Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 25, 1894, Image 1

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Constructed of the best known ma
terial,by the best skilled labor, fitted with
the best bearings in the world, that are
positively dust proof. The most resilient
tire yet invented—that can be repaired
quicker and easier than any cither tire in
the market. Every wheel guaranteed.
Another great point
That Punctures Competition
Is the all around excellence of the
That explains their popularity.
F or Information, Prices, Etc, Address
H. A. LOZIER & CO., Cleveland, Ohio,
J. E. FORSYTHE, Agent.
HAT sum
We find in our Wholesale Harness Department about one hun
dred and fifty sets of Harness, of which there are but a few of each
kind, and of which we can get no more on account of the manufactur
ers going out of business, etc., and we can only carry in the Whole
sale Rooms Harness which we can duplicate orders o.i. Therefore
we decided to retail these one hundred and fifty set at WHOLESALE
PRICES to make them go quick.
Some Machine made and some Hand made.
We also make HARNESS TO ORDER. We have good work
men and good leather and make good harness and all parts of Har
Buggies of all kinds, Kramer Wagons, and everything used in
connection with a driving or team outfit.
S. B. Martincourt & Co.,
128 East Jefferson Street,
We are located now at i;o South Main Street, adjoining
the Butler Savings Bank. Our rooms are large, fine and
commodious. Photographic enlargements and Life Size,
Hand Made Finished Portraits by the finest French artists
obtainable. In photographs we give you results and effects
that cannot be produced outside of our Studio. We use
only Standard Brand Collodion Paper and not Gelatine, a
cheep and inferior paper used by many. Picture and Por
trait frames; special prices to jobbers. Compare our work
with any Standard Work made or sold in the state. Our
victorious motto, "We harmonize the finest work with the
promptest se»vice and the lowest t rices for the quality of
work." Beware ol tramp artists and irresponsible parties
and strangers. Have your work done by reliable and re
sponsible parties that guarantee all work satisfactory. Call
and examine our work and samples and read our manv tes
Mave opened at S. E. corner of Main and Diamond Streets, Butler,
with all the latest styles in Spring Suitings. Fit and
Workmanship Guaranted. Prices as low as
the lowest. TRY US.
Road Reports.
Notice Is hereby given that the fjUowlnf
' roads have been confirmed nisi by
' the Court ami will be presented on the fl si Wea
: nesrlay of June i-cu, fw ng tl.« cth day of
said mouth, and If no exceptions are Ob d tuey
l will be ciinßrnied absolutely.
R. D £•>, 4 Dec. Ses«.on, IS *i. Petition
of Jcseph and Edward Duffy And in
; behalf of many other citizens of Marion
| township, Butler count/, Pa., for a re/iew of
a public road in Marion township. Original
yiew at March session, 1893. Review at No.
4 June tension, le&J. December 4, 1f93.
! viewers appointed by the Court, and March
3, 1894, r«-| < rt of reviewers filed, as follows:
That the road known as the Harrisville
and Anuandale road be vacated from the
point where it parts from the Harrisville and
Moniteau r .ad ac the railroad crossing known
as Smith crossing, and (bat a n-w road for
public roal be granted f:otn Atweli'a c oss
lug to Smi-li's crossiug, and that portion ot i
the New Hope road east of the Har.isyille
and Moniteau road be vacated. Probable
cost of making. SIOO, to be borne by the
township of Marion. No damages assessed.
Mr.rch 7, 1894, approved, and fix wi ith of
road at 38 feet, notice t • be give;; a c irding
to rules of Court.
fly THE • OCBT.
KDNo : March Sess.ou, 1894. Petition
<>l inhabitants of Clearfield township, iiutier
c.iUnty, Pa„ to vacate mat portion of toe
ro.d known as the Coyle->vi:le aud llaamhs
tuwi. roao .b gitning at Coylesvillc ai'-i ru i
i.iug to a p out at the larui of Tbo.u*- K
Urroi wtert said road lutersecls tlie paltlic
road kin wn as the Mill - r?town aud Denny's
Mill road, a distance of abut one loartu of a
mile. Dec. 13, l«y3, viewer.- appoint -i b
th- CuUil, aud March Ist, IS 4, rep rt i.l
viewers tilt das yiz: I nat tne vaca'i u as
prayed is necessary and nave vacated the
sallies distauce of lssii ! t et. Maxell 7ih,
lSt»4. Api ri .veil, notice to De gtyen acooidiug
to rule o! Court.
By thi; Count.
RDNo 3 March gessiou, isui. fcit oa
of lutiaoiUutsoi Marion towustup.tor public
roail to lead from a public roa 1 a. i irn.ie
M Padden's to a public road at Jau- ."iur
rtnaV Dc. 11, 10113, viewers duiinia.ei by
;he Court, aud Peb. 2i->t. lsrfl, report ol
vie»eis filed as viz: Tbai'the i r.iyed
lor is utcessary and uwt laid out tne s«iue
for public ute. Probable cost of making
about one hundred dollars to be borue by
the township ol Marion Damages assessed
twenty-live dollars to Mary Ann Beich, to
be paid by the county. March 7, 1594, ap
proved and fix rtidih ol road at 3 feet.
