Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 27, 1894, Image 4
FDRHITDRE BUYERS Campbell & Templeton, Have commenced a Furniture Sale that will interest you. Each season we visit the principal furniture markets ot the United States, thereby securing the new est styles as soon as produced. This seasons stock surpasses any we have previously shown and prices are lower. j! FOR THE PARLOR. t (I We have Parlor Suits in# * [Empire, Turkish, Mahogany or? J >Oak Frames, Mahogany Chairsi I >Fancy Rockers, Gold Chairs,# Stands, Pictures, Mirrors.\ * * * * * * : FOR THE DINING ROOM. : FOR THE BED ROOM. : • Side Boards, Extension Ta- : Bed Room Suits, Stands,; i bles, Buffets, Head Chairs, Din- : Rocking Chairs, Chairs, Chif- : I ing Room Chairs, China Closets. ; foniess, Wardrober. •* * * * * * * Carpets, Rugs, Dishes, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, House Furnishing Goods, Domestic Sewing Machines, Large assortment of Baby Carriages. CAMPBELL 8 TUPLE™, Butler, - Penn'a, HUSELTON©' Spring Attractions in the Finest Styles of FOOTWEAR. now open. These styles are all new—the Cream of the Market. No excuse for not wearing a nice, new pair of stylish, good-fit ting Shoes at these prices. You will find all the New Narrow, Square and New Narrow Opera Lasts. The New Congress and Cloth Top with large Buttons and the Blucheretts and Dongola Tan and Patent, Calf in this stock. Ladles Fine Pat. Tip 8 noes at 85c. 90c, st.oo and 1.25. >■ » " very One at tl .50. 2.00 and 2.50. •• band tarns. and 3 uo. .. •• cloth tops t1.25. 1.00, 9.00 and 3.00. Good Heavy Shoes at 73c, 85c and *l .00 __ >■ pine Lace, Tip, Oifords at 50c. 650. Tsc and fi.oo. " Fine Opera Styles, 500 75c and *I.OO. " Tan and Black Blucheretts at 12.00, 2.50 and 8.00. " Oxfords, great variety in Tan and Black at the above prices. MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES, Fine Button to Children's " " 8X to lox at soc. 75c and *i.oo. " in Tan and Black at soc. 65c. 70c and SI.OO. p«t Misses' and Children s Fine Low Cut Oxfords at very low prices in Dongola Russet and la t. Leather. MENS', BOYS' and YOUTHS' Men's B. Calf Tip. Congress and Bals only ooc. Men's Good Heavy Shoes at 7oc, 90c, 11.00 and 1.25. Men's uood Box Toe Shoes at Si.so and 2.00. Men s Grain and Kip Credemores at 11 .25 and 1.50. Men's Bxtra line Call Shoes at $ and 3.00. Men's Fine Kangaroo Shoes at 2.80,3.00 and 3.80. Men'sCordovanPat or Calf Blutclieretts. all new styles. Men's lan Shoes. New Spring styles at *1.75. 2.00 and 2.50 Boys' Shoes tram asc, f 1.00 and 1.25, all Spring Styles. Boys' Tan Shoes. Beauties at tl .as and 1 .50. Men's Calf Boots at *1,90 to This stock is carried in all widths, all toes and lasts. Words fail to describe the extent of this stock. Come and see for yourself. Repairing of all kinds done at reasonable prices. B. C. HUSELTON. Mo. 102 tforth Mala Street - Butler,?». THE LARGEST SHOE HOUSE IN BUTLER COUNTY. SPRING! SPRINC!| Are You Interested ; In Low Prices? 1 We offer a magnificent new stock ior Spring and Summer at ( PRICES THE LOWEST YET NAMED FOR STRICTLY FIRST CLASS GOODS. . High Grades in all Departments. True merit in every Article. Hon est Quality Everywhere. J* An Immense Assortment. Nothing Missing. Everything the Best. The Quality will tell it. The Price will sell it. And that is the reason you should come early to get your bargains from our splendid line of Shoes, Slippers [and lOxfords. We show all the latest novelties in great profusion. We 4 keep the very finest selections in all standard styles. We make it a pome to have every article in stock the best of its kind. a ;«, AL ROFF., st .; i 1 B ■ 1 "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO ! SHAVE WITH." | SAPOLIO 18 THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CHAWING? £ FOR THE LIBRARY. $ 2 We have Couches covered in* Plush, Velvet or Wil-J iton coverings; Leather Chairs.i •Leather Wickers, Library Ta-5 Jbles, Book Cases, Desks, Li-# \brary and Revolving Chairs. ? DO not be deceived. The following brands of White Lead are still made by the "Old Dutch" process of slow cor rosion. They are standard, and always Strictly Pure White Lead The recommendation of ' Armstrong & McKelvy, ' " Beymer-Bauman,' 1 " Davis-Chambers," " Fahnestock," to JPOU by your merchant is an evidence of his reliability, as he can sell you cheap ready-mixed paints and bogus White Lead and make a larger profit. Many short-sighted dealers do so. FOR COLORS.