FDBKITCRE BUYERS Campbell & Templeton. Have commenced a Furniture Sale that will interest YOU. Each season we visit the principal furniture markets of the United States, thereby securing the new est styles as soon as produced. This season s stock surpasses any we have previously shown and prices are lower. j! FOR THE PARLOR. S We have Parlor Suits inj Turkish, Mahogany J>Oak Frames, Mahogany Chairsi Rockers, Gold Chairs,# Stands, Pictures, Mirrors.\ * * * * ** . • : FOR THE DINING ROOM. : FOR THE BED ROOM. : ; Side Boards, Extension Ta- ; Bed Room Suits, Stands,; : bles, Buffets, Head Chairs, Din- I Rocking Chairs, Chairs, Chif-1 ; ing Room Chairs, China Closets. ; foniess, Wardrober. •* * # * * * * Carpets, Rugs, Dishes, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, House Furnishing Goods, Domestic Sewing Machines, Large assortment of Baby Carriages. CAMPBELL fi TEIPLETfIIi, Butler, - Penn'a THE HARDHAN ART COfIPANY. We are located now at no South Main Street, adjoining the Butler Savings Bank. Our rooms are large, fine and commodious. Photographic enlargements and Life Size, Hand Made Finished Portraits by the finest French artists obtainable. In photographs we give you results and effects that cannot be produced outside of our Studio. We use only Standard Brand Collodion Paper and not Gelatine, a cheep and inferior paper used by many. Picture and Por trait frames; special prices to jobbers. Compare our work with any Standard Work made or sold in the state. Our victorious motto, "We harmonize the finest work with the promptest service and the lowest j rices for the quality of work." Beware of tramp artists and irresponsible parties and strangers. Have your work done by reliable and re sponsible parties that guarantee all work satisfactory. Call and examine our work and samples and read our many tes timonials. THE HARDMAN ART COMPANY. J. S. YOUNG. WM. COOPER YOUNG & COOPER, i MERCHANT TAILORS t Have opened "at S. E. corner of Main and Diamond Streets, Butler, with all the latest styles in Spring Suitings. Fit and Workmanship Guaranted. Prices as low as the lowest. TRY US. , RINGS, Diamonds {3SS& 'STUDS, f GENTS GOLD, W Qtr.l\ LADIES °° LD ' W atcnes [GENTS SILVER, LADIES CHATLAIN, J Gold Pina > Ear - rin g 8 ' •JCW'cllj' I Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc {Tea sets, castors, butter dishe* IIDCM His. 110 i 1 "™- E. GRIEB. THE JEWELER No. 139, North Main St, BUTLER, FA., "A HAND BAW 18 A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANINO. M tiOSENTH J^LJ Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Marke ][ FOR THE LIBRARY. jj 2 We have Couches covered injj <[Leather, Plush, Velvet or Wil-j, J [ton coverings; Leather Chairs,^ |>Leather Wickers, Library #bles, Book Cases, Desks, U-4 Jbrary and Revolving Chairs. J ""THERE is but one 1 way in the world to be sure of having the best paint, and that is to use only a well-established brand of strictly pure white lead, pure linseed oil, and pure colors.* The following brands are stand ard, "Old Dutch" process, and are always absolutely Strictly Pure White Lead "Armstrong & McKelvy," " Beymer-Banman," " Davis-Chambers," " Fahnestock." * If you want colored paint, tint any of the above strictly pure leads with National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold in one-pound cans, each can being sufficient to tint 25 pounds of Strictly Pore White Lead the desired shade; they are in no seuse ready-mixed paints, but a combination of perfectly par* colon in the handiest form to tint Strictly Pure White Lead. Send us a postal card and get oar book on paints and color-card, free. : NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. Pittsburg Branch, German National Bank Building, Pitubut*. |OF& J LINIMENT a*y OTft fij? U 1 STRICTLY For FAMILY Use. house, it quickly relieves and cures all aches and pains, asthma, bronchitis, colds, coughs. catarTh. cuts, chaps, chilblains, colic, cholera morbus, earache, headache, hooping cough, inflammation, la grippe, lameness, mump;, muscular soreness, neuralgia, perrons head ache, rheumatism, bites, burns, bruises, strains, sprains, stings, swellings, stiff joints, sore throat, pore lungs, toothache, tonsilitis and wind colic. Originated in 1810 by the late Dr. A. Johnson, Family Phvsician. Its merit and excellence have satisfied everybody for nearlv a century. All who use it are amazed at its wonderful power. It is safe, aoothing. satisfying: #o «ay sick, sensitive sufferers. Used Internal and External. Tb® Doctor's aifnatare and direettoos am wmrj bottJa. XlTst'4 I'amphMfr«*. Bold wrrwbmr*. Prle*-. » Bix boa L ■. JOHMWr * Mm* 77 DR. HUMPHREYS' New Specific No, SeYenty-Se?en FOR THE CVRr. OF GRIPPE With all its symptoms r.S Tnl.