Nonce to be given according to rules of
By the Coukt.
RDNo o March Session, 1594. Petition
ot inhabitants ol Centre to»°n>hip for public
road to begin at a point in lUe public
road leading from tne old .Mercer toad to the
Nevs Castie roau at or near the northwest
corner ot the larm of Sarah J Johnston au<l
extending to a point in the public road lead
ing from the village of Union? ll'e to Ral
ston's Mill at or near the house of M lluff
in said township. Jan. 24, I -:• 4, viewers ai>-
poii ted by the Court, aud Alarcn l 1394, re
port of viewers tiled as viz: That the nad
prayed for i-> necessary aud nave iaid out tne
same for public use a distauce of 23i> rods.
Probable cost ol making one hundred and
Ally dollars tj be borne by the township.
No damages assessed. March 7, 1891, ap
proved and fix w:dth at 33 teet. No tics to be
given according to rule- of Court.
By tii e Coukt,
RDNo (3 March Session 1594. Petition
of citizens of Muddycreek township for a
public road beginning at a point in the Mer
cer road near the residence of Thomas Fish
er and runniug to the coun
ty [iue between Butter aud
Lawrence counties to connect with a new
road recently granted by the Court of Law.
rence county. Jan. 27, 1894, viewers ap
pointed by the Court, and March 6th, 1891-
report of viewers tiled as vis: That the road
prayed for is necessary and hive laid out the
surue for public use. The damage - assessed
ten dollars to 1 homis B Pishtr, to be paid
by thj county. M arch 7th. 1894. approved
and fix width of road at 3i feet. Notice to
be given according to rules of Court.
I>Y TUE Court.
Bctlek County ss.
Certified from the record this 'J'.li dav of
May A. D., 1894.
CierK y. S.
Tlje lieaister hereby gives notice that ihe
following accounts ol' eiccutors, administra
tors ami guardians have been filed in his of
fice according to law, and will be presented
to Court lor confirmation aud aHo-runi'e on
Wednesday, the 6t.h day of , June li'S4,
at 'J o'clock p. m. of said day.
1 Final account of M. T. .McCandless and
Mary J. Stamm, administrators of John U
S'lmm, dee'd, late of Franklin twj>.
2 Final account of J, N. Thompson, ad
ministrator of Mary Thompson, dee'd, late of
Butler Boro.
3 Fiual account ot'VV'm BroWnlield, guar
dian of Ida Brownfield minor child of James
Brownfield, dee'd, late of Donegal twp.
4 First and final account of J C Oaisford,
guardian of Charles G Logan minor child of
Mary E Logan, dee'd, late of MillerstoWu
5 Final account of John Rivera, executor
of Mary Riyers, dee'd, late of Wiufield twp.
(3 Final account ot Alexander Pollock and
IsaiHli Pollock, executors of John R Pollock,
dec 'l, late of Centre twp.
7 Final account of Thos Galloway, ad
ministrator of J David Simmous, dee'd, Iste
of Franklin twp.
S Final account of Alice Duniga.i, ad min
istratrix of Patrick Dunigan, dee'd, late ol
Venango twp.
9 Final account of S J Black, administra
tor of W E Black, dee'd. late of Marion twp*
10 Final account of S J Black, administra
tor of William Blaok, dee'd, late of Marion
11 Partial account of Barbara Christley,
administratrix of W E Christley, dee'd, late
of Centreville boro.
12 Final account of Johu C Ray, itminis
trator and trustee to sell the real estate of
Washington Campbell, dee'd, late of Fair
view twp in partition.
13 Final account of William Thielman,
guardian of Frederick W Miller minor child
of Frederick W Miller, of Adams twp.
14 First and partial account of Jacob Gude*
kunst, executor of Jacob Gudebunst. dee'd,
late of Zelieaople boro.
15 Final account of Annie Ward, execu
trix ofHenry Downey, daa'd, I ate of Done
gal twp.
16 Second and fiual account of Chess
Stocer executor of Andrew Stoner, dee'd,
late of Clay twp.
17 Final account of Wiufield S Shepard,
executor of Z B Shepard, dee'd, late of Slip
pery rock. twp.
18 Fiual account of Henrietta Wiegaud,
administratrix of the estate of Valentine
Wiegand, dee'd, late of Wiotield twp.
19 Final te-ouutol C F L McQuistion and
W Henry Wi. on, administrators of J I' Me
t4uistion, dee d, late of Centreville Boro.
20 Final account of Robert Gibson, gu»r
dian of Isaac Newloq Wareham minor child
of John Wareham, dee'd, Penn twp.
21 Fiual and distributing ajoju.it of W
Anderson and Leslie P Hazlett, executors of
Irwin Anderson, dee'd, late of Conuoqaeue;-
sing twp.
