THTE ot nzreisr FRIDAY. MARCH IMB9* tifTi gn >■« a population of about lo.teti. It is the County seat or Butler County, wltn railways, naturel gas, and unequalleo facilities (or menurartui s. Progress e\ry where; new buildings, new manufactures, a growing and prosperous town. New York Weekly Tribune—Free. By special arrangements made for ear so doing, we are enabled to offer to aU onr subscribers who pay arrearages, (if any) and one year in advance, and to all new subscribers paying in advance, the New York Weekly Tribune free for one year. For further particulars of this offer see ad vertisement. New Advertisements. Assignee's sale of leaseholds, etc. Roan and Poor Accounts of Clinton twp. Aland's remedy for the Blues. Kautuiann'o special sale. Douglass' wall paper. G. W. Miller's groceries. Klingler's salt. Martincourt & Co's buggies. Samantha. NOT*—All advertisers intending to make canges in their ads. should notify us of their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Soon will the f. stive game of ball Begin each d 'ace, who owns a large distillery, had advertised a pnblic Mle of stock. A rumor was circulated that there would be free whiskey from bis dis tillery. Three thousand people wore at the sale and 617 teams were counted tied to tbe fence. There was no whiskey, how ever. Mr. Nace said he ran his distillery to make money, not to give away its pro duct, and a large part of that crowd of three thousand thirsty individuals drifted drearily homeward with that tired feeling which comes of disappointed hopes of a free drink. —We have *een quite a number ot watch obains about tow ornamented with a neat little obarm in tbe shape of a watch case opener, which obviates the use of a knife or flnger-nail to open the watch. We have just received one, and would advise you to •end for one, too. They are sent free on reqaeat by the Keystone Watch Case Com pany, of Philadelphia, Pa , the largest watch case manufacturing concern in the world. They are tbe makers of the cele brated Jap. Boss cases, the only filled cases which are fitted with the world-famed Non-pull-out bow (ring). The Company does not sell at retail, but its goods are sold by oar local jewelers. Tom, made to slay in after school, T>ITS grimly wrestling with a TUIO In simple frac'lons. Worn with carßN With mouth tight shut and hands in Bair, The two-line task in vain he tries And trie* again to tnomerixe. Dismissefl.'Tom, quite another chap, Before a bill-boaid stands agape. It streches half a block or more, With cirous poster* pastod o'er. Jaw-breaking words crowd every part— .And Tom has learned them all by heart. —The "warm sugar" social is now be" coming epidemic in the churches. —The Tucker Bros, offer to keep the paved streets clean for 50 cents a month from each property owner. —Our three weeks of pretty weather wound up yesterday with snow and rain, and a thunder storm while the mercury was below the freezing point. —An exchange thinks that the old-time in-cription,"Hie Jaeet," could be fittingly put on the tombstono of the New Jersey man who died a few days ago of hiccoughs —The friends of the T M. C. A. will re joice to learn that Bev. A. J. Nathan, a converted Jew, has been seenred by the Association and a number ot the leading churches to conduct a special series of ur.ion evangelistic meetings, beginning April 3d —While Sam Boren, of New Brighton, was driving out the Millerstown road to Esq. Gilleland's, Friday night, two men stopped 'lim near Kearns' and, after a struggle with him, took his watch, chain and revolver. The parties each fired some shots. —An honest man may be the noblest work of God, says the Bradford Era, yet be may be an awful nuisance when he gets stuck on his particular virtue. The same paper remarks that tne self-made man usu ally puts into the job so much conceit that the other qualities are somewhat dwarfed. —Superintendant of Public Instruction Schaeffer has notified directors of certain school districts in the state that failure to teach physiology in the school as required by act of April 2, 1885, is a cause of forfeit ure of the State appropriation. It appears that certain districts have not been teach ing this branch. —Seanor is the best horse buyer that comes through this county—that is he pays the best prices and bays more horses than any other buyer. Last week be bought four in Millerstown, fourteen in Sunbnry, nineteen in Grove City, and thirteen in Butler, paying from $45 to $l3O. He ex pects to be here again next Tuesday. —The immensity of the Pennsylvania lines can be judged from the following: Every minute there are 19 tons of coal, 170,000 gallons of water and 11 gallons of oil used. It has on its pay rolls 104.000 employes, and to pay them every hour takes a block of silver Bxßx2o inches. The receipts of the Penn'a Co. last year run over $l3O 000,000. —As warm weather will soon ua here a timely caution may not be out of place. There are 2,000,000 sweat pores and nine miles of prespiration pores in the human body. These figures are given by some one who has made a count, and may be ac cepted as approximately correct. They are sufficient, anyway, to show that it is a (earful thing tor a fellow to exert himself to the sweating point. —Bill Nye writes: "Every newspaper man ha*, at