FURNITURE BUYERS Campbell &Templeton, Have commenced a Furniture Sale that will interest you. Each season we visit the principal furniture markets ot the United States, thereby securing the new est styles as soon as produced. This seasons stock surpasses any we have previouslv shown and prices are lower. j! FOR THE PARLOR. g We have Parlor Suits in# Turkish, Mahogany or? |>Oak Frames, Mahogany Chairsi <>Fancy Rockers, Gold Chairs,# * * * * ** . ; : FOR THE DINING ROOM. : FOR THE BED ROOM. .* i Side Boards, Extension Ta- ! Bed Room Suits, Stands,; • bles, Buffets, Head Chairs, Din- : Rocking Chairs, Chairs, Chif-: I ing Room Chairs, China Closets. : foniess, Wardrober. I * „...** * * Carpets, Rugs, Dishes, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, House Furnishing Goods, Domestic Sewing Machines, Large assortment of Baby Carriages. CAMPBELL a . THTOII, Butler, - Penn'a, HUSELTONS' Spring Attractions in the Finest Styles of FOOTWEAR. aow open. These styles are all new—the Cream of the Market. No excuse for not wearing a nice, new pair of stylish, good-fit ting Shoes at these prices. You will find all the New Narrow, Square and New Narrow Opera Lasts. The New Congress and Cloth Top with large Buttons and the Bluchcretts and Dongola Tan and Patent, Calf in this stock. Ladles Fine Pat. Tip 8 hoes at «se, ooc. Si .00 and 1.25. .. " very line at IIJM, 2.00 and 2.50. .. •• •* hand turns, t'JM.',. 2.50 and 3 00. •• cloth top*. $,5.00 and 3.00. " Good Heavy Bboee at 73c, Mc and »i .00 » Fine Lace, Tip, Oxfords at 30c, 65c, 7Sc and II .00. Fine Opera Htyles, W)c 75c and SI.OO. >1 Tan and Black Blucheretta at 12.00. '2.50 and 3.00. Mja« Oxfords. great variety In Tan and Black at the above price*, MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES. Fine ButtonHUoe,.sUc.U to«0lft „ Children's '• " sjtf to 10X at soc. 7sc and SI.OO. « IN Tan and Black at noc, 65c. 7sc and SI.OO. P„ » Mitten' and Children's Fine Low cut Oxfords at very low prices In Dongola , nuaset and Pat. leather. MENS', BOYS' and YOUTHS' Men's B. CaU Tip. Conifrses and Bals only 90c. Men's Oood Heavy rthoes at 7oc, «oc, SI.OO and 1.35. Men'a uood Box Toe Shoes at SI.MI and 2.00. Men s Grain and Kip Oredemoros at $1.23 and 1.50. Men's Extra One Calf Hhoes at $2.00, 2.50 and 3.00. Men's Fine Kanaaroo Shoes at 2.50, 3.00 and 3.50. Men's Cordovan Pat. or Calf BlutchereUs. all new styles Men's Tan Hhoes, New Spring Styles at $1.75, 2.00 and '2.«< i Boys' Shoe* from osc, SI.OO andl '25, all spring Styles. Boys' Tan Shoes, Beauties at sl.t'> and 1.60. Men's Calf Boots at $1,90 to 2 Jin This stock is carried in all widths, all toes and lasts. Words fail to describe the extent of this stock. Come and sec for yourself. Repairing of all kinds done at reasonable prices. B. C. HUSELTON. Ho. 102 North Main Street - Butler,' Pa. THE LARGEST SHOE HOUSE IN BUTLER COUNTY. SPRING! SPRING! Axe You Interested In Low Prices? We offer a magnificent new stock for Spring and Summer at PRICES THE LOWEST YET NAMKD FOR STRICTLY FIRST CLASS GOODS. High Grades in all Departments. True merit in every Article. Hon est Quality Everywhere. An Immense Assortment. Nothing Missing. Everything the Best. The Quality will tell it. The Price wiHsell it. And that is the reason you should come early to get your bargains from our splendid line of Shoes, Slippers and Oxfords. We show all the latest novelties in great profusion. We keep the very finest selections in all standard styles. We make it a point to have every article in stock the best of its kind. Shoe Dealer. AL RDFF. g. Main St. '*A HAND SAW JS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUBE-CUEANINQ. \ FOR THE LIBRARY. * S We have Couches covered in# J Leather, Plush, Velvet or Wil-J Jton coverings; Leather Chairs,s iLeather Wickers, Library Ta-# #bles, Book Cases, Desks, Li # f brary and Revolving Chairs. ? Remember there are hundreds of brands" of White Lead (so called) on the market that are not White Lead, composed largely of Barytes and other cheap materials. But the number of brands of genuine Strictly Pure White Lead is limited. The following brands are standard '' Old Dutch" process, and just as good as they were when you or your father were boys: ' Armstrong & McKelvy, ' Beymer-Bauman,'' Davis-Chambers," • ■ Fahnestock." Fou COLORS.