-.'-f/i. Catarrh, l'nins and Serene. in il- s. and Chest, Conuu. Hut>* mj" general Prontration >tnd Fev< i 'i ik. r, eurly it cuts it nhort promptly ; tufc.-i; during its prfiraleni prevent* it'- inva sion; taken wlii!? mffertn;* f: oia .t, relief is speedily re-diz J, v.l, -h cc; tinned to (in rr:ur.- inr". This beini; n New licnirTv if y :, :c Druggist will not K'-*t it '° '• be sent prepaid or. receipt of price, 2. r >r„, or 5 for $1 '*). MEDICINE CO.. CJT. 4 SU . Si-.v Yi Every Man whose watch has been rung out ot the bow (ring), by a pickpocket, Every Man whose watch has been damaged by drop ping out of the bow, and Every Man of sense who merely compares the old pull out bow and the new will exclaim: "Ought to have been made long ago!" It can't be twisted off thecase. Can only be had with Jas. Boss Filled and other cases stamped with this trade mark Ask jrour jeweler for pamphlet, Keystone Watch Case Co., Philadelphia. OLD EXPOitT WHISKEY, jfcj | | U | (iiiur&nt('<''l 8 Vrari Old, |'' v J In every bmiiy t'icrc It cccanonal J | h I n«rd of a g'xM, rcll.l.le wfmLcy, and I f □ 5 w, " n ,h,; nBC ' ■' '•/ "'•«« It is jrnerally i ~ 3 I Immediate. You nuk" no miriake in I m g | havimr a battle of Old E«poii on hand J jJJ ' VgJ _T I ; :id the i ' I family Full j T Mn ql. it, •<< q** ( <5- M"I ""'j '>!'"'»• J p 3>' " • 08. FLEMING 4 805, 1'• Mnrki t St. ' QUQ^Li'a^ti^j^a Cures thnn*andn annuallyof LlyerCom plnintu, B;ilon»ncsw, Jaundice, Dyapep nla. Constipation, Malaria. More Ilia result from an UnliealthyLlverthanany other cnu*<-. AVliv miffer wh»n vou can bo cured t Dr. b. - ford'* Llt*t Inrlgo» ator la a calehratcd family medicine. Vol'll MHI'UUIMT li'll.l. Hl'l*l*l.Y YOC. VITALIS a Well THE FRENCH REMEDY 33£r Produce* the Above Ileaall* la 30 Dai*. It acta powerfully and quickly. Curee when all other* fall. Young men will regain their loat manhood and old men will recover tbelr youthful vigor by uilngr VITALIB. It Quickly and aurely re store* Nervousnea*. Lo*t Vitality, Impoteuey, Nightly Kmtaalons, Lo*t Power. Tallin* Mem ory, Wanting IHaeaant. and all effect* of »elf abune or exce** and Indiscretion Ward* oS inrmilly and consumption. Insist on having VITALIS. no other. Can bo carried In vest pocket. 11 y mall. SI.OO per package, or *l* for 94-00, with a positive writ tea (aaraatee ta ear* or reran* Um aoaer. Circular free. Addre** UXIiUT KJUIEOT COWAJfT. Ckk*«e, 11L For Sale by Clfcf Pbv®*°7 [ THE OITIZBN An Age of Religious Inquiry. But the greatest of thaee ia charity.—l Cor., xiii, 13. The fntuie ListoiUa. now in his swad dling clothes, will fintl hiraselt \ery much interested in this last half of the nineteenth century and pronounce it unique in Jmany important particulars." In the matter of material development it is a marvel, and in the matter of spiritual research it holds a position of unrivalled excellence. The laws of nature have been lassoed, tamed acd broken to harness. The re source? of steam, which oar grandfathers explored, whioh made them feel that they had stumbled on a series of miracles, and whioh changed the complexion of the world's commerce, forcing oar white wing ed fleet of sailing vessels to oome to anchor and give away to the magician who hid nimself in the banker of anthracite coal — these resources are well nigh exhausted The winds as a propelling power have become obsolete, have taken their place among the genii, the myths, the snpesti tions of the past. Steam is striking its tents and will soon fall into iunocuoas desaetnde. Our needs have grown so pressing that it can no longer supply them Daring the next fifty years it will become a reminiscence. The electric spark is to be the working energy of the twentieth century. It has jost crossed oar threshold with letters of in traduction from students <-f -cientitle prestidigitations, and we have only bad time to look at its face and its stature and to note its aggressive bearing; but it would not be ttranire if it were to achieve wonders which oar children's chil dren will regard with awe and admira tion. Tbe world is not loitering. it ia taking long ftrides One wisbea to live while these strange tbings are happening, for to die just now is like leaving tbe theatre when the play in half finished. Bat no less marvelous are the spiritQal signs of tbe time*. It might