Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 09, 1894, Image 3

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BCTLKB has a population of about u.ooo.
It ia the County seat or Butler county, with
Poor railway*, natural gas, and CAequaUed
facilities tor menulacturea.
IToereis eirywherc; new baUdlnga, ne»
manufactures, A HIM prosperous towu.
New York Weekly Tribune—Free.
By special arrangements mad* for o*r
so doing, we are enabled to offer to all our
subscribers who pay arrearages, (if any)
and one year in adTance, and to all new
subscribers paying in advance, the Ken
York Weekly Tribune free for one year.
For further particular* of this ofler see ad
New Advertisements.
Dissolution Notice—Kirkpatrick <1- Reed,
Dissolution Notice—Falkner <t Witte.
Statement of Glade Mills Fire Insurance
Valentine* at Douglass'.
Marks' Annual February Sale.
Grieb's Cloying Out Sale.
Register's and Prothonotary's Notices of
Final Accounts, Road Reports and \VidowV
Appraisements tor Presentation at March
KOT«—AII advertisers intending to make
canges in their ads. should notify us of
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
i' —• f
# As we begin a new story this week-#
j pae of A CONAN DOYLE'S Faaoas De i
I Jtectlve Stories—we sead oat qaite a nutn-#
akcr of sample copies. We are oow selling^
((TRIBUNE for $1 JO a year io advance, and#
| [believe this to be as cheap aod suitable^
4'reading as can be secured in tbe count)#
J [for tbe price. SUBSCRIBE NOW. T
—Southern strawberries are in the city
—John 11. Reed has purchased the news
paper agency in the City Pharmacy.
—Campbell A Templeton offer some fine
dishes at cost this week.
—lt is generally tbe man of loose char
acter who gets tight.
—H. Seanor will be in Butler in a few
weeks for tbe puroose of buying horses.
—The prettiest adornment of a farm is a
house fall of lovely children.
—According to tbe Blar a leading ques
tion in Meadville is "Been Sberiffed yet!"
—Friday morning last tbe mercury stood
at lero and the fog indicated warmer
—The "Cunningham House" owned by
Smith Bros, will be ready for business
—The new United Presbyterian Church
of Bailer will be dedicated on Thursday
the 22d.
—At a party it very amusing to sefe peo
ple try to laugh wben they have nothing
to laugh at.
—We believe there is an opening in But
ler for a good book binder —one who will
do good work at reasonable prices.
—A Pearl street man always eats a
whole pie before retiring. It'* no wonder
he la crusty when he gets up in tbe morn
—The ground-hog saw bis shadow Fri
day—ifbewasont —and consequently we
will have cold weather for six weeks from
that date, if it doesn't get warmer.
-Nine-tenths of tbe ills we fear are im
aginary, and arise from a bilious and ner
vous temperament, so says a learned doc
tor. Bilious persons had better make a
note of this.
—The firm of Faulkner <fc W itte of Sar
rars Station bit been dissolved, Mr. Faulk
ner retiring. The business will be con
tinued by Mr. Witte, u per notioe in an
other place.
—The firm of Kirkpatrick A Reed,grocers,
wai dissolved by mutual consent on Thurs
day of last week. Mr. Reed is the retiring
member,and he wishes us to thank bis
friends for their patronage iD tbe past, and
bespeak their good will and continued
patronage for Mr. Kirkpatrick in tbe
—The Public Library and the Womans'
Industrial Exchange of Butler, will have
an opening on Friday and Saturday, Feb.
16th and 17tb, at 120 West Jefferson St.,
to wbioh the public is cordially invited
and will be made welcome by the ladies of
the aMooiation-
—ln view of the fact that W. D. Cham
berlain of the "Ohio Farmer" has consent
ed to be present at tbe Farmer '■ Institute,
to be held at Centreville in March; the
dates of tbe meeting have been changed
from March Ist and 2d, to Tuesday and
Wednesday. March 6th and 7tb. Pro
grammes will be out next week.]
—An item in our paper last week,copied
from a New Castle paper, did, as we are
reliably informed, injustice to Kev. Mc-
Cleaster. At an informal meeting of his
congregation, ou Deo 30th, fourteen of tbe
twenty-seven present voted for a change
of pastors, and thirteen against it; but at a
subsequent meeting the same question was
again raised and sixty three voted for Mr.
MoCleasters retention and but two lor bis
removal. At a meeting of the Presbytery
Jan. 16tb, Mr. McCleaster was released
from the charge.
—At tbe meeting of tbe 0. A. R. Post of
Bntler last Friday night, the bound vol
umes of tbe offioial history of tbe war,
publixhed by the National Government,
were presented to the post by Mr. W H.
Ritter. Kewton Black, Esq., made tbe
presentation speech, and Capt. Kleeger re
sponded for tbe Post. Mr. Fleeger said
that tbe dearest thing to tbe old soldier
was his honor, and to him nothiug afforded
so much pleasure as to read of tbe days
when a&swering to tbe call of patriotism
tbe bnys of '6l bad gone down to war to
battle for tbeir country. Their life on tbe
battle fields formed the basin of the grand
history, wbico bad junt been prmented to
the Post. On behalf ot the Pout ho ac
cepted tbe gitt, and returned the hrartit»-t
thanks of tbe old soldiers t > the donor.
Then oame a social session in which tbe
veterans and their gaests enjoyed the good
things prepared for them by Mr. Kiobey,
and otherwise had a very pleasant
Great Music Offer.
Bend us tbe names and addresses of three
or more performers on tbe piano ol organ
together with eight cents in postage and
we will mail you one copy Popular Musio
Monthly, containing ten pieces, full sheet
music, consisting of popnlar song-, waives,
marches, etc., arranged (or tbo piano and
organ. Address: Popular Music Monthly,
Indianapolis, Ind.
Horses and Mares Wanted.
Tba undersigned will be at the
Wick bsro.West Sunbury, on Tburs
day, February 15, 1894 and at
Picket & Eenuedy's livery barn, in
Butler, on Friday, February 16. to
bay good, fat, souuii Horses and
Mares, from four to ten vear- old and
weight from 1000 to 1500 They
mast be sound and fat
J. V. 3X»BY.
Spaoial Court for the trial of civil cao«es
convened Monday, with Judge Greer pre
siding, and up to the time of our going to
prBM the following CAses have bees chspos
ed of:
James Wilson v.-.. J. P. tVilson, issue.
