% <* A Fact Plainly Stated We are offering better goods tor less money, and therefore greater bar gains, than have ever been of fered in Butler county. SPECIMEN PRICES: Men's felt boots and perfection overs Men's rubber boots ~ Men's kip boots Men's veal calf, tip shoes Boys' " " 1. Youths' high cut veal calf tip shoes / 5 Ladies' fine dongola button shoes . • J9 Ladies' extra fine dongola, patent tip, button shoes -5 Misses' " " " " * Children's " " " ' Infants' dongola button shoes * Ladies' grain lace shoes " button " Ladies' rubbers . .. ~ Misses' and Children's rubbers 5 < LEAN POCKETBOOKS seem to be a prevailing complaint now-a-days, and to influence them to open requires mgenmty, and tempting offers to persuade them to part with the ir contents. KeLC 'S* nizing that fact we have done our part. You come to our store, will do the rest. AL RUFF. 114 S. MAIN STREET. - " BUTLER, PA Great Reduction Bale Commencing, MARCH Ist, 1894. We will offer our entire Block ol Dry Goods, Millinery, Wraps Blanket? Underwear, Hosiery, Embroideries, White Go.ds, Notion, "dm™ everything usually kept in a first-class dry goods house, at the lowest price* ever knows in the history of Bntler county. Note Our New Price List: Best American Blue Prints, worth 8c tor 5c per yard. Good Red and Black Calice, worth 7c for 5c per yard. Good Bleached Muslin, worth 7c for 5c per yard. Heavy Unbleached Muslin, worth 7c for 5c per yard. Good Unbleached Muslin for 4c p«r yard. Double Width Sheeting at 16c and 18c per yard. Ladies' Fast Color Black Hose, worth 10c for 5c per pair. Misses' and Children's Past Black Rib Hose, worth 15c for 10c per pair Lace Curtains, worth $1.50 per pair for 75c per pair. •« ' » $2 00 " $1 00 " •' $2.75 " $1 40 " " " $4.00 " $2 00 " « " $5.50 " $3 00 " These are a few of the many big bargains to be fouad at the popular dry jocd* store of Butler. JENNIE E. ZIMMERMAN, (Successor to Rittcr &*Ralston.) N.-B—Sole Agent for Standard Patterns. THE HARDHAN ART COHPANY. We are located now at iio South Main Street, adjoining the Butler Savings Bank. Our rooms are large, tine and commodious. Photographic enlargements and Life Size, Hand Made Finished Portraits by the finest French artists obtainable. In photographs we give you results and effects that cannot be produced outside of our Studio. We use only Standard Brand Collodion Paper and not trelatine, a cheep and inferior paper used by many. Picture and Por trait frames; special prices to jobbers. Compare our work with any Standard Work madi- or sold in the state. Our victorious motto, "We harmonize the finest work with the promptest service and the lowest prices tor the quality ot work." Beware of tramp artists and irresponsible parties and strangers. Have your work done by reliable and re sponsible parties that guarantee all work satisfactory. Call and examine our work and samples and read our many tes timonials. THE HARDMAN ART COMPANY. EPORT OF THE CONDITION of the BUTLER SAVINGS BANK of Butler, Main Street, of Butler county, Penn'a, at the close of business Feb. 28, 1894. RESOURCES. Caution hand ...$59,588.99 Checks and other cash items 1.438.65 ti1,027.64 Due from Banks and Bankers 101,764 57 Loans and Discount*..... 454,117 51 Investment Securities owned, viz Stock?, Bonds, etc..131,050 00 31,050 00 Keal Estate, Fnruitnre and Fixtures 15,176 68 Overdrafts 231.15 5f663,3G7.55 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in $ 60,000.00 Surplus Fund 40.000.00 Undivided Profits, less expenses and taxes paid 25,904 23 65,904.23 Deposits subject to check 260,672.16 Demand Certificatei ol deposit. 