GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE! Owing toiD health my entire c W.f SIO,OOO north of Gents Furnishing Goods, consisting of Hats, Caps, Neckwear, I mlei wear, Shirts, Gloves, Trunks, Sic. will I sold at cost andbelou. These goods must be sold befor ■.•Apr::, so conn carl} and secure ; bargains in unbroken lots. I have a great many gootfc suitable 10. farmers that will pay to purchase for future use at the following low rates: WE ARE OFFERING: 1 «f 30c 75c neckties at 10c. $135 all-wool un 6 ral $1 00 neckties at 15c. $1 50 gray all-w-jol and $1.25 childrens'fancy caps at 43c. a 20c fine linen collars at sc. $1.50 percal dress shirts at, jUC. q d a „. wool Bbirtg at 3g c . SI.OO dress shirt, taundried at 37c. 2 _ fancy aI ,. WOO j ghirt3 at 49c $2.75 stiff bats at 25c. t 0Q cbi |d ren6 ' t ats ftt 25c., and 3 00 stiff hats at 2oc hundreds of others. 50c neckties at 10c. 1 CHAS. R. GRIEB, No. 118 Sooth Main St., - * pa THINGS, i EAR-RINGS, Diamonds iscarf pins, 'studs, ( GENTS GrOLD, %*7 x < LADIES <tK)LD, W atciies ( GKNTS SILVER. LADIES CIIATLAIN, *- 1 _ { GolcTPins, Ear-rings, Jewelry ) Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, | Tea sets, castors, butter dishes o*i < and everything that can be hilverware \ un d in a first store, ROSGHt Ellis, Ml ffSTh-r* E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 139, North Main St., BUTI EB, PA., THE ~HARDnAN ART COHPANY. We are located now at 110 South Main Street, adjoining the Butler Savings Bank. Our rooms are large, fine and commodious. Photographic enlargements and Life Size, Hand Made Finished Portraits by the finest French artists obtainable. In photographs we give you results and effects that cannot be produced outside of our Studio. Y\ c use only Standard Brand Collodion Paper and not Gelatine, a cheep and inferior paper used by many. Picture and Por trait frames; special prices to jobbers. Compare our work with any Standard Work made or sold in tlie state. (Jur victorious motto, "We harmonize the finest work with the promptest service and the lowest prices for the quality oi work." Beware of tramp artists and irresponsible parties and strangers. Have your work done by reliable and ic sponsible parties that guarantee all work satisfactory. ' all and examine our work and samples and read our many tes timonials. THE HARDMAN ART COMPANY. A Scientist cUlms the Root of Di teases to be in the Clothes we Wear. The best Spring Remedy for the Blues, etc., is to Discard Your Uncomfortable old Duds which irritate the Body:—Leave Your measure at ALAND'S for a New- Suit which will Fit well, Improve the Appearance by Relieving you Instantly of that Tired Feeling, and Making You Cheerful and Active. The Cost of this Sure Cure is Very Moderate; TRY IT. -%/%/%/%/%.-v HELLO THERE W. E. RALSTON Is to the front once more, hard times and all, with a brand new store and an elegant new Btock of goods, such 8 Fine Gold Watches. Diamonds, tewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware at pricea that will down the hard times. Call and see me at Mo. 326 S. Mail St., Butler. WATCH AND CLOCK RE PAIRING A SPECIALTY. CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT? 9<* • prompt aniwer anil an honest opinion. wilte to I fll 5N <fc CO., wtao have bad nearly Bfty yean' experience In the patent busineea- Community- | tlona aulctly confidential. A Handbook of In- i formation concerning I'D tenia and bow to ob- , tain tbam aent free. Alao a catalogue of mecLan- I Ml and Klmitinc booka aent free. Patents taken throniih Munn A Co. receive . ■pacta! notice in the r*clenclflr Americas, and I (Boa art) brought widely before the public with out ooat to the Inventor. Tbia anlendid paper, taaaed weekly. eleaantly Uloatratad. baa or far the breeet circulation of any aclentlflc work In tbe . world. *3 a year, sample copiea aent free. , Bulldlnf Kdltloo, monthly, f!.50 n year. Hin*lo copies. "2 ' cents. Every numlir contain* beau tiful plates. In color*, and phi umraphs of new boaaea. with plana. enabling builders to ahow tbe latest dealeus and secure contrails. Addreaa MUNN £ CO, New YOU*. 