22 Final accouut of Louis Hartensteiu, ex.
eeutor, of Henry Harteustein, dee'd, late of
Jetferson twp.
23 Final aocount of Thomas C Allen,
guardian of Clyde E Dershimer aud Lizzie B
Dershimer minor children of Rachel Ders
himer, dec'd, late of twp.
24 Final aud distributing account of W J
Morrison, executor and trustee under the
last will of Ann Moore, dec'd, late of 0n,,,
peryrock twp,
25 Final accouut of Joseph H Morrow, ex
ecutor of Matthew Morrow, dec'd, late of
Concord twp.
26 Final accouut of W C McCandless,
guardian of John Chalmers OgJeu minor
child of Ephriam Ogden, dec'd, late of .Mid
dlesex twp.
27 Final account of E O McElwain,admiu.
UtratorCTAof Francis MoElwain, dec'd,
late of Middlesex twp,
28 Final account of E C Parks, adminis
trator CTA of Joseph Sloan, dec'd, late of
Venango twp.
29 Partial account of Eli Reep and Isaac
G Pollard, administrators of Mary Keep,
dec'd, late of Fairview twp.
30 Final account of W E Vinrri t, admin
istrator of II il Vincent, dec'd la e ol yiip
peryrock twp.
31 Final account of Lavina Campbell, ad
ministratrix of Robert II Campbell, dec'd,
late ot Parker twp.
32 Final and distributing account of
George D Bean, executor of Mary A Bean,
dec'd, late of Butler twp.
33 Final account »f \V II Campbell, ex
ecutor of John A Campbell, dec'd, late of
Conccrd twp.
34 Final account of M E Beighley, ad
ministratrix of Ilenry Beigh ley, dec'd, late
of Connoquenessing twp.
35 Final account of I{ R McCandless, ad
ministrator CTADBS of Neal Gallagher,
dec'd, late of Clay twp.
J. S. WICK, Register.
y — ■■ 1
T-MI ... A
mugsisSwb 'i
Mn. S. A. Lefeber
Kosimoyne, Ohio.
Terrible Misery
Helpless With Rheumatism
and Without Appetite
Tired Feeling and Pains Dispelled
by Hood's Barsaparllla.
" I was in terribla misery with rheumatism la
my hips and lower limbs. I read so much
about Hood's Sarsaparllla that I thought 1
would try It and see if It would relieve me.
When I commenced I could not fit up nor even
turn over In bed without help. One bottle ol
Hood's Relieved Me
to much that I was soon out of bed and could
walk. I had also felt weak and tired all the
time; could not sleep, and obtained so little rest
at night that I felt all worn out In the morning.
I had no appetite to eat anything, but Hood's
Sarsaparilla restored my appetite so that 1
could eat without any distress, and I hare
gained rapidly In strength. I have taken live
Bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla I am as well
aa ever." Hiti. 8. A. Lefkbib, Bossmoyne, O.
Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipation,
biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion.
A Scientist claims the
Root of Diseases to be
in the Clothes we Wear.
The bost Spring
remedy for the*blues,
etc, is to discard
your uncomfortable
old duds which irri
tate the body:-leave
your measure at
ALAND'S for a
new suit which will
fit well, improve the
appearance by re
lieving you instant
lv of that tired feel
ing, and making you
cheerful and active.
The cost of this
sure cure is very
A business that keeps grow
ing through a season ot de
pression, such as the country
has experienced, is an evi
dence that people realize they
save money by trading with
us. We know, and always
have known, the days of large
profits are past. Without
question we are giving more
for the money than last year.
Our stock is larger to select
from than last year.
Colbert & Dale.
Is to please our customers
and judging from our im
mense sales we have been do
ing it. Our Spring Goods are
arriving daily and many new lines
have been added, making our
stock of footwear the most com
plete in Butler. Special attention
is called to our line of Ladies'
Walking Shoes, prices from 75
cts. up. We arc still having quite
a trade on our Ladies' Button
Shoes at 95 cts. The Men's, a
Calf Cong, and Bals at 95 cts, are
great favorites with the trade.
Farmers and workingmen all say
our hand-pegged Credemors are
the best they ever saw for SI.OO.
Full line Boys' and Girls School
Shoes at 95 cts.
'fiHgriiw *
r uv 11 locality
tOOTTmiOHT. 1894.1
The reader must go to Laran at the
beginning of the last half of the
second year of preparation and en
deavor, not only to get a clear view of
what had been done, but prepared to
view with astonishment the still more
audacious projects of this man.
Laran was now a hidden hive of
energy. The great sanitarium which
lifted its rude but imposing propor
tions out of the wilderness and poured
an almost continuous stream of black
smoke from its chimney stack, held a
varying population, some of whom
were woman, and all of whom were
Hendricks' agents. Sixteen miles
away was another large house, reached
on the surface by an almost impassa
ble and tortuous road of rocks, but
accessible to all the inmates of ths
sanitarium in less than half an hour
by twderground means and connected
by telephone and telegraph of the lat»
est ana nicest adjustment along the
same subterranean passages.
