Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 13, 1894, Image 4

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Campbell & Templeton.
Have commenced a Furniture Sale that
will interest you. Each season we visit
the principal furniture markets of the
United States, thereby securing the new
est styles as soon as produced. This
season's stock surpasses any we have
previously shown and prices are lower.
We have Parlor Suits in#
Turkish, Mahogany
! fOak Frames, Mahogany ChairsJ
{>Fancy Rockers, Gold Chairs,#
< 'Brass Stands, Pictures, Mirrors.\
* * *
** . ;
| Side Boards, Extension Ta- • Bed Room Suits, Stands,:
' bles, Buffets, Head Chairs, Din- : Rocking Chairs, Chairs, Chif- :
I ing Room Chairs, China Closets. foniess, W ardrober.
I' * *
* * *
Carpets, Rugs, Dishes,
Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles,
House Furnishing Goods,
Domestic Sewing Machines,
Large assortment of Baby Carriages.
Butler, - Penn'a.
Spring Attractions in the Finest Styles of
now open. These styles are all new—the Cream of the Market.
No excuse for not wearing a nice, new pair of stylish, good-fit
ting Shoes at these prices. You will find all the New Narrow, Square
and New Narrow Opera Las s. The New Congress and Cloth Top
with large Buttons and the Blucheretts and Dongola Tan and Patent,
Calf in this stock.
LadlM Pise Ptt. TipShoM at BSC.SOC. <I.OO and 1.25.
" •• K •• very One at $1 JO. 2.00 and 2JSO
•• band turns, 12.25,2.50 md 3 00.
•• •< cloth tops $l 25 1 so. S.oo and 3.00.
'• oood H«avy Shoes at 780, 85c and fi.oo
" Fine Laoe. Tip, Oiforrts at soc. 650. Tsc and tl.oo.
Fine Opera Styles, 50c 75c and 11.00.
•• Tan and Black Blucheretw at and 3.00.
» Oxfords, great variety In Tan and Black at the abeve prices.
Fine Button Shoes, sizes u to 2 at esc. *1 oo and 1.25
•• Tan. sixes 1 to 2at tl.oo. 1.25 and 1.75
Children's •• " »X to loX at soc. 75c and tl.oo.
In Tan and Black atSoc.6sc.7sc and 11.00. _ ~ ,
Hisses' and Children s Fine Low Cut Oxfords at very low prices In Dongola, Russet and Pa t
Men's B. Calf Tip. Congress and Bala only soc.
Men's Good Heavy Shoes at 70c 90c. (t oo and 1.25.
Men's uood Box Toe Sboes at ti.so and 2 00
Men 8 Grain and Kip Credemores at !i 25 and l .50.
Men's Bxtra line Calf Shoes at and s.oo.
Men's Fine Kangaroo Shoes at 2.50, 3.00 and 3 so.
Men's Cordovan Pat. or Calf Blutcheretts. all new styles
Men's Tan Shoes. New Spring styles at t1.75. 2 00 and 2.50
Boys' Shoes from sac. fi.uo ann l 25. all Spring Styles.
Boys' Tan Shoes. Beam hw at tl .25 and l .50.
Men's Calf Boots at »1,90 to i.so
This stock is carried in all widths, all toes and lasts. Words fail
to describe the extent of this stock. Come and see for yourself.
Repairing of all kinds done at reasonable prices.
Ho. 102 North Main Street - Butler,'. Pa.
Are You Interested
In Low Prices?
W£ offer a magnificent new stock for Spring and Summer at
High Grades in all Departments. True merit in every Article. Hon
est Quality Everywhere.
An Immense Assortment.
Nothing Missing.
Everything the Best.
The Quality will tell it. The Price will sell it. And that is the
reason you should come early to get your bargains Irom our splendid
line of
Shoes, Slippers and Oxfords.
We show all the latest novelties in great profusion. We keep
the very finest selections in all standard styles. We make it a point
to have every article in stock the best of its kind.
