood ou the
aide walks of Pittsburg and Allegheny,
Tuesday, to see the parade of the Knights
—When in Batler, Al. Heck would like
to compare some notes with yon. Read
his to that effect in another
—J. A. Riobey has removed bis store to
913 S. main St. and he will live in tbe
Byerly house on E Cunningham St. until
his new building is completed.
—GalvlnV Commonweal Army after a
checkered existence went to pieces at
Johnstown last week and left for parts un
—Rev. Limberg will bold oommanion
services in tbe Reft rmed Cnnrcb at Pros
pect next Sunday week, June 3rd, and
prepartory services Saturday, at 11 A. M
—The Springdale Band is composed of u
ac<>r« of the bright young ineu of town, led
by Gils Wiokenhagnn Tbey are fait be
ooming proficient and are open to engage
—One effect of the ooal miners strike
has been to increase th» production of all
the small coal banks scattered through tbe
eountry, the employee* <>( which do not
belong to 'be coal miners anion.
—Plant sl ile tress aim/ tie r.ia l and
the xupeivinor will allow yua one dollar for
every four growing trees, next year.
Maple* must be planted 50 foot apart, and
elm* 70 feet
—Th>- Udi.-s ol Buti«r now h;»ve their
reguUr "at lio.im" days f*Vr tile Norf.'i
Eastern part of town Wednesday is their
day, while Thursday serves for the South
—Tbe Allegheny Aooomodation on the
P. A W. now leaves Batler at 10. 20 A. M.,
the Chicago Express at 3. SO P. M. and the
Clarion Aooomodation at 5. 15 P. M.
For other ohangea in the P. & W. schedule
see Time Table in another oolumn.
—Our meat dealers say that calves were
never so plenty as they are this spring,
and as grass and hay promise to be abund
ant, why should not the best of these
oalves be raised. Butler oounty should
produce twice the beet she does, and that
of tbe beet quality.
—Tbe reliability of the Cleveland bi
cycle, advertised in our columns is shown
by the late road race. There were three
CleveUuds among the first five in, and the
wianer rode tbe favorite Cleveland No. 8
The seoond man rode an Eclipse, and J. E.
Forsythe sold it, as well as the three
Glevelands among the first five.
—Tbe question is, is (or are) measles
singular or plural. We don't pretend to
deoide, though Webster says Measles is a
plural noun. However, if a fellow bad
only one measle, and some-body caught it
from bim, would the former be without a
measle and consequently curedT We're
willing to leave the matter to the decision
of the League umpire. 1
—John A. Saupp, of Altoona, engaged
to two girls, took one to Pittsbnrg last
Saturday and took out a license on Mon
day to marry her. On tbe way to be mar
ried girl No. 2 turned up and they ran off ;
from girl No. 1 to Butler and were married
here on Tuesday. The whole thing
was ventilated in the police station be
cause Saupp got some money from tbe
first girl.
—Tbe High School entertainment last
Friday night attracted an audience of 500
people to the Methodist Charoh, wbo were
amply repaid in the bright and meritorious
projpamme presented. The following
pupils took part, Fred Reed. Bertha Don
alson, Eunice Crouch, Mabel Copeley,
Frank Wiok. Lillian Miller, Sam Purvis,
Chas. Butlet, Emma McElvain, Alberta
Cronenwett, Theodore Keck, Edgar Neg
ley, Chas. Reeder, and Clara Heck. Tbe
Glee Clab added macb to tbe pleasare of
tbe evening.
—Campbell So Horigan of Pittsbnrg ex-
Ject to bave tbe monument ready for de
lation by the 4th of July; and have writ
ten to that effect to Mr. McCandless.
Tbe following committee bave been se
lected by tbe Board to make arrangments
for tbe dedication.
Citizens—Col. J. M. Sullivan, H C.
Heineman, E. Mactey, J. M. Galbreath.
0. A. R—R. P. Scott, J. M. Greer,
A. G. Williams.
U. V. L.—Joe. Criswell, O. C. Redic,
R. S. Nicholls.
For sale by J. A Richey Leave
yoar orders at the Bakery.
—Fin* potted plants and flowers of
all kinds at the City Bakery
—lce cream delivered to all parts
of the city in any quantity and at any
time. Leave your order at the City
—Bargains in remnants and odd
lots of goods—oome quick for cboice.
Potted plants and flowers of all
kindH. Anything you may want in
plants at City Bakerv
—Job work of all kind done at the
The jury in the case of Michael Maloney
vs Samuel Gallagher found for plaintiff for
S6O. Same verdlot in case of Jerry Malo
ney v* Gallagher, and SSO found in case
of Maggie Maioney vs Gallagher. In this
case the plaintiffs claimed for nursing a
sick woman.
Delia Swartilander vs J. P. P. McGin
ley. Verdict for plaintiff.
Robt. Henry rs A. W. Boyer. For de
The case of W. I. Jackson vs fm. Pol
barnns was continaed.
John Collins vs Nelson Duncan settled by
Mrs. Mary A. Moore vs Wm. Copeley
and wife. Verdict entered by court for
Danl Walker vs A. B. Gibson. For de
Motions for new trials were made in
cases of Jonatian Wilson vs J. C. Kamsey
and same vs Robt. lindson.
The case of Kuauff vs Wolfe was given
to tbe jury Thursday morning, and PleifTer
vs Brown et al is on trial.
In the case ol John T. Bingham vs John
C. Kerr A Co. the writ was stayed and rule
to snow cause granted.
Maggie Gallagher has sued for divorce
from Edward Gallagher.
A bill in equity in tbe case ol W. W.
Grossman, et al vs James M. Bell et al
was tiled Monday. The object is to parti
tion the property of the two lodges.
A stated case was made of the claim of
Clerk Criswell vs the County tor recording
births, etc. under the Act of June, 1893.
S. R. McCall, guardian of the minor
children of John M. Webb, petitioned for
a partition of the estate.
In the matter of the applicatian to change
tbe limits of the borougn of Eyansburg,the
Court appointed K. Marshall auditor under
tbe Act ol J uue Ist, 1887, he to ascerta in
the existing liabilities of said borough and
the townships of Jackson and Forward,and
school districts to be allected by the change
aud make report on same by June 4th.
In the matter of the petition of citizens
of Marion tw p. for a county bridge over
uortn branch of Slipperyrock, J. A. Hey
driek, E. L. Varnuui aud Solomon Thomp
son were appointed viewers.