Feb. 6, 1894. Verdict for tho defendant
M. A. Thompson vs. D. Iman, et al.
lieu. Defendants confess judg
ment tor f4o and costs.
Win. McKiniie vs. D. Irnan, et al. ver
dict for Defendants.
F. Maul, for use of F. Wbitesell, vs. D
Scheeler. Settled.
I. Uay3 vs. J as. Donaldson, et al. Set
S. P. Smith A Co. vs. H. J. Klingler &
Co. Settled.
Peter Whitmire, executor of John Whit
inire, vs. John T. Montgomery. Verdict
tor Plaintiff.
Several Sunbury boys had a hearing be
fore Esq. A. Thompson last Thursday
afternoon tor the assault made upon Rev.
Wright's son aft-r the literary of M"nda.t
night. Young Wright was knocked dowu,
and then stabbed in the right side, the
kmte being stopped by a rib Two sons «t
Adam Koru, a son of Al Eshenbaugh ano
one of Wm. Dunlap, dee'd, were held lor
Court. Young Wright was able to attend
the hearing.
The Millerstown constable case was
argued in Court Monday morning, and an
order was made for an election on the 20tb,
the man elected to hold his office for two
Frank W. Mills of Millerstown filed ob
jections to the nomination of Daniel Ma
loney for constable claiming that his com
mission extends for two years yet.
At the late license court in Clearfield
county 92 hotel licenses were granted, 13
restaurants, 7 wholesale, 15 restauran>s
and five brewers; refused, 49 hotels, 15
restaurants and 10 wholesale; not consider
ed, 6 hotels and 2 re-taurauts.
The County Commissioners have decid
ed to deliver the election tickets just as
they did last fall, by messengers, on the
Saturday proceeding the election, and tbe
Judge* «ill be uoutit-il by mail of where
ami when to meet the messengers.
■ The jury in the case of Wnitmire vs
£ Montgomery was out from 10 a. m. ol
J Wedue-da) till sa. m., Thursday morning,
K and came into Court at 9a. m. with their
r verdict.
? L. Z Mitchell to J. I). Marshall lot in
Builer for $2,225.
John M Iteed to Wm, Kirkpatrick lots
8 in Butler for $7,000.
R. 8. Nicoils to Lydia .Vicolls lot in But
ler for $3,000.
Laura Kornrumph to B. F Kornrumpb
50 acres in Jefferson for $2,500.
R M. Aultman to C. DuffV lot in Butler
for SI,BOO,
John C. Moore to Curtis Moore 50 acre*
in Centre for sl.
P. H. Ripper to E. J. Boyer lots in
Bvmsbnrg for $l,lOO.
Jonathan BoVard to Joseph U Brown,
quit claim to 70 acres in Mercer for $2,200.
Marriage Licenses.
Simeon P. Duffy.. ...Bovard
Louisa Simpson Venango twp.
M. G. Kane Fredonia Pa
L. 11. McLaughlin Harrisville
John Conard Mercer Pa.
Kosie Neu Carbon Centre
George Cranmer Clay twp.
Lizzie Sutton "
Holland English Petrolia
Annie Kay Fairview
—An old Irishman, with a woebegone
lace, presented himselt at the counter of a
newspaper office one day and asked the
" price of inserting a death notice twice, lie
was told it would cost him fifty cents.
Taking cne of the death notice blanks over
. to the desk he filled it out and handed it to
1 the business manager, who glanced at it
and said: "Is this a notice of your wife's
death T" "Yee,', said the old gentleman.
* "she's in hivin. I'll bare peace now."
r There was no peace this side of her grave
for him.
Oil Notes.
McFarlaud A Co. are drilling on tho Cyrus
Weigle farm in Franklin twp. north east
of Prospect.
The McJnnkin & Co. well on the Camp
bell farm in Ponn twp. is holding up at 00
bbls. Their rig for No. 2is completed; and
Phillips is building bis rig for his No 3.
Stewart A Co., on Tobin, have a rig build
ing, also Reiber <t Bradner, on Forsvthe,
and Walker A Co., on Rowan farm about
to drill.
Esq Kennedy's well on tho Eicholtz was
shot Friday, and is rated at 40 bbls.
Irwin A Co. are building a rig on tbe
Miller farm, Callery district.
liitts A Walker will drill on tho Gardner,
and Lenz it Co. on tho Meeder, and tbe O.
A W. V. Oil Co. on the McKiuny dis
The Sbowalter Bros, well on tbe Robt.
Shi ra. in Washington twp. is said to be
doing 40 bbls.
A 25 bbl. well is reported to have been
struck in the Jas. Alexander farm, two
miles east of Mercer.
Tbe Markets.
Our grocers are paying 22 for butter,
14 for fresh eggs, 40 for potatoes,
25 for turnips, 50 for parsnips
3 to 7 for cabbage, 50 a bn for beets, 50
for onions. 10 for dressed chickens, and 11
for turkeys and ducks.
Timothy hay from country wagons sl6
to 18, mixed hay sll to 12; straw $5.75 to
6 75, mill feed sls to 18. buckwheat flour
3 to 3i.
Country roll butter 20 to 22, fresh eggs
10 to 17, dressed chicken and turkey 11
to 12, duck 12 to 13, goose 'J
Potatoes on track 45 to 58, cabbage 3 to
5, onions GO to 65, turnips 40 to 50, beans
$1.85, tallow 5.
At Ilerr's Island. Monday, beeves sold
at 3 25 to 5.35. bulls and dry cows 2.25
to 3 50, bogs at 4.25 to 5.70. sheep at 75
to 3 75, lambs at 1.00 to 4'so,and calves al
2 00 to 6 25.
Great Slaughter.
In dry goods for lour days only,
commencing Wednesday, ./an. 3lst
and continuing nntil Saturday, Feb.
