TELE OITZEN FRIPAT. MAY 18.1894. mun* at rmmrn at w*« *•** ynnil o. IMLIT. - PmWlrtw Republican County Ticket. FOE CONGRESS, Ho*. THOMAS W. PHILLIPS. • FOR ASSEMBLY, DATID B. DOCTHOTT, JAMB* N. MOORE. FOR JURY COMMISSIONER, HSXBY W. NICHOLAS. Washington Notes. On Friday the schedule on chemicals was discussed all day in the Senate some changes were made. An agreement wu ruchw that day that the tariff bill •wan to be taken up every day at noon. On Wednesday a resolution was offered in the Senate calling for an investigation of the allegations regarding attempted bribery. It was alledged that the Sugar Trust contributed 1500.000 to the Demo cratic campagn fund and that a member of the Trust wrote the sugar clause of the Compromise bill, which, if it becomes a law will be worth many millions to the Trust. Political Notes. A large Tote was polled at the Republi can primary election in Indiana Co. last Saturday. Nesbit had no opposition for Congress. Judge Harry White was renom inated forjudge, having * ° f over Cunningham, the next highest, lei lord is 400 votes below Noah Seanor was renominated for As«em blv and John McGaughey is on the ticket ■with him, defeating Dr. W Ho a 8t " ( ; James C. McGregor and Jacob Creps are elected delegates to the State convention. They will vote for Hastings for Governor, Lyon for Lieutenant Govenor and Huff and Grow for Congressman-at-Large. At the Republican Primaries in Alle geny Co. last Saturday the followingjnom ations were made for Congress Twenty second district —John Dalzell. J w third district-W. A. Stone, for State Senate Forty-second distnct—Arthnr Ken nedy. Forty-fourth district—William Flinn. House of Representatives First district—Charles A. Mnehlbro iner, Olivei P. Scaife, Jr. Second—W J. McDonald, W T Marshall. Third district—M. B. Lemon, A. Mackrell. Fourth district— Fred Heil. Fifth district—W. M. Cnlb ertson, E. E. Cotton, David Weaver, Geo. L McFarlane. Sixth district —J. Men. Robb, M. M. Wilson. Seventh district— Samuel Wallace, Joseph T. Bichey. County Offices—Judge of Orphans Court— "W. G. Hawkins. Prothocotary—A. J. McQuitty. Jury Commissioner—A. Y. Moore. Director of the Poor—Robert Smiley. The Allegheny county delegation to the Republican State convention met in caucus "Wednesday and unanimously indorsed Hasting, Lyon, Huff and Grow. C. >->. Magee was elected chairman of the dele gation, with Prank Torrance and D. *• Collin gwood secretaries. Representative D. B. Heiner and Rep resentative-at-Large Alexander McDowell were both in their seats in the house Mon day. Mr. Heiner expresses himself as thoroughly satisfied with his prospects of a renomination. Maj. McDowell is ss full of fight as an egg is full of meat, and while he acknowledges that the odds are against him, he will be in the race to the finish. . . A large delegation of now in Washington will be present at the State convention next week. Coxey waa nominated for Congress at the Popalist convention in the 18th dis trict at Canton, Ohio, Tuesday. Ths strike of 3,000 workmen at Pullman, near Chicago, for a restoration of wages to the rates paid some time ago, presents the remarkable feature that the Pullman com pany seems quite aa willing to close up the mammoth concern as the workmen hav® been to throw down their tools. This town has become famonß as & model man ufacturing community—made so mainly by reason of the philanthropio efforts of the head of the concern, who took pride in doing whatever was deemed necessary lor the health and comfort as well an the moral and intellectual welfare of the res idents. The depression in business neces sitated reductions in wages, which were accepted with the understanding that when times improved the old rates should be re atored. There is no dispute as to wis agreement, but the trouble is that while the workmen insist that the company can pay the old wages now the officers declare they are unable to do so and would rather close the shops than try to keep them run ning at a loss. The Miners Strike. The operators met at Pittsburg last Fri day, but the River and Railroad operatois could not agree as to the course to ue pur sued at the Cleveland convention, the river operators had a majority and the railroad operators left the room. The miners and operators met inaonven tion in Cleveland, 0., Tuesdav, and effect ed an organisation. On