The will of Anna E. Harkless of Butler
was probated, no letters; also will of
James Martin of Clearfield twp., and let
ters c. t. a. to Tbomas Martin; also will of
Henry Nickel ol Jefferson twp., audletters
to Louisa J. Nickel; also will of Robert
Gilleland and letters to J. A. Gilleland.
Letters of adm'n were granted to I. N.
Meals on estate of Elizabeth Auams of
Washington twp.
Newell Butler of Karns City, a disabled
aoldier, was granted a peddlers license.
In the cases of Jonathan Wilson vs Ram
sey and Hudson, new trials were granted.
case of Dan'l Walker vs A. B.
Gibson et al judgement was entered for
defendants on the questions of law reserv
In the case of Mrs Moore vs Wm. Cope
ley judgement was entered for plaintiff.
The Fayette county commissioners have
received Sheriff Wilbelm's bill for boarding
jail prisoner's for April. The bill amounts
to $1,482 This is an average of $49 a day,
and at 40 cents a day per bead it gives an
average of 122 prisoners in jail every day
for the month of April.
The Supreme Court of the United States,
a few days ago, reversed tbe judgment of
the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in a
case growing nut of tbe attempt of the city
of Titusville to exact a license from an
agent of a Chicago firm, soliciting orders
in the former city. Justice Brewer said
that "no state can levy a tax on inter-state
commerce in any form."
Henry Dumbach to Phillip A ader 50
acres in Connoquenessing for $3250.
Jas N Forrester to F B Forrester 18
acres in Franklin for S3OO.
John P McKeever to S D Bell CO acres
in Donegal SIBOO.
Mary H Boyd to Free Methodist Church
lot in Butler for S3OO
John F Lowry to John Foster lot in But
ler for $225.
Christopher Uhl to John R Boyer 18
acres in Lancaster for SIBOO.
Ida O Erwin to Rachel A Heckler lot in
Petrolia for S3OO.
Rosinna Frederick to Phillip Scliroebel
lot in Chicura f<r S3OO. Same ti Lizzio
Schrot-bel for S3OO.
Adam Dumbacft to *V M Kamsey 10
acres in Centre for SBOO
Jobu DunUp to J i> MeClelUnd 49 acres
in Mercer and Marion for SI3OO.
Martiage Lies-,sea.
Peter Snyder Prospect
llattie LI oik Mt. Chestnut
Audrew Hevsidence Butler
Aurie Crone Pardoe, Pa
George 11. Fox Win field twp
A«l. !ich B Kauoc'l'. "
E. I. Sloan Eau Claire '
M*ry A B'.ers Armstrong Co j
Jn • 0 Saitj.p Altooi a. j
Ei'a .f'-nk us " l
Samuel Unzlett Butler
Annie Black Indiana, Pa
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying 12 for butter, 8
for eggs, 45 for potatoes, 25 ots per dozen
for rheubarb, 8 ots per lb tor lettuce, and
15 to 20 a doz. bunches for new onions.
Timothy hay from country wagons sls
to 17, mixed hay $10.50, to 11.50, straw
$6.00 to 7.00.
Country roll butter 14 to 15, fresh eggs
104 to Hp dressed chickens, drawn 11 to
12, spring ohiokens 50 to 75 per pair.
Potatoes on track 65 to 70, onions 50
to 60.
At Herr's Inland, Monday, beeves sold
at 3.00 to 4.65.ba11s and dry cows at 1 00 to
3 00, hogs at 3.50 to 5.00. at 1.00 to
4.00, lambs at 1.00 to 6.00, and calves at
2.00 to 4.65.
Fresh cows sold at S2O to S4O.
—Cloaks at your own price No
reasonable offer refused—they must
—Tenney's New York candies in
sealed packages at the City Bakery.
—See the bargains wo are offering
in fine Henriettas. Just think of it
$1 .00 gocds for 68 cents and 75 cent
good 9 for £9 cents at
Largest assortment and best values
o Dress Goods and Cloaks at
Rye Wanted.
The highest prices paid for rye at
the mill of GEO. WALTER & SON.
Butler, Pa
—Turkieh Silk Candy, have you
seen it? A novelty in confections.
Pure, richly flavored and delicious.
To be had only at the City Bakery.
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
Don't forget us on Hosiery and-
Gloves, we always have the best at
lowest priceß
—BoardingHouse Cards, with Act
ot Assembly, 25 ceuts tor half-a-dozen,
for sale at CITIZEN office,
—SO-inches wide and all-wool—
greatest bargain ever offered—was
#1 .00 a yard—now only 50 cents,
just Half price at
—Take your children to Zuver's
Gallery for Pictures that will suit
you. Postoffice building
Best Buffalo flannels reduced to
25 cents a yard at
—Clearance pale of all winter goods
Greatest bargains in dry goods and
cloaks ever known at
L. STUN & Son's.
The Glade Run Field.
A correspondent oi the Derrick speak
ing of the systematic and successful oper
anon of the tilade Kan field, says:
Your correspondent, in visiting the
various producing sections of Butler
county, tarried a few days ac tho once
famous Glade Kun pool, opened np by our
old friend, T. W. Phillips, some seven
years ago. Since then, all the territory
in this section, including a large percent
age around Evans City, and on the Big and
Little Conoquenessing creeks, have passed
into the hands ol the Forest Oil Company
This is one of the line.»t producing plants
to be found anywhere in the Oil Region,
and to any one interested ;n tho producing
of oil, it will well pay tbem to closely in
spect their methods of handling wells at
The old veteran oil man. Major I'hipp,
who by the way, eime here with ilr.
Phillips, and had charge of his business in
tbe field, is the gentlemanly supi rinteiid
ent of the Glade Kun plants. Mr. Phipp
certainly has just cause to be proud of hi.
record, and but few have iner witn u?h
phenomenal success in the discharge of
their duties in this capacity. It would
tax the ability of an expert to find one
fault in any department ol the Major's
business, so perfect and systematic is
everything conducted.
The major has under his jurisdiction 118
men and 224 well.s The wells are divided
among five foremen a.-> follow c: F. M.
Hutchinson has 81 wells, which are locat
ed in the Old Glade Kun pool proper.
"Hutch" is an old-tiuier in tbe field md is
"onto himself," as is evidenced by the
condition things are kept. L W.Walker,
an old Parkerite, wields the scepter over
18 or 20 as good men as there are in tho
oil diggings. His territory is on Little and
Big Connoquenessing creeks, and 00 is the
number of his wells J. G. Br.id
street has 10 or 12 men in the same class
and 28 wells His dictrict adjoins Mr.