3tti XJItOAUWAT. POULTRYMEN! Our Green Bone Cutter will dou ble yonr e?g production Bpst and ChenptM in th-; tU't ki Circular free. WEBSTER ft HAKNUM, Cizenosid, H. Y |B. $• B. BLACK. With the whitest prices from a cus- I tomer's standpoint,that ever were of fered in these two cities —in any city, we believe you may say Fine Blaek Mohair Brillian- I tines, 29 inches wide, 25 cents a yard. Elerant Black Mohair Brillian tines, 42 inches wide, 50 cents. All wool 50 cent Black Ladies' Cloth, 38 inches wide, 25 cents. $1.50 to $2 00 Black Suitings— odd lines to be sacrificed—so to 54 inches widt*, SI.OO a yard Three new lots Black Cheviois —specially adapted to Tailor Gowns i —SO inches wide, $1 00, $1.25 ai d | $1 50. The new undressed Black Worsteds, made in England by a celebrated maker of men's wear materials, manufactured these in right weight for ladies' gowns— stylish and bound to be popular— -56 iuehes wide, $2.00 and $2 50- But the grand climax of ihis great Black Dress Goods OlTer lng is the large lot fine imported Black Silks, thrown on the New York market to be sold for cash. We bought, and now's your Black Silk chance without an equal. Handsome Black Cochemire Uroa Grxin Silks, 22 inches wide, 90 cents- $1.25 and $1.50 you've often paid for these. Two lota superb quality and finish Black Peau de Solr, $1.50 and $1.75. Elegant heavy Black Satin Di chesse, SIOO per yard—never such a chance for ti handsome Black Silk Dress. Come, or write t r Hauiplffc; you'll be aniHzed at the quality and style of ib-m a - , price. Boggs & Buhl, 115 to 121 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY. PA. THE highest cahh prices paid for beef and horee hide*; ulbo i-hccp ; pelts, tallow and furs of nil kind* j Will be home on Friday and Satur- j day of each week. H. C. HRIOKER, 201 Mercer St., Butler, I'D. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg ih now rrmiDg a line of carriages h«twe<' . the hotels and flepctH di the tow.'. No 17. or leav» ».r««r; Hot* i Vogeley j (;!<( I IT< 1 r ir < fmiU'fUitr. : tTli6*< pcirrat I.yj m»te. u' ' ''"j'r j' ! ' luakcf'th.t '!'«•»■ TtiimM ir.l 9. IN JI mli.. I v. BUNT IH>IIII>II. II la tli<- l«e«t I I. waste pips, :ln» 'I:. L. c|r »cU, I washing buttles, lain iri-ee, tic. ; PENNA. BALT K'FO CO I Oe a. Ajju.. Phlla., Pa. [ •» " o'oir.tfc.wno wiirt * IvEllO th»» p*pe ,or Obtain ••tirrat t | > \*rt when .n Cn»cago, will find it on f<*c ; t LORD & THOMAs, Nothing #ll Enrtli Will AK^ r 1 HW LISS r hian's Condition Powder! CPS YOUR CHICKENS ' ■*y . F r:vcnls all Disease. Hens. 1 'h'y concert a q^an . , i, v s > other one-fourth aa -One large can aw«l me • ' • says etc v.AOtner. n: : rc # UscKdloaj. I *2IA :b Stx .. W t.'Umng Ut iti*. pn«< . r r..- rv. Sample copy V " r .?st., Boston, Ma* PfFf £ DR. HUMPHREYS' New Specific No, Seyenly-Sefen FOR. THE CURE OP GRIPPE With all its symptoms t f Influenza, Cat:orb. Pains an 1 Bcr< I ia the H' J and Chest, Cou-h, Sore Throat «A gen ital Proration ana I or. Latin SLrly it o»U it iAort prompUy; Mm> dnrin? its prevalence, prevents n ton* ;-r.ffenn« from it, a raiot is speedily im& is con tin-:. I to : n oi.lir ci:iv. * ] ; ; • -v 3'* your - . ill not got it £■>■ von, -* * : 1 1 be • pan I aid on receipt of j>- or 6 'rr SI.OO. HUMPHREYS' fFDICINE Your Watch Insured Free. A perfect again-t theft or accident is the now famous BOW,- the only be v irinsi -.vhicb cannot be puih d or v. r r.-.hed frc.r.» th; ca:.\ Can only be JKSij ha 1 or: i - coi.tainingt! i trade mark. Ki. tone WrA :h Case Company, of •J r, lar.'i-t, ar.d most complete Watch ( -y in the worid—lsoo employees; - •> V.'.itch Cases daily. • 1., its;: . :."!sis t'iecelebrated Jus, Boss Pilled Watch Cases which are just at food os solid cues, aad co t Im] f less. ' : !,v ..'1 j vjl< :i, without extra charge f ull-ont hc -.v. Ask for pamphlet, or 5.:.. i '.-j th-j m-::/facturers. '•••r.'v'V- -■, ■ ; -V r C.;. m ' m y • • . * ffi 1 r*" '• &:> w )■ I fc'HU • • ■' *+> '■ Zml - -- • >£- .• tX , - <4'-J m - C "i v are OJd, ~ ?3iCi l' .V;. '. K v"'/ ' . • J ' i - : 'l*. i r. .: ,v \ - • TOH*vr „ - (>■ wit Caroy. thousands atiunallyof IJverCom plainls, Biliounnoa;ij Jatirid'cs, Dyspop- Bla, Constipation, Malaria. Mom Ills ronnlt, ; i ••an T* hc i!?>>v 1,1 ver than any oth-rr " *.l. .