3d This will positively be the
greatest marked down sale of dry
Snoods. wraps, millinery, etc. ever of
ered in Butler Everything at cost
for four days only, remember the
(Successor to R. & Rj
—At Urieh A Lamb's you are
sore of best irrmle of guitars, cornets,
harmonicas, flutes, violins, accor
dians, mandolins, clarionetc, music
boxes, banjos, piccolos, strings.
—Bargains in remnants and odd
lots of goods—come quick for choice.
L. Stun A Sow
Horse Blankets and Robes at
i Martincourt and Co's
' —Cloaks at your own price No
reasonable offer refused—they must
—Home made taffies and candies at
Richey's Bakery.
—Clearance sale of all winter goods
, (]reat*«t bargains in dry goods and
i cloaks ever known at
I —Double Blackboards, Secretaries
i Desks. Kuri-ka Baby Jumpers and
Swings for sale at
J. F. T. Sx*UUi'».
Evans City was the scene of a terrible
accident last Thursday aftercoon, wbi.h
resulted in tbe death of Mrs. Alfred Cook
son of Cranberry twp. and her son. aged
thirteen years. Cookson and her * n
came driving into town by the n aJ.
in a sleigh. She ,<>T gome freight cars
mo ving on the railroad track and stopped
her horse, then the track seeming clear she
drove >m, but it happened that the car - -the
sa *" pass were part of a freight train being
8 a itched upon one track, while the balance
of tho train kept on moving backwards
upon another. These cars she did not
sje on account of a freight car standing r.n
a switch and the train truck them just as
the sleigh was in the middle of the track.
and she was thrown upon the track and
instantly Killed, and her sou's legs were
thrown across one rail and crushed, and he
died a few hcurs after.
The bodies were taken to an undertak
ers, and an inquest was held by Coroner
Graham and a jury of six; tbe verdict being
tnat Airs. Cookson and her <n caine to
their deaths by beine run over by the ours
of the P. & W. R. R. at the crossing by
ihe backing of a freight train without
proper warning.
Mrs. Cookson was an estimable woman,
a daughter of John Gearing, of Cranberry
twp. Her husband became temporarily
insane when he learned of her sad death,
and worse results were feared when be
learned of his son's death.
Some days ago Mr. Jacob Albert of
(Jniouvitle bought some ar.-enic.with which
to kill rats. He put it in the cupboard,
and on Saturday last Mrs.Albert Used it by
mistake for soda or baking powder in mak
ing some cakes. The children ate ol the
caKee that evening, and became violently
ill, and vomiteu freely. Then a physician
Wits called, who prescribed fur theui ana
"ttiey will all recover—but it was a close
call. When people are poisoned by ar-etiic
tbe thing to do is to drink freely ol milk,
and swallow raw egtfs, as both liiitK <*uu
eggs absorb ihe poison; and then an emetic
should follow to get it all out of the
stomach. Mustard,nati-wutcr. alum-wale,
or lamp oil will make a person vomit, and
the sooner they are used in such cases the
Mrs. John Glass of M illerstown wa»
nearly suffocated by the fumes of burning
gas a few days ago.
Some sixty members of the Bar of liut
ler county, and tour members of the Pre.-s,
enjoyed a late supper, and spent uplea-.int
evening at Jno. ft'. Brown's handsome
residence on Fairview Ave , last Friday
John Kemper has opened a harness store
at 342 S. Main Si.
Kev. Limberg is seriously ill.
Jas. L. Dickson of Penn twp. is serious
ly ill.
Benj. Pearsnn of the Siipperyrock Sigwd
was a delegate to the Republican County
Committee meeting.
Mr. J E Arnold formerly of Freeport,
and of the firm of Bell & Arnold, well
drillers, was in Butler Saturday, for the
first time in thirty years, lu 1878 Mr
Arnold went to Honolulu. the Capitol of
the Sandwich islands, where he remained
lor seven years engaged in the business of
well drilliug. lie became well acquainted
with the leading men ihere, and thinks
that the novernment tbev have establish
ed will prove a good and a permanent one
The islands produce sugar, rice, and tropi
cal fruits. Orange trees grow wild, and
tbe oranges are the best in the world The
soil is very fertile and produces immense
crops of sugar, but il has to be irrigated
with water from the mountains. The lug
volcano is one of the sights of the world,
and a splendid hotel has been erectt d on
the brink of the Crater in view of the rag
ing molten lava below A tour of the
islands on a steamer and with a guide costs
In 1885 Mr. Arnold went to Australia,
where he rem ined uutll tbe Ist of January
last, engaged in tho same business. It
never snows in Southern Australia, though
it is in about the same latitude Soath that
we are North, and in summer (they are
having their summer there now) the mer
cury olten ruus up to 120. The coasts are
heavily wooded, but the interior consists ol
vast plains, on which grass grows several
leet higii, and on which immense flock" of
sheep are pastured The population ol the
island is from three to four millions; the
government is practically Republican, and
the people are becoming very tired of be
ing tied to England. Mr. Arnold left S <l
- Jan. Ist.; the sieamer stopping ai
Auk laud, Apia, Honolulu and othei points,
and arriving on our Western coast Jan
22d. There are two lines of steamers be
tween this country and Australia the one
owned by Amercans, running from San
Francisco, and tho English line from
—California Orange Cider »t
Ricbev's Bakery.
Largeßt assortment and best valuer
a Dress Uoods aud Clonks at
—Children's Trunks
Children's Bureaus.
Children's Chairs
Children's Wooden Bedsteads.
Children's Wooden Tablets.
Children's Wooder Rockers at
—Take your children to Znvt r'e
Gallery for Pictures that will si it
you. Postoffice building
—Home made Candies, Christmas
candies, cream and chocolate bon
botis, tree ornaments, candles, etc.
of every description at City Hskery.
—Any person wanting fence poets,
cord wood, or timber for oth»*r pur
pones, can learn whom to get snme
near hutler by inquiring at tbe CITI
ZEN Office, Butler, Pa.
Best Buffalo flannels reduced to
25 cents a yard at
—Go to Nixon's Home for meals
and lodging.
—Six or pieces vocalinstrumental
10c music for 25 cents at Urieb
Lamb's Order witbiu teu days to
secure a bargain. J/ail orders prompt
ly atteuded to.J
Best underwear in the city at
Ml. & M. Murks'.