Walker's. L. A. Garfield holds fourth in
the Evans City and Water Station districts
and has 50 wells, whilo A. C. Jamison lias
a small district at Renfrew, with hve
wells. Here are five foremen that are
bard to beat. They are thorough g-ntle
men, courteous and understand every
phase of tbe business ther are engaged in.
The Derrick reporter is pleased to s:ty that
these leases were all in first-class shape
while the machinery was in go d trim and
the boiler house and derrick floor as clean
as a pin.
At 7 o,clock each morning, a gauge of
the wells is taken and the report sent to
the offioe by 10 a. m. By this means, Mr.
Phipps is able at a glance to see the pro
duction of eacn well iu the entire district.
If the gaugo of a well shows a decline iu
production, that well is looked after at
once. This production report is at once
complied aud sent to the genera! oificu at
Pittsburg the following day. Everything
pertaining to the running of the district to
tbe minutest detail is kept well in haud
and thoroughly understood by all. The
□tmost good feeling prevails between the
loremen aud employes and everything
works with clock-like precision. Each
man vies with the other endeavoring to do
his best for the interest of the company, a
fact they know is highly appreciated by
their superintendent. All orders are kind
ly enforced and strictly obeyed by all.
Judge Key burn will speak at Chicora on
Decoration Day.
Miss Scbmertz of Pittsburg sang a de
lightful solo at the Presbyterian services
in the Opera House on Sunday evening.
Dan Hilliard of Eau Clairo was in town
on business, Monday.
Clerk Criswell and 11. Q. Walkir will
orate at Middletown on Decoration Day.
James B. Mates, D. B. Douthett, Marsh
Donthett, James X. Moore, A. M. Christ
ley. P. W. Lowry, James M. Carson, John
B. Greer, George Robinson and the dele
gates J. S. Campbell, Dr. Harr and J. M.
McCollough "took in" the State Conven
tion at Harrisburg, Wednesday.
Newt. Black expected to start for home
this week. While in California he edited
a Chinese paper, and sent us a copy. It is
the most interesting paper we have ever
peru3ed(f) A communication from Newt
reashed us too late for publication this
Dr. Leighner and wife visited friends
in Voungstown, 0,. last week.
Miss Pettis Abbott and Miss Darlie Dal
zell of Allegheny City were the guests of
Mrs. W. V. Hard man.
Grove Bancroft and J. J. Kohler were at
Chicora and Potroiia on Wednesday in
tho interest of "Mikado."
Archibald Blakcly,E.-q., of Pittsburgh,
spent yesterday ami to-day in this city and
received cordial greetings from many < Id
neighbors aud friends, some of whom h i t
riot seen him since he lived and practiced
law in Franklin some twenty years ago.
Mr Blnkel.; 's eri-.iud here was to remove the
remains of his little daughter from the old
Cemetery to Butler, Pa. for final inter
ment. He Irft on the afternoon train of
the Lake Shore road i;i charge of the re
mains, which were in a metallic, casket.
—Franklin Setts.
J. C. McNally of Z- ! ieMopl.- weighs 270
pounds, and is one of the m ist graceful
tiieiele riders iu the county*
Miss Annie L iwinin, of the Woiui:i<
Exchange, reports a large number of book
loaned, over 300 being out at present. Tbe
womans exchange seems to till a long felt
M. H. Brooks is now keeping the books
of the Humes Torpedo Co.
The residence of C. C. Sullivan, 1832
Seventh avenue, was the scene of a very
brilliant wedding last evening, which unit
ed for life Miss Delia V., daughter of" Mr.
Mrs. Sullivan, to Emmett U. Pyle ol Pros
pect, Butler county. The wedding was
solemnized at 8:30 o'clock, by the Rev. W.
K. Cowl, pastor of the Third avenue M. P>
church, of which the bride is a member.
About 40 guests, mostly tho relatives and
most intimate friends of the high contract
ing parties, witnessed the ceremony,—Bea
ver Falls Tribune.
Chas. Duffy put a new front in his store
Work began this week on Richey's new
3 story block.
Joseph Waller's drug store business is a
prosperous one; and he is putting a now
front in his store and otherwise improving
—Fruit culture is more profitable
to the farmer now than his other
crops. Brown Bros. Co., the most
extensive nursery house in the U. S ,
bave a vacancy ic this section.
Write them at Rochester, N. Y , for
their terms.
Crawford Prince
one of the largest, handsomest and
soundest standard bred llambletou
ian Wilkeß stallions in the State is
owned by Allen Barr, Prospect.
Terms sls.
Don't You Think.
That crackers made of the purest
materials, in the cleanest, best venti
lated factory in the world, and turned
out fresh every day ought to be
pretty good? That's the way Mar
vin's crackers and cakfs are made.
None better in the world. Few in
deed that are made so honestly and
conscientiously. Better ask your
grocer for them. Mention particu
larly Royal Fruit Biscuit, Fay Bis
cuit, Eagle Butter Crackers, Recep
tion Flakes, Drummers Lunch, Pine
Apple Outs, Jelly Turnovers. Your
grocer has them, or will get them if
you insist.
Jeweler and Optican,
125 South Main Sreet, Butler. Fa.
Diamonds, fine watches, jewelry;
spectacles, solid and plated ware con
stantly on band. Special attention
given to testing and correctly fitting
Now is the time to buy a cloak
at your own price. They must all be
sold as we carrv none over to next
season. L. STEIN k SON.
—Everybody wants some beau.i
ful p>ants this summer. Come totha
City Bakery any time and make
a selection.
Memorial Day Orders.
Ilnyus. A. G. REBD POST, XO. 105.
BrTLHtt. PA., MAT 15, 1894.
1. All comrades of A. G. Keed Post Xo
105, visiting comrades, and Woman's Re
lief Corps. Xo. 97, will assemble at the
| Post rooms on Wednesday, May 30, 1894,
at 1 P. M. sharp, comrades in uniform,
j badges, white gloves and canes,
j 2. A cordial invitation i« extended to
• the clergy of Butler and vicinity to partis
( ipate in the exercises of the day. G»r
. riages for their use will be in waiting at
j Post headquarters at 1:30 p. 11.