— National Lead Co.'s Pare White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to a 55-pound keg of Lead and mix your own pair.ts. Saves time and annoyance in matching shades, and insures the best paint that it it possible to put on wood. Send us a postal card and get our book cm paints and color-card, free; it will probably save you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. Pittsburg Branch, (Jerwan National Bank Building, P;Ua»Wg. yfG* . LINIMENT OT HER U V STRICTLY For Use. Dropped on supar suffering children love to take it. Every Mother should have it in the house, it quickly relieves and cures all aches and pains, asthma, bronchitis, colds, coughs, catarrh, cuts, chaps, chilblains, colic, cholera morbus, earache, headache, hooping cough, inflammation, la grippe, lameness, mumps, muscular soreness, neuralgia, nep-ous head ache, rheumatism, bites, burns, bruises, strains, sprains, stings, swellings, stiff joints.sore throat, tore lunss. toothache, tonsilitis and wind colic. Originated in ISIO by the late Dr. A. Johnson, Family Physician. Its merit and excellence have satisfied everybody for nearlv a century. All who use it are amazed at its wonderful power. It is safe, soothing, satisfying; so sensitive sufferers. T sed Internal and External. Doctor's signature and directions on every bottle. Ill'afd Pamphlet free. Bold ereiywbgra. „I*rie«, »<'» hix bottlcM, ". 1. JOHNSON & CO., Bun ton. M* «^HUMPHREYS' y VETERIMARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheap, Hogs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. 500 Page Book on TreatN»en« of Animal* and Chart Hem tree. cniEs (F # .Ter«,Con f eßtloßa i lnflamtn«llon A. A. ( f»pinal llenTn(ltli>i Hilk Fever. 11.H.-Mrlimi, l.iimeness, KheßNnatlaßl. C.C.— DlateNnper, Nana I l)l«ckargt'l. I>.D.—Bots or Grabs, Worma. F..E— roughs, Heaves, Pneamonla. F.F.—rollc or (irlpw. Bellyache. JJ.JJ.— Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. H. H.—l'rinory and Kidney Dlseaaea. 1.1.--Ernßtlve Diseases, Mange. J. K. --Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle (Over 50 doses), - - .60 Htsble Taae, with Specifies. Manual. Veterinary Cure Oil and Modlcator, ST.J® Jar Veterinary C«re Oil, - - 1.00 hold *1; sr wst aayskm aa4 la »r •o.n'ii. *• «e»lpt .» »rl». EtirBKItH'IKD- CO., 11l a 11» WliasSN SC. I>.TWN. HOMEOPATHIC Aft UhKJSPECIFIC No.UO la uM 30 J**rc Th« CBIT racoaital ron.dr for Nerveus Debility, Vila Weakness, and Proctration, from owr work or other aow |l p«r Tiki, or 6 villi tod Urge rial powder, forlk hold bj Dtbc*l* w . or M,cl on of P rlc *» HUIPHKKTS' IXl*. COt, 11l A Jit WUIU* St., VV Mat Is tn?s anyhow ■ It is the only bow ('ing) which cannot be pvil'< d from tlic watch. To be had only with Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases stamped with this trade mark. V*v Ask your jeweler for pamphlet Keystone Watch Case Co., I'HULADLXHHIA. IA(re«l naturally In Government Bonded ■ Warehouses, exported to Hamburg, ed hack and bottled on ourl , otvn premises in the guarantee wo givo you I that Old Kxoort I* absolutely pure. Free! from fuwloii and nil I njurious ingredient*. ■ It ifit'io ideal family whiskev for medicinal H it fw.' ial |>urpo*es. Mail and ex pre**order* ■ tilled promptly, and on orders of 810 or I over we pay oxpre.ns charges. fi Compkt«Pik* Lists if Brandies, Wloca.Wbukica milled frtt Ctiros tliomandfl Hnnuallyof LlverCom plaintx, I5lllouano«i, Jaundice, Dyspep sia, Constipation, Malaria. More Ills result from an Unhealthy Liver than any othorcnuso. Why Miffcr when you can be curcl? Dr. Sunford's Lilver Invlgo* ator Is a celebrated family medicine. YOI'K PIM'PUInT WILL. fcrPI'LY YOB. VITALIS a Well THE OHE AT uotta Dsjr- ■' Kdgb l FRENCH REMEDY SOSTK^ Pru»)». It acta powerfully auJ quickly. Cure* when all otbera fall. Vounß men will regain th<-lr lost manhood, and oIU uii n will recover their , youthful