W eanesday both ■ides were saying tbey could not agree, and seemed to be playing a game of bluff. President Mcßride of the Miner's Associa tion was quoted as saving "that if the operators offer to pay the "tt-cent scale in the Pittsburg district, with proportionate differentials in the others, their proposi tion would be laid before a meeting of the miner's delegates for their acceptance or rejection. He does not consider himself Tested with authority to decide the mat ter, and, unlike most of his associates, is not willing to guarantee that the labor of of the conference shall be fruitless. AN earthquake was reported from Veno mela on Friday in which 10,000 people are said to have lost their liveß. The cities of Merida, La Gunillas, Chiguara and Ban juan, in the region of the Andes are totally destroyed and many smaller villi ages wrecked. Look* More Like Businesa, Since Judge Raybnrn revoked the ap pointment of Ross Reynolds Esq., of Kit tanning, as auditor to distribute the funds arising out of the trustee's sale of the Brady's Bend Iron Co's. property, many people were inclined to aoubt that the purchasers were sincere in their intentions to build a railroad to Butler, or develop the coal or mineral deposits ol the vast property. It will be remembered that the appoint ment was revoked because no funds bad been paid into the hands of the Court, and hence oould not be distributed. But as the parties who sold the property bought it back again, the money, if paid into Court, would only be returned to them. There was no need of this only to oomply ■with the formality of law. However, on Monday the Court was satisfied and the transfer of papers mado to the now com pany, so that they are now in complete posession of the property, have satisfied all claims save the labor claims against it, and no reasonable doubt can be expressed that they have repeatedly said they would do— build the railroad and develope the prop- •rty. Several of the members of the company and their attorney, were at Kittanning on Monday, and the following day C. 0. Bil ling*, of Boston, and wife, and K. It. Ham mond, of Pittaburg, came up on the morn ing train and were driven over the prop erty. They also visited the oil well and onfy returned in time to take the afternoon tram south. Nothing wan given rock twp, 25 Final account of Joseph H Morrow, ex ecutor of Matthew Morrow, dee'd, late of Concord twp. 2fi Final account of W C MeCandlcss, guardian of John Chalmers Ogdeu minor child of l£phriam Ogden, dee'd, late of Mid dlesex twp. 27 Final account of EO McKlwaiu,admin istrator C T A of Francis McKlwaiu, dee'd, late of M iddlescx twp, 2S Final account of K C Parks, adminis trator ('T Aof Joseph Sloan, dee'd, late of Venango twp. 2!) Partial account of Eli Ileep and Isaac G Pollard, administrators of Mary lleep, dee'd, late of Fairview twp. 30 Final account of W E Vincent, admin istrator of H H Vincent, dee d late of Slip peryrock twp. 31 Final account of Lavina Campbell, ad ministratrix of Itobert 11 Campbell, dee'd, late of Parker twp. 3;! Final and distributing account of George I) Bean, executor of Mary A liean, dee'd, late of Butler twp. 33 Final account el W II Campbell, ex ecutor of John A Campbell, dee'd, late of Conccrd twp. 34 Final aocouut of M E Beighley, ad ministratrix of Henry Beighley, dee'd, late of Connorjuenessiug twp. 35 Final accouut of K U McCandless, ad* ministrator C T A D II N of Neal Gallagher dee'd,late of Clay twp. J. S. WICK, Register. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. ttno y/etil Cuunlnitham|Ht. Road Reports. Notice Is hereby given that the following I roads feave been confirmed nisi by the Court and will be presented on the first \\ ed nesday of June IS9*. belna th» ctli day ot said month, and II no exceptions are died, they will be continued absolutely. B. D. So, 4 Dec. Sess.on, 1893. Petition j of Joseph Sproul ami Edward Duffy, and in ; behalf of many other citizens of Marion i township, Butler count/, Pa., for a review of i a public roed in Marion township. Original view at March session, 1893. Review at No. j 4 June session, 1893. December 4, 1£93. j viewers appointed by the Court, and March i 3, 1894, report of reviewers filed, as follows: | That the road known as the llarrisville ] and Annandale road be vacated from the point where it parts from the llarrisville