some time in his newspaper experience, met the man who takeß more papers than he can read, lie was in town last week. He paid 25 cents for an almau ac. wiped bis nose on an awning, tried to blow oat an electric light at the hotel,tried to light bis segar on it, put a nickle in the slot at the postoflice because the mail didn't appear, wanted to lick the cashier of the bank because it closed at 3 o'clock, and watched the sign over the jewelry store looking for it to strike." —An exchai go «ound* warning to the farmers as follows: If any farmer in this section has produced samples of grain from the World's Fair agriculture building be will do well to burn it forthwith. It has been iound that the whole exhibit has been attacked by the weevil, a pest whose larva is a worm that barrows into the grain, and has done enormons damage to the crops in Southwestern Russia and in India, whence, doubtless, it was brought to the World's Fair. It is stated that thousands of samples bare been carried from the agriculture building; and there is presumably not a corner of the United States where the pest has not been carried —The new book issued by the State on titled "Pennsylvania at Gettysburg" is go >ug to be —in fact is—a very valuable vol ume from a historical standpoint. The book is handsomely printed and contains pictures by the photogravure process of every monument erected by Pennsylvania on the famous battle-field, together with a portrait of General Meade and a group picture ot the Battlefield Memorial Com mission, which has so ably performed its work. Perhaps the leading leature of the book is the valuable historical data con tained in the speeches made at the dedica tion of the various monuments. Every speech was made by some one who par ticipated in the fight, and they have thus preserved in print facts and statements that gives the true story of the part Penn fylvania played in tne great struggle. Were You Looking for This? 28 lbs Golden Yellow Sugar $1 00 25 lbs Best. Light Sugar 1 00 20 lbs Good Carolina Kice 1 00 16 lbs Choice Carolina Bead Rice.... 1 00 14 lbs Fancy Carolina Head Rice 1 00 25 lbs Seedless Raisins 1 00 40 lbs New English Currants 1 00 22 lbs Cleaned Currants 1 00 18 lbs Cleaned Currents, 1 pd pkgs.. 1 00 MOLASSES ASI) srscps. New Crop New Orleans Molasses 40c; Very best, 50 cents per Gallou; good Table Syrup, 20 cents; Choice Golden Syrup, 25 cents per gallon. Fancy Honey Dripx, 35 rent*. 30 pound Pail Jelly, any flavor. 75 cts. 30 pound Pail Apple Butter, SI.OO FLOUR—CAMP MILLING Co'S. Columbia, 80 cts.; Anchor, 85 cts.; Red Ball, 90 Catup's Best, $1.00: magnolia; the fiuest (lour made, $1.25. SEEDS. All kinds ot garden and lield seeds in bulk, by the ounce, pound, pint,quart,peck or bushel. G. WILSON MILLER, Cash Crocer. Do You Want Employment? Over 60.000 copies of "Samantha at the World's Fair" (cloth, $2.50; half Russia, $4.00), have been sold m the last three mouths. It is the best thing of the season and sells on sight lice is au opportunity to make $25 and SSO a week selling it. Ladies as successful as men. Such a hand some book you will bo proud to show to anyone. Has 700 pages burstiug with fun, wisdom and information about the great Fair. The 100 and more illustrations by the famous caricaturist, Barou C, DeGrimm are comical to a degree. The Public Ledij er, Philadelphia, says: "It is a piece of ■ pure fun from beginning to end, and many a true word is spoken " The American Grocer, New York, says: "It will drive away the blues, mitigate hard times, en liven the household, make merriment, and diffuse good cheer around the fireside " All over the country it meets with a like entbusiasMC reception No trouble at all to sell it, and there are large profits on all sales. Wo want at once agents in Butler county, who mean business. We will give this splendid opportunity to earn a handsome income to those who apply first. As soon as you have read this notice, sit down and write to us tor terms to agents. Don't let somebody else get ahead of you in your locality. Address, Agency De partment, Funk it Wagnalia Company. 18 and 20 Astor Place, New York. —Job work of all kind done at tho OrTJZ*N OfJTCK. LEGAL NEWS. The March (Quarter Sessions was contin ued, Monday, with Judge Greer presiding. The man who gave his name as Thomas Doyle, and who was indicted for burglary and laroeDy on oath of Robert Krause was brought into Court. He pleaded gnilty. bnt made a statement, saving that IK- WUS a painter, that he walked from Butler junction to Delano on the evening of Jan. Bth, when he fell it. with the three men one a man of about 40 years with a black musta he, one a negro and one a smootb taced young m»n —who broke into the store and did the robbing, and forced him to accompany them afterwards Doyle was captured at the gas light with some ot the stolen goods in bis possession. Then the young man who gives his name as Harry Miller, but who is said to be a Pittsburg newspaper reporter of good fam ily,and who was charged^A itti the same of IVso WHS brongnt iu. Hurry had employed counsel, but at the last moment he dis charged them, and undertook his own de fense. He was put on trial and pleuied "not guilty, and he cross examined the wit nesses for the prosecution with considera ble