Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 16, 1894, Image 3

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    THE CI riZEN
BCTLKR has a population or ar»oui it. <X).
It is tbe County seat ot Butler county, wttb
Four railway*, natural g-.is, »m 1 uuequali-o
actlltle> for menu.'acturei.
iToeress cvrywhere; new tulldtnss. r,
manufactures, a growing and pßjiperous tow .
New York Weekly Tribune—Free.
By special arrangements made for our
to doing, we are enabled to offer to all oar
lubscrihers who pay arrearages, (if any)
and one year in advance, and to all new
subscribers paying in advance, the N't*
York Weekly Tribune free for one year.
For further particulars of this offer soe ad
New Advertisements.
Commissioners' statement ol tb» finances
of the county.
Sheriff's sales for March T.
Ex'rs notice, estate of Jos Ewing.
Miller's shoes.
SOTS— All advertisers intending to mate
canges in their ads. sh aid notify us ot
their intending to do to, not later than
Mon«!ay morning.
—A charter has been granted t«> ti o new
Evans city bank.
—The President has u uniuated Freder
ick Zeb; er lor P. M at Zjiienople.
—The ground-jog does't know any more
about tbe weather than any otber.
—Somebody robbed Geo. Carrie's spring
house in Cherry twp. of nearly all bis
stock of pork a few nights ago.
—State Treasurer Morrison estimates a
deficit of over a million in the accounts of
the State lor this year.
—Official advertising has crowded us
this week, and therefore some local corres
pondence tbat came in late has been omit
ted, rnach to oar regret.
—Gregg A- Son, liverymen, now have an
office, with telephone connections, in
Berkhimer 4 Taylor's undertaking estab
lishment, next door to the P. 0,
—The 0. W. Hard man Art Co. bas late!
executed a very fine colored picture tl
Mis* Emma Negley, whicii will remain lor
» time on exhibition in the gallery.
—Last Tuesday was St. Valentine's Day,
a time gladly welcomed bj tbo-e lads and
lasses, who desire to invoke tbe aid ol
those peculiar devices which cluster about
the season, lor showing tbeir likes and
—A Fanners' Institute will be held at
Bakerstown on Tuesday and Wednesday,
Feb. 2" and 28. Eminent speakers will be
present. All farmers are cordially invited
to attend.
—Tbe new law in regard to buret- a and
town councils of boroughs in this Sta'e,
clothes the burgess with autocratic power.
It gives the burgess veto power, aud in
order to pass a m-asure over the veto, a
majority of council and one more is requir
—Tbe County Commissioners' am ual
•tat- meat shows #19.000 in tbe County
Treasury, with $26,000 more due from col
lectors and from other sources. Tbe Coun
t/Treasurer redeemed warrants aggregat
ing <51,889 38. and that is about what it
OOxts each year to run this county.
—The Women's Industrial Exchange in
• new eitablishiuent in Butler, for the
benefit of the Public Library. The Ex
change receives aud sells articles made by
Women, charging a commission of 20 p-r
cent. The address is 120 W. Jefferson
—lt is said that a Belgiam child, of the
first ward of this town, of one
and a half years, wau scared to death by a
dead pie last week. The pig was taken
into tbe room where the child was sle> p
ing. and wheu she awakeueu and saw tne
pig, s>ie went k'to a spasm, nliu *as qnii t
ed aud put to sleep again, but wneu she
•gain awakeued and saw tbe pig *h« went
into anotber spasm, that cane.l ber death
—Mr. J. A Heydrick. the civil engineer
has, lor years, been at work ou a farm-line
map of Butler county, and now has it in
•ach shape tbat he can complete it, and
hare it ready for the printer witbiu three
months. He estimates the value of his
work when completed at $3,000; it will
cost as much more to have the map en
graved and printed in roller aud atlas
forms; and be is now making an effort to
organise a stock company with a capital
■tnck ol $6,000, in order to complete tbe
work and place it on tbe market.
U. P. Cburch "Dedication Services.
Tbe program for Thursday, Feb 22 is as
follows: Morning service, Anihem,
Was glad when tn«y aaid unto me," luvo
ca.iou, R. ailing of scripture, Pra >er.
Sermon try Rev R G Ferguson, D U.,
His ory of the Building, Mr J. L. Purvis,
Free Will offering, Prayer of Dedication.
Kev Samuel K>-rr, D. D.. History of tb«
Congregation, Tbe Pastor Alternixii
services, 230 Fraternal greetings.
Evening servicer, 730 Sermon by R.-v
J. W. Witberspoon, D. D.
—We will reduce the price of
Kramer Wagons from now until
March 15tb, any one who ueedn a
wagon thin spring will pave money
by buying now. We are aluo belling
boggiee and hurnesa at reduced prices
Biaukets and robes at coot. (Jull
sod save money.
128 E Jeir.ir„ou fit.
Great Slaughter.
ID dry goods (or four day» only
commencing Wednesday. Jan. Ilei
aud continuing until Saturday, Feb
Bd. This will poeitirely be the
greatest marked down sale of dry
goods, wraps, millinery, etc. ever of
wred in Butler Everything at cost
for four days only, remember the
(Successor to K. A It )
—At Grieb & Lamb's you are
sore of best grade of guitars, cornet-,
harmonicas, flutes, violins, nccor
diaos, mandolins, clarionetc, music
boxes, banjos, piccolos, scringe.*
—Bargains in remnants and <>dd
lots of good*—com'- quick f* -r cboice.
I. STKIW A' S«»v.
Horse Blankets and It IH-.» at
Martincourt sod Go's
—Cloaks at your OA' □ price No
reasooable offer refused—tney must
go— L. 8T*I» A HOW.
—Home made taffies and candies at
Ricbey's Bakery.
—Clearance Hale of all winter (rood*
Greatest bargains in dry goods and
cloukd ever known at
Double Blackboards, Secretaries
Desks, jEareka Baby-Jumpers and
Bwings for sale at
—See the bargains wo are offering
in One Henriettas. Just tLink of it.
$1 00 goods for <SB cents and 75 cent
foods for sfy cents at
L/ it
The following civil canst> Lave been
disposed of since our last issßt:
Capital City Mutual Fire Ins. Co. for u«
of Jno, Kramer, vs G. l>. Swain. Com
pulsory nrm suit granted, and same to bo
argued at March T , and the otber canes in
wr.ic:. t it cor.; ay are plaintiffs were
Aua'i. C. ,w: rd v- Jo».>.!i Byer> Ftb.
9, verdict l r plaintiff • r $lO 50.
Chss. Geible, Sr., vs The Producers and
Refiners Oil Co. Verdict for tbe plaint ff
fur *4OO.
William A. McQnistiou vs Rob?. L.
Barnes. Fet.. 10, verd'et for the p'nintiff
tor $47.93.
Sarah Alice B >yce vs Ira A Smith. leb.
12, verdict lor the plaintiff for ?300.
J. W. Strawick vs S. C. Leacb, settled.
J as. 6till wagon vs rlilgar £ Co. Feb.
15, verdict lor the plaintiff tor fIOO.
B. Fredrick TS Win. Purnch IT. Feb.
24. verdiot for plaintiff *• >r $2 1
J. B. Cole v- 0. H. Johns n. vrdict
for plaintiff for $133.50.
J. K. Wick vs J - McElroy. truste
Beer i- M. Ktc \» Thornp.-on et al,com
pulsory noil--'Jit granted.
The Couaty Comai;.« 'tier wiildistribut
the ticke'.s lor the e« g election Satur
day aud Mhl'j ay.
the R-.-i.utjii.-.ins ol Harmony, Democrats
of' 1 all. > oi j. .... *o: iiai rl>vuie aliO
toe ttepuoi.cans »i rvarns Citv lalltd Lo
uiaS.* nominations lor local othecs this
Election boards should remember tbat
tbe returns of the general or state election,
and also returns for Justice ol the Peace, ii
an>, are to be sent to the Prothoriutarj;
and returns of the local election to tne
Clerk of Courts.
Judge Wickhaic of Leaver county,thinks
that constables appointed oy the Court
should bold then offices for three iears
and nas so decided ou a test case.
Judge Fnrat, of Huntingdon,ban decidea
that if the managers ol the Opera House
pay a license lee of soo, tbe visiting
compault- need pay uouiing, under tn«
On Fndav last a man named Graig, said
to be a tramp, made information Oeloie
Es/j. McAboy, cl.argmg bis wile. Alary C.
(jraig, witn tiigam;,, anil J. 0 Grafton
wim KuowingJ> ainrrj ing tbev»ife ol an
other - IV.i ran s w<-re issued lor tne
Couple, and tne> were arretted at their
home near Wortbington, Araistroug Co.
03 Messrs Allen and Korn, and orougnt lo
liutler and put la j; i Tile Marnage Li
cense PllfcW Nov. 21, 92,
a license was issoed to J. G Grafton, a
A atebmaker ol Artuntroug Co., 40 years
old, and who signed his nauiU with an X;
aud Mar> Edwards, of the same county,
aged 26 years,and that tUej mariied theiu
selye-in the Clerk's office. She is a daugn
ter of John aud Marg i e'. Edwards, (iraig
says that they Were mam. ! by Gais-
I'ord, of Miilerstown, in IW4. aud the wo
man u said not to deny mis, nut says ;nat
ho ueserted her, and did not i-apport her
Tne officers found tuem living comfortably
in their little home ne.ir Worthington
with her two children ic one born before
marriage and one to Graig; and tney were
all brought to Butler and pat in jail,
Tuere i-a u.i-:aken no ;m in this State
mat convicts wno serve a teiiu in the Pen
itentiary lose tneir citizenship and m.<
rignt to vote. The law ol Pennsylvania
propose* that a CoUVICt. on tbe expiration
oi bin tetrn, ei.ai! be re abr- rbed into the
iMttly ol the people aud giVeu a chance lo
become a u-.etut mau To tois eud, coo -
vie lion ot irime coe» not carry with it the
loss of cllizcusuip, eXcpt IU the Single
ca«* ol peijary. Tuis exception arises oui
of ibe naiure of the crime. Tbe great
body of Ibe men dlscliarg>-d irom the Pen
itentiary become.-* aneiol
of the exceptions that tne public bears—
the cuss wno return to their vicious way B
as soon as tbey get out.