• when yon can be cured? Bv. > Blver Invigo* ator ii &C' * 1 ; • 1 1 / mHlirlßG, VOl'K V.".!X NI'ITLY YOO, Pill' DRUGS IT iOK | PKIOEB i n the motto at oir JS. st" ro. If veil are pick and need tnedit-io ycu want the BEST. Thi- <> ■ao ■ll wi» v - depend upon petting frorn UH, us we nothgiir but atrictly Pure Drugs in our Prescription Depart ment. You can «et the teat of every thing in the druj* line from UH. Unr store ia also headquartera fir PAINTS OILS, VARHISKES Kalsoming, Alabastirte j Q i our pries before yoa buy ! a t-«, *nl what we huva to jne tVe '-i'l save you dollara on i iou paint bill Respectfully J. C.REDICK, i >1 ail *i. ioI id (1' J i vi) BUTLERi PA. Hotel 1 :>u tier, J. H. FAIJBEL, Pi'o|j This house has bcrr il;or»>u i •!<- J 1 y renovated, term.deled, and re- 1 fitted Uh .. - furniture ;u• I j carjje! . h:.. eli.i tisi bells and .ill j oilier rnirficir. convenience:* for j audi as convenient. ami i i desirable .*• home for strati,' i: as- j 1 ,■ • u , u can be fou; d in tiuuer. la Elegant sample room tc>r use of ommercial rntn Cunu IlrUUl's IMM-J Dropsy. (Jravel, Nerv oUMtevs, Heart. I"iln»ry I.IVIT lilseases. Kii .wii >'.y * tired luoiiule ; luncUnff of Ib(- k'dneys weakens uud T)OIM)DS U;c riloorl. Mil MltoM MMM U IWMfld fOO WIOI I i l!li I'uri • .. (!*••' five Ir ir-H Btfin.f Rr*i'h»'H • I l»r<>| *>.—MRi>. I. L. Mil kl X, Ifc-thl how, 'I •• Try It. ruf toinraiili- 'l. CASVK KIMM €CB6 €«»., • *-!> St., Flillsdrluhli, l'«. (k»W W All Bailable DrutfUl*. THE C I TIZEN Don't complain about the weather For ea.'ier 'tis you'll find. To make your nr.nd ti weather Than wVather to your mind. Don't complain about ' the sermon And show your iaek of wit, For. like a boot, a sermon hurts The closer it doth fit Don't complain about your neighbor, For in your neighbor's view His neighbor is not fautless— That neighbor being you —lt is said that a Richmond factory makes 600,000, 000 cigarettes a year. The number of young men it unmaks is not mentioned. —lgnatius Donnelly's treatise on how Bacon wrote Shakespear is now sold only by the pound. —Because she kissed murderer Hugh Robbard, in her infatuation, Mrs. May Fanning, a widow, was dismissed from the Sheriffs office at Dubuque, la. —At the beginning ol the century the Bible was accessible to but one fifth of the population of the world. No w it may bo read by nine-tenths ot the peo ple of the globe, so rapidly has its transla tion been carried on. —ln olden times the Mayor of Leicester, England, was chosen by a sow. The can didates sat in a semi-circle, each holding his hat full of beans in his lap, and ho was selected Mayor from whose hat the sow ate first. —EalvationOil has the enviable distinc tion of being a synonym for cure of rheu matism. neuralgia, gout, and kindred affec tions, such as sciatica, ticdouloureux, etc* It is growing more popular daily. The people will have it. 25 cts. —The Uuited States rivers have a navi 1 treble length of 1G.690 miles; those of Bra zil. 22,210. of Russia, 2o.942; Germany. 15,- 780, and of France, 5,550. —Mrs. Amelia A. Frost, wife of Rev. George A., pastor of the Orthodox Congressional Church at Boston, has been ordained as associate pastor to her hus band. —Prevent attacks ot rheumatism by tak ing Hood's Sarsaparilla. It purifies tLe blood. —Caroline is the feminine of the Latin form of Charles. Irs Signification fs the Noble Spirited One. It has always been regarded as an exceedingly fortunate or lucky name, and hus been borne by 77 qu> ei.s. —Representative Lapham, of Rhode Island, has introduced a bill to authorize the appointment of a historian familiar with tie Utile i f Gettysburg to prepare I maps »;•:•!« ieg ihe rnoven ent of troops. I Tbe bill rtc n inends an appropriation of $25,000 —TLe "fnuiij "editor of an exchange says that "one rer.son why a man's stockings c >ft less thau his wife's is because they do not come go high Drunkenness, t'e Liquor Habit, Pos lVfclv Cuied by adnr.nsiering Dr. } J 1 "(rVu fjtctc." It is manufactured a* a powder, which can be given in t glass of beer, a cup of collee or rea.or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will aflect a permanent and speed} cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect care has followed. It never fail.-. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for tbe liquor appetite to ex ist Cures guaranteed. IS page book of | particulars tree. Address, Golden Specific (jo . 