AL RDFF.,«; a i
—=======--- ,
S We have Couches covered inf
J Leather, Plush, Velvet or \\ il-^
iton coverings; Leather Chairs,s
•Leather Wickers, Library Ta-5
#bles, Book Cases, Desks, Li-#
Jbrary and Revolving Chairs. J
PAINT cracks.— It
often costs more to prepare a
house for repainting that has been
painted in the first place w iih cheap
ready-mixed paints, than it would
to have painted it twice with strict
ly pure white lead, ground in pure
linseed oil
Strictly Pure
White Lead
forms a permanent base for repaint
ing and never has to be bunted or
scraped off on account of scaling
or cracking. It is always smooth
and clean. To be sure of getting
strictly pure white lead, purchase
any of the following brands:
"Armstrong & McKelvy,"
" Beymer-Bauman,"
" Davis-Chambers,"
" Pahtipcfrirlc "
FOR COLORS.— National T Lead Co.'s J* vrc
White Lead Tintm* Colors, a one-fxvnd can
to a 25-pound kefc of Lead and mix your c,\\ i
paints. Saves time and annoyance in matihmg
shades, and insures the best paint that it
sible to put on wood.
Send us a postal card and get our book on
paints ond color-card, free; it will prohabK s;.ve
you a good many dollars.
Pittsbunr Branch.
German National Bank Building. Pittsburg.
Dropped on sugar sufierinsr children love to
take ft. Every Mother should have it in the
house, it quickly relieves and cures all aches
and pains, asthma, bronchitis, colds, coughs,
catarrh, cuts, chaps, chilblains, colic, cholera
morbus! earache, headache, hooping cough,
iaflammaUon, la grippe, lameness, mumps,
muscutar soreness, neuralgia, nervous bead
ache. rheumatism, bites, bums, bruises, strains,
sprains, stings, swellings, stiff joints, sore throat,
pore lunjfs, toothache, tcmsilitis and wind colic.
Originated in 1810 by the late Dr. A. Johnson,
Family Physician. Its merit and excellence
have satisfied everybody for nearly a century.
All who use it are amazea at its wonderful power.
It is safe, soothing, satisfying; so wy sick,
sensitive sufferers. Used Internal and External*
The Doctor** signature and directions on every bottle
Hl'gt'd T'amphlet free. Bold evercwhero. lYice, »
Eix bottles, tJVi. L a. JOH>SON <SC 00„ Boston, MJ#
New Specific No, Seventy-Seven
With all its symptoms of In finer A:.
Catarrh, Pains an-1 t-'-r' Ilea i
and Chest, Congh, 'iiir-wt * .
general Prostration Mid Fever i'.' :•
early it cuts it short ■•••'.;*; taken
dating its pml« . }■■
sion; taken while
relief is speedi! »• r \ ••• :
tinned to an emirs rv.
This being s\ K.- iifrntd.' it" yo;u
Drngsrist will not g.-t it for y n, it v:i
be sent prepaid on receipt of pries,
or 5 for fl.fiO.
Cor. WUliiia £ jotm Sts., Kew "Soi
ls an arbitrary word used to design ate the
only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled off
the watch.
Here's the idea
I I GTLJ 1 1 The bow has a groove
I I ) I on each end. A collar
/J runs down inside the
VJ-jjJ \jiLS pendant (stem) and
fits into the grooves,
—-firmly locking the
v bow to the pendasit,
Tt • so that it cannot be
pulled or twisted off.
It positively prevents the loss of the
watch by theft, and avoids injury to it from
Jas. Boss Filled or other watch WQ«'
cases bearing this trade mark v-4!
All watch dealers sell them without extra cost.
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet, or send to
the manufacturers.
Keystone Watch Case Co.,
I Aged naturally In Government Bonded I
Warehouses, exported to Hamburg:, Ger-M
many, kept in Heated Warehouses until I
matured, shipped hack and bottled on ourl
own premises la the pfuarantee we Rive you ■
that Old Exnort is absolutely tmre. FreeH
from fusel oil and all injurious ingredients. ■
It is the ideal family whisker for medicinal ■
or social purposes. Mail and express orders®
filled promptly, and on orders of $lO or■
over we pay express charges. a
fanpkte Friee Lists of Bridle*, Wiues,WMskiei mikd fret
TOHIVI Hf-ALTr. " r~r. *• -i TRE ? HOWOJtPU
Cures thousands annunllyof liiverCom
plaints, Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspep
sia, Constipation, Malaria. Mora Ills
rcsnlt from an Unhealthy Liverthanany
other cause. Why snfff r when you can
Secured? Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigop
ator is a celebrated family medicine.
/fe^ p ",°L™ tD lc a Weil
M of
THE OKBAT 20th Day.