Following is tbe text of a law passed at
the la*t s* --!oQ ol our islate legislature,
and approved b> Governor Palllsuu tne 3d
•lay of Jane, 1H93, '"lie it eu.icled t>y tne
senate and boune of representative# of the
commonwealth ol Penns) Ivania io general
assembly met aud it i.< hereby enacted b)
the authority of tne same, thai atij person
wuo wilfaily states, delivers or transmit.-,
bv any meana whatever, to the manager,
editor, pablii*her <»r repurter of any news
paper,mag iZine, periodical or serial, for
publicat. in therein aiij ilbelou.i slaiemeut
concerning any person or corpuration, and
tuerebjf -■ IUI- * the a tual publication of
tne -auje, t- in-reby .ilty of misdemeanor
and upoi. conviction, .-.li lie seuienoed to
a line jot e.'.cci.ding ■IwOO aud uudergo
impri.Hiijii. ul lor » period not excueuiug
iwi# ytais, or eitber or bom, at the din
cretion ol the court."
Judge Backer, of Cambria county, de
cide that townships, boroughs uud ward*
ef-ct Assessors, trienoiaUy, beginning with
1889; that iu all borough* tiividcd into more
than t«o wards ibe A»««ofDm varioun
wards shall jointly perforin tiie duties here
tofore required of Acsinluut Assessors in
making the triennial a- hmujuui; that it a
raeaucy occur in the c.lHce ol Assessor, tbe
County ball fill tbe vacancy
autil the next triennial election, for A<
or; that it. every township or Aard of a
borough which contain* more than one
election district there shall be elected an
nually an annuitant assessor in each district
who shall perforin all duties relating to
elections, now performed by assessors in
towu*bips and boroughs having but one
•lection ilirftriot; that the of such
townships u» are cJivi l«-1 into election dis
tricts nave no duties to perform in relation
to elections or registration ol' voter*; these
duties are performed by the asso-taot as
ses»ors elected lor that purpose; that in
ease of a VnUMIiSJf in Ibe .dttcn ol uti'tstaut
anm'.-aor in towusmps or w aids having more
ttiau one electa n distric the Court of
(Quarter buss ions or Jadge thereot appoint*
a person to till tbe Vacancy.
While <>n the bunch in Clarion recently,
J u ige Hu> burn wus annoyed by a petty
surety ol the peace case, which grew out of
a windy threat made by one woman that
Hue would burn another woman's house .
In dealing with tile ca.-e the Judge Raid:
"1 only regret, that it is iiujjo.>»ibie lor me
to place tbe co'tß on the Joniico of Uie
Pence that Hem il up," and be added ibat
cases Kimilar to tin- are brought to court
every term that ui ver stiould bo there,
owing to Some Justice wao did not kuow
where to draw the line, aod then tbe
county generally ha < to pay the cosu,
wtucb ofeour ocmi out ol tbe tar pay
em' pockets.
li*q McKiuaticy ol Cherry tup., haul
beeu appointed a upstate of tbe Court
Jno. Allison and Tbon. UJ floon were
appointed appraiser-. ot ibe property of
James W. Hhiuiel ol Brady twp. who has
assigned to Harvey 6. A lieu for the benefit
ol creditors.
Itachel A. Humeri of Butler wan granted
the benefit of the Koparate earnings act.
Letter* of administration were granted
to Frank Biedenbacti on esta'e ot Jane
Moore of Butler.
The will ol Jos. ttwiug of Clinton twp
wan probated and letters granted lo Cnas.
B. Glasgow; alro will ot Michel KnaulJ ol
Jackson, no letters; also wilt of Jno. N.
Bavisof Cranberry and letters to riatn't
L. Davi.; also will of Jno. riuyd« r of Done
gal, no leiti-r-; also will of Co'irad Franzot
Jefferson, no letters; also will of T. W
Kennedy ol Adams and letters to Naucv (j
N' B D iuoan ir, Jos <>> . nring 50 acre-, in
Cranberry for #2.000.
I> . .'l Fr* Ih, ... || J Fredloy 10 aercs in
Butlalo 'in f 1150, ~.d II .1 i'redley to Naticj
* Fredley ►.till • lor ruiii.-,
11 fi A mi b . ij.: i.l smith 270 acres
iu Forward et al for $1,200.
Adaui K uik to Mary Newell lot iu Coal
own f.i $250
L'A Mucnell to L C Wic.k 12 acres in
Buibr and Btub-r t vp. for $1075.
C N Micbael to Luciuda M ichael 33 acres
iu Mercur lor 41.
W 1* Brown to B .H Kregor 8 acren in
Concord for $202
J U tiippus io Jacob Bippns 55 acrex iu
Oakland tor II
K J UcCollougli to Win Corbett 18 acreH
in Fairview for jjMKJO.
Jas Kwing to F A Koi.ncdy 18 acres in
Middlentx for SOOO.
T 1) UcConuel to Jos I Wright lot iu
Whiten to wo for S7OO.
Wni Cbrixty to A 0 liepJer IG acres in
Clay for $413.
—Calif.truiii CI fl<-r ut
Richey'b Uak«:ry.
IJ&VITTIEIL assortment ,*11(1 i)c«t values
o (ioodn an'l ClonkH at.
li. dTEIN SON'B.
—<io to Xixua'b liotut* fur mealf
ttUll itAl(slU^.
Usury Kaitenbangb of CoDn>i;nene!>M:ig
' twp. had ri*ht foot badly cat by the
circular saw of Greer McCandless' saw
' mill last Thursday. In turning around he
i | allowed hi- foot to Mine too near the saw,
, which caught his rubber boot, and cot
through it aad the sole ot hi* foot.
Phillip Crouse of the First Ward met
with a serious accident at the P. & W. depot,
Tuesday morning. He was loading Home
casting." npon a freight car at the door
of tne freight house at the time; and seems
to have been standing with or.e loot on the
freight house and one on the eir, when the
car was struck b; some other moving car.-,
and be nio jolted off his feet, aud caught
b-tween ti.e moving car and the house
aud badly cru-bed, as the space is but 9
inches wide. He was rolled by the mov
ing car to tho end of the building, where
he fell helpless, but no bones were broken,
and as he was rusting easy ye-terday be
does not seem to have been injure 1 iute r
Sadie Black, Emily Bnttain. Marie
Eelly, Mamie Kelly. Margaret Kerr an<l
Ada Robinson of Butler; Louise Johnston
•if Uorinoques-ing aud Mr-. L. K. Lepley o!
Pro*p«-ct; Ivla Graham of Evans City; Ada
Chr sty of Karus City; Mary (ire» n of Cr.i
eora; Kare Armstrong ol Slippery rock;
N'ettie Frazier of Saxonburg; S.irah t .
Xi ilao of Zalienople and Mattie of
West Liberty and Mr?. E L E _'ii-h •
Prospect, received votes in the Pitts
burg Times contest last week.
H W. Koonce, the dry goods man, i«
down with the grippe
C E. Shannon of S. Connoquene-.- g
twp., is seriously affected with rhejrna
Mr. A. H. Gold of Middlesex twp, is
thinking ol moving to Crawford Co., Of.i' ,
near Galion.
W. A. Walcott has been appointed P.
M. lor Petrolia
Marriage Licenses.
Win. M. Patterson Armstrong Co
Mary Sullivan Chicora
A N Crantuer Clay tup
L'ni a Casey W. Sunbury
E. -I. Booker Pittsburg
Ida Laabe Saxonburg.
Et-worth Er* in Penn twp
Ettie Montgomery "
F. C. Yogan Prospect
Mabel Gallagher P«>rtersvtl!e
Ban i ll Boice Saxonturg
Clementine Ekas Eka»towu
Braden Gould Builer
Vietta McKissick "
W A Porter Marion twp
Carrie At Well. •' "
At Mercei, S. K. Williamson of Butler
comfy aud Eflie Ward of Mercer Co
At Kittianing. Calvin Wright of Chicora
and Ida Helm of Craigsville; also Edward
Baker of Freeport and Emma Wadding
of Dayton.
At Franklin, James Milton Thompson of
Euclid aud Ida Loretta Teitswortr; of Em
leu too
K. basblul justice of tbe peace, not a
thousand mile* from Butler, called
upou to marry a blushing couple though:
it proper to quote some Scripture in addi
lion to tht osual formula. He ransacked
his brain in an effort to remi-mber some
thing appropriate and tnen said: • -uffer
little children to come unto yon, for of such
if* the kiugJom of heaven."
Our grocers &re paying 22 for butter,
14 for fresh eggs, 40 lor potali es,
25 for turnips, 50 for parsnips
to 7 for cabbage, 50 a bu for beetx, SO
for onions. 10 for dren-ied chickens, and 11
tor turkeys aud ducks.
