THE OITZEN FRIDAY, QABCH 16. 1894. filter* at rnrf-at ■•tier at ta nan aaiw VILLUS c. renin. - p,k " ,k " Republican Announcements. Subject to the Republican Primary. Saturday. April 28th, between the hours oi of 1 and 7 p.m. FOR CONGRESS, os. THOMAS. W. PHILLIPS.' FOR ASSEMBLY, (Two to nominate) JAVIES NV MOORE, Ot Butler. TnoiiAS HATS, Of Fairview. D. B. DotJTHBTT, Of Forward. W. H. RITTKE, Ot Butler. JAMES B. MATES, Of Butler. HAB Of* Franklin twp., tormerly of Worth. FOR JURY COMMISSIONER, H.vW. NIQHOLA^ QT I ER ( FORMER IY of Penn.) PHILLIP ESQ., • Of Billiards. JOHN LAEIMORE, Of Concord twp. Jon* T. CRAKMER, Of Franklin twp. T. ALBERT BARTLKT, Of Clinton twp. FOR DELEGATES TO STATE £CO>- YEKTIOX. (Three to elect.) DR. J. C. BARR, Of Adams. J. M. MCCOLLOUGH, Of Fairview. GEO. W. COOPER, Of 81ipperyrock. W. H. H. RIDDLE, Of BUTLER. J. S. CAMPBELL, Of Cherry twp. J. 0. KISKADDOK, Of Butler. Washington Notes. On Thursday the Democratic member* of the Senate Finance Committee finished their tinkering of the Wilson bill, and re ported the bill to the whole committee. Sugar is taken off the free list and a tariff of one cent a ponnd put on it, 40 cents a ton is pnt on coal and iron ore; wool and laraber are left on the free list; 50 per cent, ad valorem is pnt oil clothing; glassware is raised for 30 to 40 per cent; the Income tax remains a part ot the bill, etc. On Friday President Cleveland relieved the suspense that has been overhanging the postmastership of Pittsburg for the past year by sending to the Senate the appoint ment of John C. O'Donnell. J. J- Finney, the celebrated detective, was appointed postmaster of Tarentum. The Senators were all studying the amended Wilson bill,and some Democratic Senators were said to be dissatisfied. Senator Pefier created a sensation by asking for a*committee to investigate the charges certain Senators had been speculating in Sugar. On Monday by a strict party vote the Democrats on the Senate Finance Com mittee refused to give even five shoit days to a hearing at which workingmen,farmers and manufactures might state their object ions to the Wilson bill. And this in the face of tbe fact that five weeks had been spent is-fixing it up so as to suit the Sugar trust, the lead trust, and those Democratic Senators like Gorman, of Maryland, and Pugh and Morgan, of Alabama, to say nothing of giving opportnnities to other Democratic Senators to juggle with tbe sngar duties and make fortunes in the New YdSrk stock market. The Republican Senators on the finance committee began their dissection that day. Part of the schedules were gone over and their faults shown up. But the Democrats, while not defending their work, made no changes. On Tuesday Chairman Amos Cummings of the Naval Committee introduced a reso lution in Congress calling on Secretary Herbert for full information concerning the much talked of armor plate contracts. Mr. Cummings said that tbe object of the resolution was to get all tbe facts in the case. Said he: Tbe House wants to know tbe truth and the Country wants to know it, and this is the way to get it. We want all the infor mation the Secretary of the Nary has, and more, if there is more behind it. I know what the coarse of the Navy Department has been in the affair, and there is nothing in it to its discredit. If anyone is entitled to b!ame it is the Carnegie company, which is responsible for tbe trouble. On Wednesday the Benate passed the Bland seiguorage bill; refused to consider the sugar investigation resolution; and tbe tariff bill was yet being discussed by the Finance Committee. The Proposed Site for the High School. Section 1 of the act of assembly author izing and regulating the taking, use and occupancy of certain public burial places for common school purposes, reads as fol lows: Bsc I'. Be it enacted, "That when ever the board of directors or controllers of any school district in this Commonwealth shall deem it desirable to occnpy for pur poses of common school education any ground therein used as a public barial place, or conveyed in fee to a municipal corporation to be kept as a public burial place, such board may, by resolutioa pass ed by tbe affirmative vote of at least four fifths of all the members thoreof, and duly entered on the minutes, declare its inten tion to take, use and occupy tbe same for the,purpose aforesaid, designating the same in said resolution by metes and bounds: Prodded, No more than one half •ere of ground shall at any one time be so taken, used or occapied: .ind Provided, This act shall not apply to burial grounds of religions societies, churches or congre gations, or of private corporations or asso ciations, nor to portions thereof devoted to public use or the burial of the poor, nor to the burial grounds on or connected witb almshouse properties. goes on to provide for viewers, damages, judgment, etc., and acting un der tbe law the School Board of Butler at its special meeting of Saturday evening, by a vote of-14 to 2, resolved to occupy or obtaiu control of the old cemetery lo>. facing on McKean and North ets., for school purposes, and will petition Court to approve of tbeir resolution, appoint view ers, etc. The lot in question was deeded by tbe Cunninghams to tbe borough for burial purposes nearly a hundred years ago, no interment has been made in it for many years, it has not been kept in order, and is now and has for many years been an "eye sore.'' The few bodies remaining in it could easily be removed, and the lot would then be one of tbe most central and therefore the most available in Butler for a High School or for general school pur poses. • ... Theatres and Their Influence. To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven. — Kcclesiastes. iii., 1. The place which the theatre occupies in onr modern society, whether we are to stoutly defend its claims or humbly apolo gize for its necessary evil —this is a ques tion which is always in the air. It has ex cited almost as mach controversy as relig ion, but while both parties have beec equally honest they have not made much progress toward an agreement. The peculiarity of the debate is one that obtains with no other subject under dis pute, for while the advocates of the stage -peak from a large personal experience those who denounce it have generally had no personal experience whatever. If the clergy,whose motives are by no means to ue impugned, shonld see Mr. Jeflerson s Rip Van Winkle orMr.lrving's Becket,and then declare that the spectacle lowers the moral tone of the audience, we might differ with them in opinion, bat their judgment would deservedly have exceeding weight. It is not necessary for a man to visit a gambling dive in order to discover that it is harmful, because it is universally con ceded that gam es of chance are an nnmiti siated evil and cannot be defended by any show of argument. Dramatic representa tion has been wrongly classed in the same category but assuredly it does not belong there. The drama is not essentially evil, and must therefore be criticised by the effects it produces on society and the indi vidual. What are some of these effects and to what extent are they to be deplored T There is no reason why we should lay aside all prejudice and preconceptions and judge the case simply on its merits. We can al ways afford to be fair and there is no good ground for bsing unjust. First, then, it is charged that actors and actresses have a oode of morals of their own and that there is a degree of looseness in it which is not to be tolerated. This is at least partly true, aud it is unfortunate that it is true. It is very desirable that both actors and actressess should be above re proach, but it is desirable that the men and women who apolaud them should be above reproach also. If every actor were a Bavard the stage would urdoubtedly be different from what it is, but we are bound to add that if every man in the audience were a Bayard society would take on a different complexion. The rule which is applied to the stage shonld be used else where,and it is not quite generous to spurn an actor for a course of life which is —such is the laxity of public morals—easily con doned in other people. There is no excuse for immorality any where, neither on the stage nor in business life, nor in :he fashionable world. It, how ever, a genuine crusade were to be under taken and tbe attempt made to reconstruct human nature it might be will to begin with the stage, but it would never do to end with it, and we venture to say that we can name a score of actors and actress es who would hail such a movement with enthusiasm, for good men and women in a profession ought not to suffer for the short comings of the unworthy. This is true, both behind and in front of tbe footlights. We might refer to the late Mr. Booth's career in illustration