shrewdness. Doyle was his only witness, and be swore that he never seen Harry until he was brought into the jail. Harry's statement ot the case to the jury was that he fell into the creek accidetitly thi- morning after the robbery, was not with the three robbers, and knew nothing of the robbery until told ol it. He made a pathetic plea to the jury . and appealed to his God to witness the truth ot his state ments, but he give no account of himself, and the jury came in. after being ont but half an hour, wit:: a verdict of guilty. Har ry is a short, well built man of about 30 years, has light complexion and light eyes, wears his hair p mpadour, and has small and light mustache He was thoroughly self-p'.ssessed in the Court room, and con ducted his case so well that considerable interest was aroused as to his identity. Wednesday evening he was brought into Court, and before being sentenced stated that ho gained bis knowledge of law prac tice while a clerk in the office of a Phila delphia attorney, but he could name but few of the attorneys of that city. He was sentenced to the penitentiary lor six years Thomas Doyle's sentence was the same as Miller's, and ward Coovert will speno the next ten years of his life inside the walls at Riverside. TRIAL LIST—THIS WEEK. Commonwealth vs: Ward Coovert, burglary, assault, etc. on oath of Henry Zinkhorn, verdict not guilty. Ward Coovert, felonius assault, with in tent to rob on oath of Adam Luutz. guilt) as ludicted and sentenced to the pen. for seven years. Ward Coovert, shooting with intent to kill, etc., on oath of Lawrence Haidley— guilty as indicted and sentenced to three years in the pen. Harry Miller, breaking into a store, lar ceny, etc., on oath of Win. Krause —touud guilt; and sentenced te terms ol four and two j ears, making six years in all. Thomas Doyle, breaking into a store, etc., pleads guilty and same sentence as Millers, six years in all. Wm. and Ollie Critchlow, disturbing a a meeting—settled. Leouard Dunlap, agg. atfcb, pleads guil ty. Geo. H. Graham, indicted for embezzle ment, etc. March 13. Verdict not guilty. Patsy Lewis, forcible entry and assault, pleads guilty. The recognizance of young Eshenbaugh was forfeited. Thursday morning the other case vs. Geo. H. Graham was continued; Jacob Denny plead guilty but was not sentenced; Ernest Korn plead guilty but was not sen tensed, and a nol. pros was entered ih the case vs. "Warren Korn; the marrjiDgthe wife of another and bigamy cases vs J. G Gralton and Mary Craig, were continued till June term, they to enter their recog. in SIOO, each; Wm. Taylor plead guilty to burglary but was not sentenced: and in the case vs. Peter Stepp the jury returned a verdict of not guilty, he to pay three fourths and C. Elsenrath one-fourth of the costs. UALANCB OF GRAND JURY RETURNS. Commonwealth versus:— Dennis Lambert, indicted for furnish ing liquor to a minor. Not a true bill aud the county of Butler to pay the costs. Mrs. Smiley Smith keeping a bawdy house and disorderly house A true bill. Mrs. Smiley Smith selling liquor with out license. A true bill. Jacob Denny carrying conoealed weap ons. A true bill. Wautingly pointing fire arms, not a true bill. Peter N. Stepp, assault, Chas. Elsen rath, pros. A true bill. Ward Coovert, shooting with intent to kill, on oath of L. Bardley. A true bill. Ward Coovert, assault with intent to rob, on oath of A. Lonitz. A true bill. Ward Coovert,burglary and felonious as sault, on oath of H. Zinkhorn, A true bill. TIIE GRAND JURY'S PRESENTMENT. The grand jury finished their labors Thursday and made a presentment approv ing of the application of the citizens of Portersville for the benefit of the act of April 3, 1861, also that of citizens of Evans burg for an exienaion of the borough lim its; they found the Court House in good condition, recommended some idditional shelving, fire screens for the vaults, and another entrance to the court room, the same to enter the room from the first land ing of the main stairway. They found the basement of the jail in a discreditable con dition and recommended that it be reme died immediately, also new steel doors for same, the iron floor of the jail is rotten and needs repairs; tne steam heating apparatus of the Court House is not in good condi- treasurer's office needs an iron rail; lhe road leading from Monroevillc to Leas ureville is dangerous in two places and needs railings on embankments; also the road from the Kittanning road to the Millers town road in Butler twp., near Reiber's mill; and the Butler and Millcrstown road needs widening near the Kearus place, etc. The Court ordered rules to show cause to be issued upon the supervisors of Buffalo, Butler and Summit twps , also upon the Co. Commissioners and Sheriff. KOTBB. Pett-r N. Stepp and Chas.Elsenrath were ordered to give recognizance in S3OO to keep the peace towards each other for one year, each to pay one-half the record costs and their own witnesses. W. R. Hopkins was ordered to enter his recognizance in SIOO to keep the peace for one year. The desertion case vs. J. P. Dauben speck was continuea till June Term. Catharine E. Rankin has sued the P. & W. aud claims SSOO. The will of Martha Thompson of Pair view twp was probated, no letters. Alfred T. Cookson has brought suit vs. the