— National Lead Co.'s Pare While Lead Tit.tint? Colors, a one-pound can to a 25-pound keg of Lead and mix your own painis. Saves time and annoyance in matching shades, and insures the best paint that it is possible to put on wood. Send us a postal card and get our book om paints and color-card, free; it will probably save you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. Pittsburg Branch. German National Bank Building, Pittsburg. trUMMCHT -VIKE any OTh e v STRICTLY V * For FAMILY Use. Dropped on sugar suffering children love t< take it Every Mother should have it 111 th< house it quickly relieves and cures all ache; and pains, asthma, bronchitis, colds, coughs catarrh, cuts, chaps, chilblains, colic, choleri morbus, earache, headache, hooping cough inflammation, la grippe, lameness, mumps muscular soreness, neuralgia, nervous head ache rheumatism, bites, burns, bruises, strains sprains, stings, swellings, stiff joints, sore throat sore lungs, toothache, tonsilitis and wind colic Originated in ISIO by the late Dr. A. Johnson Family Physician. Its merit and excellenci have satisfied everybody for nearly a century All who use it are amazed at its wonderful power It is safe, soothing, satisfying: so say sick sensitive sufferers, rsed Internal and External The Doctor's «ig*ature and directions on every bottto. 11l rt il I'-unphlet free. Sold everywhere. Price, Si <•» BIX bottles, 2.00. 1. S. JUIi.NSUh A CO., Boston, 11*# HUMPHREYS' Dr Humphreys* 6pe< lflr» are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for years In private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire success. Every single Specific a special cure for the disease named. They care without drugging, purging or reducing the system and are In fact and deed the fcovcrelcn Remedies ot the World. no. rraKi. raica*. 1 —Fevers* Congestions, Inflammations.. u—WorniH, Worm Fever, Worm Colic J3 3—Teething! Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .35 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 33 T—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis .25 5 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache .35 9—Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .35 10—Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Constipation. .35 11— Suppressed or Painful Periods. ■ .35 13—Whites. Too Profuse Periods .35 13—Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 35 14—Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .35 15—Rheumatism, Kheumatlo Pains .35 16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .35 19—Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In the Head. .35 30—Whooping Cousrh .35 37—Kidney Diseases .35 38—Nervous Debility 1.00 30—Urinary Weakness 25 34—Sore Throat, Quincy, Ulcerated Throat .35 HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL, "The Pile Ointment."-Trial Size, 25 Cu. Sold by Drocrlstfl, or sent pr»p»id on receipt of price. Dm. iiuMruiKT*' Manual (144 p*gv,j MAILED rmm*. HI'fIPHBKTS' MEO.CO., 111 M lit SU, SKW YOU. SPECIFICS. Jas. Boss Pilled Watch Cases are all gold as far as you can see. They look like solid cases, wear like solid cases, and I are solid cases for all practical purposes—yet only cost ibout half as much as an out and-out solid gold case. Warranted to wear for 20 years; many in constant use for thirty years. Better than ever since they ere now fitted, at no extra cost, with the great bow (ring) which cannot be pulled or twhtect eff the case—the stamped with this trade mark. lgV All others have the old-style puil-outnow, which is only held to the case by friction, and can be twisted off with the fingers. Sold only through watch dealers. Ask to see pamphlet, or send for ono to the makers. Keystone Watch Case Co. # PHILADELPHIA. ° LD UjQ EXPORT jSwHISKEY. Guaranteed 8 Years Old. Hi THIS Whlskej K HI suited S&- R/j cinal purposes, where a fine stim- ulent Is retired, age uusuniriHsed. It is the product ot one of the oldest distilleries in Pennsvlvania, and after remaining in Gov ernracnt'bonded warehouses the required time Is exported to Hamburg, Germany, and there kept in heated warehouses until perfectly ma tured, then shipped back, bottled on our ov« n premises, and when wo offer yon Old Export we know whereof wo speak, and challenge coir - partem. Full quarts, SI.OO. Six quarts. $5.00. Sent by express to all points, and on orders of SIO.OO or over wo will pay express charges. There are numerous imitations, but be careful to secure the genuine. JOSEPH FLEMING & SON, Druggists, 412 Market St., PITTBBURC, PA. Complete Price List of Whiskies, Wines and brandies mailed free to any addreii. TO Have Hr • - ,rj>: I.N onDIJt. Cures thousands annuallyof LlverCom plaiuts, Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspep sia, Constipation, Malaria. Wore Ilia result from an TT nbealthy Liver than any other cause. Why suffer when you can be cured? Dr. S.tn ford's Liver Invigo» ator is a celebrated family medicine. vol'if inii iiiii.r wil.l. wri'lM.YYor. VITALIS t y "u" 1> a Well THE GREAT 80tb Day- FRENCH REMEDY Produres the Abofo Bcsults in 30 Dajs. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail. Youug men will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using VITALIS. It quickly and surely re stores Nervousness, Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Mem ory, wasting Diseases, and all eflects of self abuse or excess and indiscretion. Wards off insanity u,nd consumption. Insist on having VIXALIS- no other. Can be carried in vest pocket. By mail, #I.OO per package, or six fur 96.00, with a positive written guarantee to cure or rfHwd the money. Circular free. AUdrtiis CALL HEX KLMLI>¥ 1 OMi'AN V, Chicago, HI. For Sale by City Pberwacy r THE CTIZEN Mark Twain's Jumping Frog. In the current number of the Xorth American Ketieic, Mark Twain tells ihe private history of his "Jumping Frog story. It was this story that first brought Mark Twain into notice. It was supposed to have happened in California, and was to this effect: A gold miner who was a natural born sport, and who had given much attention to fighting dogs, game cocks, and all sorts of animal contests, at length become pos seesed of a frog which he taught many in" teresting tricks, and trained to jump in a marvelous fashion, so that there was not another frog in California that could jump so high or so far or so fast as this frog. The miner took the frog with him when ever he went, and expatiated upon its wonderful jumping qualities to all who wouln listen. One day a stranger came along, and after listening to the miner's euology on his frog, remarked that he he could see no points about that frog that were any better than those possessed by any other frog. "If I had a frog," he con tinued, "I would be willing to wager forty dollars that he could beat your frog jump ing." "Put up your money," said the miner, " and I will go to the swamp be yond and get you a frog." The money was put up, and the miner started off to hunt a frog, leaving his own frog in the care of the srranger. While he was absent the stranger took a handfull Jof bird shot and poured it down the neck of the miner's frog, and waited his return. He came back presently with a lively l'rog, fresh from a neighboring swamp, and gave it to the stranger. The two frogs were placed side by side, and at the word "go,"' each were touched up from behind with a little stick. The strangers frog hop ped off lively, bnt the miner's frog, being weighted down with shot, could not budge. And the stranger took his money and de paited. After he bad gone the miner, sorely disgusted and perplexed, picked np his frog and bfgan to examine it to see it there wa.-n't something the matter with it. He took it by the hind legs, and held it up. As he did so about an ounce of shot rolled out of its mouth onto the ground, and he saw how he bad been tricked. Now. this tame etory, in every essential particular, is contained in the literature of ancient Greece, and is more than two thousand years old. The only difference was that an Athenian, instead of a Cali lornian, owned the frog and pebbles in stead of shot were usid to weignt him down It must «f been a great stock to Mark Twain to discover that one of bis best jokes was a chestnut when Julius Caesar was a little boy, and was told by a Grecian hum orist severai hundred years before tbe dawn of the Christian era. But there were no denying the facts, and the only explana tion he could give was that history re peats itself. D; unk::.r.ess, the Liquor Habit, Pos jvely Cured by adir;ristering Or. > tin "ttlcn Spechc." It is manufactured as a powder, which ean bo giv. u in t. glass of beer, a cup ol coitee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will aflect a permanent am; speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, aud in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book 01 particulars tree. Address, Golden Specific Co.. 185 Kace St.. Cincinnatti O. Breckinridge's Platform. —Breckinridge's majority iu the last Congress election was about 7,000 and the vote for him was 16,588. The "aggressive campaign" for a renomination and reelect ion to Congress which he now intends to begin in the Seventh district of Kentucky will be interesting to watch. Will ho make it on tariff reform? Will he run on the income tax? Perhaps it will be a cam paign of education, designed to teach the decent Democrats of Bourbon, Fayette, Franklin, Henry, Oldbam, Owen, Scott and Woodford counties that they owe a vindication at the polls to tl.o man who testified: '•I lived only four squares away on the same street. 