Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 23, 1894, Image 1

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i TRIPH- \
Ji TO *
jj I Coupor\l I
11 Will entitle you to a discount of J
I 15 per cent on all ?
lovercoats, Heavy Suits and Underwear]
t For sixty days from this date, t
J Jan. 22. ?
[PATTERSON tl 5 ;""!
Maq, Womai\ and Child
In Butler county know that they have received their large and com
plete line of Fall and Winter Boots, Shoes and Slippers at prices
that will surprise them. We have the celebrated Jamestown
Boots and Shoes, made by hand and warranted, which have
proven their wearing quailites for years past. We want to give
the trade
-H*Tlie Best Goods for Least Possible, Living Profit.#*
The best line of Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes ever shown in the
Children's School Shoes in every shape and style.
Rubber Goods oi all kinds and shapes at all prices.
Come and see the boys.
t Vogeley & Bancroft I
347 S. Main Street. Butler, Pa
Great Reduction Sale
MARCH Ist, 1894.
We will offer our entire stock of Dry Qofiis, millinery, Wrap}, rtianket«,
Underwear, Hosiery, Embroideries, Wiite (liols, Notions, and in fact
everything usually kept iu n first-class dry (jooda house, at the lowest prices
ever known in the history of Butler county.
Note Our New Price List:
Best American Blue Prints, worth 8c for 5c per yard.
Good Red and Black Calico, worth 7c for 5c per yard.
Qood Bleached Muslin, worth 7c for 5c per yard.
Heavy Unbleached Muslin, worth 7c for 5c per yard.
Qood Unbleached Muslin for 4c per yard.
Doable Width Sheeting at 16c and 18c per yard.
Ladies' Fast Color Black Hose, worth 10c for 5c per pair.
Misses' and Children's Past Black Rib Hose, worth 15c for 10c per pair
Lace Curtainß. worth $1.50 per pair tor 75c per pair.
•• $2.00 " SI.OO "
" $2.75 " $1.40 "
«' " $4 00 " $2 00 "
" $5.50 " $3 00 "
These are a few of the many big bargains to be found at the popular dry
£Oodß store of Butler.
(Successor to Ritter & Ralston.)
H. B -- Sole Agent for Standard Patterns.
Buff Leghorns that are Buff.
BofT Leghorns and 8. Plymouth Rocks.
BoflF Leghorn hens from the yards of A.
Leida, If. J.; cockerel from the Niagara
Kiver Poultry Farm, N. Y. EGGS S"J.SO
per 13.
My Plymouth Rocks aro large, healthy
fowls, ami are as good as call be touud
anywhere. EGGS $1 for 13.
Orders for eiign will be tilled in order re
ceived. JOHN 11. KEIBEK,
304 Mercer St., Uutler, Fa.
i (J* WIU K
ftouy,ti and Worked Lumdti
Do>rs, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings.,
Sniugles and Lath
Always in Stock.;
opposite P. A W. Depot,*
n H i >• - F *
tl EWIS' 9*> % LYE
The sent arid porrst I yi
m»>. rnllk© other Lye. It bolnf
a fluo powder uji I r a< k«-«i In a car
with rrmoval .»<? lid. the coo tea It
aro always i-arty f»>r ti=*. Wit
make the he*: rt>m«d Hard B**l
In 20 nilnui*** v . Imr.l boiling
II Is tl»«» f«>rel«*rtnsiiig wa*U
plprs, disinfecting Mi.k*. cl'-eta,
wu- iiinjaf bottle*, i-ajnl*. tr.**, etc.
U«a. Agu., I'Ulia., Fa.
j~ti J * ' J
[Successois ot Schntte <fe O'Brien.]
And (3 as Fitter
Sewer Pipe,
Gas Fixture^
Globes an
Natural Gas Applia. tc-.
Je fi.*4»i j ijvry Hou
autual Fire Insurance Cc
bee Uor. Wain & Cjnningham Su.
n? T w i N Henderson Oliver,
James Stephenson,
v\. W. Uiackmore. N. WeitzelT
K. Xiowman. ,U. T. Norria,
ueo. Ketterer,, ;Chas. Rebtiun,
lieo. Kenno, ;John Koentnc.
I & V!cJ(INKL\,
Insurance and Real Estate As'i
Mr. James It.
Philadelphia. Pa.
Muscular Rheumatism
Sciatica and the Piles Add 9 to
the Sufferer's Misery
Four Bottles of Hood's Sarsaparlila
Effects a Wonderful Cure.
"C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass.:
"Gentlemen: As a result of the memorable
blizzard of March, 1888, I contracted muscular
rheumatism; at that time I was engaged on n
Job of steamlitting in Plainfield, N. J., and it
was necessary for me to wade through the snow
to the building, a new residence, In which we
were working. For eighteen months after
wards I was laid up with muscular rheumatism
and sciatica. I then joined my ion-ln-law in
Denver, Col., where I was engaged in steam
fitting and engineering, and where I commenced
to take Hood's Sarsapariila for my rheumatism.
It cured mo not only of the rheumatism and
sciatica, but also of outward piles, from which
for thirty-three years I had suffered
A Thousand Deaths.