be safely a<- s-rted that mere never waa an age of such religions fervor as this. We are notjoptim •its, but impar.ial critics, when we say i hat tbe average man is more interested in finding ont whether or not he has a soul, an iit wo, what is to become of it, than ever before, Tbe largest ball in New York can be readily filled if the subject discuss ed ia tbe certainty of two worlds and tbe possibility of communication between them. The observer of current opinion is amaied at the attractive quality of these and similar topics, and ia forced to tbe oonolasion that the general appetite for information con cerning the future has beceme almost whetted. Ia some respects it ia the most revert ntly inqoiritive age of which history bears record. Scepticism veils its face be cause it is impotent; ridicule sneers in pri vate, but seldom openly, saroa>m has dis covered tbat tbe edge of its sword i» dulled. Right or wrong, pleased with fables or not this teased and fretted world is looking anxiously lor some light wbich tbe pulpits of CLristendom do not a» yet famish. Tbe greed for tacls oonctrniat to morrow, and the solicitude with which men and women watch for them, are so pathetic (that they are almost tragic. Accompanying this new phrase of life is an indifference to theology and to conven tional worship Preachers are not appar ently aware of the changes that are 'taking place in the public mind. They wander why their pews are not filled and attribute it to tbe indifference of tbe people to spir itual things. Bat when two tables are spread, one with food, that satisfies, the other with fo->d, tbat fails to do so, it is not surprising that the hnngry go where tboy can get what they want; and it is mere blindness for tbe preacher to declare tbat no one is hungry because no one asks for the food h« provides. Tbere is no toys of theology, no reverenoe for creeds ia this generation, but there is a longing for in formation on tbe subject* indicated. And if the clergyman insists on tbeolgical dis cossion he simplys imperils his usefulness. The new thought is not always wiso, and frequently it is marked by recklessness and a want of common tense. What is calW-d spiritualism and theosopby and Christian science and a score of ot her names is sim ply a cry for help. We may not accept any one of tbe theories which are advocat ed, we may find fault with them all as be ing partly alluring and partly hideous— that is a matter of small consequence Watch the patient crowds tbat uttend m-etings where such subjects are treated and you will soon discover that a great re ligious revolution is in silent progrers. Tbat fact is one to wbioh a thoughtful man must give bis attention, tor it consti tutes a sign of tbe times which no critic can sfford to ignore. It in rmt prudent to l>e ov»r Imity in judgment. The wins nmn h»* no preju dice*. What he thinks in wrong may turn i-iit to be right, and charity will N«\e him many a pang. Tbia U a large world, and it* mymeriea are as yet unsolved. Vou have no right to say, "Believe aa I do,'' That in tyranny and folly. There are oth er braina beaiden youra, and probably aa good aa youra. If men are aearcbing tor troth in any di rection enconrage them. To have a deaire to know the truth ia itaelf elevating and ennobling, and if they have taken the wrong road they will find it oat and return. If crowda like to hear a diacoarae on the deHtiny of the aoal let them gather in whatever uumbera they pleaae. King the bella for tbem. even though you do not go yourveli. Call it theoaophy or what not; who carea if meu are helped by it T Don't drink nnleaa yon are tbiraty; but it ia not neceaaary to grumble at otbera who are tbiraty and therefore drink. Go your way with your own thought*, bat do not forget that yonr neighbor baa the same right to go bia way with hi* tbonghta. .V. Y. Herald. —Considers it "a household necesit y." Mr. A. J. Whiting, Newton, Kannan, ac oentuutu.H bin opinion thus: "I have used I)r Hull's Congo 8} rup in my family for the last eight yearn and consider it a houbt hold ntc«mitv. —A well known authority on new»pap> •r advertising idves the following useful bint* in regard to the preparation of ad vertisements hy rrtailer*. "Try to tell the publio, in »s interesting a way as po« siltle, about one or two of your recent nov elties," be says,"rather than to attempt to enumerate your entire *tock. John Wil liams cannot bait attract customers by ad vertiiiing that be keep* 'a full itook ot stationary, pen*, inks, mucilage, pad*, al