Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 27, 1894, Image 3

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BrTLiB Has a population of about 10.000.
It la the County seat of Butler county. wiu>
Four railways, natural gas. and unequalled
facilities for menufaetures.
iToereas e^rywhere; new buildings. oe»
'oariufactur. i, a vTOWtn* an J prosperous town.
New York Weekly Tribune—Free.
By special arrangement* made for oar
»o doing, we are enabled to offer to all onr
subscribers who pay arrearages, (if any i
and one year in advance, and to all new
subscribers paying in advance, the New
York Weekly Tribune fr"e for one year.
For farther particulars of this offer see ad
New Advertisements.
Partition, estate of Reuben Musselman.
Jury List for May Term.
Notice to Builders.
Teachers Annual Examinations.
Whitmarsh's Poultry.
Son —All advertisers intending to make
cauges in their ads. should notify us •>)
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
—We begin publishing,this week,a story
which will iutercst everyone who cares for
a plot well conceived and diamatically
worked to a fine finish. The story is by a
great New York critic, a master of the
everyday Englis-' >jt the hour, and as the
chapters succeed eaoh other your interest
wi'l grow. By all means read the opening
chapters, as we will not publish a running
s> nopsis.
—Tucker Bros, have the street sprinkler
at work again.
—The Franklin Sent calls our base-ball
club lie Dija«;ust Demons.
—The National League Base Ball season
opened on Thursday of last week.
—The Hyle House at Erans City is to be
closed, as Mr. ileyl proposes going to Cali
—A young man may truly be said to pay
his addresses when be puts a stamp on a
love letter.
—Sarah Jane—the prettiest girl in town
—says that a dude is her mother's joy, and
his father's empty pocket-book.
However paradoxical it may appear,
some men feel the lightest when they have
"a heavy load oc."
—Miller's shoe store has a new show case
attraction—a large blacksnake, with its tail
cut off. Abe McCandless' boys captured it.
—The best way to conquer the evils of
life is not to worry yourself too much over
—Don't forget that after paying up all
arrears yon will get the CITIZE* and N. Y.
weekly Tribune for $1.50 a year.
—About 500 coal miners in this county
are on a strike this, against the redaction
form 40 to 35 cents a ton.
—J B. Sherman has purchased tho old
Fullerton wollen mill from Frank Ander
son and will turn it into a machine shop.
—This week, John 11. Keiber, 304 Mer
cer St, exhibited a Plymouth Rock egg
that measured inches.
—Clinton twp., intends building a brick
school house. See notice to contractors in
another place.
—The personal property of the Waverly
Hotel including all fixtures, etc. w ! ll le
sold on May sth.
—lt is said that Miss Hill, who organiz
ed the Kirmiss here a year ago, dropped
dead oa the stage a few days ago.
—Piano, in the name of the new post
office in Muddycreek twp. with Robert
Lawrence as P. 11.
—The Annual examinations for school
teachers begin at Ev an* City, May 7th.
See notice of Co. Snpt. McCollongh in an
other place.
—Mayor Anderson warns all store and
•hop keepers that the use of the slot ma
cbi net ii contrary to law, and must be dis
p en*ed with by next Tuesday.
—The man who never doubts the oor
rectness of anything be hears, however
abinrd it may be, ig one that may be easily
—The man of immoral life is a much
more dangerous individual than the com
mon drunkard, bad as the latter is. M'»ra'
nnclean/iess it as infectious as the plague.
—Vicious habits are so odious and de
grading that they transform the individual
who practices them into an incarnate de
—The sceptic i* a man who sees every
thing bnt himself tbrongh an artificial light
and wants to know more than the wisest
oi h's race.
—Adams Bros, have opened a grocery
in the building on Centre Ave. lately oc
enpid by the Wetzel Bros, for a dry goods
—The prices and grass on the Diamond
make it a thing of beauty, as compared
villi the unsightly weed and clay plot of
few years ago.
—The W.C.T.U. fountain baa secured
unlimited license from tbe Water Co. and
can accommodate minors, ladies, etc. to
any extent under tbe brooks, creeks and
other natural laws.
—Some persons never take intoconsider
ation that April payments should be made
promptly, but let them run on from year to
year without the least concern whatever iu
the matter.
—All the coal miners of tb s county along
the P. 8. it L. E. K. It. went out on a
strike, Saturday. Tho strike is geueral
and extends all over tbe soft coal region
from tbe Allegheny mountains to the Pa
—A Mr. Siegfried, wbo is tbe inventor
of a gas motor for running street cars was
in town Wednesday seeing what could be
done in the way ot a street-oar line for
Batler. lie claims that with his motor a
street car's running expenses are but two
dollars a day.
—According to tbe returns of the As
sessors there are 4950 four-legged dogs in
Butler county. 4724 males and 220 females.
All in tbe connty have male
dogs, ranging in number from G to 182, and
all have females excepting four. Tbe dog
table in this paper is interesting.
—Mr. Aland's new cutter, Mr. Casbman,
can build as perfect fitting suit of clothes
as one could wish to wear. Mr. Alaud
keeps in stock ail the best suitings made
and the best ol trimmings; he has a first
class catter and he is doing a fine busi
—The store of Peter Kennel and son at
Fvnelton has been closed and tbe postollice
at thai point has been discontinued. Here
after patrons ot the office will receieve
their mail at Coylenvillo, Carbon Centre,
Kat'.igan and Chicora. This will greatly
inconvenience the people of that neighbor
—A newspaper mau and a woman of
Akron, O. are having a lively time. Mrs
Mary Tarry took oftenso at soin thin?
Editor Samuel Young put in the"JW6i«ac"
and gave him a great calling down tor it,
in her saloon. He kicked her then, it
soems. and she blackened both bis eyes
and knocked him out in one round.
Saturday, May 5, will be last day for lil
i ig accounts for June term.
The will of the late Margaret Murtland
of Concord twp. was probatud, no letters.
The Registry lists are ready at the Co.
Commi's office. The assessors should be
e work next M..n;lay week and have the
lists completed and returned uy May lis.
Samuel Staples to Eliza C Peters lot in
Cillery for sljo.
Win U Sturdevant to Bruce Kerr lot in
Centreville for $125.
Margt J Bruner to Harry Bruner lot iu
Donegal fur SSOO.
H H Goucher to Jane Yonkers lot in
Butler $330.
John C Murtlacd to Rachel J Allen lot
in W. Sun bury lor SBSO.
Adam Keltig to Cnristiua Keck 81 acres
in Summit for SSOO.