of this fact. He was a noble, self-tacrificing, charitable and pa triotic citizen as well as a great actor. Take his life as a whole and there are few in any profession who have exerted a more manly and uplifting influence. He had a great soul, and riobly deserved not only the fame be won, but also tbe respect of tbe world which was so cheerfully and abundantly given. Actora and actresses are public property. Whatever they do is knewn. If they have faults or if they commit a crime against ex it ting customs it is at once spread broad cast. A business man, a lawyer, a doctor may be equally guilty, but his obliquity is bidden. The world sees tbe worst side of tbe actor's character always, and forms its j ndgement from that side; it sees the best side of every one else, and frequently over estimates bis worth. Ihe actor can hide notbi ng; other men in the community can bide a great deal. We aro defending no one by these state ment:*, but simply trying to tell tbe plain, a nvaraished truth. The stage is nothing more to us than one of the factors of our social life, which we would criticise with candor and a regard for the general welfare. But we must needs be careful not to over blame one class whose faults are made glar ing by oircumstances and ignore the faults of other classes who have the opportunity to conceal their misdoiDgs. Second, it is charged that the theatre is an unwholesome stimulant which cannot fail to do injury If this be true it is a very serious matter. But is it truef It is a question which each one mast answer for himself, and his answer should govern his conduct. If a thing is not wrong in itself, then it mu»t be judged solely by the effects it produces. It is not merely tbe love of amusement, but the actual necessity of it, wbich sends most people to tbe theatre. A few hours "respite from business cares, and, so far as women are concerned, from tbe harass ment of domestic life, is very desirable and and in most theatres it can be had without injury A hearty laugh at a farce, an ev eumug's nonsense which drags one out of the rats of daily routine and forces one to forget for the time being that the morrow has heavy bnrdensi it is not only innocent, but helpfal. We venture to declare that in this re gard tbe stage is accomplishing great good, and fills a place f->r which there is no sub stitute. Instead of abolishing it, if society were itself pure enough to demand only the best kind of drama, the theatre would respond at once, for the manager is a busi ness man, who ran t please the public in order to reap success. The theatre never leads, but always follows its patrons. They find there just what pleases them, and are themselves responsible if tbe stage falls below nar A cleau play can harm no one,but an un clean play, and for that matter an unclean anything else, whether it is found in poli tics, in 'aw or in society, is not to be tol erated. That is the only rule by wbich our judgement should be controlled.—N. Y. Herald. Sinfully took the Cake. A speoial from Slippery Rock says: "A breach of discipline that would be funny if it were not for the serious consequences involved for tbe offenders developed at tbe Normal School here yesterday. The stn dents got a ration of cake at tbe Sunday evening tea. Knowing that the cake must be in the cupboard, Sunday morning. G. F. Dumblat, Todd Goodie. Frank Foulk and J. C. McMillen, rooming in tbe gentle men's dormitory,left their beds at 2 o'clock and in reckless disregard of the sacred day and the pain and penalties sure to follow detection, broke and entered the pantry in the boarding hall and did sinfully and surreptitiously steal, extract and eat eight cakes. Principal Dr. Maltby did the de tective work that practically convicted these men of cribbing the cake. Middlesex Item*, Miss Margaret Jane Mcßride visited ber sister, Mrs. S. A. Leslie, on Monday. Misses Sadie Leslie and Katy White sides were tbe guests of Mrs. Robt. Kyle on last Wednesday. Wendell Hicky is on the sick list. M r.'