185 Race St.. Cincinnati (> —Out of 707 new.-papcrs and magazines published in Japan only two are devotid to party politics, whilo general topics oc cupy 108, agriculture, commerce and in dustry 107, education 86, «antitary matters 45. religion, 08. —Princes Colonna ought to write a book of her experience for the benefit of other foolish American girls wbo aro trj ing to buy a title wiih a husband thrown in. L< udin's I-'isk Jubilee Singers must have made a tr, me: d"»ip ! i' at their first cone* rt at Plymouth c! • nch recently, for they sang to another immense audience at Wieting Op;-r» House last night. Every seat in the houßeihad been :»keu in the afternoon and at : -ght enough additional admission* wero sold to completely pack every foot«l'*p»ce. The audience received the program wirli vi <t!erois spplaun- lioudic's solos, the male quartette, and the cniire. club were all t'i c ored lime und agi.ii. The voices are Miong and well bleniled, an.i Ihe songs arc give with Ite giir,lo c-l the planta'iou u - gro. The coucert i- as attractive as ii unique — Syracuse Standard, March 3 tl. _l> generally l that when a man's beait put-ations go dowu to 40 a minute death »ill follow unices restora tives ar aJmiuinferod. Yettho pulsations <if 'Hints Lyons, ol lien ton Harbor, Mich, have dink as low as 18 a minute, al though '•» all spi-earnrcei be is well and strong. A'.vices received from the North oi Ireland fay lliat a lifeboat, after o piriious Yo'/age, I .s nuceecded in re ichiog the Is la ici of li.nis'.rahull at the extreme north of Ireland, wriest 50 iuhai. luutrf ha\o I een unable for w.-.nk< pi-it to communicate witli the inuinUnd and wh-> were believed to have been in danger of dj ing from starvation. —While at breakfast recenily at his iii.usi.- iu Marlsborough, N r . V., Frank I-'itz gerald, a blacksmith, was stricken blind. A wonie it before his eye>: bad felt perfect ly normal. Physicians pronounce his re ooveiy hopeless. Fitzgerald had been an inveterate cigarette smoker. —The gre.>tc*t «• eplo climber in Eng land is William Green. ile lias repaired 50<t more r.teeples and spires, and in sent !ur front -il part* of tbu kingdom. Hi* great achievement* nave been in repairing the spire i>l Salisbury «.'athedrul, 404 fret high; l.iuth, Lin oil *hire,'3so teet; Gran tbaui, XiO feet, and a steeple in Cambridge shire, 280 feet. l'r<if Ktiwtml Orton, an Ohio geologist, has been makin;' a careful study of the coal capacity of the State, and in u recent speech before the 0 ii » Institute of iliuiug 15r.,:;r» er* s'atetl that, pu'tine tf.e annual demand .it 25,000,000 tons, which is 11- 000.000 tnore "than the amount market d last. J car, it Would U'<fl 1.000 ye ir* to tX haust Ohio's know n coal field. —Tuo lap of spring is getting ready I>■ . :d «inter to linger i" —Few men ever become too dignili »i to atop a lid Wat I. i dog ti|:i.t • i I'ivir Ih'ie 1» a discussion "I ti-> tanffti. itvu louuuer ulwav* patt hi er.- in. It t- mi -I, T i' .-hie toft that ev. r ; man wi.ii - tjts urttrii In tiis yeal poi 1.- tt in i t liiiiil linn*. A woxuat; 1-i.n.sti. that .tiw lias never I din a mi-: or. She would be a go d ultim tioii for a ii:u-wi:u »■*>» i' not lor tl.e tact that klie is blind, —A doctor called upon a young lady for ce\eral ntout.i.*, aud finally propoaed l her. She rejected him, and then he sent in .i bt I. charging her for every visit he bad H'ttde. —There >h i. gianl deal of Muiilarity be t v>. iii viiAnii-g the goodness of plea»ure Otid trjing to find the pot of gold at, the end of the rainbow. lioth ere bard to catch up with. —Tbi Japam •• Min ! " r at W.u!iirpt<*;. ii. • . i' i r4*/t v ii <-i. »u .i i-i..;'. • ■ pro nounce l-ioncbitir, i y aj tng that hi* *.vife "waa nick in her neck." rJsfl ! —Some one lias iijjurtMl «>jt tb<3 numl>t*r of miles the jaws of a gum-chewing girl will travel in thi- c.»w of a year. Giving her jaw a play of half an inch, or one inch ot travel 10- every chew, thirty chews a minute . sixty minutes an hour, ten hour a day, 362 days in a year, her jaws will ; have traveled 6.750,000 inched, ->r a frac tion over 103 miios. This is for the girl with tie small mouth—the big-mouthed i girl can beat that record. --Nell— Jack Rapiddo kissed me last, night. I was so mortified I didn't know what to do. Belle —Tou shouldn't mind a little thing like a kiss. Xell—Ob, yon don't under.