P. & W. R. R. Co. and claims damages in $50,000. Robt. McClelland was committed to jail by Esq. McAboy, on a charge of larceny preferred by S. Nixon. Patsey Lewis is in jail on a charge of forcible entery and assault preferred by Mrs. Mauny. On Saturday last Judge Porter, of Alle gheny Co., sentenced Frank Evans, the highwayman, to 22 years in the pen , and Annie Alexander, the sneak thief, to 11 years in the same. The late grand jury of Fayette Co., passed on 99 bills ot indictment, finding 71 truo bills and ignoring 28. The jury wan in session C days and examined 213 witness es. In most of the cases in which the bills of indictment were ignored, the costs were placed on the prosecution In a number of these cases the prosecutor was County Detective Frank Campbell, aud the costs that he will have to pay will amount to a large sum. In a number of eases where true bills were found, the petit jur ors have acquitted the defendants and placed the costs on Detective Campbell, the prosecutor. A bill in equity was filed in Pittsburg:, Friday, by John J. Carter, against the Producers Oil Company, Limited, and J. W. Lee, A. D. Wood, Clarence Walker, P. M. Shannon and T. X. Barnsdall. man agers of tbe company. The plaintiff is a stockholder in the company to the extent of $3,000 He says that in February th managers passed a resolution to sell the United States Pipe Line Company all the property of the defendant company for $98,500 in the stock of the Tnited States Pipe Line Company at par. The managers it is asserted, have no right to make this sale without tbe authority and consent ot the stockholders of the company, which has not been given. —Three hundred pair of check lines for lef-s money than the leather cost to make them at MahtincWVßT & Oo's. LATE PBOPEBTT TRASSFKBS. J P Kipper to P II Ripper lot in Evans burg f»r $2,250. Andrew Blakeler to Margaret J Cooper 90 acres in Adams for $1 John Cooper to Andrew Blakeley 90 acres in Adams for sl. David Shoniz to Sarah Swain lot in Jackson for 1225 P Dan ben speck to Viola Winner !ot in Butler for $612. J II Campbell to A L Brown 80 acres in Concord for SSOO. J H Jack to G W Fleming 32 acres in Fairview and Concord for $l2O. R R Waiker to S B Bingham lot in Harrisville. A O Hepler to Geo McJunkin 87 acres in Oakland for $1325. D C Snyder to H Soliuger 2 acres in Penn tor $250. M E Bole et al to Josephine Phillips lot in Butler for $1450. J. C. Brown to Roaanna Brown 50 acres in Franklin for SIOO. Rosauna Brown et al to J C Brown 25 acres in Franklin for SIOO. Ida J Wilson to Jeuuie T Nixon ;>3 acres in Jackson for S4OJ. J M WiUon to Jennie T Nixon 53 acres in Jackson. Jas A McClelland to Q G Shannon 20 acres in Connoquenessing for SBSO. G W Armstrong to Geo Maxwell et al lot in Centrevilo tor $450 Mary Gepfert et a! to S M Barr 90 acres in Jefferson for $725 Marriage Licenses. Orie McGiuniss Allegheny twp. Charlotte Fithian Washington " H. A. Cress Centre twp Maggie Siegfried " " Oil Notes. The market this week np to the time of our going to press has ranged from 83 to to 82$. Basine-'s iu the oil fields of this county is improv ng and new work increasing In Washington two Weaver & King's we.l on the the It. 11. Shira i* still repotted deing 100 barrels a d of the fire, which originated from the kitchen flue, and Mrs. H. and the neighbors saved most of the household goods. An Interest ng Lecture, The Rev. J. L Smith, of Pittsburg, lectured in the English Lutheran Church on Tuesday evening last, on the subject of "The Pilgrim Fathers." He told the history of Ihese fore-fathers who landed on Plymouth Rock, December 25. 1620. in an' interesting and eloquent manner, the cause ol their leaving the old eojntry, their perils at sea in the ship Mayflower, their ti ials after the landing on the bleak and rocky shores of New E iglamt, theu in habited by the ludiaus only, their rWigi oUB faith, perseverance ana sufferings, were all brought to view by the lec urer. From these Pilgrim Fathers we date the very origin of freedom in religions belief in this country as wall as the foundation of our free institutions. The lesson sought to be enforced in tho lecture was the great debt our present great Republic of thb I'nited States owes to the Pilgrim Fathers It would interest any audience ami many here who heard it could listen to it again with pleahure and profit The lecturer was introduced to the audience b\ Rev. E. Smith, the pastor of the church here. Toe Markets. BUTLER MARKBTS Oar grocers are paying 22 for butter, 15 for fresh eggs, 40 for potatoes, 25 for turnips, 50 for> 3 to 7 for cabbage, 50 abn for beet.", 50 for onions. 10 for dressed chickens, and 12 for turkojs and duck*, onion sets $2.25 to 2 75 a bu. PITTSBURG PRODUCE Timothy bay from country wagons $lO to 18. mixed hay $lO to 11, stnw $0 00 t > $7.50, buckwheat flour 2} to 3. Country roll butter 18 to 20. fresh eugs in cases !5 to 16. dressed chicken, drawn, 10 to 12. turkey 10 to 12, duck 12 to 13 Potatoes on track 45 to 55, cabbage 3"to 5, carrots and parsnips $1 00 to 1.50 a tbl., beans $1.75, tallow 4i, rags f to lc LIVE STOCK. At Herr's Island, Monday, beeves sold ar 3.00 to 5 00. balls and cows at 200 to 2 75, hogs at 3.75 to 5.25 sheep at 50 to 4 00, lambs at 1.00 to 4.25, and calves at 1.75 to 6.00. —2 seat spring wagon $33, top buggies $45, a job lot ot pretty back wagons $33. MARTINCOURT & Co. —Take your children to Zuver's Gallery for Pictures that will suit you. Postoffice building Best Buffalo flannels reduced to 25 cents a yard at L. STIIN & SON'S —Everything belonging to a driv ing or team outfit can be fouud at MAKTINCOURT & Co's —See the bargains wo are offering in fine Henriettas. Just think of it. SI.OO goods for 68 cents and 75 cent goods for 59 cents at [J STEIN A SON S. —California Orange Cider at Richev's Bakery. Lavgest assortment and best values n Dress Good* and Cloaks at L. STEIN A SON'S. —Use tbe P' re Tar Cough Drops, to be bad at Rwhey's Bakery Buckwheat Wanted. We alwavs pay tbe highest price for buckwheat at onr nrll. GF.O. WALTER -r, representing the Conno qurnessing Valley Sties, dropped m on us Monday. J B Cunningham, Matthew Tbr->w-r Jobn H >ls ead. Angus: Sure q.i o'tv-r good citizens ot i .iniot. tup. were in towr ou business this week Cyrns Campbell returned homo, tnis week, from Shurmau Heights, W. W. wn< re he has ueen engaged MI th* nil tiWd with ibe South Peun Oil (Jo. for »onie months George Amy of West Pearl street ha been sick wiib quinsey for the past two weeks. Will Kiu'lley, E-q. h•» rented Xe*t Black's old office at No. 8 South Diamond St. Casper Freehling and bis son, Henry, of Wiufieid twp., were in town ou business, Friday. W. F. Braun. of Pittsburg, who conducts a dauciiig class here, risked his own li!'e to save that of a child who tell ou the rai.- road track al (Jallery the other evening. John O'Donneli, Pittsbnrg's new post master, is a native of Donegal twp , this county. 11 enry Greer, r.f Buffalo twp,, is serious ly ill of t, phoid fever. One of his children is also down with the sauie disease. "Grandpap" Watson, of Buffalo twp., is in very feeble health He i» up in the eighti iu age. Miss Lulu Miles is taking a special course iu music at Grove City. Mrs. U. H Goucher was tak«-n by sur prise ld in 8 d»\only at one-third lens than the actual cowt of manufacture. The larg building on south Main St , op posue the Butler C«>unty National Bank has been rented expressly for this great fire sale by the Innnrauce Companies. The building has been closed one week to arrange for tbi irreat sale The liuildtug will be opened Saturday, March 24ih at 9 ••'clock, a m , and the great sale will contiuue for right days only Note a few prices and remember there are thousands of other articles t<>o numerous to mention here A fine suit of clothes for $3 25, this suit is well made, all to match, latest style a d really worth $13.00 this suit we allow you to k-ep 5 da\s and if it is tot worth sl3 00 we hereby bind our selves to refund the money. Men's fine business suits in gray and da-k mixtures worth $20.00 only $5 25. 4,000 fine overcoats and ul sters for men and b >?s worth Irom sls t-> $35 at. $2 15 and upwards B<>vs suits at g7c aud upwards, men's fine pants, worth $4 00 only $1 39; men's shirts worth $1.25 only 17c. Don't forget the day and date Saturday, Ma'ch 24 h at 9 a. m. By order of the fire adjuster WALTEB GIBSON. —A job lot spring singletrees $1 40 per pair, former price $2 00 Mabtincoukt & Co. —Zuver's Pictures leave nothing wanting in finish, lone or a correct lißenese — Cards, with Act o! Assembly, 25 ceute for half-a-dozen, for sale at Citizen office, —Any person wanting fence posts, cord wood, or timber for other pur poses, cdn learn where to get same near Butl«T by inquiring at the Citi zen Office, Butler. Pa. —Clearance sale of all winter goods Greatest bargains in dry goods aud clocks ever known at 1.. Stein AT -ON'®. Attend the State Normal School at Slippery Bock, Pa. Excellent ad vau tages in Music. A successful train ing school tor teachers. Expenses only SSO for 14 weeks. Spnug term beirius March 27, 1894 Address Albert E. Maltby, Principal, —The best quality of muslin at the lowest prices at the PEOPLE'S STORE 323 S MuinSt, liutier. —Reductions iu prices of Kram r wagons. Mart'Ncourt & Co Bargains in remnants and
at Martincourt and Co's —Cloaks at your own price No reasonable offer refused—tney must go— L Stein & Son Teum bridles, our owu make $2 50 per pair; team collars, ticking lace, $1 00 each; sweat pads, 85 cts. each; raw bide buggy whip-, 50 cts each. Marttncovbt A Co. KLINGLERS' COLUMN. A Big Salt Deal of 1,000 Barrels. Flonr Still Given Away. These are facw and very interesting ones to«. ilea.! ami see tor yourself Everybody knows that Klinglers' \Vin field Dairy Salt is the best and linest table aud dairy salt ever brought to Butler. The thousands ot barrels which have gone iut.> the homes of Western Pennsylvania last year fully attest this fact. However, few people know that salt has advanced ten cents a barrel at the lactones. And suit people know that the Rough KUD Manufacturing Company, which made the V\ inteld salt, are dismantling their plant and have discontinued the manufacture of salt. Ves, it's a fact, .-alt is higher and no more Winfield Salt. We can almost hear tne cry: "And so We'll have to t ke com ittouf coarse nalt at higher prices, aud even p*y extra tor tho bariel m which it is packed." Not by any means, Kliuglers were equal to the emergency, and have contracted lor 1.000 BAHRKLS WIKFIKLD SALT, an 1 will dispose of the same at former prices. i*o advance. Iu bags.per barrel of 280 pounds 70 cents, lu barrel*, per barrel ot 280 pounds, 80 cts. Xo charge lor euher the bags or th ba 1 els IU which tue salt is pack-d. Now is > our opportunity, Every family should have a barrel,every tarmer a wagon 1- ad, and every dealer a car lot. When We nave sold this I.UOO barrels, there will he 1 o more Winfield salt, ami anything equal lo'Tt will cost \ou from $1 00 to $1.23 per barrel wholesale at I'iitsbuig. to say notn ing of (be tretgot, e>.» this is your lasi chancv to get tue best table and dairy sail CUeap. SBKDH ! SKfcllS !! We carry tre only complete line of Seeds in Butler, and we are doing the Seed busi ness not only because we have the correct prices, but principally because we Lave a quality of seed kept by tew large dealers iu the st»:e Xo low-priced inferior Seeds fund here. We would rather 10-e y. ur trade and have you go elsewhere if your want a poor Seed at low prices, for next year \ou will be our friend, having re*liz-d that such seed isdearatanv price. We are in the seed business to stay, and are building up a reputation in the Seed line Our place is headquarters for the following: Medium and Mammoth Bed l lover. Alsyke, Alfalfa, Crimson, Reclean ed Western Timothy, Fancy Keuruck- Blue Grass, Orchard Grass, G. rmau Millet, Imported and Domestic Mixed Lawu Grass FLOCK! FLOUR! ! Our Snow Drift Fionr has the call now. It has been the leading Floor in Butler »inee the last Fair, when the prizes were awarded f..r the elegant breait which it made. At present it is enjoying a second t>oom, because of the premiums we offer. We give free with Snow Drift Floor, and it oiify, the following: WITH 1 sock—2_ltis Granello (Cereal), worth lao 2 sacks—s Ihs Grunello (Cereal), worth 25c 3 sacks —l2£ lbs Fancy o«>rn Meal, worth 25c 4 —l2* lbs Whole Wheat Flour 350 5 sacks—l2j lbs Pure Buckwheat Flour4oc G sacks —24} lbsSnow Drift Flour.worthoOc 10 .sacks —1 sack Snow Drift Flour, worth SI.OO. The above prices we quote are what the goods are sold for at th( average grocery Of course it you have "a card" we will sell theui to j on for less money. Grani-110 is a cereal food which we trake • •ut ..t wheat. It is retarded by dietarians a - tfttr finest breakfast food in the market. H -have shipped it all over the Fi-ited SiaUg. Many are taking 10 sacks ot Snow Drift to get the extra sack. You can as sort the premiums as you wish. All you need to do is to buy the requisite number of racks. /Jul don't forget to secure "a card," it you "have not yet done so The "card" has tiut.le a big change in Butler. Everybody knows that It is good for a year. Those expiring u<.w will be renewed for another twelve months. We have renewed a great many already. Sruu your orders by mail, if you are un able to come yourself. We guarantee to give you satisfaction The largest part ot our business is done by mail. We have hundreds ot thousands in past years '.«> people we have never seen. H. J. KLKSGLER & CO , Butler, Fa. Low Rate Excursions to Washington, D. C., via Fennsylvarna Railroad. The two remaining excursions to the capital will be run on &r this popular series. Tho entertain uienr afforded bv a visit to the handsomest city iu the Union, aud the educational benefits following an inspection of the architectural achievements aud other at tractions there, will more than the journey which, in any event, is rendered exceedingly pleasant by the admirable train service ot the Pennsylvania Rail road Company A stop-off at Baltimore will be allowed within, uhich is ten days, and return trip may be made on any regular train within the prescribed time. The tickets will '«esold and ibe special ttain of parlor cars aud day coaches will leave as per the schedule below. RATE. TRAIN LYS. Pittsburg $9 00 8 05 A. Al. bailer 900 6 15 '• Washington, Arrive.. 7 45 P. M. WestSunbuty Academy Young persons preparing for Col lege or desiring to fit themselves to teach in Public Schools will find SnsMlry au admirable place A full «ud competent corps of teachers in b>th Preparatory and Normal De partment. Expeuses very low. Spring term opens March 27. For further information, addriss F. E. KNOCK, Prin West Suubury. Pa Prospect Academy opens Spring term, March 20th, 1894. ■ Thorough instruction" is our motto Send for catalogue and circular to G. I. A ilson, Prin , i Prospect, Pa —The 'V ilson Bill could not ef tect prices at tbe People's Store, as our goods are as low as could be bought on a free trade basis. Don't forget us on Ho-iery aud iilovet., we always have the titB 1 a I * weal prices L. PTIIN & SON'S D. L CLEELAND Jeweler and Optican, 125 South Main Sreet, Butler, P». Diamonds, fine watches, jewelrv; spectaclee. solid and plated ware con eiactly on band. Special attention give:, to testing and correctly fitting spectacles Wait! Wait!! Till Saturday, March 24th. Car load after car load of tine Tail or Made Clothing, arriving from Buf falo, N. Y. Goods slightly damaged bv sm<-ke and water, and wiP be pui on sale ii<; fchools of Piustiurg, Alleubeuy and otber point* in Penn-v'vania Ohio West Yirgnua and 3/ar viand, to Atlantic City in July is the talk of the hour. The additional indutvißHut that tbr twelve teaebers ol tbe -ixiy who re wive the Inrges' number of votes will be taken "o * ►upplemeutary trip to Pblladepbia, New York aud Boston alier the A'Untie City trip is over is indicative of the iibeialitv wbich governs the Pittsburg Dispatch in everytbir.g it does. Give your favor ite teaeher the benefit of the splendid summer outing. 1* HE bigbi st casb prices p>isd fo beet aud horse hidea; also ehet-p pelts, tallow and turs ot all kinds Will be home on Friday and Satur day of each week. 11. C. RKICKER. 201 Mercer St.. BWler, Par- RUPTURE I | Cannot always be cured, but a properly fitting Truss will do more toward curing you than any thing else. A small rupture is more dangerous than a lage one but is more readily held in place. Quite a number of persons who have been fitted by us have been entirely cured, but this is not al ways the case. The sooner we have them visit us after finding they are ruptured the more hope of a complete cure. We make a specialty of Trusses for both ladies and gentlemen, and give di rections for private measurement for the former. Al! cases consid ered strictly private. Buying Trusses by mail from some person who says he can cure you is on a paralell with the number of cures there are for consumption. If you have had trouble in being fitted elesewhcre let us try what we can do for you. C, N, BOYD, Pharmacist, Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa. INSURANCE COMPANY of NORTH AMERICA,IO2d Year Assets $9,278,000. Home of New York, Assets $9,000,000. Hartford of Hartford, Assets $7,378,000. Phoenix of Brooklyn, Assets $5,000,000. Continental of New York, Assets $6,380,000.00, NEW YUKK LIKE, Assets $137,499,000.00. fi. E. ABKAMS & CO. office in aCSELTON BUILDING, near Court Uouse, Butler Pa. RAILROAD TIME TAbLES. PENMSYLVAKIA RAILROAD. THE STANDARD KAILKOAD OF AMBRICA WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. SCIIEDCLF. IN KFKKCT NOVEMBER 20tb, 1893 South WEEK DATS > A. M. A. M. A. M. r. M. P. M. Butler Leave C 15 Si 35 11 00 245 50e Saxouburi?.. Arrive 644 900 11 «4 311 528 Butler Juc't. •' 730 925 11 50 340 553 Butler Juc't..Leave 730 941 12 03 340 553 Natrona Arrive 738 951 12 13 350 001 Tarentum 7 43 95« 12 19 357 9 07 Sprlngdale 755 1 0 05 12 33 4 08 clareinont 8 11 12 5Ti 4 23 C 27 ftharpsburg 8 18 1 05 4 29 6 32 Allegheny city 83310 33 124 444 645 A.M. A. H. P. M. P. M. P. M. North WEFI DATS. A. M. A, M. A. M. r. M r M Allegbenycity Leave 6«6 825 10 40 3 15 6 10 Sharpsburg 70s 8 39 10 58 Clarernont 8 45 11 08 sprlngdale 8 5s 11 20 6 41 Tareiuum 7 S2 9 10 11 39 351 650 Natrona 7 37 9 15 11 45 355 663 Builer Juc't Arrive 7 45 »25 1155 3io " Harrliburg 11 55 310 430 050 " i'htladelpliia " 850 u2O A. M P. 11. P, M. P. M Through trains for the east (le?ve Pittsburg (Union Station; as tollows: Pennsylvania. Limited, dally 7 15 A. M. Aiumlc Express. " 330 •' Maine Line Express, " BOu •• Day Express, " 905 " Philadelphia Express, " 4 30 P.M. Eastern Express, " TOO " Fast Liue. " 810 " For detailed Information, address Thos. K. Watt, Pass. Ag't. Western District, no Filth Avenue, Plttsourg, Pa. S. M. PREVOST. J. R. WOOD, General Manager. Uen'L Pass'r. Ag't, P. A W. B. R. Soli dule, in effect Jan. i*. sh. (Butler.time). Tne snort Line to Pittsburg. DEFABT SOUTH. FROM SOUTH. ti.25 a m Allegheny 9.25 a m, Alllegheny Ex 8.15 a m Ali'y & Akron 955 a m.AI & N Castle lo u5 a m Allegheny Ac 12.30 p m. All'y « Ch'go ;< 0" pin Allegheny Mall t.3spm, Allegheny Ex 320 p m Chicago Kx. T2S p m.All'y A Akron ciopm All'y £ Ell. Ex s.oo p m. Allegheny Ac DEPART NORTH. FROM NOKTH. 10 05 a m Kane £ Brad. •> 10 a m. Foxburg Ac 5.00 p m Clatlon Ac i 9.45 am, Clarlin Ac 7.30 p m Foxburg js.4o pm, Kane Mai BCND.XT TRAINS. DIFART SOUTH. FROM SOUTH. 8.15 am. L)eForest Ac 9.55 a m.Allegheny Ac 3.20 p in,, ''hlcajto Ex t3sp m, Allegheny Ex 6.10 p in, Allegheny Ac 7 2# p m. DeForestKAc Train arrlvlne at at 4.35 p m leaves B £ O de pot. Pltisburg, at 2 :40 o'clock. Butler and Ureenville Coach will leave Alle gheny at, 2:50 p. in, dally except snnday. Con necting at vvillowgrove. arriving at Butler at 435. Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and flrst-clais Day l oaches run through between Butler and Chicago dally. For through tickets to points in the West Northwest or Southwest apply to A. B. CROUCH, Agent Trains leave the B. & O. depot In Pittburg tor the East as follows. For Washington D C.. Baltimore. Philadel phia. aad New York. 12:20 and a3O p. m. Cumberland, 8:1 S. 2 :20 1 :10. 930 p. m. Con nelsvllle. 8:15, 1230. 1.10. 4.30, 5.50 and 9 30 p. m. I niontown, 8.15 a. m . 1. 10. 4 30 and 5.50 p. m. Mt. Pleasant, 8:15 a. m.. 1.10 and 430 p. m. Washington, i*a. 7.25 and 915 a. m., 4.00. 445 and p. m Wheeling. 7.25 and. 9.15 a. m.. 4.00 9.25. 11.25 p.m. Cincinnati, St Louis, Columbus and Newark, 7.25 a. m., 9.25 11 25 p, m. For Chicago, 2.40 and 9.30 p. m, Parlor ana sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash ington, Cincinnati and Chicago. pittsbobo, suesango.4 lakk rrib b. b n effect November 20,1893. Butler time. OOINU NORTH • I FKOHrifORTH. 