30,100.97 Time Certificates of deposit 246,690.19 537,463,32 $663,367 55 Report in detail of above securities has beeu made to C. 11. Krnmbhaar, Supeiintendent of Banking, as called for. STATE OK PESN'A. J ss. COUNTY OF BUTLER. S I, Wm. Campbell, Jr. Cashier ot the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief (Signed) WM. CAMPBELL, JR. Cashier. Gobfcnbed and sworn to before rue this 7th day if March, 1894. (Signed) A. M. CORSELIUS, fXotarial Seal] Notary Public. Correct—Attest: J. U. TROUTMA.N, i W. D. BRANDOS, Directors. J. S. S "• KINGS, Diamonds teS, •STUDS, i GENTS GOLD, W a tr-li \ LADIES GOLD, VV aiGlieb I GENTS SILVER. LADIES CHATLAIN, J Ear-rings, tit? W "11 y ) Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Ktr, | Tea sets, castors, butter tlislie- SILVNPWIJM <1 and everything thnt ear. J Oil V(!I Wdie ( toull d i n a first claea *t„ Borton. Ma# 77 DR. HUMPHREYS' New Specific No. Seventy-Seven FOR THE CURE OF GRIPPE With all its symptoms of Inflncnzn. Catarrh, Pains anil Soreness in tin- H>.*.d and Chest, C-oush. Sore Threat and general Prostration anil Fever fak-n early it cuts it short promptly: token during its prevalence, prevents its inva sion; taken while suffering f !0 ® relief is spoe.lily re:di:xd, vvUich is con tinned to f>n entire enre. This beine a New Iter odv if your Dru»rist will net grl it f- ■' ** lie sent precri.' •. receip! ... i ' •r r > for ft fiO. HUMPH.VfrVINc Ccr. Vi'iUlaia & j Sti , - - Here's the Idea Ot tiie Non-pu:' oat Bow The great watch sr.' r -a\rs 'I watch from thieves and fill— :u.rK i e i U'itrd off the cue—cusu n-tlis: v ; The tow AS 3 groove J / \ 1 cnracr. ».nu. col tar ir p 1 I rur.j down u.a.dc the V s " J J pend »nt istcml and Vjfljj "" f fits into the grooves, pulled cr tv.'ibted off. Can only be had v. !;h cases stamped with this trade mai JKS. BOSS Filled W'aich Cases ;re flow lilted with this grcrt bow (ring!. They look and wear like solid gold cases. Cost only about half as much, and are guaranteed for twenty years. Sold only through watch Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. OLD EXPORT \ J WHISKEY. Guaranteed 8 Years Old. Mi THIS Whlak« - 11 n clnal j.urposcs, Where a and for t'Wver age unaurpaeaed. It is the rroiuct of one of the oldest distilleries In Pennsylvania, and after remaining in Gov ernment bonded warehouses the required time U exported to Hamburg, Germany, ar.d there kept in Ueated warehouses until perfectly ma tured, then shipped back, bottled en our own premise a, and when we offer you Old Kxi*>rt we know whereof we speak, and challenge cotr p&rlson. Full quarts, SI.OO. Six quarts, $5.00. Sent by | •xpresa to all points, and on orders of SIO.OO oi , over we will pay express charges. Thai-ii are numerous imitations, but be carefu. ; lo sscurc the genuine. JOSEPH FLEMING & SON, Druggi9t<4, 412 Market St., PITTBBURG, PA. Complete Price List of Whiskies, Winee «ad | Brandies mailed free to any address. TO HAVE Hf-ALT i» "* T . ■. K» •' »r * r 1 1 N O Cures thousands annunllyof Liver Co mplaints, Rilionsnsss, Jaundice, Dyspeiv gla, Constipation. Malaria. More 1113 result frorr. an TTnhe»'thvLlverthananj other can=e. V" ■ -i' '. o when yon can be cured ? J?r. Sn ; Liver Invigo* ator is a rrl« : '.-v. : . t. *«ilv nt-dicine. TOT II UURPUMT v. ::.I. si'l'i'LY YOC. m DRUGS ST ion I PRICES in the mctto at o:ir i Bto re. If jon aie sick and need rcedicin you want the BEST. Thi- v <•« ran always depeod upon getting from ÜB, as we use nothing hut strictly Pure Drugs in our Prescription Depart ment. Yon can get the best of every thing in the drug lino from UP. Our store is also headquarters f-r PiMIS, OILS, HARM SHES Kalsomine, Alabastine &c, Get our price* before you bui aim vll -»■»*♦ >vfit *ve H'i»f ;.•» »r Wn c.in aive y>l d >lUri • ■ronr jiHUii bill. RnFJ.f-'-t !||||\ J. C.' KEDICK, iii: 1. i Mt I't ti !I 1 \M) HUTLERI PA. Hotel Ho tier, J. H. FAUBEL, Prop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, temodeled, and re littfd with new furniture and carptis; has electric bells and all other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use ol onsn:ercial men Cures Bright'Bil.'t-rast-. Dropsy, Cn.v 'l. S'-rv. OUKlii-fS. li'-Mf.! I'tiiisitj "I l.iv.r l)i«ra»r>. Kl:u» 11 b> u t red !u!.>;«'*KNI('-IIS 'in' » 'he bl.».i, nntl UIIIHSJ, CAUSE 1* rt-inovt-il NU ( .omul heiiih rnrert it.