-taud. I had been eating on ions. —lf persons would briug to bear the same amount of common sense in buying a remedy for bronchitis, cough, cold and croup,that they do in the purchase of their family supplies, they would never fail to procure Dr Bull's Cough Syrup. —A letter with an illustrated address — a decided rarity in its way—passed thro the Philadelphia post«ffice the other day and greatly amused the cleiks. The artist writer had sketched pictures of a bell, a bear (apparently), a hand holding a bird and a table castor. "That's dead easy," remarked the clerk to whom the difficult address was sent,and he promptly forward ed the letter to Miss Belie Bair, Bird-in- Hand, Lancaster county, Pa. Presumably it reached its destination, as no complaint regarding its non-arrivsl has been received. Consumption suro.'y Curod. re Tu_ SDrror.:—Plcaso Inform yenr resder* that 1 iiava a positive rorucdy for t!.o above-named disease. E; a timely use thousands of h:>peie>* cose« hare W .-n permanently cured. I shall be glad to twj of my remedy FREE to any of your readers •» , j havo consumption If they will send me then Express and P. O. address. Eespert fnliy. 7. A. BX*XJtTM. M. C.. 181 Pearl St.. 2i. I. —A local writer on honsehold topics says children should be punished, bit with reason. That may ba all right, but wiiat's the matter with the g< od, old-fashioned slipper? —Little Tommy—"Pup, wbat are un written lawt?" I'op—"The kind a wan ann ually makes to suit his own conscience, my son." —The man and his wife were leaving the house to go to the theater, and as they walked away the wife said: "Did you try the front doi»r to see whether you had locked it?" "Yes" "Are you quite cer you did?" "1 am sure." "I'm afraid you d ; an't." "Well to convince you I'll go hack and try it again,' - and the man went hack, turned the nub and found just what he expected—thai the door was locked. On the other side of the street stood a cii zen belonging lo the genus "tough,'' who tfho made a practice of taking wbat did not belong to him. He saw the man and his wife come out of the bouse, heard part 01 tbe conversation, *uw the man go back and try the door, and then tbo tough cit izen reasoned thus: "They have gone out for the evening and left nobody iu the house. II there was f nyone in the house, he would not have been so careful about going back to try the door. Here's a chance for mo. I'll get in the hack wi;y lor there's nobody to prevent me " And forthwith iie proceeded to put his plan in to execution. He forced u b.ick wiudow, entered the house and captured a goodij snare of plunder. Then he departed. There is a moral down deep iu this story —Few- people of this world are treated justlj—iu their own estimation — Ex. No. Hut many a man wbo complains of the i!l --treartmeut of the world ought to be down on his knees thanking Heaven that he has not been treated jus'ly, for.ns Shakespeare says, "Treat all men justly, and who should 'scape whipping." —Rheumatism cured iu a day— "Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito :i days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease iunnediate!> disappears. The first dose greatly I cnefits. ii cts. Sold by J. C liedick, druggist, Hutler. lfany a cruel and heartless crime is committed in the name of "business," A m :P. doe- a mean, contemptible act, and excuses his conscience by calling it business. We should not get terms confuted. Rot - bery and fraud and deception and heartless avarice bear about !be s itna relation to busioes. th-it the tube rose does to skunk cabbage. —The effect id' tho i.ard times upon the workingmau is different fiom tho effect upon the buiicomm, ia that tbe former cannot, lind anything to do. and tie Uucr canuot Und anybody to do. —lt is dollars to cents that the poet who sings of the downy nnow flakes never had to shovel it off his sidewalk. —Piscatorial authorities say that, were it not for tho natural enemies of fish, the codfish would fill all the available space in tho seas, rivers and oceans. —Two physicians have arrived at the conclusion that most