bum*, file*, pencil*, inkstands, fountain pens, Healing wax,' etc. Any well regula ted Ntationary store i* supposed to contain thr*e article* Hut let Mr. Williams try ad vt-rliningr some special tbing each week something new, if possible—and note how much difference there will be in the r*- turns. For example, if he receives a nov elty in uotepaper, let him write a bright, snappy advertisement "f It; tell all about it, what there is in it. what it'* merits are and so on. Don't be afraid of going into details. Another point: Have anew adver tisement every week. Don't lot the old one go In twioe if you can help it. No matter if yon do have to pay a little more for obangiug copy regularly; it ia better to have a new advertisement in every other week than the laoit card in every Issue —Any three Wwtern Ht«te» could bold Ilia fotire population of tho L'liiLnd State* comfortably, and IVia* could accomodate the population of tb« whole world, with room nmiili to from rubbing He May Pull Through. The Pnnxantawnej Spirit man has been patting some spring repairs on bis interior He says: We have been wrestling for the past two or three days with a ohoioe var> •to headachti. Wo endeavored to bribe a doctor to jump in aud eradicate the whol» shooting.match, and he dosed m with blae mass, poduphyllin. polk root and a number of other drags whose names were given in Latin, inch as Tempus fugit, sio semper tjrannis, and other pbwerfal antispas modics. These, the doctor said, would Clean oat the system and make ns as good as new. It may be so, bat it is a 2 >od deal Uk« house-cleaning—much nicer when a fellow don't have to bo around uutil it is all over. —Rheumatism knocked higher than a kite. Mr. J. S. Bacber, Mineral Point, Ohi >, deposes and sajs: "I have u.-ed Salvation Oil for rheumatism, and in one or two applications knocked it higher than a kite." —Foot-bail reformers are uudeuided as to whether the death of a player should count as a touch-down or a goal for the other side. —Humane agencies and scientific au thority are getting in some effective work against the check rein. Over 500 veteri nary surgeons have signed a paper con demning the tight check reins, on the eronnd that tbey are painful to horses and caase distortion to the wind pipe to such a degree as to impede respiration. Paral., si.- of the muscles of the, face megrims, «p • plexy, coma, and iDfl unuiatiou are eouiei 1 the results. By holding the bead upward it puts the muscles of the nock on a con stant strain aud expose* the eyes to the di rect rays of the SUP. —All forms of scorfala, salt rheam. etc., are cuaed by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. Consumption suro.'j Cutoc. Tc TH«. SDKTOB: — Pleas© inform ycur raa i that 1 aire * positive remedy for lb.) abov»-n*:r 4lasaae. 6; a timely use thousands of hopolr cases have l"' a permanently cored. I shall bo gj. to send twj . o'tise of my remedy FKEE to any - yonr reader* T , J lutve consumption if they n.. sead me theii Erpnas and P. O. addreas. Beeped Sattr. T. A. ILUAJVU. M. C- U1 Pearl St. If. 1 —The etymologist dea's a blow to senti ment by showing that the mountain from which the Keaisarge took her name wa> originally known as Hexekiah Sargent's Mountain, from whioh the slovenly speech of the natives evolved Kiah Sarge, then Kearaarge. —The movement for a two-hoar work day is gaining considerable headway in Kansas. It should be remembered that living in Kansas is enough to make a man tired, to say nothing of working. Drunkenness, the Liquor Habit, Po*> ively Cured by adimnstering Dr. HtiLti "CoiOtn Sftctt." It ia manufactured as a powder, which oan be givou in u glass of beer, a cap 01 cotlee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of tbe patient. It is absolute!) (-.armless. and will allect a permanent ano speedy cure, whether tbe patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It ban been giv>-n in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed, it never fails. The system once unpregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for tbe liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book oi particulars iree. Address, Golden Specific Co.. 186 Kace St.. Cincinnati 0. George fcCiput of Shelby county, Ind., a church deacon and 72 years old, has en tered npon bis sixth matrimonial venture. Kach time he contracted with bis brides, all ol whom are living, that if be became dissatisfied they were to separate on his terms. . —The late Sir Andrew Clark, Mr. Glad stone's physician, used the