and Moniteau road at the railroad crossing known as Smith's crossing, and that a new road for public road be granted from Atwell's cross ing to Smith's crossing, and that portion of the New Hope roa l east of the Harrisyille and Moniteaa road be vacated. Probable cost of making. SIOO, to be borne by the township of Marion. No damages assessed, j March 7, 1894, approved, and fix width ot road at 33 feet, notice to be given according to rules of Court. By THE COURT. RDNo 2 March Session, 1894. Petition! of inhabitants of Clearfield township, Butler county, Pa., to vacate that portion of the road known as the Coylesviile and llannahs town road .beginning at Coylesviile and run ning to a point at the farm of Thomas E Green where said road intersects the public road known as the Mille rstown and Denny's Mill road, a distance of about one-fourth of a mile. Dec. 13, 1893, viewers appointed bv the Court, and March Ist, 1594, report of j viewers filed as yiz: That the vacation as prayed is necessary and have vacated _the same a distance of 1885 feet. March 7th, 1894. approved, notice to be given according to rule of Court. Bv THE COURT. RDNo 3 March session, 1894. Petition of inhabitants of Marion township ,for public road to lead from a public road at Carlisle M Fadden's to a public road at James Sur rena's. Dec. 11, 1893, viewers appointed by the Court, and Feb. 2lst, 1894, report of viewers filed as viz: That the road prayed for is necessary and have laid out the same for public use. Probable cost of making about one hundred dollars to be borne by the township of Marion. Damages assessed twenty-five dollars to Mary Ann Beach, to be paid by the county. March 7, 1894, ap proved and fix width ol road at 33 feet. Notice to be given according to rules of Court. BY THE COURT. RDNo 5 March Session, 1894. Petition of inhabitants ol Centre township for public road to begin at a point in the public road leading from the old Mereer.road to the New Castle road at or near the northwest corner of the farm of Sarah J Johnston and extending to a point in the public road lead ing from the village of Unionville to Ral ston's Mill at or near the house of M Huff id said township. Jan. 24, 1*94, viewers ap pointed by the Court, and March 1 1894, re port of viewers tiled as viz: That the road prayed for is necessary and have laid out the tame for public use a distance of 236 rods. Probable cost of making one hundred and fifty dollars to be borne by the township. No damages assessed. March 7, 1894, ap proved and fix width at 33 feet. Notice to be given according to rules of Court. Bv THE COURT, KD No 6 March Session 1891. Petition of citizens of Muddycreek township for a public road beginning at a point in the Mer cer road near the residence of Thomas Fish er and running to the coun ty [ine between Butler and Lawrence counties to connect with a new road recently granted by the Court of Law rence county. Jan. 27, 1894, viewers ap pointed by the Court, and March 6th, 1894 report of viewers tiled as vis: That the read prayed for is necessary and have laid ont the same for public use. The damages assessed ten dollars to Thomas IJ Fisher, to be paid by the county. March 7th. 1894, approved aud fix width of road at feet. Notice to be given according to rules of Court. BY THE Court. IHJTLEB COUNTY EN. Certified from the record this 9th day of May A. D., 1894. JOSEPH CBISWELL, Clerk Q. S. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that John T. Mar tin anil John I*. llepler, assignees of W m. Uepler et ux, have tiled their linal account in tho otlice of the Prothonotary of tho Court of Common Pleas ot Uutler county, at M's D, No. 1, Sept. T. 1893, and that the same will be presented to said Court for confirmation and allowance on Wed nesday the Gtb day of J unc, 1894. SAMUEL M. SKATON. Pro. Prothonotary's Office, May 7th, 1894. Notice In Partition. In re-p etltlon of D. Z. Mussel man for parti tlon of the real estate of Keuben Musselman dee'd. O. C. No. 89 March Term, 1894. Feb. Hth, 1894, the pottUon of D. Z. Mussel man was presented to the Orphan's Court of Butler Co., Pa. at above stated number and term, praying tor a citation upon the heirs at law aud parties Interested 11 appear and show cause why partition ot the following described tract or parcel of laud, tlie real estate of Ileuben Musselman. dee'd., should