THE HARDiIAN ART COHPANY. We are located now at I:o S< ;h Main Street, adjoining the ByilA Savings Bank. Our rooms are largo, fine and commodious. Photographic enlargements and Life Size, Hand Made Finished Portraits by the finest French artists obtainable. In photographs we give you results and effects that cannot be produced outside of our Studio. We use only Standard Brand Collodion Paper and not Gelatine, a cheep and inferior paper used by many. Picture and Por trait frames; special prices to jobbers. Compare our work with any Standard Work made or sold in the state. Our victorious motto, "We harmonize the finest work with the promptest service and the lowest prices tor the quality of work" Beware of tramp artists and irresponsible parties ' Have- your work done by reliable and re- that guarantee all work satisfactory. Call and examine our work and samples and read our many tes timonials. THE HARDMAN ART COMPANY. J. S. YOUNG. WM COOPER YOUNG & COOPER, I MERCHANT TAILORS t Mare opened at S. E. corner of Main and Diamond Streets, Butler, with all the latest styles in Spring Suitings. Ht and Workmanship Guaranted. Prices as low as the lowest. TRY US. DEPORT OF THE CONDITION of -t* l the BUTLER SAVINGS BANK of Butler, Main Street, of Butler county, Penn'a, at the close of business Feb. 28, 1894. RESOURCES. Cash 011 hand fil 027 G4 Checks and other cash items... 1,438.65 Doe from Banks and Bankers W®"' Loans and Discount* 404,111.0 Investment Securities owned, TU Stocks, Bonds, etc..531,050.00 31.0J0.00 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures Overdrafts [ M*- - $063,3^7.55 LIABILITIES. ( Capital Stock piid in »•- - - * 00,000.00 Surplus Fund - 40,000.00 ITnJivided Profits, less expenses and taxes paid 2o 904 23 00,.*H Deposits subject to check 260,G/-.IU Demand Certificate! of deposit. 30,100 J- Time Certificates of deposit 246,690.19 463.3- $663,367.55 Report in detail of above securities has been made to C. H. Krumbhaar, Superintendent of Banking, as called for. STATE OF PBHH'A. > \ ss. CoUXTT OP BCTLKR. ) , I Tm Campbell, Jr Cashiur of the above named Bank) do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief (Signed) WM. CAMPBELL, JB. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day cf March, 1894. (Bigned) A. M. COBSBLICS, [Notarial Seal] Notary Public. Correct —Attest: J. H. TROCTMAH, F W D. BRAKDOS, . Directors. J. S. CAMPBKLL, N , RINGS, Diamonds SffiFSk ' STUDS, ( GENTS GOLD. \\l V* LADIES HOLD, Watches (GENTS SILVER LADIES CHATLAIN, ( Gold*Pind, H-ar-rings, J eweiry Rings, Chains, Bracelet*, Etc j Tea sets, castors, butter rfishe- Silverware \ fo U d ndTn r a'a^f o ito^ 1 ' u IIDtEI ;«iI«S. W7 15$ Th.» 8 '" E. GRIEB. THE JEWELER Ho. 139, North Main[St., BUTLEB, PA.. M A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BU i' .N'_ SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO 18 THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. WE WANT TO KEEP OUR FACTORYRLIVVIV7 DURING THE WINTER. In order to do this we offer to make outside window blinds at ONE DOLLAR and npwards per window and inside window blinds at TWO DOLLAR* and apwards per window. These are the lowest prices ever offered on window blinds and now is tbe time to take advantage of them. Respectfully, S. G- Purvis & Co. FRANK KEMPER, ;DEALBR.IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, .A_nd everything in horse and buggy fur nishing go ods—H ar - ness, Collars, Whips. Dusters, Saddles, etc. A itrunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assort ment of 5-A. Horse blankets in town will be found at Kemner's. Hotels and Depots, W. B. Oregg is now mining a line of carriages between the hotel ß and depots of tbe town. Charges, reasonable. Telephone No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel Vogeley. (ttf'liicjr in C«ned'• ''oir ' t- Xkon. Berm Dotlori lit* iluC«).