«i>i'<- five jean iigoof iirvtit'B no;ii!eti<*tr i' < ( SO" 1" ■' "'ll 1' * r 1 <*n T. • ;» ' ui. ,ti«rtt!it« CtNN'v KiltNM « rut-. «•«».. HO St., I'hiUdelvht". •'»• Sold tar All RATABLE DRTI/IFIMS. THK CITIZEN God's Love and Man's. And now abiflelh faith, hope, love, these three but (he ;£reale*t ofthe-oii love. ; Corinthians, xtr. 1". A man cennot live ;n sui h a world as this without having his curiosity excited. , He sees the clout's floating above his head, an 1 the .-tars i i tLe illmitaMe eiher beyond j At one period the earth springs into new life, and tne fielJ.* and orchards break into Uossoaia; later ««n the *nu pours out his tonid heat and blosw'tna are magically ' changed itiio iruit; with the passing of the month* the chilling frosts stay the flow of Sop >n the forert, and nature sots although she had doue her day's work and was pr« - paring for res:; then the snows fall, like a warm e< verhd, and hills and valleys sink into a profound slumber. It is all a mastery, and man cannot rest satisfied until be has partially explored it. lie tratbers a counties multitude of facts, arranges them in logical order,draws lrom them a host of inference#, the most conspic uous an.ong them being that the arrange ment of the universe indicates a plan. Ac cident and chance are at once abolished, and in their stead is established universal law. Chance, cries the student, is to be found nowhere. At the moment when accident retired and law stepped to the front the key to creation was found,and thenceforth science began to nnlock door after door and to guess the puzzles which were hidden be hind. But the thoughtful took another Btep and declared that where there is a plan there must also be a Planner. If you look at the intricate mechanism of a watch it is impossible to believe that it made itself. The watch presumes a maker: the universe presumes a God. Iftbereisa Being be hind matter, they said boldly, if an obvi ous arraugemeu' leads us back to One who mu.«t have made the arrangement, then it b comes important to know what relations may possibly exist between us and Him, what His plans are respecting us, what our manifest destiny is and on what conditions that destiny can be achieved. At that moment religion was born, and its mission is to go hand in band with sci ence on a tour of constant discovery. Shoulder to sh< older the two can solve be great problem. Working apart, with dis trust of each other, they are comparatively powerless aud can achieve but slender re sults One step more and the oivinest impulse that ever thrilled human nature entered the soul with its tmusfiguriug power. When religion stood before the assembled hosts and announced that t!>fi relation of (his Plauuer to u* was one of encouraging, pitying, f.-irgiving and consoling love, that aa gravitation is the omnipotent energy of the physical. -> love is ih« all conqueriug force in the piritual world, we were at once eqnippi'tl tor the liattle with varying circums'anci s and changing fortune. Religion, when reduced to its last anal ysis, therefore, puts jnst these facts before you, und appeals to your common sense for strict obedience —namely, that there is a plan, and you are a conspicuous pari of it; that the Planner's sole deslro regarding you is that yon shall be all yon can be, and the best you can be; that in the Xazarene He has furnished yon with a standard of moral measurement; that in tUe Bible He has given you certsiu rules which will make your task easier, anil that in Uis un bound love He ba< prepared a place for yon when life's filful f«-vi-r is over. Kelif'. ion is thus simplified aud put within reach ■if ih-> 11 1 nblest m »:i t • A'tio :i the creed of the Ci '.-ch may be a puzzle and » ilisip pointm-iit wai "I "iving the mul is one thing; man's theological Mine ail ments and addend i to that w«y are a Very different thing. Takb love away anil life won! I nit be worth liviug. Kbit out il.e suu and our sy.-!i it; would fall buck into i hai-s. lu all its various lorms our human lm e is dynamic force ot projTi-ss and civilization. The r iliei. «t the *i.tku for In I .*.