3. A similar invitation is extended to
! .ill Secret and benevolent societies of Bnt-
I ier, to join with us in honoring the mem
! ory of the sous t»f Butler county who died
1 "that the nation might live "
4. Thanking Prof. E. Mackey and Rev.
Prugh, ana the te.it hers and iiti; Is <-1 our
schools lor t ■ deep interest they have
always taken in the observance ».l memor
ial day, we again extend to them an earnest
j invitation to tike part in the services
i 5. Donations ol (lowers will be thakful
!y received at the Post rooms from 9 to 1
o'ciock on May 30. Citizens are kindly re
quested Lo decorate their places of bns:uess
and re-idences.
0. The comrades of the Post and Wo
man's Relief Corps, Xo 97, will assemble
; at the Po.-t rooms on Sunday evening, Msy
j 27, st G:3O snarp. t<> proceed lo the onur --
of God. JXill, viiere liie animal
: memorial sermon will be delivered by it v.
7. The procession will start from the
corner ol Main and Jefferson streets at 2
P. M. sharp, in the following order:
Marshal and clergy in carriages.
A. G. Reed Post, Xo. 105.
Woman's Relief Corps, Xo. 97.
Vincent Brass Rand.
Camp 45, U V. L.
Company E, 15th Regiment, X. G. P.
Different Societies.
Schools and Citizens.
The exercises at the Xorth Cemetery
will be as follows:
1 Instrumental music by band.
2r Vocal music by South Sido Gleo
3. Prayer.
4. Memorial address—Comrade J. C.
5. Benediction.
Follow ing are the committees having the
arrangements for the day in charge:
Music—J. T. Kelly, Samuel Miller and
Henr.) Korn. Vocal Music —I. J. ifcCaud
less, John \V. Br .v.u and Henry Forcht.
Flo «trs—John M. Thompson, Andrew
Morrison and Fred Weigaiid. Conveyances
— W A. Lo.viy, J. J. Reiber and John
fjujiil}. Marshals—Robert Story and
Charles Prosser.
A. B. RtCHKr, Commander.
WILL A. Lovvay, Adjutant.
The Two Boroughs.
Burglars are operating in Harmony and
Zelienople. The flouring mill and gas
office were entered last week and their
safes blown open.
A young man named Stout of Oglo was
injured at Zelienople in a run-a-way last
The ice house at Harmony, owned by
the P. «fc W. R. R., were burnt on Friday,
being a complete loss. The buildings
have been a harboring place for tramps,
etc, for some time and the company's loss
is, in this case, the communitys good.
The bicycle fever seems to possess Zelie
nople. ilany new wheels are sold there
every week. Ladies wheels are quite
plentiful too.
Squire Graham ol Evans City Las had
bis commission 15 years and never married
a couple.
Wilson Denniston of Slipperyrock twp.
had an eye injured by an explosion of an
old musket a few days ago.
John Gould of Phillips City who fell from
a walking beam some days ago is yet lying
The Mikado,
The advance sale for the production of
Mikado, under the anspices of the local
order of Elks, has been very large and it
is expected to be a hit. The cast foi to
night and to-morrow nig'it is:
The-Mikado of Japan F. M. Keene
N'anki Poo, bis son, disguised as a
wandering minstrel at d in love
with Yum Yum Jas. Colgrove
Ko Ko, lord high executioner of
Titipu C. A. Parker
Pooh Bah, lord high everything else
Lois Dniicnn
f'i-h Tu>h, a nol>le lord Frank Miller
V i;n Yum ) Ttnee i-ia- I Marie Sandol
I't'ii Sing ■ ters,wards ■' Eunice Crouch
Peep Bo jof K> Ko ( Maggie Kniltle
ICalisha, an eideily lady in love
with Xanki Poo..Mrs Irene J Holmes
Chorus <1 Ladies—Mrs. F. M Keece,
iii-s Alice DilU-v, Miss Amelia A. Oruas«,
MissKittio Hurley, Mrs. L G Volley.
Miss Charlotte Morris, Miss Mary Mi-Sh.t its
Mrs L. T. XiftuU*, Mrs. X. C. Connelly,
Misa Clur i Miss Mabel Dell, MUs
Owiiu Waldrori and Miss ICatbrine Oris
liei.th uh n— los. Deiueman,s. Dr. 1/.
Black, Geo. P. Key man, Jos. E V«»g>*l
Ed Gtiiiifipei. U. A Sidler, VF 11 Krng D.
F Kofcd, X T. Weser, L G Vogelev, \Vtu
CrisA-ell, Tbeo Keck and Win. Morris.
Accompanist—Miss Mand Curutti.
—Turkish Silk Candy made now
in Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberrv
and Violet flayers. For sale only by
Tboe. A. Morrison.
Crawford Prince
Go to Allen Barr's, Prospect, and
pee Crawford Prince, the large
haudsome standard bred young stal
lion who both paces and trots
Standing at sls.
—The latest candy out—Tenney's
Vanilla Chocolate Eclairs. For sale
by Thos. A. Morrison.
Good Bread.
The difference between Marvia's
bread and the products of other bak
eries, is that Marvin's is pure, whole
some, always light aud flaky—most
others are not. Marvin's loaves are
bigger too, consequently, cheaper.
You can't bake bread at home for
less than you can buy Marvin's,
can't make it any better either.
If your grocer doesn't keep Mar
vin's bread have him get it for you.
Give it one trial—you'll never want
to use any other.
—Try Turkish Silk Candy. For
sale only at City Bakery.
—The most delicious Candy made
—Turkish Silk. Candy. At tho City
The World's Fair Rebuilt for
the Pages of History.
The "Book of the Builders" one of
the most and magnificent
publications ever issued is now be
ing offered by The Pitieburg Dis
patch to its readers. It is beyond
question the greatest offer over made
by a newspaper See The Dispatch
for full information.
Men's spring under
wear in white me
rino and fine bal
brigan, sold by
others for 50c., our
price 35 c.
Straw and light stiff hats
at one-third below regu
lar priceS.
Men and boys clothing
at proportionally low
I 120 South Main Street, Butler, P? ,
Oil Notes.
Judge Taylor, in the circuit court at
Parkersburg, West Virginia on an appeal
in the case of John Carder v. County
Court Judge Jacob*, decided that oil and
gas wells a..d personal property,
and are therefore not exempt for taxatior.