three lollowing aphorisms in conversation with ii.es Frances Willard: Labor is the life of lite.' "Ease ia the way to disease." "The est lite of an organ lies in the fullest dis charge of its innctions." —Kbeumalisui cured m a day—"Alystio cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, rauio ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its acilou upon tli* system is remarknble and mysterious. It removes ul once the cause ai.d the dis ease immediately disappears. Tbe Ursi dose greatly benebls. id ols. Solu by J. c Kedick, druggist, Butler. —There'll a man in liuahville, Mo,, wht in happily married to a fortune-teller, lit IM a watcti-smith, a tailor, a locksmith, ■ blacksmith, a shoemaker and known some thing about law and medicine. Between tueoi the; managed to make a oomlorlabit living, and they enjoy love in a collage rather better then do moat folks. —ln water iu which decaying vegetable,) have been infused, the microscope discov . era things so minuie that 10,000 of them would uot exceed in bulk a grain ol uius lard, though tuey are supplied with organ* an complicated a* those ol' a whale. —The liev. Biinvp Koundtrue, a colored Baptlet preacher of Lincoln, .Nib.,oo years old, waa ieccntly mariied lor the eight!) time* The latent Mrs. Konudtite i 44 years his jnnior. Mrs. Bradley T. Johnson,who lies critic ally ill in Baltimore, armed, clothed and equipped the First Maryland Confederate Regiment daring the war,and then went to the front and nursed its wounded men —Sam Taylor and wife, colored people, of Louisville, who married in the old slave dayi, and have since accumulated compet ence, were remarried a short time ago so that their children should have no trouble In inheriting their property. —The fair fifteen Vassar girls who joined the salvation army last November aa auxiliaries are still ardently at work, it is reported; but their enthusiasm is not yet quite up to the ecstatio pitch of poke bon nets and untrimmod flannel. THERE 'S DISCOMFORT, fpaln aad griping, with the usual pills. Take Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellet*. and there's noth ing of the kind. Tou regulate the dose accord ing to your needs—one little Pallet for a gentle laxative or corrective, three for a cathartic— but it's all perfectly easy and natural And the help that comes la this way, loaf. Theee tiny, sugar-roated granules are the malleet in tlxe and the easiest to take. They absolutely and permanently cum Const!pa tlon, Indigestion, Hick Headache, Billons Headache. Disxinesa, Bilious Attacks, and ■ n derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. For the worst cases of chronic Catarrh, for Catarrhal Headache, Impaired taste, small, uc hearing, and all the troubles that follow Catarrh, there's nothing so prompt to relieve and so certain to cure, as Dr. Base's Catarrh Remedy Its proprietors offer g.VX) reward for any case of Catarrh which they cannot MM. Our*?* llrlir fit's Wseaae, Dropsy, travel. Nerv onsueas. Heart. Urinary of l.lver III*"***". Known by a tired lanquld fwllnif, Inartliur o( the kidneys weakens and Dolaons the blood, and iinlasa rause Is removed tou cannot have health, rured me over nvcyear* aitoof Brlifh's Dtseaw and !>ropsy.—M«". I. U MILI.KM, Bethlehem. PH. 1.0") other similar testimonials. Try It. Cure guaranteed. CAKN'H KIDNKY Cl'BK CO., JtO V»aaa«n It, Philadelphia, Pa. Bold bj All Reliable Drua^lsta. THE blgbeHt c«e& prfceu paid for beef and horwo hiden; »lw *he«-p pelte, tallow and fare of all kindt* Will be borne on Friday and Satur day of eacb w«*k. n. C. BFtICKER, |2Ol Mercer St., Porter/ Pa IKcV/tAWHAOt MAISf WCOPYRIGHTS. CAS I OBTAIN A PATENTf For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, wrtte to MINN A- CO., who have bad nearly fifty years' experience In the patent btuinesa. Communica tion* strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patents and bow to ob tain tueiu sent free. Also a catalogue of median* leal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Mann A Co. receive special notice In tbe Scientific American, and tans are brought widely before tbe public with out cost to tbe inventor. This snlendld paper. Issued weekly, elegant !y Ulnstrated. has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in tbe world. |3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly. r? 50 a year. Single copies, SJ cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, m colors, and photographs of n«w boasea. with plana, enabling bonders to show tbe latest designs and secure contracts. Address U U.NN i CO, Niw YoKK, 361 BROADWAY. til A Sit TP I"" S"» MEN. lo« al or trine W A N T t D.a - Salary or Commission paid weekly. Outfit tree. Special uttentloi given to oefflnners. Workers never rail to make good weekly wages. Write me at once for par tlculars. E. 0. GRAHAM. Nurseryman. (This liouse Is reliable.) FooirxsTsn. N. * Grind Your Own Corn Meal. Oyster Shells and Coin in the $5 Hand Mill. (F. Wilson's Pat.) Circulars Ireo. "Also Power and Farm Mills. Send for illustrated circulars and tei-timonials."' 