* of truth; fie p-ilriot. ilie* on the field for love of countri. Men become heroes when '.hey love, ami tieiuli- »In ii ihey hate. The y.'Ung man i- iu the swirl of passion, carelei-s < f moral ri cliutle and itidiifeimt to the demands of p-rsonil liouor. Lore conns, a pure emotion, and takes poses«ion of his soul It r» strains him, pives him < only ihe noblest asj.ir tio'i«, makes ii;e former life dista toful.b.-cau-e the nusic of the new life is better th«u any song the sirens have r.iing. Un has a purpose, an ambition. The I liriei have visited him,and like Cinderella hn is clothed iu new gar ments No man can bo bis best self until this en i trancing mj*t»ry b.ts overshadowed him. Not all tbe world can gire biui the equiva lent of one true und 1"} «1 woman's love. Neither fame i nr take its place, for tbi y only serve to emphasize the fact that the ;>ue thing needful is not his*. With that sublime possesion, however, he bail 's H bom-, becomes iliu custodian of grave responsibilities, broadens into a higher couct-pli HI of ririji 'iiship, listens to tbe clai us of charity anil is an jitious fur that in'tgritj vthich *ill lie the chief in helitance ol his children. God's love is our religion; human love i» all ilicre is oi happiness, while it is also the prophecj ol a inr-aH> r. The gnucest pieturo which Uii imagination cau con eeivr h that ol il:e cr"s«, with tbe legend above iI. "(imi so h Veil I lie world that he seut his only begotten »»«;" and the next grandest is that of an earthly borne in which the same kind ol love draws father, in>tber and children around the hearthstone to live their little lives in mutual helpful ness and look forward to another florae, where th*-re are no tours, by whose door no hearse ever nimbletb. in whose vicinity is no churchyard, but where the departed wait tor tha coming of those who have not jet been -uiimioneil. —He liods it "a wonderful cure for a bad cough." Mr. P. Anderson, 341 Water Ss., New York City, N. Y„ gives this in dors-. incut: "I have found Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup the wonderful oure it is rep resented to be. It is just the thiDg for a bad cough.'" —There is absolutely nothing that will h«lp iou li*ar the ills of life so well as a good langb. I.angh all \ou can. It the clothesline breaks, 11 the cat tips over the inilk arid the dog elopes with the roast, if the chiirin-11 full into the mud simultan eously with the event of clean aprons, if the new girl quits in the middle of honse cleanii'g, and though you search the earth with caudles you lind mini other to take her place; il the neighbor in whom you have rtusted goes back on you and keeps chickens, i! the chariot wheels of the un uivittd guest draw near when >utl are out of pit vender and th e gap" g ol an empty purse is like the unfilled robin, take courage it ;1111 have enough sunshine in your heart to keep a laugh on your lips. '•The meanest man I ever heard of,' said Mis. Jason, "was a leller* that lived in the same township with me and wanted an education. So he sets to work and courted a school ma'am fer about two years, an' when she had taught him all »be knowed he give her the shake and w-1.1 to pmcticiii' law." —V-!MM in l-'ull.r, of Uardin county, |, M. ;« t ugl. S4 \ e»rs old, still works bis t fii oi -Jo -teres; anil when he has nothing ~-><• >•« cuts atid hauls wood. It is it., • |.i :i mi'-special delight to driv* a pull iltlwl) t < ill g bersett, such as onl> tu.i- v. it. quit it ejeaid ->!• ng arm csU baidl". —lt has been said of old time that "The j doctor *ees all the weakness of mankind, the lawyer all the wickedness, the theolo gian all the *tnpiditj." And it may lw added that the editor *ee« only the -rener oitity and wis<|»m an 1 -terlwg honesty n[ maukind For they ail take uis (titter not because they want it, liui because they want to help him. The* could all gire him pointers on editing a paper properly, and they are all pnnctual about paying their subscriptions. —Mrs. Kanme bignani. 