Adam K-t.iig in Adam Rettig, Jr. 80acres
in Summit for SSOO.
Aiiam Ket.ig t« Lewis Kettig 88 acres
in Sun.ni i for #s'.o.
Ge-> Re -ner Win F Reiuier 50 acre* in
Buffalo for SI9OO.
Geo Ehrinau to Edw'in Drake 2 acres in
Cranberry lorslso.
Geo Drushel, Sr. to Leauder Rice 14
acres in Lancaster tor SISOO.
Butler Savings Hank to W R Smith 96
acres in Cherry for SI2OO.
Warren Stevenson to Sarah B Sanderson
25 acres in Franklin for S7OO.
Maggie S Covert to Christopher Ballhorst
20 acres in Adams for $1725.
Mary A. Livermore to .-usanna Beatty
10 acres in Oakland lor $320.
W. F. Cox to Jus A. Cox lot in Valeucia
for SIOO.
J.F.Anderson to Jos li. Sherman lot
IP Butler iors32oo.
Chas. VV. Flick to Margaret Dougherty
43 acres in Donegal tor $025.
Marriage Licenses.
J. C HoKue..... Worth twp
ilary F. iymftian "
J. A. Richardson... ......Adams twp
Nora H. Cooper Middlesex twp
Montgomery Cousins Saxonburg
Cecelia Warner.. "
Peter Wbitmire Oakiand twp
Pelina Aiswortli .....Parker twp
John H. Cumberland Concord twp
Mary C. McCraekeii Fairview twp
lnomas L. Colborn Sistersville, W, Ya
Jennie M. Hiair .... ..Venango twp
At Pittsburg—Wm. H. Willilian and
Josephine C. Humphrey of Jacksville.
At New Castle—George Welsh and Anna
Colburuol El wood.
—The Kepublican primary for Donegal
twp. will be held in the Pipe Line office at
the Pump Station near Mitlerstown.
—The old postoffice building has been
moved acruss the street, atjd A. Troutmani
Son intend building an addition to their
store builoing.
—Among the papers filed in an Arkan
sas probate court was found a doctor's ac
count for medical attendance during the
laet illness of the deceased. On the back
the administrator had made the following
indorsement: "This claim is not verified
by affidavit, as the statue requires, but the
death of the deceased is satisfactory evi
dence to my mind that the doctor did the
—Any person who stands for a few mo
ments and wa'ches the army of school
children that emerge from the school yard
every afternoon must have some sympathy
for the teachers who have the training of
them Even the most patient ai-d loving
mother, who has two or three little tots to
take care of, sometimes feels out of humor.
Think, then, of a teacher having from
thirty to nixty under her personal direc
tion for ■HX hours per day.
—Butler Presbytery met at the Prcsby
terian church in Butler, Tuesday, with a
full attendance of ministers and elders-
Tuesday evening Ifevs. McClelland, Mar
shall and Stewart preached their trial ser
mons; all did well and were examined next
morning and ordained. Mr. McClelland is
a native of Allegheny twp. and will take
charge of a church at Ilurlandsburg. Mr.
Marshall is a s in of lie v. Marshall deceas
ed North Washington.
—The "green goods" circular is again
"in our midst," several citizens have re- i
ceived these circulars recently, and all are |
asked to "telegraph" to a certain address '
and sign a ceraio number to the telegram ,
instead of a name. The glittering bait ]
has thus far failed to catch any suckers in
this vicinity, or il it in ha<, the suckers
have taken thi ir medicine without squeal- ,
iug. One wonders how the"green good's"
men get the names of citizens in all parts
of the conntry,ljut that is easily explained.
In a raid on a gang ot "green goods" ras
cals in New York recently part ot the plun
der the detectives captured were one hund
r»-d and fifty directories of the sma ler cit
ies and towns tbrjughont the country. The
swindlers searched the directories for names
and sent their circulars.
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying 22 for butter,
10 for freah eggs, 35 to 40 for potatoes,
25 for turnips, 50 for parsnips
5 to 8 for cabbage, GO a bu. for beets, 00
for onions. 11 for dressed chickens, and 12
for turkeys and ducks, onion sets $2.25s
to $2.75 » bu. 15 to2oadoz. for bunch onion
10 cts.a lb. for lettuce,2s a di>z for radii hes,
80 cts a gal. for maple syrup.
Timothy hay from country watrons sls
to 17. mixed hay $10.50, to 11.50, straw
$0.50 to 7 50.
Country roll butter 18 to 20, fresh eggs
11 to 12, dressed chickens, drawn 12 to
Potatoes on track 00 to 65, cabbage
3 to 5, onions 50 to 00, turnips 25 to 30.
At Uerr's I-land, Monday, beeves sold
at 3.00 to 4 85.bulls and dry cows at. 1 50 to
2 75, hogs at 4.25 to 5.00 sheep at 1.00 to
4 55, Imibs at 1 00 to 8.00, and calves at
1 50 to 4.00.
Don't forget UH on Hosiery and
Gloves, we always* have the beat at
lowest prices
Headquarters for trunks and
valises at FRANK KEMPER'S,
124 8. Main St., Itutler, I'a
—Do not be induced to buy har
ness at mction or public Rale when
you can nave from 20 to 30 pe cent
by buying from
1554 S. J/ttiu St., Butler, I'a.
—Bargains in remnants and odd
lots of goods—come quick for choice.
—A special discount of 5 per cent
for cash at FRANK KEMPER'S,
124 S. Main St., Butler, I'a,
—Collarß of every description. I
make my own Irish and Scotch col
lars and can guarantee them.
124 S M ain St.. Butler. Pa.
—Now is the time to buy a
at youro wn price. They must all b e
sold as we carry none over to nex l
season. L. STEIN & SON.
—Every hody wants some beauti
ful piarits this summer. Come to the
City Bakery any time and make
a selection.
—The People's Store have all the
latest shades of Moire Silks, Drees
Trimmiugs and Braids at prices that
will suit you
—Cloaks at your own price No
reasonable offer refused—they must
—Dusters from 35c to $4 00 at
124 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. |
The Road Race,
iuo Pittsburg Press road race on Satur
day, in which 84 of the leading biejclists
of the three States entered, was a com
plete success, notwithstanding the unfavor
able weather. The race was won by George
Williams, of the Pittsburg Century Club in
the remarkable time of 2 hours and 29
minutes, with C. K Gibson second, 7 min
utes la:er, and J. E. Patterson 2 minutes
behind. The Butier riders showed up
splendidly, finishing in place and time as
15th, Geo. W. Mardorf, 3:01j
17th, Paul E. Cronenwett, 3:01 .