Producf• the Abo»e U<-kulU In 30 It acta
powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others
fttlL Young men will regain their lost manhood,
and old men will recover their youthful vigor
by using VITALIS. It quickly and surely re
stores Nervousness, Lost Vitality. Impotency,
Wighlly Emissions, Lost Power, Falling Mem
ory, Wasting Diseases, and all cfTecta of sell
Lbuse or excess and indiscretion. Wards oil
Insanity ar.d consumption. Insist on having
VITALIS. r.o other. Can be carried In vest
pocket. lly mail. #I.OO per package, or si* for
*s.o<>, Tcitii a ixwltlie nrtMen guarantee to cure
nr refund the money. Cir< ;lar l£f e. Address
Fo le by City Pharmacy.
m MT
The Boy I Love.
My boy, do you know the boy I lovet
I fancy I see him now;
His forehead bare in tue sweot spring air,
With the wind ot hope in his waving
The sunrise on his brow.
He's something near your height maybe;
And just about your years;
Timid as you; but his will is strong.
And bis love of right and his hate of
Are mightier than his fears.
He has the courage of simple truth:
The trial that he must bear,
The peril, the ghost that fright* him most,
He faces boldly and like a ghost,
It vanishes in the air.
As wild fowl take, by river and lake,
The sunshine and the ram.
With cheerful constant hardihood
He m«*ets the bad luck and the good
The pleasure and the pain.
Though deep and btrong his sense of
His spirit is gentle, his heart is great
He is swift to parden and slow to bate.
The master of his tongue.
Fond of his sports! Xo merrier lad's
Sweet laughter ever rang;
But he is so generoas and so frank.
His wildest wit or his maddest prank
Can never cause a pang.
Face brown or fair! I little care
Whatever the hue may be,
Or whether his eyes are dark or light;
If his tongue be true and his honor
He is still the boy for me.
Where does he dwell* I cannot tell;
Xor do I know his name.
Or poor, or ricb; I don't mind which;
Or learning Latin or digging ditch,
I love him all the same.
You are puzzledf What! you think there s
A boy like him.
That he is only a bright ideal,
But you have the power to make him
And clothe him to your eyes.
Ton have rightly guessed; in each pure
In his abiding place.
Then let jour own true life portray,
His beauty and blosom day by day.
Drunkenness, the Liquor Habit, Pos
ively Cured by adinrnstering Dr.
htints "Colticn Specfic."
It is manufactured as a powder, which
can be given in a glass of beer, a cup ol
coftee or tea,or in lood, without the know
ledge of the patient. It is absolutely
harmless, and will aflect a permanent ami
speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod
erate drinker or aa alcoholic wreck. It has
been given in thousands of cases, and in
everv instance a perfect cure has followed.
It never fails. The system once impregnat
©d with the Specific, it becomes an utter
impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex
ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book ol
particulars tree. Address, Golden Specific
Co.. 185 Race St.. Cincinnati! 0.
"The sweetest sound the whole year round
'1 is the first robin of the spring!
The song ol the full orchard choir
Is not so fine a thiug.
Glad i-ights are ooinmon; Nature draws
Uer random pictures through the year.
But oft her music ''ids us long
Keuiember these most dear.
To uie, when iu the sudden spring
I hear the earliest robin's laj ,
When the first trill there comes again
One picture of the ilay.
The veil is parted wide and 10.
A moment, though my eyelids close,
Once more I see that wooded hill,
Where the arbutus grows."
—Kbeumatism cured in a day—".Mystic
cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic
ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon
the system is remarkable and mysterious
It removes at once the cause and the dis
ease immediately disappears. The first
dose greatly benefits. 10 cts. Sold by J. C
Redick, druggist, Butler.
—lt is wonderful what a man can ac
complish il be has system. Have a cer
tain definite time for doing thiugs, aud do
them. Uany a man idles his time in frivo
lous uselessness, because be has no system
to his work —no plan mapped out. Noth
ing great can be accomplished without
system, which is order. In nature every
thing fits everything. It mast do it or b<*
destroyed The ocean of space, where
suns arid worlds forever sail, is a per
fect type of stematic exactness. There
is no fooliiig away of time there. The
yonng man who wants to amount to any
thing in his life m ist adopt certain rules
t>< govern bis time, and live np to them,
and he will be surprised to learn what may
be accomplishad in the course of his brief
existence, although
We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.
—Subscribers who intend to charge
their residence thio spring are requested to
>enJ their new address as soon as possible
to the Citizen office.
—Oiiion milk NuDp is the thing now re
c immended for a skin whiteuer. It is
ini<"e like -n >) s .-r s ntll unions be
iug Uiiid ini-tead of oy«;ers.