—Now in the lime to bay a cloak
ut your own price. They must all he
sold as we carry none i»ver to next
season. L. STEIN A SON.
greatest bargain ever offered— WUH
SI.OO a yard—now only 50 cents,
just balf price at
—Our stock is tbe larget in the
city Our styles Ibo latest. Our
prices the lowest.
M F A M. Marks'
Six pieces of vocal or instru
mental 10c music, for 25c at
Butler, I'a.
All sheet music at half price at.
(Jrieb A Lamb's Music Store, 125 N.
.J/.itn St
—See tbe bargains we aro offering
in fine Henrietta-'. Ju-t think • i it.
SI.OO goods for 08 and 75 cunt
goods for 5y cents at
Tovro Council Meeting.
Our town council was in a talkative '
mood, Tuesday night. Thiiy met at half
pa t ,-evea and talked over new ordinances
»r.u claim.-, and exonerations, etc. till half
past twelve.
Ordinances were adopted providing for ,
iv-en-ing transient reiailers, and auction
eers; also one making assessments for the
Mifflin St. sewer. The P. £ VT. K. R. Co.,
»as notilied that an ordinance providing
for .-alety gates on Ceiilre Ave. and S.
Main St., would be considered at nest
meeting The P. R R. Co. was notified
ro keep Monroe St. clear of cars.
The Doheeinaa was directed *o report on .
eve spouts connected with i»ewers; the Eu
gmeer was directed to look after MeCan
•iies.,' cellar; the claim of Jas. Graham for
♦1330, was refused; Mr. Tape was allowed i
to put up a clock on the sidewalk: board
walks were ordered for the east side ofj
X. Mi-Kean St ; J. D. Marshall was allow
ed to build a fritne kitchen; another com
mittee on that overhead P AW. Bridge wt j
appointed; ttie report of the Board of |
Health was referred to the {■'inacce Con - |
uittee; committees were appointed to con
ler with John McQuistion and Mr. Brack- j
iiey; the Eit-r-nilter case is to be settled
l't>r -r-j; lao Council refused to adopt Ma
pie Ave exten-im aa a street; gas lights
were ordered for Peun and Polk streets; a
nig list of exonerations ol borougli taxes
recommended by Collector Walker and ag
grcgatiug $1283 00 was referred to the Pi-'
nance Com ; bills aggregating about s2uoo ;
were ul owed, and the Council a ljourued
The Old Folks' Concert.
The Woman's Guild of the Episcopal
iJaurch of this place gave an Old Folks'
Concert at Mrs. W. V. Ilardman's on Mon
ti i/ evening that w,i> a great success. The J
houst) is probably better suited to such J
purposes than any other in Butler, and tho j
audience of nearly 200 were comfortably j
seated and enjoyed a good view of the rear
p.irlor, which served as a stage. The co.--
lumes were very tine and old, aud the pic
ture presented in the choruses was striking '
Tne program wa* of good length and well I
-elected, the popular hit of the evening i
being a duet by Mr. and Mrs. Stewart en j
\ costume as a Dutchman and fran. Mrs i
Kev. Hemumray'a Solo "Ye Olde Yankee
Ladye " and Mr. 11. A. Sid'er's "Cousin
Jeddediah" were equally fine, being rare
mn.-:eal treats Mr. Braden Black's reci
tation' brought the house down, and \liss
Daisy Dale s was enjoyed alfO. The man
dolin ami erfitar playing was encored and
few present would have though that, one
of the guitarists had never before that day
played the accompaniment for any of the
music played that night Miss Turner kiud
jy consented at the eleventh hour to take
part, and in a lew hours practice mastered
the difficult accompaniment totho medley
arranged for the occasion. The mandolin
was played by Mr. Lorain Billiard in his
u-ual excellent style. Mrs. W. V, Uard
mau anil Mrs. lleyl sang a pretty duett .-
ami the latter also sang a solo which was 1
eujoyed, Mrs 0. W. Ifardmaa recited and
vv heartily applauded. Mr. Tilton and Dr.
Black sang solo* which were appreciated
t»y ail Mrs Stewart sang "Bun Bolt" in
a sweet voice, anl Mrs. Howard and Mrs.
Ker Hemonways duet was very enjoy
able. Taken altogether there was not a
single feature to mar tho sucaess of the
Great Slaughter
In dry goods (or four days only,
comm-ncim; Wednesday, Jan. 31st
aud continuing uutil Saturday, Feb
3d This will,positively be the greatest
marked down sale of dry goods,
wraps, millinery, etc ever offered in
Butler. Every thing at cost for four
days ouly, remember the date.
(Successor to R. & K.J
Jeweler and Optican,
12) South Main Sre.ei, Butler, Pa.
Ditminds, fine watches, jewelry;
spectacles, solid and plated ware con
stantly oa baud. Special attention
giv.'ii to testing and correctly fitting
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
Don't forget us on Hosiery di d
Uloves, we always have the best at
owest pnceß
L. S TBIN & SON 'a.
—Combination suits at 50 cents tt
M P & M. Marks'.
Boy's Carth and Wagons
Toys that never out-stay their
Welcome with the Boys at
Pianos, Upright Pianos,
Metallophoues, Orguna,
Accordeons, Concertinas,
Musical Boxes, Mouth Organs of
ajlkiuds at J. F. T.,fc-TEIU.E'b
D< i.'t miss teeing our Fair die
play of millinery.
M- F. Marks'
—lf you want a musical Instru-'
mi nt for bouse or church, call and HI e i
us, for band or orchestra call and see
u~ or write for Catalogue to OIMEII
& LAMB, NO 125 N Main St. Butler,
Boarding House Cards, with Act
o Vnseiubly, 35 cents for half-a-dozen,
for -ale at CITIZEN office.
Ladies satin waists at prico ,hall
duriug "Fair" week at
M. F. M Marks'.
—Use the Part Tar Cough Drops,
to be had at Richey's Bakery.
Largest and finest display of Holi
day goods at
HEI.NEMAN'S Butler, Pa.
To the Music Lovng People of
but ler.