22ud, Franlc Hovis, 3:00
26th, David Lnsminger, 3:011.
32ud, Lamest Conenwett, 3:10.
The I'ress offered eold uieilal- to all who
accomplished the distance in three hours
and a half, and all the Botler boy won med
als with handsome margins.
I The day opened with light rain.- and was
| cold and cheerless, and the thousands who
were interested in the race Were plea-cd
&!>• ut nine o'clock to learn from the Press
offices that signal reports were for better
weather. The order was that tho rate
would be run if there were no heavy rains
in the morning, and th • Butler beys spent
several weary hours, alternating between
a hope that it would clear, and a desire to
have the race postponed until the road
would be in better condition. Ttie morn
ing wore through without tho debarring
raiu, and shortly after two o'clock the
crowds began to gather on Main street near
the Local Press office in the City Pharma
cy. The train from Pittsburg over the
P. AW. was due at 2:30, but it was 10
minutes late and it was 2:4H when the race
On tfe arrival of the train bearing the 78
wheelers from the city, a lino of inarch up
ilain St. to the City Pharmacy was formed
and the riders seemed in great number.
Thy (t. A K. Hand accompanied tjptm.but
did little playing iu Butb-r. At the Phar
macy all bustle and confusion f->r a
few minutes while the busy but cool
officials gave the Butler boys their nnm
bers and issued a few final orders rtgard
ing the race. A close formation four
abreast of tho riders was the next work
and several enterprising photographer
"took" the stout hearted riders, while .'Jr.
Atherton quickly went to the head <•! the
Column, revolver in hand. Two sharp
pistol shots and forward at a brisk rate the
column moved, the rider to the right of
each line acting maker until the
bridge was passed at the foot of Main St.,
where the word "go" was given and imme
diate the scramble for places began. The
bit of rough road between the railroad
track and the toll gate caused many to
dismount and wheel in hand, wildly chase
up, but the Butler boys knew the road and
made good time riding. Patterson Jed up
the hill and arrived at the top one hundred
feet in tho lead, and back of bim was a
pretty sight. Spinning up the hill at in
tervals of 10 or 15 feet was half a mile of
pedaling wheelman, and on each back
was a large yellow|badpe containing a num
ber. Some one remarked that they great
ly resembled potatoe bugs.
Patterson, Jenkins, Bannister and Cron
enwett were among the leaders, and all
tlie Butler boys rode well out of town. .At
Bakerstown Williams was first and Gibson
second with Cronenwett a good third. At
Sharpßburg they crossed fhe river and rode
down Penn Avenue, where they struck the
cobblestones. Here the Butler boys lost
rapidly and one after another of the city
boys passed, because our boys were not
used to riding over that style of pavement.
The boys reported that there was some
red tape work done and claimed that they
finished in better places than officially re
ported. If this is true, it does not reflect
great credit on the lairness of the Pitts
bu r g wheelmen.
The winner rode a Phosnix wheel, and
this seems to be a favorite make. It is
handled by J. E. Forsythe of West Jeffer
son St., who likes it very well.
Cheap Excursion To Cincinnati.
Mrs. N. C. Core, of Butler I'a is ar- ant
ing a treat for her friends in the way of an
excursion to Cincinnati, <>n Monday April
30. The route of travel will be over the
P. <t W. Railroad to Allegheny, thence l>y
steamboat to Cincinnati. Excursion rales
have been secured BO that the trip of over
five hundred miles can be mado at a very
low figure. One week will be required to
make the round trip, and t«> those in search
of health, rent, or pleasure, this will bo a
most enjoyable journey at small expense
The scenery on the Ohio Kiver is grand.
A band of music is furnished by the boat,
all meals will be furnisn«*d by the boat, at
no extra expense to the pa-sengers, and
are of excellent quality. A stay of one
full day will be made in Cincinnati to visit
points of interest among which an the
zooalogical gardens and a fine Art Gallery.
Those wishing to go on to Louisville or
who may wish to remain longer in Cincin
nati can do HO and use their tickets on any
one of the Companies boats for their return
trip. Mrs. Coro will give personal atten
tion to all ladies who may accompany the
excursion without escorts. All rates and
tickets must obtained throi gh Mrs N. C.
Core, who will be pleased to answer all
question relating to this excursion. Call
on or address the above named at The
Hutier Music Co. Butler Butler Co. I'a
—See tbe bargains wo are offering
in fine Henriettas. Just think of it.
$1 00 gocls for 08 conts and 75 cent
goods for ; 9 cents at
I cau sell you raliavs from 50c
to $8 00 FUANK KEMPER,
124 S. Main St., Butler,Pa
Largest assortment and best values
n Dress Goods and Cloaks at
—I can Hell you h 28 inch fancy
crystal cover, iron bound, malable
triin-mings, iron bottom, 4 slats all
way round trunk for $2 50
124 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Ryo Wanted.
Tbe highest prices paid for rye at
tbe mill of GEO. WALTER SON.
Butler, I'a
—Boarding House Cards, with Act
of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-dozen,
for sale at CITIZEN office
greatest bargain ever offered— was
00 a yard—now only 50 cents,
just half price at
—Take your children to Zuvw'i-
Gallery for Pictures that will urn
you. Postoffice building.
Examine my line of summer
goods such as dusters, stable sheets,
coolers, hoods, fly-nets and car-nets.
121 S. Main St , Butler, I'a.
—A stork of hor*o boots o 1
all descriptions. FUANK KK.MPKU,
124 S- 3/ain Bt,Butler, l'a.
—I can supply you with anything
iu the harness lino at lowest prices.
FKABK KKMI'XB,I24 8. Maiu St,
Butler, l'u
. —Look ever our now stock of har
ness before buying at auction or public
124 8. Main St., Butler, I'd
—I can sell you the same grade of
barn«*ts ns cueap a- any earriu;;«'
dealer. £'UANK K XMI'EE
124 8. Main St, 15utl»-r i'a
—Job work of all kind done at the
A largo number of Armstrong county
veterans have been notified that unless
tbey can prove their claims ever again
their pensions will be reduced or revoked.
Andrew Anderson, a stranger in Puci
sutawney, was confronted on Saturday by
a uian named J. C. Cunningham, of Wam
pum, Lawrence county, and made to dis
gorge S3OO which he had swindled Can
ninghani out cf a few weeks ago. Ander
son represented that he was going to start
a boiler works at Wampum and got Cun
ningham to advance him SSOO, and then
skipped out. The latter followed hiin to
Young-town, 0., then to Pittsburg and
finally came up with,him at Punxsutawney,
and mad • him pay over all the money aud
square up the expense" of his victim, lie
wilt not be prosecuted, lie had given out
that he was going to Oregon, and when he
was brought up with a round turn ai
PuDXsutawney he was greatly surprised.