. (Jor transpired since oar last it>n» should set at at rest all fears of the '•Doubting Thomases" and quicken their pulses in the interests of an enterprise that will make this entire section from East Brady to Butler teem with business in a Very lew months at best. The new rail road will be pushed forward ja«t as rapidly as possible and there is no mistaken sound in this. Only a faint conception of what benefit will result froin this for East Brady can be bad, for the enterprises that will be established when a route to the great lakes ie secured will put in the shade any past advancement ia the history of oar to*n. The first thing of interest in connection with wnat has lately transpired to start new inteiest in the B. B. I. Co. was the arrival at the express office on Thursday afternoon ot a big bundle ot scakes to be used in marking tbe line of the railroad, and in tbe evening four surveyors from Pittsburg also arrived and next morning began work on a line from Brady's Bend to connect somewhere near Butler with the Sbenango y sooie thirty five of tbeir fiiepds A very pleasant evening was spent in dancing auJ various other amusements, Mr. Martin honored his lady friends witb beautiful roses and tbe gent» with tine figars, after which a very delicious lunch was served. All departed pronouncing Mr. and Mrs. Hite exceptionally good host*. C, I>. M. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES Six men were arrested in the first ward, Pittsburg, Thursday, for illegal Toting; and Judge Porter ordered the arrest of fifty-seven other*. 0 The other day a mail train on the Penn sylvania railroad from New York, earned the largest mail that has ever passed through Pittsburgh on any single train. There were seven cars of mail matter, aggregating over eighty tons. Sixty truck loads of it were transferred to the Pan handle and went on west, while the re mainder went over the Ft. Wayne. A well known Greensburg clergyman, while dining out recently, was placed in a very awkward predicament. The waiter, in handing the soup, came in contact the clergyman's pet corn, and tripping, landed the boiling contents of *he tureen into the clerical waistcoat: The situation would have justified the use of strong Saxon language, bat with bland and meek •erenity the victim merely observed,"Will not gome kind layman make an appropri ate remarkf' The 15 year-old son of Robert J. Evan, of Lancaster, Pa left his bed one night 1 «st week, and in his night dress opened tje door, climbed on a balcony rail and let himself down on the roof of an adjoining kitchen. He swung himself clear off the roof of this buildiag and clutched the limb of a tree. Then he slid to the ground and ualed a fence, entering the premises of a neighbor. He rapped loudly on the neigh bor's door, awakening the family. He was sound asleep and almost froren when taken into the house. A man who begins a fifty dollar law sua to recover twenty dollars acts like a fool, but tnere are plenty such. Bat a worse case still turned up over in York county last week. A farmer from a dis tant part of the county went to Tork to haveu cow which died for him taken from his assessment. The cow was assessed at sl6 and the tax would have been six cents. To have this done cost him a trip to the county town and return for whiob the fare was one dollar, the loss of a day's time and the expenses while in the city. A curiosity in the form of a rabbit-cat was recently presented by A. Nunn, to J. H. Carman, and has attracted considerable at Rupp wser, J. C. Wilson, W. H. Grove, W. J. Forquer and A. J. Forquer were in Petrolia Saturday last. T. 8. I'letohur of North Hope was in our town on Saturday las). There was a party at S. S. Kreps of Fairview twp. on Friday, and to say that Kev. Sberrard and Squire Fleming did ample justice to the dinner is putting it ligntly. There seems to be a secret be tween these two men. The protracted meetings are still g>ing on with from twelve to twenty at the altar every night. Judge Oreer was inoqr t(ivn on Satdr day last. lie had been attending the funeral of his aunt, Mrs Alex. Black. X. THK lawyers who are tryiug the case of Miss Pollard vs. Col. Breckecridge at Wasbiagtm, Monday, had some hot word* iu Court, and alter adjournment one slap ped another. THE war in Brazil seems to be over; the rebel admiral, DeUama, offered to surrend er and is reported to have gone aboard a Portugese man-of-war when bis offer was refused; Admiral Meilo cannot be found. mK &AKIN 6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. A [en am of tartar I'tking powder. High est of nil in lt-avenine strength.— Laits United Statr.n Government Fowl Report. Royal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wall St.. N. Y. ;;; ; LER COUNTY utuai fire insurance Co. u'.ce C.