Previous to going to Denver I visited the
University of Pennsylvania to be operated upon.
The doctor pronounced my case elongation of
the bowels and the worst he ever saw. He re
fused to perform an operation, saying that after
having suffered so many years it was not worth
while that I should die at that late day from the
effects of the knife, and die I would if he used it.
No Man Can Conceive
what I suffered for thirty-three years. I tried
all sorts of remedies and treatments, often
without the slightest relief. Four bottles of
Hood's Sarsaparilla not only relieved, but
cured, both the piles and rheumatism. The
only trace of rheumatism which I feel now Is a
little stiffness when the weather changes, and
as I will be 73 years old in August that is but
incidental to my age. This is a simple state
ment of facts.'' .JAMES K. BOXD, 269 West
N'orris Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation,
biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, indigestion,
$6-00 Pants for'iss.oo.*
$5.50 Pants for $4.50.
$5.00 Pants for $4.00.
$4.50 Pants for $3.50.
$4.00 Pants for $3.00.
$3.00 Pants for $2.50.
$2.50 Pants for $1.75.
$2.00 Pants for $1.25. j
Warranted Jean Pants sold by
con» for less than SI.OO,
*** for 89c. ***
1 20 South Main Street, Butler, Pa.,
+ Invited,
iff-; V m
'?•=■ \ Vyu\M\KU
lm\{/ YMI,
Shoes for the inspection of all,
holding down prices for the con
venience of everybody, holding
out bargains within the reach 01
all and consequently holding on
to the people's patronage to the
consternation of all competitors.
All people go where they can get
the best for their money. See
our Infant's Shoes in Red 'and
Tan at 15 cents. See our Boys'
Extra High Cut Shoes at $1.25.
See our Ladies' Fine Rubbers at
25 cents. See our Ladies' Storm
Rubbers at 35 cents. See us for
all kinds of footwear. Will save
you money. The New Shoe
C. E. liILLER,
So Dry
Yet so forceful are "spirit"
facts. They "whet" up the
system, stimulate you—not
too much, bnt just enough
to you better Finch's
Golden "WVddiofr. Gibson's
and Old Dougherty Whia
key sJure a few of the"<»piru"
facts kept by.
Robt. Lewin,
136 Water St.
Opposite B. A 0. Depot, Pittsburg, Pa
• ••••••••••••
has no equal for chapped hands, lips or
O face, or any roughness of the skin, and 9
Is not excelled as .1 dressing for tlit* face
after shaving. Sold by druggists at
1 iventy-five Cents a Bottle.
• •••«•»••••••
A OOWAN DOlrXfcßU ' ~ r * f "
On the morning which followed his
interview with the Mormon prophet,
John Ferrivi' wont into .Salt Lake City,
and having found his acquaintance,
who was bound for the Nevada moun
tains, he intrusted him with his mes
sage to Jefferson Hope. In it he told
the young man of the imminent dan
ger which threatened them, and how
necessary it was that he should return.
Having done thus, he felt easier in his
wind, and returned home with a light
er heart.
As he approached his farm, he was
surprised to see a horse hitched to
each of jloetc of the g-atc. Still
more surprised was he on entering to
find two young men in possession ol
his sitting-room. One, with a long,
pale face, was leaning back in the
rocking-chair, with his feet cocked
upon the stove. The other, a bull
necked youth with coarse, bloated fea
tures, was standing in front of the
window with his hands in his pockets,
whistling a popular hymn. Both ol
them nodded to Ferrier as he entered,
and the one in the rocking-chair com
menced the conversation.
"Maybe j-ou don't know us," he said.
"This here is the 6on of Elder Drebber,
and I'm Joseph Stangerson, who trav
eled with you in the desert when the
Lord stretched out His hand and gath
ered you into the true fold."
"As He will all the nations in His
own good time," said the other, in a
aasul voice; "He grindetli slowly but
exceeding small."
John Ferrier bowed coldly. He had
guessed who his visitors were.
"We have come," continued Stanger
son, "at the advice of our fathers, to
solicit the hand of your daughter for
whichever of us may seem good to you
and to her. As I have but four wives
and Brother Drebber here has seven, it
appears to me that my claim is the
stronger one."
"Nay, nay, Brother Stangerson,"
cried the other; "the question is not
how many wives we have, but how
many we can keep. My father has
now given over .his mills to me, and I
am the richer man."
"But my prospects are better," said
the other, warmly. "When the Lord
removes my father, I shall have his
tanning-yard and his leather factory.
Then I am your elder, and am higher
in the church."
"It will be for the maiden to decide,"
rejoined young Drebber, smirking at
his own reflection in the glass. "Wo
will leave it all to her decision."
During this dialogue, John Ferrier
had stood fuming in the doorway,
hardly able to keep his riding-whip
from the backs of his two visitors.
"Look here," ho said at last, strid
ing up to them, "when my daughter
summons you, you can come; but until
then, I don't want to see your faces
The two young Mormons stared at
him in amazement. In their eyes this
competition between them for the
maiden's hand was the highest of
honors both to her and her father.
"There are two ways out of the
room," cried Ferrier: "there is the door,
and there is the window. Which do
you care to use?"