An interesting and unusual ca.-e has been
begun in the Trumbull county court.".
Iron manufacturer Sykes offered to build a
SIOO,OOO rolling mill at Niles if the town
would give him a donation of SIO,OOO.
The t'i-v:j council p&jmptly voted the
bonus, the money to be raised by tho sale
of improvement bund.-. But the Falcon
Iron and Nail Company of Niles asks the
Trumbull county court to enjoin the coun
cil from issuing the bond*-; that it pays
taxes on more than $75,000 wjrth of prop
erty and does not desire to be asses.-ed for
tiie starting of a rival corporation. The
decision of the court will be looked for
with much interest.
The Xeir# is in receipt of two
hen's eggs, one having a waist measure
ment of CJ inchts, and the other 6f. The
editor inquires: "Wno can beat theinf"
Well, any ordinary cjok can. It don't re
quire much skill and muscle to beat an
egg or two.
Clearfield county voters, at the recent
election, voted for a poorliouse, and al
ready lilty thousand dollars have been in
vested in a farm. When the buildings are
erected the entire plant is expected to cost
on? hundred thousand dollars.
Airs. Jamn "WcLeler, living in Milton X.
V. egeu 07 years, gave birth last Saturday
evening to twin boys. There is no paral
lel case in medical records.
Shu trustees of the Economy Society
have transferred all the real estate of the
society to the Union Land Co., a charter
ed corporation; the prices named in the
deeds aggregating $370,000. The society
own* the bulk of the stock ol the company
and the transfer is said to be for the pur
pose of heading off souie threatened Jaw
The death warrant of J. A". Hill wn«
read to him in the Sheriff's office in Pitts
burg, iant Tuesday. Hill is to hang on the
14th of June.
John S Campbell is making improve
on his lawn on X. Main Sr.
The Misses Emrick are crectinir the
foundation for a handsome residence on
Washington and Penn Sts.
Col. Lowry has lately improved his
Pearl St. residence by removing fences,
The hyacinths and other spring flowers
in the park have furnished much pleasure
to lover.* of flowers in Butler the past two
Conducted by Miss Ma.d Mitchell, will
begin Monday April 30th, in the W. C. T.
I • rooms on W. Jefferson St. Children
trom 3to 8 years received. Tuition $7.50
for three months.
Hi Henry's Minstrels, May 3d,
Don't fail to see the grand street parade
of Hi. Henry's Minstrels on Thursday, May
3d. ,
The renowned and ever popular Hi.
Henry's Premium Minstrels, numbering
30 Burnt Cork Celebrities and offering the
very latest and best features in Minstrelsy,
will appear at the Armory Opera House on
Thursday, May 3d. Thts press sneaks in
the highest terms of this company, and
heats for their performance are now on
sale at Heineman's. Special price 'Jo, 35
and 50 cents.
—A new and choice selection of
Lace Curtains, Draperies, etc at the
Good Bread.
Other things be a little out of line
but the bread must be good if do
mestic peace is to be preserved.
Can't always depend on the home
oven. It will get out sometimes.
Only way to be absolutely sure is to
Ket Marvin's Bread from your grocer.
The bigirest loaves, largest, purest,
most wholesome bread ever turned
out by /inbody. Give it just oue
trial. You'll want more if you do.
Your grocer keeps it.
Best Buffalo flannels reduced to
25 cents a yard at
—I can cell you he same harnem
for $0 00 that you pay $7 50 anil $8 00
for at auctiou sales
124 S. Main St, Butler, Pa.
—I can sell you single buugy
harness from $4 00 to SSO 00.
121 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
—Clearance sale of all winter goods
Greatest bargains in dry goods and
cloaks ever known at
Fruit culture is more profitable
to the farmer now than his other
crops. Brown Bros. Co., the most
extensive nursery house in the US,
have a vacancy ic this section.
VVrite them at Rochester, N Y , for
their terms.
—The iutest novelties in Fine
DrcHß Goods at the
--I pay strict attention to single
and double, light and beavy harness,
also to trunks, valises aud all kind**
of traveling good*.
124 S Main St, Buller, Pa.
—Zuver's Pictures leave
wanting in fuusli, tone or a correct
--Repairing promptly attended to
124 S. Mam >St., Butler, Pa
Don't You Think.
That crackers made of the very
purest materials, in the cleanest, bent
ventilated factory in the world, anrj
turned out fresh every day ought to
bo pretty good? Thai's the way
Marvin's Crackers aud Cakes are
made None better in the world.
Few indeed that are mudo so honest
ly and conscientiously. Better ask
your urocer for them. Mention par
ticularly Rovul Fruit Biscuit, Fav
Biscuit Fagle Butter Crackers, Re.
ciption Flakes, Drummers Lunch,
1 Pino Apple Cuts, Jolly Turnovers
j i'our grocer has them or will get
I them if you insist.
Oil Notes.
The market continues to hover around
85 cents.
The McClung well on the Richardson
farm in Connoquccessing twp. did 200 bbls
a day after it was shot, a few days ago, and
will probably be a 50 bbl. stayer.
Some of our oilmen think that in the
course mi time all the oil wells in the
will be drilled to the fifth sand.
A well on the Susan Hilliard farm,
about miles north west of the Shira
farm had no oil in the regular sand and
was drilled to the fifth sand, when it filled
up 300 feet with oil.
Braid Black, the Hoch Bros, and others
struck » good v.-ll on tb • Pttei Shira last
Ellery Caldwell has finished his course
at the Baltimore Medical College, and is
now looking around for a place to begin
George D. Ogden aud wife have returned
from their trip to San l'rancisco.
J Frank Anderson has beeu promoted 10
' 0 i.c.cUr, of -uo oid Gas Co.nyaiiy.
Newton Black i; visiting his brother iu
Sin Francisco, and "taking iu" the mid
winter Fair, tiii* week. He found his pa
rents at San Jose in their ueiial health.
Mr. George Fowler, who is a resident of
Allegheny township, Butler county, cele
brated iu a quiet modest way his 91st
birthday on thu lGili in.-t. 11. is dow lUe
oldest citizen of tnis seciion of country and
possibly in Builer county On that day
Mrs. A. Li. Fowler, a sister in-law; Mrs.
James Fowler, a niece by marriage; Mrs.