Grieb <fc Lamb display in their
window an A. B. Chaso Piano, one
of ihe makes which gained the VERY
MIUIIEST AWARD obtainable iriven at
the World's Fair. To obtain such
j ;ui honor a piano must surely be per-
Ifi etion, since none others hut. those
o the very best make, such as the
celebrated (Jbickeriutf of Boston, the
rtehr Bros, of New York, &c , were
accorded the same honors. (Jrieb tt
Lamb have for years sold and con
stantly kept in stock three makes of
piano-, also two of organs, which re
ceived the highest awards,somethin
that even no Pittsburg dealer cau
boast of. Their object is not to K' t
u large profit, but to gain the confi
dence of ihi ir customers and furnish
ucb goods that will always give sat
isfaction. The above lacts demon
iirate the earnestness of purpose We
are in position to furnish most any
make of instruments at the very low
est cash prices, as we are not sub
agents, hut "general agents" for all
goodu we handle, controling many
counties, thereby saving you the mid
(lie profits.
A lurtre line of smaller musical iu
sirumeiits and sheet music constant,
ly kept in stock, the later sold at hul>
: price Respectfully yours,
125 N. Mum St., ijutler.
The Iron Works Sold.
The Bradys Be: I. r. Company's prop
erty was sold Tuesday to J rome D. Gill
ette ol Xew i-rk city lor -sO.OOO Ihe
! sale occurred in tha court room at Kittan
] ning. Before the bidding began half the
j residents of Ea-t Brady and a score of
others gave notice that the titles to cer
! tain lots and tracts mentioned in the aJ
! vertisement of the trustees' sale were not
! in the iron company, but were vested in
I tho-e giving notice. Among the notices
I was one signed by Galusha A. Grow. The
j mention of his name provoked hearty
cheering, in which even the Xew orkers
! joined. The Democrats were given their
inning a moment later when the name ot
late Samuel J. Tilden was read Ue was
at one lime a leader in the Bradys Bend
The bidding darted at £2O 000, offered
by Barclay Xulton of Kittanumg. He
*ent no higher. The only otuer bidders
were Hou. J. B. Neale of Kittanuing and
Jerome D. Gillette ..f Xe.vYi.rk. When
the bid reached $72,000 Judge Xeale ol
fertd SSOO more. Ue wIS knocKed out HI
moment latter by Li> apponent's bid of
SBO,OOO. Gillette thanked Judge Xeale
tor dropping out so soon and intimated he
would have gone much higher.
The sale means a boom for Bradys
Bend. Mr. Gillette says a company will
be organized to erect all the works neces
sary to develop tii« lull re-ours<-s of the
property. The mines will be re-upeii»u
and if the ore proves of high grade, it is
likely an iron plaut, turnaces, etc , much
like the original werhs, will be establish
ed. Gillette say- the company will ex
pend $50,000 Mines of coal, iron oie, aud
veins ol fire clay and limestone, will be
worked. The terms of the sale require 15
per cent, of the purchase money at confir
mation of the sale, and the balance at
stated intervals, secured by mortgage.
All the people interested are wealthy. Tne
new company will include I'ittsliurg, Pnil
adelphia and Xew York capitalists. The
tract contains about C t'OU ,e res, lying in
Armstrong and Clarion counties.
Armory Opera House.
On the sixteenth ol February the famous
Schumann Quartette will give a concert m
the Armory Opera House under the patron
age of a large number of Butler's well
known people, including the Sterling Club,
the Arion Club, High bchool, and others,
so that the affair promises to be a society
as well as a mnsn al event. Tue Schumann
Quartette is justiy considered the leading
organization in 11- line in this couutry oi
any where else. It is composed of the tour
singers, all of whom art ladies, and au im
personator of the '•aine sex. On account ol
the many persons who are interested in tne
event as patrons and patronesses tnero is
Certain to be a .iadtei.ee and tin that
account the seats lor the concert will be
placed on sale several da\s earlier than the
usual time.
btockholders Meeting.
In conformity to the By-Laws of the As
sociation, <he regular annual meeting ol
tbe Ktoikbulders ot the Mechanics IJuildlug
aud Loan Association of liuiier, I'eun'a ,
will be t:eld at Hie office ol K E. Abrauis
& (Jo . Butler, l'a..on Monday IDe 12tn day
of Feb.,1894 at 7 o'clock p in .lor the eleC
lion of Directors for tho foil .wing year,
bearing reports of Ibe Association aud suen
other buuuens as may come before the
J. X. MOORE, Sec'y.
Red hose, black hose and tan
hose at M F & M Marks',
See the full line of Poems in all
sty les of binding at lowest prices in
the city at
HEINEMAN'H, Butler, Pa.
—s2 00 worth (f standard, instru
m. ntal and vocal music for 25c at
(Jrieb A. Lamb's, Butler, Pa Order
bv mail or call within ton days.
Buckwheat Wanted.
We alwavs pay the highest price
for buckwheat at onr mill.
—Teachers contemplating treating
schools should examine the line of
candies at tho City Bakery.
—(Jrieb & LunVs <}r«it Music
St >re X>. i 5 N Vina St. Butler
MeCool's Shoe Shop.
I have opened a shoe shop at Jf<».
404 West Jefferson stiem, where I
will accommodate the custom trade.
My prices will be low. I will half
sole men's shoes for 40 cents, sewed
halt soles 65 eents. heels 20c, wom
en's half soles 30c, boys' half soles
35c, and childrens in proportion. All
cash C. F McCooL.
Job work of all kind done at the
—The «reat offer being made bv
the Pittsburg Dispatch to take the
sixty teachers of the public schools
of Pittshurg. Allegheny and other
points in Peuusvlvania, Ohio, VV est
Virginia and .J/iryUnd, to Atlantic
City in July in tin ulk of the hour.
The additional inducement that the
twelve teachers of th * *ix<v who re
cive the larirest number ~f votes will
be taken on a supplementary trip to
Pbiladepbia, N«*w York and Boston
after the Atlantic City trip is over
i-t indicative of the liberality which
governs the Pittsburg Dispatch in
everything it does, (jive your favor
ite teacher the benefit of the splendid
summer outing.
Don't miss this tin t bai "iiu de.. #I.OO
«-:ll do the work ol f-'.OO iu liiitb depart
Our stores are nail, .vo mu 1 make
room for Spring (i i m . We have tho best
lino of mttidtu under • ir in ibe city.