vigor by using VITALIS. It quickly and surely re stores Nervousness, I.ost Vitality. Impotenoy, Nlchtly KUIIHHIOIIH, Lost I'onrr. KalllnK Mem ory. Wasting Diseases, anil all effects of self abuse or excess ami Indiscretion. Wards off Insanity and consumption. Insist on having VITALIS. no other. Can ho carried In vest nncket. My mall. SI.OO per package, or six for fo.OO, i*lth a po ttl«« written itu.rsstee to r«r« or r.funrt ti.t. monrj. Circular fr*-e. Addresa UI.UDKT Ul ilKliK (OXI'ANY, Chicago, IV. For Sale by (jtj Pharmacy THE CITIZEN —Fifty years hence, at the rate our pop nlation is encreaaing, and with the incred ible rapidity with which labor saving ma chinery is being evohred, this country will bejteeming with human being, and few of them will have any hard mannal labor to perform. Electricity will almost entirely take the place of muscle. People will have more time to read. The battle of lile will be a pure contest of brains. That organ will henca be devoloped at the ex pense of the body, and we will become a big-headed and 3mall-bodied race. Im agine a man with a small, thin body, and a head on him the sue of a half-bushel This transformation will not of course take place for many generations, and if gym nastic exercises become general, the phy sical body will not degenerate at all. What a nice, suave lot of peaople we will have when everybody becomes a 6age and philosopher, a gentleman and a scholar > and all as polite as French dancing mast ers! It would be plesant to live them wouldn't itt When a man thinks of the changes that will take place in the next half century it makes him regret that he was born so soom. The best thing we can do now is to live as long as we can by sticking close to nature's laws and guess what will come after that. —Mrs. McSwat.—"lsn't that dreadfully realistic, Billigert The actors are shoot ing their pistols straight at each other. Mr. McSwat —"'lt isn't half realistic enough. —A Chicago minister preached last Sun day on "What can Idoto be saved! It would seem that the first move to be made would be to get right out of Chicago. —ln 1745 Dr. Watson streched a wire across the Thames and sent an electric shock through it from one observer to an other. He was accused for witchcraft ard had much trouble in proving hit innocence. Drunkenness, the Liquor Habit, Pos lvely Cured by adircnstering Dr. Hi iHb "Golden Specfic." It la manufactured aa a powder, which can be given in a glaas of beer, a cup oi coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient ia a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book 01 particulars free. Address, Golden Specific Co.. 185 Race St.. Ciucinuotii O. —Mrs. Ballington Booth, the wife of Ballington Booth and Daughter-in-law of the founder of the Salvation Army, is pretty, has a remarkably strong, sweet disposition, and is a wonderful leader organizer, doing almost us much as her clevi-r husband, besides helping in the pub lican, n of the War Cry and taking charge of her home and ai.d her three young children. Kheuwiitii.:i: cured ;n a day—"Mystiu cure" for rh. tiiiatisui und neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the astern i* reuiarkuKle and mysterious. It remove* at- oiict the causa and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly I trielito. 70 eta. sold by J. C Redick, drnggiat, Butler. —The Atlanta Constitution says that while a Georgia editor was addressing an audience fifteen cabbages were thrown on the stage. "I thank you ladies and gen tlemen," he said: "my garden was killed by the recent blizzard, and I have a large family to support - All that I need now is a basket!" —General Grant's "Memoirs," which Mark Twain's firm published, are said by a writer in Met'lure's Magazine to have re turned a larger reward than any book over written in this country. Up to the present time the Grant family have received $440,- 000 in royalties from the publishers of the work, while the sale still continues good; and as a cheaper edition is soon to appear it is within the range of probability that the "Ma/rioirs" may finally yiold $750,000. —Fish balance themselves in water by the muscular contraction of the air blad ders. At'death the muscles relax and the bladders expand with the result the fish is thrown on one side and rises to the surface. —lf Congressnen only received pay for what they earn, many of them would have to send home for money to pay their board bills. —There is a women in Sitka known as Princess Tom, who is very rcih. She at one time had three husbands, but has be come Christianized and discharged two. She is au extensive trader, is known all over Alaska, and wears upou her arm 30 gold bracelets made oat of S2O gold piec6S. —A jury has awarded u Dakota man $23, 000 for the lo*s of hii leot. At this rate be will be a rich nun it he can hold on long enough. The fact that three United States Sen ators ban- ■ I•• it since the talk on the tariff b gen si ill I In? a i awful warning. —The uuff Kansn ballot law r<*<| 11 ir«s the I • ».-r iiiril>* ot rho voter, a* high up as th ' knee*, rhnll lie vi*ible from thu oft'side while the voter i* in the booth pre paring his ticket, the lower part of thu booth having been left open Cor that pur pose." Is this another scheme of the ene mies of women suffrage. —The blood of a f< ur-pound eel contains futllcient poisou to kill ten men. Cooking makes it harmless. —Somebody has just disco v ered that an ordinary boo when not loaded weighs one five-thousandth of a pound. Loaded or unloaded when lie strikes a HID al 1 boy ho seems to weigh live thousand pounds. —lt is said that Dave Alherton, a Phil ipshurg contractar and brick maker, walk ed eight utiles to a good fishing ground and after he arrived at the stream ho discover ed that he hatl forgotten his hooks. —John Barclay, i truck man, worth $l5O 000, died in New York on Monday. lie wan known to all bankers an Honest John Barclay, and in the past 30 yoarn had cart ed over $1,500,000 worth of gold and ailver to and from thu ocean HtoamorH. —The Supreme Court haw decided the owner of a dog i.» roHponxible for all dam cauaed by the animal. If ho bitoa anyone, if he hark* at a horao and cauaea a runaway. or in any way dainngea the property of an other, dainagea may be recovered from the owner. Two wnll-knonn membera of the Al legheny connty bar. one of them a Hebrew, to whom an important uaae had juat been Riibmitted, were diacuiising tho nizo of the feu to bo charged. "I think SI,OOO would be about the right figure,'' xaid the Hebrew. "Ridiculous! Mako it not leu* than 5,000," Kaid the colleague. "Almoat thou per- Huadeat me to be a Christian waa tho retort. —Lady—"Want xomething to eat, ehf Why don't you work at Home tradet" Tramp—"Madam I'm a prof.iaaional man." Lady— 'What,a you profeaaiont" Tramp— "Well, I'm an 'aflerdinner apeaker' at present." A little aeven-year-old I'ottatowii girl skipped tne rope two hundred times in succession, fell down exhausted aud was carried home. The physicians who attend her say that she will be a cripple all her life from i>pine disease. Gossip notices a great deal of rope jumping among the little folk of tbis i-ity, and deems it well to call attention to tbe case of the little rotUtown Kirl, thai parent* may act ac cordingly. Go get the old lawn mower out, And polish off the rust; Put oil in all the little holes, And clean out all the dust. Do all you can to soften down That irritating clidk, And sharpen up the cutting knives— You'll need them preety quiok. —Well, Well! People in this country ain't all married, by a long shot. A cen sus bulletin issued at Washington gives the first data on conjugal life ever gather ed by the Government. It shows that of a total population of 62,562,250 in 1890, almost tbree-fifu were single, a little more than one-third married and not quite one twentieth were widowed. It thus appears that in this country there is here and there an unmarried person —say about 41,000, 000 in all. —Gail Hamilton regrets to see woman engaged in an effort to secure tte ballot for themselves. She looks upon it as a movement backward toward men and mastodons, the miocene hipparion and eocene snchitherium, whatever that may signify. Perhaps some o our lady school teachers will rise and explain what Gail means. —The King of Greece is an excellent •wimmer and has a perfect passion for fishing. Conuurnption 3ure!y Cured. Tc TH_ SDlTOß:— Pleaao inform your raadcrt that 1 have ft positive remedy for tl*d above-named dioeaae. B; * timely tue thonunda of hnpelru cues haro Wjn permanently cured. 