—Tiie large hlie.es em.tintie to be fash
ionable They c< s' a'•«.«!» as mui-h as the
<in s-i, and look like lialloous —They are
ei->ei lially i.uuei easury, but I hey are sty
lish, MI i lb it it.
ll, this* ' til! I'l liicle" times the
dude who '«! - his girl she is the only one
he i ver loved, -liii expects her to believe
i , is eithor a cltiMip or has lived some j
time in th« back <v..n\«.
—The lany man who never dues anything
at least has the saiii-facti'>n of knowing
that he never does anything by halves
—The sfriu* p .utility have his faults
hot he in ini ti>rtr than the uiau who
writes the same old jukes about him every
Burn a'l the garbage you can, and
what you can't burn. bury. This will be
conducive to health when the weather
gets warm.
—The fool who is easily parted from his
motiey does not realise that he is a fool un
til after the parting. Then he finds he has
no cents.
—The Pennsylvania Company is about
to enlarge the Erie <t Pittsburg docks at
Erie to the extent of an expenditure of
from .WO,00"I t.i $50,000.
—There are two reasons why some men
don't mind their own business. One ia
they haven't auy mind, and the other is
they haven't any business.
—'That's what I got for my pains," said
the sn all boy as he swallowed a dose of
ca-tor oil.
"The most effective way of getting
out of politics," says the philosopher, 1 ' is
to go to jail."
—''Well, there's one good thing in fold
ing beds," remarked Mrs. I)e Tanque the
other day. "Since we have had ours, my
husband says his prayers every night."
—' There is no ui-e walking the floor with
a felon," tays gentlemen who has bad some
experience in that direction "Wrap a
cloth loosely around the felon, leaving the
end open. Pour gunpowder in the end
and shake it down until the felon is cover
ed. Then keep it wet with camphor. In
two hours the pain will be relieved and a
perfect cure will surely follow.
—lt is said that 20,000,000 bnsbels ol
wheat in store in Chicago is affected with
worms, resulting from the presence of
weovil. Perhaps this may result in an ad
vance in the price of sound wheat.
—Two hundred women and girls in New
York mobbed about forty Ilebrews who
had taken the places of striking cigaj
makers Faces were slapped, beards pull
ed and hats knocked off, some of the fe
males removing their slippers aud iiiing
I hem for weapons. Yet some people in
siat that women bave no rights.
—There are tomt people *o exceeding!/
modest that in speaking of a person's leg
they persist in calling it a limb; but the
young lady, who in speaking of a certain
breed of chickens, called them Brown
Limbhorn* is, we think, entitlied to the
cake and whole bakery.
—According to the Bradford Era the
Commonweal man, Coxey. is well known
to several local turf men of that place. It
says: Ho plays the races for all they are
worth and two years ago won a wholo
pocketful of greenbacks from a Bradford
sport in an Ohio town. "Coxey is about
the last man on earth that I wuuld expect
to see in the retorm trash, ess," said the
yonng mac who furnished the above tip.
—The postoffice department has ruled
that parties answering "green goods" cir
culars and sending them through the mails
for counterfeit money violate the "green
goods act" and are liable to a fine of not
more than SSOO and imprisonment of Dot
less than eighteen months.
—The world's railroad are 370,281 mile*
—Wby perspire and swear because your
neighbor's chickens scratch up your gar
den* Buy some chickens of your own and
get into the game.
—Hicks foretells spells of very warm
weather in the first part of April, with
heavy rains and hailstorms and very sud
den changes to cold; but if Mr.H ieksdon't
hit it any better in his guessing on April
than he did in foretelling a succession of
snow storms, cyclones, polar-waves, etc.,
for March he migtt as well go out of bui>i
ness as a weather sharp.
Consumption surely Cured.
Ic Ta_ EDlTOß:— Please inform ycur nod, rt
that 1 hare a positive remedy tor ti.e %bove-nam
disease. £; » timely use thousand* of hopeles •
cue* have hr .-n permanently cored. I shall be glad
to send twj monies of my remedy FREE to any of
your readers ~r j > hare consumption It they will
Send me thoh JLxpress and P. O. address. Brspect
•nlljr. T. A. &UA.VH. M. O. 181 Pearl St. X. I.
—Lord Bacon once said: "Money is
like muck, not much use unless spread".
So don't hoard your money; but keap it in
proper use.