*3tfW.iA(alt>ll.T . Cu res ShsK Headache lnfS* if LINIMENT STRICTLY For FAMILY XJse. Drovped on susar "ulferine children love to la*? it. Every Mother should have it m the house, it quickly relieves and cures l aches and cams, asthma, bronchitis, colas, couens, catarrh, cuts, chaps, chilblains, colic, cho.era morbus, earache, headache, hooping cough, inflammation, la grippe, , 1 Fj 11 c ° T la' bites, burns, bmises. strain?, sprains, stints, swellings, stiff joints, sore throat, sore lings, toothache, tonsiiitis and wind colic. Originated in ISIO BV the late Dr. A- Johnson, Family Physician, 'its merit and excellence hive satisfied everybody for nearly a century. All who use it are amazed at its wonderful power. It is safe, soothing, satisfying; so say sick, sensitive sufferers. I'sed Internal and External. Th*» Doctor*® nifiTTjature and directions on every bottle. 11l A'd Pamphlet free. So'«J every* here. Prioe, 35 ct» U/Uie*, LJC. L ft. «3t CU., Bortoti, iLa# 77 DR, HUMPHREYS' New Specific No. Seventy-ScYeD FOR THE CURE OF GRIPPE With all its symptoms of Influenza, Cattrrb, Pains and Soivness in lb ? (ind Chest, Cough, Bore Throat an.l general Prostration and Fever T.iKrn early it cuts it short promptly ; taken dnring its prevalence, prevents its inva sion; taken while Buffering from it, a relief is '-peedily realised, which is con tinued to an ntir euro. This a Ne"' Kernel* .••your Dr".i*_'ist vil' not i'-A it t ■ ■y'l be sent prep, id on 1 ce:j)t ox p ■ - . cr 5 for *1 HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO Cor. Wiiii«ia £ St*., >". \ v.c. What Can't Pull Out? ' Boy.' on tli I is. Bof ; Filled Watch Cases, ma y the Keys tore V. atc'i C:"'.~c Com p.ittv, adelphia. It pro trcts ti. Watch from the x»ick pjckct. an I prcventg it froa droppi ig- Can only be had with ca-s stamped jag, with this trade mark. Igf Sold, without extra charge for this bow (ring), through Watch dealer* only. Ask your jeweler for pam phlet, or send to makers. ] e , I ■ Atfcd naturally in Government Bonded ■ Warehouses, exported to Hamburg, (Jor ■ liiany, kept in ilcatcd Warehousei until ■ matured, shipped back and bottled on our 3 own premises Is the guarantee we give you ■ that Old Export is absolutely pure. Free ■ from fusel oil and all injurious ingredients. Bit istlie ideal family whtokev for medicinal ■ orsocial purjx>s< a. Muil and express orders ■ filled promptly, and on orders of 810 or ■over we pay express charges. Ctni*eU PrUe Urti gf Irasditf.tfbcs.iriiiiU* mailed fit* TO HO"" Y.I ' '■ •* " 1 • ■ -*j-f 1 1 nnosiu Cures thousands annually of Liver Co mplaints, Hilioußnoes, Janndlce, Dyspep sia, Constipation, Malaria. Wore Ills resnlt from an T'nhenUhy Liverthaaanj otherc«n3e. V»": / <•: T.>r when you can bo cured? Pr. i'.. :it 'l'i Liver Invlgoi ator ii a eele':rr.r. ! ■ r ilv medicine. v«I i: Bitrnoisi n ILL reppi* YOC. Pl#! HISS !T Pi ij PKICBB in tbe ir« tt« M >'■' X BtOTe. If you erf nick end nod uerticu. yon want the BEST. Tbi >■ 'fl's »1 wayh dep-nd up»n from a-, HH w<' use nothing hut strictly Pur* Drag" in our Prescription Depart ment. You can get the best of every thing in the drug iino from us. Our store is also headquarters for PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES Kalsomine, ftlabastine k, Get our prices before you buy aints, val w* wh»; we hive to er. We can save you dollars >n von" - paint bill Refpectlulir J. (J. 1 REDIOK, 3' nil fl. » ' il«I H cause is removed you cannot, have health, cured me over tirej ears a«oof Brlßht's DLW .so and Dropsy.—Mns. I. L. MH.I.KK. llethlebem. I'a. toon other similar tesMmon.ii!*. Try It. Cure guarante' rt. CASN'fi kll>>M CI UK CO.. 7*o Tenmmo St., Philadelphia, Pi. Sold ny All Keliaiile Dnugl-t*. THE CITIZEN Odd Items Of Interest. —There are bat 157 periodicals of every c!»--s published in Austria. —A colored prisoner *l present working in the Alabama mines can speak twelve different language*. —ln many South ted Island towns the entire population wear clothes of their own manufacture from the product of palm trees. —ln Hungary the legal ago of an indi vidual is reckoned to date from baptism, no ii,alter at t. bai period of life that takes place. —There are now between 13,000 and 14 000 miles ol telephone circuits in tCe inei ropolitatD area of London, & region covei lug about 500 squartuniles. —The Victory railroad bridge over the b! Lawrence at Montreal ia two miles long, cost over $5,000,000 and contains 10,500 cubic feit Oimasonry. —The first envelopes used in this coun try were ai l importation from France in 1842. Shortly afterwarJ Ilenry L. Lip man, (f this city, improved upon them by adding gums to the flaps. They were a', first