141 Uott St , New York City, makes a miraculous tare of her rheumatism. She write?: "I owe unspeakable and never to be forgotten gratitude to Jjalvaiiou Oil !t made a miraculous cure of my rbeuuiaiisiu." —lt is said that $-.000,000 has been made out ol a single brand oicbe*i g puui. It i is not all used by ibe way of children and i foolish women. Demists have mourn tend ed chewiug gum for the teetb, and physi cians prescribe it sometimes as an aid to digestion, because it excites the activity of the salivary glands. Large drug bouses keep gum in answer for this demand. —One of Russia's marriage customs is for the bride and bridegroom to race rapid ly down the aisle as soon as the undat procession enters the church, because of the belief that whichever places a foot first on the cloth in front of the alter will be master in the household. —The moiruful bowls of a faithful hound in the woods back of I»iip, L. 1., on Mon day night, attracted a searching party, who were after missing William Doxsee. The searchers discorered the dog standing gnard over the dead body of bis master. —lf you decide to take Hood's Sarsa parilla do not be induced to buy any sub stitute article. —A writer in the Tampa Times says that it has been showu by carelul surveys that in Florida there are 4.000,000 acres of the richest land iu tne world, capable of pro ducing from 4,000 to 6.000 pounds of sugar per acre, and that the whole bony of this land can be brought under cultivation for $•20, 000,000. Drunkenness, the Liquor Habit, Pos ivcly CurtC by adimnstering Dr. I. i,i it "Ccico. fsptefce." it is manufactured as a powder, wnich can be giveu iu a glass of beer, a cup ol eotlee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of tne patient. It is absulutefy harmless, and will allect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod eratu drinker or au alcoholic wreck. It has been givi-n in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed, it never fails. The system once impregnat ed w:th the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book ol particular.-ine. Address, (julden specibc Uo.. 186 Have t-t.. Cincinnati! O. —Gov i'lu«rt rs has signed the Greater New York bill, which means tbal die question whether New York and Brooklyn "tiaff be consolidated is iu be decided by a vote ol lue peopio of both cities and sab urns. —Kheumatisui cured in a day —"Alystic cure'' tor rheumatism aud neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. fts action upon the system is reuiarkaOte aud my slcnous. it removes al once the cause and the din ease immediately disappears. The nis: dose greauy Loueias 7o cu>. .-old uy j. e Kedick, druggi.-i, Uuucr. —la Cuicago everything was oa a grand scale. Gigantic building.- of colossal splend or, an inimei se selection, and i lived in a hotel of such hngh propoi lions that when i rang the befi Friday evening the Aaiier wouiu come to iuy room Tu-sda> morn ing. Loliditl's Ksn lib.lce aiuger: U.Uil have made a Irtu.tnJoUa luiai Wen first rl ct t'iy wouUi vbuucti receuliy, lor itiey Mtug lo uiioLUrr lluuicuita iiuoleuce al rt letlijg Opera lit.use iusi i Iglit. Kvery «.« at in the house had been lakeu in lire aUcruoou anil at ulgtit euougti ailUltloiial aOlulssl.-lii, w riv ►old to complclvlj pu(.k every loot ulepace. Tue bum- ucc received the projrain vim VoClleloUs applause LoUdlo'e Mil 8, (to inoie ijuoriciu-, unU ine enure cluu were all eticoied time anil aguin. The \oicta are rirong auu v. t-il blendtu, ami Ibe pongs are given wuti the gt;.-lu ol the plantation ne gro. The concert is as attractive as it s unique.— Syracuse •Slumlord, March 'i't. Wuile Noitbirn farmers a.e .-till freiz ing, .Southern truc.tjrs are pa.ting in their spring crops, und the tracker* around Xewbi-ine, N. C., have alreidy planied their peas to a lurgu extent. —The best way to ascertain whether 0 'flee has been adulterated is to p iur cold water on it; if par*, it w.Il color thu water very slightly; if mixml with chic irv, the water will take a br.i-vuish line. Conturnp.;ori sure.) tc TN._ -IBITI.H: PIiHUt ILforili 1( ir mil th.it I u»ve reiu&uy tor tl.o IU.VC- umn.v disease. I.; .3 timely une thousand# ot htiptilejw cases hare 1 • .-a pertasuently cured. I shall lie gUa to Bead twa . of my remedy FUKE to any <>l yov..