Odd sizes ol best inak- • (if corsets ut
U ill price.
M. K. & M. MARKS,
113 117 8. Main St., Hatlar
er BUGGIES at I Price nsr*
GjjTvJ) f.ii ' ■ .
w*r " SR I !-IM-
Il'iul ! ■■■••> s'. Ml ■ ! Al l.
AMK'iiilWn . —*
tv ftuirirt H*rii .«»••«<»« .«nl<
<\*KVini"itnry .' ♦' '
vIHEy W Tei«m " fl" • l r..! V.
HujviUi "iJ ! " 81 o1- nx
r. s. »l ««v « IBT CD. - w
qHBB Stv lj> Iw-rw.M , '.urriwti, <«
In addition to the rt-ward of S2OO offered
bv the couimiMiucers of ludiar a county
for tne apprehcc>ii>n of Jacoli Iltiokaniire,
•iuspvcted of murdering his father-in-law,
John Cunningham. two week* ago, it is
-aid the local authorities will add S3OO on
j their own account. Cunningham's person
al popularity has aroused a demand that
I the assassin, whoever he may be, shall be
1 brought to justice. It has been agreed
' that Bookamire must be hiding where he
! is fed and sheltered, as the severe cold
would have driven him in lrom the moun
Mary Short, daughter of Elishna Short,
of Elktown, Pa., died recently and was in
terred at Boulden'x chapel, a »ilk dress of
her mother's having beeu used as a shroud,
fee mother WHS soou afterward taken iil,
and not improving, w s told that it was on
account ot ner dreb.- having been used as a
>-tiri>ud and that as the drens decayed to
would the health of the owner lall. Super
stition overcame her, and the lather, with
tne aid of the sexton, Jonn Clark, exnurn
ed the bod\ a:id changed the dress. It is
.-aid the mother is getting well.
La«t week a man named Vasbinder of
Indiana county attended a revival meeting
at Borton's and professed to having a
change of heart, during which time he con
fessed to having, with the assistance ol a
companion, murdered a peddler.and robbed
bim id bis money aud pack aud hid the
body in the woods near Mahaffey. Tne
tiflair created considerable excitement aud
the person Vasbinder implicated as bis as
sistant in the murder threatened prosecu
tion for slander. Matters were getting hot
for Vasbinder, and he con leased that the
L-tory was a fake and told '"for lu.. " He
ei idently secured the wrong kind of re
ligion and should have it kicked oat of
In Pittsburg, Monday night, Chas. Mens
ile r .-Dot bis step inotner lor accusing him
ot theft, aud then took his own life.
In Allegheny, Monday, a seven year old
girl, rompiug along the streets with other
school girls, with a toy ballon in her
mouth,sucked the balloon down her throat
and was dead in a lew minutes.
lu Effect Xorember 20th, lt-93.
Leaves Butler as follows:
For tsutler Junctiou and intermediate
sections,aud for Allegheny City,f1.15,K3,"» and
l::00, A.M., and 2:45, and 5:00, p.m. daily ex
cept Sunday.
For Tarenturn, Free port and \UegheiJy
Valley Junction, 6:15, 8:35 aud 11:00 am.,
2:45, and 5:00 p. m., daily except Sunday.
1- or aharpsburg, 6:15 anil 11:00 a. m. 2:15
and 5:06 p. m.
For lilairsville and Blairsville Intersec
tion; 6:15 a. m. aud 2:45 p. m., daily except
Irani- leaves Allegheny City for Taren
lutxi, liuiler Junction aud fSutler at 6:55
and 0:25, and 10:40 a. in , 3:15. and G: 10,
p. in. daily except Sunday.
Train;, pass Blairsville Intersection east
ward as follows:
Harrisburg Accommodation, 7:30 a. m.,
daily except Sunday.
Main Line Express, 9:40 a. in., daily.
Mail Kxpress, 3:lt* p. in , daily.
i'mladelphia Kxpress 6:2H p. in., daily.
Kroui I'mon Station, Pittsburg, Eastern
Standard time, for Altoona. flarrisburg,
Wa-hiugton. Baltimore, Philadelphia aud
New York; 3:30 a. m. Penn'a. Limited,
7:15, 8:00, 9:05, a. m. 4:30 p. m.. 7:00 p. m.,
8:10 p. m daily.
For Harrisburg daily, 1:00 p m.
For ilarrinburi; Sunday only, 8:40 a. m.
For Altoona daily except Sunday at 5:25
a. in,
For time tables and further information
inquire of the Ticket A ;eut at the Station,
or address l'bot* E. vVatt, P A. W. Dist. 110
Film Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
General Passenger Ageut
General Menager,
P. & W. R. R.
Schedule, in effect Jan. it :>l. (Butler time)
The Short Line to Pittsburg.
« 25 a 111 Allegheny 9.25 a ui. Alllenheny Ex
s lft a 111 All') « Akron :i 5.". a m.AI ti Nt attle
lu t.'» a in Allegheny Ac I'-'SO p m. Ally & Ch't'o
:i o<> p in Allegheu) Mall ,•35 p ni. Allegheny Ex
.1 w p m Cliieago fx. p in. Ally it Akron
r, IU p m Airy & KU. Ex soo p m, Allegheny Ac
lti or, u m Kane & Brad is 10 am. l-'oxburjj vc
A.oti pin Clarion Ac .1 45 am, C'larl in Ac
7.30 pin Koxburg 15.40 pm. Kane Mai
8.15 a in. DeForest Ac 9.85 a in.Allegheny Ac
3in p 111. Chicago Ex 135 p Ul, Allegheny F.X
c.lOpin, Allegheny AC P oa. IK'Forest Ac
Train arriving at at, 4 c, p m leaves it & O de
pot, I'ltisburg. at 2 :4« o'clock.
liuiler anil Oreenvllle Coach will leave Alle
gheny at 2-KI p. m, da ly e.reepl -inn lay. Ctm
nectlng at Wlilowgrove. arriving at itutler at
Cullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and flrst-clMj
liaj i ouches run through between lluller anil
Chicago itally.