This taxation decision is far-reaching, af
fecting oil men all over the United States
who are interested in oil property in We.-t
Collins & Ueasley sold their entire oil
interests in the Brownsdale field, a tew
days ago, to the Hazelwood Oil Company
for $35,000. The property contains six
producing and four drilling wells with a
daily output of 325 barrels Under the
agreement ol the sale the new owners are
to complete the (onr drilling wells
A 40 barrel well is reported in on the
Danbenspeck.in the Washington fie!d
Two cil driller.-, IV- >ierick Long ley anu
Harvey Jansen, were burned to death by
an explosion of gas in a well they were
drilling at Cridersville, 0. last Thursday
Their bodies wero awfully roasted, and
they lived only half an hour.
Seth Hughes, who was working with
them, escaped with his face and hands
badly burned
The Thorn Oil company bought the one
quarter interest in ice J. W. Park farm,
three and one-halt miles east of il-irs
C'-La.d i.i, l'h;s territory is
located in the Brow n.-daie pjol. The Ttiorn
Oil company has jast been recently organ
ized witti Wm. Gackert as president and
his son, William Guckert, for secretary
and treasurer.
With the exception of the Xorth Wash
ington, the Henderson is the most active
point in Butler county. The field is con
sidered remarkable for its staying qualities.
Some of the wells strnck ever five years
ago are now making 10 bbls a day. The
best well in the pool is producing 80 bbls
a day, which belongs to the Forest Oil Co.
located on the Joseph Goehricg farm, and
is better than 12 months old
J. M Morrow, an oil well pumper was
killed at McDonald, Tuesday by being
caught by a bolt.
Late developments in Butler county
have been attended with a number of pay
ing wells.
Tte Eastern Oil Company's Xo. 2
Corper is producing 75 barrels a day. and
Lanz »t Co. say their Xo. 3 Crilchlow is
making 100 barrels a day. Bradner & R'i
ber have conpleted their Xo. 2 Knouff.
and will shoot it to-day. The rig for Xo 3
McClellan heirs is building. The Devon
ian Oil Company g"l u sb..w ot oil on tne
Stciuer farm at 10 feet in the sand and ex
pects another pay at 30 feet.
The well of the Phoenix Oil Company,
now drilling in search of a lower sands on
the Bradys Bend tract, Armstrong county,
is down 2,800 feet and should get the Brad
ford sand this week, it that formation ex
tends that far South. This is the first test
made in that locality with a view to tap
ping the Bradford sand.
One fare for the rouod trip between
all points on the P S. & L E. R. R.
Tickets good going May 29th & 30th,
and for returning up to and includ
ing the 31th.
Take advantage of excursion rates
offered by the P. S. & L E. R. R.
May 29th A 30st Tickets good re
turning up to and including the 31 st,
on account of Decoration Day.
fU Perscriptions
M A Specialty.
At Redick's Drug Store.
We do not handle anything but
pure drugs, next time you are in
need of medicine please give us a
call. We are headquarters for pure
as wo use only pure fruit juices, we
als bauJle Paris Green, hellebore,
insect powder, London purple and
chtr irsecticides.
IV : - j.ir ft. nt>l it Bi 1« liv I)
Manufacturer of
Hai 'liess, Collars,
and Strap Work,
and Fly Nets,
and Dealer in
Whips, Dusters, Trunks and
My Goods are all new and strict
first-class, and all work guaran
Repairing a Specialty.
:o: >—:o:
Opposite Campbell & Templeton's
Furniture Sto^e.
342 S. Main St., - Butler, Pa.
Storm Bird, 9459.
Buffalo Boy, 3882.
Storm Bird, record 2:35 at 4 years, is by
Lord Kusnell, full brother of Maud S.,
2:08}, sire of Kremlin, 207 J. His dam has
a record of 2:26} and is a producer. His
grand-dams are Green Mountain Maid
and Miss Russell. They are dams ol the
Jwo greatest stallions—Electioneer and
Nutwood —and havo 14 foals in tho 2:30
list, 8 of their descendents in the 2:0921i5t,
26 in the 2:15 lit>t, 820 in the 2:30 list and
holds 43 of the world's records. We make
his terms lower than this blood can be had
elsewhere —$25 to insure.
Bull'alo Boy is by Pocahontas Boy, sire
of Bull'alo Girl, His first dam is a
producer through her first son and his
second dam is dam ofStephen M. 2:28}
He is a representative ot the Pocahontas
Tom Hall and American Star famlies.
He is large, fine and a good breeder. Two
of his colts have sold for SI,OOO inside of
two years, both raised in Franklin town
ship, this county. Farmers and breeders
should consult their own interests aud
breed to a horse like this and raise large
fine drivers that bring the highest price at
the present time. We make his terms to
suit the times—sls to insure.
These horses will be found at ray barn
during the summer of 1894. Description
and pedigrees sent on apulication.
Isle, Pa.
bSALBtt .11
Rough and Worked Lumber
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always In Stock.
3 Office opposite P. Jt W. Depot,.
a '* t:, ; BSf.; .0
,r - g when i* Cr>»c*£c, v/«l« »'ird »f c» t
A Mother'* Secret.
The first appearance of a play is usually
an anxious occasion for author and actor,
and the andience contributed to the suc
cessor "A Mothers Secret" surely did
liitlfe by its size lo make the moment pro
pitious. It was the smallest crowd of the
year, and the play really deserved a much
The play opens at the home of Oswald
Bordeau, a wealthy gentleman of middle
age, and the various characters are intro
duced naturally and easily Mr. Bordeau's
daughte .the heiress, loved by
Harold Wayne, who returns Irom a teasing
trip to the oil country, i e. Renfrew, But
ler Co , with papers representing very val
uable property. In some way not very
clearly shown, Mr. Bordeau is to rtcieve
i>Le of these, a mortgage, and this marks
the time when Wayne can a.-pire to tne
hand of the heiress Josephine and W«y ae
h»ve a very pretty love scene. The vil
lian comes in about tills time, with a love
tor the heiress, and secures the
from Wayne, who after tailing and strug
gling for it, bands it over with a smile lo
Ludson, and to give him time to make a
lorged copy Complete, leaves the apart
mailt. A quarrel ensues when Bordeau
receiving tne paper from Wayne, declares
it a iorgery. The villiau Luoson and 80.,
deau then quarrel over the possession of a
letter implicating Ludson in some torin-r
evildoing. Ludson kills Bordeau, aud
causes Wayne to be thought gGilty. The
first act cluses wuh Josephine and ilis
Wayne declaring his innocence. Wayne
escapes Irom prison in the next act, being
assisted by Josephine, Marie, and Xed
Esterbrook. The Warden and Ludson
pursue, but the hero assumes the disguise
of a Jewish peddler and escapes. The
author does not explaiu how a prisoner es
caping alone from Sing Sing, so readily
gets into the forest.