1 took supper with my family. Then 1 walked back to Sarah Gess's, in less than an hour, and found the plaintiff iu the house." Will the lion. William Campbell Pres ton Breckinridge establish his political headquarters at Sarah (left's? It is a coe veuient distance (nun his home.—New York SUM. Rheumatism cured in a day—".Mystic cure" for rheumatism urn! neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 dajs. Its action upon the si steiu is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The lirst dote greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C Redick, druggist, Butler. —The death warrant of James Newton Hill was signed by Gov. Pattison Monday. The date fixed fur the execution is June 14. Dili was convicted ol the murder of Mrs. Rosa Roelzlcr in the East Park, Allegheny, last spring. Ilis case was not taken to the Supreme Court, but will be appealed to the Pardon Board. Some doubt is expressed 3 a< to whether Hill's neck will stand the strain of hanging, as bis head is likely to be torn oil' on ac count of the hole that is in his throat. It may be that this hole will yet cheat the gallows, as it provides a very conveuiei t manner for Hill to commit suicide. Fame should neither be nought nor shun ned. The path of duty should be followed, whether it lead to glory or death. Some of the characters w liich the worl.l worships as its greatest heroes, were perhaps govern ed by motives which were purely selfish and egotistical, a? we believe was the case with Napoieon 1. But in most instances where men have found true and lasting glory, thel were impelled to great deeds by a sense el justice and humanity, and had no thought of personal fame or ag grandizement. —The subject of assessment valuations and actual valuations of property ia this State will form an interesting chapter in the forthcoming report of Secretary Stew ard, of the Internal Affairs Department. This matter has been placed in charge of Mttjor Isaac B. Brown, tho Deputy Secre tary, and he has given it great care. In his report he will say concerning the per centage which asses>nient valuation bears to actual valuation: '"ln order to deter mine tins question in the most certain and reliable manner a plain of operation was devised and the department sen preres sentaiives to make examinati on of the records ol the c< ULties from which infor. mation was to be procured. Great diffi culty has always been experienced in fix ing the figures at which real estate should be assessed. It is well kuowu that the law requires the assessor in fixing the as sessment of property to do so with refer ence to its actual value. "It is safe to say that in all counties the rates of assessment are below eighty per cei turn of the actui' valuation, ami in many cases the percent age of assessment valuation does not ex ceed forty per centum of the actual while in other counties there is still great er disparity between actual and assessed valuation. —A little girl, whose papa was taking a tonic becaoso he was "run down," poured half the contents of the bottle into the clock *he;i a similar mishap befell the timepiece. George and His Hatchet. A teacher in one of the Cumberland Mil., public schools, say s the Kindergarten Xev.l, had just read the old story ot George "Washington and his exploit with his hatchet, and asked all the young pupils to write on their slates all they could remem ber of the story. This was the result: Slate 1. ("Willie, aged 7)— gorge "Wash ington is our lather did he tel a lie no he nerer did he did it with his hatchit. Slate 2. (Annie, aged B)—George Wash ington was the father of his contre his contre his father sed did you do it he sed i would not lie i did it with my hathit and and then he bursted into tears. Slate 3. (George, aged 9) George Washington is the father of onr country and he