His brown face looked so savage, and
his gaunt hands so threatening, that
his visitors sprang to their feet and
beat a hurried retreat. The old farmer
followed them to the door.
"Let me know when you have
Mttled which it is to be," ho said
"You shull smart for this!" Stanger
son cried, white with rage. "You
have defied the prophet and the coun
cil of four. You shall rue it to the end
of your days."
"The hand of the Lord shall be
heavy upon you," cried young Dreb
ber; "Ho will arise and smite you!"
"Then I'll start the smiting," ex
claimed Ferrier furiously, and would
have rushed upstairs for his gun had
not Lucy seized him by the arm and
restrained him. Before he cculd
escape from her, the clatter of horse's
hoofs told him that they were beyond
his reach.
"The young canting rascals!" ho ex
claimed, wiping the perspiration from
his forehead. "I would sooner see you
in your grave, my girl, than the wife o1
either of them."
"And so should I, father," she an
swered, with spirit; "but Jefferson
will soon be here."
'•Yes. It will not be long before h«
coines. The sooner the better, for we
do not know what their next move
may be."
It was, indeed, high time that some
one capable of giving advice and help
should come to the aid of the sturdy
old farmer and his adopted daughter.
In the whole history of the settlement
there had never been such a case oi
rank disobedience to the authority oi
the elders. If minor errors were pun
ished so sternly, what would bo the
fate of this arch rebel? Ferrier knevt
that his wealth and position would be
of no avail to him. Others as well
known and as rich as himself had been
spirited away before now, and theii
goods given over to the church. 1U
was a brave man, but ho trembled at
tho vague, shadowy terrors which
hung over him. Any known danger he
could face with a firm lip. but this sus
pense was unnerving. He concealed
his fears from his daughter, however,
and affected to make light of the whole
matter, though she, with the keen eye
of love, saw plainly that he was ill al
He expected that he would receive
some message or remonstrance from
Young as to his conduct, and he was
not mistaken, though it came hi
an unlooked-for manner. Upon rising
next morning he found, to his sur
prise, a sauil square_ of paper pinned
on to tho coverlet of his bed, just ovei
his chest. On it was printed in bold
straggling letters:
"Twenty-nose days are given yoc
The dash was more fear-inspiring
than any threat could have been.
How this warning came into his room
puzzled J6hn Ferrier sorely, for his
servants slept in an outhouse, and the
doors and windows had all been se
cured. go
said nothing to his daughter, but the
incident struck a chill into his heart
The twenty-nine days were evidently
tho balance «~>f the mouth which Young
had promised. What strength or cour
age could avail against an enemj
armed with such mysterious powers'.
The hand which fastened that pir
might have struck him to the heart
and he could never have known whe
had slain him.
Still more shaken was he next morn
ing. They had sat down to their
breakfast when Lucy, with a cry of
surprise, pointed upward. In the cen
ter of the ceiling was scrawled, with a
burned stick, apparently, the n umbel
•29 To his daughter it was unin
telligible, and he did not enlighten
her. That night he sat up with his
gun and kept watch and ward. lit
saw and heard nothing, and yet in the
morning a great 27 had been painted
upon the outside of his door.
Thus day followed day; and as sure
as morning came he found that his un
seen enemies had kept their register,
and had marked up in some conspicu
ous position how many days were still
left to him out of the month of grace.
Sometimes the fatal numbers appeared
upon the walls, sometimes upon the
floors; occasionally they were on small
placards stuck upon the garden-gate
or the railings. With all his vigilance
John Ferrier could not discover whence
these daily warnings proceeded. A
horror, which was almost supersti
tious, came upon him at the sight of
them, ne became haggard and rest
less, and his eyes had the troubled
look of some haunted creature. He
had but one hope in life now, and that
was for the arrival of the young hunter
from Nevada.
Twenty had changed to fifteen, and
fifteen to ten; but there was no news
of the absentee. One by one the num
bers dwindled down, and still there
came no sign of him. Whenever a
horseman clattered down the road or a
driver shouted at his team, the old
farmer hurried to the gate, thinking
that help had arrived at last. At last,
when he saw five give way to four and
that again to three, he lost heart, and
abandoned all hope of escape. Single
handed, and with his limited klowledge
of the mountains which surrounded tho
settlement, ho knew that he was pow
less. The more frequented roads were
strictly watched and guarded, and
none could pass along them without
an order from the council. Turn which
way he would, there appeared to be no
avoiding the blow which hung over
him. Yet the old man never wavered
in his resolution to part with life itself
before he consented to what he re
garded as his daughter's dishonor.
He was sitting alone one evening
po '"ring deeply over his troubles,
ana searching vainly for some way out
of them. That morning had shown
the figure 2 upon the wall of his
house, and the next day would be the
last of the allotted time. What was
to happen then? All manner of vague
and terrible fancies filled his imagina
tion. And his daughter—what was to
become of her after he was gone?
Was there no escape from the invisi
ble network which was drawn all
round them? He sank his head upon
the table and sobbed at the thought of
his own impotence.