Tha shaft from the sanitarium to th«
Labyrinth beneath had been perfected
by the most consummate mechanical
skill of Laport, and it was hidden from
casual observation by the most cun
ning adjustment of materials. That
end of the house which covered the de-
Kent had cost Hendricks and Laport
more thought and ingenuity than all
else. The shaft had been enlarged
(tnd fitted with an iron lift down to the
barrow passage that led from it to the
arena. The circular steel cage wmcn
fitted into the shaft could be turned
rov.:.J from below, so that its iron
door that furnished an exit into the
passage would be on the opposite side
against a solid wall of rocK and the
passengers, if enemies, would have to
cut their way through a half inch of
steel to get Into the passage and, when
there, would have to walk through in
single file at the mercy of anybody at
the lower exit, who could pick them
off In detail without any danger to
himself. The exit above was covered
with the hard floor of a room whose
mobility was undetectable by anybody
■who was not already aware of the de
vice. In addition to this, a steel door
tad been fitted to the end of the pas
sage below where it opened into the
vast work-room, because Hendricks
thought at times he heard in the room
above the sound of the engine and
A sense of absolute security was
thus obtained when the inmates of the
Sanitarium went below. It was
physically impossible for force of any
calculable kind to reach them in that
The next and obvious consideration
to which Hendricks had directed his
whole energy was the provisioning of
the retreat and the securing of a safe
and hidden exit far removed from the
sanitarium. In carrying out the first of
these precautions, he had managed,
with consummate care, during a period
Ot eight months, to load into the south
western entrance a vast store oi ma
terial, purchased at Cincinnati, Louis'
ville, St. Louis and Memphis, and de
livered by boat at the Wash bayoe.
where there was a storehouse ana
whence the goods were hauled for the
apparent use of the two surface hotels.
Other and smaller streams of supplies
were reaching the sanitarium overland
continuously. It is calculated that dur
ing the eight months over eleven hun
dred thousand dollars were spent for
supplies. In the lists of purchases ap
peared two items of unusual import
one thousand magazine rifles—
eighteen thousand dollars." They
were contracted for in the east by a
western dealer ostensibly to be sold on
the plains and were bought In thres
iois. But they reached the Wash
bayou without attracting attention,
for they were shipped in pieces at in
tervals and put together in tiie Laran
works. The other item was—"five
hundred polished nickel steel plates"
made to order by the Corinth Stool
company and consigned to "Bradshaw
& Fenning, Memphis, Tenn." These
plates figured in the mysterious Laport
gun which afterwards caused such
Hendricks, during' these eight
months, had evidently calculated to
offset the increased probabilities of
exposure tn making such vast pur
chases by the increased security af
forded when he got his material into
his fortress —and this alone would
show that he had other and vaster
schemes in abeyance, and that, after
all, the fitting out of the Laran cave
was only a provisional step to some
thing else.
Our imaginary visit, therefore, at
this time discloses at Laran an entirely
different condition of affairs. The
sanitarium looks like a rural hotel.
There are several persona on the broad
balcony, but they exhibit only the in
dolence of country boarders. The
warm sun lies peacefully on the lawns,
but there is a shimmer in the air above
the big chimney which tells of a great
volume of heat pouring into the blue
sky. There are servants about the
kitchen and there are two Royal Dane
mastiffs with their heads on their
paws asleep on the steps of the main
There is not the slightest indication
in this quiet hostelry hidden among the
trees and rocks of the great slope on
which it stands of the activity under
neath its foundations.
The moment wc arrive in the lower
domain, we find the place lighted as if
with the light of day; the hum of ma
chinery and the murmur of voices reach
us. The whole area is encircled with
wooden structures, offices, warerooms
and habitations, some of them tastily,
though flimsily, built. In the center
of the area is a pavilion and overhead
is a big electric sun-light. On one of
the walls is the terminus of La port's
railway, with its suggestion oi a little
station and iron steps reaching down
to the stone flooring and a heavy crane
for landing tools. The coal measure
passage has been dug out evidently by
using the coal. But it is when we
tome to the rotunda that we shall be
astonished. This magnificent natural
temple is brilliantly lit and a regiment
of men Is being drilled on its cleared
and almost smooth stone flooring. The
Devil's Gullet is fenced in by an iron
rail—for one morning Miss Endicott
was caught walking on its brink and
looking over with horror pictured on
ber face. She was rescued and Hen
dricks ordered the place railed in.
From the unpainted railway station
which here is twenty-eight feet above
the solid level, Hendricks and three
men are watching the evolutions of
the regiment which are in some re
spects wholly unlike anything ever
before seen in military tactics.
The vast spaces beyond the rotunda
and quite up to the lake itself are
packed high with stores. It looks like
k series of endless warerooms or mon
strous depots and smells heavily like
one ot those streets where all the com
modities of man obtrude themselves
Upon the sidewalks and impede travel.