Nelson Fowler, another niece by marriage,
and her son, Master Nelsie; Mrs. Jamti
Forquar, a daughter, and Mrs. W. B.
Forquar, a grand-danghter-in law by mar
riage, all ot Foxburg. visited the aged
patriarch.—Emlenton Net c?.
The GAR Encampment.
Several hundred of the foremost citizeus
of Pittsburg and Allegheny have organized
committees to prepare lor the 28th Nation
al Encampment of the Grand Army ol ihe
Bepublic in Pittsburg during the week be
ginning Sepjember lOili next. This prom
ises to be the largest anil most impressive
demonstration ever witnessed in Western
I'ennsylvauin. Btsicis as it is now twen
ty-nine 3eais since the Civil War ended, it
is not probable that tho Union Veterans ol
that struggle will ever again be masked in
such vast numbers. Already the Commit
tee on Accommodations has secured free
quarters lor 40,000 men and applications
lor these quarters are coming iu daily from
Posts in every direction. The railroads
last year carried 268,000 persons to the Eu
uanipnient at Indianapolis, and Pittsburg
being in a more populous Territory, there
is a natural expectiou that this number
wil' be exceeded.
Pittsburg Councils haveapproj r ated $25,-
000 toward the Encampment Fund and
Allegheny Councils SO,OOO, while the
people ot thb two municipalities are ex
pected to subscribe $75,000 to the end that
the allair may be a thorough sucess.
—Fine blooming- plants ot all
ktuds at the City bakery.
—(Jonio and Bee us at 124 South
Main St., .Butler, i'a.
Jeweler and Optican,
125 South Main Sreet, Hurler, Pa.
Diamonds, fine watches, jewelry;
spectacles, solid and plated ware con
stantly on hand. Special attention
given to testing and correctly fittiug
The World's Fair RebuiU for
the Pages of History
The "Book of the Builders" one ot
th( wofct artistic and magnificent
publications ever issued in now We
il 'fffertd by The Pittsburg Di«~
puich to its readers. It is beyond
question the greatest offer ever made
by a newspaper See The Dispatch
for full information.
B. i>.
Thousand Yards
Of Them
but they'll go at such rapid rate
vou'll not have lou« to think about it
if you want any of these 25 and 35
15 and 20 Cents per yard.
Choice, desirable kiuds that people
will approve—such an you'd never
get except at a great IOSB to some
body—in this case, loss neither yours
nor ours, nevertheless they are here
—Come or write for samples, buying
comes easy, ouce you see them
35 and 25 Ginghams—ls and 20 cts.
An immense assortment of WASH
Goods,--Dimities, Crepons, Zephyrs,
Ducks, Gulateas, Lawns, Baiisties,
Printed Swisr-es, etc This Dept , a
good-sized store in itself, and with a
prue range that will mak* you won
der— lOcts. to 50cts. per yard
Latest Paris Importations in DRESS
50c 65c, 75c, SIOO to SGSO a
y a rd,
You can't fail to see superior value
ot these fine to finest Dress Goods.
Over a thousand different styles of
new stylihb mixtures at •
15c, 20c, 25c, 35c and 40c.
Write our MAIL ORDER Department
for samples. You'll soon see wbeth
er you save by sending here for
your Dress Goods. The goode tell
their own story of worth at lit.tle
cost, and you will be with ,the
thousands that weekly semi us
their orders
Bo<>£s & Buhl,
Hs,to 121 ;Federal Street,
Manufacturer of
Harness, Collars,
and Strap Work,
and Fly Nets,
and Dealer in
Whips, Dusters, Trunks and
My Goods are all new and strict
first-class, and all work guaran
Repairing a Specialty.
:o: :o:
| Opposite Campbell & Tcmpleton's
Furniture Store.
1342 S. Main St., - Butler, Pa.
Tapistry Paintings.
The Womans Exchange, in addition ti
their large roomful of pretty things, art
showing with pride this week two tapestry
j paintings which are loaned by the Catholic
schools here. They were done at the
school at Latrobe, and presented to the
Butler schools recently.
One is entitled "Charms of Beauty" bj
Sister Josephine, ahd the second is "The
Frerch Girl" by a pupil. Both are very
fihe but it seemed to the scribe that tbo
work on some of the decorated china wa
every bit as artistic if not so difficult.
The exchange seems a great success.
All the handiwork of women is handled
here, and the rooms are bright and iuvit
iuir. A large circulating library is one ol
he leaturn-, and even a horrid maa li
made to feel at his ease
The Top Notch Keached.
The top notch of enteiprise and liber
ality has been reached by the Pittsburg
Time which announces that every one ol
ite r-ixty thousand, fUbscribers, and al<
who will become regular readers before
Saturday. May 12tb. will be presented
with the lirst part of the most remarkable
Art Portiolio ol the year. The work rt
ferred to is "Frank Leslie's Scenes and
Portraits of the Civil War," which will
luruieh a complete authentic history ot
the conflict between the btates in pictures
drawn on the spot and in descriptive prose,
l'hr First Part will be delivered tree to all
readers of the Pittsburg Times in exchauge
tor the lirst six coupons, and the other
twenty-niue parts will be furnished in ex
change for six coupons clipped from the
Timex and ten cents for each part.
There will be thirty parts, twenty six ol
which will be devoted to illustrations and
four of reading matter. Each ol the first
twenty six parts will contain sixteen illus
trations, uiaKiiig a total of lour hundred
and sixteen in the complete volume
Short descriptions will accompany the
pictures in each part. The pictures were
made ou the scene ot battle by the. most
famous artist of the time, and can there
fore be relied upon as absolutely accurate,
foe work will be a oupplenient to every
written history, portray ing as it does the
striking incidents of battle, and giving the
likenesses of the leaders whose names
were on every lip in the days of strife
here the veterans will tind the past recall
ed. and here the young may gaiu inspira
tion to emulate their patriotism and devo
The Pittsburg Times deserves thanks tor
placing this spleuuiil History within the
reach of the people at nominal cost, and
its proposed tree distribution of the First
Part to ull its reuders is generosity with
out parallel. If you are not a reader of
Tne Times, order it from your news agent
at once. If there is no agent for Tne Times
n your locality, write The Times, Pitts
burg, Pa., for terois of clubs and agents.
RAjLhCAL 1 l&afc. 1 AbJLES.