only used fur business purposes. Mr. Lipman also also made the first mucilage known in the United States. When yon have over-exerted yourself by running, jumping, or working, there is nothing that will relieve the soreness ol your joints and muscles so quickly and effectually Salvation Oil, the greatest cure on earth fur pain. 25 cts. The people of Germany' ii is said, eat $280,000,000 worth'of potatoes every year, tbe Hollanders nse 240 ounces of coflee to the inhabitant every year; the people of the United States spend every year SIOO,- 000,000 for i-ugar to »weet>-n their food;jlai-t year about 40,000 tons of cucumbers were raised and eaten within the limits of the United States. —lt is terribly trying when one's mind is iuimtreed in some great for tbe regeneration of the race to have a long winded fellow interrupt one's cogitations with a dissertation on the problematically manner in which he acquired his latest cold. The marvelous anccess of Hood's Sarsa pariila is based upon the corner stone of absolnte merit. —Jacob Jnnk, aged 83 years, of Mil waukee, has brought, suit for divorce agaiunt his wife, on the ground that she makes life a birden :ohim; a~d she t.xkr-- awa\ bis spei t-.cles; does not alio* him sulli. ient bed clothing, and treats him gen erally with the greatest Contempt. —A literary woman of California has brought a divorce suit against her husband who is an artist,and who,as she has set forth '•does not fuinifh bis wife the means for literary leisure," he being "an able-bodied man ■whocould make more money by man ual labor than by his art." —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and ueuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greath 1 enetits. 7o cts. Sold by C Redick, dniggift, Butler. —ln tl.e prevailing depression ol trm!e the price i f a vote in the Louisville Coun cils lias fallen to s.l. A com mil tee of it veßtigatian b»< Leen rai*e.l, with a view, probably, of ascertaining the cause of this di c'ii e in tin n ui cipal tr.a k-- f . —lt is worthy of comment that, tl.e father who ctn'l pronounce "trousseau" is the one who con afford to buy the nicest one for H* daughte* Drunkenness, the Li- i-c.r Hab't, Pos ivi ,j Ciric ty tLitr I.storing Dr. 1 . lit '(1 :c r S ll if 1." It is uiaiiulactnied a> a powder, which can be given in a glass of heer, a enj of coflee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient It is absolutely harmless, end will afleet a permanent ai d speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, aud in every instance u perfect cure has followed. It never fails. Tbe system once impregnat ed with Iho Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book 01 particulars tree. Adores*, Golden Specific Co., 185 Itace St.. Cincitmalti O. Although twenty Tearß have elapi.ed i-icre tbe gre»t M< ody and Sankey tneel iigs ia Bislon there has been lit. apparent Ouraiiitinu in lhe rut'i'tr-n of therd religions leaders in waking convert*, as the recent rtinaikable demonstrations ia Washington have shown. Moodj has crown stoat and gray and SaukeyV shrill voice has not im proved iu quality. —At Ladenburjf, Pa., a father and a daughter, a husband and a wife are all op posing each ether for a s£>oo postoflice ap pointment. What wonder the adminisira tion wants a week off now and theu among the bears. A cbeiisheil treasure iu the possession of a Chicago man is a brief autograph let ter written \>y President Abraham Lincoln in October, 1861, which reai.s: ' The lady —bearer ef this—says ►he has two sona who want t'> wi-rk Set tb»m «t. if if possible. Wauling lo werk is so rare i - ti! ' it should hu encouraged. —A llarrisburg gentleman, »iio is m terested iu the *upprcß»i<>n of contagious dii-ea-e by the i tiling oi liie patients sent the bdlouiug to a local puper: "It is not generally known that Ihe common d"g wood or gieen ozier is an antidote for that dire disease diplitlieria. Dr. C. P. Drown in bis JlcrbaUn fays. "!t ia detergiut to all iuflaniHtory conditions, destructive to mor bid growths Mid »t \aiiance with diseased nutrition. It stimulates granulations, in creases the respective process, induces cir culati in of healthy blood to the "parts, re move* effected matter,' etc. The writer of this article knows of life saved