persons struck by lightening and to all appearance* dead could tie recalled to life by appl>ing the method of artificial respiration in use l< r resuscitating the drowned. * —Mrs. Lucinda Perry, of Tipton, Mo. t has married a widower with niuete n children. —Many years ago Engineer Allen, while employed on the Canadian Pacific Kail road gave Sti to a starving actor. The ac tor died recently and is said to have left SOO,OOO to Allen. —"What did yon enjoy most at Sunday school to-day, IlerbieT" "Oh, all that song about Dinah Moore." "Who sang it to you, dear?" "Why. everybody sang ' I'm going home to Dinah Moore " —Dr. Keeley, of Dwight, 111., in answer ing a correspondent. offers tho following remedy for the grip: "I would like to sug gest a treatment for the grip which I know is nearly specific, as well as innocent. It is simply asafattida, given in four grained pills, one pill four limes a day. No miin need be sick of the grip these days who will take it. For the past two years, with all the patients here—subject, of course, to such epidemics—l have not had one man to go to bed from the dise.a e. I break it up very quickly, and in fact cure it. If ihis ireaiinent was generally known it It, wo iM *ave .-offerer* nmch expense at d a. ,1 ma- y m-efyl and valoablw lives." L l ' eri:. is the • ' .. ore or less civ iliiad country vlier ii ,! s ate almost entirely di- 1- ■ -'d . f !-• u'i rises fxuetly at 0 . tud s,*!-. MI thronghoDt the yt ii-, and it is v. rfi< 4 al»y overhi d at noon. I'LEANAST TO THE TASTE, pb iisfii-i • the ta«.i,ig, pleus- Ac '-4 tin t iii u r action—but un rivaled in ihair result*. That fairlv ,'<«-ribes Dr. Pierce's J'k-aw.uL Itilcts. In every >-• | ,l,.;ordcr of t lie liver, stornucb, '■ end Ijowei .tbey given {&■. '"{'or Biliousncbs. Jaundice, , ... - ... • i l■ ' palion, fliz a, >ur i 't< in/tch, and "ff L {,.• rllious If»«ncin/.hen, Ysr f ' y arc tho nati'. ul remedy. I They're tiny. ,iugar-coated I , .-i.nide., i aively largor thaw numtaid se» its a compound of rcfi n*-.l aaid concentrated vcgctubla extracts. • I'ut up in M'alo<l via la, always fresh ro- j tie Me; a convenient remedy. They'iv ym-anteed to give satisfaction, 111 I every case, or yom money is returned. Anv experlmenttng wl'b Catarrh in tbe j n i... ,! SeeioM'. tro'ihleii rssnll I from i', . :> • ,< i. aI" ii. •I. ■ «l aild I'.n y. . b; ■» utarrh ' ■/, »»>' «M'W. I soothing, •'k-u,iitin r end bwi::ng prwieilioa, I tely and penniinently CTtrss '■he very j worst cases. Iu proprietors oflfer foOu ro- ! fnu-d ( or jyvimUle catfe. CLEARANCE SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES. Tin: HNTIKE BALANCE OF FALL AND WINTER STOCK TO BE CLOSED OUT. —GRANDEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN BUTLER.— All broken lines of hand-turns, hand wel's I irli ar, d machine scw.d allocs of the finest don- JitldlcS kjllOCt . g Q j a ; n ' acc and button, al! go at $1.50. Among our stock of men's shoes will be found a grand selection of congress and AT' . shoes in fine calf. Kangaroo and Cor iltll Q OllOfcS. dovan, all the latest style toes, which will be sold at a big reduction during this sale. Here the} - are—the balance of ladies and T X Ormfs gents plush and velvet holiday slippers ' ' among them many pretty styles, regular prices $1.25 to $2 all go at 75 cents. \\ e have not forgot the girls and boys dur ing this grand bargain sale for we can sell a fine pair misses heel shoes at 50 cents; a fine pair misses spring heel dongola shoes, Xr pat. leather tips at 90 cents. Childrens shoes ranging in price from 35 to 75 cents. iSIIOPS Baby shoes at ten cents. Our stock of boys shoes is large and complete—all styles of shoes in line calf at very low prices dur ing this sale; boys fine calf shoes 75 cents to $1.25. Call and examine these goods. If you're going to need shoes within three months buy 'em now and save money. Still a few pair men's tan bluchers which are being closed out at $2. Our sale of rubber goods increases each day for low prices always win. Men« first quality ruhSi i' bouts $2 25 Mens knee boms $2 50 Mens Siorrn Kiu# boots $2 75. Boys fir.