The Pittsliurg produce and live mock
markets are about tbe -amo as la-t Weeks.
—Children's Trunks
Children's Bureaus.
Children's Chairs
Children's Wuodeu BednteadF.
Children's Wooden Tables.
Children's Wootler Rockers u*
—Take your children to Zov« r>
■iallery lor Pictures that will *un
"iu. Fostoffice building
--Home made Candies, Cbristnms
caudies, cream and chocolate ban
bons, tree ornaments, candles, etc
of every description at City Bakery.
—Any peraoD wanting fence
cord wood, or timber for otb-r pur
poses, can lecrn w bero to get htiliie
near Butler by inquiring at tbe ;ClTi-
ZEV Otlice, Butler, Pa.
—Best Buffalo flannels reduced to
25 cents a yard at
—Six or pieces vocalinstrurnentivl
10c music for 25 cents at (Jri.-b iV
Lamb's Order within ten days 'o
secure a bargain. J/ail order- prompt
ly attended to f
Best underwear in tbe city at
M F. fi M. M arks'.
—Now is tbe time to buy a cloak
at yourowu price. They must all be
sold as we carry none over to next
season. ; L. STEIN & BON.
—SO-iucbes wide and all-woo!
greatest bargain ever offered—was
$1 00 a yard—now only 50 cents,
just half price at
—Our stock is the target in the
city Our styles the latest. Our
prices the lowest.
M F & M Marks'.
Six pieced of vocal or iuHtru
mental 10c uiuh'o, for 25c at
(j Kit it & L.\ mu's,
Butler, Pa.
—All Hhcet tnneic at half price at
(Jriet> & Lttinb'e J/usic Store, 125 N.
i/tiu St.
Great Slaughter.
lutlry goods for four (lays only.
comai-Bciiiif Wednesday, Jan. 31st
and continuing until Saturday, Fob
3d. This will po-itively b<* the great«-«t
marked down sale of dry goods,
wra|>a, millinery, etc ever offered in
Uuiier. Every tbiug «t tor four
days ouly. rcini-ajtM-r the d-ite.
./knnie K Zimmkkman,
(Succeseor to K. AL 11.
Jeweler and Optlcan,
125 South Main Sreet, Butler, I'a.
Diamonds, fine watches, jewelry;
Hpectucles, solid and plated ware con
stantly on hand. Special ft'tcniioa
given to testiug tiad correctly litt.ing
—Zuver's Pictures leuve noi.liing
wanting in Gutsti, tone or u Correct
Don't forget ua v on Hosiery and
dloves, we al wayhave the beet at
owodt priceb
L. Stkin # A..SON'B
Boy's Cartt- VVatfous
Toys that never tlieir
vVelcoaie a Wltb tfic Boy* at
J. K\ T. SXJSUtJS'a.
I A few days ago John Wallace, aged 8
i yeari, of ri.unewiMid, Beaver county, was
i the victim ol a Lazing by older boys at
-.•hmil. Finally they carried hitn to tbe
woodshed, into which they threw hira. He
fell downward upon a harp stick prnjact
inij from tbe floor which penetrated bis
-tomacb. and caased bis death.
A Falton county man shot his neiehb' r
beeaus" tbe latter relaxed to clean the ,«now
oil t»ie walk in front ot his house. If a like
X g.irous measure was pnt iu force erert
wnere. the undertaker would have to work
over time.
The vicinity of Narrows Creek in Clear
field county has witches This is no joke.
The people there Have a mysterious eueuiy
in their midst. 0ow»' udder- would be
come swollen and ihei gave bloody milk;
ibev were droopy aud seemed under the
-peil of an evil influence w ! ic!i purged the
wis -st cow doctors ol them all Finally it
dawned upon them that someone was
practicing the black art id tne neighbor
hood. One man, the one who gravely lu
tormed tbe correspondent of all that tran
pired, tb ught he recognized iu a neighbor
won an the temple in which -'welt the
spirit of the old spike-tailed wretch who is
ihe lather ol all misery. This man's cows
w. re sick and he Was in a desperate state,
but witn what strategy should he attemp
to cope with a witch? He understood a
neighbor had a "witch book," and secur
ing rh" !'n i ... he read up ou witches
ihe prescription which his case seemed to
ne d required that the affected bouse should
not be « *-epi for three da. s, when the dust
accumula ed in all of thb rooms they should
- - ept into one heap aud be vigorou.l;
hammered with witch-hazel sticks. The
re.-ult would be to make the witch stefc.
and being unable to do furthermi-cni f,the
IHicled persons or animals would revive.
The directions were followed with religious
care—the du.-t was allowed to aocumlate
lor three days without the precaution for
preventing ine floor from catching au extra
-apply, and il was then swept into one
heap and thrashed as directed: aud tbe
woman suspected has been sick in bed ever
-ince, the cattle have improved in keeping
* lib the faith of Ihe victimized ueig.b-.i,
an i it is believed the oue ol the il eyi
can be kept iu i-uuu isson without re-orting
to tr.e court lor au order ol execution Tue
man who told this story is very serious.
He was iie"er more earnest iu the perfurui
ane •of an act in bis lite than wnea be
weut about it to beat the witch, wuo is
one of the v . l!-known residents el Narrows
At Mercer, Monday, Judge Menard dis
posed ot tue liquor licensed as follow*:
Granted—Snaron, John Boyle, SheuauK"
Douse; Sebastian Herman, restaurant;
Puilip F. iJ.r...-, Carver house; James W.
American house; lieorjie Smith.
4* hite bouse; Barrv Mover, Mtn-s.-r hon.-e;
l'.iiricK MeMauue, restaurant; Sheldon W
Allen,restaurant; George Smith, wholesale
aud Thomas Madden, boitler. Greenville
\V. B. MiMurry, Arlington hotel; T. P.
Wanner, restaurant; Pierce & Harrington,
National hotel. Mercer, Leech Maskne},
St Cloud hotel; W. VV. tt G. S. Humes,
llotel Humes (ue*). Sharpsville. Michael
Kn:ipp, Knapp house; Thomas Farnuelv.
Pierce house, Stonebom. Levi D Durban.
Lal.e house. The same number of licenses
were granted this year as last.
J.ov: Hah Excursions to Wanking ton, I),
via Pennsylvania Hatlroad.
Three special excursions will be run to
the National Capital from Pittsburg and
other points on ihe Pennsylvania Railroad.
HS mentioned below, at remarkably low
iHi*• ■. Ttie dates selected are February
21st, March 22J, and April 19»i. Tickets
lor these trips will be good on any of the
regular trains except the Pennsylvania
Limited or on the special train to be rat.
.>ii tne schedule herewith, on the daj » des
ignated, and v. ill admit ol a stay of ten
da\sin Washington, stop-over at Balti
more may be made in either direction
wi'hiu limit.
Train leaves Bulier at C.15 a. m.; fare »9
Stockholders Meeting.
In conformity to the By-Liws ol the As
sociation, he regular annual meeting oi
the stockholders ot ihe Mechanics Building
and Loan Association of Butler, Penn'a
W ill oe held at the office ot E E. A' rams
<fc iJ.i . Butler, Pa.,ou Monday the 12u> ua,)
■ t Feb.,1894 at 7 o'clock p. m..!orthu eltc
tinn ol Directors tor ILe 101 l 'Wiug year,
hearing reports ot the As-oclaUou audsucn
other nusmess a.-, may come before the
J. N. MOOSE, Sec'y.
—Job work of all kind done at the
R«d hose, black hose and tan
hose HI M F. <!t .Vi Marks',
See the full line of Poems iu all
stj ies of binding at lowest prices iu
the city at
HEINEMAN'S, Batler, Pa.
—52.00 worth of etandard, inftru
mental and veal iDUHic f<T 25c ai
Grieb k Lainb'a, Hutler, Pa Ord< r
by mail or call wiibin ten days.
Buckwheat Wanted.
We always pay tbe highest price
f. r bu< kwticat at otir mill.
Geo Walteu & Son.
—Teachers contemplating treating
fc.-;ho'ils should exatuiue the Hue ot
taudittb at tho City liakery.
—Combination cuits at 50 cents >.t
M F & VI. Marks'.
l'iiiuos, Upright Pianos,
.Ylt'tallopboues, Organs,
Awordeons, Concertinas,
Musical Boxus, Mouth ol
a|lkiudß at J. F. T. hTEHieV
Dti 'i min- teeing out Fair die
play of millinery.
M F. Marks'.
—lf you want a musical inntru
mc-ut lor house or church, call aud set
us, (or band or orchestra call and i-i-e
us, or write fur Catalogue to Giueb
<t La Mb, No 125 N Main St, liutler,
Hotirdiritf lluUhe Cards, with Act
0 Ynwinhiy 25'f ntf t«>r hall-a-di'a»*i, t
f r Htle ui Citizen o9im,
Ladies satin waists at price ,ha f
during "l< air" week at
M. F. <fc M. Markr.'.
U-ii lh<- Port Tar Cough I)r- p- t
to Oe bad al Kirhey'n Bakery.
Largest and finest di-play of Huli
day good- at.
Ueinkman'b. Butler, Pa.
To the Music Lov ng People of
Bui ler.