where tho physician said 'the child must die. I can d onothing lurther.'in a case of diptheria by the free use of infusion made from tho bark of green i aier Used as a gargle and as a tea Any one can see from Dr. Brewin's book, how he regarded it, but it remain* to be given te the world as an antidote for diphtheria. And as it N used often a« a substitute to quinine, it would please the writer of this, if tho pnysicUin of this city would give it a fair and unbiuseil trial and announce the rtsnlt to the pro fession.". —Jerry Simpson'* «rit ii . I'll meet you on the other Hide of Jordan," laughingly exclaimed Ir vin Kepley to bis companions in Reading after having both legs crushed by a car Louis Kossuth, tho distinguished Hun garian patriot, is Buffering from arising from old age. Kossuth's condition is now admitted to have assumed a grave aspect, and it is complicate,! by the fact that he persists in refusing all medical as Distant«. —lll Ringgold county, la., where nn butternut trees grow, a farmer digging a well found at a depth of 14 feet a hat' bushel of butternuts, and lower still a pair of deer's horns and a log. —Only a few weeks more and the annu- ; I al spring fluting will begin, and all the horrors and discomforts of moving irom one house another will be experienced by many families, A groat deal of this could l>e avoided by the of a little econ omy and ckue dealing »Leu young—that i economy (not stingier.-*) that enables a , man to lay up a little - very jear, so that in time he has enough to buy or build his own home. Building lots in the unbuilt portions of Butler are remarkably cheap, and the payments on them are easy. It doe* not cost maeh to put np a comforta ble home, and a ruan with woik can afford to go intodebt t i own hisuiwn home. While ; he is paying the debt he know* be is pav ing it in his own pocket, and t! en tr.ere is the sati.-facii iu • 1 ox n lag one's own home and not being compelled to move every year at th • whint ol tho man from a hom you rent There is a sort of satisfaction iu wipiug one's feet on the door mat in one's own home that is inde scribable. —Europe imbibed 3,000,000.000 gallons of beer last year. Instancesjef extreme old age are more common among tho.-e who exerciae them selves with garcleniug thau in any other employment. The police force in all parts of the country bear uniform testimony to the great value of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup as a remedy for coughs,colds and incipient con sumption. They all emphasize the fact that no one should be without it. —The proper capei in fcatfa is the "'twice around." —The reformed thief says it's eas enough to pick pockets after yon once get your hand in. In the spring tho young man's fancy Lightly tnrns to thoughts ol cash; And he pawns his winter nlster, Which, in March, is very rash. —"What's the use of your going to the opera !" exclaimed a Pearl St woman to her husband, with fine scorn. ''You couldn't tell a thing about what anybody wore after Jon got home. Consumption surety Curec. To in: xait: —Please laferci yciir rtxuh-- th'it I ii»ve * poaitifd remtxly tna above-xi.oi disease. £; ;s timely use thousands of hcpcVs cases have t • n permanently cared. I shall be gL.. to Bead twj of my remody FREE to any your readers w . j hae« conanmptirm If they w.:! send me tbeii ani P. O. fcdilrvM. Helped •llUT T A. SiXXUU. U. C.. 181 Pearl 8t N V —A knot is 6,080.27 feet; a laud mile i> 5,280 feet. —Agncultnal maintains over 23,000.000 Amerion; s. —The holding power of cut nail< t spruce and p lie wood lia.- been found t be greater tbin that of »ire nails. i The Florida orange crop,. it is thought will be larger than ever before. It is plac . ed by an authority at from 4,000,000 to 4,500,000 boxes.' —Manufacture of cordage and twine from the fibers of pineapples is a new . industry iu Florida. —Wild parsnips eaten by mistake, killed two children of John Kelly, at Fayette ville, X. Y. r ; —A Portland man, wh» never took a drink in his life, hiccoughed for eighty hours last week and never lost a stroke Hi« teeth »eie U-osered ill the exercise. —Georg.' Francis Train has lost three trnr.ks full of manuscript he had prepared for publication The finder should be able to recogciz" i' a;ter reading two lines. j —The statement of a scientific journal ( that the flesht side of leather is best to t place agaii. ■: a pulb-y when used in belting »iil seem reasonable enough to restanra: t beefsteak eateis —While asleep in a char at Pottsville a litiie son of John K. Oliver tumbled against a stove and was hurued to death —Now England people's investments iu Western fai in mortgages are said to have shrunk u hundred million* within the pifht lew months. —lu a fracas over retaining the pastor, fifty members (if a Baptist Church near Lebanon, 0.. were injured and the pews andcirpct mined. —"Religion," says the Maneyuuk pbilos pher, "makes a good armor in the battle I of life; but many who are too lazy to fight nse it as a cloak " I —A useful hand lamp is simply a *ia i tilled with heated olive oil into which i small piece of phosphorus has bceu drop ped. The light will shine whenever thi 1 bottle is uncurbed, admitting (he air. —The mail who talks loude.'t about blood and bullets is generally the first one to'shir . under the tables when tho latter begin tc ■ fly and the former starts to ooze. —lt has been said of old time that "The doctor sees all the weakness of mankind, the lawyer all the wickedness, the theolo gian all the stupidity." And it may be addeil that the editor sees only the gener osity and wisdom and sterling honesty of mankind. For they all take his paper not because they want it, but because they want to help him. Thej - could all give him pointer* <>n editing a paper properly, and they are •!! | 'inctnal about paying their sitbscriptiorm. lt is said that .+2 000,000 has been made out ot a sinale brand ofchewi £ gum. It is not all used l-y i lie way of children and foolish women Dentists have recommend ed chewing gum for the teetb, and physi cians prescribe it sometimes as an aid to digestion, because it excites the activity of the salivary glands Large drug houses in Sugar, interview on the Wilson bill followed; that one ot the employees di vulged the matter and that the information received from him was followed up until the whole story was known. AS A HUFPORT Maf! for exhuustod, nervous, jfiM overworked women, nothing can do as much as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It regu ■(*£??» late* nnd assists all tho V\\ natural functions, never M conflicts with tbem, and lnl It strengthens and builds II fl up the female system in 1} a way of its own. 1— j|| | Nursing mothers and IMBUI JUaßael women approaching con 1| lilnemeiit, will flml it ' • exactly fitted to their needs. It leßsen* the pains and burdens of child benrinp, ensures nealthy, vigorous off spring and promotes an abundant secretion of nourishirvr.t on the part of the mother. It's an Invigorating, restorative tonic, a writhing and strengthening nervine, and the only ffuarantred remedy for woman's chronic ills and ailments. If it doesnt bene fit or cure, in the case of every tired or af flicted woman, she'll have her money Irnck. On these terms, can anything else be "Just as good " for you to buy f You're offered S3OO, or a cure of Catarrh, by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Remedy. If Iswtßj, Linn, Poultry aid Rabbit Fueiig rnoi'SANDN pi k;i.e* n i ke. citalo<;i k rHKK. rBKIOHT PAID. ThE McMUILEH" WOVEN WIRE FEUCE CO. 'O4, US, 111u>d 130 N. ChlOf. OUR ELEVENTH ANNUAL FEBRUARY ri.EARANVE SALE OF MILLINERY. 1 Don't miss this great bargain -ale, SI.OO will do the work of $2.00 in both depart-1 ' menu. Our stores are small, * e mun make room for Spring Goods. V e have the b-it J line of muslin nndei -ear in the city. I Odd - , - 1 :i: »kes . ; i • eta. at ] hall price. M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 117 S Main St firtisr « tIAHJj m k» |T%j IkcMATS .TRADL MAKkSS^ COPYRIGHTS.^ CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT f For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, writ© to HON A CO.. who hare bad nearlvflftv years* experience in the patent business. Communtca- j I tionj strictly confidential. A Handbook of in formation concerning Patent* and how to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific hooks sent free. Patents taken through Mann A Co. receive noticeinthe Scieniific American, and thus are brought widely before tho public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegant ly illustrated, has oy far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the worid. a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, flSOa year. Single coj>\e», *25 cents. Every number contains beau tiful plate*, in colors, and photographs of new bouses, wit a plans, enabling ouilders to show the latent designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO.. New VOUK, 3til KUOADWAT. ■"3® * MKS 1"< al or travl •" « 5 j. | | t■ - fi IJ g .. It I Nri***T S.ihK i Salary or (.'o:nin!si!on pad weekly. Outfit tree. Spe -lal attention given to t eelnnem. Workers never fall to make good weekly wages. Write me at once for par ticulars. E 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman. iTliis house Is reliable.) I'.IXDKSTKH. N. Y Grind Yonr Own Corn Meal. Oyster Shells and Corn in the Hand Mill. (F. Wilson's Pat.) Circulars lreo. "Also Power and Farm Mills. £end for illustrated circulars and testimonial ." 100 }>cr ct. hune made fn keep nig poultry. Address WILSON I>UOS. Easton. Pn. IT BUGGIES at I Price CARTS * HARSKS-S. 2? CMC S9O Top ButtSJ We Oat the (~MmB PhMlon PRICES and 4Pass. outsell SSO Road Wagon. #23 competitors. |l6 Road Cart ITSO, Tluy of fac- <3 Binrr Harntsi M torrand save •loVtigiry " N.Tii ♦3O Team " sl2 I profit. Vn? Menran Saddle. sl-» Cat'»'*» Free c, *. BTOOT A CART C O. 2to U fit, <.lnciaaati,X>. fW w H. H. JACKSON Wbo has had a yenr.s experience with one of tbe leading fnrnitore firms of is now prepared to attend to all furniture repairing left t in his charge, und will guarantee good wo.'k and satisfaction at 249 S. McKean St, - Butler, Pa. MeCANDLESS' HEAVE CURE. I have a Heave Cure that will e- re any ease of heaves in horses in forty d*iyx, il I u«ed aecordinfr to directions, and if it does , not do what I claim for it, I will refund the amount paid and no charge* will be • made for the treatment. The following testimonials are the strongest proof of the medicines power to cure: A. J. MCCANDLES*, I Butler, Pa., 1893. MB. A. J. MCCABDLKSS: On the 2ud day of April, 189ti, 1 com menced to use your new euro for one of i my horses that had the heaves very had, and continued to use 'he medicine for about forty days and the horse did not show any signs of a retain of them. It is now about a vear since I qnit givin the medicvne and tho horse has never sowed any signs of heaves, and I feel stintied • that he is properly cured. W. C. CBISWKLL, Butler, Pa., 3, 1893. A J. MCCANDLRSS: 1 have used your Heave Cure and found it will do tho work if used according to di -1 rections. Yours truly, R. J. MCMILLIS, ° Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup i»r ; rlLfcs sw SP*'s IBSOLTT CfHTMENT li. • • li'i'i;. c.l « • • -• ► ami. forwDcl*. i\ 41 , v! fJ --- p ERRORS°YOUTH and Obarure Dlm*w) speedily and permanondy ' cored bjr tbo celebrated 9ix>cUlist, DR. I Jio deception, dohuw representation. I wlil enre »nu positively an.l make y..u vigorous an.l utronir. TrasimeD t l>y mail aepeclalty anil strictly i unlldeatlal I,3 HOME CURE TREATMENT 1 W SPffilOflM mJSt WJ S JUL W-JW—W Baldwiq, - Pci. tuokouuhi Sewing Machine Mechanic. WITH 20 EARS' KXTERIENCE. Will re-adjust yours and you he your own judge to test it. Farm for Sale. Ti:e undersigned offers ills farm In I utler Mvp cont nliiiri/ over cue hundred (luO) acres, anil located ilui i milis south of liutler, one mile ennt tlie !' arikro d.for saienrexch About eigiit ■ aer-8 of t l.e I • rn< is cleared, aood ground good buildings of all kinds, water ot tlie door and springs on farm, two orchards, two roads lo farm, no rough lai d and everything in cood repair. WII.I.IAM CAI.inYKIX. ( \ DOCTORS LAiU; py «a S rlil JrK I>l s PEN sabt ' JS Coil. P£» J AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. - I"" PI rTSUURGH. PA. V'.i >1 \ A't fornmof Delicate and c«im ■ ktSr >y l pleated Diseases requiring!'O*- "JST i : 1 \I. and >i i I:M iin M.d --t-™ ication arc treated at this Dis n' i j ,• with a mecesi. -areiy attained. I>r. H. I, !,t'. N triembsvof tho Colic zeof I'hy* -ici 'r 'i".d eurgeoac, and Is the ot lest and most ;\; .enced Si-bci*lis.' in UiJ city- Hpe.'alat rention ;'iven to Nervous I>ei)iiit \ from e' nil • li exertion, Indiscretion of yonth,ete.,ei»ns irr, 1 bysicai