• rsa lcra ~v . j hsv# consumption it thoy will send me their £ipr?s» »ml P. O. addrcse. Respect- T. k. cUU. U. C.. Ml Petri St.. N. S. —II a woman wan's a welcome wheu die get" home she should leave her hus band with The baby when she goes. —A Georgia girl who raises pigs marks them by eutticg their tails off very short. Stie .-ays it takes abu-hel Itiss c irii lo fat ten them thus. Patrick Farre'y, a farmer, of English, Ind.,who died recently,was known to have bidden a bait of gold, but it can't by found. Tne mourning over his demise among the relative? who exu -ct'-d to divide the con tents ol the cash bug i- said to have been of a mixed and somewll-it peculiar charac ter. Previous to 1810 uails were made by band. It cost $1,000,000 to perfect a ma chine that came into use that year. Daniel Webster was extremely fond o! oxen. All those on his farm knew him hy sight and would follow hiin like dogs. —Written contracts of limited six month's marriage, subject to renewal if mutually satisfactory,have been contracted in California and held to be valid by the Supreme Court. Bf-AIN AND CLEAR take I)r Pierce's Golden Pimple*, blotches, erup tions, and humors ore utterly banished by this more thoroughly anii certainly than anything else, the blood poison* or impurities that cauaa For every Skin, Scalp, and Scrofulous affection, no matter how it came, the " Discovery " is a direct remedy. It cleanses, builds up, strengthens, and in vigorates every part ot the system. Eczema, Erysipelas. Salt-rheum. Tetter. Boils, Car buncles. Enlarfrt-d Glands, and the worst Scrofulous Sores and Swellings are com pletely and permanently cured by it. Unlike ordinary spring medicines, the "Dis covery " works equally well at all seasons. Practically, it'.- soid >/n trial. If it evar fails to benefit or cure, you have vour money back. You pay only for the good you get. No cheap substitute, urged by a tricky dealer, though it ma\ be better for him t» uell, can be •' just as good " tor you to buy. % L;JT'TOK.S LAKE r, z I'm rs IMSPKNSART. • -• »V Con. AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. - V. PITTSBURGH. PA. ■ . A'ltorinsof Delicateand Com n'i. .iti«l Umciu** requii IwObs " i 1", NUIO HU'l BCltNiiyn: Mctl. , J-" KMlio.i are treated at tins Dis . u.;h a success. .areiy attained. Dr. 8. »«icuil»cr of the llovul p c , - T ■ :tl Surueoa;, xn'l Is the o! test and uioet on e t 4 onlfr ■.I at oflie.e or addreo DBS. LAKI^Wu "ts*( AVt. CLEARANCE SALE OF HOOTS AXI) SHOES. THE ENTIRE BALANCE OF FALL AND WINTER STOCK TO BE CLOSED OUT. —GRANDEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN BUTLER.— Ail broken lines of hand-turns, hand welts I n,lirtr,' Cl win ,, a: d machine sewed -hoes of the finest don- J jadtes Olioes. ~„l a stoc!; in , ace alul bimo „, al . p, .« $1.50. Among our stock of men's shoes will be f jnd .1 grand selection of congress a;d ' ai ° - ,ot -' s f ,nc ca ". Kangaroo and Cor -4 k > dovan, all the latest style toes, which will be sold at a big reduction during this sale. Here they arc—the balance of ladies and 7 5 Cents. gents plush and velvet holiday slippers * among them many pretty styles, regular prices $1.25 to $2 all go at 75 cents. V\ e have not forgot the girls and boys dur ing this grand bargain sale for we can sell a line pair misses heel shoes at 50 cents; a fine pair misses spring heel dongola shoes, Boys cVr Gil'ls P , at leather t! P s at 90 cents. Childrens k shoes ranging in price from 35 to 75 cents. Shoes. Baby shoes at ten cents. Our stock of boys shoes is large and complete—all styles of shoes in fine calf at very low prices dur ing this sale; boys fine calf shoes 75 cents t051.25. Call and examine these goods. If you're going to need shoes within three months buy 'em now and save money. Still a few pair men s tan bluchers which are being closed out at $2. Our sale of rubber goods increases each day for low prices always win. Mens first quality rubber boots s'2 25. Mens koe« booth $2 50. Mens Storm King boots $-2."5. Boys first quality rubber boots 1.50. " " storm $2. Youths rubber boots §1 25. Womens rubber boots 1.00 Cbilds " 1.00 Men s and Ladies Buckle Arctics .Alaskas and all style rubbers at lower prices than can be bought elsewhere. Full stock ol Felt Boots and .Milwaukee woolen stockings with first quality overs at jowest prices. Money saved by buying at the bargain house ot JOHN BICKER. 