Grieb Al Lamb display in thfir
window an A. B. Chase I'ianu, one
nl ihe rnak' ■< which gained 'he VKIIY
IIIQIIKST AWAKt) "litaitiabie ifiveu al
thi- World'n Fair. To obtain such
an honor a piano must surely be per
fection, since noue others hut tho-«-
o' tin- very best make, such as ihe
ii-lebrau-d of Boetoo, th<-
i?hr Bros, ot V«jrk , were
accorded the same honors. Grieb &
Lamb bave for years Hold and e< n #
Htanily kept in stock three make Mo'
piano.-*, also two of organs which re
cvived the highest awardn.t-omeibin
that even no I'lUnourg dealer can
boast of. Their object is not to iret
u l :rge profit., but to jjuiti ihe con 6
deuce of their customers and furninh
such goods that will always give h»i
iflaction. The above facts dero <n
htrnte tbe earnestness of purpose W«-
nre in position to furmoh most any
make of instruments at the very low
est cash prices, as we are not sub
HjrentH. but "general agents" for all
gomlH we handle, cootrolirig many
i unin H, thereby saving you the mid
<tle pi- tii-s.
A larue lin« of smaller musical iu
-i ruiiu-nirt aiiii i-.ti«.?t ruu-'ic con-4'ttT.-
Iv Ui-pt in stock, the Inter sold ut half
11 ice. ilenpfctfullv your-,
Uuieu »t LAMU,
125 N. Metu Uvrtw
A Smash-up Again.
Floarof All Kinds Lower.
We were the first to bring down Flour
' and Feed in Butler, aud as what has de-
I clined fally 5 cents per bushel, we again
Vlind this reduction is not on a few stray
! brauds made up lor the occasion, nor is it
j on some shipped-in Western mixed np stuff
that will not bake, and when baked, dries
out and has an iusiped taste. No, nothing
of the kind. The reduction refers to our
well-known reliable flours which every
body knows lead all others, as
We have lh« best testimonials from ev
eiy u-er for this peerless fl.mr.
We de uo .-traled la-i summer that there
was no flour like this an> where. It is just
a- g.aul now as It was then, although it is
This flour has a host of lriends It is
made lroui the best of winter wheat, and
makes sweet, who esome «nd palatable
We have reduced the price of ha k-vhe*t
.1 cert- o"r I n'.J then fore ow r ihe
price ot ine Flour twenty -five cents per
hundred. Our Buckwheat Flonr is war
ranted absolutely pure,and has i o equal iu
the United States Our sales have been
larger than ever in our 26 years' experience
We shipped it from one end of the United
States to the other.
We were uuable to obtain this excellent
salt fa.-l enough to keep pace with tbe
large demand. To all who were disap
pointed last week, and were compelled to
buy the common coarse salt elsewhere, be
cause we were out of Dairy Salt, we would
-ay that we will -ell them our Wiutieid N T o
1 l>*irv halt in less quantities than a bar
rel tnr their table and (tain use We now
hav a full supply.
SI 00 per ton We have the finest lot of
tJnopped Feed yon • ver saw. In fact we
nave everything in tbe Feed liue. Our
Unbolted Corn ileal is unlike the ordinary
mixed-up stuff made out West. Our meal
is no: wnite and red and some other colors,
out it is YELLOW.
We have received a
md have n.a ie our prices lower than ever
ii'c handle no cheap. lij:ht, dirty seeit.
Our Sjeeds are tbe best. Clover Seed is
.own Had }ou not better buy before it
advances again f Examine seeds and prices
elsewhere and then como and see our
stock aud prices We are the only concern
in this part of the state that bui s strictly
prime Seed in car lots. We have any kind
ot .-eed you may want
are uot an agency lor Western Flour and
Feed, to lake the money out of Butler and
send it to tne Western manulacturers and
Western farmers and Western laborers aud
to crowd out home pro ucts. Not by any
means. Kliuglers are wholly a home con
cern, establishing a grain market for lb--
lioun- farmers, using borne Capital, aud lur
il.-niug employment for home wag< -earn
er-, all ot which are means to lessee "bard
times" anil benefit the community.
We will give you more and belter goods
ior your money than you can get any where
i'es, we will do mart. We will give vou
. ouriliouey back agiiu iu the uiffefent
channels of trade.
We never misrepresent. We never claim
anything we lack, nor assume to do any
thing we cau't Xeiiber do we knowingly
•nvise you to go wrong So we heartily
fl. J KLINtiLtK (JO.
Giuf A Lh nib's Gnat Music
S lore No. 25 N. Maiu St. Butler
--The threat offer lining rande
tn Dii-patcb to tulw th«
teachers of the public ecbools
t Allegheny and other
i: nl>s ID Peu DH V I Villi itt, Übi'l, VV er-t
Viryiuia mid Jftirylaud, to Atliiutic
City iu July is tbe talk of the hour.
Ihe udc'itionul ioduceineat that tbe
twelve teachers ol the sixty who re
ceive tbe largest number of votes will
be taken on a supplementary trip to
hiladephia, New York and Boston
alter tbe Atlantic City trip is over
i* indicative of tbe liberality which
governs tbe Pittsburg Dißpatcb in
every thing it does. Give your favor
ite teacher the benefit of the spleDdid
■summer outing.
In Kffecl NoveniberJ2olb, 1893.
Leaves Butler as follows:
For lintler Junction mid intermediate
sections,aud for Allegheny < tty,ti.lo,f :35 and
I.:'JO, A.M., and 2:45, and 5:06, p.m. daily ex
cept Sunday.
For Tareutdm, Freeport and \llegbeuy
Valley Juucliou, 6:15, 8:35 and 11:00 a m..
i: 15, aud t>:H6 p. in., daily except Sunday.
For Bharpsburg, ti:ls anil il:00 a. m. 2:45
aud s:uti p iu.
For lilairsville aud Klairsville Intersec
ilou; 1:15 a. m. and 2:15 p. in., daily except
1 rains leaves Allegheny City for Tareu
tum, iiuiler Juucliou and liuiler at 6:55
and e:25, aud lu:4u a. iu., 3:15. aud t>:lo.
P m. daily except Sunday.
Trams pass Klairsville Intersection east
ward as lollows:
Hsrrisbnrg Accommodation, 7:30 a ui.,
•laily except Sunday.
Main Line txpiess, U:4O a m., daily.
Mail Fx press, 3:18 p. rn , dally.
Philadelphia Kxpress 6:28 p. m., daily.
I'rum Lluioii fciatlou, Pittsburg, Eastern
standard lime, tor Altoona llarrisbuiK
Washiugtou. Baltimore, l'h:ladelphia ano
j New York; 3:30 a. m. Penu'a. Limited.
7:15, 8:00. y:oo,a. iu. 4:30 p. iu.. 7:00 p. m
*:IU p. m daily.
tor Harrisburg daily, 1:00 p m.
For Harrisburg Sunday ouly, 8:10 s n.
For Altoona daily except Sunday at 5:20
a m,
For time tables and further iuloimaii n
iiu|Uire ol ihe l ickel A eut at tbe Station
oi address I hos K. vVall, P A. VV. llist. 110
Filth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
Geueral Passenger Agtm
Oeneral Mifnager,'
f & w a. e,
Hch. tlUle, In elfcci Jan. 14 til (Butler Ulhe)
The Short I.lue to Pittsburg.
nnrAitT aoUTU. raoM soi'm
ti 2S a in Allegheny 9.25 a ni. Alllegheny fcx
n 15 a 11. All '> a Akion iiCn a m.AI ft. N lastle
10 a 111 Allegheny Ac IS M p Ul. All'y * t'h'ao
.1 On p m Allegheuy Mall ■ .« pm. Allegheny fcx
3 to V in Chicago i X 7 2'i |i Ul.All'v « Akiou
11 to piu All'y & 1-11 Kx ■no[i in Allegheny Ai
10or* u m Kane & Itrud js loa in. Foxhurg tc
6.00 pin < larlnii Ac 11 A r > a in. flarl in A<-
7>o |> ui Koxburtf J"'.4o pin. Kane MM
S 15 a 111, lieKorest A'» 1 > Ni a in. AllejJUeny A>
:j zu pin f'hie.ino Ex 4 :r# vm, hx
tl.io p in. A»leghen> p in. I>eForest t
Train arriving at t' I 35 |> 'n leaves i4O de*
p<»t. I'lt at*: 10 o'cioek.
Hutler ind Urt-envilJe t'ti'ieli will leave Alle
glieuv ut 2:">0 |». in da l> ejieepl -nn »a> Con
iM-cilng al
I'ulltum li*i lT#*i Kle'*i»i'ijf Cara aud fir i-clmsh
Dt\ t oaclit'H run through oetween Uutler anj
l d illy.
For through llckels fo point > lu tho Went
North went or South weal apply to
A. H. CROUCH, Agent
n effect November 20.11KK1 Hutler time
If—.i ftu a. ui , Krle 'J a.fiO a in. Krie
14—1'* 16 " •* 11—2 4*4 pin Krle
10—5.00 piu Erie i:i—*.2g i» iu. iCrie
No. 12 makeiclox# •«' n«' Hon* lor New C;e
ti*' liUfTulo. ClevelA' <1 and ' hlcago.
No.li in ik«"> t ohnei all paits ♦» iston
N.V. A I', al Mereei .lauctlon. uuu with N V.
I. A. A. W. hI Hlienar»|fo for all eaat.
No. 10 uiaKea lumUecl lonb Willi W.N. V. £ Y.
at Mercer .Junction tor an<l New
Trains lee to the P # W depot lu Allegheny
at h3o a m and 11 .* o depot n p in connect m
Bui ler with this road? and th»? tr iln* arriving
at llutior ai uml and 'IA2 connect through to
A leicheuv and Tralfin ion and
U counect at Hr.iiie'htou to and from lllllltrd*.
w ti oakukanr,g r a.