100 per ct. mote made in keeping poultry Address WILSOX RROS. Easton, Pa. t BUGGIES at h Price CARTS A HARNESS. #OO Top Bugvy - - #37' We Cut the M 6 Phaeton fb4 PRICLS and 4 Paaa Top Surrey .*47 outnell ALL ftfiO Koidniffon. #25 competitors. -™■■■■ {it Road ("art |t JO Buy of fac- vJB Bum H*mcß», 13 86 toryand j* 110 #3O Team ** #l2 do profit. Monran Baddla #166 Oa fg'e Free U. ft. Rroc V Jt CAST CO. TT# IWPUwuwc », Claolnam, O. fl. H. JACKSON Who has had a years experience with one of the leading furniture 6rtDfi of Pittsburtr is now prepared to attend to all furniture repairing left in hie charge, and will guarantee j*ood work and satisfaction at 249 S McKean St , - Butler, Pa MeCANIHESS' HEAVE CURE. I have a lleavo Cure that will cure ain case of heaves in horses in forty days, il u«ed according to directions, and if it does not do what I claim for it, I will refun-1 tbe amount paid und no charges will bo made for the treatment. The following testimonials are tbe strongest proof of the medicines power to cure: A. J. MCCakdless, Butler, Pa., 1893 MR. A. J. MCCakdless: On the 2nd day of April, 1892, I com menced to use yonr new cure for one ol my horses tbat bad tbe heaves very bad, and continued to use the medicine for about forty days and the horse did nor show any signs of a retain of them. It is now about a vear since I quit givin the tnedic'vne and the horse has never sowed any signs of heaves, and I feel stisfied that he is properly cured. W. C. CIUSWKLL, Bntler, Pa., 3, 1893. A J. MCCakhlkss: I have nsed your Heave Cure and found it will do the work if used according to di rections. Y ours truly, B. J. MCMilliw. Salvation Oil Try It t Only Kb c. yig EQtfs»«R abboi.utbt.y cunsa. OeHTMEHT allowed to continue tumor* fjrra and urotrude ERRORS«YOUTH and Obscure I)lncases apnedllT and permanent!? cured by tbe celebrated nwclallsU Dr. LOBB, 3 P 2 h B ,»2f' Mo no falita representation. 1 will cure foa ixmlilYrly and mako vou vlkomub aud itroof. Treatment by mail anjx'ctaJty and Mtrl<-ily CMMMI CURE TREATMENT i. w, a mm, Oalcl\vir\, - Pa. THOROUGH Sewing Machine Mechanic. WITH 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Will rc-adjust yours and you be your own judge to test it. Farm for Sale. The undersigned otTera lilh farm In F.utler twp conf u 1111nif over one hundred (Kin) itrren. and loealcd three mllea south or llutler. OHO mile eimt, the I'laiikroad, (or Bale or exchange About eighty acres of ttie fnrrn In cleared. good ground good bulldlnga or all klndH. water at the door and HprtngH on farm, two oreharda, twn roads to farm, no rough land.and everything In good repair. WIM.IAM CAI.I>WKIX. p u niks i..,,;i 'I "I L. Con. "H j t / iDFo 'DfM Qr., * p» r PM. j. A ! 1 for i' of (-Vm , V M&CJ pi 1 ruled 1/i ♦ « riqiti-it, :i'os '■ ri!»KNTIALaii«!S» nro trcatH fit thia I>> « • « / with a nuccc»f. uivly IV.; v . .■ hi Bib rof tha R 1! ( «01 I'l • i -l g urj ' •••' - mid • "• ol lc*»ai •m< » •. M- cii LIB a .'l » !••• « •nllon given to N woua i«om* • •• ilv 1. '..J oxorUoo.tn liioretion of youth, el ,ci»ni •1; .!»• ileal and menial «' ' , 1. " ;xcy. rt'%; nl*o< '.*•'»»• * *>oj' i'.-. i ami nii t;rr>r. st t<*. Cl.ll ItHlion m- ..ml mu u ily conltdi n»ial. hoiint,U t«» i 7 to Hr. M.; Bunduva« 'A t ) * v. .onlv. i :it oHro or acMr< 4 J. *'• K, •(< : r. NA> 1.. .\N O JTII hi'.. I'lT f . lit - Uiill I. POULTRYMEN! Our Green Hone Cutter will rloii ble your production Bent and CheapeHt in tbo market. Circular fr«M». WEBSTER & HANNUM, Cazenovia, N. Y Oemeteq, lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing rUOfhXXBS OP HJLKS 01 LSK. llXilOt'lK FUEL. K HEIGHT PUD. THE MoMULLEN WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO. i* V* <«*•#% «i. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. pennsylvaniarailboad. THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF AMERICA WEST PESSSYLVAXIA DIVISION. Scnsnri.K IN EFFECT Novihbkr OOth, 1833 South Wkxk Dats A. M. A. M. A. >. r. M. P. a. Butler Leave 615 835 HOO 245 OOS Saxonbur* Arrive ti 44 900 11 *4 all Sft Butler Juc't. - 730 925 II 00 340 663 Butler .lui't Leave 7 30 »41 12 08 :i 40 553 Natrona Arrive 73* ysl i« 13 350 svt Tarentum 743 9NS 12 19 357 907 Sprlnjfrtale 75510 u5 it 33 4OH .... ( lareuumt. 