1 shiul be glad to («nd twv> ."o*tlsa of my remedy FREE to any of your readera T ti have couiumption if they will arnd me theji Crpraaa and B. O. addraaa. Bcapect- SlUt. T. A, SX/CCCIL. M. C- ISI Pearl St N. Y. —E. C. Stedman, the poet-banker, has advertised his summer home at New Cas tle. N. A., for sale. —The Queen of Italy, if she was a man, would he the most inveterate first-nighter at the theatres in all Italy. —The Saltan of Turkey recently distri buted 500 lo&vea of bread and a quantity of meat to the poor in the alums of Stain boul. —Madame Marchesi, of Paris, is the moat famous vocal teacher in the world. She has trained nearly all the great sing ers of thia generation, including Melba, Calve and Earner. —Juato Gonzales ia a leading lawyer in Buenos Ayers. He was called upon to defend Madame Tetrazzine, the famous Suutb American prima donna, in a divorce suit recently. He charged ber SBOO for bis service, but the money waa not forthcom ing and ho obtained an order for the seiz ure of the lady's jewels. All of the jewela turned out to be first class paste. —A recent risitor to Count Tolstoi at hia home says that he makes the impres sion of a figure out of the Bible. —Meyer Lutz, the musical director 01 the Gaity Tbeator, Loudon, compoaes any where and overy where. lu the streets, on tops of omnibuses and even in tne church —The will of the late Sir Jatnes Stephen ia a marvel of shortness ana clearness. It runs: "This ia my last will. I will give all my property to my wife, whom I ap point sole executrix." —Professor Cnarles Eliot Norton has been styled by Colonel Thomas Went worth Higginaon "the moat cultivated man in America." U« continues to be very popu lar at Harvard. —The Earl of Aberdeen, Governor Gen eral of Canada, assisted in puttiug out a fire in Montreal on Tuesday afternoon. lie was reviewing ;a lire brigade when the alarm was given. —lt is reported that Mayor Hopkins will appoint Mrs. Potter Palmer a member of tho Chicago City Board of Education on Augnst 1, to succeed Mrs. Flower, whose term then expires. Mrs. Palmer will soon visit Japan. —Honors are crowding upou Dr. Pep per, the retiring Povost of the University of Pennsylvania The Board of Trustees have decided to confer upon him the de gree of LL. I). and to erect a statute ofhim on a suitable site. —Besides tho three United States Sen ators said to have been born in foreign lands, who were mentioned by the Tribune the other day,a correspondent of that paper suggests Senator Jones, of Nevada, who was born in England, and Senator Gal linger, who was born in Canada. —The late Lord Bown of England was a great wit as well as a great judge. A bur glar was brought before him onae and the man's defense was that he was in the habit of removing his boots and taking an even ing walk on the roofs of bouses adjacent to bis own. Lord Bo wen treated the defense very seriously, and to bis amazement the jury being unable to detect the fine sar casm in bis words, promptly acquitted the pri aoner. —Sir Charles Tupper, tho agent Gen eral for Canada, was present ten days ago at tho residence of Jubal Webb, of Ken- Hington, lj> niion, and witnessed tho formal cutting of the enormous cheese which lonned such a consicuous feature of tho Canada section at the Chicago Exposition The cl eese, it will be remembered, weigh ed ten tons, was produced in 1892 under Governmental auspices at Perth, Ontario, and was made from tho inilk of 12,000 cows Tho choese, it is said, was excel lent Mrs. Cobwigger—l brought a necktie hero yesterday, and the one yon sent home wasn't anything like it. Haberdasher—Tho 0:10 we sent, madam, was picked out by your husband a month ago in caso yon ever bought one for him. - LEAVES. That's what