-)i . Main & C inninghamSts. A C. IihJNRMAN, gcc**TAfiY. DIRECTORS: Alfre iWlck, Henderson Oliver, >r. W. Irvln. Jaines istephensor, W. W. Blackmore.. N. Weltzel. F. Bowman. D. T. Noms, Ueo. Ketterer. CUas. Rebhun, Geo, Ffcmio, John Koemntf. LOYAL M'JU*KIP. Agent POULTR YHEN! Oar Green Boas Cutter (will (Jou. ble jour egg production. Beat and Cheapest in the market. Circular free. WEBSTER & HANNUM, Oweoorlfy B* Y' Clinton Items. Isaac Maizland and his mother while re turning from Saxonburg the other day driving a colt met with a rin off, but neither was hurt The question lor debate at the Love liter ary society next Friday night is "Resolved that the works of nature are more beauti ful than art." Affirmative. George Love, H. Fredley and J. L Maizland, Negative, Henry W. lleckert, F W. Eka* and W.A. Krumpe. Robert Sefton, of Clinton, was the guest of Mr. Ed Knoch of Middlesex last Sunday evening. The members of the Albert Hay Debat ing Society at their regular weekly meet ing. last Saturday evening, resolved to dis continue their meetings. The President made a brief address thanking the society lor the interest they had manifested and then adjourned. X. X HILL—At her home near Valencia, March 4, 1894, Maggie, wile of Frank Hill, in her 25th year. BREWER—At his home in Clinton twp., March 9th, 1894; John Brewer, aged abont 70 years. He wai one »f Clinton twps., I e t citizei s and leave* the sons and two danghters FLEMING—At her home in Pittsburg. March 11, 1894. Minnie Alma, daughter of R J. Fleming, aged 6 years. FRAZIER—At his home in Pittsburg, Marcn 10, 1894, John G. Frazier, aged 42 years. SKILLMAN —At the residence of her son, J. C. in Butler, March 13, 1894, Mrs. Elizabeth Skillmau, in her 83d year. HUSELTON—At her home in Butte City, Montana. Maggie Maxwell, wile of Win. Hnselton, aged 26 j ears. She TU a daughter of J as. A. and Barbara Maxwell; and moved to Montana shortly after her marriage seven years ago, where Mr. Hnselton is engaged in mining. BADGER—March 7, 1894, infant child of Frank Badger, oi Butler. LEIGHNER—At her home in Delmont, Westmoreland Co.. March 12, 1894, Mrs. Leighner, mother of Dr. Leighner, of Batler, aged 88 years. BEMIMER TAYLOR, F uneral Directors, 101 3. Main St., - Butler: Pa. Buff Leghorns that are Buff. EGGS FOR SETTING. Buff Leghorns and B. Plymouth Rocks. Buff Leghorn hens from the yards of A. Leida, N. J.; cockerel from the Niagara River Poultry Farm, N. V. EGGS $2 50 per 13. My Plymouth Rocks are large, healthy fowls, and are as good as oan l>e found anywhere. EGGS $1 for 13. Orders for eggs will be filled in order re ceived. JOBN H. REIBER, 304 Mercer St., Batler, Pa. L. re existing between William M. Kirkpatrick and John M. Keed, under the firm name of Kirkpatrick A Keed, grocers, of Butler, Pa., was dissolved by mutual consent on February Ist, 1894. Mr. Keed retiring. The business will be continued at same place, 306 X. Main St., Butler, Pa., by Mr. Kirkpatrick, who will collect all the lale firm's accounts and pay its debts. WM. M. KIRKPATHICK, J so. M. RKKD. Dissolution Notice. 1 Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between W. H. Witte and L. H. Falkner, under the firm name of Falkner knowing themselves indebted to said es tate are requested to make speedy pay nject and those having claims against said estate will preseut them to me properly authenticated for settlement, CHA.RLBS B. GLASGOW, Ex'r., Flick P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. E. McJ, McJ. & G., Ati'ys. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the last will and testament of Neal Mcßride, late of Clearfield twp., Butler Co., Pa., deceased, having been tbia day granted by the Kegis -1 ter of wills oi said oounty to me, the under signed Executor, therefore, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate are requested to make speedy pay ment, and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them to me. properly authenticated for settle ment. DENNIS MCBRIDE. Executor, Coylesville, Butler Co.. E. McJuukin, Att'y. Pa. Ef B. WHITE With the BLACKEST Prices— from makers' standpoint ever offer ed—lo cases of 20c and 25c. White Goods, 27, 36 and 40 inches wide, suitable for AproDS, Dresses, Underwear, Night Gowns, Curtains—for any use to which choice good WHITE GOODS may be pat. These great half price materials will be bought, and buyers will be amazed at quali ty aud style of them for so little money. Block Hemstitch Stripes, 10 cts. 25ct. Ftne Satin Line Striped and Checked White Nainsook, fall yard wide cts. a yard, 25ct Fine Medium Weight Naiosook with narrow lines of revering, 36 inches wide, 12b cts. a yard. 25ct. Satin Stripped India Ltn< n, groups of wide stripes. 