T .IE CIT ZE2ST 1 IUDAY. FEBRUARY 16. 1893. ,«i .i r«Ma» ** »" tJ " ■» " fOLUI C. IUUI. P«bllrt« REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOE COBGEKBSMAN-AT-LABGI. GALUSHA A. GROW. Of Susquehanna Co. Republican Announcements. Subiect to the Republican Primary. Saturday, April 28th, between the hours of of 1 and 7 p.m. FOR CONGRESS, Ho*. THOMAS W. PHILLIPS. FOR ASSEMBLY, (Two to nominate) JAMBS N. MOOEE, Ot Butler. THOMAS HATS, Of Fairview. D. B. DOUTHBTT, Of Forward. W. H. RITTBB, Ot Butler. JAMBS B. MATES, Of Butler. FOR JURY COMMISSIONER, A. O. EBBBHAKT, Of Butler Twp. H. W. NICHOLAS, , Of Butler (formerly of Penn.) PHILLIP HILLIABD, ESQ., Of Hilliard*. JOHN LABIMOBB, Of Concord twp. JOHH T. CBAKMBR, Of Franklin twp. T. ALBBBT BARTLBY, Of Clinton twp. FOR DELEGATES TO STATE CON VENTION. (Three to elect.) DB. J. 0. BARE, Of Adams. J. If. MCCOLLOUGH. Of Fairview. fl«o. "W. COOPER, Of Slipperyrock. W. H. H. RIDDLE, Of BCTLKB. J. 6. CAMPBKLL, Of Cherry twp. Look After The Vo:e. When Thomas B. Reed regards the ooming election in Pennsylvania as of suf ficient importance to make it worth while for him to leave his duties in Congress and eome to Philadelphia and speak, and when Governor McKinley consents to address a meeting in Pittsburg in the same cam paign, no Republican citizen of the State can afford to fail in doing his whole duty. The only possible trouble there can be is in neglect to get out the full vote, and a full vote ftt this time is peculiarly desir ftble. Let no Republican think it is •nongh that Galusha A. Grow is elected. He will be elected, as a matter of course, bnt that election must be secured by such ft majority a* shall be notice that the life of the Democratic panic-makers and wage reduoers in Congress is short. Let it be inch as to leave the wreckers no hope that they wil l have power after the next elec tions to work their mischief upon the conn try. It is realized that it is not so easy to get ont the vote at a midwinter election, par ticularly in the country districts where it i» sometimes necessary io go many miles to the polls. In many of these districts, also, there is no local incentive to bring ont the vote. The elections are for town ship officers and very frequently the people have got together and nominated a ticket against which there is substantially no op position. It will be elected no matter how few the number of votes cast for it, and nnder such conditions the farmer does no 1 care to put himself to the trouble to go all the way to the polls. Bnt the present is a different situation. It ought to be told to every farmer in every township in the State that the whole ooontry—blighted as it is by a few months of Democratio administration —is looking to the result in Pennsylvania next week for that encouragement now so much need ad. It is expecting Pennsylvania to make it unmistakably evident that the Demo cratic party cannot hope to retain its con trol beyond the present Congress. Every vote cast for Galusha A. Grow is a protest against the hard times and the distress whioh had come with Democratic administration. This is the first time the Democratic party has been in power, both in the Executive and Legislative depart ments, in more thau thirty years, and it ahoald be the last time forever. Let the people of Pennsylvania lead the way cut of the era of Cleveland bard times by giving an overwhelming majority for Galusha A. Grow. Such a result is worth working for and every Republican in the State—every man whether Republican or Democrat who is opposed to hard times—should feel a particular interest in working for it.— PICKS. A LIVELY engagement between the gov ernment and insurgent troops occured in the town of Nitcheroy, cm the bay of Rio, laat Friday. The inHurirentß attempted to take possession of the town, and were re pulsed. Two hundred men are said to have been slain during the fight. THE tbiel feature <>T the meeting <>t the Lincoln League, iaxt Monday evening, was the speech made by J amen A. UalbreatU, E*q., who criticized the taiiff policy of the Democratic party, the financial views of the majority of the party ax sbowu by their vote in the House on the silver ques tion, and the incomo tax; and who paid a fitting tribute to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, whose birthday it was, and whose name honors the League. John H. Negley, Esq., reviewed the tAiiff legislation of the past; President Brymer appointed the Ward Committees for next Tuei*day; Cyran Flarper made a f«w remarks and sang two solos; several others made short remarks, the Lincoln Glee Club favored the audience with several amusing songs, and altogether it was a pleasant and profitable eveniug. Tbe League should always remember that Feb. 12th Is Lincoln's birthday, and meet on the evening of that day to honor tbe memory of a man who stauds next after Washington in the history of this Na tion; and tbe young men of the League •bould secure a biography of Lincoln, and tm fe Washington Notes. During the fight over the Bland bill in tlio House Thursday morning the secreta ry of the Senate appeared and announced the passage by the Senate of the bill to repeal the Federal elections law. Tho an nouncement was greeted with a burst ol applause from the Democratic side. "Now," ejaculated Mr. Reed, aa he list ened to the applause, "ballot box stuffing is at last a recognized art." During the day Senator Quay made a few remarks on the death of Congressman Mutchler.a Democratic representative from Easton who died last summer, and in his remarks spoke of the general financial dis tress in Pennsylvania. On Monday a member of the sub-com mittee of the Senate Finance Committee, siid the committe would probably not finish their examination of the Wilson bill for three oi four weeks yet. Hill fought Peckham's nomination before the Judiciary Committee to draw, and they agreed to report it to the Senate, by a vote of 5 to 5, without a recommenda tiou. On Wednesday the President made sev er*! important Philadelphia appointments, Harrity getting them all, with one excep tion. The debate on the Bland seignior age bill occupied the whole day in the House. Don't mis 3 voting on Tuesday, if yon can possibly help it. CHAMPION CORBETT is traveling, and aside from Prof. Wilson is the greatest man out But their business is ju3t the opposite. Corbett is knocking out the English, while Wilson is trying to knack out the American. AT the banquet in New York, Monday night in honor of Lincoln's birthday, Bishop Newman responded to the toa»t "Abraham Lincoln;'' John Dalzell to "Protection;" Gov. Grecnhalge to "Re publican New England;" and Henry G. Ester broke to "Vengance of the Flag." Dalzell was at his beat and made a great speech, closing as follows: Sheffield and Pittsbnrg touch elbows and are competitors for the Bame market. Bnt the civilization of Sheffield is that of low wages, a starved life, rented homes, lack of culture and aspiration, while the civilza tion of Pittsburg is that of high wages, land proprietorship, free schools, intelligence and manhood suffrage. Hence the moral necessity of protection. I leave out of sight, I care nothing about the origin and cause of these differing con ditions. Suffice it for me that they exist. To me the living, breathing vital demand is that if they shall ceaso to exist it must be by Sheffield's comine up to Pittsburg's level, not by Pittsburg going down to Sheffield's. Protection you will observe (is at once the creation and the shield of American civilization. It is no part of my purpose to say any thing about its results. You will find them on every page of the splendid -chapter which America has added to the world's industrial history. They are known and read of all men save those who will not know and read. But what has this protection, whose function is to deal with the character and the social condition of the individual, to of fer by way of fruit T I have already quoted oue Englishman, now let me quote another James Bryce, and no more intelligent observer of cur country and institutions ha; ever written about them, says: "That America marks the highest level, not only of material well being, but of in telligence and happiness, which the rf tbe town i:> leaHonable. Telephone S.j 17, or o'ders,] at Hotel Volley. tiuvi Lriviff a very graceful and creditable act, and one that reflect* honor on his administration. Dr. Egle is, perhaps, the best equipped gentle man in the State for the position, and dur ing his incumbency he has brought the Li brary to a condition of excellence surpass ed by no other State Library in thi United Statet and equalled by but few He is an indefatigable worker, a scholar, a man of erudition, a delver and a remarkably suc cessful historian, working in a field con taining nothing but hard, dry facts, yet be contrives to weave about his facts stories and tales that interest all who read his writings. Dr Egle, when a young man. learned i the trade of printer, he was afterwards a tuccessful reporter and subsequently an editor. He studied medicine and practic al for some time, and he served honorably in "he Union army, being one of the lai-t to ! >e mustered out of the Army of the Rio Grtnde. His years in Harri*burg have brought him the highest respect and es teem from his fellow citizens, who deligut to see the genial and learned gentleman ho.iored. Every citizen of Pennsylvania should vote next Tuesday. A Pleasant Affair. A very enjoyable partv was given at the home ot Mr. and Mrs Clowes, of Winfield twp.. Feb. 7th, 1894, in commemoration of the birthday of their daughter, Miss Lina. A merry jingle, jingle, jingle of the sleigh bells announced the arrival of the guests. The guests, twenty in number, were ushered into the very pleasant parlor by Miss Anna.. Soon we were summoned to the dining room where a sumptuous and elegant supper was served. To say that the gnests enjoyed the repast would be but saying little as the food disappear ed in a marvelous manner. The enter tainment of the evening was unique and varied. Prot. HJ. Lensner of Saxon burg, the noted violinist, rendered some violin solos in aa artistio manner which was very highly appreciated by all present Miss Wonderly, the accomplished elocu tionist of Natrona, recited some selections in a masterly manner. Master Edward Clowes declaimed some comic pieces which created quite a little amusement, ho also presented to his sister, Miss Lina, a very tine photograph album in behalf of the family. Vocal music was a feature of the evening's entertainment. The comic songH were enjoyed as well as those more serious While we laughed and chatted to the ac companiment of tho orgnn the evening sped swiftly by. After sinking "God be with you till we meet aeaiu," we departed to our homes feeling very sorry that Miss Lina's birthday did not come very often. A QUIET OBSERVER. Almost Blind Inflamed Eyes and Run ning Sores The Success of Hood's Causes Great Rejoicing—A Perfect Cure. Hi.as ''Cora n. Ebert Barnesvllle, Pa. - C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: " I feel It a duty to state what Hood's Barsa parllla has done for me. I was almost blind, being compelled to stay in a darkened room on account of Inflammation of the eyes. I also suffered with running sores on my body. I was In terrible condition. My mother tried every thing she knew about and I was attended by two doctors but without helping me. Finally Hood's ftarsaparlUa was recommended and I had not taken two bottles before I began to get better. The inflammation left my eyes and the sores healed, and the result was that I Became Stronger, and was restored to perfect health. At that time I was only twelve years old j now I am nineteen and I havo not since been troubled Hood's^Cures with my eyes or noticed any sign of a return of the sores on my body. X can recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla as an excellent blood purifying medicine." MIBBCOBA EBERT, Baruesville, Fa. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and efflciently, on the liver and bowels, ai-. inspection + Invited, fri 1\ v r HOLDING UP ■Shoes for the inspection of all, holding down prices for the con venience of everybody, holding out bargains within the reach of all and consequently holding on to the people's patronage to the consternation of all competitors. All people go where they can get the best for their money. See our Infant's Shoes in Red and Tan at i 5 cents. See our Boys' Kxtra High Cut Shoes at $1.25. Set: our Ladies' Fine Rubbers at 25 cunts. See our Ladies' Storm Rubbers at 35 cents. See us for all kinds of footwear. Will save you money. The New Shoe Store. C. E. MILLER, 215 SOUTH MAIN STRKET. J*HK lIUTLKR OOUNTV NATIONAL BANK, BCTUCIt. Pa. CAI'ITAL Paid l>, - - - 5100.00e.00. HLBI'LI H i.ll) PKOHTb, - $5D,93t.14. OFFICERS : Joe. Hartman. Pres't, J. V. Rltu, Vice Pres't.. C. a. Bailey, Cashier, DIRE'TORS : Jos. Hartman, C. P. <;oJUn*. N.M.Hoover (I SlcH*e«ney, c. I). 'Jreen'ee, .J. V. Ititi*, K. K. AW,ill, h. Leslie lluzlctt, I. . 7th, 1894. Notice in Partition In He- Partition of the estate of John A. Dun ap, dee d., in the urpuan s Court of Jiutler Co., l*a. A. I>, O.«'. No, 74. Sept. Term, 1593. To Ann Eliza Dunlap. widow, and the follow nig children and heirs, to-wlt: Mary Jane, in termarried with Howe Allen. In tne State of Oiegon ; Wl!son Uunl ip resnlli g 111 Venauno Co.. Pa.; Uacbael. intermarried with Bell. ulio resides In Clncauo, 111.; Maggie, Intermar ried with James E. Imonns. who resides In Ve nango Co.. Pa ; and John M. Dunlap. Tliomp onvllle, Washington Co. Pit. ; Manila A. Dun lap, re-iden e unknown; Elizabeth, lntermar uiarrled wtiti James Wiee. who reside in Ve nango Co., Pa. ; Ellen, intermarried with Alfred Nicker.-.on In her life time, but who Is now .lead, having died before her lather and who I. it a liusoand. Alfred Nlckerson and two chil dren by said husband. to-wit: Mary .Nlcker son. aged aboui 12 years, and James Nlckerson. aged about 1" you*, residing tu Venango Co., a Tills Is to notify you that a writ <,l parti Hon has been Issued out 01 said court and to me directed and by virtue ol tald writ the Jury of inquest will moeton the premises de*er!bed in -aid writ, situated in Mercer twp., flutter Co.. .it 10 o'clock a. 111. on Mi nday. the 26th day of Kenruarj , 1804, and on the oilier tract situated in Marion twp., liutler Co.. on Monday the 26th day of February, 1891, at 2 o'clock p. m. to wake partition thereof or appraise the said tract of and described in said writ at which time aud place you are hereby uolilled to be present If you see proper. ANDItEW G. CAMPBELL, SherlT liutler. Co.. Pa. Notice in Partition. In He-estate of James 11. Matthews, dec'd. Conrad Myers 1 In the Orphan's vs I Court of Butler Co., Ovid L Matthews. Olive I Pa. UattheWfc.C.l-' Matthews ! A.D..0. C. No 4, and Irene Matthews nee I Dec Term, lsw. W.N.l'urvls. J To Ovid L. Matthew* , this Is to notify you tiiut a writ of pari It 1011 has been issued out of said Court, ana to toe directed and by virtue of said writ the Jury of Inquest will meet on the premises described in said writ of partition 10 uiake partition thereof or appraise the said 1 ract of land described In said writ, on H tur day the iMtb day of Kebruaiy, ISOI, at loo,cloclc a. m. of said dav. at which Unit aud place you aru hereby notified to be present it you see proper, ANDIIEW G. CAMPBELL. Sheriff, Butler Co., i'a. Orphan's Court Sale. ISy virtue of an order and decree of the Or phan's Court of Huller Co., I'cDn'a.. tne un dersigned, Executor of the last will and testa ment of Kobert llesselgesser, late of Wlnfteld township, county and state atoresalu. deceased will offer at public auction, 011 the premises on TCEBDAT, KEBItUAKV 20th, 18£ H. at 1 o'clock p m. of said day : One hundred aud twenty-eight acres ol laud, more or less, situat ed in the township county and state aforesaid; bounded on the nortb by lands of vvm. nickel on the east by lands ol Itavlrt Hesselgesser. on lUe south by lands of John Hesselgesser and N K irk land, aud on the west bv lands of Karl Hesselgesser, Sill and Painters lielrs. Brick dwelling house . frame barn and outbuildings, and good orchard thereon. About seventy acres thereof cleared, fenced and under gooo slate of cultivation, balance woodland. In all respects tills is among the best farms in Win field township. TERMS OF SACK:—One-third of purchase money to be paid on continuation of Hale, and one-third In one year and remaining third in two years thereafter with Interest from said confirmation and to be secured by Judgment, bona or mortgage. Title good. •I A MRS 11 K..-HLI.' .K.-iKKK, IJAVIU HfcHSKMiKsSBK, Executors of Kobert Hesselgesser, dec'd., Leasurevllle, tutlerco.. i'a.,.l an 8, 18&4, K. McJUhktu, McJuuKlu .t iJaloreatb. Att'ys. January 3d, I Hit I • Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the last will aud testament of Xeal Mcßride, late of Clearfield twp., Puller Co., I'a., deceased, having been ibis day granted by the Kegis -1 ter of wills ol said county to me, the under I nigned Executor, therefore, all person* knowing themselves indebted to said es tale are requested to make speedy pay ment, aud all persons having claims agaih it t,aid estate will please present theui to me. properly authenticated for settle ment, Dk.nnis Mcßridk, Executor, Coylesville, Butler Co., E. McJunkin, Att'y. Pa. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the ostate of Mrs Christina llassler, d> c'd , late of Donegal twp , Butler Co., Pa.,having been granted to the undersigned, all poisons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate paymeut, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settle ment to Gil as. L. Nortuimk, Ex'r., S. F. Bowser, Greer P. 0., Att'y. Butler Co., Pa. Farm for sate The undersigned offer* Ills farm in t.utlertwp contutiiliiK over one hundred « 100) acres, ana located three miles south of Butler one mile eu't the I'lnnkroad, for Hale or exchange. About eigtitv !icr* s of tile farm Is cleared,KOOd ground good bmldtiigH of a',l kinds, water at the door ai it sprtugs on farm, two orchards, two road« repair."' "" rOU,C " ni Jini au, - Buttw, fa' Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate of James Denny.dec'd late of Clearfield twp., Butler Co., Pa., barn? been granted to the nndesigned. all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate wi'l present them dalv authentii ated for settlement to CHARLES READ. Ex'r. Cowansville, Armstrong Co., Pa. Executors' Notice. Letters testamentary hairing been granted to the undersigned under the last will and testa ment ot Daniel McDeavltt. dec d. late of Brady twp.. Butler countv, Pa.. all persons knowing themselves indebted to the estate of said de cedent will please call and settle and any having claims against me same will present them duly authenticated tor aeti lemeni. MART \. MCDKAVITT JOBS H. MCDKAVTTT. Executors A.M. Cornelius, Att'v. Went Liberty, Pa Administrator's Notice. Letters ot administration on the estate of Charles O'Donnell, dec'd , late of Clear field twp , Butler Co , Pa having been granted to the undersigned, all person knowing themselves indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment, ami any having claims against t>aid estate will present them duly authenticated f< r for settlement to U.J. O'DOSSELL, Adm'r. S. F. Bowser, Carbon Centre, Att'y. Butler Co., Pa. Widow's Appraisements. The following appraisements of personal property set apart lor the benefit of lie widows of decedents have l>een fi;e. No ii, Sept. Session, IJW2: In re petition of luhatntaats of Winfield twp., Butler Co., Pa., for chaugc ot part of a pub lic road: Beginning at Leasureville and leading to Saxon Station IU said twp. June 6th, lfcy3, reviewers appointed by the Court, and Aug 4tb, 1893, report ol reviewers filed, stating the vacation, change and suoply prayed for is necessary and have theretore vacated, changed and supplied the same fir public use. The probably cost of making said road to be sixty dollars, to be borne by the township. No damages assessed. Sept. Gth, 1893. approved and fix width of road at 33 feet. Notice to be given according to rules of Court. BY THE COURT R. D. No. i, Dec. Sessions, 1893: Peti tions of inhabitants of Jefferson twp. for change of public road: Begiuuuig at a point on a road leading from what is knowu as the Bull Creek road to a road known as the Saxonburg road, about 77 rods west of said Saxonburg road aud ending at said Sax onburg road. Sept 4th, 1893, viewers ap pointed by the Court, and Dec. sth, 1891, re port ol viewers filed, stating that the change prayed for is necessary aud have laid out the same tor public use. The probable cost ot making, one hundred and titty dollars, to be bor. e by the townsnip. Damages, twenty-five dollars to D. H Logan. Dec. (lib, 1893, approved,and fix wi lth of road at 33 feet. Notice to be given according to rules of Court. BY THE COURT. R. D. No. 2. Dec. Sessions, 1-93: Peti tion ol inhabitants of Peuu twp, to vacate part ot the road leading from Hear Creek road at or near the larin of David Kerr, dec'd, to intersect the I'itu.burg and Butler turnpike. Sept.-Ith, 1893, viewers appoint ed by the Co .rt, and Nov. 13ih, 893, report of viewers filed, stating that the vacation prayed for is necessary, aud .have theretore vacated the same No damages assessed. Dec. Uth. 1893, approved. Notice to be given according tc rules of Court, BY THE COURT. It. D. So. 3, Dec. Session, lhU3: Petition of citizeus of l'eu/i twp. for viewers 10 locale public road: Beginning at a point on the Plank road at a whiteoak tree, south of Mc (iride City and tunning to a point on tne road known as the vVallace and Rentrew road about eight rods west of the bridge aeroes I'horu Creek in Pean twp. Nov. i!2d, 1893, viewers appointed by the Court, and Dec 4th, 1893, report of viewers filed, stat ing that the public road prayed for is nec essary and laid out tee same tor public use. Probable cost ol niaaing, uiue hundred dollars, to be borne by the township. No damages assessed. Dec. Gth, 1893, ap proved and fix width ol road at 33 feet. Notice to be given according to rules of Court. BY THE COURT. BUTLER COUNTY S.S. Certified from the record this sth day of Feb. A. D., 1891. JOSEPH CRISWELL, Clerk Q. S. Court. Jury List for March Term,lß94. List of Grand Jurors drawn this 22d day of Jannary, A D. 1H94, to servo as Grand Jurors at a regular term of Court, com mencing on Ihe first Monday of March, A. D, 1894 the same being the sth day id said month Aggas W 11, farmer, Concord twp. Bean 0 I), farmer, Bntler twp Hartley J W, farmer, Oakland twp Crider Samuel, farmer. Cranberry twp Cochran Wm S, farmer, JefTerson twp Douthett Walter A farmer, Forward twp Dodds David B, farmer, Penn twp, S Dougherty Frank, miner, Cherry twp S Dale AG, machinist, Butler boro, Ist wil Dayle William, tanner, Buffalo twp Kichart John A, farmer, Jackson twp E Frazier Jefferson, farmer. Muddycieek twp Geer Samuel,carpenter, Butler boro 4th wd Gel bach Jacob, Justice of Peace, JSelieno ple boro Hesselgesser Ellis, farmer, Winfield llartman E F, laborer, Butler 2i wd Kramer Albert, liveryman, Butler boro 2d ward Jack David, farmer, Marion twp Moon Samuel, farmer, Clinton twp Miller Fred, farmer, Lancaster twp Neshitt W If, farmer, Butler twp ltiehey Wlll W, teamster, Butler boro Ist ward Scott William, farmer, Buffalo twp. Walker William, oil producer, Butler sth ward List of Petit Jurors drawn this 22d day ot January A D., 1894, to serve as Petit Jurors at a regular t"rm ot Court, com mencing the iiecond Monday ol March, th<> gtmo being the I2th day of said month. Anderson CE, Justice of Peace, Butler boro, 4lh wd Black Daniel, farmer, Donegal twp Bonner, A J, foreman, Butler boro 4th wd Billingsley James, carpenter, Parker twp BickelJobn, merchant, Butler 4th wd. Burns Peter, farmer, Donegal twp. Cochran L. M Clerk, Butler 4th wd Conley J R farmer, Adams twp S Cruickshanks Scott, farmer, Winfield twp. Campbell J C, farmer, Adams twp S Cooper J L. farmer,Connoqu«me«siug twp N Criswell J A. liveryman, Adams twp S Evans J B, farmer" Forward twp (iribben James, farmer, Middlesex twp Glenn Clark, farmer, Brady twp Hines L A, tanner, Brady twp llazulett William, carpenter, Butler sth wd lla'.s'evl ltanev, lartiier, Clinton twp lluidman J L, laruier, Cherry twp a llesidence Andrew, farmer. Oakland twp Harvey Nibloek, farmer, Clinton twp Hamilton S F, farmer, Venango twp Leidecker J A, oil prod'r, Butler Ist wd Loudon John il, farmer, Clay twp Mi'Candless L L, farmer, Centre twp MeCollough A W, oil and gas prod'r, But ler 3d wd Marks Kobert, farmer, Middlesex twp McCall Isaiah, farmer, Ciuitou twp McKissick Robert, farmer, Clay twp Martin Win T, farmer, Ponn twp Niece Henry, Justice ol Peaco. llurmony boro Neynian W U. farmer, Oakland twp Orr John, farmer. Mercer twp Richey A B, coal merchant, Butler 4th wd RlUart J W. farmer, Donegal two Rumbaugh W L, farmer, Donegal twp Sloan W A, farmer, Adams twp S Sutton Samuel, fanner Clay twp Shufflin TJ, tank builder, Butler 2d wd Stuthers James F,plastere , Harrisville boro Stewart William, farmer, Muddycreek twp Thompson R J, merchant, Sunbury boro Vaiioe William, laborer, Zelienople boro Yariderliu G S, farmer, Venango twp West Flemmitig, tarmer. Cranberry twp VValdron U S G, farmer, Forward twp (Test .1 C. carpenter, Evanu City, Yeakel Archibold, oil prod'r, Saxonburg Register's Notices, The Reginer hereby gives notee that the following accounts of executors, a 1 miuistr-- tors and guardiaus have been filed in his of fice according to law, and will be presented to Court for confirmation aud allowance <>n Wednesday, the 7th day of Marcn. 1-94, at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day. 1. Final account of Neal Boyle and El len J. Boyle, executors of P M Boyle, de ceased. late of Donegal township. 2 Partial account o! Chas A Morris and B E Campbell, executors of George Morris, dec'd. late of Washington township. 3 Final account of Daniel Shauor. exe cutor of Annie Shanor, dec'd, late ot Frank lin township. 4 Fmal account of Johu I). Schell, ad ministrator of John R Benninger, dec'd, late of Allegheny township. 5. Fiual account ot C M Brown, admin istrator of John A Duulap. dee d, late of Mercer township 0 Final account of E H Adams, Jr, guardian ot Porry G Turner, minor child of H R Turner, dec'd, late of Parker town ship. 7 Final account of Alfred Miller, ad ministrator of Elton Gold, dec'd, late of Clay township. S" Final and distribution account of Hen ry Shaffer, executor ot Eva Bloom, dec'd. late ot Zeli^nople. 9. Final account of James L Reid and Daniel Con way,executors of Patrick Gagen. dec'd, late ol Oakland township 10. Final account of Christian G Walter, executor of Christian Walter, dec'd, late ol Jackson township. 11 Final account of Lewis V Snyder, guardian of Mary H. Monnie, minor child of Alfred Monnie, dec'd, late of Butler boro. 12. Final account of Lewis T. Snyder, guardian of Andrew Monnie, minor child of Alfred Monnie, dec'd, late of Butler boro. 13 Final account ot Lewis V Snyder, guardian of Etta M Monnie, minor child ol Alfred Monnie, dec'd, late ol Butler boro. 14 Final account of Lewis V Snyder, guardian of Francis Monnie, minor child of Alfred Monnie, dec'd, late of Butler boro. 15. Final account of H M Wise, admin istrator of J S Lnsk, dec'd, late of Butler boro. 1(5 Final and distribution account of W J McKee and S M Dunlap, executors of James Dunlap, dee d, late of Butler boro Notice is hereby given that W. J. Mc- Kee and S M. Dunlap, executors of James Dunlap, late of the boro of Bntler, dec'd. will upon confirmation of their first final and distribution account petition the Or phan's Court of Butler county to be dis charged from their duties as executors of said estate and that they and their bonds men be released from bond as executors ot said estate. 17 Final account of Eli J Moore, Wm J Kennedy and Wlll Humphrey, executors of Robert Stew art, dec'd, late ol' Porters ville boro. 18. Final and distribution account of J C Miller aud G A Miller, administrators of Andrew Miller, Sr, dec'd, late of Butler boro. 19. Final account of Rebecca Carnon, formerly Rebecca McConnell. guardian of SainuefM McConnell. minor sou of Rich ard McConnell, dec'd, late of Allegheny township. 20. Fiual account ot John K. Gilchrist, guardian of Jatnes A. Midbcrry, minor child of Geo B Midberrv, dec'd, lute of Maiion township. 21 Final account of McCallist- r Kuhu. guardian of James F Landers, minor child of Michael Landers, dec'd late of Petrolia 22 Final account of McCallister Kuhu. guardian of Wm Blain, minor child ot Epnriam Blain, dec'd, late of Butler town ship 23 Final account of R I) Campbell aud Eiias Easton, executors of Mary A Gille land, dec'd, late of Connoquenessing town ship. 24. Final account of Samuel C Turk, guardian of Birdie Taggart and Ada C Tag - liart. minor children of C U Taggart, dec'd, late ot Brady township. 25 Final uccount of 0 0 Bollinger and 0 F Bollinger, executors of John M Bolling er, dec'd, late of Cherry township. 2G Final aocouutof Mary A Hartley and D P Hartley, administrators, c t a id 1) ivid Bartley, dec'd, late of Clay township. 27. Final account of Abraham Moyer and Frederick Wetgle, administrators ol Samuel Moyer, dec'd, late of Lancaster township. 28. Final acount of W I) Brandon, ad ministrator of the estate of Hugh Wallace, dec'd, late of Forward township 29 Final account of Mary Reid. admin istratrix, eta of Mary O'Donnell, dec'd, late of Oakland township. The administratrix, Mary Reid, gives notice that she will make application to Court for her discharge as administratrix at the time of presenting the above ac count for nonfiriuation. 30. Final account of Jacob Keck, admia ir of John Minster, dec'd, late of Oakland township. 31. Final account of Jacob Keck, admin istrator ot Joseph Miuster, dec'd, late of Oakland township 32 Final account of Jacob Keck, admin istrator of Conrad Miuster, dec'd, late of Oakland township. JOUX S. WICK, Register. STATEMENT Glade Mill Fire In-ur auce Company. In account with W. J. Bnrtou, Treasurer, for the vear 1892 and 1893. DR. Uncollected for the year 1888..$ 13 99 •' 1889.. 751 " " 1890.. 38 44 From former treasurer. Martin.. 8 30 Jan. 13th, to balance 42 70 Am't assessed on Gilleland lire. 875 78 " " Gallery fire... G,939 71 Received from Agents 168 00 Liabilities 8,094 43 CR. 1891. Robert Trimble Sec'y $ 11 00 J. L>. Anderson, President. 8 30 Finance Coin's dinner at Gallery 1 50 Postal cards for Gallery lire C 00 Rooks to See. " " (55 Postage ot Sec. 23 J. D. Anderson, blank pol icies 23 75 1892 Robert Trimble,services as Secretary 92 70 Robinson & Carson, print ing..................... 10 75 Paid on Gallery fire 5,755 50 J. D. Anderson 83 05 8. P. Armstrong, garnishee 248 80 Win. Forquer, attorney 240 20 Jas. Galbreatb, attorney... 5 no Stamped envelopes 5 74 August Barr lO 00 1893. Robert Trimble, services as secretary 99 72 John Webber, order 5 45 Overpaid treasurer ... 42 45 Contingencies 1 75 Fred Winters. ........ 3 00 August liarr 140 00 John Miller 30 00 Treasurer's per cent 133 33 Postage ... ......... 10 00 Appraiser's day at Callery. 1 50 Auditors of W. J. Bur ton's house 3 00 Sec'y day with auditors.. 1 50 Balauce of available nwu •>' in hands of W, J. Burton 554 4!) Uncollected o:i (iili 1t i l firo .. 151 80 " " Gallery fire 410 53 Joseph Gilkky, i A dit W. W.UiLt, S Grind Your Own Corn Meal, Oyster Shells and Corn in the $5 Hand Mill. (F. Wilson's Pat.) Circulars lree. '•Also Power and Farm Mills. Send for illustrated circulars and testimonials." 100 i>ir cl. moic made In keeping j/ojillri/. Address WILSON BROS., Easton, Pa. POOLTRYMEN! Onr Green Bono Cutter will dou ble your eptf production Heat and Cheapeßt in the market. Circular free. WEBSTER <& HANNUM, Cazenovia, N. Y I * 9 VosSER'S • 6 CREA/Vl GLYCERINE. has no equal for chapped hands. Hps or m face, or ny roughit sof tin- skin, ami 0 |1 not exc 11" Ia ■ .'I 'I: •••"■ imk for I In- face alter shaving. Sold by druggists #t c \ *«oty-fivc Cents a Bottle. • «••••••••••« FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF Butler County For the Year Ending Jan 1,1894. Let; ami AiaMMnrat. ; Zi o W' £ 2 C I S 5 ? ~ I h S TOWN-SHIP?: : ? Adams I 415 M T<>63 ' - 115 4 2>< Allegheny -.>a9s> 101 l*• 1« 20 Bradv 2107i>s » 127 77 Butter 3J9 . ISI7 3 t«6 9 Buffalo 52-1 t» 186 57 Clay 3133 a 1253 19 Centre 3740.' U> >• 64 12 Cherry *1 11*6 K 68 40 Clearfield 28545 833 8' 90 76 Clinton 3510!'' 1404 4- 117 36 Concord -'*'>•»»■ 1153 3 63 Conuoouen'g *' 11 19'- 0! 40! 99 Cranberry 33*U 1."5 : ' 97 lu" 34 Donegal - 1049 it. 272 45 Fairview 308 t> 1234 Jt 15s 38 Forward 361483 1451*3 855 61 Franklin ! 25903 1136 IS 99 89 Jackson 1 3230 1 1292 & g4 Bt> Jefferson - i 33913- 1356 284 62 Lancaster 28412! 1136 50 226 27 Marion ! 2.>2841< 1011 39 38 40 Mercer 15302' 6'2 08 68 61 Middlesex 37413;' 1496 55 312 99 Mnddycreek 25019!' 000 81! 36 < 0 Oakland 2751*1] l\oo 73 171 00 Parker 272944' 1091 76 106 91 Penn ! 3351141 1340 45 459 11 Slipperyrock 361699 1441; 791 133 02 Summit 297155 1188 62j 213 50 Venan-o | 23530t | 94122 35 50 Washington 30l85t>j 1207 42 153 73 Winfield 277204 j 'IOB 81 278 63 Worth 319858 1279 35 100 37 Butler boro ; 2216220 8864 88; 2406 77 Centreville 91661 i 366 64 180 93 Evans City ' 96218 384 87 463 35 Fairview 36925 147 7 0 92 91 Karns City 26990 -07 9<\ 13 U0 Harmony 106737j 42 95| 93 60 Harrisville 61334 245 33; 407 48 Slillerstown 101440 4U5 62 190 84 Prospect Petrolia 4l )-< Portersville 42260 169 C 456 70 Saxonburg 91819 367 28, 366 46 West Suubury ....' 4-245 168 98 67 83 Zelienople 1 0116 520 46 395 54 Total Statement Phoning Viuount dae from Collector*. Year. Districts Name Amount due -1887 Butler twp. M Dutford $ 38 03 18f>9 Karns City boro, M King 104 19 " Clay twp, J A McMichael 60 43 " Washington tw|.,U Seaton.. 48 35 " Worth, J O McClymonda 38 82 1890 Cherry, J Newman 120 31 " Portersville boro, J Kinser... 31 60 " SlipperyrocK twp, D Dickey 60 1891, Brady twp, John Staff. 90 93 " Concord twp, G W Moaer 197 69 " Karns City boro, M King 85 58 " Millerstown boro, K Jinkins 81 31 " Portersville boro, J Kinser,... 86 33 11 Sunbury boro, J McNaugton 17 48 " Washington twp J F Harp-ar 188 56 " Worth twp, Jos Barron 1 Oo 1890. Butler boro, R C McAboy... 75 27 1892 Allegheny twp, E Parks 384 25 " Connoq'g twp, J Shearer 4 22 " Clearfield tWp, H U Duffy... 44 90 " Concrd twp C Campbell 184 30 ■' Cherry twp, Henry Peters 168 56 •' Donegal twp.John Beitzert.. 28 33 " Marion twp, John Vandyke.. 4 10 " Mercer twp, Samuel Coun 44 70 " Muddycreek twp, J Scott (!3 It " Oak laud twp,Peter Whitmirc 34 15 " I'enu twp, »V 0 Patterson...- 516 23 14 Parker twp, G C H*-pler 139 08 " Venango twp, F McNaiuee... 207 72 " \\ asbiugtou twp, J F llarper 458 12 " Butler born, S Walker 2051 41 " Fairy it w bori, Wm Gibson... 45 63 " Harrisvilte boro, Jus S Pew.. 1 16 " Earns City boro,Jos Meetiling 14 52 " Millerstown bir.E M Jenkins 101 76 • Portersville bor,Jacob Kinser 120 30 *' Saxonburg boro, C Kaabe, 11 87 1893. Adam* twp, M Mar-.ball .... u.B 83 '* Allegheny twp, J Jolly 748 7o " Brady twp, S F Beaty 473 70 " Butler twp, A Sarver, 279 97 " Butlalo twp, S Westernian... 328 35 " Clay twp. It B Conu 350 80 " Centre twp, T It Hoon 408 34 " Chirry twp, II Sproull 75 90 " Cleartield tA'p, II 11 Huffy 457 63 " Cliutou twp, Wm Harvey 50 71 " Concord twp, C M Campbell 610 Bti " Conuoq'g twp,Win Anders.m 573 60 " Cranberry twp, E J Cookson 5 79 " Donegal twp, J Itiizerl 378 01 " Fairview twp,D M Thompson 045 07 " Forward twp, Win Pehe 250 97 " Franklin twp, W J Barkley 106 49 '• Jackson twp, J A Eicbert 598 28 " Jetterson twp, Wm Geupiert 206 87 " Lancaster twp, J L Metz 335 98 " Marion twp, Jos Vandyke 468 71 " Mecrer twp, John Orr 32 84 " Middlesex tp.E O Thompson 258 51 " Muddycreek tp Geo Stougton 562 74 " Oakland twp, C ltobb 253 68 " Parker twp, Eli Gibson 266 06 " Penn twp, W G Patterson 1137 92 '• Slipperyrock tp.Paul Keister 3.>8 31 " Summit twp, .1 W Bauidaut' 247 26 " Venango tp.Frauk McNamee 120 53 " Washington twp, 11 Seaton... 555 57 " Worth twp, Joseph Shields.. 128 38 " Butler boro, SY\ alkcr 4721 05 " Fvans City boro,Cyrus Kuox Paid " Fairview boro, Wm Gibson... 77 84 " Karns City boro, AW Sclireeongost 75 0£ " Harmouy boro, Fred Weigle 198 32 " Ilarrisville boro, Jos Pew 4 98 " Centreville boro,Jos I testier- 179 48 " Millerstown bor,Fre l ISarn bart 177 58 " Prospect boro, T II IJoehm... 136 62 " reirolia boro, F M Frilz li? 3 96 " Portersville boro.VV II Dunn Paid " Saxouburg Imro, H G Muder 152 44 •' Sunbury boro, 11 C Pryor... 101 16 ' Zeiieuople, boro, Gej Byer... 47 85 Total amount due from Collectors $21248 77 Wintield twp, August Freebling. overpaid $116.31 Mutriium Showing txpnidltucs of Butler luuut) for I*ll3. By ain't paid t-»r assessing $ 812 SO Uew biiilges 2 724 64 '• repairing bridges... 2 276 11 " boiler house 9 7 54 " bridge views 114 90 " Commonwealth 2 357 16 County Cora in lax loner*' Account. S.T. Marshall's Account. To arn't rec'd...s2 025 i By bal due from 1892..$ 940 00 I By 310 days at | $3.50 per day.loßs 00 $2 025 00 Johu Humphrey's Account, To arn't rec'd...s2 03- By bal due from 1892...5! 018 00 I By 301 days at | $3.50 per day 1064.00 $2 082 00 J. C Kiskaddon's Account. To arn't rec'd...il 078 I By 308 days at I $3.50 perday.slo7B.oo By am't pd A Allen Co. Detective-..$ 300 00 " G E Thomas ... 800 00 '• Isuac Meals Comm. Clerk... 780 00 " Court House Ex 1 813 02 " County Auditors ~64 24 " Constables returns 663 72 Commissioner's Counsel. To a'u't rec'd..r2so ( o I Bal due 1»J2..5;0 00 1 ei vice* reud'd j 1893 20 00 Court Crier, K Gilleland $ 78 00 •' 15 L Hockenberry 1-0 00 By ain't pd Court Auditor 31 '0 '• Cierk of Courts 733 21 " Cl iretnont W'k House... 489 42 •' County accounts 336 59 " Dixmont hospital 2 117 82 " District attorney 392 50 •' election and ballots 5 070 37 " freight and drayage 7 55 " inquest 187 75 " inspecting new bridges... 18 00 " Indexing, E I Brugb. 681 25 " " A Kusseil ...... 428 75 " Jury account 7 913 75 " Jury t ommissiouers 224 60 " Janitor T Brown .. . 17 00 " Jail uccouut 415 8!) " Liinacy costs 243 88 •' Livery hire 88 00 " Millitary enrollment 200 67 " Morgauza costs 12 05 " Notary Public 2 00 •' Printing account 450 47 •' Postage aud expressage... 29 50 " Prothouotary 602 95 " Pennsylvania It School.. 828 54 " Registering - 1 302 20 «• '• births & deaths 16 65 ■' Bond damages 261 00 " Register and Recorder... 49 10 " Refunding accouut 8S 99 '• ltoad viewers 2*22 65 " Scalps 162 92 " Soldiers' bunal 120 00 " Slatiouery, ledgers aud duplicates 1 058 25 " Hheritl'* account 1 767 02 " Steni grapher 1 583 25 Tipstalls' Account. " F II Monni», 98 days 186 00 " K A Kii zer. 81 days...., 162 Od " D M Ward, 02ilays 121 00 ■' E Erb, 62 day» 124 00 " Truyvliug vxyvuDci 60 20 " TTfrnwiTille Hospital... 20 60 " Wmlern Peniteutiarj..... 2 103 OS " Warren iloauital I 176 25 ssl 839 28 Ktrntcacat Kkowlnj the Aaosit DIP THE Cosatf oa Arroant ofWarrra aad DUra>ai HoopltaU Dn-triet. Am't doe. Clinton $ 35» 40 Laueasier 22 To Mercer 91 25 Oakland 52 00 Penn 3? 75 Parker 11» 52 Fairview 126 18 Forward "1 50 Winded 135 25 Karns City 91 2o Kutler borough 22U 75 Miller»towj 121 5J> $1517 .0 Jinn S. Wilson Trra*n rer la Iroaal with Koil<-r to for thr tear IBJIDC Jaauarjr 1, I>S t. DR. To am't of Co and State tax rec'd lor 1892 and previous sl6 151 66 '• of tax rec'4 lor l»y3 41,607 20 " rvc'd of Co CotUQjisMouera 8»7 60 " ol jury fees from Sueriff Brown 162 96 " oijnry fee* from Clerk Criswell 32 00 " from retail liquor licenses 450 00 " fines 39 00 " tax on uuseated lands 1,231 To " rec'd from iwps acd boroa on ac't ot Dixwont and Warren Hospitals 1,283 00 " rec'd from Stue Treasurer 8.089 53 " am't in Treas. Jan 2 ,93... 14,138 02 $84,458 76 CR. By am't of warrants redeemed $51,889 38 " of warrants on unseated lands 740 64 " State tax 10,786 05 " Treas's per cent on State tax, 1 per cent 108 95 " Paid lor teachers institute 200 00 " Treat's per cent oa 50,000 at 3 per cent 1,500 00 " Treas's per cent ont §2,089- 38 at 1 per cent 20 89 By balance in treasury Jan 1,1894 19,212 85 $84,458 76 Fiaanriil statrmrnt Mtonioft Aiwrta and Lia bilities January l»t,l-»#4. Asse's. Bal in treasury January, 1894 $19,212 So Balance due Irom colleclors tor 1892 and previous 6,102 80 Bal due from collectors for 1893... 18,010 70 Bal jury fees due Irom ex-Sheriff Brown 116 00 Bal jury fees due from ex-Steriff Redic 52 00 Bal jury fess due from ex-Protn'y Shira 16 00 House and lot 300 00 Bal due county from townships and boroughs on account of Warren ona Dixmont hospitals 1,547 10 Total assets $45,417 45 Liabilities. To am,t due Johnatou & Watson for dockets aad stationery $409 75 We, the undersigued County Commis sioners of Butler couuty, do certify that the foregoing statement is a true exhibit of the receipts aud expenditures ot said county for the year 1893. Witness our hands an 1 seals this, the Sth day of February, 1891. S. W. McCOLLOUGH, ) RICHARD KELLY, VCom'rs. GEO. W. WILSON, J Attest: ISAAC MEALS, Clerk. & £ 11. ABOUT WINTER DRESS WOOLENS, This very large stock in this store is to £0 aud not to stand upon the order ot it's going, either. Ton who are late buyers w II reap ihe harvest, in way of DOWN PRIOES. Now, here's ono lot—a big lot of 50 inch All-Wool Cloth Suitings known to tho average buyer as Ladieft' Cloths. The assortment is very large— about 30 choice colorings—including Ox ford or black-mixed, Cadet or grey-mixed and brown-mixed The universal trade price on this fabric to-day is 50 cants —but this sale price is 35 cents a yard. Want to seo samples? Lot 36 inch AII-Wool Cloth P'aids, 20 cents, original price 40 cents. All FINE IMPORTED DRESS WOOL ENS to go on the same basis— s2 00 ones at SI.OO a yard. $1.50 ones at 75c a yard. $1 00 ones at 50c a yard. And every one who buys at this sale of WINTER DRESS WOOLENS —and many of them light enough in texture and color to be worn late in the spring and between seasons, will get more for the money and better value, than was ever sold by this store—and we think also, bj any other. Challies. The new 1894 printings now on sale The flue French onus 50 cents a yard. And a good line of same goods—last seas on's printing, but choice, nice ones at half this price, 25c aud 35c. Enquire of our MAIL OBDKR Depart ment (and see samples) about the sale of 195 pieces. Imported Printed INDIA SILKS, a good, firm cloth 21} inches wide—so cent silks at 35 cents. It will profit you more this year than ever to trade at these stores. BoggS &c Buhl, 115 to 121 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY. PA. C. & D ALWAYS Take into consideration that money H«.ve<] in as (rood an money earned Tbe bent way to Have money is to buv pood poods at tbe ripbt price. The only reason that our trade in increasing constantly is tho fact that we haudie only goods of first quality and sell them at very low prices We have taken unusual care to provide everything new in Hats and Furnishing Goods for this season, und as we have control of many especially good articles in both lines we can do you good if you come to us We confidently nay that in justice to themselves all purchasers 1 should inspect our goods. Visit us. COLBERT DALE, 242 S Main street, Butler, Pa. OUR ELEVENTH ANNUAL FEBRUARY CLEARANCE SALE OF MILLINERY. Don't miss this great bargain sale,. SI.OO will do tho work ol $2.00 in both depart ments. Our stores are small, we must make room for Spring Goods. We have tbe best line of muslin underwear in the city. Odd sizes ol .best makes of corsets at hall price. M. F. & M. MARKS, * 113 117 S Mam St . Bntur » vertiiiAg M* m wwcago, *»«!» «»n«i it an I PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U. M. ZIMMERMAN. rursiClXK AKD SCKQKON. /llli* at No. 4A, S. Main street, over Frank * »"» Wo* Store, natter. Pa Dr. N. M. HOOVER, l»7 E. Wayne St., office hours. 10 to 12 M. and l LO j l*. M. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. 100 West Cunningham at. L. BLACK, ramciAM AND SUBOBOX, New Troutman BnUdtuK. Butler, fa. a. S. I.KAKK. M. D. J. K XANN, At. D Specialties: aad Sur- JSye, uu. Mum; and »eo. Tiiruil. DRS. LEAKE & MANN, butler, Pa. 4. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penu'a. Artificial Teetu umertea on uie im proved plan. Uold Pilling a speci. t). Oi£. over txuiaol'B Uouiinx Store. V. Mc ALPINE, Dentist, is now located in new and elegant rooms .ad joining nls. lormtr ones. All kin as ol clasp plates ana inoderen gold work. "G«s Administered." DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. Uoia Filling I'alnless Extraction ol Teeth aud Artuicial leetn wiiboui Hales a specially Nitrous oxide or Vitalized Air or Local Auasstueues used. uuice over Millers Grocery east ol Lowry House. office cloiad»VcJni!saiij-s aud luursdays. IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at Law, Office ai JNo. 11, East Jetter ?ou at., isaiier. Fa, W. C. FINDLEY, Attorney at Ltw aim Keal Estate Ajjent. Ol Qce rear ol L. Z. MltcbeU'a office on nurui aide of lilamond. Butler, Fa. H. H. GOUCHER. Atiorney-at-law. Office on second aoor o Anderson building, near Court House. Butler r-u. J. w. HUTCHISON, ATTOKSEY AT LAW. t'fiice on second Door Jl the lluselfn clock, lamond. Butler, fa. boom So. 1. S. H. PIER SO L. ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Office at No. 104 West Diamond St. A. T. BLACK. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room F., Armory Building. Cutler, Pa, COULTER & BAKER. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In rooai 15., /rn ory tending. I'l vler Pa. H. Q. WALkER, At torncy-at- Law—office In Diamond Block Butler, Fa. J. M. PAINTER, Allorney-at-Law. Office—Between Postofflce and Diamond. Bu ler. Pa. A. T. SCOTT, ATTORN K Y-AT-LA W. office at No. 8. South Diamond, Butler. Pa. A. M. CHRISTLEY, ATIORNE? AT LAW. Office second floor, Anderson B1 k. Alain ; St. near Court Mouse. Butler, Pa. NEWTON BLACK. Att'y at Law—Ofllc# on Bouth Bide,or Diamond Butler. Pa. C. F.fL. WcQUISTION, ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Omen NKAB DIAMOND. Brruiii, PA. VALENTINES^ AT DOUGLASS', t HELLO THE^E VV. E. RALSTON Ia to tbe front once more, bard times and all, with » brand new store and an elegant new stock of goods, each as fYne Gold Watches, Diamonds. Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware at prions that will down tbe bard times. C*H and see me at No. 326 S. Main St., Butler. WATCH AND CLOCK RE PAIRING A SPECIALTY. THE highest casb prices paid for bee! and horse hides; also sheep pelts, tallow and furs of all kinds Will be home on Friday and Satur day of each week. H. C. BHICKER, 201 Mercer St., Butler, Pa. * I EWIS 98 % LYE I POTtiSU USt PE-iTKU ■g* " (FATSHTAU) TMllnwfnl tad pnrftt I.JI ma'le. I'nllke other l.j«. It t-cliif , Dua nowdt-T ao>i i«< In a ran • wiin rworaW- 111. tij i ■uniMita. are alwayi f' r n-«. Wlit matelttmi rtmi.«l l. ird » lu 30 mlnul'n wiihuiil h!'-lug mw I4[*«. dUufi-rUl.f .lnk«. rl'sru, WW wa-jjoc butUt'x I alol». liooa elc. rXUVA. SALT MTO CO IHJHDHI PHIUT.. FA. . £ ■*. v'G