Hick Headache doss, when I)r. Pleroe's Pleasant Psl let* are taken. These liny, «t| ar coated, anti bilious granules cure It completely. TheyYe lbs smallest, the easiest to take, ud the most natural remedy. No dUtuilmnce, no unpleasantessp, no reaction afterward. One little Pellet at a dose regulates the whole system. Consupatloa, In- I digestion, BQloua Attacks, LHaat^ ness, and all derangements of the liver, stomach ana bowels are prevented, relieved, and perma- cured. They're the cheapeH pills TOM can buy at any price, for they're guaranteed to rive sattsfaauon, or your money is returned. YoO pay only for the good you get Things that se«m to help Catarrh may be doing harm. Poisonous, irritating unuffi and strong, caustic solut(pns only drlvs it from ths head to the hintf*. Dr. Ham's CV tarrh Hamedy euro Catarrh. It* niM. soothing, cleansing, healing. Iti praprWtolft promise SBOO or a cure. YOUR GRANDMOTHER And all people that stand in need of fine wholesome stimuleuts will find besides Finch's Golden Wedding, Gib son's and Old Donffberty whiskey's the finest and Iwist brands of liquors Kept by Robt. Lewin, 13ft Water St. Opposite It. A 0. Depot, Pittsburg, Pa Try Grandfathers' Cholo«, warranted 3 years old, $2 00 per gallon. Pine Tree Farm, JAMESBUBG, N. J The finest Pekin Ducks and White Tor keys in the World. Send for 32 page catalogue of high-clan* laud and water fowl. 16 prize* at the Uauinon B Tea Sets. Castors. Butter Dishes and Everything 29 X Jka W IU X\ W nX® XU (that ran be found In a first class store. RODGER BROS. 1874 } KN,VKS - FORKS - SPW T N riW E plate P THE Ev. JEWELER. No 139, North Main St., BUTTJEB, PA., Exposition Building, Monday. April 16th. to PITTSBURGH PA Saturday *?ay '?*h. Door* o»»cn i to :i P. W. Special Band Concerts SATURDAY*. .0. 30 A. AI. :O .■ P. Afternoons and Evening. U decorations. a=.d '>«;>•» o! coniectionery. S.implos !ree to all. Every lady buying ticket of admission afternoon*. receives free, of candv Children 10 cents on Saturdays, with bag if candy lrce. Candy Making Contests, Admission, 25 cents. Evenings on Stage. Children, 15 cents. THE PUREST Al\?D BEST WHISKIES AND WINES irvr THE: MARKET. MAX KLEIN'S Silver Age, Duquesns, and Bear Creek Ryes. These famous Whiskies are well-known in BUTLER COUNTY, and they are known to be the best that can be had in the country. The house of mfff PTlff 82 FEDERAL STREET, JVLttIH, ALLEGHENY, PENN'A. Is known to be one of the most reliable and best advertised. Here are a few prices of Whiskies. Bear them in mind when ordering. SILVER AGE, PURE RYE $i 50 per quart DUQUESNE $1 25 per quart BEAR CREEK $1 00 per quart GUCKENIIEIMER, 4 years old 75 per quart All other Penn Rye Whiskies, 6 years old at $1 Oo per quart WINES,GINS,RUMS,BRANDIES from $1.50 per gal. and upwards. ON ALL ORDERS Of $5 or upwards, WE PAY EXPRESSAGE. No CHARGE KOR BOXING. Send for catalogue and price list, mailed upon application to MAX KLEIN. 3!8o2 J cderal St., Allegheny, Pa. MMOA Cure* ItrttrUL'n Disease. Dropsy. Clravel. Nerv ousness, Heart, Uiltiary of Liver Diseases. Known by a tired lanqulif feeling; InaeUiiit of the kidneys weakens and poisons the blood, and unless cauiio is removed >ou cannot have health. Cured me over lire year* ago of llrlglits Disease anil Dropsy. —Miw. I. L. ('. Mtt.Lßa, llethlehem. I'a. 1.000 other similar testimonials. Try It. Cure etmrnnteed. CAJIN'H KIuNKV CIIRI CO.. J*« >»aaago Nt., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold lii All Keilable Druggists. ERRORS-YOUTH SSsPSi'-V No deception, nofaliio reproaenuttlon. 1 wUI cur* rtm DrxltlTrly and mak« /ml *lir>r. >•»"« It I* (tie |.e«l |..| i I sn-lhf W*»U i 11--, it -lil- >-l«'«'IJ, • i-: ll.|C U/ltl.'». I-I-' u.