did it with his hatchet and he said father I did it did the boy deny it o no did he try to put it on some other feller o no he did not tell no lie be burst into tears with his hatchit. —"The happiest men," said the philos opher, "are those who never get tired of themselves." —"They tell me Hardup is even in worse straits than usual." "Yes; he complains that even his sleep is broken." —A"household" journal says hash should not be cooked, but only farmed. There is some satisfaction in knowing that it doesn't advise one to eat it. —Mrs. Brown (nudging ilr. Brown, who snores with his mouth open)— William! you'd make less noise if you'd keep your mouth shui! Mr. Brown(only half awake) —So'd you. —lt rained salt in Idsho recently. The salt came from the Great Salt Lake of Utah, nearly 300 miles Bou'.hwwrd. —The merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is proven by the wonderful cures it effects. —The Hospital for the Insane, at North Warren, has now 936 patients on its rolls, 336 more than it was ever intended to ac commodate. The number of lunatics in this end of the State appears to increase in greater ratio than the increase in popula tion. —Some school boards in this State have been in the habit of electing teachers for the new year before the members ot the new board take their seats. State Supar intendent Schaeffer has given notice that such aotion is illegal and must not be con tinued. Consumption Sure!y Curod. rc Ta t sx>ttor : — Please inform ycur reader* that 1 nave a positive remedy for t1.6 above-nam* disease. B; » timely use thousands of hopeics oaaes iiave hf - T i permanently cured. I shall be glau to Bead twj ,'ollea of my remedy FREE to any '>: jov..' readers * .j have consumption if they vrJl sendmethadi l*yr*s« and £. O. address. Bespect ■tJiv X. 11. (V 181 Psarl St. S V —The crusades now being made by State Boards o( Health against quacks is bring ing some queer characters and remedies to light. As a sample of tho sort of fakirs in whose pockets the poor dupes pour their money, take the impostor in the northern part* of Missouri who claimed to have wrought miracles of healiug with only three remedies, all made from a certain root. Hi'ghbobalorum was obtained by peeling the root upward, and was a certain emetic. Lobobalorum was obtained by peeling the same root downward, and was a sure cathartic, and Hilobustem. by peel ing the root around, was a rank poison and would carry everything before it, and was only to be used when the others hud failed. —One of our Cambridge exchanges is dunning those of its subscribers who prom ised to pay subscriptions in maple molasses. —Mr. Stead is telling peoplo in England that our men in their courteous treatment of the American girl go to the length of never contradicting her. An American lady, he adds "may talk any nonsense she pleases with none to say her nay." —John "Welker,a Lehigh County farmer, found many broken and empty egg shells in the hens nests. He was puzzled for two weeks and every day at least six eggs were broken. Last Thursday he discover ed a large pet cat prowling about and he soon found that it had sucked the eggs. —A man at Linesville, Crawford county, sent $ 1 away to one of the cities for an en larged photo, and in return recived a pic ture of a "jack."' This did not stop him and he answered an "ad" offering a receipt to prevent growing old, giving up three hard-earned dollars, and later on learned that the proper way was to commit snicide when about the age of 25. —Cambria county possesses a steer which weighs more than two' thoussnd pounds and is only two years old. —The courts of Lebanon county will set tle the question whether a calathumpian serenading party is an unlawful assem blage sach as is prohibited by law. Fif teen youug men proceeded to the residence of a newly-married couple and made night hideous with their noises, to the great dis turbances of the groom and bride. The groom secured their names, bad them ar rested and they have been held to bail for court. ABOVE ALL OTHERS, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis ■ ■ covery is the medicine for th» You'll be willing to believ» this, perhaps, If you think of th« wav it's sold to you. On trial— that's what it amounts to. In any ■■ case whero it fails to benefit or ■ 1 cure, your money is returned. M a With any doubtful or ordinary m w medicine, this couldn't be done. M 1 Ami it isn't done, except with the V W " Discovery." ' 1 In every disease