What was that? In the silence he
heard a gentle scratching sound —low,
but very distinct, in the quiet of the
night. It came from the door of the
house. Ferrier crept into the ba.ll and
listened intently. There was a pause
for a few moments, and then the low,
insidious sound was repeated. Some
one was evidently tapping very gently
upon one of the panels of the door.
Was it some midnight assassin who
had come to carry out the murderous
order of the secret tribunal? Or was
it some agent who was marking up
that the last day of grace had arrived?
John Ferrier felt that instant death
would be better than the suspense
which shook his nerves and chilled hia
heart. Springing forward, he drew the
bolt and threw the door open.
Outside all was calm and quiet. The
night was fine, and the stars were
twinkling brightly overhead. The
little front garden lay before the
farmer's eyes, bounded by the fence
and gate; but neither there nor on the
road was any human being to be seen.
With a sigh of relief Ferrier looked to
right and to left, until happening to
glance straight down at his own feet
he saw to his astonishment a man lying
flat upon his face upon the ground,
with arms and legs all asprawl.
So unnerved was he at the sight
that he leaned up against the wall with
his hand to his throat to stifle his in
clination to call out. His first thought
was that the prostrate figure was that
of some wounded or dying man, but as
he watched it he saw it writhe along
the ground and into the hall with the
rapidity and noiselessness of a serpent.
Once within the house the man sprang
to his feet, closed the door and re
vealed to the astonished farmer the
fierce and resolute expression of Jeffer
son Hope.
"Good God!" gasped John Ferrier.
"now you scared me! Whatever made
you come in like that?"
"Give me food," the other said,
hoarsely. "I have had no time for bite
or sup for eight-and-forty hours." He
flung himself upon the cold meat and
bread which were still lying upon the
table from his host's supper, and de
voured it voraciously. "Does Lucy
bear up well?" he asked, when he had
satisfied his hunger.
"Yes. She does not know the dan
ger," her father answered.
"That is well. The house is watched
on every side. That is why I crawled
my way up to it. They may be darned
sharp, but they're not quite sharp
enough to catch a Washoe hunter."
John Ferrier felt a different man
now that lie realized that he had a de
voted ally. He seized the young man's
leathery hand and wrung it cordially.
"You're a man to be proud of," he said.
"There are not many who would come
to share our danger and our troubles."
"You've hit it there, pard," the young
hunter answered. "I have a respect
for you, but if you were alone in this
business I'd think twice before I put
my head into such a hornets' nest.
It's Lucy that brings me here, and be
fore harm comes on her I guess there
will be one less o* the Hope family in
"What are we to do?"
"To-morrow is your last day, and un
less you act to-night you are lost. I
have a mule and two horses waiting in
the Eagle ravine. How much money
have you?"
"Two thousand dollars in gold, and
five in notes."
"That will do. I have as much more to
add to it. We must push for Carson City
through the mountains. You had best
wake Lucy. It is as well that the serv
ants do not sleep in the house."
While Ferrier was absent preparing
his daughter for the approaching jour
ney, Jefferson Hope packed all the eat
ables that hjj could find iptO_a _S{B_all |
parcel. and filled a stoneware iar with
water, for he knew by experience that
the mountain wells were few and far
between. Ho had hardly completed
his arrangements before the farmer rc
turned with W« daughter dressed
and ready for a start. The greeting
between the lovers was warm but brief,
for minvte _-oiou.s, and there
was much to be done.
"We must make our start at once,''
said Jefferson Hope, speaking in a low
but resolute voice, like one who
realizes the greatness of the peril, but
has steeled his heart to meet it. "The
front and back entrances are watched,
but with caution we may get away
through tho side window and across
the fields. Once on the road, we are
only two miles from the ravine where
the horses are waiting. By daybreak
we should be half way through the
"What if we are stopped?"' asked
Hope slapped the revolver butt which
protruded from the front of hi* tunic.
"If they are too many for us we shall
take two or three of them with us," he
said with a sinister smile.
The lights inside the house had all
been extinguished, and from the dark
ened window Ferrier peered over the
fields which had been his own. and
which he was now about to aban
don forever. lie had long nerved him
self to the sacrifice, however, and the
thought of the honor and happiness
of his daughter outweighed any regret
at his ruined fortunes. All looked so
peaceful and happy, the rustling trees
and the broad, silent stretch of graiu
land, that it was difficult to realize
that the spirit of murder lurked
through it all. Yet the white face and
set expression of the young hunter
showed that in his approach to the
house he had seen enough to satisfy
him upon that head.
Ferrier carried the bag of gold and
notes, Jefferson Hope had the scanty
provisions and water, while Lucy had
the small bundle containing a few of
her more valued possessions. Opening
the window very slowly and carefully,
they waited until a dark cloud had
somewhat obscured the night, and
then one by one passed through into
the little garden. With bated breath
and crouching figures they stumbled
across it and gained the shelter of the
hedge, which they skirted until they
came to the gap which opened into the
cornfield. The}- had just reached this
point when the young man seized his
two companions and dragged them
iown into the shadow, where they lay
silent and trembling.