not be made. Sal tract ol laud being situate In Harmony bcr Butler Co., I'a., and bounded on the north by lot of J. S. StaufTer. on the east by Main street on the south by Mercer St., and on the west by Wilson alley, and having erected thereon a two stoiy brick dwelling house and store room with the appurtenances. Whereupon the Court made the following order: Now, Feb. 19, 1894, the within petition pre- Kelited find read,; nd on due consideration a citation Is awarded upon the heirs at law and parties Interested, to show cause why partt llon of the premises should not be made ;is. pray ed for, und It appearing that all the par* ties Interested are non residents of Butler Co., Pa. , the Sheriff Is directed to give notice by publication according to law. the notice as to those minors under fourteen to be given to their fathers and next friend and this Citation Is made returnable to June Term. ity tub Qavirr. Now, April 25,1HM, to Margaret Mussulman Intermarried with christian Mattler who has since died leaving to survive her the aforesaid Christian Mat tier and the following children all or whom are of full age, viz: .lohi. Howard Mattler, residing at Dlxmont, Allegheny Co. Pa ; Hose K. Intermarried with Shields and residing at St. Louis, Mo.; Nancy K. Intermarried wlili Anthony Shaffer,and residing at Greenville. Pa.; Mary Jane Mattler residing at Rochester, Pa.; Eliza Intermarried with J. s. stauffer who has since died leaving to survive her the afore said J.B.Stauffer mid the following children all of whom are minor* without a guardian and re side with their rather at Heaver Falls. Pa., viz: (iuy A., Nancy M., Laura A. and Earl J. Stauller. Mary intermarried with J. if. tlarvin who has since died lt-avlnn to survive her the said ,1. K Carvln and the following children all of whom are minors without a guardian and re side with their father, J. It nd residing at Heaver Kails I'a.; Jacob T. Musselman residing at. ltvrou. 111; and D. Z. Musselman residing in liraduock, Pa. You and each or you arc hereby cited lo appear at the Orphans' Court to be held at lU(lfer in and for the County of Butler on Monday the sth day of June. Isal. then and there to show cause If any you nave why a writ or partition should not Issue prayed for In the aoove and forego ing petition. ANOBKVV U . CAMPBBLL, Shcrltl. Widow's Appraisements. The following appraisement# of personal Croperty and real estate set apart for the enelit of the widows of decedents have been filed in the ollice of the Clerk of Orphan's Court of Butler county, viz: Widow of Samuel S Fleming, (r )fc3oo 00 " Robert Cooper 52 25 ' Casper Frishkorn 300 00 John N. Havis 300 00 " Geo. W. Forsythe .... '•!' 2 05 " Michael Hhoup 153 70 All persons interested in the above ap raisements will take notice that they will e presented to the Orphan's Court of Butler county for roulirmation absolutely on Wed nesday, the lith 'lay of June, 1894, and if no exceptions are Illed they will be continued absolutely. Johkpu CKIKWI.U.. Clerk O. C. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Armstrong A- lictteridge, at No. 12 Federal street, Allegheny, expired by limitation on the 24th day of April, 1894. J. A. Armstrong will continue in the same business at room No. 34, No. 12 Federal street, Allegheny, where tho busi ness of the old firm will lie settled up. J AH. A. ARMSTRONG, Hotels and Depots, W. S. (Jregg iu now rrnniDg a line of carriages between tbe hotels und depots of the town Chargwß reasonable. Telephone No, 17, or loave orders at Hotel Vcgeley Good Liveyr in Ciwiieelioii (T BUGGIES ' Prioc UiSftw ' V '■ mm* fa. s 11-I. i *.5 4 . lu|iMiiri*7 |i «.t- Ll.l . L I\TV*-,' »Wll.MXl Wagon. fcr. ouiu|K-UI«T> —— ■MU ill H.