40 inches wide, 12i cts. a yard. The greatest assortment of Wash Goods ever offered a. this store—space has been doubled aDd the beauty and artistic merit of designs aud colorings throughout entire line of Wash Dress Goods leyond, any thing we've ever shown— Price range on Dimities, Zepbrys, Ginghams, Crepons, Ducks, P. Ks, S» isFes, Orghndies, Etc , 10, 15 20, 25, 35, including Swivel Silk Ginghams to 50 cts. Write our Mail Order Dept. for Sim ples for these and fall lines J/.-diuru to Finest Dress Goods. Silks and Suitings, aud test the truth of our claim, Best tonalities and Styles at Lowest Prices. Boii'gS & Buhl, 115 to 121 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY. PA. ■ : EUROPEAN + HOTEL. 315 S. Main St., - - Butler, Pa. ALEX WILLIAMS, Prop'r. Everything new—Electric, light, 1 gas and water. +*iL" f, g' D g 35, 50 und SI.OO. Regular meals at 25 ct§,. Bubrdiiig at SI.OO a day. *^ Lonch Counter open alljn.ght. .-•», 1 Auditors' Report of Clinton twp.' VAiru 12, I**JH. Auditors' settlement ol poor account of : Clinton twp , with Clarence Anderson. I Treasurer. ; Cash in treasury from last year.... #*4 34 I Note filed in Butler on Wareham property 17 00 ! Kec'd from Allegheny City on Thos. Dempsey case ............... 52 42 j Money borrowed by Overseers of the Poor 125 00; Amount in Treasury $278 76 Dne from Allegheny Co. on the Ella Park case ... 50 UO Vouchers redeemed by Clarence Anderson,Treas,GrautShoemaker 50 00 To Boyd sisters lor boarding,nursing Thos. Dempsey 25 25 Expenses ol Geo Maizland on Ella Park case 4 80 To John Halstead for Attorney... 15 00 Expenses of Ella Park to Butler.. 122 Orde. from Lensner Jt Fred Eoert Jus Lrß of Peace 150 Costs in iioyd case 10 18 Cosis in Shoemaker case 31 15 Proviug bond aud oath of E. Sefton by F. Lbm 75 Dr. E. B. Merchom attending Thos Dempsey.. 27 17 T A. Bart ley for services a! $1.50 per aa> and expeu.-es 37 50 Book, oath and upproval ol bond of T. A. Bartley 1 10 John Halstead, servicer as ovirseer 53 50 Treasurer's per cent 5 18 Total amount redeemed 264 30 Amount in Treasury ......... 1446 ROAD AccorsT, CLARK sen ANDKRSO.N, TKSAB. Received Irom Collector $ 63 60 Collectors per cent......... 335 66 95 Amount of duplicate.... ..#372 14 Kec'd Irom Wm Harvy, c 01..332 73 Rebate, col. per cent,exone'a'n 20 17 352 90 In hands of Col. 19 24 Kec'd from Wm Uarvy, C 01..332 73 In treasury 353 75 From Col. 63 60 Ainouut ree'd bj" Treas 750 08 Vouchers redeemed 477 24 In hands of Treas. 272 84 Vouchers redeemed by Clarence Ander son, Treasurer, of road fund. S. C. Moore, oaths.... .... 25 W. P. Hemphill 25 S. Moore, timber for bridge 10 00 J. M Kiddle, filling bridge and making road 100 00 Joseph Brewer, plank 114 03 Nelson McCall, timber and stone.. 317 Dehess Ekas, timber and stone.... 14 36 S. C. Moore, services 12 00 Joseph Joues, stone 6 75 Henry Geisler, 31 loads stone 7 75 James Watson, stone 4 00 S. C. Moore, timber and 16 loads stone 6 35 Thomas Woods, servicer 12 00 W. C. Turner, 6 loads 5t0ne....... 150 Nelson McCall, stone 1 50 Thomas Woods, 2 loads stone.... 50 A. Vorpe, stone 8 50 Wm. Harvey, 30 loads stone 7 50 M. Thrower, services 12 00 C. Mustatf, 14 loads stone 3 50 J. Halstead, stone ..... 4 25 W. P. Hemphill, services 12 00 Joseph Brewer, plank 11 72 M. Thrower, stone and timber.... 176 W. J. Flick, stone 13 75 W. H. Sefton, stone and timber 9 45 Geo. Bohn, services 12 00 P. McCall, services 12 00 W. J. Porter, stone 9 75 H. Sefton, stone 2 50 W. A. Neubert, timber 2 10 Jas. Harvey, timber and spikes 86 B. Lindenberg, timber and spikes. 185 J. H. Brewer, stone 4 00 Jas. Halstead, 5t0ne.............. 500 11. Behning, 24 loads stone.. 6 00 F. Ebert, 2 oaths and approval.... 100 Thos. Woods, duplicate and making same 1 15 M. Thrower, oath and approval.... 75 N. Stepp, timber and stone.... .... 412 W. Waiter timber aud spikes 3 51 M. Thrower, working Carson road. 5 65 T. Woods, Secretary 6 50 Conrad Anrensberg, 11 loads stone. 275 John Krumpe, oaths and approval.. 75 Thomas Love, 36 ft timber 3c per ft 108 Auditors' fee and stationery 6 35 Treasurer's per cent 9 35 Total $477 24 Wn the Auditors of Clinton twp. having examined the account of Clarence Ander son. Treasurer of poor and road accouut, lind it as above stated and believe it to be correct, March 12. 