JJea/lvllie, P'
I, >. MeJ I SkiS
umi ranee anti eul Eslalc At'i
- PA,
Cannot always be cured, but a
properly fitting Truss will do
i more toward curing you than any
thing else. A small rupture is
| more dangerous than a lage one
but is more readily held in place.
Quite a number of persons who
I have been fitted by us have been
j entirely cured, but this is not al
ways the case. The sooner we
have them visit us after finding
they are ruptured the more hope
of a complete cure. We make a
specialty of Trusses for both
ladies and gentlemen, and give di
rections for private measurement
for the former. All cases consid
ered strictly private. Buying
Trusses by mail from some person
who says he can cure you is on a
paralell with the number of cures
there are for consumption. If you
have had trouble in being fitted
elesewhere let us try what we can
do tor you.
Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa.
By virtue ol sundry writs of \ en. Ex.. FL Fa..
i-ey. Fa.. £c . issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas ol Butler CO.. Pa., and to me directed
tliere will oe exposed to public sale at the
Conn House, in the borough ol Butler, on
Monday, the sth day of March,
A l> 1-9:!. <t i o'ciok :>. in, the following t'.e
vrihed property, 10-wlt:
E. I). No. 133, March T.. 1«>1 J. B Mate-*
All the rlgLt. title,interest and claim of Jas
per Campbell and Mar A Campoeil, 01. in ,iiid
10 a certain lot ot land more or less, Mtuaf«
IN I u tier Loro, butier t'L.. • a., boundea as IOI
| i«s 10-vv it: Beginning at a point on West M
aojoiniiic mt ol Leo Cioit. theuce vvebt 4u teet
along nest street to lot ot l.bas Duffy, tlieuce
soutn along llneoi lot of llias Lutly iso leel,
more or icss. to an tlience east along
s-ild all y to lot of Leonard Crolt. them e uortu
along Hue oi Leonard Crolt 1«0 feet, more or
less, to vv'est street tne mace of oeglumug. be
l.g part ot a larger tract of land formerly owil
ea 01 Capt Jas O'xJonuell. uee'd, late of Pitts
burg, Pa., and o> lain conveyed lo Chas Duffy
and by bim couveyed to Mrs. Mary
A Campoeil oy deeu dated tbe 22d day of Oct.,
A I) isss, and haviuir a two-story irauie oweil
lUK lious- and oilier outbuilulngseiected there
on. beized .ii.d taken IU eiecui lou as the pru
pert; ol Jasper < auipbeil an .vlary A Caiupoell
at liie sun ol PUillip UaubeuspecK.
K Ij NO ll», Uec T 18' J.i and 1. l> No 116 March
T 18U1. VV O Btauuon ana U H vioucbcr,
ally s.
All tbe right , title, Interest and claim of M
J Neyinan ot. in anu to ¥0 acres ot land more
or less, situate in Oakland twp, Butler Co, Pa.
bounded as lullov*s. to-vtit: On tne north by
lands ol mj onion Wnitmlre heirs, east by lands
0 Joliu Montgomery south oy lanus ot Wm
KoOb, west by lands ol i lirialy Kouo, said lano
being mostly timoer land.
ALSO-Oi. in and to 133 acres of land, more or
less, situate in O klanu in p. Butlei Co. i a
bounded as lollows. io-wit: On the north oy
lands oi Kou«rt V\ bit Ire and Wlu Kobb. east
bj lands ol Abraham Martin, south by lauds ol
Eowis MUilnger and John J'at ion and west oy
lands ol v\ m luibb, saiu land being mostly
cleared and In a lair slate ol cultivation, witn
one goou orcnard iwo small frame dwelling
nouses, one large tratne barn and .other oui-
OUIIOIUKS erecieo thereon. Stized and taken
In execution as the pioperty ol M J Neyinan at
ihu suit ol vv L uarver for use ol John li Ney -
man et al,
h1) No 12y March T lifcrt, McJutikln & Gal
oreain, att'y s.
All the right, title, interest and claim of J A
Pain er. 01, in and to lue aeres ol laud more oi
less slioale in \\ In held twp. butler Co i»
boanueil as lollows, to-wil: On ihe north by
lauds oi Joun P. Bricker heirs, east by lands oi
It tiesselgcsser, south bj lands oi Con. ad Del.
and west oy lands ol Casper t reeling aud hav
ing thereon elected a two-story brick uwelllns
house, Iruine barn, good orcuard and other out
nullutniis. said land being mostly cleared anu
in lair suite ol cultivation. Seized and .aken
in execution as the property ol J A Painter al
ine suit ol Jas li Nibinck and iiauison Dyke,
K D .>os 104 and 147 March T 1894. Thompson
& non anu ivohler, att ys.
All the title. Interest and claim ol F A
Ualbiallh and a E (julbrailli, 01, lu and t 1
acre ol lanu, mole or less, siltla e 111 Mercei
i»V utler Co. Fa. bouuUeil as lollows 10-wu.
Ou ihe noun by a street o public road, easi b>
a street, south oy lands ol It K Wick and weal
ojiauusj b Curry, wilu a t»o-slory Irani
ulel)lug home anil oilier outbuildings elect* u
thereon. Seized and taken iu exccuilou as the
pronell) 01 F A Ualbralili and StC Oalbralill at
the suit ol A ni M Cowan el al.
E D Nos 77 and 134, March T ISIH. Thompson
& Son and McQulsltun and Vauueriln, alt'ys.
All the right, title. Interest aud claim of J c
lor bcighley. 01. tn and lo 57 acres oi
lauu, more or less, situate in Lancaster twp.
liulier Co Pa, bouuued as follows, 10-wll: On
the not 111 bj lauds ol John i linueraud Miller,
east ny lauds ot Neei> et, al, soulh oy lands oi
Fied Miller and west b> lands oiUu Swain,
Miller, and cUrllllage as allowed oy the com
mLsßioiiers appoiuicd b> the Court as tiled al A
D No 45 aepl i 181)3, now owned by Bentle an>
Wise and having elected thereon a two-storj
Uame house, log barn and orchard, and saiu
land being mostly cleared anil in a lair stall
01 cul lvallon. Seized aud taken In execution
as tne properly ol .1 C (or Calvin) Belgnley. >.i
Ihe suit ol Margaret Ueiguley, adm'rx ol John
II Belghley, dee d, et al.
11 LI No 11, March T, 1894, II H (iou:.Uer, atl.'j.
All the right, title. Interest and claim ol John
Barto, of. In and to W aciesol land.lll..re or less
blluaieu lu crannerrv ti.wnshlp. Butlei couiiij
l a , bounded as lollows. 10-wll: liegluutng at
a post *)u the road leading irotn tne city oi
ritisourg to Zelietiople, Butler county, Pa
ihence tunning north su* east 134 perches au-
Joining Uavid tiarvin's land >o a l-OSt, then, e
south 2 west 108 perches adjoining lands ol
AoaUi Kalsloti to a post, then e soulh 4«" west
170 perches adjoining lauds ol John Covert to a
post on ihe saiu Pittsburg roau, thence soulh
fjO cast l»X perches aojolnlng Pittsburg roau
lo a post, thence soulh ti' east along the l'ltis
buig road IKI perches to a post, the plate or be
ginning, being the same lauds conveyed by John
ikeehler. et ux.lo Maiy Ann Barlo by deed dal
ed March 1 1806. in deeu book .4, page 36<J. ano
ol WUlcli lue calu Maiy Ann liarto died seized,
aud which upon her ne in descended lo John
i.ai'to and others, as her heirs al law under the
Intestate laws ol this Commouweallh. Seized
a nd taken in execul ion as the properly of John
Barlo ai tne suit of New ion Cioll for use ol J A
Ctlsweil, now lor use ol Newiou narvln.
K 1) No 15«. March 1\ 18i>» J W Hutchison att'y.
All ihe right title, mteieht una claim of VV a
Shaffer. 01, 111 anu lo a ceilatn iut ol laud, uiuie
or ieha. Miualeu In lsut.er norougn. Buttei
county I'a.. bounded a*» lollowa. »o-wlt:
uliin at comer of lot No lus in Win h Uo>df>
plali Ol lO h 111 hald boroUgh and LooKuUl AVr
Lin.int ul> L'MJkout avenue 40 leet lo a pin a«
1 lie corner 01 iut So iu7 in auld plan, thenc*
along the line ol .said lot No iu7 one bund e»
and I Well IJ-five leet lo a pin on i.ola Way
1 in lice a'oiitf the oalU way 40 f« et lo a pin til the
coiner oi lui No 105. *no thence along the line
01 nalti lot 120 leet LO a pin on lookout avenue
int; place ol Oeginnlug, l>elng lot No lw> in Win
-> l.oyu « plan ol iota In in bat
a iatge two-otory tiaine u welling liouiie aim
1 raiiiu btanle. Seized .*nd taken in execution
.3 the property of W A nUaller ai thu huit oi
I' irhi National H A 1. Association ol rillbbuiK
. a., lor use of K»*jf>toue Stale IS a: I- Abaociallon
01 flMaouttf, I'a.
1- J> No W, Match T, 1«M. E McJmkin.McJunkm
& t.alnreuiii, ail'ys.