Act 3 is unimportant, but in 4 we are in
troduced to a pretty bit of realism, a pump
ing oil well. Wayne has as the Jew sold
the Renfrew property to himself, as Lord
Cleverdale, a rich Englishman, and
thoroughly disguised in mutton chops, is
able to appear in public once more. The
wells are immensely prolific and Lord
Cleverdale rolls in money. Lndscn is now
agent for the Standard Oil Co. and in close
water. He schemes to throw Josephine out
of her property, succeeds, gets her to
make a conditional promise to marry him,
when, presto, the Englishman puts forth
his hand, changes all, and reappears in his
former character of Harold Wayne.
The company performing this play is
strong. Chas Parker as Ned Esterbrook
is at once the cleverest one in the cast
Lillian Rice makes a handsome and lova
ble Josephine and Margaret Shriver a win
some Marie.
The play needs trimming very much,
notably the camp meeting sketch, the
scene with the warden and others. We
in edict a success for it under its new name,
"In Pennsylvania."
The author is Prof. A. D. Lielield, of
A. M. A. M. A. M. F. X. P. H,
Butler Leave 615 835 11 CO 245 506
Saxonburg...Arrive c 44 DOO 1124 311 52S
Butler Juc't, •' 730 925 11 50 340 553
Butler Juc't.. Leave 7 30 941 12 03 3 40 553
Natrona Arrive 73S 951 12 13 350 o C 2
Tarentum 7 43 9 50 12 13 3 57 9 07
Sprlligrtale 755 10 05 12 33 4 08 ....
Claremont s 11 12 55 4 23 627
Sbarpsburg 8 18 1 05 4 29 632
Allegheny City 83510 33 124 444 645
V.A. M. A. M. P. M. F. M. F. M.
Allegheny City Leave 655' 8 25 10 40 3' is TI 10
Slisrpsburg 7 08 8 39 10 58
Claremont 845 II OS
sprlligdale 858 11 26 .... 641
Tarentum 7 32 9 10 11 39 361 650
Natrona 737 9 15 11 45 3 55 6 53
Butler Juc't Arrive 7 45 9 25 11 55 4 04 702
Butler Juc't Leave 7 45 9 45 12 3S 4 15 7 02
Saxouburg 80310 11 104 440 725
Butler Arrive 83510 35 130 406 7so
A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P, M
v. si. A. 11. A. M. p. si.
245 615 Lv. Butler Ar. 10 35 130
340 7 30 Ar. Butler Junction Lv. 9 45 12 38
404 745 Lv. Butler J unction Ar. 941 12 38
4 10 749 Ar. Frecport Lv. 935 12 35
415 753 " Allegheny Juc't. '• 931 12 30
426 804 " Leechburg •' 920 12 13
446 821 " paulton (Apollo) " 905 11 55
514 851 " Saltsburg " 837 11 32
550 922 " Blalrsville " 805 H- 00
600 930 •• Blalrsville Inter*n " 750 10 is
ssoll 40 " Altoona •• 340 800
100 320 " Ilarrlnburg •' 11 55 310
430 650 •• Philadelphia " sSO 11 20
A. M. P. M. "I\ M. P. M
Through trains for the east |le?ve Pittsburg
(Union Station) as follows:
Pennsylvania. Limited, dally 7 15 A. M.
Atlantic Express. •' 330 ••
Maine Line Express. " 800 •'
Day Express, " 905 ••
Philadelphia Express, " 4 30 PM.
Eastern Express. " 700 "
Fast Line, " 8 10 "
For detailed Information, address Tlios. E.
Watt, Pass. Ag't. Western District, .110. Fifth
Aveiiue, Pittsburg, l'a.»'
General Manager. (Jen'l. I'ass'r. Ag't
P. A vv. u. u.
Schedule, lu effect Jan.'i<. HI. (Butler time)
The Short Line to Pitt3burg.
0.25 a m Allegheny 9.25 a m, Alllegbeny K1
s. 13 a in All'y & Akron 955 a m,AI & N Castle
10.20 ain Allegheny Ac 12.20 p m, All'y £ Ch'go
3.011 p m Allegheny Mall 5.05 p m. Allegheny Ex
-\SO p m Chicago Kx. 725 p m,All'y & Akron
MO p m All'y & Ell. Ex s oop m, Allegheny Ac
10 05 a m Kane & Brad. 18.05 a m, Foxburg. Ac
5.15 p m Clarion AC tf.so a m, Clarlan Ac
7.35 p m Foxburg |5.20 J> m, Kane Mai
8.15 a in, DeForest Ac 9.55 a m,Allegbeny;Ac
3.20 pm, Chicago Ex 4.35 pm, Allegheny Ex
6.10 pm, Allegheny Ac 7.25 pm, DeForest Ac
Train arriving at at 4.35 p m leaves B;& O de
pot. I'lttsburg. at 2 :40 o'clock.
Butler and Greenville Coach will leave Alle
gheny at 2:50 p. 111, dally except Snnday. Con
necting at Willowgrove, arriving at Butler at
Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and first-class
Day Coaches run through between liuller and
Chicago dailv.
For through tickets to points in the West
Northwest or Southwest apply to
A. B. CROUCH, Agent
Trains leave the B. S. O. depot In PUtburg
for the East as follows.
For Washington D C., Baltimore, Philadel
phia, am.l New York, 12:20 and 9:20 p. m.
Cumberland, 8:15, 2 :20,1 :10. 920 p. m. Con
nelsvlUe. 8:15, 12:20,1.10. 4.30. 5.50 and 9.20 p. m.
Unlontown, 8.15 a. m , 1.10,4.30 and 5.50 p. m.
Mt. Pleasant, 8:15 a. m„ 1.10 and 430 p. in.
Washington, Pa. 7.25 and 915 a. m„ 4.00,
4.45 and 9.25, 11.25 p. in. Wheeling. 7.25 and.
9.15 a. m.. 4.00. 9.25. 11.25 p, in. Cincinnati, St
Louis. Columbus and Newark. 7.25 a. ni., 9.25
11.25 p.m.
For Chicago, 2.40 and 9.30 p. m.
Parlor and sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash
ington, Cincinnati and Chicago
Takes effect Monday, April 2, 1894.