—"Bretbern and cistern," said a colored
brother at a Southern prayer meeting.
"I|VE been chawing bard bones, and BV. H1
lowing bitter pills. I'm afraid I've broken
every one ofthe Ten Commandment#, bnt
thank de Lord I haven't loet my religion.
That's about the way a good many white
"Christians" feel.
Ethel. "lie hardly knows me yet and he
has proposed. Don't jou think it strangef"
Clarissa. "So. I don't see anything
strange in his proposing if he hardly
knows you."
—A woman in New Y'ork in making a
public address agaiust the wearing ot cor
sets by women said that if beasts should
be subjected to the torture of corset wear
ing, those responsible for their condition
would be wailed upon by the officers ap
pointed to prevent cruelty to animals; and
she was not far of! in her remarks, either
"We've seen the tricks ot life, its varnish
and veneer;
Its stucco fronts of character break off and
We've learned that oft the brownest haudr
will reap the biggest pile,
And met with many a " perfect brick " be
neatn a rimless tile."
—Enoch Davis, who is in the Utah peni
tentiary awaiting the death sentence for
having murdered his wife, is said to be the
only person who can indicate the preci.-e
locality of a rich gold mine in the W ah
satch mountains. Many persons have ap
pealed to Davis to locate the mine, but
thus far he has refused to enlighten any of
them on the subject.
—"Annie Maria," the famous war horse
of Maj. George A. Sbuman, Loysville, Pa.,
has ended her days at an age of 36 years.
The mare was captured in one of the raids
ofthe 9th Pa. Cav., and became the prop
erty of Maj Sbuman, who was one of the
raiders. She carried the Major through
the Tennessee campaigns participated in by
the SHh Cav.. snd was with him on Slier
man's famous march "trom Atlanta to the
sea," and was present it the surrender of
Johnston's army near Qillsboro, N". C. At
the termination of the war she was brought
home by Maj. Shuman aud kept in easy
retirement np until old age so enfeebled
her that she had to be put out of the way
last month. 'Annie Maria" has been a
prominent and interesting feature at many
soldier's Reunions.
—Hoax—L"p-to-date passed the hat in
Sunday. Joax—l didn't know he was -a
church member. I didn't say he was.
The bat was on the pavement with a brick
under it.
—DeTanque-Talk about bard luck, I
had the worst luck Saturday Old Soak
What was thatf DeTanque—at ten min
utes of 12 a fluttering friend of mine asked
me lo have a drink, but he stammered to
that it was Sunday morning before he
gave Irs order.
—Almost any woman can keep house,
but few can Keep secrets.
—Love isn't the only thing that makes
the world go round. Old Soak says he
knows at least ten drinks that will do it.
—A Debating Society will discuss the
momentous question: "Resolved, That the
first chicken was hatched from an egg."
The negative debatecs will raise the ques
tion of Jtho laid the fi.tt egg.
» of every woman health and
4f strength. They're brought to you
■ by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preacrip-
AAfc tion. Take this medicine, and
there's a safe and certain cur* for
all the chronic weakneaaea, da
rangementa, and diaeaaea peculiar
to the aex. It will build up,
strengthen, and Invigorate every
"run-down" or delicate woman.
It regulates and aasiata all the
natural function*, never conflicta
■ V with thern, and is perfectly harm-
I 1 less in any condition of the female
fM'W xaystem.
I > At some period to her life, a
fj —iT - inj woman requirea a general, as well
IIS II las uterine, tonic and nervine.
II ' \l * If you're a tired or afflicted
» » woman, you can And no other
remedy that'a guaranteed. If the "Pr»-
scription" ever fails to benefit or cure, yon
have your money back.
So small is the chance of failure, with Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy, that ita proprietors
are willing to make this promise: "If we
can't cure your Catarrh, no matter how bad
your case is, we'll pay you SSOO to cash."
For* Sale op Rent,
The Kirker farm of about UK) acres, situ
ate in Connoquenessing twp., Butler Co.
Pn , near Whitestown, under good state <•!
cnltivatiun, (food fences, orchard, and wel
watered, a (food seven roomed house wilt
cellar, good harr, wagon shed and out
buidings. house and barn under new rool.
One of the best (arms in the county; con
venient to market, school and church; also
probable oil territory.
For terms, etc., inquire of
Bellevue P. 0.,
Allegheny Co., Pa., or
1. B. McJusKtir.
Butler. Pa.