8 11 12 55 4 23 6 27 Sharp* burg 8 1* 1 os 4 2» txi Allegheny city 53510 33 124 444 645 A. H. A. It. r. M. P. M. P. M. North Weks Days. A. M. A. M. X. If. P. M. P. M Allegheny-flty Leaves 55 82J 10 10 3 15 c 10 MiarpsbuiV 7 0? 8 30 10 58 ("UreEDont 8 45 11 OK Sprtngdale 85' 1126 ... «41 Tiuvuium 7 M 9 10 11 39 3 51 650 Natrona 7 37 9 15 11 45 3 55 6 53 Busier Juc't Arrive 7 45 92n 11 55 4 04 7 02 Builer Juc't Leave 7 45 9 45 12 3i 4 15 7 02 SaXOIIbUTK Butler Arrives 35 10 35 1 30 4 00 7 SO A. M. A. *. P. X. P.*. P. M wekkDats. For the Haul. \Vr.m Days r m * m. a. m p. *. 245 015 Lv. Butler Ar. 10 3i 130 340 7 M Ar. Butler J UnctfOll Lv 945 12 38 404 745 Lv. Butler Junction Ar. 94t 12 38 4 0 749 Ar. Kretoort Lv. 935 12 35 4j 5 763 - AlleKheny Juc't. " 931 12 30 4 •Jti 8 t>4 •• Leeehtium . " 920 It 13 440 S2l •• rauiton (Apollo) " 9»5 11 55 514 851 " Salisbury •• 837 II 32 550 922 BlalrsHUS •• 806 11 «0 GOO 930 •• KiairsvUle Imer'n '• 750 10 is BSOII 40 " Altoona •• 340 800 100 320 '• llarrtaburg •• 11 55 310 430 650 " Phllaaelphi.i •• 850 11 20 A. M p. M. P. X. P. M Thrush trains for tlie east ilerve Fittsburg (Unio . station; as follows: Pennsylvania Limited. daily 7 15 A. M. A laatM glilW •• 310 " Ma tie Line Express. '• »Ou •• Day Express. " 905 •• fhl.ailelolfla Express. " 4 3o F.M. liaiieru Express. " 7 uo Fas: Line, •• 810 •• For detailed Information, address Tho J K. Watt, Fas*. akl. Western !>ltslrlct. 110 Fifth Ave. ue, I'lttsourg, fa. S. M. HRUVOST. J. K. WOOD. tieueral Manager. Ueu'i. raas'r. Ag't P. A W. S. R. Schedule, In effect Jan. i». \n. (Butler time). Tlie Short Line to Pittsburg. DEPART HOCTH. PROM SOt'TH i>.25 a in Allegheny 9.25 a m. Allleglieny Kx ».I5 a m Al>'y a; Akion 9 5-'> a m.AI <£ N t 'astle 10 15 a ui Allegheny Ac 12 ;i0 p ui All'y s Ob'go i.ou pin Allegheny Mali >35 p ni. Allegheny Ex J.to p m Chicago ex. 725 p m, All'y i Akron 0.10 pui All y i Ell. Ex ;■> MO p in, Allegheny Ac DEPART KOHTH. , FKOM NORTH, to 05 a m Kane & Brad. (110 am. Foxburg Ac 5.t0 p m Clarion AC 945 a m, Clarlin Ac 7.„0 p m Foxburg I>. 10 pm, Kane Mai 'scndat trains. ' __ DEPART SOUTH. • PROM SOUTH. B!TS am, LfeForest Ac 9.55 a m,Allegheny Ac 3.t0 p in' 'blcajco Ex 4.35 pm, AlleKheny Ex 6.10 p in. .Allegheny Ac|7.25 pm, DeForest Ac Train arriving at at 4.35 p m leaves BtO de pot. Pittsburg. at i :40 o'clock. Butler and Greenville Coach will leave Alle gheny at 2250 p. m , daily except Sunday . Con necting at Wlilowgrove, arriving at Butler at 4 JS. Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and Qrst-chua Day coaches run through between Butler and Chicago daily. For through tickets to points in the West Northwest or Southwest apply to A. B. CROUCH. Ageut Trains leave the B. & O. depot In Pittburg (or Ihe Fast as follows. Kor Washington D C„ Baltimore, Philadel phia. L-B.i Ni w York. 12 :20 aud uau p. m. Cumberland, 8:15.2 :S0,1:10,920 p. m. Con uelsvllle. 8:15, 1220, 1.10. 4.30. 5.50 and 9.20 p. m. I'nlontown. 8.15 a. m , l. 10. 4.50 and sso p. m. Mt. Pleasant. 8:15 a. m., 1.10 and 430 p. m. Washington, Pa., 7.25 and 9 15 a. in., 4.00. 4.45 and 9.25,11.25 p. hi. Wheeling. 7.25 and. 9.15 a. ni..4.u0. 9.25. li.so p.m. Cincinnati. 8t Louis, Columbus aud Newark. 7.25 a. in., 9.25 11.25 p.m. For Chicago. 2.40 anil 9.30 p. in, Parlor and Bleep!ag card to Baltimore, Wash ington. Cincinnati and Chicago. PITTSBURG, BHKNASUO.A LAKK KRIS B. R n effect November 20.1893. Butler time. GOING NORTn .. KUOM NORTH. l*-£SO a. m, Erie 9 9.50 am. Erie 14—10.15 •• •• 11-a.42 p m. Krle 10—5.U0 p m. Krle 13 —a.32 p m, Erie, No. 12 makes close connections for New Cas tle. Buffalo, Cleveland and Chicago. No. 14 makes connections all paits east on W. N. V. & P. at Mercer Junction, and with N. Y. L. K. K W. at Shenango for all points east. No. 10 makes connections with W. N. Y. £ P. at Mercer J unction for stoneboro and New Castle. Trains leave the P & VV depot m Allegheny at kmo a m.and U & Odepot 3 p m connect at Katler with tills road; and the trains arriving at Butler at 9:50 and 2:42 connect through to Allegheny and Pittsburg, Trutns 12. 10. 