For tliroiiKli tickets to points in the West
Northwest or Southweat apply to
A. ». CKOUCII, Agent
n ellect November 20.1893. ISutler time.
IS—5 .vi a. m., Krle 9 tiro am. Kne
11—10.15 " 11-2.4'.'|> in. Erie
10—B.oo p in. Bri« |l» ».M p m. Krle
No. 12 makes cloHe connections lor New Cas
tle. I'.uiTulo. Cleveland and cliloago.
No.ll makes connections all pints east on W.
N. V . I' at Mercer Jiioctlou. and with N. V.
L. li. .v W. al Hbenango lor all point* east.
No 10makes connections with W. N. Y. A I'.
at Mercer J unction lor stonntM.ro and New
Trains loave the F & W depot. In Allegheny
al s:*) n in.and U .u)il»i»i:i p in connect ut
Kutl>r »nh tills road; and the trains arriving
•<( llutler .kt 9-VJ and 2:42 connect through lo
A 1.-chcnv aud Pittsburg, Trains 12. In. 9 and
il connect at llranchton to and from llllllnrds
W H ajJIOEAJI I. ti F A.
Meadvllle, Fa.
C. & D
Tako into consideration that money
Hiived is us irood an mouey earned
The best way to Have money is to
bay good goods at the right price
Tbe ouly reason that our trade is
increasing constantly is 'he fact that
we hnudle only goods of first quality
and sell them at very low prices
We have taken unusual care to
provide everything new in Hath and
Furnishing Goods for this seasou
and as we have coutrol of many
especially good articles in both hue*
we can do you goo J if you come to
We confidently say that in justice
to 'hemS'-lves all purchasers shonld
inspect onr goods
Visit us.
242 S Main Htreet,
Butler, Pa.
MO srm K
and si:l:ii I*OTATOKs. I iliri: \I. - a I.AHY or
(' iMMISHION I ■ A 11» WKKKI.V I'l.ltMA
NKVI and I'AYI.NH I'OSITIONrt lo ".Otlll
MI.N SPttl\L INl>U< KMKNI's to III* UN
DKSIKKI). Write at once for termi lo
The Hawks Nursery Co., Rochester, N. Y.
i EWIS' 98 % LYE
t F rcxiissa aks rrsrxss
•, ..■» irATisnu)
i ■'*' 1 'H
,/jl f *tA m:> '. I ullkv ."h i I It l»'lm
Xfr.i V/} . I! .J I •> > j - ; I V t.',
t- ' ».*"• ' ""n
3H i .jtr-■ 11,.- .1 I. .HI :>|.
-m in 91 mi.Mit.-i w 'l.ih.i •»«»liin*.
11 la II I- !>«•»« t"I i I " !.•* » I'Ul
•>!-tii'.s 111 * -I.' l li- "U,
alf waalung if-uii l aioi ti.ws. «c.
isJL. ȣNBA- &Ai,l K Jf'U CO
| jr'Pi" 11'' Utu. Ajf.ao FUia-i |
Cannot always be cured, but a
properly fitting Truss will do
more toward curing you than any
thing else. A small rupture is
more dangerous than a lage one
: but is more readily held in place.
Quite a number of persons who
have been fitted by us have been
entirely cured, but this is not al
ways the case. The sooner we
have them visit us after finding
they are ruptured the more hope
of a complete cure. We make a
specialty of Trusses for both
ladies and gentlemen, and give di
rections for private measurement
for the former. All cases consid
ered strictly private. Buying
Trusses by mail from some person
who says he can cure you is on a
paralell with the number of cures
there are for consumption. If you
nave had trouble in being fitted
elescwhere let us try what we can
do lor you.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
Jos. Hartman. PreVt.
J. V. Hit is. Vice Pres't. c. A. Bailey, Cashier,
Jos. Hart man. C. P. Collins. X. Mrfloover
H. Mcrtweeney, C. I). Greenlee, J. V. RJtta,
E. E. A brims. Leslie Hazlett. I. (I Smith,
W. S. Wa'.tlron, M. Flnegau.
A general banking business transacted. In
terest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on
approver security.
Foreign exchange bought and sold.
Assets $g, 278,000.
Home of New York,
Assets $9,000,000.
Hartford of Hartford,
Assets $7,378,000.
Phoenix of Brooklyn,
Assets $5,000,000.
Continental or New York,
Assets $6,380,000.00.
Assets $137,499,000,00.
Offiee of
E. E. ABRAMS & 00.
Court House, Butler Pa.
It. iV B.
A Great Many Women
are baying Dry Goods in these store*
during this mouth of JANUARY,
and this month is usually considered
as between seasons Lad with the
accompaniment of slow trade, etc.
But this year they are buying more
than usual. We can't account for
this except that everybody, every
where, is particularly anxious to
make every dollar go AS tar as po-<t<u
hie iu all expenditures And we're
giving these buyers more for their
ui' ney—more for every dime—every
dollar than they ever Baw befor-
And, perhaps it would interest YOU
to know more about tbis
Special January Sale
and why we have more buyers tbis
mouth than ever before. And if you
cau't come, just write our.
Mail Order Department
for Samples or Catalogue or both,and
see about it for yourself.
In these PRicE-RKnucTtows, per
haps the severest cut has been made
in the
Lot ALL-WOOL SUITINGS —good ones
36 ii 38 inches wide—so cent Btuffa
—go now at
Choice lines 48 inch
blue, black and garnet,
(value 75c)
50 inches wide in good range of col
ors. '
A phenominal sale of nice, new,
dainty, well made Embroideriee—
many exclusive patterns—and all at
so much Less Prices as will delight
every caretul buyer. In
the lineH begin at 5 cents for t0 2
inch widths and go on up to the very
Guest all over Embroideries at $2.50
and 00 a yard.
Special l.ot
fi inches wide—iu guipure and scal
loped effect
at 12} 2 CENTS,
the kind that usually sells for 25c,
We're determined to win more of your patron
a«e during IbUiyear !«:»• I linn ever before. And
will only hope to do this by lUe remarkable and
unusual values we offer.
If yuuoanoot come. WRITE.