All the right, tule. Interest and claim oi
Jerome Kelly , 01. lu and lo is acres of laud,
more or lo«a. hitualed In Veu.tngj townnhlp.
iiullei county, I'M.. Oonnued an loliowt}, to wll:
«* gtuulng al a poiftl at iand.i ol latiupoell and
autlker. iheuce norm & east 72 peicnerf.thence
10 lamiH ol naiuuel hakiu north bif'ui" east (S7>w
petCUcbtoa post. Iheucc •/> laiiub ol Kobel I
r.ukin boutii U eubt btift perches to a poni
lite nee l>> ialiUb ol JobepU bouth »v» wt?t>i
pcichcb lo (he pace ol bcgiunlug. und tieiUK
tin- baine piece ol laud aOld lo Daniel bell) bj
.Julian Marshall o> deeo dateu ine i4iU day ol
\ pi 11. a■ i>., I»is. and having a binail dwelling
h«'Ube and DOoid btanle erected iitereou . .mju
eo and iike.ti lu execution ab the property 01
.lerouie Kelly al the sail ol Jane houluiejer
.tiU J ti &ounnoy«r ad.n'r.* ol Henry Konluiey
ei. dee d
E i) No 54 March T. \&M. Stephen Cummlngb.
All the rhht. title. Interest and claim ol
Joseph A Tainier, 01. lu anu lo all thai certain
lot ol tand. inoie or less, hllualed lu Uutlei
ooiough. iiullnr couut>, i'a , bounded as rdlowa
10-wit: on the noiih ly lo'. ol Wut Croiuin
loraieiiy, now Anuiew (•raham; »aM by an
adey; ooulli oy iut ol A b iticiiey . and on the
by McKean ntreel, saiu loi having .»
lio. luge ol no leet t»l cai-t side ol MeK« an
s*.r« et ano eXleuuing Doc* I*o feet lo ihe uoovi
iucuHoned alley, and Uaviug a Iwo-otofy liaine
house, nu.ii d slaoie aud other out-
ULiniiiigs erected tuereon.
ALsu—Ol, lu und lo a cerialu lot of lanu,
litvie or 1> ss. situated In r>pr|ngdale, builei
'iuiu, outlet eouuiy. i'a., tj.iUlided as fuilow.-v,
lo vMi: On tile n <rth Oy an alley; east •»> loi
oi i>eorg(t Neidie; M»UIII L>> /legicr avetiue. and
»>tst ny lot of .1 Watt, vvitn t large two-story
naUic d»*t iling house and other oulUullu luk--
ei«cle • thereon. .*>eizuu and taken in execution
aa ihe pioperiy oi Joseph A fainter at the sun
oi Albert liuif.
KL» No 15«.!March T. IHU4 . AT It lack, att'y.
All the right. Mile Inter* stand claim of If >
• <";trneM,of. In and to a eertaln lot of Ihiul.
more or less, biiutied tn Butler township, But
ler county. Pa . bo md- d as lollops to-wit: ) i
Hie worth »>y t-'arbon wtreet; east t»y laridi of
liev W in White or a sir et; mum by
street extension, and west by lut nf llenr>
i.ie» n extenoing along JefTemou utr-i t, ex
ieitslun lU) feet ii lueiies. along laud of ICev
w nite ur street ZS feel, along t'arbon street 113
fet tt> Inches, and along lot of (ireen 122 feet 4
inches, and having thereon erected a large two
niory frame dwelling house and other out-
UUIMIIIKS. belzed aud taken in execu
-1 inn as the property of 11 I* <■ l ames al th»*
siii* of W'orkniguien a hqultahie building and
l/Oah AHsoclaiioh of Builer, I'a.
EI) No 16U, March T, IHI4. J C Vanderlln att'y
All the right, title. Interest and claim of Mrs
Annie Doutt. of, in and to a certain lot ol lund,
more or less, situated in Forward township,
I uiler lountv. I*« , boundeil as fullown. 10-wlt:
('•• glnniiig at a point on the <tnii mrif an I
butler 1 üblle road five teet east of a n<>ub«-
owned I» .los- ph A-*h and occupied by a tenant
ili» nee south i»«o leet thence wm, it* t 'el. 1 hence
iiorth lOU feet to the place of b>*wtnnlug. anu
having • heteon « p cleu a gtani two storv frame
. wel ing house at»»l «»ih. r out tnerrton
he'.7t d ami tak« 11 In execution iis the 1 topeity
oi Mis Annie Dotilt at ihe suit of I'oggs aud
fc H No 100. March- T., UU4 Kohle- utty
I titfit, urT* tnMW' nod «t«uu Qt
Stacy MeCandless. Ah nor McCandless and
W I. McCandless. or. In and to 13 acre* of land,
myre or levi.fcltui.iM in < entre t .wiethlp. But
ler county. I'd., hounued as follows. to-wl<:
IfeginnliiH lit a post, thence south 40 KM it
perrhn lo a immi. thence north 51 west 15 3-10
perches to a post thence north 41 east 21 7-Tu
perches to a post, thence north 39 west M
perches to a post, thence north 46' east £i
perches to A post, thence south KM east 38
pe.eheatoa poet, theuce along line of John
\Vallace land 58 perches to the place of begin
ALSO- -01, In and to 10 acres oi land, more or
less, situated in Centre township. Butler county
Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning m
a post on line ot Henry MartzolT. tnence b\
Maruotrs line south 89J4' east 35 8-10 perc tes
to a post thence north X' west 54 l-io perche*
to corner ol T C Johnston s land, thence bj
Johnston's land 355-10 perches to a post, theoce
soutn 1-; west 54 1-10 perches to the place of
AI.SO— Of. In and to 54 acres ol land, more or
less, situated in Centre township. Bmler couu
ty. Pa., bounded a» follows, to-wit: Beginning
at a stone on tue line of the county roaa.lheDce
north S'J 1 2 west 7« perches lo a poet, thence
souin 4 > 1-2 east along hue ol laud of A M Mc
l andless 61 oerches lo a posi on llue oi laud JI
T C Johnston Itieuce along said Johiislon's
line i; perches lo the northwest coiner of said
Johnston's land, tueuce along tbe northeru
line oi said J i til..-ton's land oy perches to the
countrj road, ihence along said road A perches
to place of beginning. Seized aud lakeu lu
execution as the properly of Nancy McCaUd
less, Abtici McCanoless and »V L McCandless at
lne sua of A C Taggari, etc., now lor use oi
Franalln Miller
EL> Nos. 75 aud 76 March T 1894. McJunklD &
Ualbreath, att'ys.
All tLe right. Hue. iuc"re*i aud claim of D C
McLe .n ot. lu aud lo certain lot of laud, more
or leas, situate in 4ih waru. ouiler boro. Butler
CO, Pa. bounded as lollows. 10-wlt: Beginning
al the northeast corner ot otner lot of lie Mc-
Lean on street, thence aloug said street
north 25' west 39 leet to a post, thence south
53" west su leei to line of lot oe.onglng to David
Dale, tlience southwardly by line parallel wilu
aid street 5» leet to a post. thence by said oth
er loi oi l> C Mcnean so leet to a post, the place
oeginning, aud having thereon erected one
traine si .ble, and being tbe same lot ol ground
com eyed bj David Dale to W K Keed oy deed
recorded in Deed Book l'J3. page 344, and bj
said Keeu et ux convened lo D C McLean bj
deed o iecord.
Ali»o—oi, lu and to a certain lot of land,
luoie or less, siluaie iu Butler boro. Butler Co
Pa bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north
Uj oiher lot ot D C McLean, caM by street.
souili b) br.idy street anJ wesl by lot of David
Dale, saiu lot beiug so leet trout ou Brady at,
and extending back luO leet to said otuer iol ol
DC McLean ai d beiuK the same lot conveyed
to U IL-H-II I. Keed b\ deed ol -ames Bole et UA
iUUhI Hi _'i., I-81), ot iecoro in i.eco.uer's office'
ol liulier Co. Pa. Deed nook. ;u«, page 413, and
Uj said i; ed el ux couve>ed 100 c McLean,
i ..uu naming lucteou ere. ted a good l«vo stoiy
Irauie dWctliUß uou-e. wiud-mill Uxtures com
plete. used lor supplying said premises wilu
water tuereou. seued an lakeu lu exeeution
as i be prop, riy ot O C McLean al the suit ol C
1. suaunon et al.
EL> Nos 104 and 165 Dec T 1833. Joseph B
Bredin, att'y.
Ail the right, title. Interest and claim of Ja
cob 1. Kelly , ot. In aud lo a t ertaiu tot ot land,
more or less, situate In Butler boro duller Co..
Pa, bounded as tollowa, to wit: Beginning at a
p.i>t at tne southeast cor. er ol au alley auu Ce
■;eiia street, uieuce s jJlu along ceceua street
lu leet to a t-osl corner of CeceUaSt and lot Xo.
•j.;, ihence east I>JO leet lo poot on alley, ihence
north alona aliej 40 teet lo post, theuce west
along alley 1 tin let l lo place ol begluulug. and
Uaviug erected mereou a good two-story rrame
dwelling house aud other outbuildings.
A lso — Oi, lu aud to a certain lot of land.
more or less, situated In Butter ooro. dutler Co.
i a bounded as lollows, 10-wlt: Beginuiug at a
point on sL Mar., s street SO Ijel norm ol Uie
soul hs\ est corner ol lot No. 8. thence eastward
along land ol Misses Kocaeustein to ah ai,ej 3.1
leei to a post. Ihence weatward lo SI. Mark 's
St. tueuce souinwaid 35 leel to Uie place ol be
ginning, aud having a goou two-story tr.me
dWelliug uouse anu otner odibutldlugs erected
lueieou. aeued aud laaeu 111 execution as tne
pi ope rt v 01 Jacob 1. Kelly al the suit ol Kckerl
K LI Nos to. 44 45, 52. .H, 80 and lou March T
lew. Tbompson4Son.il Q Walker, James
B Males, W D Brandon. J fil Paiuier.S F.