South WKEK Davs
A. M. A. M. A. M. r. M. P. M.
Butler Leave 015 H35 11 U) 245 500
Saxonburu.. Arrive 044 9uo 1124 311 52s
liuilcr juc't, •• 730 y25 ll so 340 063
Duller Juc't.. Leave 730 u4l 12 03 3 40 553
Natrona Arrive 73n asl 12 13 350 oe2
Xareutum 7 43 966 12 19 357 9 07
Springilale 7 55 10 05 12 33 4 OK
Claremont 8 11 12 56 4 23 o 27
sharpstmrg 8 is 1 05 4 29 632
Allegheny city 83510 33 124 444 645
,A. M. A. M. r. M. P. M. P. M.
A. U. A, M. A. M. P. M. P. M
Allegheny City Leaves 55 825 10.40 315 010
sharpsburg 7 (W 8 39 10 68
Claremont 846 11 on
springilale BSf 11 26 641
Tarentum 7 32 9 10 11 39 361 050
Natrona 7 37 9 15 11 45 3 55 6 53
Builer Juc't Arrive 7 45 It 25 11 65 4 04 702
liuiler Juc't Leave 7 45 045 12 3s 4 15 7 02
Saxonburg if 0i 10 11 lU4 440 7 !i»
Buller Arrives 35 10 35 1304 06 760
A. M. A. M. P. M. p. M. P, M
WEEKDAYS. For the Ea»l. W km DAYS*
p. M A. M A. M. P. M.
24% 015 Lv. Butler Ar. 10 35 Iso
a 10 I 30 Ar. Butler Junction Lv. 9 45 12 ;is
404 745 Lv. Mullcr Junction Ar. 941 12 3s
4 10 749 Ar. Free port Lv. a 35 12 35
415 753 " Allegheny Juc't. '• y3l 12 :so
420 804 •• Leechbun; " 920 12 13
4 4<> 821 " Paulton (Apollo) " yOO 11 65
514 851 ~ Saltßburg " 837 11 32
550 922 •• Blalrsvllle " 805 11 I*J
000 y3O " Blalrsvllle Intern " 750 10 15
BMII 40 " Alloona •• :i 40 800
1 ikj 320 " llarrlsburg •' 11 55 310
4 :JO 0 w " Philadelphia " Bso 11 20
A. M p. M. .r, M. V. M
Through trains for the east le?vo Pittsburg
(Union Station) as follows:
Pennsylvania. Limited, dally 7 15 A. M.
Atlantic Express. " 3ao "
Maine Line Express. " 8 00
Uay Express. " 9 os
I'hfladelulila Express. " 4 30 P.M.
Eastern Express. *' 7 00
Fast Line. " 810 "
For detailed Information. address Thoi. K.
Watt, Pass. Ag't. Western District, ,110 i Fifth
Avenue, Pittsburg, I'a.
General Manager. Gen'l. Fass'r. A g't
:p. & W. K. B.
Schedule. In effect Jan. n (Butler tlina)
The Short Line to Pittsburg.
0.25 a m Alleglicny 9.25 a m, Alllegheuy E»
8.15 a m All'y & Akron 163 a m.AI K. N Castle
10.05 am Allegheny Ac ,12.30 p m, All'y S. C'b'go
3.0u pin Allegheny Mall 1.35 p 111. Allegheny Ex
3.20 p m Chicago Kx. 725 pin, All'y £ Akron
ti.lo p in All'y & Ell. Ex <OO p in. Allegheny Ac
10.06 a in Kane A llrad. s 10 a m. Foxburg Ac
5.00 p in Clarion Ac 9.45 a tn, Clarl>n Ac
7,;50 p m Foxburg |3.40 pin, Kane. Mai
*R(7n> \Y TKMNH.
8.15 a 111, lie Forest Ac 9.56 a m.Allegheny; Ac
.3.20 p in, I'hleago Ex 1.35 pm. Allegheny Ex
G.lO pm, Allegheny Ac 7.2" p 111, Ix-Forest Ac
Train arriving at at 4.35 p in leaves BJ II O de
pot. Pittsburg, at 2 :40 o'clock.
isutler and Greenville Coach will leavo Alle
gheny at 2:50 p. 111, daily except Sunday. Con
necting at Wlllowgrove, arriving at Butler at
436. /
Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars aud tlrst-clans
Day Coaches run through between Buller and
Chicago dally.
For through tickets to points 111 the West
Northwest or Southwest apply to
A. B. CBOUCH. Agent
Trains leave the B. a O. depot In Pittburg
for the Kasl as follows.
For Washington I) C.. Baltimore. Philadel
phia, hi N'-w York, H:2O aud y:2O p. m.
Cumberl <Dd. 8:15. 2:20.1 :10. 9:20 p. 111. Con
nelsvlUe. H:IS, 12:20. 1.10. 4.30, 5.50 and 9.20 p in
llnloutown. 8.15 a. m., 1 10.4.30 and 5.50 p. in.
Mt. Pleasant. 8:15 a. in.. 1.10 and 430 p. in
Washington. I'a. 7.25 and 915 a 111.. 4 00,
4.46 and 9 25.11.25 p. in. Wheeling. 7.25 and
9.15 a in.. 400 9.25. 11.85 p. m. Cincinnati, *t
Louis, Columbus and Newark. 7.25 a. in., 9.2."
11 25 p, m.
For Chicago. 2.*) and 9.30 p. m.
Parlor and sleeping ears to Baltimore, Wash
ington, Cincinnati and Uhlcavo
Taken effect. Monday, April t, 1834.
Train* are run h> Slendard neutral Time (''"111
Meridian ) One ho ir slower than city Time.
10 | 14 | 12 | HTATIONB j~» | 11 U
p,m 111 L-.m. a.m. a.m. p 111
fi 20 Buffalo . «151 , l'
...J I 2 42 Dunkirk ....I j 7 as 1* ...
a. m.
i 00 1 58 111 Erie 0 05 8 10 3 .!.
0 25 1 23 925 .Wallace J unci. 042 #27 4 I:
11 211 I Is U 15 . ...Glrard 040 # 31 ll]
1; 09 I #8 9 0.1 liOCklMirl. 11 6# 9 42 4 21
0 U2i I Oil 865 .. Ciauesvllle .. 7 Ol! 960 4 3
3 10 10 3i|....Conneaut....|. 1 7 40 3 t
0 4:1 1 I! 4o;ar v| |io 3l| 0 4.