-r quality rubber boots 1.50. '• " storm " $2. Youths rubber boots $1 25. Womeas rubber boots 1 00 Childs " 1.00 Men s and Ladies' Buckle Arctics .Alaskas and all style rubbers at lower prices than can be bought elsewhere. I'till stock of Felt Boots anil Milwaukee woolen stockings with first quality overs at lowest prices. Money saved by buying at the bargain house ot JOHN HICKiCL. 128 SOUTH MAIN ST&EET. BUTLEK, PENN'A "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO NOTICE. XYY I TUKJ3 WELL- W APT 7 own VV||| I #i grapherjformerly XX \J X \j LA I the head of the J Werts- Hardin a n Art Co., will open a Studio and Photo Par lors opposite the Hotel Lowry, Cor, Main and Jefferson Sts., Rutler, Pa. This will be the best lighted au<3 equipped Studio and galleries in the the county. The work will be strictly tirst class and made under new formulas by the artist himself, who has had 15 years practical experience in large cities Portraits in Oil, Crayon, Sepia, Pastel, dc. In this line we have no competition, Our portraits are made by hand in onr own Studio, from sittings or from photos. Our work has reached the highest standard of excellence u d is not to be compared with the cheap ma chine made pictures furnished by others. Wait for us; get your pictures from us and be happy. McCANDLESS' fIEAVECURG. I have a Heave Cure that will onre any case of heaves in hordes in fort} days, it used according to directions, and if it does not do what I claim for it, I will refund tbe amount paid and no charges will be made for the treatment. Tbo following testimonials are tbe strongest proof of the medicines power to cure: A J MCCANDLESS, Butler, I'a.. ISD3. •MR A. .1. MCCAKULKSH: On the 2nd day of April, 1892, 1 com menced to uso your new cure for one of my horses that bad the heaves very had, and continued to use the medicine for about forty days and the horse did not show any signs of a return of them. It is now abotft a year since I quit givin the medicine and the horse has never sowed any signs of heaves, and 1 feel stisfied that he is properly cured. W. C. CIUSWKLL, Hut lor. PH., April 3, 1893. A J. MCCANI'LRHN: I have used your Heave Cure and found it will do tbe work if used according to di rections. Yours truly, R. J. MCMII.LIN. bss J is 'J' * ' .... V ABaor.U'i ,'i.t cuiiSi3. 0.-j; i »vailo*9-.y»1.:,„ I l:.t. i,,-. 1f..',:.,.. ~ I •tlnf-lni:; iu««t ut il; uor«« t . »l!un. J t«»»r* foriii a ■ , • iriifrh s>t««J crate* l»cror«ln-- % r rr rorr. mM A V *m ui .M Sir.% 1 ( .|/i. ' , hl>-r<i2i>rr. J It-11l rr. >. i. , . ori UviiiUi UJCIm. 1 »■ , •! i yt l*UU ERRORS Sf ¥OUTH and Obscure Dlww i *pe< dlSy and iiennanentiy cured by tbo oelebratM rin I r\OD 320 N.lsth St. LIR. LUob< Phllada.. Pa. Jfo doceptfuu, tiO representation, l will euro toii iiositlvely anil uiuki! \ >u TigiirmiH atnl atroiiK. Troll men! liy mall a: i**lafty ami .(rli-lly .uiflijeatlsl 'fvr'tfiik ou HOME CURE TREATMENT t'"/ Xfi W*ll Bald win, - IJ«'|1 J «'| TllOHut'tilt Sewing Machine Mechanic. WITH 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Will readjust. yours and you be j jour own judge to test it. i Farm for Sale. The undersigned offers his farm in r.utler twp eoDti lnlnu i ver on* bundled (UIO) aeres. and lm m I tim e mtlesso ith 01 Butler, oue mile ,•>.l it kfowftoi lieoi v ■ , i. -A me I'arin Is .uif-xi ground ~1 buildlu.,* orall Slnd*.'ir ul the diO. ui ,i *rr i i* oi. larn' >;vo orchards. two r 1.1; irvi i o rough land,ana everything in g.>.st lejHilr. WILLIAM CA LOWELL, j You Should Get the Following Books: ''Satuantha at The World's Pair," by ,/o->iah Allen's wife, price £2.50, Quarto, Cloth lllus. "Poemß Here i at Home" by </as VV Riley, 12 mo., Cloth, Gilt Edge, $l5O. "The Now Era" by Rev J. Strong, D. D., Paper 12 mo 35c. "Speeches and Ad dresses of McKinlev." 8 Vol Cloth, price $2 00. "Glimpses of the World's Fair" 50c. Review of the "World's ReligiDus Congresses," Clo h 12 mo, price SI.OO. "Prince of India," 2 vols., 2 m 0.,52.50. Any of the above and more at DOUGLASS' BOOK S T ORE. C. ~&T D ALWAYS j Tnke into consideration that money i B»v< dis as pood as money earned. Th" best way to pave money is to i bnv good goods at the right price. The only reaecn that our true'e is increasing constantly is the fact that we handle only goods of first quality and sell them at very low prices. We have taken uuusual care to provide everything uew in Hats and j Fupiishing Goods for this season, ! and as we have control of many ' especially good article-* in both iines ; we can do you good if you come to ! UP. We confidently sav that in justice Ito 'hems Ives nil purchasers should j inspect cur goods. Visit us. COLBERT & DALE, 242 S Main street. Butler, Pi;. c*\ DOCTORS LAKE , r:r ri: DISPKNSAKY. • ... M't Oon. Pen A . />io FL«JUTH ST.. , PITTUtiUKuH, PA. : "j. All forii of Delicate and Cnm- r l r j pli' ited !