mid mental decay,lack of energy, I -pon ' ncy, etc.; also Cancel s oidHori *, r its, I'ile.i, itheuiiiatlsm, and all di-' i-osof theHkin, I lo . I.l,una-s Prlnarv (>rgans,ile. Consultation •fee and strictly confidential. Office hours, Uto I i rl 7 to 8 I*.'m.; Sundays, 2 to 4 P. If. only. all at ofleo or address DRS. LAKE, C"K • i \N A > L.AND4TIISI'..ri'ITSBL lU.II.I'A POULTRYMEN! Our Gn «*n Bone Cutter will don i bin vour egg production Beet sod Cheapest in tho market. Circular Iff'. WEBSTER <& HANNUM, Caieoovia,«. Y • RAILROAD TIME TABLES. !" PENNSYLVANIARAILROAD. TIIE STANDARD RAILROAD OF AMERICA WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. 8 IIIPrLK IS UTKT Notcjmm .'iltll, I** * SOUIN Writs DAVS I A. M A. M A Hr M. r. * • Butler Leave ti IS 935 11 m 215 500 S;ixoDbur>: Arrives 41 >OO 11 *1 311 i 'JS Butler .luc't. • T3O 5 3 1! So 1 « f53 Built rJm-t U-ave 7ao 941 IS m :i 4o 5M Natrona Arrive T 3S » si n u 3So ii e* Tarentum 7 43 ■> !4 12 l» 3 57 »07 SprliiK'lale 7 10 li .'-I 4 i>» (Taremont . fill l2 S5 4 a 627 Miarpi'iurK S I« 1 un 4 il • .12 Allegheny city ssjlo j3 i-* 444 64s A. M. A. M. P. M. H 11. r. M. North WBI HAYS. A. v. A. M *. »< r. a. r. a 1 .UlegUenydty Leaves S5 s2i low 3 is S 10 sharpebtuv 7 0> > :y lo -s CbMKin! 8 4.' 11 8? iiigil.J. S It . S 11 l .r. L'um 7 .-2 ;• 10 n .• J M 650 Nalruaa 7 37 als II 45 3 sft 699 . 11l I.r .luc't A rr:v>- 74i »ai 11 85 404 T*M Butler Juc't Leave 7 4."> :i i > 12 i 1J 7 u-' ; mi urg so~:o n ui 4 n 7i>i • Du i-r Ainses :■ 10 ;i. 13' 406 '. "o A. U, A. M. P M. f. M. 1* M \ RES DAYS. FOR thr taai. WKKKDAYS p. H *. M A. M. I* M. 24> 615 Lv Butler . vr. lo .v> 130 jJO 7 ;ti Ar. Butler Jun -tiou Lv. :• 4"> 12 10l 745 Lv. «utler .lunciluii Ar. v4l 12 :» 4 :u •" 4:i Ar. Kreetmrt Lv. 9 :i"> 12 35 4 15 7 53 •• Allegheny Juc't •• 331 li' 30 1 Jt, s t>4 " 440 s2l " raulton (Apollo) " 9Co 11 55 slt Ssl " Salisbury •• 837 11 32 550 922 " BlalrsvUle •• 806 11 w r, no 930 Hlalrsville Inter n•' 7so 10 15 »50 11 4 as lolkiws: r« n:i jlvania. LlmlteU, dally 7 15 A.M. Atlantic Express. " 3~0 •• Maine Line Express. " s cm Day Kxpress, " 9 o.'. PUoWleitilila Kvpref-s. - 430 I' M. i Kastem Express, " 7 00 East Line. " 810 " For detailed Information, address Tho?. E. Watt, l'a - A*'t. Western District, .1:0 Fifth Avenue. I'lttstiurj:, Pa. S. M. PREVOST. J. U. WeKID, (Jeneral Manager. Gen'l. Pass'r. Ag't P. & vr. K. P.. Schedule, luetToct Jan. i>. >». (Uullor tlrue 4 . Tlie Sbort Line to Pittsburg. DF.rAKT SCL'TtI. I ROM SOflU. a iu Allejjln uj n j.. a iu, AlUi i'x 8.1."> a m Ali'j Akron 9>5 a m.AI AN ( .istie 10 '5 a m AllegUt n> Ac 12 '0 p m. All y A Ch'go 3.00 p m Allegbeny Mall i.SS pm, Allegheny Kx ".20 p m Chicago Fx. 7 2-p in.All y X Akren ('>.!<' p in Airy i Kll. Lx s.(O p m. Allegheny Ac lIErAKT NOBTII . 1 FKOM NORTH. 10.05 a m * Itrjd. Is 10 ain Foxburg.Ac I 5.00 p m Clarion Ac 111,45 a m.Clarlra Ac 7.:-:0 p m Foxburg [S.4O p tu, Kane Mai 'SIMDW TRAINS. DEPART SOFTH. FROM SOCTH. i. 15 a in, EeForest Ac J. 55 a m.Allegheny Ac 3.20 p mChicago Ex C 35 p in, Allegheny Ex 6.10 p in, .Allegheny Ac;7.2'Vp in. He Forest (£ At' Train arriving at at 4.35 p m leaves IUO tk'- pot, I'lttsburg. at 2 :4o o'clock. liutler and Greenville Coach will leave Alle gheny at 220 p. in. daily except Snnilay. Con nectlng at Willowgrove. arriving at Butler at 42i.->. I'ulluian liutlet Sleeping Cars anil first-elans Day t oaclies run through between Butler and Chicago daily. For through tick is lo points in tlie West Northwest or Southwest apply to A. B. CROUCH. Agent Trains leave (he IJ. £ O. depot In Pittburg 11 r 'lit l-nni as follows. hor Washington D Halt.more. I'blUdel -1 U.i, i> i\ Yolk. 12:20 and 9:20 p. m. I umlx S:IS. 2 :S'J 1:10.920 p. m. Con i.elsvlHe. SUS. i2ao. 1.10. 4.311, 5.50 and n.:io p. iu. I nloutoun, 5.15 a. m . 1.10, 430 and 5.50 p. m. Ml. Pleasant, 8:15 a. n»., 1.10 and 430 p. m. Washington. Pa., 7.25 and 9 15 a. m., 4.oti, 445 and p. m. Wheeling. 7.25 and. 9.15 a. m.. 4.00. 9.25. 1145 p.m. Cincinnati. St Louis. Columbus and Newark. 7.25 a. ni., 9.25 U 25 p. m. For Chicago. 2.40 and 9.30 p. ni. Parlor ana sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash ington, Cincinnati and Chicago. PITTSBJRQ, SHENASOOJA L4KF. ERIiS U. K nelTett NoverclK-r 20.1593. Butler time. COOING NORTH rIIOM^NORTH. 12 —5 so ta. m , Erie 9 9.50 am, Erie 14—10.15 " •• 11-2.42 pin, Erie 10—5.00 p m, Krl" 13—11.32 p ill, Erle.gjftv, No. 12 makes rime connections for New Ca-- tle. Buffalo. Cleveland and • hicagu. N0.14 makes connections all pans east on W. N. Y. 4; P. at Mercer .liiuelio:i, and with N. Y. L. E. A W. at Shenango lor all |Kilnts ejist. No. lOmukes eonoectious with W. N. Y. & P. at Mercer Junction tor stonetioro and New Castle. Trains leave the P< W depot in Allegheny at ».-2u a 111.and B« 1) 3 p ta connect at Butler Willi this road; aud the trains arriving at Butler at93o and 2:42 eon neet tliruugh to Allegheny and Pittsburg, Trains 12, 10.-.i and II connect at Branchton 10 and from llllllards. W OSARtJKANT, O P A, Meadvllle, Pa, A Scientist claims the Root of Diseases to be In the Clothes we Wear. The best Spring remedy for the blues, etc, is to discard your uncomfortable old duds which irri tate the body:-leave your measure at AT 1 \TIVC! I' tor ji new suit which will fit well, improve the appearance by re lieving you instant ly of that tired feel ino- and makiiio* you O' ~ J cheerful and active. The cost of this I sure cure is very moderate TRY IT. G. & D ALWAYS Take into consideration that inon«y waved i* as (rood as ruoney earned. The best way to save money is to buy srood at the rijfht, price The only reason that our trade is ioereuxiiiit couKtantlr is the fact that we handle oiily «ood« of first quality and sell them at very low prices. We have taken unusual caro to provide everything new in Hats and Furnishing Goods for this season, and as we have control of many especially good articles in both lines we can do you good if you come to us. We confidently say that in justice to themselves all purchasers 1 should inspect our goods Visit us. COLBERT k DALE, 242 S Vlitin street, Butler, Pa. EUROPEAN -i- HOTEL. 315 S. Main St., - - Hutlcr, Pa ALEX WILLIAMS, I'rop'r. Everything new—Electric light, iran and water. X* Lodging 35, 50 t nd SI.OO. %* Regular meals at '25 cts. Boarding at $1 00 <» day. *** Lunch Counter open all night. I Leading Millinery House OF* tm T m Trimmed Ilats and Bonnets. Every shape this seasons facile fancy lias evolved is here. Every noveltv in Wing, Bird, Feather or Ornament is shown, Kibbone, Velvets, Laces, Braids and Flowers. Mourning Millinery a Specialty. D. T. PAPE, 122 South Main Street. Jewelty, Clocks Silverware, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent bv purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffv Block Sign of Electric and Clock. All are Respectlully Invite —"Remember our Repairing Department— 20 years Experience Read. Fliits Oi\ce. LOOK CAREFULLY AT THE PRICES AND YOU WILL, I THINK, BE CONVINCED THAT HUSELTON'B Is the place you will buy jour footwear. Ladies fine button shoes, patent tip, opera toe $ .Ss " " " square toe 90 " " 75 " fine slippers 45 " warm, flannel-lined, shoes 75 " " " slippers «,o " slippers 20 good, heavy, peged shoes 75 " " standard shoes 85 " rubbers 25 Misses' fine shoes, button 70 Men's good heavy boots 1 40 " B& A, calf, congs. and bals tip 90 " extra fine shoes 25 and 1 50 Boys' good heavy boots, sizes 1-5 ! 00 Youths' " > - " 11-13 75 Men's " brogans 70 " " calf boots 190 Rubber boots and shoes, wool-lined arctics, felt boots for boys and men, wool stockings at the lowest prices. Men's slippers, nicely embroidered, at 50c, 75c, and $1; Women's, Misses' and Children's slippers at 20c, 50c, 75c and sl. Arc you one ef i'te few that docs not buy of us, if so itl> MKN Hl'Ki lAMMirCKMKM- U> llK«ilN- N Kits KXOLI'HIVK TKItKITORY tiIVEN JIK DKSIREU. Write at once for terms to The Hawks Nursery Co., Rochester, N. Y. 1* H E bipbeat ca?b prices paid for beef und born-e bide*; also »haep peltrt, inllow and furs of all kinds Will b« borne on Friday aDd Satur day of each week. H. C. RKirKER, aOl Mercer St., Butler, Pa. For Sale or Rent. The Kirker furm of about 100 acres, Mtu •it,. io Oonnixjuiuessiug twp., Hmler Ci>.. I'.i , near \Vhite*tnwn, under go, d date of I'Ultiratino, good fence#, orchard, aDd well watered, n K ,m "l seven roomed house with cellar, good barn, wagon shed and out- Miiilingß. house and bam under new rod. One «it the l>e»i Inrois in the county; con- CMl,j c i t