It was as well that his prairie train
ing had given Jrfferson Mope the "ara
of a lynx, ne and his friends hat
hardly crouched down before the inel
ancholy hooting of a mountain owi
was heard within a few yards of them,
which was immediately an we red by
another hoot at a small distance. At
the same moment a vague, shadow}
figure emerged from the gap for which
they had been making, and uttered th«
plaintive signal cry again, on which a
second .jan appeared out of the ob
"To-morrow at midnight," said the
first, who appeared to be in authority.
"When the whippoorwill calls three
"It is well." returned the other.
"Shall I tell Brother Drebber?"
"Pass it on to him, and from him tc
the others. Nine to seven!"
"Seven to five!" repeated the other,
and the two figures flitted away iD
different directions. Their concluding
words h#d evidently beep some form oi
sign and countersign. ' The instant
that their footsteps had died away in
the distance, Jefferson Hope sprang to
his feet, and, helping his companions
through the gap, led the way across
the fields at full speed, supporting and
half-carrying the girl when her
strength appeared to fail her.
"Hurry on! hurry on!" he gasped
from time to time. "We are through
the line of sentinels. Everything de
pends on speed. Hurry on!"
Once on the high-road they made
rapid progress. Only once did they
meet anyone, and then they managed to
slip into a field and so avoid recogni
tion. Before reaching the town th<
hunter branched away into a rugged
and narrow footpath which led to the
mountains. Two dark, jagged peaks
loomed above them through the dark
ness, and the defile which led between
them was the Eagle canyon in which
the horses were awaiting them. With
unerring instinct Jefferson Hope
picked his way among the great
bowlders and along the bed of a dried
up water-course, until he came to the
retired corner, screened with rocks,
where the faithful animals had been
picketed. The girl was placed upon
the mule, and old Ferrier upon one of
the horses, with his money-bag, while
Jefferson Hope led the other along the
precipitous and dangerous paths.
It was a bewildering route for any
one who was not accustomed to face
Nature in her wildest moods. On the
one side a great crag towered up a
thousand feet or more, black, stern and
menacing, with long basaltic columns
upon its rugged surface like the ribs
of some petrified monster. On the
other hand a wild chaos of bowlders
and debris made all advance impossi
ble. Between the two ran the irregu
lar track, so narrow in places that
they had to travel in Indian tile, and so
rough that only practiced riders could
have traversed it at all. Yet, in spite
of all dangersand difficulties,the hearts
of the fugitives were light within them,
for every step increased the distance
between them and the terrible despot
ism from which they were flying.
They soon had a proof, however,
that they were still in the jurisdiction
of the Saints. They had reached the ;
very wildest and most desolate portion j
of the pass when the girl gave a !
startled cry and pointed upward. Oa j
a rock which overlooked the track,
showing out dark and plain against ;
the sky, there stood a solitary sentinel. !
lie saw them as soon as they perceived
him, and his military challenge of
"Who goes there?" rang through the
silent ravine.
"Travelers for Nevada," said Jef
ferson Hope, with his hand upon the
rifle which hung by his saddle.
They could see the lonely watcher
fingering his gun, and peering down
at them as if dissatisfied with their re
"By whose permission?" he asked.
"The Holy Four," answered Ferrier.
His Mormon experiences had taught
him that that was the highest axithority
to which he could refer.
"Nine from seven," cried the sentl- j
"Seven from five," returned Jeffer
son Hope promptly, remembering the
countersign whicll he had heard in the
"Pass, and the Lord go with you,"
said the voice from above. Beyond
this post the path broadened out, and
the horses were able to break into a
trot. Looking back, they could see
the solitary watcher leaning upon his
gun, and knew that they had passed
the outlying post of the chosen people, j
and that freedom lay before them.
Street Car Amenities.
"I would get up and give you my
sent, miss," said the jolly-faced n.an in
the crowded street cur. "but I don't
feel it to be my duty lam old enough
to be your father."
"You hold your age and your seat re
markably well, sir,' replied the young
woman, grasping a s'rap as the car
lurched. —Deoiorest'a Magazine-
-3 , —*•
A Flan Which l« Salil to I'OMfM Many
Our neighbor. John Burdette, n«w
deceased, who gave to the world the
"Long John" strawberry (jet grown
here to some extent), and who enjoyed
the reputation of being one of the most
progressive and successful orchardists
in this vicinity of orchardists, provided
the required surface drainage in the
last orchard (Bartlett pears) planted
by him.in the manner shown in Fig. 1
of the accompanying illustration.
The land slypes slightly, and there is
no difficulty of carrying every bit of
the over-supply of sur'ace writer off
toward a shallow ditch at the foot of
the orchard, and from there to the
river. Year after year the plow fur
rows have been turned towards the
tree rows, so that the surface is made
decidedly wavy, the lowest part being
right In the center between the rows.
I ~jrl fi'
This tract of land is usually considered
to be In need of tile drains. Mr. Bur
dette claimed this style of surface
drainage not only to be cheaper than
tile drains, but just as good for his pur
poses. Surely the trees have (frown
thriftily, and begun to bear fruit, thus
realizing all the fond expectations of
their planters. The land at each side
of the tree row was planned with a row
of strawberries, kept well cultivated
and hoed, and mulched during the win
The young orchards at Woodbanks
are planted on land ot similar charac
ter. There aro some tile drains, but
not sufficient to carry off the surface
water as promptly as desirable. We
therefore resort to surface drainage,
but on a somewhat different plan,
namely the one shown in Fig. 3 of the
same illustration. We round up the
tree rows by throwing three or four
furrows from each side against the
trees, and then plow the strip in the
center, making a well-rounded bed.