Bowser aud ltalslon £ Ureer, att'js.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of Kid
dle W Elliott, 01. In and 10 04 acres of land,
more or less, situate lu BuQalo twp Butler Co.
ia. bounded as follows, 10-wlt: On tue norm
ny lauds 01 Margaret Jane Fleming, east oy
1 nos 01 Wm Fleming's heirs, loutu oy lands of
So Fleming and west by lands 01 Elijah Moore,
lormerly land ol J S Elliott, said land being
mostly cleared, under reuce and In a KOOd stale
ulculllvallou, well watered and having therooh
one orchard, oue irauie dwelllug bouse, one
tog bouse, one traine baia, one frame hay shed
aud o'lier ouiouiidings erected thereon Seiz
ed and lakeu lu execuilun as tue property ol
ruddle \V Elliot, al lue suit of Kebecca Doua-
Kby, Win liaruiion. adin'r, lor Uso of S W Siew
ii 1. Oeo D ltaisuouse, uoiv lor use ol Joha J
Miller et al.
c. D Nos aud 3"> Marcu T 18!»», MiKarlaul
Mcyuistion aud Moore, att'ys.
All tbe right, title, interest am claim of
l'ueodore Plane, of. In aud lo 50 acres of land,
more or less, suuate In Jefferson twp. Butler
co. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt. On the
uorth hi a road running beiweeh lauds ol Peter
1 ml aim Frederick nluumael, and said piece ol
land soulh and east oy land ol now ileury Kck
-1,. r anu ivest oy lauds 01 llenry B .uiuau. be
oiunliiK at a pool, tue soutlie .at corner ol said
.cee ol laud llteuce al jug laud ol Hcury Eca
ut r not tu 2 west lue peicnes aud 1-2 lo a post
iu et.ee alcug aioresaiu laud soulh »s' wesi so
perches lo a post, thence along land of llenry
i.-umau soUlu 2 east Ml perches and 1-S to a
,-ost. 1 hence along laud oi llcurj Eckuer north
ns 1-2 east so percues 10 a post, Uie place ol be
.uiung, aud having a two story liaine dwelt
-lus house, U'ame barn aud other oulouildlugs
lUereou. Seized and lakeu in execution as uie
property 01 Tueodoro ilabe at tue suit of OF
Vachuig el al.
ED No id? March T, 1»94. W A Forquer, atl'y
All tne ngui. title, interest aud claim ol U F
Pierce, 01. In and to a cerlaiu lot ol land, more
or less, situate lu Mllleniowu borougn Butler
tounty. Pa., bouuded as lollows, to-wit: Ou the
uoi 111 by lot 01 Fred Schwelger. east by Central
.11ellUc,soulh by lot ol Klinole aud west by au
ai.ej, saiu to 1 , uaviug a good irame dwelling
uouseaud otner odtouildiugs erected tnereou.
.seized and lakeu lu exocullou as the property
ol o F Pierce at the suit ol Francis M uroliy
assignee 0111 J lloyt, now lor use ol 11 C Lli
zi tiger.
E D No 181, March T, ls9l. J D Marsbairatt'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of W B
Jodus.ot, in and to 25 acres of land, more or
tess, situated In Connoqueuensiug township
Juuer coduiy. a.. nonJiJn olu.vs, to-Wu,:
Ou the north by laud ot formerly Samuel
•. icglcr; east by lauds ol Eagal and Mceauuie-s
south oy laud ol JoUu Mc audless;west by laud
oi Jauies B Lee, said laud being mostly cleareu
aud 111 a lair stale ol cultivation.
alsi I—ul, in aud to 53 acres of lauu, more 01
less, sllualeu in Muduycroek township, Butler
county. Pa., bounded as lollows, U>-wlt: on
lile nortn oy land 01 J W Wimer aud LZ
■liitcneli; east by lauu ol Jaiuus Frazler; sou in
Vj lanu ol Jac.,bstickle; «esl by lellow Creek
mad, said laud beuig mostly cleared, undei
tehee, and lu a lull suile ul cullivailou, and
uaviug a two-story Irauie uWclllug house, lug
siabie, good orchard and other outouiuilugs
tuereou. Seized and lakeu in execution as 1110
. lopei ty 01 vv B Dodus at the suit of Johu
iley 1 lor use of 11 J 'J'raoer.
El> Nos 01, C 2. Ul. UU, Ul, 69. *O. 110 and 150
March T. ls!»4, a 1 Black, Hti Walker, W A
1 oiquer F J rorqucr, Newton Bla„k and W
D Biaudon, att'y s.
All the riKhl, title Interest and claim ot
i nciuan J shannon, of lu and to 100 acres 01
lanu, inoie or less, situated lu Slippery Koch
lowiishtp, liutiur county. Pa., bounded as iol
| ions, town: Ou the north by land of J D
-siepaeusou; cast by laud ul Hall's heirs aud
Suerrlng; south by laud ol suerring, and
west oy inud of cyrus liogg uhd other land ul
.sa.o Uaunoii, said land belug mustly cleared
iu a good siate ol cultivation, aud Uaviug a
s ood orcuard, a two-story irame dweluug
uouse, .raine barn, wagon sued. sUeep UoUie
aud other ouiouildiugs lUeraou.
At.sO—ul. In and to S acres ol laud, more or
less, situated iu slippery Kock township. But
ler county. Pa,. bounded as lollows, to-wit: Ou
ihe north by land ol J J BoVard; east by tue
olUer land ot said Shannon; south by laud ol
yrus.logg. mid west bj P S & L E It It and
laud ol J J Bovard. said laud belnd mostly
cieured a..u In aiatrslaie ot cullivailou, and
uaviug a small dwelllug house aud small
staole elected thereon, seized aud taken lu
execution as Ihe piopeily ol luouias J Suau
uun al tue suit ol K K «tck. Jos uaugnerly lor
use ol J J McOarvey. D It Davis, P A nhaunou,
John Beig Ai Co., et al.
E D Nos «i. 02, 03. 04. 65 67, u# and 156 March T
1594. A 1' Block. II y Walker. V. A Forquer.
F J Forquer and Newton Black, ati'ys.
All the right, title, Interest and claim 01
Henry 1. Uliodes, 01, In aud to 65 acres of laud
more or less, situated In Slippery Kock town
ship, Butler county, Pa. bounded as loliows.lo
wlt:' On tin noilh by land ol X C Kuodes.
east by laud of VV C ltuodes, South by lauds 1 D
Steuhcusou I.id puohc road and west by lauds
ot Josl.tli id.iius. said laud being mostly clear
ed, und'"i letice, and lu a lair state of cultiva
tion, aim having a iwo-siory frunie dwelllug
.1 .use. irauie stable ani other
ALSO—OI, lu und 10, 5 acres of land, more 01
less, nitua ed lu sllp|H ry Kock lownahip. Bui.
lei coui.iy, 1 a., bouuil. das lollows, Ul wit: Ou
tue noth oy lam.sol 1 C lUiodes, cast by lands
Ol W c Ithodes. south by land of v\ C Klioiie..
ttiu west y laud ol T C ithodes and public
• oad said laud being all cleared aud lu a
good Slate ol cultivation, seized aud lakeu lu
• AcciiUon as ine properly of ileury L Kuodes
at the null ot It li vv ic*. Ezra C Trister. Sarah
Kuodes. u K Davis. J J Mctiarvey, Jouu Berg
U Co. ul al.
Eu No 130 March T 1891. Kill ton & (iri-cr,
All the right, title, luteiest aud claim of t! O
Kiiigsoury , 01, in and lo u certain loi ol lun i
mole 01 less, situate lu Ceuuevllle Ooro, Butlei
eo. Pa. bouuded as lollows,to-wil: Begiuumg at
. post ou llie Butler aud Mercer pike, Ihe ice
along Saiu pike soulh 4* eusl 00 leel to a post,
tueuce by lot No ih south il Wesl IUO leet to a
post ou lite east side ol au alley, iheuce by saiu
..liey non-U 42 wesl 50 leel to a post, llteuce oy
iol No 10 noilh 31 east llio leel to the place ol
beginning, said lot being iol No II lu llie geuer
plau ol lots of said 0010. and uaviug tnereou
erocied a good two siory uaiuti dwelling hous. .
,ood name slop- building aud u frame uuilu
lUK used as a waroUouse.
ALSO- Of. In ind to a certain lot of land
inoie or leas, situated in Centre?llle boro. But
ler Co. Pu. bounded as follows. 10-wit: Begin
ulng at a post on said liutiur aud Mercer pike
1.1 ence by lot No 17, It being the raine lot de
scribed above, south 31' west 100 feet to a post.
Hence by the aforesaid alley Uorlh 42 ttesl 15
feel lo a post, thence bv part of the name lot. It
being part ol lot No Hi 111 sal 1 general plan B'-t
apart to Harriet II Wll on, north 31 east I6u
f. et to a mist. Ihence by tne aforesaid Butler
and Mereer pike south 42" east 15 leet to the
piac- ol begluulug said lot being part of lot No
Hi as laid out by the gsueral plan ot lots of said
boro. Seized anil taken In execution an Ihe
property of C O Kingsbury at the suit of O N
< 'handler.