If we penetrate to the hog back area
we shall find that in its passages are
stables and that there are not only
horses but milch cows there and that
the great chasm in the south wall has
been converted into a magazine and
has heavy wooden doors across its en
trance. The mouth of this chasm, it
Will be noticed, owing to a turn in the
Wall, faces directly north. Thebenehei
of the Laport railway are only two
feet above the tops of the wooden
Vague rumors were in the air about
the Tennessee sanitarium. The secret
service of the government was In pos
session oi the facts which set them
searching for the man known as the
captain and they had traced him to the
Mississippi. Vast quantities of gold
had been paid ont for goods sent to
Laran. One fact elicited another. But
inquiries failed to identify Hendricks
with the description given of Kent aa
he appeared on the San Pedro and the
Memphis bank said that he had gold
on deposit there prior to the robbery
of the Corinthian. The moment this
sort of inquiry got into the papers,
facts were elicited that could lead to
but one conclusion in the end and
events began to point significantly
toward Laran.
No one followed the slow develop
ment of public suspicion so carefully
as Hendricks. He had the papers for
warded to him under various addresses
by Fenning, but it was not till the
expiration of the year and a half that
he closed the Memphis office and called
in Fenning and Miss Laport, between
whom appears to have grown up a very
strong attachment. Hendricks was too
shrewd not to know that the Memphis
branch was now the most dangerous
outpost. Indeed Fenning had warned
him for some time that his position
there was growing untenable, and that
he expected every day that their wire
would be quietly tapped.
This was the growing crisis of affairs
when, one morning in June, there was
a consultation in what Hendricks called
his sub-library. It was a handsomely
fitted up room on one side of the ro
tunda. It was furnished in elaborate
style, and four men were sitting at a
large center table which was heaped
with maps and papers. One of the men
was Hendricks himself; his eager face
was more serious than usual, but he
was self-assnred and calm. One of the
others was Dr. I'ellissier. On one side
of him sat Penning, who was studying
a railroad map. On the other sat Gen.
Waterson, a young and fiery southener
whom we have seen drilling the regi
ment. Pellissier was smoking a cig
arette. Hendricks picked up a letter
and read it:
"There will positively be a strike all
along the line. It is only the prelimin
ary movement of a socialistic revolu
tion. The whole country is honey
combed with discontent. All that th«
suffering people need is a leader; some
body with the brains, the courage and
the character to marshal all the ele
ments into a popular movement."
Hendricks laid the letter down.
"Gentlemen," he said, "by next win
ter I shall be master of the states or
their victim. There is just two hun
dred thousand dollars in the treasury.
I must have a million before next
"Can you get it?" asked Fenning.
"Yes, if you carry out my plan. We
shall have to spend one hundred thou*
sand to accomplish our purpose and la
six weeks from that time we shall be
■hut up here by a siege. It is not til)
then that we can thoroughly test our
strength and secure all the money that
we need. Are you prepared for war?"
"It is rather late to ask that ques
tion, " said I'ellissier. "We are in for
conquest—equalization of wealth and
social justice."
"On the 23d there will be two millions
EtJj? over to the First joational bank oi
St. Mary's, it being' the purchase of
the St. Mary's plant of iron works by
an English syndicate. We must hare
that money. Will your men be ready,
"They are ready now," said the gen
eral. "We could carry out the pro
gramme to-morrow. 1 believe every
man is anxious to try the novel experi
ment and win his thousand dollars."
"The moment the feat is accom
plished I will acknowledge that I took
the money from the monopolists and
gave it to the people. Then we are
into the fight, but we will have a suf
ficiently large proportion of the popu
lace with us. Everything depends on
the reliability and celerity of your
"As to reliability and celerity," said
the general, "I'll tell you what I can
do. I can take my regiment to New
York, march it down Broadway, take
the money out of the Park bank and
get away before the local forces can
stop me. A regiment that vanishes in
to thin air is a novelty."
"Unquestionably. But what are we
to think of an eighty-pound gun that
vanishes when it has done its work?"
"That will be a miracle, indeed,"
said the general. "In the first place, it
is incomprehensible."
"Not at all. Our friend Laport has
been explaining to me a gun of his in
vention which will do it. and he says
he has tested the principle."
"Is that what those nickel steel
plates were for?" asked Penning.
"Yes. Laport is at work on a six
inch gun now."
All three of Hendricks' companions
expressed a strong curiosity to hear
what the principle of the gun was.
"It's simplicity will astonish you,"
said Hendricks. "It gives us a gun oi
any conceivable caliber and two men
can transport it anywhere. It is con
structed on this principle—"
At that moment a little bell tinkled
on the index board on the side of the
room and the men all looked up at it.