55712 57 849 ar .Albion. .. lv| 7 111 9 35, I 3
54312 45 830 .... Shadeland ; 72310 "4 4 5
540 12 42 H .12 Hprlnislioro. . 7 28 10 07 I
5 S3 12 35 825 Colllic.ill I vllle I 736 10 14 50:
3 08 12 i»j 8 06|.. Mea'vle Jct-..| > gf > jj
1 »3 r::r~f Shff .oooat L&ke ., no hi 4 #i
s I* ar ar 8 II! 0 60 5 3'
4 28 . 7 IBi lv Meadvllle lv 950 I 21
p in ... ..8 42 ar ar 8 42 II 251 0 o:
... II 68 7 45. . llarlMt/iwii lo 41 su
ns.! 7 4o Adamsvtlle ...' 10 62 5 4i
No 2 11 13 728 .... Osgood . . No I 11 oo 4
p in a. in
i! 23 ll 35 7 li; ....Greenville o 30 11 15 t; <1
0 is 11 25 7 i»; ....Shi nango 0 4011 26 11 21
568 II 02 0 17 . Fre,lonla. 703 II 40 031
539 10 II 0 28 Mercer 7 22 I* 07 7 («
25 10 vj 0 12 Pardee. . . 7 :w 12 22 7 1
6 l.i 10 20 1. On . Drove <'lty 747 12 XI 7 z
5 181 10 08 5 4.1 llarrlsvllle 7 58 12 45 7 :u
4 52 10 00 s 10' .. .Branch ton sOO 12 54 7 «
4 55, 7 4.v 8 35 lv .Braiichton.ar l 7 36 12 15 7 2 1
5 4., s i-> ill ar illlllaril ..lv OMi 11 15) 11 4
4 4tl, 9 661 5 35|1v.. Kelsters I 8 loil2 M. 74'
4 32 942 521 .. Kut'lld 8 22 I Ijl s 0-
4 0| * 15] 4 o| . ..Butler I 8 50] 1 42| B.i
150 720 .... Allegheny. PAW 11 10,350'
Pm ii 111 !p. 111' p. 111
J. T. 111.AI lc Ci-neml Manager. Greenville, pa
W.G HA KG KANT, G. P A.. Meadvllle. Pa
f I '> I JbJ iOl M >
4 Mre insurance t; .
» '• 1 ,nr
Alfred Wick, Henderson Oliver,
l<r. W. Irvln, James Htephenitoo,
W. W. Blackinore, N. Weltzel,
F. Bowman. J). T. Norrls.
Ceo Kellerer. ilia*. Ilehliun,
<!eo. ICenno, John Koenlni;
M fn, Jn mjurion* lubttAnce* M
W« GUARANTEE a CURE or rvlund tour money.
Prim IH.iiVie'rbattle, Send 4c tof tT»«ti»«.
■ xjajiaoai afiwitAi, co., bwwvj mmc,
A Suggestion.
. ~ ':tca,T/«v/
r*,N 4**r /
Ji< .<
Did it ever occur 10 you tliat there ar»
drugs and drugs—that drugs are like every
thing elre there are good, bid and indif
ferent. There is nothing else which if
positively bad if it is'ut just of the best
Our policy has always been to have noth
in« hut the best.
When you want drugs come to us and be
assured of fresh pure goods, and always
what you ask for or yonr prescription calls
for. It may not always be drugs you want
either. We always have on hand a fall
| line of sick room requisites.
Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa.
CAPITAL - - $100,000.00.
SlliPLlS ASM PKOFITS, - $46,869.64.
Jos. Hartman, Pres't.
J. V. Kltta. Vice Pres't. C. A. Bailey, Cashier.
Jos. Hartman. C.P.Collins, N.M.Hoover
otin Huraphrev, J. v. Rltts
B. E. Atir.ima, Leslie Uazlett. I. G. Smltli.
W. H. Waldrou. W.Henry Wilson. M. Klnegau.
A general banking business transacted. In
terest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on
approved security,
l-orelgu exchange bought and sold.
Assets $g,378,000.
Home of New York,
Assets $9,000,000.
Hartford of Hartford,
Assets $7,378,000.
Phoenix of Brooklyn,
Assets $5,000,000.
Continental of New York,
Assets $6.380,000.00.j
J Assets $137,499,000.00.
E E. AfiftAMb & CO,
Court House, Butler, Pa...
To be sold lor taxes by County Treasurer
John T. Martin,at public outcry,at the Court
Bouse m Butler, Pa., on
1 O'CLOCK, P. M,
Owners. acres, yrs. amt tax
Negley Anderson et al u 100 1891 19 00
Campbell J J<k Brandon 294 181)1 30 63
ti A Campbell 275 1891 62 00
Tnouias AlcCamey li 1891-2 371
W B Sedwick 15 1891-2 20 57
U.illagtier heirs 50 1891 10 60
Bobert Barron 60 1092 13 07
Keed J Campbell 113 1892 26 9 1
William Kennedy 171 1892 36 91
John McCune 20 189- 4 97
AAI Thompson 40 1892 4 60
Book C C house and lot 1891 2 41
Potts heirs 10 1891 1 31
B W Cress lot 1892 1 31
John Duuu lot 1892 3 22
1' si McUiums lot 1892 1 4o
Joseph Carry lot 1892 1 40
Jaeob Thompson 2 1892 1 31
Geo Ziegler 185 1891-2 28 30
JuUn A.l leu 60 1892 3 27
»V J Kiskaddea 26 1891 6 18
VV C Martin 7 1892 44
Detuiore McKinuey jj 1892 50
David Cupps 20 1882 2 50
Ueo Ziegler 50 1892 6 00
I) W Kraudou lot 1892 50
Mary McUinnis 41 .892 1 88
John W. A lieu 133 1891 16 10
M I) Ooldiuger heirs 70 1891-2 29 45
Michael Kerr heirs 4 1891-2 153
Elizabeth Skeltou 33 1891 ti Go
White Martin 90 1892 1 0 12
S A Fithian 14 1891-2 084
Starr & Britton 80 1891-2 40 27
A 11 Maxwell 50 1891 5 <54
A D Kamerer 5 1892 1 21
Forest Oil Co. 15H»J 12 lg
J T Starr * 99 1892 9 09
John Dunn Sr. 33 1891 3 96
M N Randall 8 1891 50
liredin & Donaghy 70 1892 20 44
Jaines II red in 124 1892 35 i' 2
Uieenwood Oil Co. 1 1892 36
Thomas J Moore lot 1892 2 68
L McFan lot 1891-2 78
Thomas McKuight 19 1891 6 67
Thomas 1$ Hayrie's heirs 50 1891-2 26 48
Daniel Denny 25 1892 4 79
Nancy 11 Brown lot 1892 21
F J Beatty 24 1892 22
T J Dinsmore lot 1912 19
Nathan Milroy 2 lots 1892 30
Rachel Warner heirs 60 1892 8 19
Dennii*McGuirlt 19 1891-2 330
Robert Seaton heirs 60 1891 6 48
Johu i'urviance 41 1892 504
Mary E McGuirk 19 1891 2 0£
Elizabeth I .ay toil 12 1892 1 48
Andrew Barber 100 1892 7 56
Amriceline While heirs 30 1892 4 53
Robert Thompson 30 1892 4 53
Johu N I'urviance 140 1891 23 '2B
i: Ratlin; lot 1891 17
John M Thompson 10 1891 1 17