This has room enough for two rows of
potatoes, cabbages, peas, sweet corn,
or whatever hoed crop wo wish to
plant. The coarse manure, while the
trees are young, is all applied on the
bed between the rows. The hoed crop
gett the chief benefit of these manure
applications. It does not encroach on
the space which properly belongs to
the trees. The vegetables pay for the
cultivation, the use of land, and the
manure, while the tree 3 are making
good growth and are brought to bear
ing age with little expense.
We have learned to fear the effects
of growing grain in the orchard. It is
a bad practice, giving us sickly,
stunted trees. The grain crops rob the
, ti-ces not only of the plant foods, but
also of the moisture required for thrifty
growth. With good manuring, either
by means of stable manure or commer
cial fertilizers, however, we find no
serious objection to the use of the center
beds in growing millet, rye or oats and
peas for cuttiug green while the trees
are yet young. —American Gardening.
Any Blacksmith Can Make One for Sev
enty-STtve Cents.
This barrel header works to perfec
tion, and any blacksmith will make it
for seventy-five cents. The parts
marked A A A are made of a small wagon
tire with hinges at CC. D D are rods
of half-inch round iron riveted to the
frame three inches above the hinges on
each side, but left to turn freely as a
hinge. Ris a piece of two-inch planli
nearly the sizb of the barrel head.
Place the head on the barrel, then th«
header in position. Loosen the toj
hoops, bear down A to press the head
in. Drive down the hoops and the head
is in.—Canadian Horticulturist.
Whitewashing the Treas.
Trees that are whitewashed about
three times a year, from early spring
uutil fail, will be partially protected
against insects, but the best reason foi
using the liraewash is the neat and at/
tractive appearance of the trees aftei
being whitewashed. There is nc
"economy" practised in using th«
lime. Apply it of the consistency ol
cream and use it plentifully. I f neces
sary apply once a month during th«
first three spring months and then onc«
or twice during the summer and fall.
Best Strawberries for Market.
The largest straw berries are not al
ways the best for the table, though
they sell better in market. As cus
tomers are compelled to judge front
appearances, however, all fruit should
be attractive as possible. It is bettel
to have a variety that can be shipped
to a great distance than one that ii
extra large and not firm, as fruit is sub
Jeot to injury on the journev if soft.
Amusement Scarce, But-
First Small Boy—Mamma has gone
out, and locked us in the room. Wat
shall we do to 'muse ourselves?
Second Small Boy Where's the
"We don't have matches any more.
This flat has 'leetric lights, you know."
"I forgot. There's no stove or fire
place, either."
"No; nothin' but steam heat."
"I'll tell you what we'll do. Let'a
play seesaw with the folding bed."—
Good News.
Ode to the Complexion.
The sign: "Fine Toilet Soap, 5 cents,"
For months hung on the wall;
The ladles came and went each day
But bought no soapat all
The slm was changed: "Complexion Soap,
Price fcl cents per Cakei"
The dealer in the next two weeks
A fortune small did make.
—Kansas City Journal.
Too Mnch Talking I'oflpr.
Muggles—lt's funny Ned didn't mar
ry that girl. Wonder why he didn't.
Brnggles—lie found out she could
talk in six languages. He said ho
didn't think he was able to stand more
than the ordinary husband.—Chicago
The liaby's Soliloquy.
That some one's told a great big Ob
About my looks I greatly fear
Mv ma says I look like my pa;
My aunt says I'm a pretty dear;
And while I like my dad quite well.
He is not pretty, that 1-t cieur. i
Points Aoou. and Her
Amiable People.
ri tnt , tJ - m the Tourtut
Mot lie Malt Pay Well to See Tbrm
-Where the 7.0n«-« Are Very
flo»e Together.
r Take your average Californian and
you will find him to be an amiable
r creature. Di>tance lends no enchant
, ment in his ease. You have got to
! meet the fellow on his own soil to get
1 thoroughly acquainted with him and
t learn fcn admire all the good traits he
, has stored away in his well-nourished
[ frame. There is nothing mean or
( small about the average Californian,
[ says the Chicago Herald. He lives
[ well, sleeps well and dresses in good
taste. lie likes legitimate spor» and is
, a keen critic at the theater. Jiedo-sn't
f nourish a throbbing love for China
f men, and he looks with suspicion on
f bank notes and gold and silver eertifi
> cates. ne prefers to collect and pay
his debts in coin, and considers a penny
) as a .sort of tramp in our monetary sys
) tem.
It rains in San Francisco during the
winter months—not every day. pcr
( haps, but possibly nine or ten times a
week. But the average Californian
doesn't appear to notice the precipita
tion until he meets a friend from the
east. Then he begins to apologize
something after this fashion:
"How do you like this country?
Ever in California before? This rain
is something unusual. Thursday was
as clear as a bell. Sorry it is so disa
greeable. Spring is quite as backward
this year as some merchants I know
are in their payments." Then yon
laugh and stoop to let the water run
off your hat.