1894. JOH.V S LOVE, i C. B GLASC-.w. Auditors. I. N. HABVKY. > 'pBK BUTLK.R COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, BPTLKK, PA.; CAPITAL Paid Up, ... $100,000.00. SUBPLFS A?II> PIiOFITS, - $88,835.14. OKFICEKS: Jos. Hartman, Pres't, J. V. Rltts, Vice Pres't, C. A. Bailey, Cashier, DIRECTORS: Jos. Hartraan. C. P. Collins, N.M.Hoover H. Mcsweeney, c. D. Greenlee, J. V. Rltts, E. E. Abrams, Leslie Hazlett, I. G. Smith, W. S. Waldron, M. Flnegan. A general banking business transacted. In terest. paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approver security. Foreign exvhauge bought, and sold. PROFESSIONAL OARD^K DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. Gold Killing Painless Extraction ol Teeth and Artificial Teeth without Plates a specialty Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local Ana-stliettes used. Office over Millers Vroceryj.east ot Lowry House. Office cloaedWelueslays and Thursdays J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. Artificial Teetn inserted on the latest im proved plan. Gold Killing a specialty. Offlce— over Schaul's ClothluK Store. V. McALPINE, Dentist, is uow located la new and (elegant rooms ,ad jolnlns nis former; ones. All ot clasp plates and moderen KO id work. ••Gas Administered." C. F. L. McQUiSTION, ENGINEER AID SURVEYOR, OFFICE NKAB ULAXOKD. BUTLSH. PA. NEWTON BLACK.. Att'y at Law—office on SouUi side or Diamond Butler. Pa. i£. N. I.EAIVE. M. 1). J. E. MANN. M. D Specialties: Specialties: •yuxcology aad Sur- Bye. liar. Nose and tfeiy. Throat. DRS. LEAKE & MANN, Butler, Pa. G M. ZIMMERMAN. PHYSICIAN AND SCHUSON. office at No. 45. S. Main street, over Frank « 'o's IH UK Store. Butler, Pa, Dr. N. M. HOOVER, 137 E. Wayne St., office hours, 10 to 12 M. and | ; to 3 P. M. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. 200 West Cunningham St. ♦ L. BLACK, PHYSICIAN ANI> SUKUEON, N -w TrOutman Bnlldlng. fuller. P». COULTER & BAKER. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In room 11.. / men li.llCii'g, Butler Pa. A. M. CHRISTLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlce second lloor, Aniler.-ion B1 k, M un' St, near court House. Butler, Pa.; Jgikl KAUFHANNSI M Pv Jfflj Who have bought out Louis Traxler are still selling the entire Traxler stock at -60 CENTS OX THE DOLLAR,-- At the old stand, next door to the Butler Savings Bank. New bargains added this week: 50 and 75c. pocket books go at 19c., 50c. ladies vests and pants to match sell at 29c. » » Fine kid gloves reduced from $1.50 to 79c. " $1.25 to 69c. Ladies 35c. black hose, finest grade for 19c. Mens 35 and 50c. neckwear at 19c. $1 Embroidered Aprons at 59c. 75c. •• '• 49c. 50c. '• " 33c. 25c. «' " 17 c. Table linen at greatly reduced prices. If you want a Bargain you can get it at KAUFMANN'S, Leaders in Low Prices and Reliable Goods. BUTLER, PA. GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE! Owing to ill health my entire stock of SIO,OOO worth of Gents Furnishing Goods, consisting of Hats, Caps, Neckwear, Under wear, Shirts, Gloves, Trunks, &c. will be sold at cost and below. These goods must be sold before April, so come early and secure bargains in unbroken lots. I have a great many goods suitable for farmers that will pay to purchase for future use at the following low rates: WE ARE OFFERING: $135 all-wool underwear at 30c 75c neckties at 10c. $1 50 gray all-wool underwear at $1 00 neckties at 15c. 49 C $1.25 cbildrenb' fane; caps at 43c. $1.50 percal dress shirts at 50c 20c fioe linen collars at sc. SI.OO dress shirt, laundried at 37c. H-00 gi>od all-wool shirts at 38c $2.75 stiff bats at 25c. 1 I 1 25 fancy all-wool shirts at 4gc 3 00 stiff hats at 25c I 00 childrens' hats at 25c , and 50c neckties at 10c- I hundreds of others. CHAS. R. GRIEB, No. 118 Sooth Main St., - - Butler, Pa VBSELEY & MDFT, WANT EVERY Maq, Wo mo t\ and Child In Butler county know that they have received their large and com plete line of Fall and Winter Boots, Shoes and Slippers at prices that will surprise them. We have the celebrated Jamestown Boots and Shoes, made by hand and warranted, which have proven their wearing quailites for years past. We want to give the trade f The Best Goods for Least Possible, LiYiog Profit.