- ».oU- P£NHA- *AU M'FO CO Utu. A«t».. ruilA., I'a. WANTED SALESMEN Hlr U EKVNTOCK mill HKKI» TOTiTOKH. MHEHAL HALAItY or COMMISSION PAH) WKKKI.Y. I'KKM A NKNT anil I'AYINO POSITIONS to UOOD MKN. HPW:IALINI>UCKMKNTS to IIKOIN NKKH. KXCI.t'SIVK TKItKITOKY UIVKN IK DKSIItKI). Write at ouce for terms to The Hawks Rursery Co., Rochester, W. Y. DOCTORS LAKE bA I I>UI /TK UISPK>*AKT. M Oon. PtNN AVE. and Fchjath ST.. jJiK PITTSBURGH, PA. AH formsof Delicate ami Com* tUKim plicated PlseaaearequlilnitCoH VV VlßMTULaildßCiaKTiriClled (cation are treated at this Dls. IH-I.»nry with a miooe* arel.r attained. Dr. 8. K. I.ake Is* member of Ihe Hoyjl t olUgaOf Tliy •irinn* and BurgM>i)."t and 1* the ol k*rt and moal exiM-ricnred Br*<•lALlß,• In the city. Hpcc'al at tcntlim Bl»en to Nervous PcUHI) trom e-oenalve nM-!itnle*crtl»n.lndiscretion of yonth.ete.,can»- itiK plirnlcal and mental dciay.lack of energy. lf.iKm '-'nry. etc..; alaoCancer* Old Sores, Kits, Piles, Klieiiniatlain, and all dm 'imoßot the Skin, I»lood* l.unns' , '"lnarr Oritnnn,tic. Conciliation tree and strlrlljr eoolldciitliil. Olfl'-o linum, Vto I ii nd 1 to # r. M. ; Bundaya, «to t f.U. onl v nil at office or addreaa lilti. I. A Co ft ufc.Sjl A't. AJHDtTU»I..ri'ITI'Ut'RUII.I , A nil re ITCHING PILES rlLto^AYiiri § OtHTMEIfT ■T mVtoMB- laMwtl lata*** tuklaf u« ArtiwTirHiw wK* At reasonable prices is the particular attraction at the LEADING - MILLINERY - HOUSE OF 13. T. PAPE. French Pattern hats and bonnets, and latest novelties in milli ner}'. Babies and little girls receive our careful attention. It will pay you to examine our stock before buying elsewhere. MOURNING MILLINERY A SPECIALTY. 122 s. IT) PA P>Fr 122 s MAIN ST. 1 • 1 1 MAIN S Prices to Suit the Times AT BICKEL'S. Our Spring stock has arrived and is ready for your inspection. A better stock for the same money has never been placed on our shelves. As the old saying is "Goods well bought are Half sold such it the case with our stock, for we are prepared to offer you better goods at lower prices than ever before. Men's calf shoes, Congress or lace at $1.25. " fine " " " $2. Men's Cordovan and Calf shoes, Congress, Lace or Blui' er st\ le, $2.50 to $5. Men's Tan shoes $2 to $3, all styles and widths. " every day shoes 75c to $1.25. " goad kip, box toe shoes, $1.50 to $2. Boys' shoes from 75c to $1.50. All styles from the finest bluchers to the brogans. An examination of these goods will quickly convince you that you are getting better footwear for less money than ever be fore. Our stock of Ladies shoes is more complete than ever before. Ladies fine Dongola shoes at sl. " " " flexible sole $1.50. 1 lot ladies fine dongola shoes, hand turns, sizes 2, 2.J and 3, worth $3 go at $1.50. Call early while the selection is large. Ladies fine spring heel bluchers at $2.50. " " heel " $2 : 50. " tan bluchers $1.75 to $2.50. " Congress gaiters in black and tan in several different styles. Our stock of ladies and misses Oxfords is large and comprises many new and pretty styles and ranging in price from 50c to $2.50. For 75c we will eive you the selection of six of the latest style walk ing shoes. For $1.25 we will give you a pair of fine turn, pat. tip dongola Ox ford. For $2 we will give you the selection of a pair of Oxfords in lace, Blucher, Southern tie or Nuliifiers. (Four of the latest styles in the market). Full stock of ladies and misses tan Bluchers and Oxfords at lowprices. Childrens tan and red shoes and Oxfords, 35c to 75c. I lot ladies serge slippers at 25c. " " carpet " 25c. •' mens " " 35c. Mens fine calf boots at $2. Full stock of our own make Boots and shoes. Repairing done. The balance of our rubber stock to be sold out very cheap. Ladies and gents footholds go at 10, regular price 50. Lad is finest grade rubbers at 35. Mens " " 50. When in town call and see us. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. JOHN BICKEL, 128 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLFR. PENN'A Jewelry, Clocks Silvefwafe, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Dufiy Block Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invite —"Remember our Repairing Department— 2o years Experience. - M HOB 153 II I A JLj Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 103 Ferry St., - Pittsburg. Fa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Marke New York Weekly Triune AND The Butler Citizen ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF. JVddroHs ull orders* to THE CITIZKN*