*Sc Buhl,
115 to 121 Federal Street,
Is to the front once more, hard times
and all, with a brand new store and
an elegant new stock of goods, such
aw t\ne Q<>l<l Watches, Diamonds.
Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated
Ware at prices that will down the
hard times.
Call and boo me at
No. 326 S. Main St., Butter.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
.-fficeCor. Main & Cunningham 8t».
Attn 1 Wlrk. Henderson Oliver,
ur W Irvm. .Itunen Steuliuuson,
W. W. lilurkmoro., N. WelUel,
K. Bowman. ''■ T. Norrl*.
i.t i, Ketterer. 1 hft Kehliuu,
Oeo. Ken no. |.loUu Koemni;.
L\)IAL 6. M'JUNiUtf. tent
Our Semi-Annua Slaughter!
You know as well as we do that it is a troublesome
job. Its much easier to count money than goods
We do not want to count out stock, but we want it
turned into cash. We have sharpened our ax and
are cutting prices closer than you ever saw, or drtamed
of. We want no profit this month, cost is ail we care
about getting. Won't lie to you by saying that we
will sell below cost, because we won't At oar figures
they are about one-half what you pay regular—isn't
that enough?
Now is your chance to get a bargain in MEN'S,
104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
By the ist of March our New Spring Stock arrives and we must
make room for it. We have decided that the prices will make them
70 Men's Business Suits $3.75, worth $6.50.
95 Men's Cassimere Suits at $4.50, worth SB.OO.
35 Men's Gray Overcoats at $1.75. worth $3.50.
38 Men's Melton Overcoats at $4.00, worth SBOO
29 Men's Storm Ulsters at $4.50, worth $8.50.
35 Men's Storm Ulsters at $7.00, worth $12.00.
20 Doz. Black Jersey Shirts at 50c, worth SI.OO.
15 Doz. any color Jersey Shirts at 75c, worth $1.50.
Men's and Boys' Winter Caps at 19c, worth 50c.
For the want of space we cannot quote all the Big Bargains we
have for you.
But to satisfy yourself, call when in town and will be convinced^
Leading Clothiers.
137 South Main street, Butler.
There is a clique of advertisers wbo are continually fooling the people.
They have tooled them ODce too often with a pretense to give something
for nothing. You may fool some of the people all the time—and all of the
people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time. In
looking over the advertisement* in the papers nowaday, I find I have lost
my laurels. Now I will tell you the truth. Yon will see hundreds of ench
baits fluag out for Buckers to bite at, such as, "We can save you 25 |er
cent by trading with us," aud some even no so far as to say 50 per cent.
Men's fine suits worth $25.00 for only $9 99 Pants worth $8 00 only $3 99,
Bankrupt Sales, Sheriff 8»les, Assignees Sale, Ac. Now we ask yon can
didly. Can these concerns doing business at fabulous expense, sacrifice
profits as a great many advertise to do f Are they as liberal as they propose
to be ? We answer no. The enormous sums required to meet current ex
penses must be met by liberal and in most cases by heavy margins. Profitß
they must have and trade tbey must get or sink in the whirlpool they have
created by their own bands There is no alternative, get the profit and get
the trade, but how ? In no other war than working on the weak minds of
the people by flaming adveitisements. They boldly and shamelessly claim
to actually give the aear people $3 00 in value for one invested. Such un
principled actions are becoming not only ilresome, but positively dangerous
to the welfare and interest of the buying public. On careful inspection you
will find these $25.00 suits reduced to only $9 99 are dear at eight dollars.
I saw an ad stating men's fine worsted suits reduced from SIO.OO to $6..00
I called to see them aud found our $3.75 cotton suit. When we offer you
a suit for SIO.OO that is all it is worth or ever was worth Wo just give
you one dollar's worth of goods for 100 cents
You want to see our immense stock of overcoats and suits for men,
boys and children. Hats and caps in endless variety, shirts, collars and
cuffs, and ties, any and every style to suit even the most fastidious; under
wear, hosiery, overalls, jackets, gloves, mittens, umbrellas, suspenders, in
fact anything in the furnishing line; also a fine line of ladies and gents gold
and silver watches, chains, charms, pins, rings, collar and cuff buttons, scarf
pins, initial pins, all at the very lowest cash prices. All we ask is an in
npection of our goods and prices bef ire purchasing. We have always done
you good and feel confident we can do so again. To those who have been
trading with us, we tender our most heaitfelt thanks, and to those wbo
never have, we would say, try us once and you will never regret :t.
Ve„ Respectfully . JJECK,
Champion Clothier, Hatter aud Furnisher.
120 North Mtin Street, - Butler, Pa
Great Closing Out Sale.
Owing to ill health my entire
stock of $ 10,000 worth of Gents
Furnishing Goods, consisting in
Hats, Caps, Neckwear, Under
wear, Shirts, Gloves, Trunks, &c.
will be sold at cost and below.
These goods must be sold be
fore April, so come early and se
cure bargains in unbroken lots.
I have a great many goods suit
able for farmers that will pay to
purchase for future use at the fol
lowing low rates:
$1 35 all-wool underwear at 39c
$1.60 gray all-wool underwear at
$1.50 percal dress shirtß at 50c.
SI.OO dresß shirt, lauadried at 37c.
$2 75 miff bat* at 25c.
3.00 Htiff bate at 25c.
50c neckties at 10c.
75c neckties at 10c.
$1 00 neckties at 15c.
$1.25 childrens' fancy caps at 43c.
20c fine linen collars at sc.
SI.OO good all-wool shirts at 38c.
$1 25 fancy all-wool Bhirts at 49c
$1 00 cbildrens' hats at 25c., and
bundredß of others.
Don't Forget the Place,
No 118 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
St t,r ,i * b
* 'Ltr. Wld to Mi'-ll
fcf »r M »•»» Wet *•»•!' •• P*.
Mm A tmm 4ft.*, >*kMMHI*. »'*- !•»' -trnrgtm t for Ik
ruSitJ LnOV.
We are pleased
to inform those who
appreciate clothes
that are comfortable
and tit correctly,
that our selection of
Fall patterns are
here. They are
handsome and mod
erate priced. See
Tailor 1
L. S. McJUNOtf,
insurance and Heal Estate Ag't