Thomas J Atwcll 45 1891 7 30
Christy <fc Caution 25 1891-2 12 20
Sim on Edward 20 1891 7 76
J < Fuller 10 1891 2 19 14
Gillespie it Co {1 18' 1-2 760
A M McNamara 58 181>1 19 17
(i W Morrow 25 1891-2 13 95
John i' Robinson 2 lots 189! 75
Stanley Lanky 10 1891 2 06
Henry Sanderson 13 1891 4 38
Elizabeth Sedwick heirs 50 1891-2 22 76
l< W Shaw i 1892 84
11 L Tayior &Co 50 1892 1 34
S M Ward lot 18:i2 4 6-
David Kamerer <>o 1892 13 86
Kd Datubach 15 1891 3 74
W II II Riddle 15 1891 3 74
Theo Kelly heirs 39 1891 2 16 23
DFKe'ly 40 1891 9 19
Micbael Kelly 31 1891 6 94
Andrew Noruross heirs 43 1891 6 65
Elizabeth Patterson 39 1891-2 16 14
R M Sloane 38 1891 7 64
J C Vanderlin 50 1891 2 17 14
Mrs Jane Blaire 12 1891 2 536
Wui Smith 60 1891 2 51 32
C Everson house 1891 3 44
A M Me Bride 50 1892 7 83
Andrew Norcross 26 1892 4 C 6
James Sutton 20 1891 26 65
Joseph Sirnmraers 1 1891 47
81* Irwin 77 1892 730
David Bond 61 I.WI 2 18 55
Jauies L Conn 100 1891-2 29 50
<> D Thompson «0 1891 14 12
Johu Calloway 100 1892 19 38
J B McLaughlin 2 lota 1891
.lames Brediu 150 1892 15 00
Jacob Ilepler, dec'd lot I8:>2 2 10
Montgomery—— lot
Jaines B Story 4 lota 1892 3 50
Win Thorn lot 1892 2 10
Montgomery lo„ 1892 70
'l • ''»• M• -& fu* A<lv«*rttMiifir itiin'itu of
viio will -oil-sc» twi •drcrlifUig at lowest 1 1
showing a nobby line of Westminster suits for young men Long
frocks and sacks will be the leading style for spring.
Our large line of boys and childrens suits are up to our usual
standard, and the variety is the largest ever shown by us.
We solicit a call for inspection.
104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
+ i mr, hm ♦
A Hard times Bonanza. Seeing
money is close, we will make
the Prices closer and help you
We are going to sell Spring
Goods By the power of
Irresistable Prices. Our
Prices are not made low by
dull trade. But made low to
make trade.
Better Goods were never offered,
Nicer styles were never shown.
Don't fail to see our Complete
Assortment of New and Select
Styles of Men's and Boys Cloth
ing, Hats and Gents Furnishing
Leading Clothiers.
137 South Main street, Butler.
SAY, have you tried the
new clothing store? If you
haven't, try them for your new
spring suit. Have you seen
the latest spring cuts? Step
in and we will take pleasure in
showing them to you —Long
Cut Sacks— Long Cutaways —
madeupof the latest fashionable
materials. Fit and workman
ship guaranteed.
Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. BUTLER, PA.
Is to please our customers
and judging from our im
mense sales we have been do
ing it. Our Spring Goods are
arriving daily and many new lines
have been added, making our
stock of footwear the most com
plete in Butler. Special attention
is called to our line of Indies'
Walking Shoes, prices from 75
cts. up. We are still having quite
a trade on our Ladies' Button
Shoes at 95 cts. The Men's, a
Calf Cong, and Bals at 95 cts, arc
great favorites with the trade.
Farmers and workingmen all say
our hand-pegged Credemors arc
the best they ever saw for Si.OO.
Full line Boys' and Girls School
Shoes at 95 cts.
Butler* Pa*
Rough and Worked Lumber
OP ALL xiaua
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Moulding*
Shindies and Lath
Always In Stock.!
|ofllcu opposite P. A
DDI! DRUGS 11101
I PRICES is the motto at oar
X store.
If yon are sick and need medicin
you want the BEST. Thia *oa ran
always depend upon getting from us,
as we aae nothing bat strictly Pore
Drags in our Prescription Depart
ment. You can get the beat of every
thing in the drug line from na.
Uur store is also headqnartera for
Kalsomine, Alabastine k
Get our prices before yoa buy
aints, and nee what we hare to
er. We can Bare yoa dollars on
our paint bill.
Main M.m>t t« B< tei Lcwry
Zt EASTER! !«£.
Our millinery department ia full
of the newest and choicest goods.
Beautiful and Artiaiic "Patterns,"
newest ideas in nntrimmed hats and
French effects in jet Braids and
M. F. & M. MARKS,
113 to 117 8. Mtliu St., - - Butler.
Breeder of I'ore Bred Poultry.
Considering the stringency In the money
market ai the present time. I havo concluded
to wit nrits at the following rery low Aaora.
Solid Buff Ultkorii, sl.Mprrl&
(Lister-Kay strain.)
Uooil BuW L**hora« 1,00 " It
B. C. H. LufMraa • 1.00 " 15
Kcapp Strain)
B P. Uorks ... 1.00 !' IS
(Brown Em strain.)
AM, Domlalqae ... 1.00 " 18
(Wilcox strain)
ladlan Uaiara - 1 60 " 15
(Sharp and Abbott latraln)
Imperial Pfialn Darki - - 1.00 "13
(Hudd strain)
■ llronx* Tark»j« - 12.80 " 9
CI. culai free. (DeKalb Strain)/» 00 " Is
Net 52 cent Net.
The nun.- amount wan earned and paid to
the aubocrtbera to our Special B. It. Syndicate
a* the reoult <>t our operations In the Stock
Market fr< in Dec. Itlh. Ittiu to Feh. 15. 18Uft- 100
to .'*» per cent profit per aun'im. can be made
by Joining our syndicate I'oom. Send for Proa
pectuaandour Dally Market letter. Mailed
Free. Illgheat Keleruuce.
Uanker-. & Brokers,
CLOTHIER, Butler, Pa.