"But," the average Californian will
| continue, "this fog in the morning
means a clear afternoon. Never knew
it to fail. Will you bury your beak in
a glass of wine?"
There is the apologetic humanitarian
| for you. You can find him almost
I anywhere in San Francisco. He knows
; that fogs and rainstorms are as preva
| lent in his town during the months of
November, December, January and
February as they are in the web-footed
state of Oregon. Yet when approached
by the tourist he manifests the most
acute astonishment at such climatic
eccentricities. So thoroughly addicted
is the average Californian to this harm
less and amusing form of tergiversa
tion that he at once impresses you
with the belief that he actually thinks
he is telling the truth, and that the
doleful surprise he manifests is thor
aughly conscientious.
Things grow very large the moment
you leave the Mojave desert, with its
bristling, stunted palms and miles and
miles of sage brush. Just take a ride
with a Los Angeles man through the
San Gabriel valley, if you doubt this
assertion. Let him do the talking.
He is sure to keep you thinking.
This is about the way he rattles along:
"Peach trees? No; that's a prune
orchard. Why, last year Mr. So-and-
So gathered six thousand tons of
prunes off these trees. Why. sir, the
crop was so heavy that he had to hire
men to saw off the branches to pre
serve the trunks of the trees. Oh, but
this country is a-coming. You can't
6top her. Just look at these moun
tains. They are fifteen miles from
town and you can't touch the land for
less than five hundred dollars an acre.
Look at that dirt. Raise anything
he-e. This soil is blacker than Puget
sound and richer than Baldwin. It's a
great country. Why, it's different
from anything on earth. Here the
squirrels build their nests in the
ground and rats live in trees that shed
their bark instead of their leaves.
See that orchard over there? Fifteen
years ago it was covered with sage
brush. Now are eighteen thou
sand orange trees in that tract of land,
and the fruit the wind alone blows off
would pave every road and path in
Golden Gate park. What do you
think of our women? Not so pretty as
1 they are in 'Frisco, eh'.' 1 will tell you
why. It's the climate. Up there they
have more moisture in the air and that
softens the complexion. Here it's dry
the year round and that is why the
faces of our women look harsher. But
it's a good country, isn't it? What do
you think of it anyhow?"
And so this man of Los Angeles will
talk and talk until the sun goes down
in the ocean with a sizzle. But Cali
fornia lias everything to brag about,
and the visitor can afford to stand this
good-natured hyperbole. The state is
bigger than the combined area of the
commonwealths of New York, Penn
sylvania, Vermont, New Hampshire
and Delaware. It is a thousand miles
long. From the Mexican line to the
boundary of Oregon the distance is as
great as that which separates New
York city from Chicago. It is a state
where the zones are so closely wedded
that the visitor may pick straw
berries one moment and half an hour
later enjoy a sleigh ride on the flat top
' of a mountain. It is a land filled with
1 flowers, fruits and birds, and just
enough snow and ice to drape in glit
tering passementerie the purple peaks
and savage cataracts to the north.
Qumrr I'aes of Fans.
There are many curious uses of fans
in Japan. The umpire at wrestling
and fencing matches uses a heavy one,
■ shaped like a huge butterfly, the han
dle being the body, and rendered im
; posing by heavy co.-ds of silk. The
various motions of the fan constitute a
language which the wrestlers fully un
derstand and appreciate. Formerly in
j the time of war the Japanese comman
] der used a large fan, having a frame of
I iron covered with thick paper. In
case of charge it could be shut, and a
blow from its iron bones was no light
affair. One notable variety of fan is
made of waterproof paper, which can
be dipped in water, and creates great
coolness by evaporation, without wet
ting the clothes. The flat fan, made
of rough paper, is often used as a grain
winnow, to blow the charcoal fires and
as a dustpan.
Vulgar Economy.
Miss Shoddie—The Highmhids are
going to send Edith to college.
Mrs. Shoddie —Huh! It doesn't cost
half as much to send a girl to college
as it does to have her at home and keep
her dressed up the way we do you.—
Good News.
A Good Talker.
Little Dick—lf I had a stereopticon I
could give exhibitions and make some
money. Johnny Shaver says he'll go
with me and do the talkin'.
Papa—Who is Johnny Shaver?
Little Dick—He used to work in a
barber shop.—Good News.
A Heavenly Match.
Husband (irritably)—lt isn't a year
since you said you believed onr mar
riage was made in Heaven, and yet
you order me about as if I wasn't any
Wife (calmly)— Order is Heaven's
1 first law. —N. Y. Weekly.
Too Warm.
Borus (struggling author) —Naggus,
I always thought you were a warm
friend of mine!
v H r-.r,, u (literary editor)—Borus, I
am. That's why I roasted your book. —
Chicago Tribune.
I A Uuhloun Compliment.
He —I should be glad to hear that
you enjoyed my novel.
She—Why, 1 was fairly in ecstasv
1 wbeii I readied Vile
ctfo Record.
Removal of a Cow'n llorua '-"run till
Flow of Milk.