#- The best line of Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes ever shown in the county. Children's School Shoes in every shape and style. Rubber Goods otj all kinds and shapes at all prices. Come and see the boys. i Vogeley & Bancroft i 347 S. Main Street. - Butler, Pa .Fob Work ol all kinds done at the "Citizen Office.' IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at Law, Office at No. IT, East JeOer «on St..Butler. Pa. W. C. FINDLEY, Attorney at Law and Keal Estate Agent. Of I Que rear or L. Z. Mitchell's office on north side of Diamond, Butler. Pa. H. H. GOUCHER. Attorney-at-law. Office on second floor o Anderson building, near Court Bouse. Butler F'A. J. W HUTCHISON, attorney at law. office oil second iloor the Iluselton clock, Diamond, Butler, Pa.. Koom No. 1. S. H. PIERSOL. ATTOENKY AT LAW. Office at No. 104 West Diamond St. A. T. BLACK. attorney at law. Room F„ Armory Building, Butler. Pa H. Q. WALKER, Attoroe.v-at-Law—Office;(ln Dlamotd .BloOfc Butler. Pa. J. M. PAINTER,' Attorney-at-Law. omce—Between Postoftlce and Diamond, Bu ler. Pa. A. T. SCOTT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. office at No. 8. South Diamond. Butler. Pa. For Sale or Rent. The Kirker farm of about 11)0 acres, situ ate in Connoquenessing twp., liutier Co.. Fa., near Whitestown, under good slate ol cultivation, good fences, orchard, and well walered. a good seven roomed house with cellar, good barn, wagon shed and out baidings. boose and barn under new root. One of the best larms in the county; con venient to market, school and church; also probable oil territory. For terms, etc., inquire of Mrs. Nascy A. Eirkkr. Believne F. 0., Allegheny Co., Fa., or I. I!. MCJunkih. Bntler, Pa. m i EWIS' 98 % LYE . f KTZESZ3 AH3 PEirUMS W&Btkfi?? (r*Tt*TEl>) '.aßf'T. TM»'r<«nirr«t »:*! pomt I.JI m.i' •>. I"nl>k.e other l.y*. tt tx-tnf ■A IX i Quo powder hi. I io< In a ran V wiili removal I" liil. tto© contents ktv ul«..yi r aly f. r u T . Win . ma*. lh<- »»«•»!. rfuniKd llaM Nap | In -i minute- « ttliotif bulllw. IC <• Ili«* »•<**» for cl-anting WJU->W n lip's dMufectt*»n sinks If t waning botiios isAiDUs traea, etc. PEN HA. SALT MTO CO j fIBBBSto (i«u> A«u-, Fhlla., Pa. 1831 THE CULTIVATOR 1894 lUVI AND j Country Gentleman THE BEST OF THE Agricnltnral Weeklies. DEVOTED TO Farm Crops and Procesess, Horticulture & Fruit-Growing, Live-Stock and Dairying While it also includes all minor depart ments of Rural interest, such as the Pool try Yard, Entomology, Bee-Keeping, Greenhouse and Grapery, Veterinary Re plies, Farm Questions and Answers, Fire side Reading, Domestic Economy, and a summary of the News of the Week. Its ilarket Reports are unusually complete, and much attention is paid to the Pros pects of the Crops, as throwing light nj. on one of the most important of all ?nestions —When to Buy and When toScP. t is liberally Illustrated, and by RECENT ENLARGEMENT, contains more reading matter than ever before. The subscription price is $2.50 a yeai, but we offer a SPE CIAL REDUCTION in onr CLUB RATES FOR 1894. TWO KVBHCIPTIOSB. In one remittance....! 4 SIX KUBKCRIPTIO*S. do do .... 1* TK.I KIBSCHIPTIOSS, do do .... 15 tFTo all New Subscribers for 1894, pa ying in advance now, we will send the pa per Weekly, from our receipt of the remit tance, to January Ist, 1894, without charge. |ySpecimen Copies Free. Address LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Publisher*, Albany, N. T. 5 DOLLARS Jo PER DAY 20 Easily Made. We want many men, women, boys, and girls to work for us a few liours daily, right in and around their own home*. The business is easy, pleasant, strictly honorable, and pays better than any other offered agents. You have a clear field and no competition. Experience and special ability un necessary. Xo capital required. We equip yoi irith everything that you need, treat you well, md help you to earn ten times ordinary wages. Women do as well as men, and boys and gtt lt make good pay. Any one, anywhere, can do th« work. All succeed who follow onr plain and sim ple directions. Earnest work will surely bring rou a great deal of money. Everything is new sud in groat demand. Write for our pamphlet circular, and receive full information. No harm lone if you conclude not *o go on with tUt business. GEORCE STINSON&CO., Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE. L 8. McJUNKIN, asarance and Seal Estate Ag'l 17;EAST;J EFFERSON ST. JUTLKR. - PA.