18—5 so in,, Erie 9 -9.50 a in. Erie 14—10.15 " " 'll-2.42 pm, Erie 10—5.00 p m, Erie 13—8.32 p m, Erie No. 12 makes close connections for New Cas tle, Buffalo, Cleveland and Chicago. N0.14 makes connections all pans east on W. N V. &P. at Mercer Junction, and with S. Y. L. E. & W. at Sbcnangn for all points east. No. lOmaKes connections with W. N. Y & P. at Mercer J unction for stoneboro and New Castle. Trains leave the PAW depot In Allegheny at 830 a m.aud BiO depot 3pm connect at Huiler with tills roa I; and the trains arriving al Cutler ,it 9:00 and 2:42 connect through to \ leghenv aud Pittsburg. Trains 12, 10 9 and II connect at Brauchton to and from HUllards. W U SAKUEANT. CPA. Meadvllle. Pa C. & D ALWAYS Take into consideration that money aaved is as good as money earned The liest wh» to save money is to buv good goods at the right price The only reason that our trade is increasios constantly is the fact that we handle only goods of first qualitv and xell tbem at very low prices. We have taken unusual care to provide evervtbi'is 1 new in Hats and Furnishing 00->ds for this season, and as we have control of many especially go id article* in both lines ■ve can do yon gnod if vou come to u* We confidently sav that in justice o-hems- Ives all purchasers 1 should •nepect our goods Visit us. COLBERT & DALE, 242 Wain street, Butler. Pa Uotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now ""jning a line of carriages between the hotels and depotß of the town Charges reasonable. Telephone No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel \ T oge|ey. iTJji LiVift 11 Jin:,*: Ji Our Semi-Annual Slaughter! STOCK TAKING THIS MONTH. \ 011 know as well as we do that it is a troublesome job. Its much easier to count money than goods. We do not want to count out stock, but we want It turned into cash. We have sharpened our ax and are cutting prices closer than you ever saw, or dreamed of. We want no profit this month, cost is all we care about getting. \\ on't lie to you by saying that we will sell below cost, because we won't At our figures they are about one-halt what you pay regular—isn't that enough? Now is your chance to get a bargain in MEN'S, BOYS', YOUTHS' and CHILDREN'S' CLOTHING. H.Scbneideman 104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. A BIG CUT IN EVERY ARTICLE OF MERCHANDISE IN OUR STORE THIS MONTH. By the ist of March our New Spring Stock arrives and we rnuct make room for it. We have decided that the prices will make then S°l SO HERE THEY ARE, 70 Men's Business Suits $3.75, worth $6.50. 95 Men's Cassimere Suits at $4.50, worth SB.OO. 35 Men's Gray Overcoats at $1.75, worth $3.50. 38 Men's Melton Overcoats at $4.00, worth SBOO 29 Men's Storm Ulsters at $4.50, worth $8.50. 35 Men's Storm Ulsters at $7.00, worth $12.00. 20 Doz. Black Jersey Shirts at 50c, worth SI.OO. 15 Doz. any color Jersey Shirts at 75c, worth $1.50. Men's and Boys' Winter Caps at 19c, worth 50c. For the want of space we cannot quote all the Big Bargains have for you. But to satisfy yourself, call when in town and will be convinced. SCHAUL, & NAST, Leading Clothiers. 137 South Main street, Butler. SAY, have you tried the new clothing store? If you haven't, try them for your new spring suit. Have you seen the latest spring cuts? Step in and we will take pleasure in showing them to you —Long Cut Sacks—Long Cutaways — madeupof the latest fashionable materials. Fit and workman ship guaranteed. DOUTHETT & GRAHAM. Cor. Main & Cunningham Stg. BUTLER, PA. A Scientist claim* the Root of Diseases to be In the Clothes we Wear. The best Spring remedy for the blues, * etc , is to discard your uncomfortable old duds which irri tate the body:-leave your measure at ALAND'S for a new suit which will fit well, improve the appearance by re lieving you instant ly of that tired feel ing, and making you cheerful and active. The cost of this sure cure is very moderate TRY IT. HELLO THERE VV. E. RALSTON If> to tbe front once more, hard times and all, with a brand new stor* and ao elegant new stock of goods, ftacb s t\ne Qold Watches, Diamond». tuncelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware at prices that will down the bard times. Call and see me at Mo. 326 S. Main St., Butler, WATCH AND CLOCK RE- [WALL PAPER. SPRING PATTERNS HAVE ARRIVED. Retail price lower than ever. Window Shades^etc. AT DOUGLASS', Near P. 0. - - 241 8. Jfcfait "NOTlCE. YTT J "THE WELL IA/ a fir 7 ST" pES II CI in ,s: p h£ fo r& J Werti-Hardm en Art Co., will open a Studio and Photo Par lor* opposite the Hotel homy, Cor, Main and Jefferson Sts , Butler, Pa This will be tbe bent lighted an<* equipped Studio and galleries in tbe tbe ocunty. Tbe woifr will be strictly first class and made under n«» formulas by tbe artist himself, who bas bad 15 years practical experieaoe in larjre cities Portraits in Oil, Crayon, Sepia, Pastel, Ac. ID tbis line we bare n<> competition, Oar portraits are made by band in our own Studio, from sitting* or from pbotoe. Oar work bas reaqJted the highest standard of excellence and is not to be oompared with the cheep mar ohine made pictures furnished by others. Wait for as; get yoar pictures from «e end be happy. OUR ELEVENTH ANNUAL FEBRUARY CLEARANCE SALE OF MILLINERY. Don't miss this great bargain sale,, SI.OO will do tbe work of $2.00 In both depart* mente. I Oar stores are small, we mast make room for Spring Goods. We have tbe beet line of muslin underwear in the city. Odd xiaee ot best makes of hall price. M. F. & M. MAPKi* a® nr&ggfpfr, s 9