It was an electrical warning from
above. Hendricks got up and went tc
the telephone close at hand and list
ened. Presently he began to repeat a
"Four deputy sheriffs and a United
States marshal in possession of the
house; forced an entrance through the
gate armed with a warrant for the ar
rest of Hendricks and Fenning."
Pellissier lit a fresh cigarette.
"Where is Miss Laport?" Hendricks
asked in the phone.
"Somewhere on the grounds."
"Where is Miss Endicott?"
"In her room."
"Keep your eye on her and let me
know if they attempt to take you.
Wait a moment."
Hendricks turned to the men at the
table. "I wish Miss Endicott were be
low," he said.
Pellissier got up and stretched him
self, saying: "You are right."
It was an hour later when fresh word
came from the doctor, who had gone
"These fellows are going to b«
troublesome," he said; "for they have
come to stay. The chief is Marshal
Calicot, and I believe he knows more
than he will betray."
"Is he impertinent?" asked Hen
"No," was the answer. "He's as
smooth and specious as a diplomat.
Two of the others are coarse deputies,
but the third I can't make out. He i<
a good-looking young fellow with a
military air and he and Calicot evi
dently understand each other."
Hendricks' instructions were to this
effect: "They will tire themselves out
in time. Be cautious, and get Miss En
dicott down here at the first opportu
Fenning was piqued. "I suppose we
shall have to be deprived of the lady'e
aociety till these interlopers go away.'
"It looks like it," replied Hendricks,
"but ws've got a good deal to do."
The situation was now a very pecul
iar one. Four officers of the Taw were
quietly waiting within fifty feet of the
conspirators, but in entire ignorance
of their whereabouts. It was Hen
dricks' policy not to precipitate mat
ters. He wished above all else not to
bring on a conflict with the authorities
until his plans were all matured. He
felt perfectly safe from force In his re
treat, and he felt reasonably certain
that, if the doctor and Mrs. Hendrick*
were discreet, the means of commun
ication would not be discovered. H<
therefore decided to let things take
their course above ground and look
after the important matters below,
feeling pretty sure that the offioers
would in time grow tired of waiting
aimlessly in the vicinity.
And matters below were Indeed of
vital importance to the success of Hen
dricks' schemes. Six hundred men had
left the place through the Bayou house
during the week and four hundred
more were to be sent out. This distri
bution was comparatively easy so long
as he had the use of a boat at the bayou
and could distribute the men along the
Mississippi But even with this ad
vantage, there was a great deal of de
tail work. It was resolved to keep a
nucleus of a hundred men in the place
—the rest were repeatedly instructed
as to their future duties, as they left
and scattered over the country. They
took nothing away but the clothes
they brought with them. The greatest
care was exercised in distributing them.
Over a hundred and fifty went separate
ly afoot to Memphis and gave out that
they had been working on the levee at
the bayou. Nearly a hundred went
across country eastward into the
mountains. It was urgently necessary
to get the remaining men out before
the officers discovered the southwest
ern exit
It took three days to accomplish this
and It soon became apparent that Pen
ning was more restive than Hendricks.
The communications were kept up
with the sanitarium mainly at night.
On the second night, Ilendricks asked
what the situation was and the doctor
"Calicot is a guest. He has taken
rooms in the north end for himself and
the young man whoso name is Stock
ing. He has seen the mails delivered,
but they were fortunately in the regu
lar bag. lie is walking now on the
lawn with Mrs. Hendricks and I take
the opportunity to send down the let
ters and the most im porta A papers.
It is well to keep some of them here to
make a show."
"Ask him where Misa Laport is,"
said Fenning.
"She's on the balcony."
"Is she alone?"
"No. Stocking is there."
"What is she doing?"
"She is in a rocker. Stocking is read
ing something to her."
"Try and get her to the signal-room.
Fenning is very anxious to speak to
her. Where is Miss Endicott?"
"She is in her room. I can't get her
"Has the marshal seen her?"
'•Yes. He has been curious about
her. I can't get her down without
making a scene."
"Can't you get the men away so
that Mrs. Hendricks can communicate
with me?"
"I thought she did last night. I sug
gested It to her."
"She did not. Tell her I want to
hear from her."
"Are your men all off?"
Late that night Mrs. Hendricks came
to the signal-room and the following
conversation took place.
"What are you doing with the offi
"Keeping them in good humor."
"What have you learned?"
"Not much. The principal is a very
adroit man By some of his attempts
to draw me out unawares I fancy he
has some evidence about the Corin
thian affair."
"Ask her," said Fenning, "If Miss
La port is trying to find out how much
the other one knows."
Hendricks did not ask that question.
What he said was:
"Does Miss Laport understand her
father's danger?"
"Calicot asked me yesterday," was
the answer, "when she was going
away. She had told Stocking she was
going away in a week or two."
"Send her down here to-night. Her
father wishes to see her. Do these of
ficers suspect the Bayou house?"
"I don't think they know of It.
Their impression appears to be that
you are away and will come back un
suspectingly and faU into their arms on
the front lawn."