«|| ( nri llf' lluy..rr,t J ll'iriTT ltani««. M*» torrnndsavi . - -ffl, inufKr » . -K. BBS mm* Morfnii Saddle. (I It, I Kr.» • J6it- L'. •. HLUUV * < AWT CO. 1 . ' H pjfyj) Ifa wjyurmcc St-, lUwtuaaU. O. * ,u - SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue ol sundry writs ol \ en. Ex.. Ft. Fa ta v. Fa., sc.. issued out of the Court ol Common PI -u* ol BuUer Co.. Pa., and to me directed ihere will be exposed to public sale at the Court House. In the borough of Butler, on Monday, the 4th ciay of June, A. D. 1894. at 1 o'clock p. m,, ihe following dt - scribed property, to-wit: ED No -I" June term, 1891. E McJunkln. Mo- Junkin & Galbreath, attorneys. All the riijhi, title, interest and claim ol J W S orris, of. in and to 90 acres of land, more or less situated In Penn township, Butler county. Pa., bounded its lollows, to-wit : On the norm by other lands of J W N orris and lauds of Buhl and Lavery.east by old Butler pike, south by KUnger, Patterson et al, west by Graham and eth--ts, said laud lying on both sides ot Thorn t-reek, between the other 30-acre tract of de fendants land and the old Butler pike ; oil and gas reserved: aud having a frame dwelling nouse. board stable and other outbuilding? erected thereon. ALSO—Of, in and to 30 acres of land, more or less, situated In Penn townslhp, BuUer county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a post near the plant road br dge across Thorn CreeK, thence north S9>i degeast jj 6-10 perches to a post, thence south l», deg east lis perches to a bioue heap, thence south ss))tf deg west 44 05-luo porches to a stake, theuce fnorcli t\ deg west 135 perches to a post, ttence south 12 deg east J7 perches to the place of beginning, salu land lying on both sides ot Thorn Creek ; all 0!' and gas being reserved. Seized and taken In execution as the property of J v\' Norris at the suit 01 tieo Kelber a: Sons. E D Nos 125 and 126, June T, 1891. Levi M. \\ lse, attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Frederick L. Heckel of. in and to 5s acres ot land more or less, situate In Jackson township, Butler county, I'a., bounded as follows, to-wlt : Beginning at a post on the northern side of Connoquenessing creek, theuce crossing said erect, thence running south adjoining lands of Obed Knox 'jot'i perccs to a post, |tbence lun nlng north adjoining lauds ot Ww KossmaU to a post on the northern bank ol said creek, thence running upv D Brandon, attorneys. AU the right, title, interest and claim of N IM Richardson, of. in and to a certain lot ol land, more or less, situated in Prospect boro. Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows to-wlt: On the north bv an alley, east by Pittsburg St, south by land ot Widow McGowan, west by an alley, with a two-story Irame dwelling and store house combined aud small board stable creel ed thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property oIN M liichardson at the suit 01 John Humphrey et al. E D No 187. March T.|l-jl, aud E D Nos 97 and 98, June T, 1894. J D Marshall and W D Brandon, att'ys. All the right, title, interest aud claim of N M Klchardsoa and lanthe E Richardson 01, 111 aud to 9 acres ot land, more or less, situate lu Prospect boro, lialier Co.. I'a.. boauaed as fol lows, 10-wu: on the north Uj McGowan St.east by the Pittsburg and Franklin road, south by lands ol t; P Jolinsou, west by lauds ol S S For rester. Said ianas being all cleared aud m a good state ol cultivation. Seized anu taken in execution as ui-' proocrty ol -N M Richardson and lautiie L ltlcbaruson at tlie suit of John Humphrey et al. E D No 8 June T, 1891, Jlstlou aud Yau uerlln, att'y s. All the right, title, Interest and claim of W S Williams, 01, iu aud to a Certain lot 01 land, more or less, situated iu Kains City borough. Falryiew township, But ler Co., Pa., pounded as lollows, to-wit; Being lot .No 35 and being 20 leet front 011 Fair view St. and extending uack to an alley 100 feet,with a one-story traine dwelling house aud outbuild ings erected thereon. Seized and, takeu in ex ecu.lon as the property ol W S Williams at the suit of E A Totteu, ED No 103 June term, ls9l. H H Goucher atty All the rltfht, title. Interest aud claim of James Say, late ol Parker township, Butler county. Pa., deceased, of. In and to 117 acres of land, more or less, situated In Parker township. Butler county, Pa., bounded as lollows, to-wit: Ou tl;e north by lands formerly ol \\ in. Say, east by lands ol Win White, south by lanus 01 Asai Waru, west by lands ol James Campbell and I'homas l'leteuer, it being one half ol a cer tain tract ol land divided uy a straight line Irom east to west by a postal each corner of the south end ol said tract, granted by the Coin monwcaltn ol Pennsylvania to Will. Say by patent bearlug dale August 5, A D.l- >4, and en rolled in Patent Hook 11. vol 57, page 87, and conveyed by Win. Say aud wile to James Say, now ueceased, by deed bearing date Marcu 7, ISO), and ol record iu deed book vol 11, page 