Who hag bad a years experience
with one of the leading furniture
firms of Pittsburg is now prepared to
attend to all fnrniture repairing left
id hi* charge. and will guarantee
good work and Hatiefaction at
249 8. McKeau St , - Butler, Pa.
-A.nd everything in horse and buggy fur
nishing goods—Harness, Collars, Whips.
Dusters, Saddles, etc.
trunks and valises.
Repairing done on short notice.
The largest assortment ot 5-A Horse
blankets in town w ill be tcmnd at
124 8. MAIN ST., BUTLER. PA.
M ai\, Womai\ and CHild
In Butler county know that they have received their large and com
plete line ot Fall and Winter Roots, Shoes and Slippers at prices
that will surprise them. We have the celebrated Jamestown
Roots and Shoes, made by hand and warranted, which have
proven their wearing quailites for years past. We want to give
the trade
-Mbe Best Goods for Least Possible, Living Profit.#-
The best line of Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes ever shown in tht
Children's School Shoes in every shape and style.
Rubber Goods 01 a'l kinds and shapes at all prices.
Come and see the boys.
i Vogeley & Bancroft I
347 S. Main Street. - - Butler, Pa
iRY E WHISK illY. \
. whisky is unrivaled for PCK F
JLENCE. It is recommended by J
Jphys' ians. used and tidtrnd byj
?<be leading hospitals of tb« coon \
stry. All first-class druggist*, bo 5
s'els and de»lers keep " It
s'orsl 50 per full quart everywhere i
411 your dealer does not keep ir J
•send the amount to headquarters*
0 82 Federal Mreel, Allegheny. Pa. #
#and it will be shipped vou hv ex #
• Write for Catalogue. Mailed Free,
So Dry
Yet so forceful are "spirit"
facts. Tbey "whet" up the
system, stimulate you—Dot
too mut-b, but just enough
to make you better Fiuch's
Golden Wedding. Gibson's
and Old Dougherty Whis
keys'.are a few of tbe"spirit"
facts kept by.
Robt. Lewin,
136 Water St.
Opposite B. & 0. Depot, Pittsburg, Pa
Soldljr4ni|i' '• Da.
**4 TH k S< w, i*«. Aik jiur lruggtak for 1U
and Obscure Dtwama ipeedily and permanently
cored by the celebrated specialist.
Dr. LOBB*^h.iad'a^pi 4 -
No deception, no ratio representation. 1 will cure
TOU positively and make you vigorous and strong.
Treatment by mall aepeclaity and strictly cunfldontUi
ijtt -Jo Con. PEN: AVE. ANO FOURTH ST..
, V'/f \ .All forrnsot Delicate and Com-
plicated Diseases requii iinrCoN
*- If f K:.TI AI, Hi.' I ItMIH. M«-!-
u-ution arc treated nt this Pis
■ TV with a success, .arely attained. Dr. S.
K I.:ikols** tneuilterof the Itov.il Colltgeot I' hy -
-!c:iirK and Snrgei.jr, und la the o' leaf and most
vperienced Sr::cl in the city Spee'nl at
.ention pvento Nervous Debility frorne" " iv
mc-.talexertion,lndiscretion of youth, etc., can -
ing physical and mental d<"?ayjlack of energy,
lespoi. etc.; also Cancers Old Sores Kits,
rile-', Itheumatlmn, nnd all d!>>■.:-eaof the skin.
lood. Lunpts Urinary rvrtrnn.sttc. Consultation
Tree and strictly confidential. Office hours,V to
I and 7 to 8 P.'*.; Sundays, 2 to 4 p. at. only,
■ill at oflco or address DR a . I.AItE, 'JOft
Cures Brl«'hl'» Disease. Oroosj. (jiuvel, Nerv
ousness, Heart, I'lluary ol Liver Diseases.
Known by a llred luuquld feelinu; lnactlnx ot
the k'dneys weakens and poisons the b food,
and unless cause Is removed >ou cannot Have
health, cured me over llvejear* agovl Itr flit's
Disease and Dropsy.-Mas. I. L. r. MI I.I KK,
(letblehem, I'a. 1.00" other similar tcstimon.xls.
Tr> It. Cure(fua'antei-d.
CA.NN S KIHSfcY CfHE CO., «2l> Vensniro
fit., rhllmlrlyhla, I'a.
Sola t j All Reliable Driut'lsts.
■ -«• Salary or fommls-don
paid weekly. Outfit tree. Special attention
iflven t<i beginners Workers never fall to make
good weekly wages Write me at once for par
E 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman.