Another day passed. Miss Laport
had not been heard from and it was
uot till late the next night that the
doctor called up Hendricks.
"I don't like the situation here," he
said. "The ladies. If you will permit
me to say It, do not appear td be In a
hurry to get rid of our guests. I feel
as if I were in the way. Calicot lscom
municating in some way with the au
thorities, I am sure."
Hendricks stopped him. "Com*
down." he said, "immediately. I can't
talk to you through this thing,"
"It is not safe to leave this part oi
the establishment to the women. You
want a man here. I heard Calicot
walking through the upper hall last
night when everybody was asleep but
myself. I don't know what he was do
ing. I asked him this morning what
disturbed him, and he said the room
was so close it was like sleeping in a
cave. This may have been an acci
dental speech, but I thought he said it
with a peculiar significance.
" 'Have you ever slept in a cave?* 1
" 'No,' he replied, looking me in the
eye. 'Have you?'
'•Do von know I begin to Buspect that
this man is not an officer Wait, I hear
footsteps overhead."
Hendricks waited some time and no
fresh signal coming, he went to bed.
It was half-past twelve. He slept
soundly until four o'clock, when he
got up. washed himself and went into
Fenning's apartment to wake him and
was surprised to see him sitting up in
a rocker smoking a pipe, in his shirt
"Hallo," he said, "couldn't you
"No," replied Fenning. "If I don't
get some sunshine, I shall have per
manent insomnia."
"Give me one of your cigars. I have
ordered Sam to have breakfast at five.
We'll get some coffee and go down to
the Bayou house and take a dash out
doors. It will do yoa good and I want
to talk to you."
When he had lit his cigar he sat
down and said:
"Fenning, you're the coolest man I've
got Let me have your bottom
"I'm afraid of Mrs. Hendricks," said
Fenning, "and the idea of being sealed
up here makes me restive."
"Thank- for your frankness," replied
Ilendricks. "Dismiss the Idea of
treachery. As to the sealing up, it is
Impossible. Come and get some strong
coffee into you and then well try to get
some sunshine. I don't intend you
shall be sealed up."
Half an hour later a car was ready
and they got aboard to go to the west
ern entrance. The ride was a peculiar
ly ghostly one at this hour. Here and
there an incandescent burner lit up the
immediate spaces and left great gulfs
black and foreboding. No one was
astir and it was a half hour's ride
through gigantic shadows and succes
sive strata of odors that betokened the
the stores and the stables. When they
arrived at the bayou shaft, the sleepy
sentinel was Just being relieved. They
went to the signal room and Hendricks
Inquired If his telegram had been re
"Aye, aye, sir," came a cheery voloe,
as if from another world.
"Are the horses ready?"
"Aye, aye, sir."
The moment they stepped from the
lift, they smelt the oxygen and saw the
sunlight, and Fenning, with sudden
effusiveness, cried out:* "Thank God."
He then noticed that Hendrioka had
his powerful field glass over his shoul
"A dash of action with danger in it
will revive your spirits," Hendricks
said. "We'll make a reconnoissancc.
I'm going to take the captain with u*.
He's been here over night."
A few minutes later they found four
horses, the best the establishment fur
nished, in waiting, and the captain
turned up, blinking and growling, bat
sober. The fourth man of ths Partj
was a Tennesseean, whom Hendricks
called Ben —a long, lank, determined
mountaineer, with a hatchet face and
tangled sand-coloned hair. He had a
carbine slung across his shoulder, and
he was holding an extra horse with a
side-saddle ana a basket strapped up
on it.
Hendricks looked at Terming, and
seeing his surprise, said: "I dont
explain because I don't know myself.
We'll be governed by circumstances.
I'll tell you more as we go along.
Ben did not know the country ant
better than did Hendricks. They took
to the woods and went north, Hen
dricks and Fennlng riding on eithei
side of the captain, and Ben following
at some distance behind.
It was some time before they reached
an open country, and, rough as it was,
they galloped away and soon left Ben
far out of sight.
"You are going to the Laran house,"
said Fenning, who had recovered his
"Yes," replied Hendricks. "Have
you divined the rest?"
"Wait, I hardly know myself."
It was ten o'clock when the pvty
having toiled slowly up a long aoeliv
ity, came out upon a wooded brow of
the hill looking eastward. It was a
magnificent stretch of country and it
was radiant with the morning light.
Hendricks dismounted and looked
through his glass.
"If you follow the top of that stone
ledge, to the second green line of hills
and look between those two rounded
knolls, just under that white Cloud
that hangs down like a teat—you will
see the Laran chimney-" And 0«n
--dricks handed the glas« to Fenning.
"Yes, I can see it," said Fenning.
"How far is it?"
"Approximately four miles and a half.
We can get within a of the
No. 22
n• ! r- i i ;i- turection 1 Know
every ti:ri» i:i llic way. We'll wait hare
for Ilea. „-ot a bite and a drink, talcs
the extra lion*: and leave him hero to
wait for us."