caused bv a torpid liver or impure blood, this medicine will certainly cure. For th# most stubborn Skin and Scalp Diseases; the worst forms of Scrof ula, even Consumption (or Lung scrofula) in its earlier stages; and for Dyspepsia," Liver Complaint," and every kindred ailment, nothing ap proaches it as a remedy. Nothing else, at any price, is really as cheap. You pay only for tho good you get. It's more than m6re relief—it's a perfect and permanent cure, that you get with Dr. Sages Catarrh liemody. Tho proprietor* offer 1500 reward for any incurable case of Catarrh. So Dry Yot so forceful are ' spirit" facts. They "whet" up the system, stimulate you—not too much, bnt just enough to niako you better Finch's Golden Wedding. Gibson's and Old Dougherty Whis keysjare a few of the"epirit" facts kept by. Robt. lewin, 136 Water St. Opposite B. & 0. Depot, Pittsburg, Pa ■* f EWIS' 08 5 LYE | PCTTI2ZD AiTD TZZ7TIZD Thßß*ronicf»>{ sr»»! pnrrst T.ye WMn/u ' ■ : '.l In a «an wtili r« iiiovul- 111 content* i e always i iy f r u-«. WIB MSGS make the l>e»l r' ,n'<l liard Nap Wlf t.i -y, mlmu. milioni botllnnr. II l» tl>r i:<*i.( f'.rcl ■•i-Mug waste n t.M..dl .111 .-.-ting closet^ wasulug IsiUKB, I aim-, trooa, etc. PEHHA. SALT M'F'O CO Gcu. Aifts.) I'LIIA., I'u. Pine Tree Farm,| JAMESBURG, N. J The finest Pekin Ducks and White Tur keys in the World. Send for 32 page ratalogue of high-class land and water fowl. 15 prizes at the M'adison Square Show, Feb. 1894. FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, And everything in horse and bugfjy tnr nishing goods—Harness, Collars, Whips, Dusters, Saddles, etc. Also trunks and valises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assortment of 5-A Horse blankets in town will be found at FRANK KEMPER'S, 124 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER. PA. VOGELEY k BANCROFT J WANT EVERY Mart, W orriar\ and Cliild In Butler county know that they have received their large and com plete line of Fall and Winter Boots, Shoes and Slippers at prices that will surprise them. We have the celebrated Jamestown Boots and Shoes, made by hand and warranted, which have proven their wearing quailites for years past. We want to give the trade -4HThe Best Goods for Least Possible, Living Profits The best line of Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes ever shown in the county. Children's School Shoes in every shape and style. Rubber Goods oi all kinds and shapes at all prices. Come and see the boys. I Vogeley & Bancroft i 347 S. Main Street. - - Butler, Pa THE PUREST AMD BEST WHISKIES AIM I) WimES inrTHE market. MAX KLEIN'S Silver Age, Duquesne, and Bear Creek Ryss* These famous Whiskies are well-known in BUTLER COUNTY, and they are known to be the best that can be had in the country. The house of myr mitr 82 federal street, JVLmfl, ALLEGHENY, PENN'A. Is 1-nown to be one of the most reliable and best advertised. Here are a few prices of Whiskies. Bear them in mind when ordering. SILVER AGE, PURE RYE $i 50 per quart DUQUESNE $1 25 per quart BEAR CREEK $1 00 per quart GUCKENHEIMER, 4 years old 75P P r quart All other Penn Rye Whiskies, 6 years old at $1 OO per quart WINES,GINS,RUMS,BRANDIES from $1.50 per gal. and upwards, ON ALL ORDERS Of $5 or upwards, WE PAY EXPRESSAGE. No CHARGE FOR BOXING. Send for catalogue and price list, mailed upon application to MAX KLEIN. IVo 82 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa, Cures ItrlKhi's Disease, Dropsy. Gravel Nerv ousness. Heart. ninary of Liver Diseases. Known by a tired lunquhl feeling; liiactlriKOf tlie k'dneys weakens and poisons the and unless cause is removed you heallh. < 'ured ine over live years a U" of l,^, ' , Disease and Dropsy.—Mus. I. <• t ,.fiS" Bethlehem, I'a. 1.000 other similar testimon.als. Try It. Cure guaranteed. CAR ICS KIDXEY CL'RE CO., .*0 YraaajfO Bt., Philadelphia, P». Sold to All Reliable Druggists. ERRORS^YOUTH and Obscure Dianasea speedily and permanently cured by tin* celeb r;*uxi specialist. r%wJ I ADD 329 N.lsth St. |JR„ LUpUf Phllada., Pa. ifo deception, nofalv) representation. 