282, ol the records 01 Butler county. Pa, said lands being partly cleared aud having a dwelling house, barn and outbuildings thereou erected, being ot the lauds and tenements ol which the said James Say died seized, bound by ihe lieu ol a certain judgment recovered in the Court ol Common Pleas of Butler couuty. Pa, against him in his llletime, and Allred Bales, the ad ministrator ol the said James Say, dee d,having been duly warned by scire tactas, and no cause having been suowu agatut It, it was adjudged that lue plaintiff have executlou to be levied of the lan Is and tenements of which said James Say died seized lu satisfaction of the debt. In terest aud costs of said judgment. Seized aud taken 111 execution as the property of .lames say , with notice to Allred Bales, administrator of said James Say, now deceased, at the suit of John Sty tor use of W J Butler, now for use ot John H Montgomery. ED No 120 June term, 1891. W 11 Lusk, att'y. All the right, title. Interest aud claim of Mor decal Graham, of, iu aud to 70 acri-s ol laud, more or less, situated lu Forward township, Butler county. Pa, bounded as lollows, to-wlt: On the north by John Bertnger and Adam Elchert, east by lands ol Josepn Ash ana J A Ash south by lands 01 Wm (Joetiring, west by lands ol John lierluger, said land being mostly cleared aud under fcuce and 111 a fair stale ol cultivation'aud having a log dwelling house, trarno oaru and other outoulldlugs thereon. Seized and taken 111 execution as the property of Mordecal Granamlat the suit ot James Sutton lor use of Jacob Dambacti & Co. ED No 123 June term 18 W. s 1 Bowser att'y. All the right, title, Interest and claim of John Killer, or Kavlor.of. In aud to 182 acres of ground, more or less, situated In Falrvlew twp_ Butl-T county, Pa. bounded as lollows, to-wit; Beclniilna at the northeast corner of the orlg- Rial tract (of which this is a part) In the war rant name of James P Campbell, thence along the north line thereou south 8» west 100 perches. theuce ulong the rfist line of fund uow or formerly of Wm. Barnhart south 1 east Isii l>erc lies, the nee along line ot land now or lormerly of Daulel Carney north 80 east pi perches aud south ~ cast 0 perches, thence along north line ol laud sur veyed for George King north ss east ViZ perches to the east line of *uld tract in the warrant name ot Ja» P Campbell.and thence aloug the suld east, line north 'i west isl perches to the pluee ol beginning, about 10 acres of which tract was al one time conveyed to ( A kainerer and alter ward# aOout 5 jicren thereof was re purchased by said John K afer. This mortgage being subject to the part still held under Kain erer. It being the same property conveyed to John Kalur by Chapman Blddle, executor of Wm Clymer, dee'd, dated Dec,Ul. 1877. aud re corded In Butler couuty In Deed Book 53. page 80. Seized and taken In execution as tho prop erty of John Kaler or Kaylor at the suit of Thomas Mellon. !•: i> No Vu June term is'ji, s F Bowser att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of John W borttnass, of, In and to certain is acres of land .more or less, situated In Butler borough, and p.utler township, Butler county, Pa. bound ed as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the north west corner, thence In an easterly direction along Bortmass alley ow feet, more or less, to Butler alley, thence In a southerly direction along said Duller alley 2»7 feet to Mitchell alley, thence In an easterly direction along said Mitchell alloy Ims feet, more or less, to Sullivan Avenue, thence 111 a southerly direction along said Sulli van Avenue Hi feet to a 40 loot street, thence In a westerly direction along said street and lands of John Muntz i.oou feet, more or less, to Connoipienesslng creek.thenoe in a northeaster ly direction along said creek .MM ft, more or less, to the place of beginning, with a large frame dwelling, medium sized frame dwelling house, frame stable, three green houses, one boiler house, one boiler, steam pump and all steam pipes and connec tions used lu and about, said greehouse.thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the property of John WBortmassat the suit of Wm Shoup. I£ DNo 110 Juno term, IH'.M. WII I.usk. att.y. All the right, title, interest and claim of J J Campbell, of. in and to ISa a«> 0/ land, more or less, situated in Allegheny twp., Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: on the north by lands of .1 C (1 Ibson. oast by lands of 11 uI - Ingsetal. south by lands of Palm. Isabella Ki lls et al and west by lands of Cornell, said land being purpart No 1 In the partition pro ceedings in Common Pleas Court of Butler (to.. Pa., between said Campbell and Mrs Kills, said laud Inl 11 mostly cleared, in a fair stale of cul tivation. with a frame dwelling house, frame bam and other outbuilding* erected thereon. Seized snd taken In execution as the property of ,f. J. Campbell at the suit of McC.if Hum banter. ED Nos ill and it . June term, ltrai. J C Van derllu, attorney. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Mrs. Nettle A Woiler, of. in and to 57 acres of land, more or less,situated In Muddycreek lo.vushlp. Butler county. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wlt: (in the north by lands of Peter Miller, east by lanOs of Bauder and Natlle, south by lands of Andrew Schneldemautle, west by Harmony road, with a good frame and log dwelling house frame barn, orchard and other outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Mrs Nettle A Weller at the suit of C J I) Strohecker et al. E I) No 130 June T. isoi.ltslston Si Qreer, atfys All the right, title. Interest and claim of Jas Fra/.ler. of, 111 and to ii'» acres of land, more or less, situated In Muddycreek twp . Butler Co . Pa., bounded as follaws, to-wlt: On the north by lands of Itribert I'ra/ler. east by lands of Hubert Fraxler. south by lands of liW Kr.izler ami west by lands of Wm Moore and John W Wlmer, said land being mostly cleare a'-rcM timber land ami having a frame dwelling house, frame barn and other outbuildings and a large fiult orchard or apples, peaches, etc. thereon. ALSO 01. In and to to acres of land mor" or less, situated lu Muddycreek twp. . Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On tho north by lands of John W Wlmer; east by lands of (» W Krazler, south by lands of Wm Kauffman and west by lands formerly of W 11 llodds, said land belug mostly cleared an 1 In a fair ntate of cultivation. Seized and taken lu execution as the property of Jas l-'razler at tha suit of A I'carce for use of llarmouy Savings Bank, now for use of John Greer. E I> No lU7 March term. t«9l, aod K U No a June term, iksm. w A For«iuer and I rank Kohler, attorneys. All the right, title, Interest and claim oj Adam Scheuck, of, In and lo a certain lot of land, more or less, situated m Holier borough. Ilutier county. Pa bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by Jefferson street, east by lot of Dr It II Pillow, south by an alley, and west by Washington street. Bala lot havlm; a frontage of lo feet on Jefferson street and extending back lsu feci 10 an alley, the southern bouudry, audliavliik' a good two-story frame dwelling house, fraui" building used as a blacksmith shop and other outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and taken tn execution as the property of Adam scbenck at the suit of Win Leithoid et al LI) No June term IS9». J H Hredln att'y All the rltfht, title. Interest and claim of H S VanderUn. of. lu and to :n acres of land, more or less, situated In Marlon towuslilp, Butler Ituller county. I'a, bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the uorlh by lauds of Vincent i'orter, east by lands of Kobert Yanderlin, south by landa of I»ixon Atwcll s heirs and west by lands of E Cunimlngs. . $7.50 & $9 BARGAINS IN 50c for a good length atd fine quality lace curtain, value 75c. LACE CURTAINS. j9e " quality, usually sold at SI.OO. 91* " " " $1.50. At $1.50, 1.75, 2.25 and $.1.00, tte. wo show values far in excess of the the price. Curtain poles and window shades at reasonable prices. SILK MITTS. 15c. for silk iaitts, u--ual price 2c. 25c. " " 40. LADIF.S VESTS 10c. for the quality always sold at 15, AND HOSIERY. 