It was eleven o'clock befose Ben
came up atij the. captain was the moat
impatient of the party, but Hendricks
beguiled the tirue in telling Fenning
some of his earlier experiences in tha
place and Fenning's remark as the nar
rative ended was: "Well, I wouldn't
doubt that woman either. But yon
never can tell what a woman will do."
At half-past eleven, Ilendricks and
Fenning, with the captain between
tbem, set off in the direction of the
Laran house. Ilendricks leading the
extra horse.
This part of the way was by all
odds the most difficult of any. At
they descended into the valley they
had to skirt a primeval morass, its
pools inhabited by millions of water
fowl. Hut Uendricks' knowledge of
the country enabled him to pick his
way through the labyrinth and about
two o'clock, he said, as he reached an
almost impenetrable covert aad die
mounted: "Do you know where you
Fenning looked about him and shook
his head.
But the captain recognized the place.
Damning his eyes, he remarked that
be and Endicott had been there a hun
dred times.
"So has Miss Endicott," said Hen
dricks, "and now that you are here I
hope she will come again."
Hendricks fastened his horse and
beckoned to Fenning, who stepped
aside out of sight of the captain.
A few paces away and covered with
brambles there was a smooth crown of
rock. Hendricks parted the brush, got
down on his knees and searched a
moment with his hand. He then took
a small stick and dug the dead leaves
out of a depression in the rock and put
his ear to the spot
"Just listen there a moment," he
•aid to Fenning as he got up.
"What is it?" asked Fenning who
had put his ear down to the hole.
"It's the dynamo running under
neath. It's directly under our feet. I
bored that hole nearly two years ago
to see how thick the crust was. In all
I made about fifty of them, but La port
stopped most of them because they
"We are then within two hundred
feet of the house," said Fenning, with
"We are within twenty feet of the
steel fence. You can touch it if you go
through that brush; so speak softly.
It is the wildest spot In the neighbor
hood, and to reach us the inmates must
come round from the entrance. There
is a corner of the road visible from thot
opening. I'm going to ask you to
watch it, while I give the captain his
Fenning took his place at the opeq
ing, and almost immediately said:
"There's somebody now."
Hendricks quickly used his glass.
'-It's Mrs. Hendricks and Calicot," he
said. "They are going for a ride, and
will keep to the road. There's only
three of them left, and one of them is
probably on the balcony. We have got
to wait."
This was the hardest part of all. One
whole hour passed, and the captain
swore that four had passed, but
Hendricks' repeated Injunction was:
"Have patience and Keep silent"
It must have been three o'clock
when, in a moment of silence,
all three of them heard a twig
snap, and Hendricks and Fenning put
hands on their revolvers. The next
instant the green leaves were parted
by a pair of white hands, and an equal
ly white face looked suddenly in upon
them, and its eves rested upon the cap
tain with a look of dreamy hopeless
ness and terror.
"Miss Endicott," exclaimed Fenning,
between his teeth.
Hendricks with a motion bade him be
The girl stepped into the center of
the little space, her eyes still fixed on
the captain.
"What have you done with him?"
she said.
"You are to go to him," said Hen
dricks. "There is your horse. Get upon
"Yes," she said. "I must go."
"Get upon the horse," repeated Hen
drick, imperatively, and he took her
She obeyed him passively. "Quick,
now," he said to Fanning, "we must
get away."
"What would you do?" asked Fen
"I would conceal our retreat," an
swered Hendricks, in a hoarse whisper.
—Adapted from Fliegende Blaetter.
The Hello OlrL
He courted a girl by telephone,
He called her "hU darling," "hie pet." "Ma
And the girls at the central had lots ot larks
As they watched the play of electric sparks.
—Washington Star.
A Progress Club.
Philosopher—And so you belong to a
society called the Progress club? Ah,
this is a grand, a glorious age! By the
way, what do you do at your Progress
Sweet Girl—We play progress!**
euchre. —Good News.
The Season*.
Teacher —What season follows win
Jack —Spring.
Teacher —Correct; and now, Tommy,
you may say what comes after spring-
Tommy (wildly) Vacation!— Ha
rper's Young People.
A Modern Reelose-
Friend—l haven't seen you for some
Poet—No; fact is, 1 have become a
good deal of a recluse lately.
Friend—l feared as much. How
j rouoh do yon owe? —N. Y. VI eekly.
Hot In Lot* with Her.
"How do you know that De Vere Is
not in love with Mabel Sweetbriar?"
"Because I heard him tell her the
other evening when they came from
church that he knew of a short cut
home." —Washington Post.
Th# flrat Thing.
Briggs— Well, old man, I've been
down to the academy all the morning
hanging pictures.
Palette —Did you hang up mine?
Briggs—Oh, yes. We began at the
top.—Brooklyn Life.
Financial Activity*
"How is Gullem getting along now?"
"Splendidly, for him."
"How do you know?"
■« "He has just succeeded in borrowing
dsaJtfitfV f&m