(This house is reliable,) ROCHESTER. N. Y
t BUGGIES at h Price §sssfl
MO Top Buottt . iS7( We Pot thr /"ML
Ittß ttuu u>n fMj PIUCKS *n«i
4 \'*m Top Surrey .447 ouUell ALL
iMKoati Warron. competitor*,
fit lUmd Cart $S M>! Buyoffao
•90 Team " SIS «' profit.
mmr M<Jiv*a Saddle, $1 to Cat'if'o Free
jtg a U.S. BI««V4tARTra '•
tto 1* I»wr«»oo St, UnoUuiati, O.
s." e mm%
Baldwin.. I=l- Pa.
Sewing Machine Mechanic.
I Will re-adjust yours and you be
your own judge to test it.
Garfield Tea £§z:,
Cures Hick ilejulAcbtvKcetorMrompicziOT. * tt« Doctor-'
BilU. templefree. GtKViEiJb TEA C0T.319 thSt-.N.Y.
Cures Constip tion
35 Complete Novels
and a Year's Subscription
to a largfl 16-p*ze illustrated monthly
magazine f«>r ONLY 30 CENTS. Thi» is a
; most libera] offer as UOUSKHOLD TOPICS.
| the magazine referred to is a hieh-cla.->
! paper, replete with stories of love, adven
ture, travel, anil short, interesting and in
structive sketches ot fact and fancy; and in
i the list of 35 novels are such treasures a*-
j"A Brave Coward," by Hubert Limit Stev
enson; "A Blacksmith's Daughter," by
Etta W. Pierce; "Xinetta." a most pleas
ing story by M. T Caldor; "A Gilded Siu"
and "Between Two Sins," by the author ot
"Dora Thorn;" "The Truth ot It," by th«-
popular writer, Hugh Conway; and the
"Moorehonse tragedy," rather sensational
by Mrs Jane C. Austin; "A Heroine " »
delightful story by Mrs. Rebecca H. Davis;
"Wall Flowers," by the popular Marion
Harland, and the great story "Guilty or
Not Guilty," by Amanda *M. Douglass
Space forbids mentioning the other novels;
but they are all the same high grade, pop
ular. bright, romantic, spicy, inter
esting stories.
The 35 novels and the current issue ot
HOUSEHOLD TOPICS will be sent you the
day your order is received. This will sup
ply you with a season's reading for a mere
song; and will be appreciated hy all in the
household Send at once 30 cents t<>
florsKHOLn TOPICS FI B. Co., F O. Box
1159, New York Uity, N. Y.
We wish to introduce our System
Pills in every borne. We know that
wo manufacture tbe very bestremedj
on earth for the cure of constipation,
billiousness, pick headache , kidney
troubles, torpid liver, etc.; and that
when jou have tried there pills you
will gladly recommend tbem to oth
era, or take an agency, and in ibis
way we shall have a large, well pay
ing demand created.
As a special inducement for every
reader of this paper to try 'these
pUls and take an egency at once,
we will give to each persoD
who sends 25 cents in cash, or 3D
cents io stamps, for a box of System
I'iSls, one of the following presents;
A handsome gol'4 watch, a good
silver wutcb, a valuable town
lot, a genuine diamond 11 in jr.
a cahket of silver or a genuine
$5 00 gold piece. Every purchaser
K<-ts one of the above pres-euts There
are no exceptions. Shaw Remedy
Co., Rutherford, N. J.
315 8 \la:u St., - - Butler, Pa
Fvirtthinj' new—Electric light,
fras and water.
Lodging "5, 50 and SI.OO. *|
*,<,* Regular meals at 25 rts.
Boarding at SI.OO u day.
. : Lunch Coanter open all night
From tin* < r >ii. n <»r M ttt t<» the present day. In
luilimr i * •inipreu»*nslv«* V OFAtIKK
IC\. C'MI 1.1"» s and over TOO
• HiMiratioiM. t»• i.i .IrawnijiH bv the l**».t artist*.
The itiont valuable vvm k t I;-. kind ever published 111
•no volume. <'..iiLiinim ail inn ortaut farts with
tietter illustrations than the !$. to #l5O. worki.