Trains are run by Standard Central Time (90th
Meridian.) One hour slower than City Time.
10 14 |l2 j STATION'S 9 11 1
p m .... |p.m. Lr a.m. a.m. pm
i 4 20 Buffalo 6 15 1 • 10
I 2 42 Dunkirk 7 38 1* 39
j [a. m.
700 US 8.10 LO Erie 6 05, 840 335
6 251 123 925 Wallace Junct. 6 42j 927 4 12
6 20. 1 181 9 15 Glrard 6 46 9 31 4 15
6 00 1 08 903 ....Lockport ! 6 59; 9 42 4 2«;
6 02| 1 oil 8 55 ...Cranesvllle ...I 7 07| 9 so 4 34
3 101 ]lO 31 ....Conneaut....! 1 7 40 3 10
6 43' I 6 40 ar t; ('.O 31] 6 43
557 12 57, 849 ar.. .Albion lv| 7 111 9354 37
54312 45 836 .... stiadeland.. j 72310 04 4 51
5 40 12 42 ,8 32 ... sprlngbor o 12810 07 4 55
5 83 12 35 825 ..Conneautvlll®*-1 1 35110 14 503
5 08|l2 IS 8 05 .. .Mea'v'le Jet.- ! 8 ofi|tC 35 , 5 25
4 53 ! 7 38: iv Conn't Lake..! 'lO 17! 4 53
8 is ar ar 8 16 10 50 5 37
4 2S 7 00 lv. .Meadvllle..lv ! 9 50 4 28
p m,.. 8 42 ar ar 8 42 11 25! 6 03
....11 58 7 45;.. . Hartstown... 10 iTiT 3"
.. .11 53 740 . Adamsvllle 10 52 544
N02.1l 43 7 28i Osgood No 1 11 00 4 53
p m ! a. m
62311 35 7 lej....Greenvilie ... 6 30'11 15 605
6 18 11 25 7 06 Slienango 6 40 11 25 6 20
558 11 02 641 ...Fredonfa 703 11 46 63»
5 39 10 44 6 28: Mercer 7 22 12 07 7 00
5 25 10 29 6 12; Pardoe 7 36 12 22 7 14
5 13 10 20 6 00'.... Grove city... 7 47 12 33 7 25
5 00 10 08 5 48 Harrlsvllie 7 58 12 45 T 36
4 52 10 00 5 40 .. Branchton ... 8 06j12 54 7 45
4 55 7 45 1 8 35 lv .Branchton.art 7 35>12 15 7 2 s
5 451 818 i 0 ar . Hllllard .lv 650 11 15| 6 4-'
4 461 9 55] 5 3511 v.. .KelSters .... 8 10 12 58 7 4®
4 32 9 4'Jj 5 21 Euclid 8 22 1 12 8 03
4 •oi 9 151 4 50j Butler 8 50 1 42 8 &
l so| 7 20 Allegheny, PJEW ll lOi 3 50! *
p m a m I p. m p. m
J. T. BLAIR General Manager. GreeovtUeTpa
W. G. SARGEANT, G. P. A., Meadvllle, Pa.
STER! £♦
Our millinery department is full
of the newest and choicest goods.
Beautiful and Artistic "Patterns,"
newvst ideas in untrimmed bats and
French effects in jet Braids and
M. F. & M. MARKS,
113 to 117 S. Main St., - - Butler.
A Suggestion.
RZ'r ,' Vv - o UMKTW
F ' m
Did u ei er occur to you that there ar--
drugs and drugs—that drugs »re like ever'. -
thing else—ther.. are good, bul an«i ind!'
There is nothing H-e which i
positivei.v bad if it is'nt just ol the l.e-t
Our policy has always been to hare joih
ine Imt th- l est.
When you want drags come to us and b
assured of fresh pure goods, and always
what yon ask for or your prescription tails
for. It may not always be drugs yon want
either. We always have on haud a full
line of sick room requisites.
Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa.
CAPITAL P«ld;i'p, - - - ' floo.ooo7o*'.
Jos. Hartman, Pres't.
J. V. Rltts, Vice Prest, c. A. Bailey, cashier,
Jos. nartman. C. P. Collins, N. M. Hoover
obn Humphrey. J. V. Rata.
K. K. Abrams. Leslie Hazlett. I. O. Smith.
W. 8. Wallrou. W. Henry Wilson, M. Flne^ran.
A general banking business transacted. In
terest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on
approreti security.
Foreign exchange bought and sold.
Insurance Company of Xorth America.
102 d year, Assets $9,278,000; Home of New
York, Assets $9,000,000; Hartford of Hart
ford, Assets $7,378,000; Phamlx of Brook
lyn. Assets $5,000,000; Continental of Xew
York, Assets $6,380,000; Xew York Life,
Assets $137,499,000.
Court House, Butler, Pa.