>!.. '! l.'rt I'd JII llillffl'ON. ''77 riMSTULu iISCIBNTIFIC ALCIL u.-tliu'i aro treated nt tliirt I>i . v. ill a Mictt"' n*o!y ntl.ilncd. Or. 8 Ix i ■ member of tliu Uo>.ii ( "111 I'lij - !i id hurgew.i;, find I tlie o! lest and most •'I KCI/US. in il.oelty Spei'al nt i: tr N . Vims !);lnilt\ IminCJOflv ■1 iii >n. ! n '.wretion of you'!, etr.,c»np i -r 4 | an.l mental *!. rty,la< k »»f cncrjry. . i ..7,etc,.; *i' • * (.'.■ ■i■ Old Sore*, >'its, ii. ti ni. !'iil t.H 'i«. >■ .of the ;■ kin. •t. t i iniirv ' 'iyi" ,i . CV.ii- ItOtion . • u .rtiy c ji.ii:• ! ... >»T' e lioiirs 9U> . i r. m.; bumluj l only. ! at cf o or wl.ln -s Hl.'v j.' f 1.. '"I N AN I...VNPITIIaT..I'IX , XKI:UIioU 1.. (fit ft T* f" ft MEM. local or travel W fl ft 1 t U Salary or Commission paid weekly. 08111 fret*, special attention i:lven in iicirlnin'ra. Workers never fall to make k'ocxl weekly wages. Write me at once for par tlciUarK. t 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman. (Tl>l» lion e 1* reliable,) UOCIIKHTEK, N. Y. (irind Your Own Corn Meal, Oyster Shell* and Corn iu the f") Hand Mill. (P. Wilson's Pat.) Ciroulars Iree. "Al.«> Power and Farm Mills. Send for ill i-tra!ed circular* and testimonials." cf. mot c made in keeping pOMllry. Address WILSON BHOS.. Easton, Ps. fD.U CAN FIND p«'"ij . 2: REMINGTON SlicS.j <•., will ':'iiitiu.-t fur uWortUlug ut l.ivnt Lending Millinery House OF Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Every shape this seasons facile fancv has evolved is here. Everv noveltv in Winu* Bird, Feather •. / O 7 7 or Ornament is shown, Ribbons, Velvets, Laces, Braids and Flowers. Mourning Millinery a Specialty. D. T. PAPE, 122 South Main Street. Jewelfy, Clocks Silvefwai'e, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All arc Respectfully Invite.- —"Remember our Repairing Department— 2o years Experience."- New York Weekly Tribune The Butler Citizen, ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF. Address all orders to r I 3 CI FI Z . *¥ A Fact Plainly Stated 4- We are offering better goods for less money, and therefore greater bar gains, than have ever been oi © 7 fered in Butler county. SPECIMEN PRICES: Men's felt boots and perfection overs $' 85 Men's rubber boots 2 -5 Men's kip boots 1 5° Men's veal calf, tip shoes i>s Boys' " " 75 Youths' high cut veal calf tip shoes 75 1 adies' fine dongola button shoes 99 Ladies' extra fine dongola, patent tip, button shoes 1 2 5 Misses' " " " " Children's " " " " 5° Infants' dongola button shoes '5 Ladies'grain lace shoes 75 " button " 9° Ladies' rubbers 2 5 Misses'and Children's rubbers '5 LEAN POCKETBOOKS seem to be a prevailing complaint now-a-days, and to influence them to open requires ingenuity, and tempting offers to persuade them to part with their contents-. Lcit g ni/.ing that fact we have done our part. You come to our store, we will do the rest. AL RUFF. ii 4S. MAIN STREET. - I'Ll LLK, PA M HOBI N'l I I A I, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, jO3 Ferry St., - _ Pttsbuig, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. solicited. One Sc.uare Below Diamond Market WANTED SALESMEN KSe " Kill HTOCK and SfcJtß P»)T*T«tS. LIUBUAI ; HAI.AKV or MMIfc'SION I'AID \\ I IJvU I I.KMA NI'ST and PA\'lN«i I'OMTIONS to UOOD Ml N SI K< I VI. INDt'CI- MH NT- to BttHN SKKH. KXt'Ll s|\ IC TEUttITOItV <ll\KN II- I>K.-.IKKL>. Wtlt' i»t oucu tur term* lo The Hciwks Nursery Co., Rochester, N. Y. I. I s . MoJUHIIK, Insurance and Real Estate Ag*t 17 RAHT JEFFERSON ■•» T. BUTL.KB, - PA. ■ ■ .. £-»•« - 1 * iutv Oe&etery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing iHOisuros OF mum IN I*E. cmLOGi* KLT.K. FUriGllT PAID. THE HcS 4 JLLES WOVEX "WIRE FEW* CO, \U, ut, UtuniiaOß. flbiWi m. ...t ~>Y' •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers