Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 09, 1894, Image 4

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    February Bargain Sale
~ 1 ■«")wagpOTii-
150 CHAIRS, lormer price #lO to
#l2 per dozen, will be sold
12 PARLOR STANDS, former price
$6, will be sold for
for $1.30 each
6 PARLOR SUITS, former price #GS,
will be sold
FOR S4O. Per Su i.j
4 BED ROOM SUITS, former prico
#BS, will be sold
FOR Per Suit
Butler, - Penn'a.
Grand Clearance Sale for 60 Days
Dry Goods, Millinery Wraps Notions,
Underwear, Hosiery Blankets,
Flannels, <kc.
Here Are Some of The Immense Bargains We Offer You,
36 pair of all-wool blanket*, worth $5.00 for $3.60
2 dozen of good tateen hap*, worth $2.25 for *1 .50.
3 dozen of good calico hap#, worth $1.75 for $t .2.'.
Good country flannel, worth :'.5 cent* per y*H for 23 ctnU.
Good linen Damask, worth 35 centn per yard lor 25 cento.
Good linen Damsak.worth 50 centa per yard for 40 cent*
Beat oil red Damaak, worth 50 cent* per yard for 40 centa.
Good dark Cocbico print*, worth H cent* for 5 centa per rani.
Good staple gingham*, worth H centa for 5 cent* per yard.
Good hMvjr unbleached sheeting, worth 7 ceut* for 5 centa per yard.
Fine all-wool 46-lnch black henrietta worth $1 00 for 75 cent* per yard.
A few novelties in drea. pattern*, worth $lO <;•> I >r $7 00.
F ne broadcloth in black or color*, worth $1.25 for SI.OO.
Gentleman'* all-wool underwear, worth $2.00 per »uit for SI.OO.
Gentleman'* merino underwear, worth 90 cent* per «ui» (or 59 cent*.
Ladle* ' fine camel'* hair onderirear, worth $2.50 per nolt $1 50.
Ladie*' fine mtulin night gowns. worth 9) cent* for 25 cent*.
Ladle*' fine muslin skirls, chemi*e and dra era, worth 50 cent* lor 25 cent*,
Corwt covers for 15 ceou.
Oue-third off on si) wratw, millinery at y.ur own price. K«memberin){ the*« price* ar
not lor one dmyor two day* in tbe *«k, bu' for every tiny in the week from now onti
March Ut, 1894. Call and »e« o», we will »ave yoa money on trttrj pnrchaae made.
(Successor to Kitter & Ralston.j
N. 8.—20 dozen 5 Hook Foster Patent Kid Gloves, worth si.co
per pair for 69 cents,in Black and Colors.
Mar\, womar\ oncl Child
In Butler county know that they have received their large and com
plete line of Fall and Winter Boots, Shoes and Slippers at prices
that will surprise them. We have the celebrated Jamestown
Boots and Shoes, made by hand and warranted, which have
proven their wearing quailites for years past. We want to give
the trade ■ l
Tie Best Goods for Least Possible, Living Profit.#-
The best line of Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes ever shown in the
Children's School Shoes in every shape and style.
Rubber Goods 01* all kinds and shapes at all prices.
Come and see the boys. *
I Yogeley & Bancroft i
147 S. Main Street Hutlcr, Pa
The 0. W. HARDMAN Art Company Limited.
Finest and most artistic photographs.^''and made portraits a
specialty. Picture and portrait frames. If con: Mentions work is of
any value to you have the ;nv dot here.
Beware of tramp art i ' ■m! in > > ;tol< p;uti"'. and 't.ang<r»
who arc tramping through tiiecnni , iolieiting your orders.
113 North Maid St., Butler, Pa.
Nothing <in Earth Will
C A"'
Sheridan's Condition Powder!
Strscg and Healthy ; Prevent! al! Disease-
Good for Moulting JTmt.
It U ab»!i*elfj«re. Kg*
E?ZL-i%r£ pr7"W"™nSeearner.
* ' ff ,oa can t get it «nd to am.
JP | »nk sample copr
triumph of Scientific Medicine.
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with it as a CURATTVX
used 40 years and always affords relief
and always gives satisfaction.
Cures PILES or HF.MOKRHOTTK External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding -Itching and
Burning; Cracks or Fissure-; Fistula in Ano;
Worms of the Rectum. The relief is imme
diate the cure certain.
Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and
Contraction from Bum?. The relief isimtjmt.
Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers. Fis
tulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy
or Scald Head. It is infallible.
Sore Nipples. It is invaluable.
Price, 50 Cents. Trial si re, ?*
Bf/14 IT DrwtrtoU, or *nt 00 of prK*.
BrBPHRITB'SEfcro., 11l » 11» *«*■«»., 5*W tOKK.
The Keystone Watch
Case Co. of Philadelphia,
the largest watch case manufactur
ing concern in the world, is now
putting upon the Jas. Boss Filled
and other cases made by it, a bow
(ring) which cannot be twisted or
pulled off the watch.
It is a sure protection against the
pickpocket and the many accidents
that befall watches fitted with the
old-style bow, which is simply held
in by friction and can be twisted off
with the fingers. It is called the
case* bearing their trade mark— vJfl
Sold only through watch dealers,
without extra charge.
Ask any jeweler for pamphlet,
or send to the manufacturers.
A«er! naturally fn Government Brmdwil
Warebouw-N, exported to Hamburg, <J«*r-M
many, kejit in Heated War«*hou*e» until■
matured, aliipjtfd hark and bottled on our I
own preralae* in the g:uarant4-c we ffl ve you ■
that Old Kxnort 1« abnolutciy pure. Frecß
from funrl oil and all lnjoriousliiffredlentii.H
ft i« the Ideal family whiskey for medir-inalfl
orwdftlpnrpuNcs. Mai 1 and «* x pre** order* ■
filled promptly, and on orders of $lO orH
over we pay expre** cliarges. |
CenpMe f; rite Lists ef fcnurii'; milled free
TO HI » ,T»! ~. S M»'t» • »#T Sir l» OWOttW#
Caret thousand* annuallyof LlverCom
plaintn, TJlliotmncss, Jaundice, Dynpen
»la, «onstipatlon, Malaria. More Ills
result from an Unhealthy Llverthanany
otber cauae. Why HTiifi-r when you can
be cured? Dr. Sanford'n Liver In vigo*
ator is a celebrated fnrrill v medicine.
VOl'lt DItrPOUIT u il.r, ariM'fcV YOU.
DOM OHO6S &T I lid
J PKIOEB ih Ibe motto at on'
if you are wick hdi! need medicio
vi.o want tbo IJKBT. Thi • < • aii
*lwtiy« depend upon u/; from u*
in we uae nothing hut utrictly Pun
I>roi(M iu our Prescription Ditpart
ment. Vou can jret. tbe best of every
tbinir in the dru« line from uh
Our atore ia blh.o headquarters for
Irtlsomine, Alabastine k,
o<our prices before you but
aintfl, and nee what we have u>
far. We can Rave you dollars <ti
your paint bill
Iteappctfull v
M t iii ft. 11 >1 t« li«tc ll< v i}
Hotel Out tier,
j. M. FAUHEL, Prop'r.
This house has been thorough
ly renovated, icmodeled, and re
littcd witli new furniture and
carpet*; has electric hells and all
other modern conveniences for
quests, and is as convenient, and
desirable a home for strangers as
can be found in Butler, Pa.
Klegant sample room for use of
ommercial men.
Hotels and Depots,
W H. (imait 1m now rnniDtr a line
of carriage* bet wei n tb«j hott.B and
depot of the town.
Cb» "•f'..'Telephone
No. 17, orJ2 • av<*2 orders at£ Hotel
UVJ(J Uvijjrr t1 Cimu ctioa
—A writer in an exctiar.pe tells peopl
blantlr "Keep Tour nioath shut,'* aud adii.-
quickly: Don't be offended. The ad
monition is not meant as a reflection npou
your Talk as mnch as you
please, but keep your irouth shut when
yon are not talking. People who keep
their months closed except when they are
talking, eating or drinking, rarely contract
colds or coughs. Savages, even
those living in northern latitudes, seldon'
take cold. Scientists -ay it is becaaw
they are close-mouthed. Disease genu*
floating in the air find a direct route int<
the lungs of a person who breathes through
bis mouth. They were arrested by the
fine, sieve-like network of hair in the nos
trils of the individual who breathes through
his nose. Keep yoir mouth shut aad you
may defy pestilence. The teeth sufln
trom too much and too frequent exp sure
to the atmosphere. Sndden changes ot
temperature, whether liquid or atmospheric,
are hurtful to them. The best t«eth in the
world are those of the savage tribes, whose
members always keep their mouths sent
except when talking or eating. Throai
and lung diseases are after contracted t>\
persons who go about open mouthed. The
frosty air of winter inhaled directly into
the lunfrs through the mouth is a freqneni
i-auseof bronchial disorders. Taken through
the nose it is modified and silted ol its
dangers Keep your mouth shut!
—"What are you doing now? asked a
man o' a friend, who was rushing down
street. "Collecting bills, and I tell you
it's hard work. Tramp all day and don t
jjfit anything Go from one place to
another, same old story. Havea.t g"'
cent. Nobody got a cent. Haven't got a
cent myself. Berett of all my senses. 1
guess. Will be if I keep on trying to col
lect bills. Go into a man's place of busi
ness. Present bill. Man looks at it aud
hiya, -Come around again, have no money,
Koing to get some cash some tiuie.then I'll
t»ay up.' Then Igo out. Kepeat the same
experience at the next place. Got it d->wn
pat. Know just what man is going to say.
Oue thing, though, Ha, ha! I get lots ol
exercise if I don't get any money . So loog
tint to go in here. Fellow owes me a bill
ere." And in he went.
—lt is too plain to need demonstration
•y chart or diagram that Dr. Bull's Cough
is what the people need everywhere,
I it cure of bronchial aud pectoral troubls.
It is a sure care.
—Few persons, says an exchange, k'-ow
» n»l is meant by a "size" it the matter ol
..ats, shoes, etc. A oize in a Coal is al>
uch, a size in underwear is two inches,size
u a sock is an inch, in a collar one half an
mch, in a shirt one-half a., inch, gloves one
quarter inch aud hat one eight of an
i .ch.
Holiday Cheer.
The In 1 may sea?on is close upon us, ami
. v«-ry Household in lh« land is preparing
.or l lie plum puiluiiig, anil the general
. east ill and rejoicing. A little )«ood ljra;i
•ly lor the in lure pie, roni lor the pudding,
or a little stimulant to keep the spirits up
and the cold out is absolutely necessary
lor an old time Christmas cheer. One ol
■ne most prominent liquor dealers in the
country, Mr. Max Klein of Allegheny, Fa ,
whom we can cbe.erlully recommend, and
ano ban the reputation lor handling ouiy
ibsolutely pure liquors,* ill sell you tbe fol-
W1UI! brand" ol MX }ear old pure I'enn'a
Kyes, at * 1,00 per lull quart or mx for
HO 00: bear creek, Gibson, tiuckenheiiiier.
nuchand Overboil, l'lio famous .Siiw-i
111-, the finest tthlsKey In the coumr> «l
rl 50. and Duqujenne, a »rn»lu>} distllle i
otii Uyeauo Mali, at $1 -•> tier quail,
■ Uckenheiuier 4 ears old, at 7oc per quail,
..<i t;>e Anchoi eat 50c Vou can haV.
■ ur ctioioe of all kinds of California Wines,
1111-. Kuii. and I'iai.dv. all pure and old.
1 iioui 50 cento per quart up. Ail goods
tealiy boxed anil shipped by exprens.
-tend lor catalogue ;»nd price list of ull
Kinds of liquors to Max Klein, 8- Federal
st, Allegheny, I'a.
—Apples and potatoes should never be
Kept in tiie raine cellar, or if this is un
avoidable the potatoes should be kept in
the warmest part of the cellar and apples
;n a barrel well headed up to the windows,
where on days when the air outside is only
I few degrees above freezing they can be
treated to a cold breeze from the open
windows, while at the same time the at
mosphere in the part of the cellar where
the potatoes are kept does not fall below
forty degrees.
Drunkenness, 1 e Li nor Haiti , Pua
ivtly Cnrtd by aditrm&tcririg Dr.
Haines "Goltier. fcpechc."
It is manufactured as a powder, which
can be given in a glasn of beer, a cup of
coll<-e or lea,or in food, without the know
ledge of the patient It is absolutely
harm leas, and will atlect a permanent and
speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod
erat« drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has
been giv>n In thousands of cases, and 111
every instance a perfect cure has followed.
It nevei tails The system once impregnat
ed with the (specific, it becomes all utter
impossibility lor the liquoi appetite to ex
ist. <-ur«;s guaranteed. 4M page book oi
pal ticulars tree. Address, tiolden Hpecitic
Co., 1 H.i Kace Kt.. Cinciliiiattt (I.
—The story of the operations of Kev. 11.
II I'lerhing,the Hello Vernon M lj. Minis
ter, in one oi the most sensational in uiai.y
years. freshing *as a special tavome
with the children and worked with them m
ad the dill. rent societies. The whole com
munity wan startled a short tin e ago wneii
the report came out that the minister hud
attempted to roiu a 14-year-old girl, a
daughter ot one ..f the leading members of
the church. The trusiees went 111 a body
to the minister's house and demanded an
explanation. Then he made a full oonles
sion, but said he meant no harm The con
fession was reported to the presiding elder,
who demanded that he ntaud trial or give
up his parchments. He took the latter
Course and has been expelled. Presbit.g
attempted to rum a dozen small girls, tne
daughters of the best people in town Al>
the j(irl« have made eon fens ion-, und (..one
of them are most repulsive In one in
stance the matter so enrsged the paunt
that he threatened to shoot Kev. Freshing.
Through Humane Agent Bcbueid«r a war
rant was issued !• r I'reshing's arrest. He
fore the warrant could lie served I'resbinit
made his escape. I'reshing is 50 years of
age and has a wile and daughter.
When you were a boy did you ever
wear one ol those little camphor bags that
are placed about children's necksT Yes,
you did, anil you have a distinct recollec
tion that when the hag got warm every
body in bis vicinity in the school room
knew you had it on. Well, why don't they
make 'em now ami wear 'em. Langli as
011 may they * ere a good thing, and we
know plenty ol children in Butler who
wear them. The wonder is that every
mother dosen't place a 1 amphor bag around
the necks ol her little ones.
—lf a fellow comes around and wants to
bet you $- r > that if you will tell him the la-t
four figures ol the number of a bank not.-,
he will tell you the letter ol the note, don't
you take him tip. Vou offer to bet him the
dame way, and il you succeed In getting
him to bet, divldfl the figures of the note
by 4. II they don't divide even and one
remains the letter is a; if two remain the
letter is b; if three remain the letter Is c;
and if they divide even the letter is d. If
you know how to divide you will win his
m 'M-y.
—Most fellows would scorn to many a
girl lor her money if the} only knew any
other way ot (letting 1..
—The rich may place ■ costly m ha
ii.eiit on a griiVe »tid the poo; o :n mi
meat at all, but the sleepers sleep th<
stiii' sleep, und'Lhe monument counts foi
—"Did yon ever see a diamond fiend t"
whispered the hotel clerk to » friend re
ently. Then he nodded significantly at
a gentleman who was writing his name on
the register. The gentleman was a blaze
•if glory when lie removed his overcoat
*nd banded it to the bell boy. On his
•hirt bosom \ri< a ditmond of at least five
karats; his coliar button showed abore his
-carf a white stone of great value; in his
cuffs were diamond buttons, great ei -
mires that sparkled like balls of fire, while
on his fingers were a conple of rings that
of cost big money. And the man
-eerned to be aware of the fact that his
/ems were the subject of admiration and
discussion among those near him. He
lurew out bis che?t and stroked his mous
tache witn his be-gemmed fingers, at the
same time exposing the cuff buttons, aud
rearranged his scarf so as to show the col
ar button's brilliancy more plainly. As
ue took the elavator to his room tbe clerk
«aid: "1 am told that the diamonds ha
wears are worth $16,000." He ceruiuly
shone in hotel society.
—A well-bred man pats his hand over
bis month when be yawns, but not oue
«ell-bred man in 10,000 knows why. Tae
reason is this: Four or five hundred years
ago there was a superstition common in
Europe that the devil was always lying in
wait, to enter a man's body and pns
session of him. Satan generally went in
by the mouth, but when he had waited a
reasonable time an i the man did not open
his mouth the devil made bim yawn, and
wnile his mouth was open jumped down
his throat So many cases of this kind
occurred that the people learned to make
the sign of the cross over their months
whenever they _• iwned, in order to -cate
away the devil. The peasantry in Italy
and Spain still adhere to this method, but
most other people have dispensed with the
cross sign and keep out the devil by sim
ply placing the band before the lips.
—Dairymen,stockmen, livery-stable men
and bori-e-car men unite in say lug that no
each horse and cattle liniment as Salvation
On bus ever been put upon ibe market. It
should bij kept al every slable aud stock
yard in the land. 25 cts.
—Your surroundings count for veiy
lutle; y our character counts for u good
deal. A man in nut noble because he bus
a title und is permuted to talk with
1 iiere are gieat souls orc»-ed in laliero
and small miul" robed in purple, by auU
by we shall see what our eyes are now too
uuu to perceive—that whatever our station
iu lite we inako oar «>wn misery anu bapp<-
ness, a..d neither wealth nor poverty um
any thing to do witii theui. Xne creative
power is in the heart, the pujpo»e,lhe aim.
I'll} it is that we remain so long blinded 10
this lact.
—The success of Hood's Sarsapariila for
scrofula is vouched for by thousands whom
it ba-> cured.
—Visitor—"Can I .«•« the head of the
Mrs. Within —' No, it's upstairs, being
siepi off."
Consumption surely Cured.
Tc T>lc Sditob:—Ple&ao inform ycur read*-;
thnt I Burn » positive remedy f"r above .*l.
duu-.iuK). hi .1 timely use thousands of hope '
case* haro f' a pcrraaiieuUj cured. lahailhoj:
to gead twj . of my remedy FRKK to any
you.- resdem ■» . j have consumption If they w.i,
i»nd ma tbeil Lipr-><« and P. O. address. He«p< < 1
*»l)y T. A. M C.. 181 Pear' St N. >
When a man say s ameu right italwnyg
men. thai be is willing to be put down for
h--> share of the expense.
—The only reason why some people are
C ta.-idered religious is becaune they make
a good deal of noise in church.
—The conversion that makes a man e« n
f.--s t<. a murder committed years ago,must
be the sort that goes to the root of a man's
—Rheumatism cured in a day—''Mystic
cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic
ally cures 111 Ito 3 days. Ttr* action upon
the system is remarkable ami mysterious.
It removes at once the cause and the dis
ease immediately disappears. The first
!iihe greatly benchls. <;> ct*. Hold by J. C
Kedick, druggist, iiutler.
—The only giving that haw any meaning
jn the sight of God is giving that costs us
—lt never takes much talk from a the
ater-going proiessnr to kill a prayer meet
ing stone dead.
—The n.ad to beaver, is very steep to the
man who i* trying to get there without
doing any giving.
—The pastor who tries to carry his whole
church on his shoulders will soon be very
lame in his back.
—The man who howls at the passing of
tot nut in the church will pay a lug iioiel
bill with a smile 00 bis lace,
—A precocious school boy rises to
T< mark that the stool o! repentance is usu
ally en tie-bottomed.
—The man who will steal chickens is
often found hiding behind a hypocrite in
the church.
—Th<- glory of love in that it delight* in
doing for nothing what othets will not do
lor p«y.
Vou will miss it if > 011 undertake 10
measure a man's religion by the length of
his lace.
—Poopie wbo would like l<> know a lit
tle about ever thing are apt to forget fiat
it hm a tendency to shorten life. Inquiii-
ItiVenes* is a gr«i*t bane to health.
—There is a vast difference between
cunning and wisdom— the former in lull of
depravity, while the 'alter in silent and
due* not neek notoriety.
Many a man gels hi* nose down to Ihf
grindstone he fori) he reaches ',h« turn m#r
point in hiH lif«.
Some men will try to not the upper
hand of you, even jf they have to do it by
underhand method*
The men whi ii) "linen am cant i
pleasant place*" should riot care whetl ei
they catch any fi*b or nut.
for i» well-known me<li
cine pny* more profit to
n. dealer, when ho hell*
Mr it. 'I hat'* tii* rntuum ho
Mmj annoy* you with hi*
Halm that it i* " Ju*t a*
good." And that i* ons
■ reaaon why every wo
man wbo wanta Do*-tor
JH Pierce's Favorite J'ro
gBI 'rl prion should go to a
HI •**
n W Kvery woman
Jfyßhnm II ll it, if *!«'* nutter
Tl' I i InK from any ailment
' iMK'iillnr t/> h'-r he*. If
she'* "run-down." or delicate, *h" need* it
ju*t an much. It's a special tonic, thnt build*
tier up; a legitluiub' medicine, thnt correct*
and cure*. For every "female complaint"
end wenkneM*, it In the only nemedy MO wife
and certain tliat It ran be uunrantaul. If it
doean't benefit or cure, In every caae, you
have your money lnu k
What CIM, can Im " Ju*t at g'xxi" for you f
A long advert bvuient. in unnecessary to
convince you that you need Dr. Hugo's Ileum
dy for your Catarrh. It* maker* offer fSOO
tor a cosm they cannot cure.
Diaconnt oti trimmed and tin trim
med HatM and UonuetH, Bird*, W
aud Fancy Feathera, oaj?ht to lio a
• real inducement to hanpiio heekcrH
tteaidua being } tliari onr nmial
low price*. We have a lar|(i! etock
tor yon to Beiect from.
A«k to fvn our ladies all wool vest*
at 08c.
ua 7m«iu tn-, 9 6 «fl*n
All broken lines of hand-turns, hand welis
T J"' Dl. . and machine sewed shoes of the finest don-
J JciUieS OIIOLS. g o i a stock, in lace and button, all go at
Among our stock of men's shoes will be
found a grand selection of congress and
Af_> Q]-w W „', lace shoes in fine calf, Kangaroo and Cor
iMCll S QUOtSs. dovan, all the latest 'style toes, which will
be sold at a big reduction during this sale.
Here they are—the balance of ladies and
7 X gents plush and velvet holiday slippers
among them many pretty styles, regular
prices $1.25 to $2 all go at 75 cents.
We have not forgot the girls and boys dur
ing this grand bargain sale for we can sell
a fine pair misses heel shoes at 50 cents; a
fine pair misses spring heel dongola shoes,
At Oirta pat. leather tips at 90 cents. Childrens
* shoes ranging in price from 35 to 75 cents.
SIIOOS Baby shoes at ten cents. Our stock of
boys shoes is large and complete—all styles
of shoes in fine calf at very low prices dur
ing this sale; boys fine calf shoes 75 cents
tosi.2s. Call and examine these goods.
If you're going to need shoes within three
months buy 'em now and save money.
Still a few pair men's tan bluchers which are being closed out at $2.
Our sale of rubber roods increases each
day for low prices always win.
Menu first quality rubber boots $2 25.
Mens knee boots $2 50.
Mfos Storui Kin# boots $2 75.
Bojh first quality rubber boots 1.50.
" " storm " $2.
Youths rubber boots $1 25.
Womens rubber boots 1.00
Cbilds " 1.00
Men's and Ladies' Buckle Arctics ,Alaskas and all style rubbers at
lower prices than can be bought elsewhere.
Full stock of Felt Boots and Milwaukee woolen stockings with first
quality overs at lowest prices.
Money saved by buying at the bargain house ot
This is the kind of weather to buy
sleighs,robes and horse blankets cheap at
Come and see us, 128 East Jeflerson St., a few doors above Lowry
I kar-rings.
ijldmoilflb ) SCARF PINS,
+ , lw*o. < INDIES "OLD.
atciies ( gkntjs silver.
I ?*i7 J Gold"Pin.n, Kar-rings,
»* ( W C?JJ y Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc,
j Tea nets, castors, butter dishee
■Silverware IliJ'KliS.i".'™ "
RGDGEtt C2CS. IK! I SSfcJt"* ! *~"
No. J39. North Main St . BTTLJB, PA.,
and Otxcura DIMM* gpeaxllly and permaaouUy
cured tij Umi aelohnUad mmkUIIhL
o d«rrptl«m, uofilwi niprnMßtHlwi. I will cum
vnu ixmltlT«*ljr and ui»kn v>>u rlgonntn mini jitroii<r.
TrMkimetiL t>y niall animcufty imd »»t rli tiy < («ufl<kKitla|
H'in|f a HODK of Hixpeuce,
A Bottlejfull ol Bye;
Four und twenty around
ll'H merits true to try
W lieu the bottle's ouened
And they find the liquor pure
Kvery one at once claim*,
Bought at Lewin's sure.
Robt. Lcwin,
130 Water Ht
Opposite I! & O Depot, - Pittsburg, Pa
t. t'/7
lifiUKvirxt ~ 1 'ft.
Sewing Machine Mechanic.
Will rc-a<ljust yours and you be
your own judge to tent it.
.11 ■ iiTrn MEW. Ideal or travel
«.»Ur> <" I ommlasl. n
iml'l weekly. Outti' fie?. SjH"'t»l aMenttoi
lilveii l« '"eglliliers. Worker* never fall to Bake
good weekly wages Write me at. once lor par
fc. U GRAHAM. Nurseryman.
UUls Uouae m reliabl*.) Hwurru. N. V.
I have n Heave Curo that will cure any
cane of heaven in hor*e* in forty day*, if
used according to direction*, and if it doe*
not do what I claim for it, I will refund
the amount paid and no charge* will ho
made for the treatment. The following
testimonials are the strongest proof of the
medicine* power to cure:
A. J McCahdlk**,
Butler, I'a., IHO3.
Mit. A. J. Mc'CANiir.Ks*:
On the 2nd day ol April, 1801!, 1 coin
no need to u*e vour new cure for one ol
my horse* that had the heave* very bad.
and continued to use 'he medicine for
atiout forty days and the horae did not
-how any signs of a return of them. It i*
ti<,w about a year since I quit glvin the
tuedlot ne and the horse lis* never sowed
any sign* of heave*, and I feel stislicd
that he i* properly cured.
Kutler, Pa., April 3, 1893.
A J. lIcCAKf I.K*s:
I have used your lleafe inre and found
it w ill do the work if used according to di
rection*. Vour* truly,
it. J. MCMilmk.
vtt . ;TUK. WEI.L.-
1M I s\ 1A rr* known Artist
l/l# Ij |l T ft and Photo
If f 1 1 ft gr:i;>!-r,formerly
XI V/ J. \j Li I'*>e head of the
t Weru- liardm a n
Art (Jo., will open a Studio aud Photo Par-
I lors opposite the Hotel Ijowry, Cor, Main
and Jefferson fit*., Hotter, I'a Thi* will
lie the best, lighted and equipped Studio
and galleries in the the county. The work
will lie Htrletly first class am! made under
new formula* by the artlut liim*elf. who
hit* had 15 year* practical experience in
large oitie* Portrait* in Oil, Crayon,
Hop la. Pa* tel. <fc<\ In thi* line we bava
no competition, Our portrait* are mail*
by hand in our own Studio, from kitting*
or from photo*. Our work ha* reached
tli« highest Htandard of exoellence and
h not to be compared with the cheap ma
chine made picture* fttrnl*hed by other*,
t?off for ui ; get yi. ir picture* from u« and
he happy.
i-„l ..i.witiial i". I'"' ■I" * *»"" iS^PI
•I la ixaviaif Tube »
Leading Millinery House
OF 1
3D m 3E^
Trimmed Hats and Bonnets.
Every shape this seasons facile fancy
has evolved is here.
Everv novelty in Wins, Bird, Feather
«/ / o
or Ornament is shown, Ribbons, Velvets,
Laces, Braids and Flowers.
Mourning Millinery a Specialty.
122 South Main Street.
Jewelry, Clocks
Purchasers can save from 25 to 5 0 per
cent by purchasing their watches, clock'
and spectacles of
J.R. GRIEB, The Jeweler,
Xo. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block
Sign of Electric Bell and ClocV.
All are Respectfully Invito
—"Remember our Repairing Department— 2o years Experience. -
New York Weekly tribune
The Butler Citizen,
.Address all orders to TJ 11" 1 - CI I I KPs •
-¥ A Fact Plainly Stated. 4-
We arc offering better goods for less
money, and therefore greater bar
gains, than have ever been of
fered in Butler county.
Men's felt boots and perfection overs $'
Men's rubber boots 2 25
Men's kip boots 1 5°
Men's veal calf, tip shoes IS S
Boys' " " 75
Youths' high cut veal calf tip shoes 75
Ladies' fine dongola button shoes
Ladies' extra fine dongola, patent tip, button shoes 1 -'5
Misses' " " " "
Children's " " " " 5°
Infants' dongola button shot s '5
Ladies'grain lace shoes 75
•' button " 9°
Ladies' rubbers '5
Misses'and Children's rubbers '5
LEAN POCKETHOOKS stem t<> l»- a prevailing complaint
now-a-days, and to influence them to <>| en mp in- n• 1 nuity. ;ind
tempting offers t<» persuade them to part with their c«mi< lu. Ktag
nizing that fact we have done our part. You coirn- I" <>ui sioie, we
will do the rest.
HAY- FEVuK f- /*JM
Klu'i ('ream Tliim in not a liquid, unuf, or }»><■ ■' AppUirl into ttenodrilt \t !t
" quickly nbtorhtd. Jt ci in*-, the A id, v 'a t i» inflammation. hr.iU _ .
Wholesale Liquor Dealer,
jo 3 Ferry St., - Pittsburg, Pa
I'cnnayA auia Kyc VYhiski* * a sj.ee a y.
Trial < rders solicited.
One Square Market