ED No 141 March T. l*» 4. Kals'oa £ Orecr.
Al tbe right, title, interest and claim o 1
James Frazler. of. In and to 60 acres of land
more or less situated lu Muddy-creek township
Butler county. Pa.. bounded as follows, to-wll'
<in the north by lanu of Fralzers. east by lands
lo 1 tnerlv of Oeo Frailer and Kll/aboill W.|-
lac soiilh by lands ol Fi a/.ler heirs aud P Wa -
I ce ami west by laud of J Wimer el al sJd
IniiJ oelug luos'ly cleared aud tn a lair stale 1
cullivailou. Slid having a name dael lu*
le 11-e, frame baru aud other outbuildlugn
ere U d thereon.
AI.SO 1 if. lu and to 3.1 acres of land more or
less situ 'led lu Muldycieek township, Butler
county, l'a.. hounded as lollows. to-wil: Begin
mill at a gum In c. Iheuce by lauds of English
•t I-. e»sl til'i |»-rches to a stone, ihence »ouih
bv LTUFLS ol ciiarlessleglrlodss went IH 73-lwi
ivr.trt w » VL'JW&aw LV AfciUeS'
Our Semi-Annua Slaughter!
\ou know as well as we do that it is a troublesome
job. Its much easier to count money titan goods.
\Y edo not want to count out stock, but we want it
turned into cash. We have sharpened our ax and
are cutting prices closer than you ever saw, or dreamed
of. We want no profit this month, cost is all we care
about getting. Won't lie to you by saying that we
will sell below cost, because we won't At our figures
they are about one-half what you pay regular—isn't
that enough?
Now is your chance to get a bargain i n MEN'S,
H. Schneideman
104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
By the Ist of March our New Spring Stock arrives an J we must
make room for it. We have decided that the prices will make them
70 Men's Business Suits $3.75, worth $6.50.
95 Men's Cassimere Suits at $4.50, worth sS.oo.
35 Men's Gray Overcoats at sl-73, worth $3.50.
38 Men's Melton Overcoats at $4.00, worth SBOO
29 Men's Storm Ulsters at $4.50, worth $8.50.
35 Men's Storm Ulsters at $7.00, worth $12.00.
20 Doz. Black Jersey Shirts at 50c, worth SI.OO.
15 Doz. any color Jersey Shirts at 75c, worth $1.50.
Men's and Boys' Winter Caps at 19c, worth 50c.
For the want of space we cannot quote all the Big Bargains we
have for you.
But to satisfy yourself, call when in town and will be convinced.
Leading Clothiers.
137 South Main street, Butler.
< -f *A TRIP*- %
!j TO ?
# J
1 ICoupoql ?
| Will entitle you to a discount oil
| 15 per cent on all
lovercoats, Heavy Suits and Underwear,?
2 For sixty days from this date,
| Jan. 22. |
leas formerly W H. Tompson north 2 1-2 weal
91 H perches to a post, thence by land* of Joliu
v\ imer north 88* mt 04 "3 ion perches to the
Place of beginning. Mild laud being mostly
cl Bared and in a fair tUto o( cultivation. Seiz
ed »ud taken In execution as tho property of
lame* Frailer at the suit of A I ieri-o for use of
Harmony Havings Bank, now for use of •lohn
Greer. _
E 1> No 163 March T. l*al. W D Brandon. atfy.
All the right, title interest and claim of
Owen Hrady of. In and to <0 acres of I »nd. more
or less, situated in Donegal township. Butler
county Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the
north by Unds of Owen Hradv. east by land* of
Widow Maloney. south by lands or Kr*nk Walt
uian and west by Unds of Itodger Uoyle. with a
one-story lo.' bouse, small sUitde.small orchard
mereon. Bald land being mottlv cleared aud in
a uood state of culUvatlon. Seized and taken
in execution as me property of Owen Hrady at
the suit of Michael McUluley In trust,
ED Ne 151, Man hT, 1894. Stephen I'um
mingt, Att'y.
AH the right title, interest and claim ol
Karl Butxer, of, in aud to 50 acres of land,
more or less. Mtuated in Fairview township
Uuller county. Pa , bouuded a« lollows. to
wit: Beginning at a wbiteoak tree ou the
uorthwest corner and runuing thence by
lands of A L Campbell south 89° east 35 rods
to a post.thenoe by lauds of W Gibson So. 1 ®
west 47 roda to a stone, tbeue-J by sum south
8:1° east 47 5-10 rods to a stone, thence by
lands of Jamea Campbell ■ uth 11° west V
5-10 rods to a post, thenoe by lauds o( John
B Jamison south 25° ea-t 50 rod* I" »
tl.ence by lands of John B Jaaii*onsouih 2 ~
west 10 rods lo a post, theuoe by same aud
Jamea Blauey north 8»° west 7H rod* to a
poat, thence by landa of Wm Wilson weat ISO
rods to a whiteoak, the place of beginning
Reserviug, nevertheless portions tu lo'j,
tirrftz-fore sold, being a* follow* viz' 1. > *
Noa 28, 29, sold to Grove Bros lot A *do t .
i Aaron, lot No «5 to Couley Bros, lot No I
sold to Mary B»rd, lot No 2 sold t-. D S iu n
erland, lot No 3 sold lo Ida Irons, lot* No*
4 «nd 5 sold to Si E Mehard, tola NJI 21, 22
23, '4,25 aud 36 sold to Vio eiUni.iOjil. I"
.No 7 Mild to Jeuuie Ruraberijer, lot* St* 8,
9 and 10 aold to Thomas Carliu, lot No II
Hold to Kiora Cuffio, loin No 15 an l 294 sol '
in A M Rice, lots Nos ltrtf and 881 lot «u
C'.urch street sold to Chas E Herr, lots No* ,
201, 202 and 203 sold to F Ilindtn tu, lot
Church street sold to Mrs lla'ley, lot No 10')
aold to R P Doyle, lot No 106 sold to Mr* N
Beatty, lot No 108 sold to Edgar Taylor, lot
,\o 100 sold to A Kilclien*ieiu, lot* N..* 111
aud 106 aold to Ella Botner, lot Non 100, loi
hint 102 sold to R D Jenniugs, lot B sold i
t K DCII lot No 71 Bold to Jain<** Claris, lot* ,
No .13 85 8<« aod 87 sold to J B Ki.roy, I n
N« 34 sold to Uosana da le riend, 1 d No
sdo to Dillon, lui 3o sold lo 1. ln-ia:i i, 1»<
K.n, Nlti.'i 84 ►old to K DJnji.li..;-, I"t* N—
-7.s and 79 »old to Union Oil Co lot* No« 70, i
7(1 and 77 sold to A L Ayenuore, lots N..s . • |
aud "4 S"ld tu Wll JelilsOU, lots Nos "Mi. '< I
Amlv Root, lot No 94 sold to F lots
.No 7!) nn'l (i hold to Jell Freeman, lot No R
nold to ( 'ampi)*-11 Bros, lot E sold to I'rank
Dill, lot No ,S<l -old to C I|i«y, lo Not." sold
to A Kilchewdein, lot No 65 sold to Grace
William*, lot No 64 sold to A Buckhart, 1 >ts
N.s 58, ftW and til) sold to Presbyterian
Church. |<>ti Nos 10, 17, 18, If uu 120 a >ld to
Mrs (fibs ii, lot nil Fores', street -iold to Liz
zit* \\ ard, lot No '.'(HI sold to Jlv Sui-pherd.
lot No 12 sold to UH (i Campliell, 1 acres
sold t» Euke Stoughtnu, 12 acres ol land sold
to I O Pollard, lots ti9 and 70 being ground
occupied by the Central Hotel, lot No lu7
xold to F Houvinin, said It ad b*ioi{ mottly
oleareJ aud liaviug urecie I ther.; in a two
story trame store building aud dwelling
house, aud a one-story Irame dwelling
house. Belied and taken in execution as
the property of Karl Butzer at the suit of
Daniel Market.
rEIt.MS OK HALE:—The following must be
strictly complied ivith when property is .stricken
down. . ... _
I. W.ien the plaintiff or other Men creditor
IH comes the purchaser the cist on the writ
must ne paid au i a list of the liens Including
mortgage searches ou the property sold to
g"th« r with such lieu creditor's receipt * for tho
amount of the proceeds of tho .*alu or .such por
tion thereof a* he may claim niiut be furulshdd
the Sheriff.
■i. All bids must be paid In full.
3. All sales not. settled Im'iie ttately will be
continued until I o'clock r. «. of next day, at
which time all property not settled for will
arala i» pu .up md sold at the expense and
risk of the prrson to wnoni first sold.
• to Pardon's Dure*', titu edition, page 410,
and smith's Kor ns. p.tffiMSt.
ANDBKA'C C'A IPBKLL. Hlioritf. .
Sheriff's Otilce. ttutler. I'a . February 11. IsM
NORTH AMfc:i<u;A,lG2d Year
Aascta $j,273,j00.
Homo ol Now York,
Assets ij,000,000.
Hartlord ol tlariford,
Asists i7.378.0x>.
PtiODOix of Brooklyn,
Continental of Now York,
Assets $6,380,000.00.
Assets 3>t37t49S> 000,00 *
R. e. AB iAiV£ i & GO,
«>fu tj.n BUILDING, mar
Omrt douce, liuiler PA.
if! 2u i d 00 3 jjg^i
r a i'tjiv ' h uon, I u-MtorM v v
Cures SwkHeadache