1 will euro you positively and make v<.u vigorous and airon*. Treatment by mai t aspeclalty and st rictly < uxifldentlal CURE TREATMENT • GOSSER'S • a CREAM GLYCERINE. has no equal for chapped hands, Hps or a faee. oi an] roughness of the (kin, and q Is not excelled as a dressing lor the face after shaving. Sold by druggists at 0 " Aenty-five Cents a Bottle. j WANTED SALESMEN fS KBT STOCK and SEEK POTATOES. LIBERAL SALARY or COMMISSION PAID WEEKLY. I'KKMA KENT and PAYINO POSITIONS to UOOI) MEN SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to HROIN NEKS EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY (lIVEN IF DESI RED. Write at once for terms to Tie Hawks Hursery Co., Rochester, H. t. DOCTORS LAKE a rui vri: ijinpensaky. ■FL> JE COR. PEN: AVE. ANO FOURTH ST.. JSBBAF . PITTSBURGH, PA. <3*SWL \ AII forms of Delicate and C0M .1381 >f>KJ plicated Diseases requiringCXHi- WT' FiiiKNTHL andSciKKTlFlc Metl icatlon are treated at this Di.-- ii • try with a success.. arely attained. Dr. S. K, l.rilx Is V mem her of tilt! Royal Colli ,;eOf I'hy -ii . jmd "ud !■. the o! lest and most .1 .cured specialis. in ihocitv Spw'alat i.tion ;;iven to Nervous Debility from cse.-siv :il evertlon, Indiscretion of youth, etc., caus i physical and mental decay,lack of energy, 1 i oi. '..•ncy, etc.; also Cancers pid Sores, Kits, Pile:, ith. iniatisin, and all di* ascaof the Skin, i lo I. Lung?, I'iinary Organ ctConsultation •li e and ft: iotlv confident!;.!. OlUce hours,!) to 1 :iitl 7 to 8 r.'M.; Sundays. 8 to 4 p. K. only, a I nt office or address I>RS. I.AKE. 008 •t.NN A> L. A-N D4TIICST..I"!TTSBUIiGH.i'A '3Bi re itci;!ng"piles d 11. SWAYNE'S a OINTMENT al.ow . J t" , ou" , i." t«uon l >rm and protrude. bl. e4lM,«b M rb.( .Hum r*. ' ' icVXSrbr BmUfertfcU.rre;>>iftduji>*.bw«T»i4 >. illinery. At reasonable prices is the particular attraction at the LEADING - MILLINERY - MOUSE OF D. r F. PAPF, French Pattern hats and bonnets, and latest novelties in milli ner)-. Babies and little girls receive our careful attention. It will pay you to examine our stock before buying elsewhere. MOURNING MILLINERY A SPECIALTY. ■SVD- T. PAPE. Prices to Suit the Times AT BICKEL'S. Our Spring stock has arrived and is read} - for your inspection. A better stock tor the same money has never been placed on our shelves. As the old saying is "Goods well bought are Half sold, such it the case with our stock, for we are prepared to offer you better goods at lower prices than ever before. Men's calf shoes, Congress or lace at $i 25. " fine " " •' $2. Men's Cordovan and Calf shoQj, Congress, Lace or Bluc'.er st\ 'e. $2.50 to $5. Men's Tan shoes $2 to $3. all styles and widths. " every day shoes 75c to $1.25. " good kip, box toe shoes, $1.50 to $2. Boys' shoes from 75c to $1.50. All styles from the finest bluchers to thebrogans. An examination of these goods will quickly convince you that you are getting better footwear for less money than ever be fore. Our stock of Ladies shoes is more complete than e*er before. Ladies fine Dongola shoes at sl. " " " flexible sole $1.50. 1 lot ladies fine dongola shoes, hand turns, sizes 2, 2\ and 3. worth $3 S° at Call early while the selection is large. Ladies fine spring heel bluchers at $2.50. " " heel " $.2.50. " tan bluchers $1.75 to $2.50. Congress gaiters in black and tan in several different styles. Our stock of ladies and misses Oxfords is large and comprises many new and pretty styles and ranging in price from 50c to $2.50. For 75c we will give you the selection of six of the latest style walk ing shoes. For $1.25 we will give you a pair of fine turn, pat. tip dongola Ox ford. For $2 we will give you the selection of a pair of Oxfords in lace, Blucher, Southern tie or Nullifiers. (Four of the latest styles in the market). Full stock of ladies and misses tan Bluchers andOxfordsat low prices. Childrens tan and red shoes and Oxfords, 35c to 75c. 1 lot ladies serge slippers at 25c. " " carpet " 25c. •' mens " " 35c. Mens fine calf boots at $2. Full stock of our own make Boots and shoes. Repairing~done. The balance of our rubber stock to be sold out very cheap. Ladies and gents footholds go at 10, regular price 50. Ladis finest grade rubbers at 35. Mens " " 50. When in town call and see us. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. JOHN BICKEL, 128 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER. PENJJ'A Jewelfy, Clocks Silvefwafe, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No, 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectlully Invite —"Remember our Repairing Department— 2o years Experience."- M HQSEN THAL Wholesale Liquor Dealer, }O3 Ferry St., _ _ Pittsburg, Fa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Marke New York Weekly Triune AND V. The Butler Citizen ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF. _A.ddress all orders to XLXE CXTI2S