9 and 11 connect at Branchlon to and from Milliards. W li SAROKANT. CPA. Meadvlllc, Pa, A Scientist claims the Root of Diseases to be io the Clothes we Wear. The best Spring remedy for the blues, etc, is to discard your uncomfortable old duds which irri tate the body:-leave your measure at ALAND'S for a new suit which will fit well, improve the appearance by re lieving you instant ly of that tired feel ing, and making you cheerful and active. The cost of this sure cure is very moderate TRY IT. C. & D ALWAYS Take into conaideration that money aaved iH an frond an money earned The beat way to Bave money is to buy ijood gooda at tho right price. The only reason that our trade in incrcaHinjf constantly in the fact that we handle only goods of flrßt quality and Hell them at very low prices. We have taken unusual care to provide evervthing new in Hats and Kuruiahing Goods for thin weapon, and bh we have control of many especially good articles in both linen we can do you good if you come to UH. We confidently Hay that in juntice to themselves all porcbaaera should inspect our goods Visit us. COLBERT & DALE, 242 S Main street, Rutler. Fa EUROPEAN + HOTEL. 315 S. Main St., - - Butler, ?a ALEX WILLIAMS, Prop'r. Everything new—Electric light, iras and wuter. X* Lodging 85, 50 and SI.OO. j %• Regular mealn at 25 ct«. j Boarding ai SI.OO a day. %* Luucb Counter open all night. I Leading Millinery House OF Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Every shape this seasons facile fancy has evolved is here. Every novelty in Wing, Bird, Feather or Ornament is shown, Ribbon?, Velvets, Laces, Braids and Flowers. Mourning Millinery a Specialty. D. T. PAPE, 122 South Main Street. Jewelry, Clocks Silverware, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All arc Respectfully Invite —"Remember our Repairing Department— 20 years Experience."- GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE I Owing to ill health my entire stock of sro,ooo worth of Gents Furnishing Goods, consisting of Hats, Caps, Neckwear, Under wear, Shirts, Gloves, Trunks, &c. will be sold at cost and below. These goods must be sold before April, so come early *nd secure bargains in unbroken lots. I have a great many goods suitable for farmers that will pay to purchase for future use at the following low rates: WE ARE OFFERING: $1.85 all-wool underwear at 80c $1.50 gray all-wool underwear at 49c $1.50 percal drew shirts at 50c. SI.OO dress shirt, laundried at 37c. $2.75 stiff bats at 25c. 3.00 stiff hats at 25c. 50c neckties at 10c. CHAS. R. CRIEB No. 118 Sonth Main St., • Butler, Pi New York Weekly ribune AND— The Butler Citizen, ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF. Address all orders to THE OITXZE!N» DM DRUGS IT 101 | PRICES Is the motto at oor J, store. If 700 are sick and need medicin you want the BEST. Tbi- • «>u ran always depend opon getting from as, ah we nee nothing but strictly Pure Drags in our Prescription Depart ment. You can get the best ofarery. thing in the drug line from us Our store is also headquarters for PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES Kalsomine, Alabastine 4c, Get our prices before you buy aints, and -we what we have to er. We can save you dollars on our paint bill. Respectful!* J. C. REDICK, M nip M.iol t« t< I L< wr\ BUTLER* PA. Hotel Butler, J. H. FAUIiEL, Prop'r. This house has been thorough, ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and all other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, ami desirable a home for strangers a±> can be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use o* om m crci airmen. 75c necktiea at 10c. $1 00 neckties at 15c. $1.25 childrene' fancy caps at 43c. 20c fine linen collar* at sc. SI.OO guod all-wool abirts at 38c $1 25 fancy all-wool shirts at 49c $1 00 children*' hats at 25c , aod hundreds of others. I NOTICE. ffT j THE WKLLr- W AFT 7 >"■- II 01 IZi.sttsftrs J Weri*-Hardm a a 1 Art Co., will open • Studio and Photo Par lors oppntiite the Hotel Lowr,y, Cor, Main sad Jeffemon Bt»., Butler, Pa Thi* will be the bent lighted and equipped Studio and gallerie* in the the county. The work will be atrictlj firat elaaa and made under new formula* by the artixt hiw«»lf. who ha* bad 15 yean practical experience is large oitiuM Portrait* in Oil, Crayon, Sepia, I'antul, Ac. In thin linn wo have no competition, Our portrait* art. mailt by hand in our own Studio, from aittings or from photo*. Our work ban reached the higheat standard of axoollenoe and u not to be compared with thai cheap ma* ehisa mad* ptotaraa furniabad by other*. - 'Wait for u*; got your picture* from u* and be happy. For Sale or Rent* Tbe Kirker farm of about 100 A