The removal or suppression of the
horns of cows iucreai.es the supply ol
milk, and the animal fata. The faot U
a strange one, says the Boston Globe,
but there is no doubt about it. The
1: r.s arc not of much use, and on the
other liana, are often the cause of acci
The removal of the horns of young
animais was recommended years ago
l>.v a distinguished veterinary surgeon,
and Neumann demonstrated that cows
wit hi ut horns were fatter and gave
more milk than others.
He saw four Dutch cows without
horns giv.> from eighteen to nineteen
quarts of milk a (lay although on lndlf
fereut pastures, tvhereus others of the
; same breel, bu with horns, only gave
twelve to fifteen quarts, la spite of the
fact that they had the advantage of ex*
cellent grazing land. American breed
ers have ma le experim ;nts which am
ply confirm the statements made above.
Those in favor of the removal of the
horns do not in the least intend to coun
tenance any act of cruelty; the removal
would be effected in a simple and easy
manner, by destroying the tissue or
root of the horn, as soon as there wm
the slightest sign of hardening on the
forehead of the young animal.
Hut without entering into any dia»
cussion on this head, simply note th®
fact that the removal of the horns In
creases the supply of milk.
Although strange at first sight, it
does not appear so extraordinary upon
consideration. It is known by experi
ence that the removal of an organ
which has no utility leads to better re
sults in other ways.
If then the animal is more content,
if its domestication is more thorough
and complete, if it gives a better return
to the owner in the quantity and qual
ity of its milk, it is natural to suppose
that it will raise a better calf, that
shall bo a better feeder and have also
the capacity of its sire and dam to grow
faster, mature earlier and generally do
Simple Method for Making Temporary
Divisions In a stable.
Sometimes a farmer is short of stable
room, or if he has plenty of room there
are no stall partitions. With the de
vice described below, a box stall, shed
or part of a barn floor can be utilized
for stalls without danger of the horses
kicking each other. Get three round
poles eight or nine feet long and four
or five inches in diameter. About 18
inches from eacb end bore a hole large
enough to allow a H'-lnch rope to pass
through. String the poles on two ropes
tying a knot at the under side of each
pole at the desired height so the poles
will be parallel and about IK feet apart.
| B B
c 3=r fu
11 8 e . 1 m
Suspend this between the ». • s from
above by tying the rope to the joist.
Staples can be driven in for this pur
pose. Keep the lower pole about 20
inches from the floor. Two-inch boards
or <sxß-inch joists will answer if poles
are not at hand. In the illustration
presented herewith, A is the joist frotc
which the partition is suspended) B, B,
the ropes; C, C, C, the poles, and D, the
manger.—Orange Judd Farmer.
Cooked Food for Milk Cows.
There is no better investment for ■
dairyman than a small steam engine.
One of the power of a single horse will
be quite sufficient to do many small
jobs for which hand power would other
wise be needed. But its most important
use in winter will be for steaming and
cooking food. This adds largely to lta
nutritiousness, because it makes the
starchy portions much more easy of di
gestion. It is not necessary to steam
or cook food for fattening animals, and
In this respect the practice has gon«
out of favor, but It pays to iteam th«
food for milk cows. They require a
good deal of water anyway, and can
take it better with their food than bj
DehornlDf l'oang: Calves.
The most practical and satisfactory
method of dehorning a calf when quit*
young is to remove the button-like,
semi-horny substance with an instru
ment known as the trephine, which il
constructed for the purpose of cutting
out circular sections of bone without
injury to the underlying soft tissues.
By this method the horn Is removed
with its foundation and the brain is
denuded of its bony covering for a shorl
period, but no horny excrescence wll]
nppear to disfigure the head of the ma
tured animal as may happen when
other methods are used and the opening
caused by the trephine will become ob
literated in a few days.
Flan Now for Cow Fodder.
The value of dry corn fodder as a
milk producer is generally underesti
mated. By all means every farmer
should put in a good plot the coming
season; cure it in a stack line out ol
doors and leave it out until needed for
use. It keeps better than in cover and
there is no cost for buildings. It is
proved beyond a reasonable doubt that
a herd of milch cows kept on steady
feed of fine corn fodder will produce
better results than on the best meadow
Averaging It
The city editor had sent the reporter
out to have an interview with a very
aged woman they had discovered, and
the reporter had come back.
"Well," inquired the city editor,
"did yon see her?"
"Course I did; that's what I went
"How old is she?"
"She said she was 110 years old."
"Very well. When you write your
story put her down at 12S. The woman
isn't living who will tell her real age."
—Detroit Free Press.
Too Small Game.
A well-dressed man called at the
office of a celebrated New York law
firm, and said to the senior partner:
"I want you to take my case. I am
charged with burglary, but I assure
you I am innocent as an unborn babe.'
Senior Member—You are, eh! We
don't want your case. We defend only
notorious criminals. You had better
go to some young lawyer. Texaa
A Retraction.
Jones —I hear you said that I was
not good enough for the gallows.
Smith— Yes, that's true.
"Well, you have got to retract."
"Retract what?"
"What you said about my not being
good enough for the gallows."
"All right; you are good enough for
the gallows."
"Thaujp." v 4iu Sweet, ut