15c. 41 ■« 25. MILLINERY. We made millinery a special study and if you waut to fee wh#t the leaders of fashion are wearing this season, wc inyite you to visit our millinery department, what we have is the newest, brightest and lat est. You want nothing else. WHENEVER We advertis; an article or a price you may depend upo;i it being well worthv of your consideration. KAUFMANN'S, BUTLER, _p a . Leader in Low Prices and Reliable Goods. Always ask lor goods advertised. ■PARE NOTES! By comparing notes with your friend?, you will find that the best of them trade with US. Why!' Because they save money. We have never been in the habit of advertising prices,tor as a general thing goods quoted low are inferior stock, but we have a few things this sprine that we take pride in quoting the prices. We call your attention to our U. S. Pants, good strong Jeans, full lined, never rip, for only Gsc No 2, better grade, usually sold at $1.25, only 9Gc. No. 3, the best grade, sold everywhere for $1.50, only $1 10 Fine styles in CW. onlv SI.OO all warranted to never rip Fine Union Co's. Pants only $1.40, worth $2 25. Seamless Hose onlv sc. Ladies Stockings only 3c per pair. All the latest styles and novelties in Scarf Pins. Fiue gold filled Rings, warranted for five years, 25 to 50c. A big bargain, a solid nickel Watch, nickel movement, stem-wind, pendent set, O. F., good timekeeper only $5.00. We carry regularly a large and varied stock of Men's, Boy's and Chil dren's Suits and Pants, Bats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Caffs, Ties, Handker chiefs, Hosiery, Hammocks, Trunks, Valices, Satchels, Brushes, Combs, Parses, Pocket aud Bill Books, JUmbrellas. Overalls, Jacket?, Watches, Chains and Charms for Ladies or Gents, Collar and Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins in all the latest novelties, Electric Diamond Rings in endlees variety at all prices to suit the times, When you re»d this over do not imagine that these are old inferior stock, they arc brand new and the best value ever offered in Butler, and will bear the most critical examination. We court comparison and defy competition. Give us a fair trial, and our word for it, you will never regret it. D. A. HECK Champion Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher. JENNIE E. ZIMMERMAN. Grand Spring Opening, Of Dress Goods, Millinery, Wraps, Silk Waists, Underwear, Hosiery Laces, Trimmings, Notions, and a complete line of Domestics. We quote below prices of a few of the many wonderful bargains to be found here. § § § _ 8 § Prices given below good until change of advertisement. 90c Black Henrietta 7jo 85 " 40-inch Serge 60 50 " Henrietta 40 25 Col. " 20 20 " " 12 35 Jamestown 11-'I 1 -' 50 " 35 50 India Silks 29 85 Black Surrah Silks CO 75 India Silks 50 1 00 - " 75 1 25 " " 1 00 1 00 Changable Silks 65 25 Sailor Hats 10 15 l-'rench Flowers 5 50 Milan Hats 25 10 Ladies' Vests 5 15 " " 10 Call anil see us and we will convince you that the place to get lat est styles, best qualities and lowest prices, is at the Leading Dry Goods, Millinery and Wrap House of Butler. JENNIE E. ZIMMERMAN, (Successor to Ritter & Ralston.) C. R. ELLIOTT, 130 W. Jefferson Street, LEADING WALL PAPER HOUSE Will ocupy this space next week. VHLEY 1 BANCROFT, WANT EVERY Womai\ and. CHild In Butler county know that they have received their large and com plete line ol I "all and Winter Hoots, Shoes and Slippers at prices that will surprise them. We have the celebrated Jamestown Hoots and Shoes, made by hand and warranted, which have proven their wearing quailites for years past. We want to give the trade -#The Best Goods for Least Possible, Living Profit.*- The best line of Ladies'and Gents' Fine Shoes ever shown in the county. Children's School Shoes in every shape and style. Rubber Goods 01 all kinds and shapes at all prices. Come and see the boys. I Vogeley & Bancroft 347 S. Main Street. - - - Butler, Pa CLARK'S SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Every young man and woman should receive such an education as they can obtain at Clark's School of Commerce, Butler, Pa. or at the New Castle Business University, New Castle, Pa. The schools are under the same management. ACTUAL BUSINESS METHODS EMPLOYED You will save time and money by attending one of these schools. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN BUSINESS OFFICES, EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. Write to 1). G. CLARK, President, New Castle, Pa., or F. G. JOHNSTON, Secretary, Butler, I'a. 10c Ladies' Black Hose 5o 15 Misses' " " 10 10 Embroideries 5 8 Ginghams 5 10 » G 12 Dress Ginghams 8 15 " '• 10 8 Bine Calico 5 8 New* Sprinsj Calico 6 10 Lonsdale Muslin 8 8 Bleached " 5 i 5 Unbleached " 4 7 " " 5 8 Ked and Black Calico 5 35 Ked Damask 25 35 Unbleached Damask 25 25 9-4 Sheeting 18 20 8 4 " 16