128 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PENN'A. J §• YOUNG. WM. COOPER YOUNG c\ COOPER, i MERCHANT TAILORS t Have opened at S. E. corner of Main and Diamond Streets, Butler, with all the latest styles in Spring Suitings. Fit and Workmanship Guaranted. Prices as low as the lowest. TRY US. MCC.ANHLESS' HEAVECHRE.! I have a Heave Cure that will cure am case of heaves in horses iu forty days, it | used according to directions, and if it does not do what I claim for it, I will refund the amount paid and no charges will bo made for the treatment. The following testimonials are the ctrongest proof of the medicines power to cure: A. J. MCCAKDLKSS, Bntler, Pa., 1893. Mn. A. J. MCCASDLESS: On the 2ud day of April, 1892, I com mtneed to use your new cure for one ol my horses that had tbe heaves very bad, and continued to use 'he medicine for about forty days and the horse did not show any signs of a retain of them. It is now about a year since I quit givin the met!ic'\ne and tho horse has never S'lwei any Mgns of heaves, anil I feel stisfied that he is properly cured W. 0. CRISWKLL. Butler, Pa., * A j.»ril 3, 1893. A J. MCCAKIILESS: I have used your Heave Cure and found i it will do the work if used according to d : - reetious. Yours '.rely, R. J. UUMILLIN. Salvation Oil ■ ££ES | J OSNTHEKT SY AL PTOMH-AIUUITIRC ; tnt» n«e LL-HTIFF ACT ■ llHfflne: »«! lit NLCM! woei-v L-.JR »< ,-,1..h"N C . ir allowrd to contiuno form ami |.rolru.!«*. V." blr h oftfn blc<*TKL 'mmal blrculnff. uhwnrb* t ht* ium>ir% Soli - , dru eclaity and strictly coufldeatun HOME CURE TREATMENT „ ...... . JLJ, 1,1i,-MJ, I® kJS Ws JLU vJtWaWwjJ tJti lclw i i\, - Pa. THOHOUGHS Sewing Machine Mechanic. WITH 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Will re-adjust yours and you be j our own judge to test it. Farm for sale Tbe ui dersl-'t ed oHero Uls larni InEutlertwp coiitainhpj over UDC hundred (103) aorcf» una locate 1 tl»r« u miles 01 Kunei, «.i.« eiwrlifv a r-s of tlie firm is l go. wii-r ur the ami J-pr «>n farm, two orc:»ard>. tuo roao- S£T- iiM'ISS'WIitT' m I EVilS' 38 % ITE SL t ?:TrS2ZD ?22f7¥ID t * / (PATfcNTEI>) ' 'Hie »*rongmt anil purest T.y« ■B J a ic.i •. 1 it!lko otlujr I.ye. It bcliif WBA (1 i duo |H«wdt r and rat 10-d In a can AbU \9 wim nuii'Val-le Ua. tb» contenU ure always r-a«!v for u*e. WID Uiake the l>e*l j rfuined llard b.ap iu 30 minutes without bollln*. It te for cleansing waite mm disinfecting Miiks clowett, i fl willing butUwi. ) alntN trout, etc. < PENHA. SALT M'FG CO t dBBEBB* liec. Agts. run, I *. j Oarf iefid Teas C m res S Headache VIT AL-IS r 'a Well &r > °f Y THE GREAT coth Day- FRENCH REMEDY 3 l*Kf rroilutcK the AboTe Results in 30 IMjs. It ucu powerfully anil quickly. Cures tvliea nil others fail. Youhr n;on will retrain their lost manhood, and old mm will recov. r their youthfal vipoi by using VITALIS. It Quickly and surely re stores Nervousness, Lost Vitality. Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, failing Mem ory. Wasting Diseases, and all I fleets of sell abuse or excess and indiscretion. Wards od insanity and consumption. Insist on having VITAMS, no other, tan be carried in vest pockrt. By mail. 41.00 per package, or six foi $6.00. w'th a pohitivr r.ritlcn guarantee to con cr refund tin- money. Circular free. Address CALLJIET BEMF.KV COMI'ANV. Chicago, 111. mft AM MM M m o JRAUL MAKKs^r COPYRIGHTS.^ CA.\ I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For a prompt answer and an honest opinion. wrtte to rll! >X A* CO., who hare had nearly fifty *ear»' experience in tho ratent business, Communica tion:? strictly confidential. A llandltook of In. J formation concerning Parent* and bow to ob- I tain »bom 6ent free. Also o catalogue of mechan ical a;id scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special noticeiuthe Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the j world. a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition. monthly, flSOa year. Single copies, *2.> cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new nouses, with plans, enabling builders to show the . latest designs and secure contracts. Address ML'NN & COh NtW VOUE, jttl li HO AD WAT. 11l <& ni T?* i' a*% MEN. lo< a' or travel lAf - S P» 1 I ing, to sell my guaran. BS hfi* I t yieed Nukseky STOCK .■■■» -■ Salary or Commission pydvetidj. Outfit free, special attention given to beginners. Workers never fail to make good weekly wages. Write me at once for par ticulars. | E 0. GRAHAM. Nurseryman. vliils bouse 1* reliable. Kociifsteu. N. Y. Grind Your Own Corn Meal. Oyster Shell- and ("urn ia the 40 Hand Mill. (F. Wilson's Pat.) Circulars iree. '•Also l'ower and Farm Mills. Send for illustrated circulars and testimonials." 100 i'ir et. mote made in Keepvng poultry. Address WILSON BROS.. East on. Pa. rr BUGGIES at I Price ( AltT-: A: lIAKNI • - <33r2/ i*< Top Itt.trfrj »Wr ( .it t!..- / JL£B| §<*. Pha. t..ii t-A PRICKS and 4 llua.TopSurrry.9t; outoetl ALL Uh (50 Itood Vajjon. tS> competitor,. —MB 91« l!oad 1 "art t* so Huj of far- v 33 Bumrr Hani.--, »:i«5 toryaml iloßutfirv n 5 Middleman a fJLSSti •30Team' " 91 - ■<" profit. VlJt JLf Sontan Saddle, 91 0" K « C. «. BftiUT * CABT CO, , |M jto W Lavraace St, Cincinnati, 0. »lOis ' barge. ;nd wII guarantee goo 1 wo'k nnd s: tisfaction at 249 S. McK- an St., - Butler, Pa. i S id felt- fr Leading Millinery House OF Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Every shape this seasons facile fancv lias evolved is here. Every novelty in Wing, Bird, Feather or Ornament is shown, Ribbons, Velvets, Laces, Braids and Flowers. Mourning Millinery a Specialty. D. T. PAPE, 122 South Main Street. Jewelty, Clocks Silverwa re. Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clock and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No- 125 N. Main St., Dufly Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invite.* "Remember our Repairing Department— 20 years Experience. Read This Oqce. LOOK CAREFULLY AT TIIE PRICES AND YOU WILL, I THINK, BE CONVINCED THAT HUSELTON'S Is the place you will buy your footwear. Ladies fine button shoes, patent tip, opera toe $ .85 " " " square toe 90 " S r a>n " 75 1 "Sfine slippers 45 "Swarm, flannel-lined, shoes 75 44 " 44 slippers 44 slippers 20 44 good, heavy, peged shoes 75 4 4 .. 44 standard shoes 85 44 rubbers 25 Misses' fine shoes, button 70 Men's good heavy boots 1 ;.o 44 B& A, calf, congs. and bals tip 90 44 extra fine shoes $1 25 and 1 50 Boys' good heavy boots, sizes 1-5 *. 1 00 Youths' 44 44 1 1-13 75 Men's 44 brogans ;o 4 4 44 calf boots 1 co Rubber boots and shoes, wool-lined arctics, felt boots for boys and men, wool stockings at the lowest prices. Men's slippers, nicely embroidered, at 50c, 75c, and $1; Women's, Misses' and Children's slippers at 20c, 50c, 75c and sl. Arc you one «f thr f-w flint docs not buy of us, if so we are looking for you, conic in soon and see us. B. C. HUSELTON. OPPOSITE HOTEL LOWRY. No. 102 North Main Streat - Butler, Pa. New York Weekly Tribune The Butler Citizen, ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF. Address oil orders to THE CITIZEN - M tiOSENTHA L YV holesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., - _ _ Pittsburg, P} Pennsylvania Rye Whiskks a spec ally. I solicited. Ore 1 » uare Pelow D.amo; d Market WANTED SALESMEN U KKI htOt'K ,-.UU SkElt POTATOES. UHFUAL SAI.AKY or (!u\! MISSION HAll) WKKKLY- PbKMA NKNT and PAYING lOSIHONS «> MKN SI'KIiAL INIHJCKMBNTS t> BEGIN; NBIIB KXn.USIVKTBKKirOKY .IVhNSIF I1CSIIU1). Write «l o ice l->r tern s U>J .he Hawks Nursery Co., Rochester, H Y. " . Wi N. N insurance and Krai EsUjU- Ait 17;-.'ST.iKFKKVSON :T. DIJ I I F.K, - PA. FARM', GARDE? OMieteij, Lawn, Pwltrj iri ftakWt Fwlag raocsiXDS of nuts ix ess. ciiUMn rsg. FHEIGHT PUP. THE MeIULLEN WOVE* WIRE FOCI CO, ih at, in mm. ***.s*., cum* ®>