To be sold for taxes by County Treasurer
John T. Martin,at public outcry,*t the Court
House in Butler, Pa., on
1 O'CLOCK, P. M,
Owners. acres, yrs. arat tar
Negley Anderson et al g 100 1891 19 00
Campbell JJ A Brandon 294 1891 30 t>3
S A Campbell 275 IS9I 62 06
W B Sedwiek 15 1891-2 20 57
Robert Barron 50 1692 13 07
lieed J Campbell 113 1892 26 91
William Kennedy 171 1892 36 91
John McCune 20 1892 4 97
A M Thompson 40 1892 4 60
Book C C house and lot 1891 2 41
Potts heirs 10 1891 1 31
B W Cress lot 1892 1 31
John Dunn lot 1892 3 22
T 8 McGinnis lot 1892 1 40
Joseph Carry lot 1892 1 40
Jacob Thompson 2 1892 1 31
Geo Ziegler 185 1891-2 28 30
John Alleu 50 1892 3 27
W J Kiskadden 26 1891 6 18
W C Martin 7 1892 44
Detmore McKinney i 1892 5J
Geo Ziegler 50 1892 6 00
I) W Brandon lot 1892 50
Mary McGinnis 4i 1892 1 88
chn W. Allen 133 1891 16 10
M D Goldinger heirs 70 1891-2 29 45
Michael Kerr heirs 4 1891-2 153
White Martin 90 1892 10 12
S A Fithian 14 1891-2 684
Starr A Britton 80 1891-2 40 27
A H Maxwell 50 1891 5 64
A D Kamerer 5 1892 1 21
Forest Oil Co. 15H.1.2 IJ l 4'
J T Starr 99 1892 9 09
John Dunn Sr. 33 1891 3 96
M N Randall 8 1891 50
Bretliu A Donaghy 70 18S2 20 44
James Bredin 124 1892 35 72
Gieenwood Oil Co. 1 1892 36
Thomas J Moore lot 1892 268
L McFan lot 1891-2 78
Thomas McKnight 19 1891 li 67
Thomas B Uayrie's htirs 50 1891-2 26 48
Daniel Denny 25 1892 4 79
Nancy H Brown lot 1892 21
F J Beatty 24 1893 22
T J Dinsmore lot 1992 19
Nathan Milroy 2 lots 1892 30
Rachel Wagner heirs 50 1892 8 19
John Purviance 41 1892 504
Mary E McGuirk 19 1891 2 05
Elizabeth Lay ton 12 1892 1 48
Andrew Barber 100 1892 7 5b
John N Puryiance 140 1891 23 28
E Raabe lot 1891 17
John M Thompson 10 1891 1 17
Chrmas J Atwell 45 1891 7 30
a; isty <fc Cannon 25 1891-2 12 20
ttieou Ed wads 20 1891 7 76
J C Fuller 10 1891-2 19 14
Gillespie ACo ,1 18! 1-2 760
A M McNamara 58 1891 19 17
G W Morrow 25 1891-2 13 95
John P Robinson 2 lots 1891 75
Stanley Lanky 10 1891 206
Elizabeth Sedwiek heirs 50 1891-2 22 76
H L Taylor ACo 50 1892 1 34
David Kamerer 60 1892 1!J 86
Ed Dam bach 15 1891 3 74
WH H Riddle 15 1891 3 74
Theo Kelly heirs 39 1891-2 16 23
D F Kelly 40 1891 9 19
Michael Kelly 31 1891 6 4 94
Elizabeth Patterson 39 1891-2 16 14
R M Sloane 38 1891 7 64
J C Vanderlin 50 1891-2 17 14
Mrs Jane Blaire 12 1891-2 536
Wm Smith 60 1891-2 51 32
C Everson house 1891 3 44
A M Mcßride 50 1892 7 83
James Sutton 20 1891- 26 65
Joseph Simmmers 1 1891 47
S P Irwin 77 1892 7 30
James L Conn 100 1891-2 29 50
O D Thompson 60 1891 14 12
Joan Galloway 100 1892 19 38
J B McLaughlin 2 lots 1891 64
James Bredin 150 1892 15 00
Jacob Hepler, dee'd lot 1892 2 10
Montgomery lot
Wm Thorn lot 1892 2 10
Montgomery lo; 1892 70
You can Get almost Every
thing you need Here!
So The; say to ns.
If you need WALL PAPER or
window shades, books or station
ery, the world or simply a map;
be sure you come to us for it. We
have everything but good looks
and so we would have you
showing a nobby line of Westminster suits for young men—Long
frocks and sacks will be the leading style for spring.
Our large line of boys and childrens suits arc up to our usual
standard, and the variety is the largest ever shown by us.
We solicit a call for inspection.
104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Of Pants for a dollar note in a neat check
Cassimere any regular size that will give
you two cents worth of wear for each spent
cent. Fifty cents more, $1.50 will buy you
a good pair of Cassimere Pants with two fif
ty's worth of wear concealed about their
persons. $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 will give you
choice of a splendid assortment of Panta
loons, but if you want
T 0 Draw T 0
The best pair of Pants for the money that ever
encased your lower extremities you should make it
a point to invest in a pair of our Special $2.50
Pantaloons. There's a dozen or so styles to select
from in handsome patterns. Tailor-Made Patns at
$3.00 to $5.00.
Leading Clothiers.
137 South Main street, Butler.
Are yon a short, fat man?
Are yon a tall, slim mam?
Are yon any kind of a man
or boy in need of clothes?
If you are, come in and we'll fit you
in a suit of clothes, for less money than
you ever bought them for before.
Yours for Clothing,
Cor, Main and Cunningham Sts. Butler Fa
Do not, Wait Any Longer,
But Come at Once
Where will be found the largest stock and latest styles of summer
footwear at low prices. Our stock is larger than ever before, com
prising many new and pretty styles. Our stock of ladies shoes is large.
Ladies* fine Dong. Pat. turned, Congress gaiters at $2.25.
u .1 Russett, " " $2.25.
Russett Bluchers and Blucheretts at $2.25.
" Dong. Southern Ties at $1.50.
Blucher Oxfords, black and russett at $1.25.
One lot of ladies fine Oxfords at 75 c
« » opera toe and instep strap slippers at 50c.
Misses Dongola Shoes, patent tip at 90c.
Childs " " " 40 to 75c.
Full stock of Misses and Childrens Russett shoes at a big bargain.
Our stock of " " Oxford ties and slippers is very
Infants shoes in all colors. .
Now is the time of the year when farmers are thinking of buying a
pair of shoes to plow in and do their summer work. In buying
my spring and summer stock I took great pains to get a large
selection and have got them at prices so as to sell lower than
ever before. A good pair heavy shoes, Lace, Buckle or Con
gress Gaiters at 90c.
Box-toe shoes, whole stock kip, at $1.50.
Full stock of Boys plow shoes sizes, Ito at 85c.
Our stock of Mens fine shoes is large, and with our stock of low cut
shoes we are sure to suit all, as we have all the latest styles at
remarkably low prices.
Full stock of our own make driller's shoes always on hand.
Shoes made to order.
Repairing neatly done.
Orders by mail will receive prompt attention.
Net 52 Per cent Net.
The above amount was earned and paid to
lie subscribers to our Special B. K. syndicate
s the result of our operations In tbe Stork
Market from Dec. l#tb. 1833 to Feb. 15. ISStt. 100
to 300 per cent prollt per annum. Can be made
by Joining our Syndicate Poois. Send for Pros
pectus and our Dally Market letter. Mailed
Free. lllgliest Keferencc.
Bankera £ Brokers.
« Broadway. N. T
... m tt «prn WES. local or travel
111 Alj I fa 11 lng. to sell my guaran.
_ mm " ' Salary or Commission
paid weekly. Outfit free. Special attention
given to beginners. Workers never tall to make
good weekly wages. Write me at once for par
E 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman.
(Tills bouse is reliable.) KOCKBTSB .NT
CLOTHIER, Butler, Pa.