Next In import nice to the liloh» and Dlctlnnaiy,
Needed in everv lu>n»«*. We want a few intelligent,
wide-awake men «»r worn* u In e.n h county to secure
•rders. No exjierieiK • nor capital required, only
lirninn nnd nudi. \V- |»i> well, Rive exclusive
territory. pay freight or express eliargeM, and furnish
books oil andayV credit. \ splendid opportunity for
teachers, student*, mini tern, ladles, or any one out
employment. Snar" time can l*t profitably used.
Write us and we will give you further particulars.
I*. W. ZIKGLtn & CO. (Box 1700), I'hilailclpbi.l, f*
I have a Heave Cure that will cure any
case of heaven in horses in forty days, it
used according to directions, and if it docs
not do what I claim for it, I will refund
the amount paid and no charges will be
made for the treatment. The following
testimonials are the strongest proof of the
medicines power to cure:
Bntler, Pa., 1H93.
On the 2nd dav of April. IS9*J. I com
tnenced to use your new cure for one ol
my horses that had the heaves very had,
and continued to use the medicine for
about forty days and the horse did not
show any signs of a return of them. It is
now about a year since I quit givin the
medicine ana the horse has never sowed
any signs of heaves, and I feel stisfied
that he is properly cured.
Butler, Pa., 3, 1893.
I have used your Heave Cure and found
it will do the work if used according to di
rections. Yours truly,
TIIE highest caeti prices paid for
beef and borne bide?; also sheep
pelts, tallow and furs of all kinds
Will be bonie on Friday and Bator
day of each week.
201 Mercer St.,
Butler, Pi
At reasonable prices is the particular attraction at the
OF w t
-1). T. PAPE.
French Pattern hats and bonnets, and latest novelties in milli*
nery. Babies and little girls receive our careful attention. It will
pay you to examine our stock before buying elsewhere.
.S VD. T. PAPE. S,\
Prices to Suit the Times
Our Spring stock has arrived and is ready for your inspection. A
better stock for the same money has never been placed on our
shelves. As the old saying is "Goods well bought are Half
sold;' such it the case with our stock, for we are prepared to
offer you better goods at lower prices than ever before.
Men's calf shoes. Congress or lace at $t 25.
" fine " " «« $ 2 .
Men s Cordovan and Calf shoes, Congress, Lace or Blucher style.
'52.50 to $5. 7
Men's Tan shoes $ 2 to $3, all styles and widths.
" every day shoes 75c to $1.25.
" goad kip, box toe shoes, $1.50 to $2.
Bo} s shoes from 75c to $1.50. All styles from the finest bluchers
to the brogans. An examination of these goods will quickly convince
you that you are getting better footwear for less money than ever be
Our stock of Ladies shoes Is more complete than erer before.
Ladies fine Dongola shoes at sl.
" " " flexible sole $1.50.
i lot ladies fine dongola shoes, hand turns, sizes 2, 2& and 3, worth
$3 g° a * Call early while the selection is large.
Ladies fine spring heel bluchers at $2.50.
" " heel " $2.50.
" tan bluchers $1.75 to $2.50.
Congress gaiters in black and tan in several different styles.
Our stock of ladies and misses Oxfords is large and comprises many
new and pretty styles and ranging in price from 50c to $2.50.
For 75c we will you the selection of six of the latest style walk
ing shoes.
For $1.25 we will give you a pair of fine turn, pat. tip dongola Ox
For $2 we will give you the selection of a pair of Oxfords in lace,
Blucher, Southern tie or Nullifiers. (Four of the latest styles in
the market).
Full stock of ladies and misses tan Bluchers and Oxfordsat low prices.
Childrens tan and red shoes and Oxfords, 35c to 75c.
1 lot ladies serge slippers at 25c.
" " carpet " 25c.
•' mens " " 35c.
Mens fine calf boots at $2.
Full stock of our own make Boots and shoes. Repairing done.
The balance of our rubber stock to be sold out very cheap.
Ladies and gents footholds go at 10, regular price 50.
Ladis finest grade rubbers at 35.
Mens " " 50.
When in town call and see us.
Orders by mail will receive prompt attention.
JOHN bickjb:u
Jewelfy, Clocks
Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per
cent by purchasing their watches, clockf
and spectacles of
J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler,
No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block,
Sign of Electric Bell and Clock.
All arc Respectfully Invite
—"Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience."-
Wholesale Liquor Dealer,
103 Ferry St., - Pittsburg, Pa
Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty.
Trial orders solicited.
One Square Below Diamond Marke
New York Weekly Tribune
The Butler Citizen,
Address all orders to THE CITIZEN.